The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 12, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of
W'tSTI 11 , toml Hill, hiIiMIp ate iro(mnl In
l ill J. Willi mi Illinium. H Hi ii I Hi 'f""
-,., - - - '--',
Delaware, nnd Hudson Railroad.
lunc r, nvi
uti wilt lcnc tinnowlilc nl cliy t-ill.iti tn
follow! . , , ...
I or "rrniiton ami W IIU Hun -ml. f '
IMll, jo 01. 11-1 ii in . I MB. I I". - ' "'
6 0(1, 7iNl, in 01, Ifl M p in , ,,
"mull, tiilm lone it (.'it, ll"l "" "
S M, fi "i. (D p in
I'ur Mlnin, ""inli'Ri Wontfil, llUn.
J iicliiml uliit, rlc , 7 Ml i in, I I i "i
I'hlli.) .. , ,
I'or 1.1,0 foil ire. 4itiatI. am! lloni'-'lHr
7 J.' IIP,", ii in , I M, i. I! i in
Nimln ImIim IriM l.iln I jid I '- Win nun
tiiiil Hi neihlo nt Ii HI n in . I . HI i; I"
Iriln. unlit it ultli'lili' timii Wi i1)'"1!
ami vrmlim ni dilliiu fl Vi, 17. ' I"
n in , 1.' 17 5 0rt, .1 ". I ,-, 0 0', 7 01, .1 ' l.
II t7 nt I , ii in
Mlllllll II iIim MllM nl I' 17 i in , I' in '
4 -'. O.i, II .I p til, , ,
simile. tniiiH uiitM ii rjitiiiutiM (nil; i J,;r
luipin, WiiMiurl alul IIoihvIjIp il I' ' ' "'
iiml 7 "i i nt
New Yoik, Ontaiio and Western.
Slil I, 1')l
"lull- I ii ( iiIiihiiIiIi in . l ml. n it 7 00 n
in . I W ti in
MiikIii tiini i il 7m t in ' "' I1 I" ,. .
rin I in I, nr ( iiimnlili lm piliils nm " "
II in i in ii i -in dii i, i in i n 'i ,m
I'lvlns it II in ii in wnk ilm mil ' J" "
iiii.lm mile n iiii-lIiiiih fu Xiw nl. loin
Mill, rip
Initio itilu fin n -mi inli n nl II W i in ' l"
1 111! IK III lillll ll'll'l I no p in . "-imtlin
lioni sirinliii il 'i In i in nml " I' m '
fiPin iiilnili nl ilno p in
Eiie Bnihond.
limp ' Hull
Train Imp nil -lillrn, ( iiliomli'. . 'Ink
(pCit Niiiiln) it7 im i in nml I I I' "I '"r
Hun 11 inl NniPifli nl 1 l in l'lh l''v
Pilin' Niriiln), fin J.iiulninl.iti miKltm u n
inlloiis Kr Xiw nl i i i ml Pun")!". ""'I 'I
( PI p in f i -ioiiupIiiiiiii, in i'.iii i mi' ilium
ft i w 1 01 II 1 1 hi -
siimln IiiIik it '" l"i T n f.'i -iiWiiiluiiiii.
ulli wiUiin umiirilfti , ni'l '7 J. in wit'i
mi' i , ni i lIh io
I i ido inn I s ' 1 in ni" i I ' I' "
mi Ins it ,l i in
Councils Meet in Joint Session nnd
let tl'e Coat Continot to John
Hooth, Though Hp uns Not thr
Lowest Binder, and Awmd Sewei
Contincts to P. G Moiaii and M.
r. Gilmaitin.
('Oiiiulls In Joint -lesion nU'lit,
"dNposod oT two hnnoi iouli,ut.
1 he i onti.ii t fm iiim)1 Iiik i o il to tho
nt tin Hip ioiiiIiik M.'l 's Ahm to
John Hooth, who, houoci not
thp loi( -t biiliki
!'. i!. Moi.m, who'.' bill foi was
ioJpuuI loi 'nine ii'onn not ile.ulv
.ilipmnt. tlionuli It wiis the louist,
,is uiii'-kkiril jp-)ionsbIp onoiiKli bv
Hip '.lino i nunc Union who otnl
.leiinM htm i .u llt'i in Hip "osslnu, to
umU'iMKi ,i m'hii lonti.ut whidi in
Mihcd uoiU . t ml Giwn tlu' woilc
of innti in thiK ihf -"i'i mi Poonth
''iiuc, fioni Jli,'h stint to AV.ij no
stiett. His lii.l 71'. nits pel
M 12 Clihiiutln wns .mauled the
'Olltl.Kl fill llllillllllC .1 sluilt s(.i l nil
Vintli iMiuip, ni'.n .south M.iin siip(i.'
His bid ivmsiili'i.ihlv lo,fi than
the nthPis, 17'i.. cents ppi line it tool
'I he bill5! on the mic wpio
Venth avuiue I ii. 71'
nil, ii' i lllieul fool, Thoina" KlllPen,
Ii' i mis
Xlntli .ncnue I' C Mm, n, 71'.,
cuts 'I'lniniiis KilloiMi vjienls, M. '
C"! tin, 17 tout!.
Coal Bids Waimly Discussed.
'I line was ,i nun dl mission lollow
Iiik the ninniittee ' lepoit nn Hie oil
linl', w lib Ii w is in j.tuii nt .Inliu
'I he bids hup fix follows
lJt'law.uo mil Jiudsmi innipun
1 'jr, stnve ni i In stunt, '.'7',. ii".i coal,
) iiu This was tlie juiep pci ton ni the
iliiite. dilheml, the mice was fiO
i ills nunc ki ton tm elthci se
John Uootli iMinie pilie ,m the Di l.i
wiiie mid Mudsiin, dell' Pied
I' t! Mni,m.stnp, iprnr oi ihcstnut,
S: IS, iif.i mil, ;j m, (idhpini
s will In lendlh obspued, .Mmans
bid ,ns i, i ents- lowi'i thim IJoolh's u
)m and 7 (cuts lowei on the luij,
H'slA', 'Iho building i oiiiiuiiUP, hnw
imi, uuiiiuuended in I. am oi llnoth.
Win Ii .Mi, Nenlnii imlnteil nut tlmt It
mciiki! an inju-tiip to iimKe the i itv
lia il nuts mine mi mn sle and
b-nen nuts nn tin nthei lm lilentic.illv
the siiiiif hind nl io,il Mi. Slnue nl the I
tninmlttie ami Mi rieti hei tali r indi
iiilnl Hint in t lie i i npluinn Ml llnoth
was the nime jisionxliln nl Hie two,
or at bast that thm did not m
lake iliaiuts with au liut niilhldt
of hllil
Ml. Xialmi innn In Hint the inni
llilttei'h n i iininn iidatlnn lull II wax
detiMttd bv an nei w hPlmliiK Mill', 1-'
to I. MnxsiH Kauell, Miinulnn, Xen
lnn l.nitus and Keniioilv Anted in t.aot
oi Mm. m.
