The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 12, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    - V ?.
f ' yt'fM
Hakes tliem light, sweet,
tender, delicious and
free from dyspeptic
Car Supply Is the Chief Topic of
1 Conversation Among1 Coal Produc
ers Trade in tlio Lake Superior
Region Shows Improvement The
D., Ii. & W. Board for Today Allis
Ckalrnera Company Has Shipped
a 1GOO Horse Power Engine to
Sydney, N. S. W.
Car pupiily continues to lo- tin- eliit-f
"topic of t'ouwi'Mitlon mrn-nt. iuiiI pro
ducors. Tlu; jiiitlii-at.'lle Irailc lias boon
foolin-; this t-liurtiiKO for two months
and the situation today is by no means
irassiiriiiK. 3ti "Tart, it is IVroIy pre
rliclcd by wiles :iu'-'iits in ..Vow York
lty that Willi an ordinarily stormy
winter tlicro will b" little improvement
in car supply lii'luro next April. Itclall
trade in anthracite uiiiMimln;; IpitI
tory has felt the bra in inlliiom e of
fouler weather ami rltiiwml ha:-- in-cio-im.-'!.
Tiiees euntintie very linn
wilh no prospect of any chants lo a
lower basis before m xt spring. There
liavt! been nnpors ilurl'ij ih" weel: of
a possible strike 1111.111. ilie i.iiu.'i' of
Hie. Temple Iron eonip.uiv in the upper
"Wyoming ronion dw injr to all"!;eI iil
iriininatioiis asainst union men. It is
doubtful, however, if with winter near
and the demand for labor -jin-il ilint
either the coinpativ or ;i.. im n will
reject tnkinr n modi-rat" vii v of Hie
matter. The whole ipiesiioii of the em
ployment of union labor eai, be settled
next spring.
Trade in Lake Xunei ior lerriloi-y
shows iininoveinent. Iteceipts o coal
by lake are fairly heavy, on; not oravy
enough to remove tin- onilook for it
considerable slioiiiiKe in supplies at the
close of navigation. Lai-" freights
from Unffalo, however, favor l.irse ar
rivals, belli:,- ;!" cents lo Dulutli, as
compared wi.h W or even To cents lo
'hir-i,-u. Kecoipts lv lake at f'hiea.v-o
for the season to date are ahead of last
year's Usurps, but below those of ISM.
The srent short-ige of cirs Keeps re
ceipts of all-rail coal down 10 a mini
mum. At the lower 1 lie jorts lius-i-Jirss
shows more -.ell, it-. Uemaml
jiIohr- the Atlantic s.'.ib.iaid has im
Jiroved. There is i. s-c.iii'ity of vessels
;it the loadlmr ports and e(,al is hoIiir
forward slowly, consequently some
buyers at shoal water ports who have
delayed niacins; orders now -want coal
nt once. The steam sizes ate in Hood
request. K- coal is sometimes haul
o get for prompt delivuy. The regu
lar prices for free uuniliut coal. f. o,
Ii. Keiv York harbor pons, It.: Uroken,
SJ; pkk. $4.23; stove and nut, ifl.r.u, I'.-a
is quoted at Si'. la to fci.Sii; biiekwheat,
c' to Si'.23. KnuliK'oriiiK ami .MinhiR
D., X. & V. Boaid for Today.
Following is the make-up of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and AVest nrn hoard
for today:
3ioxi).v. ovi:iiii:is 11
Willi Cat-;, lj.. S .1. in., II. IMunj. II p.
tli , i. 1.11) "iVollllt'l,
JTKi-tUY, mim:!Iii.i; i".
Wild Cits, i:j.-l II. tin :i, in., (I, T. Si tiU -: I
. in,. .1, ,. lln-h; T .1. 111.. T, ll.1ll.11: .s 11. 1I1.,
I). Wallace; It" a. 111.. I'. I,. 1!,,-,; n a, ),,,,
.1. 11. M.L.UTD, II. V. liiiiir.ilil's . low; -J , ni.,
), Kearney; 0 p. 111., V. ,1 juU-i ; 1, p, ln.. ,
IM.t .ittliy.
silllllllilS, K(i-0 .1. in., ia-i, .1. (.Iliin; s j.
in, wr-l, . II, Nnliitl-.' new; ') 11,
)i Tlionip-011; II a. 111., wl, , Co.lar, I. .
Neven-.' .retv; '1 p. in., (.i, si, liml-ty ii p. m,,
1 ait, J, llonnli'.iii; p, m,, wo., si, (iuUlni; ;
)i. 111., (10111 X.iy Aiik, t:. .MtAIIUu.
I'Uslicrt -C a. in,, Wiiini'i; V .1. iu s.. 1' mi 1
h 0. 111.. limber; ll.l'i .1, hi,,; 1, ji, in., p,
MdtoiiM'll; T.:;o p. m., .Minpliy; :i p. m., , ,
lljrdinloini'WJ 10 p. in., I.aiiipini..
l',ioniir llngiur, 1 .1. 111., (i.itlni'i; 7 j in.,
V. slniiii; 10 a, 711., Naiuiun; Hi .1. m., p. p,
Niorj o.i.i p. in,, si.nitoii: s.:m p. in., ii,,)i','ni,
WiM Cats, Vt- I a. m., T. Iininileaiii .. ,1.
m., II, Uistiior; ti a, in., r, Kins'ki ; la a. in.,
1', Wall; J p. in,, A. I). KctUi.nn; - n. m., M.
.iimody; 1 , in., I', C.ivJii.itivli: 1 p. in., 11.
ItJiidolpli; II p. 111,, .Mm il,iii.i',-iui II i. 111., Ii,
Hut,inl House: l'cao aive 11, e. ..11J tl,i
Clnu un 7 a, 111. cast for woik Ualn
R ( atr.or v. Ill urn J, lu.-.irr'i ei.-. mil
s tie
I Ml).
tliir no'.lvc,
.I0I111 t4lcr will ion P. (iilllnair inn,
111 , Tu.fil.n, Nov, 12, nml until turii,-,
I II.,-. ,1 TI, 011ms S-V.iuliii will K" ii
CJlllljti' 1 if.v, 'i'lic-iday, .Ndv. 11, 111 plan'
J. Goiiuy, .in.) until further notliv.
Jwcpli D'llilcn will cu out Willi l'lUp
j!ft nip in ilium of M. II, I.jn;'.oi,
llllll.'l ll , ,M
Ill P.
I J.
This and That.
Tip? ii K.vp.-um romblno, ivhlch Is
in be lucorporutid under the nuine of
the 1'nlii'd States 1'Iasiter company,
,vlll. ft Is s.ild. in In operation by De
cemiiiT l. Nun l forty plabter mills
mid as man., ou.'.lnt, plauls, it is ie
jiorteil. me inn' 1 contract for pur
i'han. The pii'- lit v'tit)Ut of tliesi
pi'ii is is niieiit liu.wo tons annually.
In his uinduet of the negotiations, C,
A. lloncclter, formerly auditor of tiie
lAmerlcnu Steel and Wire company, has
tjeen fisslstud by Percivjl S. Jons, of
New Yotk. Tlio now company will con
trol, so It la paid, 20,000 acres of gyp
sum land lit the United States.
