The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 09, 1901, Image 1

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    RC . K, : . VjV.'&'f vt-mb-;.-'' ' -"Ww 'iHNppIRP,U
'1jjj.'irt ' ' ' ' "' v ' T -., " ' ' ' ' ' ' f ' ' - ,' '"" ' ' Pf'vJ
yuan Shlka l the Best Appoint
ment That Gould Have
Been Made.
Has Displayed Great Ability ns a
Military Man His Troops the
Best Drilled of Any in the King
domThe Death of Li Hung Chans
Due to a Quarrel with the Russian
By Ev.lullic U'lrc tram The Awodated 1'
"Washington, Nov. S. Yuan Shika
Knl. whii succeeds LI Hung Cluing as
viceroy of Chl-LI.'la the best, appoint
ment that could have neon made from
all China, according to Air. Rockwell,
the special commissioner of the United
States to J'ckin. He Is about !.". year.-?
of age and came originally from the
province of Hunan, where he begun bis
public career as a military ofllcer. He
was made minister to Korea and for
many years ably defended Chinese In
terests' In that troubled country. An
governor of Shan Tung he showed sur
prising ability in trantiullizlng that
dangerous province, while Ills gift for
diplomacy was exercised fully In pre
venting friction between this turbulent
population of the peninsula and the
irmans when the latter were steadily
.ncioaehlng from their original hold
ings at Kino Chow on the north coast.
As n military man. Yuan showed his
ability by the organization of what Is
undoubtedly the best military force in
China and they were his troops that
occupied I'ekin last September when
the foreign forces were withdrawn.
They are thoroughly disciplined and
well ofiicored, and considering Chinese
conservatism, they form a. magnificent
display of Yuan's ability.
"Wang "Won Shao. who is made depu
ty viceroy of Clii-Li, is also a man of
marked ability. Fortunately he always
has been friendly to foreign ideas and
Is not a reactionist. He was one of the
grand secretaries of state and is at
present one of the two ministers ap
pointed to form the new Chinese for
eign otllce which will replace the tsung
li yauien. "Wang is a. man of affairs
and was himself a member of the tsung
II yameu some years ago, besides hav
ing been director of mines and rail
oads. He has been with the imperial
ourt ever since it Mod from Pekiu.
The records show that lie always
has exerted ills influence in the direc
tion of reforms.
Cause of Li's Death.
iVkin, Nov. S. A violent dispute
with M. Paul Lessar, "Russian minister
to China over the Manchuriuu treaty,
appears to have been the Jnunedlaio
cause of the death of LI Hung Chang.
The diplomatic events preceding this
tragic climax have enabled Japan for
n moment to frustrate the designs of
Russia, A fortnight ago the Japanese
legation secured a reliable outline of
ihe terms of the treaty and, thereupon,
demanded that the Chinese plenipoten
tiaries ofiii'ially lay before them the
text, basing this demand upon the al
legation that Japanese interests were
involved In any change of the status
of Manchuria.
The Chinese plenipotentiaries refused
to comply with the demand. Thereupon
the Japanese government from Toklo
communicated with the southern vic
eroys and induced them to use their
influence with the empress dowager
against tlio treaty. In the meantime
the empress dowager Instructed 1.1
Hung Chang to communicate the
treaty after certain modllleatlons, to
the ministers of the powers and if they
did not object to sign the same.
LI Hung Chang visited M. Lessar and
explained to him the instructions. The
rtusslan minister strongly objected to
revealing the text of the treaty to tho
ministers of the other powers and a
stormy interview ensued, LI Hung
Chang wilt homo in u violent passion
and had a hemorrhage which the doe
tors attribute to the over-exertion of a
weakened system,
While these things were happening
In Pekin, the southern viceroys sent to
Hie empress dowager a memorial
against the treaty. On receiving It
she telegraphed to Li Iltiug Chang
eoiinterinaiidlng tho order to sign. This
Instruction cnnio after LI Hung fining
bad become unconscious, When M,
Lewir endeavored to have LI Hung
Chang's seal afllxed to tho treaty, Chou
Vu, provincial treasurer, had arrived
from l'ao Ting l'u and had taken
charge of the seals as Ihe temporary
successor of Marl LI, '
The ling of the United Slates legation
was the only one half-niasteil In i'okln
today. The mourners and the family or
LI Hung Chang will burn paper offer
lugs tomorrow, In accordance with cus
tom, for the uo of bis spirit In tho
other world. The street Is lumu with
mourning emblems. All the attornlanls
at the ynmon are richly attired and
many of them r-'.iiidlly dressed. Today
musicians beat drums about the house.
,L1 Hung Chaps's estate will remain
Intact for the use of his eldest son, who
will provide for the utlui members of
the family.
i'uau Shi Kal's successor In Uk guv
Hinorship of the province of Shan-Tung
Is un unknown man, who lias been
holding an unimportant, though luera
tlve, position as grain commissioner I it
one of the Inland towns of the province.
Tic will bo watched with the deepest
solicitude, ns the peace of China will
largely depend upon his course.
Wang "Wen Shao, w'.io is 71 years of
age uiid deaf, was never rated as u
statesman or a diplomat, ills appoint
ment Is probably temporary.
Telcgraphlo communication with
Prince Chlug was obtained today. lie
Is hastening lo meet the court. After
consultation he will return with Wang
Wen Shao, who Is accompanying the
court, which Is now five days' journey
from Kal Kong Kit.
