" ?--iWg8 $J'v 'W?Vs '.V'-" ur-rvwj f .'U - ri lV"e if r., . Hi .5 s v 12 THE SOlUiNTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1001. wm A Do You Wish the Finest Bread aod Ccke It is conceded that Royal Baking Powder is purest and strongest of all baking pow ders,absolutely free from alum, ammonia and every adulter ant. "Royal" makes the best and most wholesome food. noVAL tiAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST.. NCW YORK. NEW ORLEANS, UNIQUE CITY IT IS UNLIKE ANY OTHER IN OUR COUNTRY. After nn Absence fiom Om Columns Due to Illness, Mr. Richmond Re sumes His Desciiptive Tour of the New South unci Tells in What Re 1 spects the Ciescent City Is With DUt Pntnllel on the Ameiican Continent. Vntlfn ten I lie 'lutnii j Ainiuliiin ultj .o city in Ainei ""' ic.i has iPin.ilnnl tor "itch !i Ioiir VOi iod (200 jo.iiiO, .so illftinctitely tot oiBii .is Now Oi le.tn-. Xtitihi'if oNo in VNnieiiea -will sm.li t.ulcd and not el lights lie found. In older Io s.i anil oiijircciate New Oi le.ins tli s-fr.tiihu liittst Icnotv Mimt'lliluK ot tin hi-loi v m Huh (iniilnt old ri.mio-Sii.uiMi town. Unit, tilth all the ui Idciict Dl the Amer ican spirit of luo.spet Itv and ptoKic" iiiouuil it, still ii't.ims. Willi t-iiifjiil.ir h.um the fhrtr.H tiu-tk" hi its i-.nlKsi On-, and uIIiiks wiih wotideilul ti n .icity to tlio tiaditious and i ustouit of two iciituiit'S iko. It Is .s.iid thai I'.ms is Ki nut., .mil it nuiv .llbo be sihl 1 li.it Nou Oilcans Is Louisiana, for the hiMot.t ui the c Itv H tin- history ot the state The fitst mention of l.oiili,in,i and nf the Mississippi liver liehiK tl.it el -.(d v by ithite moil, is hi lV.fi, liv lite Sp.m- lards under Xuiwic". n the a in ,tt l tempt io i oncpter rioiiil.i ami :ii,,ilii In I VI bv Do Soto, a n.ittte of S iln. uho ' illnl at the mouth of the lli-d iicr in 1 ")).'. and .iKonliiiK to tiaditlou was bulled In tlic watf-i of the Mississippi l iter. The li'innanl oi tin- on diilon io hi ended the Missisuippi to the einlf In Inly, J ." 1 : 1 , nttei cndiiiiii!; khmi h.iul vliips and pi i at ions-. Thus docs the llhcoveiy of the K.ilher of tWite-ii !,- ring; to the Spaniards and no tecntd "?f other white men visiting ll for one bundled and thlity e,us is in i slst tnce. In 167.1 Father M.n quell te a nii-lon- .My moul, elltcied the uppei lisms- 3ppl and descended to a point below the k mouth of the AtK.ins.is and letuined, ' but in IfiSJ l.a Sallo descended the f,ieat liter, to the passes, eieeltd n loss, and took solemn possession of the conntiy in the name ot hW sov- Li relKn. I.ouis XIV , kiiiK of Fianu ,nid I named it alter him Louisiana. In UVM oti expedition (imposed of tluee hnn- dird men vns sent uiit to colonize ; Louisiana. 1 rOUNUATlON HI' N';V iiKMUXH. HallhiB rilonK Ihe shous. ol L. iKc Vonteluirtr.iin, in 171.. nleiullle (lis ioorod the small stream now i ailed i:.i.ou St. John." Asu'iidlns it he i ncamped for the nifflit on the Jleiaiiie Jildse. The tiact of muntiy IjIiik hf JMecn the heiidn,uiii teis ol the li.iynu tilld the Mississippi liver was selected sis the site of the tutine city. The city i New Oilcans is called tho "descent ''it" from tho ciec em-shape cuivv of sts tlier lront. The total aica of Ihe fhv Is about me liundied and five siiuaie miles, vth a fiont of over Iwcho miles on ihe east bank ot tho liver. This ast iLica is not densely populated, t eept, .lions thu liver bank and the portion built up iwtends Kcnerally to about one miles back fiom the river. Tlie Itv bus 210 miles of iUicoK of which twenty-two aio paved wlih squaic hlocKh of stone. The i enter portion of the oily is built of briik and stone, but ontsldo of i er tnln lucserlhed UmitH, ooden build iiiKh ar erected, contlncd mostly to ilwollhiKS and sninn of the linest iuar tcis me built of wood outlicl). The illin.ite beliiR dump, wooden stiuctuivM un1 Kcnerally picfcued, us ihoy me tonsidcied 0i lei than those of lnkK, liiiAiNAni:. The blructH of the i Uy mu sevual V-et below tin level of the ilver and ihe stinuRPr is nt once sit tick by tho novel siKht of Hid hiuf.Ko wuioi iini nhiK fiom tlie ilver. Owlnrc to the iiwishy boll of the