w1'- ' - ;" s ''' r! Njmi'L&i,kiwlw.W'in rrryf "w"" e : f' Ft77 11 I ribuue Till' ONLY SCKAXTOX PAt'lik KECIi IVJKGTIIEJJOAIPLLvTIS NEWS SttimCKOrrHfc .r. ..... ..; m"oj)AY MORNING, -NOVEMBER 11, 1901. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. 5SSS -jC$igS-. ,, in., iWjJj pynS9phVHM(3-- 4 l" .... .; nj r2JWyrL3CiMitcDjj0fWy33sj THrNAi. r9g r. . .' S ! - .. VIH XHl lllll ..W-'4riWl4.VlYIlrWW 'tC-.l yfcHMim I 1. SJ.tfP'-iaBBBK - IVBK H ii li-gtsaifffliBw SgMffigg iv, .--.- m.r 'sKhitJ'ofwQB CAPTURED BY CONVICTS Sheriff and Deiium oi Toneka Are Held Prisoners for Sev eral Hours. RESCUE PARTY IS POWERLESS 'By Making Tlneats to Kill the Sher iff and Deputy Who Have Been Disarmed the Convicts Succeed in Exacting n Promise from the Offi cers That They Shall Be Allowed to Go Free and Depart, Bidding the Fosse a Mocking' Farewell. I1.V I.Xcilt-ilC Wile flulll 'J lw A-SOclltfd I'll-?. Topeka, Kims., Nov. 10. Sheriff Cook and Deputy Sheriff "Williams, of this county, were captured by two escaped convicts" from the Fort Leavenworth military prison this afternoon at Paul ine, live miles south of Topeka, and held prisoners In Hie farm-house of a. man named Wooster for several hours. The convicts dually escaped between a Hue of pfdlce sent from Top"ka to re inforce the sheriff, and are now at large, lioth were slightly wounded. Wooster was badly wounded by one of ilit eimviels when he tried to tire on them. Mrs. Wooster and Sheriff Cook ncro held In-fore the convicts as it shield by the prisoners in making tin Ir es-eupo. , posse is in pursuit tonight. .U 2.U0 o'clock this afternoon some farmer bo-.s. near Pauline, learned that the convicts were in the neighbor hood. Hastily lorniing :i posse, armed with target ritles. pistols and clubs, they guvoehuse. Neither of the con victs were armed, and they were un able to make a stand. letter, Shcritf Cool; und Deputy Williams arrived. Coming upon the convicts, both ollieers llreil. wounding the men. but not dis abling thein. The convicts then lied through a small opening in the timber and lan Into the house of Farmer "Woosler. Sheriff Cook telephoned to Topeka for assistance, and then took up the cliase. Thinking the convicts had run around the house, Cook darted through the open door, intruding to sm prise them at tlie rear door. Hut instead of this,' the convicts had gone into the house and tlie olllccr almost fell into their arms. Sheriff Cook was ordered to give up his gun, which in. lld. Deputy Wil llams by this time bud reached this house and entered without knowing what had liappined inside and lie, too, Mas made captive by the convicts. In the meantime rid ' of Police Staid of Topeka, and i-ip a ollieers were on J their way. They anived at Ihu Woos- j ter about an hour alter Hie ollieers hud been Imprisoned. Chief Stahl imme diately began negotiation;! with the convicts to give up their prisoner.? and t surrender themselves but Hie con- lets only laughed. Wooster Laid Low. Fanner Wooster then managed to get gun and was about to moke an at iuek on the convicts when one of them laid him low from the butt end of a levolver taken from one of their cap lives. The convict broke Wonstor's right hand and made an ugly gash in his head. One of the convicts told ' Sheriff f'ook that he would be killed if ho made the slightest move looking toward their capture. In Hie mean time this police officers on the outside had surrounded the building hut wore afraid to inako a move for fear that Cook and Williams would suffer. Mrs. Wooster had fainted (luring the excite ment. She dually revived and at 7 o'clock the convicts placed the woman and Sherllf Cook In front of tlioo.i as shields und made for the door. Then after exacting a promise from tlie sheriff that he would not permit the ollieers on (he uutt-ldo to (he on them they started for Hie open. As they left the house the frightened far mer. Ids wife and the submissive sheriff before them, the couvlols passed be tween a cordon of pollen who easily could have captured theni and slurted for the railroad track. The sheriff n turn had oxaeied u promise front (he police that they would not molest Un convicts and they did not. After covering a considerable di. tuiK-o down the truck, tli invlcls suddenly disappeared through a hedgi" fence, bidding the ollieers a mocking farewell. The convicts hud secured n good start before the nfllcr-u. had reiovorod from their surprise. Then some of the policemen wanted lo pursue, but Sherllf Cook would not penult it, sir ho laid promised the convicts immun ity from arrest. rlllef .Stahl left some of his iikII on the scene, ami with ih others, stalled back to Topeka to tako np t Ito chap" later 011, I'Yum Topeka a posse was started out. ami chief Stahl expressed lhe opinion tonight that lm would land the men before morning. The run lets ura well armed, having taken all the suns In the farm-house, Including those of the sheriff mid his deputy, J'liey are both white men, but their identity was not learned. PORTUGUESE GUNBOAT SEIZES AMERICAN SHIP, By L'XkUtivi' Wuv from lhe oi,4tnl pim. t.oi.ihii, "in". pu-'llu l.'