t ? "-,"V ' is t s 1 THE SCRAlVinv TRIBUNE-MONDAY, NOVE31BER 11, 1001'. 3 :i j, i "-,. ("m t s'W-.-n'-i - 1Cmi sMrnr' .i?J$ rmmintmn 'Vs r Don't Wait tit a Vljitie Mictilni lo liiinj, ,xiti 'irrc (Mr tiolliiiy Hni. of the nor.t jiiJ bel in Picture Frames and Pictures I, turn ici'ly, loti tnla'it p fiiitlift- mi' him I " HOST lOWfll I' M Mil. 'I III IlltlCl.sl' lll.ll.Uts I.V MI, I MM.lt ISII Pls IN iiiia cm. Jacobs & Fasold, 200 WASHINGTON AVENUE. City Notes. J MMT.T, Al Ml I till .--I ltiotiir," t,f I to Mi Ml uuaIIIsix' Mill In- InM it CO o'lloik this ttti-r-neon in tin" Kciutc luoin ot tin' I n-t l'n",ly. triiau (li'irdi V COMMO.N I'll W-IIh- Soumhi-r lam u i. nun ili h court opm Imlix, In lontnim lime wct-l. .Til 1,'o-s 1m Ih .in-l ( ii i nlci in 1, ii "I'll' iltiiln" tin tit t. viiL. Ml.l.riNC llll- I.IIISISl.'- lupitiutr if the l.imli-ii Mint 'Itinpli mil Hi lie! mhoIi xwll lie lidil lliii txnittij; it tlio liumi of Ml I! Iijiniln Simtn, ou Muli'ou niiiiio, M.lfillT 111,171' I hslil li'.o iiuiiml the -rn metci In tin- l,itinnit nt tin- N.ittonil f j'ltc U J.nwli pirloi, on Wniniuc nciini. , illml out ill lilt ilipirliwnt il II l"i n'llnn: mi -ili nU in'lit. Tl'u il.inii.'i ilnnu wis tiutim.. XI'KISI.I.I Jll Willi II. Ilmr xwll In limit fr,.; 01 (lie ohtir-. mil -oluilms uf tin' Mi K111I1 1 Mininritl .)i i itiuii tln, t winn? 11 " 11 n't 1 n L 111 tin In jnl uf ti ill loom- It l-i ilf-nnl tint ill' itliinl, JS iinliultlltlt litlttli,. ill I C tll.incltl. 101 M I WXKII. Hi- I 11K iw. inn 1 liilnul 0 'citnii lio nipitii! tho tin ni.m mt , lui ,11-tcts at N iy .ur r,-inlh li r jiiniuii; mi (hr ir-, tminil .1 s-ihu u.Ki Ii mi nm- of tin 111. Mill h 1 11I iniluilh Inni Unlilui. It 1- lioi i-T hold l. '. nit I! I lili- lui nli nlllK iliuli. NOItlON1- M.W 111 II.OINf.. -Ho j. w l.uiKUtu lllllll I'llllllll tin M Itlll It, Ml) p UHll llll I fm M "VMtMi nil I .uU IUI1111 1 iiniii'. In in pi 11 o 11c '1' llc-tlt W'l III Inc, will 1 1 foul Stntlii tu,.li. villi 111 irn 111. 1I1I tin t tl hi 1 no mi liii, II Ml'I bo lUMJpilll 111 1 MlMUll lllltlitllll hou 1. 1 01 Olll l 1 1110 HIsi llii,.i llui iiin'ii, ,li si-pli vllilI ml ' mil.-. Ill 11 li, tin nun lolmiil lor-xim arpti ij I hi uili, u-poi inl m In mi; 1111 plkitnl 111 :-'inii nit 01 to'Mi liutclin urn il' 1. infill 011 mildly !! huLtrilc I1II111, t.n 1 ilki liiuus Inlul to imiti'it tlicin Mitu jih i-rniii. viit own-, 1111-1: (.mil)-' a lniio ,ii luiiicil 1. jiii; uiintli lotiutl 1 lios mil iliiiiii; 1 IIL.I' fU llltlt V- it lillllltil ..'fill". "Illlll lllll I M- ilflllh lui II I111J lui In llin U-, mil (liu IJi liu 11c, l.jctidwiiun .mil WcMitn piSMiuir .t iliou it 1 Kl3Mjnni I hi onii. tit In ltij- hi til In flu hilil'- pncnfo it I. n n inni lujuuu 1 luini its ii.i.u:in 1101 i: uipoiir Tin- tmiLi-. Niidnnal limk icimi- rlrjiiiii- In Ih" 'i utiti n 1I1.IIIIU llol-O lMit!U1li!l 1 I till' Mill imlhiir No-i. 'i ii follou-. Mi'iiiln, -Jis,T it 'n, 1 no iln, if lulu, uJ.ii5ili, Ji,i )l U, Tlmc-ilii. v'l". 7(i.; lilila. V-I,illil, -iliitiln, MU"ili , ji il, '-l.'.O.'J 01, 1 mri-i uiiiliiiif Mio', I ii jui, 'M ,''Ii1.."jT. "I'lllV I" M!M M, lll.lll ll-l -lui,i,.lit it 7 'I'doik tin lil null"" ilium Mill lint 111 tin ill if thr "Uiisr Won 111 . husti in .1 i , 1 it ion nil it he. -jo ilif ' nl jiittii ' mil "I'liitni 1 ih'ir if- IV uiptH at . .it lit iiilin 1 ImriH Mill to- I ii- 111 tin mi' plm Wink ill li ilomi'i liinn riiitu tin "1 11'n 1 nun" 1 lui i'- i S 1 Mul, 1 irhi iim! Mill lio lulil ill llin tn-i 1 lull, ihIii Iho (IiikIiiui t Mi-. lliii FEET CAUGHT IN A TROG. Jainrs Kline's Tenlble Expeiiencs on tlie Railroad. Wliilf 0!iK..ui.il in hwiti'liin 111 tin 7...I u'K.iw.i 1111. 1 ia.ilinai .Ull, near 1I10 Ve-it Sii.mtoii tioI,lit d.ni'-t'i'i' ilcpol, f.niy J-iturilay nioinins, Jtuni"! Klino, 111 Biik aM'intc, Xottli yoi'.iu'oii, luiil Ills fcut causht in .1 Uok. ami lict ut ile coulil oNtrlonii liiniiicli, was tun ilnwn by (i hwltch flinlne anil Ills Kk su badly ciufeheil that aniuit.iti(in w.is ijj'cufwirx . The opointloii was puri'uiinoil at the Mo.si'Si Tujlor I10hplt.1l, and his 1 h.uues tor luiowiy aio laiiiahli. nltliuiiRli tile (loi'liiu. yi'it- ,skiptl(''il on that point 'whori lie MitH lii-t laLtn to Up. hopitul. , $100 REWARD. Tin: Sci.inlon Itailway iuinp.ni will p.iy a H'w.iril uf $10ri for infm million that will load In tin- iippuhi'li'-liiii ot the lii'ison hn plaoi'il an i'pIoiio on thu tiauKw of tlifj (lii'cn UIiIkc i'l'npli''!) lino, on Cipmiho ai'inu, ip-.h Ah sliLct, riklay, X(i'inbtr 5. li'fli, ' Wanted Soft Coal Minois lor ". Va. r.ir fuio