J o THE SCftAiNTOiN TJLUBUN&-- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, lOOfe '&" ! WEST SCRANTON BOARD OF TRADE FALLMEETING HELD JN IIOOMS OF rtECTRIC CITY WHEELMEN. JJircclor Roche Unnblc to Be Present nnd Superintendent Thomas Deliv ered a Short Address Mattel s Dis cussed by the Board Third Infor mal Dnnco of Etniinic Club In Mem a' Hnll Lectin e by Hon, William Abmhnms Fitncial of Edwin Thomas Mission School Opened Men's League Meeting. Notes and Pergonals. Tin- West Hide- bu.inl of l nidi lulil n regular inrptinir lns-t i voiiltiif in Uil MrtiiiH of tlu nipclili City Wheelmen, tilicro u jrootl leprewiitiitlnn (if lln nienihcr.shlp uwinliliil. , pet thin to hoar mi addles li Siipiintiuli m .lolin J". Uurhc, nf the dermi'linenl of public works, lint Ili'W uvio (llnippolnt id n.", he tvai nimble tn be piesi.m The follow Inir I'ommiiiilc.iUoii fiom liiniw.is jrnd: I .p it I lilt lit of l'ul.ln .t ,iil.f, I it v ll.l. -iMIlluli, I'll. .Mm I.. Il'rti, IJineioi- lllllell, I '.I . till' I ', l'KII, J." I Pnni'l'. I.J(., I 'l c.-ii If n t Uivl lip llunl i( I Mile. , r.mtoii, I'j. Ilr.n Mr: I ii-eiiM mi mm li iln inn at n i' impel mo In ilivippolnt III" lit -l !-nif ImliuI . I iijiIp .1 Mrtintl Hun. I Hilly iiiliiiilnl in In n. tut .it .mur iix.t t tntr tlm itminif, Iml II I'm. loinle lusue iijiot ilils owning mi uiKiuiritiii'i mrpot"( .11 Hit1 Sci mien lioinl nf ti.nli" loom , llli'l I Imp Mil il .111 ilitlTl-t 111 Mil llul 1 inn. I ii-k to In.' cxta-ij fiom .iltttiillii'j- tn mooting IDIIISlli. 1 nli'-s otlirrtM-f mlu'-eil l juii I v III In il jour inrnllmf i mi, iih hcnri. 'ni.uil.l.i.f joii fu lie itiv It JlK'll. I am, ln.i i, '-pod fully tntn. .lulm I',. I.'oi 111', I Mil 1 I. 'I'll" pcciot.ny tas IniMilteted to in llle Suporlnloiiilcut liCK-he to delivet mi address tit tlio next nipetiiiK. I'ipsI dent Daniels icpoited li.ii-im; sltuiimI the hichiih of tin Kleetilc City Win el men lor inotHiiiK piiipom. ami the !e pm t of the committee was accepted, .mil tlioy were instiilcted to cliHiW tile looms! pe'imaiu'iitly. W. J. Thomas, Mipoiinteiidenl of pcupi". and public highway, uas pies nt, and was elected an honoi.iiy member of the bo.ud. Ilu was Invited to speak, and expicssed his pleastne at boiiiK ptosent, and IjoIiik ptlvlletred to ilis-rtiss the woilc Hint is helm; done in his dcp.u linont, as he Kit, he sa.d, A Daily Reminder You will not lie (litippoinleil in Dufour's Tjr: it will rclien that rough and Cold in one night. . KOJl SALE BY 0. W. JEXEIKS. Semi Annual Sale of Lace Curtains At Far Below Value Prices. Before the year is out, the new styles for iqoi will be coming to hand. From present indications it does not appear as though there would be any radical changes or innovations of a startling nature in the new goods. In fact, wc aie safe in saying that not one woman in fifty will be able when next Apiil comes to tell the ditt'erence between cur tains designed for this year and cui tains designed for next year. We know the dilference, however it's our business to know and that fact is enough for us. It explains why wc have cut the prices heavily on all 1901 patterns now 111 stock, in order to make room for the 1902 patterns that are to come. It is impossible to enter into details with such a sale as this, con sequently the figures which follow can only be considered as pi ice hints little pointers as to the j.cope of the reductions in general. Read this advei'liscnieiit in (hut lUht, and you've i?ot the Sist or the whole matter, ami the advantages yon may hope to reap from this sale Facts and Figures Nottingham Lace Curtains A few of them imported, but most of them made right here in Scranton, and the Y.inkee makes and patterns aie the best sellers. Nottingham I.ace Curtains, worth .85 the pair, are now .65 Nottingham l.ace Curtains, worth $1.00 the pair, are now .80 Nottingham I.ace Curtains, worth 1 45 the pair, are now $1.10 Nottingham I.ace Curtains, worth 2.00 the pair, arc now i..io Nottingham l.ace Curtains, worth 7,00 the pair, aie now 1.08 Nottingham l.ace Curtains, worth .j.oo the pair, are now 2.80, Irish Point Lace Curtains liisli Points, woith $300 arid $4.00 the pair, are now . .$2.08 Irish Points, woith 0 00 and 7 00 the pair, are now. . . 4.08 Irish Points, worth S.50, etc., the pair, ate now 5.98 Other quantities at proportionate 1 eductions. Brussels Net Curtains Only one sample value in this famous make Brus- sels Net Curtains, worth fiom $7 to$8o0 the pair.for $5.79 Ruffled Bobbinette Curtains Unfiled Bobbinette Curtains, woith $1.35 the pair, for. ..