The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 09, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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"9m IIP' Ki'tMl i'oiirk'kiiIIdh In iitlml-
nine at thu lVnii Avonuo Jhi
ybj tNi i-tiuu'li i-ni'li Sunday cvpii-
Ins nltnt the iiiipi'iH-liitttin nf
tlii' pt-uiilo In tlic piiHtm-'.i eli'oi't
to llliislintr- ilu slury (if tho Hfiv f
iMii'Nt. Thi' views of lite eelrln-atod
lmlnlliifiH of .1. .lumen Tiyoiil nf plnccd
Upon (lie cinivnM with the nld of li
jiiiwi'i'l'iil stiM'-iipticnii. TiiniofKiu cvpli
itiK tin' p.ifl(ir will we lh' 'nw "f"""!
ni.tUhm' tin- licit iweiili feel fiiimre,
to iih ti Iii'Iiik ""I Hi'' di'lnll nml color-
il'K .l ! llllliv lr-UK Mill lf KlM'II,
illitsli-.illiii, mjiiii- of llio nilrurliv nml
dllirr ( miiIm In I he III" of nlir l.nrd. To
tii.oiiiiltiiitnti I In- lut'K'' niiliilicl'f- In l
tiMuliiiui. cl'iiliv Pine boon plniTd In
Hi .vji mnl In I'voiy iiMillublf pint
of .n'iiliillloilnin. lint tin.' I'iiHKii- Iiiih
ti-ttii Meil tlili prnotloo be illfi'nti
tlmiod. in iiolil nn.v piihsllilllty of diiii
K. t 'J'lio-o di-li'liijr niit may ntti-nd
oail.v. A prolliiilnni'y miiir s-ei'Vlt'u will
1)0 linuisiltatoil loliinlTow ovonlntr.
On .Monda.v, Nov. 1, the liNliops of
tht Mothoill.-t. Kpiscniml oliui'L'h, while
in n.-.-lun In ' i, ()., oloi'ti'il
llev. .Mtinli'j- S. Hani. P. P.. Ilr-t ns--flstaut
oriThpoiMliiis m'i I'utary of the
boiinl of i liuroli oNli'iiflon of tin Aleth-uills-l
l'pin'opul i Inn ih. A vui'iiiu-y m--
llll'll'll III tllO I'OI'IV.'-pollllllllJ Ml-retlll'.-
thlp 1 llio di'iith of I Sow Pi'. AV. A.
Spi-niM' In Sopti inlior. Ilo mis olfi'toil
to thai ollloo liy tlio koiioiiiI cutiti'i'i-uri.
In Hay, ISHiii.
Tin iIIm'IpIIiio ol tlio .Motliodift
i hurdi iiiiilii. ll tlio duly of the bishops
to nil tlii' vauttiK-y. 'i'hoy did this liy
jii'oiiiollns Ki'V. .Iniiics M. KIiik. U. P.
Mho was llio tirsL iift-h-tunl, lo tin full
ooir poiidliiK sc-i-ieltil.iMilp. They al.-o
)i'omoti'd Pr. ll.ird Ironi the i-eiullil as-sls-kuit's
plaoo to the flr-t. Pr. Hind
l.iokod hut four Mill's of bolus;' olootrd
to this pultioii at the las-t Kuni'ral 1011
I'eiviirn. Ho inovod to Kvtinstnu last
January. Tho m v liu.-ltinu to wliiih
he is oleetod may n-quiit- him lo move
to Philadelphia, iltlih is the hoadiiniir
tors for llio Imiuil of chuieh extent-inn
of the Methodist Kpls-oopul elmroh.
The Xoioiiilier meeting of the AVilkos-"Caru-SiTuntoii
Pastoral asMiclation
was hold on Jlonday at the homo of
llev. u. F. Kltwoln in Pittston. The
J'ollowiiiK were ptosi-ni: lSivs. J. 1
lli-ates. 1.,. l,lmlciislrutli and II. .1. F.
Seliilur, of W'llke.lJariv; A. I. la
Jiicr. l'. (J. HplcUer and W. (.'. L. Pallor,
of Heiiinton. Then. Zuber and O. F.
3CtlM'ln, IUt.-ton: lioboit ("onrad,
"Vi s-t l'itlt-lon.
l!i v. Seiiekir was elected oliaiiinan
for the ein-nini; year and Jtev. iClt
weln -leiot.ny and lierihiuer. The
foioiioon Muslim Sis ohielly devoled to
an oM'etieal study of I he second elmp
tor ol the Hook of Acts. In tlio attcr
nuon Dr. Itainer piosouted a liapcr on
the Pook of Ail.. The Mibjcil of the
Apoi-tolate. the choice of Matthias by
lot ; nd oilier kindled topies were di.H
eiifscd. The next meeting: will bo held
in "W'ilkes-Haue on December !', when
the association will be the miosis of
llev. .T. F. Unites, of sit. John's Lu
theran church.
A mission will open sit Holy Cior-s
church, llellevile, tomonow morning,
to continue for two weeks. The mis
sion will be conducted by three Pomlni
cm fathois I!os. Siillnter. PInahaii
and O'Neill. The III st week of the mis
sion will be for women, and the second
for men. Knili evonhiK. fxeept S.ilur
days, at 7.::n u'i look, durhiK the two
week", ihete wilt bo tin- rosary and a
sermon. Kaih ininnliiK thoie will be
services which both men ami women
, can attend. HcxIiiiiIiik Tuesday at Ji.SO
. in., confession will boMieaid, and
evuy dav from ", to 7 and P to 1L' a. in.,
and from :!.;;u lo il. and 7 to in p. in.
t k
Tin KoV. llobell T. Itobells. JI. A. P.
D.. of Wllkes-iiarre. I'a.. will excluuiKC
pulpits tonioriow with the llev. Will
iam P.ivlos. of the McHevue Welsh I'al
Inistic Meihudlst (hurdi. Dr. lloh
i its Is a Kood pi eacher and those who
will euiiii to luar him can expeit on
jo,able and cdlfyliiK seiimnis. He will
preach at 10 o'clock in the morning in
the l'nslish laiiKuaKo. and at t o'eloik
in ihf i'MmiIiii; In the AVols-h laiiKii.iKe.
All are Kiven it sincere welcome.
Dr. P. f Montlo luis roiiunod ffoin
a conference of his i lutreli hold In
Ohirksbiiis, 'W. Yii. Jilshop I!. W, Ar
nelt, P. P., of Willieifoiie. (., a mem
ber of the late iiiiiuoiiical conferemc.
who enjoys the distinguished honor of
presiding uvi't' that aim-ust bodj, in
tin n with other ki'i it church men, pit-
The ilisfijiur.moii rauseil lv skin dise.n-i,
even more than the toniieutiiiff irrita
tion which is so commonly associated
with it, Th use of Dr. Viercc'b Golden
. "Medical Discovery
ficncally rcaiiUs
ii: a c n m j) i e t e
cure ol ecmua,
inmnles, eruptions
and other forms
I of disease which
have their cause
in an impute con
dition of the blood,
"('.olden Medical
Discovery" abso
lutely purgei the
blood of humors
ami poisons, and
so elites Ihi! cuta
neous diseases
which bad blood
breeds and feeds.
Thcie is no alco-
Medical Discov
ery" and it is eji
liicl) free from
opium, cocaine,
and all other nar
cotics. "I w.ii trnulilril
Willi fivriiKi from Un
crown of niv lirjil to the coirs of juv fctt,"
uite Mrs. Kiln Quick, of Cuss City, Tuscola
Co., -Mich. "Could not walk ul tluifi,, nor wear
my s1hx, 'i'liMicht there w nu help for me
Hi lcat Hie (lector snitt there wai nouc I went
to nee tilciul lit ClirUlniHS llmu nml llieie
lienrd of the kooiI that Dr. rieice'n (iolden Mi'il
ical I)icucry lud done fur them, nml ues
AdvUed to try it ut once. 1'or fear that I might
ueKlect it my frieiul xpt to the illai;f ami
not a tiollle .mil maile mc piomUc that I would
lake it. I hud been itettluir wore nil the lime.
1 took thirteen bottles of the ' Colden Medical
DiMUM'ty' and lea viaWofnr t'ieiee's I'ltusint
1'elUU, and u-i-d tile ' AH llcnlliis sialic,' whicli
made u complete cure. It wjk low, hut suit. J
was takiux the medicine dbout iinl'1 mouth'..
"I would ay lo nil wliu rwd lliU Try Pr.
