'ipijJ-tP ''aKtiiT5Al?9.t'nTfti,H?''-sn': "U tTT I ?- K , I l 0 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1001. H Mr"'VW'fM"-,v wtfyjvi.-'i: vp WEST SCRANTON YOUNG COUPLE GO TO ONEONTA WHERE THEY WILL BE AIAH 1UED THIS EVENING. Tho Gioom-clcct Is Willis Sweet, Son of the Well Known Clergyman, nnd Ills Biido-to-Bo Is Miss Emma Ludwig, o Dunn-ore Scvetnl Re cent Weddings Mine Accidents, runejnl Announcements Recep tion nnd Social Other OTntteis of local Intoiest. WHIN Kvveot. collector lor .1 I . Wil liams & Co., and Mis Ihumn l-iidul-, of Dunnioie. ihiuihter nl ail-, and Mi. 4. Oscar Tniilulir, of DtlnUei- stii'id, will be united in inarriaRe .il f o'clock tills cveiilim at Oncont.i, N. Y . bv lb-v. J. Tl. Kweot, D. P., fulli'-r or tin-j-roum-i U el. The reiniiiony will 1)p pel lot tiled In tin Klifit MelhodNt llpisiopal church, of Oneonta, of which Dr. Svvoe I N par lor, mid will be uitness.Ml by tin' im mediate irliillvps of tin- c imlr.irthiK TinTtl"s. Doth hip wfll-Kiinv.n ,oun:r people with a host of f i IciuN to con giMtulati' them. The i ouple weie in i ompaiiled on ihplr jmirnev by thp p.ncnls, biother anil sister oi the bible-elect, and Ilo w.nd Williams and Ch.itlei Sweet Alter a short Hip (luoiii-li York male. .Mr. Sweet ami his brltle-olei t will ie uil n to S-'einnlon ami beitm hntie-lipepin-r .it the i oilier nl I'oin t stieet ami Diamond avenue. Recent Weddings. I low. ml SwMitz. of M.iplevvond anil Miss J'vn Spanc-onbet,-, nl I'orbi'll av enue, wcip united in man Litre on Wed nesday evenim: by 1'lder '. I. Me Yej. of the Seventh D.iv Adv enlists. John Gallagher and MK; Aimcs Con ner, of Moildlan stieet, wcie mail led at 5 o'clock Wpiliiesdnv alleinooa at St. Patrick's (.'.itliedial i lunch, by Tlcv. Kather Dunne .Tolin .1. l.enih.in, of I'Mic-tnut stieet. mil Mis I'liahclh I'ushon. of l'vnon sticct, were man led n tenth In St Peter's Callied! al. William Siuinm. of i.os Hampton stieet, anil Miss- Annie j.jistei, or S til South Main avenue, wcie manted Wed lipsd.i.v b Itev. .Tames llenmnirei . Another Mine Accident. miner named Thornton. n-IdiiiK at T.ilor, and luo Vcilandeis, w ho-c names could not be learned, wen- I A Daily Reminder You will not l,i ! -.ippnitiltil in ll.ifonr'i Idr: It will iclinc tl.it (,'ougIi and Cold in one ingnt. FOB. SALE BY G. W. JKNKI.N'S. Careful Men Think of These Things The itcII dressed man will not sacrifice comfort and appearance, merely for the sake of economy. In fact if he is prudent, he will figure it out that there is no economy, when any sacrifice has to be made for the sake of a saving in price only. But Prudent Men Will not object to saving money provided there is no sacrifice in quality, style and comfort, and it is to such that this advertisement appeals. Men's Correct Furnishings Used to be confined to the exclusive men's furnish ing stores, Today we have a men's furnishing department within the store that equals in complet ness and excellence any stock to be found in any store in this city, and the price inducements are such as to warrant any prudent man in giving us a trial. Do You Wear Fine Hoisery ? Look at these on Saturday. Men's fiue Cashmere Half Hose in tan, black or natural grey, 'jCr The best 40c quality for JL Our Underwear for Gentlemen Kmbraces every thing there is in that line ou the market today from the best manufacturers the world over. Kxtra sizes for stout men. Prices for Cn thoroughly reliable qualities from OUL Comfort in the Night Time Can best be obtained in au easy fitting uight shirt, with lots of room in it. Fine Muslin or Out- Cfr iug Flannel Shirts in all sfoe-j. 6fc oties for -JvC Odr Lafesf Line oi $1,00 Sbirfs. 0tir New Winter Stor? Stock. Otir Matchless Neu) Neckwear. And Odr Neu)?sf Suell Hoisery. Globe Warehouse j .w- tuti-rlil by a full of roof In the An It bald mini ye-dordiiv morning nnd nil ui'ie s-everely tnjuivd. The l-olunderrt re.sUkd lu KcllH patch, wlicie one nl! them died shortly after Hie accident oeettrtcd. The uocldmt was jcported to the mine Inspector, w ho w 111 make tin Invoctlgatlon. Reception nnd Social. A trcpjitlim was temlpiod Thninns Klln-t nt II. U. Mnrt-nn'H hull, ininer or Main avenue nnd Jntltson pi i eel. last evening. The pioin-nnnuc consisted of an ntldlos.s bv Joshua J'llasj solo, Duthpi- Thomas; uddre-u, Hairy Ion Ulna: rolo. Atthur Tlioiiiiis-: recitation, William IJ.ivi: solo, ThonuiB Krant-li-; addre.su, John W Thomas; polo. Gmnr lteesc: piano folo", Mls-s Ilye-Je nnd MNs Jonei. An nildio.'