.Teaiisvlllo lion Works company, of
ileansvllle, l'a throtisli Ha IJoiiVor
branch, has recently sold mine pumps
us rullmts: Threo eoinpotiml cotidcns
litff SOU feel lift, two simplex duplex to
l.eadvllle, fol.: two cmnpoiind con
ilenslng, 0110 SCO and one L'.'OO root lift,
and two -'Implex for Cripple (.'reek: two
compound eniuleiisliiR lioo feel lift for
a coal company! two olectilo station
pump for Colorado inltles', 11 slnkliiK
pump lo Old Mexico, and it duplex sta
tion pump in Arizona.
The AlllHChalnu'rn company has Just
shipped from Its Allls-Mllwnukee plant
the third and last t,f.00 horse-power pii
Klne, which is to bo Installed In the
central Kciierathif,' station or thu Kyd
ney Clly and stiibmbaii Trmnway, Syd
ney, X. S. W. The ptiBltie, which
wcIkIis about '.'DO tons, was loaded on
eleven cars. The bedplate alnne weighs
close on 'Ili.0i.l0 pounds,
VnlrnctH for the elrctrlcnl ernilp.
ntetit of the main power house and sub
way stations of Ilie linpld 'l'ranslt rail
road. In New Yoilt city, wore receiltlv
awarded to the Westlnahottse Klectrlo
and .ManufneluiliiK' company. Amoitff
tin iipiaratu called for are 0 ri.nao-kw.
alternators', :: LT.o-ksv. exciters, i:t! l,:,00
k. rotary conveners. TS 530-kw. Itaiis
loiniers and S motor fteneratur .Mnrllm,
sets. II H said Him (he contrail will
amount to about. $i,.ion,nnii.
Prominent Orators Assist in Celebra
tion of Thirty-fifth Anniver
sary nt Pittsburg.
By KxiIumK! Who IiomTlir Avo. i.itii Vint.
Tlttsburff, Nov.ll. The attendance nt
the celebration or the thirly-lll'th anni
versary of the Kri'edman'K Aid and
Southern r-Mticatlonal s-ociety of the
Aletliodtst Kplstopal church In Calvary
church, Alleprheuy, today was the
lai'KesL since the organization -vas
formed. More active Interest was also
taken in i limn at any oilier. The
readlutf of the. reports of the treasurer
and board of manaseis occupied the
greater part of the (list service.
The treasuier stated that the income
for the financial year ending .Tune ;:0
last, had been $.170, 100..', S, while the total
expenditures had been ?3G'.',!12;. After
tin- payment of an overdraft this
Hhnweil that the balance in favor of
1h society was JIT.T.Vi.r.S. The greatest
increases were in the conference collections-,
which showed an Inciease of $::,
II.II.SO. and from industrial schools,
which had increased bv $l,::tl.i!i.
Diii'Ilitf Hi.' forenoon addres.-es on the
work of the society were made by
nishup J. At. Waldni. Uisluip Karl
Cranston, Hishop I). A. lioodsell. Illslmp
U. "U". AVarren and Hishop ('. H. Fow
ler, who took the place of Ulshop c. ".
AlcCabe, Mho could not be present.
The Uev. JDr. W. V. Thirkleld, secre
tary of the society, read the report of
the board of managers. U shows that
in thirty-five years the society has
reached over iOO.Odfl students, sent mil
about, ten thousand teachers and two
thousand ministers, enrolled about "il,
floO members, and accumulated property
worth over two niillion dollars. Dr.
Thlrkielil said Unit the object was not
to make the negro smart, but to make
him Kood.
Secretary Thirkleld said that ItooKer
'I'. Washington's school at Tuskogce,
Ala., had one thousand students and
spent SluO.aun a year In its work. Hut
the Methodist society has lorty-tliree
schools, with over three thousand stu
dents receiving industrial education
and a total attendance of ln,000xstu
dents and last year less than MOU.O'jO
was expended.
Secretary Al. 1!. .Mason made reports
on the condition of ihe several schools,
showing them to be all prosperous. Air,
Williams, a generous Vreshyierian lay
man, of JiCaver, I'a., wave S.'.nOij In build
a science hall at Athens, Uu., said Sec
1 clary Mason.
The afternoon session was devoted
to the finances of the society. A Ions
discussion on the appropriaiioln of
$i:il,nno asked by the board of man
nsi's for work the comiim year, was
held, The appropriation Is f ll.liU'J more
than was asked last year, and the ma
jority of the delegate held that tin;
amount asked was too much.
The general opinion was, however,
that the school appropriation should
not bo reduced if thu amount asked
for was cut II was hinted that salaries
might be chopped. This brought I lev.
!olm I'earsoii to the door, who said
that the teachers and workers weie
receiving small pay now, and if a cut
wii" made, It would create dissatisfac
tion. Mow M. U. f. At.isoit llinde an address
In which he advocated giving the
amount aslMd for by the managers.
Property Left to His Mother, Who
Has Been Dead Several Months.
By INilixll.) Hiu1 frvlil Tin' A-s.iiiili'd l'10-i,
New York. Nov. II.-A will, esc itu-d
by I'M ward S, Stoke on Alnich 1'-, JSfM,
was tiled lu the suirotiale's nlllce to
day. The testator directs that after his
lawful debts shall have been paid, his
mother, Nancy Stokes, Is to u-eelve all
his estate of whatsoever kind and na
ture he possesses- al the time of Ids
death, Air. Stokes names Klisur V,
l''oote, his brother, Horace N, Stokes,
and .lames V. I.eary as Ills executors,
but sulwcctuenlly states thai he has re
voked the appointment of l.mry,
l.ns-t week a will of Mr, Stokes, ilutnl
in Wi, was filed, This document left
the estate to his cousin, Y. K, D,
In view of the fact that Mr. Stoke.i'
mother died some months ago. If the
IS'.M svl stands his brother, Horace
Stokes, of llacke.ttstown, N, ,1., and his
sister, Airs. Mary .1, Mac.Nutt, of this
city, will, it Is said, label It whatever
eslute lie may have left.
Five Sweeps the Woods for a Consid
erable Area Near Cleveland Park.
Jly CmIihIu' Will' fuTil'll.c VoUaU'il I'tvs,
Waliinvton, Nov. II.- I'lie Hue nwtpt lln
Hui'.N iv:' .1'ljlili' ai'.i ui'ar Cliulaii'l
Pari., jii.i I'M. n. I ilie tiiy 1iii.Ii, U.H .iitiinu.iii,
for a llin..' IIiK-jU'Ih-'I to iluto.y tin; uiiiiiiir
lioini! 1, 1 Pettis an.l lliu toiinti' cunliy
Iiuiiio el c'l'flik'iit I'loviluul, but wa llnilly
rtui'4iiMn'd ttltluiut iljiumc eciil In tliv womli.
Tlie Ltiiillacialion uHiai'tnl a laige iiiiiiiIhi' of
u'oplo. t M-a.. not colli 11 uiidf-r tmitiel mail u
iiuinl.i.'r of limine (oinpinlis I10111 lu tiiy wt'ir
buiiiiiKuicil lu la'.' tvrnt'.
Iron Works Burned.