I.atei n halt limn .iftoj w.tuN, wlnn
heai t action slioiiR and u-tjular,
Thi-shaped bos no other.
icnts a bos at dealeisor Dr A
Mr. Ileuiy Albeiti-. nf OH, nil ill
tuiel, yctunton, IM, Ki.b, 'Tot abuut
two ctus my buk unit hldtiis had
been Kote, luniu and Hie M'ltttlon lu
bail t-iupo. Nntblnt;- fccenitd to lli'lp me
dl all until 1 cot Di. A. V. Cliiift's
Xeno I'llls at Muttbi'u.s Ibor-.' dmr,
btoie, 3J0 Iuckauiuina r(cmK', Tiny
did tho milk, i in I n f,- (he t-otciKfii and
lnnieiiess, tnahins1 the bccutlon healthy
and Koutially glvlngr nic health ami
Ilic t uIiiiiiIHop spoiled In fiiui itf Mr.
Mm mi gelling (lip xeuer tnnltuct, Mr.
.Wnlnti xuggcntpil tlmt It wn.x u Hti.mgp
i hiitinstitni c llinl loi tain nioinbom of
thlx i omiiiltti c i)iiiocil Air, Allium
(ililv ii slant time befoie, btiuliso of
the four Hint In- wax lint icsikiiihIIiIp.
(.'hull limn riettlii'i, who wnx oiip lo
whom the lobtllte wns udinlnlxtoied,
xhllt Ml, Xoiilnu oft bpfoic lie llinl pio
icpilrd fur In IiIh ilofpiifp of Mr. Mm an.
Till: I.KiltV OltDlXANCi: l'ASi:S
Anioiif,' Hie Inli lpstlntr twiiism Hoiih of
fold I mini II wiir the lni'sat'e on "-ei-nml
mid tliltil leadlngx of Hip oidl
liitlic e awnidliifr the stippl IlKhtlllfr i on
tmi't fnt tin no (lllx to the lau k.i
wannii r.lcetili' AgUi (oiupniiv.
1 Ihlsiut ioiimpIIs let ko,1 dr fault,
(he Inltim thin piniiedliiKx bimiKlu b
trilnlli illlptix to iiwiiiiln the iii.'imii
fioni sininu: the leolutlmi awaidltiK
the (nnttint. Il wax mlpil b Mtnor
Klhiatililv mi the nltdit the uintiait
wu1? let Hint nn millnniH e, lur-triiil ol a
icolutlmi, was ticec'suut . 'I'hp i itv
Fnllcltor iIp lined, Iiowpmm. Hint the
ipxnlttthm would iiif-wei Aillntr on
thlx nihil i'. louimou i ulllli II lejuted
Hie innjni's vilo and Kiantid the i on
HiKt. Slnie the bilnjrliiif of Hie xult
the elt.v xnlleltm admitted that peihapw
iQinulls weie in en or in linsstny dip
ipxoliitloii, and xtiKc'ttil tlmt what de
fect tbi'ie inl"ht be (ould he innedled
bv UvNI.itlnli. 'I'lic IeKi.latlmt liiiiinl
wax the tiassip'e nl an niiliuanip
nwaidiiiff the ( null ait. 'I his mdinauM
wax i.'tlodui ed a' a Hjii' muting
tNitunl.n iiIkIii. and i,is-id mip ipiiiI
biK. I.,i-I iilRlit it wen. tluiiilKli selei l
imuicll mi "ci ond and tlilul ii.nliiiK.
It wax In otiKlit oci In lonminn i mm
(II and i npli s nl it wcie pl.uid nil Ihe
uiiiiihijx' iltik" liefotP Ihpv bill a
ihanu t'i ole on II oi ( en ipnxidei
It. the uipli nt the oidlnaiKC wile
IuimIpiHv sntlihcd b a membti tiom
siloi t coiilii il. whn is a st.iiiiiih i Ii iii
plnil of the thlee-o.n inntiail Illx
niihsiou was to mii' the oi din uue 1 1 nm
possibl ils.ts(ri ,is tbo nte, if mm
could be (iiken, would be a H". 1-itei.
when Mi. I'lliflinnn nnolhei suppotlei
of the thifc-M.u loutii't, i aim into
tlie council iliniubri it n elfm t was
nt ide lo hue Hip mdliiaiue tnk n tiji
nml aitid nn This nj. altei i onm. on
louncil 1 1 coin cm d to a t on s, r. t
council's lesfilutim. i-Mmr lm a joint
ineetin,',' lu the iiip.iulline Ml Xe.ilnn
innpd f adjnuin, which was dnm Iip
fni( tho'-e in I i m ol the oiillnanie
imild n.ilip takiiiir plm e
The Mticstion that lonialn. and w hii h
is inti tpstin v mole til m i few lx tint
the titv lx iniiblpil lm the c otb In the
triuiti pinccodlnps thout,h II the
malm's sutrffexlfnii J ail In i u bet did
tills would li'fti axuted the eit
would not bi put to am inuiPiestai v
Splu t louiKll jiasPij a few minor
matteix Aniimi; thein was iho lii-t
leadiiiL" of two light mdlnanus lioiu
common, louncil, the ntundlntr of
nionev uuneci's-ai il niid 1 Uioikp
I'tllf lor boncllls auiuiut, tiom opea
iiiS' Hospital stteet, and the Columbia
i oinjiain's k n.iisition
Common Council.
I'ommon ujiiin II held a leul.u niopt
In:, liul ni Ij iiiiiitiin nt hiisiui s M ,s
dlsposnl ol
Between Lectin c Couises and Vatious
Kinds of Socnls Cmboudale So
ciety Will Be Kept Astir lot (he
Coming Week The Events, in
Theh Oldei.
Tills Wifk Will be i vtiuliiri nlie In n
soi i il wa in I'.ll bund lie 'Jlteic ale
nioii' eents and iniiiouaiit ones, th ui
hif apinMlul in the soi it t, ol the
town In a xinijle wtek tlian In seeial
t lis. 'IliPlP is ii t.iii In ptni;iesx, two
Ii t ill i s (D t,i( pi, lie, the Xmdk i iiin
i eil and two suIim iljitlou dam is wliiili
belnnjT uudei the apllnu "xwill af
iaiis " Last b , tin to will lie tin .it t it all
iluiiUK the v hole wi ek
Tilt tall nt the CnitaKe lln-e i nni
p.i'n i)iei;ul last nlslit in tlie Watt
hulldlliK and ptmulxes a koimI deal ol
on n moiiL and ldeasuii m i multi
tude at pet sons
'I bete will be two inipul lam ha)itil
iDHx tn-niulH, one a litetai.N eilll, tile
liituinnl l-)l hilen, Uienllni, a sn.
till all. ill, the must olnhoiatc nf the
eiilv s()ii,i cison. ut bast the xtli).
xitlptlnn d.lllie li the fiiu il i lull
Di. Whnlen's Lectuie,
Di. Whaieli s lei tm,, win lie tbdls ml
lu the audltniluni ot the I' u himl,
undPi the aitsplii.s nl the Xthl.'tb ax
foiiatlon ol the c.iihonitalo mKii
si book Tlie talk Is piobiblj the mnxl
poplllil ol the loin luliiettes nl Or
Whalell 'The Wit and lluiiinrnl Hie
lllxh I'liiplr' lx iu till,, .lnn i'i.
