9 Vr y 3 ,s .' -irr,l '; fcv- rcva".TA t7ran!7t WF v'ftff Wftf rt k. . 23; " t i - 1 J ) V I i ,, n THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- 8 AT CBDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1901'. r wm.'w'Mli'B'' raBfc' v.i "?, ixxxxxxxxxxx; THE UOBCft.t HArtDWAnB STOItJ. Bosley's Weather Strip.... Keeps out the cold nil keeps III llli' in in. (lion rutins a eituhlnn foi' tlio itfim to settlleo iiq-nlliMl (ills down fuel little, Is ennlly lilt t on, uuono mil iln II. Prices 2c lo (ic per ft. TTii-io Ht .fiiat" In. 1J9N. Washington Ave O XJOQOOOOOOOOttJ FOWLER COAL CO, vctall dealers of the Celebrated ni.l) n.l.UMIO.ST, lot!'.' Itooin 50, Conl Exchange to.M, nr.i lM.m n id sv i'm or m. Children'sand Infanfs'WinferCoafs AlU active novelties lor mil, in the new eoloib ami cuts-. Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spiuce t.ieet. Office, Toilet and Towel Supply U fiirm-.lt 1.1 " 1 cN Wnklv. llli linnl Funic (initUil ml. e4iluiiei, bcvckil iilitc lull lot, n ml,, I ill Imt-li, ttl-K lrmiii, flmi1 Milk in; or ni-oii iili-li .mil n'"inl imlit toip foi 5.1 pci uiontli Wo liiMiilio pilion's lnnii' en towila ami ion lucnc 'iiii- uniiliilt. Ml MIX. IT ackawairninia lUi 11IU" SOS-310 I'ciin avenue. A. B. Wannan. M'li ni I p.' NOT AWAKE YET. Councilnicn Don't Benlizo That They Have Been Stiipped of Power. The inciuliiis of councils .lie -low in n.ili.liiK tli.it. lliev have boun s-hoin of 11 fTio.il deal of thoii powci.s by the "tippci" 1111. Councils eon Ned both eMiullve ami legislative functions uu iUr tin- thiul ilass lily ait, but thev tan now cM'icfso only puiely iorIsI.i- tiVO poVVUS. The- pass-.iRO of 11 1 11 tain lo.solution bv heloct 1 imiiLil (in TluiiHd.iy night Is pci haps thu best evidence of the fail that tin'1 m.ijoiltv ot the louncihnou luio not ct awakened to the full mouniiiK oi the lieu oider of things. A lesolution was adopted bv select coun cil e.uly last .spilni? ealllncr upon the hiiptiinleudent ot polite to luinlslt eounill 'with 11 monthly lepoil of all nbsentatlons fiom dutv on the pint of imv of the meinlieih of the lone. The suoeilntendent sent in one Miib lepoit and one mhIi lepoit only. Cotin illnian rosmmc of the rouituntli Mind intioiliued n 1 (.solution at Thtlis lay nlfiht's iiieethiR alllnK upon the f-upeilntendeiit to explain vvhv he lulled to obe.v the oiIkUi.iI lesolutlon The i evolution was adopted without liny objection. As a niatlir of Met the louiull has about as much Mipei vision over the hiipeilntendelit oi pollee under the "lippei" bill as it has over Governor Stone. The supeiintondeiit ot police Is under the .supei vision oi the dluilor of polieo hatcty and doesn't tin n hlin?lo moment have to ohey any u'so- lutlon whkli count 11 may p.n. If the eounullti wl.sli ,v Infounatlon leKaullmr iuunlt.lp.it matteis the.v i an f,'et It by nppbliiR 10 the leiiiidir, but. tlio Mipeiintendenl ot polite cannot be foicid to supnlv It TRANSFERS OF PRIESTS. Changes Announced Yesteiday by Bishop Hobrtn. lit. Itiv M, .1. Iloban, lilchop of the Snantou dlocei-e. made nuiKiuiueiiiiiu jebtenlaj ol tmnsti.i.s of piloeLs, ah lol lows, Itev. Jtienilali r Dunne, oC I.ovclton, to succeed Ittv. .M. l. I.Miiti, of Jet 111 n. Itcv. ruinU JluiK, of Tieilaml, to I.ovvltou. Itev. John Moon, ot wiiiiauifpoit, to rreelanil. Hew .Tallies (illluesly. nl Haie, to Wllllunitjioj t. Rew atiphen O'ilojle, ot l.lttlc Miad ovv, to $3,1 ic, Dlbhop Iloban will go to Hiuletou to flny to adiulnbter i oullt mutluii at St. Oabi lei's iind the I.ltlumnlau (lunch tonioirow. He will u'tuin Monday, Mine Hotit John W, Haines, of diu Hrunsvvlek, on Bin mo htiet-i, will bej'VP imihl pl toillKllt. SinoKo the new Klcou Oi ilgar, The Natural Bridge U tlio ililv one (I lU l-Ulll IllH H thu Ohlv ( OX.