wf' ''') ? v -T W rt "tp-fc jfv sf VA 4 y v THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE- WEDxVESDAV, NOVEMBER 13, 19011. 3 ,.' 1 til ? 1 nirrtrrnrf mil a.. I-tskC-jJ-J '-! Don't Wait fjr h I Mhp Muliler In hrii'3 "re 'lur 1 'litij lin ol t ic lieu" i ami lir.i n Picture Frames and Pictures M' iridv Von tins it k" fu'lii"! itd i f lev. l')v'1 lOIIIlH' Wl Mil. Hit llll.Ul s )t:IIIN IN WAI.I t'M'l It VMJ I'MM- IN illlMII . Jacobs & Fasold, 300 WASHINGTON AVENUE. MADE- MA 1)1; Rltllll 00. Steam ScpiinitoM, Oil Rxtrncttirj, Shak ing (Irate Hon. I'lirrmce HluueM, Inill catorn. Reducing Valves STEAM f jy T PUMPS lil BHL1 INI PACK IN (1 pipij fittings hhop iv. wiiitij tut rnmi . IMO.N bH.AM SI'KIAIIY COMPVSV, II : I'nrililln .Uriinc, OM 'Phone, (,. II. CI li ov Tlnmr-, M). SCRANTON ( Gty Notes, j 11, I .V W. I'VV IIVV- Ii.o I icLinin-tt railioid j inliiicii ni' pud jrMtulri .inl l'io liailinui will In. pud todu. n iim.v h t'l'i i; rin' Winem- ,mid a -i I ula liurt li uill He .tti tlihnit" lull , upjir .No. 'JI in the pnl-h loiiiiii sol , Cll.-.i1 DWti: Iinll ilioni line lien inrd fft j iliiKo to le mini liv th' Pnn-a linls .11 -ii'd'.' on lill.i.i oetiiii;r, Vm. '-- Ml l.l"S rOS Hie I idle,' nl mull of Mio All Sul-' tniei-ili-t ihinili inn I- villi Mi-. Vrdile Minjiiiiiu, Jit Now trV. -tun t.u n lliil-i, thli uiliriiuuii. JI IMVV IMI III l liinliiiitui .Ik1 suit'i lioi.,;ht i mil ilici nf In i-i null of utt iilpt . Milli on and tlinv tin m on i i ii (I lni'iim.? nili-hc-h 'I tic poudci ( vpli did mil .1 pine fi! In i-s t ink linn in (lie lice .iml Indlj injure 1 him. nl'l li I lll . III. Ill Ml-VI -t r rM il. innijil in tin lull in (lie Vonn,; Vliiiini'r. i litn i in iwicutliin tin grntlinun will nhe r-o Hi' "fi rutin" .'ml "II limiliu" ilioni-i- liii' I hull o ' lIl'Tlls will inn I in (Iiiciiimi lull Willi Mi . Uiur it 'l u'liui k. HIS LUNnillOV SI.IIHU II"- fnlimii ul "lirhitl llnsluc. (!ii ininrr wln wis imiinil m xinnuiioil .No 1 lull)' on MmhIiv, i- critii il, nil it I- Klie-rd III it In- v ill iln. 'I In- inn II- li il Jltntim iMlilln, tin- 1 1 In r null win liijimil, I1- nut -o -i m li-. 111-. AHM AMI'l 1 WH. Pilci Ihslii-. J imiijr null omplinoil it Nil 1 collicri, it iro n 'iril. toll in tn nt of i i ulio ni t u tlirt ilinnp a Tiii c llir i Mmiliv .mil 1ml mil' "t lis jhp - nllv tui-linl tint it lnrt tn 1 o irnyutitp I. II JKlif- - 1" Mil- ol it. .ml .1 'mi oi Mi, jii 1 Mi- 1'rt.r lluclii-, ot Mm ioI i. Tllllll) II C II Hi: 1 ho thinl lnhn in fie i ill i i tlm pjlloi l.llli- Kinn liv Ml-- Ml-in li. Kiikiii-iii will In il tlio Imnn. of M. ( hnrln 1. Mnilu-on, in I null n -lifil. TitIii .it. n . in Iho -iilijui, ' II iliv I nil," will lie j. it-mil "i in hi-r in the 'oni , whu ii in iin wiio umM 'i Ini !-i.i,1i- tnk I- mi il-n he I l II III HI! I'M I.I.N II i II lll'.-l mill. II I'lllm, 51 Niw 'Vork (Hi, will In tin P Int. up I ho ( allioiio ll-lorii il "oiiiiv iml Vuiuin MdjiitK lul '( i- utv tins uriitns. Dmtp'i; IiiKtmu will li i Miliju t, m I it l- tlii- lu-t nt .i mil p o; tli'n in Pintp. Di Pill n i- a not. il Ik tun r u ij lit 1- piIiioi nt ttio t. loin- I'liio-s mil Imw 1. 1 1 mini,- in tli.. i i.l. lp t- liotnl ,i- .in lili-h mIhLi .mil pliilo-iphti. mio rt ni- l'lllilli Itlnll- III', ' 1 (Hi li-. HI I.llmlllli," "I'llll- v-'opl it l.iUriUm jinl "Whit I- l.ili i ili-n KNIGHTS OF MALTA. I m in I iniuiiiiiuli i it l'cmi- .inn mil i H ul t iinii.itlnn nt AU.nliUMi m Nu. 7. Hi ' i iim il iliiinlur ( Si. Mluti (i imp Hi h n. No. Il Hit tuilouliu Kiiill il!i((t- who pre i til: (,iiinl 1 1 nun tmiri -ir Kli-lu -. I'otnw il.I, llloom-lnii, Cum) (unci ili-Miii -u .Iin., .1. Iiiktfti. Willi in -poil, l.i iml KrpniiKi' t-ir t.ini.' II Plittp, I'niliiltlpliu; iirinl lu-t i.uirrl r-ir lluliirt l, fljlur.iiili, Tumi ; i,i m. Iiislns '-li 1 1 uiu I, r.itmirp., Ilji , ,nl -i I "i n in. S Mituir, I'lKitnv In- i In r ,. inn wuu llllcl In upp-iiniiiii.i.i Viri.ii,- t.i i ' ftrjiul iMiiinitiiid r (umiiI wiip: -n Viu i n lPili.n-.tHi:ir. Ililituu; -If .l.tT,r-"ii n. I ii iMiiiiiii, 'ir 1 1! nil 1. Ipiiip , Sji Mil!,, j IvihIpc rmil Mr II nr I N ilc, Ukiilmn, Mt villtnti s i, lint, liuiilihini, iml mi- Mlmt . KikI itilin'i, .Mntidi i liuiil. pi.i i,nii. nuii'hr- tttiuiliil tlu uiivof ilioii uiul tuli u it I (lulill 111 -. Hi-lI,lP tllilllMlliH t(l til iiu, 1 'i i tli" i' m -.