cliv, uudeiKiouud bewaee Is not in nso and mirf.ico diain HBO ciuiiee off all tho f-oueuiKo except that of tho house sinks, thr contemn of which have to he carted oif and dumped into tho liver The lurid slopes Biaduallv towards tho rear and mid way is a Jldge of land tailed the Ml inlrlo nidKO, some feel high, ciuaUd in loinici tlniC'3 by the wnteis of the laliu nud liter tiieotlns tosether. Heyond the Metafile Kidgo a great matsh o.. icinis whuh tho storms of thu lake iiniuiall.t Inundate. The nut tern of tho lty ?t,idimlly nlopa towaids tho cvu ici oi the basin lormed by the hiith hind on the ihei bank ami the ildgc At this Kiitor.pol.H tho KUttuis empty their contents luti the laro canals at the end of wbiili iioweiful drainage thte,i pump tie (intents Into canals lWdiaigliit: Into ilin lake. This sys tem of drain ige dot-s tery well exiept vhen ihe i.ci winds blow tho ttateia of the liull into the lake and cjusq the luk to ih;e and tho canals to fill up, ,vhlle tho iioilhwe.it winds dilvu the wilt"! Into the ("Itilf. Uayou Ht. John behiK the natural drain of the site, its laniKlcnllons can he seen on each side ol tho canal street shell loul and the onuhneis have followed out I hose lints, tr.ueil by liatiue, by dlKSinp. hi all low places- r.'inals leadiue; to the lake. All ilf.iiu.lKe soes bv these iiiiiIli Kiound .tidied canals lulo I'outchai tr.iln which is fiom tweul to iwcin.t 11 ve feel below city let el. Til" sewcniKC Is pumped Into the Mississippi ji(r Horn puiniiliiK sla llons. Ikie .lie Ihe Ingest dialn.iKe ill ( hiues In Ihe win Id. The fifteen ill. illume canals of Ihe dt cany tito lootplpiM lllldeiKiound. while the f4iil tcr pipes me thlte teet 111 dliiiiieler The canal ir.ajou St. John), uslemlim, tioiu c oiiii-i ot the iltv to Lake t'on eh.ti train, is oIbIU miles Ions, K"l feet wide, and djthl tool deep. Small llat boltom packets and sle.uneis i.m sail on it. On one side is the elect lie l.iil toad and on the opposite side K a tine shell (.image mad si dunning dtite. iicnrat ni.viTr.ns. New iiileaus is one of Ihe most iliiiipto ol Amcihan i itlfs Hie names of its s'.riets and position ot its ato mies ic alliiic,' its rieiu.li p.nentnf.e and subse(iieut Spmlsh ott net ship The i Itv Is legul.lllv laid out In sipi.ues, ami with niniou sliects and teif wide ,'ieuil(, the ulieels wcie in ue nai low. as In :ill hot diuiates. to seuire sbadp. and wov named in hon or ol the i oval iamllv ot rranie. The oiimnnl city, compiisintj that pail lyiim between Canal sluei. Is. plnnadc. Ilamp.ut stieots. and the iltei. vis suiiounded h a wall and tot lilted hv the Spanish soveiitoi. Ilaioil de ('aionddot. in 171M. New Oilcans was wH defended then, and can boast of once having a foil less, second onlv to Met: and Strasbuig. A ipiHmv at'o, no one had i ver stormed lis tii i;iii walls, no one had ettr t limbed tlieui, oi been near enough to Sit a gl.UKc of them. When the Amn ions look possession in isnj. the foi -titicatlons tteic leteled and the town counneiRtd Io spiead out. The little submits weic Ki.idually annexed mull the citv has attained its piesent gteit ana ol 1ST square miles, the populated scillon emm utlng ahoul fit t y siiuaie miles. All nationalities are icpieent id among her population, but (he two 1 most distinct clashes aie the cieoles and Aniei leans (lie loimor Ihing be 'ott Canal sIippI, ihe liiltei abote. Canal stieol seems (o be the ditiding hue, and we -ue told theie mo mauv Cieoles who hate never ciossed that Hue. The change fiom Ihe Ameiican petition to that of the Cieole is teiy sudden, and in penetiatlng into this French ini.iiter, the sti anger goes, as it weic, into aiiothef cit. Tlie signs are hi rrench, also the nnnies ot the stieets, while Ftondi is heanl on all sidts by (lie bettor class. The lottir classes and uegioes have a ml.stuie of Fietioh and Spanish language of their own, difficult eti'ii for natives to un do! stand. ODD AUCllITIXTrUi:. Now Oilcans, hating: changed Its owneishlp no lees than the times, hat ing passed under as many mns-teis, having witnessed such t ielssiLudes of tort uno. natutally has a hlsloiy lull ol Inclder.'ts- and