JdW; " 7 ., t . . i '' ',7!r-v.vVI.iP i i- "c TrfeKWTTTOfTG I I II I I Uliil HWIMM I BHiBHHBBI V ?FM--..Yf;s'"'!J?-.t.w. W ?-TTJs'SsV w -T -" 7T VWgrq "3 .'TJp- - ? ,n; J ',BWL. f'Wpl s i I 1 I :j . I THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- lHIDAV, NOVEMBER 8, 1901. t(Sc Scranfon $ri8u.u t lihtlilitd Hilly, t:cept Sunday. Iiy ThTrlb. ic I'ubliihinv Company, t Fitly Ccnli .1 Sloutii. tine J.tVV R nirilAttl), IMItor. U. i nVMIKi:, Hiuliim Mwigtr. Now York Office: JuO N.n..iti SI. S. 8. Vltl'.nt.ANI), Sote Aijcnt tor t'oielgn AdMiH-in Lntctnl at tins tVxtoffi&t tt Rrrinton, Vt , t Bceond Chi Mail Matter. When ip.ue will permit, The Ttlliitni l alw.iri RUd !o print short letter from It IrlcnelA bear lnjr on curicnt topic, but It tide l tlut tlia mut be sinned, tor piihllcilloii. by tho writer' rral name! ntiil tbe condition precedent l nt" 'fptance l tti.it all contributions shall be subject to cilltorl.il rciMnn. Tin: it.at itATt: roil Ativmrristxa. The follovinjr table fbnwa ths pi Ice per tncli tach liuwrlloti, space to be 11,31! within ono year! full l'oltlan ..10 .21 .1" .l. .19 DISPLAY. I.M1 tharreoolnchcs ww Iniiicj... Jfmo " ... JOCll) ' ... "000 " ... for mills of flmnt. rMntiirln,i. .,) ondnlcnri' anil sllllll.11' cmilrtlillttnna In flm .,-lnln ftf B'l erllsltig lbe Tribune makes a charge of fl ccnti line. Hate? fur Chuslflcd Ailveill.inc; furnished on application. SCIUXTO.V, XOVKMI.KI. S. Hull. There Is ceitaluly nn element of tlio ili-nmntli: In the turn of ttfi.tlrs whluh nipsirenlly Rives t'onti-nlli'i' .Touch a tiltirallty of ! voto.. Coniliiir 11s the unexpected, It Is doubly Kt-atlfyins to know tlmt this SDlundlil ollclul, clean cut Ilcpubllcati ami mlrnlrulilp Kontli' 111.111 may lmvp three yi-iiM tunic In .serve The snlniit fight ho made 1111-di-r- adverse elietinistancps would rcn der hia victory iiotahle oven though Its tnnigln should he the elosefU on local i"cnrc1. How Long? ONi: OF TI1K most clirctKe arguments brought by labor leaders iigalnsl trusts Is that they are liable to enforcn their sunieinacy by tyrannieal mutli oils, such, for example, as crushing out miiiiII eoinpelltors or demanding of transportation companies preferential lutes by means of secret rebates. It has also been claimed that trusts re I'tricl the liberty of the retail dealer by making war upon him If lie dares to handle goods not bearing Ihe trust label. is tliere nut danger of labor unions using mill justifying, when used by themselves, the weapons which, when used by others, they have bitterly con demned'.' To make our meaning clear, let us cite an instance. In a certain city not a tliousaud miles from Scianton, two merchants leased store looms in u newly con structed building well situated for their pin pose. They did not learn, un til after they had signed leases and spent much money in litting up their stores, that the owner of the building had had trouble Willi the. labor unions. The. lii st knowledge they had of the matter was through notice from a labor union that they had been boy cottPil for moving into a non-union building. Their trade is mainly with working people. They have always been on friendly terms with Ihe labor unions. 3Iany a time, during strikes, tliey have extended liberal credit to strik ers, borne times at a considerable loss. This apparently counted for nothing in the present case. The boycott was de 1 Idccl upon in star chamber fashion nnd clapped on before its victims had had any opportunity of defense. It was an illustration of tyranny as bold nd unadorned as was over credited against the most domineering trust, and wo arc sorry to say that It Is not an exceptional case. How long will American manhood Dl.ind for such practices'.' l'or unee Lackawanna count t-ympathize with Tammany. Li Hung Chang. L HUNG CHANG was a typi cal Asiatic. Vcw careers have been more instructive to the student of Oriental jiolltlcs than that of the stntor-nuin, soldier and courtier who has passed away amid the wreck and partial ruin of the kingdom who.