'"&. JJ,JA.VXrW.-:yK-J -'- J'Jj- TJ ,S?l"1l"J W'i-JTV ' ,njvTv'B?S??,"' i'C fcrS.r 0flv r ci jci v .( V'wvr"jvi f7P ' -a,: .v'v1 ' ' .,:---'fW!f - W M.SX ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1901. 3 WEATHER MAN ON HIS WORK CHIEF MOORE TELLS PLAINLY HOW IT IS DONE. Xhotlgh Not Reduced to nn Exact Science Forecasting Has Become Sufficiently Accurate to Save the Country Millions of Dollars Annu ally n.nd Every Year the Wji-Jc of the Weather Bureau Gains In In terest and Efficiency. Hon. Willi I.. Moore In tho t'hlciso Union!' tlrrald. AHOIJT the only UnowleilRc that most people Ikivp of the work ings of the United Slates Weiith r nurenu o tlio Department ot Agri culture Is withered from the dully prediction of ruin or snow that they encounter at the breakfast table as they Rliince over the morning paper. They base their uHtlluate ot the Utility .if tlio weather service on the accuracy if the predictions thus hastily scanned, itid many are prone to Inquire whether ,t Is true that this service has really made n place for .Itself In the ptrcat in luslrlal economy of our country: A-hethcr or not tut adequate return Is made for the expenditure ot over $1, 300,000 annually; whether the science of -weather forecast Ins- has reached Its highest degree of accuracy, and .vhether It holds out possibilities of fu ture Improvement. They would, doubt less, be amazed If they knew the thousand nnd one ramifications through which it readies, daily, prob ably more than one-half of our adult population. The United States government spends more for scientific research than any other country in the world. Today every wheel turns with scien tific precision, and tlio arts, the man ufactures, and the commerce of this wonderful country arc, by the aid of systematic knowledge, being developed far beyond the dreams of the most op timistic person ot a quarter of a cen tury ago. The Ingenuity of the Yan kee nnd the skill of the American me chanic are only physical nnd outward manifestations of the inward spirit whose life has been called Into exis tence by the many schools, colleges, nnd polytechnic institutions with which our broad land is dotted and which, through the knowledge that they reveal of the forces of nature, enable man to harness the invisible powers nnd make them obedient to his will. Prob ably in no way have we shown our ap titude in divining from apparent con fusion some fundamental principles, nnd in applying those principles to the commerce and the industry of our country more than In the development of the present meteorological service. Where but a few years ago man thought that chaos reigned supreme we are now, by the aid of simultan eous dally meteorological observations, able to trace out the harmonious rela tions of many physical laws that were .previously but little understood. ni;vi:i.0PiMKNT oi' metkoroi.og- JCAL SC'IKNCK. It will be Interesting to note that, it the time or the founding of the first if the Thirteen Colonies, at Jamestown, Vii, In 1G07, practically nothing was known of the properties of the air, or of methods for measuring Its phen omena. It was not until lG-lIi, twenty three years after the landing of the Pilgrims on Plymouth nock, that Tor ilcelli discovered that principle ot the barometer, and rendered it possible to measure the weight of the superincum bent air at any spot where the wonder ful, yet simple, little instrument might be placed. TorrlrolH's groat teacher, Galileo, died without knowing why nature, under certain conditions, ab hors a vacuum; but he had discovered the principle of the thermometer. The data from the readings of those two Instruments form the foundation ot all meteorological science. Their inven tors as little appreciated the value of their discoveries as they dreamed of the great western empire which should first use their instruments to measure the inception and development of storms. About one hundred years after the Invention of tile barometer, namely, in 1747, Heujaniln Franklin, patriot, statesman, diplomat, and scientist, di vined that certain storms had a rotary motion and that they progressed In a northeasterly direction. It was pro phetic that those Ideas should have come to him long before anyone lind ever prepared charts showing observa tions simultaneously taken at many stations. Rut, although his ideas in this respect were more important than Ills net of drawing the lightning from tho clouds and identifying it with the electricity of the laboratory, his con temporaries thought little of his phil osophy of storms. It remained for Itedlleld, Kspy, Maury, Loonils, and Abbe, one hundred years later, to gath er the data and completely establish tho truth of that which the great Franklin had dimly yet wonderfully outlined. Although American scien tists were the pneers In discovering tlio rotary and Progressive character of storms and in demonstrating tho practicability ot weather services, tho United States was the fourth country to give iPgal autonomy to a weather