-.-iiii., iml hri'ii'it .., 'lur ii mpiiiloin tuiiii ,iiuii plm, ,n,, f, in (mm i i niiiiilPtji'-. Ilit(i i!mi!', I.i,l.t ,.iln,.i- 'l ililillllll ll, 111.' KtJIIil iiIHum, l'i-' -,. 1 1 mi I i inmi'iilil sip MIh V .nU, II in -ii ' i,ii- I. Mmii. ni (M kji i)iii! I!i -ii lu 'I i 'I l.ilnslil'm: iiu.ik u ) .in, Hun, t l'. tiliuMi, mil ntliii. It ,, , ,ri.tit in " Iln 1 1 ml nil In M li- I in ii 1 i HllllH.1 I UIIIIUIl I l, No. i, w I. ,l. ii I it Mill mum, Mi-.ii tin i it. m . -, , 1 li iinl I i imiiiiiil, r mi in ii iiu. i i ii I Hi irln Mi I iin W. I,i I. Mipr. in' i m in di r M, t.i .i,i - Iin iml i ii i ( ! ill, I'lri (.iin I ( n t.i ni,, i s r i, Will, i mil fH-f 4-f 4-f t- f f BOND OPPERINGS. Spline Biook Wnter,lat Mtff.Si Lnckn. Valley Elco. Light, 1st Mtp. Ds. Noith Jeiacy ami I'ocono Moun tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg. fjs, Stnntlnul Gns Co., 1st Mtg. na. Lehlghton Wnter Supply Co,, lot Mtg. Oh, New Mexico K.UUv.iy .infl Coal Co,, 3t Mtfj, Ob, DoscUiition ami jnice on nnjiH cation, - -f 16 I'.luJj SJV, .N, - -f Wilkfo llirrp. CarliQiHhl". -f -f 1 66 CuiiiiiKiiiivcillli U!'J.', bLULtuii, 1'J -f pr"tt n hue wjlhlMll'ili MW tinl'r ij ill lllmi-l I'p, New Vol!,, wlildt IIP liulC lo rotll linr iifltlc (nf itillllltloll Vilrl tomtit ltnlnn, N'o Hi, ul MiKffporl, l'.i.. will nt fir Hip 1lul Cro" mul "-ppulilirp rlAjrtP on IliJtil.'chln Iliv rittiln, wlitn in my ImM" t ill m v 111 he pirnnl'il hi" fniiiniiitiilorln l i tmlinl it pprn pliiPI 111 VltcsliPm' tutttil. Vinrtlri rnimttinilptt. No '-Mi til Itctimii I'n . Iin ('UilPUC'l llio piPliiiiiiiin- ildiirn on fwnl) lltp nmlif, iiml ll'iilo ippllidtlon fnt it ill'?. In li- rnliiillltil on Ihihl ikI'Ihk tl'Vi l' ' p tn , wIkii tluiiil II'1 ntilpr tlpoistP II PI up II . Piuillfv 111" I 'glin iIpMpc. At T p III i I ip ilenfp Miff uf Hip nitmiilliil wilt iniifit tli' Up I firm mill M'P'ililirp In dill Hnl tunit ililwi' iito (intii. siflrr wHili i liniiiii(t wilt In nctxi'l Hip new hinlfHitilPt pi the srili'l coniiiMli'lpf cl MjAMihlW'IH up lotitpl ill the tilntll limn it lln clfdtil inw toltnlit tiilllillnu', on llol. ton ultrpt, llintnti, tiPir thp 1 nlon ilenot. Mini now poll miii'li tir-i me nlimvt lettl for ililltiillnii hi i nin let 1 1 l'i'nii,iluni ,i 4 DIED EHOM HIS INJURIES. Thomns D. Dftvia Fell Under n Lo comotive Lnst Tuesday. li l)iN (lifil .M'Mtuiiliiy at lilt ItnllK' ill I'd ltl)i' IIM II ll'Htllt or In- Jtirloi lio HiiMiilncil In hi Tuitiiiiy. Mr. Diivl-t vmim in the liolol liutnctw tittl on llii ilny in itiHtlnu ltt iiltoinptoil lo vol on ii nin j II lot'ouiniivn which luult nil- lo oni' of tltc rotllotlcs nl I'im 1 vlllc. Ili sllpiiul mul fell lllttli'i thf wht'olh unit wii-s lmllj rrtiihuil l)oliks suj tiiitihiK a lnnUen li.ick Ho imvcr tri'ovoti'il fmni I In- olt'ecl of thf miitli'iiL nnil .f.ilpiiliiy inoiii ini; hlrt ilf.'tlli oii'iiiiotl. Tint tlei'Oas-oil Is htirvlvoil by n wlfn ttnil one .son. Ho wii n ntcinliof of the HopltiMoiilm mul K11I5I1I.S of 1'yililiiu. Tlio l' will In' lifltl rtiilay iiftPiutmn :tt - o'i'loi'ls Willi mmvIi'i"! at tliu I'ei-k vlllo U.intlit rltuirli. Intniiurnt ill tlu' IVrkvllle ii'ini'tt ly. ' -1 THE ECONOMIC LEAGUE. Pielhuiniuy Oignnizntion Fotmed in the Boaid of Trade Itooms Last Night Fitipose of League. In !hi' of ttailt nt--iinl)ly 1 uom lahl nlffht thi St'nitiloii remtr" of tlte Koiiiioiiili' league vu I'otmiilly mem- iKnd. The wnik ol aitatiKiiiE" the pie ic lor last hIbIu's infbtlnjr u.t'i ntniud mi liy J. IJ. "VVolfoit and It. AW AVhilwoitli, iopii"--ontativps of tho L'nl otsily as.-iici.illon, of ('hlraRo. Alt. AVolfoit opened lust niglit''' nioct inp: liy tcllint," tltf Uont-llvc ini'ii pit rout of tho oljjei't of the i:conoinic loatnio. Since IS1'", lutwcon two iiutl t hi " ihontaui! iDiittos lutic in en 01 K.inicd lor tho put pose 01 studying .mil disous-iu(f eeoiioiuiu iiuostion.s. Tlio fnlvi rf-ily .is-ooiutiou s-onds litci.itmo op all ital orononiic tjiiestlont. to the iiictnlii 1 s 01 llu difli'ti'iit i-i nlto. a1iIi h in ,1 way furnish tho ba-ls foi Iho ills ititsort. I.