Sin rioin Putii.. lllo; (nnm.iny nioos lainllli.s, ylt Mrlko; n inl uoik; irooil wnuo-. Applv t'lliroiil'ti I'tnplovini'iU AKi'iny, lis Miiliaiitoii(;o SI , Patt.nillo, l'n. On i' Ton? aio all f-i-U rtt-il for iluli pm hi : of miiiIhHo llavor anil 1 icli ( np Miialltlch. Imp ilal Tea uiul C'ou'io c(i 12.' hpniri nln nt. I BOND OFFERINGS. Spring Biook Water, 1st Mtg-Ss Xacka. Valley Elec. Light, 1st Mtg. 5s. Noitli Jersey ami Pocor.oWoun- tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg1. Db. Standaul Gns Co., 1st Mtg. Os. telilghton Water Supply Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s. New Mexico Railway and Coal Co., 1st Mtg. Os, Desciiption and juice on appli cation, tti RieidrtJ), X. , -f -f ILIUnr, C.uljOJiijle. -f -f (i fgiwiium.i'jllli Hid;, bcrantun, I'j. -f rti, TtM v.VnW, I. ; T i - t THEY HEARD AN ABLE ADDRESS SEKMON BY REV. DR. W. P. COD DINGTON LAST NIGHT. Well Known Clcigyinan fiom Syra cuse Unlvcislty Pi cached in Second Pieabytciian Church Lack ot Op poitunity No Excuse, Ho Declared. World of Consequences May Spilng from a Simple Action A Plea foi Watchfulness and Prepniatlon, Evil of Piocrnstination. It 'm eiy si'liloni that ScinnloiilaiiM are ptlll"Ked lo hoar fttoh a splendid pulpit 01 ilnr 111 I lev. Dr. P. Coil illiiKtou, of SviiKUe unlvoittlt,, who pfached .csteulay liollt inoiiilllK nod nlKlit In the Sucond I'rel lei Ian ehutcli, lie ilelUoii'd a potinon last nlfthl on "Oppotiunlty" that wim an limphatiou to I'M'i'joiu who heard It and that fah IV Mpaiklod with eplKiinn. Il'1 1 hose ror his test (InlallaiiH (i:in: 'An we hae theieloie oppoituulty. lit tl. do Kimd unto all men os'ppelally unto iheni who niu ot the huuvehold 01 fulth." In liofrinnliiK hN letnntks he es pl lined that the leL tioated of thlee i-s4suull.il thhiKs that man's duly is to do kooiI: (tun liu- ohjeds 01 man's ilutv .should Ik those who ate must w 01 thy and the liio.sl in need find that L-,h man should do kcmmI aicoid iiiK to his oppoilunlty. I'ontiiiuliu;. In said In p.n I: "'As we hae thou tote oppoi timltv. Iji us do kikkI,' sais ihe te.t. Iilo lt solf Is thu simile ol oppoi Utility and uppoitiiull detei mill's out- eteinal tie (Unlet. "ThciL- an- liiuus whon the slightest tieiiioi id .1 liii-.ilh slll liilng down a nilKhly a,ilauili'- hi the Alps. So with our lhn which may lie laid to he placed amid the rfwls inounlalus. Only .1 liieath and we an- unions the aval iinihi's. Only a moment hut :i niomenl of dc'stlm. Oulv a wotd. but :i wind whose eiho .ill he heaid adowii the con idol s of lime "In these da.'i of piomess and of In- 1 v ntioii we 1 Jiiiiut luiasuie our duty In Hie standaids of the past. We must measuie it by the Mandaids of todav With all the splendid oppoi -tunitles alfotded in the pieseut. hy the meaKie achli'Vtiinont, ou ask.' 'Ah, niv f 1 iends', loo many ol us fail tu see the ilanguis that gather mound this liiliutss of opportunitv. It aluiiiuds on c 01 v hand III smh pi il lusion that the majotlty of men fall tu s, , it. They aie like pioplt- ilrtlnp mi lln- lear plilloim ol a mo iiiK train 'J hey don't see things till they .ic pas.sid. They I. ill In appieheml tlnii tllMiie oppoitunltits until thev 1 1' pasl and polio. Tlu- do not lool: I m an oppoitunllv lo do fjooil and at -iiikIiiiIv ihev do no Rood. SAVIUK'S IN.IIWVTION. II it- .1 .si'iiilHant tiling that In twehe lines in the Itible, Christ 011 jojtis us no I"ss than !e sepal ate and ilihtiiirt times to 'w. itili.' Oh, il we Motihl but w.ttih thai we iniKht not 1(0 1 oil lid oltepliiK on the thlesliold uf i meat oppui luiiity It is not oppoi -tunlt and l.u-lc of uppot tunity that dls-tlimuisiu-s men. it is not 1 lek of op piiluuit, I s.in, bill failme tu see and j;rasp it. n is not laek of (alonl that h.is pieented many a man lioin .iihl"ins vi; things imt lather fall uie to use Ids talent "The maioilty of us tail to leili.e the tullness of the ouseoueiiies wi auped up in oulinaty o casions, and 111 sliiRle aits, 'ih'- oli -.iiuo pastoi i. Iitt on-M-iteil Alollit ilidu'l irallxe that his ,n t was the Ihst that I'd lo the opining up ol Ihe Daiiv Continent 10 the Kospel of ( hi 1,1. t'hillp. when he was lalhdi linlll nui'istt 1 ill), to in 1 je 1 oilKii-xil Uons 01 people, in pnaih to one man I in the deseit, did not know that he w.i Ia iiiK the Inundation of Ihe Abjs siui 111 1 huit'h. "The J.oid. my liiends, will not nc iipt lui. of oppoitunllv as all i-musi. He will nut accept the eplaimllons of thu in.. n wiio sas he has no oppoi -(unities, llow olton do we meet Mils man In the wuild He bemoans the f.ul