.'Uuiiia- 'Ulcxuph (..mi, uny lus it. in id j ili-f.iH ii Hum l.i.ion if. lifliiucini; tlul .1 l'oilu;uive iiunhu.it luu slvil tic Amiiktn tihoomr Nellie and Luiile, ut Ipirla, l.lanil uf IMy.i, Hie Aviif, (of cljude-llru- COIIW.IIIlJ tlHtll.VTlS iml'puiit., ll'l. MHO tniiif to dvuhj unlit. uy i'iiin. Bloodshed at Baicelona. My l.silujoe W h( liom lhe .Wgi ialfU Vivn. flivuloli.i. No. P.'. 'I lie iminulpil eliolii at t.ir' 10'Jt.v tti'le Jiauded liy iiWeil-'ied and .'.. citiimut. Itevolu'r hi uiicimIi'IishI .m-t i"' piisen vj billed and fottj othili et Honad'd, JOOKEY DISQUALIFIED. "Boots" Darnell Offends the French Club at Paris. 11 K.ulmhe Wire dom I lie Ai-soclatcd Ptwi. Purls, Nov. 10. I T. (Hoots) DunuMI, I ho American Jockey und twiner, has licou disqualified fur life by the Jockey club, ni the ground Hint he deliber ately remained ut the- poet lit St. Cloud, Oe.iobor 2 when he rode Londres In the Prix dt Murly Be Jlol. Durncll protests that IiIm remaining ut the post tins due to a misunder standing, lie says lie has ridden fur yearn In lite I'nited State.., but 1ms never boon summoned lie fore the stew aids. Mr. William?, president of the Call forniii. Jockey club, Mood sponsor for him when ho applied for the French licence live months ago. Dttrnell denies that In.- bus or 1ms had any relations with the bookmakers. DOLE refuses to interfere. Hawaiian National Guard Held a Sham Battle on Sunday. lly I'm lu-iive Wlic from Tin- , -'ci-itcd I'u .5. Honolulu, Oct. I'.O. Tile Hawaiian National Guard held its annual en campment and sham battle Sunday In tlie fact of the protests of the minis ters and missionary element. Peti tions were circulated and presented to Governor Dole, but not until tlie day previous to the battle, when all ar rangements had been made, and he re fused then to Interfere. Tlie custom has been followed heretofore of hold- lag the encampment on Sundays, and the men could get released Irani work on no other day. The drills and manoeuvres showed the Iroops to he in splendid form and they made a creditable showing, both In marching and gun tattles. THE IRISH AGITATORS SPEAK AT BOSTON William Lloyd Garrison Ptesides at the Meeting' Speeches of Red mond and O'Donnoll. IV Ih'Hii-i'.o ire from Tlie .Won.itcd 1'icn. lJoston, N'ov. 10. Ireland's hopes mid aims weio told In dramatic language to .soon men and women in Mechanics' hall ' tonight by the Irish envoys, Hon. John ' P. Itedmond. Hon. P. A. Mc-Hugh anil lUn. Thomas O'Donnell. This great gathering was directed by the united Irjsh league and' the presiding olllccr i w,ns illiain t.loyil uarris.ou. iMr. Garrison's address was well in tyceping with the sentiment of the even ing. Ho said: At a time v hen pout! fnl nations .lie stilling Hie liriept-mlont .i.-pir.uimi. of vc.ikor one.--, wlien tlie ihiiinir of (ommcrci.il gicid downs Hie vohe of i 'iwicnio ami liimuuily, i' H i-pciijlly lit tin); tlul wo would tli oino Hie dilinguMi(d Kiieot.i tip the ill;- ef lio-tun. Allhouuli lrpie'iit itivea of .1 nil ill tountiy nml a iliniini.-hiiiu' pupnl.iiion the Lipjiloib. giiieinnioiil of liie.lt ltiit.iin tlndi i in litem find in thi'ir n-i.ei.ili1-. .1 siubln.in iti- j !-t.ieli. to imperl.il pieJtm.-!. The ihnuiil ot iu-t- ' no, iieieiiiu' Hie I'litniid h.inipion ot liheity to ! h. 'je di -iK i nn :dly moie potent thin idiip-. aiiil 1 10R wilts in Kh.iki. The npiilngs in Siuth AC lii.i Id in Hie l'liilippiixr, holli now 1 'Ui'iidlin; into .,r.- li.ue lnltlcd slioi t-Iuhti-i Halemun, m ii.ii.iil Po lli-ir Kiilwldenco in 1 lew wicK". liel.md and South Aliie.i, 01111111011 i tiuia of ihiirli-li wioiiu'n me s.'iui.ited liy ide scjs and ! I ho h.uriir 01' l.ingu.ii;e. Il.iopily tli" tturdy l.iinhi'i.i of tlie TmiimujI and lhe Or.mgu 1'iee .-t.ite an; aide to sie.i!. tlnoush I1UI1 lips it. lhe hnii-o of eniiiiiiiiiii. with iinionipiiilniAlng off olive in ;. It U to the honor and gloiy of lteUnd th.it in t lii 1 rt-Is Lev ripiiii'iitatlie s-oiu have stood a-i .1 liulwaik for fieed.itn. II I- eliaiimr to (to hiehimr. a;.iin in olid pli.tlin-: ultli n-nnltcd lunt. Mr. Ptethnond was the first speaker, ami In his opening he referred to his lirst addtess bote, eighteen yours ago, w'.ieu John P.. O'lteilly presided. Since that time, lie said, he had been en gaged in and out of the house of com mon., in many countries and in Hie prison cell, for the Irish cause. He gae ti detailed account of the work of uniting the ailotts faclions, which bus resulted in the I'nited Irish league. He ami his colleagues had come to Ameri ca m proclaim three things: "Pirsl, rtto unity of the Irish rate; second, lo I'Nplaiu the policy of the I'nited Irish league; third, to ask tor Hid moral and material support from the Irish race in America, from their descendants and Ihu American people themselves," Mr. O'lliuuiell, who was ue"t inlro duied, told of the alms of the Hrltlsh National league and reviewed the method of selecting Irish members of parliament, and referred facetiously to his attempt in Instruct the members of parliament In Hie Irish language. To day, he continued. Ireland Is an Irish Ireland, who.