service; but no one of the other coun tries had nn area ot such extent as to vender it possible to construct sucli a broad synoptic picture of nlr condl ions as Is necessary In tlio making ot :ho most useful forecasts. It would 'vqulro nn International service, em irnclng all tho countries of Europe, ;o equnl ours In tho rxtent of area lovcrcd. Congress authorized the first appro priation of $20,000 to Inaugurate a ten tative weather service in 1870. General Albert J. Myer, to whom was usslgned tho chlcfshlp of tho now meteorological service, doubtless had no conception of the future wonderful extension of tho system that ho was then authorized to begin. It Is comparatively easy, with tho great Byatom now nt our command, nnd with scientists who have had twenty years' experience In watching tho development and progression of storms, to herald to the shipping and other Industries of tho United States forowarnlngs of coming atmospheric changes that may bo destructive to either life or property. Former Secre tary of Agriculture J, Sterling Morton, did much to place tho meteorological service of tho government on a sultablo foundation by having nil of Its em ployes and higher otllclals classified nnd placed within tho civil service, ThlB was essential to tho proper per formance of tho then existing duties of tho service. The present Secretary of Agriculture, James Wilson, bus con tinued tho merit system In tho Weath er liurcuu, and has greatly improved and extended its operations. Thanks lo hi itollcy ot iK'VfJpDincnt, the Weather Service has had a phenomenal growth during the past four years. KXt'ANHK OF TltH ATMOBPMEIUC FIRM) SUItVKYEt) FY THE FOR CAHTEtl. tt Is n wonderful picture of atmos pheric conditions that Is presented twice dally to tho trained rye of tho weather forecaster. It embraces nn nrca extending fiom tho Atlantic to the Pacific, from tlio north const ot South America over Mexico, tho Isl ands ot the West Indies nnd tho Hn hamns, northward to the uttermost confines of Canadian habitation, It is a panoramic picture of the exact nlr conditions over this broad area that Is twice dally presented to tho study of our experts. Hurricanes, cold waves, hot waves, or rainstorms nro shown wherever present In this broad area. Their development since Inst re port Is noted, and from tho knowledge thus gained tliclr future course and In tensity Is quite successfully forcenst. Every twelve hours the kaleidoscope changes, and n now graphic picture ot weather conditions Is shown. Nowhere else In the world cun meteorologists Dud such an opportunity to study storms and atmospheric changes. TANGIBLE RESULTS OF WEATHER BUREAU WORK. Has the Weather Uureau won Its way Into the hearts and contldenco of the American people, und do wo feel that the expenditures made for Its sup port are wisely made? Let us an swer tills question by giving some facts relative to the number of people and Industries that are dally In communi cation with the rilironu. In our At lantic nnd Gulf ports, alone, there are floating over $110,000,000 worth ot craft on any day ot tho year; nnd at every port, whether on tho Atlantic, on the Pacific, or on tho Lakes, there is either a full meteorological observatory or else a storm-warning dlsplayman who attends to the lighting of tho danger lights on tho storm-warning towers at night, to the display of danger Hags by day, and to the distribution of storm-warning messages among vessel masters. This system is so perfect that the chief of tile Weather Uureau. or the forecaster on duty at the central office, can dictate a storm warning and feel certain that Inside of one hour a coVy of tlie warning will be in the hands of every vessel master lu every port of material size In the United States, provided that It Is his desire that a complete distribution or the warning be made. As a matter of fact the storm warnings usually go only to a limited portion of the coast at one time. While the daily predictions of rain or snow, by which, as previously stated, the public measures the value of the weather service, are subject to a considerable element of error, name ly about one failure in five predictions, the marine warnings of the service have been so well made that In over six years no protracted storm has reached any point of the United States without the danger warnings being dis played yell In advance. As a result of these warnings the loss of life and properly lias been reduced to a mini mum, being doubtless not more than 23 per cent, of what it would have been without tills extensive system, which comes dally, and almost hourly, into communication with mariners. The public does not appreciate this part of the service that, as a rule, these warnings do not appear in the news papers because it is not desirable to publish them so fur In advance as to unnecessarily hold shipping In port. We only aim to place warnings twelve to sixteen hours in advance of the coming of the storm, and then we com municate by telegraph, by messenger, and