I'lerce't tiolden Medical Dlwoiery tiefore w.n,l.
lug time ami money "
Dr, Tierce's Pleasant IVllcts asist the
action of Uiu'UtifcCoi
mffZlr - fc
Fi.vV . 55y
, wwm
m .i u vm
m ur , mm
kl & i wm
if ill H
W VvrgH
aided al (he coiifeienee last week, Dr.
Ilentley htivluv been returned to the
pimtoral" or the African Methodist
HplHeniial ('lunch, Howard place, will
preitch tomorrow .
llev, ,1, MessliiK"r. luisior of the
Pulled llvitliKelleril ehiircli, will tniilto
the uddfesH at the rollliB Meli'H CIuIh
thin association service In llio Uuern
sey Inilldhifr on Hundiiy ni ii.4., hud tin;
Towner Male (tiartetto, of the naino
ohttrch. will render speilal nitisle. llev.
MossliiKor Is n very earnost speaker,
and llio iniiirlotto will slutr tho (iospel
In a way to i ouch the heart. Men urn
Invited to b" present and help in the
The Wyoming conference JCpwotlli
I.eiiKlin ( ouvetlllon Will bo held at
Owoko, N. Y on Nov. 11 and 1,'. The
olllecrs lire: l!ev. i. i.', Murdoch,
president; llev. A, P. Chalfoe, secre
tary: llev, K. Kllpnlrlek. Ireiisurer;
Uos. M. V. Williams. C. M. Olmstead,
O. It. Prentice, P. P. McDonald, (',.
P. Uennliiir, iiuil W. A. Hanford, cnbl
iii't. Ilov.'lt'rank James, musical direc
tor. The men's meetluir on Sunday after
noon at ;:.)", in tho Itallioad Vouiif
Men's ('hrlstiati association, will be ad
dressed by the secretary. The charac
ter of the mooting v ill b" evangelistic.
The male chorus ,f tltttni n voices will
sliif," for Hi llr-t time. Tlioc will also
tie selfctions by tin- de:ii'tmeut male
riuiutette and ,i bailtone s-olo by W. J.
Lour. A hearty invitation is extended
to all men lo be juoiont at I) Is service.
'I he (oiiitirxilion "( (,uic KiijIi-Ii
ilmrili, cornci o( Mnii-on ai'riiue and
Btttit. lll olj"0rc l.utlier day toinoii
o. It in
utliti was
foi 11IU1IO
- c.nlod (rnni the fact that Mai tin I
hoiii Xov. Ki, US!. Al I0.:, the hour
mi,- tcitlu, the Sunday mI.ouI Mill
l.uthcr Diy Home MMnn tenice that
lender a
has heon
i-pt t lilly prcpirnl he tho lli'iuc iis
ur li f -i oci.iMoii. 'Hump will In- een 1
ion boa id
- 1' Hie
liliftJ, nd
'I lie nltci-
Minuay -, noul pupils ii'-ton"iii u-.n
dicsx.'.', locltntloii', nnd special mtiic
nif? will he tor homo minion uoil.. In
hit; ul T.::0 llio p.i,lnr will -iieilc mi '
llu' pcn-
"I ho Lit,.
of .Mail In I.ullici." 'Jhe nieial puhlle
!y iinilcd In 1lioe .eiilie.
Tomorrow's Services
Methodist Episcopal. I'.uk Mitliuili.l liUiupal ilmuli- Piai-e
and plain iiiiolincr al !!.:,(). l'na. him; at in.jil
l.y in.' lu-mr, Hi. (.. M. Uifl.u. ( lass lufelins
al i loe ot inoiuiu .-oivlic-i in Simmy tlioul
loom, iiinli) itliuol r,t p. m. .lutiior liairuu
it ."..'in. Sulur ItMKiie at il.:;.'. l'uhhr .-. iio
n 7..D. 'II.- pa-ior will peal. mi "I lie l.lttlu
l'o. -p.'il ll.c Vino'.." '-iianjii.- .no ml-
lliuiplou -lioi'l Mctliciht 1'iii-iopd il.mih
l,'i'. jnu.t ll.i.uliiKii. pi-tor. I'l.'i.liiii ut
l":u. Mihji'Lt, "A li. liuii. ii ol ' l!pa-oii:" ilivt
liii.'tii',- al II. .in; Miudiy sihuul at ' ji. m. ; he
trinu.hile H'airuc .u .". ji. in.; s.Miim ioiu.' at
(i.:io. KM'iiiiiir -iniio al 7.:.'i siil' ot hi
num. "I'liai.n.hV Ayu.i.-llii-in."
lll hlli,xii-l JpUiopat lim ti. .,'iu.r
li.u-oy aii'inio and ll.'liuau' slioet- l!,'V. W. CI.
-iuip-on. li. 11., pa-ioi. 1i.iiii.iiiI iiiicliu (,t
1 1..' Hi. , tin ihoiiii it St. Paul .a '. in a. in.;
I'l.-.i. l.inn' al IO.M.i a. ni. l.y lt.'. .1. I). lai-iun,
. II. Sunday -ilionl at '.:,. ,. in.; Cpv.uilh
league ,ii (..Ml p. m. J'ipailiiiu at ""(' by Viy.
Mr. Ku-imi. TliU i I lie iln-iiur ..I the mhs of
iaiiKi'li"tic' Miike-. 1'iaiii uiiclni Wi.lun.liy
al 7,::u ).. in. Itu-hii - uu.lnir of the Itrotli.T'
Imuil 'l ""l. Paul on the .-ciond fnmth Tuij,ili
of i.uli mouth il 7 ii" ii, ni. seal-, li.'p and all
ai. wd.uiiio.
I'Kjiil.'ii. Mi'lliu.U-f lpi. ..pal li'
C.oiKr A. ('mo, pa-loi. 'liio Ihotlii'ihon.l ! '"I.
Paul lim-'-. .11 in i. in. Pii'idihitr al 10. 'll;, "llic ( in ll." 11.11110." Sunday
mIi...iI al '-' p. in.: i:p..iilh h'.isiio al ii.l"i; th.i(,
'din' Nati.aul llou,l.n;i ." Piol.s-oi. II, K.hiinu
llnt;, kad.T, Tl,. I'teniuir Million at 7.:ai will l.o
ilelntiil to tin' 'Olllitf woilli'll, .11 bllygcbti'il hy
'.luhc 111 Ihoiiieiii' an. I llnia-,.'
(mill ""tiii'l .Mi'lhodUl KiUiO.j1 . IiiiiiIi -li. (.
1 0 t.i ii.. pi-ioi. I'ii'.iiIuii al lil."il :i. in. and
7.:io p. in. Stindiy mIioi.I. J I . I , a. ni.. (.'. It.
(Ink. riipi'iil. .Iuui.,1' le.ntiii', li..:' i, lb-.
lll.llll, Mllll'lillll n.l.'lit. K.w.,ilh loaitiK, ('..'.
sVaiJ (ue. "
.Vli Mint .Mi l.' ilmuli -llev.
It. .1. Aiiiliu. pi-loi'. MmiiIiii; ii,'.u liii;'- ,-ei i.c
at 10...U, Mil.jf.t, "Wliciui! ( iiiui'th Our lhlp";
. I.I-, liliitllli; lit II. Ml a. III., ( ll.ltil"- I l,.e., l.'.lll
ei ; .Sunday n huol al '! (i. ul , II. W , simie,
ciii i i tit iiIc ut ; Junior l.i.muc at :: p. in.. Mi;,
li. W. Cliul.h, Mipeiinliu.leiii; Kpwoith h nine at
III", p. In., Pil.'i llntiniii,'i'; eienhis
pitjililutr -nine it 7..1U. A luiiIi d wekonie to
.Nai uy MilliudUt KpiMOpal i lull i h- lle. .1,
It. Aii'iiu, p..-loi, Mimliy school at 'J.j p. in.;
picKhlnic -ciiko al ''." p. in. All weUulue,
Mliian Mctli.'dit l.plMOpjl, llouaid
Plan Pi. II. -. ll.'iithy, .a-toi. Pie.ulilus at
10. "n a. in; mlijcct. "Mil W saiuv."
Mmdiy mIiOuI, -.'.."0 p. hi,, . I'oitn, Mip.'i
inuii.I.nt. -oii and pi.ii.1 Millie, 7.I.0,
I'leiilniiK' 7.f. p. in ; Fiibjt'ii, "l.ot Opp. lima.
tl. " iw li oiiio to all.
