Rjtffc'M,;?'", ft" : " .'- v,.b.-,!).,;.. .,r ,iwm,tf--',titrp-3Pri'wa''-' 1 ''rj''v.ji'V',v"' 'wj.--5".t ,. iwiH.M7JiifR:af?j!i 4T Sji'P it! t 4 y i v 6 THE SCK ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1901!. WEST SCRANTON FUNERAL OP AN OLD RESIDENT REMAINS Oli1 HANSOM BRIGGS buried. Services Woio Conducted nt the Resi dence by Rev. John V. Moffntt, D. 3). Weekly School Deposits nt Nos. 13 nud 10 Michael Connors Taken to the Hillside Home Early Clou In Movement of the DiugRlsfts Is in Foice Meeting of Board of Trade Tonight. ticv. .lolin V. Moffat, V. !.. pastor of (he WtiHlirmrn si reft Presbyterian church, ollleiuted at the funeral of the late I'.anroni UvIrbk yesterday. Tin services were hold at the house, on South llydo I'urlt avenue, at li'.tin o'clock, inul wore attended by llfo-luni; friends of deceased. The funeral was 111 eliiuno of fililer talier M'iilliuu l'rlee, :.ud tin- remains wove borne to llii- family plot In West I'lltston cemetery, where liitorntftil was made. 'I'lii pnll-bejivrs wcto all nephews of deceased anil weie .Mori Is Shannon. Aivhl),ilil Shannon, 1!. V. Hushes, .1. il. lilneUmau. Weekly School Deposits. Tin- following' deposits wiiv niailc ot the West. Side lianl; yesterday for the pupils of public schools Nos. I!! ami la: Xii. I3Duvid Owens. .l.V. Kllan l.ew R .$-'.L'n; .Alice Kvans. SJ.r.l: Uerlha Morulas illliKciilly lor the success of Kli'hnrd, .'.Ml; Catharine Phillip.'-. MM; Kdnn Lewis. S-.uh: H.ir.ih McDonald, .:.'; Xellv Kully, .71. Klir.n I'rho, Si.W. total, SI". 01. No. IS D. AY. I'hilllps. .::n: .Miss Murray, V-.'M: .Miss XU-holls, .70; .Miss li"ainlsh, .::.'; -Miss Moraan. .7.": Miss 1 Union, .,2.7ii; Miss Kvans, SI.::.".; Miss Uavis, SL'.-tl: '.Miss Kelloiv. SIX: .Miss Wade, .70: -Miss Klyiiii, .l."i; Mis-s Mur lili.v. .77: -Airs. rerber. $2. HI; Miss liural, $1.0,".; Miss 1'ecU. frMi.": total, .''.72. P. 0. S. of A. Fair. Tin1 fair and festival for the bnellt of thi! building fund of Washington amp, No, 17.S. will open in the new Washington hall, North Mala avenue, on Monday eveniliR', November 25. and 1 ontiuue for two weeks. The various 1 ommiltei's in charge of the affair tire welkins ililiwiitly for ihe success of Ihe event, anil they aic confident of a liirito atlend.inee. In the w.iti-li eontest there will be iuvc contestants, David Davis, Uavid A Daily Reminder You will not be ilijappoiiiteil In Hutour's Tjr: it. will ie)le tlut Cough and Gold in onu night. lOIl SALE BY O. W. JENKINS. A SILK SALE THAT MERITS ATTENTION Because every item offered is full of genuine merit, and could not possibly be duplicated at the prices quoted in the regular way of trade. The Weaves, Styles and Colorings Are as desirable as any we have shown this season, and will fully meet the requirements of the most fastidious buyers. The Sale Opens This Morning; And will continue for ten days, but owing to the attractive nature ol the bargains offered, it is out of the question to imagine that the assortment will remain complete alter the first few days. Black Silks -Taffetas The one thing waong with these silks is the price. That is in your favor, however. Otherwise, they are perfect, and quite as de sirable as any in their line, that we carry in stock. 10 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth 6aJc, for.... 49c ii) inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth 69c, for 58c 21 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth Ssc, for 60c 27 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth $1.00. for.... 79 27 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth 1. 12, for.. .. 