The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 12, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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jfin itl In the ,eriitiloti 'I'lbutir.
IIiiiii'mIiiIp,Nia 1 1. 'I'lic tlitity-fiiitrlh
iiiiiitt I wiwiim in' i 1r Wayne (utility
ViiiIhi.m' IiiMtliiti Iicmui nl - '' loci.
lit" alti-ninon ill thi' toi'vl liiillrc.
County Hiiiici'liiti'iiili'iil linnet' apoUu
(Vllllls Of tVOllllllll' to tlir lc,ll'll"lH, tlll'll
lntlOlllll'fll Plllf. VVlllklllK. Of HlTlllllOlt,
WllO I'lllllllll'll'll II HOIIK Hl'IVlM'. Jll!l
tlriii'c Wlillury tiuHli'H at lln piano.
Devotional oncu'Ihoh vieri i undue ted 1y
Ho. (i. A. J'Jaci', of the .Metliodhl
(ditinli, Tun Itiindlrd and lltlpcn
ieill'llt'l'ft IVl'IO Pill Illicit ill I! i. in. Su
i'i'liit(inli'iit Ilntier ruin been iliitirintf
11 llitt ClflU'tH til H'lllli till' l)l"t. vV-s II
ostlll limtlllctiil.s fin tin' IllHlltllU' mill
till' I'lcnlni; I'litorliiliiuti'litK u iv of it
blsh rliiH.i, iifi'urdlni; lino opportunity
for toiiolii'is mill ollicvn to hear tlilrt m
vay oi' tnli'iil, None will full to licir
ntlll HCC ljl'l.lllll TtUVCTM plliy till' lllllll-
vldc rmiii'ily "David liutrlek" Tuesday
fVouiiiK. lie H u fiivoilto of llonnsi
dnlc people. J It linpprMiiiiili'H nine dif
ferent clinrai lets In thin pin v.
Tlii' iiii'ctliiKK In the Mi'tlioiTrst c-hurch
for tlii- p.isl two ttecUH lnivi' been
kiouIiik in liitcreHl. ami will coiitiiitio
(liit-lnt; tlie pres-ont neck.
The liiPinlii'is of tin' T'retbj Ipil.m
choir 11 111 hold n uuidy, mid i-iikn
wile. In lite i liupi'l, Tilduj, eninmrni -lni?
ill "J p. in.
The J-.tilie.".' Aid Foclety of SsVeloyvllle
will S"i m .i chicken nipper in Hie
heboid house Tliui'hd.iy evenincr, tor tin
benelit ut the i impel luiid.
Jliss lhninii limns, of .Sci.inloii, Is
,llP KUCitt of lltllll"-dltle tl'ielld.
K. Lewis KiiIkIiI. or lliuu'O" lc. X
V., was a business Isdtor In llouci-d.ilo
311 Hututda.
The result of (he lute flection I- t oti--.lusive
eIdi'liie that the Uepublii :m
voteis of AV.ij in county liitriuony.
C. M. lielz wiih plirced in lioiiiliiatloii
as .t non-pm li.-an i anduliile ior lountv
tt'cnsuier, mid was elei ted hy a
ily ot Isil. while Vcikii. of tlie i-tite
fusion ticket leceiiid ST pltu.illty In
the count e.
Tier. A. O. n.illciicnnip, who has
set veil ns pastor of St. John's: i.utliet.ui
i Inn ill ot Jlonehdale, 1ms ueiepled a
e:i 11 to the pastomto of the Fitt-l C.ei
niaii i.utheian i lunch of Si ran ton. lie
will enter upon his duties thou nivt
The l-idle-' llc-Ilif corps of ihe
Gland Aimj ol the Kepuhlie. me in
need of luiul.s. To iniel ihe need tliev
will set u mi ovhter suppei in tin town
hall Tin1! day evening.
A loiineil lias been i ailed hy the
Plinth Clinton ihiplist chinch, for I lie
pin pose ot oiiinining their p.tsliu , Ibi.
("bunt A. Stanton.
"Tin Vill.iRO 1'ai-on" Mill lie seen
at the upui.i hotii-e Vi iday eeiiuiK,
No . 15.
.Mr. and Mis-, llmiy '.. Ilu-sell haM
veluined lioiu :i tiip. which ini luded a. to tin Taii-Ameiieaii and i-onn
i'i tem i I ties.
Tlinina.s i;. i 'allow. l. died at 10
j'eloek Sunday eenins, at his iesi
denie on Ujheiiy aemie, as the lesnll
if a paialytic stioUe, whlcli he Miffeied
several weeks jro. Bei eased Is sur
led by his -lte, one daughter, J'.
Isabella, and s-on, ('laienee, at home,
nud s-on, Kdw in 1!., ot the 1 law ley
l'lnica. William l'alluu-a. , of Au h
hald: .Mrs. Kaehel TeiwilliRer and IS.
II. Calloway, ot Scranton, me brotheis
mid sister of dec eased. The funeral
will be londueled by Itev. C,, A. Tlaie,
al hi.s Kite le.sidenie, AVulnesday at ::
p. in. Inlerment in (ileiul.beiiy eeine
tei. The j.prvli e at llie slave will be
In I'hniRP of the llusonle older, of
Willi h he was a member. Deceased
was out of Iloiii'S-duie's niost lespoi ti d
and bst business men. lie had been,
ronnected Willi the J li. I'.iown furni
ture and uudertakim; f .slablislinieiH
sluie he was IT .e,n ol m,e; was
treasun r ol the 1'iotei lion KukIiio
i onipany lor Ihlity-tuo Pe
ceased u.i" T ,e.ns ot ape.
l'(xhl to the Scrjntoa Irilninc
MontiOi-e, Nov. 11. The lit ht week nf
Xovemlier teini ol mint opened in this
plate today, .Indue Daniel ".V. Searle
Attorney A'. U. 1!. Alney has just
pui chased a line automobile, which ho
has alieadv inastcied btilliciently to
Uko lieiiuent tntus of Iho town.
Hon. 1). C. Titinan, who was Ittken
peiloiisly ill on Thursday, is now nn
Yio1iik and his letoveiy is expected.
Kohei L 11. Jesstip, e?i., of Hci.uuon,
Vi.M a guest at 11. (.!. Scott's ovei Sun
tliiy. Ur. I'. IX Jtackey has imrehnsed the
A. 11. llmiiliil place, which adjoins the
Is one of the curious expressions used
for tvotked out. Many a ivoinnn diopi
into a chair, in utter weariues-s ''all
played out," and wonders
why she hcls so weak. She
lias not yet realized that
the licillii is
intimately related to
local health of the
Roman ly urganiiin,
that weakness must
follow womanly dis
of the general
health invari
ably follows
the use of Dr.
Pierce's Fa
vorite Pre
ecrintiou. 1 1
regulatet the period", dries weakening
drains, heals inflammation and ulcera
tion, and cures female weakness. It
tranquili.e'. the nerves, encourages the
appetite and induces refreshing bleep.
There is no substitute for "I'avoiite
Prescription," for there is nothing "just
as good " for womauly ills.
"I wMi to mlvlse tlie !'ifl"iiluK women of tliii
fieat Hinl, of the Rood I Imvr readied Irom I)r,
'loieeS J'avonte l'recriitiou anil (loliltn M.
ical Dico.eryi' " writes Mri. Maiy hluiiiiell, ot
ColiimbiH Uruve, ViitiMin Co tiluo "for fmir
years ( luil jieen a sulftrcr Irom lemaletrouljles,
suit at time v.m inuble lo do iitu Hie l;our
work lor three in the tuuiilj I hail such p-uus
that I sutfereil iilnimt ilf.illi iloon-, of time-,, but
alter t-ilciiig lue bottle, nl om nirdkineo I cm
truthfully say that in health wu ereatly im.
jirovcri, have a kooJ aiipetite ami am Kalnlti?
In tlesii rltflit along This (print; i the llrst
time in five jeurs iliat I liae done my home
cleaning nil by inytelf and without ihr Ict
fatigue whatever I hope alt mn.-rlug women
may tinfl relief as I haedonc,
"My (jain in weijjht has been just ten pounds,
ud I am btill Kaltuug."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, iooS large pages, paper covers,
is sent free on receipt of si one-cent
stamps to pay expense of mailing only,
or for cloth-bouuit book, send st stamps.