Kmperor Kwang Su, report sayc is
asserting himself and leading the Im
perial cortege on horseback. Native
papers declare that lie proposes to In
nugttrato a revival of the military
spirit, assuming the honorary position
of commander In chief and wearing a
uniform. Tiny also assert that he will
compel the nobles to follow his example
to take military position and to study
military science.
A private letter from a European
now in Tnl Yuen Kit says that two
llrillsh olllcers with it of Indian
soldiers encountered the Imperial pro
cession, were suspected of unfriendly
motives and were detained as prisoners
by the emperor's bodyguard for a few
days. Apparently this was an explor
ing parly, commanded by Major .Mani
fold and Captain Hunter, which has
been operating In that region for some
The name of the new governor of the
province of Khan-Tung Is Chang Yen
Chun, and the name of the town where
he has been grain commissioner Is
Tsing Kinng Fit.
The Manchurlnn Convention.
London, Nov. !, The Hankow corre
spondent of the Times supplies what
he alleges Is a correct translation of tho
authentic text of the Miinchurlnn con
vention proposed by Russia.
The convention stipulates for Ihe
gradual withdrawal of the Russian
forces within three years "provided no
other rebellion occurs and the powers
do not interfere."
London, Nov. S. The number anil
stations of (he Chinese garrisons must
be settled in concert with the Russian
military authorities; and Russian as
sent must be obtained for any rail
way construction in Southern Man
churia. "No mention is made In the text sent
by the grand council to the Southern
viceroys, of mining, commercial or
exclusive privileges." says tho corres
pondent, "and the viceroys believe the
convention contains other clauses
which the grand council Is not willing
lo disclose."
Bulgarians Show a Disposition to
Hamper Mr. Dickinson in His
Efforts to Secure Release.
fly i;ii.-U'i! Who from "t lie- Av.oci.ilcd I'icm
Sofia, Nov. S. The government last
night caused the arrest of a man who
was visiting United States Consul Gen
oral .Dickinson and searched him, pre
sumably thinking lie was an emissary
of the brigands, ami expecting to seize
a communication from or to Miss Ellen
M. Stone, the American missionary.
The man was. subsequently released.
This action of the authorities was
seemingly a deliberate attempt to
frighten delegates' who might visit Mr.
Dickinson and thus prevent negotia
tions from taking place In Rnlgarian
The attitude of the authorities ham
pers Mr. Dickinfon. as the brigands re
fuse to treat In Turkey.
Mrs. Archibald S. White Loses Her
Life by an Unusual Accident.
Ity i:cluslvo Wire from Tlio AsjocUtul Pie..
New York, Nov. S. Mrs. Archibald
S. "White, wife of the president of the
National Salt company, was found
dead in Ihe bathroom of her residence,
I on "West Eighty-sixth street, today.
j Mrs. White lost her lire as the result
of n most unusual accident. A slip on
I the iloor of the bathroom caused her to
, fall backward. Her head struck the
. edge of a, marble basin, fracturing her
! skull. .Mrs. "White's maid went to her
room some time after the accident. Not
finding her mistress, the maid went to
the bathroom, where Mrs. "White lay
m the floor, dead. Airs. "White was
' about II) years old. She was a Albs
Jtlgney, of lii-uokI$, and was married
about ten years necr. One child, n
daughter, S years old, survives her.
Air. White arrived from Chicago to
night, and was informed of his wife's
death on arrival of his train,
H. St. Joint Dix Charged with
Wrecking Washington Banks,
lly Kviliulre Wln (mm 'Ihe Avmclatid Pie,,
London, Xnv. S. In tlj - llo ,v Ml eel police omit
today II, SI. John PA was cham-ed, en a provl
tfi'iial w.iu.iH, with Uun,y committed in the
I'ldted Mai in. Ii Is iillivi'il that l,e i.blafnod
oiitrol oi lime liinU in the t-late of WashiuKlun
in Wort and that ho nib-i'mii'iilly wiechod (ho
aiiiliiiil.ili..iiii'iiuii ImiiU at Wh.iteom, Va..i.,
.Hid dbappeated wllli innift than .S,im.
Baku Naphtha Finns Compelled to
Close Banks Fall.
Ity I.v1in,i' Wire (irm The Aoi Kited I'i.w.
II din, llin.ltii Tun.i.iui'.isla, Xnv. .- -The sen.
ity nt money h.t s.. ..iilniis Hut tno..t of tlio
luplla Imas have lu'iu'fMillgi'il tn imtjil opcr.:.
tlolLf. rr.iiiiiu, V.v. s.'lNvu banks hue f.dlfd
.il lllsr.i i,( ,u,,i,i.,i. . i,.iakff lumci
miiiiIIjii hi... lo loiiiinil uilifilv,
Keel Blocks Being Laid for It at
Cramps, Philadelphia,
lly .ii.hi Will' una Tlio ArcUM I'lew.
I'Mluli'lplii.!, Nov. a.-ip wuil: of Ijjiiiv the
kped Mm Li ii'i the niiitiiiilloii oi .t i.iw'iihttti
iiiiM'!1 in- th TuiKUli .iiviiiiiiicnt lu. ltodt tn;.
(.mi ut l Minp.' liiH.iiil. A contract wjj ciitucj
Into iim.'illn .i(iD, under it-, terms tl,o
iliiUn i. lo li.' lluUlii'd in (lidilc-cu uihiiIn.
Fined tor Attempt tit Murder,
lly KmIuYyii Win iiom 'flu; A-ioilaWd I'icm.