bondale pnsnnx li.i imijiimmI the
llilfhex nf wit nnd hae 1, iliKheil beul
lly at the humor ol the ximlex lapltallv
lelateil l)j Di Wlialeii and It In silo
to s,i ihui main of thes. m . jn
'I lie ii'.'ison li Dr. dial's ri 'ils u.icli tin.1 ",U'.U mass
of luiinau ills wlim' uilu'is fail, is liiatist.' tins plR'iiDiiK'iialls lnilt
innl pliNsiciau fou'a tin tcuikncN vi the .io to lnirr, to oxi-ido, to
ovor.stiain. to lU'loot of one's self- -Realitd u meant neie esliaitstion,
neive collapse, and provided a cuu -Knew that the liist slijijn smp
toms weaiiiK'ss, disinclination to noil,, .lanjuj; appetite and lo's of
tilery would pas, unnoticed Knew llie would yiow into 'a settled
de)iession.iueiital foyiuiss, foietfuliuss, chill, peiiisleut heatlaches,
iinpaiied digestion, icstlesMiess, iienotiMiess, diziucss, heait iiregu
l.uities and inaliilitv to sleep and s-o coiisinicied the Xervu J'HU that
the meet the. siiii.ttiou full. not h whipping or sliiuulalion, but bv
theconiinon sense plan of supphiiij, to the neiu-i and tissue that
which foils has jolibed them of. L'uder the ir .splendid u-mi,")oiat-inir
power, one lists, uiu sleeps, the nenes lmow nuiet :iinl stejuh. tlie
diRestion pet feel, the mind clear, and
Signature ami poitiau of Dr. A. .
, Chase Aleil, Co., 'JTu Washington
Mi Thomas Minum i.--. of inl'i ,lml
,Jou httiei, Hi i itntoii, Pa , s.,j u,,
A W. I'lmsc'K Xeio i'llls aie n tpb n
did uue lm mm wins bid, bti.d.u hc.s.
Mine wimp teiilble at linn's, l as
miuiih ut the mine time. 'J be Nine
t'ilbt wete to im, ami I
pot a bo at Muttltewn iho...' iliu"
sloie, j.'i) l.aik.iwiiiina iienue, and
tbcj iiiiiiplttd cm cil the heudaiheu
ami nut w)ti.xm!,.x. Thij., i think, is m.
iiiuiitcmlutluii I'ltouyh,"
the ntidlpiiie that will Kteet the speak
er tmilitht.
The iitOBtfiinnu' of the evening l ni
follow K
,S lu" Mtixle by lllith rxc hoot oi
l'IipfIui. PI inn xulu llpvfmil f'oiiclitntl,
l.ii lute "The Wll nnd lliiinor of
lllxh Couple," H"V. .1. WIiuIpii, D. J).
Melfitlon MIkIi Hihool nichcstiii.
Subset Iptloti Dances.
The Htlbxitljillon dnnie 111 Hllike'H
ball Will be urnler the piitlomiRe nf the
oiiinr i hih, Ihe ineniheix of whom ate
innxpliituiix in the MiutiKer snelety ot
the tuwu, (IllextH It util W'llkes-llano
to I'atbmidtile wilt he ptPHcml tn Kline
the Ant tixxpinbliiRe ot oiiiij? jieuple,
I'llilny illicit iheie will be unolher
HWell iluilc'P, ii fUlbxillpllou ilftull, tn
b londttcleil by Ihe Ullto iluh. Willi b
like the Uiiliir elub, has n tmiMiiuit
libit c In the tiiwn't xnilnl llle Many
iHII-uf-tuwn peimix me ou ted tin
Ktteslx on thlx evi'iilnK. The Mnni t ui
c'liexlui will tnmlde the dance nitisle.
rnthcr Dalcy'b Lcctttte.
I'iIiIiin nlKlit Ihe weoiiil ol the he
lliux will be beiml lu the uiilixe ui -innufiil
) the I'aihnndalo louniil of
llm KiiIrIiIs ot Coluinbux.
'J he betinei will be Jle. AV. .1. II.
Dalej, tixslxtant lector of HI. P.ililek'M
Calheibal. Xew Ymk ilt.v. Illx sttb
Jei t will be "I'iiIIiiwIiik the rim;."
rather wax ibaplnlu ol the
HKly-nlnth icu'luu nt, "I Xow Yoik
ilt, (IiiiIiik: the Spanish win. Illx lee
tiuo lx lilltil witli lexsnitx ol jiati lotlsm
and U sinu to etiklndli.' the imtilotle
fdoi and loe nl hlx beaiels. It will
b" tullv llliixtiated bv means of a
Xll ILOJllll on.
Tit" leetuie will take pi ue in St.
liosp p nixli hall
A Basket Social.
on Tuesdns exelilus; the Gel in ink t
hoilelv metnbcix ejei t to hae a
jilias nit esenliiH: In the oiijounent nf
a b iski t sni i,i. I.otilo lliiiniiei. Hi"
ffpnlal piesidenl nt the soile(, has
made ample pmxlsiou lot the affnli
He Wtltes to The Tiibune of nn Ex
citing Happening in the Staid Old
Town The. Doings of Ono Jack
Williams Who Has the Villageis
Aftei Him witli Two oi Thiec Wai
lants Apiece for His An est Oth
ei Humoious Doings That Cause
the Villageis to Gossip.
Tills let lei inttndiuis to 'I lie Tii
bune 'i i cadets the 's(nK 0l Dundatf
ill me."
The scilbe h ix m ee and i.n tor
the humoious and has tlie lactllt of
leauiliiu the iuiin tlilnux that le
a luuliliiK tin u to the jjossip nt tho
ilia ;i The "s, Mbi's' (lixt lontilbu
tlon spp.iUs toi Itxolt thuswise-
l)n ul ill I' i . Nut J I I ni
lo Hip -in i liilmm, I iiliiuiilili, l'i
lliPiD Ills linn i nm iMiUimiil in ihe illief
nf liimilili i'llilny tin pot uork, tliin lluid
In. Ii ill fm iiinii i vi n the i"intn ti in
iinlit nf il iloiiiu ill j. i,i, ilistmli'-il h imo
Ink Willlino li'in Viitlinni . I'ltili, win Iiml.
pil in tmii fii 'Ktliuii iln in I iimiiiii 1 ti ,l,i
-imp piiiilin. Hi (.ui II il tw hut oin Hull
jil". ulilili i n I Hull-, coh sun,., mi)
Illll -IlllOil I II 111 it win II In nut Willi I Mil.
I lie -njr wi. -iippn.r i but Inn Iiml i n il p
nip-, in 1 I' Will Hi" iiiM linn. Iul nil
ipil wh lin In' ii. ki ml trim I luiioi It in
mi' nt liPikii , Ii i -t ill, n'l'.'i i, di Dtiiihif
J 'I
I Ins i li i i ii Ii. liMiuij Mini, if Mi Wills lis
i iii-ul him in I iluoini I Hi, Ii in. ill Ilium
n ' 1 mi up il tin Milieu- win lie ikiii
oluti t, i no 1 Hun. Hi, ni I tliin. (our-,
n in I DimiLn oftrn in loo i Inn, lmt i inn
i mill,! mil Ip il n- i,oi. il, l 1 1 In I,
i nils- Iln (. If o In jil!
