The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 11, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    . ywifr ' ""i
AVt i f ""IT ,
'.t f-A wi
The News of
tVAMi:l)-A tiood girl, mlilillo ie pafcrtwl In'
ct Jin. Hllllmti lllftitli nit, to DnmlJli tricr.
'Dclnwnio nntl Hudson Balhoad.
June 0, 1WI.
Trtlrs will lute Carbonil ite at illy sUllon al
VorVratilon jikI Mllkci Ilmo-'MW, TM. S K
0I, 10 01, II 111 a. m i 1.' 10, II", - l. ' w
f Of!, TOO. in 01, 10 51 p in . ,
miihIjv Irilns loivu ul AVI, 1121 a. m , 1 10,
? 10, fl Vi. i J in. ....
In .Vltnm. Ml item Mnnllcil, Uiwtnn. Nv
l-ligluiil iilt, rlc, "(JO ii. III! 4 11 1' '"
t'lnllj.) ... ii
lor I ikn Jwloif. Ujiitiul, anil Hones wIp,
T"2, II ; ii in . . ",, ii It p. I" .
Simlie tnliu Into Iikt lotion, wiinuirl
an I llnno ilile il 'J i in . I m. I I"' P "'
llalnj irrlic nt Citliomlilc (run Will "iiip
"ml -cnniii'i n follow, r, "it, tr. o. W
it in ; 1J IT, 'J nil, ! J.1, I J". 0 0-, 7 HI, S 81, '' 1,
J 1. 17 p m I i-l a in
Sm In inlni nine il " f! i mi 1-W, -
i -S. 01 II HI p in, . , , . ,
simdn trnlii iiiIm at Cuhnnilidi fid" i'110
I'rtoir. Wimiirl mil llnicslile i l'l' '"
nml 7. r i 1 1
New Yoik, Ontatlo nml Western.
Iriini I no rathe whig
ll SCIJlltull il " '
In , 4 Ul n. in
'until liims il "oil i in, diit p til
hilns Iciic (nl.mliln ( i I "lot- iDtUt 'I
11.10 i in (In tiiiiilij il 0 111 u in In"15
li nlnir it II 10 i in vfcl. ilin Hid I' J" ' '"
simlm mill" iiiiiiritlctn lir .Vu utl lone
m ill. rtc , ,
IihIih ainu In in vi.titon jI 11 10 ii in . i I"
I' in : f ioiii poltiM noill, IHi vi m Hiinli'1
Hum s.iinlni it 'Mil i In. mil 7 IJ P I"
II in ( iilo i it 0 ih, p in
Eiio Rnihond.
.IllllC it. I oi
Imiih Icier fin .titlon iibiiililc, rtaili
'i'ifpt Mimlii) il Tvi a I" ami 1 I1 " '"'
Hindi mil Miirvcb, il 'il, i in. ''IHi ("
irplln sundiv), tor liliiu'liiiiilmi iniMliR mi'
if IK lis (oi m iuik r-lu mil llulfiln. iinl lit
I 10 p 111 fur -U-ipUilllllll, IIU title (-01 tlCLtlJIM
tni uoUtn polie-
iinili null- il I" i in far -u-int Intitin ,
with vr-tuii 10111101.1101-, ml (. J7 p m, with
Mine ioiii rotlon
Irilu mme it " I i in 1"J t'i V m
s ini'jis it ' i in
The Stuidy Team fioni the Fioneei
City High School Win New Lam els
by Playing All Round the Team
Horn the Boiough Below Mnyfleld.
Jcimyn Playcis Better Sluggers
Thnn Foot Ball Kiclseis Stoiy of a
Contest Flayed on a "Knoboy'
Thu ileon Unlunt'i who lcincMtit
ihc C.ttbondaK IIIrIi hL-liool on the
utkliron .nc lapldlj in.iKlnfi .u uamu loi
thcni-ilvi.-! a.i m.11 as i. li-curd Satin -d.iy
tin: mtt and Jiloatcil an agBiP
Kitiou -upi)ot.(t td leinotunt tin Jci
nin IIIkIi hdiool li .1 i-enic ol 1" to .".
I'o ,l(i&' Ik'ld, iluic the Kumr tnnK
)ilac,, Is not u hullahli plati. for sui.h
i opuil at. i iifjliy liidl ball. Thu kioiihiI
is ciy uncLii and st'Ncial stumps
ami Knolls, not to speak of htones.maKe
the .ui face sonKV.Imt hauler thin u
nathu bid to tall on. Had It been a
(ksli.iblo plan-, the Caibonilaliaiis
would iiniloubtudl) lull the scou
ni lo thiit.N, as tlav pl.tjed nil aioimd
tlieh tippumnts mid builte tluough
thult line at will.
The C.u bondale team aiu no MeKiis,
but tin? tuMlmint tiny loii'Uid ns
not of the impioiod oulei. in the sec
ond hall, when Jeinijn saw difiat was
inevitable, hoi tiatn stalled in tu dis
able .lOtne of the Caibondiilo .stiidints.