Mount Holly, X. .1., Xm. s.-lljrry Allen lla..
kr. c( flu-jl .Ni'cl., 1.. I., wliu wjv rciiiviuUd ef
attempt In;; In Kill liU I'jtiu i-iu-t.iu-, .liiil$c II. I',
UIIN, .l liullj vntciirril to pay u linn n SwVK)
.nil ilie losM if prosecution l.y ,li;il-u Uu.l.lll,
Luzerne County Vote,
lly l.'.Uubc Wlio fioni Tlio Anoducil I'riss.
WHv(.ljirc, Nov, !. Liueilio lumily offi.lal
voir: .State TiMnnir-IUirK U.O'ii Coray, il,.
i5'j. Snpiciiie ouit ude Potter, 19,221-, Veik'-i,
2 Oiiti
Important Evidence Adduced at Ses
sion ot Inter-State Com
merce Commission.
They Admit That Export Rates ou
Grain and Produce Have Been Cut.
The Railroads Practically Closed
the European Maikets to American
By KscltMhc Wire from The Aocialed I'ion..
Chicago, Nov, 8. Evidence of flag
rant violations of tho Interstate com
merce and the antl-lrust laws by rail
roads cast and west of Chicago, waH ad
duced at today's session of the Inter
state commerce commission. Tralllo
managers of lines In the central freight
association and the western trunk line
commission admitted that export rales
on grain and grain products are con
stantly cut and that officials of tho
roads meet at stated periods and agree
upon rates which are then promulgat
ed by the individual lines Interested.
The principal witness of the day M'as
Trafilo Manager Oorge J. Orammor of
the Lake Shore road.
Air. Grnmmer under examination by
Commissioner Prouty admitted that
tho exnorl rates on grain and grain
products were constantly cut, that the I
tariffs were seldom malnuiiticil. tunc
the export rates were always secret,
that little grain had been moving ns
domestic grain, that an association
existed the members of which met at
regular periods and in violation of the
anti-trust law agreed upon rates mid
nereentaces and ketit a record of the
same. When asked why the loads did j
not publish their export rates the same
as domestic rates he replied that if
they did the press of the country would
charge that the railroads were favor
ing foreign countries and foreign mar
kets at the expense of the home mar
kets and home producers.
W. Ii. Biddle. freight train a manager
of the Santa Fe, admitted that rates
on export grain to the seaboard had
not been maintained and that n large
percentage of the grain moved was
moved as export grain. J. T. Hudson,
tratllc manager of the Illinois Central
and several prominent mill owners,
testified regarding the discrepancies
between grain and Hour rales, claim
ing that the railroads had practically
closed the Kuropcan markets to Amer
ican flour:
It transpired during the investigation
that tlio commission is interested in
the preparation of a measure which is
to be a modification of the Cullnin bill
ami which will be introduced tit the
next session of congress. It was also !
assorted the result of the evidence
taken by the commission here ami in
New York city will be given to con
gress in the form of a report and peti
tion for the remedial legislation sought.
Lieutenant Crawford and Six Men
Perish in a River in Samar.
Ity i:.-fluiie Wire fioni The Associated l'iev.
Cathalogiin. Saninr, Nov. S. First
Lieutenant Hohcrt T. Crawford, of the
First infantry, a sergeant and five
men, while attempting lo cross the T!a
boan river, in Samar, were drowned.
It is reported here that the insur
gents are becoming more active in the
island of I.eyte. Wednesday the town
of Matalnm was atacked. At Jnopn
can the insurgents cut the telegraph
line. While a detachment of American
troops were repairing it. they were fired
upon by a band of insurgents, and,
after a brief skirmish, the rebels were
Independent Bakers Will Form a
New Organization,
hy Y.xi lnslvo Who (rem Tho Avwelatid I'io-,
Cincinnati. Nov. S. A call has been
Issued for n meeting of independent
cracker baiters to be held lu this city
on Monday next. The object, as slated
In the circular, Is to form an organiza
tion to resist tlio control of tho cracker
and biscuit trade by what Is known as
the cracker trust.
TJ. H. Kreaer. or this city, who has
cut lu two tho prices of bread and
crackers in C'inelnnatl, denies that tlio
company is lo be anything more than
an ordinary trade organization.
Sir Joseph C. Dimsdale Formally In
stalled in the Guildhall.
lly l'xilnslvf) Wire from TTie A.ieiated l'r.-v,
l.fliddii, Nov, f. The new hid nuyor, Mi .'
hiph (', Pinndilc, ivjs installed at the liiilldhdl
tliw ultiinoen, with all the ruulnl fuiinalitlis .aid
fiienionles ctbtoinliy on the IrJleler ol lhl nfflu',
Corporations Chartered,
liy i:s.-iIu.iil U'lic (lorn The .Woiistcd I'ltii.
Iljirittiuij, Nov, J.The lollowiinc tlui n
v4 )iuil at the t:itc dcji.irlni.nt lod.i; Tno
lljstcui Itapld '(droit fcTicca Itiilwjy inmpny,
I'lUtbuiir, eno nillo Ions;, $l,fui. 'Ihe
V.mde;ilit Jtid .New Keiidnuton blurt ltalhv.iy
company, Yuinlpgilit, two and ,i lull iiiilvs lun;
capital, W.M- 'I lie Apollo, Y-anJtviilt jml
l.rtcliliiirs Siicil ll.illw.iy icmpaiij, cii;ht liilles
Ions; cjpltal, Wn.inw. 1'cnlce Water company,
IVller lOTinliip, f,,nuiidii? rieintv; capltJl,
M.ini'i. I "Utile ii W.itir ifiiiipany, I'ino (..el,, louiilf j e.ipllil, ?l,fi. 'Ji..i(;liiii W.tiu
company, I'jne (Jietlv townhlp, Clinton ifninly;
capita!, $I,U). i,'reenliiitg Itealty uniipaiiv,
l'iieinliuis; i ipitjl, tl.fHii).
