The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 08, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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HiiclIaI lo tha ScmiiIoii Tribune.
PIllHton, Nov. T. Ptobnlily when
this Hem reaches the nubile. Thomiw
Fowl, one of the most prominent iesd
deiitu of West l'ittston. will lmvo
pasted tnny. At tliW wiltlns the rc
loit fiom hln bcriatdo Is Hint he Ib rap
idly bIiiUIiir: and dcittri i momentarily
expected. Ills daughter, Mia. Edward
Smith, of Palatine Hildgc, N. Y Is nt
his bedside. About u week ago Mr.
Ford was taken with n I'hlll. and has
Blncc been conllncd to his bed, pneu
monia, wiling In. He Is 7ii yenm of
iiKe and has been Idenllllod with the
business Interests of the idly clnee Its
early days.
A rIups Jar of )iUheies wliluh Wal
ter (.Hover, n toloied aentloinan, was
opening at his homo In Went l'lttslon
nt noon today, bioke and (Hovel's hand
was badly Kshed.
Dr. Hewitt, the veterinary sutgeon,
was called to Tompkins street yester
day to attend a horse owned by Pat
rick Melltile, n huckster. The doctor
found the iiiilinnl to be miffctlnjr with
uibles. and oidered it shot. The
hoie had po'dtlvf .symptoms of hydio
pliobiu and In Us madness had bitten
itseir between the foieleet. About a
month ago tlio horse was bitten by
a ilug, .mil the parents of a young gill
who was bitten about the same time
by the dog. ate somewhat won led
aiiuut the child. This is the second
horse In this vicinity thai has been
hhot because of rabies within ti few
months. The other was at Duiyea.
Employes of the Kile ltallioad com
pany uie at woik excavating for the
laying of a new branch load lending
to the new No. 14 bleaker which Is
being lapldly oonsti acted.
Mis. J. .1. Howell and Mis V. H.
Evan-, of A Vest Piltston, aie spending
a few days nt the home of ltev Wil
liam Davics, on Lincoln llois,lils.
Otto T?udweky. of this ell, has le
ceived woul thai lie hail been awatded
two diplomas on exhibits of silver
spangled Il.imbuig lowl at the Pan
American A young son of Mciiltt, of
North stioet, AVett Plttston. has been
missing fiom homo since the tally pan
of the week, when his father, w ho is.
In the confectionary business In West
Plttston, sent him to the hank ivitli a
deposit of StiO. AVlum lust t-cen t lie boy
Willi his bicycle boaidcd a D.. L. ,t V.
train at the AVest Pulsion .station,
having a ticket for Kingston. It has
been learned, however, that while on
the train he paid his way ns tar as
Xoi thumbeiland.
r.anstoid AA'ildcner, ol n.setor .stiect,
AVest Pittbton, n cleik einployed at
(.'use's gioeery stole, was last ev, ning
innriied to Jllss jraiy Lloyd, Of KNlli
stieot, Wyoming. Tliey will ic-lde in
looms over the llbr.iiv. AA'est Pillstnii.
Hrucbl Khear, of Xulits stieet, and
Miss Anna Mitchell, dnushtei of
Aaron Mitchell, or Swallow sti,.L.i,
were man led ye-tetday a I lei noon.
It is reported thai the success ot the
Democialle ticket in tills louiili will
mean appointments for two Plttston
young men. William .1. Kllqalhm is
booked in succeed George Dewey as
stenographer of the oi plums' court and
Thomas Ihiglish, son of Alderman
Kngllsh. it is said, will be Recorder
Panetl's chief deputy.
William White hud lluee llngei.s nin
sut.ited at the Plttston hospital yes
leiday, tho result of an injuiy re
ceived at the Itutlcr mine.
Dining- the absence of membeis of
the family yesterday attetuoon. Mr.
and Mrs. William Kaneusky's tliiee-year-olcl
daughter stood befoio tho
stow and bin ued papers-. Her cloth
ing took (he. fiom the flames and tho
little child was seveiely burned about
the body and face.
Special to tlic Scrauton Tnbune.
Tunkhannock. Nov. 7. Associate
Judges Fiank M. A'augliu and Haiey
Siekler sal to compute the otts cast
Tuculuy, on Thuisday ulternoon. Tlio
olllcial result Is as lollow.s: For state
treasurer Klls-hn. foray, jr., had 1601
votes and Fiank M. Harris, 107'J; four's-
pltuallty hi county, C12. For
judged f Supiemc torn t, Hainmn
YeiKes, Dem., had 1G0J votes, and Wil
liam Potter, Hep., th",; Yeikes' plural
ity In county, It". For county tieasur
or, CJrillln Jt. Potter, Dem., had 138.-.
votes; Fred L. Jayne, Ttep., 1319, and
Silas II. Walter. Pio iS votes: Pot
ter's pltuallty, ::G. For district attor
ney, o. Smith K I liner, Hep,, had 35J0
votes, and ('hailes M. I.ce. Dem., 12M:
Klnner's plurality, 27S. The propos-ed
amendments to the state constitution
nil received huge niajoiilics in their
faor In Wyoming county, the vote
being as follows: First nniciulnieut,
fi'Jti for and '.'0 against; second, C6S for
and M againtt; thhd, ."71 for and lis
Tho regular teim of equity and argu
ment com t will convene heio on Mon
day. Nov. 11.
County Treasuier-eleel Cirlllln Potter,
of West Nicholson, was in town on
Thuisday and received his commission.
Hew J, U. Woods, pastor of tho Bap
tist church at thU place, will teslgn hiB
chin go heie and leiuove to Muncy, I'a,
Attorney H, J. Haxilng, of AVIIkes
Harie, was calling- mi friends heie on
Or. Oeoige M, Skinner, of Jlehoop.
nny, stopped In town a shoit time
Thuisday, on his way to Philadelphia.
Tho brld; woik on tho new houso
being built by F, h. SltUer, of the
Wyoming National bank, will be coui
ipldted next week. When llnlslied It
will bo one of the flnes-i icsldenees u
this section,
Arthur II. Squler letuined on AVed
nesday fiom a tip to Western Texas.
News fiom the bcdslihi of AValtet
Hardwfll, who is 111 with typhoid lever
at Columblu, Jllsiouii, Is to the p'ei t
that ho Is much worse.
Bpcal to (lie .scianton Tiibmif.
I''nutoryvllle, Nov. 7, Miss Ik-ssio
Spencer has returned iroin Now ,Ai
ford wIiciq sho ha.s been siienUIug a
week with relatives.
Miss Hatllo Crlsiiinn i-fltuined fiom
aiontrose last Sntuiday,
Mis. li. J. CiiSMiinl! and Miss l.crna
Cupwell spent Thursday with friends
n Flcetvllle.
Mr, Alouuo Danow has- accented a
position at New Orange, .V. .1., uml w-jll
leavo for theie next SaUudny,
The many friends of Mis. William
Hlller, of Paifons, wete pained to learn
of her deuth yeaterduy. Itev. ami Mis.
Hlller weio leMdenta hero duiinsr his
four yeais pastou' " at the Methodist
f church and .Aire. Hlller inutlu ninny
warm fi lends by her kindly Christian
ways, llfv. Hlller lias tho sympathy
of ninny friends here.
(.'aptnln K. ,T. Hire Post, No. 211, (1.
A. H will be Inspected by J. W. Bill
ings Tuesday evening. November 2(5,
Mrs. Fuller, of Cnmptown, Is spend
ing some time with her dnughter, .Airs.
M. JHIss
fcprclil to tlic Seranton Tnbune.
Clbson, Oct. 7. Mr. II, U Abel was
In Foi est City on bulness Monday.
Mr. Ihigene Sweet and wife altended
llio P. O. H, of A. Hunt supper and
dance at .lackson Friday night.
A goodly number of our young peo-
Can you lead
pie attended the hop
at AlfoiiF-F.el
Uiei's and icpoit a line lime,
.Air. Alllc Clatk and family i etui ued
to Scrauton Sunday.