that lie was botu ill smh a plai e and Ih it his patents weie who they won It hu hud onl been bom when tile lountiy was .Miuiirioi he would h.iii made 11 Me.it mu los. "We Iiae too many ol these subjoin -lite liuoes. If this hud happened or if tin) had icon thai ehanie or il the olliei peiMUi hadn't diiini (he ollior thlnif. tlu would be shlnlns lights. Hill Iheie'.s nlu.iN.s on Ml".' "A woild of lonseiiueiue 01 ten fol lows u moment of oppoi limit, The Kieal doois of all iho aes swlus on small biases Tillies ate the mahlies whli h sit on' Rjeat 1'nnllaRiatloiifi. Veiily. it seems as it Alniluhly God de liKhls in iisIhk: the weak UiIiiks of this win Id lo (uul'ouiiil the llliKllU. ' 11 is 11 pi 1 Hilar 1I1I11R Unit the Rient 1 1 isi S ol hjslniy lull' iion ti been taken at tliell lllll Millie at the time of their oii'llliellie, 'I hole is 110 ill tlon so small but Unit it biiiiRs ,1 wmld of iouseiui in e lu Its lialn. TIUST LAW OP ,si'(.ci:.,S, j 'The Hist law ol suntss lu )ie i-, to w.uih thu oppoituuii, but It is not 1 elloilRll to mm- It. Wo must lie pi opal ed 1 lie- H. The piopaiid man u:uil-t his stieiiRlh onl whin he is leniptht tossed, Uieai oei aslon-, do not make Rie.il iiieii; Ihoy only si no to mil Rie.it men lo ihe flout, Pot iho woil; 01 life Uliie Is no Rcnltis 1 iUitl lo SUOI1R piep- 1 uiailon, "Pioiiaslliiiiilon, howeii, Js Inbicd ' lu Iniin, in limine, our 1 minium speoih uboliudfi lu wonls of (U.llltiiatloii, We use so 'ey, viij oluir .ihuosl,' 'about, ' mil iiillo,' and iiiuuy other sudi winds mid pluase.s. v aie salhUIul wlih uu- I tlulslicd thliiRS. An IhiRllshniaii nj said l lui t the wonl iiboiu suvi s ninny. people limn I1iir, 'I'llej .IRKu Ui lie I at a ceitalu place 'about f o'cloek' in to do 'about thlt' 01 'about that' ami Whell iho iiash 1 (linos Uu- ale Rii(. ally only 'about ie.nl ' I "Till- elfeclS Of this C'U ill pl.KI.lS. 1 lluatluii can bo sum on uor side. The spoiulthilft udiulls his lciUl, ssiu-ss hut lift's Rolim to bo ttouuinii.il oust week; tin Idlw admits his Idleness hut. Iiu'b ijoliiu lo do hi eat woik nuNt week, the moral cowuid admits his eowiinllco but ho Is BOini; to win vR. loik'b bye and bye, "oh, that wo inlb'hl stop cliuphui the ph'tuloiutf, powtr and fume, uiul conic 10 a 1c.1l cstlm.ito of allies. Oh, Hint ve inlijht iculUe that liolso and bhow .110 not tho nieuMilc of life. Oh, Hint wo nilidit hieal; usundei the fettcia of c-ll hublt which keep us in an apatlielli: tianie of mind ami inako us huu 11 positive dlsuollsh lor duty. "We. need thu sphll ot solC-denlul to ills(ciu the ubundiint opportunities 1 omul about us. Wo need to keep our ves open lor tlio cluinces Unit .110 CLOSED Until Tuesday, November i-i, on account of death in family. S.H.Twining c'Vry day imesliiff. Tnilny Is tin op poituiilty; tomoi iow may In tin- Judg ment. Ah we hite oppoi (unity 1I1N weeli and nil thu week's to nunc In the llauie of the .Mnsler, let us do khoiI." RELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES. II11- pulpit of ll,u Mini IIIiIl'i- llipiW 1 mtili tt.w niitipltil jt liliilit lij Itfu. II I Ulnloii, l. I , pihlir ol tin licit .111 Uiplet 1I11111 '1 1 I I Jllll ikI lit . Ilicro villi In- i fimiil inociniif ot tin- 1111I0 ilmiiH (f tin- tiling Min's llulrlliii .k-oi'I itlnn .it 8 o'llock timlitlii In tin- auoiiillon room on .Noilli UjsliiiiKtoii nionio. "Chun h t'nlon uiul Coniiiiiinlh llluliiniiiiii " WIS lll llipli l)f H ollfi llollMtll J trill nl n liiniiiliii; Is ltoi I. ,1 bni-il,,,., nihlot if Hi' (.inn lllilif I'ipOn toil 111 1I11111 li lln ,1 il HU Hrniii- lie tpjl.e on ' lln- Pill a tit ih" Urn I- of 1 ire." sjiiiliil inmii m,h n mil ml .M-lonlij it ilio Si rtli MjIu Anniu l!ipil,t c1iiik.1i, mlo I l.ih; mil,' by l'iofov.01 ,r s MiMutrii. 'Iho pulor, Ho A. II .smith, s.pol.1' In tin- nioinliii; on "1 he 'I r imtiiini.il lllo" ,md .it jm;ht on "lln l!inie sllillltv of Womni for Hip INM 01 tin' lio ' Il Mill iiitoiul iiiiiij pioplo in lull cil (j I now Mul 11, . Hi W. II. l-iiiui, in,tnr ot thu (illtillll MilllotlSt 1 piiniinl i Imnh of Ulii," 1. mil' 11, mil imln, r in loo uf (In 1 Im l'u.l. ilmrili, liu .irciptnl n nil fl 1111 Hit' I'.nl. U inn AldlinilM 1'pli.nipil ihiiiih. one it tin hiding; I'uiti-tiiit clitinlii-. In I'hihilclphii. RE-ARRANGEMENT Or LIGHTS. Diicctoi Rocho Thinks the Idea Is a Good One. Dliottoi ol I'ublli: Woiks .Tohli 11. Roche heai lily niipimes of the luso- lutiori Inttodueed in select council list iThuisiluy nlf-lit by Wado JI. rinii. I providing lor a Roneial teaiiauRemeiit of all the electiie. UrIUs in the city. I The