by warning lights and flags di rectly with the masters of vessels. It Is a notable example of the utility of the new West Indian weather service, and of the wisdom of Congress in con tinuing as a perpetual instrument of peace the service organized to meet an emergency of war, that the Galveston hurricane was detected on September 1, at the time of Its inception, In the ocean south of Porto Rico, and that the new system of West Indian reports gave us such complete simultaneous data that at no time did we lose track of the storm, and everywhere, as it progressed northward, such full Infor mation was given that, notwithstand ing the extensive commerce of tho Gulf of Mexico, little or no loss of life or property occurred upon the open wat ers of the Guir, and the destruction at Galveston was many times less than it would have been without the pre monition that was given and the ac tivity or the Bureau's officers in urg ing people to move from the low ground of the city to Its more secure portions. Again, as this storm recurved and passed over the Lake region, tlio storm warnings were so well distributed Hint, notwithstanding that the energy of the storm was so great that few vessels were stanch enough to live through its fury, shipping remained safely In har bor and there was not a life lost. These are some of tho utilities ot which the general public Is not thoroughly in formed. COLD WAVE WARNINGS. When n marked cold wave develops In the north plateau of the Rocky Mountains and, by its broad area anil great barometric pressure, threatens to sweep southward and eastward with its icy blasts, the meteorological sta tions ot tho Bureau are ordered to take observations every few hours in tlio re gion immeulately in advance of the cold area and to telegraph the same to headquarters. By tills means every phnso of the development of tho cold area is carefully watched, and when tho danger is great each observatory In tho threatened region becomes a distributing center, from which warn ings are sent to those who have pro duce or perlsliablo articles of manufac ture that need protection itgainst low temperatures, In such cases the sys tem of distribution Is so perfect that it is not uncommon for the Bureau to distribute- 100,000 telegrams and mes sages insldo of the space of one or two hours, so that nearly every city, village, and hamlot receives tho information in tlniV to profit thereby. What this means to the farmer anil shipper Is well illustrated by the fact that wo gathered from those personally Inter ested statements relatlvo to tho swoop of ono cold wave, which showed that over $3,400,000 worth of property that would have been destroyed by the low temperatures wus saved. To he sure, sometimes tho surging of tho great ulr eddies which constitute our rainstorms nnd colli wnves one tho low-pressiiro eddy and tho other tho hlgh-prcssuro eddy deflects the course of tho storm or minimizes tho degree of cold, and the warnings may partially or wholly fall of verification; hut In these im portant atmospheric disturbances tho warnings are Justified in such a largo proportion of cases that thoso whoso property is at stuko do not longer question tho utility ot tho government service. That no other couutry brings Its citizens into such close touch with It weather conditions is shown by the fact that even when severe storms are not imminent thoro is, lu addition to tho printing of the forecasts Ju the dally press, a dally distribution of RO, ooo telegrams, mops, and bulletins, that place tho Information In the hands of millions whoso personal Interests nro mntnrlally affected by tho weather. There nro over 2,000 dally papers In tho United States, and each one of these prints in n conspicuous place tho dally weather predictions. Did It ever occur to you that thoro Is no other In formation that receives publication nnd attention by readers each day of the year In every dally paper of tho couutry? Thoro nro 47 trl-wcokly pa pers In the United States, 4HI soml weekly, and 14,734 weekly publications, tlio greater number of which publish the weekly weather crop bulletins of tho Bureau for their respective states. Each state forms a section of tho na tional service, and from a central office issues monthly reports on the mlnuto cllmntology ot the state. This cllnia tologlcal data Is gathered from stand ard thermometers and rain gages that are placed In each country. The Infor mation finds extensive publication also In the weekly nnd monthly periodicals. VALUE OF THE WEATHER SER VICE TO RURAL INDUSTRIES. Few people realize what a complete system the Weather nurenu forms for tlio accurate and rapid collection and dissemination of crop information. It has 1,200 paid and skilfully trained olllclnls, outside of Washington, who are quite evenly distributed over the continent nnd its island possessions and who nro available to report on any matters concerning weather, crops, climate, or statistics. It lias 200 offi cials and employes nt tho central office