ijrew-w -v-p, -wr,; -; r,rs;,, ija'V ' nv?!iaKi. v ct SfeSyL rI-V t u ,, ... ... Y, ' 1 " ' ' . X A THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 190!. 6 fl Mv'1 ". WEST SCRANTON .kS " ROYAL SOCIETY GOOD FELLOWS PUBLIC RECEPTION BY WEST SIDE ASSEMBLY. Atldiessca by Hon. W. Halt Apgnr, of Trenton, N. J., and Dr. W. S. (Weaver, of Wilkos-Bane Dr. '.Heerninns' Xocomobilo Damaged by Tire Farmer McNulty At tacked by n Bear Sisteis of Beth any and the Misses Sander Enter tain lively Runaway Notes. One or the youngest fraternal otgnii Izatlons which litis gained u foothold in !Vcst Scrantou is the AVest Side nss-ni-bly No. 391, oC the ltnyal Society or Good Fellows, and this prosperous youngster gave dm first of n scries of public entertainments Inst evening In lied Men's linll, which was attended by si largo assemblage of mcnibein and 1 Heads of the order. The feature of the event was an ad dress by Hon. AV. Hart Apgor, of 'fron ton, X. J., vice premier of the order, and one of the highest ollielnls In the ranks nf the Uoyul Arcanum. Ho is no of tlio best known fraternal society men in the United States and a speaker of marked ability. Ills address was i lilefly along the linn of the benefits to be derived from fraternal Imuirum-o, and his remarks were interspersed with a number of pood stories, elovcily told, which keiit his audience In good humor. The other speaker of the evening was Dr. AV. P. "Weaver, of AVllkos-lJarro, who took occasion to refer to lite friend ly feeling which oxlsits between the jncinbers of fraternal organizations in Seranton and AVIlkoK-Parre. and inci dentally lciuarkcd that while Lacka wanna (ounty is Mother Luzerne's youngest child. Seranton is one of the best known cities in the United States, lie took occasion, he said, to inquire, in Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, and many other cities in which he visited, If people in these places had ever lie.nd of AVilkes-Paire. Koine had. he said, but when ho made the same Inquiry about Scrantoa, it seemed as though they were welt acquainted with the lCleclrle City and its progressive people. His speech was well received. Supreme Deputy William Liiiney, of North Seranton. was also pioi-ent and explained the aims and objects of the order to a large number of inquirers. Atiorncy Henry A. Fullei, of YVilke.; Tiarre. who is a member of the commit tee on laws, was on the programme for A Daily Reminder You will not lie disappointed in Dutour's Tar; it will rclloe tint Cough and Cold in one night. t'OR BALD DY 0. TV. JENKINS. an address, but he was unavoidably de tained nt homo. AV. W. Davis was chairman of Hi" evening and pieslded with case and grace. The entertainment wan provid ed by Garfield Davis, Thomas Abrams, Fred. L. Robinson, Frank Heck, Ste phonMoDonough and Miss Anna Mor ton. The programme Included instru mental and vocal selections, all of which were generously applauded. Refreshments wcte served during the social hour by the entertainment com mittee, which was composed of Arthur T. Stover, chairman: Frank Heck, Lu ther Thomas, Garfield Davis ami ThomnH Stephens. The assembly has a large membership of well-known West Scrniiton young men. Street Car Incidents. One or the Imported conductors on a Washburn street car was struck on the head yesterday afternoon by a stone, which was burled at him by some un known person, while the car was tun ning along West Lackawanna avenue, near the Delineate. Lackawanna and AVeslorn railroad crossing, and the con ductor was severely injured. The vic tim bandaged up the wound as best he could and received medical attention when lie reached Ihe central city. A little girl, whose name could not bo lenrned, alighted from a car on Wed nesday afternoon at the corner of West Lackawanna avenue and Ninth street, and was there surrounded by a large crowd of chlldien. who called her a "scab," and chased her down