-hll. .10lti vi.l of lliu-tt'ii Wiou i'lf 'loiuinjl iogiiM h inula bv liigiiincib In (iIjiio tlu'Iy. (oinv nul ta for join iir. .1. .vurcd I'cuulinr- ton, Plicetoi, J lllll I'JI Ip7 NEWS OF FIRE DEPARTMENT INSUHANCE RATES MAY SOON BE REDUCED. Ftcsldcitt Jackson of the Middle De partment's Boiud of Underwiltets, Was In the City Inst Week Secur ing Infoimntton Changes In the Fho Alnrm Code Go Into Effect. Descilptlon of the Regulation Ovetcont to De Worn by Fhemen. New Hoi PC for riankltns. 1'iPnldcnt .IiKksou of the boaul of flic undenviltotH lor the .Middle de partment, was In the illy this pait week, seeiiilnjr Infounatlon leirnidlnpr the iiindltloii of the lite department, to be innsldeied ot the next ineetlnij of the boaul. He was especially Intei ented lu the hydiantH and vociued a map Hhnvvtiur the location of all the Ihe livdiantH In the illy. Director ol Public Mafetv j I,. XVm inner bad a rouvei nation with .Mr. .Taiksim, In which the latter stated that 11 was ety llkelv that the boaul would lake up the tiueslon of the le du tiou of the loial lates nt the nt ineetinpr. The matter was dercucd u the last meetliifi-, he fald, for nevciat leasons. "I tcel." j-aid Dlleclor Wounsrr ,ch kidav, "that the lebate riueHtlon is what Is agitating- the Insuianeo people. Thev pionilsed, when the rates wete advanced, that they would rctimd ihe amount ol the Ineieahe when thev wei again idlueed. They don't app(ar to be (lcslious of giving this money bnck until they uie absolutely conllilcnt that our the depailtuent Is lu flipt-cl'ts.s blllipp. "Wo have fulfilled all the ie.ison.iblo ieiuhcmeiits deiiianded when the In t lease was undo, and I feel confident that the i.iles will be soon reduced. AVe must lemembei. however, that we can only pi event another Inueabe In lates by Keeping oui lli o depattment In fhst-elass loiiditiou. founiils must no 1oiik( r be nlfTKaidly in appropilutiliK money for Its nialntenance. Thty must ic'ilie that this is u eonslnntlv mowing illy end that our Hie dcpai t uient should pi ogi ess also." f a The lepeater at the telephone e ihange, which lepeats the alaim sent In fiom ti bo to all the fhe houses In tlio illy, has been out of older ior the KisL few weeks, and an espcit elec tiieian fiom the Oamewell Fhe Alaim Telegiapb onip.uiv ai lived in the t ltv ve.steiday to ateettain If it can be used or whether a new one will be letpihed. The new tlio alaim ( ode, mentioned at length In The Tilbuno home time no, went Into foiee yesterday. A ipi i lal set ies of taps for the ( ailing out ot anv sepai ate company in the i ltv dcpai Imont, ha been prep.ued by t'hlet roibei. It Is as follows: sumhI inil Muni limn. icpolliliK ol bor. 1 In' mil. J lip-, Hi oX in I I hMci coiuiuii), .) ii'-; supi.li " laon. I tii: diudor ilcinitimul of pnlilli -ifi l , " l.ips: liulldiiifr in-i'cilni, n 'ip: point iitm1, 7 I ip4. nnliuhiKr, b tip,: jxiii ul il inn, : I ! t.ips ( lii inn ll 1'nsinc roiiipun, o i, ill lips Xo :, t i J up.; X'o. I. m : nps 1 lulnc (nmpint X'o. I, J J 1 tips No. 2, 2-J-2 tips, M 1, 2 2 " lips, No 1, 2 J I tips; Xo ", 2 2 ' t ip.; liorf (oinpniK-, ). 1, .""1 tips; No. 2 " "i 2 tips; No J, ""ill ips, Xo 1, ,"i "i I tips, Xn ", "-5", tip-, Xo. T, S 'i (I-tips; .Xo 7, i ' 7 t.ip- Theie has ben a geneial leauange ment of the numbeis of the tlio iiKniTt boi s to pi event confusion. Tlio ( hauges tippear on the new Hie alaim sheet, whii h is now being disti United by Chief IVibor. t w Ho many of the liiomen hae asked for infounatlon i colliding the i emula tion oveno.it, whiih they will be 10 ituiied to wenr this coming winter, that Dhcctor AVoiniber has issued the following older, deseiiblng the stand aid oat: Double-In easted fioik coal, lolling lobar, tnided seanis, tnade ol Ameiican Mill Melton, iluik blue in lolor, same as adopted at headcpiai teis; pine indigo blue dve. twenty eight ounces per aul, In length lo i each to the Knee; to button ilose to neck, v, lib eight huge legulallon bul lous on each hi east, tluee on each sKii L behind and two sniull-si.id but tons on eiuli euif; one outside bteast pocket lovued by laigo outside flap, two hi skills, covcied bv huge