loinante. In the old "Quaitiei." the stately old homos so (pialnt, so foieigu-Iooking. still stand today as they earn lioni the hands of the Spanish and Fieneh architect. A tour tluough any nf these t-tiools will htlng befoie the visitor sights to bo found liow'hoio dso in the wot Id. C'liarlien stieet Is one of tUn plctuirsquo stieeus to visit, not meiely to walk along on. keeping .tour gaye at a let el, but to halt and look up the stiff t and down at the oddly furnished balconies mid gnllcilps, Just out fiom the tall, dingy, twinkled hmis-es that look as If the looms hud tome out to soo what tho neighhois wcie nller, peeling into wli othei's faces as If hi eternal con tali. Here, loo. ifuoci little shops aie found, apothecaries and musty stoics, whom old turuituip, hrasspji, bion.es and hooks iuo sold, bhd stoics, ln mmioiahle. whoie alligators aie pip. cliased as w ellall those Is lug In a hoi t of half-done. Ope must halt niul peer Into tho dnoi ways, even sl.tly peip -tratlng a jatd or so Into some of the Ions, daik tunnel entrances In starch of paved com t-yuuls, with unhid plaxAis, poi liens ami so forth, too uumeious to relate. A pU'isanL tVatuio Is that ihe luhab Hunt of those gilm houses me Miy kind to the pooling stranger In his em Ions udiniiatlon, and smile giaclous. ly foi you In look- about to your fill, in most ot ttuw yatds jou will ihul huge plain.-, in huge pots, poniogiapato nee?, now. i lug s-hrub, Sometluies jou vlll see it bitteied blonde Maine, i u nun bio ilgtim grown as gi ay na an old f'too. daiku, that smiles at you front the 'liaiiifuctto" JIwo .ton see gioal jellow and t.uUien watei -Jars Ihe ones in which llio ' Torty Thieves tveto hid on u iiit nun able r.icislon. Those huge Jais add much to the ch.um ot the soggy eoinl-y.ii ds, On this stieet is the old "Cutliedial ol ht. I.ouis," in tthlch numerous people ot note me huilod; tho Archeplscopul palace, for moil) the I'lMilIno rontent tor a i n tm.t, and St. Muiy's chapel. JACKSON SQ17AUU Undoubtedly tho nio&t hlMoilc spot in New Oi leans is Jacks-on scpiam. Aiound JaokBon squuro g-ather all lli mom. oiles of French, Spanish and Amcihan occupancy. The qnalrt sdiops with their mixture o' IV"!.. Siuiilsdi and linell'H ln?cilpllonc, Ihe Imhel of tongues In the sticelp, the IhmucI Icvcoh, tho (Veoto workmen, the silgur uiitl tnolnsKH Inleiests, thu gieat tolton prespep. all make New Ot leans a to mnrknblc moctlug plute of taitlti ami Ihigllfh Amotion. line stands, In Us c elite r, the celohtnted eciuestilun statue of tlenoial Jiidi'oti. Jleie the sur render of Louisiana to Spain took pltice, mid hero the Independence of the stnte was declined by the Kieiieh In 17tiS. FltllNClI MAltKr.T Tho ''I'lenih Market" has become n traditional ctuloslty to tlsltois to New ot loans ns one of the most otlg i mil featutes of the city. To go away without Hoeing this place with lis throng of Inhabitants shouting In alt languages of the world nnd selling fruits lioni the tioplcs, such us nie not seen olsetthom, Is equivalent to not hnvlng neon New Orleans. The mar ket partakes veiy much of the charac ter of an Intel national bazaar, iih the nationalities of the win Id me bete mpiweuled, A tlsllor limv hem study the woild, Uefom madilng Ihe pi ice you will know It by the busy insh, the noisy inmhllng of cults' n ml wagons, the oeiu-oless claltei of foieigu and native tongue" all (ounningled. Mete me tips outlandish gnlx and cut Ions faces and the most complicated inlsium of In- illaii. ti.'gm iiiind c.iuwisl in blood, nnd lii'iny races that ate nowhem ,!,,,. the most complicated inlsiuio of In- found on the Ameiiian lotitiiieul 111 fuel, ihcte Is no mote louiaikablc or cliaiaiterlstic sjiol In Now Oileans. The huyeiK and sellers me men and women of all tho nues of the woild i onihiiied. The Ftendi maikot coinpiiy.'S fltu distliitt and sepal. itej ditIlon", cub under n spocial roof. They aie called (he meat maikot, the fish, the fruit, the togctible ma i kit, nnd the "llu Si.inr." Atonml these vailoti't iimik,; is ,i f i luge of rum stalls nnd coffee stands Iletwfen them aie small open spaces- occupied h.t Indians, pcddlots ot