the hill to Kighth street, where a number of boys caught her ami maltreated her, tearing her clothing and frightened her almost Into hysterics. She was rescued by a number of men and the crowd was dispersed. Pntlor Entertainment. The Misses Sander, of West Kim Mi t, entertained a large circle of It lends lasL evening at their home with n parlor niuslcale and social. The af fair was held in aid of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church talent fund and proved to be a delightful social and financial success. The house was tilled with guests, who responded generously to the invitations sent out, and all enjoyed the entertain ment provided. A silver offering was taken at the door, and the ladles in charge report a substantial addition to their talents. They wen; heartily con gratulated on the success of the undertaking. Exciting Runaway. A horse owned by George t'aisoii. ami driven by a young man named AVilliam Frantz. ran away on South Main avenue yesterday afternoon, and before the driver could gel the animal under contiol, the o.nllt was on the hill Just tills sld" of Taylor. In his mad tllght down Main avenue, tin; horse knocked a. boy named Kshle man tiom his bicycle, and when the victim was taken to his home on Hock street and a physician was called, it was Irarned that he hail nthtatned a compound fracture of his leg. The horse Mistained slight injuries and the harness and carriage were somewhat damaged. Young Frantz Carpet Men Think of These Things The well dressed man will not sacrifice comfort and appearance, merely for the sake of economy. In fact if he is prudent, he will figure it out that there is no economy, wheu any sacrifice has to be made for the sake of a saving in price only. But Prudent Men Will not object to saving money provided there is no sacrifice in quality, style and ccunfort, and it is to such that this advertisement appeals. Men's Correct Furnishings Used to be confined to the exclusive men's furnish ing stores. Today we have a men's furnishing department within the store that equals in complet ness and excellence any stock to be found in any store in this city, and tlie price inducements are such as to warrant any prudent man in giving us a trial. Do You Wear Fine Hoisery ? Look at these on Saturday. Men's tine Cashmere Half Hose in tan, black or natural grey. " plucklly clung to the reins, and had his arms severely wrenched, but other wise escaped Injury. Called Out the Fhemen. An unusual ilro occtiired last evening nt 7 o'clock when an ntnitn was sent In fioni box B3. nt the corner of Main avenue and .lackson street. The Humes Weie discovered in it shed In the I ear of Or. H. A. Heermans' residence nt the corner of Seranton and Tenth streets, where the doctor keeps Ills locomobile. II seems that when the physician put his machine In the shed he neglected to turn out the light on the gasoline bur ner nnd the Maine Ignited the wood work of the body and burned n hole through the seat, destroying the cush ions and setting lire to the shed. When the llrenicn responded to the I'larni seat in, they exlngtilshed the llames and saved the doctor's locomo bile from total destruction. As it war, the lire damaged the body to such an extent (hat a new one will be necessary before the machine can boused again. The engine, tank and boiler were not damaged, but the loss will amount to u temple, hundred dollars. The damage to the shed was of little consequence. This is the second misfortune Dr. Heermans lias met with since lie be came a horseless-cariago operator. The first one he bad aboul a year ago, when l-.ls machine ran down an embankment in the yard while lie was learning to operate it ami was damaged consider ably. Tle second mishap has not dampened the doctor's enthuslnsm, and he will soon be seen again enjoying his favor ite pastime. Other Horse Escapades. One of the horses attached to the Columbia. Chemical company's appar atus slipped and fell on South Main avenue, yesterday, while being exer cised, and slid along the pavement for some distance, being dragged nlong by the other horse, which also fell, before they were fully under control. The harness was somewhat deranged, but no serious damage resulted. T. Fellows Mason's horse also slipped on the South Main avenue pavement yesterday in front of Br. J. .1. Uob erts' house, and in falling broke both shafts of the -wagon. 