The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 09, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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    P -$ J(V- "4 fc
Th Story of a Lost Fortune
-v -w- n AND HOU wns down on
A A our hick Just 11 bit, 1 cnn
mB tdl you. Hveiy thing we
f W bad plaimcil wont as
I T I iinoUod us it iIok's hind
1 ' iok Just at tho last mln-
uto. Wo IhiiI worked for
Kin ,1 month nn a dnilnglv-phinnod
whonif to rrlloxo 1-md Tullpurl of his
plate, nnd Just xxhon nil xxas londy I'm
blest If t lie Shoilff didn't xvull' In and
i nihil the. xxhnte blooming lid Just to
pay a fo of bis loiilships beastly
"Well,' sajs I, "xxo'ic. biol'o."
"Just a lilt, lllll .l.nk" sajs Mob.
He nlxxnjs called inc Hill .lain los 1
was ihih-lcntd William .lobn.
J bantlH hint tbc pnpn, and foi a foxv
minutes tbc rest was silence. Then
suddenly hp say, "hlston to thin": V una In will l I"'1'" "' '""I'
Imttrr Onb IIhwi xxllli pirnl lit"ititc tied
upplx 'in IllnU Hull, I pli nn,
The very thing," suys lie. "I used
to know something of S.indllnnds Hull,
when old .lohn Html xxns the buss of
It, but tbi' old chap died about sl
months hbo, and I don't know who lives
ihoie now Hut If the I'riol fainlly
tlll lle theio, the tilate Is woith 11
Miiull foitnup. What jou'xe not to
do l to go to I'ghnni, got this job as
wallPi. lc.iin all jou cnn, and bend the
nexxs to inc."
"flood enough," I saxs. "And xxhat
about mv lofei pulps.' '
"hoxe jou, I'll xxiilo ou hdir-.i-do-en,
each moip llatterbiR than the oth
ii, and no txxo In the same hnndxxilt
InR." Well, aftci a long talk I p.utcd xxlth
Hob, and aftei dnsslnp mjseir up I s-et
out for HglMin.
Acting on Uob'b Insttuetionfi 1 made
my lxnj to the .sidc-cntiunce of Saudl-1-inds
Hall and asked tor the butlei
Twenty minute 8 Intel I was seated in
the pilvate s.iiii'tuni of the head butlei,
whose name was Rloam, and that wor
thy gentleman was busily pei using my
beautiful testimonials.
"Voui tpstlniouials look all light,"
sajs he, "and I likp the look of jou,
o I'll lust see MKs I'liisim and roI
ier opinion. She's the Intlx of tin Hall
until Mr. Jtupeit lomps liomi Adopt
ed daughter of the Ltd lohn Ihiol,
i'-f. Help youisolf out oi ihi- while I
f.n and see hci."
He rushed a doinutoi oi poll and a
gluts toxxaids me, and lett me to my
own .sweet thoughts.
.Mr. niuxain iptuincd In i few min
utes with the uie-iC that he was to
lake me to .Mis, t'tuson at once.
fiettyV 1 should think she i.i. A
pci feet peaih, dainty .is .t. fab v, with
a voice like ,i silxei bell
"And so this is the inan.'' sajs she.
"What did j(iu sjy his name xx.i-.'"
'Hlgglns miss," I answei-s, "Wil
liam .John IliRRins, eiv miuh at Mini
t-i ite."
.-die put mi lliimiRli a laic lough-iind-tumhle
ol iitcfrtiimv, but 1 was
piettx well pilmul and soaped
tliinush lathei tic, ill;.
"You max tome a mouth un, '
hbe sajs ,it last
"Tlmnk vim ml-- ' I ansxxeis, and
I )a(k- nut with lilo,un
We w nt hack to liltivam's il, u nul
lie, liolns; ,i suitable old ihap, pio
diiieil a liesh bottle ot pint and iIriis,
1 u-1 to lelobiale, as he put it Then
1 in piifju 1 would do a little pumping
.11 nth lonipany heie," 1 asks.
' e'onipam ' Uless jou, the plat e I-
a incitiie. Ilicies nobodv but Miss
Cm on Hut things will change when
Mi. ftupi 1 1 mine" home. Quite a n
manie it is. hot's see if.s .ihmit
elRht eais .iRo siuif Mi Unpen
qiianeled with hl.s tatlici. and .stiuiiRO
to say, it was all about Mi-s Cuion.
She was the daughter ol the (Ui.ite
then, and Mi. Unpen wanted to mariv
her; but old Siiilu Ihtol would huxe
none ot it, and pai ked him olf tu toi -eiRnpaits.
.Mi, liupeit Mini that he
would not letuin until his fathei g.ue
hi- corihont.
"For thtee ,ear.- we had
tiew.s of bini, and then i ame the M
lencc xvliiih has IhmimI the year.-.
When Kquho Hi ml i ould leain no
news of Mr. Kupert, he giew lemoise
tul, nnd when Misi, Cuion's father
died he adopted her ami biought her
to lie here until Rupei t should turn
up to claim her."
