"r- V ' tibinte. V'J IJ12 OXLV MKAiVlOX tWI'l-.U KKUilVINTf TJlli COMrj.ETK X15WS SERVICK OP TIIK ASSOCTATKD 1'RKSS, Till-: CiRLAT.'.ST XKWS AGI'XCY IX THE WOULD. TWO CENTS. SCIUNTOiY, JV., TUESDAY MOJUNLNG, xNOVEMBEU .12, .1901. TWO CENTS. STRANGE CASE OF RATHBUN Supposed to Have Been Dead in Jelfersonville, Is Arrested In Louisville. TRIED TO SWINDLE THE INSURANCE COMPANIES Enlisted In the United Stoles Aimy and Desalted In Company with Anothci Deseitor He Toims Plans to Piocuie a Corpse and Collect , Money on the Policies A Man Named Ten Eyck Dies in the Hotel and His Remains Ate Bui led as Rathbuu's-. lit 1 iliKitp W ire fiom Hip Vsociitcil I'u-a Louisville. Kv.. Nov. 11 Newell C. Ra'thbun, who ias suppcisril to have been dead in a .Tcflc'isonville, lul., hotel l.i-l Thuisdav, was anested In LouisviIIi lotl.iy. Acroidlliff to U.itll bun, the coip'-o which was "-liippixl to T-. 1 1 1 1 e Hock loi but lul .is tin' bodv of Kallilnui Mils tho body of V. L Ten KcK. The jioliK siy ISatlibuu has con-Jes.-ed to desntlon tioin the United State .iiinv .mil to having foi nnd a pl'in to li.iuilulentlv collet '4,000 in surance on Ills- life, but tlmt ho denies having killed tln man who dleii in the Ji ifci-onv Ilk lintel. Ills death, lie sas, vis tino to hud ill Inking-, Uithbuu was auostrd this nioiuingdl the Unit ed States lecuiitiug station in Louis ville. He is. held us it lugitiic fiom jus tice. The uiic-t was made on liitounation i oin Hcigcant Skinnet, eil tin.- United St ites l t i uitiiiK station. Hatlilnin en-ll-lctl under tin name ul "Lou Hoot," Drtiolt. i-cigiant Skinner b id icicivcd the stiiiy tit the Jeftoirinv ilie case and cm uuistuni cs connected with the new lfciuit mou-ed his suspicions. One of tin so was the f at t that Hit man li id on a government -nit ot umlei wo.n. Uathbun said be bad bought the gm luciits lioni a soldier fiiond. Anothi r t iu uniM.imc was bis knowledge of nimy nfiaiis about Little Hock. Ho p,is-ed the examination and enlisted S.i t in cl.i; . -L the detective'-. uCko Uathbun was put thioiigh the .sweating piotc-s and under pies-uie made the following stall incut, accoiding to his imuiMtoi.: "Mv iianie is Nivvrll C. l'.athhun and mv home is in Little IJotk, Ailc. Scv i'i.iI months ago 1 dc-citod lioni the nimv post at rialtsbutj,, N. V, m 'onipanv with another uciiilt by the name ol AW II. i:ilK T soon lost Mjjht of him and went, to little Hock. There I was ni.n i ietl. ami nfteniaid took out The iiiMuaiiLe policies. Plan to Piocuie Coipse. "1 i imic to Louisville about ten dujs :ino, nitl lonnut a plan to make the iusiiiaiiti' nmipauv iluiil: was dead. -f that I i ould nilleil the insinaine. I fell in with a in in, wlio said his name Was I, Tin Hvek, in Hunt ot the S ilv.itlou .uinv In atlciiiiteis in j.ouis " ill' and told him of mv plan, ami he .1,41 red to liclp me. Our pi in w.i- to obtain a (tiipsn lion: some place, put It iu a lion 1 in .Telfoi-onvdlc anil then nt llie to the hotel. "While we weie in Jeuers-oin llle we took a number of di Inks and Ten i:ik i;ot di link. I think his tkith wn aused bv diiuklngr. T put the irtUi.? nddics-cd to me in his pot Net, and lot t. T did not kill hl:u. t then tame to Louisville, Ami went to the i rani tiny: olllce una enli-ted. :ly ii.il borne Is in Prtroit " 'I'he pollto aie tnlnj,' to o-t.iblNb the .ilentity ot the dead man. One of th. li ihioiles is ibat be wai a tiaiup, that Jiathbim had fallen in with. The polbe bine U'leKiaphtil to the I.lttio Uui k autboiities to bold the unp-e. .V ,-ulil w.itth, beailnv; the name "'. , j ;ni- was tiiiind on P.alhbuu Ik nius,,, j0 my wheie lie .jol it, 1 Iir pulltt s.iv Hie UaiuhMltliirf of "I.ou Hoot " tin u -(niit. v.ts us siniiiu to Ibi' si!na tuit "W. T. T. ii i:tk, on the Jin. i MinIlle luilf I iif,isti i I'oionei I'opj, ot ,lelt. i-niiili , sa,j that lie iMimiii, d the 'loiii.uh ot I lie dead man and initial tiatis of fnotiuh laudnmim to kill two men. Kittle Itoik. Alk, .Vol. II.-'I lie sup-Mi-ed body ol Nnwoll i ". liallilmii wan tiiiind oi-r to the toioner toii.n ,i plmed iu a Miult in .iwuli an nuliii. It Is i lalmed by th aulhnillleri iliai, the diseilpilmi ot liiubbun dm s nm oxen .uife with that ol tin. coipc, tlouiey Hum ,M i inlhle.iil, who lias hem lepii-scnilu . m(1,,st ,,c the famll.i, vislti,) the iishl,.mo while the limlv v.ns hliw toibiy ami s,i., that alri- lbitbbuu lt limtniiial nl'id iiervoim thai Mie ini.lli knows what t.lio bus slid, i,. d(,iai.. that she has Men tin bnd. only once and that was but a lulu stlaiiie and h.nl,! Dial time bus Imu too math piosuated to uuilciKo the oni.nl .main. ii, Aini- iHlCtld decline- thill i,(i is not tlio jfinotebt e lib iii i of lolliiHlim mi the pait of auv member ot Uu, taniile in the peil'-ill.ttlnii C .in Hand. I'lilei of I'olku Mi .Malum leiehni, lH al iniiDon, the lollowlnir lekKiam imni llm elilef nl polbe ol J.ouH. 