Root Alters West Point Rules,
lly Hm-IiuIio Wlie hem 'I lie Associated, 1'iCsJ.
Wiinlilnillon, Nuv. $. !.ecicl ity lluot luc Nufi
an order cliauuiiig tl.o lenulallum icdative to .nl
inlsslon to Weot IVInt m that tho acadunle
board may accept landidateJ wlui an: graduate
c( hiirli Khoolc or iludcnU o( colU';e ami unt.
vrisltic without requirlm; lliem to pa the nun.
ttl eiiiniiiilleii piescrllied by the departnuut.
University of Pennsylvania and
Harvard Will Meet Today,
lly Lttlmlve Wlie funii 'lhc Associated l'rr.M.
I'hlliutolphln, Nov. 8. Tho llrst of the
annual games among the "Illg Four"
foot ball elevens will bo played tomor
row, when the University of Pennsyl
vania and Harvard teams will mcel on
Franklin field. The Cambridge players
arrived here today, and their roiwhcs
nimounco them to be In nhmmt perfect
physical condition for the contest. The
Quaker men are also reported to he in
line fettle. Harvard will go into tlio
gume serenely confident of victory,
while on Hie other hand, Pennsylvania
expects to he defeated. The home play
ers, however, hope to keep down the
Harvard score, and some of the more
enthusiastic. Pennsylvania followers
hope the crimson players will be fought
to n standstill. Coach Coarse Wood
ruff, of the rod and blue team, has an
nounced to the foot ball world Hint his
eleven will spring a. new style of play
In the attack that will "revolutionize
foot ball and cause a. great furore in
the foot ball world."
In this announcement Pennsylvani
nns lay their hope, and it remains to
bo seen whether II will be as effective
as Woodruff's celebrated "guard back."
The Harvard contingent express the
greatest conlldence ns to the ttltlnmte
outcome of the same.
Thirty-seven Horses Perish in Liv
ery Stable Other Valuable
Property Destroyed.
lly i:xcliiie Witf (rota 'I lie Avociilrd frr-M.
llr.idforil, Pa., Nov. S. One of tlio
worst ilrcH in the history of this city
occurred this morning. II originated
lu the livery stable of Frank P. liea
mer and consumed a dozen buildings,
including the $35,000 city hall. Thirty
seven horses in one livery stable per
ished in the flames and the S10.000 li
brary of Brown & Schoonmakcr, city
attorneys, was totally destroyed, to
gether with valuable maps. The tiro
was discovered at 3.30 and it burned
fiercely until fi.30. when the firemen
gained control ot the Usuries. The lire
burned buildings on three streets, Ken
nedy and lioylston streets and Patent
avenue. Tlio loss is estimated at
?i. '0,0(10.
In fighting the lire, three ilremen
were seriously, but not fatally, injured.
They were: James Butler, Charles
Fliek and Melville White. The city
records were in fireproof vaults and
were not damaged.
Chicago Court Will Deal Only with
the Title to His Property,
lly i:(lu-ie Wile tiom The Asoci.ncd Pro's.
AVashington, Nov. S. It was learned
today after tho cabinet meeting that a
misapprehension exists concerning tlio
legal proceedings which are .to take
plaee in Chicago In the case of Captain
Oberlln M. Carter, who was sentenced,
after a military court-martial, to a
term in the penitentiary at Leaven
worth. Kan.
Attorney fleneral Knox explained to
the president and cabinet today that
Captain farter was not to be given a
new trial before Judge Kohls-nat. as
lias been erroneously reported. The
government lias attached about $iri0,
000 worth of property belonging to the
captain, and tho question to bo tried
before Judge Kohlsaat relates only to
the title to that property. Incidentally,
of cotir&c, the question of Captain Car
ter's conviction by a military court will
be raised, but tho attorney general told
the cabinet dliat was in no sense a new
trial of Captain Carter's case before a
civil tribunal. Attorney fleneral Knox
said that with the yioO.OOO soon to bo
recovered from Carter the total sum
restored tn the government will amount
to more than $."00,(1(111.
Totol Voto Cast for State Treasurer
and Supreme Court Justice.
lly r.clnsbe Wire fiom The Associated Pimi.
Philadelphia, Xnv, s, Coniplcla teturiH from
every county in the Mate hue now lieen lecelvcd.