--s wn dellv-Kd b. ThnniiiH l'llai-. who spoke of his leccnt tilp to Vli-Rinln, South WiiIph and other phu-is or ln! lest. A olo was then iPiideied bv MIm Lliisle Jcul'lno, tollmieil by a iclII.i lion by David II. William's-, aim a solo by Mlfs i-aiile I'van'-i. 1 tenia I Us were mad" by the ilmliiuuii, .IoMiuii Jillns, on New Yoik ilt.v. 'ake and infti e were Muved, and olcclloiis icmli led by the Tempeiancp CJlee club, Recent Social Eventh. Mis-. l.UIe I'any. of Noith Main niinuc, wan tendpic.il a suinii'-e p.nty bj a l.ir-jf niiinliti- of her li lends on Thiir-ilay i-venlns-. Tlie eiiiit was en Jo.vi'l by a'l ore-cni. The Colonial D.inclu-r ila'-s held llieir weekly niel.il lu AVashlnston hall lust evoniiifr, and the IVuK SolI.iI i tub, ol South Sciauton, nniltn-led a il.uue in Meais' hall List evening. Mi. and Mr-. John NltlmN-, of -.'17 Ninth I'VPii'tl .-itPiiur. entei tallied filoi ds on WediiPMlny evonlm,' in honor oi theii -.on nnd dnitf-htcr William nud Kimna. Two Accidents. CliiNtopher Jcnkin.", of I IS Suiith Iliomlcy inenue. ia-- stnn lc lu the eve bv a llius piece of sliel uieiiUy, while at woil; in the Connell buildiuff, and ve(iel injuioil. The Injuiv i.a--ilu"--ed by Dr. Pi i u. Ml--. Saiah Davli -. ol 11J Nuilh IJlninley avenue, while st.nidlni. on a box on a cli.iii, ImiiRing: a picture, tell heavily to the tlior and n.u tun-d two ot lnr lib.-. Hi, l.iiiil.ibuiv Is atteiul-lu-r hei. Jackson Stieet Baptist Cliuich. TIip ik-i event in ihc- 'onal lite of tlui tjiiiiih will be the Old Folks,' oji lort. to bo ttlveii b.v the ilinn, l'ml. Pavlp is woikini' haul, and it all lake bold ot it thfie is no doilbl but il will be a ginnd cucies. See that .von have our tickf is. Tin- pastor will tin an illusti.iti d temperance lcctuie. with teieotlcou view?. Sunday evenirpr. the lTih. Ml-. Annie Thoinis. will tedte the poem tu titled "The Miser ot a Lite." Special sei vices aie to be held on the last Sunday ol Novcmbci. The p.cloi then computes live e.n' woik. IJr. Wlialeij. of C'aibonilnle, will pieach in 111" moininsr, and Pi. Sprnrer, ot I5Lilelj, ami othei s will addiess Uk school In the tiftorlioon. At the evru lug ncrvlcu there will be n pennon by Dr. Spencer on the topic, ".Monuments Ministers Uulld." Tho fluR-ln-,' of MIm Dully ttnil wan very niit-.lt nppicclatod Iti-d Sunday nlsrht. Suipilsc Fatty. A pleasant surpilw pinty was t.-h-dei'd Mr. and Mm, Hobuit II. itntnc", tit their home on North IM-ecca ave nue, Thuit-diiy rvenlUf. A vciy en joyable cvenlniT was iipetil by all pic em, with music and Riitnei-. titter which rpfreidinieuls Wetp t-erved, Anion'; ihp inuslcnl nutnhers wcip piano poUm by Miss Kstolla Harbcr and Mr. I'Vntil; Schlne, nnd --ultiir nnd man dolin duets by tins Messi.s. (lelmlul. Tho.se ptPheiit were: Mr. and Mis. John Satifonl, Mr. and Mm. TJdwaul Allnpatif;h, Mrs. llcnty Lord, Mr. and Mt.s. Thomas Howell, Mm. Mlelul, Mi-h. CuuililRtit. Mr. and Mm. it. It. Thomas. Kntlu Stetter, Knlella itaiber, lUtii Wlllard. riinrc I'liiwr, Flotenie. Williams, Pen 1 1 Muiiay. t'1-irlie llloomer, l.lllle Mum ay, llesul" I'ltuian, Minnie I.anRKiith, Albertu Michel, Mniy Thomas, ltutli liarne, llslher Howell. Harry L. Swaitz, Fred S. Wil liams, Itetmau Poruhelni tins Doiu heliu, Chin los Doinlieim, Martin I.. Itojier, FiedPilel; done.s, Samuel Pit man, nilswortlt Tlioinim. ChrlHlopher Celmlnl, Clulstppe fjehulnl. Floyd W. Itoper, Itobeit I'm .pi, Andiev. Kran lek, llnrry Tlioiua", Fiank Schlne, Willie AllspiuiRli. I'uiieinl Announcements. The ruticiul of the late fellu Flvnn occurred on Thui.sd.iy aftuinoon limn tin home ol deceased's parents on Tweiity-lifth htic-et. Short pel vices vveic held lu St. l'atiick'.s Catholic chunh, and intfimeiit was made In the Cutlie diul cnuoteiy. The palt-beaieis wcip Fivink Ciioiipv, .lolin Dm kin, .Tospjih Cnoncy, .loliu Kennedy and Tlionms Waters, of Plains. The iuiim.iI ol the kite Clunk's (Jiarf, who died at the Ulll-ddi- Home, was privately toniliicUd .vci-tenkiy alfei noou fiom deccaiod's home, 14J South T'llmtm- avenue. Inli'imer.t was made in tin; Washhuin Mieel ceiiicteiy. The liinei.ll ol the late Mi.