Address Dr. R. V, Pierce, liuffalo, N. Y,
so f iA
the A. HtYSv
doitoi's rcldeiico on 'West Chill eh
.Ml.s l.oictlit JliCahu Ih lcltlliK her
uncle, Kev. 11, ,T. .Murphy, at his homo
In Olyphanl, Vii.
At l . lleiilaiiiln Nuyloi H the giicst of
fi'leiiihi ut fiitnntnwn, I'a.
A. V. K"eul, of Huiokl.Mi, Is a priniil
neiii vlfdtor In low n today.
uiir enenilile toivnunan, I). S. AVnt
i on". Is able in be about town some,
nller beliiK pioti'uted by paralysis a
week or so nsro.
John II. u'lhlen was a l,sltoi In
isingliuniton on Saluiday.
A larie number of .Moiiliuse jionple
au uliiiinlli'jr to attend the Xoidlc.i
conceit, at the icinutun mnioiy, on
Thin sdny nlKht,
The talr for which the ladles of the
1 had a little husband, no
1 put him in a. pint-put
Tlieic me tin ft men ir this
Jkthodiht ihmch luve been planniiif;
so loim, will 0)eu at the chimb lomoi
io evenlns and i lo'-e Woilne-da.
even In1;.
lloicae Uiowster has imeha-ed tlie
.lolinson fin m, near South Monti oo.
MI-s Ida Doolittle, w ho lias been i
ItiiiK fi lends- in town, has leimned to
lier home in Meslioppeu.
The Centuiy club is tlie appellation
b which tlie new sm ial organUation
of tint, jjlan is known. Tlie club has
its ipiaileis veiy eoinfoitably tin
nislied, and is alieadv pioing a Miy
popular institution.
.Mis Maine Slieiidail, of Meslioppeu,
is visiting iter sister, Mis. 'e, .. ICell.,
m tills pine e.
Special to ll.p Siriulon i'nhune.
Koie-t Citv, Nov. II. II. A
ot C.iibondule, was :i l-lioi
. I'm pie,
in town
A, li. Peter-en, supei Intendent of the
Hillside "oal and lion loiuii.iny Inn,
letiirned home Satiiidayfiom a month's
ibit in Oioon with a ht other. lie had
a veiy ilea stint time and, ineidenlall ,
inspected the pioie.-s of niiniiift in
Coloiado and other minlnpr lesions.
On Kiida, In the Illsli school, tho
pupils debated tlie question, "Rcolved,
That Ci.ii field was a a router man Hum
MeKinley." The aisurnent was -1-:lll-fully
handled on belli side-'. The Juduts
crave the dci ision to the allliinativi .
1 . 1!, Hauls-, of Seianton, was it Sun
day caller in tow n.
Tlie eonmionwe.illh ease against Au
di ew Uotehaur listed for trial nt
Montioso today. .Sevetal Foiesc City
peoples aie subpoenaed n witnesses.
The c hot us of "M.intana" met in ihe
opci.t house this rulim. The ineiii
beis aie euthu-iastie in tudr work,
and the piosp.'ils of success ate blight.
On Tluusday evenins;- the DaiiKhleis
ol ltebecea will Initiate a laise puinbor
of new meinbei , it Is expected.
lll'-s rioieme Cilclulst, of Como,
spent Sunday In town, and on Monday
went to llonesdale to attend institute.
t'oiiiull ineels in leinlar session to
monow i. cuius;.
Special to the "ennton 'Jutiuiie.
Towanda. Xov. II Mouis Y.iiulor
pool has been held to eomt chaiKcd
wllh cliopphifT an an lislit into the
street when the electric cm rent was
on, thus ondaiiHoilm; the lives of pe
destrians. While blink bass llslilnt; Is at lis best
this season, a llve-pounder was land
ed by a WyaltihliiB llshermnii last week,
A new soldlms' niouumeiiL Is beliiK
creeled at Athens.
,1 i:. Irving, ol IMhler, was badly
hijuied In a iiiiiauay accident whllo
In Towanda last week,
Tho oillceis just elected at a nicotine;
of the lirmiioul county Sunday School
association mo: 1'iesideni, Jtev. K, M.
Cralpr, of Sayro; i m responding sectc
lary, I). F. I'omeioy, of Tioy; statls
Ucnl heuntary, l!ev. Tta HiiiKliain, io
loidlut,' seeielnry, .Miss Susio Peck, of
Mast Smilhlleld; treasurer, J. V. Hloclt
or, of Kpilnpr J I III.
At a meetliii,' of Ihe sunivlui,' iiiem
bet.s of Company c One lluudied mid ic'slmeiu, held nt Momoe
toil, tho following oillceis weio chosen
tor the ensulus; year: Piesldent, f, y.
Kilmer, of Mimroelon; lieasinor, li, j,
Spcneor, ot Canton; leendary, U, J,
Sweet, of Towaiulu; chaplain, Lewis
lllnebold, of Now Albany,
Jtov, Thomas Mitchell, of Tioy, has
been u minister of tho (iosjiel for sIMy
ye ir.s,
The camps of tho TVUiotin Older
Sons of Amiivlea huo been formed Into
two dlstvlcts, each having nine and leu
ordeif, lespectlvely,
Jtov. T. ,l. Honolulu, of Plymoiilh, was
a giu-sc of fi lends In Towanda last
w eel;,
Appiopil.ito ppi ehes ieie held on
Kilduy at tho laying of the corner stunu
of the loundatlon t'or'the boIiIIoivs' and
snlloif.' momimeiit. Thu proKramino
was hi cliaiRe or tho members of tho
flimul Army of the Hupublle, Vatklns
post No. r,H, and Colonel lldward Over
ton was In chin kc Addiesses were
niadu by William Maxwell and Judge
A. C Lanhicr, thu latter piiylutt an elo
quent tilbulo to the old soldlein who
iiuiiibeied ubout 0,000 fiom the (.ounty,
of Hint number Hourly l.SMO nre ntlll
nllvo lo felitlo many of the reminis
cences which look jilueo on tho bitltle
flcld In the 60s. The followlin; tir
tlelcM were contrlbuteil und senled In u
loppct" box 10x10 Inchon unit ten Inchon
deep: American nllk ihur, Humd Army
badRP, conli'lhtilod by AVntkhm iio.sti
I'rafl'H history of Hip One Hundred unit
Foily-ni-Hl ii'Rlmont, kIvoii by M
Davlrn: "The ltoy In Dltie," Riven by
the author, i V, Moivlyj constitution
and by-laws of Hoorgo Clynicr ehnptor,
IJiuightets of the Amerlcnn rtevolutlon,
of Towiiudn: also n copy of the sketcli
of the wm It of the Moniiiuenlnl asso
ciation, names of the president!! nud
cabinet, commander of the army, olll
eetH of Iho stale mid of the county, lists
of depaitmetit olllcern of rlrand Atmy
of the tlepubllc, posis of the county,
copies or eneli paper published hi the
SptcUl lo the 8crnton Ttllmnc.
l'lttston, Xov. 11. Twenty-elKht pu
idls me cm oiled In the iiIrIiI school
which opened In tho IHkIi .school blllld
Iuk; at Kxotor boroURh last week.
Miss Ueithn Cluipman, of lit. Xlon, a
II ! - I ! H1
bisget than no thumb;
and tlieie 1 bid him diiiin.
plctiue. Can ott find Hum?
fonner lesident of West Vitlslon, and
K'rt Ko-apaush, of West IMtstou. both
tiiiiil lecently employes at the Uilbide
Home, wuie inaiiied today. Mr. and
Mis. lloiapatigh will lfslde at IMlts
buig wheie Mr. l;orapaui;h recently ac
i eptf d a luitfitlve iositioli as electili
i.lii. James Mansan's home :il Coik Lane
was badly damaged by 111 o tonlRlil
about S o'i lock. The (lames weie ex
tmKUished by a bucket bi tirade befoie
entiielv lonsiiinins the Imlldins.