-e sous lespect her past, respect and value her products tnd bar everything that comes from Knglnnd. ev are not lownully," said .Mr. O'Donnell, "to make any statement In IhN free republic 1 1 lit L wo would not make In Ireland or before Knglund's policemen lit the house of commons. Wo should be unworthy of freedom did we counsel lame submission to Intoler able wrongs. Wo liuvn not come to l'leaeii any sue, ,.,,. I itlVMt V" M ir-tl I'tiiuiun lit (llllviiH to do their duly to cultivate an Irish national seutiuieai and to Instruct their children In the history of our beloved country." LEDGER COAL ARTICLE. I'luljiklpliiJ, Nei'. ill. -'Iho lidaei coil atu.-le Ivinoiinw nil) sj: 'll.o .uahuille 10.1I lijde 1'ililimii'i niite. All the tfi.il i ln.ilij luovul tu null," I tor wlihli ...u.-i inn he luinMu'i), uid Pie deniuid Is .ilwad if the Mipplj'- ruin- arc minUliiwl and aiisisty Utli'iivii In kfmi' inurteiv lest llaic nuy if I hi moiuli iiJiiiiljtifiii fiiilUie- jo nvac .th the t cjI (I.c 11 iiipjiiecl, A Un ioiii.Jiiii' lompuii in ihiulu wllli thej-llIU- period nl Jlfij liny ale jhewiim Uiuo iiJiiis in he'll output urel ciuiinni. liioji .iiihiiy i.'Ui In Iho hla.' lesion. i Pcln; ieirnl lo tl'uliilioit .I ntueli iojI jj polihle Iw. loie uiiHtijlIwi iloii-o. Th" eo..iv.i-e .ihlpi.uiit. im aillu' .li'.d thne k .1 hetlor d.Minnd tor ,ei Uj. lli'll, Tltvea Killed in Explosion, II) r.M.utui M ii- (V.nii 'I lie An'oi Intel I'H-I Ha.. S. V.i.. Nn. 1U. Icil'ii la.e.. and II .ti' t'l.mkll, ,.hiio ..nd Tom S'jlvinni, oinied, all liill'i'l, ttile I.IIUl tl.t lilatil 1w.1l' he.e by Ihu .ai-lduil.il I'sph-ion 01 fi'Mial kiieb 'I pev-dm in a li4' '... THE GROWTH OF OUR NAVY Demonstrated In the Annual Report of Chief of the Equip ment Bureau. THE COALING STATIONS Rear Admiral Brndford's'Statements Show That Over Two Million Dol lars Were Spent Last Year for Coal. Tlie Purchase Amounted to 324,108 Tons American Coal Now Scat tered All Over the World Where Stations Can Be Secured. By Kxtlushc Wile train The Aitoclati il 1'riiS. Washington. Nov. 10. A striking il lustration of the growth of the Ameri can navy is presented in the single stntement in the annual report of Hear Admiral It. B. Kradford, chief of the equipment bureau of the navy thai h" spent 2,aVS,lll last llscal year for yiM,- 10S tolls of coal at an average cost of $T.ni per ton. The report says that this was nearly !,,718 more tons of coal than was used during the preceding llscal year. Ten years ago the coal consumption was 711,000 tons per an num. The domestic coal costs Sti.'JO per ton and the foreign coal, of which there were, used lU.'i.OtiG tons, cost SS.uO per ton. Admiral liradford has scat tered American coal all over the world wherever suitable storage could be found. He has placed H',000 tons at Yokohama a and 5,000 tons at Piehlui- ! ilco, nml he has sent large ' que, Jlexlc quantities to Guam and to the Philii pines. He carried 0,000 tons by wab r from the Atlantic coast to Mare 1s- land, California, where it came into competition with Knglish Cardiff coal. They have averaged tlie same in cost, viz., $9.29 per ton, but, at present, ow ing to tht! .scarcity of American freight vessels, the best Cardiff coal is con siderably cheaper at Mate Island. It is recommended that two large steam tea-thousand-lon colliers be built to keep depots supplied in time of peace and to accompany the Meets in time of war. Summarizing the work accomplished I at various co-jiiug stations during tlie 1 year, the report takes up Ciivlto and ; says that the bureau is about to open bids for a, 43,000-ton coaling station there. Efforts have been made to ob- ! tain a site for a coaling station :il , Cebu, but thus far without success. Coaling stations have been located nl. 1 Port Isabella, liassuilin Island, and at Pollock, Mindanao. A complete sta tion has been established al Yoko hama, Japan, and it is now fully stocked with coal. The same state ment is true at Pachiliulque, Mexito, where, through the courtesy of the Mexican government, our coal and col liers have been admitted to tlie sta tion without port or customs of any kind, in tlie AVest Indies, a little work has been done at San Juan on the coaling scale, but Admiral Bradford expresses regret that little progicss has been made in securing sites for other coal depots in the AVost Indies. Cuba Should Be. available. It is said to be particularly essen tial that some of the deep-wa'.er ports of Culm should bo made available lor this purpose, as tlie entire waters sur rounding Cuba are most Important in a strategic sense and supplies of coal should be near at hand. h'stlmuies are submitted for improvement of llu coaliug stations at most of the Atlan tic ports, Including a complete mod ern plant at Norfolk. Admiral lirad ford specifically says: "As the department is aware, af forts