-1 ill iiu' of I ii I , Win n Ii inn' In
) -Hoi-, lie u o lllllllil up lltlll tm lmt
.r -, llm'-. l!n ,iiil ni "it uill t,i r I n i
tltn I hi lniii s il-ii Imlii- Hi iilkp u lull
ml nop 1 1 il im! In; idiln
llnl is in i nl i. Hi liiliti-- is i IiiIIp
il split mill li il im! lm., it to swpu i tin wit
in s.i -, until uftn lie llm I I it I falei lie iii
liiiiinl limoilf lint f.n n it ml. Ill hurt lit! s
ti li i-s 1 e illiln'l ill iiui it fiu h ipii.Iu; t'ip
Inn I, i llinl n l Ml Wtll, tn ' lip Hip 1 1 u ?
. i ti.t Hip li in H In i Will. no. i to ilo hoi
iln t v ill 1 1 ps win t ti him, nml wlntt u o
'pi'll II .C till' pli-llllll IM ipi ti
lie (itlpiis iip fi v. mini up Hut Hut !i tw
all li rn tln in o pniil pit jti I t nrt
Hun ir fi.iu win nils ipice. Wop tn uii,
In ,, it lui nu i r mi In PuiiililT u nn
Hull U l. l lllllltlflll foil Pllllll 111 Ssqu(,
lui n 1 it. h mil - mi it Hip nl i ., ltd. it it
0 1 1 tl i I' nlipplm I inil
I lirn 's n piouii In it iliouts wlii lo i iijit
111 In.' fi i (piln; w iti i. Hi ilncn t ( in win' iir
it Ins linn ituniliu' tm ilihO m il'' "i bo i'ol
.pinii-," up I lira win .i f. w of Hit. linn
in ih I id iw.mui initnti tliitiui. lmt tli
win in li ism ' hit i nun win w . i nulling
mi im'.i iml ,of Lot In Hip nn
In tli .inliu ot i will liiowii ip.ulnit of
lllllllil), tin i hue lull ."HI Illll) llllo It lks
ot ii iiui. lot -.uniuii i i l I mi in a
r.ll.1 I I lll II., ' Wllllll I, jX Ml 111 Mill ill till.
put oi tin intuitn, iIiiii.Ii (lit ui,. iiimiiioio
in sj.iin i:,, f,,ii t of ilii. nn iii In 1 1 n,l
iiv, i il in,' I i it in n m ilui nine, ill mn I un
l hull. I Well, will line IliN we1 fir
1 u im . Ill, wlaii In h II puiii nl in till tin
Initio of hi. I p llo i Willi I ii 1 1 io ot t lllith
li t .III ii I till II t ll(l tilt.- 'III.
II Mil M III! Il N ! I'l'l Its
I , limn n iii in' WiiIiipmIh tit III pi it nl
I I i tnlnii In . rm.- till' nlillsili.;' in I i nun It
lulu, oi I II I) i in i t. I III l kie oi" of Hitir
.HI. Ill 1 I .1111 III. I, Wilt a in will pll
I I I III I I ill I Illll I It Illll lit h
the hud. -noun and if,oioiis.
Chase tin each bo. I Mice Till
St , l!iifl,ilii, X. V.
Mm JiiMpii Mitt hell of !ii! I.lmlen
htm t, Wisi Huaiitnii, Pa. t-.iys. 'Dr.
A. W. fhiiM't. Xitte Pills aie line. I
wax nil ottt nt in del, nciwiUH, nml
iniilil not t'leeji weak and iiilt-cmlile.
The kldiuH wcie Muj;i;sh and Hie
bmk laiiie NoHilnj, t-eeniul to help me
until 1 not a bos ul the Neio Pills at
.Miitlhewa llios.' iIiiik: slnie, ti.'O l.aek i
waiiiia aw uue Klme I tuuk tin 1 1 1 I
Mi ei will, duli't Jeilc mid talk. My
mi w aie hieud.i, I lui Htmni; ami tha
kldui'js ate wniklnn "ill iik.iIu. 1 am
iiinii' tbitit jilc-iiM d, ami Hlail lu mum.
mi'iiit Ihe mi'dliliii'."
Vftto of President .Tnkemnn of
Eldcra of tho Mormon Church,
Snlt Inko City, Utnli, Bccom.
mends Lydla E. Flnkham'H
Vegolablo Compound Tor Wo
innn's rorlodlcTalnH.
"Dr.An Mns. I'jm-iiam : Uefote I
know of Jj.vtHa. 11. Pinkluim'N Vcc
ctablo Coni)o(iii(l I dreaded llm
ttpproach of the time, for my menstrual
pciloil, nsit would mean a couple of
I lMF"" vs? W
I lHfe 'A'JSWA-wrin H
1 Miilaini Iii "If
dn.'vn In bed with intense pain and suf
fering. 1 was under the physicians
care, for over a year without auy relief,
when mv attention was called to Lydla
V.. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound by
several of our Mormon women who
had been cured through Its use.
I bean its systematic use and im
proied jrraduaily in health, and after
the use of hiv bottles my health was
completely lestored. and for over two
,cnrs I have had neither ache or pain.
You liaioa ttuly wondei ful lemcdy for
women. Very sinreiely 5'ours. Mrs.
Ilfi.oA JAitUMAJT, .Siltl.aUcCity.Ulah."
$5000 forfeit ifabtue itatlmtnlal It ml genuine.
eTiist us surely as Mrs. Jnltc
uinii was cured .just so surely will
Tj.vdia T Plnkhnm's Vcffetable
Compound euro every woman
sufferliifjr from any form of fe
male ills. "
Mrs. Flnlchnm advises sick wo
men free. Atlclrebs, .ynn, Muss.
on It i in jr liott Hiet tin ,ic i (lutUii tipper
fi i II l 111.11,10 hlllil of tell rruH.
I ut. Hip tuuiw linn win) iiuir, llit mill
ft i in Hum! ill In I lllfunl, stun, I ho i cuit
li.tulto Willi t lie r)il InKin," 'lils ilmirf Iln.
limit II wh itlt in iikIoiki if Hir
"Miikli tin, i it c li 'rm ' Ritui it 'lie I niu,'
Mil Mi oi some o it (old Inni lie nin i-nirt
tllll (III III OH lit nil til' t0) if Ills (lltlilltll,
1 1 iw ti I il iwn itttt lus ' nuliuco-tt 1 ' Jllll sutkttl
Imlii v ufl Ins loui r lip
lliifto, cnloiiit Hi.' bint if limn W nnuii
ml tool. I ! of i out ill In, Inliu,- '.ot i into
uf a rm In nnuii
In not saitriln s )..iu Willi Ho pounU.ioit
oi tin- pulilt.liri, will uppou i no it litlli- .tn..
oiitlllotl ' tin- Dmt ii-, Dirini, ti-, Win tlie Pill
N'ni Hi inoil Hi, Diop "
nn of tlu m.Is up in Inn Hill is litinj
toiuiilul in il liicui.1 slip I illoil tno lujri t
ki! ti nl i fit iiimt. , wliiili wj, iO)iiiti; In it
I ilk li i nm, tm Voi icilt .