$i.tg r Unified Bobbinette Curtains, worth 2 and $2.2; the pair. i. Ruffled Swiss Curtains Ruffled Swiss Curtains, worth St, 00 the pair, are now. ... 79c Ruflled Swiss Curtains, worth $1.25 the pair, are now,... 98c The Sale Lasts for Ten Days Only. Globe Warehouse thai tlio hoaid runt cltUons nctterally oiikIiI In know what l.n IicIiik done, Ho felt that the department of public n oiks Ik iIoIiik noble work, and from bis hint; pvpcrlutico in vouiiuIIm ho was In a position to know what has been done In tlio department In tlio p.ift and what Is now brltiR done. I'ully twenty blocks of t midway liavo been lepalfed and Rinrlod, he paid, slueo ho took ehai'se of the wotk, all of which have been done with a View to per inani.nl in.ul building, lie spoke In a praiseworthy tnntuier of the pre.it. power Director ltoche is to th" dcp.iitmeut, nnd said t lut I he Is it Kiciil worker, and Is iliiinp tils lltmoil to iinptovc the londlllou of the ellv IhoiotlKhlares. Hut, he lidded. It will reruilie considerable llnie .mil inoiiey to accomplish all the wmk un der way. Piesidenl Daniels, Sedelaiy Moier and W. 15. tltiRhes weie appolnte(l a coinniltlee lo in mime foi ii public nieoilnir, to be held nei month, when Diict lor P.oeho will delher the addrcsi, .Mr. .Moser nnd Mr. IJecM look txtnolim to (OinplitilelH Dileetoi lJoehe 'mil Sllpci intendelit Thoinus for the splendid wink they have dope sliic iiFsiimltiK (.haiKc of Hi'' dcpai'tiueiil. and lefeired partU ulai ly to the Im provements made in .latksou, St i anion and Ninth stieels, Til" question of I'liunplllt; the locn tlon of eloctlic lights was taken up lot coiisldeiatioii, and 11 was the opinion of Hie hoaid Hut the lluhts should be i, Used to height of twenty-live feet. A special committee. I.. P. Wedeman. T. IVIIows Mion and V. llnydn Kvnns, weie appointed to act In t (injunction with eouncilmeii and (" what can be done In the matter. (icotjjo DanleN, Wis i Siiaiitou c'ir resiiondeiil of the llepubllcan was elected tin hotloiuiy inenihor of 'ho boat il. The ni.ttlel of seem Ins elei (I ic Uk.iIs and lite piotectlou for W"-t Paik was discussed and ivfened lo the streets and lnldKos eommltlee. .Mr. Thomas explained Hint the laud o nei s iniisi ronloim lo city Kiades nnd lequlre melils befoie anythiim i.iu be done in the matter, After several nilnoi mat it rs weie rti-'itisseil, Hie bo.ud ad-.uutli'-d. A Notable Lectin e. William Aln.ihams, SI. P. it ho is iiioio populaily known as "Milium," will iklier a lectine la Meai- hall, South Main auntie, on Novembi r D, at 7.:m p. in., on the stibipct, "A NiKht in the House vl Coiiiiiions." Mr. Abrahams W will ami nlily know n on moie than one account. He has boon the lcadlm; HkIiI in all labor niovtiuonlH 111 Kngland lor yea is past, so much that he is consldued to he one of the ties I authoiities. lie is baldly less piomiitenl in elsledd Iodic eh ties. He has oiiiipled a sc.it in thr luuisp of commons for many i.ais, u pie.-.ent-iilKT Hie ninst lui)ioi til nt "Welsh elector ate, namrly, the Ilhondda. He was clcilrd by a larger majority than anji other mrinhei' of that house at the last election. His speeches in Hip Hiiiish parliunent have attracted much atten tion at home and abioad. sos'tf3B jj 35KS5 I IIo is tin original thinker nnd an do quoit speaker, and enjoys tlio ippuln tlcm of helm; broad nnd liberal in hlr views. Hlo many frlpiuls, toRethrr with their friends, will do theniselies honor bv iiVtillliiRr this opportunity to hear ".Million" for the Hi st time in the full ed Slnte''. In ordoi that tlio idnie pililleeu b placed wlililn (ho reach of all. It litis been derided that the Ircluie be de livered hi the llnprllsh laiiKUtiKc. All urn Invited, An Instructive nnd eutei tnlnlntr cveiilntr Is proinlMd, Tkkels, :.'") cents, Ernilnle Club Dance. The populniiiy of Hie Krmlnlo ilub iiU'onuul dances was fully tiHeiiled last ovenliiK, when, despite the lit"lemency of Hie weather, Menis' hall was crowd ed with nieiry darners, who responded lo Hie club's Inviin lions. The music b Hatter's men was n featuie of tlio event Among ihoe present were Misses Cluia Sanders. Ilerthti Wetl llliK, Anna Zilllff, IMyth M. Potlst, Del la Dai Is. Hello Waircn, Peail P.. Klesko, Alice Alldotf. llnttle Wade, Alice Williams, May Williams, Jennie l.uee. Ma llerne, Slelln