tosolutlou pioldes Hint the JAtoik ot 1e.11 lauirenieiil shall be done 'v H11 the dnei-tur of public wotks and chairmen of the llirht and water c (iiiiiiiitloth of select and common councils. Jiii ei lor lloohe said on Sat in day, in ooininontins on the 1 (-.solution: "1 think that the ies-0lut!on is a eiy Rood one, and thout-li it will hcccbs' tale a Rieat deal of -v 01 k 011 tuy pail, r heai lily appioM- of it. A kici in inv ol the oleduc IIrIUs in the . Ity aie not placed wheie thev should and lien! to be cIiaiiRed in 111010 v.mtaRiotii loi.itions. In some stances, lights in adjolniiiR winds he. tul- in .110 within a few alds of one another. This should not be." In .is- theie should be cij ni.inv liphts ihancod. il is niostlonablo if i!ie b'finnton llbctiic I.lRht (onipanv will .iRleo to (hanije them without , ost. The company has been (loins so undi i" piolest, ever sline the ten-o,ir lOiiluul was eeculed, hut there hae been I'onipaiatiMly few lisjits elnniRed. The old tompaiiy ihaiROd per lljht lor the woik. LUTHER DAY OBSERVED. Special Setvices in Giace Luthernn Chinch. The (111iRioR.1l Ion ol Ciiaio l.uthetan hui oh obsoived l.ulhtf D,iv with special sot vices yesteuiuv, botli muiu inu: and evoniuR. In the nioinhiR the Sunday school lendeied a laitlier Day and Homo Mission M-rx ice. publi--heil liv the ho.iid ol homo missions lm tills oira-doii. Mi's X01.1 Hoiei R.'io tin ad, lies-, ot wi-li ome. KKi Kline q,i 0 a loiltalion on ' Luther"; Irene Loiinz -SUM' one entitlid, "I Shall Xol Pas A ',-u in This W.i". I.'mnui Swuld and .binel riiiud.n locited, "Hiead On the W.itoi -." Miss Anna Oalbialth nan an inleiistluR papei ou Cuba and Pin to lllco, rIvihr an InteiestiiiR .11 count of iillRious londitlous and needs on those island". The pastor. Rev. Luther lies' WaiiiiR, spolo hi lolly mi the subject of "Home Missions." tjr. u ponsie leadhiRS and tlio spiiittd special music weie mu.st hcaitlly kii deiod by the coiiRiesiitlon. The ollii ItiR that was Riven lor the. ciiiso 01' homo missloiit was a most liboial one. At the evening soiko, the p.istor drlHeied tin addrens on the "Lite of Mnilln Luthei," showiiiR the incaliul able services ho has leudoied the wutld hi cducntlonal, political ami In dustilal, as well as In Uioolosriial and ou lofiastical affith". WANT TO ADOPT THE CHILD. Mi. and Mis. Richaid Tudor Asl: Chuige of Maigaret Davis. A petition was tiled in the piothonu liuy'.s oillce on .Saturday, usKIiir ih court to permit Mr. and .Mis. IHch.'id 'liiiloi, of West Sol anion, to adopt Mai ryu cl D.als, the 01 ph. in 1 hlld of Hie late Kdwin Davis and wife. It will he lei ailed that the ( hlld was loll Cpaieiitloss by the double tuiRodv lu whb h she llRillod hi piomlueiill on Sunday. AiiRtiht 11, when Ipm- tin In r inuuleied her inothoi and tin 11 iciin inltb'd mill ide Alls, Tudiii' s u slr.101 of .Mr.4. Pii Is and has been uillliR lor tin ihlld siiue the liayedy 01 ( utied. KILLED BY PASSENGER TRAIN. John Williams Meets Death on tho Ontaiio and Western Road. John Williams, of CuyiiR.i stieol, died at the Lackawanna hospital at ". o'ioc jesteiday nioinliiR, tuna ln hulis suU'iliiid Ihe nlKlit hofoio by hli'L' 1 tin down by an Outuilo and Westeiil tr.ilu near Depot sticrt. Uu w.u walking on the track, win n .. pel" in ei lialn cnpio down ou him, iluowliiR him beneath tho wheels and t-e(ims 110111 111s iors, one at the Klloe Uiul Ihe other at tho llilxh. RINGLESTEIN DISCHARGED. 'Squhe Cooney Holds That Shooting of Pilger Was Accidental. iii'orKe HiiiRlestcin, who mcldetuiilly sliot llllutii Plhici on Pilday last, ami who was coinmiltoil lo tho county rill, wllhout hall, on the leohnk-al Umiuf of imiidcr, wnt, lole-iscd on Satunlu, ultoi a licuilujr biioio Squlio Cooney of Dunmoie. Itlnclesleiii told the stuiy of iho shootlus. and his testimony was cot loboiated by .lumes, i:iu, Thcio was 110 evident 0 to show that Iho slmoi. Iiir wits pot uiclilentul. December Designs and Patterns, Now ready. Uoau's, Ik' WoinliiR uvo, Tho jiopular Tunch cigar Is still th leader of the 10c cigars. mm strike ISAVERTED TEMPLE IRON COMPANY MAKES CONCESSION. 9 Dismissed Men to Be Reinstated and All Hands to Go to Work This Motning Tho Misunderstanding Stinig-htencd Out at a Confetence Held on Satuulay with a Commit tee of tho Employes President Nichols' Strike Oulor Is Cotmtei inanded Indttstilal Notes. 