Miuy uf the countlei, rie tlio fitfuros' ,n eftklally
computed by the coiiili. The votes for tlio
leading candidates for state trco&uivr and .Suptein;
ccimt justice tolloiv:
S1.110 Ticainircr IliitrU, Hep., 4.1.!, lv?; Coray,
Pinion, S5,I'JU; Hauls' phn.ilily, IS.IU'.s'. .Iihtiiit
ol the Supreme C'oiut I'ultrr, ltep 4.11, Itu;
Hri.f.s I'm-lon, .'!?"i,107; Potter's pluialliy, pj.SOo'.
lly i:clmho Who fiom 'Ihe Associated I'le.,
Wai.1iln-,'ton, Nov, ?, The president todiy niado
the (ollontng appolnti.ieutH: Jlajma o( infautiy, William A. NiehoN,
Col vllle P. IVneti. Nathanlal Piaster, Alexia 11.
l'jlon, Wllllaui It. Al'i'icioniliie,
Montitoinuy M. JIiidiiiIi, nuov, iirtillety empl;
t';u u.ll 1", AnuUteail, c.ipt.iiu, nttiller.v coiv;
Karl W. Taylor, liisl lieutenant, arllllety covw.
1'iank II, Tltil', Matthew l.-cpi u. hiibioils ol
Voluuteeiii, laid; of major, l.uKo II. IVi k, a.vUl
taut Miigeon ( loluntiers, rank of eaptaiu; Wal.
ter tllllcml l'hid.ler, ItriiU-n ltoyil JillUr, ,n,,t.
taut aur;n',.iii, rani, of ilil licuieiunt.
Supreme Court Closed,
lly i:Lliiiri! Uito fiiiiiiThe A&i.iclatcd I're.i,
I'ltuhinir, Nov, S. Tho Supreme (Mti
ihe iietiihcr term this alliinnc.u. Anions the de.
u.sloiij handed down .i Samuel luppeli ft ..I.,
assluiii-pj, v. Il. liclildli t'nsl and Navlwitlon,V, appeal twin ciininoii pliaj nl SVluiyl.
iilll coiiniy. Dcuiv inofljlicsl.
Date of Execution Changed,
llv i:xiitiivi" Who iiom The Associated l'rf8
I!.iirl.liuti,', Nov. 8,aocinor Sloiio todiy
chaimed tlic dale of tho execution of W.itn .
Kflpci" mid lleniy Howe, Ihe iix-aiislns ef Chule.i
H. lty.111, cadiUr of tho llalltaN Nation;! ban.c,
ficin .Ian. ii to Jan. V.
Peuueylvania Postmastets.
Il.v Cm India Wiic Hem The Associated l'i,
Wahlngti.ii, Nov. &. The fulloin:,' touilli il.u--j
I'ctiie.iliaul.i polmatei.s weie appoinbil loday;
Pr.uikllml.ile, llradteiil couiiij-, T. II. Mlcil.; Jlc
llhanej, .Momoci coiiniy. It. W, Altcmojv.
PentiBylvnuia Pensions.
ly i:cliuiic Wira fiom Tho Appelated l'ic.
Wa.lilniiloii. Nov. S.. IVnsIoiw have hem irrant.
id aj l'ollott.: saiiunl hehiielder, of Wilkes
llarro, $10; Matthias II fllrlincei, ol lied Ituck,
$10; Adam I'alutir, Scranton, $i.
Ttirkeu Has yielded to All of tits
Demands That Have
Been Made.
Everything Asked Will Be Granted.
QueDtion of. Form Regarding Exe
cution of Settlements the Only
Matter Remaining Open Customs
on the Island of Mitylene to Be
Restored in Few Days.
By Kxilmlvc Wire from The Associated Picji.
Paris, Xov. S. France has scored a
complete triumph in the Turkish dis
pute. Tile foreign olllce this morning
received advices announcing that the
sultan has yielded to the entire de
mands formulated by the French gov
ernment, and only the question of form
regarding tho execution of the en
gagements remains to be settled. That
may be done within the next twenty
four hours, or, it is expected, at the
latest, in two or thro days. Then Ad
miral Calllard will relinquish bis oc
cupation of the island of Mitylene.
An olllclal note to that effect was is
sued at 1 p. m. today.
President Loubct presided today at
the cabinet council. The foreign min
ister, AI. Delcasse. announced that the
porto hud just advised him that It had
decided lo give satisfaction in the case
of the various French demands, to
which Jt. Delcasse had replied that so
soon as the sultan's order regarding
the porte's decision hail been communi
cated lo him Admiral Calllard's squad
ron would leave the islandof Mitylene.
The Temps this afternoon prints a
dispatch from Constantinople, dated
today, in which it is said that the sul
tan, in accepting the French demands,
fii-st authorizes the working of the
French schools, hitherto unrecognized;
secondly, recognizes officially the exis
tence of the religious and hospitable
institutions, and accords them cus
toms immunity and exemption from
certain taxes; thirdly, authorizes the
reconstruction of the schol and hos
pitable institutions destroyed nt the
time of the Armenian troubles, of
which 11 detailed list is attached to tho
French note.
Tewfik Pasha, the Turkish foreign
minister, has announced that the re
cognition of the Chaldean Patriarch
demanded by France has been ac
corded. Vienna. Xov. S. The Neuo Frcio
Presse publishes the contents of a cir
cular note addressed by this Ottoman
foreign minister, Tewfik Pasha, to the
representatives of Turkey abroad, an
nouncing that porto has satisfied all
the French demands and expressing ti
hope that France will appreciate the
conciliatory spirit thus displayed and
resume the relations so unfortunately
Members Will Rest Until Monday.
Jude Advocate Leaves.
Hy Kxcliistvc! Wire from The Associated l'i."-s.
Washington. V. C, Nov. S.Thc
Schley court of inquiry today is trans
ferring its effects from the gunner's
workshop In the navy yard to the up
town quarters in the McLean building,
Vermont avenue and II streets, which
will be the consulting quarters. The
members will rest until Monday.