Iln ilhw-i scu,t
Stieet Car Tiafflc Intel feied with by
Settling Near Mayfieltl Yaid.
Tlieie wasiuite a "pti.til esteldav
ot the law'-iu, iip.ii MaMlcId aid,
which w n lepcirtcil in The Tiibune of
The sptlliiiif is ahout 1,100 feel ninth
or the (lineal MaMleld .ud. It urns
aloiif,' under the ttaiks lor about lot ty
Int. and wsteuliiv it extended to the
lo.iriwnv, inwihin abuut ten lei t tor
the whole distance. AVhen the iiist tar
was mil to this tin esterda, the bole
w is loiinU to li,ie iiuipaspil s() sini e
Ssituidai that the Kills sjKed tn sui ii
an extent as tn piewmt the passage of
tlie eni The bole wns aliouL twint
Ipi'I iln ji, and teiiulted between sit
and s(ontv tons of till t and stone to
llll it. Attct a halt da s -nolle the loml
iiKl pint tl In shape lor ttael.
Tlie woikiiiKx undPilwiiH- the iae-iu
.tie pait ot the 1'ile mine opcnbiKs and
Iihp bein ah indourd .(imp time. The
lobbing ol pilliis is nttilbutPd as the
i ilisp nf Iho settling
' The Laughing Philosophei."
'llii gctontl number in Hip Siulih
Sliirfet entei tainmi'iil iouisi of nunk
wav entei taint t- will lie- jjiw n at tho
Oiiiml, Momlav iiiKiil. when A. W.
Hawks ol Haltimme, Mil, the liuinni
M, will delhet hN lei tine, ".Sunshine
and Shadow."
A fiood humm!l Is alwajs webonif,
and Mi. Hawks is sU(h a 20ml ono
that he Is called the lauglilni? phll
osonhei "
The J.oulstiiie "oui loi -Join iml, edited
hv 'olunil Hem j Watteisun, himself,
a Kitted 'piakoi, spia,s oT .Mi, Hawks
ax tnllous,
"fpaiklhwr with wit and hiiinot and
ttoniliUT with suni-hiiip and smiles was
the It 1 1 in o ilpllw'ieil at l.llnniy ball
hisl nlht hy A. V. llawkx, of Jlaltl
nioie iindci the ausjiii is ni ihe Kouix-
ill.- l.weiiin,
.Mi Hawks dins, 0, hs sulijeit
'Suiixhine and Shallow ' and the
uei In whlih he handled It Mumped
Illll) (its n xpeakei of ONttnoidlnni.v nbll
liy. His billlie x ue.slxl)ly amu
lujs, and eei fp(oU( s punctuated
witli iv pun oi a wittlcksm. 'Hie aiull
puif wax Ime and the speaker wa
fiuiuently ajiiiluuileil "
The Nina Company Opens.
Tho Nina Kep.'i loll o innipaiiv had a
sin i I'xsiui oiuiiliiK ul the (iiaml Lint
nlubt and will llkil.i jilay tn k'hmI
houai'b diliiliK the week. The hpei lal
Hex me the bom t-eeu heio tills hi'iipuii.
IX HRllI .Sl'HOUI. AlniT(iltIl'.M
Ue. Hi II. . I Vlialiii'.s Hi Hue, "The
Wit and 1 1 mum ot the I1IM1 Piojile,"
IIU It Ki:K Jl.U.J.-S'ubriitlplloii iliime
oi the Omar ilub
CHAM) OPIIItA HOl'Si:-The Xlna
llojuuoiii' imupaiiy
WATT'S HAM. -The foltuue llos.o
ioiiipau' fair.
ttUlt.MANIA HAM.-Uiixket Hit lui of
(lei mania slm,'lny sni(.i).
Sleotlngs of Toiilpht.
Dhlxlun No 11, Ancient Uidm of
lllijt'i niitn-i
st, Vliut nt tie Paul mii lety,
l.ututli Imlm, iMushtit4 of He
In kali.
Laikuwuiiiia Hlbe, lied Men.
Klilbliln ni Hnnoi .
1,01 al union, No, hill. Mine Win lui. s
r.iibomlale t'jiltj club,
DaughlPis ot St. Uiottje.
On n Case.
Mi.sis iJiuuia sjwlKfii, Kiadiiate niii.sp,
Is lu St 1 an tun, win in fhe Is cnmitsdl
mi 11 i.tse.
To Ho Wedded Today.
Them wilt be .1 wcddlm of two popu
lar ouue," peuunss In tj(. ityse chinch
thlM iiioiiiIhh: nt n.30, when the nitiillnls
of MIsh OatliPtltie Mnntu, or South
Main Btrcet, nml Wllllutn I'luike, of
Hcott stieol, wilt be tplebiiiteil,
The Fair Opons.
TIip ColluRi' Hose tiuupany fulr wan
opened In Walt't bulldhnr bint nlclii.
I The opetiltiK Wiirtf prppcdcd bv ti lutiaile
111 tno uiv imupaniPM nnd tlie iiiunit
hand. The fenlitie uf Hip pxpiiIur wiih
Hip ndiliexs by Pieshletit Nli'liolc, nl
the Uiiltnl Mine Woikoix, The talny
weiitlipr nillllalt'il sunipwlttit iitaliist
the iittembiiup, but r the londltlniix
be finmable, a blfr atteiidnni u Ix lookul
for tmilKhl,
At the Hotels.
A mom Hiosp iPKlxteietl tit the llin
iJmoii house jexieitlny weic. li. T'.
NIcoIh. .lohn .1, MiiBlnan, A. A. tsiti
foitl, .Inliu T. Nnllln, ThonuiH It. Width,
S. .1. ('lmt)imin, A. V. IVIIowk, AV. X.
Silmuer, SeiatUnn; John V, Curt oil,
Klnilta, X. V,
A New Hoiso,
i:iicxiiuiu P. A. Walker lias pttr
chuteil 11 now home, 11 pplemlltl
Hint In the tidniltutlon of Judj'es uf
good hot sex.
U. .7. Woven, of 1'oit .TetWx, u. Y., at the American house 5pslciday.
.Tobn 17. Allen, aihei tWIni nuiuaRer
lor the rutholle ia"i,ht of Suniiton, waa
In (be city jcateidnv.
Yesteida. wns a day of incidents at
the IJi'luwuiQ unit Hudson collleiy. The
lit Ml and moxt s-ei loux oiiuued in 11
chamber in the top vein, in which two
mlnc'ix, Michael MuUlonu and lleoifip
IJ.ikei ami two llunjjailun luboieis
upie wotMiij. AVIHimtt w tuning 11
IttiKo slab of tocl: tell, catilihif the
two mlueis and one ol the laboteix.
Baker -was only bllghtly btitltetl about
tbo shoulilct and side and was able
to walk homo. Muhloon, the other
nilnei, ti bad gnxii in his loichctul,
nnother painful nit on the let, and it
ix feined he is butt Internally. 'I He
laboier, Toitcv Itusslnlotk, was the
moxt xoeie!y lultiteil of the thiee, ami
besides a liai'tuietl thigh he had n
long owr one nf his e.ies and oth
er minor InJinleb. The mcmbeis of tho
Fit st Aid to the liijuied did '-01110 c
ecllent wink beloic the men weie tak
en outside, in bandaging the men, and
upon their at theh honii s Mul
doon was attended bv I5t. Gtacs, tind
Itussiniock bv Di. Shlcltlx, who adised
that Hie littei be taken to the J'lnei -geucy
hospital at Cat bondale, which
was done. Mr. Muldoon is one ot Jei
invn'.s oldest spttleis and is well known
all ow'i the willey, and unit li legiet
Is osiuessed for hint.