nt Washington. It has 1S0 fully equipped meteorological stations quite oqul-dlstnntly scattered over tlio Uni ted States and Its dependencies, each maimed by from one to ton trained offi cials, which stations are not only weather observatories, but arc centers for the gathering ot statistical and climate crop reports. It has a central observatory In each state and territory to which all subordinate offices In tho state report, and to which all volun tary weather and crop observers report. These central observatories are equipped with printers, printing plants, trained meteorologists and crop writ ers, clerks, and messengers. During the past fifteen years the work of the substations and voluntary crop and weather observers has been so system atized under the state central offices that these centers constitute the most efficient means for the accurate and nipid gathering, collation, and dissem ination 'of statistical and climate nnd crop information. The state central offices are under the systematic direc tion of the central office in Washing ton. The central office at Washington Is equipped with cartographers, print ers, pressmen, lithographers, and ela borate addressing and mailing ap pliances for tho printing and mailing of large quantities of national weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual reports and bulletins. The telegraph circuits of the Weather Bureau are ingeniously .devised for the rapid collection, twice dally, of meteorological reports; they are also used to collect the weekly na tional crop bulletins. The Weather Bureau has 315 paid temperature and rainfall reporters who are now dally telegraphing their data from tho grow ing fields to certain cotton, corn, and wheat centers. The Bureau has 250 storm-warning displaymen distributed among the ports along the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts and in the Lake region. The Bureau has an ob server serving each morning on the floor of each important board of trade, commercial association, or cotton or maritime exchange in the country, who displays weather and crop information and each day charts the weather re ports on a largo map. The Weather Bureau has ;:000 voluntary observers nearly one for each county in the Inl tod States equipped with standard thermometers, instrument shelters, and rain gages, who have for years in telligently served the government by taking daily weather observations and rendering weekly crop reports to state central offices. There are 14,000 persons reporting weekly to tho climate and crop centers on the effect of weather upon the crops in their respective lo calities. These voluntary crop cor respondents could quickly be Increased in number to several hundred thousand if occasion required. In one month of four weeks there are printed and dis tributed 10S different state crop bulle tins, four national crop bulletins, and 42 monthly eight-page state climate and crop bulletins. The weekly state crop bulletins nro written by the di rectors of the different state sections, and the weekly national crop bulletin by Sir. .Tames Berry, chief of tho cli mate and crop division of the Weather Bureau, a man who has had many years experience as a writer on crop conditions In the United States. BENEFITS TO FRUIT AND SUGAR GROWERS. Tlu utilities of the weather service are well Illustrated by the benefits that tlio fruit Interests of California derive from the rain warnings, which, on ac count of the peculiar topography of that region, are made with a high de gree of accuracy but it few hours be fore the coining of the rain, yet far enough in advance to enable the own ers ot vineyards, most of which are conifeoted by telephones, to gather and stack their trays, nnd thus save tho drying raisins from destruction. Along the Rocky Mountain plateau nnd the eastern slope our stations are so nu merous nnd our system of distribution so perfect that the sweep of every cold wave is heralded to every ranch that has telegraphic communication, lu tin' cranberry marshes of Wisconsin the flood gates are regulated by tho frost warnings of the Bureau, and whore formerly a profitable crop was secured only once in several years. It Is now a rare exception that dainago oc curs. As we go fnrther south and enst Into tho Clulf and South Atlantic states, our frost warnings are miido with n greater degree of nccuracy than in any othor part of tlio country. We Dud tho growers of sugar cano In Louisiana, the truck growers from Nor folk south to Jacksonville, and tho orange growers of Florida timing their operations by tho frost wn wrings of tho Bureau. From the estimates of these people, it Is Indicated that tho amount nnnunlly saved to them Is far greater than that expended for the sup port of tlm entire department, FLOOD WARNINGS. No loss valuable )s the flood-warning service which Is in operation along our lurgo river courses, So much ad vance hus been made lu forecasting flood stages that It is now possible to foretell three to five duyB lu advanco