Ulirgkiis, llioUHlit to be local pailies,
made their way Into Wolf Diessler's
Snernl stoic at Wyoming avenue,
Slurmerllle, at an e.uly hour Sunday
niorning by climbing; thinugh tlie tian
soin above the limit door. They made
away with goods valued at $1."0, includ
inK men's suits, sweatei.s and shoes,
women's sln'wls and coats', boys' knee
pants and childien's caps. Wai rants
weie swoin out betoie Squlte lieiser
for tlie auest of fie Situ met Hie rcsi-
dents v ho aie susjipf ted.
Viank lhaiis-, of the (Jlyphallt
oid, has been i onlined to his home hen
tor tlie pat few days witli illness.
Dr. I'reMist, a1io oi cupies a piomin
ent position ainoUK the ph.cslii.uis of
tills vli lnlty, .. Ill on Thuisday be mav
l led lo Miss Sue Tiseii, lUiilRrhtcr ot Mr.
and Mis. I.ouls Tiseh of Wilkes-Bane.
I lei beit Saudeis. or this city, who
tecently lesifiiied his position as man
ager of ihe Onlay Packing House at
Noifolk, V.t., and accepted a similar
position Willi Armour & Co. at lllmiia, l etui nod to this place and lnav
embark In the leal eslate business with
J. J. Ai msliontr.
Mis. Mary lltennan, iiued CO e,trs,
mother of ex-Captain Biennan, of Cons
p.uiy II, N. "!. I'., died at her home on
Staik, al au caily hour this
moi nliifj Tlie ftmeial will take plaoo
Wednesdas momiiu;.
Albeit Itleh and Miss Ada Dandle,
both of London. Iiik., woie united In
inatilaKe Saturday ineninir al the par
soimki of the Water street Haptlst
chuieh, by Rev. Uoboit Holmes. Hoth
the bride and Rioiim hne been In tills
count rv only a shorl time. They are
not eonlented with life in the states
and will letuiu to their native home
November t'0, salliiiFr on the steamship
Si. r.tul. Mis. lllc h Is a sister of neo.
and William Dendle, of West Plltston,
Hie well known marble eultors of this
vicinity. After the weddhifr a rot option
amis In Id at the homo of Cleos Dan
dle on llxotor street.
Last eveiilnn about (I o'clock, William
Sle.ul, a minor who resides at tlie cor
ner of Oak and Kllzabcth streets, Ore
Ruii, when voili ItiK for the nlfiht, set
his mluliiK clothes behind the stove
to Iuimi them warm for use hi tho
inoinlns. A nilnliiR lump in one or the
piukPts, of overalls exploded, slttlliR
Ihe lo the elothlliR. The flioinon re
sponded to au alaim and pi evented
the tli t fiom spioadliiR.
I'loics-oi w, I.. Dean, of Kingston
seniiuaiy, Is lsithiR his mother, .Mis.
Nelson Peail.
U, I., Duly has pnlpled his lesldeuio
on Depot stieot, whli li iidib, Riently to
its uppeiiraiice. lie has also puir bused
a lib co of land ol Dr. Mackiy adjoin
Ihr his Im.
Tho bilek stoic on Main stiect bo
IoiikIiir to SteilliiK: iicilioid, ha. been
touted lo Mr. Hulls, of MliiRliaiiiton, N.
Y who Intends openlnc- with a ffl.n.
real stock of t-;oods about Dec. 1,
Tho ptopoity of Miss Ida Miller Is
beliiK lop.ihed by .Mr, Cller, of .Syra
cuse, who has lecoiitly piuchnsotl it,
He intends to take m ssesslou poon,
Tho spelllm; school that was hold nt
the hlKll school buildliiK lust Filday
liicnluir was well intended ami very In-ton-hUns.
Tiolestor W, ., Sanfoul
look the inW.v.
NichiiUoii, Nov, 11. c, M. Nichols
and son Harold, of lllimhaiuloii, weio
callers In town Sunday,
Dr. nud .Mrs. H. K. Wllklus left to
day for (heir new home in Jci.sey City.
Miss Zonule Held i etui nod to her
home at Dpsonvillo, Sunday nlfiht, nrter
a, tliioo weekh' lslt with at
this place.
.Mrs. Aumista Heiijiiiiiln Is siicnding
borne lime with Mends in niiiBhuniton.
Wall Street Review.
SW VoiK, Nov, 31, Tbcre wm anollior day of
Inn nl nnil nUhf rirril1iitli)li In Btoikn Imlny iiml
a lia'go .ilnl Well dMlllmtPit tlritiiinl for iiqihI
miltlilo of Ihe rsllinullnny ilo.illiifn in oimc' of
tlir tiiiiU'itllili iiml rpniil.illM' lioivN It Is
liol.llili' In lhl lii,',!!-,! (hit wlillo tlir ilrdlnits
for llir In'l cik In IijlKi mho Milt liilow Hip
lirue Imdiiria lor tin' t inrepiuiHinT prrlwl of,
1il .ir;ii, (lie pir nliio of tin tmiuU de.iH In
lit Mink FMirilnl tlioi' ot tlii t ill icjiotlilitifT
pi'ilml of lit jnir by our Wl,lW. 'll' ill"
inainl for slncki Iml.iy wm I'vcccilliiitly inrlcil i
.i4 Hie liimrinriit of pilceJ, on nuiiiint of the
fnrt Hi it Ihr IuijIiii; tlennml illlnl to now t'iur
tin ami ti'illrliiK of prollti pmircilnl nitlirly
In lit week i fnnrltr, l.ildlisr nibinlicr of the
iHtidiilnir foico of llie few fixoiltu, 'Urn
lus-i rnnllnuul In n lime evlisit lo unuln In
piiifcssien il h.iiiil", iilllionitli Ihoii' w.H somi ani8'
slim of rp(itl.itlc inteiptt tod i.v linn ly or
i!rn t lit oiltrli coimnlvlon housr, lillr the uo
feiulunil men iloinlnili tho mulct, Iho lirwii of
the thy n II inlliirnce'j utotk cprt illation i
llkol.i to lie ilptoited in 111 pciFpcct vr Id Milt
tho piomiIIiik fcnllniont of llie spictil.itlon. Tu
ill' the Nortliupoti-rii iallio.ul acltlinieiit anil the
ViiiulelMII pi ill tut lueiRCI, which filllildinl
the ot llie InilN ihnliiij the ljit week's
rli fell lulu the I'lttpiomid ilceliloilly, whllo
iIImiivIoii Incline crv in Ike on llie ta cr.ilile
n.pecti In llie Initio, the lion and eteel trade
iiml tlie rtMort! rallioail liallic, of which
t e ioi t -i aie lirniil on nil linnk. In umrdinco
with llil- lei.ilciiry Ihe toil ciirlcn ami the iron
mid Mrel iniliiililila inidi oii'iilciiois .iili.uue-i
today, while llie piufc!onil4 Mil.l tin ti.itis-eoii-tlnenlil
slntk-i and tho Vaiulrrlillts In like t lit I r
imillls. Alter Ihe tuipiecrilctileil until of tho
nt eir foi liurei'e unit lni)iociiient of rolling
htmk ami riiilpmrnt the fict thil. an acttnl i ir
famine eNl In m my p.nU of the lounlry, ion
ilndie piiilrnci' lint IiiiIivm i Iie.nlei- thin
eei liifoie 'Ihe niKCiit ihnniul lor tielRlit
and other foi in sof 1 1 ill o nl equipment unite Ihe
mm 11111 nt linluj in Hie Lir and Micl iiiihi'lriili
.1 ualtiul ioioIIii ol the inovtiiH'i.t in the mil
io nl -lock", 'Ihe itn's cnnipUnoiii inhanrei will
lie reu to li im- innlriril 111 Hie anlhi idle and
'oft mil i.mieM iiml In Hie car ami steel Indus
ItliN. Ilnildni.' illev, with 1 rl-e of .1 . Amcf
li in Car piefeueil with pain of I, "mil heiiial
ollieis Willi R.iih of two oi mole polnN (o their
i milt, weie ioii-piinoii-1 in the ino cmcnl . siisir
.mil .iinnliMiiiitPil Coppei weie .ilTciteil In in
actkc ilimatiil f i am the -hoit- ami both sloil.i
weie eiy Liirh ili.ilt in for l!olnii .leionnl.