.Mr. Alvln Swtot and Will Lamb are
painting S twin's mill at Klngslev.
Mr. and Mis. j. J, AA'tscOtt weie in
Susquehanna. Saturday and Sunday.
.Air. W. H. Hstabiook and wile weio
lallhm on Jackson mends Satuulay.
Mi. A'. I'. Halley and wife, ot IIiool:
l.n. weio at Mr-. D. D. Whitney's
last week.
1. AV. Ilnlley was lunue tioio Sueiuo
hanna over Sundav.
Mr. V. H. Sweet was n Sti'-qiif lianna
Mr. Oible CiaiL was in JIi)ntio-e on
Mr. I'm lis- of Susquehanna is mov
ing into (.leorge Bolchet's liouse.
Ciustavo Gonsse 1s clerking lor N. II.
Wihr-ni Hi.
AVatliinglon f'anip No. , P. O. P.
of A., of Gibson, will have their an
nual hunl on Friday, Nov. If., 1901.
The following captains and huntois
aie as follows:
!. 1J. ('lark, captain: A. H. Harding,
AV. 11. Kstabinok, N. H. Wllmaith, W.
N. Clark, II. II. Davis. It. .1. Morgan,
V.. Ij. Hill, 11. .1. Wescott, Hail Sweet,
H. L. Potter, Aithur Holding, Beit
Tallnian, Ihnesl Elurechl, AV. 10. Hel
cher, A. K. Lewi", Frank Chamber
lain, I'd. ISainard, George Munyer,
Gustavo Goilsse, Jr., Glen M'organ, A.
O. Sliockbine, Floyd Momoe, A. yi.
Smith, diaries Lupton, Boyd Tiugley,
AV. J. l.nnib.-H. II. Sweet, AVill Iteese,
P. II. Tiffany, Hd. McConnell, ('has.
Kmpet, Charles Michael, Pert Cham
berlain. Geoige Seal, Charles Williams,
Ollle Payne, John Hill, W. E. DeWHt,
G. K. Hauling, Karl Sliepatdbon, AVni
ter Lewis, Fiank Hauling, Jolm Khk
ley. Clare Lewis, William Tiffany. J. 15.
Clnfllu, J. AV. Bailey, AVIlliam Cladlln.
II. A. Barrett, Rev., C. II.
Van Gorder. George Hulbett.
J. K DeAVltt, captain; II. C. Ksta
brook; F. AV. Bariett, C. O. Davis, F.
II. Sspey, G. AV. Bailey, Charles Lamb,
Kd. Allen, V. B. Craft, AA'. II. JInnyer,
It. AA'escolt, Carl Stiockllne. P. K.
Harding, Welllc Sumner, Kd. Hlbreeht,
George Tompkins, Bert Harding, Zel
bert Barnard, Oliver Chamberlain,
Judd Chamherlain, Hnrlle Tlmtcher, G.
B. Tiffanj-, Jim Rlsley, II. S. Chambcr
Inln, John Bailey, Sidney Estnbiook,
Jay Kliigley, R. L. Sunuieis, C. A.
Sweet, Will Smllli, Arthur Belcher, A.
C. Sweet, G. It. Styles, Wlnfletd Gur
nee, Cliiules Spencer, Roy Hedglin,
George Morgan, John .lessees, Hubbard
Payne, Alfred Belcher, O. B. Harding.
Hurl Clinton, AV. N. Reese, George
Stunner. Gurdcon AVeseott, Robert
Taft, Charles, Whitney, Fred Baldwin,
John Potter, CSus Jackson, C. C. Lup
ton. Rev. N. C. Dickey, A. C. A'ail
Gorder, Joseph Henny.
All games In order lo bo counted
must bo in Giange hall before S p. m,
1 1 amo is counted us follows: Red
squirt el. r0; grey squirrel, 10; ciow
hawk, 200: owl. 150: vulllt, 2:.: chip
niunk, 20; fo-, 2.10 ; coon, mink, weasel,
wild cluck, 100; wild eat, 500; sparrow,
All oyster supper will bo solved as
soon as game Is counted, Pi lee of sup
per 00e, to loser, which Includes sup
per for one lady for each liuntei. All
other suppers 25c. each. Ladles pleasn
bring refreshments. Supper will ho
followed by a social hop In tho P, O,
S. of A. hall, Coulla) Invltatlnns e
tc iidcil to rill.
SjirUkl to Hie viaiituii Tubunr.
Welsh Hill. Nov, 7, Hveij pleasant
day maker" one less tor king winter.
The Ladles' Aid society of tho f'on
giegutlonul church meet today nt the
homo of Mis. George Reynolds.
.Mis, l.nwienco Minister, of South Gib
son, visited her daughter, Mrs, W, If,
Davis, on Filday last.
Tho icvival services lidd In South
Gibson uro ineetliig with gient hukcss,
Hev H. N Hairls, of this place, as
sibling. A liandsonu) check was iccclved by
Rev, It, N. Hauls fiom the good pto
pie ol South Gibson,
Mr. and Mis, Hevcily Heynolds, of
Scfiuitoii, ate vlBlllug relatives in tlilt
pluce. .Mr. Reynolds is traveling sales
man for Hunt & Connell, ot Scrauton.
Mrs. R. N. Harils Is on the sick Hat.
Pioi, Anthony's pupils win give tt
entertainment hi the near tuture.
"Will the PraycWof Fulth Alone To-
m !IIHj
day Snvo tho Btck" was tho subject
discussed by our pastor on Sunday
evening last. It's a pity that none of
Dowlo't followers were ptesent.
Tho f miners are busy drawing coal
for winter use.
Prof. John lllehntd, of tho Hulls-tend
schools, visited nt his old home In this
place recently.
The miners of the Hillside slope
weiu agreenbly surprised yesterday
morning when on touching the com
pany's ofllcc they found a notice posted
saying that the shaft would resume
opeintlons on Monday, It Is almost
four years since woik was suspended
thine and since then many of the men
have been dlssatlslled with the work
done elsewhere. Seward Putlou will
be foreman,
The lcnlt of Tuesday's election li
geiicially satlsfaetoiy to tho voteis In
this section. It Is n long time since
Avoca has been teprcscutcd at the
county seat, and In giving Dr. Hctgo
the coionetshlp they have Just what
they want. The destiny that shapes
our ends, probably did her mot ef
fective work In Dr. Perge's life when
this pioveib
as a joinig pinclitiniii r lie lei I Lacka
wanna county to begin I he battle; of
life in Luzerne. The people have long
since learned his skill and his skill and
tact makes the people teel Ihat lie will
leach whatever lie aspiies lo.
.Mis. James P.iiikc. of Mnosle, died
1.1-1 evening ailu- -evernl week's ill
ness of typhoid lover. Decen-ed Is sur
vived by one daughter. A tew eais
ago licr liiisband was ivilled on the
DeJawnie and Hudson track. Mis.
Hui Ice has no i chillies living in this
countiy and the daughti r feels her
loneliness kornlv.
A siuprNc inn tj was tendered Mi-.
Fowler Curl a I her home on Main
stieol on Wednesday eioning. They
pie-enltd Mis. Cm I with a handsome
nioquetle ling. Hefieslnnents were
scried and the usual diveislons weie
iudulgecl in.
F. S. Cl.ulv bin letuined to tlic
Pennsylvania univoi.sltv.
Missis Viola and Illulelln Decide at
tended tlic Lailsli-AVilli.iins wedding
on AVednesday evening.
Chief Engineer McFailnn Looking
Over Ground of Pioposetl Im-
piovements in This City.
Chief engineer AV. K. MeF.alau, of
the Lackawanna Ruihoad, was in tlie
ilty yesterday looking over a number
of impi ovoments conieinplnted by the
company. During his stay he was in
eonfeionto with General Suneiineii
dent T. K. Claike and .Superintendent
of Bildges and Buildings AV. B. Hixon.