tho height of nnylgublo rivers at a given point to within a few Inches. Tho danger Hue at every city has been accurately determined and charted, so that when a flood Is likely to exceed tho danger limit residents of low districts and merchuntB having goods stored lu cellars nro notified to move their prop erty out of reach of thu rising waters. An Illustration of tho efficiency of this system wus shown during tho great flood of 1897. Throughout nearly the whole area, that was submerged tho warning bulletins preceded the flood by several days, nnd the statisticians of the government estimate that $15, 000,000 worth ot llvo stock and movable property was removed to high ground ns tho result of tho forewarning!. These warnings are distributed from fifteen river centers, at each of which a trained forecaster Is located who dolly Is In possession ot such measure ments of precipitation nn watersheds nnd such up-river water stages ns nro necessary to enable hint to make nn Intelligent prediction for his own dis trict. On account ot the recent dis asters from floods In the rivers of Texas steps nro now being taken to es tablish a Hood warning service, espe cially for that state. Measurements of snowfall In the high mountain ridges of Montana, Wyom ing, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, nnd New Mexico during the past several years have given us Information that now enables us to make a very accurate cs tlmnto In tho spring ns to tlio supply of water from this source thnt can bo expected during the growing season. In tills way the weather service linn been brought into close contact with thoso Interested In irrigation, und has become a vnlunble aid to them. The heavy responsibility that rests upon the Weather Bureau In the mak ing of storm warnings Is gathered from tlie statement that M52S transatlantic steamers and BSI2 transatlantic sailing craft outer and leave ports on the At lantic seaboard during u single year. Tho value of their cargoes Is more than $1,000,000,000. Our coastwise traffic is also enormous. In one year more tlinn 17,000 sailing vessels and 4,000 steamers enter nnd leave port between Maine and Florida. Their cargoes are estimated to be worth $7,000,000. From these facts one can readily measure the value of tho marine property that the Department of Agriculture, through the Weather Bureau, alms to protect by giving warning of approaching storms. The climatology of each state is now so well determined and the Information is so systematically collated as to be drawn upon dally by thousands ot tljoso engaged in public enterprise, such ns the building of waterworks, where it is essential to know tho pre cipitation on given watersheds; the building of culverts, whore the ex tremes of rainfall within short periods must be known; the building of groat iron or steel structures, where the ex pansion and contraction of metal with changes of temperature must be ac counted for; tho speculation in land In regions that nro not known to the purchaser, and the selection of resi dences for health and pleasure. It is not generally known that tlio meteorological records daily appear In numerous of the courts ot tlie land, and that many Important cases at law are settled or greatly influenced by them. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION. Under the direction of Secretary Wil son, we have recently arranged with Europe and the Azure Islands for tho receipt of nieteorogical reports that, In connection with our present extensive system, enable us to forecast wind di rection and wind force for transatlan tic steamers for a period of three days out from eacli continent. This is an extension of the meteorological service that has long been sought by marin ers. The now German cable from Lis bon to New York enables us to get di rect communication with several isl ands, fhe reports from which are ne cessary in the taking up of tills new and important work. Recently the postolllco department, through its rural mail delivery, has placed nt the disposal of the AVoather Service one of tlie most efficient means of bringing Its daily forecasts, frost and cold-wave warnings to the very doors of those who can make tlio most profitable use of them. The latest fore cast of the weather is printed on small slips of paper and each carrier is giv en a number equal to the number of houses on his rural route. Thus does tlie meteorological service Insinuate itself into every avenue that promises efficient dissemination of its reports. To be forewarned is to bo forearmed. The last appropriation for tlie support of the Weather Bureau was $1,0:S,"20. It is the opinion of many insurance and other experts that the meteorological service of the United States govern ment is worth over $20,000,001) annually to the agriculture, the commerce, nnd tho Industry of tho country; and this notwithstanding the large element ot error that must for a long time to come enter Into Its predictions. PROSPECTS. It may be asked what are the pros- poets