50c The best 40c quality for. Our Underwear for Gentlemen Kmbraces every thing there is in that line ou the market today from the best manufacturers the world over, lixtra si.es for stout men. Prices for thoroughly reliable qualities from Comfort in the Night Time Can best be obtained in an easy fitting night shirt, with lots of room in it. Fine Musliu or Out- CAr ing Flannel Shirts in all sixes. 65c ones for -JvIC Otir Latest Line of $1.00 Shirts. OUr New Winter Store Stock. Oiir Matchless Neu) Neckwear. And OIip Newest Sulell Hoisery. Globe Warehouse Mine Accidents Yesterday. Thomas 15. James, a miner, employed nt one of the local shafts, while holding ii prop yesterday for his laborer to force into place with an axe, received a blow from tie a.o on his thumb, which smashed the member in a hor rible manner, air. .Tames Is thus forced into compulsory idleness through the unfortunate mishap. David Lewis, aged 2l! years, sun of Mr. and Sirs. Arthur Lewis, of 1S13 Swotland street, employed as a. driver hi the P.risbln mine. war. squeezed be tween a ear and the "rib" yesterday and sustained severe injuries. No bones weie broken, however, lie was attended by Dr. W. A. Paine. Republican Club Meeting. AV. :. Thayer presided at the meet ing of the West Side Central Republi can club last evening in the absence of President l'.eene, and William Jamie son acted as secretary. The trustees of the club were instructed to ascer tain what arrangements can be made tor new quarters in Meats' hall build in 3". The seci clary and tieasurer were in structed to furnish the club at the next mooting with a complete state ment of their financial condition. The reports aie to be made at a special meeting ol the club, which will be held next Thursday evening, when every member is requested to bo present to decide on the proposed change. Sisters of Bethany Entertain. A fair sized assemblage gathered in St. David's Episcopal church last eve ning and enjoyed the entertainment programme piovidud by the Slsleis of Kethnny. The rector, Itev. K. .1. Mo llenry, presided and the programme was ai follow.-: Piano solo, Jllss Ttoso Smith: recita tion. Miss Mary Dorsey; iccitation, Miss Xaonii Ciiitmhs; solo, MIs-s Dollle Thomas: piano solo, Miss Hughes; solo, Miss .Maud Morgan; piano solo, Miss Atkinson; recitation. Miss Mar garet Powell; recitation, Miss Flor ence Mooney; recitation. Miss May Doi.-ey: piano solo, Miss Itoe Smith. STOMACHS THAT WON'T WORK That Hetatn tho rood and Kcfuso to Digest It, Mako the Head Heavy nnd the Nerves Weak, Need Stuart's Dypepsla Tablets. There Ii n cure for dyspepflu. tiuf feicrs who have tried noxious nostrums will probably bo skeptlcnl. but skeptic ism vanishes when Stuurt'fl Dyspepsia Tablets tiro tiled. Whether the troubto NORTHSCRANTON CELEBRATION or THE CLEBKS ASSOCIATION, St. Xeo's Entertain. A huge delegation fiom the Crystal uclal club, of Plttston, were enter tained by the membeis of tit. Leo's Dattulion lust evening In St. David's hull. Dancing was enjoyed for sev eral hours, alter whiLh a luncheon was served In St, Leo's hall. The music was furnished by Prof. John'-on and Miss Kato Ileal don. The committee in charge of the affair Included Thomas Lnngan. William Gll loy, Frank Oilroy, Joint Shuuglinessy, James ,Jlf Donotiyh, and Patrick Mc Andrew. The Plttston folks returned home at an early hour this morning. Attacked by a Bear. John .McNulty, of