One ot the plunges contemplated Is
Hie enlaigemrnt of tho present waiting
rooms nt the Lackawanna station. The
company also intends Installing- there
in a news stand, telegiaph oillce and
parcel toom tor the accommodation
of the nubile.
Mr. McFarlau l etui nod to New Yoik
yesteidny iitteinoon on tuiiu No. li,
Uniformed Attendants,
Tlie Lackawanna Ralhoad company
has .stationed a number of uniformed
attendants at vatious stations along
the Hue. They are coloied men, who
tiro attired In neat and attractive uni
forms and cans,
At present these men aie located at
Buffalo, Hobokrn, and the New York
teiry millions, and their duty Is to as
sist aged and crippled passengeis,
give infoimatlon. and oilier wise make
themselves generally useful.
One of these nttenclnnts was seen
about the Scrauton station on AVednes
day, but it wus learned that ho has
not been assigned heie, hut was nieie
ly up from New Yoik to be "Inspect
ed" by Supeilnteiideiit Claike. Ho ie
turned to tlie uietinpolls yesteidny.
D It. & W. Boaul for Today,
Following is the make-up of the Dela
wine, Lackawanna, and Western boaid
for today:
'luni-PAv, Nnvi.Miii.ii r
WiM l .in, I.'jH-S p, in, II. Iloliciit: in a
in, M II, McUini'j 11 p. in, I' Win Wniinci,
i'isiuav, ,sovi:mui:ii
Willi Cal, 1,10 a. iii , .1, . Dcviiifi I j,
in., i). Keuiit'j: a u. in., I J, lluiiilsjii: lu ,i,
in., II, Cosljr, I', 1'. Stcuin' nc; li j, pi , ll,
IIL-liins; 'J p. in., I). M, llallclti'l . t.i., V., .. (,'. lUmiiiill'o nittj U p. in., .4in;liiii',
siniiiiillf, i:tc- il i, in,, n.t, .1. Ileuiilfuu; S
.i. in,, wet, I,. I). J.jHImioi, .Nil lioU' inn; ti t
in., wet, 'ilioiiiion; 10 ii, in,, i,, WjU- u
p. in., i.i-l, J. Caultfi;; 7 p. in , (uml ( iii!.,i, 51,
(iltilijj 7 . in., Itmn N'j Ans. jk lci.
I'ibliiiih-il J, lit., WMiui: .i. in., s. i in.
licit.; S a. in., lloiKir; II. (.0 j, m Moun;
II p, in., P. MiDuiiw.ll; 7..'il )i, in, 1m,in
a P. in., , II. llditliolomcM; Jil p. in., ImiiiiiiiV
I'j.oiiRcr Cnginci.-7 t, in, ; tt ttox ; 7 j, n"'
Mugir; 10 j. in., N'jtiiiiaii; lu j, m,, r, p. s,xor
D.11 a. in., SLiuloiii KIO p. iii, Mi lien mi.
Wild ("Jltf, V,t -.1 j, in,, 11. ( junoily; u j. in,.
I', (aidliiusli; 6 .1. Ill . I . Kliu.lo ; In ,i, m , i),
llinililili; 11 n. in., .lulin liihiB in; ii, m., I).
Iln-'uril; 3 p. in., WlllUm Kill,; I n. m,
liinulli'jii: ,1 p, in.. .1 i4tcri ii p. in , 'r I'll
pitlkH; II p. hi, T. Mcl'JUli,
William Mi HILki will inn ..;. up, u.niiiui.i
ini;, Minnljy, u. s.
This and That,
Freight Agent Ton Rroeck returned
home yesterday train a business tilp
over tho nottlunn dlilslon,
The new Delnwaio and Hudson
f i eight station has been alti actively
painted and put in shape for business,
Hacks have been laid on the easterly
side, and everything is nearly ready
for business.
Wall Btreet Review.
.New Voile, N'oV. " Toilij' ftotk inAiVct w.n
IiiikIi litanlcr iili'l tunic illvcrKllidl Hi in lint nt
:itct(t.ic, mill tin DgiacKiili' ihiilliifii iti.'c well
iibaic JcUordiy to nrav .1 inltllnti tiiiJ n qititlcr
clntc. 'J licit; im riwtmoiM tcntllnit in tlm
slot t.i which led Hie mli.inre olcul.i.v, ciccltl'
)y hi I'lilon Piiolllu uml St, I'.inl, which mlij
bilowr i'ilinH)S ilolii(? lcul ir.ulii.illv nil
ti iy, lillliiif ill one tlinn I '; for SI. 1 mill .itnl
1'i fur I'liiuii I'.n Itlc. 'lho IhihIih" rjf Nnillicin
I'.ullli' ptcMlPil, wlilcti fill P mi oiiip.iullvo1y
llnlit luiiMclliiiiii, 11 Urn In luiilintimi with the
ici'Utliih in tin I wo itocKH tirriioml)' liiincil, It
until he (.litiwn mlcilil InillrUii doubt, in to the
.Vortlicin 1'iiclllo tuttlctnriil. Hie iiinta en ni iuj
ulitlintlcil Millcnulit ot the tenn nt acttlemcnl.
or oun ot IN nctuil lOiHiimniilloii cm lio
fiom any Botllie. 'llie nitnictlnti, liowi'ici, ie
iiinlna stroll); in spcriil.itl v- Lhtlm tint the mircc
iiii'i.t lt, in f.n.t, pcrfrclul, iillliiinali nollilni; on
lliu mlijcil Imt jiniilrMiiit Mtiliivc or i.iriic lie
ttm 1 1 liilit cm ho f i ii J fiom liiflili-ic AniniiK tin'
trniM Cniitiiioiitit stock lho Atthlotu nlfitie (cue
tinned the inliiinco witli nny Hint show nl end
Ry. 'lhe ivininon Wo ot ono time i!1i, .aid
Niiillicin Piiilllc not Hi ocr , i .-: t c 1 1 i i v, lull l-L
It nil on Hie Hull. A ll-i' u( tl'j in New
York I'etilml .i a fcituie ot Urn inukit uml
lliiocl wllli it a number of Junior ui'liiMIN.
Lately cuiiciit limine l J prtiilltis loturntrilljii
of lho p,Iciii nnil lutrcM'il ili-itilbullon ot prutR..
W.MO liclll'd III HHIIH'clioll Willi tin' lllllUllll'lll.
'llic ftjlrninil of Ucloliir catlillim tm w' ulk
l.'uiliiil, vlmwlnif mi InctiM"!' nt 17 poi mil oer
tlio-io o( ImL Oitolioi, wa abo an InnciM', 'Hie
ml ciititii; lo nl-. In. Hi In luiil mill Mft roil
tcirllory, wrio In tiotiblu ili'ininil ninl siiow
1'iiiin ol 1 In '2 points, 'lho t'lillni Sl.iU' Me' I
i u'.i ccvclopcil j-t tnr; tli nt inlnt of a point fur
tin! (i ii'inon ami 1-S for tlic inclined, on plow In,;
accfiunts ui lho ietillv in lho Utile J licit' wen'
I'llliv llliiui.s llciiit; of a ilileiiiiliiatlon iu the put
of tho lnsMi la' tn nili.uiie thce stocks, Imt Ho
liso met wtlli ci.v Iicj teilbltin; ami lhe riIm
wile laictcly wipcil out. 'lho iinrpnu'iil to letllo
became if iy (.cnrral licfoin the close, nnil thi
nii i'u rs ucie iiirlitliecl In all polnH ninl nitltelv
w nl cut in ii lew t IM 'I In- jnitkeL tliisccl
ease uniler tho iiilltirnic of icillrins. silei
toila;., l,'JI4,sil fliito.