I'n. n inline HiptUi ilniuli. l'Kailnii'4 hi I lie
IiiuiiiIi'k .ii H'.if'l and eienhiB at 7.J0 hy the p.ii.
lor, lii'i. Itoliul l" V. I'nue, 1 1. I). M.iinliitf
piaui.-. hi the li.iui' u-inple at, ' Old-la.-li-lulled
lallii'i- and inothei',." nml iv i hool at i
.'.hi I, at the IViui Airiiue ihuich and at il.'ii)
at Hi. Auiiiuiaii Mi'iuoilal mi ion mi Pii-mlt
.iM'ime, Voims IVdi.Il'.. Hl(ltv I'liiUtian ilie
ileau.i' iiui'tltiK al iSii). In i he cu'iihiK llio pitur
will cue I he llihd M'lllli.leleltiup nn tho "Mm
of .IifU' hi Nuaietlii" iimtiif tho Fleuopiiieii
li us of llio palnllnss n( the tacit nillal, Thsot,
l.ianiielUtli liii'i'lill'j- .iltil the Million,
1 ul llaptht . 1:111. li, Smith Main .iienuo llei',
s I', itlii'ii, pi-loi. Tin imi.i1 .'tlie. iiii)rn.
Iltu nod iieuinu ol liie Sihhatli, 10 .-.() i. in, and p. in mIiuuI, - p. HI., Ill, 11, (',
ll. dil,.-, uriiiiteiiilriil. II. , P. I', ten lie,
NJ'i p. in hi .ii-onihly mom. Ilieulir pinir
iiiii'iin;.- 7.:.0 p. i.i. Wednesday in a,-imlily
loin. i. All me KUillally iniitid.
.I.ii liM'ti Mien llj.tsl ihuuh .Mouiiur pi.i,ir
lu.'iltui; al f.:l- leulti', lliolliei' I). II. liiio
lull,. Pieaihhinr hv lim patm, llei. 'Iliouian dn
liimliy, ll. I), 'iepli, "Piiitcio-tul Iteiult."
'IhU v III ho the eouinmiil jii miiIco i nur
ihuiih: llio land'" siippei w he jihuliiUlneil,
Sundiv .-.ihool .it i p. in., ('hallo, llolliy, upei
iliKliilent; olclliuic fnli'i'( at 7 p. Pial'U
and aunt; n'lilie, f.illniiul hy n hoit adihe-, hv
tho pailm. Tuple, "lVnl,nl fur Two Wi.iliii."
l tlio i Iofp ol eienliiij unhe an .liter nieelhij
Mill he In Id.
(hiTIi llldiic llaplUI ilniuli Miiiiiiiie piaifr
inietlin; al 11.11. fulijcct of tho paint'i ,enuoii
al lo.i'j). "Itedirjnint, Amerka." At 7,:;i) pei,
II. .1. Wlialeu, I). 1 el l'.ii.0'.i.lih will pieaih.
Min.lii' ut 11,11; miettiiir of the .liiulor
mi leli- at ,'!."Hi pM.ur meetluir t the Senior
.ihi.'Ii ill d.iai.
I ni I'u'.b.vl.iliu limit Ii sen iik, lo. .0 a.
in. ami ;.H 1 1. in. Dr. Mil.eod will piuUi moni
liiM and eiuihii;. Slranciif Meheiuo.
Si'toiiil Pieiliiliilan ihuiih Vniio at lii.'.l
a. in. ami 7.::n p. in. Itei, Dr. . P. Cuildhi
ton, oi the S.MJiu.-i' I'lilviiilii', a pulpit inator
i( irnoiMi, will pieaih moliiiliK ami iwi.lnt,-.
Wjihhuia strict Piei-biti'iiau ilmrili liei.
Julia '. .Mollat, p. )., (vii.101. Scnlna at 10. M
a. in. and 7,:i p. in. Illhlc ttlioot al 12 in.;
Junior I'lnUtlaii 1'iideauir at iWO i. in,; Senior
ChrUtiaii lludeiioi', (l.''u p. in, I'ujfi nicetin
WVdueMii), 7,:-ii) p. m. Ofteiiuii lor homa ml
cloud iiioiulnif and ciiulns. 'I lie pa.t.r will
pleach inoiiilnp ami chiiIu;;, All ueliuiue.
Oneii ltldie PicthvlriUn ihgrih -ltc. I. J.
l-aiulnc, pastor: llev, l It, 1'oiU'i', aiitaut.
u.;:u 4, in., (.erilie ol iiunlilp, '-Ith niuion by
the paiilui, tiiliji'it, "(Tiuuli Pnlgn and (cm
Sunday School
November 10.
tTIIOIt;rTION'.-TI'e hook c. tlMiilu. .'10111
whli Ii we dull study tiulll the dnin nt the cal
endar .liar, iiprtu .1 new chapter hi wend hi
Ini.v. 1'or tweiitj-lhc (eiilitrlr (hut hid ml
liihililcrtil irric lim paltlaehll ill-."ii-
tt Ion . teeonled in the I100K1 n( (!cnoi iml
,toh. 'I he father hid Urn tliu pile't of thu
family, nml lilt hle-nlnx under the covenant
hid hetii bedimed upon hht sou. Now 11 mote
lliipnilnrr ilhpelisatton, thu, M to Ik
esl.ihlhlied. mid nloliff with that the ihofin peo
ple wno lo he foiine.l Into a nttlnii nnd Lei
llnl In a. nnmtlj, 'llil iliaiiRo would (,-lie lion'
Inllurii'P to the cause nf find liy l.tldliif lip ,1
honilir pemer lor in Mippoit ntul aihatiiinictit,
and It would lustm the fulfillment nf all th
pioinliis undo to Abtiiluiu. (t!eni'i.l., Mil, 4.)
In r fill lemnii. wo Inn, feen how the Uiaclltn
weiil iiiln llgjlit. Xoiv we flmll learn hoiv llicy
in ni oul. 'llielr slay 11,14 fur tlielr n hnotliiir,
Theii lemoMil w.n for iheli ilevelopineiit.
Tllllll." -teur, 1 to r..-The hool. Iiicint
with .1 Minmuiy acioiint ot tli.wp 11I10 enlered
Mid land hi the time of tho famine, 11. C. iron,
an necrcRite ot .-.evenly foul. 'Ihco weie nil
the de-nudanU of .laioli, the Ki.niibon of Alna
ham, the heir of the loictnnt. (('eiwis, will,
'-"i.) 'iliey wrie imuneialiil, nut ,n 10 many
Imlliidmli.', lull a children of ,)jiol'- ons nml
the iiiinn of thoie tom nio hcie ulu 11 U011I11 11,
SI111011, lidl, .liullli, Urachal, Xehuluii, ,lo,eph,
Ih lijimlli. Dan, Naphtall, l,ad, Asbn. It will
be feni hy lonipaiUon (Cene-ii p; and x)
that lliesc arc the ihlldini of Iwo wlics and Iwu
loiutihiiies, no', in the nulcr of tluir
hhlh, but hi an luteiesthifr minim (lie hl'
iiii o( I.eah, two ot It.uhel, two ot Itllliah and
Iwu of Zllpih. What is e-pteially tiotciiclth.i
Is the fiel that these weic head.-, of lillie-. n
tint llio nalinli fuumhd upon Hi. -in was to he 1
(onfeileijtinn in which the-i; ti ibri should he
poipclually lecngnlcd (cl, .l, 71, each
w-llli ,1 iiiUslon picillelcil hy Kiem .-i,
.llv, ,'M7), foiniiiig' .1 piopli- of one I1I001I hut in
twelie nails.
( HANOI:-,. ('ei-es 0 to S.) -The hi-toiiau nicr in .illenio the peilml followinc the
ila-e of (;tne..U and heie liolii the r-b nc-eil ion
dltloiw of Iho time nboul wlil'-h he to wilts,
I'll it, Jo-cph who had been pi line iniuUter el
(he lountty for eighty ji.ii (Oene'U, 11, HI; 1,
2C) v.k ileal, lie who hid hem .1 father ami
pioteilo- to Isiael for v... Ions a time (OenotU.
1. L'l w.n icinoied a Hut hh loun-el nml cue
LOiild nu lonsee he had. Seioii.l, the cunty
.-ouls tint i.inio into tho land hid Riiutly limlli
(ilicd and piosi.eied dininir theii -.ojoitin. 'Ihev
had inii(.i-ed In w,.ildly roo.U and fmlli
in eieiy diieition until thu.' pie-niie and hiilu
en.o new cicijuheii' toll. Thud, the Un; who
hail eliialed ,lo.-eph had died, and on" hid come
ill hi id no who Knew ii.illiiu- of tho wi-doin,
tie htiie and the eieculiie ability of Ihi.-. Ih
blew Ft.itiMiiaii to i.liuin tho 1 aid hid been i-o
KKllly mililitiil. 'lbii hid romp lairly thiousli
Ilie fail luoiiililus itled little foi
theii plcdPCP'WI..