'Ihe opeotod stilku uiiioiir tho oul plocs of tho Templu lion uiul Coal (oiup.iny bus been meitc-d by the tiinely ucllon of Geneuil Miiiuiroi' Thoine, uiul Instead of lemalnhiR uwny 11 0111 thu mines, all the men, toRcthcr with Iho lltty who were recently dis missed, will rcnino woik us usual this nun nliil?. A lomnilHte of lUtecn men, ropion enlliiR thu collleile.s Iinolved, held a coureieiico ou Satuulay with Supeillt-tc-ndent .loncs, actliiR lor Muikikci Thiniio, and the committee was rIvou (o unilei stand that a mistake had boon made and Ihe dWell.irRod men would be 1 ('Instated. This welcome infoi motion was com municated to Distiict Ptesldent Nlc holN, who immediately scut iness.iRes to tho 1111U Invohcd that the com pany had doi hied to lolmt.ilo the dls- chaiRid 111111. and oideied them to re poit lor woik this moiniiiR. Had the stiike hoc niiio opei a the, fully 5000 men would huo been oflectod. The ttoiiblo oiiRinated oxer tho dis chaiRO of llfty-two men, xxho xxeio 01 iRlu.illy eniploxed at the LoIiIrIi Valley 1 (imp iny's Maltbv c olliei y, xvliere thev stiiick on .11 count of an obnoxious boss. These men seemed emploj ment at the II.11 1. v I', and Mount Lookout tollleiles opeiatod liv the 't'einple i-ompany, but xeio dlsih.iiRecI, so it xx.is allc'RCd, on lUiount of their connection xvlth the strike at Ihe Mallby collieiy, which Is still on. 'Ihe stllko at tho rjoinleo nihil1", in Siillixan iiiuiil.x. owned and opci.ilcd by 'he .state Line and Susquohaima. Ilcilhoul companv, xxlildi has been oil lor sex 011 months, is opeeted to bo teltlod soon, and opeiutions lesii.ucd. This and That. The lollowlns haxe been boson dele gates to u pit-sent local unions at the I'Viloration or Labor conxonlioii to be In UI in this city next month; .1. II. Dexlne, of die Intel national Uetail Cleiks' association; Iluph Fravne, tho A S. M. W. I. A; H. V. Zcidlcr, the National liai itndois' Assoc iation; lib haul Unbolts, the local C. i. t". W. 1. Mahone. of PitlsburR. pie.slclont of the Jntei national Order of Street Car Men and National Committeeman Ueexet, novx 111 the city, will lcpiesent tin- slteet ,n men. Plans for a new Dulnwaie and Hud sou station at Oreen ItidRe uu- beliiR pupaieil. The new station will be used e.xclusixolv foi pasbeiiRers mid will b,j lo'ated on the Hit" oicupied by Hi- luosent old sti uc tuio, D., L. & W. Boaid for Today. pollouiiiR is the make-up of the Dela waie. Lackawanna and Western board for today -1 Mi x-, NtniAim 1; in Mill l 1 - I 1.1 -II p in , 11 nillijn. MOMIXX-, M) 1AIIU.I1 II X Hi! I 11., I. el I 1, 1. m, . 11, lion, 10 J in, l.ni't' Unit: II 1 in, Ii.ii.lp Tii'iius; J p in, X lliriloIumiM, j p in, C X-., Dunn, (, i 111 , 7. liinkhiu. summit-, in -' .1. 111, vit'l, 1 llimifi, Mali u liels" ii,; 11 .1 in, Mi-l, Ihcinp-iin, J p 111 . ,,-i, XI. lanloi , (j p in , , i.t, .1, liinn rin, -I p in. MI-.1, M i.ulil. 11 7 p. til, a f., V.. h MImui I'lslui ( i in W niiii 1 , .' ,1 111, s lninoth; s 1 m . Humor. II I", j 111.. Miwn. ) p. in , 1'. V, Uoimoll. 7.1(1 p in, XIurph.1 , 'i p in, XI. II. Uarliiolm.i w: 10 p in, I impm-,'. l'i'Miir'it I iikiiii. 7 .i in, l.iiltiK 7 i in, I' snmn: 10 i in., Siuinui, in .i in, 1". i;. s ii n li li p in , jtiton, s ,o p in , Mtiioictn. WilJ( it-,, Wi.-i-'u. in, . r Ui'tihiiii; 11 j. in , M Jiiobox ; J p in . I'. ( iMmatmh I p 1 1., ii. riiuclulph; . p. in, .lohii (nlHpjii; li p m , 1. lij-'.-il, Jl p in , W. Kiiln. NOIifr. 1' I Subs Mill vim 7. In i. in Mild cut jn. iiitiu IiiK Momnr Sox fl, in ptuo i f K I'otmr. XI liinn 1 1 -lui mil will unit at tiiprrne iinJnil's iltVo Jt lloliokt.ii, . I J, Mcmln, ... 11. Ill il,i ni.in 1 n . Cniliii r jjuil i i I MoM. lUln AMERICAN COAlIn GERMAN MARKETS The Beiliner Tngeblatt Recognizes the Ability of Our Opeiatois to Compete. Ill I MllU-OC Win flillll I I.I' X-nClliltil I'lC.ll lloilln, "o-. 10. The bourse has Rioxxn moio stiiRiiaut, althoiiRli values haxe Roneially beiu uiulnliiined. Some coal uiid linn shines linpioved soveial piilnls on the wuk, hut othois ir-ll off. All other Indiistilals xxue xxeakor, Oioau tiiiuspoilatlou shall. s expo liiticod a nexv tail, llainbuur-Aincrlcan iledluo L'.sn and Ninth Aiueilean l.lojd I, The latin xxoiit below par for ihe tluu (lino lu ilxe yens. Tho rraiikfuidi 'eiluiiR espkiiiis lhe.se de dine.' by iiolutliiR to "the RioxxliiR con xli lion II. at the bad iuduslil.il slluailou of l.ii oi e must oxentu.illy alfoel tho llin s veiy uniaxorably." Thu CoIoruo Cadb uimICs that the couipetlllou of Aineiicaii iinlhiaelto xxllh (ieiman an thiiiiile Is not to bu reared, luasmudi ii3 Uu- pilit- of i o.il (lolixeicd to Ithlno boats ct Uotteidain Is "'.i mat Us for tho AliK'idill piodlict Wheioas (ho Oeiiii.iu mines oiur the Piiiim ipmlliy at L'i liiulKs, To this (ho lleilluer Timc'bl.ilt loplliM thai Hi" coiitiuuoil impoits of Ann ill all nlltlllili Ite (leiiiouhtt.tlo tho abilliy of Ihe Amei leans to wunpoto ,ud t c.xpio.ssos a hopo that Amoilcaii loinp'lllluii will iiuupol tho (Jc'iiiinu piodiioers to ledino pi Ices to a point when- Impoils inn be easily stopped. Vl.e Kiiiiilduiti'i' '.eltuiuf repoitH that Amoilcaii s'lisulalois mo iiKiulrliiR xvliethei this is a favotublo tliuo to in ves't in Clc'itnan coal shutes at tho pies u.it tuduieil piiu-s, and Ui.it tho an swcis eic soierally in tho negative, "'uf this irason," says this Join nil. "iho e.sport of sh.uosi to tho 1,'nlted .sliitiii l-.an ueaily ceased and thcio is only u. sery slight pio.