Tlini. and time at,ain a C.u bondale man
u' laid out as a lesult ol a KicK in
the head m soma other Injiuy, nulicil
at tin hands of ,i innul ot nuiiK men
who had not him the inside of a bchool
loom in $ us, and who did not Know
the Hist law about the frame. Thev
nut liht at home at what ' CliuiK"
Connois would tall "thewin' the l.ifr,"
but ah lor plahifr toot bull they can
not be hnntsllv said to be in the same
tlaf-s a ihe Pioneir lity juuths-.
Cat bondale pl.iM'd a icmaikuble de
itnshe g une, hiihiK the ball tent
four out ol the si entj-four minutes
(it the llrht halt, during which time
lh"y i-imtil two toui hdow ns, -while
.reimin did not niakt a point, liow
tei, in the t-cc uiul half .Utm.ui buued
up, lpld t-'at bondale down to one
toudidewn, and tun id thentsohes on a
rmbondale luinbUd lonsideiably in
this fc( ond halt, but would muKe up
the lost Rionnd on ttnllk line
Jennyn Kicks Off.
.lei ins n optutd bv O'liiltn KliKintr
on to JULean. who lan baiK liftetu
Miid.i heloie lieiiiR taehlul. Cailjciu
dtle was Ik kl icn two down, but on thu
ililid Nalllu Pltlitod loll tnd tor toitj
Ihe jaulh A touihdown would hai
icwaulul hlh tfloith had he not tilpped
and it II. epialiihih' a tendon In Ills loft
hw. 1 ho pluihy plair lufused, ho. -(tr,
to leave the ijame and allei two
inlnutt.s' delay play w.ih ufuimtil,
('ai bondale hlat ted in at onto to at
tack .leiniMi'a line, uuely lalliiiK to
Kalu Itoin fle to twehu yiiidt Mi-l-diu,
Wlialeu and Colllnn woio thu
Htai Kiouiiil fialni'i.s lor Caiboudnle,
,le Lean, panic ulmly, homutiiues fcoliif;
iweiio j mas Willi half his opponents
on ins nacii, The Ihbt touihelown was
mudu by McLean thue mliuitch and
fnit m( oinls atiin play. Tho ball was
tiiKeu out by Van Ucitfan, but Xallln
inl.ssid a clliiiiult jjoil.
Caiboudnle Player Disnbled,
Tho ImII was auaiii Wilted of by
O'lhien of Jennyn, Nallln t-euuilnir the
ball and aided by bplendld liiterleitni'o
ran thlity-iUe yauls when Ills Injuied
Knee giivo out rind hu fell in heap.
Ho was toictd to eao the Kaine, Giles
taklns his plucc at left hair, Wllllanis
Kolns to light tackle In nlmu of onus.
1 e i. Z'1 1,'al: SUlni? U"0UK
llsht tackle for elKht miuIs. OIIIIh In the saino plan, lor nx
... t. AVhalen went aioimd i lBht leit
...... -, .: ,.,, iiiiiiiiimmcK ;Mi-i
Kunn.i railed to kuIii. Mm tin kocs
iiiound left cud lor lour yauls, (luauls
hack (oi matlon nets tlijht mom UiioubIi
ilKlit tackle. McLean pluiiKi-s thioncsh
rlfilit Kuaul for second touchdown Hu
iiiIksi'h an eiiby Roal,
Tho ball is actalii Kicked of fiom the
c enter or tho field by O'lhlen or Jer
inyn, to Whalen, who urns it back
twenty jnuls. Uy the aid or Biiauls
back foi matlon, and other mlssplays.
Oaibondalt louts the ball to JeimjiiH
yaul lino where it Is lost on a fumble
Here Jennyn is held for two clowns,
but on the thlid O'lhlen gois mound
tho ciowcl and urns twenty uid be
lore belne downed by Whulen. 'ilmo
called with Jermvn In posse hsiou of the
bull on litr twenty yaul line.
NVhiilen llkks off to rinvlii who fum
bles Ihc ball, and Collins trains It lor
thu students. McLean Rued
light Ktinttl for hK yaids. Whaleii
kocs aiotind loft end for n touthdown
one uilnutu and thue sit'iouds lifter
play. The goat was inhsed.
O'Utifii of .It'iinyn iikiiIii kicks otf to
nillls who lushed the ball hick ili
vards. Atralit Cm bondale bejtlm her
Ioub lotiiney to thtlr opponents koiiI,
tralnlnir steadily on oieiy iuh. until
near the center of Hold, wheio McLean
Is foieul to punt as the itsult ot two
suitetishi' fuiiibloii. Jennyn khIiis the
hill tor the rcLOiitl tlui" dtiilntT the
thlity-slv tniuutts of play.
Jennyn's Flist Touchdown,
(iavln. O'lhlen and Hiiiie ate tin own
for InBi!(. O'Milen limits lo Van Uor
KPii who fumbles on ('mhoiidale's
twenty-lhe iiul line. .Mtiiiav k ilnlnn
the bill liuiKen .relin.Mi's llut touih
down. Ileal inlsMt'i)
Catboudalo Wins 16 to 5.
AVhalen oft foi I'liibondiilc to
O'lhlen. who is lluown In Ills tiaiKs.
IciniMi hiiiiendeis bill lor not K.iln
Intr ieiiilied (llhlanu on her twent.i
lle aid line. Kanor pklifi left mil
for s- jnids, StiuessiM' Hue pliiniua
In folllns. MiKeniui and M(Lein and
an end inn bv Wlialeu bilntr the lull
to Jeunjii'h time jaid line when time
Is cilled.