,11'AI.OI V.-fVu-e !.)- It U nut po-ibie fur
a uiliie pupiilatiou to c.iiifcmplaU- witU appioial
the iiicii.i-.lucr iiinnlnij anl iulluence of leieicii-ot--.
Wlnlciei- inav be Ilie loliliie worth of the
t'lo (1.IN-C, the 1 ii ti t will leilaiuly he iei;,iiied
a. luuiiui. At anj late the foi me Mill (on
Fidee tbeni-eliis as pou-ie nl of -tuiMior ul 11.1
tuiat ii,iji whiih niu-t be piutnlid.
ti in- of tin-, weie Men in the liioiciiicnK ot the
A'.'-itu.'i 01 l'iiow-"otin" paity in the Unit.
1 1 -t.ili Lilly Id tut.i lean, as... the Fpiill of
whli 11 -tlii suiiiie-, in wime li.'.ut-. 'Ilie kin of
Kftlpl heliild Willi je,il,.iw lie- thi-, la-l lie
blew people i-p.itliied tip and d.iwu tliiimith his' "'Ilii.iaio moie aud uiiKlitlrr thai
we," he .-aid 10 hi-, nniiiiei-. (P-l.iin, iv, -JI.)
l'eai, blinded with hi.-. ,ieal.,u-,i, din,' him i.ul the fuleit-U ot Iho l,he;il,.iu, fi.r whose he hid m-iL.u-, lmmmii. II, would millu
l'iijpl in -elt .lefii'.-e.
llltl(;n:.-(er-e lo.l-reeling-.,1 thai -oil.
win 11 onto they hue entiled into Hip Ih.iiI. toon
piudULt- le-ull- in ii 11. In. t. It. icmld nut be i
pnteil Hut a Kiii- would Ion;? be indilleinil to
what he l.'k'.iln.-il a. a mcnaci lo I11111.-1I1 ami to
Id- MltiiiiU. lie -nv .1 (nutliirtdiiy ill wlihb ilie
whole Hi hi en- tup mti;ht biinj; ih-asler tip.m
tin 111. In a--e of u iiiielcii war Ihev niiijlil uniti
with the enn.iv lo Light the lUyptlan-, win,, hi
thai eient would ci-italiili be ditialid, nml tin 11 the hei-U nl SKtoi.i they lirulil depnt ean.i
Intf Hi. nf wai Willi them. 'I I111- the pnu'id
and wealthy inliuii be biuii'-hl di.wii tj
poieui and ) 11111. Thi-, w.i-. b.i 11,1 uiiati- an
hupl..hlhle oniuitnie, ) ll.eie wue in.
tii-F- of fiiniiLliip, .0, lluii- -limil.l )tae be-n
l.itwcen the tw. 1 piupliF. Ml-ei- iiiiii uilsiit
I1.11 rim 11 hetlei 10111V1I, uisiiit.-' the ilo-e-t
mtuuaiy thai Hie llebuw-. and l-.iptiau- luicht
bieoiiie one pii!e in iiean and putpo-. . Hut
jealou-v and liar led him to iuliiiiue. lb' wuul.l
i-.eit the iikIi! and aiuhoiil, ot the unhe-.
OPI'III'.nMU.N --iVeive 11 j -Willi tlie-( nio-file-
and piupu-p-; the i.nal dntee w 1-, pub
lUhed to l.n Kileinti-i biu.len-, (he IhlueW".
'1 hei lutiFtiluted the Iihoim li-, and lipi.ii
Hun toil depended the c 0111(111 1 if not the ipiy
eiMciiio of the I.'l, pf i n,-. Indenl, il w.i tearnl
tint they iniRht by leuimr Ilie land biini; want
mutilty IliRhliuUsiie--; i tu., Ihhlc mIio.iI; l,..:o
p. In,, flu Mian Kiideaiui; 7.-':o, etenliiR moifIiip,
with F-rrnioii by Hie pa-toi, siibjut, -'liie Plllau
of the llou-e of Life" All .,11 lotdl.illy we-
Provi.leine Pre-hjiinau iliiinh-'lhe pisioi,
Ul v. Dr. (iiillit, will oinip.t the pillpil at 1 no
niolliili-,' ami cu'iuiir fuIil, Sunday .-iliool at
li r.'rluck: s'niloi- rudeator N.ilely at (l...i;
.Ittnlor i:ud. ,i or Foeieti at it.iiO n'cloik. The
ofteriiiRS of the div will be for home ml. -Ion-,
Seals ni ll.o ilmuli ale Inc.
( tpotl-e ( hapel (Pii'-leitciiJiil Picailiiin;
10,.id a 111, and 7,:;tl p. in. hy Ihe pi.toi, llev.
I., 11. rosier. Sunday mIiooI, :: p. m.; .lunloi'
( liiUtl.ui Ihideaior, I p. in, s'ouloi- (.liiUtliu
I'lideitor, .s:o p. in. Pia.ter ineetlnir, 7..',u,
'lluuvday rirnliicj, Mihoino to all.
Adims Ateiiue ( hapel, X, w- Yolk Flu, I- Itei,
.lain. s lliulies will ueaih at lu..,. a, 111, and 7.1.')
p. 111, sitndit- flIiooI al " p. 111. The t lui-fiiii
l.'ndeatoi- at MmV meetlti'.' on Motuliy at IKluie 011 "Ate S'lilkei llonelhl 1 i" All
welronio tn these iiieetiiias.
.-I. I.uki-'H p.u ish - Itiv. Ilosvi.s Ui.lel, t). 1).,
Kiiii'i Ihi, I.. ,1. Iljii.hton, Miilor curat.',
'Ini'iili-llilnl siuidiy afin Trinity.
si, Luke's Lhuiih 7!u a, ut,, holy roiiiniun.
lu, 10....1 a. in.; moiuliiR- puyer and h"i 111011, 7. 10
p. 111.; eteulni; pi.iir and Feimon, 0,13 a, 111, ;
Suinliy nhool and lllble (,ifi's
m, MiiK'f, lluniiiuii & a. in., holy loniiiui'i
i.n; lO.i'.u .1, m, FCiinon and holy (0111iiituik.11;
7.!,u p. in., tvtiihiK pi'airr ami ntliion; ii p, 111.,
Sunday mIiouI and lllble . l.i.sM'.-.
Kasl I'ml Mission, Piescolt aienue 3 p. in.,
si.niday biliool mid llihle clas-rj.
South Milo Mlvslon, I'h Fllcet-'J.ou p. in ,
Siiiidj)' iihnol and lllble iI.Ijms.
bt, HeoiRi:'-', ., in , siin.ljy
bihuol and lllble Lla-.o; J.'JO p. tu., 1 1 villus
pr.niT nnd Feimon,
t.liurih ot the (iornl sliepbeiil, Mr.n-ey atenuo
and Uieiii III.Iro tlicet-ltev. rrauils II, Hate.
iii.iii, teitor, 'lunit.i-tliiiil Sunday alter 'liiinly,
lloly loniiiiutiion at 7,.ti; luuiiiln pi.iycr, Hl.,'0
a. 111.-, Mindly flIiooI and teller'.-, ela.,', -J..'1'J p,
in.; etciilns- pia.ter, 7.M1 oMoik,
l I11UIV LI11111I1, W.K-liliiilun atcmie and l'.nl;
klii'illtet, 1'iaiik bchell Hillentlne, lector.
Tiunly-tblid Sunday jltcr 'ttiiilty. Muinlns
prail, litany and n'liiiou, in.iiOj huudiy mIiooI,
J.tai; itcnliiff piajer and .crmoii, 7..'.o. All H'.iU
five. All tieliiliie, 'llf LOiner xtCilte of this
ihuiih will lio laid with Mj.onlc (deutotiiet
next WeduojU'y ,-iliciuoon al I oNlock. Ml ale
isinlljlly linlted lo he pii'-iut.
Reformed Episcopnl. Ill-rollllCll llpl-COpal lllllllll, .iuillfj
atcliiii, below Mulheii fllcel Itei. OeoiRii I,.
Alrlih. pailor. Priyer and priUo Fcrvl.e, P....) a.
in,; iliijnc. woifhip, 10.:;a a, in, and 7,:,ij p. m,
Seui'taiy Adair, of the It.tllioid Vounu Jloif
I'brUtian assOiiitim, will pieaih. Sahhith
school, li 111, Youiiif Piople'a sjoileiy ol L'luu
tiiu I'ltdeavor, O.LO p. in, l.ejvon btntly VcJne.
da. I'M p. 111., follunnl by puja mi'tln; at S.