II; Culiiaiie Wlie fiuin 'flic A'iVi'iJltd I'lffi.
,e' Yoifc. Nov. II. The lire k itti lion ci;
at I'Jtcraon. N. .I.,vcit ilclroyrrl l.y firo towg'it,
'ilie loid is sal'J to be about .S,0""'
Pension Granted,
By i:xclnio Wlie from The AocUtf'l I'hu.
Washington, Nov, Jl.-lli!i)$ft (talUtlior
(willow), of ScunU'ii, hm Ltin siauioil .1 itiuion
of 5.
Judge Kelly Decides That the (3Wi
vlctloit Before the Mayor Is a Bar
to Any Further Prosecution for the
Violation of the Ordinance Pre
vious Thereto Injttctlon Continued
lu the Equity Case of B. E. Wells
Against E. M. Lowrle, In Which
Mining' Out of Bounds Is Alleged.
In nn opinion handed down yester
day, .ludge .loliu P. Kelly sustains the
appeal from summary conviction In the
case of tin.. Commonwealth against Ann
Sheridan anil Hugh Sheridan.
These defendants were convicted be
fore Alayor Molr, Feb, -jii, null, under
the tippling house ordinance. Later
they were arrested and convicted be
fore tinolher inuglslrale of having IU'ik
ally sold llinior February (1 and 7. The
case before (he mayor was for selling
liquor previous to February (l and 7.
An appeal was. taken from the second
conviction by Attorney .lolui ,1, Mur
phy, representing the Shcrlduns and
Judge Kelly decides thai the appeal Is
well taken, ills opinion follows:
On a of llii- c.i-e in tini (mill II .n
ti'illHcil In by uino..v for tin. unnmonucillli
that hiluxi. .llini; liiti in witi" .)lil by the ilcli'ii'b
ants al prt'inbi"! on Sistii'iilli Mvi'el, In Itiii city
ami roniiiy, mi tin- s.i(h 11ml f-cwnili nt tVlnmry.
The t.'tliiinny (loci not cloaily iIIm ln-o it
W.H ilnrinir Ihe pi. '-nil your, nr sinVo til" p.i-dag
of tin' illy oiiliiunii' iiiiilcr wlili Ii llin 1.1m" v.n
in-tlliili'il, .ni.l . nim-t'l tor tin; tlflmul mts umti'iiil
that tliviefuii! tlio odVnec 1 li.iiged Ins not bo -a
A .e hip nf otiinion the r.vr niu-l l.o
ili'lciiiiiiioil in f.iu.r ot' I he tli'f. 11.I.1111, on anothor
grniini), ivc may p.ivi (hl iiuovtinii.
fnim tin" aiiitoil iipiui by toun-"l il an
po.iis 1l1.1i tin-..' ili'ii'iiilanli woic coin feted "f
mIIIus liiinr williiiiit .1 UiniM', cr Li-ipiirj .1
liplilini.- In IS'. Iipfnie linn. ,l,imi' Mnir, lli'-n
liuynr ol Ihe lily of S'liiiilon. u I'd'. -0, 3!K)t,
iipoii rii.l.'iiii' ..f the sale of liipioH ti e
ioiJ In i-lthi'i l!i islli or si'ici.lli nf IVIminy,
Pel. Ami whllp il N not .t.ili'il 01' ri'ionl, .'
1111. 1. i-l 111. 1 III. 11 Ilie sales iiptm vlii.h that one
v it t i,it was li.i.i won at thr satiii' iufinbc-'. nnd
wo i mi aclinic lii our ilbp'i-itlun of ;hf . .1 0.
'1 ho eomiction in Hi-' ta now liofoio n-. rn
.ipi.Ml win matlo liofoii' anotlicr in.iili.ile on
l-'i'l.. '12. I!)')l. iipnti cviilflioo . !.jo.! on 11, p -iih
.liirl wni'iilli nf l'llniiaiy, lull, or pic:ou lo the
con; h lion befoie tlio mayor.
On Ilie part ol the iti'fi'ml.inl- il U iintoii tint
tlio In-t i-oniiclinn i a bar 10 .11 y iinUicf iiu.-p-iiilion
lor i"l.ilioii 01 Hip i.ullnmu' pieiions
th"Hlo; in nllur wonl-i, tiioy inlripo.-i! tli" plea
of Vnlti'foi, 1 onii t.
Tlio ..iiliiianop nnilci v.ln'di tli pm-riiitlon as
lii-illnti'il tirmiil.'A: ''Tint fioni an.l alter Ilie
p.i-.ip of tills oiilliisii. p any p"i-..n nf piM'-'O'i--,
"illiin 1I10 eity uf S. iMiiti.ii, v.lio sit ill Kerp any
tippling hhop, unli.-rii-u lion.-p, niuin 01 pla ",
liuli'l, Inn or tiiui :lnio itn'. .piiiltion, lti 1" t
or Imwi'il liqnots rap --iilil, ol'.i'ip.l for .de. ilnink
or i;ii'ii auay, in M.tlatien of ..r.v hiv of P-ii
I ..iniiioiiui.illh, slmll Ii- P.1I1I" to ply a li.i-," eti.
II a iippn.ioii on .inly :ni. Intnl.
11 Mill P.' nUs.'iM'il 1I11I oI'pii" iiin-i-l.' "f
l.eipii"; ii lippbn liuii.p, or plate v.lieii' li..i .ri
aio unlaMnll ili-ptiwil. Sn.-li an offpn.M' is tioe
I's'-afilj in. no or lo . a "iintitiii4 one. Tli'i'
lie nn 1I011I1I but that 11111,'lit bo iiidi' .' 'ti ni'l
o. nt ii toil fur &ti.iiati' liU'it'd sale1, nf liiinoi iitniir
onr M.ituti.-., A lontiction or I'-'iinitl it on it
1 luuie of Illegal .lie of b(imr on Mondiy Mill
nut I.11- .1 tontitlion for m' I. an illtjil on
'Inesiljv; l.nt ttli.'ii the flml iii.lklnipi'.t .iei n
c nlinnoiw olleii-o, r. nnvli lion 01 aciiiiitil Imm
a vilhcpit'iit piiM'tntion for any insip.lii'ii'' for
mii h an i.lli'ii-e. S.'iiiinl vri.ailonV (Tim. l.nv,
M'tlion l."H-; Whnlon'- Ciim. PI. ic IV. Kit ion
I VS. Il itonh! Ii.iwj broil ronipolrnl lor tlio i-om-ini.nuoalth
In (tie oviiloncp of sale? on Ilie i.itli
an.l sow-nth of lYI.iiiaiy, n c!iiikpi1, upon '.ho of die first tiio-ci ntion. btiileiioo of silos
al .11 j anil all linns fumi tin dale of tnc pj".isp!
of 1I10 iiiilin.iiiio until the pm-mitioii via-, in'li
Ii.IhI Monl.l line been iilmi.ihle. All "iifli sale.)