-. Mai Li Saul will take plate thi moinliiff liom the house, l.'JO Pi ice sinut. Services will be held In St. Patllek'" chui eh. and inlument will be made in the C.ithedi il i ciiicteiy. The fmiei.il of the lute Mi-. M.ny Moiue oi cm ted on Thiusiliy moi niii-? Irom the house, i oilier of Wcit Lacka wanna avenue and Chctnut s-trcct. A hlf,h m s of ivcpiiim was celehi.ikd in St. Patllck's i-atholie e-huieh, and Inteimnil was made in the Cathedial cf mcUiy. The pall-beaiers wcie Itich aid I.oneigan. Mlihael I.aikln, Joseph Sindii. Peter 1. McCann, Mai tin Gur l oil and C.eoiijf Kellow. The icnifilns of the late J. P.. rtusbell, who dli'd In NVallsville, w'eie Intel led in the W.ihbiun stieet oemetery es terdaj. The lodKt'S of which doi eased was ,i mombor had chaise of the sei vkes at the cemeteiy. The lenialns of Chailes hl.idl.s, a vonnsf man who vus killeil In an ex pkision at fiieensbuiK'. P,i , aniied hcie M-sfeiday nnd lennivcd to the homo of deceased's biotliei-ln-lavc, 112 Men i it. coint, fiom whicn place the fu neial will occur tomorrow afternoon. Intel ment will be made in the t.-.uh-edial i emetei v. New Gnrments. A meal v.ulety of Ladit-,- and Mif-; I'-- Lon and Shoi t Coats. It.it;. Ian--. Xen M.nkets, Dte. " MHATtS & H.UinX. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mi- .lames A. Uvan-. of Xoilli lljclr P.nU avenue, is tntei l.itiiiii) Miv. Andi'-ws, ol LanMoid, I'.i. Master Philip Ilaitmaii. or et L-iekawanua avenue, is lonlhud to his home bv nines-. Miss Xf-lia Ilopp. of I'airview avenue Is visltin-,' Iim- .sister, Mt.s. Adams at Vllci. X. V. Itev. D. U. lliipkin-, li.i-toi ol ih riist AWWi) n.iptlsi ehtiuh, was ,( ie cont visitor in Plvmiiaili, wheie he as- Sisttd 111 OpelllllK a mtt- (lllllcll, Pali lek Moian, ot ,I,u Khou i-tiect, lia lelmiiLil tioui a luinliun' tup at Mollllt I'm ono. I! A. l-hlllli.s. of W. si Kim stieet. has gone t" lie my, We-t Vliffiula, on a business nip. Mlsics Mae and Anna Latins, of Davcnpoit, Idaho, aie the guests of theii cousin, j Hai iv limns, ol Xoith Lim oln iiiLimi1, Mi. and Mi.-. .MadlK.in, ot Itiibokcn, ". J., aie the guests of Mr. and Mm. Fiank ,lilin-on, of Xmih liebcua ave-inii- S. S. Kies'e, of Petiolt Mich,, is vis Itiiif, ills .slsiu, Mi.s. c. S HePu, of Ninth l.iiuoln nveiui". II. c. Doyle, nod Ms i:il..ibeih Doyle, of llopwill, aie vlsitiiis Mis. Lenihan. ot Cliestnui sinet. A sun wis H-eently bom to Mi. .aid Mis, iCdiiioml I,ewls, of Monls loint. Mi.-, .I.nnt - .rones, of Iluiiltoul, is v s. IthiK h'l sii,.', M).., iMw-.ud Tlv.ilif. of W'aslihin ii stiei I, GENERAL NEWS NOTES. A foiie of men woio at wntk .veslei duy i ilslnt- tlio Scianlou Itallway (omiuiuy'.s tracks on Ninth Main ave nue, liontliiK West P.nk. An moil as the work Is done ihu Hue will be opeiiul for traftlc, The inenibei.s of St. !,iur.s I'Ioiict Corpr aie making nnaiiKenicnts for lioldhu; a lit yri.iiitlieniuiu hh1.i1 in Ha near inline, A iihoIIii-; of the mips will be held tomoirou- uiteinooii tu.ll': the dalo for the event. The Vouiir People's society of iho Chehltiui Htioot ilenuan Presbvtetlan chinch will (ouduci an entPitainineut mid in c);. tie hoiial 111 the chuifli ne.St Thumdav i'enius Thltels nic mi. Iiir; ac !' ceiitH each. Tlu old lnlks' coiiceil at tho ,1m k Fun Htreet Uaptlst thiirch will bo kIv ui mi Thui.-diiy evenlUK. Noveinbpr SI. Pi or, David K. HtiKlies had i liaise of the i liolr itdieamal nt the Pl mouth I'oiij-i i Rational cliuich Im-t c-veniiiK- In the absciiie ot tho leular ihoiMi-r. Plot, David Owi'iic, wjio has foiie on n iniutlm- nip to MontU'c. Tim I. ilr committee' ot tin Patrlotlo utJii Sous oi Anuvieu will nieut on Sunday ut'toiiicnu at J,:io n'tloik. Tho liuiuc of .Mr, ut'd Mm. David M. Davis, of Djnou t-tject, has been brlKhtcncd by u now aiilval. Mlbs, Pcrtlia IliuoUs, ot (iuiildbboio, has K'ti-.nicd to her home, after a pleas diit visit with the Mlstes Deem, of Not tli Hebtcca avenue. K. J. Slice-In nnd M, .1. WlilbtPd. two well-known joune' men of ihls .side, v.lll open a pool and hllllaii! loom In the Pali child buildln-f, l'.'t Xurlh Main ave nue, on Nov ember 15. A largo liumlici ot frleuilh of AuRiiat Fill, of Jacks-oil Micet, tcndeitd him a. miipiIm' p.ilty last cvcnlm; at liU home. The kucsib spent a vci,v enjo able ovenlns'. The Home Mliloiiaiv cnli'iy ot Hip Wafhbiiiu Stievt Ptefbv leilan ihuicli KNOWS NO DISTINCTION. Rich and Poor Alike Suffer fiom Catarrh In Tills Climate. All obsetvant phynlclan.s have noticed the enormous InuiPiise In calnrihal diseases In tpcent yrm-c. nnd thu most llt-crnl nud cnllslitcncd have cheerfully Riven their npprovnl to the new Inter nal remedy, Stuait'.s Catairh Tablets, as the most successful and by fur the fittest lemeily for catairh yet pto tluced. One well known entail It .specialist, as .soon as he hud made a thorou-'h test ol this preparation discarded Inhalers, washes and sprays and now depends entirely upon .Stuart's Catairh Tablets In tieatinp catairh, whether lu the head, throat or stomach. Dr. Itlsdell says. "In patients who had lost the sense ot smell enthely and even where the lieni Iiir has begun to be affected fiom int.mli. I have had line iP"iilt.s alter oulv a few weeks use ot Stuart's Catanh Tablets. 