THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MOJS IDA V, iNOVEMBEK 11, 10U.L. to r j i 1 M NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. hri-tn' l Ui- Prr.mlou Trllmiif TltllUiinltlliiilt. Nhv '.' -Willi" Hlfii tmi. or Itmoltlyn. .V. V. In liu- U"i nf lrlomla in town. aIih. Unhi-il SliM-lc. ui Tlilid Min't, will In- tiikcii in Wllln Hiirio illy liouiiltnt im.Miiiiilny ulu'ie- ."I"1 wilt uti lloiiji' it MirKlilil oiiLl'iitlim. A pill IN KHMiKiM'il of Miiii If" lm Jitun. .1 V. Sturk, ilwiiBi- Ix-ikIiIiiit Ct ml W. I Mlmi K-iit loiluv for I'lue cmintv on u ili'i'i1 lumtltiK I'MK'illlloii. Cx-AhHudiilc .Iiulifi' Unity M. llui'it- illK. ui" Xoi'lllllUHc'lillil, WIIH iillllllK on frlmulii In town on Kiiilnv. I ! i'"" 4.iii.i,ii. u ic iiuiviiiii in W'llki'a-llniii' Mlll-H' 111" full Is OMK.lKi'tl Hi tllWllillIK I lnu, unit .till liulil a liubllf nlu U) (IN posic of lilb ItirinliiK Ilk'UHll.", utot K, He , on tlii' -nili of Nnvt mlie'i . Mm. J.iiuiu Uobit". Mil" of Knmils V. ttooi.-. uli-il at In r lionii' on Weal HI reel on Kildn.v nlulit. ot luiliiumni . inllHUHllllllHI, iiiutu inotni' toil llliuw J)eri'.i-uil in mirthi'il liy liui" llilsli.itul, :tinl liy n'U'iMl olillilion by n tunnel' jntiii-I.iKL' Miu miih &' tlllh dIiI. .StnaiL Stink and lninlly. of Hertilitoti, jipont Sunday villi llr. nud AIih. Les ter t'.iirliiutoii, nn llanlton Htit'i't William 11. aillli'l-. nf Xli'liolMHi. mis (Iiiihh; bunim-sn In town on H.ituwlu llx-l'muil;. Tivtisuu'i1 Allic'it (1. Oti't' llcltl. of r.i.iinttiivii, vat ntllliiK on liii'lidh lie 10 tin- I.ihL of the uoeli. Miss lic.ssic V.aiKlin is I'liiiiloM'il In tho liiilliiiciy Htoto eciiirtiiilcil li Mist Ail.i A clcli In tlio t.ivtl well liloi'U. Tin. Mill or the l.i to Mkliai-1 Wilson, of i:.iston, was luiilmtiil licloti' KcKifr it Wllllain "W. SIkim- on S.ituul.iy. Shot ill' .tolin . til. ly was at i'orli Mon mi Saiurdiiy rrylns a slioiilf's hale of tici'.sonal propel ly. fiod Wilbur, a btuilent at Wyoming Keijilnary, Hpent Sunday Mith liN par ents at tills place. airs. O. at. Kilmer, of Ninth Moliiiiip liny, ilsltetl liur pnreuls at this place' on Saturday. Mrs. Oloiku Toiuaius, ot Li'lilu,lilnii, Is vNltlii,' at the homo ot I.i-mN t.uik onblll, on Second blieet. HOPBOTTOiH. Fpecial lo Die Scranton liibune. llnplioltoni, Nov. ! Tlie miilieim' it hit It mooted Mit-w Cnr.i ai. ": 1 Illlti at the l'iilei.iliM. tliurcli Tiie-sduy oven iiiK Mat- imieli dellKlited bv tho mii-L e.t client veniloi mi? of tin bc'ltillons Kivtn. Those piesenit itoie hiiriy for the many absent. Mho failed to avail tbtmselves of the uppoitunity ot Iiik such a talented cntertalnei. He,. O. It. IieanHIey of Slieun.m. X. Y.. is ii-itiiiK lil-J hou and Mife, ail. mid aii.s Paul IJeai dsley. air. and ail. .;. AV. Suuplrr visited llr. I'. I. sjtiupler and Mile of Si'ran ton Thursday. aiKs aiyitio l'liillips is spending a l.'v days at her home at Kleetville. The ladles of the I'nheio.ilist Aid are making active pi.paialions for thPir . 1 1 i 1 1 and handki'ieliiet bazaar, Mlileh tlu hold in Tenant's hall Xo- ember 1." and Hi. On Friday afternoon and owning a chicken pie supper will he sen id, and on Satin day owning a comedy entitled "A .Lease of Siisoeii hlon" will be jemleied b. the .voting peonle. air. and alls. Windsor .PMtei.-, aioutio-e have been tho nuenu. of and airs. O. P. ltobeits tills Meek "Mi r-. i:. ai. Tiffany attended the of an. SO- ilal at air. Willis Kent's Thin Mia v ewnintr. air. and ails. Kiauk sold lheir Idom- pinpirty lh ooklyn, V.i., .lackson huo and Mill inof soon to Newark Valley, X. V. A ilaiKilii? ( lass lias been stinted Mith a ti'iH'iier J lorn Hiii;hamton. The Hist inei'tiim was held Kiiday evening NEWAIILFORD hfr. ial In ill" u.iMoii iiiliimc. Xiv aiilloul, No. i Mis A. II. Slljdi'i' tiudeud a suipiiso pnlty ;t her hiiine on Ktlil.iy o cuing by her .Suiidav slIidoI lIh.s. aiis. V. V. aioss has relumed f i out New Yolk whole she has been spt ndillff SCcl.lI Weeks Willi relatives. A powily social will be conducted at the I'lesbyteiian ilmrdi next Viiday t'Neliilig under llie allspices of the I.a dies' Wni king t'ulld Miss Ilia Aldihll is S)eluliiiK .1 tew days, with hi i sister, aits, licit Water man in llall.--ti.iil i ailss Julia Dlnghnm elili'U.iini (I Mis. l'oim Williams, of t'hk.inn, this week, .Ml s Maliello Klbr. , III l-i ill ;it her llOlll. oil Main sriet I. V II tleideii, hcuetaiy of the Y. .M. '. A of U.illflli'ud, mU iiuidtlel tho selll'ts lit the aiellioilist chinch .Sllll d. i Veiling. Mis U 1.'. W.ilciuiau, ol llullstead, Hilled on tllcllils hcie the foie)iait of tin. Mult, V. i' .Major has sold his lease nl the .l.i housi to (ille.s (.'.iiiiciiter, of Hull '"d ail I'.iipeiiler took posM'sMon Ai in -ii.ij WIUMERS. t-.C. 1 1 Or" LI,llilull lllllUII", Alumeis, Xui, .s-.Mr. Williiim .1. lain ry has I tilt licit floui llm Ktll- AllUlk ill CNILl.ltl011. aiis rhlinc ot siir.iiiiuu, Is visiting Mi- (Uis ui M-lmini'i-'. .Mi.-. Der sJiiiiiu'. ot jj.iltoii. Is lsliltig In i also, Mi l'l! Alt has iiiom.iI to WlihuieiS tloiu .Madl.