M011I1I half iontitii(i'il insioiliinls of ilie ufTiii.-Q!;i'il. "Tlio lest witirli is In he applied is not t.uis v. io i.iroinl in etiilenee niulir tl."
tonnti i)niaini, bill whether by Ihe irioi'l Hi"
fa. U iliii h uiiulit have heen pioterl in tlio fomi'r
(omplaiiiL wonlil neee.aiily rlalilih Ilie triifli
el the in. sent, ti.niplaint. I..i(l, .'., in fflinn ne
tteallli s lliiliin.'ii'i, 12t". M .., id!. S"e al-o
Ctiiniiuiiw. .dill . lleikivs. -ii Pa., al:!.
HVnii', Ihen loio, i.f opinion tint die (onti ti-ni
beioie Ihe m iyor on the twentieth of,, is .1 l.jr to any oilier pio-ei nti'on fur
siles al Ihe same piiiiiiift, pi.'i.nn to tint dale.
Ami now, Nov. II, 1!i'), jntlijmenl he .liici.etl
to he enlereil In faoi ol the iltfciitlantp.
lu the ruse of (. F. Wells against E.
M. I.owrie, Judge Kolly yesterday
handed down an npinion continuing the
prelbiiinary injunction. The opinion
reads as follows:
1 U praclliully ionce.)oil 1 1 1 .. I Ihe pl.iintifl is
V'i uinr of a ipii't nf one IiiiikIk.I ninl ten
inie.s ..f land in the hon.usili of Aiehhalil, in
Ii. 1. .ni.:.i. .'.ml that the 1I1 le.'ul.inl N Ilie 01 an atliolnins tl.n t upon wliiih ho u
oi.yjgt.l in ininins tod. The ili-ptit-2 is i.s to
(lie loeatioii nf the line letiveen them. Il llio
lino I, loiatnl a, tlaimt'il by the phanlilt, tlio
1hfe111l.ini at the timo .f the i-nlnu: of Ihe
iniiiii.iiuii was iiiiiiln-,' iiion pliliitlll'n land,
it hilu if tlio ilefinilant's ilaiiii lis lu (lie loi.e
tlt.11 nf I l.o line is iiiircct, he was wilhin hi,
nwii limb, nnil was not tit'.-itin:; upnii ihe
plaint. If.-.
Ouliiiaiily in .1 ilirpiitr nf till- Mini a i.nut
.f eiiiil. ha: no Ini'iMliition, iin.l lln pntie
unit In-'d in their li'iial loine.l.t. II. i
piiii. ipl is (1.1 well fsljlillsht'il t it is nn
lie. i'v.iiy In lite ttm jiitlmiilio). lint jnii-ihi"
I'oii ill Cillil.V I- not uiisle.1 by meio (lenl.ll .m
llu- pill (.1 the liefeiulallt. If tin- allegation-; ami
piuofs nf thu plalnllll. '1'Kie nin-l ho a ml,.
.-1.111li.1t ili'pntn as t ill.' i)iiesiion in nuiiro
teisy, Thu iIiiiIj! nt Ihf ihirnilant inu-l be
l.a.eil iipuii faels whleh shotf a Milut.nitul .lis
pule. Millir Is. I.tnih, II!) I'.i.. I'D.
We me ol npinion the plalnutl lu. il.-.nly
pi-i.icn that 1 Im defendant w-.i- liv-pis.InK noon
Im land at the lime tne win. K-ued, and we
do not, tlilitl: Ihe iloleii'lanl ha.-. In hi own
it'tliii.iiiy, shown any t-eiioiis or iih, di
pule :i in tlie l.icU. t t lie ttiul liclitiii: lie
will ii.n a finlher oppoitmnly nt Iwinif tally
hoanl, but, upon the iiiileino l.ll.-n on the
reunii of the iiiIk we think tlio InjiaKtlen
slu.lllJ bit
I'miiltrl loi' ihleiiil.iiit, .-inn the t'lideiifii nun
1 low.!, 1 Lilly, motid tn ill-inl-i ihe piut'i'isltnus
fur Ihe irasjn 1I1.1I Ihe hill was nov piinlul
ami .noil tildiln twiiity iliy- as if'iulird
by Ituli. It, .if lajnhy inhif. llniiiK ciiie.e.l
111,. Ml ll.I, I,,. IlilHf ..II l llllllll III Mill P.llll 11 .1
II) II ll'llllltii ! M I"")'1 '" " "--
tmii'.i he walicil his linht tn .n.ill him-. It of
Hie .:i.isii.ii of the 1 ill.', anil no, Iht'ioloie,
111,' lltlll. Hi,' lOtlllllll.
m in ule Ihe una inn.
And, not, N'nr. II
li'lll, ill; llll" is lli:i. If
al'.-ul.iir, lit im
RemarkahlB Time Made at the Pittsburg-
Walking Match.
lb-1),, lu.die IViic fioin The Assoilatid l'rc.
Piddling, )V, II. Al Il.tH "Vlot-k t'aiaiuui'i
blnke the twcniyoiir laiiir world'ri letord in III.'
sl-.lj.t wjlklns Iiutiii, irneiliiK I'M miles and
ei'-d.l laps in IMt'iity-lliiU' hoiiuami tho mh.utre.
Tlio ioie at nililuitflit of the twebo IcnUm;
nun: laau..ijsh, P-'ll Tahcy, 1 1 '." ; llarmrs, 10;
(aiiwilahi, lrnij Hcifrla'aii. li "f; biy,
il; II n. -I i', i'.7; I'iiiihj, 00; liohjin, Jl; Il in.
IP); Tin.', I'W.
Deadly Duel nt Macon.
By l.i. lump Will- Iroin'llif A-doiiaKd l'ie
M11 n, I!j.. Am. II -J0I111 (fools'iy aii'l 1 luv
bo rulleiti'ii, two pioinlniiit tJiniu nf IlilUboio,
In Jj,irr tuiiiit, iieji lull', ciupliid Iheir plilol,
Into 0,1 fit at tloso rauji' IhU aflciiioon.
I'nlleiion wu kdhd jntjiiily and (jooM.y is
ilylntf, 'llu-y luil ipuik'l ahoul a piece of Und.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method nnd hcnoflutnl
effcols ot tho well known remedy,
Srittu1 of Fiob, mantifacttircil by the
OAMFontttA. I'm SYitnt Co., Jllustrato
the vulueot obtaining the liiiuid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative nnd presenting
them In the form most refreshing to tho
taste and neeeptablc to the ttyatctn. It
Is the one perfect btreugthening laxa
tive, cleansing tho system ciTeetuallyt
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly nnd enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Us perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and Mtb
stauee, nnd its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, -without, weakening
or irritating them, make it thu ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
arc used, as they are pleasant to tho
taste, buttheme'dieinalqualltiesof this
remedy are obtained from benna anil
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to the Califounia I'm Svkui
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of thi Company
printed on tho front of every package.
Fcrsnlo by all Druggists. I'rlco603. por bottlo.
Kentucky's Chief Magistrate Offers
Strong Opinions on the Goebel
Uy Kieliviie Wire from The Avuirialed Pics,.
Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 11. Governor
Ucckhnm tonight addressed to Gover
nor Durhin, of Indiana, a letter reply
Ills' to the erltielsm by that executive
of the courts nnd ofllrials of Kentucky
in his recent letter refusing to honor
the requisition for Taylor nnd Finley,
wanted for alleged complicity In the
assassination of Governor Goebel. He
severely urruigus Governor Dnrbin for
his refusal. charRiiifr that in doing ;o
he vlolnled his oath of olliee to support
the constitution of the Culled States,
and that he became "n party alter llio
fact to the most infamous crime in the
history of this state the cold-blooded
and dastardly murder of an eminent
and disliiiRiilslu-d ritlxen of Kentucky."