Seen p Cm bondale. I", leimui, ",
Tout Cm bondale, Mil.ran J.
Wh.ilcn. 1 .lei mi n .Mini ay. lleieue
(Jilltiths of .leiuiMi. ( nplio I'.tllKe,
of Carbcinrhile. Linesmen, Conaittjhton,
of Cai bondale. ot .luinin.
'J iniel.i eptis Maniilou. ol C.u bondale;
It-1 st, ol Jeimin.
Invitations Received Heie to Hones
dale's Leading Social Affaii.
Imitations hae biin ieioled in
Cat bondale to the dame ol 11 Amils
.Social i lub, wliU h will UiKt idaie at
the aimon in the Maple ( it. on the
ee ol TliaiiK'jjKinir, AVe lne.-da,
Nov. 27.
The Amity ilub is the leadliuv social
oifjaulidtiim ot llonesduie. Its nieiii
btisliip upusinl'i (hose who aie con
spicuous In sodety ihiles In the Maple
Citj. and whin a unlal enti ljnist is
(ondtlited under Hs pationatre, it
nitaiih ail eent in the social life ol tilt
town. The us-al il lboutle ananui
ments hae beui made foi this daiue
and epeilatloii' inn high out tlu
pleasuits ot thu teuluc,. Tht ( ecath
lino been attended olten b I'.ubon
dale soiiiU, and tbo-e who hae pn
tlclpateil heii'tolotc aie antic IpatlliK
the (oniiuir Lent. Time will be ipiile
i dile0Mtioii p'esent fioni this tin, it
is e'.'pettid.
Cat bondale Will Be Fittingly Repie
faented at Nordica Conceit.
The linlii itlous biKliteii that t'n
bonclalu wll' suid a ch legation to tli"
Xoidlca lonieit in the allium at
Siianlon on Thuttda, rluht tb it will
be i lltUajr1 ie piesentatioii of thih iit
at the ,-ri eat musical ecnt an cm ill
th it his i uiseel a put sill ot ilitei
est anil antiilpation tlnouphout this
settion. The sale of seats is most on
louiasliifr and will btcoiue nioie biKK
as the titninr, appioaihcs
Caihoud illaus ii id with the
rieaic'st salisi.u lion and pleasuie iliat
Mine Noidk i is in supeib condition
and the w i ,he s ol lie l adiuii (ism j bas
ti'iilncr the appioKh ol the cjuuit
wlien the will be tin b hci loiie.
Iina in Repeitoiie This Week.
'Ihc Nina Tliptitolie uniipiny will
oinn a week's enira,reiiie!it at the
Gtand this oiiiiini,-, whin the loui-ut
diama, "Iletiny," will be the bill.
The llontselale uiiiesponde at .-as
the lollowluir ot one of the iciirpany s
"'The Aiablau Xlglils,' a loainif;
tluee-aet latikal lomtdy, was pti
hented at the Optia House last nlRht
by thu Nina ltepeitoiic compan.i. Kioin t to tlnlth mil tli icii;ned supieme,
and the applause was lontluuuus. .Mi.
Jack Kogaii, ah Aithui lluminliint Jp,
wah well iiieheil, and die elinait is
ol lloh.i t'ulomblii, Mih. (illllbiaml
and In If-y Miiltliiild weie well ei
cilt(d. Aiuoiiit tile hpuialties pioductd,
Hie noted sinrtu, lliniii and Nina,
made a decided hit in llieh latest ii
luslialed hon-,-:, uml the niotlii,; pk
tuies mi anions the best ea' wh
ile t-i-d 111 IIoncMlulY.
Ladles' tltkitt. lor tonlclu'h pu
loi limine will In limited to .no. 'Iheie
will be ni.uincth Wuluisday and Sal
uulav. A.s hah bee n the iiihloiii hiuie Um
Muet car htiiUe, tho loll Dilew.uo
and IladHon tiahih will be held ten
minutes to accommodate patioiih horn
points bilow Cm bondale
Common Council Will Also Convene
to Consider Light Injunction.
Theio ill be n Joint UieetlllK of
councils tonight tor tin puipon ol
"PenhiK and aw.iidliu,- bids lor the
L,ly """'"""n "' "" "' NL " ""
coiuiiion lounell will abo meet, it
will (oiisldor the IIkIiI injunction. This
Is the matin which wiouuht up iev
eial membds at last Momho's iiuelluc;
and uaihcd thim to uitliUe the elt,
solliltoi. It was tcuueil to the Judli
liuv and Ii Rlilatloii eoiuiiiltlu) who
will luaKo a itpoit thlh eMUliur
rnthor Daly's Lectuie,
The rtcoud Inline in the KlimllLs nf
Columbus bC'iii." will be hcaul hi hi,
Uoso hall iMday nlulit, when Up lto,
rather .1, V II. D ily, ot Xew VoiK
iit, the chaplain, duilim the Spiulsh
'. '' ll,u HlMy-iilaili uMlinoni. will
deliver his IIIUHliateil talk. "KoIK.rt tho
'i'l,.', lu luu. will be u.ll Illi.sUateH
,, H m.ded will, tho , m ,eom-
n.ciidi'llotis and amiiumif s.