"But this Mr. flupeit may b dead."
"She Is conlldent that he is alive,
and that is why ou are engaged. She
keeps, uti the lull -Half of hoivant.s, .-o
as to have eeiyUiIng ready when he
Hoon after this Intel estlng conversa
tion I look my depiirluie, ostensibly
to Ret my tiap, but really to repot t
pioRiess to Heatttlful Hob.
Un was hugely delighted with my
Mln ess and listened attentively to all
the news I had gathered.
"Ho now," 1 concluded, "Just give
trio a week, and I Will nriaugu that
cxpr.xone shall mysteriously full asleep
and we ran loot the place ut our lels
ui c."
"No, Hill Jack, I'm going to make
this something special, so you must
Iciixu It to me.
"Why, whut'H the game If It nln't
"It Is loot, Bill Jack, but not n teintny
and daik-lantein job, Wo me roIiir to
pull enough this Journey to last u life
time. Now, listen: Tlrst I want a
photogiaph of ltupett Hi ml, if It Is to
be had,"
"I'll see If r call manage that, I
"Tin n I must hac a llxei to pay my
line to Southampton and bin k. T sup.
posi l must ilo a little sleight-of-hand
in a i lowd lo get that,"
"And then."'
"You go bntk lo Sandllaiuls Hull. To
dav Is AV'ednuMliix On S.ilunlav Ml-h
Nellv Curon will in ilxe a who I idim
Southampton to ,i that I'upeit Ihiol
lias aiiixed.
"A few boms 111. i hi will an it p. All
the sei Mints will assemble to gieet the
young mastei, AYIIIIaiu John Hlgglns
among them. A'our buslnpbs is this.
Don't attempt any pi hate eonxcis.i
tlon with Rupeit Hnol until ho asks
miii for Intoimatloii: and a week after
Iliiport lltinl dlsappeats tiom Sanrll
lunds Hall Heautiful Hob will be await
ing nu heie x It It jour slime of a loi
tune." "A'ou 'ou can nexer do It," I gasped
"Pooh! theie is not much ilsk. A'ou
know my skill in di-guises, .mrl Hupeit
Iiol, just Lome fiom ahioad, xxlll be
sine to h.ixe a beaid, and I know wi
nie pietty much of ,i height."
"JtUt, MISS CUI7011?"
"She will never hiispeit; she was
niilv eentppn when Kitol went .iwaj-.
ami eight jpiis makes sonic dlffeicnie
in a man; besides, I h,ie got to know
enough of hei J'oting d.lh to loiixlme
hci that 1 am her hclnxed Kupeit."
Tliat night I -went to m in w mIii
ation at Hgliam, and by the Hist pn-t
In tlie morning a photograph of Kupeit
Iriol was on its wav to Rp.iutitul Hob
I'trol was not ,i bit like ISob piepi foi
the nose, and thej w pi e almost ,i
-iliiitl.ii as two peas, but r knew m
hum's -kill in make-up and lelt no
fen i.
At 11 o'llnik on 8atuid.iv morning I
saw a telegiaph bov entei the giounds,
and then I luepaied toi sonic pm Mo
ment, and I wtis not disappointed The
news dew oxei the place like wildtlie,
and all I (ould hear foi the net bout
was "Mi. Uupeit Is mining this aftei
noon " And I smiled all bv mv lom
sume At ," o'clock Mi-s Ctlinn qiouped us
all on each side of the pou h, while -he
bprself .stood on the .steps to ghe him
a welcome.
Alinohi io the niinute the caniage
and the p.tli of gias which bad hem
sent to the station .swung up the diixo
nnd. amid our ihceis ol w eh nine, a
band.soiue, btow n-heatded man stepped
to tliei, loiinil.
iWth h.udlj a look at the sen, nits
he dnslud ut the slops, and In another
in.stanl, betoie us all, he had Mi-s
Nelly In his .urn-, kissing iiei and
well, 1 didn't think He iiitlful Hob had
it In him
"Kupeit, Kupeit1 come baikat l.i-t, '
sin 1.1 nl
"At last," lie s.ijh, "mv happiiiLsi is
'Hun In kisse.s hei agiiln oh! be
was having a tea good time, was Hob.
Thin lit makes a .spiech to the -cii-iints
and thanks them all lor theli wel
i nine. evening I walled on them at
dinner I alwajs knew iKnb was a bit
of an aitist In the xx.ij ol toiu.iui hih,
hut his conveisalion at that meal was
nn eje-openci He told hei ol his ti .t -vols
all over the woild, his luck at the
gold diggings in I'nlltoinia, the tie
uiendous estates he had pin dined out
there; and the beautiful p.ilme he had
built A w nuclei fill place It seemed to
bo, complete in e -ry paitleulai ,ie
"And what W this oik thing that is
missing, Unpen."' she nsks Innui out
"A iiiieen, tnj- darling," lie miHweis,
"nnd as soon us my p.ilnio was jeuily 1
set nut for Hngland In the hopa that I
could bilngyou back with mo toshaie
my tin one,"
"Oh, Kilpeit, do jou do j'oll tneiin
us to loaxo l.'nBland'.'"