Timothy Dnuoau. unotlici miner in
Hie xime cnllico, bad f.eieial ol bib
toes eiushed about the b.inie time Hie
0H101 men weie InJutoiI. and later In
the day James Ilukoi. a dtiei. was
Kicked in tlie side by n mule. He was
attended by a ph. sit fan, but foitunate
l. his iujutlcs ate not Heiious
Miss OIHe Finer, of Btifialo, X. Y,
is the guest of Ml. and .Mis. . C
Xkholson, of Jltim hlieet.
Misses Cei tba and Klla t'oon spent
Saluiday at St 1 anion
Ile. and Mis-. A. W. Cooper, ot Dal
ton, weie ilslling JeiniMi 11 lends yes
teidav, and woie guests of Alt . and
Mis. W. ( Xteholson last owning.
A little daughter aiilveu .estoiday
:it tbo home ol Dr. and Mis. Hjton 11.
Jaekson. of Ma field.
The lolloulng .11 titles weie disposed
of at Satin dav night's tali . AV.tter
set. won by IMwaul Dotitigan, (,'ai
bniiduk, (hah, .lohn McOoft. meet
s hiiuni ))i)e. Annie Meohan. St. Aloy
sius' identic, l'tank Uutns, inikei,
James Fuie. center table, Allss Kntu
Qiiinu, M.ullcld; lockei, John JleCJov
em: suit 'ol ilolhix, Dtaiil Panj,
Viindliug: enlaigod pliotogi.iph ol
Piesidenl .Mi lviii!e , 1'. A. Huitenbeirf.
'Ihe of the late Thoniux
Toughnpy, who died in Xew Yotlc on
Satuula last, was hold wsteida .11
toinoon tiom the home ot his fathet,
Mblinel I.oughiiey, on uppct Dimmoie
stitel. Theic was a huge attendance
of ti lends and 1 clothes of the dec eased
jioimg man. Tlie lemnins weie taken
to St. r.itikk's chin ill, w licie a biuinl
set be was conducted. Intoiment was
made In the West Side 1 enietei.
Mr. anil Mis. Oeoige Watts?, ot sn, 111
ton, visited it lends in lilahely j,estoi
duy. T'ud Itawnond'x impulut (oincd.i,
'The Mlxsouil Oil 1," will be pipsentid
at the rntbet Mutln v opoia hnuso 10
inouow e oiling. Mi. Kaymond has
t-t lined a iiiiiipaii.i tblfe sia-on that Is
the most s-atlsfattoij of au be lias
been able to f-riuu ill llle past. Sidle
ll.iMiioml appeal .s in the pat I ot Daisy
(iiubb, nnd l'i til ltiomoml lu tlie 10I0
of Xeliit Dubson. A is 1 ami r-ccitlc pto
diiitlon is expected,
At Hie Picbyteilaii ehtiiib thlspien
Ing a gin ml eutPitalnment and lllus.
llitted leetuie will be giwn. He v. H.
W. Dowdliig, M. A., will deliwi an ml
dipxx on "The Idle and Death uf Pii'sl
dent McKlnle.w" Tickets, "-. and is
Thomas Davis ami Unity l)ineis,
nl PimUli'iiip. wue lstoid lu town
Mlm May I'oikumiii spent Sunday
with it lathes at Auhbald,
Ml, and Mi.s, Sidney I'luipjiel luiwi
leluincd ftont tin If weddlns Hip to
llufliilo and Nliigaia F11IU,
The Mii-sfs Usther and illuidoia
Tboin.iH, of ilitPii Illdge, .spput Sunday
with Hull tntiMii.s, Iho Mls.e.-i .liiiliiu
ami Mabel Wlllluinx, nt Main .slieot.
.Mlxs Mjtllo fiise, of Pioildc'liie,
hi ut Sumhi ut the hnuso of Jlr. and
Mih 1 If my Obeits, 01 Alain sin el
Mr. Piaiik Hiundaiio and liunlh of
Mntfihbinuk luno inuw'd to Willie's:
addition fm Iho winter niniitliK.
J. Max" Kendall, ot Sutiiilmi, Kpeni
Stuidav beie
Tho Misses t' iitnl Jennie Wil
liams, nl Main "tieol, spoilt Suililav
witli llielr tliitiui, Mr, and Mm, M. II.
Dmlsnii, of l.aiiesbnio
Tho t-ullcltlng iiimmllleo of the lian
iKt b.iKiitU' am teiiitetl to tin 11 In
tlu If lepmts nut later than Wednex
du tn the 1 bah man, Mix ite.xxlo M.
Picpnlo lm' the II iptlt-t birtiint lo bo
tomlm fil by iho ladles ut the llai
tht 1 Inn tli Xow'inbei .'. 'Jtl 27. nnd :".
.Mm ,lamis W. Smith lias tiinht'iiteil to
be ,euc).il maiiagoi, who with on able
imps of a.sslhtnius mo stih lug to malfo
It a inmpleto huiic.x.x. Tut key iliunei
Miss, Dot, 1 silkier eiitcitiilued a few
t'l lends nt 11 (.ml pally SiUiulaj ein
lug. Thosu piesenl who; The Jllhsen
Anna ami Jentilo Pi lie, riorem'ti Ta.
lur, Myitis liltlcf, (ii.ttu Acis. it 1 nl
(inn 0 Slckler, of Mtanton, ami Mci-i.s.
Ueotge Pilie, Stitlitoid Hiese, Theodoie,
Stat It, Chitide clnik, liny Thotpe ami
AmliPW' Moiitebollo. tleoige Pike look
the lulo for Inning phiM-tl the most
siloioxxhu galiieH tilitt Atidlcw Mullte
hello took the "boobv tnlac."
The fnlr and festhul of the Ameiluih
Piotestunl iixxoclatlnti No, II::, will be
opcnul tomuuow ewmliig lit Webei's
link to (tmtlnue for 11 ppilml of tour
nlghlx, ItootbM with moxt olaboiitle tie
imatlmis ate being eiciled and exltu
llglttit haw been placed. I'lity even
Iiik 11 Wilttable door pile will be ghen
The i migrcgatlon ul the t'ltlwity
llnptlsl chtliih me cuiiicftly ul Willi
Pcifoclliig aiiangcnieiitH fur the loin
lug giand lomcit and lot di. tw lug Id
be held In llm 1 Inn ell itudltm linn on
Mouth! v evening, November '.!.. Pinf,
D, 11. Junes ami mttiiiillleo In clungo
aie set tiling the best of talent to lake
p.ttt. Uiuh puuhiiKcr uf 11 tkket will
be entitled in u chaiicc nn the valuable,
lot and tilo udmlxxlon to the entei laln
ment. Supeilntfiident W. M. Hell nf the
Tnylur Ulectilc Light 1 ouijmuy Mill
within 11 fpw tin h ipxlgu his position
nnd will mow hit! family to Alli.uo,
X. Y while be will accept 11 moie lue
nitlvc poxltloit in that cll. II. M.