'lhe lailiool lioiiil niaikil was uiy nctice, lull
he iiictlon in I'liiou Paclllc totneilible h"iul
i.nclc i. ii othciwlie hlioinr in Ineiilji. Total
w.n f Millie, si!.stti,(ii.
liiiitnl "-lab's bonds weio all uiiiliaiisul on tlic
l,c-t call.
Tlic following iiii'lntlon arc "I lie
Trilniuu bj II. s .inn) in c Co. rooms 70V7IJG
Meals biillilin. '"iiinloii. Pa. Telephone, W:
Open- IHkIi- Low- tlot-
uir. c-t. et. inf.
Amciic.iu sim,u- in.3i liMi nn'i iisi;
AtcltNou MU SPj fclU H
Atchiscn. Pi S'VOi :1 !I7 IM
Aiii.i1. f'opper SV3 S7ri Sj'a So;
Ainei. tat k ruiimliy .. Si1! W5 Wt 2'i
Btook. Tmtiui 01 lil'i i!'a hl'.J
Halt. & Ohio Ills'1; D"'3 lnaij Ini
l ltf. & Oltici I7"i in J.;-1 4S'i
I'liie. i: 111. Wis! '.'-i 2"r; 'J'i'i 'i'l
M. Paul 17.,ij 17P4 ITri 172'"
Hock Mind llo'i 113 111! llrt'i
Col. l'uel ,t Iioi 'Wi ill'i l f'i
FiieH. IJ H -li'j -U7; -
l.iio 1! .U.. 1 71 71'i 7li'i rmi
1.011U & Na-h ui',:; nijv; lav
Man. 1 lci.itiil Ul'i U'.'j U4i VlPi
Mil. 'liiuini U"'7'j 17'j 1r" llvj
iiisvi. 1'niiiii nu'i wrs mi;, vm a Wki ."; ,"U :.7 .17
mil. k Wi'simi : r,' :'i 'il",
N. V. 'i lllj'i 1".1n mi',
I'eima. 11. I! II.'. s llo'j u"i lbl
Ibailhii; lie Us H't H',j J'-'i
Iteidim; Jtc. I'l 77U 7s 7V i 77j
Miiiiip.n it uJt :n -ui.. :.ii;.
siiiiihtiu lu.. I'i id'; r.jti mi'4 01
Tenn. Coil .V lion .. ,. 01 t.i'a i.l id'i
"lois I" ic ih in ; ll'i Jtln; 11 i
T. S I.cathn- 1J I!'; IJ U'a
1'. S. I.ealhoi, IN s(,Tt , vrt Ei
C S. Ilubbe 1.1'4 TU 1".'4 J""t
i. stiei c i, ir, r'j 4j"s -ik
t . s sue) i u., Pi. .. 'rj ) jig ii: nit;
lli'-lciu I molt Oli ui t 0i; i-i
Udii-li. I'i TS Xs'j !!7T8 I.s'i
Serantcn Boaid of Tiade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
I.ickiu nut Dim fo. Pi
Ciiuiilx .snln.'s Hank S. Tins'- In.,
I'll -t Nation il lliul. tl'uilmiiililPl ..
Stauditil Itiilliu- i'o. ..
thud Viitioiul llink
Dime l)cpn-it mil DiMount ISank.,
l'coiionn I.IkIiI. II. i. P. Co
11 1 -t National II ink
laikt. Titt-t s'lte Ilcpo-it Co
( lllk it '-IlliMI' l'i., I'i
f-ciaiilon lion 1'iiuo Ar Ha. I o ...
cnntuit Ale Wutk
Siiulon Snitm It ml;
'lladirs' N.itiou'il liink
Scmnlon Holt & -N'ut Cj
People' Hank
.N"i w MeUa lly. & c. li
Sinulon Pisenarr lliilwac. htt
.MoiU-asc, dtt' 1'iJ'l
1'npk's siuel lliilvi, llit tniiit-
Sip'. Jum iJls
PcopleV sttect lliilvcay, (Iciuial
inoil!,aae, due 1W1 ..."
DllltMill lljtiuficltuiiiR-Co
I ai ka. 'lowti-hip behold .1 per iciil.
lite of su uiion st, imp. o iff
c cut
Su.tutfii 'liaction o pu ictir
l.i si
l in
. . InO
. . !ij
... 7.1
Sciauton Wholesale Maiket.
(roucclid b- il. fi. Dale, 7 Latkuwaniii .e.)
Jlenie Per bu.-hel, choice uiun.w, s. uii.'.oi,
jliittei I'lc-lt cieamci, 21a-V j cliitt, nosh,
Lhcc-e I'ttll eitam, 10'alU.
I'ltrfs Neitby stale, '.'.la'.'ji.
Medium llcaiis-l'ei tnislicl, J i0
Croon 1' Pet liuslnl, 1.10t1.l"
riotii lle-t patent, pel bariil, 1 ti
llc.llls Pel l,iiliel, hole e m mow, S Ji).
Pot noes Poi bit-lwl, si,",;,
Oniois 1'ci bushel, fl.OO
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
I'liiliidelphla, Xov. 7 Wheat 1'iini. 'ic. Ingli
ci; lonti.ict giade Noiember, 7tU7t'jC. Com
1 tint and 'ii. hii,hor; No. 2 tui.eil October, IIPl
tiiij'iic Otts l'limer. fan (loniniid; fancy west
cin iiiiiiki.i, -le.; do. nearby ptiutt, 2",i. 1'
1'iini, c.ocd deuiandi fnvit neirb.c, 2V.; do.
westetn, 23c; do. .sondiwoslcin, 21c. ! do, mhiIIi
cm, 2.V. ('Iipp-u ijinel; New Yoik lull pipjiii.
fain v Miiall, Wic, ; do. do. d . till to choice,
PalO'.le llcflnctl hiiK.ia Quiet, but ktcady. Cat
Ion I'tich iiiKnt. Inllow I'niii. good denutidi
cily inline in tietce-, .I'jo.; ItltiK, .I'.c.: countiy
do. do. batii'l', "i',iii'.. as to rpiahtj, lho bttif
lor line white; cimnliy link in U , phallic;
i ikes, (ki'J'ic. I'ouiti.v -Dull ,ind pjsiei;
fowls, fiilUi,; old locistrn., 7.i7'jc',i i hit Keif, III
HV.; duck-. lOilli.j scee, PiPk,; tuiki's. Pi
lie. Dneil I'oulti 1'iinui, Rood ilemiiiil!
fuwl, diolcp, niin.'.; do. fair lo stood. 8',lan,.,;
old inunttN, 7c; llllckltls nenbi. in,iltc,; wist
ein do., Pit-'c.; littki',i, beil bote, lie,; do.
f tie to tood, 7.1100.; dmks, lOille,
I!pniit I'lcnii, 2,fiui) liidcb and SHi.oni
pounli in sick-.; wlie-it, lil.OiH) lmlit.ts; loin. ",,(m
iiti-litN; oik, ll.Wl IhiJipN. Miipnients -Illicit,
7.WO bi'-l.i'h; com, :i7,fKj bi:lu'l; eiaN, ll.uio
New Yoik Giain and Pioduce Maiket
New link, Nov 7. I'loni -f-tiotiL,' .itiil lii'ld at
full ptice, MiincnliJt to lho ilelilinent of binl-ins-,
i i" I'loni 1'inti, nil In Rood, Jj-tiS.ll;
elude to fmcv, if-1 Ui 1O..V1. licit Spnt liiuij
., S ini, 611'ic, f. o. U. nlloil; .N'o. 2 led, SO'ii,
ileiatoi: N'o, I Noilhttii Dulnlli, Sl?n, I. o, b,
ulioii, OptlulH dcelopcd ttiemttll loiliv, Clnsed
i-ll lit. al lal?e. advanoc. JI iy lived .Sl'ic;
llcicnuer, 7!'T8i, loin spul lain; N'o, 2, M,
ciiatoi ami iiii'i.c I. n, b. alio it, Oplloii ntukets
hhiwed a kIiouc; imdulouo nil ikic. Clnsed fun
at 'ial.c lilsl'H. May clo-ed l.i,'i ; llecciiilnr
tiled M'l'jC, (litf i-pol stioiis; No. 2, He;
N i. o, Hi.! N"ii. ;: while, lu ; No, 2 while, lulju
I". traik iui.ed western, IJ'.c : link wiille,
'" it, Optiuiin btiongct and lilahei Willi uIIhm
mill i's I'.itilei 1'iini; trcjineti, I3i:ii;p ; i it -tii,
U'J.UVji.; Jnue cieauieli, l7Ul-Hl'.