"U'hv not, my darling.' AVe two aie
nlone in the world, and with you bv tnj
slilu the place In ("iillforiiln -will be a I piopose to sell Saiidllnnils
and got away as miou ns we can."
Well, I wa.s so llabbetgastcd that I
chopped n bottle of flr. I wtis alwajs
under the Imptesslon that TJob would
i omo to mo some line night, nnd we
would loot the plate eonifoi tahly; but
when t heaid him talking of selling the
plaie so audui lotisly, well, my In oath
scorned a bit tight on my t best.
Dlnnct was over, and they "-dolled
Into the diawlng loom, and I didn't
sec Hob again that night. Inn Just af
ter bieaklnst the nel moinliig Miss
Cm on flls me to send a man over to
Klehtnond to ask Mr. Wootbow to
come to Snndllands at once.
"Who's WootliowV" I nuked Klovun
"AVonihoix! He's the family law -
J or."
I thought Hob was plnjing ,i vpiv
ilskj game, and I began to get nei v
olis Tholawxpi tinned up about inld
da.v. and afler the thiee had hatl a Ions
conxeis.ition they t-taitLd on turn h.
1 was walling, of loui-se.and lli- law
jer did most of the talking.
"Couldn't hive happened moie con
venient." lie said. "I.oid Snndpipi'
came to mo jcsteiday and asked me If
Snndllands was in Hi' niaikei f .said,
'No, not that I was aw. no ol.' ho ie-
plicd tliat If it was lie would buy it a.s
It stands, lock, stock, and banel, all
cm opt the"
"Well, be can have II, ami the hoies
tan ho sent to Tattei sail's."
"And jou will send my Jewels oxei
toinonow? Kupeit Is so ,intous to
see me dot ked in the i.unllv diamond."
"1 shall biing them oxer mvself."
I had heai tl .i lot about those dia
monds, and I smiled htoadly as
thought ot Rob's smai tness.
T ti ied to have a woitl oi two with
Hob lint he alwav.s scorned to tiown
when I appioaebed him, and J lomem
boied bis InstiuctloiiFi not to s-pe.ik to
him until I was jioken to
Hut, to tell the ttuth I began to get
a bit tumbled about Miss Nellj. I
thought Hob was going- a bit too f.u.
It is all veix'well making up to a s-t-v.uu
when jou want a bit of infoi ma
lion but to make love to a hiailtilul
glil like Miss Xelly and even il up tbo
xxoddliiR tlav was, to mv mind, uulx
t omplltatlng things.
The next d.iv the l.nxjei tin nod up
in time foi dinn-i, blinking with him
a he.ivv bi ass-bound bn. v hit h was
sent stialglit uii to Mi-s Nelh's loom.
Bob was le.nlx to tpieive Mi. Wood
mw, and as lliev dlstusscd a piellmln
.ii v shon j' and bltteis I toll ou mv
ilium ilhl look a icgulni dook. with his
evening togs nnd his diamond .stud.
Goodness know- whnio lie got them
lioni I dou t.
.lust t In n the dixu opens and in sills
Miss N'pllj J. old' Hip bl,i o of twink
ling light. Oh' the diamonds, the
iilbies, the s.ipphiios .shut me ej -tinned
aa, and g.sK.d. nd these
w no all lo bo outs, mine and Hob's'
llowtvei, I li ai nod tin
dinnei l.nid Sandplpo had agicetl to
pill chase, and tailed itHUinn clht i heap.
The ileitis wiio to b pi op lied at once
This was oin.OOO eat li lot Hob nnd mo.
Thin.iftei il i tine Hlovam was asked
in assemble iho sonants m Hie ball
1 wondoitil whit was up, but I was
-oiin to know .
And th 'ii Hob made a mm im M It
tomplotolj knoikid nn- into sh nee
The soivants all listened .mil ihteiotl,
until Hob i .lino neai the end, then tli"x
got a stagpoioi.
''Anil so, Mln t'uion and mvself
lie to bo ipiietlv man ied nel Satin -tlav,
anil w Ik n wo leaxo ,s ludllands
Hall It will bo to letuin to it no mine,
a.s wo .sail to mil noxx homo amiss the
-o,i in lar olf California This will bo
a gioat blow to niaiij ol jou, as it vxill
nii.ut the loss ot a littlong Munition.