milt, tlnwaie and notions. .Moom, with Iheir siihnts ol beads and eiossps, "Itesh fiom Ihe Holy Land," the Clii ii"ui', the Hindu, Jew and Spuuiiud, l''ieiidi and Teuton, Irish and Knglish. and the Cieole who hv lca-on ol native (Miaellon gite ihe (harm of local lite and nilor to litis iiuiintly foielgn spot, ami las(. but not least, the last descendunls of the famous Choctaw II ihe of Indiltis, who wei.e omc tile ownt'is oi tlie soil tm which the pioud i Itv of New Orleans now stands. They weic tip- onlv Indians who never once lose in aim against the rnlted States and in token of their fldelitv weie ne ei suit fo the Indian i esei t.tlion, buL qitlollt (xctipv a settlement of their own. In an adjoining palish. They tisit the i ii v lice of steamer fare, twice a week the quiet, swat thy d.u k-skluned noun n. with thdr flowing hair, biing Ing then blight -eyed Utile papooses snapped to planks as is their Indian eiMom. All ibis is- a notel sight. Kiunlat is tin- iint when th" niatkot i. ill be seen ill all lis gloiy. Till- m.tl kel is a gieat ptomlnade of a Sunday morning loi the Cieole bells and beauv aflcr ihey hate heaid mas5 at the old cathodia. Hem the famous "Creole eoftoe" is seied with a peculiar tvafei like fusliv (ailed "colte-cakc" The (oltce is made with a chipper and seited in the Cieole fashion. A fin t In i ileseiiption of this nnd oth ei lt.iilitlun.il ctnio-itips vtill appe.it IP'St wcoU. c J. V.. Cldunond. MUSICAL GOSSIP. III. liiMimcu Ipii d srlec t lotl- II 1,' I. n il.iiil .it the nniiiim: .mil ovinin 'emu, i ni.jiiw n I Im I'nK iliuuli it.iiloi Hie ilimticn "I I. llnil 1'iiuiliiirtiiii, rirgJiii'l iml clion- IllJ-ll'l MOISMM. Oi-iti il i jiu tniiliiwn., . . rlei.l iillniii, "s'mtt Me lie Wu," Kulieiti ( lion OiKin, "Un I ecnins Son" .l.j !un lhiini, tniliiin ' ('io,iiir- Mr Hir . ., ,tlic IllhUI. ll(Jin in I) stun I.M.M.NO. (iirfin, Viiiknto Sislinuti Maseiict Aiithiiii, "lie Mrun Piuie," VawI. l.loil. Olilll, tll"Klfl(o 111 (' C uic '"I Spirited IImiiii, ' I aiiii of lie IVci" Ilmuiel Cliuli. Oitr.iti PortluJo in I tljjoi Hmk 'flic conceit citcn liy Mi, tlutrutpl Iip,h .in 1 Mr. Cnl riiitli it St. linked un,h linti-c un tloneln oeotnnc j( one eif llio iiui'icd iru', ei tlie irt. Illw Slicjr In-, nnil' mim'ndae iioi;iis i? i kh llist ilirjily. iml bo cmoi picmlrCs to I'D nnijiiir tlie mj,t lilllhint. II ' ' II ireev lllukwnon I, now ul vol I, loti-iiiii: liii ,iuih(ii, hoping l.j alur.itlrtiii to proiJiKc lie Irr eltrrt5. Mil c.eniplicii I, plljid liv tin' tlirini' InnJ in r (liii'ilinu it PioiOs-ni s,nt.. in inn .it wi-liiiiKirn mmiip tmip un .ml n icni'il liisk pi.ii-e fldin tin1 im inbei J. Owins I') tho lid. ot crtliitt iii'tnuiioiil, tlio 1 1 iMimia il tlie SiMliton Stiiipliom oulif-lii Ii it.; .k i I licni iniililo to niidcr Mi, llUikuonii', i oiiijio sllii ll, lull it is l.e'iiil llnl tll'( 111 i.i lie jlile lu i.J so 111 tt.e Hi II lilt 111 t I Mine. I llh I Inn mu miiiL'in.iioil lici- tmri I (in loul wall i i mil r it )n.toii!i.i iltcinquii In ('.illni'l. lull fill, (ill lie tlio iiK"l rttcnslte linn In tni.'ric i lint Mine. I.i I iii.iuii Im, i-U'i niiilc, imluJum llililinon , llniion, I.oiiImiIIp, Mlln.inki.', MIiiiii imll, Ni,'illlli, Vi w Haven. I'lti-I.ui.-. I'liil ul. lpliii, Uodievitoi, si, Paul, si I.inil', Ilov, 'Inrunli, mil t islilnjtuii. I tin' IjiIo mu. urn-Ill! Mlutii.n vill Li inn .li ml il tiiiiKiiuuN unlei's in llii sc,oni Picj. loti'i hi dirndl" MillIMM, OlJCIll l'llllllli l-IUln till tllilll -Mllllj .(.ip.Vll tiilliim "'() sutiiie Mitlui",. ,,,( on.t.niKj i;unli tic jinl C hull, Ollill ii .Io, "rjM "Mi-it .tlo Wijij" lli.id.dl MIh DIjcIi, Omin I'lt'inli' . Voldiimr I.VIIMMi Hikiii I'nliiili "ilmle ami nilmti fimn sonit i in c Mijoi , Iiidiiur ijiliitnli. "'.soltlj .Now llti' I.l"lit ui Pn" "jliqiheiJ Ml-cC, III nk mil l.HJKJII. Ml (Mr. (,i pel ,111.1 tluljlll, Oneit(vH""fln Hfo 'i nitcn dr M ," (liitlrr(M Oi.'in I'imIii Io ..'mitt Mi I 'I i him , i.isiiii.t jiul illniloi, ,1 ! Il. Ciirdtjlmt. Ill ilifironic In Ho wiIk of ii, mine p il i-.i.