1 can only explain llieir action on the thcoiy that the cleansing- and antiseptic piop ei lies ot the tablets destroy the ea tairhal Reims whet ever found, because 1 have found the tablets ci-unllv valu able In uitanli of the tin oat and stomach as in nasal catairh." Dr. Kstabiook say-. Stunt t's Catairh Tablets ate especially useful in nasal i atari li and catanh of the tlno.it, cleatltiR the meiubiancs of mucous and speedily overcoming the hawking-, coughing and oper toiatlng-. Anv sufieier fiom catarrh will find Slitfiit'.s Catairh Tablets will give im mediate lelief, and being In tablet loint nnd pleasant lo the taste, me convenient and always leadv for use, as they can be entiled In the pocket and used at any time as they contain no poisonous drugs, but only the e leanslng antiseptic propel ties ot Ku calyplus baik, Ouaiaeol, blood loot and Hydiaslin. All dtuggists sell the tablets at r,0 cents foi complete tieatment. weie entPitdincd jesteiday afternoon at the home of Mis. (',. W. Jenkins, on South Hvde Park avenue. Miss Lama Stubblebine ami Miss "Moi lis Thorn. i, ol Pellewie, Iflt !" teiday morning for "VVIlkes-Daiie.w hcie they will spend . tew cla-. The Hrminle dance- will be held at Mens" hall next Tuesday evening. Tlviv will be a special meeting of the West Side Wheelmen tomonow aftci nooii at J 30 o'clock. Allspaugh Ibotheis. cnntiai torn, me fueling- a substantial dwelling' for Mis. David S. Hushes, on Gai field ave nue. The Donmicaii P.ithois of the Now To: k T'loviute will open a mission at llolv Cio-s chinch i ommenciug toinoi i ow . .Mis. u D Thonia.- will eng.inUe a fe ni ile chorus this evening at Co-opeia-tive hall to compete on the selection, "A -mit' Laiuie" at the Noith Si l an ion eislcddlod on Tlianksv igitig day. News has been u-ceived heie of the death ot Miss Lelth.i M. Waildal, in Timid. id. Col. The l.imily foimeily 10 sideel on Noith Proinlev avenue. Mei chant Kinuiu-r. of Ninth Main avenue-, his taken po e-sion of Huston- loom in the V. M. 1. building, 1JJ Noith Main avriuie The Lltctiii Cit. ball i I'lli will play Wheelmen's eleven Wheelmen's fool ihe Ciien-n nidge em Thanksgiving eh iv. The alumni teams of Xos. 1 1 nnd I,", schools villi play foot ball on the We-t P.nk gioiinds this liioitiing. DUNMORE. l'u-t Methodlsl Upl.--.opal chilli h, llev. Chailes Heut.v Now iug, pastoi. Sei vices at 10. 'lu a. in. and T.:;0 p. m. The pastor will pi each at both i-ervice,-. Moinlug sllbiect, "Salvation by Con U'Sflf.n." evening subjeet. "Sowing and Ibaplti-,." cia-- nieellng at tin- eo-e of the uioinlng sci vli e; Suuda.v mIiooI at a."ii p. in.: evening prayer civlie at ti.aft o'clock. The special ei vices will be'i outliiiied till-lomli1',-w-ii k. Theie Ins keen ,i good alteudanci' the past week, and It is hoped that even mine will iitterd iluiiug the week to onn . The singing- Is i se elk ut, if jou lull lo attend tin- sen lets, jqit aie missing a gland nppoi lunlly ii good. Tlii- Ttipp Avenue Chilstlau ihuitli. Pte.'ichipg both moi nlng- and evening b the p.istoi, lev, .1. 1!. Diilmey, Mm nil. g topic, "Hondngo lu Urmii:" evcnlniT topic. Our ciiUenshlp," Sun day sihcol at 10 o'cloi k. KvPiybody iiMdi w clciiine, llev. Duvlel Spcuiicr D, D nt P. Like ly, will pieach lu the DudKy Stnct Haptlst tluuili loincurow al'teinoan at a o'e loi k Itiv. W. P. Clhbons will lontlnue his series ot f-i'i moils on liiaveu toiuotiow (veiling, Inking foi hi- ilinue, "Who Will lit. to IIiMVPiiV" How. ml Ilarpci. of chmy stuct, and Mbs Lydla Hovce, ot Hutlei mi eel, both well-knowii young people ol this pl.ue, sitrpilscd their many li lends ,ves teulay by aniiounelug theii minrlaRe, which took place at Illntihauiton on Thursday, October ill I'm the tupf-piit they will les-lde with Mr. Ilnipei's pu cnts, on chiiry stieet. Mi. Ilnipir Is one nt tho town's be-t known .voiing nun nnd l.s employe. I In the nei minting dc-paitmcut of tho Temple Jtou torn, pany, Waltci tiii-avi.-.