-iilixllk. .Mi .l.iim s lh own, oi I illumine In vioitiiig In- daushter, Mis. llrue Klcgk i. AVOCA. All menibcis of Dlaiuoud riiy 1 1 1 o No, li" 1, adieu of aiitccibees, ate ) cpiesttd to bo ptesenl at llni'i, lull, rilthion. us theiu will be Initiation of caililklale:. Tlio funeial of Mis. ,laiutn Jtiuko took plant yi-Muiluy ilftet tioiiu. Inter nient mi.) ni.ido In fl. aiuiv'H Lt'ine- ter. AiiangeineiUH an- being inadu for n r i ,ll,. iXUIT BIGGER THE MODERN lllllll1lll11A nl owa better sam e BrillianiCleaaEasllyAppliedAbsoluielyModesSi yetj PRICE FIREPROOF'! pilblli itci'Ptlon lo bo teluteioil Dr. Itllfie poiiik llltio this Moek In Itoiioi' of hN Kiieeessful c.iinpiilli. .MIsM Alice Cnillpbell, of .SmiiiUin, spent jesteiduy with ft lends hero. The school luiiiid wilt lueel In upeclul H"slon this evening. alius Mtuy n'ainlley spent yestenlny with friends in Wllkos-Ilunr. 12. ai, Keiiiii'dy tetutneil fiotn ller rlck' ('eittie on Friday eotisliterably disappointed, yet not altogether hope less In ilndlng some duo to tho robber ies committed ill Ills father's stoiu about forl.v-lho wu ago. Curiously enough the pi Ice tn.ilks M'oro not on tho Hue goods, but his name were on a nuinbei of Inferior in Holes. The Uiiids of the sale are put in trust nnil air. Kennedy still has hopes of i (.env oi lug some of the money. ail. mid Mis. John MeCrlndlo ami family aio al the ateCrlndle residence in the North 12nd awaiting the com pletion ot theii handsome icsldeiue in Clieeii Kldije. THE HEARTLESS CONDUCT OF WILKINS j'm aH'ST go to Milwaukee In the I inoiiilng," f.iid AVilklns, sitting down to dinner in the midst of his joung family. "Of course! I expeotcd jou'd hae to go omewhero," mur iniiri'd his wife. "JCvery time I have isitoi- you liiixe to go somewhere.'' "It's no choice of mine," he sug gested, balancing his fork aeios his knife: "It's a case o' must." The tin eo ohlhhetl choi used, "Take me with you."' and aiis. Wilkin-, plain 1 in Hated, spilled the leu on llie eiolh. "JL'.s the least you could do." "What's the least I could do?" "Take one or two of the ehildion with u. The Ijoid knows 1 -ee enough of them." "Hut, my deal, I i ouldn't lug ehll ill on around tluough eiowded i-tioets from one olhce to another Tit be lushed to death myself." "You iiiomlsed to take mo Hie next time you went anywneie," blurted ll.u ly. "1 think on might lake him," plead ed JMs. Wilkin.-, "lie's big enough." Well, l'e got ,i call on Sleinmeyer; maybe I'll lail at his house, and and they've had scat let fever." Now, this a, peihups a diplomatic, lie, but it woiked, and alter a moment's silence alls'. Wllkins lesunied on another tiaelc. "That'll be JllsL like you. Do you mean to tell ine, "Wllkins, that jou'd dare lo expose jour lamily of oung (liildun by ecn calling- ou people Mho had -cailet feer in their t.iniilies?" "But Stchimeyer didn't it" "Have you lived to 3" and lalsed tlnce ehildien without Uncling out that 4-cnlct lever Is contagious'.'" "Hut il's buslnes-. I'c got to see linn. I cm telephone him limn 'h!e,i bo, but that won't do." "It's so contagious that it can be can led 1n the tain," "Do you want me to stop liieailimg'.'" he glow led, testily. Then tlie diildreii got into the de li ite, and the convcisation diified into all the Illinois of sinallpov, diphtheiia and sen let P-Ver had kepL .Iii-, "Wllkins In tenor and foi boding ewi siiue the child) en stinted to school After the net uioiuliig she helpnl him his bag, and when he was uady to go, she beau: "Nou-, pioiulse one thing-" "Sine, I'll write," lie anticipated. "Ye-, write, but that i-u'i what's win tying me." 'Oil, l won't Ui Ink an thing much," buttoning up his coat and i caching for his luggage. "That's not il, eithci." She looked at him with pleading ejes. ' Well," ho gasped, "what on c.uth is it?" "Don't mil on Steinmeoi, l'len-e don't." Ho looked at her a minute as it lie would lo-e his temper, but he only grinned and said: "All light. I'll ny to make my deal wiih his secretin y." "Think how jou would ltd, how 1 would feel, how both of us wiuld feel, if mo Infilled those darlings, "What should wi do-.'" She was becoming dra matic. "Why, w. 'd dislntcet 'i m r guess." But she was already in tears at tlie veiy thought ol some (head (ontugiou and he kissed her and left. That night site wiote a long letter to iihn, warn ing, ciinimutidlng and eiitieatmg him lo avoid the veiy iieighboihood of the unclean Sleluiuryeis if he valued tlie lives and happiness of his wife and i hikliiii, airf. Wllkins was one of those wom en who took her ehlldieti away troin niiool every time a i.iso of contagious malady wits leported in the vicinity. It Mm saw ii scailet-feer sign she Mould walk a block out of her way to avoid llif house, riho sacililced her 1 1 lends mid banished toiuver Hie playmates of her diildieii II any of them became own leiuolely exposed to n "ense," Klin didn't know how long the peiiod of possible lonliigiou I'liduioil, so she de. elded to lake no chain es and simply t truck iioni In i list of ncquuiiitinicch any one suspected of exposiuo to the ilreiid maladies ut i lilldliood. "You i on i .union Into the