'H.uc aiiebtnl N. i' ltulliliiiii Hold i'ip-e you Iicim. i, mil nuliitr nrdrii The toii-o will be held hue, Huthbim'h Plans. T.tiuli.Wllu, Nov. ll-Uatbhiiii said lu nlKlu In an liitcniew that at J'l.ili.'. btiif,- batiaeks', N, Y ho and a ioi puiiil 1l.rii upon the plan to tolled i! l.OUO iiihiiiuiKi lie sas tin j,au -vmis lo illp a stiii' " Into siniio liotel. then tot ibo o the biilldiiiK aftti' Inn iiiKT left lei If i. j ami papei i of nilnu iu Hi" piik is of Uu mirtv flmheM. uf kiuim-, 'shun tin butt I liuiaed we o J'litfd the 'si Iff to bo bin in ( iii tm. el ut Itiitit no noKlii.t that no nm i-ould iniuuiiixu hliu." t Ho saja tho cotpoiul camo to Louts- vllle, and under their fiHteemriit the loipoial wiih lo set in o the 'rillff.' llntlibun IiIiiIh that the imporal drusued the vlellm If he win diiiBifcd. Ho hiiyi be does not know wluru the eoiponil Is now. Hatlibim, who enlMtoiI heie ai I, on Hoot, xn: bin blitbpliiec us Uelrolt, bis lieniest lelathe as J. Hi own, of 11" biav. Mkh lilt trade that of a. pt Inter, and IiIh iigc as -T NO COLLEGE CHAIR TOR WV, Chinese Minister Has Not Been Con sidered by Columbia Univeisity. Ilj I'vclmltc Iir from Hip A'totialcl l'nu. New Voik, Nm. II. Tiuttei.s ol Hie I'olumblii unleilty "nld todnv that theie was no tiutli in the iepoil that the Cliinos-o inlnl'-ter, u yinir-faiur. had been nlloied Hie hair ot Chlne-o laiiKti.iKe and liteiaiuie. and "aid that tho matter hid noL ( ome befoie the bo.uil ol tiustees in any win. J'uinels H. Haiiff, one of tho boaid, laid he lunl nevir bend Minister AVu's name mentioned in tills eonneetlon in tolleiio eiiele--. H was not within the i.injjo ot piohtbllitv, bo .-aid, that the Chinese militate would anepl, because ill the flMt place be would have to ex pall late hlni'-elf, and sicoml. the sal iii y ol the piotesoishlp (pioliably not mm e than " 1,000) would h.udlv be ue icptable to ,i man of Mi. Wu's sta tion. AVIiile no one knows his piesonl salaiv as minlstei to the United States, it is belieed to be lullv "JJ"),0W. SCHLEY COURT NOW IN SECRET SESSION Admiial Dewey and Rear Admiials Benham and Ramsay Meet at the McLean Building-. By Eihmte Wne fiom Hie Ai.ocuteil Preu AVusliintitou, Nu. 11 At H o'clock Admiial Oeoie Dewey and Rear Ail nilials Henbiiin and ltamsav, coiniios iuc, the Sebley com I ot iiuiuiiy. met at tlicii fiuiiteis in Hi" Mek,ean build Ini?, behind tlo'-ed dooi s, and bct,an the illsius.slon and lonsldeiallon of the e idence biouKbt loiwanl in the incs tiatlon toncluded last week. The billings of the touit aie to be stnetly seeiet. Theii piosent plan is to bold daily st sskm fiom ten to half pist twelve o'eloek, adjoin iiins; at the l.it tet hour lor the do, though this ai lanircmeiit inav bo chuiiKod as the wmk of the bodv jiiOKiesse". The eouit has two small ioom foi its woik, one lor the niuinbeis theinelos and the othir lor the accomiuodntlou ot i lei leal help. At the door ot tho lat ter is statioiu d a suKeanl ot mat hie-, whoso unifoun would be the only sm laee snsKestiou lo a chance caller that somelhiiiK; out ot the oidiuaiy was ?,o Iiik on in tin se two little looms, rlle coutt adjourned at 1J o'i o'clock lor the d.iv. Admiial Dewev --aid alter the s siou th it as mi be could not foietell bow lonr it. would be beloio the co'U t would bo leadv with its flnilinn. lie polntCfl out that it hid taken neai ly eifeht weeks of scan bins examination to piodueo the mateiinl in baud, and thai the oiut could not be expected to thaw its i (inclusions in a liiiuv. AVheii asked It tho woik was divided, in the inteiests ot expedient , amoiiK the members ot tho couit, the admiial said' "No; we aie woikiui, toc,elhei as a com t should." EXPLOSION OP GAS CYLINDER rive Pei sons Aie Seuously Injuied. A Building Wiecked and Dam- nged to Extent ot $50,000. It I i-ntf Win fiom In .uuull'n", I'hlladelphi i. Nov. 11 -A was tvlitl ik i on the lli-t tloor ol the time stoiv bullilliiU ot ill" I.IImiu t'himUa! eoni paiiv, rub (iilh sum, near Cuiiibei Jand st. . i, i xploikd this atleinoon se ilolislj li IuiIur topi f,iils and a mm Tllcv JH', Ml-s A, M Oieibe Miss Anna liitibe, .Miss Kale Die.xlu, Ml-s Mellu Mai k. lMwaul UV.vandl 'I h" t,lil i wi io a i wmk mi tiii- t,i i nini llnor i ml junipul lo it.ivo tin ii lie W'e.vainll w is the iliKllieu' and vas b allv hull bv the tone n the ovplo flou The loinpain in iiiutai tines i In u k lis lor muilta! u-e ''h(. bulld in was wieck. d .iiiil Uu Iums is esti mated at C iliim, JAPAN TO MAKE ARMOR PLATE. Plant to Cost 0,000,000 Yen Tele phones in China. i. i in i v ii i, .i,i i n, , , ,u,j I', ., TiMoiiia, .'o. 11-Advltis in lived b. th" ste.uiisliii Viiloila s i that Hu lupapese naval ilepal Inieilt is pupal - lui. t labll-h i Mil I-p ite t.uloiy at Kuie, al u i o-t of rt.Ot ii,i ijil vols The pliiut will be in winking oiilm in tlnce ,m ai.