Tropp, tJiace Thayer, Helen He hoiiR, Miss I'lillllpu, Miss Sowuiil. Mls Hevans, Miss Ma nilas, Mrs. JJIni'T Crane, Cora ISIeli ards, Criiee Wont. Mollle Diake. Mis. H. .!. Hofi'man. Miss I Inches. Mrs. Da- Md Pilln man. Misses .tones, Ida .lones. Maine lteese, l.oillso Simons, T.ottlo Vockioth, Miss lluse, Mls Jones, Miss Kiiiisl. Miss Uoss. Miss Kellnr. Kute Davis. Helen (lunstei, Miss Washburn. AloS'Jis. l.'d Holman. Frnnk Clink. Di. LuiiRcr, Hairy Smith. Hal. filllesple, J. It (iriines. Al. Armstrong, l.ott HurIips. Uohert Marshall, Hurt Jones, Hownid .Morse. X'"i mile ltiley, I'Mward Hoftmau, t!us Kynop. Thomati .Stephens, Mears. t'ltclier, W. IV. littt'R. ninier ('ritiic, David K11I11 1111111. Iipoi'bo AVnters. lieoi'Ke' Hush, Paul Hoffman, Low Tap per. P.iiport Thomas. JMward Olldorl. 'I'hoinas Maish, J, U. luhtniaii, Aiclt Drown, "W. I!. (iardnor, Heniy P.ruu liiEr, I Ian y Jenkins. Hoheit Peltlt, Da vid William". Ficd SHoup, Hownid Willlamr. John Devlne. Hairy Olldoif, II. Hohr, M. A. Heese, Will Kowler, A. 'I'liaer, John Howell, .Mr. Tewksbui., John Viponil. Fred AVarner. Art. AIcn nnder, Will .Meyei s, Mr. Pierson, Charles Illch, Claioine Osland, .T'irk Diake. Mr. Alheiton, Mr. Parson, Will Neville. Men's League Meeting. The newly oifcani.ed Men's I-e.ituie of the First Welsh Haptlt church held an iiitPicstiiiK meeting: Monday even Ini; in the leduie loom of the chin eh. Ill fie iibi-rnie of the president, I lev. D. D. liopkliw. who was in New Yoi k, Vlee-I'iesidcnl Lewis lieoiso presided. The fp.it ill c of the mooting was a ills , iission on the subjet t of "llaee lte judlee," whlth pioied to be veiy III leiertillK. Tic op' ning paper was lead by ).i v d J l).iii, who intioilmed tlv sub let I In an ( nlertainiiifr manner. The ill .us-In, which lollowcd wa paitici p.ited il. by John Ki noliW. .I.imes It. H'litlus. Da id Williams, l'.ilmer Wil li, mis. Lewis CiOoikp, William Mois.lll t.ud 1 t'.trs. Solos weie lelldeltd bv M'illiaill Hnhe.- and John Hvaiw. The league holt's (heir meetings on the second and fourth Monday evenings of the month, and aboady a l.ngo number of otmg ni"ii aie Inleiested ill tlio discussions and debites. The piogr.imtuo for the ivt 1111 cling will include u paper on "Fit Hon." hi John J. D.iiK and solos by David Thoiliuiu and John Slugg, lollowcd by ,m open p.iiliainenl on the snbjpct of the eienlng. A ftiinnilttto was appointed al Mon day e filing's meeting to ai range with r.cv. It. P. Y. Pieice. II. D.. pastor of tlio Penn aieniie .itit i hureh, to gise his t.iinons stcieopticon leetuie on 'Hen llui" In Hie near future Bellevue Baptist Mission. The new llellevtio mission sthool bulldm:; of the Fiisl Welsh Dantist 1 llllich whli It has just been completed on Hryn M.iwr stifet. in tlic Hound Woods, was opened ami dedicated list e oiling with uppropiiatc spruces. Tlio piosr.imme inehided Hie opening hymn by the t ongregatlon. the reading of M'liptine by Luther Lewis, prayer by John M. IMwaids. piesentation of building, by H. i:. Thomas on behalf of building t nimnitlee. nKoptaiiio by lliniy P, Dalies, lor the school, and shmi audi esses by K. J. Davis, John D. Phillips and Jacob Jones. Tim iledlta tniy inldu'sses was dollmed by it.v. I). D. Hopkins. The Hellenic insion has n laigo nieinbeishiti .mil huh been In exlslein 0 101 many mmis. Two Funeialo Yesteulay. The funeral of die lute Ldwin Thom as, who net death at Monongahela f'ltv by being 11111 down by a switch en gine, was, londiiitoi! yesti-ulay .Uter inum fiom the lioine of deienscd's ! lor. Mr.-". (lOllief Pile,., oa South llydo P.uk avenue. Hev. Thomas Hell, of Meildan, X. Y. a funner pasior ol the Plymouth Con gregational chin i'Ii, ((inducted thu ser vltes which were attended bv niaiiv fi lends of Hie laiully Iiiteinient was made In the Wnsliblllli street cemetery. The pall-beuieis weie (!. T. Davis, HII.IS 13. r.vans, Howell Hariis, David M. ltd nobis, John IVIlklns, jr, and .lolin i:. Hl.lllleV Services over the lenialns of Samuel, the liilain 1 Ullil of Mr. and Mis. John M. Williams, weio hold al Hie family leslileine on Ninth .Main avenue ves itiila.i alteiuoon. Interiueni was made 111 Hie WiiMlhilih street ceiiiotery. Joiuueyed to Chinchilla. Mrs Samuel Snyder, of Chlm hllla, fm nif) ly 01 West Sei anion, was ten ileied a surpilse party at her home last ei cning, at whlih the guests were nt Hied In iiiasiiiei,uli) cosluiue. All were lovally enlerlalned, The following paily chaiieied a 'bus and Join iil',i oil up and down fiom West Scrauioii' Mr. and Mis. T .leiiVi.sou Ite.iuolds, Mr. and .Mis. Frank H, PedilcK, Mls.