guniiiil," her husband used to say, "Well, that's butter Hum seeing my ladings put under Hie giouml!" she would snap, and that was the end of tlio nigimicnt. Tl) day alter "Wilkin went to Mil. wiiiikee airs. "Wllkins sister, witli In r three diildreii, hwooped down mi the Wllkins Hal lor a month's visit, ami Hid watchful mother lou;oi tho absent lieiiil of tho house In the excitement of the reunion. W'llkltiK rotuined within the week, glml to gut home, hut tcrii lied at tlio prospect of a tlueo weekh' tlilldreirs rani I vu I In liln never-nutot STOVE POLISH LIQUID- kj d Hut. Il w'iih a iiervoim man, who loved his family and .Not sometimes guiltily yearning lor the pcacu or n bachelor evening. "How'd olll ttlp cotiio oft7" nsUed his wife, when the children welo put to lied, "Oh, so-so." He was tiled. "So-so. Xol voty good, in fact. .Stolnmeyer backed out at the last minute." ".Stulnmoj ar!" who oiled, clasping her hands In honor, 'Stelninuyoi! You don't nieati to tell me that you saw .Stelntnoyer?" "Oh, see heio," ho giowted, "don't bo forever hotiowlng trouble. I'm sick of It. Il's three mouths since they had It anil 1 Just had to sec him, seailot fever or no seal let fever. Vou'ro getting to be a lcgulnr nioiioniunlao on the sub Jei t." He tried to laugh ut her, hut she sunk Into a. eliulr In speechless fear and said not a word. Then u sudden Idea seized her. ftho grabbed each nf his gin meats as he took It oil' and rufched out on tho back poich to hang It In the bieezc Ho smiled and groaned liiwiiully, but he was too sleepy to ontlnuo Hie nigiiniont and sho sat up till midnight illslnftellng his riot lies and washing tho children PICTURE Heie is. Ultio Be.irJ an J Fatmi.i. ou fin J lie ibtei ? Solutions for Last Week's Puzzles: Muiiili, Nui I noo ef llie in i-tci dig' Intl.. 'Uk-iIi.i, Vu. 5 -J),ni.'li-ni'i. V. u -ill urn. I'owilir-liuin. Keg pi int. W.ikh nun. Il.r i .iii-l i!i it's Jll -If.-, louriic the - il. io Hie Pl.l'l U. who had endtiied Ills contagion- car-esM"-. The nevt morning lie lound a suit ot Id-- old clothes, a Hayed and a lot of patched undeiwenr laid out tor hi-- use "Whole did thc-e l.lg- route fiom!" he how led. "Please wear theiu today, dear," she pleaded. "I've pent all your Sleln meei you.- Milwaukee clothes to lie leiiovated. Tli.'i'll bo back tonun- 10W." He didn't want to make a scene befell- Aunt r.avln.i and her ehildien i-o he ate his bieakfa'-t like an ogle .mil bolted for Hie tiain without a word. When lie c.imo homo thai night tho lelnfoued lamily which gieeted him without ofl'eiing to eaiots looked at bin. suspiciously and almost In plt. llvidenlly they had caught the tenor of eontagioii and leg.udeil lilni as tlie po'slble vehicle of their conihlned and Beeial deaths. Mis. "Wllkins and her .sister didn't sleep much that night. Two of the ehildien weio lesllcs and there was much hoveling and wltispet ing tluough the Hat. Wllkins thought il best to lot them have out their seaie and then ho would hi ugh at them. About '1 o'clock in the morning- his wife shook him. He staited up In a flight and whU-.peied: "What's the matter?" Sho gazed on him lor a moment with a look of agonized despair and then gioaned: "They've got It!" "Cot what?" "The scarlet fever, of coui.c" she blubbered, "I know what would hap pen, but you never w'ould libten to me." Wilkin1; was a piaotleal iiwn, skep tical to a leasouublo degree and de voted lo his wlte, but this wloid reone at a. in. stagKored hhn. Ilo tlptoul into tho litllo tiundle-heds wlieie his tlnce ehildien slept and turned up the gaslight. llunyVi face was cove-led with .i blight led rash. The liaby'.s tare, too, was Hushed and feverish. Then he lushed back to his loom and falily hop ped Into his giiinieuts, "What ai o you going lo ilo V" sho asked, "fioing for he doitor, of nun no," In a minute sho heaid him galloping- down tho stairway, and whllo ho was gotio Mrs, Wllkins anil Aunt I.u vln.'i had a good cry. They swapped stories of their dailinss as though the daik eaith had already swallowed them, and hetoio AVilklns canio back they had experienced an allogenic wretched half hour, He wont to bed with "Wako mo If Hie doctor comes." In Ills doling ho heai it disjointed sen t'!iices about tho "liidllteieiico of men," "tho hern ts of mothers" ami other Hilngri that made him dieam that he was Heiod slaughtering innocents. Tho llm tor didn't unuo till after ilay llght, and tho wliolu l.nnlly ns-soiu-hled like mouriiei.s to meet hhn. Ho was a iht't'iful little man and went about hi business, humming an air1 that coked tho scorn ami hatred of both niollieis. Tumi bed to bed ho patoed, peeling Into little .swollen eo. lids, looking at furled Ilttlo tongues and tooling for foveis with a tliennoni elor like a ullvur bodkin. AVilklns could hear his heait beat when the doctor, still smiling silently, f-ut down p tho oaulest chair utul pulled out u pencil nnd ji.ijier. At last ho looked up at WIN l.ln -i, anil, with a grin, said: "Well, they've oL t'" Mis. WllkliiB fnlntod, Aunt l.uvlnu sliilekcil. The live thllilven set up a bitter wal. "Out what?" jelled Wllkins aboo the din "Mi'tieles,'' loplled .tho doctor. ".Measles. Thai's all, Hi. was mlnlsteiliiK lo .Mis. Wllkins now, and AVllkliw, tlm limitless brute, was laughing llku .i fool. C'lilcami Itecoul, Excited His Pity. Mllld II III.