for an improvement in the nc curacy of the weather forecasts dur ing the coming century. To tills it may bo answered that when our extensive system of daily observations has been continued for another generation or two u Kepler or a Newton may dis cover such fundamental principles un derlying weather changes as will make It possible to foretell tho character of coming seasons. If this discovery be ever made It will doubtless bo ncroni plishod as the result of a comprehen sive study of meteorological data of long periods covering soiuo great area like tlio United States, While we can not make such prediction today, wo feel that we nre laying tho foundation of n system that will adorn tho civil ization of future generations. At tlio present time r know of no scientific man who essays to make long rango predictions, and In closing tills paper 1 would especially caution tho public against tho Imposturo of charlatans and nstrologlsts who simply prey upon the credulity of the people. I behove It to bo iinposslblo for any ono to uiako a forecast based upon any prlnclpos of physics or upon any empiric rule In meteorology for weeks nnd months In advance. Tlio Weather Bureau takes tho public Into confidence- in this mut ter, and does not clnlin to ho able to do moro than It Is posslblo to accom plish. It Is to bo regretted that tho Ameri can press, tho ablest and tho most ho roleully honest of any In tho world, does in many cases not only print tho twaddlo of long rango weather fore casting frauds, but actually pays for tho privilege. A largo number of our rural press is imposed upon by theso forecasts, and in publishing them ba como the disseminators of gross error Instead of enlightenment, DURYEV. Frank Lauo has returned home, after attending tho funeral of his brother-in-law-, Christopher lllller.at Orange, N, J, Mrs. I'uge, of Georgetown, Is visiting at the homo of Mrs. Anunerniun, of this place. Miss Nettle Shales Is slowly recover ing, after a few weeks' illness. Mrs. Burleigh has returned to her homo In Tunkhannock, after spending sojiio t lino with her daughter, Mrs. .Wlllluui Shales, of this place, j HER POINT OF VIBW Jj I HAVE always thought that Is wo men ran tho politics ot tho nation and tho community there would bo a great deal of uncertainty at ev ery election time, nnd thnt tho people In whom the gambling In stinct rises highest would have tho best time, but It Is now evident that even the women could not run things with nny more wobbly uncer tainty ot the ulllinnlo result than can tho men. Now, Just look at this elec tion, will you? AVitHii't It a mess? And could women nt a pink ten. have told any more polite lies to each other than the men have boon doing tho past few weeks? There was probably a wider assortment ot real feelings folt yesterday In Lackawanna county than have been collected In ninny a moon. And there you go again. You couldn't tell from the look of a man how ho really felt. If ho looked as If he had been attending u lodge nt sorrow, ten to ono that ho wnsn't simply having an Inner convulsion of mirth because In some occult way ho considered that ho had "got even" with somebody. The ones who smiled wanted to go out somewhere and die, and the others who said "I told you so" und " 'Twns good enough for 'em" were very likely thinking of n rather Immediate here after lu which they would be taking lending and painful roles. Of course, I'm talking about the Re publicans. The Democrats did what our people should have done stick to gether. It's something we shall learn maybe, when we get translated to another sphere, but lu Lackawanna county, never. If there is nny queer, Ism, ology, Willy-boy fad or other ab surdity to fellow, you can lay odds on tlie Republicans of this county follow ing It. We buy more gold bricks, net as chorus for more bogus reform solo ists and do more contortion nets In the shortest possible space of time than any other people on tho face of tho earth, T do verily believe. AW were the only collection of Idiots who gave Swallow a big majority that time. If we all nttnln to the age of one hundred and twenty-five years, we can never live down that ludicrous blunder which, as everybody knows, Is worse than a crime. AW are one of tlio few prize combinations that may bo set down as reasonably sure to go off at a tangent after some strange god ono year out of four. In that year we consider ourselves foreordained by Providence to save the country by do ing more fool things in three weeks than tlio other people in tlio world think of attempting in a decade. That Is the date we selected this season for voting for Corny and electing a whole Democratic ticket and doing other weird stunts. Now, if we had put up a candidate for judge who was the brigand that stole Miss Stone, or had a record as being a robber, a ravening wolf and other awful tilings, It might not liavo been surprising if some of our people should protest. But our candidate was a decent man, able, honorable and good. Wo couldn't have