wiKtciu ili.uinlj, ll'j.llui.; stale dairy, ll2lc,
f In cljnlel; lant, lireo 'September, li'ir'te.;
Inii', lusii iMnlni'. H'lPict film, .niidl sip
Idtilicr. lO'ac; fauei, rinill, October, ii34aliK
liut i I'lini; at.itis anil ivint-i.ib.itiU, jii;i.'3pj
Miti in imtardlcil, I'liSJi,; wntcin i indled, -.Hi
Chicago Giain and Produce Maiket.
l hinno. Nov. 7. Hicub; cash i,iii.atlon in all
Rialns atnl Unlit oilerlm; to mipply lho ilciiunil
sent pikes upwind t"dar In mi mllie iiuii.ei,
IV" iit'jti' , heat lodtiff Tsc'' adiaiiced; liittiiber
com, jjfi,i. Itiiihcr, and lieicmbcv oils, I'jc.
lip. Preiiislons iloml iiiieliinsed lo P)e liiihe.,
Cndi i.uoinllon ero as follows;
I'loni -I'ilin, "i lo 11 int uilviiitcd; No. S
tprlii,' wheal t.'i'.jalli.; N". -' led, MaTde ;
No. -J onih. HUll'I'.c; N'o. 2 vibilP, liltlik.i No
,1 white, liUIUc.i idi lo choice liiillitii; batlei,
ftl iVt'fci ; piinio tln.oilo Mill, J1.70; nice polk,
Mlall.lll; laid,'ii Wl '''oil ll'". 7.Hii7.i''i
ih v shouldeis, J'ii'ic I khott ileal Mc,
?0.Us s.211, whl.kiy, il.J).
Chicago Live Stock Maiket.
Cliica..), Xoi, 7. ( illlo-ltnoi'i, w.iXio, In
eludiii,' Lb 'IVNJti-. ami i.'t'i welkin,; nuiliet
uui.d, Hun, utlicii. ill t-low; cood to pi inn-,
i(j.ii.t,1; poor lo iiieilluiu, l.7Ja1i): otoikcu and
luiil i, Jal.21i cow, l.21al.M; Iieifets, $ 2Ja
i; eaiicci., 1.21j-"-'i; luiil',; cahcr-, te
il-2j; 'ea.s tUiN. Wal; wcU'lii tlocii., iSLUIal 11.
lloi.e--lliiilpti todiy. ai.UW; luiuoiiow, 2,uc);
Hit ce.-, I.OOil, maiket aboul 3 cciiU lowoi;
ml ml uml bitUhCi?,; good to choice.
Iicaiy, k1 Wad; loujjli luaiy, l.WjJ.Cie; llglit,
i-l.oVil.ii.1; bulk of talc, "i.Ii)j1.M. sluep lto
ilnu, j.sikni: hu'ii trui IjioIk .ipjtlr at lite
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Thin Pour Lines, 3 Cents er i:ch I3tlr l.ltie.
For Bent.
MOM! I'Olt Ui:sr, fl Luelciiumn nMiiuA liet
door to i-'ltilelM dr.v pnodt iclme. lniuho of
.1. 11. 110 lo, Clotltlei', 410 laickiwaimi illruuo.
1011 tli:ST-1'.lBlit iflomt. 73'1 .IcfTerton avemicj
II modern conveniences t
For Sale,
-V tS rt vWViV
l'OII KAI.i: I'rlnrr Olio, luv Rrtdlnj:, PI Itjnd't,
bied b llatiilln'd, Klro I'linco Iteuent, chilli
Miv tliline", In' lilim. dialed In IC'li Willi
two wccU lumlillitf look' leioul "I 2.2C.4 nl
lllnithaiutim, Oilnlnr, I'KW! ivilli hill two Ueclis
tnltiltis; lias shown inllc In 2.11; htlf In 10,1
this Ihu'o ltn uieil Mien unci Itoill net nit; can
tint ,i 2lil ill wpim ii" atiaps. and is- I be
linupsL mil ill Southern .New link. Must be
mid In cluce pjrtni ulilp. Addict, II. ! , Ho'C
lit, li-slrinliiir, N. ,
I'Olt SU.I! rheap: horio', (print: ii igon and
liamex, at N"o. ISJtl Cciku aieniie.
t'OIl St.i: Two llslit sprlnff waRoni ami onte
liainevi, iheap. i;ian, reav 11.12 I-u-erne
Real Estate.
l'OII HI,i:-Onp ncie of luiil, Impioied with
nine room hoti-e: plenty unci .niciv ot mm;
pood location in iill.130 ol I'leetillle. Mis. Ulho
I'idt, l'leeUIIlp, Pa.
Wanted For Kent.
W AM 111) -I'liiiiMml lmii"P bVMitill family, dlv
01 Ijtein llldae. Addii", l'te Mens bttilib
Furnished Booms.
l'OII II i:NT 'lluee luoiiH, one nice lioiiuooiiiliif
uisliid, twn title 10 .ins, liunlsbi'.l en itutui.
nislied. Mutiblo for ladles 01 Buitle-incn, 0J7
Adams metuie'.
FOR HUNT I'uriilshed front loom, wlllt licat,
bath and aas; neir rotttl hou'e; geiillemati
prefetted. Address Ilooin, Box 2M.
Port MINT I'liinMicd loom; heat ami bath.
025 Linden itrect.
Booms and Board.
A LAllfii: I'ltONl HOOIt, null bond, nt ",21
Adams aMiiue. S-uttable tot two oum; men.
1SOOMS '10 MJSr, Willi boaid. bill Mulberry
tt reel.
Board Wanted.
lOI'M! MN" wants board in plicate family iu
Cteen Ilidge. .1, A. II iien-liitp, 'Inbiitie; Of.
flee, Cily.
Boarders Wanted,
WANTED Tabic boarders. Hrs. Tompkins, tVJl
Washington avenue.
Business Opportunity.
bi'OCK NP WHEAT TltAIir.HS wilitoiit drily.
Write for inn i-penal maiket lellet. 1're" on
applieuliou. S SI. Ilibbard cV Co., inenibeii N'.
Y. Con-olid ileil unci st0(k Kxchinje, l and 15
llroadwai. N'cw Noik. Ustablidicd 1501. Long
DMance I'lione lltuail.
Money to Loan,
$3JO,000 TO I.OAX I.oct rates; (.traicht ot
monthly panients. Stark &. Co.,Tradei8' bid.
tral-l t leans or Builuinc; and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per pent. Call on N. V. Walker,
2H II", Co"iu!l builclins.
decline; Rood to choiie wethti".; wi-tcin
sheep, siuu); uitUc l.unbt, ' ",0a I ill; tti-lint
lamb-, sjn,(,(.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
i:i-i llnlfilei, Xor. 7. Cattle HeceipK .". cars
on s,ie; cpnct and tuielntiaid at lluiidai'n pticcs;
hkhl l'. pound fIciis, Yl 10; lilcht lo tail lieit.r-,
s'l.Kui.ll; bull-, sj ,-Mi, j .); led-, "1 JOa", ill;
I ile-, 4! Vlil. lions clfliiine,-, 20 cir; i.piiitd
eulteil aiul bishop, line ilo-ullO alii, lonet;
inKid dcnniid and In ivy, c.itH', st, m.'j",; 1 In-eii
silnlio.Hi; pigs, 1 11I.1, 7.Hia7.,; elo-ed si -,oi
,1,.T,; toiittli-, s5.'J1i," l"; hlaa-, $1 ",0il,71. hluep
ami Limb Mipply, .1.1 eats; lnui, but nun,
si II; olluis, sj.j014.7-,; -Imp, ilionir, toptuied,
s.!7u; ettlls 10 ifond, M 7.1a. I. Hi; welheis ami
.icailui'a8, 7J -Oil.