Home fiom the West.
TilOllll.n J, LliVihOll lotuiuul on Sat.
uulay even'm; lunn mi I'.siendi'd Hl.iy
in Coloiado. .Mi, Leilson In Hie ownei
ot toinu toal land lu that state, and
tin puipobu of his visit was lo detei
mine tho possibility or tlie piopei li -iiib'
c doped.
The Lectuie by Dr. Whnlen.
in. Whalen's ttputatlon ,ih a spuiKu
has leaehed the demie that tho Mm.
pie aniiounienieni muoiiij thu puiple
heieubouta ot hlh apptaianee Ih met
with Ihu heaititst iistuauu ol a wauu
Kicetliib'. Thih has been the uile and
loiuoiiow nlb'iit wlien he will Iuuue in
tho hlitli school uudltoilum will be no
Tho subject will be "The Wit mid
Humor of the lilsh People" for which
Dr. Whiilon lias won it stoic or encom
iums. Tin lei tine will bo under the
auspices of thu Athletic association of
the Utah sihool.
Tho Election Has a Noticcnblo Effect
on tho Usually Chceiful and Ur
bane Coiiespondcnt from Gicou
flold. lJoiiiuun lluiklev lluuletlo, uf
Giecnlleld. whom his intlnmt' ft lends
tall "Doile" Iliiulkk, Is loudly nun
plaining: uBalnst ihe cold and ehlllv
wealhet. "Uoile" ehnti;es his chills
against TuciIii'h election, lor It Is
since Iht'ti he has hud an attack some
what lcsetnbllncr until.
Den i ant e, who came to town Saint -day,
taklnt," wltli him hht Dieunber
feulltiKs uml his wire, announces his
iiiiidldiU'V lot ta tolleelor and niiiKes
the lollowine; iibseiMitliuiM about his
Uutidatl Ii leads and their dohms
Cm bondale, Nov. !i. lUrtl.
Cold weather evir since election.
Stems lo be a ililll 'twieu me and my
Lewis hid haul link with his llut
load of ha. It llppid over nine miles
Mom i 'in bondale. He's trot a new
lilted malt, Lewis has. Tile Itllow
s.ns lies Mom Amsteidam.iiot Koblei
(laiu They not up befou me, did
Lewis and his lilud man. Uut I hhep
longei lu bed than Utey do, two oi
tine Inihe", ma.vbe.
1 now inioiiuiue mvsi'ic tin ta i ol
ltttoi. Ah a i.indidate net relnuaij.
AVP'h inv lriend, 'Ihe Tilbune man,
was in lust now. Good to know n
ncvvspapei lellow when joti'io luiiuhi'
lor olllce.
Any one wishin' c ibbacje will do well
to buv of Teeter Tathei, near Duneltll',
Sit -(iiilianna.
AVcat up to Duiidaft the other even
in' with my boy Jtalph. Was Moated
with Klii(lnes and icspeot. Thej
thotiRlit I had the pi ice to buy, ha! ha!
Will, I hadn't, 'then they tiled to
apolocrle for hnitln' me out o' the
po.tolliie. Jlut they toulcl not, no, sir;
no, no.
Time is few i n,htcoiis houls left In
Dundaff et. Thev aie tryliijj to m
,'.11110 a hinj,'iiif7 ila-s Come up net
Wednesday evtnhiK: and help the Rood
t.iuse alone"
VV should be eiy thaiiKlul that we
.tie alive and the beechnuts aie pleati
Mil. as it Will mahc what lew ttul.i'jh
Is left miv rat and nice to took.
Onions an tiv staiec, so we'll h.ive
to subslitilte sometliin' else Ducks,
for instant e. as the nason hah been
lei, favorible lor ducks.
I think tint Lewis muddle, tom
moitly nlled Lewis HuulicK, will have
some line pls tor sjio about ThunKs
j;ivincr and Clniblinas time.
Come out ncvi Wednesday evenin'
and learn how to hint,". Do not undci
staml what the aiuiiiKiinenlh aie, but
oti hid bittei have sonit ihanfte in
Mini poiktl ot Mill won't bo welcome.
D. ii. r.uulette.
At the Hosrntnl.
rianl: H.iuslMiK oC Sinip-oii, a
liilnei, who hid a toe badlv e l ushtd in
an 'iitldtiit sevual .' eKs ago, hid the
membei anuiutated at JJmtiKoiuy liti--iiital
on s,ituula
Mis Mai noiaii.of rallbiooK stuet,
undetwintaii opeiation at the hospi
tal jc-ltuli. List ulRht hti uiiitli-
tleui was most lavoiable
Mi -t .1. 11 Leek, ol Duudaff, wasad
inilted to the hospital jcsteiclav, loi
County Contioller m Town.
Countv Coiiliollir L A Join-, came
up Mom his lionie in Aiclihald (htet
da and made a shoi t isit in this iltv.
Iloth on lb" Main and duilnir his stay
heie In- was besii god bv Mieneit., who
ouf;ht his hand to ( onrriatiilat" him
over his ii-cleitlon.
Meetings of Tonight.
Joint meeting ot count ih.
Commoii couuill (leirulm meeiiiu).