-, ji . Is confined to his homo with Injiuk-s loielwd while dilv luff his- fnvoil'i' pony yesKulay, lie luckily cMi.iped without any In niton boi.es, and will be about again In a Hil da vs. Mls-s Com Ii lee, of Caiindenal.i, te tuined lo her home jcBteiday, after spendlntr tho past weil; In town. Mlfs Catherine Tcelor, of L'lm stieet, Is vIsitlnK- friends lu New Yotl., Miss Leah Cut mil, of Chriry stieet, Is visiting- u lends lu IVutoiyvllle, ractoty Inspector TJIshop Is dilvlng a flue new tin nout, piuihutcd ttoiu c, M. Ik-Its esleiday. The woiknien nt Muuav's ndnc-s wcie paid yestenlay. New Gainieuts. V ftieat v.ulety ot Ladles' and Misses' I, ling mid Slmtt Coats, Lag Inns. New Maikets, Htc. .MKAltri JlAlllJN. BEEN niDOE, (dlii-nl-it coiiiininiloii, No. 2ti, Knlulil- ol Milt I, villi work Ibtf M-IU ilif-rfe: nevt 'llnilliy i Milne, .Vol. II .New- t'liticil xil. tliren Itliluc MukC l.imy Ink iiilr, in. en lltiUi' Muki-t. ' llev. t' 1. .liinr, cf Sew kliiK'Inn, tiiiii'ii' liml eomil.i, onurlj ulr nl I lie SStnu I'liiii gellul tli-jri.li nt IliN (Hi, vbltcl liter I lllilge! fllrtiil! lliU VM'cl . tJtfeti Irnllli stanipii with ,ill iisli -il lata, IIMum Mulct. ll'li, ii.uli'ij oihI el nil". (Ifii-ii lllilf M ukct. , Night iiliool will i'Ikii In So. '-'" ilioil tan eli- eiunlui:, ultli l'tufe-riii- J, II. llj'War .n li"ietiri, licli -lic-wil piins luikc-s ami elikkllH. (lioi-n lllilp- Mitrkil. ' I'lfill vrisctllikw, nil khuN. ttiCCII UlelgC Mat- I.t. " New Gniments. A gical vtulely of Ladles' and Mles' Long tt i nl Shoit Coats, IJng Inns, Now .Markets, Ktc. ' MKAItS & HAUILV. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. An Escltlng Game of Basket Ball nt Auditorium Between Cracker- jncks and Defendem. Tli" laigest eiowd that ever gath 1'ied at the Auditoi lllin to witness a game ol basket bull eiowdi-d Into the spacious hall to witness one of the best plu veil games of basket ball thai bus been plaved In the Audltoiiuni In some lime. Dully 'inn people wlliieed the game. The opposing teams weie the Ciaekei licks, of this section, and the Dolendeis, or the South Side, cham pions of Lackawanna county. Hughes, a member or the St. Clair team, champions ot Peiinsjivanla, was the star ol the game-, playing all aiolind the other b-llous, and In the latter pait of the second half he was knoi keel uneouseloiis, while i milling up the hall, bv running into on" of the Delendeis' men. and was uneonse Inus for about 111 I eon minutes, after which he icsumed his position in the game. The v.oik ot the umpire which the De lendeis had, was unsatlsfucloi.v . He fnvoieil the Delendeis close plays, thus enabling Hip South Side team to In i ivase their seoie bv tin owing baskets on leillls, whli li he celled on the Ct.uke-i jacks, when llieie was no need ol them. The linn! sine v as U to tl, but the game was foi felted to the Cratkei i.n l.s, on aeiount of the De lendeis infusing tei llnNh. .follow lug Is the line-up of both teams: Clld 01 II k- P'flllfl"!.. Wels iislil Imw ml ... -iiidor Hi ni iniin It ft (olHiliI M.lnt.re .MMc-, until Kuie! s. Puis Ml mini . . . O liue-ii II. lliiii iiklit iiiid IVti'lern.ibt 1. Dm-, Wi -niiul viorntitv D.tskets weie tin ow u by Kane, Unc oil Inuls and one Horn Held, for the Delendeis, nud Hughes thicvv two lor the Ciai kei jae ks. I'mplip Quliiii. lt"fei ee Mc i 'lu-kev Biithdny Paity. Mis-, Minnie Tlinin is entu tallied a few ol her mauv freliuls at her home on Putnam stieet Tluusday evening', the oci asion being her thiitcetitli biitlidav. (Sautes and otlnr pally amtistineiits weie iiululgcel in until a seasonable hour, when lefieshment. weie served, alter which the guests dopai led lor their homes. Those piesent weie: Misses I'cssie. Lewis, Sadie Low lands, Minnie Thom as, Uniily Thomas, ltaehel Owens, Klhcl Owens, Maig.net lliehaios, Kliabeth Lowlands, Kdith Lewis. Jta i hel Lowlands, Illodwyu Thomas, Maiy Moignns and Mary Uichaids: Mosst. Jtobetl Pa ice. Thomas Lewis, Thomas P.htk.v, l'lauk Jones, Hiiuley Davis, William Thomas, .lo-eph '"'o hen, I I.n i, v Thomas and Pav id Thomas Postponed Week. Ne.st .Monday evening is the unii lor the November iis-,e;inbly ot ihe Sci .ni ton .Men's society, ot the Noith laid, ov. ing to ihe Inability ot thu speak-:. Lev. J. 11. Wiialut. D. D to be pus em ltc-M Moiiilav evening, the as-em ilv villi take place (lie evening ot the 1Mb. The liteiaty anil pliilauttuopic i eiin initt"e ami social lomniiltce aie mak ing special pieiiaialiotis loi this No veinbei ineetiiig. Dl. Wlialell Is ,l populai lectutei ami at ihe men's meeting week attei m t, he will speak on a -oilal theme, or a tailor lu leveling the clusseo of society. An otiliestia will enliven the occasion with nui-di . and the -men's luncheon," w hit h was so popular at tlie meetings last .vear. will have, a plan- in tlie assemblies this