Foster, was en gaged in hauling a load of puik to town yeiitddiiy morning for JJuteher Heed, of Jackson street, when ho was at tacked by it bear up In the Notch, When the bear discovered pigs in the wagon, Mr. Uruln overlooked Mc Nulty and helped himself lo his till of meat, Meantime McNulty had se creted himself in a placii of safety, and when the bear had all ho wanted and .sauntered off, the frightened far mer resumed his journey. The loss of the stool; was trilling compared to the fright suffered by McNulty. NOTES AND PERSONALS. John S. Jones, ot Archbald street and Sturm avenue, father of Druggist D, M, Jones, of South Main avenue, is ser iously 111 ul his homo and his recovery is doubtful. Poor Dliector Samuel Williams', ot North Main avenue, caught a nli kerel nt Muplowood yesterday which Weighed four pounds and two ounces. It was one of the lurgest tlsh ever caught In Oils vlcliiltv. Fred II. Lintuu, of .South Main ave nue, lias loturncd homo from nit ox tunded tour through Kiiglaud, Plumber O'Neill, of Meredluu btroet. is recovering irom un attach of typhohi fever. Mrs. II. II. Itarnes, of 3H North He bci'fii avenue, was tendeied mi agree able KUipilse party last evening by u largo number of her ft lend. Marshall Darling, of Chestnut street, underwent un operutlon on his foot yes terday, wjileh was performed by .Dr. F, C, Hall, He was injured during tho war, and suifered wore or less over fclnou from the Injury. The members of the various commit tees having charge of the arrangements for tho coming Patriotic Order Sons of America, fair aro lcipiested to meet In Washington hall Sunday afternoon at i'M oMoeU. Is dyspepsia of long standing, or mere ly a simple ease of Indigestion, relief Is prompt and pronounced. The less tho ti nubia the fewer tablets need be taken. Henvlness after eating, sour stomach, as Indicated by belching, fatigue with slight exertion or with no exertion at all, disturbed Bleep, nervousness, con stlpn.tlon, depression, "blues," these things can commonly be s.et down as symptoms or dyspepsia. And dyspepsia l& merely Indigestion In tut aggravated form. By piomotlng pet feet digestion. Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablet produces strong nerves, restful, refreshing sleep, pure blood nnd good sound healthy llesh. They make the skin clear, the eyes bright, the mind cheerful. Stuart's Dyspepsia. Tablets ate a medicine and more than a medicine. They digest the food and make it easy of assimilation, and they relieve the in flamed, diseased condition of the mem braneous linings and the glands of the stomach ami bowels. They help the digestive, organs over the hard places, and put them into a. healthy, active condition. They effect a quick and per manent cure. You don't have to con tinue 'taking them forever, still it is well to have a box handy and take one at the first return of the tiouble. Perfectly well people are made sick by eating too much, or unwholesome food, but not if they take a tablet after eating. Treatment with Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets does not necessitate dieting or any change of hublts. They digest the proper food and act upon the other kind in such a way as to make it pass off quickly and harmlessly. You may eat and drink what you like, when you like, and as much as you like if you take a tablet afterwards. Stuart's Dyspepsia. Tablets are sold by all druggists at CO cer.'ts for lull size package. Send to F. A. Stuait Co., Marshall, Mich., for little book on stomach dis eases, mailed free. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. George Lewert Seriously Injured. Eell Off a Church in Old Eorge. Kennedy Brothers in Jail. JONAS LONG'S SONS, JONAS LONG'S SONS. George Leweit. son of Mr. and Mis. John Lewert, residing at 411 Willow street, met with a serious accident yes terday that will lay him up for many weeks. The young man who is in the em ploy of Mulherin and Judge as a car penter has been working on a church in Old Forge for some time and was engaged limbering the roof. He missed his footing In some way just befoie the noon hour and fell heavily to the ground, a distance of over twenty-five feet. Assistance was at once rendered the unfortunate young man and he was picked up in a semi-unconscious condition. He was removed to his home as speedily as possible and medical aid summoned. Dr. Albert Kolb was quickly In attendance and after thor oughly examining the young man found that he had sustained a frac ture or tho left ankle, a bad cut over the left eye, besides numeious bruites on the body and limbs. Kverything possible was- done to re Hove his suffering and at a late hour last evening it was stated that while bin condition was dangerous his wounds weie not considered fatal. The Kennedys in Trouble. There was trouble and lots of it In the Twelfth ward yesterday and as a result tho well known Kennedy Broth ers are in the Alder street station house. It appears that the brothers. John and James Kennedy, of Prospect avenue, had imbibed somewhat over tho result of tho election and after having a good lime piocceded to their home where they commenced to play football with other members of the family. The relatives did not appieciato the game as the broihets played too rough and were olf side and' near the foul line nearly all the times and they ap pealed to Patrolman James Qulunnn to stop tie Kanio. lie took Patrolman Charles Weber along to help quell the dlsiurbance but the only way to accomplish this was to lock up the bellegcrents, They will lie given a hearing befoie Magistrate Christian Storr this morn ing ou a charge of nsi-ault mid battery and dlsjrderly conduct. The Defenders Won. The Defenders met and defeated tho SuiifOt basket ball uluu In a fast mid Interesting game lust evening which was played before n large audience in St. John's hall on Slouo avenue, Tho score was IS to 0 In favor of the De fenders. As a side Issue a laughable game was played between a clown team and a picked nine, The clowns were got up ill giote-que costumes and while none of the plays wore In nn way sensa tlonal they ptoved osirontely amusing. NUBS OF NEWS. Tt.8 imml'Ok of tin l.oyjity ilili awl ili.a fiifiils jic ni'iioiiid to Ic ivirut ji tl.e i ul.u iwrlin; thl ovinli.y. Jibs hms, tlio itiie m-i Uljiy ot llitt aijcHutioi), will J'Mie tin in Tlurc will t'C .1 bjiccl.it n'fiiv -it llic ioin nt tui.iliy .ificiuoon, U'sliiult.,' Ilia r.i'Ol. of jTJjti, led lij Mis. A. I liuit. l'rc!i lih. oy. and .IjW JJlly at b'linilo't DMiLvt, 51't O'Lr uychu;. At ilia Youn; I'tvpU'i, nifCiiufT o' U'e IIM."! siui't Ctfiiun I'lttbylerUn ilaavn '" tvciili.(f t ftivy pillow iloiiatc'l y ll I.on!u blatter w (luiuc'l utt tur tlio I'cnult ol Hie mw iUU llOUJC A itcuLir nicclms ot the lUnnony oii'-i will be held this 'ciiiiic In tlio ' i'UcJi ' l'J,-B bjacmcnl. on l'io-'Cct jemif. Tin jiiumlo intmbris ol tlio Srunluii A ik-tio dull held i'cr(Itci anj turning jdiwl in Ai'ilell. lull Ut CU'lilC Cluik'j Ki'lUiiiuii, tt'io Jt ucUJ a' ibo ii. ljtn( of IVtcr KjiIuiIo on a iluigc f a-.c,lt vj jjlwn a lituilnj befoie JfjjUtrate Stoir ,u tuui .Mul let off en lujniuit ef iot. .lol.ii lllanoi, of JlJpIc llf t, u liuiitnij ! t'P ' 'nit. 'I l.liu'iuut. It Was Held Last Night In the Au ditorium and Commemorated the rlvst Anniversary of the Organiz ing of the Clerks Speeches Made by Hcv. F. S. Dallentlne, John H. Scvlnc, Common Councilman Jos eph Evans nnd Hugh Frnync, Or ganizer of the American Federation Tho member of tho North Scrnnton lodge of the Itelall Clerks' Internation al Protective association celebrated the llrst annlversaiy of the lodge's organi zation last night In the Auditorium, with a. banquet served by the Ladles' Aid society of the North .Main Avenue Ilaptlst church. Covers were Inld for over a hundred nnd employer and employe sat down side by side to enjoy the bountiful re past Avhlcli had been ptepnred. Hrlef addresses weie made by llev. V. S. Hallentlne, rector of Christ's church; John II. Devlne, of the Central Labor union; Common Couuclhnan Joseph Kvnns, of the Second ward, and Hugh Frayiie. local organizer for the Ameri can Federation of Labor. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kdwatds, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Frayne, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Itenjamlu. Mr. and Mrs. P.. A. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Dlnmiiek. Mr. und Mrs. D. S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George II. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs.WllIlam Chap pell, Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mulley, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Chnppell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis, Mrs. H. Butler, and Mrs. V. It. Datten. The Misses Lulu Dolan, Margaret Ilealcy, Dorothy Burns, Dora. Davis, Edith Davies, Alma Iticliards, Clara Wells, Mary O'Maliey, Bessie Kdwards, Jennie Field, Elizabeth Hawkins. Alice Devers, Margaret Purcell, Jennie D'lliira. Xellie O'Hara, Mary Boland, Kttthryn Murtaugh, Maine Lynott, Nel lie Haggerly, Anna. Walsh, Martha Thomas, Gwendoline Thomas, Laura Gabriel, Maine Kvans, Lvdla Fairer, Anna Daiifers, Violet Daiifers., Klta Danvers, Caroline Kelsllng, Mabel Har rison, Sarah Bees, Miss Kdwards, Julia C. .Martin. Mary O'Brien, Bay Owens, Mac Morgan, Ksther Jones, Alice Kvans, Mae Powell, Anna Kvans, Car rie Hoff. Klizabetli Phillips, Mable Malso, Ada, Alexander. Kdith Bichards, Marlon Owens, Annie Morris, and Wil helinina Grlllin. Messis. K. J. Loflus. W. M. Penrce, It. J. Bichards, II. C. Smith, T. C. Davis, Thomas Clarke, E. J. Haggerly, Cecil Davies, Theodore Kvans, D. J. Evans, Panicle Purcell, Frank J. Clarke, I'. A. Carroll, P. J. Haggerly. M. Murtaugh, B. K. Walsh, W. V. Morgan. Henry Hartshorn, Thomas Campbell, James- Laird, B. JI. Oster hout, F. W. Piekerins. Edward P.. Matthews. Isaac Mills, G. A. Bigelow, Simon Melavas, Jacob Berghauser. jr., Edward Tatern, Charles Beers, Joseph Krokoskl. II. Burgunder, T. J. Thomas, Bert Powell. P. J. Martin, John McKeu zic, John Pritchard, Wallace Mosor. Thomas Davis, Thomas Lewis. Will Meredith, Thomas Owens and Archie Davis. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. The I'rackerjacks will play the South Side Defenders, champions of Lacka wanna county, at the Auditorium this evening. A good game is looked for. as the Defenders are one of the fastest teams in the state. Henry Caldwell, father of Dr. Cald--well, of West Market streut, has re turned to his home- in New York. A drawing for a iiuilt for the benefit of tlte widow of David G. Hughes will be held ou Monday evening, Nov. 11. at Michael J. Koran's hotel on Putnam street. The Delaware and Hudson Coal lom pany paid its employes at the Von Storeb, Dickson, Marvlne and Leg gctt'rt Creek collieries yesterday. A tegular meeting of Stationery En gineers' union, No. no, will bo held at Leonard's ball this afternoon. The Alpha (lama foot ball team will play the Herkimers of Green Bidge, at Sanderson's park this afternoon. Charged with Smuggling Chinamen. liy Kccliblr Wire fiom 'I lie Associated I'rcsi, nufljle. Nor. 7. -fiunt Householder, .i li.uk nun. W.1S am-Jcil tod.i., ilurcod illi fniuasllns ('hliuincn from CuihIi. IIoiwhcMi r lud fim ( "bitumen in ilir luil. ulitn ariuitcif. A SENSIBLE MAN U'cuM use Kctnij HjIsJiii for (lie Throat auJ Lures. It ii cuvlntf moro Couslis, Coldj, As'.lm..i, llioiidiill;. Croup anl all 'fin oat ard tuns Troubles lli.ni nny other medicine, 'flu prnpilctor lias authoilzcd any diusfgiit to r,tu j on a Sample Pottle I'rco to cominco ;uu o the merit of (hid (treat icincdy. Price 23o. and M. AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Husic