The- Kentucky executive alfo clmi-ftes
that Governor Durbin's action in refusing-
was the result of a political
bai'Kiihi made before his election to
oflice and i-hanictcrisios his charses
ayaiit the courts and ollielals of Ken
tucky as slanderous and iincxcusable
lie takes the stand that the governor
of a slate has no discretionary powers,
but only ministerial power, in the hon
oring of legally drawn requisitions
from other states, and this is taken
here as an indication, that steps will
shortly be taken in the courts to com
pel Durhin by mandamus to honor the
requisitions. If such proceedings shall
bo instituted they will be in the courts
of Indiana and taken on appeal to the
Supremo court.
In his reference to Taylor, Governor
Jieekham writes:
Tlicro in no doubt now- thai the ns-a-.,initio;i of
Willijni (joelicl en the Male r.qiltol sionnds wis
the lesnlt of a. taivful and deliberately planned
oonspiraey; he was shot fioni a window in
the otilee of the 0lrttar.t of ftute, not over folly
feel fioni the sovcmor'.s ofllte, ithere W. S. Tai
lor till, u Ihe Mmt -.w Hied; th.,t Tjj lor im
meilialely had all enhance to the Imildlin; i;n.inl
ed and fo-hadc tho ailuiib-lnn of tho neaco ot.')-(i-rs
who son-.dit to enter and auli for the ..s-.n-hin;, ho threw eieiy otiMatls in his w 'i
In tlio uy of prcwntiriK the aiTest anil eninii-ti-ni
of any one Hieokd of the (rime; Hut ho lunl
Ids jiardoni to sniw of thft-e under taiqiii-ion c."i
befoie tlieir aiie.t and linlii'linent; that lie ta'i
iniviunahly 1 lie in the th-.nh of Wil
liam Co.hcl, Mho va c-oiitertiiitr ith lilin the
iilh in the froeinoi.hiii of Kentui !.y; thai he
leliist-if to lecosuii! thu viil of lnk'as ciitjuis.
lilli d the auto caidlol with over ,1
aim. d ile.spei.nloei and threatened the entile dale
with letolnilon uivl arnicliy ami th.11 today lc
is ,i trlnxinsr t-uiipllrant a .lour h-ei, licsulnif
1I1.1I In- he not itlven ner to tiial mi an intllit
intnr ehaicai lilm nhh heini; .1 lon-iiiralor 111
tho uniiiler of Ids wneesfliil, Ii 'vtnilil he
no fati-iattii 11 to .uui-h an iinio-i nt nun foi this
F. W. Underwood's Yacht Ituns
Ashore in the Hudson.
Ily i:ihisne Wlie fiumTlic .Wocia'.i'd l'ns,
Xewbui-K-. Nov. II. The yacht t.'oromt
steamed up the Hudson yesterday with
her owner, F. W, Fiulerwood, president
of the i-hle ralli-oad, aboard.
At Flshkill the yacht ran aKi'ouud
and lost her rudder. Mho was backed
over to Xewlnn-fr and Is now at tho
lli,iU-;e ti.iuit.t. Cillfoinii, I1.1.-. IJD'l ant's 111 pel-miti-:
die niiti.ul ihh K'.i..n is (tmuivil at
-lOO.tKJtt oiiml., worth ii),M,
Au mii' of land will arte- I.vm i.mids of i..'
petals, fiuin which file ounef.s of the altr.- nny
lie ds Hied, and this iiiairllit h,n a m.11 ha i.ilno
of train ifl't to fcSJ, Tlio tose'valtr, n hy-pinduii,
onioiiiiH to ::ui i.-allois tho utie, ttoith fnnu 7J
lilihi In M a y j Hull.
II r,,(,fi) iiidnuilt'd hi'', I.) in.ihc .t pounil, j.. when tlio hie leave Its hhe in Manli
01 livin'V II iicihs only the ilvctliuiiijiiillli pan,
of a iionnd, When il i.iuim, hotievir, 110111
the tiel'ls and llowoi-, freiuliud v-ilh Iffi".'. H
U thteo tiue.s iK'aiy. ijj
lu .sonic pun of IViii-.or cainple, bi (lie
piovinee d( .lailji.i-hvi:,' ctnpi .lie 111
mii.iII uiln, lu tn aO b.'liifj: tnuided lor i, In the
III JI let phl'Os ,u,d in the i-li.'ps ihe lnUi.ui, in.ue
mot of tht'll' puit'tiaiej Willi lhl bliltU- .-"tl f
inwiity, Oiiv will i;t! (no or ilireo tuii-i for
llJiulV, anoUitr for jmlitiu und a ll.inl for dg.ii.
'llic-o vgg aio pjilad In lott'J y IhiJ lii
hn pen and tint u l.iin 1'ioin 'IjuJ4 ulonv
st'itiiil thotisond loadj 01 cut "' mmtull; foi-v.-jrdt'd
to the ijpltal.
A Knis kOldiir civile Jt Tailae, in die
I'klllliplnta, writes home! "Ilie natlus htiu
ate not !!. hat,Awai(l ill mauv thins, r.hilo In
tilhcis they me nn httU'i' than siiaKe... Some of
them lij.o (..on ediKalioiis, and aliuut ,U p. r
(t-nt. 1. in lead ami wtile. lejt llnj- nt- (die .ml
ty. 'Ihen' food Is mil iMco lu the leait
Til) cat I11I..1I ),latshoppiis and .ltine bui,'s
wllh ii'llrli. Snails all' .inourr Bleat illnh for
ihi'in. Of lunice, tlie.-e iiro ijlleat.'ie.s tor t'.i-ni;
ilu'l ilvii'l hale llitin fU'rjr rtjy. Illee U ihor
1111I11 illih. They look a. bi,' pot ol It, and hui
all Ml iIomii aioiiinl h Jinl rat with then iIdikh.
KntVM and folk aic iinKiiotiii to lliciu. V't
01110 u( llitie very taine poplo tjn if id'n
un.1 flu-el, and talk probably two or lluec mod
via lJHtuji:i.
Our Importations of
Arc now here, and we are ready to supply the
wholesale trade for the holidays
We Invite Inspection of Our Stock.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Occupies an Imperishable Position
NO. 23 S. Eighth St.,
Scranton. Branch Office, Nos.
ACAWlIMV-llnntlcylliirrii fcloik toin.iny. At
teino.m nn. I ni-lit.
STAIt Hon Ten llmlexitii'ii. Ai'lerno.m and
Bon Ton Burlesqueis.