(i tut os by local -ji akei niu kIi 1 .mil papi-is on puih topics as the (ontto (1 eoii lot. upon nie lead and aitn watds diseussf'd by the inoinbeis. 'j'ltis Is for the put pose 01 gi'ttinff an intot- liaiip-f of ideas tlio best -ind most piai'tical may be --(.Icetid and applied 10 tlio solution ot the many ct.uc itie tiun with tin- woild is lodav 1 on 1 1 on tod. Tin Ktonomio league i slilitlv an edui.itionul iiKivcincnl. II is non-polltital and not opposed to any Intci eli-. if. C. Sli.tlor was tleitrd toiiijiotaiy 1 liairman ot the ipiitio, and Air. Hull temporal j (-euetatv. A constitution foi the- lo.iKite tins adopted, anil on motion t'lialrman Hhaler npooiuti d j lommlt toe. consisiim; ni ,1. H. U1110K-, Plot. Albert Wi-lls and h, , Thorne, 10 .sclul and lecotnnieiid olliict-. Tiny will 10 jiint at. a uirciiiuf to bo Ik Id nt-t Tae-day uinbt. Out one liundied mid lltty ot the (it'.-- most piounnent iti vk. tune signified tlnir intention ot joining: thu loasue. FOOT BALL GAME SATURDAY. Seianton and Wilkes-Bme Will Meet at the Park. U 'ilkc. llano and HetanUili Umll s'lliool loot ball teams will 1111 ot at the p.nk S.itutday tor their 111 hi tonttst this .oai-oii. Tlie Hiutli Si'hiuil team has taken 11 dm lilt d luaie sdneu Trupp a reliiin, and tliotiKli the same is likely to be a clot-e one, the local leant is 1011 lideul ol Aletoiy. Itidenour. who pl.iod tlio " Ktinio al r.K totyille last week, will ptobably tem.iin in 131 imhmI.s ilaie. Tln 'U'illu.s-li.iiie team is s-tiiitiK and 1ms nuinerous iiloties 10 lis in (lit Tlie lopliif, oil ot the field been (..louillv inepaiid lor, and there will be tin tumble about tlie 1 low ding: up on 1 lie pki.ei.s by tlie .speetatotp. This is the l.isi homo K.tine lit ton Tlianls(ilv Iiik, w lion illlnm.sioi will pla Hie Illt-'lt SCRANTON PACKING COMPANY. The Annual Meeting Wai Held Hero Yesteiday. Tin .ni' mipoiIuk nl the St 1. intuit l'.iiknur lonipany was held yesteidav .iinl llio 11 polls Hltowed that it.s nl t.iii ate in a tin hint, londlilou There ban b-eri a irost KiatlUliiK im lease in iliii Ketienil InisitiiMi ni the oiupahy, lift l III- Is t-iit il.illy lui" 01 tin- cold si 01 .mo busiuosi The lOlluwiPK din 1 lol rt wen- eleited: Hon. W Ar Waisiip, Si 1.111I1111: .1, I.. Keniliu ii-, SiiiiiUou, . J, Hniiin, lillliinnte; UeotKe H. Itu.-s, Soranton; T. M. KlKhter, Alt. r.iimi'uil: .1. 1. Con iii'll. iianton, t'h.nles . roni, Alarsh ioni These oieis wile i liosi n; Hun V. . Walt-oil, pnsldenl. A. .. Walt-uii, smieuny, ,1, t'ouimll, tieas tllel' (leoifie II Kuss KelU'liiI llltina- HAYREUTH TESTIVAL. Hi ImIii-ii Win Hum I lie oiliti I I'u.i. U.iMOUth, Xm, lL'.-Tlie W'.XK m r Utlvnl opens heie .Inly .'.' with llio 1'I.n Inn Duulunai)" and ends with "I'" on Aiitiilsl M, .'oalh now lie. IiiK ni' t-ale at Si lor tio U jnu loituauie. The opotn- no. I dans clectt I aie as toltou.-: "l-'lylliK nillehinai.." Ihe iu.-tMl'.l-liot.t, .lulv ';.'. August I, 1, j" ami Hi, "J'.uvll'al," st..pi jiH-eiitaliuiis1, July .'.I ami ill, Aiujun. 0, 7, l u and r;; "Nlbi'lunKou Itlntr," IIim. iiH'seutatloii, lui JJ, I'll, L'7 and t:s; second iieseii. l.ttlon, AilKtiht II. J", !'i and 17. POLICE AND ALDERMEN. l'uiil. AiP, i( M lHiiousc Jiinic, w.n Jnc.t ca jn'triby it Hie ol Im. I'Jiftc Minn, . !io (lurgnl lilin wltli the, liricny of lui v.cnm' jppjiil. 'lli .aiitka wim Upt by Mi Ace In. in' j boii.l hill whlJi lie ilU'cii Mr.', Mann (.mil liiui. IK- vl ilitcluri,'i.'il ly AWctniai JtuJ. (I upon his tigMing lo iu the C0jU jii-J itlur.i Hit .ippjid. IIjii.v CJtlri, vl tnli (itv, fjic liliusclf up tn Sllpillutdliluit ut P'li( Uobllnv KMniljl, ,1st. ill," tint In W.I- .1 llltllllju- n( lilllpJIIJ k, llPlljr ulki.i, titlonpil .it 1 oi i ll.imllloii, jnJ hi hi J n.r.-tj.Mil llll lull ill jh-iiHP Ho Will 111 I it'll lu I t miIji h pi Ip tlte l.oui Do ! Kiiifliuii, ot Viw Voil ilij. in of the ir I HH (l.lphnnl Ky I let siuuluil llallwjy unl pin, who wjk jiruMdl uib" ctinJjy inoriitin; li r npitlat; i ilUtmlacto in tlm I'iowuVkp him, - llliul .i III inl'ci unil i ii'nli niMiiiln, CASES TRIED IN COMMON PLEAS BINDING INSTRUCTIONS IN THE IMEIDOrr CASE. JuiIro Cmpuutcr Directs tlio Juiy to Btiilfp in a Vol diet for Judge-elect Newconib's Client Lamed Case in tltc Hands of the Juiy Hotel keeper PUger Suing the Boiotigu of Thiooii Suit on an In&tttnnco Policy Judge Vosbiu'B'n Opinion on tlte Rosene Ttlpp Petition. lion. II t ', .Vewcoinb, ,ilili;i-i li 1 1, teiri senti-d the diffuse In the nis-e of Hetiiy t. Kiiottrt fiKiilnsl iKtuit. lniei ilupf, tried josteidtiv betoio Judge far pentui, and f-pctttcd J torn the judm blndliiR Inoirtii'tion.