are being inudo to establish other navul coal depots at important locali ties, which it is deemed unvlo lo dis cuss hi 11 report of a public character," Admiral Urndfurd s.iys very little about his favoiite project In a triins Paellle submarine telegraph cable, contenting himself with the slalenient that the bureau Is now In possession of all data reiiulred, so far as sureys are concerned, to lay this cable. In the same conenetlon, ho renews his recommendation for a careful examin ation of the Pacltle ocean west of the Hawaiian Islands, to locate dangers to navigation, lie recommends that ad ditional hydrogruphlc olllees be estab lished at Manila und at Peusucolu, Pin. The report says that the subject of wireless telegraphy was followed care fully during lhe year, but it does not appear advisable to adopt any particu lar system tit present or to aciitlro any more apparatus than necessary for purposes of instruction. It is clear that no system, as yet, has passed be yond tlio experimental stage. Though most of the principal naval powers have adopted some form of wireless telegraphy for their ships, It Is be lieved, from Hie reports received, that none are satisfactory. It was clearly shown during the International yacht races that the diillcultles of "Interfer ence" could uol be overcome with the apparatus now in use. Steamship Anivals. fly i:.iiu.ih Wire from The ,oil.iti l'ie. l.ivupool, Jc.v. P'. An bed 1 (Jitnp.ini.1, iiv Veil, ill (iietii-iiDMii. Quciintoiwi '-ailed: liliurla drum l.lvcipool), Nw Vuih. S'liitluiiw tcnSiicd: liniiiljiu i.imu ifiwiii Mum.iit, N.w Yuli, Steam Titters Killed, lly l.v ludvu Wire tiuiu The A-.odiicd I'u-.-. Kiiifcii (liy, Nov, Jo.- hvo tam alien i.iie liijiiil and iwn olhili mioiisly Inluu'il I'.v U10 hhmim,' out of a ulvc in Ihr naivr pn.up'u; .ippaialiu ut tlie N'liwaia liiM ,V Miltlni;ir pi. I.. Ins plant in iiiiniiiilali' Knitj, t.uli.i. Insurance Man Gone Wrong. l,i i:eltuiva Uf from Tin' .Woiiated I'll'.). I iiluinliih, 11., o. la.- .1. .I111 M, Multoul, p.i pur M'fUiai.i nl ill"- nniimi! In-oiuiiie (illun, iw. mie'ted lat to;la, ciurnl ulih lining ii.i I uM; lid I'.'iidi of I in . lilu t die -ill. .ion uf DUELLING STAGE IN CUBA The La Luciia Bemoans nn Unpleas ant Incident. Uy Iai luiho Wire fiom Tlie Assocl.ittd I'rc.u. ltavnnu, N'ov. 10. The papers assert that Sonor Tamayo, secretary of stale and government, has been chidlengcd lo light a duel by a member of the fnlon club, whom, It is said, Honor Tamayo and a. friend assaulted at the close of the recent baiuittet given by the Cuban society lo the visiting Chile ans. Senor Tamayo was detained by the police, but ultimately released by the civil governor, l.a l.ucha, bemoan ing the Incident, says: "There yet remain several more stages to be passed in the reconstruc tion of the country. Perhaps they are the most dlllicult stages, especially In u. condition of affairs where people are not actuated, by conviction but by pas sion, personal likes and dislikes and mutual distrust, Such bhiiiderlnir as has been shown by our otllelals would be incomprehensible, unless we decide to class them with the crowd they arc supposed to' direct and say that us types they arc on a par with the rest. They can never be iiuallllcd to direct the dcstlnIcs,"of the Cuban nation." COMPLICATIONS IN THE CASE OF MISS STONE Mr. Dickinson Threatens to Hold the Bulgarian 'Government Responsi ble for Harm That May Come toi the Captive. lly i:Lhisivi- V ,- tiom The Asiociateil l'rcir. So flu, liultturiu, Nov. 10. Informa tion has bdeu received here from Doubnitza that the baud of brigands holding captive Miss Kllen M. Stone. ,lle Aln'jri ,,l missionary, called about I " 'wlnight ago ..t the village of Smet- chevo and subseiiucntly proceeded to I the monastery of the Itilo, but the i movements of the troops compelled the brigands to .lice toward tho frontier, where they are now In hiding. It is also asserted that the brigands have recently been treating Hiss Stone 'tilth more severity in order to exer cise pressure and to compel a more ready acceptance of the conditions. , Consul General Dickinson is inflexible. He insists thut tho surrender of Miss ' Stone must precede or be. simultaneous ! with the payment of the. ransom. Ills I attitude is Justilied by the known de I termination of some members of the band, particularly the captain, S?an ilaslcy, lo kill Miss Slone and her companion, so soon as the ransom is received, owing to the fact Hint tho captives have now acquired informa tion concerning lhe secret committees. Competent persons, however, express the opinion that tho cupidity of the brigands will overcome the fear of re velations, and all such approve the de claration of Air. Dickinson. Yesterday Mr. Dickinson made ener getic, representations to the Bulgarian government against the movements of the Dulgnriuu iroops, reproaching the 1 otllelals with the fact that notwith standing their solemn promises to give I him all assistance In their power, their 1 action was embarrassing tho negotia tions, retarding a settlement and plac ing in jeopardy the life of Miss Stone. He made a definite declaration that tho Bulgarian overnntetit would be held responsible for the death of Miss Stone and of all the consequences of her death, should It be proved that tho attitude of the Bulgarian government lorced the brigands to kill their cap tive. THE COLOMBIAN REVOLUTION Frontier Troops Agitated Over the Report That the United States May Take a Hand. lly Km lu.lic Win- from The A-.