flaps; -Kill to be lined with led siiniiiken flannel and sleeves to be 11m d with best I vv 1st sieivo lining. The lepalis to the Oheinluil i iiinp.iny o. ", in old I'olumbla house, have Jusc been completed, and the pl.ue is now In a faiilv teniintable tondltion. Time Is much that vet i cumins, to bo done, but no tin thi i lmpioV( meiits will bo made until Diuetor XVounsei Is satls ihil that theie will be no moie cav Iiir at that point So jaiod h 'he loiidlilou uf the lioises In the (lie (hpaitiuont at piesont, that onlv two new ones will be asked lor this coming oui. Tlie.se aie tor tlio old li'iaiikliu Hnsino (ouipnnv, or for Uugine icililpan.v No. !, as It Is now known. This is thu onlv uam in the dcpai liuout that is In bad (omlltion. PENDING MINERS' STRIKE. Up the Valley Temple Company Collietieb in Opeiation. The tour Uickawnnua fount col lleiies ol the Temple lion lompany have icsuintd opeiatloui", but the tour In Limine- county loiitlmiu Idle. Just what this move means Is not known. The lompany lellglously leii.ilns tiom making any stattnnnt. Dlstilet Piesl dent Nleholls, of the Fnlted Mine AVoikcis, s-ald tsteidiij that he looks lor no Intcivuitlon that will pievent the sti Ike. "1 legiet that tlio company choocert to take thlt' couise," said he, "It has nothing to gain ami evtt.v thing to lose," Theie In baldly an possibility of a (oiupiomlsci lit fnir effected, The locals altioted by the pti liter held nice-lines last night and uiianliiiously decided, In each liisluiue, to obey the stilko older to the letter, Unless the company u siliuls Its (leelsloi) to letuso to ie-eiu plo Ihe nllesed blaikllsttd men before Monday, the 1,000 omployes will bo on .Ml ike. " NEW NORTON BUILDING. To Be Elected on the Site of Build ing Destioyed by Fiie, M, Noilon, the bookman, bus uvv aid ed thu contract tor a new building-, lo take the place of tlio one on Latka w'aiina avenue destioyed by (lie last fall, The new building is to bo completed and tend foi occupancy on Jan. 1. ,, . .. . Vole Ihe btraight Hepublican ticket MORE MARINEB ENLISTED. Thiee Sent fiom This City to League Island Navy Ynrd. A (iln of yoiiiiff men wcie enlWUil tit the linn hio leei tilting utritttm, 111 Wy oinltig avenue, this week, by Major ll. tlai noil. They will be sent lo League Island navy yitul, Pu Monday next. Tlav weio lia N. Carpenter, Mm its fUone and Augustus aelliany. all of this city. It i sevpected that the minim; mii gtess will hicieaso the niailno mips lo ton thousand men, thus utToidlnir Hie young men now enlisting u good chance for promotion as they will be well (mined by that lime. The ilepailinent Is inueh pleased at the ilass of ie nttlt.s thev me obtaining fiom Scran ton find xlelnlly, as they tuo blight young men with u itcho to see some ot the woild on some of fnclo Sam's new battl(slilp. The marines liave good ciuartcts and food both on land and sea, they me also piovlded Willi (lotblng, it(., In addition to their pa.v, which Hinges finiu ?k! tosu per niontli, ucioidlng to seivittulc and null;. SPEAKEASY ARRESTS. Ex-Councilman Edwnid Fmble and Patiick Cawley Fined $100 Each by Maglshate W. S. Millai. 'i'he agents of the Muntilpal League again denionstiated vesteiday that they aie still in business by causing the niiesl and soeuilng the conviitlon of Hx-Sulect rounllmau Hdwaid Tria ble, of the Nineteenth waul, and Pal lkk raw ley, of Alder stieet, on c hniges of selling liquor without a license. The two men weie anestcd In the a f lei noon on wan ants Issued by Mug Istiate Millar cm Infounatlon swoin to bv Atfenl Hobei t Wilson, of the league. They weie aiinlgncd befoio the magls tiale at l."0 o'clock. Mr. Trable was lepicsented by At torney Joseph O'Hiien while the league's Intel esls weie looked after bv Attorney Fred V. Heels. The only wltncf swoin In Ihe Fiable t,i"c vvas Anthony lleffncr, who sild that he put -chased beer In tumble's plate a lew c1a.s ago and who also testified that It was titled up as a bar