- lo the juiy lo lltiii for his tllenl. Spotts wai u sub-coiHraelor ni tier Flunk rntlence, who eiiKtitrttl to build n hou(' for lineliliipl'. itefote the wink was lompletptl, Patience lulled and liniltlopf re-kt the contiuit to I'ttink A toy 1. 1. Spotlit alltRes Imi'ldopf .iKtood to pay him, providing he seeuicd :i wilttetl otder ft oni Patient c. imeldopf says the HKiemiient w'iih that he would pay Spotts if he piesented a wiltten older fioin Patience, with the endorsement of Air. AVoelkors, the siinct vising attlti leit. Sir. AVoelktiH refusid to eitdoi-e the otdtr, iiml Imeldopf deillncd lo honor It. Spotts beltiK1 unable lo sliow ii 111111011 ncceptaiif o of the outer by lmcidopf or nny one actliur lot lilin, his suit tell. V. 1). iteplogle lopuscnUd the plaintiff. JtulKe Ciipeiiler is now oiik.ikoiI in Itvlnsr the. case of Hotelkt-euor I'. -'. I'llh'er, of Tin nop, against the lioroufth of Tluoop. Air. 1'ilRor ( laims the bor oiifjli was responsible lot an ovetllow of stii fine water, which Illicit llio cellar ot his hotel and fio.e solidly about bis stock of wines mill Honors, destiovinjr M.O0O wot Hi of bottled goods'. fVJJi ien & Mm tin lein ('sent the plalntlif, and T. J. Dustran, the Uelendaiit. In Ihe case of .lo-eph lliltoy, tiu--tee, against f.aiticd and Kiiunuin l.aincd, ii., th" Juiy went out at :i ti'cloik, til tir listening to dosliur ad-dits-ee. by 1. If. Ibnns, lor the deictisc, and T. 1'. Puffy, lor the plalntifl, and the ehaiyo of Judtru Kelly. Xo oidlet had been itachcd at adluuining: tluie. At the Loaclttsion of tin I.arned t.ise, .Tudne Kdlv called lilts case of Kate Kttffitn ubMinsL the Metiopolitan Life Insui.'ince company. Tlie plaintilf seeks to itcoir $'tii) on a polity on the lite ot Maty, of Piuvltltuiu. Alaiy took out the policv and made flc wttklv pa.Miientt. The toinpany lelttsed to net epl any tnilhcr pa-ment.-. alkglinr that a mistake of lle .ip.iis bad been made in "the age ol the insuied. Tlie i omp.iny otlettd to inak" out .i in w pulli v or tetmn the pteml unis. The offrr was letuscd. The pol ity was dated lleienibet ii, 1S'7. The iiiMitcd died in li'.iJ. C Y. Daw-oii ltprtsmits the plaintiff. The ih mid art company is lepipsetited by p-.TtKlg-c II. X. AVillaid and Hon. ('. P. O'AIalle. In the ease, of Edwin Giior agihw T. Al. Oner, JudRinenL by affipement was cnteitd for the di fondant. Tlie i ase of H. Sinn di against the fit of Suanlou was leleiicd to St toine Kusscll Pinuultk. Allowance for Miss Tiipp. Judge A. A. Wishing handed down a iWlMon esteiday on the petition of lio-eue Ttii, minoi d.iughtii ot Wal ter Tiipp, dircasod, tor ait allowance liotn th" estate of her Rrautlfalbei, tho late ha Tripp. The judge mils that sh" is entitled to all allowance, and !ies the amount at Jloo a month. He S.ias; 1 in .it tin opinion i It it the Ip-IiI. ititi telr.) (nil ot tho M-milPhililiiii to irciue lint nimp linn oii'.inlf of the income ilmm,' lli hie ni I nth: .iml upon the deitli rt one, the -iiiImii to i-uitimii toiuclii Iiid hoi pm ut i -Inn ilnr ini; Hie. leivmj the othtr one hill ot the inconi" tu li iLeiuniililiil until tin il di-tuhutioii upru the ilfjlh ot holli Ktaiuli Iitldtcii. 'I lib, cnii-tuu Mi will Up tnite iml ilifct to neiv put of the will. I'liilei thu Mew of the i i-e the iin ilian .s plnnlv itititleil tn an alloujiiie loi tlie tupiort mid eilutitioii en tlii - nun i. H i w inl I. H in c-t ite in pm-eet mill, in I imt in ii-i -on-Ioti, till-mi he dimn upi n tur uiiiuteiiiiue lll'l (illl it ion. I rorn the t-p-lliutim t.iki u in Mil- ri-p, 1 1111 of the i pinion that one Imiiiln d doll lit .1 inuntli 1 .1 till lul ttdMiii.ilile .ilhiwirie for the tuiiniti .nie and nhiitloii ot thl- ward. 