wintei. New Gaiments. A gl'-.H vatlety nt Ladies' and Ml-e-' Long and Slunt Coats, Kag-lain-, Ni i M. ii kids. Kie. MUAIIS .v. UACIKX". TOLD IN A TEW LINES. I'llul t- llllasti I Seigeaiil William I.n tleliilm, ol llie Kleveilth leghuelll, t'nitid Slates legular anuy, who has Just joined Ills leglinenl alter spend ing a month's le'iivo ot ab-eiuo with his pan uts In ie, has b, en oideieel, W till Ills tegililellt, to thu PhlllppillP 1-htluK Oil Pi e. 1. Iti v. i '. A Spalding will tcid.i paer Indole the llaplist Mlnisieiial eeinlel i nee on .Mouda.v uniiiiliig ou 'Panilly AVoi ship and Its lllstor.v.' Seniles will be louducln! at the Ninth Main Avenue Uaptlst liibcrnaele tomonow at the usual houi.i, by the pasloi, llev, Albeit Hatcher Smith. Piol. ,1, S. Mac.Muney will sing at botlt set V lies. At IO.mO ii. in., the- lllellln s, 'The Tiiinslotnied Life"; 2 X) p. m. Siintlay ti hool: ciulstlan Kndcavoi in ti..i0 p, in,, nud at '.) tlie pastor villi ile liver a spuilul senium lo .voiiug wo luen. lion, William Aliuilmm. M. 1'.. will dellvei a lectuie on 'The Labor IJltes Unii In Ureal Uiltaln." on 'I'lmr.-day uveiiing, Nov. y, in the Ninth Mum Avenue llapliot label tun le. Il will be the only ledum ou ilm lalnn iiucsllim that he will deliver in this dtv, and tuuloubtiilly he Is the highest annua lly of Knglaud and WaUs on nils I'ltCStlOll, The Alpha li.iuia tool ball team de -fenled til'- lleiklinets, of liiecti ltlde, jtMtPidny iifteiuoon at Sanilci. mil's park, by the. seoio of 0 to 0. Itoy till lehple niado iho touthdow n and Col lilis kicked the goal. Nel Friday nf teinoon the Alpha fininas will play Powell's Indians til Athletic p.nk, owing to illness the dalo ot Mm L. M. liiitu't- addiess has been poslpoitcd to Nov. 17, nud Miss Anna Ann Noit, loinier seili'taiy ou the South Side will speak Monday. Nov. 10 tit .! :10 p. lit. 'ihe meeting will bo ot' special In leUst. The week iNtelidlng ll om Nov 10 to IT is set np.nt us u wick ot puivci lor oung wotueii and a pta.ver seivlee will be held in the assoelatlor pailots al .1 p. m. Monday, Tue-sda.v and Wednesdtiy, to whhh all who aie Interested iue Invited. SOUTH SCRANTON FUNERAL 01- MRS. SH0R1EN I'ROM THE RESIDENCE. Remains Wcto Taken to Cedar Ave nue M, E. Clnnch Wlieic Scrvtccn Wcio Held Functal of John rioe licit Who Was Killed Tuesday In tho North Steel Mill Roaiin--Biook Conclave of Hcptasophs to Celebrate Their Tenth Annlvei saiy Other News Notes, Mis, .lames Shot ten was laid al iest ypsteulay aftcuiooii with impicsslvo sen Ices, from the family leslilenee. L'lOJ Cedar avenue. Long- bufme '2 o'tluck. the hour sot for the obeipilpa ti gtettt tliioug- ot soriowlng li lends nnd neighbors gatheted at the gtlef Htilckcu home to pny their last le spcetn to a kind mid loving ft lend and win thy neighbor, whoso gentle dispo sition and Ciulstlan character had eu deini'd her to all with whom she cnuie in contact. At 2.:!t) p. m. the ipmaliiH weie taken to the Cedar Avenue Methodist Lpls eopnl clnnch, wheie a high tribute was paid to the deceased by pastor Lev. I 1. Doty. Ititeuncnt was afterwauls made in the Koiest Hill cemetery. The pallbeaieis weie: David Hinn plncy, Joseph Shorteit, Arthur A. Hew itt, Thomas Wlltshlie, Alfied Haines and Chailes II. Maicy. The numerous floral tokens weie borne to the giavc slele by Owen MpIvIii. William Powell, Mat tin JelU'is and Mneky Ilickey. Laid at. Rest. Tlie funcial of John Froeliih. who was Instantly killed Tuesday arteinoou at the Noith Steel mill, took place es leultiy alteuioon in the pieseiue of a Luge assemblage ot nelglibom and ac quaintances. Including the fierman Ilenellcial soelelv. which was mai hliallPd by Matthias AVelule. The lenialns weie taken iioin the family lesldence. "-") Alder stieit, to the lalhedial. wheie tlie last sad lltes of the (iiiiuli weie obsened. Intei ment was afteiwuuls inade m the Ca thedial cemeteiy. The pallbeaieis wcie: John Tonkins, John Roitr, A'le tor Stci n mid I'lod lJleu. The limeial dt Mm. Hannah li. Pavls will lake place tomonow afternoon at 1 o'clock sharp, fiom tlie home of Mr. and Mis Uvnn M. FiimuK In Oieen wood. Sen ices will be held at the house by Lev. Hauls, oL Tavlor. and Intei inent will be made lu the Diut moi e cemeteiy. To Obsoive Tenth Anniveisaiy. Hoarlng Utook conclave, No. 211, Im pioved Older of Hepta-ophi. with he.uliiuarlcis In ir.itttnin's hall, have begun uiiangenients to eelebiale the tenth anuiveisary of the .soeletj's oi -ganlzation. An excellent eonnuliieo of hustleis was appointed by the pitslding- ofllccr at the last nici tlnj, who will meet ne.l Piiday and decide what foi in the lolc biation will take. As the aflan- does not take place until Jan. -.'