Hut, in older the eiioumstaiii es
will not fall so h.utlly upon jou, X
h.ixe an. mged that those or j-ou who
haxo b-oii in the sei it o of the family
toi ton vcais shall leceixe a t heck for
fixe vo.ii'' wages, in laot, jou vxill nil
be paid lot halt the toi in jou haxe
.SOI XI i,
they gave cliceis for bolb ot
was a lot nun but this ,s
i the sttifllng of the goose, and when lie
ttmmmAA -,-.-.
things weio Ko,iB Mpiendldly Tor us.
but I was w-nirlod. 1 did tint ses any
necessity for the wedding, and I deter
mined to i(.c u nnd upeak lo Hob.
It was not until Tattnill's men
ennie that 1 thought I bud nn oppor
tunity. Hob nnd AiH v,.v i,,t cm,,-
to Iho studies to nv Rood-bjo to the
horses, ami I lolloxxed thoin mil. I
fouinl Hob standing by hlinsoll lighting
a clRar.
Jle looked up as 1 approached him.
I'U'ell, my man, what Is I IV"
"I wiy, don't run It tew haul imix'
nor." Inst then Miss Nelly comes out and
hears my woids.
"What la the matter, Unpen?'
"1 don't knoxx-. This man snj.s .some
thing about being too haul."
"Oh, J know-, of ionise," sajs she;
"you see, tlwir, ho bus only been hero
a few dajs, and, of couise, the checks
jou piomised the servants will not In
tliiile hltu."
j'What hard luck, anjwaj, we must
niter It. You look a likely young fel
low hoxv would you oaie to come to
"I would follow Miss Nelly iillj
wheie," 1 answpis,
"Cood Judge." he laughvd. "Well
you shall haxe a check for 100 mid
our nddioss in California If jou Hurl
your wav out Hum", well and good; If
not, that Is join own lookout."
I thanked him, of, and deter
mined to let things, take their own
xxaj. Hob knew what he xvas about,
ami 1 must not spoil his R.ime,
Winn s.ituiclny came Mi. AVoodrow
ainxetl at Hnudll.indd, and at 10 o'clock
we .ill diove to the chinch and Kup-i t
Hnol was quletlv inniiled to Miss
Nelly. Then when the time came we all went
up lo sax- "Cood-bje" to the h.ippv
pail, and as xxo passed bv with n hand
shake thr. biide handed each of us a
e beck,
AVIioii my tuin tamo I went up nnd
letelved n cheek foi 100; and as Hob
shook hands with me, lie s.ixs. "We
shall be seeing xnu .lRalu shoiih," and
I thought ho R.ixe a xxlnlt. which I le
ttli nod
I eamo to I,ondoii that night and Hob
wont on his honoxmoon All tluotigh
Hip slice ceding d.ij s I kept l opiating
nij- ilium's xx cuds:
"A xxoek attet Kunei t Hnol dlsap
peais tiom Sandllaiuls Hall Heailtilnl
Hob will be avx .tiling jou heie wiiii
jour .sh.ii" of a foi tunc."
Tienibllng xxlth oMitemeut I waited
foi Hob at the plate appointed He
was not long in making his
.ini e but a inoi e foi loi li, xxot-begone
looking: object 1 have seldom -'en
"Whj-, Hob" I sai. "whin on e.iith
has happened' Wheiexei h.ix, voil
been ' '
' lllid,' he .uisxxi l s,
"Quod'" I savs, suipii-ttl ' Whx
and whete Is Nollx '
"Nllx ! X ho's she.' Have xou tone
dalt? '
"Nellx Cm em the rflil xou mauled
at Hirhain ihuiih last week"
"A'ou mo in ill I xxas In ipiue! la-l
week "
"Now. look hoie Hob xou e in t bltill
me like this vou nicked the liutiiiit,
and I xx. int mj- sh no "
"Mv deal Hill Jai k. xou ilou t -o 'ill
ill link, but vou talk like II. I hive not
hi on neai Kgham, ami I hixe not
nicked a toi tune I tiled to pint h a
iui 'i1 to inoxltle the iHte-san I inn
loi out inteipii- but I t,oi ualltd
an I loin teen tlajs in tin lug 1 i ame
out this nun lung."
'Then xx ho who tamo to S.tiidil ind-.
man ltd Miss Nellv, s-oltl llio plate up
antl paid the .soivants ofl V"
"The leal Kupeit Hind, ncioidlli,; to
the p.u.iRi.ipli in totlav's him, I t-ax-an
aiiiuml ol bis mail luge mid his
bo.iutilul plate in Caliloini.i Hut did
miii loallv think Kupeit Hi nil was
Heatiliful Hob.'"
"I did, 1 did, ami he gaxe me a e heck
foi L'lno"
'Cloud, Rood, that puts us In minis
a anv late."
"Hut, oh: ass that I was, thought
It was ynui bogus cheek and lit my
pipe with it."
I will not what Hob t said, but
wi'x-e not boon null good fi lends tdme.
I sometimes feel i.itherglad tleit llss
NlIIj- vxas not detelvod In hei h.ippl-nc-s;
but many it time, when things
look blue, I think iemoieftilly oi that
losi foi tune, Titl-Hlts.