M. ItUS, Lewiec, A J. Duty, Maniscr. TWO Wl.l.lv, CMMMUM IM, Honclay, November 4. Stack Co, Huntley-Harris In a llepriloiie nf I pdo.p.ite 1'Ijj.. Open mi Midi J Ills Sicnli I'loduetlori o An Innocent Sinner t nifi VMiimixr vcr. i I at lojil ot Spul.il sum, l'i . ' - - ID, "0 and I'll n'liH. JlitliieevIO ai.il -JO i nits STAR THEATRE AI.P, G UKHlllSftTOS, Minitrr. r'lir.fji, friday unit Mtuid y, .Vn. rth, Dili and 'it'. THANS.ATLANTIC BURLESQUERS 'JIid UL' IIcjuij fchw. GRAND CONCERT. Mme. Lillian Nordica Tne WVtld's Crjatct Count Mnjcr. ill!, OM.i: HMMONS, PUimt. Iii (onnt't'tloii ultU the fourteenth concert of Tho berauton Symphony Orchestra, Theodoit- Weinberger, Con ductor, at tiie New Armory, Scfa,ito,i, Pa, Thursday Evening, Nov. l'l, 1001. planum op.iK j i. I'.mull't Mu if Mule Tliuiv daj. Sol. Till- l'l" " THE people have promptly recognized that this great business is conducted broadly in their interest, nnd so phenomenally successful has its every movement been that people everywhere have come lo regard "The Big Store" as their favorite trading place. OUR GREAT FRIDAY AFTERNOON SALES Are one of our useful methods of supplying people with worthy goods at little prices. Here is this week's bar- nrainQ D...w. Sale No. 1 Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock. Those who value time as money .fill bo here at two o'clock nharp thin Fri day afternoon when our ffrent base ment Hloro sale liewlns nntl those who will appreciate oxtiaortllnary imrsalns will have the opportunity of u life time to buy housekeeping kooJh lor Utile jirlecs; this tcllB ot them. Head every urtlclo carefully. Table Tumblers: Imitation till; regular worth lc. each, hale jirlee, each 2c Kitchen Tea Ppoons: Look llko silver. On Friday u set of bix rj n for W 10c ..a9c Hrcad and Butcher Knifes: "Well made, with kooiI steel blatles; valuu T, cent.t and 1'J cents each, bale price Oitlcanb.eil Ash Pans: 'With bale handle and side handle; hall' bushel size. Price Clother. "SVrinBers: A 1 quality, vith white rubber rollers; vul-QQ, canlzed on the shaft, regular worth 1.50. Sale price "OW Table Knifes and Forks: Willi imitation earabolu handles; AHf value 73c. set. Sale piice, (J knifes and forks for Tv C Tea Saucers: One special lot slightly imperfect, bale price, f eaclt ' Orey Enameled Steel Tea. Kettles: 5-quart size, value toe. FrI- PQ (lay, -ltfc, S-quart size Jlr Grey ibiamelod Steel Dinner Jucket.s: Oblong shape; regular Sftn worth 51.00. Sale price OVC Grey Steel F.namcled Pieserving Kettles: One and one-half ql. size. Price each 14c Sale No. 2 Begins Promptly at 3 O'clock. so many uses that they should yard Merit Method Price Saving these In brief, have been the means of bring ing hundreds of dress goods buyers 1o this store, and if you will take advan tage of Friday's offering you will cer tainly agree with others in saying that Jon.m Long's Sons is tho best dress goods store in town. Hero is the bar gain TOO yards of Heavy Tweeds, 80 inches wide, especially suitable for making -walking skirts they come In plain tolors and stripes also a special lot of all-wool Scotch Suitings ,1 inches wide in checks, plaids and plain colors regular width is y.", cents a yard at this hour today buy them OOn a yard , ''' Great Combination Sale of Percales, Outing Flannels and Ginghams the quickest, easiest way for thrifty house wives to make a money-saving Invest ment is to come here this Friday after noon and take advantage of this offer Inn tlio goods offered are suitable for he of interest to all. Price aerj. Ladies Outing Flannel Skirts and fhildrens' Outing Flannel Dresses there is a present need of these garments and every woman can't spare the time to make them and even If yon could you couldn't nu.iku them for as little cost as you can buy them for hero today the skirls are trimmed with rullle. The childreiis' dresses have