!. theic is siulliieiit lime to picpue a tine prn gianime, and as tne committee weie given a lice hand no expense will be spaied to make it a memorable occa sion in the annals ol Heptasnphlsm. Ito.nlng- Uiook conclave is coiisldeied one of the solid institutions ot this side, and counts in its metnbeishlp a number of the most pi eminent elti.tns lu this pal t ot the eitv. roinier Resident to Wed. Ml. and ills. V. L. Teippe, ot T.'.l Cedai avenue, weie .vestcrday in il ecipt of au Invitation to attend the wedding o William Adolph Se luuldt to Ml--, Helen Ji -sie King, wlllcll will take (line e on W'tdncsda-,, Nov. -7, at the home ol the bible's patents lln Pine sllnr. Hallstcad, Pa. .Mr. Schmidt Icnmd the bit-Inoss as a diuqgisi with Mr. Teipii and Pitvul with hint as civil; over seven veam. He was Inn n on this side and is will known in the vleinliv. At pie-out he is engaged a- head ileik at I". I' sands' phaiiniiey in (Sie.it T'end. New Gai incuts. A gleat vaile-tv of Ladies' and Mif.-i-' Long and sdmil Coals, Lag !aiu, Xi w Maikets, Uti. M HA US S. llAUKX. NUBS OF NEWS. Vu niiiii'-llus -i "Ion el (,iiui-l oiai 1 1 lit' in unii it, knihlitfi el Vlilti, v J- 1 1 dl ai Halt nun's 1 .11. mi Pill-iui ii.niii. la-t ridiiiii., linn eiif i nulliljli i. Initiiliil nil .1mii tlm llil ikgiei V -lust s.iilil ms.ioii ill mill. Vl,, I ill! Vlltll. II V,l, rtl.,ll, Ml.il III, 1.11 lii-Mliii.r the Mill, villi liu Mltll. Mis ilim 1 1 Mill I, l Mlllutt ln I. li in-1 ii I luiiii" 'ml iv Hi.' Kiiiuih linitliu., Mini "ni' .nui-tfil ni Wiilnsilii t"l ih-Diiliilv i iii'lmt, in "Hi I') III (OlllllV iJil l"i tVillll ili' I" MJciitl itu -lull- M-tllllll Vli liiliii'.tiii-. .. 11,11 ct tin1 loulu i lull .i I tlJ li.-. mi inn,; In tin' oim-. Mwmii'i ' lius'iiii i... iiill.ui i. ones, mi ti'Ui .aiinii, "nt n .li In MtlHllM' ultllii- "I- liwile In Ub sllon.-, tun ,i iit.ni el lit .i-.ut 1 ill, ii. Li -nnili, .itlciiu'li iniiiIii," in I itilie villi be loi I,- Ul .V. 1', lo til. I il ml V -le in-, oi -mlli W i-liliuini .in iiih. .mil Mi. It" i vlliii.ni, in -until Wn luiiiK .imiiui'. will I" liiliml til wiill'ik lii)ill, tin Vllililli liili'n ilim ll's i la-.- lim it In J'l ! nl, li. lui lii.lrmliiin, lil rviiiiiu. snue tlie nl.'lil imIiuhI, "I UiL ihv open mi Miliiln, Noi. II lliiw ili-niiiS I" ililn Nf. -nl ml i .in lihUir I'liioilin nl-jlil, N" . 'i,' lie. II II II , it il s nl 'I k OBITUARY. UAXhO.M UltlliliS. one ol tlieoldisl nnd iiiii-i pioiiilneiit iliitin. of this lit), til- il .vtftuiliiy ,ilt(iii-ioii nl I o'llock ,U his lioiiu, -Ml South llydi P.nk itveuui, lie had bum sbk lor ovet a NPiii. but was nnlileiil.v tain u ill with piiinunonln on Wedncsdnv. )u sni.k lapldl.v until In parsed awa.v. Ho was Inn n lu this city in IWS and was 7S i iim of age but lor uulal .veils he nsldul lu Cllfioid. Susiiiiih.'Una ciiuutj He winked loi lllin n vcais lis welijhin.tsicr al tin- OMoid mine, lie was a devout inelilbfl of t' - Wiisli Lili u Stieet ITesbyteilait ihuicli. H was man-led to .Miss Muis.nci Shan non, who died tlsteell eais ago Inst New Ytni-f. He Is siuvlved by line mi)i Attouiey Walter Iltlggs, a Inothei. IM win Hiigirs, of I'llftord. and a sister, Mis. John Shannon, ot Xlcthlelicm, Pa. The funcial will be mudi'itul pilvately at the house Monday noon at L' !10 by the lit. v . in. John i'. Moit.it, D. D, of the W.ishbiun Sticct Pusb.vtc linn i Inn eh. Tlie lemains will be luu-ued in the faiullv plot at West Pltision, Pa. NOlt.MA P.VA.NS. tlu ft-. eai -old daugl.ui or Mi. and Mm. John Lvaiis, oi Pileebun,'. illul cn)y -.cttoid.iy inoinlng. Dei eased was u nleie ol' Mine rorcman James A, i:aiis, of the Dhi-nit-mi. The luneial will ociui toinoi- nr i 0 i it vvondetftil, bat collee i? Injuriojs to tlie netves and digestion tit most people, li-. raiiic ol Ihc ciUcinc in it. The nhosphiites and hypo, phcnphltcs added to Dr. Hand's Condensed Milk make eullec of. nctual food value by neutralizing tho etlcct o the coffee drug. 0 e 0 DR. HAND'S A PHOSPHATED f 0 CONDENSED 6 0 MILK N, it the greatest of. all nerve lootli ami body builders. It tastes like rich crcani; gives a delicacy ot llavor lu eoilc-c; maktJ it a refreshing drink nt all times. Dr. Iland'u Condcnscel Milk is best tor summer use. Alv ays sive-ct jou don't need ice. Book free. Tho Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co. 9 9 9 Srranton, Pa. Uj(BlCT(Ki)ClJlP8BTIlllllTMr AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Husic M. I1L1S, I.cafc. , A. .1. Putty, Maiia;or. IUO HI Kks, COMill NCINU Honday, November 4. Huntley-Harris f6 In i Itipriluiic nf l'i lo-l)ite Plai. O,on in.? unii a His bccnic I'iniluiiion ut An Innocent Sinner i urn v.u'pr.vtu.r vi is 4 V C ll lojtl nf Spend .