-i. ilokienl llu lnlll.il in Ira) of tlio i.uuc I.) -utUU, .iml li" a, ii.'li'.il rf Meinl'ML", Stllim- lloiliniiti "ill Id in.' fli-i. Kllllllll in ill. I'lll'll ll')H" (II III!' OMIlilU" ef Siiwinli.i" Jtli. lliihk'jhil.K ItUlit Hi- I. .1 Itil" si in ii 1. 1 ii 'I'l'iint I't -. lies .ii ci.). i un. I l'ii;rn l' Ml it. ml il U .J'.l if Mill ll' 'I 'I"' ri M iH ul IliOlluMil riiiill will," mil oi,iy lull l. I III' ni.i-T.liri.il In))' IIHIell Ililt "lUllllf, lli.i K.ii i r i ji:(I.Ull kih nf liim "lie .it. Ii.id.il juihIIjIi Id III, itdullul liu-KH, U" m i iiu iiiti-lc.il .il.illlliw mIiUIi i)nii i. Inn in-iid, i.i in ittiionllnm 1.11(01 111 hp. n'pii. n mil 1 1 iiiiipt-i.iiiifnt, ,i lie I-.-j I- tip nt imp (' a iioii.' i t. nilil.i I In (licfi'u t ltd lii.iHI' I'.ili.liiUi- nil RitCli null.. nil ill .ml villi i.iiwiiiinii SnrpiUlnKlv iit-etiw ,,t ki, i1i.ii.,,. oct itotid.iiin In j kl.iiia'i. i link' l.y s, ;, a.m. i.l.j " iiotii il.c.-c miinboi. 3o ui tlie KKi-nuii lot i.io Ctli ' I Hi rlvji, lull ulili mlif.ii ll. ii ike I. till M ljull (f t, l Oil-. H.llOll, It IliV'lll "llll 1 'ml lit in'ial on 'liK.djt reonln?, Vn A t ii' I'JiU'i llou.-o. In .iiijiciiic of i in nioro Ii asinul I ion i kimlciiu onli, llik(-l Pe.ui ii. iliiil. ur it i lie I uiuviutoii ollii-r Sf alter Knocks Out Jeff ends. Hi 1 c iml. M liu fiom 'llm As'Ci laicJ 'rrt llallliiiuii, .)i s IMU Mllui liluCV.nl ulit Jim Jel.'ii 'n the ai oml ruuiul. THE MYSTERY OP ARARAT Gonieiits ol an Old Hovel Prove Unon Investigation to Be Valuable. TWO OLD MAIDS' CAREER After Fifty Years of Silence They Ask Aid from the Town Poor Directois Discover That Boxes In Their House Aie Filled with Dty Goods, Sllverwaie, Cash, Etc. No Explanation of the Case Cnn Be Obtained. Ffi!cii to Hit Soianlcn TiIIjuc 1'nlond.ile, Nov. S. For the past fifty yearn them has lived in the township ot """"- l"u""'""- ............. r v- ' arat, SusiittPlmmu county. Pa., a eouple ot ecieuttlc ladles, ca led by I heir nelghbois, "The old maids." Their life must have been n lonely one as they never made i.ills or leiehed visitors, but occasionally theie was u man and sometimes two men to be scon tiiottud the fihue. but to all appearances they never tun led long, The house they lived In was an old, iittubling, wood-ioloied affair, minus manv elapboauls and shingles and the windows weic bonrdPd up with the exception of one In the loom In which they llteil and one other hi another loom tluough which ii small flock of hens and tutke.t.s walked to their roost by the way of a slanting bo.ud fiom the giound to the sill. How tlitse two women now in the suni-ot ol life, lived, no one know. They rarely asked aid of any soit and wcte fieiiuently seen i hopping and curjlng wood tor their wlnloi liie and their diessos at stub limes wcie such as would .iltiait attention, as they seemed to be made of old meal sacks. Any who had the- temeiily to call, weie Ingrueloiisly ippelved, and those who had (aught a glimpse of th" In tel lor .'aid the looms wcie piled full ot boxes ol vailous soils, cub one locked. Two weeks ago those old ladles ap plied for assistance fiom the town. The poor musters befoie gi anting it decided to call and see what their eh uirastutues weie. They found the looms piled mil of boxes and despite the piolest of the old ladies pioeoedod to hit estimate. Their surprise may be imagined as one titter another of the boxes was opened and totmd to be tilled with sll icrwai e. silks, satins, shawls, whoso talue in their day was fiom sir, to 50. Holts of calico slioetiiig. hoots, shoes, docket y. sacks of sugar nnd salt and almost ci 00 thing in fuct one could think of. I'nder the stove was found an old wallet containing- $-". Sew id in the lining of an old dtess was a nuiili kuger amount and In one of the lio.M't was found scvei.il bundled old pennies, half-pennies mid some old b ink notes dated In the '60's and "D's. Xow Ihe question K how did those w onion ionic in possess-ion of so much taluable piopeily and why did tliev ap peal for assist.ime fiom tlo town'.' They retuso to answer all uestlons. Weie they stoiing these goods lor nel sons wlio made il n pi .id ice to 10b country stoics? Wore unti.nv pod dlcis, .iskhitr lor shcltei foi the niglit, lelleved