IMvmi-iI I'. ltuli'? Hon Ton Itnrle.-'.iners lieRin
.1 tliioc d.i.tV t'lifC'iseinent at Ilia tlienter
e.sttiil.i.f. Tiie iierloini.ineo sriven y tills
is (jtiite tip lo Ihe sl.imitnl of ttu.Mi apii'Mi'
in? .it this thiuter ilminer lliu just two tot-'.',
tliiili is s.13 incr u
l-'rjnlc llyron is the Lomeill.iM anil he is
(iilninly 11 oty funny in. in. In Ilie 1-I1.1r.11 tcr
of I'hihnn Humps ;i plireuolosi.-.!, in lite tipentncr
htnletlj, he it. is ifiieii opiiciruniily lo esen i.-e
hi-. mJrlli-pi'otol.nit; iihilities .mil he iilil not Mil
Ii. .lt-.iil lilni'i'lf of Ihe .ime. I!oi.i.hy the plentiful
merrnnt'iit, t lie in.-iilental minr-i anil . horu.-e ilnl l' ni.iho tiie act a pionouiin'it ut'eJ-.
Anion:,- Ilie piellv Mimirn in the ti'inp.iny .11c
1.. hi ir-c 1..iiKilon, .111 io Monroe, Miiiu Kokcis aii'J
1.1111.) Mir.-li.ill.
Jtjiie Itoft-rs IilkU tiie olio Willi K.nie frt.utl
soiii.'-', .111.I is lollottdl l.y M1r.11l.1n1l .in.l Miur.iy,
tomt-iliin.--, illi .1 iitnnhir ol netf l-i;;--. Mi. moo
.111.I MiMiiIl .il-o hive ii i; ,n.t. Olio nf (ho
ili.-tintt fe.itni-i-, of 111- hill is Ilie turn of l'
lit ron .mil l.nui-e !;tIou in " I'lie Du.le lletei
life." ('Initio-. Weil iml ,t jusyh r of tmic.ii ile
leiily, at-o aiipe.-in '!.
"Tho Hon T..11- lln l.'outo" it tlie title of Hie
cm. 1 luilii'.r lnnh'.-'ine, tiijji'thrf with Ihe
SltvillS of tin- lllll III' liillllllhltl.-, tlio In-
teie-.tin .i-ih-t ineo of 11 lii'ie ami pietlily os
tiini"ii (horv. The lnitle-iitie on Hie "Ttll Me,
I'retty M.i'tlfii" mhis of T'lorodor.i" was Mvy
Xewis Morrison.
Lewis Moiri.-on him-.lf v.ith .1 in.isnilh .-nt :nv
tpet.lai.ul il- ei.-ir. of "I .tti'-t," ;i Mipeili s, ,-irt
of niw nr iic ninl .1 new .ir.Iimii! of sic it hi'.'.uly,
will at Ilie Ljietini WoiIue-.ii.iy aflenionn
.mil ennin, .-upiioilfil hy liie r-t i.iiji..l 1I1.1
r.ittie rompjny ho h'.t, t'tet taiiie.l. I' ( f-lort.-t
.111.I ep(n-o luti heen livi-he.l 011 llii?
se.t-on'-i inoilitLliou, Mhieli 11 Ftiil to lie the
iiil.(l ami moat not. I treatment ever uiton to
tlie theme (toetlie inimoil.iliti). Tlie lisht tf
leoti iin.l elttlriul t-mpti-e.-i an; c-u't i.illy .'.'tl
tnl.iteit to pnnohe ..iii'iir, i-iuie the loteiuol
cl(( trie! iliit of New Yoi'v lute ininy he.iti-
(iful .iml tliter-- v. elliti.--, wiiitli hue hcen
p.itenteil tor Lewi. Moiti.-on- o.ln-iNe 11-e,
Tin, i-ea-tn's Hrotheii Mi-ne i- eono-ilul to ho
the uiohl powerful ci...-.ition ..( i-uone.e.-t of
ilr.itn.itic tlini.i.'.c. Tlieie Is nt-u-r .1 .tic.i.m in
lu the ot tliis toihn I ion or tin' ahilitt
of Hilt, slar, ami i'oii-eiiicnlly Hu-io i- noiy imli
c.tlioit ol irowdoil lioin"5 at tlie Lji-riim toiiur
row allernoou .111.I nl-jlii, when l.etti' Mirrl-on
hiir.-.-lf will po-ittiely ,iiie.u, A huv.ihi
day iiMlinco will lf jrlvn at i!.l". SeJlt .tie lion
Oil .".lie.
'Molly Pitclier."
Sime the -lliUo-Jiieetncnt 11.1s ln.-t 'hat
Kjtlir.tu Kiiliiti would Mar thi m-.iiihi .i "Molly
l'itihor," the .iie-tion h.t-i ..(ten l-ei'ii a-Ked why
Ihis faiuoti lilslorit! thaiaittr w.i. nrtei- hefore
li'tio-liiuil to the t-t.-i-f. Tlie wondenneiiL i- nit
11r.1l en.ititili, for Molly I'iMier, tiie Inriilnt' 01 the
ie-.nluti.jn, is (rrt.tluly full ot Mmns,- i.-po."ibllllie-,
A Ijiki' ainheni.) will 11111l1.11l1te.lly
wllne--. tho invilnitiun in tiiis t-ilf when it i
pte.enteil at, (In Ljt-tuni on 1'ii.liy, Nov, ."..
Mln-i Kidder is .iid to he -.uppoiletl h,.- an
slrouir luinpaiit. A lario .-eenle . iiiimteiit
i-. iiiiuiieil, lii'lins .1 01 the (.nnm,
Initio of Momnotilh, wlieie Jlnlly I'llcla'f ih.i
tlnmiirhiil lieiselt hy loadimr .Hid lliin-i ilie t in
noli ihtouijliiut tlie 1 mjjccnieiit,
STAGE NOTES. i lepirieil In h" iir-iolUiiii-:
Cltile 1'ittii i.ji .111 miijiiul comcily.
itl.imht II..U... mIiu is In a IK'tiolt ho.-pii;,l
Millerins tim IMilmnl tin., has h.i'1 .1 le'.ir.-'
and her I'omhtion t- .iali'jeii.u,.
CI) (In rith'-i "Tin' I.Jt of the llindie-." is
uulnir M-i.v well In London, the hit-iiil!d aitiiiu nf
llei'ihohni Tic heli-jf .1 Li:." I.i'.-toi in It i'leoesi.
S. Miller Hint's m-ikhi ill "the CiimIjo;.' and
tho laid)" In I'odi tiiu'tisin'.'ly niui'-itiil. Mr.
lunt ifom into lloslon shortly 101 .1 b".i.son ot Uc
w ci k'.
r.dw.itil MiAV-iil.', Ihe iiulhol- of "U ill. Iic-L r,"
has v. 1 il iii ,1 Hew lonuulii' play, .alh-d "Tin'
I. in. of M !(!)." Il "HI li"l l' I'lodiited until
next taM-um,
Tlio litest ill-lie ilt.iiu.i li imiie to liie li'ont I3
(dlled "Tito lli'ji-vii ot fit.uiiHille," It is ;i Iht
ait alliir and Ui ilali ot in-.-ent.itloii ha, not yet
hteii nuilc I'lthlie.