- Tllluklt i," l-'i'lll Ci( ills 111 iltllJll Iioikc lhe oilier eicnliiit wore llm InollicM I't.nik .lllll Ullllllll (l.ljlci, FOIH p till! h(c pllMulllllli t'lmrlc-i (lijlir. 'tlio IjjI iuiumI, ultli liU ininu ut guv It ilr nnil Hi illnnliioil licirlng, iut .t intlt ttlin iiIwim iillr.irtril ntlrnllon wkcir'cr lie Mcut. Il M.H nlioiil llil fitt that lh( lonieiw tlou bct'irin tin' luotliiw itrcw icmliiljoiit. "I tiinclnlni' fill tier kmk I no ullli Mm on n ttlp lliiciuiili Hie oiithttili" will I',, "hIicii ! tt.ii iiullc .1 Mil ill boy. lie ttn ut tlie tlinu iiihiincc nitrnt tor llitiiutn's liictic. . vcie H'lli'd Inprtliir nili' Similiy tiinmlnic ill tlir i-ii.t!" tlol nf H Imlrl III Mltlc lloilc. All , tt'licn n roll' tli in in of illitllisitltliiil lii'iillni; .iiii-toiiilml I.' tlirr nml inliniluicit IiIiiim-U ih j Jii-IIil- t llo t-npii me conn. Willi imieli Rinllnip", ii'i'l al lliu s imc time .iiliolltii, llie tulje i-iiili.ooiiil In illiMOier Itio tiuincM lint iiumiiilnt fur 11 llict' iifimr In tlie town, nml muU wlnt iVIt-tii-ss (illior riiiiltil llie riii'lleii, iiii-n-ly In lie li'iilfy tlie ntil trtlim's uirlnillj' I'hulh, llm old Jmlai' Imliiicil llie liolcl rink In npen llm lit He ilnor linillni; Into the i.ifr, .iml )n licit lo nln lilni In a sle, "I li ilite In lentiln lilnorK long, i . (lie -limit-fli-il hM filliw t.iine lump mil nml .isk-ili "'Hint inrlle'ilir Hun of liti.m., n!i, ilo j mi fullott, If jou ttlll not ronulpi ine '.on liu pi'ltllirlil, Milt "I'.Hher millcil 111 .iiillctpjtiuii ot the i-liedi Hut lie l.nrv ttniiM follow, .iml ilnwlnu Mino-lf In bis lull lirlitlit ot mole linn feet, i!i nliiunh " ir, I .tin .iih.nni' .mini Ipi tlm (lreili-t Sim. on I'nlli I'. 'I'. Ilitimin'i (.'licni, li.' "flu olt Jmlite .iiic.lieil noiiplin-i-il for i mo. PUZZLE. W eilne-il ly. No. li-liu ulu- ui IiiIiIiiiiu'a fniU tnnii tie piolile- uf Hie ln.-U.i. llie liuula Jin! clljuwa of lli ,-'il 1 oiitlinu tlie tithei. 'Iliui.-ilij, ii. 7. In plJelns tiii-. piuIe lo gcttui f-elicL tlio i-uU luinuug tic In nU tn-t. 'J in n tlie olliei i-neis wil lie eaiily fotni'l. I'liilji, ov. "Xeichv li.ii ini liw" 'ilunlij, ,No. . Hold the pii tutc ni-uk ,iun -iml the inolhci li onlliiieil lie'ie-itli the li uid liolil int.' the money. liii.T, il I li.!tlni; f lliu,- oci In in feat to IiojiI, .i-Kiil tiii.tiiiiiglj: " ' dioie -.nili ,i i- iiu lo n, Mi.' PrniK ' "- m Yotk Tnne- Not Profitable Talk. 'linn- N enr )oiiii.; seiiilein.iu i-f ine tm 1. 1 nso ei .I u ii-, In llm Ins to.wi Mho enlmly ih'iudiK tlie mimIoiii of "giown uji-," -iml Willi 1.111m!. TIiU Iiliilui-iilf; jouili In-i luen, uml U, notnl for the upidny .iml pcr-inlcmy with ulucli he mn ply In-, flilin it illi iiie-tlon. "I.imk line, 'loinniv," c't!oiiid ln mother in. i- thy. "If yon ttonld onlj ',, ep till nnd not liutliei people ttidi qiiiilioii-. jou don't laiotv liutf ninth on imslil lemi." loiniiit - iii I netii (t woul, hut liei-i.itd the -idiin t ' di,i- ldr he tt.t-, t nt lo llie plnrci'. "sit, mi,' --ud he on ln lilinn, 'jon told llie il I'd Keip ntill and iliiln'L -ik iine.--noii--, Til It nn u lol, but it i-n'l tine. I ucnr, ro 1lic (tiiui'i's .aid he tt.i-i' .'ml tillan', hut I didn't le.iin ,t Ihiiy." "ttlij, i- stnuue,11 said iiiimnu. 'So, it t int neithei," 'iiini"i jomu In pp. fill, ' lie .n tiilKin' IJutih." THEATRICAL NEWS. ATTRACTIONS TODAY. Al )i:.M llnntlej-ll.iiris sfocl; lonipiin. W teinoou .mil msht. hl'Mt Hon Ion Hiiilesipiu--. ttnnnnn ind niiflit. Huntley-Hnrris Stock Company Silutiby etuilns Hie lliiiitlt-llnii-i lonipany, tlileh pri-enti-d a npeitoire of titgli-elio.-, plixs mil Mho will lie ttilh us 11 thi-. wrel, plitcd lo -in iiidlenee tlut i-ompli ti ly Idled the thiutu-, pniiitiii',," "Hie l'.ital C Jul." tthlih is icci-ittd ttitli Kimt inlhudi-m Tin1 tJiidetillc toitni'cs wiie i-Ki Lilly ttill tieciicil. V tpitl.ll in it nit will he citrn thi atttrnogii Tin' siiiiinir imloilrjini, "I'or l.lhrrit ,nnl tote." ttill he (lU'M'iiteil, and tniiijlit'-. hill ttill lie "Knots 0' ri-iiin-,11'." Abounds in Humorous Situations. 'Hie ilihoi.ite nullity .ind lnaite iliauu lei ol I ml-, Moireon'i. mtv ptodiiition ot I'ju-t." in ttlili li he lillii-tlt thi-. tuion ,ipp(u4,i4 Mriitibtti, ! -llll-u tlni, uim'dul lieu-ia and llmiu ilillr.l pi.iUc on hh loin, vhiih c oii.dioiic 1 1 in Nut- ik, (in Inate-i .New Orient In the couth, Jlomi.-il In the ninth nml San in tlie ttet. so In tin leappiiianto ci tliti ilovei' s-tir ha-, not only ili.mii an inilirikeii nenn ol dowded iiuiiiti., hill, his lesultcil ill an nnlteiMlly i'iei-,,-il inloaf in h Kieiiory, iciinpiny anil tri III mr pi ituimiiicn nt Owthi'V wilnl lonnplloii of 'ilin. l.ittli Moni-onN llto tlniiuiinl pciloiininie-i of Mtililjli dill in;,- the H-t iwilllt m-imiis In , iindc ihu luine ol .Monli-on nnl MephSlo stiiuiiMiioii., 'lint his piiloiininio simiili piu-ciiiliiuuU' ilul i-. iinltin-illt lonudtd -ind llie in, i oi the ini inriise llnintlil ii'tiiin-, eiottded h-in-i'- and tiaini uppljiiM- ho U niiltiin: niu'hllt -m Mii'ilciuit .it-n-.litlon ot the linn hold lie lm on tho pul'llo i oil ill ami titot. Tin1 iii-uli ttiilhn hue mil ili.nnatli puiloiui rinploti Miino eviiii-ili llrfu it fee I s mid wentiy, tthnh pIum Hn- or, ttliilo a tlH.