-o. i.itcd Pre. Willeinslud, Island of Curacao, Nov. in. Advices received here from Ca pacho Viejo, dated November 3, fsiyet that the repot t from President Castro in his brother, Celestlno Castro, at San 1 Cristobal, to the effect that the Cnited i I Stales government insists upon inedi- Witlug between YeacHuela and Colombia, canted the greatest excitement among the troops on the frontier. General Vrlho-Uiiho and General Modesto Cas- i iro Immediately n-t out for San Cristo- I liii I to obtain details. I It seems that General Trlbe-Trlbo refused to believe the report, declaring I that lu; had no fears as to the future ' of the Liberal caus-e, because President Castro hud given hint a cast-iron pledge not to forsako him. "Should President Castro prove un true to the Liberal cause, exclaimed General Uribe-Urlbe, "tho result would 1 be his ruin. Tho war will eater Co I lombia before Christmas." l There Is considerable feeling against i the Castro family among the Colombian ! Liberals and along the frontier, in con- M-quenci- of a widespread rumor that celestlno Castro, who Is commander in chief at Kail Cristobal, has been pri vately selling cattle to the enemy, tho cattle being whisked across the fron tier by means of alleged raids of Co lombian Conservatives, Dining one of these raids a dozen soldiers were killed on both sides. It In said that the cattle change hands at a prearranged price of $:iu per head. The blood thus spilled Is chawed directly to Celestlno Castro by Lho Indignant people of Tuehlra. Fnnn S.tlt Cristobal Gi ueiat l.'tlbc L'rlbe proctcded for Alaracalbo, Dr, Blanco RealRns, Curacao. Nov. 10.- Pr. IMuurdo niuncu, VciiiiJticlan minister of foreign nlfti Irs, has resigned his poitfollo. Ho ivill be .-ucccidtil by Dr. I'achano. The cuui-c of tin- ivsliM"iUim was a dls-agiteineiit ngardlpg the Colombian iiiustlou. particularly the uiifier of j'risldunt Cu-dro to the Pau-Anieriiun congress In the City of .Mexico, which was rem without Dr. lllaucus know I- O'lll"". THE COST OF STEEL RAILS Interesting Pioures Shown In Special Report of the Industrial Commission. RATES FROM 1890 TO 1901 The Margins in. the Selling Over the Cost Pi .oe of Rails and Pig Iron. Increase in Wages Offset the Re duction in Cost of Labor Made by the Steady Improvements of Man ufacture. By t'xclusiie Wirj from The Aisociatcd l'rc. Washington, Nov. 10. The industrial commission today issued a special re port on an Investigation conducted by Hie commission regarding the cost and selling prices of Iron and steel pro duets from 1S0U to 1P0I. The state ment shows that in 1SU0 the cost of steel rails ranged from ?23.!)3 to ?.T 1 .", ; In 1S01 from SlM.ir, to WiUS; in 1S92, from Sli2..". to $:!I.S2; in 1S'J3, from $19.23 to $22.J; in 1S!)I, from $17.7!) to ?21.29: In ISM, from Slfi.tiS to $2i".17; in lS'JU, from $17.72 to $2n.(i!i; in 1SA7, from $ir..!l to S17.IW: in 1S9S, from $lfi.G7 to $17.81; in 1S99, from $1S.11 in January to $35.i"i2 in December: in 1900,. from $30.12 in Feb ruary to S21.S3 in October; in 1901, from $2t.D4 lo $25.88. According to the showing made, there was ti margin in the selling price over tlie cost price for every year from 1S90 up to July of 1S9S. In-lS'JO th niarft ran from Tic to $3.50 per ton , u.Mi from-?3iS9 to 53.S;; in iSi)L, fron om SI.G5. to $7.3.-i; In 1S93, from $4."i to ?S.i9; in 1S1M. from ?2.7l to SU.21; in 1S9?, from ' Sl.ltl to J9.0G; in lS9ii. from $731 to J10.2S: in 1S97, from -17c to $7.:i8. in 1S9S' the highest margin was $1(1.3;! in January. In July, a loss of 5e per ton Is noted, the cost price being $17.03 as against a selling price of $17.00. Again, in June of 1SUU, when the cost, price was $27.02, there was a loss of P.7c. In July of that year the loss was ?l:r.l on a cost price of $29.76; $1.13 on i a cost price of $32.15 and, in heptcm I ber, 41. IS on a cost price of J33.9S. A loss of about $1 per ton is also re ported for the months of January, February, March, April and May ot 1900, when the cost price ranged over ?3d per ton. Losses also are claimed on steel billots for most of the year 1900, and for lhe first four months of 1901. A loss Is recorded for every month in ISPS on billets. Losses are recorded for the last three months of recorded for tie last inree nioniiis m ',', ", ' ., ... , rr.,,p i...r com of utlZonr : 're in ism. when it was $S.C3 per ton. In 1900 the cost of pig iron was $10.33. Cost of Labor Reduced. Commenting in a general way the commission says: fleyoiid ipieslioti thtie hue been steady inl pnnotneiiU of lii.iiuifactiiiin; lending to rcdtici! tho rnt uf lalmv and inciileiit.il-; per unit of piodnct. On the otlur hand, the alliance, of w.i-ais troni ivj-j lu 1'nii opu-i.niy, as iiui'iuitii niiii tin. tin. i. e.ii iniiii-i i.