- Haioii M.is.iblili. ol Tuklo 1ms oh tulln d lioni Diiuioi Miene, in llie I'hl-lie-o liniboitil a i nun -hlou lor tn net thm ol liuptiiiiint lelephonii llui.s wliU h will toiuieit lint laiKcut titles thioiishoiit China, The piclliiiluai v ar l.lUif liienis now iiiadi) i null inplalif. thin china shall luiniuli the luiuis ami tin .lap uu -i lb" i xpeits and iu itmlal ratal Rnsult ot Quatiel, lb I I'Kmu Who Iu In Uu' Vv.iUlii I'n i I lli.lll.l, I'.i , Xnv II (tlllal'l unl i I'.Jj 1 1 , -, iln il iu in I ilu ml Atiitto, IM'tiiifl li 'ii, (uu li, .ill ii j . 1. 1 If li s in, iii lliu Piim jlu'iu Ullli.lt H.li U.iIji hill III kill III l .,'1111.-1 vli lil.ljt Uui ti,i tliiiA 3 ttort it IHsoii, ul.a linn, ii i, 4llii,rii liml.f.l li nit iloun uilu .i ut lilutt. Ainulu iu K'Hiiil iiiiioiLHk.iu an J m -jlunl.H 1 ' ilinl. A it uui It in rSJiiiliiiil'iii iiujlul j I.ji.. clcl mi I lie bi.iln -nil a tor'm i'i, Jim uu inn! u tuiJiil i( ilf ilk ii oin tin blow ut llliicd liy DiMmi Foicst riio at Lancaster. !!) I luoc ',li frnin 'lie wucutt l'i 1 jii i.tn. I'i, n. II -lie fmo.t fin' alon; 11 u-t i kin ii i icr oiipuo VI ii it It i U hi feint Ii U iiiuii tfiitiol. Hit' liiiiiiol iht'tlil '.... ll 111 JII I I lit ,.II1JI1 IlllltJ. 'lliu Hit' tj I I I in 111 Uj a u a until 3IIH.1 it UH'U lljll t. II fl.'til'u; ft. THE NATIONAL CROP REPORT It Was Issued Yesterdau Afternoon bu the Secrctaru ol floriculture. AVERAGE YIELD PER ACRE Piellmlnaiy Estimate Regaidlng Coin Shows That the Peicentage Is tho Lowest Ever Recoided for This Ciop -Potato Ciop the Lowest Since 1800 Tho Potcentages on Hay, Buckwheat, Giapes, Apples and Sweet Potatoes. Bj Etc' ulp V ire from the Aijocbted l'resi. "WashliiKton, Nov. 11. The follow Injr ctop repent was issued this atteinoon by the department ot aqriktiltuie: The piellminaiv estimalo of the avei nye ielel per acie of com, as publl'-hi d in the monthly repoit of the statis tician of the depiilmont of .iriIi ultuie, Is 1.l bu-hels, as compiled with an average jkld of L'"i 2 bushels per line in 10OO and lS'n, and a ten-ear iivr i.iro of i9.l bushels. The pi i sent indicated jield per acre is the lowest f?encial av erase ever leeorded lor this clop, bemir two bushels per niie below the ield in 1SS1, which his stood for twenty ve.us as the lowe-t on iceoid. The Indicated ield iu bushels per aeio Iu thu seven pilncipal states is a- fol lows: Ohio, 201: Indiana, IIS, Illinois, 21. 1; low n, Jl; Mis-ottii. 1U1: Kansas, 7 s, and Nebtasku, 111. Ol the tvvenlj ihteo 'tales havintr l.OtiO.OOO neic- or upwaid iu com. all but lcnii-vlvanln, A'liSlni.a and Jlithifran lepmt an avci ase ieltl per aeio below their lespecl ivc ten-c.1r aveiapcs 'Hie scneial avet.iKC as to tiualilv is 7J 7 per tent, as compiled with N" " pei cent. 111 No vember list, and S7.2 pir cent. Iu No vember, lvin. It is estimated tint ) 1 per cent, of the com of 1000 was still in the hands ol laimcis on November 1. 1001, us compared with 1.1 pei cent, of the nop of ISO') in lai inns' hands on November 1, 1000, and ii 0 per cent, of that ot 1S9 in hand November 1, ISO'). The pieliminaiy estimate of the avu ase Meld per acne of buckwheat is ISO bushels, against an aveiase -lrld pei acie of 1" bushels In l'JOO. lb ii bushels In ISS'.i, and a ton-jear avei.iKe of iu 0 bushels. Of the six states hav bu,' 10,000 aeies 01 u pvva.nl nuclei till" pioduil, in 1 lulling: New Toik and I'i misvlvani 1, which tooetber contain ovn tluee fomths 01 the entne buikwlie.it .11 le ase of the countiv, lour leptnt. .1 n Id per acie in execs- ol their lespeitho tcu-eai aveiase 'I he kcuci.i1 nv ci ap as to quality is 01 3 per cent .against '10 2 per cent, in November la-t, and Mi 1 per cent, in November, ISO. Small Potato Ciops. 'J lie piellmlnaiy estimate of the It!d pi r acie of potatoes is 31'j bushels .is lin-t an av oi.it,e jkld per .11 10 of !0S huslnls 111 1000, SSC bushels 111 1s'i0 and .1 ton jear aveiage ot 7S 7 bushels. The piosent indicated jield per atie is the lowest sinie 1x00. Of the .stales hiving .'0,000 aeies or upwaul In pota tins, all except Michigan and Maine le poit a jield per acie compaiing untav oiablv Willi their ten jear aveiagesi. Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, JCuis is and Nebiaska iepoil less than one-lialf and Missouii le-s thun nne-l'ouitli ol an avi l.igc ciop. The nveiage is to qual ity Is 7S.1 pi r cent as eompaieil with Ssl In Novcmhei last and 01 I In No vember, ivi.i. The inellmluaiy estimate of the avei igu vield pen :u to of hav i- I 1J tons, against an aveiage .vltld of 1 JS tons of lu, I.!'