-ll CllOlV .llC.Ollip.lllll'1 lit II, l ,,d f- il. lnniient9, ilium the i ii'tuth Ihe 6"nn. or imitio t-piilillt- roiniiiiMil tor Hie mtv puiuo, ttliiili tirininiies Willi ill pliUtn'o ili-.-uni i-mh .u to il t liu pli.i tn tlm Aii lmiiurel Muluc-I, ttlio Is leteakd In a puio white i ly of llaht nuiiouiiijeil lit Ida Im-t llm clonal noil, in tliU mi no pntakes of tlm inline el mi tnatoilo in its Milunnil.t.' 'Hid tholv l iutbililo, tlnir Mill is hum;,itin ot Hie liutoiily liofl The iloud and lisht iilmj loi Hn liomtltul pinoi.iini ot m i-ii-r,t add ir.jel lo the J I lu-ion ami inil.t- an linpuiti- puiiido tn l.'oi-the's ctoi.t (f Hi, PiusIim ltnipl illoii, llie hejiilf nf Hit pioiluetioii, lioitetet, eullft Inir ai it mi) he, huoinis a mdmhIjiv loiijid-ra-lion tthtn il i. known llm Itttis louion him nil' will ponihil) uipeai' In tln part ot Miphl.tu ui llie Ijttiim iii'M Wiiliiisilit I. a Kiln ilJV liutlnei lu. heui .iiiuc-ul ami will . till i II .it 'J la p. III. I'liin, ii and V) irntsi elill iln-li, 11 mil- At the Star. 'Hie popular ture nouad-ns Iijj tinncil (mm i-tiainhi tJiicty tn p'd ilein luiih-ciii-i ami with tlm idea of i.miliu to lhi Utio .Ijium lid. 1', iiihmlU his llnii 'fon IliuUbqiu is lor imhlli iipprotal al llie htar Mondi.t, 'iniwlae jihI W'liliiudiy, Ihe i!ece ilo ii'-.itjiue ii tlio 'll.m-ii liu Oi Ionia," in whidi mnitcni hantl mine woiiitit itU-plit their .lhillly uiul a'illl,t in this fJim.u., I'-itiiliu minisiiiiiiit. Hie inintiln nient uImi liuliulei- rpeiullles by -i iiuuUm of hlillui' li'lilt, of thU iMiliinlii- hranili of the ilulision in the io-iIii of width Is Ibjou -V I.anu'. don in "riie I lupjile ami lllj l.utist moin"i Minniy ami Mtl'4iliml in u loimh 1 1 i-ti sinyiny iml talkln.' uti Ihe woudnlul Williiid, the mi petor oi all ilittn Jugirlcie, anil Ml.--, Mjuo 11..,. ii-, ttli.i is -ilu;a a inula- at Ihu lmii-.e, and his In lids ona.ion an rntiuly itp'itoiy oi .-ii ,. mid l.i -l hut h.t in, m,,iu Iiai, iii-oie'e An-illii Muoie, i lutv uie ami a ni'tt iu in tanditllli- S'j'Pie- to state lluit he till iumio tlnn npliold I'll. Mine of i-MilIrnt mli lUliiiiicnt. ll.e put iuit Is "D-ri Vim i" ami ihe Imik-sipii; liiiliult-. (lie Hon IVu (iliK V.n Tout. In lot't tin - i-klls umple piotUioii Is made foi tlie in tioiluillon o tin1 putty womcii in the (on.pjiiy uml 3 litili di-pl:i.t ot limbs and lii-uk-. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Tlun Four Lint, 3 Cents for t-ach Cxtta t.lnt. For Rent. sTniii: pmi iiv.vr. f,fw l.iiit.att.inni nunne. m-xl ilnor lo I Inlet 'n iliy uooiU Jtoie, Inipllte of J. I), llojle, Clollilcr, HH I,.ul.iititiini utentie. toil ItV.NT-Klitlit tonins. T-1J Jefletion aveniicj all modem contenlrncej. I For Sale. MVVWWN Wi' V(V.'V VOIt -At.i; CllllAI' I'oiir non.l-li iml coiclnt in itooil I'oinlltloii; lour net.' IhhibIct iind one lliieo-rated finrey. P. V. (lonJon's tt irhii tfotl. . l:.'l Cieun t-tteit. VOl'lt tOtt.s VOIt SAI.H-Ttto futli ttllli their iiilte-', Al-D (itrm for pile or mil. Ai.iliotv I.iluhton, tljuihnrn. VOIt sAtx-l'tlnie ou, uv Btlillnir, Irt lini'K 1'iul In1 IhmllnV. f-lre I'llnui llritriil, ilJin Miy (li!tni, by IhimeK. lo.ileil in Hi'ilt Willi Itto tttiks' liaiiiillim look neoiil ot ''.l ,il llliiRliinitotr, Ootolier, 1'xXii Willi hut two uieks tmliiliu lm i-hottn mile In 2.1V, half III 1.0 ii Hilt hoi'o Int itii-nt 1.IKC mid lunk notion ; i m hot n ilil L'llt; wram m ttJp, ami i the lintleU toll In Sntitliern N'ete oll; Mint he sold to ilii piitnni-hlp, AJiticso, II H., Ho ll'l, I.i.tirthiie. .V. Y. I Olt MM:- ( In tii , lioiM', i-piln,,' tt.iKon and h.iines, nt Xo. Itiil ri!ji' aicnue. FOH St,i: Tito llslit i-prlns watfom and tome harness, cheap. Utaiu, rear 1132 l.uzcrne. street. Ecnl Estate. VOIt SAI.K-Onc ntio ot hml, impioted ttllli nine torn limiv. plenty uml tnlttt of ftnit, cootl loi.itlon tn tlll-iKc1 ol Vhcttllle-, JIr. Oltto 1'ich, Klccttille, l'a. Boarders Wanted. WANTED Table boardirs. VYasliington ateuue. Mr:, TompMus, C31 THE MARKETS. The Investment Mmket. Xetf ml, Nov. 10 s,CIlcel Tra-I. .C ( ompjuy, ill tetiittiiiK the Inte'dmiiit miiKets of l)i loln-r and the1 opinio:," ili.ts rf Xotimliei ni.t : "l'l-niH-ittloiis hito ht ill hten lonfmcd In a rclatlti JiJr low iani;e, both In upeet to tohinie u liuin(si and tint In it Ion-, ol t.ilni'. llie demenil fm in-to.-dniml 4 Ins heen di-.tictj v ipiickend, jit niles liate lieui lean sis n nip ind ttitli othn .teJis of moie ihir-ntei. Hie feiUiult-s n( the iniikit his hten piolnldy as inuth altrilnil ilde to t lie, uii'y of liiiti'l--, win inlirtilntd doubt of an cult' linptuumenl ol pi lie-, .H lo UiO l.n k of funds V, llii olhets "f Julie .1 niCHllHi'ilinii of (impel Ins hteu ap pimir, and pioinisi.