' Atterbury '
Of Clothes
If you take the
trouble to exam
ine this system
thoroughly you
will be surprised
how far ahead it
is of the Custom
Tailors' system.
It's the care and
thought of every
detail with the
combination o f
stylish cloth pat
terns, perfect
tailoring and the
fitting of every
garment to living models that makes this Atterbury
System popular among men who always wor
shipped at the custom tailors' shrine. There are
many distinguishing features that cannot be explained
fully in this writing; visit our 4tAtterbury" floor, there
these fine examples of the Tailor's Art can be fully
demonstrated. Just a little talk on our part without
that usual pressing to buy.
It's another revelation of our progressive method. A
Fall and Winter Suit Style that is a decided departure
from any previously shown by us. If your are con
sidered a sweii dresser among your friends we believe
this will be of interest to you,
ins: Outfitters,
!,sv3 raiTO1
hllALL Ni:vi3ll niiitry, ' sail)
a man's voleo fiom the depths
of a lingo lounge thulr. Peo
ple aio fond of telllnK' mo I
shall change my mind, be 'e got a tltlo and a fair
amount of money. That shows all
thev know. It makes me laugh when
my people wisely toll mo I shall havo
It one of these days, and havo It badly.
I'xe hatl it, old e hap, as badly ns. I
i ould luxe It to Ilxe, and I'm Innocti
l.iinl for all time,"
"So that's it, Is If.'" inuimuica
liiaxe.s, sympatbetleullj-.
"Yes, that's II. The) only glil I over
loved," haul Kiddeislelgli went on,
not looking nt Qiaveo, but stailnR
Imi (1 up at tho cellliifir high above, their
heads, "loved another Johnnie, Now,
I tnku It, when a Johnnie, loves u gin
that loves another Johnnie theio's
lathing to bo rtono but clear out; so
I cleared out of the Old! lilack Jioiuo
Into this regiment for no other icuson
Uian that It would keep mo from sea
in? the other Johnnlo having It all his
sun xxav,"
"Is she nuiiiiotl let'.'"
"1 suppoo so. I leally don't knoxx,
for J uoxii luaiil n wnul about her,
My pinpio I, in m, her. uli, jes, hut
Ihi'j'xo nexor mentioned her in their
Ictteis, an tiny don't know I take any In hei they think 1 haven't
bad il." lie added xxlth a butst of if
I mM luif-liti't that all the same had a
liiiK ol x lotiheduess In It.
'! Mill l,i oxx the olio i iiiii?"
Jckl'tl Uiuvi(-.
No, I haxi-irt the h.m lilt i who
lv is untl I didn't fed Ike nukiii;:
ny pailleiilnr liniuliy oi i i 1 1. jj ct
ht tluifs xiy j uvsu ig0 ;0U(
I'm off
after the xxoinen, old e hap:
in timt Kind or tlilim."
"I never suspected It," said Hi axis
I'vo often xxondeied why you Kept
j-ouiself ub you do, but, by Joxo
nexer miess-ecl at tho iiason "
"I el.tie.say not. It ain't tho kind nt
thine a Johnnlo tales to talk about to
everybodj. I xxouldn't have told you
old fellow. If you hadn't huppeued to
chum up xxlth me as jou havo done,
and uutsed mo thioui?h that last ko
ot fever."
"Oh that x.ia nothhifi ut all," Gtaes
tin list in liurrledlj.
"Nothing nothlns at all tiom your
point of view," declared Kldeiblelsh In
his mlldeut tones. "Fiom mine,
though, it's tho sort of thins one don't
foiBOt, nntT, by Jove, If oxer you ko
home, just jou go and tell my mother
and vou'll tlndi out tx bother sho calls
It iiolhlntv any moro than 1 do."
"Oh I buy. Stop that," said lhaxes,
bhtiilluig uiuoslly In his long chair.
Fin a few minutes neither of them
nioke. Then Klddeislelsh xvent on, "I
utin't know that I'd inlnU India if it
xx.ibu't for the beastly climate," ho
bJid In the (iietiilous tones of a seml
ronx.ili'sceiil "It's all i, ' hip.
pens to suit jou. Look i x r
Instauio, jou'io n.s sound u o lull, uiid
as htMltby as a io.u.hs but It don't
sfilllnltnli .itnl Him.,
Hw.....u.., ,.,,.. ,,.U.
lake It out of uiio i
seem to Milt mo,
ties ot i'x. f
hoi I lb
' I'l il tn
hi hill
1 I up .
e'o u i - ,.,
i haute ol Kcittliifir moie leaxo just jet,"
Hi ax oh milled, "and, besides, It i'osh
ii Int."
"As to tost," leplied KIiIiIimIoIrIi,
jnu'll so as my uucvit If you so at
all And as for leave, can't no alone.
I II tiv to xxork It."