." tons in lVi'i anil a hu eai aveiage of l.'.S ton". 'While mine thun tluei -loin lbs Ol the loitv-seven .states and teuitotlis lor which 1 oiiiiiaiallve diitii ute available) upoit ,t .leld per .11 io In exce-s of their lespvi live ten vi'ar aveiage.s uu h Impoitaiil stales as Illinois Iowa, Mi.s-ouii, iaiiisas, Ne biaska, Smith Pikotu, Ti xas and Ai kansis at t- all imliulfil in the legion lepoitlng less iiivni.tlilv 'I'he aveiac.e Us to the Ull!!,v Is 01!! pel telll. agaln-l si' 7 per tent in November lust mid 0!s pi 1 cent In November, lS'.ii, Ot the lllteeil pilmipal lob, Kin Still. ., nine, liu luding Kentiiikv, Vliglnlii, Ninth u'liiollua mid Teunis-eo iepoil an aveiage jbdd pi 1 aim ot lolnem in . xit ,s of l heir ten ,vi iir uvei.iges while sis, including Ohio, WIm imslu and Missouii, lall below sin li nvi 1 igi ". The apple nop Is tolisliUrable below tip till t ill- aveiage, the pi ir and giape uops aie slightly below anil tin swut liotato nop Is sllghtlv above UNITED STATES COURT. rtist Session of the Hiddle Dlstiict Held at Haulsbuig Yesteulay, Judge Aiclibald Piesldine'. ll,t Inlmlte Wire from tic swi!,u,i I'rcei ll.llllsblll, Nov, 11.-The Culltil .Stales com t tor Hie middle illsiiiii m" l,cnurtliinl.i held Uk Hist si ssinu today in iituiiitmi, with .ludgti Hobeit w Meliblld, of ft 1 anion, pusiilins. Tlio Hi st ease called was Hint ot AVIlllam Hia, who Is ilini,cd with using um mulls lor iitiuilulont pmpo.-os. Alter th sclciloii 01 u, jmy tlio cumi was continued until lemon ow. , niun Ik 1 of other eases won iontliiued until the n xt I'M'm of couit Stokei Wayoi" in Olllce. It; I velmhe V.iie from i lie Asoclitcd I'mi UifiU'piit, lonn, Xot Jl DcmiU viultiliill lie "anker iiuvoi. itunimnl oiiim it nocn lelji. Ilo u jij lie 11 lij lita liiinlidl m. ,uiii euililu tvtu liuiiij mil .ihout .1 In l fl 01 mail l. lliu.- tuiiiiluillJlitUi nii'l Rood tblii, nj3 ilcltvilt'l lo I11111 ilijcr Mubl'illl ii (01 t'liilj i.jit liicma.i in 1 11 jiicfjuiuins loiicctn htu. During (lie ijiiiiji,u miny ccrtiil. nloi.s If.ujul lllftJtil, till l'Kll' ( Ills (IIIU'I Mini .i-i.l tu urn, but ii. riturinel Uu Uunluiii In iter ln.Uil.i, THAT DANISH TRrATY. Change of. Mlninlty nt Copenhagen Is Llablo to Piolong the Agony. 11 IVIii'lto WliubnniTlif Vutclilctl I'lnJ. Wiulllngloli, Nov. 11. Tho projected lienty of cesiilon of the Danish West Indies to the t'nltcd Stales Is not so well advanced us It wus hoped would be tho ease at this time. It Is now doubt fill whether the tiealy will be loinpleted Iu time to submit to eougiess when It leasscmble.s next month. The delay appeal. s to have ailsen lltrough the last change in the nilnlstiy at Cop enhagen, tho slate derailment ptactl c.illy having leuoheel an ngi cement with the Danish government on tho licitv; In fnet alt questions of huge pilnelple had been adjusted when the cutty Into power of a new nilnlstiy, not well disposed low aid the tieuty made it necessuiv to begin tho woilc all over again. While the negotiations niu pro ceeding they liavo not icaclicd a point jiet wheie it can bo piedlcted ccitalnly th it a tiealy will result. The Issues do not touch the mice to bo paid so much as the conditions, as to the futuio of the citizens of the Danish West Indies, sought to lie im posed by Denninik-. Ibo United States ilelies a l".il with tho Islands in the lutiiic without any restilctions Imposed by tic.itv. FRANK THOMPSON IS CAPTURED The Negio Leader of the Leaven woith Mutiny Is Cnptuied Af ter a Haid Tight. By I ulu-Iic Wiro from Hie Vs-ocutnl 1'rcsi Topcka, Kansas, Nov. 11. Frank Thompson, the negto leader of the inutlii at the fcdeial piison at Leav euvvoith, which lesulted hi the escape last Thm sd.iy ot tv.enty-si'c prisoneis, was capliued eight miles 1101th of Council Ciiove tills evening by .1 posse, nuclei lonimaiHl ot Deputy United titates Jl.nslial Piescolt. Thoiiipsou would not suiiendei, but was taken atlei a haul light with the olllceis, 111 which he was shot in the bead but 110L sevcielv Injun d. No member ot the posse was hint. Deputv M.ushal PiesooU lieaul of the pic-inco ol the negio and imme diate set out lo make the capttuo assisted by hhei ifL Michael and other 0III1 eit. Thu olllceis bad oiueiged fiom a wooded tiaet when mey saw Thomp son miming an o-s the open. Ho was 01 dei cd to halt, but he answeied by wheeling mound and dilftig some uipld tiling with .1 ll-callbie icvolvei. 