IMrt.11. 1 ll.iiliij.ili let 1 til ly siiite.ileil Dillon
l-i(hj)o as 1 111 ti Tom III 1I1.1I 1I1.11111 at llo-ioit.
and i ci.'dlted wilh ln-.r-.llui; the old olo Willi pathos .ind liiteie-it,
llllahelh T.'H'it is huh uliu mule ik.l'i 'Im
IVohnuil IOUiM, and will he vneii a -noiiiiiit'iit
lolc in llio Ihupiio Moil, loiupiny. l.i' -i- in'lt'
last s.-1-.oii witli tin' "I'lihatini'l Ulead" fin
uny, a l.lihhr k I t.nip.tuy j.i..ihirtion.
New Jersey Ceutrnl,
Ktatlon I" N'W Voili-l'oo'. of l.iht-ilv sirot,
N, It., and South rniy, Arrangement C.iircuo.l 10 11a. la, VOL
'lialns Itaio fei.itiioii fur New,, .ewaih,
l",ll-.uholli. I'hlladclphu, lUttun. Ili-Uiit-liwii, At.
ieniowli, Mdtieli Chtinl; and tVlilto llivcii, ot jj.JJ
a. in. I cxpuv-i. l.W, :ir-, 1 U) p. in, J-um-tlays,
2.n 1 1. 111.
I'or I'iltfcton Jinl llhea-ll-itic, .'.jj a. in.; LIU
and L() v '" Stiiiila) s. 3.13 p. 111.
Tor llaltlnioie aii'l Vjlilnjt..n jmiI putnu
Soutli Jinl Wct vli llt'tlilclicm. s.j'i a. in., 1.10
and 4.01 p. i. isJinliv--, ili p. 111
I'.r Lou-; Hrmnh. Ui-ean t.iou, tit , at S.55
3. nt. ant Ll'J I', in.
foi llu'lmti, l.t'iJiien and MaiiUi.up, l,i .
leiitown, i.O'j a. nt. Jtid 1.1U .. hi. ,-.ndj)j,
-.'. 1J p. in
I'm I'otUvillc. S.rA a. in., I ID p. in.
I'or Mouulaln I'atL, S.jj a. m. Lin and .oi)
p. 111.
TIirou;h tliUU to all poiuti ei-l, wulli .ml
Wtl it lowct Ules at the, (.Ulluu.
C, M. lll'ltl'.llltn. I'jm. Asl.
W. W. WIISTZ, Jit., (Jen. bupt.
Unquestionable Superior Merit
Annually adds thousands of names to
the long list of Smith Premier users,
representing every line of trade and
every profession
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
1 and 3. Arcade Building:.
Schedule in Effect June 2, 1901.
Trains leave Scranton:
6.45 a. m.( week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car nnd
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; stops at principal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg- and the
0.38 a. m., -week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg. Philadelphia. Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. in., week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. in.;), for Sunbury, Har
risburg. Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pitts
burg and tho West.
3,33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
couches to Philadelphia via
Pottsville. Stops at. principal in
termediate stations.
4.27 p. m., werk days, for Haaleton,
Sunbury. Harrisburg, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
.1. II. HIUVIIINSON". (ten. M;r.
J. K. WOOD. Cien. IM-w. Ast.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Ihfett June 2, 1001.
Ti.iins leae -(.r.tiitun:
for Philadelphia ami New Yolk 1 1,1 II. & II.
It. It., at tl.15 and !'.") a. in., ontl 2.1?, t.iJ
(Hl.iek Diamond r.pre-"). and 11.30 p. in. ijiin
da..s I). t 11, I!. It.. 1 a-. -.-' p. 111.
Tor While Haven, Hjzirlon anil
points in tlie coal legions. i.t l. k II. It. 1!..
ti.lj, 2.19 and 1.27 p. m. I'or HotUtillc, tj.i'i a.
in.. 2.1 p. nt.
For llctlileliem, Ka-'on. Iteadin-,-. II.irri-.huri;
ami inteiuiedi.itc -.taliou-. ia H, & IL
I! It U.ICi, '-'.' ) '; '-.I"'. L-" tllla'k I'ii
mcnil Kxpre-s), U.M p, in. Sinida)--, I). ,t II.
1! It., P.'W a. in.', 1.6". S-27 p. 111.
Tor TiuiUiiinnotk, Tow.ind.i. Ulmii.i, ltliaej.
f.'tliea and principal iutermeili.ite nations, ill
I), Ij. k W. It. IL. A10 n. 111. ami .".111 p. 111.
For l.'t-iieia. Itotlie-let, Hull, il", Niagara rails,
CltkaKo and all I iU west, jl.i I). & II. It. It..
7 1; 1I.J5 a. 111.. 1.2s. " (lJlack lllaniond l.
press), 7. f. lull. ILHU p. m. SumJ.ot, 1). A, II.
It. It.. 11.51. S.27 p. 111. , ,,.,,. parlor anil slcrpint; nr Lelnsli illey
nailor ens mi all train 1 hetween Wilke.-Ilnii.
and New York, Philadelphia, HufTalo and Su-peii-iou
Hi lii'ie. .
ItOLLIN II. WILBI.'lt, fteti. &ii)L, 'JO Coitlantl
(.lieet, New Yi.rk,
CII.Mtl.KS H. Ll'.L'. tten. I'JfB. Ast., 2o Cortland
btrect, New York.
A. W. NONKMACIir.Il, Ulv. I'Jvl. Agl., South
Hetlileheni, l'.i. ,, , ,
For tk-Kctit and I' reservations .ipply to
Ofi'l I.'uhaivanna ateniie, tieraulon, I'a.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
in Ihiei t Nov. :;, inoi.
T1.1I1H lotve Sti.iiiluii I' r Now Ymk At
,1.1,-J, CO."., 7,;i0 and ii.0iii. in. 12.13. .'Mil. :l.;::i
1' 111. Tor New Ymk and Philadelphia -7 ..i),
in.fl.. .1, 111.. ami 12. 1 J nnd ;l.S:i p. 111. I'or Tnhy
li unit At CU) p. in. I'or ii.2! anil
.mi:, in.; I..",'. U..M) and ll.ej P. 111. I'or Ilitiir-
hamloii und way .stations in.'-" a. in. and Lin
11. 111. I'or OsWiC". i5)' ami Ltiea l.l.i uml
11 ' a. in.; I.".) p. 111. Oawci;', t-.Macii.o 11ml
t:fk.i train at 11.22 a. in. d.lily, et-ept Mindly.
I'm Moutro-e-U.ii'i a. m.i 1.10 and niiii p. in.
i ...i.iintiH.ditioii Li") and t'.l". p in.
' llliioniiliiiri.' DliUion- I'm X..11I huhmd, at
it.-!.-, .111,1 lil.O'i .1. m.l I-"''' J lid ''.H' P. '" loi'
I'll month, at tr.Hl a, m.; -t. It) and (i.t-n p. in.
Suiid.iv Ti-iin- -l'"i' N.w Y01I;. I. in. it.h".. ..n"
and tn.ii". .1. 111. : '1'l'. -:;'i P ' ri1 littJlo 11-.
ui.d rt.-.'l a. in-! I ''. '"0 'ind n.h'i P. in. lei
lliiiulianitnii and w.t) nation- -Hi 'W .'. in.
Illooiii-huiir Dhlsiou-Leavo fct union, 10.0. a.
in. and n.lil P. in.
Delaware and Hudson.
In I'tVect .lime 1; 1101.