Hurtles, 1 lilef eiiglnoer of the Peikille
elce'tih: llgltt conipanv, will succeed the
tonner heie.
Jim. Jaiiies llennlgan and two soiu-
of Main stieet, tno lsllliig teliilhos lu
P.iteison, X. ,1.
Mr. and Mix. llobetl I, ike, of Xorlh
Seiatiton, spent the Sabbath with lcht
thes In town.
Uev. ('. It. lliiu, jiastor of Hip
Methodist 1'plsi dun ill. (hanged
pulpits with the Uev. J. X. Ualley, of
Moosie, Sunday 11101 nlng
Mis, Illliiiii Ilinwn onlPi tallied the
following: ladlps at a quilling pattv
putv Uiiday uftei 110011. 'I lie quilt was
pliieil by her in liei olght.i-thinl cai.
Tlioso jucsent wue: Mis HUibeth
Sajie, of Fiejtown. Mix Maigiuot
Wai dell. Jills Kate Win dolt, Mis.
Muty Poston, All' John V. S.oic, ISlrs.
Fi.uik Posten, Mis r. 1!. (biidnet, Mis.
Anh Decker. Mis. llm niton.
Miss Xcll Jlolllsiet. nf Holllsteiiille,
called on It lends in town Fiulm.
Jliss l,i Kwails, ol Sii.inton. spent
tho Sabbath will) lui paientx, Mi. and
Alts. Loll fewai Is.
Aim. f. P. Van Pa tint is quite 111.
The mtnibois of the Woman' ltelkf
f'oiiis suiinised Hie ii A It. nieinbem
Saluidav afternoon it their post looms
bv heating Ibem to tofieslinicnts, 1011
sisting of handv. lilies, t ake and lofiee,
which was onjoid by all
Mis J I C Clousf and daughtti
Helen isltetl It lends 111 Xewfoundland
lust Sunday.
Mifcs Rachifl Van 111 mil, who has
been islting itlrnds in Sci. niton, ic
tuined liome Sattudav.
Mm. Milton Hi own, of Hast n.iugoi,
has been (.ponding lX ft, dax witli hot
mothet. Alls. Geoige
Among the attinctions at tlie f.'iii will
bo .1 hull spinning llnx and filso one
spinning wool. AVednexd.n altoinoona
)ilt will be giwn lo the jueltie.xt
bubi, .
Ah.s Oemge Hoitiee is spondmg a
few dajs with ft lends in Set. niton She
will also ixit her htstei who is ill at
the Hahnemann hosjiital.
The cartoon lecluie ghen bjlle Al
S (.oodshall. Ph D, ot Wawth. was
well attended bj .111 appiiilatlw .111
dlcnco. D ALTON.
Aliss 1'thtl Can, Mho litis, lJt.( n quite
111 the pist two weeks, is lmpunlng.
Air. and Alls. Kdwmd Wilhon, of
Siianton, weie the guests of Ke and
Alls, Jtobcil It. Thompson on Sund.u.
Mr. tiiul Alls Ost.n I'lnn ofCllttotd.
spent Stiiid.n Willi All. and .Mis j, (.
Aim Jam. s p. Dii ksnn was a Isiiui
in Xew Vm I; tin- Iisi week
I'hnilex I'uidy is visiting m Alontieil
this week.
'iho publle si bonis will be elosid again
this week owing to tlie continued del.ii
ol the aitisal of pails oi lite hcatin,
Aim C'litik's 1: Weston, Alts Clin
ton 1'. W'exton. All. and Alls. At.ulun
Finn, ot siianton, weie Hie ,rucxts ot
Alt. and Alls. Thtoiloie Alillci on Fii
tlay last.
The ladles of the Akthodlst iliiinh
will bene ,1 stippei in tlie ilutnh bast-,
incut on W'odnexilnj owning, beginning
at fi ;o o'cloik.
The annual loll call ot ihe mombti
Mllp ot the Haptist iliuith was Ik Id
on 1'ild.iy last and quite a number ie
i,pondeil In tlie ow'tillia lle. Albeit
II, Smith, ot Siianton, jueaihod an
able and inxpiilng senium. I'll Fildai
eenlnu, Nnwinbei' .'.', P.e. Smith Mill
leitme lu the iluiiib undci Hie aits,
plies nf the I'lulsilin Kmleuwir ml
ilcl.i and he will b" lien tll weltoliitd
al that llm
IM. J. J. P.ankln bus tei.dntd hit.
leslgnntlim ax imhioi 01 the Pusbjtoi.
km ihuitli, to take oifci 1 1 lio hint sua.
day of Hilt, month.
(AItx. A. (. Dimiilng is sum tiui, with
an attai 1; ol lumbago.
Mls.s IJexsio Haideiiboiglt was tlie
guest ol All and Aim. A. B. i'l.i oet
'Suiili.islde Villa' now oiiiijikil bj
T. X. Tlioiiipnn, has been pun hasp,!
I) Ililgn Muillli'lstet, who will tnko
j)i),s(in Apt II 1.
Alts. Jones and giandsnn, Joe 11,11
her, will iPfrlde lu Sii.tutmi dining the
Dill lug the iilM'itic nt Alls-s r.uey
Pulb r lot the w Intel, MIh Selihiiinci
ling will take ilmi ft uf the pi limit intent In Hie PipMi li ihui Suit-
it.i .1 hnnl.
Alls, I), (lilniis Albs lietlhri fiiluiPt.
uud .M I s. la nn JiuMlls injojtil a di he
In Ss, 1 11 11 Inti nn 1 '1 !i)n .
.ilisflf .11111 J isi nm
Sle llm Klllgll, llll, .leuiile ami .Minnie
Diiuulng, I.nti and t Mini Dimiilmt. ami
Finl, AValtu Page, Will lam
Paso and Ucnij Aim
Alt ami Mm. 1.', Ihmtdlirnil luw it.
tin lied limn Niw Yoik t-lnte
The Women'is I'lulhtlnn '1'oniiieianu
union will men touiiiiiow utiiinoon at
the home of Alts' ,1 n. Uatloj .
All Vlitoiia Ki'iimi, ot Hi i.imnn,
hat. leiuiiml honii', altn tiietidlug a
tow (l.i -s with lui f-ictu', Alt.s. Tliomat,
Slid Ufl
The fmietal of Hie kite Alts-. Alaiy
H111 Im was held Suiiihi .iltcimiun lu
St. .Mai ts tlnmli, Awit.i. luicimint
w.ih made lu St. Altii)'s mmlei.i.
l)abl J11111 b and sn f Hjdo;,
gpcul Suuda.i In (iiecnwuoil.
Mis. T. J. J0111& and tl.iii'.Iiti 1 weie
eallcib In Sciuiituit 011 Saint day.
Cesred of
Itching PSIos
ndwind Dimptlcn. Wllkcs-U.ii to, Ta.r
"I'or een e,im T was ruitetlv ever
ftce ft 0111 the iriillih lot tin 0 of Itch
ing piles. I tiled till smts of iciucdlr.