ot thcii goods and glad, pet -haps to oscajie with thelt lites. ir they ( ould0 Such cinistions as these aie haunting the minds of the Auir.it people, but none can CTulaiu. Howeter, the two old ladies ate lit ing in freedom at the expense ol the town and the goods aie to be auctioned olf, pleit bv piece, to the highest bid der. The city fat hois bate done noth ing toward tlnding when ihe goods lame ttom and siy they can do noth ing. Some people tutor taking the law in their own hands and It possible, extoit some soil of confession, but probably nothing will be done. The nine d,is' wonder will cease and the old ladles will die with their secret BUSINESS PROSPECTS ARE ENCOURAGING Transpottatlon Facilities aie Some what Improved and the Tear of Labor Troubles Lesseiing, ti Utcliiihc Mac from tlie tai iatcd l'ie Now Yoik, Nov. S It. C, iJtin & Co.'s weekly icvletv of tiadc tomonow will shj : 1 Ittlp icltif lu, l.un ailonli'l I ho dailiii, iii.hiii fielnrliu linliiiti) in tin iniltor oi timiportli.? (irllitlii!, In fact, tlio dlintnm on ll.r whole iv lis, s itl'faetor, finec nul'lllle I) pciiiip mki lilt Lroi ulit about llie) 1'Uiklns nf Jim finnuci, Tlii, in tntn Pud, tn luril.n tin inirkit tor pli; lion. tliou;li no .ictii.il alloi illuii in piiu', in, niiunril, outfit ut I'lillnli Ij1iIj, wlicn ".'j i cuts limn! i ton is iijillfj pdil h thi, niilii,tiy i-c iiiiitliliiril tin h"ot liu'itii"' lumnntoi, puniit loinlltlou, mil mtuu pn-ud air ii rt ilnlr niou oiifounitina, lor nnloi, an in'iiili'.t inU nlcn, in cnl iuIiik' i lpidiy In oi.k'i to I u 1 1 1 1 1 1 ilia siuning Iniiliiii,-, Mitrtiil i imrduvil mm lor mull it iidiiral unk in tlio sprlni,-, mil .nk'lil' nil lontriots arc i-ukiui,' .HicplJiiri'. ll.iilu.ii moil, ode io)( s, I'loaoini;, oeoiv fin in of iqnlpinnil liolri: sought, ami it I-. 'W.ili lli.U nioic i.nl n will lie pliiul aliroul buboi trout..- mil low ttanr li.no iddul to tin diftliultj uKliv f-cini iai Nhort no, making lliroc ict inline inllin n. ( -i .itlt'itin'f the output of (oil iipt ed.(n tlio fxpoit clriniml tun lioeouie i tutor of impiitJiuo. Tittllo mills In Nove KiijIhhI aie liu-y, nnd tin io Is no longer mv (oar of Ulwr ccntroiir.)' at I'all Hitii In woolens till io i, i tm nioii. mint of weinon'h lif kooi1 .lrni onlm .no plcn. tilul In luaw mlijlit linos fci Imnir ilato ilduin, IWatlier comlliions iM'io the cliiif lielor in iloii'iiiiiiiln pilco rli,n'. if stapli prinlmt-i. Low tonipciatino in .jraiii movdiii tlt( lnoii-'lit i liiclel kid ol (iiotJtloiH. mm iiliiir it (Oin, 'iliotp tin UkuH' lillin ut tin onipninii ilitu I1-.1 jou nul 'il (outs oter Isni, 'II cm inhan. n ef rruro Ih in .11) pel (dii ire fir In oifi m Ike 1 llio ot lost In piDiliutlon, iml ,lablbhi'i .1 Ik. Illlou. piieo k-U'l. whiiii cull lib Miami, if potts t.) iil'.lli IiIInIiiI foi 11.0 eok, aiaii,t V IX 170 lnil(i'U lot oj On tin ullior liJiul, nlioal h unit trie lodj it Iwlli iojH. l.fpnicnii lioni the 1 iiiti.l siji.-i I 1 tlo n.d 1111. 111,1 In,; l(, C,;fll,l7-' bltil, JS.ilit .1 i0,in Pndcl, In tlie Mill,. MCI It ('I H1). 15011 ll nillllllS llnl fole'lKIl lliliund, Cal. 1 tn -ul). im 1 lii fiicci ro ulMit li.-t icn tuio, ilij-itc tlio dillcremo pi cntiiut Palliins fci ll.o ilk imaiberfil ".'II In Ike fiiiHil 'latu-, ajmi'l Jul Ut Jear, ami tlililv-tliiii ill laiuila. j.'ulii't cllil 1(011 lal teal. D L, & W. Boaid for Today. Following Is tho makeup of the Hola wiife, I.ud.-.iwatllia and "Western boanl for toduy 1 HID VI, MIIUIIIMI f Willi (at., ki,t i. p. 111, A. II Itcmo PI ) m . II (lllll.jii; 11 . in , (., IV. lluii surium, mjv i:ini it ". IMlil lau, j;il l M) a. 111., tlcorirci TIiuiii-m. I 1 111 1 W, . Ilittlioloincn: u a, 111. ('. W, ll....... , n in . -I, llinllijil; 10 a. in , II ))hu- Hen's Furnishings. This store is ready for the changing seasons and our stock is evidence of it. Your every need may be supplied here, and il supplied ear ly will prove satisfactory. Underwear in cotton, wool and silk and wool in Shirts and Drawers or Combina tion Suits 50c to $4.00 Gloves for street, driving or the work man, true and tried sorts, wool or kid. 25c to $1.50 Fancy Shirts. Makers aie slow in mak ing deliveries, but we expect a full line for Saturday 50c to $2.oi t) , II t in , I. I m Wniin Miilc-; ." p 111 , .1. 