'J lie tm-iit-tliulor tl p will of lr.i riipp, ilpiu id, aiP tin re li ic urdirpd tn piy lo the nun Iru-l nid Ml. Kopnoit cniiipiiiy. Biiinllmot lloun lupp, tin fiiiu rt mil' Inindrcil dulljn pir nn nth, nln it the date of tlif dialli nl Vt.iiin s. Iiipp, and (ruitiiniln.- until die futlirr 1 ot this utir' Hi tin uirt, Vo-lur P I. Big Batch of Defendants. Aitoinc-ys Hopple A: llin knuiii, of Philadelphia, .mil u'liiitn .N- Maiuii, lepies-einiint lleniy IJ. Pittsky. ti. tiling as the Sayte launber toinpany. luinutm suit je.-ttiiliiy agaliu-v llio k0 shaix'. Iiolikn.s ot the t'kiik's Siiinmlt fon denset company, lo locover an i 1S. 410 balauie on tho $k',000 which il is alleged they lontiaeted to jiay for the e.ilipti ui'tloii of Hue condensery plant. Tin plant was built in lite summer of limn and desttoyed by llio last month. Xiaily all the defendants ate in UK'ls llvliiff ninth of Ihe mountain Mm lingo Licenses. N.inln p Dlllli'lii DiIIIOOlQ I Itlnllll- Menu IIUIIIlliilP Inliu luionii Soiui.ion nlki fjuln. ihut strjMln l'i ml. V kne'i sn ,1,1111! Allio Intliti' I'.'k .. . . , MUlltou COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. final s,e,i!,r wh .M.tiHU .ippomtr I a 1 oiiniitlin li take diir.n of ih" (Mate 01 .1 dm Kulttli'. llo w n iinlied to sik lioinN 111 1'ie elllll ot MO 000. 7. W". Ve!lln.tnll ,Cl.l.Il lirvlijllt .HI ill Plntlidllll.V Copdjlld'i lih.e Jtllll. Ulialll lpr.i, itor, .ml nlhei., to tveoter n .-is-inn nf ,1 piupirtv on .Mcildliu en en, limn .littli, lie all.if, ln u.n ilkvall ijielul, II r, Akailn s 1i-4 itfirntj. Tltoso PlnclJn8inG Tickets Now fop Opeta Carnival littvo tlio iltolco of Feats twontv-loup iiottis in udvnnco of thoso wlto wall lo piocuro (hem nt bos oilli e. m-."" 9 M, Smol.o tlio popular Punch We. tlgut. On My Way Around the World I n.rt a luitle, 11c w u Iwcntj inllif fur. 1 nn w leu I met him i".Nl Tho old nn ih uil of piano iii.trui ti'.n sru tlio tuille m luininuil with the ( HNi:itVAIOItV. l'iori- I i.iphlhiiii Imaiec woil, 1, r.i I Ion a I J nn, Vlficd IVuuaig. Pltctnr. LECTURE ON "QUO VADIS." Rev. Dr. Pletco Will Spcnk on That Subject, Fiiday Night on I'lltlay (venliifr next, liev. llobeti K. V. I'lci ce, l. P., will lecture on "tjtio Vndls" nt thf tVnn A otitic lliip IHt fliiiii'h. Tlie li'ftuio will be beau, tlfullv llltisiiated wllh steteoptifoii v lew s, The views which 1 i , l'iercu will use on Hits occasion Intvo bun iiiade ft out Hie inlffliial imliiilngs, which CX,. in op 11 ed foi tlie ml edition of the Imok. t'licloCjUtplm were inatle by cHpeelal ar laugcnient with tlte publlshciv, und mo coveied li copj right. "Uuo ViuIIh" tanks with "Hon Hui" itmoiig: the Kicat hlstoilcal lonimucs. IHstoiy, tnl and lotnmtcf mo btandctl together with such lllormy ltlll, and the vlt loiy of 11 ptue Christianity Is so idinlrably staleil, that all lovers ol to llglotis llteiiilinp and of fiction arc I11 toKslcd In tlicstoiy. It has been fluted thai over a million Amotion ns are read 111!,' "Ulio Vndls. The sublime faith, devotion and horol-m ol the Chtistlan initttrs in tho Unm of Neio Im.i never boon so gtaphlcally poitraed. Dr. I'lei i'p will give litis lecttiic ttndor the atl"ptces of the Yntint? People's uul'Ui of Ihe church. No tickets will bo sold, but a silver offeiing will bo ic t eh oil al tlio door. Sixty of the best coloied mt views will bo. given llltis ttatlng the entire tlory, and the re telling of the story will nfford an even ing of popular mid pioiltablt. i ntoitain meut. 1 1 m . CORPORAL BRINK WAS ARRESTED Is Accused of Laiceny and False Pictonse by Captain E. H. F. Co mail nntl A. J. Bteig. Coipoial I.awienco I5ilnk, 01 com pany A, Thli toentli regltnont, was ar ivslul M'Stetd.iy on rlimgos of false ptetense and laiceny, pteforied by Cap tain v.. 11. V. Coniud, of I'omp.iuy A, and Albeit J. Pieiy. The chtirge ptefctied b.v raid. iin Coin ad is tliat ol l.ticonv. He :i lieges that he t ashed a check lor $10, diawn by Diink on the Ttadors' Xatioral bank, and that he dis-ioverod ne.t day thai he litul no account with the bank. Hielg, who is also a momboi "of Com pany A, pieleis two chatgos ol false pietem". llo alleges that Hi Ink, who is a contractu!, engaged him to woik on a building which he was consti not ing for Dr. H. V.. f.iitv, in