89c 21 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth 1.25, for y8c 22 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth i.so, for.... $1.19 27 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth 1.7;. for 1.45 23 inch Bl;ick Taffeta Silks, worth 2.00, for 1.69 ;6 inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth 1.50, for 1.19 ;t inch Black Taffeta Silks, worth 1.75, for 1.39 Black SilksPeau De Soie 10 inch Peau de Soie Silks, worth Ck)c, for 58c 19 inch Peau de Soie Silks, worth Sjc, for 69c 20 inch Peau de Soie Silks, worth $1.00, for 85c 21 inch Peau de Soie Silks, worth 1,25, for 98c 32 inch Peau de Syie Silks, worth 1.751 for S1.45 27 inch Peau de Soia Silks, worth 2,25, for 1.75 Black SilksDuchess Satin 19 inch Satin Duchess Silks, worth 62JJC, for.... 49c 21 inch Satin Duchess Silks, worth 09c, for.... 58c 21 inch Satin Duchess Silks, worth 85c, lor.... 69c 21 inch Satin Duchess Silks, worth $i.2S for.... 98c 24 inch Satin Duchess Silks, worth 1.7? for. . . . $1.39 Fancy Black Silks--Cord effects, new and very hand- some. Ten pieces, worth $1.00 the yard. Sale price 7yC Fancy Colored Silks -20 pieces hemstitch and Cord Tal- . fetas, all new styles and worth 69c. All exceptional bargain at 4vC 35 Pieces "Yama Hal" Silks Absolutely pure, strong uinl .- 1 sei viccable, Special, during the sale, yard , o" C New Silks on View During this sale we will make a special show of novelties In Silks for Waists, evening wear, etc., showing the latest ci cations from the nome and foreign looms. Globe Warehouse Ucpsc mid itiinitt) Untson, The Colonial club nnd Old Fore camp will .contest for il valttiiblc phonoRrnph ami oulllt. Thcro will also bo n bicycle contest mid other attractions, Including a vol uablo gun. Season tickets will bo sold at $1 each, which will admit the bear er and hla family ovory night and give him 11 chalice on a $100 phonograph. Taken to Hillside Home. Mkhacl Connor?, n familiar fharac tor ahotil town, bolter known as "S-'li-algbt lload .Alike," wis taken to the Hillside homo yesterday, upon the sugBcstion or Poor lilreclor Paine. Michael was picked tip by tho pollco on Sunday In a coiloits condition, hav ing been ill for aeveral days, due to ex posure Jlo lived by I ho way, sleeping here and ihi'io. and paling and drink ing aeenrdlng to I lie charitable inclin ations of those who knew hlni. Diugglsts Early Closing'. The following druggists have agreed to elitfc their places of business every evening at 10 o'clock, except Saturday, until April I. '!. W. .lenklas, John J. Davles. D. il. .tones, A. W. Musgrave, Jlyiou lOvans . Co.. Mrs. K. .1. Decker, c. J:. Shryer. .lohn li. .lenklns, .Ittstln Smith. The change was Innugtiraled last evening without I'sccpiluii, and all are well pleased wllh the opportunity to get homo cat Her. Events of This Evening'. Kegal.ir meeting of the West Side Hoard of Trade. Address by Direetor of I'ubllc Works John K. Itoelie. t'liu-o of meellng, Mlectric t'iiy Wheelmen's club house. I'art M'Hcllio relieitrsnl of lite Ox ford Clee club for tlrst and second bass nl Co-operalive hall. All of these .singei.s are leipiesled In atletal. The J.eek Social eluli will hold a reg ular meellng this evening at I'lvaas' hotel on Jackson street. The members of St. Mark's Lutheran church will hold a congregational meeting' this owning. The third iul'orma! dance of the 10i miuie club will be held in Mears' hall this eVPiilug. Music by I'.auer. Danc ing begins ill S.liO o'clock. A special meeting of Division No. I. Ancient Order of Hibernians, will be held this evening ill V. M. I. hall, 122 North Main avenue. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The M'coiul informal dance of tho Kleciric f'it.v Wheelmen will he held at the club houe on Tuesday evening, November 1!'. Dancing will be enjoyed from S.:;o to 12 o' lock. Kxpease, ."ill cents. A public moling will he held in the basement of the Itellevue Welsh Cal vinislic Methodist, church Tuesday evening. November 12. at 7."0 o'clock, for the purpose of forming si temper ance society. All those connected wllh tho church and everybody interested in temperance work aic earnestly leinist eil to be present. clem Marsh, jr.. and I'luirles Yous. the hotel man, went to Ifoscow on a limiting trip yesterday. Mrs. H. J. Kvans, one of (Jio oldest anil most respected residents of Ao.t Kcrii'utoiit Is seriously lit nl her home on llydo Park avctnte. Horn To Mr. and Mtp. Krnosl l- York, or North Main avenue, tt daugh ter. '. A. llyiHiti, lid. Moree utul l'rtil Hi mliliifiiu have eninposril a nnireh, wl hleh will he known as "Tho Kleelrle fit tv Wlu.nlinen'a March." It will be out 01 mo press m a lew nays. Mrs. Minor Nreloy, of North llelwen avenue, Is eoniliieil In her home by lit noss. Arthur and .leanette, ihlidron of Clerk of the Courts and Mrs, T. V, Daniels, are III at their home on North llydo 1'ark avenue, Charles Dougherty, the opeiatnr 111 elmi'fio of the AVostern l.'nlon's AVest Hornuton ollleo, spent hUtuilny at his home hi AVIlkoy-ltarre. The mission servlens at Holy Crdps ehtireh are attrnotliitf lnftfe assem bhiRes at each service. The n. i.'