1 llii,li, Numiiit. I'lc it 1 in , i 1 1 m , v. o-l. I ll 1 ii 1 1 1 n 1, in , I honnwiu: n p in I. Iiciin ( 11 lie. 1. If. l.mlii , 7 p I.. Mi'tlll'lu. I'n-liei ii 1 in . idim 1 : - p 111 . ( !. T. 0 i in . P Iliilett. a, .1. IfciiiHjjaii: 8 Molml-i" triee ; 'i i ( iiiic-i;; 7 p. 111 , 111 , limn Nii Aiu, 7 1 111 "- I in. nut) , 11 111 , llou-'i , 1 1 ') J, 111 , ttnian; 1, 11 111 . I Mi lluinid 11 p 111 , Murplij ; I'l ti m , I iniiMnir. 'J p 111 ,11. II llirthi'lonicM. ; I' lai-oiiii r I uu'lno, 1 1 . fliiriu . , 7 1 nt , -iii.'i 1 , 10 .1 111 . 1t111r', 10 1 in . 1 . I . sll(jr; 111 , Mi (.i.eern V. Kolrlniii, ii P l 11 miiiiili: 10 . lolt 1 (. il 1 in; 2 . Willi 1111 Kill.) ; 0 , loliu l!atri. i- II n ni , si iiiiiin, s n . Wild 1 its lli-t in . .1. 111 . II. ( 11 tim.1i . 1 111 , I) llimlolnli, p in , !. II n;m'ii) p 111 , I' IlllllilCIl II 1. 11 I p. 111 11 ji 111 EXPEDITION RETURNS. Jessup Patty, After Pout teen Mouths, Ai lives nt Moscow. lie I m IllslU' Win-110111 llio ch iatcil Pio,-. SI. I'etciMiuiK, Sov. S The- Jet-sup expedition, Mnit out lv llio Amotkau Museum ol X.ilui.il Hihtorj, of X.'W" Yoik ( it, to ""qiloie tin unkn iwn pni- tlun" ol 1101 tlieastoui Sibciln, his- lln islicd its woii,. its, ii-adot. Not man '". Utixlrn, an Ainetioan, has united :it Jliwon, liiitliii, ttatolliil ,",noi) t cists in Kiunsi hatha and othor -eml-l'olni lllstli. ts. Tlio txpedition has nnc bundled boxes 01 collections lot the Ameilcnn Museum of Nattiial History. Ihipll catos will be i,!ien to the St. IVters 1)111 JA" Aeadoniv ol Silences, 'i'Ih c ploiels hale tliiiioushly Iniesllffnleil ntaiif natite ttilios dm in;, the paat tourteeti monlh". Tin pc fii'ientlsts. 1 iiinposins: the ,lo.s sup expedition. :-em out by the Ameii can Museum ol Nntiital IIItoiy of New Voik 10 cxplon the uiikiiown poi tlons of not thc.i'-tein Kibeiln, left San rraneisio mi A pi 11 IS. llltlfl The weie Xotm.in c. Ituxtoii. an Ameiiian, and two Kussiinis. Wiildemar (lomnas and Waldeiiiar ,I,k kelson. (Mil ot the oh jo( ts 01 ihe tilp was t,, cletoimlne whether ot not the Aiiieiiean Indian is elo-e.endfd Horn Aslatii stoi k. The llii'.danti wote to dcwite thcm'selt o? Iliiliult In the I'lliiioliiLilial pinbloiils, htud.tin the natlto l.iiiKtiats'-.s niul yoncfc, ( iistonis and ph.slial ihiuaotei-istlit- ot .1111101 etny ttibo that itihiib ilh the iKittlioahtein bei'tioti of Kiboila liiixton whs to c online his wotk maliilt to the zoological Held, makitiK it now collection of blicls and nmiimls fur ihe Anietleiin Mm-eiim of .Witin.tl Htsioiy ICEBOUND OrF CAPE HORN. Vessel Caught in a 1'loe E&timnted at SOO Miles in Length. 11 I trliMtr IMir limn Tin t-, x iali i Pn-. I'hlladi'lpllla, Xof. S The lit c t to. M'l to hi 1 . 1 1 1 k li t iii an atctp' iie this reason it lis the mis.u -laden bulk Xtiliiimi. wllli Ii wat, ducked nt Die .Spliekols hliKat l!ollnov lodiit, lifter a 1 tin ol IL'ii da.tf, fium the Hawaiian Islands. The Xuutiuu hit Honolulu last .luiic, and after cm otinieiini; seteii k.iIos hi the South I'aellic llce.iii, wan 1 .uijfht in the lie III tin call pail of Septem ber t Ithlii 11 bundled miles ol Cape lioni. Vhv to tin hotllli iiothlim bin dtlfl he iiinliabii bocti. Tito ,sc,i wu.s Miiootli and tlii'io wiih no ,slt;n ol land. The wenlhi'i" was fair nnd enabled the Xuiianu to woik Iter wny into 1 lour w.ner. .I'liptiiln Jns.,n, lior inasier c.iletilfffi'd that the Ico e.xtoudod iiboul S00 miles hiiutli 111 i',,h. lliitp. The Xuuitnir.s 11111 wu( i hi ll.non miles, sim ,s the liret or a licet of mi-pir-laileu salllllK te.s.scln liuimd fiom the Hawaiian Idaud.s to I'liil. ulelphl.i and Xew Voik. Steam vessel!-. It Is Hiild, bate lottipl Hie trade uiipiolltaUlo, uttlntr to Hie loiiR mu, MASKED BANDIT KILLED. An Attempt at Hold Up Results JVatally, IP I tclmiu Wiif Hum llio 1.-. m d fu,. flioeukx, Ail".:,, Not. s.