treated him any worse it he had been in the habit of beating his mother-in-law at fre quent Intervals and getting violently drunk at other times. The same can bo said of tlio remainder of tho ticket. Why must we do so. and what is tlie good? A little spite against one or two men, a little jealousy of a few others can scarcely be held as ade quate motives for putting tlio parly in power which lias never stood for prog ress, or reform or improvement. T wonder if our people have ever thought of tho possibilities in tills town during the past l'e.w weeks if something besides good stalwart Re publicanism held the city hall today ar 1 controlled tho mob element which lurks in every city ready to spring up if a weak hand is at the helm. I won der what scenes would bo daily re counted if mugwumps "wunipcd" down there. Dear mc, when 1 think of tho lunacy which seems to afflict our party in this county at election time every now and then, T am moro than over thankful that wo women have never mndo any dangerously determined attomp t to vote. If wo had been responsible for some of the fool-things the men have done In tho last few days they would havo had us exterminated from the face of tlio earth. Aren't you glad, dears, that wo aren't to blame the least bit In tlie world? Lot's talk about something pleasant. Let's talk about clothes. Tho newspapers have boon printing a lot nbout Mrs. Roosevelt's standards of dress. (Between us, you really can't believe quite all you read In the newspapers.) I shouldn't be surprised if slio never said anything about the liiatter. She is a young woman who Is rather disposed to keep an Intense si lence on tho subject of her personal al' rairs. They do not sound like my lady of tho sweet eyes and tender mouth, theso dogmatic statements we read. Well. If she did say that $300 a year Is enough for a woman to expend on her own clothes, there need bo no urg ent disclaimer. It is enough for any number of women with whom T havo discussed tlio subject and who are willing to give their hearty assent to tlio statement. Some of them are so ciety leaders, too, and all are those whom wo nro certain to consider ns handsomely dressed. To be sure, Mrs, Roosevelt cannot hitherto, before she became the chntelalno of tlio AVhlto House, bo regarded ns a society wo man lu tho sense that many apply to that term. It must bo remembered that her time hns been rather com pletely occupied Willi llttlo children. She is ono who Is essentially tho soul of tho homo ami tho companion of her babies. Slio has not boon wearing her youth and beauty away by constant nttemlanco upon balls, receptions nnd dinners. AVlrilo slio hns always he longed to tho most excluslvo society slio has not murio It tho aim of her life, nnd thcrcforo lias not had tho ne cessity, fancied or real, of lavish ex penditure on personal adornment. A lady ot this city who probably would bo said to ho tho most hand somely dressed In her sot, says that tho amount named practically covers her expenditure. Ot course, slio does not include in that sum tho Jewels which may bo added to her collection by her husband, nor perhaps tho rich laces which slio may pick up as a treasure to last all her llfo and long afterward; but tho actual outlay of money for now costumes and for the alterations hi old ones will not much exceed $300. Hero nro some of tho Items she gave; Tillor row ii $12.-i no Hals Mm Hoots 8.1 CO IUI1 dic-9 M00 liown in i.lo oicr ,,, 50 IX) TvLl , J0OTO K..M...M.MMM.MM.M..MMM... a M V a u v " V K ti Your Winter Overcoat! mMmm In looking we ask you closely also the finish and style imparted to every garment. Men's and Boys' Clothing What we have said regarding our overcoat stock can also truthfully be said of our Men's and Boys' Cloth ing. It always gives satisfaction. It's the right kind or it wouldn't be allowed to come in this store, that is one of the reasons why our business is continually on the increase. Call and Permit Us to Prove What We Say is the Trutlh RICHARDS & WIRTH 326 Lackawanna Ave. 4 "A 'A 1 A "A A "A "A "A "A 'A AAA AAA There is a good and a-definitetrcason wiry we sold ioyooo,oocrpacl:ages-of the-traly. named ra ANiffiv MB)9i i m& wfiwW'ft B J11H JLT.VUU.:3.JL rsr MINCEMEAT I ' . i MERREL.L-SOULE 'J'ii tils'! ums :iililcil Himh'ii i 00 i,?,. i CO "1 iId not sot a nmv tailor row a ev it.v year," wild Klio. "Neither do I havo a now ball ilrews. I have much ilroMsumkliiK' louo at home, anil my Kowim are niailo over to do service suasion after season. Often my liatH do not cost $.0 a yenv." Another lady who is always remark ed for her lovely frockn, said: "My clothes lmvo not cost $200 this year. My host tnllor kowii Is two yearn old, and hasn't needed ono hit of altera tion, 1 always sot Rood materials and havo expert tailors. My hats have been alnioht no expense during tho wholo year, as they wero In stylo and J'vo continued to wear them. My last din ner kowii was rather costly, hut I had It nuido moro than n year ubo after a very up-to-date model. It