'llie olllceis then tiled and Thompson dtuppe.il. I lo was stunned and wab easily s'liiieil. Thompson will bo taken back to the penitential y tonioiiow. Another ot the convict-. Law i once kes, was capluicd today near Quen ouniu, Kansts. He was mm tally wounded while making a dash tluousli .1 1 01 don ol aimed deputies. Lewis is a white bo. 20 teats ot age, v bo was sunt iiji m October, 1000, tu undeigo a live veals' sentence for lai cenv. He was Hacked to a wooded pkue ne ir ijueucmuo, bv the citv ni.n -li.il of that place, which is situ ated foilv miles soutblwest lioni I'oi t l.eavinvvoith, anil a doieii men healing nlles An 01 dor lo mu lender was met with dellani e and Lewis, un ai mod and although piaetieally mii lounded, dailed loi the neaiest open ing, ile had tone sc.uecly a bundled vauls when a bullet fiom .1 AVluches tei In the bands of one of his puisueis pkited his lung f 1 0111 behind and In ought him to thu giound. Twelve of the convic ts aie still at huge. GOVERNMENT PROCEEDS AGAINST CARTER Another Step to Fuither the P10 ceediugs Against the Ofilcei. Hi I 1I11 ie Win fiom llii . rlitcil I'm-. Chii ,i(,o, Nov. 11, Another step to liiitlitt the pineeedlugs biouRht bv the goveiniiunt against the piopeity of obeilln M. Cm ten' was taken in the I'ultnl Slates ciieult eouri toilav. At toinev Hoiace H. Stone leptesentlng the .uinv ollleei and his lolatlvcs, 1 al lied out pait ol the agieemeiit leeentlv bv unnlnj.' over !Gi,iiuii In i.illioads, a note 101 $11,000 and S700 in cash, Thee will be kept ill posscs.-ion or Hdilvtv Max Whitney pending a set tlement ot the coiilioveisy In the Ked- (ial i (jiu t. This makes the total amount 1 etched up to date about $I0'. iiOn, Another poition Ih still to be tian ten ed to the lecelver iiuil this will In lug the lot.il to almost 'oo.oon. Kills Svvc-etheait and ComniltsSuiclde IP I v hi tvi' Wire fiom Uu Wsiciatnl I'ie-, I liriln ilii.mii, 1 1 1111, x"..i, II I'i ml. Kiln II, ,iil -'!, lull liot iul llll.il lil v(tPiriit, Vila Hu 1111,011, ,iut 111, Jiu! Hull roiiiiiillliil kill 1 hi ln' i.iiimi el II c trji,i ill ii Mil to In' tlio iitu.il if tlio Klil'-i fill" i4 to allow kliltwll lo m.ii. 1,1- iliu.liiii' ami In 1 ikdliiilioii to iniiiv linn, II0II1 wilt' of luoimnrin IihiiIh- To Incoipoiato MoKinley Boiough. ll,i I vi lii-ilte Wilt' fiimi llie oclttctl I'li'ii. WiIm-II.UII, Not, H V ti.iillon ti u. pn- rtllll.ll lo till (Olllt tOiJjl fui III.' il 10lij.lt. 11 nf McKliili.t boioiwli, 1 portion if Mn.tion lonn. fllll, 'till piOplMll iMlllll.'.l llOIOUSll lOllUlill 1 -npnlilluii if l.-O'J inliiliil lilts ami oui '."i ilttilliiii. Hi rntue iipiljti(ni hUncil llie pril. tit 11 Teamsteis' Demands Gi.inted. lit I ,u.ho Who fiom Ine A.sjiljua I're- V ll,, II 111,. l II VII lurnili-'M of the IijiqjIoi-' mil. in, iuiiiil.ini),- abcnl thru '.nniliul nun 111 I.iiaiiii' (oiiiiit, Viiitt tuiiUil linn il.'. iiumli '11 e pttltioii'il 1I1011 tinp'ojtu, tie Inin uvviu it, fn 110 pi. WW. icr all digit l.nrse ililtin, uui ilOM fa ill lean ilrtei Aibltintion Tiibunnl to Meet at The Hague, iur.l pjpip"V 3)J, uiojj oim Ji!-!i-gi' fa 'U Hj',11', Nm. It 'Hi j'liuinUtiallip toiiii, 1 I if I to iibliijllin trilinnil will irn-ct .Not. it lo iliilile mi I hi- Jl'l'i d of tin- Horn JtMtint tie lulln llul the v 11 In Sonlli Afuert Is not sulijt.t to tin 1 uui t" toni!trtlioii Steamship Auiyals. pt I vtluih W iro from Ilia Aoci-dri! I'lf." Xen V01I., Nut II -Vrilttil: jicjiiJ, nt. teii. i.lliultur -sjllul I'hi.i DUiiukK tfivm liinoj unci -Xjpli;, New oiL. FILIPINOS ARE ROUTED Theu Fail in tlie fluempt to Rc- neat .lis TactiGs Rer.cn;lu Used at Samar. THE INSURGENTS SUFFER Lack of Pood Causes Much Misery. Tho Tear Cicatcd by Lukban'a Proclamation Has Pi evented a Goueral Submission of the Insur gentsIt Is Expected That They Will Yield in a Few Days. Dj I volinltp Wire from 1 lie Associalrd I'rr-u Manila, Nov. 11. Major vVIlllam L. Pitcher, of the Ulghth legimcnt of in tantiy, commanding the Mindoio expe dition, leports that the garikson of Abui do llog was uttacked yesterday by a lorco of Instil gents commanded by Lenocos. The Kiliplnos uppaicntly attenipted to tepeat the Hamar tactics, but the Ameiicans, who weie IneaU fasting fully aimed, completely touted the insurgents, who loft live men dad 011 the Held, each having :i lillc and ammunition. One American was seil ously wounded. Captain Noyes. ot the Thh ttetb in fantiy, cormminding .1 dotaclimont of Jltty mon, has captured a deseitei, named Itlchler, ol the Hlxth aililleiy, wealing tho unifoim of an insurgent lieutenant. Mulor Pitcher says he lecontly oap tuied thiee olllceis and a huge pait of an insutgeiit company, all fullv aimed. It is believed the insui gents recently leceivod an illicit suiply of munitions of win. SAMAR INSURGENTS YIELD. Suffeihig fiom Famine and Fear Lukban's Vengeance. Catbalogan, Hamar. Nov. 11. The in suigcnts aie all going 1101 thwaitl. They are sultcimg gieatly fiom latulne. Jlany bolomen have surieneloicd and only the feai caused by Lukban's pioel.imation thieatening with death those who suuendcr pievents a genei.il submission ot tlie insui gents. Hut it is expected that this will bo biouht about In a lew d.ivs. LETTER FROM MISS STONE She Beais Her Trials with Foiti tude Bulgaiian Goverment Con tinues to Interfeie. 