. W. foot hall siptad held 11 signal practice meelliiH; hist night, In the club house, nnd tlRttred It out how they will annihilate the Croon lildge Wheelmen on ThatiUsKlvliiK day, The remains of ihe lale Kdwln Thomas arrived hero yesteiday from Mononynhela City, Pa,, and were taken to the home of deceased's sister, .Mrs, limner Price, 2L! South Hyde Parle avenue, from wliieh plaeo the fttnelal will lake place at L'."0 o'clock this af ternoon, The funeral of 51 r. and Airs. John .M. AVilliatns' child will take place this af ternoon from the house, tiL' North .Main avenue, Aaron .laiiies, the marble dealer, Is ill at his home, corner of .lacks-nn sheet and Cranl avenue, Airs. C. A. Shepard. of Forest Cliy, returned homo yesterday from a. visit with Dr. and .Airs. C. It. Reynolds, of North Alain avenue. Airs. Shepard was on her nay home-from New York. where she visited her son John, who Is serv ing at llellevtie hospital. Harry Mason, Jr., of Kynon street, has returned home from Alt. Pocoao, where he i njoyed limiting for several days. Allss Sulla O'.Malley. of "IOC .IneUsou street, was tendered a surprise party lecently by a number of frb-fnls. An Infant child of Mr. and Airs. John Craham, of ."IS Third street, died re cently, and was interred in Ihe Cathe dral i etnetrry. Airs. John .AT. Ilevan and daughter, Airs. AI. II. Jones, of Hampton street, left Inst evening for Cleveland. Ohio. John ICellow, sr., ol" Hones-dale. Is the Sliest of Alderman Kellou, of I'hestnut street. Newton (fhtnehart, of Ituffnto, Is vis itlns' his father-ia-law, Air. Joins, of North P.romlev avenuo. Air. and Air. John AVaif, of iickon City, spent yesterday in West Scran ton. The chrysanthemum social, under (lie auspices of St. Paul's Pioneer corps, will be held at the Knights of Colum bus rooms on Wednesdav evenlnir. II,-. letnhei- 11. The corps has elected AVal- ter AIcMchols as president, 'J'. W. Kaily secretary and James Atahoti treasurer of the Oittlnq- i lttb, which will hold an encampment next summer. The ninth annual apron and necktie social of St. Patrick's Ladies' I. i '. !. l -will be held at Mears-' hall on Thankssivhis eve, Wednesday, Novem ber c. A daughter recently brightened the home of .Mr. and Airs. A. Hartwiek, of South P.roniley avenue. Allss Alary Cannon, of Twenty-first street, entertained a. In raw number of friends at her homo recently. Theodore Kryden, of South Imioulu avenue, left yesterday for AliehiRiui, In the interest of AtcClavo & fJtooks. Horn To Air. and Airs. Kdward Hon- kins, of Fellows street, a daiiKhtor. Ticket No. 1-S won the prize at the drawing' for a -writing- desk for the benellt of Itcese V.ryant, held recently. The Cleaners and Little Cleaners of Hie Simpson Aletliodist episcopal church have opened a rummage sale at the corner of Alain avenue and Lafay ette stiect. NORTH SCRANTON. The alarm of fire sent In from Hox 7.". yesterday niornins' at 10 o'clock, was caused by a blazo in a. barn on tho Delaware and Hudson company's farm, on the Olyphant road. The fire origin ated in a. pile of hay stored in this barn, but tho cause is unknown. Uy the time the lvose companies arrived on the scene the barn had burned to the ground. Tho loss on the barn and contents will amount to about $."00. fully covered by insurance. A horse belonging- to Ira Aliltrn, of Scott, who is taking: care of tho farm, was suffocated by inhnllng' the flames. At 11. HS a. in. another alarm of tiro came, lu from 15ns Sir. corner of P.loom avenue and Alarket street, which la ought Hose companies I and 7 to Jo seph AIMer's house, on Clark street, where a flro had started from an over heated stove In tho kitchen. A Tew minutes later a second alaini was sent In, owing- to the lack of hose, and this brought lluio company No, 1 out. Tho damage done will amount to about .