In India it Is not dlllleult to xxork
thliiKs, it mainly depends on who pulls
the wires. Hvoutuiilly It was xvoiked,
ami tho txxo friends' -went off to Simla
toRcthei. And xxlth exeiy day tho In
valid blioolc olf tho evil ofteetH of life
in tho plains moio and nioiu until a
hcalthler-lool-lnsr younu man could not
havo been toiind In all the length nnd
biccdlh of India. Then nan came to
an end, and thej xxont bails to tho
leglmont, xx heie, in less than a month,
Kldderleigh xxus down with fever
TIiIh xx us the xxotbt attack of nnj-,
anil long befoie he xvns fiee of it.
Hum "liiavos," he Mid, a little lain
in iho day, "that joimg iox will
1 1 oak eme of tliot-o da j s If xx e don't look
out, Can't you poisuade him Into lis
tening to leason','"
"You mean he ought to go home "'
"1 do. Can jou do nothing""
"I'll tiy," bald (hiixes
And Oiuves did tlj Ho opened llio
ton vernation by speaking of Klddois
lolgh's home-going ns a certainty, at
xxbleh tho Invalid taught Instantlj,
"I ain't going home," said he.
"hook here, old chap," said Giuxo.s.
"Don't you think you'ie paying that
glil too high n compliment altngothet ?
No xxoman In the woild Is xxoitli a
man's life, nnd that's xxhat you're giv
ing In this, case,"
"Do you say I shall din?"
"Yes, If you stop heie." Foi tho llio
of him Graves could not keep his olio
quite steady, and afterxxauls he nil-
Graves took upon himself to xvrlte to inltteei that ho had never felt so helj
. r II but getting
I (haxes. "Yon
lo as jou n .
. good ii said
" 1 ll Ki ll jciu'll go Willi me,"
"I don't e how I inn. I'xe
Lady Kiaderslclgh his exact Jinpres
won ot tier son's state of health, He
felt easier when the letter x"as fairly
gone, and after that KlddcrsJelgh took
a. tmn for tho xxoisc, nnd there jxas
fconio serious talk of gentling him home
by the vetj- first bhlp.
Kiddeislelgli, hoxxexer, icfusid to lis
ten. "No, no," ho until, obstinately, "I
eunio out to see somo sport, and I'xo
had none, This beastly texer must
xx ear Itself out fu time, nnd I'm not
' i ing tn bo beaten by i 1 never ailed
"' b my llfo v'l I i niie to Indlu,
mlo gax In ut tho begin-
1 " i bo able to mil his soul
I b " xii .n as lonif ns be lived. f!ho
J mo ii .i!rr do to oi" quinine, doctor;'l jou meillios aie so ufi.ilil of jour jios
; hums."
no ' Tim doiloi jliool. his head and left
less or so lonely In his llfo as he did at
this time,
"Well, thou, I'd Just as soon," said
the Invalid, tenacious of his one Idea.
"Sho isn't xvoith It," siowled Graves,
"Yes, she Is, though that nln't tho
question," Kiddeislelgli roplled. "lh,
what, old chup, xvhat nio yon looking
bo bolemn nbout? Life's1 no such deblr
ablo plcubiiio that ono need mind Its
eomliig to an end, especially If tho ni.ils
things don't go light. If I iiouk out
heie, I shan't feel or knoxx or xxony
uny moio about It, If I go home ami
get well, I shall do all thtee."
Gt lives Jumped up antl xxeut out of
the loom. For tho llfo of him be could
not have spoken at that moment, He
xxent out on the veiantla antl xx hiked
tho braiding teuis back fiom his eyes
mid uxxoie u Utile under his breath,
ii ml then lie look a it s-olxi It xxas
he would w i ilo again In l.atlj l.nldti:
lolgh And .o that snne (Xtuiir; ho
dill, liijlug bait his xx Imli idea in ioi
anil liiKfilmf hei o use hot lie si oflipils
to peisunde hei son to s,'o lioint
"I am liiiaklllg a ..tiled t outitli in i "
he xxiole in i out liislmi lint I am sine
it is the only thing to tin tin onh w.ij
hi w lilt li 1 tan soixe him. I in l.adx
Kidclt isle is-h, the liottom of it all is
some glil I don't knoxx hoi n.iini but
ho told mo she xxas in loxe with nn
otliei man, and ho lame out lieio In bo
out of the xx aj. Ho nexn told mo hoi
iiami. but laM night, when ho xxas
thoioughly oil his head xx hit h ho Is
most, nights lie kept calling out foi
Tita Tltn.' Fiom xx hat he told mo su'
must bo mai i led bx litis time, but I
think if jou xxeie to send out the piipi l e
xxith the .iiioiiutb of il In would lool
that It xxas loallv oxi i , and leslgu him
self to tin- liioxltnblo."