Punmoic, and th it he gave hint In pajinont an 01 di r on Pi. catty in the sunt of $77, which amount ho claimed the doctor owed him. He claims dial when he pi son ted this oidcr to Dr. Cany that the latter laughed ni liini. and deflated that ho owi d Hi ink nothing. lit teg also alleges that lit ink gave him. in pail pijinont for bis weak, a iheik lor S10 nn the Dime Deposit and Discount bank, which nftei wattls pioved to be tib-olutelv wotthloss. Di Ink waived a healing .mil was hold in ViiO bill on each chat go bv Magls tiato Howe. NEARLY 1,000 MEMBERS. Rruhoad Young Men's Christian As sociation Glowing Rapidly. Tlte minimi metnhoisliip canv.ts-s of tlie liaihuad Young- Men's assooiallon is ptogtossing well, and np w.iids ol two bundled new members have- boon leeched in the past four weeks. This gives the depat tmont a total 1111 niboi ship of i1J. Tin present aim is to lu lug this up to one thou sand before tin; dose of the- year. It is expected that this will bo easily .n i ompli-hod. The litst membois' tally ot the railtoad dopaitmeut lor tills jear oceuts Saturday oroning tit S o'clock. John 1 Jlooie, of No.v Yoi k, will give nn npptopiiato aiidie&s. The Otpheus club will luinisli music, and tii'.im and cuke will be served at the elo.-e. Tastv invitations hae been Issued lor the ov t nt. and a latge at tendant e ot inenibcis is expected. Ameiican Fedeiation of Musicinns, Local 120. William V. diimtllb, Viesidcnt. Tiieo. Dausclimanu, Societal y. Scinntou, Pa., Nov. 10, 1001. Resolutions adopted b.v Local No. 120. Ainoiicau redetution of Aluslclans", at the icgiilar nicctint,- h del at Sihlmpff's hall, Xov. 10. 1U01: "Whcitiis, Tlie Geaty i:cltision Ad Is about to lei ruinate and if not ex tended again, will weak iiiopaiabio in jiuy to our lountiv by admitting into our midst ip-- 'jtlltw pet II," we can not aflotd to ird..ii,joi tho grand instl lutions tliat is it i' loi 11 te.tiid tit. tlpj tost ol iO sn't.'l' Mfod ma! tic.ruio bj allowing the Chine 1- fiee tntiy into our tountt.v. mid the itsultiint uniuir inmpetltiou of the' Monaoliaus; tlioi .--loie be It Itosoivcd, That wo ask the assistance ot our dbtingulshcd tellovv citizen tiud ippifsputiitlvt' in Congicss, tho Hon. William Council, to use his best en deavors lo have tbe"iiaiy Exclusion Act lontlnind in full tone and made pcipetual. AIo be It Uesolved, That we tall upon all labor bodies and similar oiganUatlons, iol lm' nig the advlie of the Hon. Toience V. Powih'tly, CoinmlssloiiHi' of immi giallon, lo onliM the good will and ef forts ot their lespocilve ( ongiossiuen Also be It Hi solved, Tint a iop ot those 10.-0-lullous bo fotWiiided tn the Hon. "Will iam Council and to the daily papets of Seianton. Thoodoio Uauscluniipu, J-'iod. C, Eluhardt, 3M. J. l.toiiard. cinnmliti . To Gay New Yoik. New Yoik has no rival, no tinnpell tor, and when ,vuu tho old town you will llud tut abundance of good tilings III Stole. Clf Ceutial Pail; you have lieuid iillich; ol Its bi'auHiul walks; its lennwiicd Metio'iolltatl Ait (Jallory and Ks woiuloiiul nienageilp, New Yoik and its theatres are- turned, rind the artisls known always occupy thdii. Tho histoilcal setllugs in which Old Manhattan Is rich ao tivtp nltuctlve, and ivoi.v one who takes ailvanlat'tf of tho New Jeisej Central's low tate exeuisiuu to New Yoik City on Nov, Mth will bo assutud a good time, Tho jato top the round Hip limn Soranton Is 1131. Tickets good Bolinr "ii tegular trains on above dato mid good icturniiiR any time to and liidinlln;,- the 19th Don't lnltb this ttlp; it's all right Wanted Soft Coal Mineis for W. Va. car f.uo 10 fiotu Potts, vlllo: company moves jamlliest; no titiike; steady work; good wages. Apply cilffoul's Employment Agency, US, Miihatitongo Kt , Puttsvllle, Pa, i Tlio popular Punch cigar Is still th leader of the 10c cigars. REPORT OF THE GRAND JURY SECOND RETURN MADE TO THE COURT YESTERDAY. All tlte Cases Gtovvlng Out of tho Street Car Stilka Wctc Ignoied and tlio Costs Placed on the Ptoscctttois The Jury Generally Adopted tltc Plan of Placing tho Costs ou the Pro3ccutots In All Ig nored Cases Building of Many Btldgcs In County Recommended. In Us second teliuii, made jesiorday, the gi mul Jury ignored all the uisea glowing out of the street cur stilko ami put the costs on the prosccutots. Tho cases were those lu whldt How ard Ptlco and John Drown, two im poits. were charged with assault und battoi-y on rieorgo 1.'