-.lee linei-ilin:.-. no : iomiu io wtuei. n..., oe.. Mn ,.,. . '-"'- t . . ..... . . . . i . .. .: 1 ,t.l., .... !.. iifiiins, nuy in i".".i. inn.- wni. ..ii; ....u.ii... At jH Fain in itio iiiiiicmi x.cgai.11111 tltimisli mkIi inipiovenieiiK In any -ae, H I t,at JUnistor Wll has not been illforill lompjrison a? to ttt-ts will not be ureal!;.-v tiitol , ol. ,jis ,vr)01.te(i i-olief as Chinese Hiiall ,:toporti..n of the cot of tr.iiMoi.nins tho ' slated, the minister would not be sir- i,j-pective i.iw lnateuali into tlio uiiijiici pi". duel. The variation in prices is commented on us follows: I'vuluhly the nm-t coii-iikii'iin fail chown in the iliaKiatns is tlie u-iy i.iptd and wide varia tion. in the pikes of all tlnc-fi ot the piodiiet-i imnp tri-d, and mo-t oi air in the prhes ot p!u lion. Kvui in the cailier eut-, imt ooveted hy the dhiKianv, tho pike t-latUth-i nhow imllir sh.iii thiriititiou. The ill3;i.aiis lieu with pre Kii.tul bilntf out the meal and MidJiti dccltno in the piiei-? uf all Ihn-e pinduel.-i dnrim; the year 1H0. T'lit was followed hy .1 lonn and rtaduil tall, which hroiiKht tlio pike oi p'g iron d.iHii liom IjlO .1 ton at the liecluiilng of it'.'l to Sin at the end of leltf. A .sndd.m ihup iioe ill the iniciM i id! Ilnee piodtiet. ii loen in l'.r,, hut this w.t lollovrd hy an aliiio.-,t equally l.tphl lieilme, and during 17 and U'.n tin- prlte-i t-tood practically at a hot torn fuie, lhe mo.,t nolieealile niovetut-nt iowii In the d'i ciani Ii Hut durliiK I'M!, when the pileo of pit! iron ro.-o fiont ijli to ij-J.'i, and tho price of iail-i Irnin S17 h h-K. AI1nn.1t i-iiully Midden iiiul v.r.v gii.il, howour, was the ih-tlno in Hie ptiii-i if llifM' produit-i, epi-ihilly billets and pi; lion, iluiinK tho latter pait of inna. Sin.' Hut I lint! there' ha-i heeti ,i reeoveiy whhh h-ivin IhoprliTS of all tliteo piodnets e tmvldcvahly hii;le it- than fov t lie ytars ?') to l-'K 'ilicse niti-ii siuldi.il and Hulent lliiitu iti.au fhow, ainouc other liiilUatlwru, tlie Kte.it 1 hansel , In ilriiund fov Iron and Mi-el pvoihn-ts from t'nie lo lime and the nuiheil leiwltlvene.-v of pri.-us to 6U1I1 ihauues in ileuiaiid. No very Bute ttuil; of lion and s-teil i.-i ti-ually held In advance, und win a u pot lml 1 if prwperity rinses the estcn,! ,11 nf the Uie of lhe-e pritlueti the tiillN oiten lind thein-eliei teiupot.irily nniihle to l.e.p paio ultli the dirnand, hlle huveis. iinder nitiin condi tions, aio 1illi1r; to pay ahue.'-t :tny pi he, Steel Rails. A iiuleuotthy fealinv of tin- rllar.iin leearilint; tleel l.iil-. t llio taci. tint the- wiling' pii tor eoaldeialile r..d r.f lime tlirouslioui tin il i.nle enured hy tho IUuud Ium- heen h"hl inn loitn. 'Hub, llnouj;h U'jJ and Xll tlie iiniloini prleo iuinedai .M per ten; tlironsli IMil ii was ifJI pir ton; and thvoiiuh the latter pal t ot lVXi 1 and lit"! It wa-, W per ton. Tliw umlounily in prices is douhtle.-.; iIlm lo ihi i-Nlsli-nce ot pools ireui time to time utnotifr the iiutiiif.n.tilie.i and llio sudden chuiircs lullmlnir Hie pi-viodt ef utih ' loiinlty .110 pioUihly e.vplUatile, not .) iniuli hy meai ihtnges In ik-m..tid at the prei hu date 01 tho ihatnte In pike a by either the bieal.ini;- ef , pool" ov Uu ik'terminaliiiii on tin- 0.111 m the'r I tnamseiy ilut the pievtviidy Iciul ihKm Lin loo hleh 11 too lan-. It i vuy loniii-wiilv vi.iu.u in Hi ttade ji'iniuli dial the i.iniia prhis' .iicti. fin ilevl tail, cue not .ilv.as iiwlntaiin-ii 111 ptaulce, hul tint, n'etvlly ov ojciily, ...il.' am heln-jr made htlow the iniutiil latu. I To tertilll (Ntent tlie ihatecj In the Ptlio id villi aio folloiud hy ihawjcs in (lie prkc ef pU: lion. Inn the more or Irs-, .n-ilil l,il i.th-e 1,! rail Indiiali'd 111 lhe iliasut" I'euiiU lhi, pnap hlhm ttoni ieui- .i iloso .i 11 I, In ih' liijuit and ph; i on- W' liml Hut tin. ,, u) r.Ui. whli Ii itepi-iai lautily en Hi- prhi ol llio liii.l 1 1,111,1111 r.i, pin bun, JlIo mill It mole (tu "l.v (Dill 1110' ih li ni'i'llti lliie the -i-Hlii-! plo, while, in the nihil hand, it cecal wall twp.pe..i that 11 lety t-11-ldcit ilwi't'e in lh mIIIiiv prl.'U of ulb ip.'.'ik uiiaiioiiipiniid hy an ii.uct- in 10-I. Il n.il'.nilb hdl'ivn that i'io maiu lo- livd'n '!'c "f "ii'l eclllnj price !' a ninth mite Mrljblo niuntlty In the coo of Mill thin In tlie cue of ilct. The Rout InriciKc In the liiai'Rln dm-ll.K tlif var l9il Is tiotuwoithy, While Mill more fltllihii; l the hit tint (rem 1S97 li the tiiUltlln of I0U0 nlmnat no iii.tutii) jppMM. Putins W.'J tlie piire et mill illd not. Iticicife in rjphlly ,i cf ttecl tilllrts, .iikI In wine months l.tum-d even hehlnd tint nf lg Iron, m tlmt tin: tn.ufrtn en r.ills lor wtral tnontlH in lSW mul 1M0 waa fomldcr.ilily Iom lli.ni zcio. On the other luml, the price of uiU (lid not (all to uuMctily In 1M ns llio prl(o of pic Iron, or the covl of i.iil.