-Ktilly. 1'iiifs to, ai .mil .i) uiii. VI itliiop.-- 10 .nut JO e tuts. STAR THEATRE Jvl P. (1 Ill.ltUlNti-lO.V, Manager. I hm -il iv, 1 ml iv ind Mtunlii, Nov. Till, Slh .mil Itli TKANS-ATLANTIC BURLESQUERS tin l!l' II utlv Slimv. GRAND CONCERT, Mme, Lillian Nordic riio Woilds l!ie licit (imiil si"fft, VI It. liOVIAN MI sV1VI0NS, I ., In lonnection with tin; lomtcculj lomeit ol The Stl.iutoll Sv million-. Uieliestl.i, Thcodoie llunbel RPf, Coil dm tor, at tlie New Armory, Scra.ilon, Pa. Thursday Evening-, Nov. 14, 1001. llll.lllll ei(!l ll l'lUlll'-. VIll-IC S( o Ilinn. el e Noe ,lli lf0l, ll 'i i III 'iphh ttnv 4!nnfiiilrrt nr. itn.iii'in M.i.,n .i...v.i .lnv .l Iniunvenlenfe, ani'CllonjinY I lu.wWeti.topnllia. -u.V,uu'V IicI.h unii l:ilecllnn Inli. low when 111 - lenialns will lie taken tc XaiulcoUe tot intet mint. ("SPY Ti!A IDS, of 11.' Clb-on .-itieet died 'lluu-ilay eidim,- nt T.tlii. ruuei.ii set v lies al the Iiohm s-aiuiil.ty iileht at T :.a o'clock. Funeials. Th' i'iiucuiI of Mis. lluniiah Davie- villi tiiKu iil.no Hum Iho linmo of Dvau jiaucls. al i iieettwooil, at J o'clock. Inte.nient will be inuda In Dunuioio i cine tety The fiiiiiinl ol the late t ', M. Stan lev Will take iilnie tills attcilioon Horn tlie iidii-c, i in mr ol .lell'cison avoiun nud Linden stie-et. The leninlns villi l.e i iKpii to l.i'siotshhi, x. Y., on tho I,'" 1 1. in l.ai U.tuuiina ttalii. to tho horn ol dei easi d's 1 i othei -In-law, li. I Sabiieool, limit whiili plate the lu neial will take pi, ti e Tales, of Oslikosh. Illlkirh, V, - , I. mi' ,f 111. nii.t ulu t-nl )il ii i s III the uuilil, lli; rr in nilitr t nil lily ln-ol-lrtit limit'. Illie k it ii'iutu, ni sn, sjn ivl.lih llliUii llitneiltii. e ensile Hull, Inn lln nut, Hi 111! Ill 1.1 Ml ,lMlltl llllllltl llllll llll!ll,.lt .llllft .H 'llilll.ll.il" lllUM IMu i-licil, l.n.-li ft II ihln .an ikli kii.'.i.linii n luilnii.iii in tlirir ii'ie t-d'uil lli H ihir li no ailruiiil in Uitni mIi', lilai i iii.isiKi liiu.i nf Hie wilnl ulo, nr m .l ni 111110111111111.-, jml mi isi'ij tint new1. iill jiiUiin .liu I V iinlivllle liiili'iiiiti i lun ill M llllll. I III llalllt U III II .1 Kll ll 111 mV ltilli, lii lliU 1 1 1. 1 1' nil. lint I lie i.niii' ix a iu.it ii U'lltlull, Illul lllll liu Xlltl llli' I'.NKt,. ill h .!!,! U -.'I.IIIH' III ll"' 111 I J of Wl'iell.lll nil, I.I I llS ilnlp lll.ll llillCmii II, 'I III' lll Mllltln r.lU lllll ItJtWl III 1- llit- t ill I v lli iiinii'nl tie li iiui , III in.-, liui t iti-ii f llhll.- fllllllt-1 Mllltll, ,lt tlK' llull'illl i I ikl l linn lujn, .!. the liul Kllliiniiii ni I ml tin l..it, wlmci' I ii in It limit' , mil tuiiiM i utun e nli luiiili ll nliis .ui' I iiiivli'M irn . .1 ' 1 ii.d .iii,iiii,i.u in ii,iiIiu I lie lt.nl in ln illiii. 'Hie .Itliv.il niltii'i 11 Ulu- Itler. mli.nl In nl..u tlMl aih.iiu ii' In an ji 1 ' id linluii viiiliv. Vt .1 KU'ii iuuuii 01 ( ml inl.klii 11 u.i-i iini ut'd ami (. tnulb "'I lint III" i Ultliitlit tluuili he luiinil in Imihi' ui I hi- liu it 0,i!.iuli, 1I1I1I 11 tlto Wli.mlii,' .- I nun llnl lllll': ulilutl 1 ijuill "in tnii 1 ll. ililii intiiJiVii, (a e il.iluir it tui 11 lib iluv 1 1 1 11 it-ilf li nil, el lilt il.lil. I 1 'li'! 11 I.K, V.lll llC IUI ''lllll' llllll IllK'l J.. II c tlulr niurtu lal, 1; n.u lln iiiii,iiuih ai loi nf j loul tin l.ae up 1 Mini Url ilicw 4 tuition lu tilt' pnullillilUi in tlie v "nl 'Otll l.o.lt," ,iml vim flrt snitul uunj it lie llt l.ll ll'MUt IlUt tit). 'Illik Ultllii- "s O'llrlllll l,v j.kiiciI in ln inicr iliu ii Jcuiih in til, liiliiv lilt 1 fbliixb il -ill ! iiinnniii. lilt 1 mil ol lib lulUliiviui miiillU" mi UK ilnllic. lulu, hi lui urna.', Ills ,UII ill ' 1 11. ln no.- Jliijiliiel in, -tui uut cl in 1 I 'tin cil! illul- In Mo'tili ' a-UiJ tlii 11. in .r 'nil. jil-i luill "H' u' (I'like.li, na 11 m fun Mllli lln U v " "Mln, mi il'-'f till"". viUl Hill 11 SJl Witt 1 fUO M.l ..Oil. "Sl, JUIMiU," lll IUI fllloW, III o kOilfl l-l I jl WllI.JUl, Ui III' i'UUOl eltt 0 111 pi)' M- pill vf .1 ltl'Lvi i'll'l V JllnJA Dtllel lil"0,li plcl el li'lliuli Jtulu.n.1. ' libit il'f Jo'i "i 0 tlui tilltiV wife lull si; ilitn -li,(!, lllin NiJ till, lllli..'-. EiS rav Hr3y'r-