Seats Ini. All are wel otue.
Evangelical Lutheran.
I wiu,cliul l.ntlic 1 111 Twi'iit.iiliiid Sundii il
-1 'liliill. (..vpcl, .Matt. :!', IS;-,'; tpi-le.
Phil. 3: 17 Ul.
Israel Oppressed in Egypt.
Exod. I: 1-14.
Ihtoitpli tin- ilMuthltiii' of all the iinhidiie.
Ti.tani-leM (f Ilie rteinct full Weie ptaml mer
Hum, Hint who r-xlctnl evlfeine urtihe tinder
most tolns londltloii", n but wiihh i m not
fulsolleli In the afler Jell". llleitletonoiny,
sil, ii.) 1 or an." failuii- to peifniiit Hill iluly,
eien Ihoueh ll eveieiled nbllll, putilnn(iit4
weto Inlllitnl. (I:o.1ih, II, 11.) To miKo tlio
oppieflou llll nun' Rrloiutu the llelnein weie
het to btilhl tiei.Mtie iltles foi' Pliiiunh,
when! wealth lulffhl he tiatlieied for the I itijj-.
Him tn Inilo ise Ills power. Ilie niy H'chlood
and rtieuitth of Iho llelueu- men wa tln,i cm
plnjul In rx.ilt 1111 iibsolute Lionaiih' ntul in
neae ll ability D render life l)iiid.noine ami
IM lli:AM'..-teiFe 12.) Ml this lud wie put.
ioe In hthu Hie Ibhiew piople Into ktilije.
tlon -in. I lo lender llieni lielplei as asihst tin
IlKjpllaiH. It win Hie palny of a tyiant, by
wlihh Hi" mlitiily oiennui" Hie weik. Ami jel,
to Hip .TdnnUlmii'iil of all ('ie i.-ull -ounlil was
lot iittalni.l. Atllh lions did u.,1 uti-h the fplnt,
nor pun en t Ih" piospeiliy wlihli bad eoine tn people all tluoitch Hie .lens, On the inn,
ttaiy as lltey urie iillllileil n tlir-v multiplied,
11 Fivniod tint the tumbles weie all luii'eil Into
l.1clnc;s (II I'liiltttlilnw, Iv, 17). 'Iho people
weie lc.11 nittpr hi Hus ftliool what 1011I1I nol be
learned olheiwU", lesons of far 1 cabin,; mutiieiil
Iiiinlrtus nil the olliir .Neat?. tl'ihii i'iv, L7 )
Anil, Mianiji' as It liny F.'i'l.l, the uppieed weie
lnppler than the op.iesF.ii.i. 'I he lillei- -aw
tint theii- mihlnd deeds wile liieffectuil tin V
saw- the people whom they would iodine iiiiii.eo
they liui-l hale eon-hlried t ti if Fi.iue (lower
.ihnin tint of vmi had ititolpn-rd in their be
half; and the larvpllans weie Riieicd,
IIOMHtli:.-(eiei'S l.'l and II. -II is .lunge
Ihal eien then Plnraoii did mil leain wisdom
and ih.inse Ins p,.liei. II11L llnl was the dm
By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D.
I'roir. Author's Notes 111 "The Sunday School. Lesson," Publish! 1 hy II. I". Revel
& Co.. Chicago, III. I
Nnv. 10.- I-i.kI i.ppiord 111 Ka.ipl -l'' l:"ll.
(iuldeu Text (iod liiaid then Riuaniucr, and
Cod leiuiinbeied His loiiuant, '.. '':'l.
Out of our foiiows and ailhitioii
rem" our liche-t eXiMiem 0 and nn.-l -,'Ioiioih
Our hlirl.boaid -1. t o pi'iseulj tlie pi. line ut
,1 blaik.milh'a atiiii with a niece of nun linn;
on it is belli;, baldened Li ibe blewa
111 111 the 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 m 1
lion beeunits haidei hy lep.ii.d In ilmi; and
poiiu.liu. Mete 11 pcvsihle l,,i- the iit-cii-llilc.
imlal t.i 11 aloud while piher iIiioiirIi the
pincc-s ot li.inli liiti1-'. mam- and hilt. 1 would be
its i.impl lint-. Hut without Midi piuccn, of
haidriiim; tin- itrti until I be x.iluele-s.
'Ihe Uiaehtes uiu-l not intiiiu in Kutpt. (.o.l
will H'lfilt lbs i.n en ml. ami nuke i.f limn .1
Rival nation. I-iarl lun.-l piss llnoie'.li rh.iI
disiiphnc lo her ilestim. lln iniiiirs
fIi.iII be Ihi- nppu-sors, liiudens "itneioiu 10
be home" mit-i b. Iifd upon I111 Lie, and slu-
Iiui-i -ttlb'i aflh. li.iiis and s.uiotis be'oud mils,
me in putRu In 1 iiiiiii ilie Krip'I.iii IjihI ami 111"
Tin- allliilton. of the Ui.ielli.s made Hum
wllllnc lo leite Km pi with all its ail and tul
tiue, when (,od c.peuid a wa tin tl.eii- rsiape
S H - 1
"If) I
fV . 1
Ki. Maik'F, Masbbiiin and l'liuilieulli siuel-
lln. A. Ir. Itaiiui, I'll. II., pi-tor. --eiiuis at
HLHO a. 111., 7..1U p. 111 ; l.iitlii-r Iimriic, (, p. in.;
-un.l.iy, p.- 111.; MU-mn bind, sum. lay,
'.:;i) p. 111, MoimiiK miIiJch, 'T'lnUt s l.'n.'iiiln
Tjko Coiuisil Auaiii't illlu"; iiriilntf suhjeit,
"Obe.henie t.i ( Ml Aiuhoiiii." I i-nnttti-ira. mii'tiii Rtilll be held oil Tue-day eteiitu,:,
Xov. 1-J, .11 7 Ml p. lit.
Holt 'liimlt, Miilbiny sli.i'l -It, x. ('. 1.,,
-plekif, pa-tut. siiilu.., j,ii ,lf ,, V...D p.
in.; I.uthei- I.raRiie, li.:,il i. m.t Sinulit sihool, M
111.; Mission hind, salinday, 10 a. 111.
st. Paul's, siioit aieuue llet, V. f. 1 I.aurr,
pa-toi'. .sillies, 10.10 a. ni , T.ilu p. 111 ; -nmljy
FlIiooI, u'Ml p, III.
( In Nt ilimili, fid if atctiu, and nirch Ftreet
Het. .liiiieo Witl.t, pastor, senhes, lo.iiu a. 111.,
7.iio p. tu. ; 'siinday silmol, 2 p. 111.
St. Piti'iV, Piejiott .iiuiiiu- lift. ,l,.hn Itni.
rlolpli, pistor, seitiie at pi.i'O a. in ; Sunday
Fihool, 'J p. in
Km inuel (Idiiuii'l'.ill.-h l.inheiati . l.ui.1'1, Kee-.i
strict Itev. IVidiniiid satlilmetei, pator.
Preiihlns In tho Polbh liusuasc at 10 1. in.;
b'umliy Khool, L p. 111.
(race KtatiRelkal l.utlieiaii chitnli (lieneiil
s.iiio.l), ciiiei ot Mulh.'iiy ltiet and .MadUou
aieiuii -llet. I.uthei Ih.-s Watltia, piMoi, ,i,v'0
a. in., iindjy mIiuoI; Pai ,1, in,, Luther Day
lioni'i niUiioii heiflce by Iho simikiy mIiooI; 7
p. I,., Vuin.jr People' S.uleiy 01 f'ulnliii Jap
do.iioi; lea.l.'i. Miss .l.'sslo liauliiian; '.'A p, 111,,
illtliio wot.hlp; Ftihji.t, "'Ihe lite of .Mat'.hi
l.utlier" i:tii,thody wihoum.
I ut ilmuli ((.'liricll.iu s,, ,'d'i Adius
au'iuiL -unil.iy eith'e, J0.:,0 a, m. and 7..10 p.
Hi.; siiudiy M'lmol, 11.1.', a, 111., Ftibjeit, Xlcu
I lib and limuoiLlU, TCFllmoulal niei'tlli;.-, i,.