Ea&t Liberty Cattle Maiket.
1 i-l Lllicili, N'cn. 7. ( ltlli tctdi; e,
siM'ao.W; piinio, $1..'i0ir,..H); i;ood, 1iA .',,. Ilos
Ilihei; )niiiie heavie-, si; 0i(, 11; beuy lindi
tun, slliliii; itsht do., ijvl.'iO.j.UI; bene juik-
? s,fi.l,si; nMir 00. mill Ills. sj.7il.. SO;
oiuii.. l.-lil bo. .Sleep stioii: beet wctiei,
h.'i 1 1.! '1 I j nil- Inii 1 miiiiiiiii 1 1 1 n 11 !.-
s'i I i.I.'il;
' 1 kitin ii mi -jiii in- n 1 j -ti41 ( ( 11 llllgr,
1' i'r. veil c.ilies, s7,i7-j
sj 7J
New York Live Stock.
N'ew Yoik, Xov. 7.-Becics UI 1 oi-imud ill
rret. Ne ales leported, Calcis -1'pct eal 'uld
at slas '.'",. Mieep anil 1-itnbs llukel uucmii,
but i'cncial tone bitter all atouiul. tdieep, fM
u.lil; 0110 evlta btinili, sl 01; HiiiIk, s; (,-, -, .;.
ci.'.l- s. Slogs Kh met; lmmli Hale lioa toid
at J'j.J'l; c.-urn ik. at iyl.'Wji..
ACDi;IV HuiitIey.H.iiri9
iiomi anil iitatit,
M'Alt Ttan-'Athintlc nuile.fpieis, Adrinooii
and night
"Tlie Forest Loveis."
A wondeifully larso mil eiceediiiKly demon.'ta
lice audit nee (fleeted MIns lletllia (,'11111111 at tie
L.iccuin list tiiitht, when tho psaid tlic ioh of
iMptilt in .1 taste uisiou of Miuticc Hpwictut
toiiuiice, "lhe l'orp-t l.oceis," Siuntoniini aie.
iiitilPrtiil in tills liind-eiiiii. and Bided juiiing Ilrio her pitli- llfp wn i-peiii, anil'tlipio
wete man In the audience win, enjoy .1 ibio
acipulntuitep uitli (Ids joiitiK wotuait, who has o
iiilel,l iiiotuileil llio lnldii wlililt leads to the
title- i,tar.
Sim demondialed l.i-l iiiht. tinl Dmlel i'i, i.
nun's Judgment was uood when, ,.m
jko, ho dicidcil lint Miss (i.iljn, vi, 1K1.til1i.1i
for a lttlt place in the thcililiid woild, M10 ills
do.ed In llie litcjo audleiiio that clip his 111
Kieilir pown iind letsitillly than the had eve.'
Iieniofoiii t-hiii Ini ciedlt for, In "I'lie pildo
ot le null 11'' flic train a 81111111:" 01 tlie ail ,mU
in nil wlllt wliitli hiie embollishis light kciic,
I -mil C is a lic.ltuli; liom In n irmv, wlievu lhe
up lo tho lioui tin' novelist bids her mile 11 knows
nothing of j.iy or happlucps, 'Hie depth of litis
ihtiaiict' .Ml-i (,'alliud lias laliioined and pii'nl.-i
with woudciiul tlvlriue, but wjili a ie.-,n .111 1
aillstin uiipiy eldoin ob-nned In Hid woik' of
1.0 ,1011111, an .unci. That this new mr ii a
t-l in i ( and iiidiiatliiable woiku wis app.ii,nt
flout the Hni-li and lino lonlti; ot the hcucs hi
which .-lie was llio ptomiiieia ilcetno Ij.i. nlgiil.
Al llio ilciMi of caiit act tlicin was i'titliiiilallo
liiltain call,, In which ll.s C.iIIjikI c;i it Icitsly
lPpoiiilpd. i-Ilslit liiiJiseness somewhat niRiuci
tlie beiuly ct her elocution,
ill. 1'ioiiiiuii was not altoselher ftnliiuale in
lhe plie In with li ho has launclieil hid new- tUr.
It I. mule, up 01 .1 few 01 Hip incidents in Mam I.e.
Hewlett' cilendvel reJd rouiincp, "lho I'meat
J.oieiP," iiliUli arc' tilloil loieihef In a, nto.t
cieclltaldc ininuei, 'lho pljcnilcht lias done I in
bill, ami lint hpi is tety tfnod, but alter ell
Dip attempt to nuke a pli) en lho hook is 1111.-11. .
u-lul. It's not fcood nnlipit nnllei' for .1 pity
ami lho toH' Inhl by llewleif ii of a lUtilic Hut
iloo nut lend inteiet icadil In thu rculi of th;
It has be en upub U11..1I, all of tlie live acti
leciuliifc,- with thu .ilincpheif of l.'tifilat d of t-oun
II nl til it's .11,11, The loiiipaii eiippoititie; Mlv, (UI.
latiil Is an eilicnnly tood one, iuiliidliiir n!i
well known mtl,ls a Hairy It. Sjiitunl, Cecije
W, lUlbiei, Itliodi Maiefaiit lliuniii',
who tuslalucd the iiliuiul luiei.
"The New Dominlou."
Tlic iluutle-ilirii ccinpaici'tt piecinaitvii of
"Ilia ew lieiinlnloii" was leeclied vvltli t,icat
intlHidasin at lhe Academy M night. Mr. Hunt
ley wai seen in the lolc of llaiou Von llolieti
itautlcu, made famous ! I'll (lenient.
Help Wanted Male.
- S.S'
Nir.ll A lirht Iniilllifeiit otllte Imv aboul
11 or Id yiMir- of .iae. Iiniilie al I I'i rrankllii
aveutio, Cll.v.
WANTI'D A 1011111; tiiJti 17 in' IS o.u ohl us in
Hii 1 lor. (Iiiml wrllei uml IIkuici, Apply to
Sir. Ik Itewoii, rioldMiillli'is II11J1.
WAN'TIID-Hv tMilliiB Philadelphia lion-o, imi
ilaM ule.iiun, to sell Kcnciil line of pn"'r
lo the irlull tnide. one who lus .111 auiunnl ni"l
pieletied; mit'l hace best leleienii' ami 1"' '"" '
to Itoitil. .ddies I1. (I. Hoi -if. I'"'"'
WAN'iTna'lwv"Tn"c''' "f "R'"' a wm
of the Sainton llu-ine's 1 olbue. einl' ")'
incut fin Salttidiys. Aeldtfi 1' I'., la" Mon'
n nvptiue, lit Tor (he brleU wmk
Comnulnii'iillons ninl peiotnl nppllPii'l'''"
will be leeeiietl al my office In llmeoil.,'.
II. .1, lliiviinn.
Help Wanted Female.
WAV I I'D- V compitent ulil fot seueial liotlw
woik. Appl al (lit PI11P hltect.