-p"it of unly uuii'iJilsoi. ' MISTAKEN FOR A DEER. One Hunter Kills Another in the Maine Woods. ! rxilmlic XMti-fiom Iho AkiUcJ I'ic.i. Oiccuvlllit Junction, Me., Nov. 10. Wold has been u-celvcd hoie lioin tho Moo.seheiid LaKo llesloii that W, C, Ttirky, of ColllllWood, O.. xns ucrldctl lullv shot and killed ycsldduy by J. it. lloslulloi', of Toledo. The moll wrrc huntlnt? near Lilly Hay, twcnty-llxo miles fiom licit'. Tho liiloiniutlon which ciinic by telephone, riixc no do lulls cm opt that Tiicky was mistaken Tor a deer. Oiuno Commissioner Cuilotou lum eommunlcatcd with the coioiier here, siiylim that fatalities of this iiuluie Ituxo become so froiiuont lu the xxoods that lie xxlll nt once (tike steps to brim? about pioscctitlon In all such eiises. JIM'S DARLING. IS IT possible lo be In luxe with two Rlrts nt the sumo thnoV That was thu problem which had been tor menting 'lint llarilson fm- the lust sis months or mint', IL win the ttie tlon ho asked himself netvously xxhuu exer he happened to see May and Liny Thomson toRothcr. May and Lucy xvero rouilii!', oiplians, who thai od a homo, mi iiri-iI aunt who porloi inert the duties of a eliapcron, and a dress allowunre of JL'CO per an num. Muy wns young- and pi oily. Now, youth and benuty helnR two of the sin est of Cupid's (laits, .May's youth and Rood looks would suiely have set tled Jim, only, uufoitun.itoly, Luox wn joiiiir and pretty, too. May was tall and dink, with a (heck piollle and masse.4 of smooth, blui -black hair, uiianRcd In simple tolls, iCR.irdless of Fashion's deotees Lucy, on the olher hand, was a small, lair Rlil, with an auiiole of Huffy h.ih, and the suuclcsl tu . lilioi-sjc in the world. .Mm adinliod tall, dnk xxniiifii, and tho cotitempliuion of a Oicok pi olll" xas to him a fouicc ot unteatltiR joy. This would, no doubl, have led him to rIxo the picfeieiuu to May had It not been lor the fact that an oquallx nmldblo weakness lor Lucy'- 1 pe of loxllui'ss dtcw him In Iho opposite dl icctluu. Jim's fi lends spoke of May as- one of the mck-t accomplished and amiable doatuies they had oxer met. Thy lofuiied lo Lucy in pietlscl.x similar tones. May looked maRullcicnt In white satin; and when .llin paw hot In a ballroom ho xxonclcicd how he- could I oxer li.rxc Rlxen a though to Lucy. Hut then, Luey was altoRether bo- xxltchliiR In blue linen, and no .sooner i did Haulson bcholu her thus attired , in n punt on tho lixer than the vision j of Slay's charms faded into InslRiiitl- cance. To make a Ions1 story shoil, I Jlm't, admation lo May xxas only cuual I led bv his dexotiou to Lucy, and hi' ciillieuUies xxeio in no xxitc Ic-rened by tho fact thai both pal lies leeiprocatcd his uffeelldii. The chance? are that Jim xvould h ixe oiidrd bv lcnminliiR a bachelor to Ms dj ing day but for the adxent ot a fiim tli patty upon the scene ot action. The Fates seloetod as thelt instrument one Jrtle Thompson, biother lo Mav home Iiom school lor the summer linll dag. Ueitie. at fouiteen, was a smait lad, with somewhat decided x iow-s upon the i ou-dn and sister. He took in the situ ation at a glance, and, having- no p.u ticulai objection to .rim as a biothci-in-law, decided, for ie.ions to lu hcic inuftor set foilli, that May xxa.s the gli! for .Tim. He pondered the subject at mini tinier, and other odd times not ocut pled by weiKhtier matteis1. After the lapse of tyn iltiys his ciuthful io. Uodions uiiRht haxe been ci.xstalll'-d Into some such soliloquy at this: "Jioth ihe Rills me dead nuts- on Jlairison, and Haulson if dead nuts on both the siil. Hut, then, iluiii. faonV only seen them in their bed bibs and tuckers, stuck all oxer with com puny iiMimeis. Mippose he i.iURht .