Tralnt lor Caihoiid.ilo N ran I on at fi.5f,
Stl) S..-.-I 0.i:i .1. m.i I'-'.O". 1.2:1. 2.11. !!.'.',
V'') ()".'.. 7.'i7. IM'), 1L20 p. m.i I. Hi a. m.
IVr 'lloiic-dilo and Lnko l.odore, O.'.'iJ. 10. I a.
m " 11 and .1.2'J p. in.
IVr wiiki'vllilio-.'-. t.t'. Ml, ft!U, 10.11
a. 111.S 12.03. 1--W. !-. "". ''?' '-. T.I?,
in 11 ll.tll) P. HI' . -
V..' L. V. It. IL IMInl-i-tU', 1I.SS a. in.: J.H.
A "7 and ll."'l P. '"
l'.,r !'ciiiV)tvaiiU It. It. I'oliiU-tU.-., P.i'., 2,1,,
" " I 'tntl t.2f P- ,l1'
I'or AH'-iny "i1' M points nQitli-ti.20 .1. m.
a.l-1 :..' P. '"'susYTItMNS.
Tor Carhomlale-KtO. Jl.u.! a. ill ; 2.11, 3.J.
6.12 and I0.5 p. in, , .
Tor Vllke.sIlaire U.S ' I'l-i 1--OJ. t.Jf, J..
J.W and s. U p. in.
Tor .Mluiiy uml l',11 i"th-'-'J l.,ii.
Tor llonedilo and I..1I.0 l.odofu 5.50, U-3
a, in. and '' p. m. .
New York, Ontailo and Western.
l.i'jie l.oavo Anno
Vii. t
No. 7
Seunlon. t ai''ak. 1 .no.,n. ni. ll.ioa. in. J it) p, m,
.. 11.10 p. 111. Ai. t'.iihoiidaloti. 10 11. ni.
Hll'TIl IIOf.Mi. '
l.tave ,, !"'JV, Ann j
Llilotll. (ailioinlal'. .. u, in. V. in j, ,
.2.I5P- in. 1 W P. in. 1. VI 11. m'
'.i'sti-iY.. OSl-V, NOItl'lllKlf.M). '
Iabvo l.eai-ti Aiiit-.,
No. ti
No. 5
i-traliton. L -inoiulilt', (-..dooij.
, ,J.:in a. in. , atop. in. IO.ijj, ,
, , 7,i) p.m. Ar-Carbond-lc, t.jj ,,, m.
I.cjic Leave Alriv.9
rad-tei. Catlioiiihilt. Kunten.
,. 7.(ii)u. 111. 7.1'lj in.
. i.Mp. in ti'lti P- in. (I.I.) n. in
No. I)
No. 10..
ruins Sob. 1 on wi'k "').. tin.) i) on -im.i j .,,
maU nuiii line tomiituo... .u, -,.,, , cy
511,1,1), town. Waln.11, Nnttvi h, Oneid.1, 0,uv
and nil polnli- "-i.
Pol ( lnfoiniali'-n. i-otiinll Inket auciitt.
.1. c. wnr.itsoN. 11. p v.. N.w -.oiv.
J. L. WLLII. T. P. A.. Siuiiton, t'a.
E1I0 Railroad, Wyoming Division.
Tuiii for New Yolk and inteiiii.-illuie jjia
leaie ti'iaiiton folltiAt; 7.1 a. lu. : 2.21 p. in.
Airval, 10.-"i a. in Iroin llone-tljle, llawley
iml inieiini'dlii" point,. H.20 p. in. from Xwr
Yotk iml liiU'iiuvillJte point). No .Sunday tuliu.
of seedless Tsislns cadt'ear.
aTiis iray ;ive utrtoo i3Btt
tho ilcttiAiiil ihotittilcratten,
n year to -sntisf y. It 5s " con
ilcnsed" ini"oTm;cTi!aiutola
5ome, digc-rtiblo anddelicioas.
(Oc. a package
Tairh uraWtic two lcrsrri jiltyJ. XtK
Jt'rult Onko nnd 1'rnU: PtvlcHlKj,
Valnable iirranlumJIsttn-papkiiC.
lift ian,,,,tU!lnii'-iCn.lcu--llle.ll1Ri
By a recent act ot the legisla
ture, free tuition is now granted
at tlio
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to .ill those piopni-lng to teach.
This school liiiilntiiins cdui-fios
of study for teuchots, for those
pre pur ins for college, and for
thoKu studying niuaic.
It will pir to write for particular..
No other .i-hool offers tnuli tinierior ail-vantage-i
at low rales. Addicsi
J. P. Welsh, A. M., Ph. D.,Prin.
T. J. Poster, President. Elmer II. T.av;ll, tVcis.
B. J. I'o.slcr, Stanley T. Allen,
Vlto Trcsidcnt.
-. iAAA ". S.j- -
Cor. Sixteenlli .St. anil Irving Place,
Anicriean Plan, 53."0 Per Day and Upward",
l.'uropean Plan, l.0) Per l)Jy and Upward
Special Haiti (o l'amllic.i.
10-.'.3(U.10lt Knit l.'.llt Street.'Kl-:HSO.Si)n thnroiishly firBt-cliJ
farilly nnd ttansiont, hotel. nffprinKfttnmln'
iiiuni ensi ftmatimtimof Jtniiryiinit comfort.
On I itli .Stro6t,jiit.o-iiitof Union Bquare.
it la within 1 few minutes ot tho loading
shops, theatres and clnh.s.
European Plan, SI. 00 up.
American Plan, $2.50 up.
Suilos wilh Privala Bath, $2.00 up.
I'or special rat os.Kttides or information write
JOII.V K. ,I1.TITFIIMI, I'rnprlotnr
For Business Men
In tho heart o th9 wholcsatt
For Shoppers
t. minute:' wall: to WanamaVers;
S niInutK3 to Slccel Coopers Etc
Etorc. Easy ot acceos to the areas
Dry Gooda Stores.
For Sightseers
One block from B'way Cars. etV'
Ins easy transportation to au
points of Interest.
Oiily one Hlock from Uroadway.
KOOfflai Pl UP. prices Reasonuble
---4--f-f----f -
inonrfo hm
i nuu ou 0 qui 0
Manufacturers of
430 to 4S5
N. Ninth Struct,
Telephoii-J Cull, 2I53.J.
" iiboitlhouoodflful
MRVfl Whlrlinij Spray
.;w i? .'Vi
,m 1 cfUt ,r? ,.v'
t , v; ' ex VI 1 .1 new wn.rj.i.i'. ,,"dl,
.sc Act vi wiMi.i "ii.wii. vi i;
!,. "- " -.' Si IMlM)llUlll.
ll'aicntcil.J -? A)
lit i-wr-liu-iiit "f 11. , jf,r -?,- fffK . ,i jt
rtlAHVKI, ...''. I'llio, , s "--, v 1,111 .i.i,il for ll s J ' ' ly
ll.l'ltf '"'"' ejri0ir. 'e.r
liuiiate.ll.oli ? It );"',.. A
, par t-nt-i -iuiiii'-"',',1-,-""'1;.,. "1 . u
HU it.lw tt tn.llpi. mlHUIilD.. W , 'if
ocni m. Times lids.. Xtw Yerlt. v-