I lik' isr ami I'eli in Illinois jumped nine poinlJ,
1ml le-ickil lle. t uion I'iciI!" leferieil lo-o I
poinls .mil (Iron Noilhini piefeiud .mil Noilliern
l'.ulllo piefeueil nioinl i-tiongl iipw.iul at the
lust on leikcil iipotls of mi cull fcettlciiient.
Itoaliliia; liei.mio ei Reneial in the lite mir
let, luil a mitnlirt of l illien nuile (ho ilo-ing
In, Total -lies toil n, l.0s",,7im frliite-".
I in ntiikcl wi Mn .it Ihe anil Reurialli
st lonj;, the inmeitilile ami ;pei io lioml-i ipe
ilallVM. Muiilinl Hope (H lu.10 l'z. 'lolll Mlei
pai Mine, fil (i.'j.OOO.
1 inleil sdtes ufiiliilin? IN (lei lined 'i, and tlie
oldj -H iih meed 'h pel i nil. on Ihe 1 i-t i ill.
Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
l.ackawamit Daily Co. Pi
('oii'if. Sninm I! ml. i. lili-t In
l'n -I Nation il I! ink- (.I'jiiioiiilalo! ,
Slindnd Piillln;.' o
Ilihd National Hank
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank,
1'ionoiny l.ieht, II A. P. (o
I list 11 ink ,
1 aika. Tiu-t Sato llepo-it Co
( hik . Snoiti ( o., Pi
Soi.mlon lion l'ciifp k .Mfg. i o .
Scianton ie Woiks-
Siianton Smiiss lljuk ,
tiadeis' National Umk
Sc I. in ten Bolt i Nut Co
1'eopio's- Uuk
New Me'.ko 111. A. I '. (o
5fianli.n Parnser llailwai
lloitait", due 10 '0
1'iopIeV tiect tUilwav, tii't uioit
Bin's, due IU1S
I'luplo's Slrcet, C.cnc I it
moitga'.e, due Tlii
Dickson M iiiufaLltuin I o
I.uki. I'ounliip School .". pel lur.
City of Sci intuu SI, Jnip. I, prr
Huanlou li.ution t, per not.
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Collected lii li. I!, lljle, -!7 Larkiwaiuu e.)
Ilians I'll liusliel. ihono miuou, .' iiDiJ.Gi
lliillci Push ui.tmen, Jla'.'c ; ihin, iieli,
Hiice- lu 11 uuiii', HPjjIU'.
IVas Niailiv slate, Hjajji'.
Jli'iliuni Uinns Pel liiishel, 12 M
(lueii Peas 1'ir tm-hil, sl.'Uil ti
riomllest tutent, tier burcl. 21 15
Itians Per Inislnl, i l.oiee liimow,
Put ilors Per bushel, s(, ,-,-,,
Onions Pel bu-kel, l 00.
! 10.
Philadelphia Giain. and Pioduce.
Plid.iililplin, Nov. 11.- Wlieit-I inn; conlract
laik NuMUlbei,
1 loin ('ukr, kill fiim;
Wllltll MlplllOl, SJ2j'Ji); du llll-, ?., ,(!!
PiiinsiHuiiia mil, r il'ii, SOMii H: do. do
-li.nulil, s). 5, 1. o, wcuni wmti i i I.'ii, Vul J",;
do. do siiakhi. -,-,, ;,ij; do. do. pilent. s! '.0
i"."j, Klllsis ll ilifhL III -JiU", sJ.niJ.ln; do.
pilent ill uks, s,;.fn ! nil, spuni; ilea, s;in,i
., M; do. stiiiuhl, SI. (in; nl; do. iatenl, fi.7',1
.! 'IS; do. ninille bi.iiiiN, slal.H; ilte mills e.
in, .'.."ii)ij.7"; do. iliai. siH'i',; do. bti illil,
si'.' 1 1 10; di. pilint, sjMii.i ,, )j,e rimit --!
"sli t pel IiiiiiI, as lo iiidil, lliKl.w'ieil
1 lorn si.'hli.Mi nr Hi) pound-, is lo I'tidit
and ipiantity. Com I'ltin and ie. liigliei ; No.
li niKcd, l.'iniri'iC. Oils' 1 inn, iji. higher;
No. i white i lipped, 17'c. liullei I'iini, k.
Iiikliei; fnuy wietein iiianiu, llli.: do mailn
puiiN, li'ii . I't-gs I'mii and ".'i. hicjiu; fuh
lieuliv, '7i ! do. wesliiii, -J71.; do Mjiiihwesliru,
'i!i.; do. soiillieiu, '-'"i, , theis, - I Inn. New nvk
full credits, fanev i-iuill, lil'i ; do. do do. till'
lo ilioue, 'nllji.i. Itillued Suaals-I'iini, bill
all nil. Cotton tin hinged. 'I allow 1 inn; i uy
piiniL' in liuces, 'Vic; counliv do. do. barnk,
n'.afle.; diik, I'U-ilo , ial.e, cn.'lc . I.lie
Poulli -Dull and weik: fowl-, 'iji!'1.,-,' old
looslet-, 7c; ihickin-.. s'ta'l'ji . dueks, !iil(V;
Kiese, 'nine. Diesed I'tmttij l.uod di niand and
linn, lowls ilosnn,- i..i. lilidui; fowl-, ilioin,
IIM.i ; do. fin to Rood, 'jijilOe,; ulil loi.atm,
7i.: ilikkeiis iieaile, Hulk.; lo.iiiu do, 'H
12' ; luiki-, ihoue lo Inn I, Ual"i ; do. till
to ifi'oil, is 1 lit ; due:.-'. lOll li
llenipl I'loin, ::.iih) bin, Is mil ,7:ii,rl
pounds in llks; wlieit, .I7,0ilo bu-heK; torn,
I. SiW Im-liiN; oil-. n.Mio bushel-', Shlpmcnls
Wheit. '.(HHi lMi-l.i Is. coin, S'J.UW bushels; nits,
U.ClH) liil-lli ., 7. 7 I T 7 1 II
New York Giain and Produce Market
New Vnik. Nov. 11.- I'loin I'iini ami flirlv
ai llli ut old piitts, When -Spot llini; No, 2
ml, M'je. f, o b. aitoit; No i led, W,(, nlei 1
tui; No. 1 N'oilliein Dnliitli, Sl'si. f o. b. alloil
0iilon.-i oh neii ei, but lttei turneil strong;
i loseil hleaili and 'ai. net hUhir, Mjv ilo.ed
sc,; lliiiiuliei, Hii CoinSpot sli&n; No. -.',
I.7'i ilnatoi mid ImUc I. n b alloil lip.
lions fililv ii'llin mil lioin;. ( lo,nl 111 1 r i ,11 S(c
net adcanie, Mn clo-eil Iin5e ; D.-cunlii i, ni'fc-(tits-s.pnt
fluuei; No. ' f.i.e ; No. ',', IS,.;
No. wind, -l-i ; No. ! vldto, I. Ho.; truk
niivril we-leiii, lliliii' ; ttuk while, 4aJll'. Op
lloiis linn in bMiipilb with com. lliiltii 1 inn;
i ir mien, 1.m,'.1' ; faetoii, l.'ijilSisc.; .lime
iieuneii, 17,ii-'lljo; inillilloii iiemneiv. Ill
In,; slalo dali. IliJ.'e. Chci-e (u!tt; fei i,
larue, n'.alii ; Iiim, liiitn o.-lobei, O'la'si :
fani.i, mii ill s,.iUniUr, 7i)Ua"e ; lanry, miiiII
Ooliibi'i, ti'JJlOe. Puns liini; snip and I'liue
IjiiIi, S'ij-Ti'.; weklein lincaiidled, 'Jflj.'ji j
we-tini candled, '! i-'Oi.
Chicago Grain and Produce Market.