Waa told it suigleal upciatioii might
save. One 50 cent bo'C of Pyiamld
Pile Cmo ciuc'd me conipletcly." All
ditiggists ell It. It never falls to
quickly cute jilk.s In any fottn. Ftoo
book bv mult on pile, catf-vs and ettie.
Pyiamld Diug Co., .Marshall, Mlth.
7iS Wise Woman
Looks Ahead.
Even if you do not
need a Corset today,
you will before many
weeks, and such an
opportunity as this
does not come every
day. Look the Corsets
over and and compare
Quality, Style and
Prices with those you
get elsewhere.
The C. B. Corset
is the pinnacle of
A satisfactoi y, ser
viceable every day
Corset, in Whit, Black
and colois, low
breast, straight front,
1.00, 1.25; and 1.75.
All ot the three styles
possess 2.00 worth
of wearing qualities and
and never fail to please
their purchaser. Call
and examine them.
Scoff & Co.
L l
I nm il eiriiuc Pot suikIiuI
Willi Ho liippi I mjl-li fiitiltt nf (Oiinni 11II11J
upon Mini a., n jIi His in f.11. li 1 v it as to Jimei.'
19 lnnili us io sil.le the in' uf 1111111 111,, tin)
I nitl in I in is st iml in 1 11 trill 1 1I1I1' litter Hut
"it is 10 iw'iiitbii to -ii tint .Xew .'ii. II
.is toilji is 1 tu.imi tntiiiii tntiii of 1
COlll! 1 1 toll I'D ' llli, IMIlllk ill- Ul.ctl Willi tin
illSi.UOII. Ot two ile-i., Hit' Xiu olK('H nt ti"
ilit, jrnl tin. iiwiib who win lull il'il nil, of tt
1111 niiiiln limm 1 Brmriliin isn fine ef Hi)
I aid 1 Ui II, 11 ill, li 1- nllio-Mil iltlirt't )
NfM uil. ( uinniiuiil upon tin sun
jm Hit . n. Hut Iln uisiciu inhiimr I mil '- I
s lllllllil tn 1 Lin., 11 i-oll in 1)111 1 IW) Mill) iv
nil. it n intiiii iml infiiiiiiiis blicl dii t piv
milling tjini' 111 Hie Aim lit Wl West ' Hi 10
in," 1 1 m', mult liilnniu nn I ilutinlh
tiiini's in mm l.iinmini uti licit
nn inlis tliin Utile lie i' nil In 01 in ill lie
iniiiiii' 1 imps fioni 11lm11 lo llm Kin l.i 11
1111 fu it us nt tin li lii.tin. lour niosiii iiiloi
Into Ihui In 1-11; lliu.s Jul tliicui wli in nn
iin. d wcltin 111I11I11 camp moiiII cv 1 'n d
lulu llnl twrim (iiui' Imuis luiuoi 1 ll III w 11 lie
cu In lulnt,' llirni, 1 ifsllmie 1 niiiim a I
i few .tout lJtliits n 1,1 tin 1 "
- o -Wo
wiiukl (,1 nib iinoln I), 11 111.. 1 un rn
lm, Iml wi tin ouh' tluil 'inn' tor our in I'
i.i.i,i' "lor tho inoiistn ii, inUrillo "f Hi .
un pukulilp Pujirliolli tlie. 1 Coins ami sulll
win. IMiris, Miitihii-. jii lbil, Iii'h-,
I ioiuim, tl hi limit' rttuu hellion mini win
Inn iiiii'i' the mii limn il nun ill" '1 lil.sliu
.ml 1 In im. nl,' 1 iiniiili of iufiiu.i I lirotis.Ii nit
it.jtlnu-iuii t.iti up sjoooon.orio .1 m ir in pinti
I i.c iml tit liia s-ioi ono.iin 1 nunc lu Mi k
mill, llif(iui, pllli-i. Iiiii'liiluit iimtritl
IiiiIiiIiIh., Insni) lillmlr. 1 il.( nfts Till bhiKo
limn, niitl tuiMi'll im ons nml ,iotf, bli)
IIIUIIll llll W.I.U f sill Nocr miiiu " IHUI
nniiiN Mi, Pan 111 "riiiiiinc I ruUculllc with nity
plj'C in lliin. wil nf llubout It.
ml Hit kin- tills In iiiiml the oil h
qui iluii it tun iiuituil 1111 lei. I iimIIii. ,iul '
lui. nl H Irlwein the Uist iml ii" W1.1 1 o
Ihlill'l'i (hull Hi iulilt 111 hul'U lit" Piii)i tl
Hut Hit' mi'hi 1 11 till c Is ill nil uue fill 1
Mi.l," ns lltii tli)Uitol uf (llflloill, 111 1 i ue
uliiiilil, ' 1 iiui Iho but bum 11 I I.
I.n , ill lis mind eul, liilllukul nlie, 1 in
I Hit' 1.1,1 il'HMi't I, lion iIk.i.i Hi, W .1 w ml I
till III III', III III) li ink". Wu.lilliuj pi llt I Mi J. 1
lit imlilli nil tin' ft in- ut I 1. Inn l.lio ! '!,! i"
ki tliu. Wi i-ti in ill iln ' as (olluw. "l I
tin i It-li u iln nu tntui inilin; il. W''
llnl whn luw im imui' I iiunliili,!' if ln "" '
II in 1 ii 1 ilie.ti I111II111 nf 1 111 ilui. no ' J' n
tho Jiiw .liiu.dilil, .no la llllliiv. .1, l ili'lhes
lino inn) 11 a tli ul jj llict' in iiio4lii I in 10
U niuiu ijtriotiiiti, 1 inn lum if L0111111 1 11 I "'
iln' III;, iimn. ujI iiuiiliueil mil wuiiiiiili'inl in r
hap ol the hiiutlfu! .ill Inn. in jiii ' m n u .
Himui l'l(i Hut i'H ho tuuiul in in un a
t.lrli of kl ikt ulul ' Hit' llJlHlt ioj 1 '
If i'ijI who ualli Hi v.ji pfoplo in ' if hi
lino luitiil Imlluu ful jliuin ti "i
Hill.; hi inn, imjit in lu 1I1 ni' in 11 ji.I 11
liultci cut. s .1 n.iii. 1 of (Jit tin' P 1 1' '
iho list, tn fjr it ill- i'o.l tii. Inil iuium
ului' Willi Hit in mii.. .In tut liol'l I) tl
tilnlill tint I'll' tu ipli) il "t Initial IntllJiii
no iiiinntlioil .iml inn .la'ii 1 t'ili'i. who 111 in
Iho IiIiIhii 1 ah ihui liunii, Imiii M
Inula in thin lull, mi ,u H' I"""1' "' ' " s "
llll llnl tl'iDt (.llll llld HI l.llt. Ill '"lll.l
tl He 1 lift ilo nut Itl u' 1 1 thiiifs jlmui ilm
upie uf tin; Wt.t, mil Un' iwoj'lo cf H" Wt
1,1'uw it, iho jl.D It", llut tin I ilotn pin.
plo know tin know' e Hut let I v. 1 111 1 is bj
lUllful how tho it'iiiulP Atw oik Dluli'r "l4U
liuni with tin. Wl I ill liiiliiu; tuwu