$200, covered by Insurance, Alnniuetto council, No. -VSi, Young Aleu's Institute, will hold their fifth an nual hall In the Auditorium this even ing, The decorations and electrical dis play will he something not seen very often lu this section, Manor's oichoMia of ten pieces will discourse inuslo dur ing1 the evening. The ladles of the f, c, 15. u. will have clinrgo of the re freshments, The Independent orchestra held their weekly class and social In the Audi torium last evening1 and was well pat ronized, Aliss Lucy O'lloyle.who has been vis lUngr her parents, on AVilllams street, for tho last few days, has resumed her studies at Ulooinsbui'S' State Normal school, Mrs, Ceorgo 11. Shlffer, of 1701 North Main avenue, is spending' a. few days with her sister, Allss Travis, nl Far toryvUle, Clarence MoAlliftfr, of Norllnuubrr laml, Is visiting- ids pan uis, on Del mont terrace, Ceorge If. Shlffer Is rolillned to Ills home, i;ni North Alain avenue, with rheumatism, Tho Ladles' Aid .society of the Pjovl deuce Presh.v terlan church will meet this afternoon in tho social rooms of (he cliurth. Patrick Oallaghcr, of Stanlmi street, met with a very painful accident, Fri day, Avhile working In the Cayuga julne. While performing' Ills' duties as miner, he was struck by a fall of coal and sustained a compound fracture of tho riht leg-. A physician was sum moned and reduced tho fracture. Jlc- Is now resting comfortably. Tho North Scranton Itepublican dab will meet In Alderman Myers" ofllce to morrow cvonlnc. .Tomes Trldlnlck, of Way no avenue, Is convaltscent. AValtcr Price, of Nay Aug- avenue, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Oltlcer lloekenberry tor disorderly con duct and was later lined ?g by Alagls trato Fldler. SOUTH SCR ANTON NINETEENTH WARD RESIDENTS HOLD A MEETING. They Want Street Facllitcs of Ward Improved What Director Roche Proposer, to DoProgress of Work on tho Several Sewers In the Work of Street Improvement Aged Karl Oraf Injured, Whllo In tho Woods Avlth His Grandchild Brief News Notes and Personal Mention. A Inrg'o and outhuHliiHtli.' mooting of property owners was held Sunday af-t'M-noou at the Klondike club house near Mountain hake, who met by nroement. to discuss ways and means for securing belter street facilities In the upper section or the Nineteenth ward which lies hoyond tho Krle and Wyoming ralhoad. lllchard Luko pre sided and addresses touching on tho subject wore made by Alessrs. Fred AVest pt'ahl. lludolph l-'ranz, lirnost LooweHstelu. Junior, Murray, Council man Charles Craf and others. Director of Public. AVorlts .John 13. ltochu, who wan present by Invitation, spoko at length on tho matter of good roads and somewhat startled those present by stating that tho city was not compelled to Improve tho streets lu that section as they had never been ac cepted. However, he was unite willing to co-operate In making better arteries for travel and would do all in his pow er to Improve present conditions. A commute." was thereupon appointed to solicit financial aid among tho citizens and business men who are principally Interested, Tho committee Is as follows: Coun cilman Charles Craf, Fred AVestpfnhl, sr Itudolph Frunx. .lumen Murray. l"U... C..l 1 . ...1 i , ""i" .-.i-iiwni.