Chlcnso, N'ni, 11 - ni-li ot eii luring ordeis
lulivlni; a ilecidedly luilll-h feelini; jn wheat,
oveibdmced luminous depiciaim.- sl.Hlstlis loili
anil kept Kl litis Mi.iil.i Deii'iubfr wheat ilo'ed
i shade ilown; Diviinlirr mm, Vitj.i, up, nml
Diiriubei nits, 'ja'ii. nhauied Pioiinnin iloiid
imibaupnl to Si-.!, Iiltfliei, (aili ipi nations wire
3h folloWftl
I'lnui ten fluti, Vo .Isptlli', I..si7l'i' !
No. .' toil, 7THI , Nn, 'J oil., 40' I It'.e. ; No !"
tvldi,. I'l.iltl.i Nn. .1 ulilfo. I'l'.nllr . n "
rie, i1iai', ; idr lo ilioiie in.dliu,', ,RVK.; No
l' VorlliwislHIt llu ieed, l li. pilme tliuolhv
feidjUlM: niosj imik, tfl.l SOilSWj n,l, is 17' a
TIO-I, ,11'- (''", T --- I" ."', f.l'l, S' " ."
i-hoit i lb, r'MUfli, dlj ulti'd shoulders,
k. . , . .1. ... .-(.I... ISO A.o i, ..,.,.,...
sliuri lu-ll fft'ii-s, T'i"47d-, .lll,hr,v,
Chicago live Stock Mniket.
Phluso, Nov, II -lalllo-l!irelpl5, i2,M0. In
iliiiliuS .'5D Tcun i"l 8J" wi.ieiiLi; ihoue li 1 1 ti
otluiH kliMily Im tloiv; uoud to inline hlecu,
H.-1-iil.t-0; poor In ini'diimi, fr;i.7j,il; itoilu
and ficdeii?, Wal 21; iiittn, 'JULIO; ticlicir, S1..VJ
al.;.0; lanniK, sli-'.'Ji; hull, 1l.Titl.10; ealu't.
.SI.SOiO.'Jij fi .n ticr. KUIMSIO; westeiu kUeti.
I DOj.1.11 llo'.-lli'oi'il'l toil iv, ."O.biVlj toinur'
low, si.Oi'tli lfi oei, .,t00; eiiadv lo ! t .nt.
limn; lilKid Jinl btiulun, .i (;0aj IV, ,iuil lg
ilioliu lie u V, JHHill'J: loiisli beai. H.Vnl.51;
HkIiI, tlUialCO; bull, of t-ule, M UJ,.7.'i, sliccp
llfil'ipl". ilo.nOOj 10 in 21 uiil Irtttfij iji od id
ilion.e welliiu, si li)al.2i; welfin heiii, s.ii.;.M;
luliie Inidn, (flalUI; Wfolun Ulnbi, fill l.
Buffalo Live Stock Market. IlitOidu, Nov. Jl -Cattle llt'tcipH,
lau, im Indiiitf 17 lanadiJiis; tflrady to Iiim tor
l-,3, ,ll. l,(i,t, ., n"u-...,-, r.,-..' ,,, ii.iit ,,,
Ml cutlli Ot ull fiade; lOiinnon .tucl lull III
klun; no iri ilioiie klifls lino; be.-t slide. $170
al.y); niciliiiui to uood tpilu.-. tJ.IUij.M; fall In
i;ooi uiiiiuirs, i.oorii; ii'ui nuicncis. 71.04
l.aj; fat licifiii.. sooil lu piluiv, l Wai; llt-ht
li fair, t.''2)H.tO; Imt fat nm, f).0i).il.'.'1; poor
to kood. bl.'"-i'l-7j; liiilln, dull mid lower; but
lira.', J.IIOa'J.tiO; ilockcm lo uood bunkers, M 75
ai.ii); i-lmku-s mid f.idvr.-, sleady for i;qod; ot It-
.... ,...... !.,, 4lnii i. ..., .inAiA.
I9 1V.IVI, MfcBI IMM.H, r"'WUl.-jf UV9b 91VCC19,
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Lines, .1 Cents for Eneli t!xtr Une.
Want Advertlsoinentg Will Bo
Kecelvod at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
At.Dlinr fctllUiTZ. torn. i MuUiiiry
clreet and Wcbiler aienne.
(1PSTAV PiClilJIi, 010 Adams aienne.
West Side
UKOIiaC V'. .tnXKl.NS, 101 South Mam
South Scranton
I'lllID I;. TliriPI'l', 7:S Ccilii momw.
Noith Scvauton
(II.O. W. IIAVIS", coiiiit Noith Xlstn
avenue and Mait.rt tlicrt.
Oieen Ridge
CIIAUI.i:S P. .10NI.S, lii DlcUin
f. J. JOHNS, fOl fircen Ttldse (-licet.
U. I.OUKNZ, corner Wadilnglon ave
nue and Mai ion stiect.
W. II. KMllTKIi, 1017 lulus jviiiic.
j. . noxi: a --on".
For Rent.
l'Oll IIIINI'-l'lil. 3 looms and bilb; lint, -II.W).
ppl) between 0 and 11 a. m. 110 (Jiiliry
l'Oll lll'Ni'- P.ul of oince -ulte. Meats IniiMiii'r.
Aildre s, Atlintipc. Tiiliime Olll.e
For Sale.
Vuvvn fc. itfV.'V-xf,vxyNxx.M V"x iwvwwv
1 Oil -U.i: I HUM' I'.un seioiidluiul roiclies in
jiond londitiuii; font new bivftic-s and one
lline-i itcd siuiei. P. I', Cotilou'o wagon woiU.
:'.! Ciieii stieit.
I Ul'H toil's l'Oll Sll.i: I'M) lush witti llieir
i.iHi'-. Al-o film Ioi .sale or tent. Al diew
I.eiglilon, (.leiilniiii.
ldll sl.i: Pilme Olio, biv !,eldlli!.'. It. lilllil-,
bud In Dunlin's, mio Pi iih u U115111I, dam
Mil Chitui s, bv Cliimi-. foiled in l-'d; with
Iwo wiihs' li. nulling; icioid of '.'.'JT'i ill
llmsli union, Oitobei, 1'sHi: with but two weel.V
li.iinini,' his tliowii mile 111 "i. I ' : half m 1.0'i
this hoise his vtieit Kme Mul hoil. action; t in
(ml a ri in can; wens no itiap'. and is tlie
flllii'l cob 111 Soutliilli Niw loll. Must be
sold to ilo-t p.nlnei'hip. Addie-, II. s., l'o
11!, l.e-leidiiio, N. A.
IOI! SM.i: ( heap; lioise, prnu wason and
liiincss, at N'o l.sjo Cedir aienue.
I'OIl Sl.i:Two light spring wagon and soma
hainesi, cheap. Kmns rtar 11.1' l.uiorne
Furnished Rooms.
lOlt IDA 1' -One elegant flout bulioom air
liistiul; aNi two side bedioutn-. funnelled oi
iinliiilii-hid with use of bith. hut and tu, with
nr unbuilt bond; I He's inodnate; lidics ur jfinls.
nJ7 Ad mis .iieiuie
lOlt IIIA 1' llanilsomih tuinished room, will
hi add, ga., ami ue ot bath. No. -t Platl
pi ICC.
FOR IDIN'T 1'uinislied fiont room, with boat,
balli und gas; near court house; gentleman
preferred. Address Itoem, Uox 2B9.
t'OR lilAT I'unuslicd room; heat ami bath.
023 Linden stteet.
Real Estate.
TOft S lid: One ncie of lind, uiipioied with
mm looi.i lioiw: plenlv and aiictv of fimt;
Kond loiatioii in villige of 1 Icctidli. Mn. Ohe
I'l-li, rirclMlle, Pa.
Wanted For Rent.
MAN II.M I'uiiiMird bouse by sii'ill finuh. 'in
or (,ieen Jtiile. Addic-, KXB .Meats' build
Boardere Wanted.
lVANTCU Table boardc. Mrs. Tompkins, 631
Washington aienne.
Rooms and Board.
a i. Mini: rnoNi noon, wiih boaui. .it r,.t
Ad iiin aunue, Suiluble Ioi two jmiii0 men.
HO0MS TO IIK.NT. wiih board. iOJ ilulboiry
Business Opportunity.
MOCK AND IMII.'AT TIIADkllS without dela.-.