-e destiny he has during the past (ll'ly years so largely Influenced In its relation with the western world, M Huns Cluing was as enigmatical to Occidental concep tions as this philosophic: Ideals of his countrymen are esoteric to our per ceptions, lie knew vastly mote about us than we knew about him or tho motives which dlieeted his actions, nu.l he was as conscious of our Ignorance as wo wero unconscious of the ulterior aim of his policy and tortuous diplom acy. He could not contiol the trend of events from the west as It surged on with a tidal Impact on tho shores of the Middle Kingdom, but ho did what It wai possible fop him to do to hold bad; the inundation by conces--Ioub and placatlons whoto tho morn dei)filtif Kuroiieau or American do-mands--voutd have proved fruitless or wotfse. 'Jfu was a great statesman In Thociiso In which ho and his more conservative countrymen understood stafesimuinhlp, but his life and works were tin alien to our notions of political progress and expediency as Oriental obr-curanlism and reaction could be. A great deal of liiRenully litis been txpemled in reconciling la's position (vlth a desire to open up China to ostein civilization. There is II tt In room to doubt that lie fully understood if hjj did not appieelalo the valito and tmoriylntf pilnulplos of modern thought and progress. ul wits intl muftly associated with the represen tatives of European governments and oui'Sown for half a century, Uu hud tnnjjL'leil around tlio world, professedly not us a tourist or diplomatic- agent, but aa a student whoso mind was open to jlm Impressions and Influences of tlio;wi:?ti who was prepared to im lu'nfp the opportunities which tho cessation of hosllllttci between his country nml Japan brought about, to begin u new era in tho history of his country, Ho even went so far as to nrofcsj sympathy with such a design. H Is exceedingly unlikely, however, that lie ever sympathized with u pros pective revolution so tremendous in its potentiality, while it is certain that ho did all he could after' his return trom .Itussla to frustrate it. In tills course "Itiin rif lsnUnir mi JPapcr Hemline .21 " .2,1 .21) .2! .10 .175 .IM .17 .ir. I .id? he was poplbh' nholted If tint Ultrcd tm by Itiissln, which hiiw as 1.1 him self dlsicined that the legenenilion of China lay In two direction;', as far It wti po..lblu In regoneiati) It within 11 hlstorlc.il period the predominance of ltiiMPln In tlio coiitmorclnt expansion of the oi;l!lliil empire and Its Ititeg Wl.Vi or (he piodomlnance of the oth er ICtiiopoau countries and lli Vnlted Ulateo with their nominal spheies of liiHuetii'ij but with t'lilnu's actual po litical disintegration. Til I lung Chatm hud no seruples. Ills patriotism was such in It Is Impossible for us to suipply with motives much Ii'ph seriously to nltcmpt to analyze, Such ni It was IN psychological ImsH was Identlt-at wlili thai of the Innum erable hordes of lltetall thai somehow hold loyal her Hi" Imperial unity of a hotel ogencmi" and unwieldy elliptic neither mote enlightened nor more tin .elfish. I.I Hung f'hang Used his Immense and autocratic powei with nil the uttli- le-s savagery of the Tartar barbarian, lie knew no mercy anil practiced none. He was as Indlffercnl to human life and suffering as lCughls Khan, where Ills means subserved the eansf which he had In hand, lie had something of the constructive genius of true statesmanship, but hli opportunities In exeiclse It were clicuinsci Ibed by the pecullniltles of a couit which no sooner elevated him to the pinnacle of power than It degraded him next day. until the advent of another crisis made his cruelty, ci.itt, and experience In (lispenvable, it would he unfair In .bulge I.I by modern or western standards. Human naliiie moves slowly and more slowly in t'lilna than elsewhere. As a -Chinaman IA Hung Cluing was not in ad vance of his age. Hut 1,,, seem" to have kept step with it. Mr. Croker's reception of the news is worthy of .consideration by the Pennsylvania Kmior.l.