WAN'II'.D A Bill for ueninil house woik; titii.t
be able to cook. 'I wo in fiinlli. 7a" Ijniney
liltlli WIMi'l) for hou-i-woik in bilnlty
of twn. liven ihiu Inndc. (lend pi ice to
If 11 li. suitable ivagi-. Appl 1"'''' lloliioei ave
line. .Mis, Dem
WANIKD-Opei.itm-. and lemieis em 1 idles' nun-
tin iiniK'iwcai. 'ti id woik and be-t pilii'J
III town. Impriljl Undciweai. Co., Iliitr biitlcllnn.
rill V OPi;i!A'l()lts W Nli:il-leailv woik
Bttaianleiil. 1. If. link Sou, .VJ Adam',
WINTI D-C11I cm senile htetdv, piofiUliV el".
plo.viuettt bj rjllinif al Hi Jleais Iltuldins.
fl'A.VTIin-filil for bhiciiiI houcwork al Palton.
Addict",) II. T., rate Tiilivnc.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing; Dtug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Cential City
ALlllilir feClH 1.1. coiner Mulbetiy
sttcol uml Webster avenue..
OfssTAV l'lCllllI., :0 Adams aveiuio.
West Side
OUOItfli: 11. .1i:NKIN, IOI "south Main
South Sciantou
1 lti:i h. TlUIPI'i:, 'i' Cedar avenue.
No 1 th Scianton
OKO. 1. 11 Wis, u.iiier Ni(i Msiit
avenue and Sl.nkc: -stieu.
Gieeu Ridge
(.lllUM's P. .IONI
1117 Pieksull
1'. .1. JOIINs, ,ji r.ncn ltidse sttecl.
C. l.OIH'N, imnct U'a-hiiiBliin ave
nue and SI iiinii sttect.
U. II KNl'ITIM., 1017 livini; ivenue.
J. If. HONi: ,i HIV.
IOI NO MAN" wants It, bond ivith private f mi
ll ; luodeialp till-; cil.v. Au-wui
A, 1!, C, carp ot Tiibutie..
WAN'TI.D I'nriilslipil mom, centtally loeated,
nioikiu and iu pri.ate fimilv. If, 'liilunn
Offut, city.
WAXTIIU flood -eieu d hand furnace, will pay
la-li. Adclre-A Lock lto I'D, vt niton, P,u
loST-smill black bill boi k in ccntril jiaii ot
cily. ltitiiiu to Dr. I". SI i,,ien' ofllcc,
P itili buildiu'r.
I Os" lu N'ottli I ml nl mil r Inol:. I'nidei
please totiitl. tii I! (,'. Pallet , (.III Deuou
CAHi: '10 .MY PIII.MMN 1 talf, iiwnu- cm
lino Mine by priiiin,? uwiiordiip and pivln
eper-e-. (lene Anloitlu, Dil.twate and IlinUon
briaket, .Icrtnvu,
BIS. riNN'li: W. l-'N"n(lI.V, -rulab-r lit fern dc
eontplaiutf:, ilietmi itisiit and clitotne di-ei-i .
l I.i ill .t tit medium. 11111 u-nl .veuit lift. Mte
leiclicj in 1- sill ti, nlliiM and will open a do
ii'loptnit ilts in ps ilo pheuomcni .Monday ivni
liiK, Xov. 11, Ui I'r.inkliu aicnue.
l,l)li:S' AII..Mi:X'lS TIIUATf'.Oi nil i.its; pti
vao; bpeeiallst' eate. Medi'nl Home, 777
Washington St llittrulo, X, V.
This afternoon tlie romp my will pie-ent "Itoa
noke" and tonight "Dtvv Ciot'vitt "
Best of the Seabon.
I'asily llio boot burle-nue show mcii ill luis 1 1, y
(lus .-"i-cn began .1 tlnee dies 1 nsiiimiit 11 tho
.star thi.iter .icsteuiiy. It Is one id tlie lluttU
i Mnuiuii prinliii tluin, and Is Known is tlio
'tiaiis- Ml 1 lit ii linIi-iU"i-.
'lhe ptiioriunnto is 1 h ill mil In i 4 ill . 1111I de
iiiiuids tho au.liniei'r. aUtiitlou lo tho 1 1st, Hui
ll A. S'.nt.oii iu IliU louipinv l.iio hrniiiilit to
uetliei' an asftusratli.n nf linu-uillv putt ii
nun .ini hive a o ,li il 1I11111 with sonii n.'
ii.iiiilaiinio co.liuue-, 'lhe piifoimitii e mi 1 0
niiieUrd tie tlm lluio invidvcd in pic-mtltu,' II,
it ii'ipitl inu; neitiv linen ami a I ill hunts to
i .uiy out the puvi nniue. Niiiuitli-lanilliu; tin-,
Hip tills do pot lac, but, oil 111'-, pia
1 if e (pule bllskl. 'lhe chow is a new e.ue, luv.
ilia" bnu mi Hip boanls otd.v i-iuie la. I llutid.i.',
aid piust, like all new biiilc-ipio uinp-iiitt . bo
ubjtit lei much iiitlliu lhe opt nil e, was nude
al llPidlu;.
Hilliaiu.on .'Hid l.ilbiit liad die oho Willi a
erooil toitiLdt tketih. lullowcd by tlio Di.vlnti
,1-ti'is in i-luKlm; ind il im In,-. WtotliL and
lltdcitl'Id, It Mi coined! in-, .110 fui.nv. Jamrs
llir.ulum lus 1111 act iu vumllo'iiiUiii that I-quilo
,t depjililto flniil Hip onlhiilV' runt of the vol.
Ililoiiui-I, and was well rinlied. Kill Jlin
liini.'cliis'n; poniedlii.ue, and tlie llunliar slsieiii,
Ihieii wliisouio 11 .i'ilin-, In 1 -limine .mil ann.
lilt iu lllili, ilo .iippicd 'I ic peiioiui into ion
limits wit'i a lilhiilmi-tt funin hiuleipi en.
li'led, ' On lho Vu Con."
An election pilltluii was hem- tried, and a
ttlliuvs .n tailed In pteivo 'biibeiy"
"Olio of 111 eu'lltiei.llll m In lllf, 'IIOil.,',
OU inc.-t HUP lor lhe 'loilri,'" Hid lho wit-
"And what did ,vu .imwii' in thus" i-kul He,
"Will, a, I, 'How niiiili" "
"iul vvlidiil lhe aveuv i5''
"Ho didn't Kiv notlih,', 'ln. uiher ipmhii m
comes lo me al1'! kj), 'Ion pitisv vole l.n tin-1.11-pmH,
"Illil vvlitt did otl .liitvivit'1
"I naiel. 'How miiihr .so l,o at.t me wi.jt
I'oihei eiiilUiuaii cihinl, uml I inhl him lho
"And what did Hie l.ibeial acnt i.. "
"I In save me I en."
CoiiimI His down triumphant; and up ,uuj
llic other lide.
"Did ,voii lole for lhe MbeiaUl"
"Did ou vole toi liie TcilcS''
"Vo. 1 alt.'t sot a ivU!"I.oiitvii 'pan lo-nuiils.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Vow Lines, 6 Cents lor lUeli Bttra Line,
Certified Public Accountant.
I'llWAim 0. .sPAI't.DIMl, 2J 1 1tAOHIlS HANK
l:l'M!" 'lvVlT.ulcill7llJi," CON'SKMi
im:i)i:itiiif t mum.N. mk n. , m:ri
lahilo l.lniiRCllld(,' li'il W.ihiimtoii ve.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
H.J.. 1IUII1IVI7, coil COV.N'I t,l, lU'lt.DINa
nil. c. 1: ni,i:Niii:m:i:ii, paum iii,ii,dimi
i-pruio ttett, Sidiilon,
,,!'. C'. ' '' Ml" U "' X ' "ill-NH AVMNUnt
Lawyei s.
riMNii 1:, itoTidl Ai:roiiNi:v-AT.r.AV.
llooim ij, 11, in and IS Ilutr ltulldinu;.
r. if. -iiiacv. A-irv. coMMoswiiAirn luna
Ililod on letl e-tate sectint. Mens lltllldini?,
lorner Wiivliliiitoii annuo and .sprtico sltect.