-. to he 111010 n dining the liilmeo of the ten, ttitli .-cihoh ilil.- li ittiou ill latin lor money, and the tide tui.iiui; mnre htimiirly ton.inl i lied ol leal ime-tment nient, as distinRinifd from the ila to tthifii a mi w.rt ef spoiiilitltt- itlriclitrness 1 is nlUilud. HinU of tlin omit .u a mle tlill leiniln 1 ugelf oeiupied in supplying tlie lueds of tiMomiit-, ttith bilinccs appliiable to eniplo.t nient in lionii-, bill "Ohio of the I iMe mcliopnlit tn lunlis, whirb , oni inoiily t nrj lihoril lints of i-ccuiitli, are Known to lute tutu fue tik"is of is-ne- of the lank of Chieiuo and Alton "-, Chiuijo, Ilinlinuton uml (Jutnet 'Joint' !-, mill olln-i.- lulini; at loiitii bioita for titll iniilei-tcKid it-.iion-. "Aeeiimuj.ited inoiii.ts in tin' handi of inditid-nil- ale to no mii.iII ttml l-cltiar pm into in Mstiiiiiit'., and i t lunges nre In in nlc ot ol I tline btilldina-, wli'ib ne iis-ndod ,s approiinit inj; tho uuvinmm point foi fOinewhit moie pio diietlto i---ne ot pionu--iil cioutb Trai tion tone panics' bonds' and Hi- and dtetiit liahlins obit-e'-ilioim, bolh bondtil, and luiuiii-il stoik- (if mti-tiihiiL ueoid) hue con-,tlmttd Hie ba-is of tni wlnt notaiiit "rran-actiniis of 'ilealui.' tipon the lieet. oi diitetly Mali tlii ills lnti boiMi iiiik.1i moie --tK-nilli nit til in stock I'Mliinsre silo-,. Uaiinei-i in Hie lianils if intestment baiikinir hou-cs .no mod tialt, ami upn-ent only the n-nil iliti ivlhi jlimi of oiloinn;-!. The tuneiit tiiiiil.iis of deileis pic ffiit little' of new lei, lint ouelbnt t-i'lei'-tioin ae lo In- nude ttitli oiilimry dlMiiminitioii. toinlltioiis iiievailiiiR' au in Hie mini, theufoit-, fjlilv iiie foi inipiotemeul " Scranton Board o Tinde Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. 1-rOCKs. ISi.l. A I.stkminiii lliiiy Co., Pr .. .. iiO f'ouiiiv s-itlmis nml, & Tiitit Oi.. PiJ'i Vir-,1 Nilioni It ink (Cubondilel hi mil ml l).lllln' Co llilnl Nalionil Hani: m) Dime l)iiri-it mil l)iionni llinl... U7j l.ionom.t LIslil, II. S 1'. To Vina. Nation il Hnil; lul Infka Tni-t Site Depo-Jt Co 17) Claik .V Miot-er Co., I'l 1J.". S-innlon lion Vend' & Mfp. Co i-tianton Ale Woiks Sir im itt Satiiips II nil ton Tiadtrs' ntion,il II ink 17"i fcnanton Holt Ic Xut Co 101 I'eoplo'.s Hani 1 .", New JIeieo liy. & l Co 1I0NDS. Sdanton l'asM-nRei llalltvaf, rn.-t Moiteae, due V'-O Ill 1'tople'., Street Hallway, tbst niort-, tine 1I)JS 311 1'iople's Mrcct Hallway, IJencial mortKJRe, due Hell 11a Hiekson Manufacturing Co I.icl-j. Towtnliip Kheol 5 per cent. ... C ity of .serauton f-t Imp. U per tent Scranton Tuition u per lent. ... 115 -ked l -1 'ill lim li'J W So an ton Wholesale Mmket. (Collected by II, I.'. Dale, 'j; tatkawamu Ate.) Hmnir J'ei bushel, choice i.uriow, K!.f'lj2.i3. Uutlei Vieth iieanuiy, -'lai.'e ; dalri, ficah, e.v. clutse Villi iieim, lO'-jallt Vkss Nenb.t .-.late, ilai'ii. Medium tlcans i'er bushel. I.M firct ii Pi as Per bu-ltel, 1rJ,i)i!.ij l'loui He t patent, per band, fl.lS Heino Vu Imslnl, iboite in mow, MD, IVtitncs I'ci bu-liil, St. 5.1, Onions I'ci $1,W. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. i, -i. ,-ntip aim i aino riitt's bu'auuy nuin tulneil, trido Miottiw; (nn-.fieribln lmpiotciU"nti iliup, ln'i-t. .Hjia'n j eholie, .'lUaTe.j aood, ,! .lijcj nniliiiiii, 'J)..jjjt ; trunnion, I'-iJ'ii-.; I nubs, .'.'.i'Vii. Ilorfs-l'nr demand and nu. insa ruiliely nM inn; bet wi-iin, h'.-asiji ; ollnr l.imN, MS.'ie Vlt I'ottii Modi rite liin,ull) at '."i,i.i,,i. lliin Tows liiini$lit I'liiJ'si-.i teal uhi-, i-iijili rt ntiisL at uiiilii ; i-.iii tlioiie, 7'i i (oiiiinnti, .I'ia'c,; Jlihh loith of Ihe dull it Muds loiuuuinlisl, MOjVi; loiinnori ti fiir dull il s-jni'i), lJu.-il i-lnis lainrul Iioni 7'ji P'lt ; dirisiil ioi, Inl'jo, Oil Mnrket. Oil Ul.t. Not in Cinlit hJl-uiee.-, IV), ..nili (ih, no hid; lii'iucnts, .s-,7u7; au'ian', l')'i,2llj mils, W,ll'); atn.ise, 7ii,ul DtuiuiB nnd the Guide. uin iliy Ali'aiiiler Iluuns tied l iim illfi anil iiijiio n uin to (liilciti d'li tn tislt tin 'pine ho had In I pi 1 1 lo mike fuiion. 'Ho khI'I': - his niliii 'Ui liio-anii, .iml tin i. dead .'hotted lilni tti itlliina; -il-p the Mibtcirim JU lUrvik'u b.t ttlddi Kdnioinl Dititrs anil bbe I'arli u i lo tllt i. nil ntliei, "this jiissiijo ttjs iluj: by Ablio Vatia by llie aid nt a ll-li lione," lie e.splalneil "lliimi tells about It in his utoiy c Moutn Cri.lo." "Iiidenl," iiplinl the .iiiilim, "AleMinlcr I)u pus must bo fiiinllin1 ttitli all the mnciiiuliiis hen, lMliiis on knnw liimt" "I ifhoiihl thiol; to. He li one ot my best tlllllllo." "And tin ate onu o( hi," lupllod the iiiipul. elve i-i'lllio, leltiiiK tttn loul) d'ou Mlp Into iliti lnml of Iho n-.tonl.lKil Biild '. Xtw Voik TIiiilj. A Consoling Judge, A i til iln judt'Q ttlio ouiu iirolilid ntir a iilinliiil totnt tus fnuoin ai tmu of llio mut icmpasslointo linn who etti 4(, on tho hcin'li. Ills otlness ef In nt, liuwciir, did not pi emit him Iioni iKiim; hii duty J -i jn-U.e. nun who had birn com It ted ol rleilni; a nn.,11 amount was brought Int-i conn toi centime 11 j liaked tn," Mil and'., .uid 111) lonit w.u ninth iiiuird by bli eoiitnlc uppt-aiauie, "llltu :ou rtri bun tcntriKtil id iuipil-eii niriili" ibo jud-o u.kid. "Nitci! ,Netn'," i tlaliiinl the piliouei, liui.tln into ti'-u. "IIjii'I Trf, don't tiy," 'Jhl Ihe imlm. ioiwiIlni)lt, "jou'ie solnB to bo now!" Sttaj 'toiie. , I'lilladtlplili, Xov, i Hito btutk irrcivtii for Hie mi cl, : Citile, 2,siri ;liuii, 0,713: licis-i, (,1X1), I'atlle l.lclit nipple and tilled hlijhci; oiiiitlj lino tattle, ft llie. lli'-it, -j 7.1 Ot; iholii, V1jij pmil, I imdliiin, y4'.i,i2; toniuion, sii SITUATIONS " WANTKD I'RER. Help Wanted Male. - . ..