-M-iier, nioro.e jiei;;, ami 'Krnost Loewenslein. If they moot with uio success uiey liopo lor the work of Improvement will probably bo done ttn rt"r the supervision of the depart mont of public works. Director Koelio proposes to extend P.lucher avenue as far as the liast Atotnitain road, which will mean the making- or a new street about 2000 feet long. The Fast Mountain road will bo improved easterly aa far as Stafford avenuo and that thoroughfare will bo improved lo Front, street. If this is done there will be a contin uous series of improved streets running from the westerly end of the Hearing JJrook bridge to Ihe end of the Nine-b-eiilh ward. Work on Sewers. Before tho passing of another year this pari of the city will be eomplelely sewered from Stone avenue to the I ton ring IJrook, and from Ihe Spittce street bridge to the Twentieth ward line. The main sewer, that of the Sev-entt-eiuh district, which will drain the Klovonlh. Twelfth and Nineteenth wards, is ."till incomplete, and an ex tension of eight months has been asked for. This year many sectional suh-sewers have been placed to connect with the main, sewer, and most of tho work has been done by Contractors Fiokus and Partridge. They have constructed the Lnvelle court sewer, the Schimpff court and Neptune place sewer, and are now eiiE'acred on a Ceilae jivenue iinrl Slm-mo street addition, and also another in rear of Cedar avenue, which crosses I'lrch s'.rert. The above-named con tractors have gained the good-will of all property owners by tho push and energy they have injected into the work and the manner in which it has been done. On every section which they contracted for the work lias been completed well within the time limit. Contractor Coons anil son aiv still at work on the main sewer, which was started nearly two years ago. They have been unfortunate in regard to rock, sometimes as much as ten feet thick, while In other places they -would encount.e;- treacherous iiuicksand, and they are nt the present time heavy loser.-, on the venture. Messrs. Coons have also charge of the Alder street sectional sewer, and when the various jobs above mentioned are tlnislied there will be no better or more complete sys tem of sewers in the city of Scranton. Street Improvements. Since Hon. John H. Roche took charge of the office as direetor of nub ile works, it is safe to say that more work has been done In c-radinc- streets. laying sidewalks and paving gutters on mis sine, utirmg nis lncumuency, man was dope in the twenty years previous. The Twelfth ward sewer has beep thoroughly rebuilt, and It Is a pleasure to vide or walk ovor its principal streets. Fig street and Stone avenue have been .rnrlml ;i ml I'.tlloil In llin 'I'venn I IaI 1, ward, and. much-needed repairs have just been completed on the Alder street mn in ine .Miieieeniu warn, in iiiiui Hon to tills, PittHlon avenue has been improved from the new bridge to with in a block of the city line, and several blocks on Prospect avenue have been tilled In and graded. Numerous other holes and ruts have been lllled or effaced, and the much desired Improvements have been very favorably commented on, The old nuery, which had become a standing joke, will now have to lake a place among the musty relics of Ihe past, and It will be no longer neeessar;' lo ask-, "What hecamo of the wilrd appro priation."' Badly Hurt by a Pall. Karl Craf, an aged man. and tho rather of Councilman Charles Craf, met with a horious accident while walking lu the woods, yesterday with a grandchild. Ho was utrrying the little one on hia shoulder v. lien his too caught in a root ami caused him lo stumble, lu trying to save the child from injury the old gentleman foil hoaslly and sustained a seveio blow in the side, it was at llrst thought that Hovoral ribs were broken, hut on mak ing an examination, Dr. Kolb found they wore pot fractured, bul had been forced Inwards by the fall so that they pressed against the lung, and the pain (itused thereby wits us great as though they were broken. No serious m-tilln are tuiilclpalcd, although Dr. Oraf will be laid up for sumo lime. NUBS OP NEWS. A regular monthly mooting of tho Church of Peace Young Peoplea society will take plaio thl'i evening. Fred Nehr, w., who has been laid up wllh a serious Illness, Is reported as Im piovlng. A slight cuve in tho Plumun avenuo sewer was dlscoveicd by Lluiuenant Peter '.am; at tho corner or Alder street lust evening. Proper precnu tlona were made uud a lantern placed over Ihe hole, William Uuihein'4 of the well known HUlhelnu bltlohcr ilrm, la quite 1)1 at his