Wille lor oui (.peeial market letlei, I'ree on
application. S. M. Dibbaid lc Co., member, N.
1, Consolidated and btoek I'Mhanio, 41 and tfi
Ilroadwai, Now loilc. IMablislied lebl. long
Distance l'liom JISS Iltoid.
Honey to Loau.
000,000 TO LOAN Low est rates: straight or
monthly payments. Stark & CoTiadera" bldgr.
ttrai,"! t leans o- Building; and Loan. At
from 4 to C per cent. Call on N. V, Walker,, Connell buildlnir.
I.t)s.l Diiiiioud ttiid. -I.lbenl lewaul foi utiuu
in ( miii Dome,
tsJ-Ui'lIO: piiiiu In fnl, f.'.Ili-'; eal, f1i7,21, and i.diPs, if.'JIal ,',tl. Ilos lloulpts,
HO c.iis; .iilivo and slead; best liiavy, 1.S",i
.'..CO; uiKed and inedluiii, 1.7'nl.SO; ph,s, fl.jOi
,'p.(.ii; toughs. f1.l5a'i2i; (-lass, "Ial. 50. fhepp
ami I.iinbs Hoielpls, l.'0i'ai, iuihidiiis 12 Cain
dim; opened about tiaily; but weikeuul lOillf.;
lop lambs, s fila-1.70; cults to suod, MM)il,i,,;
( .iiiadiuis, tLSOihisI; niKed thcep, iop, Sl.'ifla
.".ol; 1 nils to Rind, 'jJal.O.I; wetheu and jeiiliiisi,
-170i.i.ti0; lieaiy thiep, fi.tiiaxvi.
New York Live Stock
East Llherty Cattle Maiket,
I'isl l.ibetlv, Nov. II -Ltitlc ".(ndi; rliohe.
5 iiOjl til); pilme, NltmilO; uood, S-'nJl, Ihvs
Iimei; pilnii, l(0ui; heaiy ineiliiiiiis, J-lnii
fifl; llsilit iiiidiunis, i.l,7ir)W); hem loikets.
"l(ija5.70; liabt lorkri, M.Wal 00; iua'. dj 10.1
fi 11: lOUtths. trl 'JJjKiiI. Hiirn Steailv. I.k.i
witheiii, M 10 ill. .10; rtills nud louiinoi'i, Ma'.';
jcailni'.s, 7Jo0alil; ea lahei, aT."ii.
Why Ho Got Ten Days.
M au ouny foil mar Nv ork iiieu. li u
in 11 iultd uptalil who is i.n Muslthe 11I1011L
bis lijl 1 lie ni-iii irljut s ol Urn in-, Ihlik.
Cat 111 ill
Ill Id is a pilinle who, I'Mipt foi
In. downline-, is out ut the In si .oldleis ill
Ihe foil. Ik I au liMuuati, and, like all lis
ci'iimitmcu. iilik al uply, III, ui.uu nwl
iiialiilei have filed I1I111 tiont puiiMuueiit, but
Ins iuii,uc (tot I1I111 into tio.ilile Iho ollu'i il.ii,
'II11 (omiiaiii'i funis and (loiie, wen lieln
inspected, 'Ihe uptalil looked at Die pilvale'a
belt and talil, auctll.i '
"lour belu are ulnaii, diilj. ut (hi
di me do ,. on mean by it "
"I bib' 5 our paidon, li," was the uplj, "but
I tldid: it haul that when 1 dean in v thlng
wllh the naked Ihej should be lii'peclcii
with a nusnlfjIiiK slJi."
'Ihe piliale is now in iho fluid bouse for tin
dj), and hU leave lo Ull (he illy lu.s been
wpiiided itnJcflniteli, N'cw Yoik Tunis.
Niw loik, Nov, ll,-llcef -Sit id) lo siious;
sleet, I,7,'i.iii1; 1 st 1 1, Ml .'Pi; oen, Vlal.lJ'j!
bull., V-.-'oa-l Mi ioih, tl.iOiiro. I ahe"eiN
openid kleidv In lirm, ilo-nl weik; ur 13-01 s
neid.i; i.d, llini'-.2.) lop,, j ;n ki.i.cii.. "Hi
'I 111' vesleiu uiliis, 'l.1i)il,'-'1; led eili(, SJ,7.1
ill Hi ""hieii-riiin; limb", IDiJV, Inuri; Mieep,; Iambi, ttiije; lew tops, Ji.'iij ;.-,,
llei-'D bout btiadi ; state hog,, fiho.lO; wolrnii,
fi ol,
Help Wanted Male.
ll() WTI'I). Is lo li rar old, lo work In faitOI). Deckel Ulolhei, Oil HobllHon
MANTIID f OM i: Iwenly expeilnueil woods
men. fill ill , I) lloliem', 'llnoop, i'a.
A IIVMC leipilles Die nsl.,i'tceof Iwnwell ilii'.-ed,
lapable men In sullill h.i Iiiki" uccoimlfi let
rrenees reipilrnl. Hot 10, ltd" olllie.
UANTDD-lly le.ulliiK I'hlladilplila tioiwe. Ami'
ilns-s filesiiian, to m'H Rctieial Him id p-iptr
tu the retail Hade, one wlm hm an iHiniiintanoe
prefeneil; niul hace best lefiienn and be 1 aim
to furulfh bond. Addics P. 0, lint Ui, I'M'1'
Help Wanted Female.
10llCO s-llDPPl.R 1 VNII.IIj imi't be ix
peilenic'd, Ueiku lliollioi, fill iloblmoii
WAX rill) -(llrl-t foi looks widtti-ssei. I.lliheu, hoii'i'-woik, hiiuiekiipi'i Ioi' nboii
1I.1I1. Iwo (iciinin or i'iotolant Rlrls lor I'lillf
delphli, Dome Kinplojininl Oll'ue, .110 Washing
ton aunue. M. A, Dull.
WANTKP-Couipoleul eool; ind liiimlies". lldl
JeflPit-on avenue.
MANTI'.D-f.'lils for hull I wolk, walliesse, eook,
lioiise-woik and l.uuidit'ss. l.ailiwaiuiii
Acent.i, 211 .Meait, llullilinsf.
I'll TV OPi:ilAIOIs WVSIIll) Mcadi woil:
guaianleed. . K. Ueik . "-on, .'.! dann
WAN'liai- (iiil nn femre hie lilt, piolllublc nil
plo'ment by calliiiff al "JU Meats lluiblim,'.
WAXITD-Onl for Beneial liomework at Dalton.
Addri"? D T cue Tiihime.
1 ANTHIl-I'uitii-bed loom, leuliallv located,
modem and in piitalc family. K, 'iribiine
Offlco, cilj.
MANDID-Cood Fi'coml hand fuinue, will p iy
cjh. Iddiess link llo 110, liiuIiiii, Pa.
i wvvwu vxw t v.
IiADIi:-!' AlLMflMS' 'llli; Villi); all in", prl
lary; fpei.lili3t's tale. Medic li Dome, 777
Wadilnslon fcl., Hiiilalo, N. Y.
Noiui; is t.if' tint an appiii 1
tion will lio nude to D.u (unit 01 Coiiiiuiu
Pie is of l.ack.iwamii couiilt on the Dili day 01
Dicetnher, VM, al ') u'doit a 111. itiidir an
.ut. punuliiiir lot the 1111 01 per it ion and iciili
tmn, of ccildii oipoi ilioii, appinti-d Apul 2'i.
171, und ill siipph incnls, bv Moilimti II I lib
lei, Jainm llliil. -II., Allien C. llllllt, Paul H
II. liclm and . 111 iul.-i holt '11101111', for Ihe 'Im
lei ot 111 InUlnkd c.upitatkui to be ilihd "the
HaileloiV the ihaiulm and obnet 01
h lo miiiitaiu ,1 (lull for souil ciijojniiul. und
tot ilits piupoe to hue, iossi-s awl enjov all the
linlil', bu.ilils and tuitdiiics couuitcd b tie
slid Ail and lis miiiiiIiii nils.