Olive Leal lod(,e, 1. u. O. '.
l'ulual union, No. -VOL
Patilotie Older Sons ot Aljliiiui.
Caibondaie uiunell. No. !-", Knli,lits
of Cohunbus
Dr. Hawk's Lectuie.
'Hi" oi mid iiumbir ot the IhoiK
w.iv louisi will be i?Imh in the Cii.ind
opei.i house mt Monthiv eenlur
when Hi. A . llnwK.s will deliver
bin ((libnitul lutuio on ' Sunshine
and Shadow."
At a runeinl.
Aninii.f tlto Ciiiboiidulo pjusoas at tlu Miiieiul In Jeinivu yesteulav
weie 1 V. Fn, the Mbes Lewis, Ui.
Maker and Mih linker. I' V IIuh's
and II. A I'm pie.
Mr Thomas 1! Dm fee hiienl InM
cveiilnt, with Gieeu Rlitae ft lends.
Ui. I'lesion and Jlf, I'leslou, of
Siiaulon, spent iMudnv In t'aibon.
dale as the truests of Mis. Pieston's
Mls Chin lotto Mulr, ol llonosdale,
spent Sundav as the KUist, ol hei c nil
sin, Mlhs Caiolyn Slepheiis, on siiiimilt
Mih-us l-ain Stun and Ed. Knlss of
the law 111 m ot Siein, hiiiKir and Han,
r.o'i Jlioadvva.v, New Voik, spent Sutur
el.ij with Mieiuls in this etl.v
Mr. ami Mm. M. Moseh, ot Seianton,
and Mr Sam Woollier, Jr , of I'eoiia,
111, hpent Sunday villi Ml. and Mia.
P. Slum i. ol South Main sine l.
Rijjlil food right medicine
right tinic -these three
tilings aie of the utmost impor
tance to the consumptive,
Right food and right medicine
these are contained in Scott's
Kmulsion of pure rod-liver oil,
Right time is at firit .sign of
disease. Right time is now.
Scott's Knuilbion always
helps, often cures. Oidinary
food helps
help i m e.
does both.
1'iesii air
Scot'! A
lk'gin early.
e ii'ciu n on H auk iu u i )u 1 1 !
'otUll U 10WM, 4i I'cail ttirtd, Nca uitt.
I 01
With People You Know,
with Scranton Peo
ple. No evidence can be slioiiRei than thu
ilhi'ct testimony of people yott know.
Thu public expicsHlon ot fi lends and
iii'talihoiti Is the tn oof of met it we ot
fei. K .von still lemiiln a ski pile, talk
II over with the lestatot.
Mi-. II. W. Williams, of 110! Lucuie
sltect, eus: "I had a dull, uctiliig
pain all the time tight in the small ol
my bai k. Tlioto wtiu times when 1
was iiulto tomfoi table, but It I did
miv wink to amount to itu;, thlUK the
aching bewail. 1 was alwajs woipo
when 1 did washltiR, IioiiIiik or heavy
houuewoik. Uvuiv moinliiK 1 as
stiff and lame when 1 pot up and 11
httil me to sit a tallica altir itoiiplnp.
I tjot Doan's Kidney Pills at Miillliavvb
Hi os.' (itutj stoic and tihcd Iheiu legu
laily. lu a Miott time I nolle ed an
hupioveinent, mid eontlnuiiiB the
tuatment was soon eulltely em eel."
For aale by all dcale'is. I'l Ice .i0
ten It. ro.itei-Mllbuin Co, llttflalo. N.
Y. cole aircnts tor the Vnlted States.
Kctutuihci the name, Doan', and
take no hubstllul".
The tuueial of the late Will U. GiaMs
took place jestord.ty afteinoon. At
VJ"0 o'eloi k a bilef piajer seivice wub
held at the home on Kouith etitet af
ter which tho lemains weie taken to
the Methodist Iiplscopal thuith whole
sen lets weie temdtieted by the pi.sloi,
Rev. M. D Tuller, D. D. The thoii
sail, sevtial well known h.Mtuih, one
of whli li was the beautiful "Jesuh
Snlotll, Pilot Me" The pastoi hpoko
biielly fiom wouls taken fiom 1 Coiln
thlatis, iit chaptei, IJth eisf 'Tor
now wo tie tlnouKh a slas, daikly;
but then late to fate; now I know in
pail; but then shall I Know even as
alto I am known" lu contluslon ho
paid a waun ti Unite to the ountr
man's sleilhiR 'villues. Ills itfti elite
to his coincislon and the ciiilstlau lel
low ship existing between the dead man
and hlnihflt wus most touching and
bi ought teats to iuaii ee. At tho
( onclusion ot the eiviee the casket was
uncoveied and the laige toiiKiefration
slowly Hied pabt anil sraed for the last
time upon the face ol the dead man.