- - A AC1IM! MAN' for petniiiienl poilllnu, ul pir tnotitli iiml iNpiiivs, flail, .v. l o ill south Vourtli flic-cl. riiihilelplil.l. WANTIll) Al' ONCi: Tttiult rxieilemeil woodi men, Call ut 1). Itol ells', lluoop, t'a. A HANK irqiiiiii (lie as-blatieeiifH.iiwiIl-ilii'K'ili tnpable nun to solldl miIiikh jioouiila; uf eitnces leipiltrd. Hoi 10. Hill olllte. VAII'.I)-A liiiidit iiilclllpeni of In e hot1 .iii jnl II or 10 .tears of ine. Iniiilie nl IU1 I'l ml."" .urimc, (.'llj. W.S'Ti:tl-llv ImdliiK IMill iilelpbhi lion-'1, fii-t iI.hs mli sunn, to i-ell roihijI line nf I'M'e'1 Id llie lelall Unde, one who In an iusijliilim'e (iivfiueiti iiiin-t bite bet rclercnie ami be lime to fiirnl-b bond, Address I. O. llo "i. riill.1 di'lphlil, Help Wanted Pcmalc. Olllf, WA VI I'll for irriienl hou-'ottoik, Tun In biliilla. Apply lo Mr. Ditid Sniiiilei', ml mi of SJiligrr boiiletanl nnd North llioinley atinuo U AM HI) I'lift tliM ilip-nn In tin and lit iiistnm made t-Ii it i waist-. Mn-I be litulilt Ktoiiimeudiil. Noiio nthil in oil npplf. lib- V I'lule, Viencli I Alt loom-, ,1 Wist slii'it. ilki-s-ll.ine, V.i M.WTI I) I oiiip.'Ietit. tod. and Inilnlii . l'ol-lifTii-on nt i nno. WAMIHl I. Ills foi bold ttoik. wilnr'-e-, look-, boii-e-ti'iik and liuuilii-. I iik.itt limn Vqriiry, 21.1 Man HtiiMitii;. H'AVn.H- tonipi'lent alii fm liou-e-tork. Apply ai iiJl l'iui' stmt. WAN"Ti:i A mil foe iseni hoii.e-woik; must bu able to took. 'Itio In f indie. 7J i ifililiiy avi uiw. VIVT OI'HIIAIOIK M INTHIl-Meiilf work suaranlenl. . It. Ileti; .c -sin, I d.nns airiiuc. WAXI'HD-lliil .an seiuio steid), pi old able tin lilojmcnt b.t lallinjr al 11 Meats llulltlii'S- WAVrr.D-Oiil for seniit houettork at Dilto Addics II. T., care Tnbune. BRAX01I WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Heceived at Any of the Following- Drug Stoies Until 10 P. M. Central City AMll'.lli' SCIH'I.!. eoiiin- Mulbniy stieet and Wibsler atenue. i.t'sI'AV VIclllX, bji) Ail.ims atenue. West Side OUOItOi: W. JHMilNS 101 s-t'iitli Main at t line South Scmnton llil.D I.. lUItl'l'i:, T2'i (nlir atomr. Noith Scrantoii CLO. W. DXs, u.i mi Noilli Mt'n iitcnue and .Market s-tiut. Gieen Kidge CIIAllLi:S V. .ION'K-n 15.17 DuUon utinue. V. .1. .I01l.s, DM Gieen linUe -tied. C LOIIIINZ. coirnr Wa-hiiuton ate nue and Mn Ion -ticet. Petersbuig . II. KWl'Vl h, 1017 Iimi..' it. me. Dunnioie .1. g. noxi: i- SON'. Wanted. l AN'il.1) lMiiiMuil loom, tenltally boated, moijein and in pnt.ilc fnnilj. K', liibunu Ofllce, city. WAX1 LD flood Menial hind fuiuiie, will ny la-h. Addieis I.oik Hon. I , 'iiiulou, I'.l. Wanted Por Rent. IM'hD I uini-hdl hoii-e In mull f.innlt. ill 01 l.tivn liul.e. Addle1--, jeOs Mens build ina. Purnished Kooms. Volt HKNi Ilimlsiiinelv liuni-hod r.n m, tti-ll hi ilul, era-, nnd u-o of lull). .No. I 1'l.iir. pi lie. VOR ItH.NT Vinin-Ii'U fiont loom, tvitli h"at. bath and ua-; u-ar lourt boil:.'; ge-itl.Minn pi ef erred. Addre.vs Itooni, Hot Std. VOK ItF.NT Vuiiiblictl loom; heat anil bath. 02a Llndtn street. Rooms and Board. A JiAHttV. VltOM' IIOOM, with lo.nd, ar 1JI Adams atcnut!" lor two toum; mm. HOOMs TO ltUXf, ttitli liojitl. t.0) Mulbcriy htlCCt. Boaid Wanted. VOl f, M IN wants bond iu piiia.p i.iiuilf in (betii llldgi, iMit ,, .1 A II . nibmie lib the Buciness Opportunity. KIOCK AND WIIL'AT IHADUlls tvitlioul dels. . Write tor om tpetlal innket leliu lino in application. "- M lllhlnicl ,v ( o., niciiibors .V, V, Coii-nlidattil .iml block'jo. II mil pi ilroailwuy. N'etv Vork. H-tabll-licd I till. Long Dl-tanee I'liono 2V- llioad. Money to Loan. jsUa.DOO 10 I.OAV-Iowet rates: straisht or monthly paj incuts. blaiU & Cn.,Tiadii!.' bl-Jj. ANV AMOUNT Of JIOVIJV 10 I,OAN"-Qiiiek, l leans or Uiilbnns and Ia.mii At from t ta C per ecnt. Call on ,V, Walks.', ul.J15 I'onnell bulldlw,'. Lost. w, , l.e.sT -Hi inioiiil .-tnd I iberal nitiid foi i-iinii to fo.tue IIoue Strayed. I IMi: 10 Ml l'l(KMIs-.s, ., ,,,K, (jHu.r i in hate eaine by pintlnt, ottnei.-lilp and' eui.sei. (Ii-oiae Aii'eulo. H Im.ue nnd llud-ou In, il,n, -b nuin miscellaneous. k. v . v vswv. . w vv'vv' JiVIHIV MIMINT.s I III Villi; all i i. - ni t.nj ipetiali-l cue Mull-il lb in-, 717 V.a.lilnion it . Huibilo, N. . FINANCIAL. WI: UI-I-tlK IU YlbUU AUUU I tfa $430,000 BUTTE ELECTRIC AID POWER COHY Or Butte, Mont. Ilia i v In, suaii. iviior iiiwiluui'K . u. i .J i 5 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds D.