-es i:il..ibt'th .leilkins Maltha D.uls, Ada SleeiilMek, Delia IJiaiw, Miosis. John itllleliail. i:ilgeai Sllllfei, I.oli I Jr.iiubf, and J. K. Kauhoi, Cause of Total Abstinence. The Second illslilct utllicis ot the Catholic Total Abstinence union have secured llov. liurke, a Puullst Futlier of Xtiv York, lo deliver a lecture to. morrow evening in St. I'etei's calho drul on "Tlio iause of Total Absti neiue." The lectin o will be f,vc, am all total abstinent 0 workers ami friends ot thu causu aie invited to a'lcnd the leetuie. Hev. Uurke is a sp(.ak(r ot much abii-It-- - - - - Thanksgiving Supper. For thu supper to bo kIwh 011 Thai.l.i-glilng ove In Si. David's Sun ila1 sihool ro 4s, ihc follow luu loin mini es will ai l: HolUiiiiiK-.lli. pike, Mis. Moryun, Enthusiastic Conuerfs, There Are Thousands of Them Who Believe as This Woman Does. Mi?, lia Know lion, or Hut to, Mon tana, is a moil oiuhitslastlc convert lo the viitt oi stutitts Dvspepsln Tab tets aa .1. cute for obstinate stoimu'Ii i'-VJl Irouble. sin: says: "I hud poor diges tion nenily nil my life. It now seems to me that for .ic.irs I never knew what Il was to be hungry, to have a good na tural appetite. "I was troubled with gas In Moinnih causing pressure on the hcait with pal pitation and short bteath. Nearly ev il ythlng t ate soured on my stomach, sometimes I had ciamps in the stom ach which almost tosrinbled spasms. "Doctois told 1110 1 had eatanh of the stomach, but their medicines would not teach it and I would j-Ull be a stlfftier had I not, in sheer despetatiou, decided lo try Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. "I knew they wore an advertised remedy and I didn't believe anything I lead about them as I had no confi dence hi adveitlsed umedies, but my sister living in Pittsburg wrote mo last SPtlng telllnj- me how Stuart's Tab lets had cured her little datighleis of Indigestion and lo of tlosh and appe tite and I In sitnlcd no longer. "I bought a ilfty-eeul box al my drug stoic and took two of the Iau;e tali lets atter each meal and found them delightful to take, being as pleasant to I ho taste as caramel candy. Whenever (lining the day or night I ft It any pain or uneasiness in the stomach or about the licit t I took one of the small tab lets and in tin op weeks It set med to me as If I had neior known what sloniach liouble was. "J keep Stu.ut's D.i-pepsl.i Tablets In the house and un-ry member of our family uses them occasionally alter a he.ut.i meal 01 when any ul us liaie.i pain or ache in the digostlio oigniis." Mr. i:. II. Dai is. of Hampton, Va., ays: "I doitoifd live uus lor djs pcpsl.i. hut in two months I sot more benelit fiom Stuart's Dyspepsia Tali lets than In live jears of the dot tin's tr, ntinont." . Stuaifs Dyspepsia Tablet-, is, the s.if tst as well as the simplest and most conienieiii remedy for any fonn of in digestion, eatanh of sioin.uh. bilious, ness-, sour stomach, bloating atter meals, sympathetic heai I liouble. .Stuaifs DysiPisi:i Tablets Is not a cheaji oatluiitle but an active dlgistne remedy containing the- pepsin and dia t.iso which eveiy weak stomach lacks, and they ruie stomach I roubles, be tatiso lliey dige-i the food taieu and give the weak, abused oei worked stoinat li a chance to test and lccupei si to. Stuaifs D.ispppslu Tablets au sold in eveiy ilrus stoie in the I'nltcd Stales-, Canada ami (ireat Uiitiiiu. Mis. Dai Id Williams. ,Mi lious-e. Miss, Maiy St ven and Mr. Colony. lob Whlte Mls. Pike Oil Tables Mis. D. Sabiii. Mis. T. J. Williams, Mis. Di UHtli-- and Mrs. Di ?ej. On Music D.i id Williams. 11-1111,1111 Phillips. Hi nest Williams, Caleb Hvatis, Job WliiteIiou.se, Miss Myrtle. Hoisev, Alloc on ami Maiui,. Lewis. On !eo Cie.un M. Hoti-e and Will lam Phillips. Mr. James Smith will he suit tan, and Dai id Williams, tie.isuror. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Mm 11. Hubert.,, 01 I'ui.lmu., r,iiuil il U I -I flMlllKII. i III limn, luoinj llilll l.lll.'I li. ic In- tlif illnt., i, i liti ilnchur. llillinl Hotu. ,f II,. t IMt-tnn, ', ,, 'ioh i stmliiii .11 l.il,. mllcj,., t,i j1Vl, ,, Clllri. tiliiii.,in in. Tii.liv udilM, ,,t il,.. Iiiip.,n .Milli.ili-t 1 1 ,,,il ihmili. "ii.i Iml-, (In ilniiiiiiii mIiij; sIh.i , ( ,,( ,i. W.I.III1 iuiiiiIj, In, nut ,ic((lln llu , .iiii.r i ,icl li, ( Icm llj-l t f.niii in- sl.mil, jinl will llul I i!c tlir in.il'n' up unlil 11,1,1 j,,a. 