-". n tlul for a ohorl time Ilia liiiupln t!"i to ery IiIkIi point, lint almful IninifilUlcly tbotcatter lulls i.ipldly to approNlin.itely rcro. FIRST M'KINLEY MONUMENT. To the Village of. Tower, Minnesota, Belongs the Honor. lly lltdailve Wire from The .Woclalcd lre.. Tower, Minn.. Nov. 10. To this village belongs the honor of having erected the lirst monument in memory ot il lituu MoKlnley. The llltlo town was tilled with neotilo today at the unveil ing. Governor Vnnsandt and other ir.en ot promlnenco were present in honor of the day. The speakers wore Governor Van Saudi, John Owens, Thomas McKcon, Uev. Dr. Forbes. The prayer and benediction were by Uev. Mjtr. Bull. THE MINISTERS AT LI'S COFFIN Imperial Honors Are Paid to the Dis tinguished Dead Li's Sons , Wear Sack Cloth. By Erclnsiie Wlic from The Asiocintcd Vtca. Pekin, Nov. 10, The foreign minis ters this afternoon went in a body, wearing plain' mourning, to the lute LI Hung Chang's yanien, and presented their condolences, according lo Chinese custom. Chinese soldiers lined the streets near the yaincn and the great crowds which gathered In the streets and about the yamen were perfectly or derly. All the city olllcials received the ministers In tlie outer court. The collln was in a spacious inner court, temporarily roofed. It rested 011 in altar behind a screen, and hud over it a royal pall, conferred by the em peror's command, an honor heretofore bestowed only on members of the im perial family. Many Buddhist priests were in attendance. There were rows of tables bearing offerings of food, amounting to several tons, and piles of paper money. Candles and incense were burned about the collln. Li Hung Chang's two sons stood near the casket, attired in sattk cloth. Be fore the screen was a cV'shion, where the Chinese callers madc prostrations. Tho ministers, however, stepped for ward, singly, and bowed lo'w. The dean of tho diplomatic corps read an address of sympathy, to which the oldest son of the deceased statesman replied in Chinese, the youngest son Interpreting his words into Knglish. The scene uboiU. the yamen was animated and i ; , , ,, ., picturesque. Hundreds of olllch g f ' " tho m-mdnc IM1,!' of Ul moUnr(' Hundreds of olllcials were Mounted frttn all MINISTER WU'S FUTURE. It Is Said He Would Be Glad to Return to China. Uy i:ilii3iie Wite from The Auoclattd Puss. Washington, Nov. 10. Minister Wu Ting-fang has received from Peking an o ic ill notlltcuiion oi i no ilea in of LI i ,, .-.,......- . iiuiig iui ik. juiseu JiL iil'ii imio.. in; iiiui ui.-i.'ii iniu ister tit Washington since 1S97, and undoubtedly would welcome a chance, to return to his native land, although it is equally true that he will not want to remain thorn permanently. The minister says that he has no idea what post will be assigned him if lie should be recalled from Washington. It was said a short time ago Hint sin important post In the Chinese ministry of foieign affairs awaited him, but now till the posts In thai branch of the gov ernment have been tilled. It is fell here that lhe appointment of Wang Wen .Sliao lo tako the place of LI Hung Chang as the throne's adviser in China's foieign aifairs will be ben- eflclal to JllnisUir Wit's interests. LUHBAN'S CONDITIONS. Will Not Listen to Negotiations for Surrender Unlil Americans Have Withdrawn. lly Kuliiiiic Ulio liotn The AM.u11.1ted 1'iei. Manila, Nov. 10, According to ad vices from Catbalogan, capital of the Island of S-'amar, Lukbati, tho insur gent leader, has sent a message to General Smith declaring that he will not listen in negotiations for surrender until all ihu Americans have with drawn fiom the Gaudara volley. General Smith has onlereel every American soldier In the Island tif Samar and tll b'laild of I.eytu never to be wilthoiit arms, .'icn at meal-tline. lie is determined that there shall be no mora surprises, and commanding olli eoi'H will be held responsible. General Smith also directs that scouting must continue incessantly, and that all rice and hemp captured must bo destroyed. Ho considers the capture of Ltikbun only a iiuesilou of a very short lime. DEATHS OF A DAY, 11 ri.w,Mio Wiic from 'the Aiijeialcd I'fits Veil., I'J., N'ov. !u. M'.. I.vili.e luwsnt III.. 1 lUnuliUr 'f Ih-n- 4nJ He latv Ml. (Taiiniey 1', IH.'i!;. dll at her latliv'j linini-. "llr.ik'.'," H1I3 i iiioiuhfii aui'd 4" earv. Allintovu, IV.. Koi. 10. ill ll oti Ti. IliruhiU, litriului ot 'Iw - hou-e of upvi'sem ali-i ,'1 mi l.eh'',.i i-oiii.ly item l-iil e, HI, ijted latl nl-ii.t, .ij.l Vi yu. ''' ' 'rl'' Jvaiv In- tauijh! , I. j1 in I oih), "tl AH-ih-i.' 11. N".iv uili, Nov. in.. Paul Ih'.i'ii, ii'ii-pit-i-liji'iit 1. nil f-euital il i'u' ot-? ol 1,'ie II ivolu.iun, dt"d t-il y tjl V.iiiisiovvn, S, ,., ktiiv , ,vcai. He ..i 4 hiii ot l-'U-'iul .lujijiti V.1ru11 Pev.