IK'nlai' etiiilu.'s at ." 11'ihnk. 'iho rhuiili U al-o
opin eieiy il iv il'iiltiK Ihe week. 'Ihe llihle aid
all ( Iniitiai ScleiKO lllei tliue Is l.ipt in its liie
publiu leadiui; loom, "mhnee and ILtilin.-,
wllh the ltd- lo s.ilpiuie," by Maty lltk.i
I'.lily, will be IujihiI to iiiiellatur without
chaiRc i,ltow and Ictleu of Ittqiiiiy an- we
(oiiied aud xitcu 10.11l10.1s altiutloii and infer.
111 it ion five
Calury llefoiuird ih'inli, Monroe aiiiuie and
fillijiiil ultect -llev. Mjiioii b. 1'aoi, iatot-.
SVnlrc-o ) ,1. in and 7.H0 p. m. Sunday
flIiooI, 11. ti 11. III.; till let i.lll l.'nde.itor, 7 p, m,
Morning ntibjiit, "How A10 tho Dead Ital-od,"
etc; riming subject, "tan I Know ihe lleoii.
Hill." All wckdiii.
(ictinju Xion l.iithei.wi cluiiili. Mifthn at nine
S'erttiis by Itcv. 11. A. H.luen', of .New nili.
Moinlus at I11..MI; I'lLium; al 7.K Sunday kIiuoI
us 11-11.1l, al 2 p, in.
Zlun I'lilled l',VJii,iliial ch'li'ih, llil (
aiiinte Itei. J. . .Mcmii'IIbu, pisioi. Pieaih
in', KLi'l .1. III. ltd ..:o p. in. SuhJivlF, "'the
Pilliu Law" and "Our Kiii'iny." "ninljy mI.ooI
9.W) a. in. .liiulor linden or I p. in. senior En
deavor, ti.So p. in. .Ml ic-d 'in'- l".icihodt
ttclcoiiio to jII wrilicf.
Cloipel Taheiiiacle, ,lifliron iitfiiue, ltuumore-i
.lauun l.iUhiiian, pi.toi. siitii'it Sunday at
10.:aj a. m. and 7eJ P. in. s'uudjy school, li m.
oiiiur piplc' liifclliiR-, H.) 1'. in. C'liiMiJii
and Miwleiurv .Mliiiuc inccllnwi Tuvuljy aftci and cviuhig, i.SJ aud ?
I 11I011 wiitio at luuc boil-.', Tilpp paik; S'uii
day Fchool. ,'iiia p. in.; ciciiliis Firiuv at " M,
londuiled l) Henry I Jideiv.
j. E. Gilbert, D.D
PeitcUry ol American
So'lpty of Rcllelotu
when fine niled th wotld, when bilahl was
Kiipposnl i he ilglil, wlr'ii mm nnisl leld lo
the will ef the l.lnif. 'Ilie inm-u lliucltter
mole ciitet nnd uthiilnii l.lln was made hitler
III tl liint hotidiae. (Ail, III, ill.) Ihe people
v.oikcd In In hi, and in mm l.n, ami In nil Dan
lur of Fenlii' In llio Held, 'Ihe loll win
011s hi the iMiritie, lolly mole tijlmt than
nnv ii'(iihe.l In wont foi 111 of iimru nUiery In
the.," Flaliy. .loseplutl is (Anlh. lib. II,
I'tap. I and I'lilhi be.tM leFtlniotiy to the same,
Hut Ih" Mm: sd Hum to build pu,iuil.l,, fo
tint thine wolulns of the nnntetil wuihl, tiltrr forly reiilutles nl 111 fIiIIiiI as momiinelil.s
to the nun who eiiihii'nl smll s.ilHnK IioiuIiikc.
Ami tlieie n-l iriiialu In the IhliPh uiueiuu
Fpii'hnnis ol i lay bearh't: the pliiuie of n half
did lleln hi'tidlmr uiitlei- Ills luinliii, whllo
mer him Is lifted llio lii"h of the liiskniJ-ti'r,
( 0( I.I'slON. Hie Jems of oppiesioti weie
not alloRilhrl- li'iliiioiahle lo 111" llehiews. at
tlinti;;li for Hie time ceiei1hiRly gileioas. As a
piepiiallnns for tin ir ftttme mUsleii they weie
helpful In many ways: 1. 'Ih" leaned, as elh
eiwise I ley innlil not have leirtie.l, how lull. I
ami unjust was the Fpltlt of the oulsldo wotld;
how little of Mildness nnd loit-lderalion they
miphl exact fretit those who wue not ef He
In en- oiiitln, 'IhU lenileil to consolidate the Hi"
liiein, to mil,e thrill fell Iliey weie lo
st aid b' Ihein-eh.s aput ft out olliet people, pie-
lenhni; ll fiuiii help a lueiRed and hl In
n coinniuil l.uc. !!. This was f.ttoiabl" to tiie
1 stiiiiiisiiuniit ,,( a H't'iiat.- nation that slimil.l
h.ue no entaujlliv .illlaliren wllh nihil natloin.
I. Moiroirt, the ill!, of tnv.11l.iRe mull' the
piople Fish for liberty mid to loot, wllh lonchiR
eyes lowaid Ihe hud pi.miUcil to the po-tcut.i of
Abrabam. . WIHi.nil ill" lrn-1 in Cod
was ii'iica-ed and the feellm- in the minds of
the leadiri iniit been slmna tin tl." Al
mishit onh could delliet.
fioin Mitilude. 'If Ibis woild weie a
and we flee fuau foiiow, siirieiinR and
would netel wi-h tu hate It foi iinother
lit (lud was leldlnj ami liirdciiimr
SiiRRC.-llons:. Ilraw the public of 1
smith'n antil, liaiumer, etc, on the
cue, we
Ills p.'O-
a hl.1.1.
piece of
hou wiile the 11 line of ll!i:r. mi the hn.j
wtlle Kt.YI'l'fAX, indliatinir that Ulael haul
etiiil thioiiRh (lie dials and alrli ilions al ih
hand of Ihe l.'iiiptiau-.
I'.iliaps the lullottins Utile -hitch may he
stiRResiite in leatlihiR thi-, le.-seti. Piini. the
wi.i.l Is.lKI, as indiiiited, .icioss this uiliie.
Pi ml the une i:: 1' I". Hills f,,iiniuK Hie i.iitliue
nf a ri.i-s. hon- llio iro-s i.iinl the wool
CAN .X and dta"- aiound it Ihe outline "t .1
ii.ntn. 1-r.ii 1 in list pi isiirr.'sU Ihe ifi.s.,-, f
life, but abuie Ihe ito-s of 1 nib is Hi" iio'iu
of the heaieuiy ( aitaaii 111 lal.ipt is u tip" "i (.'.,d's iliil.liin ulio
ale imno-sed Willi tlio ins, buid.'md null ilie
tnaU. and Miirciin? fi out the afrin ln,ii of Ibis
wotld. Peiltaps many of the foiiows 1-iael boru
wen- Hi- 11-11II-, of fctsetliilne-s 01 (iod and 1
liolatii.n ..1 llts lin. dud will piinUh 'in, et
lb in 1 F.iic ibe tiiinei'.
Ibe lied ( uiss lomoraliou of the lOnniunJciii'i.
lo.ated 111 Liikaoauna lounlv will be luld in
MjIu truiple, 111 this 1 ii.i . on Xot, !!. A Iiiro
and eihilcnt, degiee slall, made up uf the luo.t ef
In lent woikci.s of Irn 1 ..uiiuan.lcih'S is pirpJihiK
lor tlio most thniough iiic-iulatlou of the beauti
ful 1it11.1l. 1,'raml iViiuiiaiidei' sa 1'lUhj b. 1'oin
wald and (iiaml llriotder Sir tiioiuc 11. Pieuo
ban- .111 1 ,li d lutliitloiis tu ho ptc-iul; and an
eaini'-l rflnit. is lieimr tnide tu indiii.; Sipiain.i
i'..nii.i.indir sir (iroiL" s. .lones, ut las,-achu-setlF,
lo al-o attend the iririiirnld.
siipri'tue fommaiiilir Sir tieoise S. .lon.s, of
ll.taton, Is attitcly at woik with many ciigjge
iiieuls. On del. t:'i he tUltid lhumtiel nun.
iiiimleiy, al saleitt, Mi.,., and ad.lti'F'ed ,1
Fiuoke tail;. On Not, 7 Li- ailiii.-.-i'd a in'cnni;
ot Iho cltUciis ot ct Hen 1, X. II. , fur the
puipi.-e ot nr'aulli.' a lieu- lomtiiaiid. Oa
Vol Li he will 1 hit Oianitp stale coniiutmlety,
al Xiishua, . IL, en whiih oiejFlnn the com
mand will pte-.til the blue lleciee hi full fouu,
lie ha-, tiiehed Ihe p. t il ion of mitfttto psst
conininideis ot New uik, nsl.'us for a chait-r
lor Ihe gnud .oiuuiimleiy, and will 1,1,1111 the
tamo ,1-1 -oo;t as ho has ,i-t 1.1111.0 that einy
..iiiiiii 111. lei; hi Ftalv Ins been noi,ei 1
the pliipo-i. bnib.