. Cramer, a West Side, 'bus nun; J. .Shaughnessy, mi Int poit. chmgctl bv Cornelius cirlillu with catrylng concealed weapons: ltogop jp -Govviiii, a I.'tckawannii avenue gale tender, chiugeil bv Stephen Dyer with assault mid battery; It. H. Hlodgott, mi Impott, thnrgod by John Matshnll, uu othor linpoil, with larceny by Iwllio of r"; James l-'arley, .suiieilntenilciit ot tlte Druminand Detective agent y, dinigod by Ulndgett with assault and battel v. There was also a Imgo loluin ot ti up and Igntut'd bills. In the list nf Ig nnred bills Is one in which an Italian. Angela Jlasticcl. charges u Chinese latnitlrvman, Wing Shong, with latcony by bailee of two shltts and two tollaiit The (osts vveie placed on tho piosocut ots In nemly all the"" Jgnotml casts whore It was porinlss.ible under tlie law. Appended Is a list of liv true and Ignoied bills' TIIIT ll'I I- A-ntlt niul Ililtciv I pou Puhhe Dim pi. I line- Murtit; Pi ink llohlin-, pin- Ai-aull ami Hitttri.-( .iv,imltu r'nlMiuu: VV!ailv-li Wnlni, pro-. 1 nin Piurnuan; I'.itrirk V. Vlu.nlon, pin- Mi- futt, .linn- 1 1V., pin-. Il( I toil Cm; I'. Itohlm-, ji , pin. Vemel Mir til; .line .Mirnl, pruv. Ilmmn ivlniipv; riii Ixtli Kitinc, pio. lhoniii kllkulhu, Mitha I'llkilllili, piov. VI it (in I.mkIi; VliiVe ll.irte, no nun 'lipp.n, Khihilli lapiui, pn. riioiim MniRarii Vlnjurl ; thnmn, pi . linns O II 11 i, Patiuk llillion; VI. dim, pin., Willi im Ilcih, M 1 -tne, pin- WilMim (.ouluii, Mlihul Hi nl IlinU.t llmli, pui, I'atilik Iiimian; Pi ink llnhlinu, p , pi,. Punrl 1 nnipain: 1 rmk K'ohllna-. ji , pm-. l.tmu-e lliictni; Simon llmicitii',, (no- stilutii llui'.-lir -Mik( Itittli 1; I i nu IJoIi Imir, jr., pio-. Willinn Iheihr, Vithni Ann-s'm-is; ml K.Iivaul foul; Pi ink Ttolilli'sf, jr , pi )-. ltuiRhn.--Iehu VMute; Tli mi i, Kaici, pr . riioiim t.ilm i. Iliotni-. I nin, pim ,1 inn s ( on lim ; 1 1 ink Kolillng, ji , p.o- William lldd.r, Vrtlnir Atnnlrom;, lili.ul I mil, run', Uohluv, ji.. (no- William Um ih-. Artliiu Aini-tron,;, Kdwaid lonl; 1 i ink llnhlinir. i , pin- Will am Umlei, Attlmi Vnustron;, I'dw ud I.ord; Fi ink Kolilin", ji., pros Illiikiinil. .lo-ppii f.ndiiPi, Pi ink IlnUnu. jr , lire". irnim? foncialel Wupcti-, (.map (liiniu, Simon Ilintiilik, pi os. sitmiel MtC Ijicii, .loliti I. Vie Vmliew, pro- i'oriiioii Peold. ILn tin Willi-; Itiiutiil Jlcwclljn. pro'. Kiiilii?hnunt v 'li ( nllector. lolm li Jouo-, llpiirv W. Wilkin-, pro' PnlKini; Jhnor lcmili-, Ciorcn I. tin;; P. Ito'illiw. jr., pi cm I iinu-hiiiB Inpior to Mmor. William l.uuluii, Ilndgct tlrady, pio. loinkition and I)a-tard Miilm I P. kdoa; Mh, W. II Dntrc in, pro l'also Puttn-c JI ,1. .Vortoii- P. I' ( annon, pi o kcrpiiu- i Ilawih- Home. Knltie s m,. j(0 Wilcli, pin-. 1 n (em. --lolm Wluii; Ihoinn laviti, pro.. Pc V.iul, 1'itruU Me.N'amiia, jiro-. tlriee Tuinri; 1 1 ink Ilohlinj, ji , pin-. Aan (Lilillt; Pi ink Holilms, n , poi (two caie-). 'Ilii'ini-, Unlit; limit Itiilillng, i (in, lolm Wliitp; riKodoio .linkufo-U, pio-. Paul Koiil-Ii; P. Holding, jr., pr (.mipre lm-1; 1". liotillnir, ji.. pro-. PmiU l. in; P Unldiu?, ji , pros 'II10111.H (iildoi; I liuini-. I aim, pin. lllen ( uiuliini,'-'; 1 rank Holding-, jr., pro. ( hiilei II. sp'tiR. Prink llijldm?, Ji., pio- .Inlm Kuhl nnn, P. llolillni?. jr.. pio-. Mimic rppih; II. II. I'li'in, pro-. AukpIu l.ilticrc; II. II. Pi ue, prw. VPry (.lltitTp; II. II. I'lnce, prop. Mjdj. Iln i Hut; II. II. I'iprie, pio-, Mind r. Pilnek l.ihhoiu,, Prink Ituhlnitr, ji tiro-. Main ion? lisclmf If.iiH KVninl; Sipinc hiiiidl, lo. Olii'mctin? IrfRil Pioccsei djn Kidlat; los cji'ii liirdnoi, 1 10 . liapi.. Io-ppli Stem; Spriiitt .Iiunak, pio. Sellinsr hy PalP Miasiire. (icoige Ci.mniinsi, P. ltnhlliis. i.. 1 ro-. sdlliu Urnior Wliliotit t UfPii'p. Willnm Cud; W. W. Phillip-, pri-. Willinn f.oidon, Ilndget llndi, prot, Jo-"i'i Alitni; Itolnrt vvil. bon, iras sdlinir Ki(i tor on sundu William Ooilin, Ilrlds-t llruly, piot. lcillovvinir Is il list of the defend. mix In the cases ignored, auanged nccoid ing to the ciimes with vvhlcli they were ch.iigeil. In the (hat list the ptospcutor pay the costs; K.NOIll.D nui. Av mil iinl llatdr siml( Kupl. h.pph Me Ol.n-kl. VIkIiwI AIcm i, ilu.tpli Illlike and Pi ink llienntn, ItrniiU McMalion, .lohn U-oM.i, Wil liauiNoll, S.i r. 1 1 Hon1, lliih Kpiriiii, I irldn, Pittiik Jlitwill, f ti I'onelli, lltroanl 1'ikc ..nil John llroi.n, .Kim Meh:.