'Hip Ilia nil round lti . riutu ot tlio i1k,u1 (!liu ituli l.ili ii ulii,ii-.i In Co ipim all,, ;ui let i uiiiiu, untJii the illixt'pii nt I iiu luili, Dni'l sii,!u,, 'Hip Mi-.inn .iiiltK a 1 1,,' ijjj i lllw ei,ui,, III lll'lllg Hill itUlllitll, .lllll .III' llllilllll m j , umjIK IIoMoii Nil 1, lni lihl ilnlei' f Ihlioiiiiiin, lu'lil i ii(nl iiucliiii; in Iminc: Uin'- In-laiuo lull I i,l 'K mug, .iml ti,in...iitnl budno' pi I line in" In ill.' ti;iiililtuii I 11 M ' iiioi line f,n leif .n nijiiilnl ,n ill,, l!i Hi i in- II , Mi CilMiiNiit .11, tlimli,! tliimli le,t (iiliin. Ill'1 IIU'lllillS III SI. lljll,', llllilllll lllll ,ll lll'l I .1 lull'l,'J'il,ll llllilill- ll-l (Mllllli., Ml.ldi vji Infill jtidiiJiil, llu.liiiv. I'irliliilii; lo llu' 'hue I. i, IiI.pii up itnl ulnl up in. Th" led, ilul, in M inutVr nf llicli inlnnMc niii.il st'viliii, ha iitiiiinj in I'n.iili i;i.ni' iiuinl, in .lu(!,.,uii fiiiol, ,1 l.ii,!' nuiiilii'r ni'i.i pre-riit. Uulliiii' ililili'. oi lt"liiii.,cii niiil. in nn,!.iji .a Hk' Mi. Pit). ail mini,., I,.i 1 Id, luil. nr.'lv widi'unl in luiu1.iv liy ,1 i.il tillliDf nil Mill. lli'i, l.innii IMioit uin liutiii' ,it llu I.iimiiii lllt'llti en llli.il (Hllli-, ,. r, I", oil 'ilia llulie. siil Hull Tin n i'. " Vi 1 Hi-.. I'mli', II ii iv . l Mini inn .ml l.i,iiin ttttiN, i.iu ti'iiiltiiil ,i Miipuso iMity ii'iuil'i In i I.U., niiiiiliil i'f llidi (liiii'b Mi" l.lllliilli ilii, ul l.lf.iultf MM, v.i tin ili'j- -niiiui! 1 l ,i u.in'il of In- ni.niN, iilo loil, px.!oii -il iifi liuinc jihI viiJ,i,i (lion'' fhi'. 'IIo r.iHi. t n,u in i'u p liniiv niu'iiiii, tilin.li l 'fin ink I tn 111,,, iiljtp .a tin. s'ninie'i' ,,intp 11 .1 .;. 1 1 rl.in tluiih, lnl'l j ii'itji-Jl Iiu t'ld. Inj,. Uivp .It. mil, I'lt.iniii, jiui Sirili 'llmnu wll cdnl'ui .in juliitnii iU'iil .ii"l 1'iini' 'iuiIc i only sjlo tin. isiiiintr, pir II. p lii'iuiii "i tin m"i llt'lli'iiif llptitt Miinon loiI. .IohT'Ii .liiilio.-'ii, it Nut (li I iliiirie i.i iitio, kit acvili'il ., padiion in I'liil.i'lt'pliU, jii1 villi li'iic (jr llic tjiular I itv en Silunlaj. Jli,, lliivLolcn, il Sciilli Miln 'linn'', ii en ItiUiriii.; Mr, jn 1 Mis IVlllluu Stout -'l M'n Naltiau. of Ual.w jlloliin Mi,. Suiuitl Sluttrr, cf lii'.ti.ut ttrett, is i'mtli rrioidlii; tlio me vf Ur Jin, u'llch ut f 1 .it illicit ICi'llllj. Milium llul'., nf A.,iiIpiii.v jlro", I on 4 liiintiii nip to t!i l.ll, iiounuln. Mi- Mn.i .ml l.ulti t'tl.i, oi l.iliiiun, I a- .'HID ,41111,1, JK fio JIIOU bt M'. 311(1 Ml. Mlliul' NrCv. .( Nll lldil'l. I Ulljllll, Mi' jiil Ml. lit ul ll.iill.viri jnl iliu. '.iioi .Mitxl lie tt oiling a Ic il.n in l'lnl..'lil.i ila lii'l I jnnltii, V ,1. Ml., i:il4l)c.li .loit,, of I'ilM.'ii, l l lie sut-t ic Mi. It, I. Hu.'lico. ul' N'jilii lriil(i' .iu nut lip I hi I p.'l.in mik-ii of die M'j.liliiiin s'utt l'n.biti'iijii (Imrili lulil ,ii iiijnjjIiU iiicitnu in l lllll lllilllJ lllll'ljj HCIlIlli". SOUTH SCR ANTON PUPILS OF NO. a SCHOOL WENT ON STRIKE. They Object Because the Pitnclpal, Wllllnm ritzgcmld, Rode to the School In a Sticet Cur Slmllnr Troublo nt No. 3 Because MIbb Mackny Pntionlaed the Cats Lcnk In a Gna Mnln Cnused Much An noynnce nt Cednr Avenue nnd Bhch Stteet Aldcrmnnlc Cases. The limit lm- nt last been K.uhed In legal d to strikers In this ilclnllv, and yesteldiiy at nnoii Hie pupils of No, J I'lhoot which Is located on Orchard slieel turned nut rn masse because their principal, Wllliaiit Kltiigciald, lode on lite slieel ears. The tumble had been brewing fiom the day preiliuis when some obseiv Ing youngster nollied the pilnclpal get off ti Hluuo aienue car near tlio scliool and I In fact was ipili kly clictilated Ihrotlghoul the building. He had oc casion during the morning session to call upon one of the boys to raise a window blind and was somen hat start led when Hie little fellow icfused. On demanding an o.planatlon the joung ster told him he could do nothing for him because be rode on the can. At noon yestoidny u meeting of the older pupils was held outside the scliool and for some time none dined lo enter. Tlio approach of Mime of the chlldien'R patents caused a stampede, however, and by two o'clot k the stilkc was pt.io llcally over with the exception of about a half do.cn pupils who fin mod a union, pawd lesolullous in sympathy Willi the striking stieet ear