Is the last touch of stylo yet. My summer frocks wore inexpensive and wero nuido In tho house. So you sco 1 am not nn ex traviifiaiit person," und sho hurried awny to do tho kindly deeds which tako much of her tlnio and largo sums of money. I think If tho truth were known tho costumes on which slio be stows most thouKht nnd expense nnd prldo are flannels nnd warm coats worn by tho destitute ones who touch thu Heinle clrclo of her life, yauey Hess, BROOKLYN. Sjk'cmI to die Scranton Tribune. lliouMju, Nov. S. Tlio com nipper kivoii by Mia, W. I.. Knit )jt evening wjj as iiijopbla as it w.u novel. Corn u served in tlirco old. fusliioneil w.iyi, liullel coin, s.iinp and nuiih. During the ruiiini; Mm. U. M. Tilfany and Miss l.llll.iu ll.yr.im, ot l'oitcr, fjvorcil tlie company with Mi. a I btleclioiu, The I'iib,vlerijii Ladle' Aid society met tltti .Mru. V, It. Bailey Wednesday, The I.adUV Aid society cf Hie MrthoilUt Tpls copjl diurcli uaa entertained by Mm. ('.. b. (Icio Thuuday, W, 1 1. Kent has idaicd a nev Coil laud Howe ventilator in hU liou'.e, Mhd Margaret Halmon lias returned lo Halton, Iter biting her M.tcr and fricmln here. Tlio rntcitiloment lu tlio 1ulvcraalUt clmrcli last I'llJay ocaiu;,' ghcu by MIm Cora M. Ciillm, We honestly believe we can sell you the very best Overcoat to be had in Scranton for the money. We made unusually large purchases for the Fall Trade this year with the idea of selling them all at a small profit, believing it better for our own in terest as well as yours, to sell a large number on small profits, than an or dinary amount at large profits. And we arc selling a large number, over our Overcoat Stock to examine the tailoring X H . . X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ,T X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x A A A A A AAA A A A AAA AAA iiimnrii-iiwmi'ifll '&., lis List year. Because, it is an honest product, and "better than most people can make at home. It also saves lots of work and much money. Good things to save. Kranm H D m.wB Hi Mmm taeb " CoatfraaMI Rise meat 1. to Mi.byo.ctr rood(ltlafWUllll MMi t XOCk pactogfc Snipe m nay vmt kv&r, VtlaAtm pwriMg ltitc-ilH7Rcj;CTnr,,Mlin nocUU H..i uflcJtiorhr Hood tt Willi i rtfcilMli ittewm&. tula. lt kmxrtf Tmto-iitr vr6am1wiij y. Wo 01 MB ynim flatvlll. CO.. Syracuse,- N.Y EC93S3C of Scranton, vfis much enjoyed, llev, K I,. I.rv y, ot XichoUon, kindly agisted in inn entertain ment with vocal solos, nnd Professor Cohen cam his unique, performance uitli his Oiw-M.mli.iii'l. Tlie Brooklyn band Ecicnadcd the newly nun I 'd rouplei, Mr. nnd Mrs. ltalpli Sterling and Mr, nnd Mrs, (J, If, Teny, last Katuiday cvenins. 1). U. l'erry will toon have an operation pel', formed upon bis eye for cataract. Ill's. O, St. Dclavan and daujlitera havo roiu to llingliauiton to spend the winter. (ieorgu Caswell, of Scranton, lias been the fnico of Ills parents tlild week, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0, Stirling liavn returned fiuin a trip to Ithaca, X, V., where they visited their eon, Kiiirst, who is attending Cornell untvcridty. Mrs. II. W, llepcr will entertain tlio Ladies' Aid society of the Universalis church next Thura. iliy at dinner, A number of young pcoplu will attend a iluien at tlio homo of Mather Tilfany tonight. Jlrs. J, Adauu went to Ilinchaintou early In the week. Mr. Adams will toon join tin. when tfiey will go to JlasJicliusett3 to visit hit brother and other rclathes, Willla Cilcs nnd tleorso Slonc, ef Waverly, Visited Brooklyn last Saturday. Misa llattio McMillan is U'illn;; at Becli take. Slightly Confused, llefoie imrrlnsa sball Invo iMiojril llairj Lehl'd nice &cnQ nf ilfiiLi-iintn.iLWm nnii R.!f. judgment It might bo writ lu put on record ona or air. J.enrs past iiiatiistics in cxprjcwiou, A few weeks befnio Mi. I.elu's wedding a le porter called rU I ., ,. n, Waldorf in tlio repgrtorlat line, ami all pioper apology w.n msde I the icpoiur tuf liilng. This wai luci-c. . ily dono thiongli ihe rlik on tho occa sion oi ill" 'ii.i tall, oiiiio Mr, Mt sent word ' ha v "faking a luili."' Tim billowing lay tlio repoiter lalled again, und Mr. l.elir wai tt ill taking a luili, Tills ublutionary continuous performance was booked for four days appaicntb, and only tcimiiiaied on tho llftli day after tlm reporter had waited upon tho iuuch-wa..lied Mi, Lehr for three hours by tho Waldoif clock. Mr, belir then appeared resplendent in l.iw.'i. dor netl; fhiicx and u pink thlrt- ficit, lu i stentorian voko he imputed: "Wli.a i wani. ingl" Tho u porter Hand the puipo-o of thi Intcnlew, and to please Mr. belir wound up by najlng: "l liavu couio to you upon the matter b-'causo my paper desires iligiilllci iitterantc, and-" "Stop!" thoulid Mr. I.ihr, stafSng glawllv at tho gilt piano. "Moid 1 wilT not tpeaW. I will net tpeak! Nothing I could jy would In dignified." Tho Intervir thus terminated. , Mr. l.elir hid not f.ii.l pudsily what 1") hi I meant, but what he had tald wat Interoting. -. New Vcr1, Times, S nr.