-iRlit ot thenr mouchiiiR- aiound the house say at I': JO in the inoinini; xxould he ro on beitiR spooro on Uipm HjothV I'd back .Max' a hundiedi to one aR.iiiist Loo, any das. I'eihaps he'd chuck Uu m both, though. I5ut it'.s x(oith liskliiR, anyway." Theioup'jii Keith; hatched a diaboli cal plot. As the neaiosi lolatlio of the obiet t of Jim's aftcc tloii", Kettle xxas j piivll eciod isltor at Harrison'ti loom. Jim evinced no a-touiulini( nt. theieloie, when Keltic bin st Into hi- don late otic Situiduy night and aunouucid hi.s in tention of at ecinipanyiiiR" him on a Ioiir ptojccled blc.xde dip on the lol lowinR mornlnR'. "Vou'll have to p.ifs our show, in any case," said the- astute iJoi tie. "so you miRht an 'will pick me up on the way. Xlesldes, tho Bills want to see ou about a picnic ihej'ro gating up next week." This latter argument, an Inspiiution of the moment not altogether founded upon the fact, proved irresistible, and so it tell out that, punctually at ft; 30 on the folloxxlnp: day, Jim's rat-a-lnt sounded upon the Thompson!,' float duo,'. Now May and Luc xxrie iulle .u -ousiome-d to the found ol double Lnockii on Sunday morning. It xxas the sound v ith xxlilch ceitalu chums of Kettle's, the lioja from next door but one, weio xxoiit to pieseut thenisclxes at the Thompson (loor,d"p exciy Sabbath xxlth UlllaillUR lORllllllit.X. Thiin It was Unit xxlicu Hinrlsoii, id inilted by the nimble Hoi tic, enlcicd iho Thompson (lomlolle May nor Luey xviis iipiiued ror his anixul Tile two gills-, a3 Keltic had taken citic to UMcilain, were ongnged, each In In r own way, In Killing the time be twun biiahta.'t anil dicsblns lor i hutch. Liny, who luvailably indulgeil In tea and toast In her bodiooin, had Just iioeiRoil fiom that sanctuiu in sonil- ilvlllted atlho, and when ilaul.son, at Hoi tie's InstiRallon, inteud tho dinwliig loom, an uut.xpecieil vision met Ida ru.ii Lik v was seated at the piano Imiir- Itlir the kilMith one lirm.l ntnl xiiili' the cnhei- maintaining a steady mm iiuiuleaUou biiwccii her mouiiih mul a bus ol chocolates, placed within eon voiileiil icacli. She wiu gut hit! In an old Mitiu shlit no longer iu Its pi imo and a. iniitli befilllcd diesshiR JucKd, that must have hem iofiiettsi p n,s jouih but was now xllghily .soiled. , pair ot jliik satin shoos, no lunger j. toiio.icliiil)lo, toinploted Hie costunio. Ilcr inaiy, lluity huh, with lt Js- tincjtlng llllltj poufs and (mis. that I Jim corisidviccl tho most adorahle pail ol iucy, had bufiorou total ce-llpso under a mas of lialt-euilcia. Jim, having no sisters, of his own. xx'us unaccut'toiucd lo thlb last phenom enon. Who that has oxer ospeilenccd II will tcadlly forget Ihe shock pioduu id upon a delicate, nerxoutr organiza tion at the Hut glimpso of u ouug and beuutltul woman uiidei tho iiiilu emu of hah -cut lets. Iu ten seconds . Ilni Haiilaou siilfeicd all tho totlurcri of a tenlble dlslllu.dou ment. Lucy, tho child of his dienms, wliuonie.dcllo.ito Lucy, with lier teatli ci, golden i-iiiU, and her Dicsdcn cliluu dalulluesis', faded fiom lilt vision, xxtxyxx DianiBnaiainainniiniinnnnnaMnMi Cut Glass Salts and Peppers Sterling Silver Tops that scicw on the glassi not nut nn vvllh Pl.ietar P.irlc Vnii !,..... ..u r ... absorbs moisture, that soltcns it comes on. u corroues top. Not so with the Sterling. laige ones 45t. Celery Dip tu 25c encii. VJliC. V.llllUUmVlfc.IJ4J tywmwmmwmMmmwmwmwmiF 'riiSs-s is &?F 8lB1t$QMI F. A. KAISER, Lackawanna and Adams Aves. F. L. CRANE Established 1866. Seal Skin Coats $150, $17 r, $200, $225, $230. Persian Lsmb C0H3 $70, $100, 5125, .$150. Furs of AH Kinds burs repaired. Raw furs bought New Building, 324 Established J 866. ! Scranton Qarpst & 1 Wvi Jin f 406 LACKAWANNA AViNUE, w4.4-4'4-V4.4-4-44.-M-i44.4-M-4-M-i--'4j-4-:f PROPER PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS. 6 Barrios Diamonds ( Ir.nle n-ar'n ) ki i.oi xi. ro r.r.xh nixxiosris s to looks ami w ii. wn.r, cbr glass a.no srii"ir, iiii: ti.srs ok 01,11 misk ;ik i'ok a ii.w Ys wi; oiikb .xuaNtn, ci:sr iiiM. Mtn., ns i:auhinc;-, uc, at'iiii: Mxni:ioi's(,y mxv pnict; or one: dollar each. (icnllcniaii'i llenvj I'lat Uelclier Khig Wo up tin- hrst (o iiiuuiliuo .1 (.-oliI llll (I Hut licit Iit V.lni, licrctofoii- tlin- lm" bonii nutlo t illy in olld uolJ J H1I1 rlnir, t xldi a 1'ju tifnl lillUnl IIjiiioi PIj junnil, will bo r. 1IU1I lo .m (iiiilu-.-, in Uu- (en lil iiioi lui'lpt n, nlu-, -! mi. 11m ! .ippo.ir 11 11 nt niu- in-tlns s"-I'W Oil, m li!,? l,Ji (III- OUR GUARANTEE (.I.NI IM. HMIIlIOs D1MI0SIIS i, sniruiu-nl fo r.-ljin (lu-ir Irllluncr fon-icr. Tin iiii,iiiitliii.i- tri- Itcnv lullctl I'Uu- Jinl -iu uiul- nl oiw rontinitotH ini-. 