liiiKl, has 'a tunetal taken place in
this leinltv m whiih so inue h deep
sot low was shown as in the death ot
this oun;r man and the hiirli legaul in
whli h lie was held was manliesteil .es
tcuhiy hi the laitce attinduneu and
beautiful floial fiilts. The latter weie
a pillow ot eiemn and whit" ioeh with
inset iptlon "Husband " a standinK lie
ot pink and while loses, an anchor of
u cam and white losts; a bnthplece
with acre ,4 in tiimson loses Horn the
Misses Kate, Anna and Itai hael Grifll
ths; "Gates AJai" ot sunset lobes, fiom
his bo.vhood li lends; basket ot loses
Mom Coui and M md GUtiiths and
Gtitiudu Whell, rook nod Ladder ol
led loses, eijs.nithemuins and al
smni, the sirt of Cijstal Fho company
No 1, a uesieul ot led and white loses
and smila fiom Mi. Beit Gabcl, ot Al
ba nj ; a .tar ot pink and while dilu
tions fiom Coilnne Giillllhs and lumin
ous e asket boiiiels ot white chi.vsantlie
mums. The pall-beaicis weie John 13
Glillitlis. Juintb Allen, Allied Cliilliths,
Kdvvln Mtllow, Waltti Coon and John
Roche. The llovvti-beaitis weie 11. D.
hvviik, Waltoi Moon, J. G. Avtiv, John
Williams, llmi) Fieas, Will Mellow,
Aithbald MtCiackcn, Hut Gab' 1, Hm
i$ Giilllths and Michael Monahan.
The loot ball game between the Cai
bondale lilsh hi hool and Ihe Jcitmu
hili school teain.s plu$ed in Cow lei's
paik Sal uulay altcmooa diew together
a linge .isseinblagc ol loveia ot the
spoit and pioved iiuite an eeltlnK
-anie which ended in fuvoi ot tho lsi
toi s by a 11 to j u oie.
Irank Hemehbjlit is ( outlaid to hU
home on Saoud liiit with an attack
ol lumbago
The tali of the Altcsluil Hose eom
pan.v, which hah been liinnliiR tor the
p isl fountain, was bioiiRlit to a ilose
mi Snttiulay niKlit. Tliiuusliiiuf the
(Venilln tin altondmut was ei $ lin.e.
Whllo the stitot cai sMIKe has been
tile UK HIS ot ktepilli, inall.v JK'ople Mom
pen by towns avva.v. .still the attell
dani" iliioiihliiiiit ihe two weeks has
been vuy matlfyiutv and it is hoped
that Ihey will ltalle a Rood bum bj
tlier elUnts, On aiiount of not bolus
able to net 111 all the tliKcts the MO
gold piiA was not (llspobid ot,
Allioiic, those ill utttlldamu at is
leulay's liiucial weie noticed County
Slipe'illiteudeut and Ml.-(. J. C. T'avloi,
Attoiat$ llubut Ta$loi, Mi. and Mis.
i-iill Lie, County Iieteitlvu Phillip ,
ot Sci anion; lieu UnboJ of Albauj. N,
V ; Iklwaul Mtllow ot Ciaiitoid, N. J,,
and John M( LniiKhliu and dntiKhler,
Kvu, ol Poust i'it$; Allud Walke$,
oi Sci anion.
A child ot Mr. and .Mis. William
Ilenson, or Seumd Mud, Is iiillo III,
l!o M. I), Lvmtt pieiuhed a hue
well humou $et;ttida$ to a Iai,;e eoli
meKatloll. 0LYPHA1NT
Thuinas LoiiBhuej-, tonneily ot this
plate, dlid at the homo of his Mater,
Mis. John Llllott, In New YoiK, on Sat
uulay 111011)1111; 'i'lie $ouiir man was
oiuploveit In ii machine shop and was
llljllied b a living piue ol steel about
two weeks ago. lilood poison, which
hei In, was thu immediate taiibo of
his death, Tho i cumins weio Milppul
to his foinier lioiiio liciii yesleida$
niornliiK Deceased was 27 $eais ot
agu anil was n jdiiiik nwn who was es
teemed by a huso clu lo of uuiualut
auees, Hesldes lils tathur, ha is sui
vlved by tluce. slslein and two InotiifiB,
Thu fuuciul will take place Mom the
taiully home on I'ppci Duumoie stu-ct
Uuuoiiovv niornliiK at 1U o'eloeK. Hur
ial will he lunilo lu St. PaMlek's ceiuu
toi$. 'Ihu Mondny ntaht danelng- ilabs will
Hint this uvciitiii- lu Mahon's hall. I
11. reiKitsou v.lll piesldo at tho piano,
Miss .Mamlei Siltiv, of Piovldenu,
Visited lei dives at this place ye'Mei
da$ Tills e veiling Kev 11. .1. Wlialeu. D.
D. of Cmbondiile, will dcllvd hlh lie
luui on 'The Llio ot Chiltd," in the
.Susquehanna Siieit Haptlst c hutch,
un Wednesday evuilnj," hu will kIvo a
dl'iouisu on "The Jiitaht and Oaik
The Workingman's 5hoes.
The working man needs and must have well
made shoes, no other kind will answer his
purpose. Our shoes are good, solid and re
liable, made up on honor all through. We
have them at all prices. Prices on special
sale for the next week are
Men's Mining Drogans,
Men's Tap Soes, -
Lewis, Ruddy,
Davies & Murphy
Side of Lite In New Yoik Citj " Ad
mission to both lei tines, JI tents; .In
gle tickets, I,-, cents
Mlbs Kate Gibbous, of Hawle.v, spent
yesteulay with Miss Nellie MeAnehew,
of Scotch stieet.