mom. The league bad two other witnesses leady to testify but Ml. O'Hllen said that it would bo tinnccpss.ti y as Mr. Fiable bad no defense to oiler. Magistrate Millar imposed the full penalty of the law, a lino of 100 and $7..",0 costs, in imposing the line he said: "f feel tint theie .no mi inltlrfatini; clicumstniu os in this use. The licensed saloon-keepeis have piolestcd against the speakeasies and this 01 ganlation lias taken upon itself the task of wiping them out of existence. The defendant line vv he was -violating the law and he had plenty of warning in the other miosis whkh hnve been made in the last jear and a half" Cawley, tlio other defendant, is an imioituu.ito nipple liauilv able to walk about and he piesented a pit table spiet.ule as he sal ciouihed up in a heap on a chair. "Ho ou want a lioat lug? Do vim deny the ehaige?" asked the niagis tiate. "I do not deny it, our honor," Caw ley leplied. I'm guilty and I can't get out of it." "I'll impose a fine of "SlOtl and costs. Can ou pay It.'" said the magistrate. "Faith I can't, jour honor. I'll have to seive ine time. Theio's no way of getting aiound that, either," leplied Cawley. Ho managed lo get a bondsman who beiame tunipoi.uv suiety for his fine latei in the evening. Maglstiiito Millar instt uited Agent Wilson to (ojiiisiato all the litiuot and hiloMc.ints of any kind found In Caw ley's plate as well as all kegs, glasses and other saloon paiapbc 1 nalia. These will be taken to the Municipal building and destioved. RICHMOND N0T3 CLOSED Employes Would Not Woik with Boys Who Had No Cmds Mine Shut Down Indefinitely. (leiieial Manager John 1!. r,iikn, of the fa'ci.iuton Coil conipan.v, esteulav issued an older closing down until luither notice Hiclnnond No. :: eollioiy in Noitb Set. niton. Tlio older was Issued because the 130 men and bovs emplood at the mine i el used to go to woik jesteulay inoin ilig. The caul committee, which exam ines union cauls at the bead ot the shait, lepiuteil to the men that some ot the diivor boys had no l.ikIs. The men galheied outside lefused lo go to woik until thev Joined the union ami sinned cauls and dlsjitised to their homes. The iliiplo.vos ol the Pine Hiook mine of the same company unit woik for a similar icasou Inst month, and it was over two weeks betoie tboy got a limine to go b.uk to woik, the mine having been shut down Indefinitely. iJlOO Rewaid. The Su union Hiillwav lompanv will pa a ikvvutd ot siuo loi luioriuatlon tluiL will bad lo the appulu iflnu ol the pin-on who placed an explosive on the tl.icks of till fJieep Hldge People's line, on Capouso avenue, mar Ash Mi c ot Pi Ida, November S, Iful " Our Collies .no all c kaued, scouud ami diy tousled; liesh eveiy week liupei lal Tea and Colfee Co,, I.'.' Spiuie stieet DC 10c, $4.T5 Box, Mi Favorita Brevaa 10c Vauceito $1,90 box 6 for 25c. El Rocio,, $2,50 box Garcia Conchas... $3,ftO box 4 for 25c, Charles the Great, $2,90 box 4 for 25c, Sweet Violet 7 for 25c Club House $1,00 box 5 for 2c, Sweet Belle 75c 10 for 35c, E. Q. Coursen 11 1 HUNTER SHOT BY COMPANION SAD TRAGEDY ON THE SHORES OF LAKE SCRANTON. William Pllger Shot and Instantly Killed by His Cousin, dcoige Rln glcsteln Gun Was Dlsclmiged Accidentally by the Titgger Catch ing In a Button of Rlnglostoln'ri Coat Chaige Enteied at the Back of the Neck with the Victim Only Two Yauls fiom the Gun. William I'llau. aged 20, of Kit liter Bttret, Petdsbiug, wa shot and In stantly killed .vesteiday bv bis cousin, (leorgo Itlnglesleln, aged 117, while they weio out liuutlmr near Lake Scrantoii. It Is almost cot tain that the shoaling was 1t1eldcnl.1l. 