employes, and then pioceeded to play "hooky" for the lest of the day. . Tlio same disease broke out hi a min or siale at No. I! school on Plltstoa avenue yesteiday, where Miss Matkay, one of tlio teachers, was accused of tid ing on Hie cats'. Leak in Gas Main. i:.iil yesleiday moinliis a sliong odor of gas manifested Itself at Hiioh street and Cedar avenue. The Scran ton Has and Water company was notl lled and Its einplo.ies located a leak in Iron! of Mauls' stoic. Tempotary ic palis were made by plugging the leak and thu permanent wotk which was put off until today owing lo the rain will be slatted this moinlng. Til" smell of gas pi evaded the houses ol .Mr. Hiiilinaii, Mr. Miilti, Mr. and Mis. Weber. .Mr. Kessler, and Mis. flrieser. While the older folks not soilously all'ecled, some of Hk (Iron weie made quite ill, and a Weie cliil- phy- siciau was called to Mabel Matli. and her lather, whose i ondlllon owing to inhaling the gas, was loi a time se rious. Dr. Kolb was hastily summoned a I. :'...:n a. in., and adniinlsteietl leiue dles to (ounteraet the elicits ol lite poisonous 1 nines. Alcleimanic Doings. A Polish gitl. whose name is Lmloiv JK.i Ogiodowslk, had Mis Pn-mer, of "1 Lackawanna aienue, ariclPd and bi ought befoie Alderman Leiitcs jis leiday on a (barge of laneny. Miss Ogrodowszik had been In the employ of Mrs. Posner for oi'er eiglil mouths mid leal nod a low da.is ago Unit she was ate used of stealing a diess. She at once gaio notice to quit but on p.n king up her belongings missed tin dress which laused the control orsy. A search w.urnnt was pl.n cd In the hands of Constable Weolkeis, who bioughl the dtess and Mis. Posner be lore the justice. Tlio girl proietl owu oi. ship by her diossmal.er and was gii en lins.-osslon of Hie goods, while .Mrs. Posner was held lor lotut in the sum ot $.",Oii. The case will probable be scl tli d. Michael K.u .ininaiap had Joseph Zur beloie the same in.iglslrale cs teid.iy on a charge of assault and bat tel y. The evident e was illsiillleient. bowel ei. and the cast was disehaiged. NUBS OF NEWS. Mini lull.-'' lllllln, lit M.lpli' lliil, h.n lL'. tiuiitil H',111 I'l.lliiltli Iiu, uIii.it -hi, jtl nd. .1 t lie lllllll ll 1,1 1 idltiK. I'l'll'l' Sill.il, till' I Itl-loll ,11,'llllp If 1111,1,1, III, 111 I Ultll ..lllll lit Moll, llltlllll, tlllilli- til llu -In'it in' stiilvt, tl.it li' In-, li.nl Id pinc'ioc ni'iiln I Irani nf lit.ii, wli'tli .in iloin- liii-iiiif, mi llu lull linp lictuiin tl," Council llo-p , urn. p.iio'.-. In jil.pi ait r- ami die til" iwi.i- ilu. I it -li I l.-ll, O.ltrii ami tlmii .it Mini i , MaiKri, '.it ( i 'l.il niiuiii. Wlllnil lolnci, ,i .-.unit i,,i, i, pu, li"l .l.'lll'st (in ulliiu el No. ." lllllol, Mllllli li.' .it- tt'.itl-, lo .i I i.. in He i. -t i ii! in. ,i ul ur iml ijiiili' Ii nil, 'mil. IIo iv.i, i.iKi n tr, tin' lioim ul hi- piunl- .it tin I. Iiu .-llul. uh,'r Hi. uli mi, i ill. t up, n to put i In , o sunlit In in .lli J..lll ell tllP Inlt'lliMil l.'lllllt lllllll lllllll,, lllll lIldlH .lllll lllillllll' line inipii'iul I lie Moip. mi'l iliu IIIiih of l. i. (.Ml, Wt.'lplu.l .ilul Mi', llr.-.-in.i i, ill mIUiiii ,i ll l-t till l 111 (Mil lili'il, t II I'll I -lull .11 1 lull. Tin' Piii.il uiiilMiil, siriin mil li lulil Hih (lllllllL ll I 111' lllll'lt si,,t mi i I'li-liiu,- i.ili dun ll. NORTISCRANTON. l'li I. iih .1:1111 il limn' ot l iHiii, ii,. toiiuiil, No. I.'!, loiini; Mm liiitnuii, hi i"iiiin.uil li.-l n kIiI in Il:f liiilit, n linn, M.ii .i lit;' suiii'vi. .111,1 11 l .lllillil.'l lo upit ml el i, lie ii in lu, I .iml lull (uui!i.,. 'I In- -pulnii lull mi I., 'iiinlull, dpi hi, ilul ulili iml rolu.til liiiul iiu,' .mil Ann 1 1, -in IIU. Ililii 11 'Oil' I'u lilillonn, nil wliii li mi llunl' i uin, til iiit n.,1 il lii'liinil .1 lulil: ol p.iliu. i.i J lii.niliiia iliilil'jl il, ifli iipo. mIiIiii.' .1 (I iv. .ilul iri'Mi, mill iiio lulm "V ll, I," luiiiiili, I !u' t'liiiiiiin?' lining iliu.i rf tin' .ill ill v. ii i. Mini,.; .Inlui W. M ilimi, I'. A. Ciiiiill. .1. I'. Mi linlnlv, (link lloiuu- III) .lll'l M, .1, Moll. l. I. I'.MH'tl .Htcl ,i 'lu llllilil ill ti llllluliii., I!,i. .libit llild.' l iiillli, p.i.t ii "fll.,'', i'u Mill) ,M i.il.' ll.plM Inn . ti. v.lll l.ll, tills at i lioi'ii a ll.,' Imiii Wen, in' I IiiI-ii.iii .iwnliti , in mi ,n "I In- I'm. a. I'f l'i i.ii-i." Ili'l, llilll, I Mill lie, llui Mis oliluiliiil In lie.' plii'.lllt'iil nil No.. I. .lll'l Mini 111! Iittll tin' Mil' t if 1.1 .mil, Ml.. I'd i laiU'll. el li'il Mill. 