Hnny K Jones letuincd to the Vnl-er&lt$-
of Pentisj lvaiila on Sutuiduy,
after a shoit stay in town
The f uncial of Mis. John B. Dais,
an aged lady of Gieetiwood, look place
estetda$ afternoon at .' o'clock, Mom
tho home of Ml. and Mis. i:an M.
Fianeis. Sei vices weie conducted at
the house and weie laig"l$ attended.
Rev. Di. H. II. Haul,, ot the Culvaiy
Ruptlst chin oh, outdated mid pleached
an hnpiesshe f uncial 'ciiiion, An
thems weie lendeied by the Gi eoa
wood chut cli eill.ntette. Intel incut was
made in the Toicst Hill itmtliiv,
Attei the icyulai sehtion of Em
blem division, N'o. 37, Sons of Tempei
anc. which will be held this ovenPicr.
an entti taininent will be given the
membei s. A ci$ shoit buslnesb stb
son will be held.
Delewaio LaeKavvtinna and Weot
ei n eompanv paid its cmplo$os ot the
torn tollluies Ta$loi , Pj ne. Holdtn
and Aithbald licit on batutday.
The luneial ot John DemKo. who
mot death at the Aithbald mine on
Tluiibda$-.nlghl, an account ot vvlikh
appealed In this column, otcu'U'd jus
teidti$' afternoon. lnleimtnt was
made in the MinooKa Catholic ceine
tei v.
Rev. ('. li. lit in v will lee line on
"Intellectual and Ph$ skill Develop
ment" at the Pi lie Libuuv 100ms this
evening. Rev. Mi. Heni$- is a -Vci$
abl speakci and a laige audience
should be piesent All aie coullally
invittd. Admission fuo.
The Youiis People's socletv ot the
Geiman Evangelltnl iliuiih will hold
n buuiuet this evening lor its uiun
beis, A line piogianune will he len
deied. Messib l),iiil Glillitlis and John
D.uis, well-known $oung nun of tills.
town, have enlisted in the United
States maiines, enlisting at tho Scum
ton let lulling Matlon, and will have
todav foi the Philippine islands.
A laige delegation of membei s ot the
Century Hose company, No. .'. attend
ed tho Aitislan Hose eompanv fall, at
Jennyn, on Saturday e.onhig.
Superintendent and Mis. Evan T.
Jones, of Mt. Caimel. aie the guest j of
the lounei's mother, Mis. Petei Jones,
on Ta$lor street. Mr. Jones lb n Ta$--lor
boy and lesldtd lieu in his bo$
hoclo da$ s.
Mcssis. Gcoige Peiiv and two sons,
Giover and Gunge, ot Union stieet,
have been spondliiB ihe past lew davs
with the loimci's patents at Dallas.
Mr. and Mis. W. M. Roll ami son.
Donald, of Main Mi cut, spent $eslei
elav islting ulativis in Poikville.
.lamis i;. Watl.lns, en . ot Main
stuet, lalild on M lends in Wllke
Haiui $cbttulay.
'llu meeting of tho Young Mens
t'luistlaii association at llio .Methodist
Rplteopal chin ell lust eveuing, was in
leu sling and hugely attended.
Thu social of the Young Ladles' so
ciety of the Rlist I'oiigiegaUonal
chin tli on Satuuluv uvening as well
pationlod. The $ouug ladles ill iliuirfc
seivecl uCieshniuiith In a lapable inaii
Ai thin Powell, ot 11$ de PaiK. .is
ilul ulatlves ill this town $isteula$
Thu Tijlor seuiiid loot ball Knin
challenges any team In tho county to u
Kiituu on ThaiiKsslvliiK Day, uu tlu
Tujloi giounds. av'ei.igu weight, !-'
poiiinls II Wlnteiliuin, mauacer.
one ot the most enjoyable cvuits in"
thu btiibon was a suipilF" p.uty in
honor ot Mi. H. 1'. Evans at the home
ol his parents, Mi. and Mis. W, II
Evans, iiumcs and othci auiustMite'iU
woiu Indulged in, und ilollelous ic
liesluneiils wtiu served, 'llioso pres
ent weie, Mlbses Kate Gugoiv, Anna
Jellliv, Ddla Siiillh, Lena Jenkins,
Heitha Iluiiunibtoii, Uesslu Uuminls
toll, Kate Nllglu.v, Uul Haitulsoil, .Mis.
1'. D. HvaiiH, Mmy Jenkins, Jennlo
T'lible. Jk'ilha G Inns, Mis. William
1''. Jonkius, Mis, Anna Giegoi$, Ihla
Jenkins, Rlioda Jenkins, IMitli Ilvans,
Messis, William V, Jenkins, Ji li,
Fullu Evans, Geoifiti Schlcbel, Lou
Huinmlston, Tied Davis, Thomas
Waul, Allied Jonkius, Gaiileld Hd
wauls, ciiaileb Jenny, Pi auk Atheis,
Fied Hotfiuaii, Elniei Hi Ink'. Aithui
Seele$ livvln Seie$, Paik Evans, El
mer Toolty, Wnlttr Page, Wallace
Page. Pied Toole.v, Ralph Evans,
Piaiil; Jc'iiklus, Aithui Gugoiy, Jaioh
Jeiin$, Geoigo Wheeler.