-.,i, .hi-op.i I J fc Viz V i v V v vl i i V Stylish Dress 3 Our department is ing with the most Prices lower than the lowest. 5 qpi 2 Coataline CordsHard finish, beautiful 'TCn S g mixtures, 45 inches wide, $1.00 value t JL ei Stripe Skirting Aledium and heavy 5! X weight pin line stripe and in-1" 7Cr tn O (( H: g visible stripe Jt W p.UW g ' Venetians and Broadcloths Big M AA 5 range of shades, sponged and shrunken. . plUl g '5 Meltons, Kerseys, Homespuns and Cheviots & a For heavy unlined skirts; M AA f a .1 AA ft 6 blues, greens and blacks yuv3 LU 4v3.UU g 5 Corduroy All new vShades 50c ffi 3 Black Goods, Poplins, Zebelines, Cheviots, r3 Prunellas, Granites, Jlcl- Cfin fr $'") A A fc r$ rose, Etc -JlL LU $fJj $; I Mears & jwwywwwwwwywwwyywwyywwv Cut Glass Salts and Peppers ifflJf'v Sterling Silver Tops that screw on the glass, not put on with I 'Insist- Paris. You know s.ilt nbsoibs moisture, that soltens it comes oil. It con odes top. Not so with the Sterling. large ones 45 Celery Dip to 25c encli. 0130. V. MILLAR &CO., 134 MwwwbMmmMwmmMwmwm Scranton Bedding Co., F. A. KAISER, Lackawanna and Adams Aves. F. L. CRANE Established 1866. .Seal Skin Coats $1.")(, SIT'), .$'200, $22, $230. Peiaian Lamb Coats $70, $100. $125, 150. Furs of All Kinds f:urs repaired. Raw furs bought New Building, 324 Established 1866. The Workingman's Shoes. The workingman needs shoes, no other land will answer his purpose. Our shoes are good, solid and reliable, made up on honor all through. We have them at all prices. Prices -on spec ial sale for the next week are Men's Mining Brogans, Men's Tap Soles. - Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy B 330 Lackawanna Avenue. wSBHSiVEBK (, Willi mi OlloWo, Ann 111 tr7e-nv, viirv .siA-m, W'S. llu'li O.vuii, .linn Pbiin, Itaiu Iliuwn, I'airli Iv II iln, lull , I rank P.ti.hi .id., I is ( i -t lie, .la pli V eh ski, Vliuiiit Hum lull mi, Mltluel .limliv !, Vnthoii Vlnchcuii", .1 v pli .Mivn.l, l.uta. di fntl'iia, .lu-ipli Ikndlth, s.iphen Iiuinowl, I ram i . 1 ilteur, htanlev P pli.l.i, Iliv Wa-lill tl I'ltlll'lul vlt P.i'C s , : id i i f Ky i t d 4 i ifp filled to overflow- S desirable fabrics. . Hagen 1 IS MO 5- im wa v& g a ,ilt Ihe plaster anil the ordinal v 25c small size' Cut Glass, 15c W&ffln tWSJ Wyoming, Ave., Scranton Just Because You are not going tt wear them for n few months, don't crush your dainty summer lints and gowns into space altogether too Mnall for them. Let us make you a box couch, with scpaiata compartments for itats, waists and bkiits prettily lined and covered an ad dition to any room. - Prices from $7 up MANAGER. Both 'Phone H. D. CRANE Wisbe3 to announce a new invoice of Skirts of such, style and quality as to commend them to the Scranton public, both walking aud dress lengths. The assortment of Suits ir not as yet broken. 324 Lackawanna Avenue Tako Elevator. Lackawanna Ave Take Klevator. and must have well-made - - $1.25 and .95 - - - 1.25 and .85 i r Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 486 to 455 N. Ninth Btreat, ,PA Tclephons Cull, 233,1. NOWHERH ELSE ON EARTH Can tho Seeker Alter HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Find Such Kick Rewaul. CALIFORNIA IS A WINTER PARADISE, Best Reached Via 'SUNSET LIMITED." U'vi vnvi iiorpr. o vMip, Leave New York Tuesdays, Thuta- days, Satutdayo, SOUTHERN PA3IFIC CO,, R. I. Smith, agent, 100 S. 3d st., Philadelphia, 2a. PERMANENT POSITIONS i (I. nil e.lmijtuia ii i auu' .ii hinlilm: opeu iuiA i inilile nl ll'iirlii' i.l. in. .in I .......lil. .ti.... ... .il . i ' ri-.u..'.'.jiu ii, ai, .1 their dipaitinciit. I.Milluit 'ippattunitle, I r mtuie adijiictiiinii. jiii .jjn and exp.'rUiin. Addre M( 1)1, HI m; o , Hum .VW, l. man aliviial Hank II illilm; Pitt.tnjr,', l'a lis 1 V 1 . t. i i . rW j-r 1 r ivcys.-