residence, G1S Cedar avenue. Comet lodge, No. sst), Knights of Pythias, will meet lit Hartmali'H hull this evening. A well attended session of Washing ton camp, No. 4.io, Patrlollo Older Sons of America, wan held at their llead titiurtcrii last evening. William Heap had his knee dislocated while playing root ball on Sunday. The Orpheus Hlee club will conduct it concert at fit. Joint's hall on Christ mas night. Pharmacy halt wilt be crowded on Thursday night by members of the social set on tills side, who will attend the membership dance of the St. Aloy sltts Total Abstinence and Itencvolent society. A 12-pound baby girl has arrived at the home of Mr. and Airs. Prod Al brooht, on Stone nvclllie. Jacob Lorenx, of 7H28 rear of Pltlstoii avenue, who has been in the Laekii wonnn hospital ror some time, will bo discharged cured tomorrow. DUNM0RE DOINGS. Serious Pire Early Yesterday Morn ing' Sweot-LucUvlfj Marriage. News Notes nnd Personals. At an early hour yesterday morning flames were discovered coming from the building on Drinker street, occu pied an a bakery by Frank AVhlte, and owned by the John Shaffer estate, nud for a. time It looked as though the en tire block would bo destroyed. As it was the properties of Atareus Plagenunii and T. J. O'Doniioll, which adjoin It, were badly scorched. Air. White and his son were working in Hie basement as Is their custom at that time of the morning, preparing for the wants of the niorrol.-. The lire orig inated just over the oven, which is located in the rear of the building. Air. White's attention was llrst drawn to the lire by the cracking of the timbers, and It was then too late lo reach his living apartments on the top lloor, and none of his household goods were saved. The Interior of tho building was completely gutted, and the con tents are a total loss. The damage lo the building will amount to about 51.000. while Mr. AVhlle's loss will be about $Sy0, par tially insured. Airs, White and children were for tunately not sit home, Sweet-Eudwig1. Aliss i:mma. laid wig, of AVest Drink er street, and AVillis Sweet, of AVest Sernuton, were married at Oneouta, N. A'., on Saturday evening by llov. J. P.. Sweet. Aliss Freda. Ludwlg acted as brides maid and Howard AVllliams acted as best man. The ceremony was wit nessed by a largo circle of friends of the contracting parlies. After tho cer emony the intimate friends repaired lo the homo of the groom's parents, where a reception was held. After their return from an extensive wedding tour they will take up their residence In a newly furnished home In Park Place. Those from town who attended were: Airs. Oscar Ludwig and son. Oscar: Air. ami Mrs. C. T. Aliller and son, and Charles Sweet. NEWS NOTES. Last night in Odd Fellows hall, ady AlcKiuley lodge entertained their friends with an entertainment and so cial. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the attendance was not as large as hoped for, but those present were treated to an unusually pleasing programme. Tonight, at SI. Alark's Parish house, an entertainment will be given under Ihe direction of Air. James AIcKuiie, At the conclusion of the entertainment a farce, entitled "Happy Hooligan," will be presented. Airs. Clllctte, of Thompson, Is visit ing her daughter. Airs. J. 15. lirmisou. Allss Kate Carduer, of Clifford, has been the guest of Airs. AV. Al. Stevens, recently. Aliss Sadie Wurfel is ill at her home on Hlakely street. A. .1. Widner is convalescent, after his recent seriottc illness. A. P. AlcDouough made il business trip to AVIIkes-Karro yesterday, in finest ot more horses for his quick bus line service, Airs. A. I'3. Finch, of Cherry sheet, is improving after her recent critical sickness. Allss KinmiL llohh r, of Cedar avenuo, was tendered a pleasant surprise party Saturday evening, the occasion being her birthday, (lames and other amuse ments were Indulged in, and at a sea sonable hour supper was served. Thosm present weie: Alisses Kmiuii Holder, Kilith AVllliams, Mae Krk. Hannah Williams, Crace Conner, Jennie Con ner, Crace I Irk, Abide l-3rk. Charles