V. J. 'lOIDtl'.V, Solnilor
Till: ANNI Al. siiH'KUiil.iH'lW inertim; of the
Coiisolul did Malcr Supply ioiuini will bo
held .it Iheli offue 111 the itiv of Scianton, li ,
1 eiliu -d iy, Not. 27ih, l'ml, il ') a. m. lor me
election o'f otli.eis Ioi tin 1 iisiiinic je nil tin
the tidii-icliuu 01 .my olhei bu-uiess tint nut
conic befoie the utcitin,,'.
(iroHOi; II. Jr.llMIN", renluy.
'llli: ANNI AD slDCKUOl lll.HV liucliiiir ol the
Paiithif (lick M ilei loiopint till be In Id
at Hun ntll 1 111 Hi t its. of "-(union, Pi., 1id-
laj. Not. 27tb, Hull, at ' a. lit., im the il"
tion of oilkiis toi the ciimihu .vi'.ii and for tin
tl.iii.-iLliun uf any ollict Uu-iiu-s that 111 1 coin"
bifoie (he meitins:.
(.i:oi!fir II. Jl IIM1.V, "sdietai.t.
'till: IN'NI Mi' liicilimr of Ihe
lukawamii Vilhv Wnei "-upph loiupinj
will be held at thele ollie 111 Hie 1 ilj of "-crintun.
Pa , Wednivdiv, Not. 271b, Pol, nt u 1. in., for
tin elnlion ot olliceid tor the 1 ii-iuiil, tin and
ioi Ihe Imisjdinu of any othei biisims tint 111a,
loine betoie tin nicelin...
l.l.OIIDi: li. ,li:UV,
'llli: N.NI M, snil hlllil.Ur.IK 1111 1 (me; of il"'
( iibonda!" Walei cotupiii.t wilt be held al
ihoii oiflce in (he utv of vniitou, Pi., Unities
dit, Nov. 27111. 1901, at ' 111 , foi the doUbii
nt ofticii-. lot- the oii-mut, ti 11 ami 101 tin- tiaiis
ad nut of am ol lu r bu-uicss tint liny ionic be
toie the me. lini.
(dOilf.P 11. .li:ilM.N, S.iiel.uv.
llli: NNL.Mi "sI'OCKllOI.IUMl""' nice tins oi the
Pall lliool; and New inn 1a(ei iouiiiuv will
be lu Id nt Hull office In Ihe ulv of -.untnn,
Pi , Wediiisdii, Nov. "7lli, TUI, foi the ilirtmn
of iiflliels foi Ihe IllslilUi .teal mid foi 111" ll.lin
ai lion of anv cthet biMiiess lint ma, ceine In hue
the niieiin-j.
(,1'onoi: it. ,Ti:niiN', ".uieiart.
'llli', NNI M, SKILMIOl DIIll"-' n.eclliiir of the
I niouJale Main loiupmv will be In Id at
Mich olllie 111 the 1 Ity of ei,itilun. Pa., 11 (dues
ili.t, Nov, 27th, ISul, at U a. in., tor the 1 hi lion
of ofliurs' for the in.ulii .tell- ind foi the Dans.
.11 lion of ant oiler Im-iiu-s llnl mij coiui befoie
the 1111 (ling.
rii:01l(ii; II JIMIIIW. t-euetiif.
THU NNI M. SIO( KllOf.lir.rtS' meitimr ot Ihe
Hoi k (III) U.1I1 1 louipiu.i will be In Id .il
Huh offiie in Ihe 1 lit ntt-cl.mU'ii, Pa,, 1i'dii"sd iy,
Nov. '7ili, 1101, al 'I a. 111 , foi He- ilicitnn cf
dflliels tol the 111-11111 ten and for the tl.llls
anion 01 1111 otlui Iii-Ihl-v lint niiy come brtoit
Hi nu etui',.
l.IOIH.K II Ji:i(M1N", "en.-tan.
llli! NM Mi SIO( KMOI.DI.IIV iiiielin of (he
1. milium' Mam- coiniauy w,ll In hold at
lliMroffin in lliontt ol"-rrantoii, Pi , Wedne,div.
Nov. 27th. l'ml. .it 'i n. in., tor the eledion ot
otfiuts fur thu eiisiilii'. j 1 .1 r and for Ihe lians
.iittouof am olhet busiuc-s tint nny como bcluie
the ineelina;
(il.OIU.K 11. .DIltMVV, "ecielan.
'llli: 1NNI l, SI0(KIOI,l)i:ilV ineetinu' of iho
l'tll llaler loiniiauv will In- hi hi at tin it
iifhci- III 'ho fit v of Siianton, Pa , Widiuvlay,
Nov. 27lli, inoj, at 11 a. in, lor llu ibitlott uf
ofllceis foi the in-idii;; jeai- and lor the Hans
aillon of anv oilier Ijii-uind thu mij come lietmi
(he nieetilic'
(II.OIK.r II Ji:i1l VV, Senetarv
'llli'. INNl'M, sit ItllOldlllllV ineelins; 01 ihe
( itslal I akn 11 itn lOlup.uiv will be hold at
llieii- mine ill Ihe illy of Sinntoii, Pa , lliiliim
dit, Not. 27th. 1'nll, at 11 a, in, lor the ileitlnn
of iiltiu i tor the nisiiluir .tear and fot the H ins
aitlou ot ant other Inblm.-s tint may lOiue hctoiti
tin lili'itina.
(Ii:0llf,i: II. JDIIMW, nilaiv.
'llli: ANSI All Sl(l( itllOI.I)i:il"' meeiim,' of the
.leiiutn and liu-hbiiiok llir coinpiny will bo
bild at Delr cfllie in the lilt of Suaulon, Pa,,, Nov, ""Hi, Pmi. at '.' a. in., lor the
eleition tit olticen for tl-e 1 iimlnK tear and 101
the tiaiisitllou (I ant 01 lief hii"liii ,- tint lint
luiiii bifoie the iiK.tiiix'
(,i:OII(,i: II, ,li:itHYV, s'liun.
'llli! .UM M, sloCKIIOIiPhllV lueilhii,- of the
.Ii-initn IValer lonunnv will bo held it their
olllie in the 1 ity ot Ml niton. Pi,,
Not, 27lh, 00l, at 0 a, in,, lor Ihe ihelion of
otlleus for the insulin .Mar and tor .lie nan.
111 Hon o tut olliei bililiu-s tint, mij i-ome befoie
Hie nici'tinj.
fii:01l(IP il Jl'ltlll.V. svriiii.
'llli: NM 11, Mfll".' 1 (iik of the
HiMibrook Walei lompint will be held at
lltr'l oilln- in the 1 ity of m union. Pa , HViium
ili.t. Not. 27th, Hill, al I' a, m, 101 the eleiilon
if oiluii's Ioi llu iiimiIuk ti 11 and for Hie tuiii
anion 11 am ollu'i buslnii, ilui nuy i-ome befoie
Hie mceliiife.
(H.OIKli: II. .11 IIM1V, ... i.-hrv
'Jill'. 1N.NI Al, ,SUH Mld,l)i:ilV liieeliiw 11 to
I Union Wai or ionium) will l held al then
ofllto in Ihe illy ot Mialdoli, I'a., Multiosdit
Not. SJIh, PW1, at II 1. 10, foi Hie eleition of
onlteiM Ioi (ho iii-iiim teai and (01 the tram
anion 01 anv ulhci Iiii-siih n that nut 101:11 Ihi-uv
tin meiliui;,
CDllK.i: II 'intlllV, "-eiielitv.