't, h'.llii, li.l 1 1 till In il In 111 illli'll ilill il I 111 II, llllilllll'. .Vitlnnil lluii'l lltiiiluT lluii) I'lllln. ol Co. I ini'ljli', nlll il. hui' mi iil'Iu. in Lii'iuiii' lull I loiiltilil tn llu' in ml" I ei l.o, it I uii'ii Si. 77, I'm 1, d Mian lloiUn il Aiinn, i. .11 -X n.tlii' .Simp, ii, ul ll.i-i il.iii.il -iitil, .a limit.! tlu luiti.il if ,iii ililili' ia l'oti-,illo Jii li'iilo. Mi- kliiUtli .1 Oi'.vui, llu.' Mill I.Min mi it tt'.olii'r, In Itnl'.'litil In) oilleii .i( pi nil, at tl,,' N'.iHi .Him Al, ml,' lliplhl i Inn, li .hui i" ft il i. I, .il -nif. nil null.. llf-ti llu. i, J .till be nuculul I'. I',tiivi Miln.uy, Mlio will li.iio cii.irio ti .ai mi' illicit .a ,.ii n mi in p. .1 hi ly it n.-Ul In,' nf (i, 11. Dm,, ll,, IIijIIi,. tcr. Hi' .IVtl .ni'l iioimr fiiiiii'j .at jpiiitlii j 'u tl.li' laiiiliii'.' in S'J-fUili inn i touiui. 1m nl uiii of Iiu cnt in from i'u- li, i,.in r n Vnitli M ilti Itirliii .in I l.itl.i'i .ii.l I,., iiriiin jl i,;', o'tlutk Kilt I.OjP kuiimiiii', ,, I iiiiil a, .i lion on Hi" (llii'lu'.ii i . ..it liiloiilii, lo Up JI'Ijiuip uinl lliuL-uu tnnii'iu 'ln ilio Ma in inn miiic eiiii uiai va tu uio .inniu nioiniii- jinl u.ii ilut' li tin riiionl.l urn li.ii .in I ..r.vili,i idiiili 1..11 oml in iht li.nl'. Hit . iiili ijnluii I! ii.ll it .in tlul, imiI i 1 j pi,ii luiilin. In linn louiii i.tii in Miln- nun inii oiiiip nil cii'iiiuj .ii ot'iotU. it I loikiljld, Mill, luw I In' Mjllligtl.il., .,, lluii oppi'iii ill in , .'ii.ip ol I' ol.it lull nt tic liiililniliiiil I'll'l.i .'iiliili.' 'lc Upli-l (Ijiii.i lo 'I ball ! Jill ul Una ne'ttloi Jonas Long's Sons Grocery Department Special This Week. When the housewife is buying PRICE COUNTS When she prepares her luncheon for the table QUALITY COUNTS Both conditions ate found here with telling effect Hams Selected sug.tr cured, S to iji lbs. Per lb., nc California Hams From 5 too lbs. Per lb 8;c Pure Leaf Lard, per lb. . .io;jc Royal Baking Powder, 1 lb tins 39c Huyler's Cocoa, one-half pound tins 3'c Best Shredded Cocoaiuit, per pound 14c Lemon or Vanilla Extract, 2 ounce bottle 10c Pine Granulated Sugar, iq pounds for $1.00 Baking Soda, large pack age 5C Tapioca Pearl, per pound 4c A Tea and Coffee offer that will meet your ap provol : Absolutely Free One pound of our regu lar 35c Java and Mocha Coffee, with every one pound of our regular 60-cent tea. The above special? are for this week only. Watch i 1,1. r.-;,-a Ht-t- if u-ill ri'iir i;oii UUI WCCINiy puuc 1101 ic Adves-tisers of Facts Only Jorjas Long's Sods AMUSEMENTS. GRAND CONCERT. Mme. Lillian Nordica J'lii' lUrlil'-i i.'ii'iti'-t (omcil S11;.' r. mi:. 1:011 uni: hmki,s!, l'uni-t. In ronneeltim with llu JuitrUvnili inm-eii eil Tin Siiaiitou Syinphnnj Orchestra, Theodini Ikmheiser, t'on dnc tor, al the New Armory, Scraa.Oii, Pa. Thursday Evening. Nov. 14. 1001. UllKl.llll iKll ll l'lllill', Mil-It sun llillls tli.l, Neil. Ttli, Pill, it ' .i. "I. Mill ph.i No li. Minimi it Unit In. ji.iK. l'lliliy -lttrni'ii'ii at -J fi'i lei 1, 'lie I'ioi lilt nt ( lli'iii'ii' ( liii-tlm luiiini mi v tinien Mill mot t ituiiiiniM- nit , i j u a .1 1,'ilu I. it I Ik Inline el Mi, su ih ", e.ndiiu, JiJl .Nuri i M iiu .iu'IU'. Ill' mi inlii i .ai' mii.islril t I"' nil lillll, .1 m Midi to up' II llie Hire I iiu ili'lllt't li .it .! ii'ilni k. l'i irl ll din. H'K'iillii-T ii iiUl III, litilimli' lit Dtinioli, nl Mll'.i Hint', i n-itiiij Mi linn l.oltu-. ul lli-t Virl.ii -Hi 1 Mi. .mil Mi. I limn i. llllliini, m I liimli .iit'iui'-. aio i-itiu fill lni in lil',o Hum . ii'i KlIlK-lull, Hi- I'.illld. ( .iniiuii .ni'l ,, mclile . Tilhe. u I'liiliiii'lpliii, .ne fpiniiiii.' i Itiv ill) mtli Ml Mil Intl Urn in, ot nil. stuit. AltnliKi 'Hit in is Dillon, ul llii.nl 'ti. N. 1 . Ins Htmim! Imiiii .llli'l .-pi liilli'i; .1 mi ill- i'li '. .1. Mil, uin, ut Ui-t M u'm t ,-Ui' i. DUNHORE. (I ii.nln iiili , iii'iiin.i m.i t.iu. I .a tin" t i itt-i v I er uulil iliiul T o'i lm I. mIiiii .hi .iIjiiii hi llu m.i t in in I In nun lui 'Jl lm lie' in t ! nun hi ll!iii('. lulvii-, 'I lie Ni iiium, ln iIi n mil nl iml .liiliii II s-inuli iiiiui.iiuis lu'i' pimiiplli en ll," Mint, ,niil liic lire ti.i i i-ili eillii'.'iil-liul. 'III.' kiu "ll'l not Mew mini ill tn ii luiiiiili1 .iliu llu' .ilinii Iml lu'i u luiiii'l in, llllltll lli'i- lint ipi il. tnltllllt I.,p llu- in em iliiiiii'.. 