It xxas (N.uth- Unto weeks aitei
fii.uos bail plannctl his us oiitl eplstlo
lo h.nly Kiddeislelgli that ho molxtd
a telegiaui fiom homo "i 'oiiiIiik at
omo, Julia Kiihlci sleigh." li shi, ami
Giiixos sluixt d it Into his iii ket xx lib a
long In oath ot intoiiHo uliii knoxx lug
thnt xx bethel his nleinl lixttl in tl It il he
hail tlono the light thing mid tnuld
lit'xei bo hod wllh liaxilig un
dillj kept his people in the daik
Ilo i nit iilah tl that l.adx Kldib isb IkIi
would jih.t tattli llio I' ix. I) boat at
MiiibOillos, ami that she would unhe
al Itnmhny iihuiil the isth ol the month.
Ilo niiiile oxoiy in i.ingeinont loi Mime
olio to letelxo her llioio xxlth pioper
ittoiillou mid stmt her oil on hoi loiu
uoy up inuntij, And sine i houkIi. nil
the evening of the ISIh ,o lotehul n
tolegiaiu iiiiiiouui lug bt'i in i hnl. and
adding that she was toiuiuiilug In I
Journey without ilolnj
At las) ho xxeut to mis i iho ii.ilu
wlllih would hi Ing hot and stood llioio
siannlng the (llifcum uiniagos xxith
eager ojos, Yes, thete she xxas, a tall,
slight wnmmi, mij, xoix jnuiig looking
to bo tho mother ot a big tellnw like
Kiddeislelgli, and with her was n eiy
smmt looking mnld and u eouiler,
Gi.ives xxent tnixxaiil, Lady Kiddei
slelgli knew him by Instliut ami eanio
foixxmd, too "You mu Mi, (iinxes,'"
she said,
"1 ean iinxor, noxei thank j-ou enough,
Hnxx Is lieV"
"Very III, but not wiush than the last
few days," lie leplletl "I'm so glad
you'vo nunc, Lady Kiddeislelgli. You'll
do him moio good than any one "
Lady Kiddeislelgli smiled. "I don't
knoxx about that," she said, " I'iney
my nleio heiu xv(ll do nioto than nnj
of us. Mr. Graves this is Tltn, about
whom jou xxioto tome, othcixxlsu Miss
Miss Vallum o blushed a line seat let
color as bho letuincd Gl.ix-es' bnxv,
"You haxo como none too soon," ho
said giaxely. "Shall I take you to the
cniitago noxv, Latiy Kiddeislelgli.'"
Sho put her hand upon his nun In.
bluntly. "I'vo hatl a Journey and a half,
Mr, ( h lives," she xvhlspeied i.ipldly.
"llii'io's been no mistake she udoiesj
Kiilde isloigli alwaxs li is ilone. She
has almost binkeii lit i heai I mid .
till, xi s,' ix lib a nub k t li.ingo ol tone,
it xx III be nit o to bo settled down for
a lew ti ixs It's ,i hoi i id iournej."
Thix onh inteiotl i ommnnpliii es as
Ibex dioxe low ai cits the blillg.lloxx
xxhlth Kltltleisieluli anil Gi.ixoh shaicd.
"I'd Ix'ltoi Ro and him." said
(ii.ixis, as ho lioltied them to alight.
Ilo loiiud Kltldei sleigli hing in his
long ehan, btailng bl.iuklv at the toll
t ti r. Ilo xxas not sinoking, for he was
ton ill to cue loi his iipe mix- longei.
(li axes' lieai l smote hlin ns he noted
the si,ti) outlines of temple mill xxilst.
"Olii i hap." be mid in a xolee that,
tiv as lie xx ould, he could not make an
inilinaij one, "ilnn't be st.utled. Your
mothers i ome to no jou."
'.Mv motliLi ! Did jou send for hoi?
Am I '
"Old ehap" s.iii iliaxes, " don't
xx, mt j on in 1 1 oak xxlthnut mnkliig an
elloil lo sii,ilr;hl n things otil a bit.
hlio's t dine, too, Theio'b been a big
mistake soiiiexxlu it ,"
Cut Iho glil Tltn xx ailed un lougei ;
tlun was a I ush ol light Icot, II Mill
antl a i linking kind nl laugh anil she
wax dow n on bet Ivimt bj the long
(hall "Kiddle' Kiddle"' she oiled,
"I'xo almost In okon nix- he.iil'"
Hut the other Johnnie'."' be uski tl
'Theio wasn't aiiolbi'i Joluiuie," she
tilttl the itais iiiunlng dow u her taie
antl ulunm di owning tin smiles in her
ejes "I don't know what jou menu,
Kedtllt, Theio in xi i was mij one but
"Tltu- mj Tii.i'" ho nun nun oil, ami
then lit quit tlx In in i'l axxaj. Then
xxlion thej had biought him 'loiiud
again ho said xxlth a weak i buckle.
"Don't let Tltn so I want my loxengc
on the nihil Jnhiinle ' Hi t.ouls .Stnr.