Captain Leiuly, the judge advocate of
the count, has gone to Kansas City,
Mo., to attend tin; meeting of tlio Na
tional Prison association, in which he
is interested by reason of the fact that
he Is specially charged Willi the con
duct of the naval prisons at Boston,
Norfolk and elsewhere.
Bloodhounds ou the Trail of Wheel
ing Convicts.
fly Inclusive Wire fiom The Asioiiated 1'iesj.
Wheel 1 111;, W. V.I.. Nov. S. William, .1 life
prUmir from MrPowell, ami J, r, Walton, .1
I'nllul states prisoner Iroiu Wajlilnittnii, 1). (',,
under ten years' wntenco, ivcaped from the
Mouud.svillo penitentiary today hy seating the
twenty-live" foot wall by nicJin of .1 rope ladder. was a cripple, liclng eumpelled ti iwo
irutche.s on aecouut of injuilis uceived wlicti it-iiv-tcd.
A se.ii-chlnj party with UoodhomiJs It on the
trail of the tugltbcs,
Steamship Arrivals,
llv i:cu.slve Wire. fiouiThe Associated l'ics.
New Y01I;, Nov. S. Aii'iveds l.i Solu, Uairc",
Cleared; liinhria, I.iurpool; llotterd.ini, Cotter,
dam hi lloulojuie. Ilaniburtf Airived; Ileutbch
lind, New Voil.. Liverpool Allivedi (ieimuiie,
New Veil I.. CherhourK Sailed: Ku!er Wllhflni
Per (irusM! (from Hi r men and Southampton). New
Voik (was detained hy (.) 1'ljiiioulli "'ailed;
I'.itilela (from llamlmig), New Ywk. Antwerp
ArrhiMt Iceland, Nov York, l.lzitd I'.ie.;
la Clumpasne, Now Yoil tor llavie, I'rawlc
J'nlnt Pasted: Matnidam, Jlottt iilaiii for Xnv
York. Ilrowiicail I'jsmiI: Strainer ('.nnpamj,
New Yotk ("l- ijueonslown and l.lieip.iol.
lly Uilultr Wlie (10111 The Aiwvlatfl Pieu
BunUr Hill, Kan.. .Vi.i. Ilk ki rdj !..',
famous tor livr woil. anicnu the I'nton oldieis
durlt'B tlio tliil war, died tmUij, u;ed il
yiait. 1'uneial eenioes will bo held .sundi) Jtei
tin' iod.y will he tatcn to fiahohuif, 111., l'r
riiiladtlphia, Nov. S.-rapuiu lledurd IV. u.
Kent, IiiariliO (nipeiintindeul o I'rJInp's il.lpyaid,
died today el heal I trouble, uuvl .ibout W joiis
lie had been III tlnct" Tuesday, t'jptalu Sjivuit
hecame. couneited ttlth atnp' hlpy.iid ,ii.o;it
lilno jears .iro. All Ms lescels lutll by tho
Cramp tviupany iluiing ihat pniod lull- been un
der the direct loiiiuiaiid ut Captain J-ainut uu
Ihcli- buihhrs' and trials, When I aptain
Sargent ai I'l year old ho lau away fioni lmiiKj
and went to ci. Uhcii the t'lvll war bloke out
he enteicil the federal liny ami aiiiillted hliibelf
creditably, llo va In lunuiuiul cil" tli'i icnl
which carded Hernial I'iiaut to Kuiope on hit
fanivus trip aiouml Ihe woilJ,
Plans o Two Associations the Sub
ject of Conference,
lly l.'velmivo Wire from The .K-Mclated l'rcw.
Washington, Nov. 8. Tho plans of
the two associations formed for the
purpose of creeling memorials to tho
Into President MoKinlcy, the monu
ment aL Canton and the memorial arch
ut Washington, were the subject of un
informal conference this afternoon be
tween .Senator Jtamui nnd Secretary
Cortclyou, representing the Ohio or
ganization, and Commissioner H. Ii.
F. MaoFarluud, of the "Washington
Memorial association. Thnro wan n
general comparison of notes regarding
the work undertaken by tlio two bodies
and an exchange of ideas ns tn thn
methods adopted for raising money.
An earnest desire was expressed to
avoid any conflict of the two organiza
tions, ns the end sought by both asso
ciations Is the same, viz., the perpetua
tion of the memory of the late presi
dent. An effort will be mado lo pre
vent any possible confusion or embar
rassment In the collection of subscrip
tions, and both organizations will uso
their utmost efforts to accomplish the
purpose for which they were sot on
fool. The conference showed that
both bodies arc well organized fo
prosecute the work undertaken. No
definite action was taken, as the gath
ering was, as above stated, informal
and for purposes of consultation.
The Jury in the Case of James Calla
han, After a Session of 36 Hours,
Returns "Not Guilty" Verdict.
Dy Kv.luslvc Wire fromTiie Associated Pieu.
Omaha, Xeb., Nov. S. The jury in
the case of James Callahan, after be
ing out thirty-six hours, brought in a.
verdict tonight, finding the defendant
not guilty and the prisoner was dis
charged. This is tho last echo in the
Cudahy kidnapping case, nnd is prac
tically the second time Callahan has
been acquitted of tho kidnapping
Tho accused was arrested last Feb
ruary and charged with being an ac
cessory to tho kidnapping of Edward
A. Cudahy, jr.. sion of the millionaire
packer. Callahan was first tried on a
charge of robbery. A trial followed,
extending over two weeks, during
which 200 'witnesses were examined.