'Ihe inatnl loitlliiiinlii.t of Penult li'.iui 1 hai. in.
Illul.d lite louuiiaudiilcs duilu Ibis t.1111. and
all 01 Il11.n1 .no dolus: well. Alt 01' tliiiu am
had al woik tin lo loutphlo lane ihuset
lor caily udiiiis-liiii. Four 01 litem tepou llio
iicenl addition ot 11, pi, n lud PI uotlecs,
Miihllan Sun cumiiiiiideii', Xu, tl.i, ,11 l.mvi
tn, I'a , ii'l.btalid IIf' lentil aiuilter-iry on Oil,
'.1. Al the il.wi 01 an luteiiMlns vulnn. ttm
IuimIicI tiinpaiil..iis ptoienlcd In the Wooptoilh
bulldliiS, ttliete n elahoratu bampiet win en.
jtf.ted. Hci- the icat many lirlRlii addiri'i
wire ileliteinl. 1,'i.inil senior Waideu sir Samuel
.1. liiindl, of ll.lla, Kite an Inti-iiMlne ad.he-s,
'Ilie ...iiiiii, iml. ly wan with lio iiieui
hi If, Ii.i- fntt l.ltt it iiXs'. ami its picuil lueiuliii.
Flap Is 'Js, it Ins av-etb amounting In otet spi,
linn and 11.1 llihllltie,-,
lleotBC II. I'h'tie lomtujiidcii, Nn 1.17, at
I'lilljil. Iphl.i, li.ia' ilnuu'ed bail, to its futiuer
lilKhtaif luectltus ami will Iicimiiit bold lis (on
locations 011 Thuil.iy. A iituuber 01 i.iiiilid.ilin
ate leieliini; lim liiuln r drsiccs, and heln pie.
pjlnl tn he adtiilttcd tu the llnl lio.s .mil
scpiihhte. nidi 1 1 linn.ll. ileie, No. IV.'. ,11 oll., tile
hritnl ll huh junlu'i.jr,'- 1,11 i)l, !, i.hcn a
wry Iiikc iillendinic Kieelnl pait Ccinnnii'lir
Sir .lohit Mundoif, of No. 1.1, who (rats his lie
Ini-ely nileieiliiK llliiduti'd l.'iune on Mdlu,
On Oct. II, Ilia immtiiiideiv pu.sciilrd .1 )si.t
maud I'liiniiiiiidd'ii Jewel to sir .lamli 11.,
(he .id.lic.s nivif ilillicii'd hy P.ut Couu.uiuh'r
Sir I'imiiI. M. lloilili'l. Companion miiimt
thanked Hie i.iiiii.inlons for tin token of mo
and i-iiciu,
Sutt'ocated by Gas.
Hy L-iiliL-lto Wliu iiom The Aocijtnl l'usi
I'heeuKiille, Pa., Xov. . lalnaril (ilctiuoti, of
Akioit, ()., was lu'Jiid deul In bed lo.lj. ai a
holt I li.'tc, lutlni; been riilln ilcd by g-a-. (.Irn
11011 wai rmploycd l tho sierlln? couipm.i cf
llllbfltell, 0., and was heie FUpiliiitclldln ths
plli-lns of me bollcis lot Hie Phoenix Ilea Company.
For All Purposes.
This large establishment is an up-to-date
Furniture Store in every parti
cular. Everything that should be in a
modern furniture establishment is here.
Our six large floors are completely covered
with a grand display of the newest, hand
somest and best known in the art of
furniture making.
Furniture for the Home,
Office, Club, Bank, Church, Etc.
Can be secured from us at prices consistent
with the quality of stock desired.
Hill & Connell,
121 North Washington Avenue.
Cor. Sixteenth Ft. and Irving l'laee,
Aincilcan Nan, 1.M Per Day ami l?iiianH
Kuropeun Plan, $1.00 Per Day antl UuwjriUt.
frnecial Itatcj to families.
10tc.lO4l.lOO Bail Ifllh Slreel.
Tho .IIU'TEKKON U a tliorouclily hrst-clam
family and trinsieol hotel, olfennitatiuninl
mumeoBtaiuaiimuniofluziirianileomfoit On 16tll htreet, just eait ot Union .Square,
It is within n feiv miuulua of tho leading
thopt.tlieatiesnnd i-lnbs.
European Plan. $1.00 up.
American Plan, $2.50 up.
Suites with Private Bath, $2.00 up.
For epecial rates, guides or information trrile
JOHV K. 'IIATKIi:i.U. I'nimletnr
For Rusiiicss Men
In the heart ot tb wholesal
For Shopped
S minutes' walk to Wanamalters;
S minutes to Slecel Cooper'a Els
Btoie. Easy of access to the ftuut
Drv Gooda Stores.
t For Sightseers
4. One block from B'way Can. civ
I IriK easy transportation to all
a JUlills v imoiuoi.
T Only one Block from Broadway. -f
X Rooms, $1 Up. p'obte t
Delaware, Lnckawanna and Western,
in r.iiiii Sin. ., Pioi
'I'l.tlt.- lean- N'l.inl.iti Ii.i N tt " il. i l.l1'.
s.i.", (..i)j. .".Mi .mil l'l.u'i 'i. in,: lJ.i'.. :' w. ""!
i. 111, I'm Xe-A nl. an.l I'hil.ulilpliia -7 .',
10.(1.1 11. in . an.l 1-' 1. anil -!-ll I'- I"- l'i'' ''"'O-liniin-M
0.10 p. "I. fin lluftah. I 13. ii,2-' ami
WKI .1. in.; 1. .V I..SH ami ll.ll'i p. in. I'm IlitiK
hainloii ami v-iy clauumlil.'.!" J- m- aii'l ' I"
11. in. I'm 0-iis. Jiaiti-e anil I Ih,. I l"i an.l
li,!!! a, m.; I.." p. in, ti.ini-e .mil
I'tltn train at u J-J a. 111. ilally, empl Mnulij.
I'm- .Motitli)-e--!MiJ a. 111.; lln an.l il.0 p. 111,
Stcliul'.uii .i(.coiniu..laliiin 1,'KI an.l ' p m
lllootiinhnii; lliMon-I'r Xonlmiuiierlauil, at
C..:j anil ll'.ui a. m-i l-" J ml ,'-1" P- " ' "'
Pltliioulh. al .P u. m-: -l' """l !l-lh) P- '"
t-unilai 'I'l.iIn-.-rDr Now oiI.. I. in. .t.l-"i, o.0"i
an.l I1UW.1, in.; ''" "'' P' I"- I'm-Hullahi I.I", 0.2J 11. ni ; l.V. HSU aii'l 11-""' I'- "' l'i"
ninuluiiltiiil ami i' 'J i-lali.n-.-lil-'il a. 111.
III.,(ini-hiilt;' lliiI-ioii-Liai" N lalil.ui, IHi a.
m. ami ii.Pi p. lu
Delawave nml Hudson.
Ill lifted .lime. !), 1001.
'lialin (or I'aruomlale leate Suatiioii al.,
8.0.1. s.5J, 10-Vi ' " J-'00- l'-''- -. -M.
n-'O fl".'!, ",5", M'- 1I''-HI P- ''' ; 1-lli a- '
Pot lloiienll" anil l.aku l.niloic, IJ.JO, lu.ll 1.
in.; fl. 1 1 '' r' -u I'- ln' .
l:or, ..4i. S.ll, (..!.'. in. 1,1
a 111.; U.0. '- '-' lv- :i':'''" ''-7' ""' T-Js.
11141 11. Mil P. '"'
I'm l" V, 11. M. lolnU-4l tt, '!." a. 111 1 LM9,
4 "7 ali.l ll.'.,l P- "'
'r i'ei,fjiwul.i It. tl. Poliil.-fU.t, t..;-!, -,
0.!!.i ami I.'-' P- "! ,, , ,
Tor Mlwiiv auJ a" Pi'ii.U liorlh (..-JO a. m.
ai.U.:.!p. '"NDW I IIAINH.