-ie, wlu MKjdii In lhe n-wluol ami Civil mmi, and 1 i;ivat-!ram'--ii ef PjuI lii'Hiv. of l.voliaioiiar f. n e. SULTAN SIGNS AN IRADE Tiirkcu Has Acceded to All the Claims ot the French Government. WAR IS NOW AT AN END Admiral Caillnvd's Division. Has Been Ordered to Leave Mityleno and Re turn to Greek Waters M. Con stnns, the French Ambassador, Will Return to Constantinople Soon, Prance Receives Full Satisfaction. lly I.xclti-itre Wire fiom Tile Ai-toclaleil Pre. Paris, N'ov. 10. Tlie French foreign olllco has announced thai the sultan has signed an hade for the execution of his engagements Willi the French government and that the Franco-Turkish dispute is noW nt an end. Tewfik Pasha, Ottoman minister of roreign affairs, wrote a letter to M. liapst, councillor of the French em bassy, In Constantinople, notifying hint of the signing of the Irudc, which, while settling the. original French demands accepts the fresh demands as set forth in a dispatch to tho Temps from Con stantinople Friday nntl cabled to the Associated Press, together Willi uti ad ditional clause by which the sultan pledges himself to consider as author ized in full right the foundations, ex tensions, constructions and repairs or the schools and religious and hospit able establishments, which France may desire to carry out If the porte is ad vised of her intentions, and makes no objection within live months. France has thus" received full satis faction and M."DeIcasse on the receipt, of M. Bapst's dispatch this morning telegraphed him to inform Tuwflk Pasha that diplomatic relations had been resumed and that M. Bapst should consider himself as regularly charged with the affairs of the embassv. .Instructions were also sent to Ad miral Calllard at Milylono to re-embark the marines and to return to Greek waters, which is understood to mean I the vicinage of tlio island of Syrn. Ad miral Calllard will remain in the Le vant some time longer. M. Constuns, the French ambassador, will return to Constantinople vc.y shortly. 1 The additional clause was conceded at the request of France in order to prevent future clilliciiltles, such us the Turkish provincial authorities have of ten raised either on their own initia tive, in consequence of instigation by the uorle. Constantinople. Nov. 10. M. Bapst has received a dispatch from M. Del casse authorizing him to resume diplo matic relations with the porlo tomor row. it is understood thai M. Constuns will soon return to Constantinople. The Press Comments. Paris, Nov, 11, Tlie morning papers, in their comments on the termination . of the Franco-Turkish incident, fol low party lines strictly. The suppor- t tors of the government hall the out come as a gieat diplomatic, nio;lil and I material success. Other Journals eilhi"' ' affect scepticism Willi reference to the linal outcome or assume that it is reui- 1 ly ,1 check disguised by the sultan. ' Sonic papers even hint Unit France has actually backed down, owing to the coolness with which Hie poweis I luue received her explanations logatd- . ing Hie objections and the scope of' ' the naval demonstration. I "We hope the demonstration will be sullleient to restore forever the pres tige of Franco in the Fast." says the Figaro. "Doubtless the very near tit luru will show if so great a result has been obtained so cheaply." Tin.' Gaulois, while admitting that success has been achieved, remarks: "The instability of the government and the contradictory policy of its di plomacy, are such that even the sultan thought there was no risk in trailing the French like mere Armenians. The Mllyleue expedition Ik sild to have dis abused hint, bill must we always mo bilize a licet in order to force a foreign nation to respect us'.'" The Seicle remarks: "We have an other promlbi! added to so many. Wo tiro somewhat in a hurry In announc ing the end of the Franco-Turkish enn lliet,, The Petit Parsieime, which voice the views of the government says: "H Is for Frunei' a considerable dlplomatl' Miccess. The rapidity and precision 01 the nunemeiit of Hie squadron was a military success which Kiirnpu has no Heed. Our dignity In the Levant and our moral authority issue from lv conlllel Ineieasetl in the prusmit un ossured for the tuttirc." Austria Gets Satisfaction, Constantii.ople, No. in.-liurou P Cilice, the Aiistio'.IIungariiin uinbav-s-ador, has secured from the porte . satisfactory cut t lenient ol several cpio.--tlous that were pending between Tur key anil Austria. Tablet to Dean Murray. lly i:lus!vo Wire fiom The Associated Pttuj. I'rllicct 11, :' J-i Nov. 10. A Umlfoina fabM IP the iiu-moiv of the Ijio Dean Junics 0, Muir.j win iir.veiiv.il hi the- Maniuaiid chapel Ihi-i loon, iiw. Dr. IDniv Van Dvhe, head of the l.i.-;li 1 lU-iiiMiiii.o. il'lbcttd the premutation addie-.-,. Pinldi-nt I'.itto.i, etui ptesided at the n.riie'. aciTptul Ih1' fc'ift e din tablet on hclulf of tli liit-ici. and i.iiulty ef H.o univcwlty, 4 f 4 4-f WEATHER FORECAST. -- Wa.liiiiBieit, Nov. 10. Pair Mendiy. 1- Tu-.-diy. prohahly 1 tin; rMiit; leinpua -- 4 tnie; lrci.li uoitli to easl winil. iiiiieajitig -f- f Momlay iiilit. t , tlf iiHH.,t, wL k , m" - . IL ! 4 . A j ft. '& SJ,JfthVj