tiiinined yokes come in sizes one to l years choose any at this hour ou faccond tloor, OAr for, each 6,t' Ladies' Flannelette "Wrappers here is somu and well-made 'Wrappers. They an excellent olferlng of hand have deep llounee skirt, and waists are finished witli shoulder caps a regular $1.00 wrapper Oo tids hour ::00 of them on sale, on second lloor, for eaclt m jt Sale of Shoes this is a sale wln-ie you can buy dependable shoes for the lowest prices ever known in Seranton the qualities .ire the best, the styles' he newest, the price savings moht cxiraoroiuary. women a uuunii aim $1.16 Khl Shoes, tegular Sl.M to .$1.7." values fur t lace stylo a pair "Womans' llutton and Lace Style Dougol.t Kid Shoes, patent CI JO and kid tips, llexlble soles, regular 51.0S Millies, price a, pair.. f Buys' and Girls' Solid Kid Skin. Calf Skin and Hox Calf Shoes with solid oak tanned leather. Shoes, ltcgular $l.-& shoes. This hour pjc LACKS One of the reatesL bar gains in Laces ever oifereil to the public, Friday afternoon at .'! o'clock Point de Paris Luces with Inser tion to match, widths from 3 to q i) inches. For one hour only.. ' lUBHONri lis. - "-hi. t-"-1 uual ity, all silk and satin gro-Rraln Itlb luiiire. :md 21..'. in. All silk striped Taffeta and plain Taffeta Jtlbbons I for In all colors, worth 13c. to 25c. q Friday lor one hour only vk SOAP Kirk's Ho&o Heuuty Gly cerine! Soap, 7 oz. bar, regular price, 10c. Friday for one c hour ol" VIOLKT TALCUM POVYDKP. Indispensable for Infants and tor us-u after shaving: regular size tin can alwavs sold for 5c, each. Fri day for om hour only. - noxes b Sale No. 3 S.VL13 OF C'o.MFOUTAIILF.S-lIverv housekeeper prefers Sllkolllie CnmfoiiS to most any other kind. They look nicer und are more tlull'y and not so un handy to handle. Those wo olft r Fri day are covered with fancy llgured Silknliue ou one side and plain color on tint other. Tim lilting is pine, clean, white (.otlon, Regular worth is on. $i.:'.-, each. Friday, each "' HOYS SUITS--Ono hundred parcntri inn buy the best made mils cur of fered for anything llko today's b.ugaln price wisli there wore u couple hun dred more Sail In the offering, wo could sell tlieni all. so be on hand to get llrst pick. Tin-' are made of all-wool cheviot, neat plaids and checks; mo doiible-lire.islcil style, well lined throughout; the pants lmvu taped seams and suspender buttons; nlsso 7 to l.-. years; price a suit this ct aq 1. .,,... r.n cunml III, I"' 4IVX i, 1,1,1 "I, -..-"." (See Window Display.) 4M U OF ItoCKKHS Tills is an olferlng of Conthieiiia style lUnlurs, with toll saddle seal, closely insei -i.. pp. ' ; ;n. "'" ' .40 laiied .'run A woiiuiTiiuu (.' e.., v...... Begins Promptly nt 4 O'clock. lianel and shapi tFiinilturo Stoic -I''ourth Floor.; lVinni-Iliin Is ill) IlllVlillg of OlIIUIKll AVi Sale of Wall Paper-neio is ,u '""',,'""."" '",. ,.,, ., umill h Ze 12X1. ll'l'l. Ill'' IMIn'l'H "'"I" ir.-.-i I UJU" "I cue iittt. . '.,l..,.,,nn" ' .... iimJ .aner. and hi y.ilds of liorder lo mulch. Tll.io lie iiia'i.y patterns to ilioo-i' liom, and the cost to maUe a inmii took ires'h, new and clean Is only 59c Wall Papers on Third Floor. Sile of farpets--Now, .Mrs. Houi-ekcepei, lis up llmi room .if yoius that needs a now carpet. Today's iipportunliy may never be repeated, lleio t Vh- ro' Just sixty mluutceii this l.'rliluv wo will sell on .tho ct(, third lloor, all wool Hmi'ii tfuper Insr.ilu Carpets for, u yard J1- iinn'a wveiiiii'' Shirts Tills Is an offering of ;i(nl Itluck and AMute but U. Striped Shirts utth double fronts it ud price. Today buy them for, each,... come in cxcclleni pit ileum and coloring Alen'a OutliiB Flannel Night Shirts, large, loomy garments; well made . it.-, lit .ivioilliinl ii-i Hoi iiu -itiil i . ill ni lin All Kfv.lS. j thiuiighout I'llce em ll &iv is their usual inn made 42c Advertisers of Facts Only. Jonas Long's Sons I i 13 t ,) s"