Krlcllck, John Diet.. Joe Wuench, K. Kvans, William Alelvln, Alorris Sulli van, Ambrose Mull raw, Albert P.ruchs, Charles Fox. GREENJRIDGE. Airs, F.dword Fuller, of Dickson ave nue, has returned from an extended visit with friends lu Downsvllle. Allss Henwood. of Skinner's Hddy, Is visiting Aliss Alice Peck, of Alonsey avenue, Air. and Alts. ". II, Pond, of North Park, have returned from a slay at Preston Park. Airs, J. D. Alason, of Sanderson ave nue, Is the guest of her daughter, Airs, C, Foster, of llouesdale. The ladles of the church of the Hood Shepherd will conduct a chrysanthe mum show and sale in tho linlld rooms this evening. Old fashioned pumpkin pie, doughnuts and colfeo will be on sale. Night school opened In No. 27 last evening with an enrollment of sixty scholars, It Is expected that thlsi num ber will be increased to admit nluoiy at this evening's session, .1, II. Hawk er and J. K. Koss are the teachers, Tho principal opened the exercises last evening with an Inspiring address to tho pupils. School Controller Francois, who has Just returned front u Hip abroad, was present and ospresscd his pleasure that so many had embraced the opportunity to continue their studies. Piof, Hawker, of School No, 27, has received relurns front the High school concerning the examination of pupils from No. 27 school, taken about two weeks ago. ami every scholar passed, Pr. Walter Fordhani spent Sabbath lu lthitea, as tho guest of his brother, ilrtici) Fordhani, of Cornell university, nud will act as usher at the Slsson Netlletoa wedding in that city this evening. The funeral of Xoe Header, daughter of Mr. and Airs, F.ll Mender, took place from the homo of her parents, 110S San derson avenue, Sunday afternoon. Itcv. Dr. Pierce, pastor of the Penn Avenue llapltsl church, conducted the services Jonas Long's Sons A Little Talk About Capes and Jackets Department Second Floor. Most any time now we may look for a cold wave. One of our Coats, Capes or Jackets will keep you warm. Ladies' Three-Quarter Box Coat, made of Wash ington Mills Kersey. Colors are black, blue, castor and red. lined with good satin, a coat that is worth $12. 50. Our price ip 1 UUU Ladies' Curly Astrakhan Cape, winch long.edged with Thibet fur, lined and interlined, worth $7 0. Our price Ladies' 22- inch Jacket, very pretty in appearance, has strap scams and velvet collar. Colors in castor and tan, a coat that is worth $ 1 2. 50. Our price Shoes. Shoes This rainy weather will necessitate shoes with heavy soles. We have a number of strong values which you may select from. We mention three prices today: $2.00, $3.00, $3.50. The styles are mediums and heavy weight, button and lace, all kid and box calf foxed. A flexible welted walking shoe. Mail and Telephone Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention. Advertisers and a quartette from tho choir of that church furnished mu.le. The pallbear ers were: John Walter. Wallace AVal ter. Xorman Williams and Cyrus Simp son. Interment was made in AVash Uurn street cemetery. Messrs. Kimaelier, Kurt:', and t'ar mlcliaei are on a hunting trip near Gouldsboro. PROFESSOR MAYO-SMITH ACCIDENTALLY KILLED He Tails From a Window in His Study in Now York. B llxcluslic Wire from Ilic Associated I'imj. New York. Nov. 1 1 Kiclniid Mayo Hmlth. a professor of political economy nt Columbia university, was killed to lilfiht by faultier front a window of his Htudy on the fourth lloor of his resi dence on AVest Seventy-Seventh street 10 the stone HajTBlni,' In the rear. Ho far as the police have luvostlRiitod the case they conclude that the fall was accidental, lie was 17 years of age uinl leaves a wife and four children. Professor Mayo-Smith a short time iiso lioKim the year's vacation which Columbia Krauts to the mouthers of the faculty after they have served seven years, lie had been ill for a few months hut not sick oiioiwh to cause tho family any alarm. Thin evening lie told his wife who was In the study with him that he felt tired and would lie down for a short time, She left him. Very soon afier the butler, in pnslns the