1 r failionilJli S3". ll.W a. m; J. II. .IS.',
0,:j anil 10 W P- l"'
I'm- Wilke-llilic D!!S a. in , l-'CH. 1.3s, 3 .',
OW ntul S.I! p in
Kor Mhatif ami pnlril noitli 3 .1! p. ill.
1'or HotieVlalu ..nO lake l..jil)u 50, 11 II
a. in. an.l .'!.')! !, "i-
New Jersey Central.
Bl,iliuu In Xcn' Voik root et I.lhdly itrret,
11 , iml auili t'euy,
Minimi r Straiiiji'turitt I'oirecieil 1,1 0 . 13. If 01.
Tiaiiw lci cinnlmi fur .New ork, Xeivark,
rtliliclli. riill-i'l'll'l'l-i. Iauii. 11. tlilciicm. AN
onto 1 M dl CI""lU ""' W''1" 'I-'"'. "..',-,
dror'pitVll'ou'ji''l Will." Ilaite, j it a. 1,1.. I tl
an.l 1.0.1 P ni- Minijj. -J.I-. p. 111.
Pen- llilliinxiB "",1 'i'l'iiiilmi and puinn
South ami Wet U llitlilcicin. S3i a. 111, I It)
ami l.l'l P. m- miJV-' "''V.1'- "'
I'-.r l-ons lluncli. 0t" filliu'- cl' it s''J
1 m anil 1-ln P. "
"l',r Hi-ailtiw, U'l'-" jnl llfilWiui.-. iIj Al
leiilutwi, b.SC a. -ml 1.11 'p. m. Siimljji,
"'rcrVJlHillK'. "''. 11. 111. 110 p. 111.
or Mountain IMik, Mi 1. in., .mil l.r
'''Tl'ioiish tUl.cli to .'ill iiiilnli (att, aoitlli nn'J
.. .. . ...... 3 n, ll... ,1,1,.,,
west ai loiteii I..;-1 "- -; 7, ',,'
('. M. Ill'ltr. Urn. Pa-.". ASl.
W. NV, WI'.XTZ. Jit,, ll.ii. Mip
New Yoik, Ontaxlo and Wehtorn,
in eflect 'lucjilay, hipt. 1", Hull.
I enici f(.)lu.u m)l.N()
Xo. I .
Ku. 7 .
!?. 1 anion.
ttiii) J, in
I lililtll.
l-'iUp. III.
II. in a. 111.
U.IU P. in Al. I aiLoii.ialc u t'l p. m
Mill I II liilli.Mi
Lean- l'",t,1 1111
CailJiM, 1 niji.'ii.ljle. .mi
lM. I"- T.IH.1 in'
.... e.ltp. ni- tMv. in. I pjp '
" "Nii.Wh ns'i.v. -south wrii. ' '"
l.eaio I.i-Jlo Aui.-n
iijiitun. laihcmijl,. railiiiia
' SiHIJ. I". . I'-IO.P- HI. 10.15a. in"
.. . ;.iMp.m. AM aihomlile, 7 in p ,
MlUfll I10UM). U" '"'
Tu In'
Nu. u
l.cate l.eate Anlia
CaJnli. tJthonOjIe. f-itaniou.
Ko 0 , I "' "-l'4, m.
Ko. 10 t.SOp in. OOup.m. cat p. m.
'11liH 0- 1 I''1 ,u'oI llJJ' al"l w 'i SunJjy,
make inalti Hmi lomicitioai (01 N'etv Vai.t eliy,
llldJIetonii. Walton,, OnslJj, 11,'irjo
ami all point cot,
I'd' luilhor Iitfoitualloii, i.iiuiill Ih-ket aceiitt.
.1 l ANDKllMIX, (1. I A., .New Yik.
J. V. WlXill, T. I'. A., Seunlon, Pi.
By a tccent act of the legisla
ture, free tuition Is now granted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all those pieparlnir to teach.
This school maintains couiacs
of study for leai'hets, for those
preiiiiilii!? for collose, and for
those .studying- music.
It will piv to write for particular!.
Xn cither school oflns such tuncrlor ad
untiit'iH ul tuili low ralM. Addtcas
J.P.Welsh, A.M., Ph. D. , Pf In.
For Xenon'. Rjil.ivinl anil Deaf Jlntc Chil
dren Plu-iral Trainlnn, Manual Tralnliiff. Artie
ulatlnn, Stuiic. Iiranine, Klnilciejrlen. Open
jear aihitn.l. Citrular.
S. A. D 00 little,
Si I'atiictv Aienue, Dinglunilon, X. Y.
Wissahickon Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa!
A lio.inlint: scluiol for hoys in the elevated
ami henutiful open cpuntiv tiotth of Philn
(lclphi.1. to minutes from llroiul bt Station
h"or catalogues nihil ei.
T J. roiter, ricildcnt. r.hner tl. Lawll, Irtu.
It. J. I'oster, Stanley t. Allen,
Vue I'rcililent. Stcrettry.
Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton:
6.45 a. iu week days, through ves
tibule train from Wllkes-Baire..
Pullman buffet pailor car anri
coaches to Philadelphia. vU
Pottsvllle; stops at piincipal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg
Philadelphia, Bnltliuore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and thu
0.38 a. 111.. week days, tor Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
moie, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. in., week days, f Sundays,
1,08 p. in.;), for Sunbury, Hnr
risbiiig', Philadelphia, Ihilti
more, Washington and Pitts
burg and the West.
.3.33 )). in,, week days, tluough ves.
tibulo train fiom WilkesjDnne.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia vin
Pottsville. Stops at principal in
termediate stations,
').!37 p. m. week days, for Har.leton,
Sunbury, Harrisburg', Philndel'
phia and Pittsbmg,
J D. IIOI'flllMJOV, fleu Mgr.
,1. tl HOOP, lien. I'm. Ait.
Lehigh Valley Bailioiul.
In I.f."cct June -1, IWj.
Truliu leavu 'iaiiii)ii:
I'or pliilatlclphia anil Veit- eili tn ) i H
II. II, al U.l'i an-t ti.JW a. in, anil, I Jl
llllaih lliaiu.iiiil Kiprci.), ami 11, ta) p, in. sun
Uam, I). & II. Jt. It., l.Si. H-'-'i' P. in
Tor While llatvu, llanleioit an.l pirn 1111
points In the i'l icptoiis, la P, k II. II. II
il 15, '.MS ami 1 '.'7 p. m. 1'or Pottttllle, O.tJ a,
m . 2.18 p. 111.
I'M llelhhhcut, I'-aston, Uua.liutr, llirrhhutrf
nml niliiclpil inleniieillite nation iu I). K 11
II. II, U.r., p..'!. 11. mi 3.13. 4.17 IHIick Dii
mciul r.ri)i 1' " ouiulayit, II, i ll,
II It., tlliS n. iu -1.01. S.-T 11. 111.
I'or TmiUluniiwi. Tuaaiiili. I.linlr.i. Ithaca,
(it-lieta ami piliiilpal iutcnueiliate -( ttlnii). 114
I) , I, i. IV. It. It., b.10 a. 111. iml ." HI p. in.
Per tieniia, ltoihestcr, lluifalo. Majtata Palp,
fhicjtto .iml all point-" .?' !'-.; " , .
7 lt, 11.35 a. m , 1 :. -I--H lllUck Dijinuiul hi.
)iie), 7.1s. I" lit II :" P- m- Sui"l-")S ! i II.
II. II , 11.55, S !" P "
Pulliiimi pillar ami 'liimi or J.iilsli Vjlley
naclor i.iu en all 11 ihn lntteiu tWIUia-Uurt-au.l
X'M 1-il't rlillnli'lplilJi, in. Htn-
Hll!.Hl fliiJije
Itm.l.lS" II- 'WI.HI II, ''' siil't-i '' lottlatul
itll'Ct, S'HV lull..
CIIAIII.r."! . l.l!l-t "''" ,'1' Af t 5l3 CohU'vI
utri'ct. Vcw Ynil;
A. 11', 1I. I'-is. Agt , South
llcthlilicm, 1'J,
1'or Ik Lib iml I'ulliuiit re.eriatloni apply it
'.Ol I.mlattjnna atcuuv, i-irantou. Pa.
Eiie lUillroad, Wyoming- Division,
Tuiu '01 tw Vi'tl ami Intciincdlilts p'.jr.n
lfato Scranton ii MIumi: 7.:0 i. in.; J'iS p. ni
Ainalc 10M a. in. Horn HonwJih'. liltv
ami liileimclUle noiiili; D."1) p. in. from Ncv
Vvtk iml intttiucillate polnli. No Suntlji- tnli'4,