'I hey slatted out loeelher ycs-teulny inclining nl 7.20 o'clock to hunt dink nt Lake Scianton. Tboy weio going along the east side of the lake about S 'in o'clock, at lending to Hlnglesteln's sloiy, when I'llgcr saw a duck and called to Hlnglesteln to liutiy up. While th" hitler was on bis wnv to catch up with Pllger, he met a oting man fiom Diiumoie, whom be knew slightly, but "not bv name, and who, like themselves, was huntlnr. Just about tlio time of thl meet ing Pllger called nut that the dttik had dK'ippeaied. Hlliglesteln thcieupon stopped to conveise. wltb the oung man he bad encottiiteied. After a few moments tlio oung man slaited away, and ltlngletein tinned about to look for bis cousin. The double-bait clcd shotgun be was eauylmr aeioss his aim was dlsehaiged and Pllger, who was lauding only a .ud or two away, leeeived the full chaigo In the bead. THiiglcsloln sa s ho was rnrilng the ban el of the gun ncios bis let t aim and giasplug the stoik, near the ond, with bis light hand. The bammcis weio laised, but his flngeis weio not in leach of the ttlgger, bo sas, and his belief is that the tiigger was eaugbt In a button on bis hunting jacket as he turned bis bodv about to look for Pll ger. DIHNT NOTICi: HIM. He did not 110th 0 his cousin Until he saw him tall. In a luny of gilef he liishid to his side, nnd finding him moitallv- wounded, picked up bis own gun and bioke It Into a doen pieces. The unknown young man, on healing the shot, tm neil about and, nccouling to Ringletoln, was in time lo see PI1 gu rail. Hlliglesteln wanted the voting man to stay with the body until he could go to Dunmote and give the alaim. The omi(7 man lefused to do this, but said ho would (jo and (jive the alarm If P.inglestein would watch the body. This latter plan was agiccd upon. The ouiiir man told a biothci -In-law of Pilger, a Michael MeLoughliu, of Little England, of what had happened, and then went his way. Nothing has liceu henid of him since, and no one knows his nauie. AVhen .1 paitv tiom Dunmnie, .11 com pinled by Umlei taker Letehwoi th, ai lived at the sCtne of the shooting, Hinglestoin w is found sitting on the gioiind holding Pilgei'.s mangled head lu ills- lap. The bodv was taken to LctUivv 01 th's undei taking establish ment and later to the homo of the widowed mother. Mis. ;va Pilrru. Itmglesteln, who boaultd with the Pllgeis, also went theie and leniuiiicd about the house until .1 o'clock, when Dcteclhe James McGiail, ol the Dun moie police, look him into custody. He was taken to Disttict Attorney Lewis' otllee, and after County Detective Phil lips bad seeuud lrom lilm a statement, bo was committed to the county jail, pending an investigation. Tlio victim's older bt other, Joseph Pllger. accom panied Ringlestein and atted as bis In tel pi etei. He say-, thcio is no eitiestion but that the shoollna- was aciidont.il. as his biothcr and IMnglostein weie the best of fi lends. O.XTLV LATHLY AP.P.1VHD HillKlostclu has be, 11 in the inunliv only seven months, lie K n labour In No. ." shaft, and unman led. The v h -llm was a car-i uniier at the sanio col lli y. He, too, was unman led. P.inglestein was appiicntl veiy nun b altccted by the Kllllnc,. He lieely an sweied all fuc -lions asked hlni bv the county detective and the newspapei men without hesitating a moment lo flame the ausweis. Kveiv cvIiIukooI guilt was wanting lu him. Coioucr Itobetts held an Inmi. ,t m d pei foi mod a post-mortem on the bodv or Pilger lust night. He found that (bath was riuiSid bv a load of shot enleilugat the medium line In the back 01 tiic- incif, Uailng iiwn.v the spinal vei tibiae In lis nuiu-e, and extending upwind into the head. At the time of the shooting Pllger was evidently not moie than a y.ud or two awav fiom the end or ihe sun bmel and the wound was badly seated. The unknown oung man was loi.itid dining the oaily evening. He piovcd to bo James Hills. ii(. ns pic sent nl tho Impiest and gave his ae count of the happening, which fully c.voimaUd the cousin of the) dead man limn any blame. The following Mi diet Was lend, u d; "We, the undei signed juiot.s enipaii ntlcd In tho ens-o of William Pilger, llnd that the above-mentioned William Pllger, of 07S Hlthter stieet, Scianton, cnine to his dentil as the tesult ul the accidental dbibaue of a nun In tho bauds or fleoige