study door, saw tho form of a man Kolas' out of the window, lie thoushl it wis a burglar and ran down stairs to inform .Airs. Mayo-Snilili. Somi'lhluB nnulo the wife think it mltihl be her husband and on ruunlnp out to the rear yard flic saw the body of the proi'o.ior. A physician v. ho was called said death must have been Instantaneous, lie had been a. profes sor of political economy at Columbia Miice ISvS::. He was born lu Ohio and sradtialod from Amherst eolleiro lu 1ST,".. lie wan nn honorary fellow of tho Uoyal Statistical society of Ureal liritalii and a memher'of the Nation, il Academy of Sciences, He was a writer 011 economics and the author of "Kini Krutlon and liumlsralloii," "Sociology and Statistics," "Statistics and Koon omlcs," These works were publishid in W, IS'.i", and l&W respectively. PHILIPPINES' IMMIGRATION Secretary Root Approves Certain Suggestions, III' l.lll.kli- Willi flolllTlli' ta.H.l.llld l'H' Washington, November 11. -Secretary Hoot liau approved certain saiicesllous made by Covernor Tal't for the belter regulation of the limniKrailoii of Chi nese Into lite I'illllPPlncs. The mala objcit of tho modlhVutlons suHU'cste.l the better enforcement of the limniura Uon laws of 1 ho t'lilU'd Stales as ap plied to tho 1'lilllppltics. Winn tins' laws were put in operation by (leiieral (Ills In IS'.KS It was provided Hun boii.i lido CliinesoiesldHUHof I ho Philippines who mlBhl leave the coiiniry would he allowed to return upon the production of tho refillired lefial certlllcate, The principal chanijos recommended hv Uoveriior Tufi are that the privil eges of returning to the Islands bo lim ited to a period of one eur and a half mid that this privilege be wholly ile. nlcd to all Chinese who left the Islands diii'lins or before 1'JS and who have not since relurneil. Mining Accident in Piu-ssia. livilin, Vi. :i. 'Jhii'i' i"ioii4 luic licin kill'd uii'l lui'iny-tlu1 eUiiT. Injuiui in a inininjf ai i .linl .11 M.i-tml, I'iuij. Tliiituii me a.1 ill tie tuinUcd, dooas f nnrf oatcP Coat $5.00 $6.98 Shoes 5 J0DS of Facts Only AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre M. UU1S, Leasee and Manager. A. .1, UUITY, Duj. JUnagM. Wadimday Matlnu and Nigh?. i'0,rinvt: Ai'i'tAitA.M t: or Louis Morrison (IIIMSIII.P) and Mi rrnllnit romiuny el .li.ns in ttir cms!. lu fiiueiii ru'inc .nut ili.nn.au; piotlui lion in 3F2LTJ I'litp- I'tr-nnir, ''. emu to sl.iio. Sp011.1l Il.11s.1l11 Piy M.ilime I'i'ier.s HI jnd .".1 mils iliiMun, J.' ti-iit.. e. any p.nt ef thr thr.t. tec. NiU on i-.ilo WiMidiy fur belli nutincc and nijlit. Friday Evening;, Nov. 15. i;.tiA(.un:r i.ii!.mu!I)Inai:y in- 'ini: pun i.Aii A(-nn:sjt Kathryn Kidder in I In' Nc 1'l.iy li." (ilrn Midlo'tonsli, "T'ie Hit ilie 'i ili A U'.'M l'' 'I11H011," lli.i.ni. t! Ni!,ii. ih 11. I .limit".. rin - ' , ..li .. '.. , M.011, si VI. L.iiil.mi .a It'. I". -Viil mi 'Ml. V 1 ilm-il.iy. Academy of Tlusic II. IiKIS, l.cffco. A. .1 Dufly, Manasr T'o npi.kn 1 ovmi.v im: Honclaj', November 4. Huntley-Harris If In li lit-,. M '" "I I i'1'i-ll.i l't.m. Or.on. OIK vwil ,l III!, -nl'" I'"rtl' l"H "' An Innocent Sinner 4 lilt. M III.UU.P 'I'' -I I III trail nl S'l'' ll - ''"' '.!'. l'i , , - III. :" .iinJ "I n.i -.M.ilmi'i'i in .mil -'' ' "I' STAR THEATRE AI.P. (J. IIi;i'.i!IN(i'lOV, Manas"- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Nov. 11, 13 and 13 "T30N-TON BURLESQUERS" Matinee Monday and "Wednesday. GRAND CONCERT, Mme. Lillian Nordica 'J'li' W'lll.l . tie'. I -' I MH.'i' SltllJi''. Ml! llnlM". ".IMMON. Pi.in.-I. Ill loiiiiceiio'i WUi the fourtceiith loiicril ol 'I in- Scranton Sinphoiy circli'-sira, Tianiioi'- iiciiiinraer, Cou dui'inr. ai tile Now Armor, Scranton, Pa, PITCHER, Thursday Evening, Nov. Id, 1001. - li'jur.iin iii ! ! i "' h.-ii Si no Thnii ij,, .v. . . l"Ui. a. ' . in. . ..- ..- Prof.Q.F.THEEL,52T?r4 i' wi)l..aliri'.oil'i-'4..,ir"si,,''i lr.llwll.lliull rip..i.:Mr uifdlfJl iJ l.flrlealrriil. Umllva pnr.' --f M-IT"-l--t1-l-t-H-tH'H lT J) MfrlMi iiraolvi tururraUo tumult ulf 1 y&JKDPd jrtri.ele 4 MrUtum ( fu(llu . I uJtrtui V. BWl -- ffm