13 1 vrlu-lit' Wiipfiom flio SsOCiltrel Pus. t-iolia. Uulgmia, Nov. 11. Fiom an other letter that has been leeelved fiom Miss HUeii M. Stone, the abducted Anieikan misslonaiy, it appeals that she is endiiiing the tikils ot her haul existence villi foitituele, foigetting hei-elf in her anxiety lor her ( nm paiilon, Mine. T-llka. Miss Stone does not el ire to complain ,if tin. iiK.itment to which tbev nio subjected, but she linds the confiiionient liksomo and the weatliei cxtiemeiy tiy ing The tone of tlie latest. letter ie eelved lioni her Is hopetul. The bii gauds, bv dating the letteis at places in Mueedonia and delaying theii tlo liveiv. seel; to create the appeiuanco of being far distant. The Hulgaiian government continues to interfeto in the negotiations with tho object ot foiling .1 ti mist 01 one e ot them aeioss tho iiontici. DYNAMITE TIENDS AT WILKES-BARRE. Bold Attempt Made to Wieck the House of Patiick Shciidan. li I vtlu-ha Vtlit trout Hi' V'-niilfil Pn -s. vVllkes-Uaiie, Nov. II. At :: o'eloclt .ve,-te'ldliv allttuooll a bold attempt was made to wieck the homo of I'at ilclj Slieiiil.iu, who tesltles In l.u.eiiK'. At the hour uiimeil .1 violent explosion intuited, tlie icsult of which was that one side ol the house wns blown out. n pin Unit of the 100111 shatteied and the chimney badlv damaged. Investiga tion lends to the theoiy that some un known pei son had tliiowu a dynamite i.nliidge down tho ihiimie.v, This Is tho tu'eoinl tlpio r-Ii' 1 Iil.in'.s house has been damaged In a similar milliner, but lottuiuitely, no one has .vol been injuied. Tlie motive for tlio dastaidlv act Is a mjntetj. BOER WAR CLAIMS SETTLED. England Rejects Bill of a Fienchmau in New York, lit l.viliiiive Wire from flic As-oiUinl l'u IniiJoii, Nov, II. -Ilia South Afili ,11 1 inptn Milon iommlioii tod j i- luMi.l conn d in Inlnll of 1 1 rcncli ililiiuiit, MjiIIii, iioit'tf Niu VoiK, win) 1I1 111 nulf il XJO.OiM, llm iliiiniuii uiniinO I Ilia It Ij'I I'fcii ileJili clalili-liul ll.it Minlii m- not tlcpoilnl l tin- IIiiImIi niilltJit .miliirl. lite ami llul lhem.no Mi il-ihn u.n not ulililu tin' si opt of the (oiiimitbiiui. Mijri liCliriil Sli iloh'i Vulivli. tli hiiclIi 1 till' 0 till' gilMII llll lit, llWItlllltlll (lilt III) 1 ut fiiiiiuii, 1ml M'tllol tiiili tin N'filiirliiulj tlilin. mu ui an a,s-n'.'jl. Mini u li, ti, Knights of Labor CouvenUon. i.v l.'tclujito Wire trom il.e AAotiutcd frci Inlhiiapolu, ov. II 'llie ivtcuilti ouircu fi tlio knitliU ul lalm licl 1 J nii'i'ti'l.- luljt ) pctftct nraiitfcniciit' lo.' llie aiiniul mmt'iiiion of tlie orMiiliJllui. MliUlt Is lo ., sin n u.o Jlatoiilc ttliipli' in l liu 1-0. Il li nil Ili.l wmu littv rfsolulliMn till lio uilioiluri'il In unrl u llie tin-is ami in latin of 1I10 ( Inmti e a lu.io 1 jii. Guest of the.Piesldcnt. Ilj 1 tiluiite Wlic fioniTlc Vvoilatol I'imi WjsliiiiBlon. Not. II -Vn-kj Willi x, i.f Hut, filo, ii j. cuci it tlio Whites Ilou 1' itr 1 fit.' iljjf 'llie lieslil lie I io1. tlie ojIIi 01 oillit jI Vlt. Willl'V'S ll'iltlllllC I! Ilulljlo, BRAVERY REWARDED. John Rcllly Is Presented with a Watch and Check, lb lv India Ulr from 'Hu vssoiiitdl Prp". Altoomi, Nov. 11. On May J.1, 1001, Hullioad Hiigltieer .lolin Kelllv, who was descending the mountain west of tho city with an empty engine, at gieat tNk to Ids own life, stopped ti ruiiawiiv Height Main following him. Tlie it eight tiitln was beyond contiol nnd was limning at such ftlglitful speed that tho conductor, .lack Hailv, ol l'lttsbmg, was tin own off and killed holme his Until was stopped. This af ternoon rieneial Manager .1. H. llittch lueon, l'lttshuig division: Stipe iliitend ont Hobeit I'ltcaltu and many tians poitatloti otllcluli i.ime to tho cllv and piesented Engineer Hellly with 11 fl.ooo watch and chain and 11 check of iJ'iOO In leeognltlon or his vnlued set v lies. The itisciiptlon on tho watili suys: "Given to Knglnoer John Hellly, by the boaid of dliectois of the Pennsylvania i.iilroad In leeognltlon of bis coinage, ludgment and sense of duty. May 1'-', 11)01." Knglneer Helllj's couiageoits act saved the rallioid companv the loss of many thousands of doll. us. PRESIDENT FULLER ON POLITICAL PLUNDERERS Suggestions iu His Annual Address Befoie the Wardens' Association of Prison Congress, fy kcclusieo Wlic from llie Aocl itol I'ifis Kansas Cllv, Nov. 11. Dcllvcilug his annual addicss