The jury returned a verdict of acquit
tal and was severely scored by Judge
Raker, who presided.
Callahan was thou held on a charge
of perjury in tlio robbery trial. Dur
ing tho present trial the prisoner gave
way to the nervous strain and col
lapsed in the court room. "When tho
clerk read the verdict and pronounced
the words. "Not guilty," the prisoner
gave a sigh of relief and his friends
crowded around to offer their congrat
ulations. The judge discharged the
It was remarked that there is now
little to prevent Put Crowe from coin
ing to Omaha. The evidence on which
Callahan has been tried would prob
ably prevail in case of Crowe being
tried on the sumo charges, nnd Coun
sel Shields gives as his opinion that
Crowe will now return.
They Perish in the Stables of Web
ster Coal Company.
ftr Kicluiiie Wiic from The Associated I'rcJJ.
Altcona, l'a., Nov. ?. Ten horses and twenty
seven niuk'i) perished in the llanie.s which tie
ttro.ved tho tables ot tho Webster Coal nrul
Coliv company ut i.'allitrin, early this morning,
lu addition, buueies. sdeds, Iiiiiir.s and feed weio
consumed. Foe 11 time tho toal tipple and ihops
ot" the i-cmp.wy were in danscr.
Tho company's own liio department, .isls'cil
by tho Callilzln lire cle'Uftinrnt, allowed the
(tables' to burn, but fucd the adj'oinini; build-iiiR--.
Eight innlei weie eaved. fujss, $l3,u., par
t la lly coicird by invirjiicc'.
Secretary-Treasurer of the Brother
hood of Carpenters Out on Bail.
Hy Ilxtliuhc Wire from The Awociotcd PreJi.
Philadelphia, Nov. K 1 .1. Mefluiie, of Cam.
den, funuer snretiry-treafurev of 1 tic llrothcrhood
of C.irpentci-", hfp l.s charecd with being ttiorl
(iio.mi in ids accounts, cml for whom. 11 wariant
was issued jesteiday, appealed ticforo n Philadel
phia m.iK!iitr.iti' today and waived a liciring.
llo was iclrased on :i", bail. Mcfiuire was
necntly Mi-pcnilcd from the olllco of wtivtary
treiumiiT by tlic Rrne1.1I iweiutlvf" board and a
cote is now lii'lnsr taken by all local unions of
the brotherhood on tlio piopo.illon to make tho
nbpeieinu permanent.
Gen, MacArthur Will Command De
partment of Colorado,
lly l.'.uluslio Wire from The .Wriatiil Picks,
Pcnvcr, Nov. ?. firiieml .lohn O. Ilitts, In
command of the department of tho Missouri, will
ntiiinf temporary louuuaiid of the depaitment of
Culomlit upon the retirement of fleneral II. U
Jliirlatu. vihlcli takes place mi I lie Will of tbu
liimitli. (Scneul Mates will direct uflairi ill both
depitinifnU from Omaha,
(lencral .M.n'Ailliui- will ptobably assmpe tl.o
lonmunil el tliu ilrpaitiisflit of Coloiad.i p.iuiau.
I'titly clmlrg the laitif pait of lids year.
Nogro Desperado Hanged,
llv Ktrliulic Wire fiom The Avoctasted Prcii.
Midl.nn, III , Xov. S. Will .I01.0C, 4 Mita
dipcrail., win) iiuiitly hilled thiep men in ens
1 iv, 1 .in hlicl.s and one white, and ehot Mifial
uil'itr uiitrihcis ( the .',ifrift' ii", was p'ibllcly
lijniccd bete choilly Icioie noon tr!a, Seienl
liiinilrid jn'opK' ivltncicd tho PNiiciitliiii, .1 iiuinber
of whom weir negroes. The iieqiciwto tLowci no
weakcmni; if'e and imide in coiu-i-'nn "
i-pi"e. li 01 iipcntanoc.
. ...
Montana Oil Boom.
l,i l.Mlusie Win from Tho Associated Pieji.
Helena, Mont., No. S.'lha intiiest in Hie
Kllitl.l l..ilvi', llithead count.i, oil (bids is in
creadns. Mote than l.ilu claluisof mi acics each
limu been llh'd with tin' n unity ildk and i-uiiIh
of moro claims will be llleil ,i.nn, It U piulicicii
t'ljli :i.O' clainii ci III hale liern ta'nCii out by
next tpiini.'.
Cornwall's New Title,
lly Kiclujiie Wlie (rum 'I lie .icli.tcd I'ffJi.
London. Nov. A The Dike of Cornwall and
Voik has been ciealed I'linee of Wide and llarl c(
I liwttri.
Three of the Escaped Prisoners
trom Leavenworth Stock
ade are Dead.
Convicts nt a Disadvantage in ths
Running Battle Tho Escaped
Criminals Ave from Oklahoma and
tho Indian Territory farmers
Turn Out in Large Numbers to
Hunt Convicts for the Rewards
By Ktcluilrc Wire fiom The Associated Ptm.
Leavenworth, Kan., Nov. 8. All tlin
police, deputy sdierlffs and farmers In
tho country adjacent to Leavenworth
wore on the lookout today for the
twenty-sis federal convicts who es
caped from the stockade yesterday. Am
a result three convicts have boon killed,
another wounded and IJvo captured un
hurt. Tlio casualties took place in 11.
llKht near Nortonvllle, Kansas, and
resulted in tlic death or capture of five
111011, three of whom are dead, .Tallies
Hoffman, aired "0. white; J. J. Poffcn
holn, apod 25. white, n soldier convict;
.John Green, used 21, white.