Sittnl In the !. r.mloii Tiilniiip
.Siisiiiiobanna, .Vox. s The I'listout
dub bold a pleasant Imp lust ixculug
ill llogaii Opoia House
'I be tuueial ol tbo Into 1'iwlli I'
hake look plate fiom Iho home, on
Kast ( liui ih stitot. on Thuisday exeu
liig. Ilex II. i:. Itllej, pastor of the
I'l ishytci iun liuitli, ollli luting, hi'
loinioiit xxas made in llxeisioen come
teiy. Sus(Ul1uiiiiiu xx III baxi a low moie
business plans almul .Imiuaiy 1.
The txxo ihlldiou who xxeie leienlly
mill ilul at Steal n Hollow xxlll not be
sepai aied, the mother of tbo Initio re
fusing to take any legal notion in the
Tho iiuii'iiil of the late Samuel
Couklln. or the Uakland side, tools
plaie 1 1 oiii the Axenue Methodist
l'plsiopnl chin eh on Tluiibduy after
noon, tho pabtor, hex, Vx M, Houton,
ollleiatlng, assisted by Hoxs, I. N.
Hliipmau and Geotge Yx'. Leach, Moody
post, (hand At my of the itepublic, at
tended in a hotly, Intel ment xxas
inailo In MoKuuo lemcteij',
Foiest Hies mo binning in this vi
cinity, doing some damage.
Hex, H. 11. Abbott, of CVuboneUile,
leetot of Grace church, Oan
land, Is sloxxly leiovcring from a thiee
xxoeks' Illness.
A number ol Susquehaiina people ill
in Caibondale todav, attending the fin of the late Mis. Rex-. William M
One oi txxo noxx snoots xxlll be open
od on the Oakland side In the spring
and the election of many building!
xxlll lolloxx.
The old Oakland Methodist cbuul
etlltlte has been torn rtoxvn.
County Superintendent of School!
Charles VS. Jlolej-, of Hallstead, xxn;
nffleltilly engaged in loxvn on Thins
The Young People's. Social club ol
Clnist Kplsiopal obutoh xxlll hold
hop at the Stan net a House on Mon
dav ox oiling, Dec, 2.
Miss Mm j Piootor, a foi met esteem,
til losldenl of Susquehanna, died a'
Hoslindalo, Mass., on Sunday last, af
ter a liugeiing Illness, ot consumption
She was llio oldest sister of Edward
I 'motor, of this plate.
Special sei lees nie being hold in till
Methodist Kplscopal oliuieh this week
and mo xvoll attended,
'I xt i SJtiirtlix- nit-lit, anil a tMelicr at
.Mom, hoi ti.k pui.iuni;;
,sn- airnuKl iliU jiiU i-ln nxriigrd timt,
Of till Hi it litr t li-i xi i tlolnR.
su iiiioiutl iiciiditiKC so nun) bny
.Xiul so in nn Kills ill counted,
Xml inirKdl .ill Hit Unix- abwiilfr-t,
Xntl Id itlia Jll the ahbinic amountti,
J.iiiics mv iftldcnros xxioto in dill,
titer iiuiix (iiltiinni ami pit'i;
(aiutllin, Tciilonlf, African, Celt,
Xnd nciJKitl all their atfe.
'llio ilitr nf admUfion of excrjj ont,
.Xnd i hm of flascllitlon,
Anil pit pared u list of gradtutra
1'or tlie county graduation.
Iln xxciry hrid fank loxr on her bonk,
Anil In i xxf.irj heart still lower;
Tor sonio of tin- pupil hatl little brains,
Xnd hlin could not furuibb more.
She fltpt, hhc tlieimetl, It teemed ttw died,
Xiul her spirit xxeut to Hade,
And they met her there xxlth a question fair,
"I itc xtlut tho pei cent, of joui srrad Ut"
Xu't Imi aloul.x rolled axxay,
Ir.ixiiiK hut pirtlal tures,
Xml Ihe It uliei's ,plrit xxalLcd one dajr
hi Ihe old fimllini places.
X mould ot Pfatlllzfd Kliool rcporl
Mli.u tnt lur oherva.tlon,
X liluli .i the ttjlo hnue dome, and n widt
Aa lloston tluco annexation.
She raiuc to the pot xxlierc they tuuiedhcr hotui
And the ground xx-as xxcll built oxer;
Hut laborers illfuiiiff thrcxx- a tktill
Onec planted bencitll the l Inter,
A dlMipli) of (hleii, xvanderintr 1'jjy,
l'atueil to look at tho dlggeis.
And plutklm; tho skull up, looked throu;h the r
And fjxx- it xxas lined with fWjrum.
"Jit a I llioiikht," slid the joung M. h
"lluxv easj it U to kill 'cm I
SuitLstliA ossified cxery fold
Of leuliriun and (erehillum."
"Il'e a ruriosllj, sure," raid Pit,
"lly the hniitM jou tn till tha creatur!"
"(I, mithlni; Mrange," said tha doctor, "thai
XX'as a nineteenth century leather,"
Chicago TnbiuWi
i- .., .,n.h. l .-.''. Ji .1
i uik. ,