-nonnr.jl it-ll d ''. in.itunii; I I., d .tt.ix 1 1 1 1 -' .. n tnjul I I'.t limit .iml kiiikiu.' I ii ii' I Ni ejininas llmti nnd ilm-i -purun. mot mei ..' h.u's ttnlo iu iiian ot Mi sj,im,i , , (, .Uj, ti i i ,, ,, ,,.i.ju i , jnd special RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO. I NASSAU ST., NRW YORK. V. . DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Attire Tltm l-'aur Lines, A Cents Inr lliich Cxtrn I.I tit, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. Him AID) C.H'AUI.IIN(I," 2.1IIAUlHts"llANK llulhlliia- Architects. LDUMIII II, invisi, "Aiii:iiiri:cT,c6sNi,tL lliilldltur, riii:ii:mt if i hhovn7"aui7 ii.ri:.ia l.tbile l.xi Inline IHiIt,-., l.'0 WiiMilnittoii me. Civil and Mining Engineers. il' "-!"IN(f'JlCl! COSN'I.I.I, 111,'ll.lllNt), Dentists. Hit '. H. MlXMlHWlIx'I'ALI.i iTtJlbOINtl,' fcimicc died, t-i riiitoii. nn. c. c, i,t;iiA(ii, in iwomi.m; AynNHi:. Luwyois. lHVMi I.. IIOVI.I.. ATrOKNHY-AT LAW. llo"nn la, II, HI and s n,r iulldin'. ili!ll'iu A1",y' ( o"i'NwV:A'i.7iniuTir J ii ni:i'i.O(ii.i:. aii on s i: urn's xiVin tialtd on in uin,. Miinilv. MeiiM Iliilldln,', ioini-1 i-liiimloii ittiim and .spiuie i-lltel llll.l.Alll). tt illllHV AfN'Tl'P.l-roiiNnsI iind toun-t-lloif it law. Itipublliaii IJulltllns. tt-l-hiiiKlun niemie.,- .IV.SsVI', AriOHNHVs AMI ( Ot'N-i-elloi- ai-Im loiimioutti-.iltli Uiuldlnir, Ilooim I1', in and UI I Htt Mil) M, TIIWHIt. AIIOIINHI. HOOMs tint 01. nth ,, ,.,i n,nK I- A. WVllll.'s, AnOISNI.V-AI'-bAW, nOARU ol luiltf lluildliitf. Nianton, l'a. IMITIIItsov .t, UH.COV, lilAIIHIt'H XAIIOVMi llink iiiilii, V. (OMl.ffls, pj; HI t in, KAN mJII.DIXO. a . iiiiitiiioi.v, ovi ici: .Mown to no. 211 Ujoinlii itrniu-. Physicians and Surgeons, on. w. v. r.i: .nohtii aaiiiwios atenue. hi:, s, w. l.'Mioitnirv, own i: .-.i wami- inlon iitcnue. Ite-ideme, MIS Mulbetrt. Illume ul-ori, luiif, heart, klduets and .i niln inir, u.i (Ogam u rpeelall), llotus, 1 lo -1 Jl. III. Hotels and Restaurants. Illl 1 I.If CM V. l.'l AND 1.'7 1 1IANKI.IN" AVle nuo. Hale-. ua,oiub!o. v. zir.oM:i:, viopiictor. scirvMov HOisi:, m:.u! d., h. & w. pas- trtiKir depot. I ondutled on th" Vuropean pi in. VICTOR KOCH, Piopiictor. Scavenger. A. It llllintIS I.HANn PIHVY AI.HTS AND tcss pool-; no adm , only uupitucil pumpa u-ed. A. II. Unas-!, pinpiietor. l.eate oidcr.s 110J Xortb Miin ateriue. m bieke's ilruu stole, coi nti Ailinis and Mulbdiy, Both telephone-. Seeds. ('. It. I lAKKi: A CO. M.l.OsMHN' AND MJ11S ci.imon, -tnio SOI a-hin'loii atenue; gieiu liou-i-, 10CO Noith Jlaln atenue; More lele (ihone, "il. Wire Screens. lOSHI'II iil'Ml'l.l,, Itl'Ml .111 lACItl. AW., .snaiitou. Pa., niamuaettuti ol Mile Screens. Miscellaneous. DISI .ssMAKIM! I Olt I Illl DHHV TO OiilWP.; also I idles wain's. I oiibi- siioiniakii, .Hi Adams attune. Ml flAHGHi: IlltOs., PUIMI.UV SVPI'I.IV.S, l.N Mlojie-, ptpti- bia-. twine. Waii'uoitfe, IM M liliiustin atenue, stunton. Pa. Till! IVIMfHs-HMIRi; IIIAOHI) f AN HP. II H in bcianiou at the ntws slniids of Ket-nmu lliu.-., llm smtice and .Ml! I.iiidin, M. Noitoii, ;:J2 l.aikitt.iimi itiumj i. s mimici, ill Sirme btui't. Situations Wanted. WAMl.ll A position a- .-tonoKiaphei bf a joiiii' l.idv; will be .-me to Kite MlisfJCtiuii. Ad-ilie-h, 1;. ., liibime Ofliu. S-iriM'llON WAVri'D -lit J lid I" Ilk'' tta-le 1HK liome. ( an ttinii-li the ln-l of citf lefw- tine. Addic-s, Mi-. II , -!() .-outli lit ins ateiiui. Sill VIION" tt MKIi joim hulj with s-oiu-Knottldlt.e of p'linnity ihdtc- pu-iliou hi dint, dole, sjlan iioobjut. P., 'liibime Olfiu, lltt. UANrilD Uf u llm d, i dm .del Mil. po-ltion as home or n itillnc lonipiniou to old oi ti.'in ladt. Applj to V. H, cm1 of 1 illume. sill MION" tt W'll.H as look- and kiundiess, or .loin', senuil hou-c-woik, (', M., JII7 HnIit. in au inn'. Mll'AllOV ttMl.ll-T.i ii" "lit In the ilj tta-biiiu oi deinli,. Call oi aildio--, Mis. llil.-ill, 171 'hIji nuiiie. r,i:iMTini:M i:h tiiwi mm. '-m.imiw nam po.-itn.ii with tpiod lellible liou-e, en Iho io d oi bull. He t uletemi (jinn, tt', tt., Tilbiu.i lllliti. A WOMVN t anpi pljm .in took in boanbii.' hoii-e ol' i-null hold, when1 he t .u hue In- bat to do ilioi.-s anil Ro lo nlmul, Addrt-i M. M.I lilhuiie olllte VDl'NG I.AI, eapaliln of commiridlnif 4 lino hah, dwlies a position hi dole, n di ipciy uiul t-l nl" ilrp.iilnieni. Addie-t I), s, v , riibiiii'.' unite. tMIl) lit a (.nitli III in, mik to ill ctmliiai Mori 7 to I-. Adi'li-sy, 0. ,M., liilnnii) lllfl e tt WII'.H posllicu us liuii-el.irpcr ei pi, In io !., in to like ine "1 Imali'l. by mlMb ,ii,i il ttuiu-in I ill oi addit'-s, "C.ipiblt," in Miillli died, llmiiuoie, IV- silt VIInN tt VMVIlTo ,i out by the do w.iflilm,-. iiouliv oiibaiuiia, Mi,-. ,ie, ui llillslia-l touit. -Ill A'tlON tt Mi:il-llj a jomiif iil j ,-vt old as liiu-e allli adiliin.-s Mil ijnodoie , us-l, ul.t. AN V.NPI.IHI.M 111) (fid would like .ilu.itlnn m inn.Hi ljuiily. In ue-l and lelliblej w isei l ' Addli- Kittle, Tlihune uflltr. A MOMVN wants null, hi the ilif, (at! ,1.1 loitil luiin. WAM'I.H I'.wllb'il as idiippln,; tint, or utotk man; hid iIihv j, n-. imh ili-i,-1. i in erpn will I'loiiuutinlid. Ail'luv, H. C , cue it trn t"ii I'libui. ! FINANCIAL. J I V