'llu llu tniuiiiiil' li.ul I'M i 'idol linn ipiiiiiH Minn iliu '-mi:. .iK-iin I'lelii' I ii. Inlnlii,' .ill llu i"iiip.nili"i .i-'ilu I" I lii i "up .uni .uni' Miilni; itilliuu n. li. tla'ii tin i f.t.iilil on .i l"iir nf ilie Lii' 1'iAi'i mi tth.it pirni'l III In' i nun lii-iit lm J lm 'llu uiiiri.iiiiiiiiiii u-litii .u m. llirl. o 1'iii'li linlisii I il lli,lir Mi Int.! It .UtillUdl, ili'p.tt tX (in linn ul tt. illni-. 'llu Mlliiiiiiis pi,ii.inmi' m.i icinliritl, Mliidi M.i tlimuiuiii uiliiuil i Iiiiil! piiiini: Sli-i lluii. culicii.li iiiu. cm h Hi ; tiililfiui, "I, iiiliu, lunUla ': lull i.lmi, lli llllildii null; iilo, Hi. lliu-,-lil.'i : ni' liull, i H l.r.-tl.i; tilliliMUl. 'ni'l Mjii f lllllll,'. lllllll..' M.lll's sji,"; iluil, Mi... I lllllll'lllllil .itnl MiK.ni'i ruil itlnli, Ml. IliMiin .lull; uu, ipinli'tli ; "lllpp iniriuli.j " 'llu pri'id i't 111,'oli'lli n tit '. til nli l.n liten lulil (it Iliu Mi'dioill'l iliiuili ilul ili' lie .i.l (l.n Mii'Ks .Hi" lii'ilU lllt'l .ittiii'lcl, .ni'l ,in In, i' i-ili; iniiii'i. I In in.; iniiiiii.ini. 'Hi'' lu.ii'i, Hit i 11. Ni tin if. i in iluuc ml i lifliu' jlili .i-..llul lii l'i-' Ii.X' ii hi pii-i'iit .a nil mil". tali'iUI nil 1. dii'l ii-l.ul.il . IiI.j'IIik llu fiiio aulul .i' litiui i I' I llu.iii II" n,l In iLiiiiililir, Ml l 4U, uni iwti tutt'l (iii i lit ly l'tl,'if imiinlii', .uni Mill tini lti in- ml ('iliu t in.iiu pl.uf. I'allUI, l.uri.in. i'f llllliVu- iini, llliu vi niltttil rni Mnn.l.iy euiilin li OliKu Mjiiiii lill (II llie llJUi) Ol lllturilfllt ICiliilllCI, t . i,ltiili,f ((iiiiniilliil .i llii loiiuty jjd in .lo. MUll nl .1 Ol It'll' liy llurji'-s lluinlull. OBITUARY, .Mi;.-,. MJi'llAKh I't.AItKi: dlcil at llep ,i lo lltlllf. li'ill Kt.lffl' .nemie, .it , ii'ilnik yn-iei-da.t iiinrnlni,". si.' Usui ldl liy llirii (JailBllti is- al,d niir; s-op, They an: Mi.. MU-Ikic-1 liil'j.ale, Mr., .lolin Mi i 'onn.it li. Mr.' I'.i'.iiik lloalo and James rim Ki . .Hl.Sl.l'll liU'llAliDriUN. I'lilineil nt Keianiiiii, died Monday iniuniii-; at the liniiie ul' li is hioihei, U'llliuin ithhaid- ton, at I'unilm;, .. V. The body ulll Farina, loose ,. 4c Pea Beans 4c Jellies 30-pound pails.. $1.25 Pure Maple Syrup, per gallon tin 79c Fresli Eggs, per dozen.. i9Jic Best Elgin Creamery But ter, per pound 23c Cinnamon, Cloves. All spice, Mustard or Black Pep per, one-quarter pound.... 7c Sardines in oil, per tin ... 5c Early June Peas, per can. . . 13c Per dozen $1.45 I ei case ........ 2.75 Webb's Cream Sugar-cured Corn, per can 10c Per dozen $1.15 Per case of 2 dozen 2.25 !' 1'" jf". jqWLsgwgyrs. Lyceum Theatre II. Iil.IS, Lco'cc an.l Mjiiich. A. .T lirirV, nil Manag-P Witaday Mating3 and Night I'Osinu. .iPi'uutiNcr. or Louis Morrison dllis 11 i iml lii- t'Tullriit (fiiipnii it pliu-r- ill (lie nii.l. nil Liiiiuu -11 1111 iml ilrauutii pioilin tion ol X 1'iur- I'ti'iin-r ', 1 1 nt- ti, l I'U sj.iuil 11 ii jj; mi Pu llitiine I'm " iml "a inn, tliililuii, li t nl- t" .in pari nf llu llici t(i s as mi f.ilc Mululii fm liotli iiiiiime and nilit Friday Evening, Nov. 15. i,m;k,i..mi.M' i.Mi:.iniiiiiMit Ul' 'lllll l'Ul'l I. Hi Al 1KI3 Kathryn Kidder In Ilei Ncm l'li.f In" Okn MiPu iin.li. MOLLY PITCHER, "lii' IIiiiiiiu I i. if lm nun I!' -In' ion " lli-i ru il s, unr . Am in r,.itiin Pu i '.,' , 'i'i , 7i '"I (in, "-I.'"". ( iin.ir it lull .sin- on sj,. Int.ilii Saturday Matinee and Night, iiu i iiinlull', , i . Miss Stisette Willey, linl l II' inn ' I ", Hi. True S. James, ii ii, I! in iliu ( iini'lt Pi him, "A Royal Prisoner" Pint I i mil." ' . "'A 'id " Mji 11": J.ii , ' . .linl ' ' iillill li I ' !-, il- mi s,. Iluir Ij .1 'I .) III. Academy of Tlusic jr tti:iS. I.tf.ic A. J UiitT, ManJt'f. IllU HI I lis, I OUMI'MIMi rioiuiay, November 4, untley-Harris Stick Co, In i ll-)" '.in i.i I i',..). . PIj i) n ni l', in, i s. in, i'u, ilui mi ,i An Innocent Sinner i-niii vu in in ii' w r5-i l l .11 lujll IH si i. ii l'i ii ID, "I) .lllll Jl l I. . M ilinii',- I'j an. I ',.') t nt STAR THEATRE AM'. O lir.UIIINOIO.V, Minaicr Iilontlny, lesiliy ancl Wednesday. Nov. 1 1, IS and Ul "BON-TON JlUIUvESQUEKS" iMntinee Mondny and Wednesday, an ie in ilu , in .it in i.i (iijiiek tills liiui-njiiK mil ilu U' I.i ti, lu, l.Jtlia ii, int.. i and Wi.-nin railiu.iil, aiid In termt'lil ttill he Hindi in the I-'ui'ti-t lllll feiiii'toiy. Ilet. i:. .1. .Mi'lluni.t, ivi'tnr nl' Si. Paiitl Kplstopal ehuu'li, will ollU-liiiL- at ihe crate,