Hlimlcstein, on the bill day of Novembu, llml nt Hake Scianton." (Slgueil) Hintst Mcike, f'haile.s r.vci hait, Michael McLaughlin, Christian Schlple, T. P. Lolehworth, A, M". Hone. The dead man Is suivlvod by the fol lowing: biotheis- and slsteis- Pi auk, f'lmilts, aeorso, M.uy, Paiollne, Kate and 13 vn TATAL TALL Of ROOF. Andiew Batkovsltl Killed in Belle vue Mine. Amhew llaikowskl, aged 20 eais, einpoid lu thu Hollevuci mint, was killed by a lull of loof while at woik yesteiday. The body was teiuoved to CtiHlek's motguc, vvheio It was learned his head had been cms-hid bv tho fall, Cotoiur Ilobeits was liotltlcd and viewed tho lemalns. A Juiy was 0111 pauneled nnd an Inquest will be held in the case. Dec eased leslded at jo," Elm btieet, and is suivlvcd by a wjfe nnd two ihlldieu, who icsltle In Poland Rummage Sale. The flu en Hldgc Haptlst ihuub will hold a minimise sale at fi.'O Spiucu stirot for tlucv days, Satuuljy, Mutt day and Tuesday, Smoke die I'ocono 3c. cleur, HAD NO BURIAL CERTIFICATE. Coioner Roberts Was Called to Car bondale Yesteiday. A lad named lldwutd McDennott, of Cfliboiitlulf, was InJuted In the Conl lb 00k bieaker on Wednesday and died a lew boms uEterwauls til the Hniei suiicy hospital. Aiiangcincnts had been mailo for the funcinl eptoidny nfleinoon, but ut Ihe olovonth hour it wa learned that nn butlal leilillcato had been IpsuciI. Cor oner Huberts win not untitled of the foe until this complication nioo, and Iniineillately went to Cnrboudule 10 niake an Invosllgallon. Ho leal tied thai tho boy had his loot and loir mushed bv a lovolvlng cog wheel, which was left uncoveied nt n point where the boy was obliged to pass in going to hltt woik. His leg wan 'o badly ciuslied that amputation was necessary, and he died as a result of the accident The paient.s ot the lad allege negll gence, and demanded an Investigation. The coroner decided that an Inquest was ncrcssaiy, and coiisoticnt)y will hold one. Ho Is at present engaged In collecting evidence, and will conduct Ihe healing ut a date to bo announced later. THE FUND IS GROWING. Additional Contiibutions to the Mc- Kinley Memoilal Fund Aie Acknowledged. The following contiibutions to the McKhilcy Memoilal fund weie leeeived yosteiilav II. Stlllwill .. .. si oi HJIII nil OniiK ... 1 01 Mi. It. Slilbtcll .. 1111 Mm- i: Wc-lre .. 10) VI m. A It Moll it . 1 (V) Women's It c 1 i 0 t fi M. Unite v I Oil Corp? J.OO Mm. G. M. Mtilloy . 1 foi The following contiibutions are fiom emplovcs of Scianton Lace Manufac tuilng company: Mr. If. W. Tdlnr.?l 00 I oul-c I'. Vfoflllt .. 1 0(1 11. W. T.nlor 1 CO John rii-nnbrrliln. 1 W XHss ItllliK Taelor. 1 On V illEjiifi s.nllli ... 101 -MIn. Iloiotliv Tijloi 1 (K) A. ll Kicfor 1 Cm Mi's hatlirjn Tijlor 1 m Wlllhni llolnn .... 1 no l'ail ll llclln idO PUttlii Mcirimin .. 1 mi Mi, 1'iul II lichii 1IX) I'miU W. Ouoil ill. 10(1 Hintr lli .In 1.00 Willhm flirt. .... 100 H. J. 1111 100S. A. sshcpliciil .... 100 Mi- 11. .'. II ill .... l 00 Fiom emplo.vos of Ciieen nidge lion works; 11. lh m h . . . si n I tin lid Cos . . . t 00 Kiitliiilne Mi II ile .. 100 Willhm A. fu .. 1.(0 Vlnlii Mill ile .... 1 no t liiiWw Swirl ....1.00 I.' 1'. Niftlclon . . 1 00 h. A. fpenrti .... 100 The following amounts weio contilb uted by empires of the Scianton Axle woiks; If It Wii-cnlliie . $1 0) .Ufieil B,iniilii- ... .2". b P. Mono . ... lOljIcnii llt-t 25 .1. I". Vlrt'tu (K) I'.iliicl. Winl 25 Tliomis (.iillltlis . . Oil 'llioniis Milltr "0 (. Pitssti 50 T. J. Iliislics, .... 25 V Miiitiunuille .. .35 Mm Wj,ci ... .', M I. V.iWi 50 llklniil Willi mis . ,2i -Vlheit 1m UL 50 1) M Duii 5) 51. O'Milltv '.", ilitiv (.. Ht-i liev.. .-.) 1'. 1 lotti 50 1! A Mnoio 50 1 iln.n,l Hummer .. .50 .lolm M1X1I14 .50 Xh Clo-spi J5 Kriiilv Id Hi 25 e.ooiet Meiliiil ,. . Vijl'dw ml Tonos .... ,25 1 mills 51 tnloy 25.I. V. Collncli 25 .linios I'looil ".", If. I'lile 25 Mali, i- Cuit jl JCi1i XI. flon 25 s f! KoliUliH 5ilVitlim Ihiol. 