'lln- ihla li diliC. si ell ! (.ulil, iiul will L t l'l xpin. .Hit",' iliut Jit ii.rMiunl nut lo tiniMi Hie Hinrtr, mul ro kriitl.' mi'iii'i In .on' hiiiil.tr C'i'il tin id, mid on Hi" mul.it. fcunis .nil 1J 1 -. Sl.tM puIi. I'min.-t, inni. 1 Oror,-, --' pi'i 1'ilr. MAIL. ORDERS In uriliti'sr Bin- fill diieclldiis on-l Hali-xxlicilit-r si.ull, uinluiii or Iiiro slnnr- Ii tlcjroi1. I'lnsii uu imii nut in 11 nn.'" liu li- Kixen I v Uhlnj .1 plu ct -.1 1 uic Ouln jt on. o anil jo I fie ciuHiius ni.li. If fctuhN or,- not 01 rct'iocu tl iii'ii) u!l be nfiiinlnj, AiWic-J .ill iiri'cr pljinb i, the BARUios diahond co.f 1139 Broadway, New York and tilt in innalni'il u Xiix otdlimry , niliii? pel Mill III u wollcd .satlu.MklitaiKl (lue.itlDiiablc 4!iih-i-u yoimtr pti.-on with a tlp-tllted no-', who (hxouieil cliocol.itt.l wholesale, .iiul owed lici i hb'f attiadlon to c.sti.iiie'oun i antes coininonly callul i uilliii-plns. Wllhout a xxoid, and hi'luii' Ltuy had limo In become ooivoinu-i of hU pic'ciu'o, UaiilbOii liiriicd .Hid lied inni) tho looiii. "(.'nine and sci- Muy," ixhlept-it'd Uiitl-. 'No, foi lii'.txcn'h ,s.iKc!" ci led thn inl'-i,ihlc- .llin, "I (an't htand any 111010 Of llllv-l'" Nevoi theb s. a s-oi t ot fo.iuul f.ncl nation, u wild iicslio to Know tho ix out, led hlni to follow the iclcinlwi Hiito down the Ftali. Into tho rcsloin dxxotcd u cullnaiy pur.sultH. They found May in tho kitchen, making u Yorhfchlio iiuddluir. utthod In pink cotton uveiall, tho loiu,-t-lccvca of which xxoio lolled luck well above tho dimpled elbow, who vlgoioiis ly s-tliicd thu btiitci, pausing cviiy now and then to htu.sh away lortaln icbcUIutis twin, ili.it tliicaicncil to mhmlo with tho pudilini. llcr heavy bluck hall- xxa.s coiled, as ho hud nl xva.xt. boon It, in licit hrutdri urouudthn bhupely hejit. Jim lemcinbcicd that he hud .soiiictline4 coiu-ldcicd tho fatjle a Ultlo !,oeii oud hud oxen compaied .- t,, ( ..,, nnuiY ami the plaster and trie ordinary 25c small size; Cut Glass, 15c ovv, ft jruilllllK, " Jv.uinui. Just Because You are not going- tt wear them for a few months, don't crush, your dainty summer hats and gowns into space altogether too nmnll for them. Let tis make you a box couch, with separate compartments for hats, waists and skiits piettlly line and covered an ad dition to any room. Prices from $7 up wM BedsSmg Go 'W MANAGER. Both 'Phones H. D. CRANE A new invoice of( very clever SUITS just re ceived. Also some very fine Walking Skirts For cloth and style they are perfect, ranging iu price from $7.50 to $16 Lackawanna Ave Take Elevator. Something Sweet in Furniture Z I'ldciiln'-. cur I'lrrni ti-re txielly. It's Una uuiiIi 1" 1 ipln in tie luitii of tin fair. rit Jlid be In I.piiiiii; mill tin- bunotind- 11c in tlif 1110.1t ani-.tically mraii-- 0. of " llulll'-s, T Cur Eligant Parlor Piacss In all tno ion, it cii3iBi.i jiiiI sljlcs an lito jc txxebc o'clH',l. at mglit, xxlll nuka sour hoic- look J bright xs a 3Ijv iiviii K i-nil J.i nixitiii'V in a t,ui,lfii of lotos l'li.iiant inO tliicrfnl aiurlint nU co.t no iron Hun luiiiii io)ii- in tl..- ea..tlo of uplines.. Furnif ura Go, Resist ared m LaJlei Cluster Rln;. vi7a 'Hu- in t fiiiombl tlnrf ffi Utlicn at tin- pieuia tlnip -i tin- l liiitor Hi lnixn mill il rn- iliu luiototoia &x&?Ji .il yi cjih. I ot- tl.o fir-; t in ,' in iMir Iii.itn.y mo cirn iiublul lu lililii. h tlll rl.i' wltli Iimiil.l, linb.i, ilpil ci 'liirciuniMi icnUr, as s.() I'M II. otliors iK 51, un;. (Jidi'i at oiiie. (Jootli iml ;fi for ill 1 ni.tiilnl Iho Minplo colls unfiixoiMblx" xxlth Liuy's piclmi'Miiio lot-Ks. A' ihih mt nii'iit hu lould not iinden-tund how ho Irid i-xi-r mail" suih a inlhtulic. Tho thought of the I'uiiiim-plns- tlhpclh'il tho chiiriii of tin.-1 uili. May, mitiluK a b.iltoi puddlu?, ni.'l In ic.u.s! The louiblnution was Im-sti-blo. To iluiiholi iho gill bud uovi t fi-ciucd s-o beuutltul in, now, lio Klimccil ioiiiuI tho kitchen, lloitlc, hilKht youth1 had dhnppciicd, ,lm was .ilouo ii th May, and hep ptiddhi',, and Ik i ti-ar.-. I V M P "Toll mo, daillns," nsked ,11m' ten minutes later, 'why ncro jou nyltis ii lion I c.iiuc lu just linn'.'" "tI wa.s tliiiikliiu you 11010 iu Iov with Lucy, and, and" The- lest of the .sentence- lias xxhls pcred to tho seoond billion of Jim's XX.llMCOllt. "Why, you dear Utile gooi-e, what ou earth could havo put .such an idea Imo uiu- head?" At this juuttuti' Jim, tho bh.imile-iy, would most teitalnly luio pljied his aim aiound iho tli.ir little (io(-'.s M.ilKt. only It nlnndy luppeiud to oo ciipy that iioblilon, .Mul ticitle, at tho kejliolc. diucltle, ioftly lo hiuuelf. Woman's life. Smoke the popular Punch 10c. ciiir, yivi j 4 i ft