J 111: 1NM II. Mill KIIOI. Ill II.-' iiiniiii, of the
(ihnttood tlatn loiupant will bo hell at
I heh iiIIUl' ill Ihe nit of Siuuluu. Pi , IVedin.
da.t, Not. 27th. luOl, at n a. 111., lot the (In Hun
of ofluc-ib fur IK' nisililu li'il and foi the 1 1 1 1,
.uliiii of any olhei buduiNs H it nut nun' lefote
(he merlin;;.
l,l.i)ll(,i: It. .D.IIMIV, Se. leui
'llli: IN'.M'AI. "-rOChllOl, Dl'ltS' mrcllni; of Ihe
Hatfield Ualer company will hj bel-l at thill
oflice III Ihe city of Scuutou, Pa., llidm-iilav
Nov, .Tlii, pud, at n u, 111,, for Ihe eh 1 Hon 01
r,ltiici for Ihe (n.-iilint jeai- ind for the tun
action of anv oilier luisitii. that may come be hue
the nu'ttiiiL-.
aKOltOi; U. JtKMY.N", Sccrutjiy,
3 Insertions 25 Cents
Mora Tint Pour Lines, 6 Cents for llacli Uitr t.ln:,
Cevtifled Public Accountant.
i:iii.iiii) i,r.siui,r)i.No ra"inbi:ns"iiAM'
rmi Aim 11. iiAvi-tiicmrKor," connkmi
riii:Di:iD( k i mioii.v. aid 11. n ui:ah
cJiL!i('J'!i'KfHlilf., IJfl lladiliiRlon ate,
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Dih c. 1: i:ii.i:Niti:i!(ir:it, pai;i.i iiuildixo,
ipime sllcit, ScLinlon.
DI!. C. ('. l.MllllClt. iTrinWUNtriVl-ItTlJI
l'IMMv II, IIO, '1T0I!.mTy.a7TaW.
Itootiw , II, HI and 18 Ilutr llulldinir.
' ' K' '"!-5'.'v'"'"v' r" 'iMON'wir'i'fiTit "iihiiiT
d 11. in.piofiLi:, A'rion.M:YumsNn;(
(i.iled on teal etale seiiuilv. Hears lltiildln;,
loiiiir MasliltiKluii atcnue and ,piiue stiect.
and loiuisellois it law. Jhpublic.ui llulldiiiK.
lla-hltigton .iienui.
Ji:-SI P ,(. .:ss t .MIDIiNI'.lS 1NII (OUN
ellols at lnv. Cotnmomtialtli Ilnildinj;, Itoomi
VI, 20 and 21.
WIlOl, nth Huoi. .Meais Imililliipf.
1.. .1. ll.ll'Ki:-'. AIIOP.NI.l'-AT-I.MV, POAUU
if 'I lade lJtilldmg, Siianton, Pi.
l'Ai ii:ii.-on .c wii.cov, 'ii!.u)i:it'S nation v
Han': lluildmt;
c. (otii:(;i-i, an pppuiiicin' huildino.
a. w 111:11 1 iioi.i', oirici: .movi: io no.
2lt Wjonniij-; atmue.
Physiciana and Surgeons.
AI.I.I.V. il) NOlfllt 11.s-'lll.N(!lO.i
DI! W. 1
di:. y. w. imioih:m'v, ornci; 311 wash-
iiirIiui atniue. Ilesideiiic, 1J1S Mulberr.
Cliiiuiic cii-cM. a, Imias, liiait. idiinejs an I
Kuilto tuliiai oigaiLS a Fpeiidty, Hours, I
tu -I p. 111.
Hotels and Restaurants.
J Di: 1.1 K ( M I', 123 NI) J27 1 ItANkMN A1T
luie. Kites tca-onable,
P. Zli:oi.i:n, Proprietor.
SLHINION- HOLM., Ni:ilt D, L. k W. PAI.
seniter dipot. (oiuhulid on the Kuropcm
plin. VKTOIt KOCH, Tioprlelor.
a. is unices i m:ns puuv iitits ani
iesd pooU; im tnlor; only impioted pumps ued.
.1. 11. PiisS'', piopiittoi. Leite oiders lire)
Noilli Hun .ileum-, oi KickeV di up; Mote, eot.
net Idams and Mulhem. Ilotb telephones.
O. 1!. ( LAHKi: ir I O , slII'DMIUV AND N'Llt-s.
eiimni, tole 201 U i-blnst'.n atcnue; grem
hou-i-, TUI) Not tli II dn amine; .stole tele
phone, 7s2.
Wiie Screens.
jomu'ii Kii:iti:r, i;i:nt .111 i.icka. avp.,
Siiiutou, I'a,, iiiatiuf u tuiei of 1 ire Screens
Diti.sMiiMNc; roir. ( 1111 nm:v io okdi'u;
also lidiis waiab. I ouUe Shoiuiakcr, 2U
Adams uti line.
.MID Mil. llli HKOS., PltlNll l!V si PI'Ml.s, 1A-telopc-s,
piiiei big. iwuie. 11 aichoiue, l."0
ilasliinntuii atniue, Siianton, Pa.
ini: iMi.iti.viiiiiin: nrconi) n bi: inn
In tauanlun at the news stmds of lirUinan
llio., 40u puice and .lu; Linden; M. N'orton,
1.22 I aikav auiii atcnue; i. s, SchuUcr, 211
Spiuic stiect.
Situations Wanted.
.1 IOI Ml 11 IN' w.uild like to net ".ome plice lii
wolk miiim; in hotel, u-t.uii mr. or -,
sloie; n.d ill. ml ol v ml.. Aildu'', Lhitlie, 'lull
lllll Ofllci
11 AN 1 1. 1)- 1 positmu a- slenoBrapher bv a joun
lull, will be "Uii- In jtito nili-faelion, Ad
dies., I.. A., Tilbunc Olhee,
SHI VIION UASrilO IH i Inly 11 tde wa.i.
Illn home. ( 111 till tli-.Il Ihe ot lilt lffei-
nice. Iddti.s, Hi-. (. , 2iu -south littna; .iiiihkv
hill MIOV WAN I I'D -A tout!? lady with soini
l.iiowlidge of pli.umuy di-ius position r
ilnu .sloie. " t no objeel, P , Tiilume Offl e,
U 1NI1 H lit ii Inn d, eihualed j-irl. position ir
home oi tiatelllii,' lonipiliion lo old ot .tnuiu
lad, Applv to P. II, uiii of 'llibuue.
SHI'VIIOV 11 AN II. H us cool; ind iaundiess, on
dou s Keneid liou-e woik, C. M , 2117 llu.hN
on ateiiui ,
Ill illD.N 11 INIIll) lu go "ut by llie dr'
wishlns or (leinlrijr. ''ill or adhe--, Mn.
Dti-i'll, 1710 Lnlai .uniue.
l.l I'l'.IIIIAI I I) 'lllll IJI.IVi ,-M.IM1N wanu
po.lllon wllh nood irllihlr house, on Ihe load
oi-loial. lli-t lefmnie "-iten. 11. 11., Tiihuun
A lU)t IN wiuls pl-iie as eool, in boarding
hou-e or una!! hotel, wheie "he ein bat a
bet but lo do i holes and RJ lo school .Iddre..
.11. .M ', 'liibune otllce.
I 101 Nil I. Mil. lapihle of loiiimndiiic i
lino lule, ili-iiis a position in i-lore, n
dlapeit and hade ih pattnieut. Address 1). b ln
'liiliuu'e ollice.
II A.NTIII) 11 a senlleniin, work lo do cirnliiKS
1 1 cm 7 tu' 12. Aildli.', C. M., 'Inliiino Off) ,
111Nli:i)- poulion as liou'ekieper or pnli;
look, oi tu lil-e imii' of iutalld, )it ml'ldl'i
.iged it urn in. fall cr .nidi ex, ( .ijiiblt ." ,'ili)
itillli stuel, Dunmore, I'a.
Ml'l VIION 11 VM I'll- To eo out by the di
ttadiimr, iionh'S ocrleaniu,'. .Mis. Lee, -tl'I
Hall, louri.
HUl 1TIOV 11'VNIhD flv i .toiiiuj girl 11 .tei l
old Ja muse Kill, addii.'-s 0 'llieu'Ine .Iteer,
A.N I M'i.llll.M Id! Kill would like sltinlion' in
piltate iiiulli, linnet ind iclljldc; w.iRc.i -D-.
Iddies-i Kitile, 'liiliune olIKe
Spencer Trask & Co.,
2X & 29 Pine St., New Yprk
Transact a genral hank
hiR business; act as Tlo
cat Agents for coijioia
tions, and negotiate se.
entity issues of ittiUoads
and other companies. Ex
ecute! commission ouleis
and deal in
Mriulnis 1 oil sloik i:.iliiti;e.
Branch Ollice 05 State St. Albany
Desctiptive list of investment
securities mailed upon request,