-f)tie bandit wan killed nnd one Injtued as the in Milt or an iiiteiuptud by iluee masked rohlKl.s 10 lllll, up Up. f4,liinK luiliMi of Peel , fo , last nlKht at X.uo, Ail . a hoi del town. The dead bandit li.it boon ideuthlod iih Wllllum ('Udells, ol U0K HDIinEC, X. ,M. I A eioltp of u.nnstcrr and KiunRei rt ' olio eel when the ilcspeindiies eiilert.il Hie saloon at a late hour and (iiihl(.d "liiiuds up." i'i, ileum iippioadied tho loulelle liible mid pioe'ooiled to llll n Mi,' with the bunk i.u-lt. aniutimliiK to l-oieial thousand dnllats. J. V.. I.'llls (liew ll litoltei- lieloie Ihe lllotcinont was deloi'iod b.t the lobheis nnd I't. it ens fell de id When .shot. The otliel bandits weto (lomoiall.eil and fled in dlsoulei Ope pf them wan wounded b another bullet lunii mils' nnolter. The leaihod llielf liotscs which weie hitched in the Itmsh and tode for the mountains closely pillowed by a posse, whlih had heeu luiHtlly oiKauUed M. J. lioran & Son 324 Lackawanna Avenue. Cooler Weather Is predicted for December, but theie will be plenty of cooler weather long before tint and you had better prepare for it while our stock is complete. Tlen's Overcoats. There are Overcoats for all and a saving in pi ice for every one. Stylish Overcoats for Fall and Winter. $10.00 to $28.00. Fall Suits. The coirect styles are here, made from every popular fab ric ol the season. The tailoring is an evidence of the highest skill, the garments fit superbly. Stylish Suits for Fall and Winter. $6.00 to $28.00. f We I lave Just Opened Om New Fall Stock of Needless to say it's the veiy best possible for tha money, or it wouldn't belieie. IT INCLUDES, ii Pots, Pans, Kettles, Coal Hods, Spiders, Griddles, Etc. In fact, all of the many Kitchen Utensils made in this ware. See window display. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD. NO. 23 S. Eighth St.. Philadelphia, Pit. Suranton Branch Office, Nos. 1 and .'J, Aicndo Building-. fiiis Si M. Lager ifofi-M Beer &fe fRK'W t iintiufactiireM nr OLD STOCK PILSNER 486 to 405 IT. Ninth Btreot, Telephone Cull. 2.?3. N0WHFR11 ELSE ON EARTH Can tho Seeker After HEALTH AMD HAPPINESS riiul Such Kich Reward. CALIFORNIA ISA WINTER PARADISE. Best Reached Via 'SUNSET LIMITED." I'VI lll IMTH UN "III ll-) Leave New Yojk Tuesdnys, Thuis days, Snttudays. SOUTHERN PA3IFIC GO, R. I. Smith, ngeiu, 100 S 'M &t., Philndeliihin, Pn. Every Woman jliUIJtILC UOll.lclfy MnL NMtlrKng Spray H vn ,' " ' iri ""Ji rn him i oiitu rn niifioriiiitij ikL m ir uiuctUt Fir ll Ifh" At nut miuiilv ll o )l till 1.1,. acientiut tlu r, I'ut ml B'-iuiij Jci tt un tlr 1 tooW firJ It wt II i aituuluiiiuiiit tine' iinnn in It'iLU.KJ.j 'wr X.f ltooiu W. Tiiutfc IWy Ntw V lU Custom-Made Clothing. Of the kind we build excel in quality, are exclusive in pattern, and no higher in price than is consistent for good goods. Boys' Suits and Overcoats. Mothers know how dillicult it usually is to find the proper styles lor the "little fel lows." Come early while the selection is large and bring the boys from 3 years up to manhood's stature. Suits $3.00 to $6.00 Overcoats in all giades and prices. Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands ol' names to the long list of Smith Premier users, representing ctcry line of trade and every profession ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUC FREC f The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., S u t.l t ti rile .i t . ir it .nul in. ' , Out FALL UNDERWEAR Flnel. I" imi.iiiiuIIi K.mil (,iulj Ini Hi' illi(l bin ill -uiil. till. Im in. I 'mu. mu. Ii siirnst' Jlil0li'.t out tul niille oil. iiiij, .U Spruce Street. 'Uic Only Place in Scranton Where TRUSSES nn iiituiuia. iiiiiil ii ..I told nuclei- GUflRANrEE OF PERFECT FIT A ii J in MulJ tin- ts.irst Unptiire 1.. III I .1 l ', . Ml.,. uiil. i III . lill Itu' 1 1 ail'1 lil l. ill I , I. ill in I k II I KiNDERMANN 3c CO, 182 N. Washington Avenue. Prof,G,F.THEEL,b270M: lbllklrluhl. la. Oolj ( rrimm Mrr'alUl lit iatrrirt. (turtuln tvrurf ftl-ulir uiU rlitlr iiru. fnU rtt 4 ti tUtai)ktrmr.4Uuit,i i lUut I 1 ion. rnvv i'v-uii. I i nbo4'j, E ilruitli lrlrurrDa rullliK). I iiJiUd IwriUlirunlrwUraBHii4rwrNitorii fr'llwaUUi Vtttlk Ttttfli4t"i7 utr Urol nJ rltrlHralfiauJ, MstU ptr. uiMmm4 f T L ii am T VOffl fit fT-T-l-T,T-lT- -W-i T- t " f T,V V