25 Hon lorli III". (I'Millte 25 .Itisfpli llulunl 25 I toil Milur 25 Tolin Pii-coll .. . .50 lolm MiDnnnuJi .. .25 C.oorffo Silln 25 IX oil Kolltnnin .25 Milium Itoss 2Mliiiicl Untie ... ..", V, VI. Kllilo' "(Hu'oiue Math 25 l'tlei 5R( it 5)Meilhi Moll 25 Ilintel Mililinnt ... .5 lliomn Hellroii .. .'5 .1. Dhi.'IkiH 0 lolm Hun-ti lie 5 .lolm 1m lllltf 25 follll Mil me 25 l't it i Ssi nt-oit .. .. .2, Mm .)uie 5 lolm Vfilenii "II Mlclnrl loh .... 5) '1 (.iniioii ' W. 11 l.ftimi,' 25 mlrett Wil-li 5i .Mm t.lnssii 2, 1". ( J lull ii.ll r0 liilm (. ikv 25 I'lillip lliilmm .... ,50 1 it nh Kmi.p .. . .0 Vtlolpli 1 It ti-iii r 51 Willi mi Illinois .. '5 T W. lliulmisor .. 5n P .1 WrlUnl .... 1 0) 1 I ml. 111 iilv 0 W. Killhm '5 lolm W ml 50 1, ll Win 25 lolm 1 toll in . . . 50 I ('. 1 tlujuis ,,,, .25 liluinl CeMlilml . .51 Milium .1 Ut-t .. .15 ( hiil,M Will ml ... I 00 ,. V. IKnkri .... 1 () lolm Iluniplir, 2 lo-epli Until .... .00 PRYOR'S NEW POSITION. Has Begun His Duties with the Del awaie and Hudson. W. L. Pi or, founerly with the Le high Valley Haihoad, has assumed his now duties as disttict passenger agent 01 the Delawaio and Hudson Haihoad, and Is Kept busy attending to the many details of bis position. The position lounoily held by him with the' Lehigh Valley company baa been abolished, and tho Lacknvvannal avenue olllee abandoned. The fieigbt olliee. which is in chaige ot Mi. Yosi. has been moved lo quaileis In the Meals' building. Ti.v our ''Holland" blend of Moi ha and J.wi Coitie, Me. lb; mild. 1 lull, elegant llavoi Whv pay moie" ililpoiinl Tea ami Coftee Co, 4JJ ftpiuco stieet. Remember the Fair and Supper, at St. Luke's, November 20 and 21. Chocolates, loe pm pound, Couiseii.- -.. - I Oils, Paints and varnish $ Maloney Oil & Maniifacliinna Combany. lAtlAQ MttflfUan 5fflot 141-149 Meridian Street. TELEPHONE 26-2. Do You Want a Perfect Paper Fastener ? THIS IS 1 r. It Is Guaranteed in every detail and is rhicli Cheaper than ever before Come in and examine the Hartfoit Typewritei which we are celling for $6t),oo with a whole year's gnarrautec. Reynolds Bros. General Stationers and b'ngi avers, Scranton, p. Ihe larfiest line ot OlTice Supplies in Northeastern Pennsylvania, ELEVEN VOTES IS JONES LEAD HAS THAT MANY MORE THAN P. W. COSTELLO. Piogtess of the Count Yesteiday Was Watched with Gieat Interest by the Fiiends of the Two Candidates. When the Woik of Compiling tho Vote Was Discontinued Last Night the Twentieth Wnid of This City Had Been Reached Ballot Box Biottght in. Hilwniil A. Jones was edeven olos ahead of I'. W. Costello vvlimt the woik ot counting the vote east Tuesday slopped al S30 last night. 'I'he conn tm a had then 1 elicited the Twentieth waul of this city. Hatlv In the nioinlng Tipstaves An thony Walsh and David ('. Powell wme sent to Cai bondale to bring In tho bil lot box of the Thhd dlstilet ot tho Fbst wind of that city. In counting the voles .'I'lmtiuiny. It wuh round that thmo weio 7S lallv minks on the sheet for Costello. but 70 was the total given. When the ballot box was opened os teulay, bv dliecllcm of Judge Hdwauls, nnd in bis piescnie, It was shown Hint 7fi votes weio the number cast tor Cos tello In Hint disttict. Wlipn the Scpond waul or Dickson City was touched. It was found that the unsealed i etui us give Costello l votes and the sealed leturns ,. Theie was no tally sheet In the letuin envel opes. This ballot box will be bi ought into enmt this morning, and the actual vote cast for Costello nseei tallied. Jones' mnjoilty ot eleven Is based on the belief that Costello leeeived only foity-flve votes In the dlstilet In ques tion. Theie weio no leturns of any kind r loin the .Second dlstilet of the Hlgbth waul of this city, and couit made an older to have the ballot box bumlit in this morning. In the Second ols tiiot of the Thiul waid, theie weio four stiokes for five In the tally sheet for Costello. in one place, and six foi live in another. Tho matter was 10 foried to Judge