beloie the Wai den's association at the annual eougiess heie today ol the National l'tlson associa tion, Otis ruller, piesidenl of the as sociation and slipeiiiiteiident of tlio Michigan lcfoim.itoi v, said: "Tho good citizens must .stiitul be tween the state institutions and the political iilundeieis " Sir. ruller had spoken of llie mighty sti ides Amci Ira had made 111 tho past decade, and asked, "Is prison manage ment keeping up with tlie pioeession.'" Continuing, bo said: "I think that In most lespoils it K I .1111 sine that in one icspect it is not. 1 icier to the political biigunclagc which is still pievalent in a few states the bold, bad bilgandage which liith-losMi- seizes not only the pnsons but all the other public Institutions and holds them for pollticil i.insom. Hon est, eflleient, wise and humane pil-on management cannot leach its highest stage of development until the taxpay ers and the humaultuii.ni take the waul hecln by this tbioat." Mr. Puller said (bat oil'iai leionn mut stait fuithei back thun the piis ons. It niiisL cdueato the hiwmakcis. "Il must, above all," said he, "wipe out tlio pernklous tie s.vstem, which gives the constables so in my dollius loi .11 restlug a lellow-cltien, the justice of tho pi ace so many dolluis lor convict ing him and the shcntC ea many cents a d.iv lor feeding him or staivlng him, as his humanity or avaiice may dit tate." The fee s tem. he ckehueel. w is l blot upon -the full pages of the twen tieth ccnliuv, Sit. ruller in a ed a mote? intelligent distinction between off enileis and bald ened ciitnlnals NO TRACE OF LOST BOATMEN. Piobable Identity of the Two Who Diifted Away iu the Sound, lb I'm In ite Wire from Tlie A- 01 iilc I l'ic j. New Haven, Nov. Jl No trace was iouud this 11101 ning of tho two men who tli If ted oui Into the Sound In a sm ill boat esttitliiy atur bicaklnt an oar, Sevnal tugs with huge- iu tow ate said to have passed tho mouth of the limbor hoio not long after the nun dlsappenied. It Is possible that one of these) vessels iiwv have picked up tlie sin ill boat and its oicupants. Tlio polices weie lnloiined today that 1'iaiiels Titt, of .'01 Uast stteil, and Clulttopher Mclten, of J7 Daggett stieei, who went lishiutt jesteiday, have not leturnei'. to their homes. It Is supposed that tin -e wen the oecii p nits ol the ml-siug lieu. ANOTHER CONVICT WOUNDED. Thiiteen of Toit Leavenwoith's Es caped Piisoneis Accounted For. lit l.vcluslvn W 111 mm I hi A-.oclili li'u?.. Kansas City, SIo . Nov, II Wat dcit SleCliiughiy ut the I 'oil I.eavenw 01 tli Slllltmy pils-on icpoits by telephone this inuiulng thu Law 1 emu Lewis, white, the ihiucciith of the escaped convicts to bo taken, has been 111 test ed at l.onuix. Knn. He was wounded inobably lalall.v. Two otheis ill addition tu the rouplo thai je.steiduy 111 ule a i.iptlvo ot rihcilfl Conk me said lo lutvu been wouniltd In a tlcbt with pui.suei.s be twcni Toprkn and Leaveiiwaith, and utlior tugltlves ,110 icpoiled lo luivo hud a light with shot Ill's deputies near Alma l.is-t night. I.'p to date ilnee i oiivkts have bcell killed, Negiocs Vote foi Last Time. lit I Mlmitt' Will lu 111 lie Voi iitcil Ti. -. vioiilj.'oniin, All , Nm. 1! -Milium vmij tu. ilj on tho i ii-tkn ot Uu ailoptku 01 1 itlfcjllon 01 the lomthtithn loini'il lit Uif icienl tone ie nun, miiI 110111 tin nil 111, o :.ii nu In. I 11 s oth'.ii.t 1! it ll f histtieiiit u( In, uirlol bv i'.i On) ti llijiiO iinji rj llm rifgitid lotnl ill muni ln.ru millibil-. thai lul hoeii tvpoclifl, hut in rt mulil 1 pi 1 1111 ml 1 lie ii.-u!r 11m mji io j,t opp id, n. 11 tin) tt III I mli tote ml ut 111 my iiniiln tiny iniiitil nit on ii ih Th" lift Uu 1 pa v 1 ft nukilv 10 uoiihli Inn , i.poutil ip 10 II !- Iu II, Mouioe Teucheib' rnsthute, Sp'Jal to tie hranton Tribune. str.iiibbmi:, Pj , Not, 11 Moutoi'i, fort (' 011.I iouiiIj iiirtilnli' v.j iiDiiinl Piii .ifKrnoiii l, uu atliliivi l (. II SupU., im , a linlln; iiiiinhti (f the ijiini hu J lie Lot tptjUui .mil hi 1111 Hit In t In- Main will aiMi' s ill? uium Sl.