Mis, Al t lull Glcgol spun Tiiesiln$
al Momovv, with liei slstei, Mis ilul
Hose( kei
Miss Lev icn Hastou ali'J .Mi.-. .( Allu
ilioi'ii and WlltU'd Giegol.v, spent
Sunday at'lho home ot Mr. ami Mi.-.
Daniel Gusoi $.
Mss Anna Jenii) has i dinned liouic
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
i Li V
I sccoM) FLOOR.
Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD.
NO. S3 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Seianton Branch Office, Nos. 1 and 3. Arcade Building.
aftci spending sevei.U davs with
M lends at Seianton.
Mis. Daniel Gi lines anil iliushlet.
Ueilhii. and Miss Lena Jenkins spent
I'lldny at Suanton.
L. M. Dames, diict ungineu at th"
boiough eleitile light plant, is about
to n'sign his po-ltlon to uuept a inoio
Intuitive om as supciiiitiiiileut at Tn$
Ioi. A $oung hutse oeneel by putles ic
sldlug at Tlnoop vv.U killed on the Ou
tmlo and AVesieiu lalhoad iietu I'll lav
night, while loamlm, mound tho stieets.
L'vei,vbmlv had a sinll" yi-ieuluj, as
a icsult ol Hit ulllf lal count which enn
llimid tin eliilliiii of our cticiued
Mlend, i'ouut$ Contiolld V. A. .limes,
om nclghboi
Mr and .Mis ilmi.v Smith, and
daughtir. Ikllth, ot Noiih Suaulon,
vlsltul j i lends and lelatlves hue ts
leid.ij, Messis, p.ioes, Hui ul ami I'icue have
sent woul home tunu Maine tho
have thus inr nut with lair .sucus'
One titer In lepoited oil their list.
Tho Mlsici Miltlal and Jinulo llvaus.
of HKikel.v, have leltuiieil Mom a visit
at Clllfoid.
'I'hu Ilsiiii I'lu loiupanv iium'ius
aro miauiiln' to uuuliiel a lair and diiiltirf th" niontli of D"(Ciu
I k in . 1 eiirfini; ui llic tin i
lilt ll.iel I HI I'll lll hlll-KI
WIkii ihiiiUBli Un' piliio i inn i u ii'
V liinl nml fcrlik - iujII la
Mir ilnti r livuricil l" ttic u-"
Vn I ii ul. "I wl II " J lowlo.
lll III I II' l! Ill '( .t pi I'll li.
Hut I l not i ln.t.ia '
li un lul'l (lot n III nipi'i.' '
Vml Mid ' l iiuKu I" tUI.'la
To tliliA it i' lul lo' '"'
lu 1j with litlli NkUo
In I'ul iniiiiuli tn "ill. th It f
Win H lulliovltili I,
Ilul It vmiiiIJ not 4tKtt l'i
If II Iinl bun 1 be)'' I '
Jin. ikji will ul I" 'In1 iwlli" ,ilf
1 iiliullni; Iwiii'i er iiiIiujI.1.
Vml lullul Uiiliull i mi '"-
Vhl loklb liliuxl i-'.M'Ui
'llu ttil'jiiU irlnl itio ltiiiiii i r
lie I it mil "111'" Ic H "'o
Jinn lu I llu' inKi, vilnii Jim i 1
I lit.
W VMM) lllltl
DM 1101 s'hl
$1.25 and .95
125 and 65
Fall and Winter
'lime to think of the oveicoat Might as
well havi. it now you need it these chilly
nights ? .
You can buy any prevailing style here on
little weekly payments, and we will guarantee
the price to be as low, considering the fine
workmanship, worthy material and supetb
finish, a? you can find anywhere.
Women's garments oT all kinds, Suits,
Jackets, Furs, Skit ts, Waists you wear as
you payi No ted tape all transactions
strictly confidential.
Unquestionable Superior Merit
Annually adds thousands of names to
the long list of Smith Premier users,
representing every line of trade and
every profession
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
in i
Manufacturers ar
485 to 455
N. Ninth Streat,
TOcpIiouj Call, 2333.
Poor Indeed
ore tltoie weighed donahv ment'cl dc.
nrcssloii. pica rice In llu world
through Ihicjj ml nerve four.
The loss of this force daily drips
clow ii to failure some of the world s
brightest iniiiiL. luicli u inudltloii is
coiiiiuouly known iii Nervous Dclillit) .
Wlien $ou lose fell confidence anil
feel $ottr btreiigth, energy nnl nerve
loicc lire slipping nwaj , il U high time
$on seek sensible ulil.
Von prefer health aud success to
mbery and failure,
have no equal nn nerve lfstorei, A
couple of buses will clUpcllliil heavy
fcelingi the unmluml wnriiiess dl.
nppeuiHiiuil rcpUcciil itifriiol vvilll neiv
loue ami Morot tmd .uul briiu. sis
1kc v ill nite auv orduur) cure of
mrvous, debility. II not, $ou get $our
lumity biik
JI 00 pet box (1 for 83 , milled In
pi till paik.'Kl' lliwk ficc l'LAI,
Iliu'im: Co, CKvcbuJ, Ohio.
For Mle by John II. I'hclpr, I'lunnaiUt, cotuc
U;iiuins aicnuc and bpiuic lrcct.