MIU. U1D, Winiir.V A: IvN'AI'P. ATTOHNCI 3
and Itw. llepubllcin Hnlldiii(t,
HashiiiKloii -.iMiiue.
.11 Wj a .ll'.ssi p, ' i'0l!Ni:VS AND COUN.
selloKMl-liw, toiiiiiionwejllli Uuiiilinsr, noomi
I'1, -11 and mi.
WS'.OI, Oth flooi, .Meats building.
A. WW HP'S, ATIOII.Vi:i.A'l'-hAW, 110RI
of Tmcli! Itttlldliia, Liantoit, I'a,
i'vrii:nM)N- tc', 'titAucn's xaiiosaii
Hani. PuUdlti!.'
e. coiiiioys, ti 13 st:i'i'ni.ic.NT ntnuiiNa.
a. w. iiiiuriioi.r, oitici: movuii to no.
Ill IV.ioniin? avenue.
Physiciana and Surgeons.
dis. w 1:, Ai.r,i:v. :,u noiitii iva&hin'otoj
Dlt. y. W. 1,'AMOltlHI'V, OITICr, 3S') WASH.
inRtoii avenue. liesidcnci, 1J18 .Ifulbcir.v.
Clnnnle? dl-eas, lungs, heart, iiidnf.n anet
licultti-uiliiiiy oigani, a specialty. Hour", I
in 1 p. m.
Hotels and Restaurants.
'j in- i:i,k caii:, 121 and m phankus avi:-
nue. ltale leasomeble.
P. ZirOLr.n, Proptietor.
i-fRINfOV IIOUsK, XlIAtt D, 1;. & W. PAS-
siiirci elfiul. Conilitttcd 011 the Kuropeau
plan. V10TOK KOCH, Piopiietor.
. 11. liisiotts i MiANs piiivY 1 rrrs and
ecss pools; ui jtlot ; onlv niipiovotl pumps iued.
A 11. 1Iiic,i;s. piopiieloi. f.oaie oielets 1HU
Nottli 31am avenue, or Kicke's drop: utore, eoi
lioi Adaips and Mtilbeii. llotb telcplionc.
(! IS, ( hMlKfl .V CO., Sn:DsMi:N' AND Xl'lls.
eriurti, stoic 'JOl .i-lilnlun avenue; gieeu
houses, I'i'iO .Ninth JI1I11 UM'ime; stole tele
phone, 7-2.
Wire Scieens.
jusr.pu uur.itKb, .111 i,cifA. avp.,
snanlon, I'i., Iiiamifactuin ol Wire serpen-.
imi'ssMviiivf roil t iiii.disiiv to oituiin,
i1m Indies vv.n-ls. I.oul-e Mioemikci, Hi
1l1ms avenue.
jii'uauuli: lino-:., pi:inti:hs' !sI'ppi.ii;s, i:n-
velope-, piper 'bag-, twine. llaie'noiiaC, 1.0
M.uliiuluti avenue, snantoti. Pa.
'tin: iwi.ivDbinisin: ltrxoiti) c.v in: had
In .Su.mloit at the news stands of lleinia'i
llio-., IU0 .spiuce uml CO! Linden; It. N'otton.
Mi l.aiktwauni avenue; 1. s, silmtef, 2tt
bpiiiec strict.
Situations Wanted.
U 1Nli:i)-V pcvllloii a -unosraphei' by a onn4
itdv; will be Mire to give satisfaittott. Ad-die"-,
1 1. A., 'litbiuio Othce.
SilL'A'ilON WA.N'li:!) Ill- a hdy to take wash.
ins home. Cm lumisli the lust of city refers
elite. Vildiii, .Mi.-. ! . -10 t-outli Irving aicnue,
Ml'l AIIOV WAMIIII- oniitr 1 idy with sows
know led, 'p nl plinmicy de-ltts position nt
ilnw -tcic. J-ilaiy no objot t. P., Titbimo Otflce,
WAN'li:il III- 11 lined, idutateil girl, position a I
homo or It ivolins: coiiimon to old or nim
lady. Apply to P. 11., cato of Tiihune.
binMHOV UAM1.II as cook and bundles,, i,
cloitic; (.eiieral lioiiso-woik. C M., iU" lliighl
011 uvbiiue.
flH'VflOV WANTl.H 'to go out liv lhe ifai
HJaliini; or ileauintr. Call or address, Jits,
llil'.cll, 17ID Cedar avenue,
i;'i:pi:iiii:n( i:d 'iraii'.i.ivo silimux wants
noshiini wltlt uood icliible liou-e, on tlio mat!
nr local, llctl reteiPiice" given. W, W., Tilbnnn
A W01IW wants pints as cook in boaidliu:
htiu-n or siuill hotel, vviieip she ran ut
her be, to dii cliorcs and go lo thool, Addten
M. M , Trlliiine otllic
H)UM liVliy. capable of cominandlnu
line trid-, deilies a position iu ftore, n
diapitv and i-lude depailment. Addrcs D, S. A,,
'lllbiilie ofllce.
AN li:i) llv a eenllennil, woik to do evenlmti
liom 7 to' 1.'. Addie.-s, C. M 'lilbuue Offlci
WVVII.U A position as lioii.-eltcepi' 01 pislry
cook, m to lake pjio m invalid, hr ml'ldle
ujed woiuin. Call in jcldics. "Capable," .WJ
si din nirot, Ditumoii', Pa.
sll'l VI HIV 1N"li:U-Tn co out by the. ilir
nuliilU, nouns oCileaiilue;, .1h, Ie, U couit
s-nrviiov v. vii;i)-in- a leium,- sin n jem
old as iittl-o Kill; adiliess (ill lheodoic ttieoi,
lr'V' ,
an i:n'1'i:iih:nci:i) triri would 111.0 siiiuiion in
pilvatn familv. houesl and ri'ltiblp; wages l ',
Atldicss Kitth', Tllbtine oflVe',
A MOM IN' vvinU wmk by the ila.v. 1 iii 5,-1
1 OlCtt lOUll, I
MIL'A'IION WANrill) lo do washing and ironlnj
at Inane. Call or ncldros", JI, I.., 'lilbuue.
t-UI'A'IION' WAXIUD-Py a woman to go onr
by (1 iv wi.-hlns, lU'iiiut' and lie uiing. Pea-o
rail 01 .uldiesi lir, llibcll, Hill (.eelai avenue,
smith .slde, lit,
slIl'ATlOV Mlll- Pl7l.tuiit Idly, ,R1
eati oi ape, !his .1 slttiuieni as children's
iiuiM', 01 (n wuit on invalid lidv. or I1011-4
keeping fui vvidowpi wiili .-null I'linil; liaj Imd
Plpeilenip; Kuod nfiutiie. Addlc'ss, I, 11,
'Hlbmio Olfiie.
.NTi:) Puj-ltli'ii as eluipln; link or utock.
man; lad three u"i. in n. tn 0; 1.111 cciiiit
will iiiniiiiiii ml' d. Address, II l , 1.110 nf "Hun.
Urn '1 1 Ilium
IN Hi:: l.-iai' li Ju-eph 1. die Up, jio of tie
boremijlt ol Dninume
IpIicis tttiamciilai up"ii llu above, 1
p.tatet liavliiK beiti vi inlul In tho uiuKilii'c
all piiiui luilnir claim, ni dentaiuU asallist th.
kaid estate JU prifinl llielll foi p,tiliient, uml
thi.-e InilibtiiT liineti, will puke imniidlato pai
ment le Maihn Olllnle. i'KCeiltii.
III'. lll.V.NOr.ll!',
Attorney lor folate
AhL PI.II-a,Ns HWIN'li ( I.i'AOfjiiit llis lau
l.'iia l "Piowiiinj: will pieifflt tho wmu foi
fcllknienl, and all Hio-e indebced Iheietn wjt
injko immedlilo Jilthnient lo Mrs. M. 1,'lliown
lug, slJ AdJini ainiui', lit.