-I.llli il lllll.' till' 'Ml I DEATHS Or A DAY. Il.t I Mill, III W IU' II Jill tllO VtiOiMJCii I'llJI llin.il Vie, Not 11 Kit, VI I O'lltrii, jiui tiM, Mirv'kl viliolk ihuiih, viur fcfii.ui of tho flioun' if Milne nmhr UWiop lloaly and I jiu- .uliiiliiUtratii nf Iho eliotrv, tlln! at IiU loliluui lifie lonlelu. He luj Imii j fortune unif AN ORGANIZER LANDS IN JAIL Santlaao loleslas Encounters Some Trouble at San Juan, Porto Rico. WANTED TO EDUCATE THE W0RKINGMEN In Spte of the Fact That Mr. Iglesiag Announced That He Did Not Co mo to Stir Up Stiife, He was Airested and Placed in Jail When Ho Stepped Ashore Mr. Gompeis lu teivlews the Piesident on the Sub ject. B.t rvilulii Who fiom Iho As-ocialcil rrf- Washington, November 11. Samuel flompeis, piesident of the American Fedeiation of Labor today saw tin piesident to piotct against tlie airext of Santiago Jglesl w, who was sent to Potto Hlio bj the Fedeiation to 01 giinle the vvoikingmeii ot the ipliiml. Define Mr. Igleslas lelt the United Mates Sir. CJompeu; explained lo the piesident the puipose of his visit and asked that Governor Hunt be notified that his mission was not to stir up stiife, but simply to oiganbe labor along legitimate Hues At that time ho told tho piesident that SIi. Igclskis duiing the Spanish astendaucy had opposed the Spanish logime and had been Impiisoned, having been libel aleci when the Ameileaii tioops 1 cached Sail Juan. Ilv tho piesldent's dlicctloii Secretaiy Coilelvou vviote to Gov ei nor Hunt concerning Mr. Iglesias' mission. 'lh.it latter was dated October 19. LasL P.itinduy Sir. Compels was stu prised tu leeeivo the following cablegi am fiom Igleslas: "Am aucsled when stepped ushoie. No wauant was shown. Ignoied (ig noi.int) chaiges. llcmiiin jail." This mess 1 go Sir. llompois showed to the pie-idmt and the piesident im mediately sent an inuuiiy to Gov el nor Hunt as- to tho cause ot the attest. Dining Sir. Gompeis' Interview toduv h" spoke to tho piesident about labor legislation, the Chinese exclusion act, th extension of the eight hour law. the ilien contiact labor law and the convict 'labor bill. SI'. Goiiipei'. ,vus espe cially anxious that the piesident should recommend tlie ie-eiuictmelit of tin Chinese exclusion act and he came away impiessed with the belief .that the piesident would do so. The An est Explained. H111 Juan, 1'oito Hico. Nov. 11. ban Hugo Igleslas was attested bete kisr Thiu.sil.iv on landing limn tho steames Philadelpbl 1, vvhlili anived beic (bir di.- fiom New Yoik on her v. ly to I.,i tluji.i and I'uito C.ibello. His deten tion was due to bis nou-appearaiu e af ter having been thine suiiinioni d by the loi.il couits to appear in a i.iso against him nnd sfven utlieis biought in Julv ot last jear when tho euiieney was ( liangi d. At tli.it time lie pcisll.ukd the local ledeiatioii ol labor to older nil labor oiganiatlons to go on stilki- unkss they were pild iu gold at the same i.ite as silvei; master woilimen, $!, join -nejmeii, $-' and oidlnaiv 1 iboreis, $1 iii. 'llieso lates wne not .11 cepted by tho einplovcis and a guneial stiike which was accompanied by some violent 0 tol Iowed. Igleslas nnd the oilier iiiembeis of tlie labor lommlttee weie 1 lunged with eouspii.ity and tlie eases agiilttsl tlieni weie pot down for tilal Septem ber 11, 1300. Wlum that date was re.K'heil, Igli slas, who was at laige 011 bis own lecognl sani e, did not put iu an aiipeaiunie uud the tilal was ad join ned. As ho did not appear oil the adjoin li ed d.iv further adjournment was tak en to Slay -', 1901, when nu oider for bis .most was issued, ho being then In New Yoik citv. He is now In jail awaiting tilal in default of ?.',O0li ball. Today he sent v petition tu Gov ei nor Hum asking to bo icleistd on his own leiiiguliiuce, explaining that ho made .1 sliiiiliu ap plication when lh.-t summoned, but that the case was postponed uud that no notleo of Hie healing of Slay was ever solved upon hint. Thu publlo piiisicutor asks that ho bn sentenced tu 11 let 111 ot inipiisoiiment on tlio giouud that he Is a ilungoioiis labor agitator and is continually eiius intf uniesi, THE SUN RESCUED. Foieigners A10 Pcimitted to Witness n Chineso Ceremony. Py I uluiv? Wire fiom llie Auiiiattil PreJi Ci-Hh, Nov. II 111 lonforiiill.t vtlth 1 lotin etliiih the forrlsn nflkocut In t lie kirillmiv nil tho ( hiii(-ei nlliiliN in Uu- npilal Katlivml tnili at tlio hoinl of utcs "to icaino the nn," tthlili uj-, hiiflriiin; In in 1 pmtlat rillp.c J Inn Iimiii MH HlOlliplUllCii l' plttetl itlon-, the huiniis t( Inciieo ami llm hutini; of iliuim, A f, vv lorcunor., fur tho nr.t t'nic in hUlcr, , wire pdiiillinl lo witniii the ccienioii), Piiuce Cluistian 111. IU I.viluilve Wue trout Tlie v.oclilfil I'usi, iHiiluc.ii, Nov. H I'llnio riiiUtlm, iW'il Bin ii tho until piinio 01 l)tiiinii', In -ever ly ill v.illl altllit PVti YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I till (UU fu Notflilbif It, IWll llll-lmt leniptuliiie ,,,,,,,,.,, t'lilfu.'i kotvet tniipi ratlin ,,. .,,,.,,,,,,,,, is tlt.itu Iti'latiVf llnuiiiliit bJ 111 ..... ..... ... ....... Jj per cent. st1 0J icr unt. 1'iiupil.itiQii, -'I loiirt ended S p, in , U0lii:Uiv WEATHER FORECAST. Wj,liliif(oii, ov, 11. I'oncwl for FS cm riiiibjhania: OlouJy luitilay, roh. aMy rain. WcJncalty, Uir .ml 1 older; jiullcily vvintb, ehlfting to viosliil ml iioilhucotcrly, bcconiim; hriaV uml hlth. 4- - -V f i.4 t f-, t