The fourth. AVIllard Drake, white,
nired 19, Is wounded and recaptured,
and the fifth, Fred Alooro. aged IG, 11
negro, is recaptured unhurt.
The flvo men were discovered In the
barn of Fay Welsliaar, near' Norton
vllle, Kansas, about !! o'clock this af
ternoon. Welsliaar went into the barn
and was ordered out at the point of
guns. Ife rushed to Nortonvllle and
gathered a posse of men who, with re
volvers, shotguns nnd a few Winches
ters, hastened lo tho scene. The con
victs saw the men coming and rushed
from the barn. They had two shot
guns and revolvers. The posse pursued
them and a running duel resulted. The
convicts were at a. disadvantage anil
their shots hail no effect while at ev
ery volley from the posse one of the
convicts fell. After two of them had
fallen two of the others gave them
selves up, one being wounded, the oth
er unhurt. The fifth was fully twu
hundred yards away when a. man with
a. Winchester drew a bead on him and
lived. He evidently had been bit, but
tried to go on. A volley was fired at
him and he fell dead. None of the
citizens was hurt.
Reports come from numerous points
today of ihe arrest of men supposed to
be fugitive convicts, but none, of th
suspects has been idontitled.
The oldest of the fugitives is aged .'$.
Quin 11 Kort. who was killed yester
day, was V.t years old. One of the
convicts still at largo is a military
prisoner and the remainder were serv
ing terms for robbery or assault. One
Is an Indian and two are negroes.
Nearly all came from Oklahoma and
Indian Territory and they are supposed
to be making for that country. . They
are hardy men, used to tire arms and
horses. Home have obtained both but
others are on foot and defenseless.
Warden MtClaughry snys ho will cap
ture every one of tlio men. In the
districts around tho city every road
and river crossing that the fugitives
might be expected to use. Is guarded
by armed men. the farmers having
turned out to earn the $(ii) reward Hint
will bo paid for tho return of each con
vict. Those of the men who are armed
are likely to be shot on sight.
Two unarmed convicts were found
hiding in a r.ivlne on a farm near Jar
halo, Kansas, nnd they .surrendered
without resistance. The sheriff of
Douglass county has captured" two
convicts nt Lawrence, Kansas.
Delegates Will Visit the Artillery
Museum in Mexico City.
Ity nxQluiiv Wire from The Associated I'ren.
Jlexiuj City, Xo, 8,- The Pan-American cu'e
Krovi at its w".siuii this inotnlri'i decided to Jn
joutn for a loitiilcht in oiilrr in allow the lone
mlttecs lo consider tho projecti Mibiiilttvil I
them, (topics ef a woil. on aililtratiou by liian.
Uatby, cf tlic London Peace Society, at the ie
miest of tho said society, iiero di-stilputcd aiipnr
the members ef the imifcmicc,
Tomoirow, by invitation or tlio niliiMvr of war,
lieneral lleiuaido Itepes, thn ileleiratui will viC
tlm atllllery iiitisfiim .Hid and by imli.i
lion of riname .Minister l.lmanlour they will vi't
tlic mint on Tue-day, B'oine clay nest wcel. th-y
wlll to tn iiwcc-t tno worts tor the iliainin
of tho valley nf Moxiisi. AL today's ctssuii tlin
project of the ticaty for an court cl
cUliii-i was ptwentrit by tho Melcan delegation.
Ill nil introductory speech 1'r.inccsco b. Ip la
ll.iira, delegate of Mexico ami author uf thn pro
ject, Mid that the miivi was lamely based on tins
Dlney.l'aiineelotc treaty of .Inn. li, lsf7, wliii
modifications biiKCastfit by the objections whh 1
were made to the name ticaty in tho I'liitcd Stat"?
Eeiuto, mill ivliic li caiifc'd that body to reject it
Chester County Vote,
Uy Kxcliiitie Wlie from Ihs Ancociatf il Pirn.
I'Mladelphli, Nov, S. Clicitrr county oidcljl
lote: lUril, il.Olii; foray. .".00 1 ; rotter, "ili
MfConii, ll'Ji Watlilr, I; lliriie, 10j Piman, 1;
Potter, .V.; Veikis, ,J''s Monderau, 'JSli lmw
icy, Hi llrydrlil;, 01. Con'tllutlonal amend
liients: I'ilH, lor A'? 1 Jstilnit, 117; Bdcr.tid, fm,
!,71-i: against. ia) thitd, lor, --',C0; asainit, 4,4.
I.1.111I data tr VovcmW 8, 1W1:
lllahe.t tiiiipcintuio ... .,i,i, ,.,,,,,,. WOeKifi
i.oueal letlipC'iatmo .....,,,,,,,,,,,,. Uclciifts
llel.illvB lliiiuidity;
ii a. 111 ., ..,,...,. .1 pel' iciii,
8 p. 11 , Ut per ten
Piciipllation, '.'1 l.'.urs cujed S p, m., trice.
Walilnstou, Xov. S. Forecast for Kad.
i- tin Penrto'lvairL; Generally (air Saliiidjy
-f and Sunday, lisht webt to north wlmi-, bo.
4- comlrii; vatiaUe. -
ttttt1-'--f..t, .-.... MM