Hdwauls, who decided to allow tho .sheet lo lemaln as it is, for the teasoii that the vote for Cos tello was not changed by these inac cutacics. Tho pi ogi ess of the count w is walebeel with gieat interest esteiclay bv a number ot tho fi lends or the can didates, Tho count will be completed todnv. ASSAULTED HIS MOTHER. Thomas O'Dounell Committed to the County Jail. "Vou'ie a bi utc; that's what ou aie," siiil Alderman Howe yesteiday morning In police couit, as he held Thomas O'Dounell, of C.ipouso avenue, In $100 bail 101 his nppeatance in com I. O'Dounell was ai tested eai ly ester dav moi ning at the Instance of bis eld, giay-bniied mother, whom be at tacked ami bititally assaulted, while in a diuuken fieny. The old vvoinnn bad lemonstinted with him lor coming home Kile, and he Knocked hei down with .1 blow fiom bis fist, llo kicked her ami then, diagging her to the door, put her outside and locked the door. He was aues-teil later by Pnliolinan Cieiuuiell and was taken to the iculinl pollc-3 .station. He was sullen ami morose when ntialgned estei ela morning-, and had nothing to sav lor himself. Ho was committed to Ihe ruunl jail in default of bail. FOOT BALL TODAY. Lackawanna and Hillmnn Will Play at the Paik Today. At Athletic pink this at lot noon nt :: ,0 o'e lock the School of Hie Liik.t wanua and the Hairy Illllman's of WIHtes-Hauo will piny a game of loot ball. Theie is much iivahy between these two teams over Ibis game, as last time they plajoil at AVIlkos-Hauo Hillmnn won by a fluke. The led anil white will tiy to nib this ottl by boil ing llillnian decisively toda.v. When You Older Your Mniket Goods for .Sunday dlnnci bear hi mind that the best goods may be bad liom us. We have a complete slock to otter and can deliver liinuiplly If older leadus us eai ly. Older by telephone! or call ami make vour own selection. ' Pleut s Maikel, 110-111 Penn ave. Mine Host John Uaine, of (be P.iunswlik. on Spiuce stieet, v. ill seivo 10,1st pig tonight. HiOlt'i always licab. com sen. ' You Can Buy a Machine of This Description for $1,25, Including a Box of 500 Staples -M4"4"t4"Mt Fancy Pillows In all mneelvnblo doslt-ns-an T Immense Flock the like of which can bo found nowhote else In Scianton. PILLOWS tu 11UUNT Lent her. PILLOWS Willi buulttl- j; nil salln coveilugs, etc.: it I no the . . Sivllsh "PLOIIAHHL," or round ; J pillows, In cMiulMto floral do- signs, suitable for Clnlstmns gilts. Then lor Pillow Tops! usl; to see the Imitation burnt X leather styles; something new T anil novel. Pillows at all ptlce, fiom 2.1c. mi to $S,00, can be ob tained at tho populat wtoie of the X Cramer-Wells Co., ! 130 Wyoming Ave. t 'Phone 353-3. f t-i And we are always glad to see yofl even if you don't buy. We do not believe, however that you will be satisfied after seeing our all-wool underwear for $M)0aSuit to go away without buying a couple of suits. CONRAD'S "A Gentlemen's ruinishet" 305 Lackawanna Avenue. beieabouts as the lending iclalleis o LADIES' GLOVES. Our Fall 5tock Is moie complete than ever and th values beltc'i. Besides oui lino of $150 moves, vva wish to biins to out attention our Washable Kids at $2.00 Glace and Swede at $1.00 Gsuuiue Mocha, in tans, pearls and reds, at $i,oc Price & Jenkins, 130 Wyoming Avenue. Ladies' Tailoring Jackets, Btons, Raglans and New market Dress walking and rainy day Skirts. Our prices are reason able. Guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Goods furnished. King Miller, Merchant Tailor, 432 Spiuce Stieet. l il ii' 1 ioi si tiotmii nulo uf eh' mirk In miter -11 ft V, it" v i!uf Impo ll'li ll Mil nil. llm cm 1 Wf uii' 1 nrniin a line llie nf Picture Frames Wall Paper Shades and Paints Jl , 1 l pi I ll Is I It l 1 1ll 1 111, Jacobs & Fasold, BOO WASHINGTON AVENUE, Opposite Couit House. A Second-Class Citv with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding' Gifts. Mercereati & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue, Our floor I 1? k v. ..