-ts. He frankly admits that Tammany's defeat was due to a lack of vote". Why Not? A3 MONG the many messages nf congratulation received by Mayor-elect Low was out: fiom Secretary of 'War Hoot cxpiessiug his satisfaction at the vic tory gained for the principle of Jude- I'emiuji;; municipal pontics. "1 coml ilently believe." he added, "that you will give the city an administration which will make lis people unwilling 1 vcr again to saerillco the interests of good home government for the pre tended benefit of a national party or ganization." It is singular that one usually so clear-headed as nihil I5out should in dulge in day dteams on this subject. The endeavor to separate municipal from state and national politics, to make fish of one and llesh of the other, has been tiled for 11 great many years in a gieat many places, under all kinds of promises of success, and it lias in vaiiably failed. Iiy this we mean tlmt there has not been power enough among Its suppoiters to keep munici pal politics and other politics apart. Mr. Low's administration will doubt less begin as a non-partisan experi ment, but inevitably it will take on a partisan character, not peihaps from intention, but in obedience to human nalui e. Men who do things have to be p.ntl sans; have to bo for or against each other, which is tlio basis of partisan ship. And so long as party organiza tions aic maintained in state and na tional affairs, those interested in them will uso them in municipal affairs In preference to going to the trouble and expense of keeping up separate politi cal establishments. It is undoubtedly tine that In city affairs party Hues are not as stltf as in federal alfairs. liul generally speaking, the parly align ments correspond, and we can see no reason why 11 party tit to administer the government ol a state or a nation should not be equally competent to ad minister the government of a city 11 is for the sultan to decide whether the seizure of Mltylene was an act of war or nn oiiglna! feu line of the collec tion nsreney Idea, The trouble with Dr. Swallow ap pears to have been his failure to make the "ictrograde" movement at the proper I hue. Lackawanna county s-ceni-. to be aboul tin- only locality left for Mr. Dry .111 to tonifrntulate. Arguments in the Schley i-a:-e chow that the counsel havi- in t c-haugcil their minds. It Is better in suffer deli-nl 'off" than an "on" year, In an THE YOUNG MAN'S ERA. from thu Xtw Yoik Mm. 'Ihe iriunij-'i nf WIII1.111 Ti.i"i, ,li'i..iue 011 TuosiIjv ailei .111 t'lirilniirrilng r.ii.ia.s of ,s (duc (ill originality so leniukalilo th.it it .ittr.uteil In him the .ilttntlnii nl tin' r.hoh; l iiii.n, makes till?) nuns nun .1 tuii'iirot politlul ligiue. lulluii all). If he keep, hi? head, il Id- Wilnt.v due, lint c.imsc it tn anrll, If oidl-ioiistiuu.in' 1I01? nit 1 1 plain the poui.iiieuiiie.? which w.u m. gli'.tl 11 ih.iiiu In ills lite r.im.l--, In- i., llkil) lu li.ii e 11 U'iy lniioiliiil political liituic. .hiitlio .Iiihiiic'k eli'.tton to Im dUlihl ,uoi my v,H dui tn the llt'piibllt jih of -New Volk. 'tlieir lo).ilt) tn the fu.ioii llikcl, on will, li hi: I.111, gie him .it le.isl thit'Clouith? nf the otcs lie tcrchrds )ct ho is .1 IK'nmuat and u pomg ci 11 ,n a llnio when tlut p.uly I? i i-nrely in need of .1 popular Hgme who l iepic?i'iitiiltie n( liilng ide.i mill not meudy a mouldy pan, i call him a )uuug nun, thnu;l Im N fmiy-iwu yean nf ugn and l cnl) one )eai jounjer tluu I'li'.ldint llooscvrll, (Jieat political irdlillltlii, Uu'iefuie, nu) be in ntniei ior dualie .lerome, but bet nui ot llin amldiii piiiuliicnci) he has leachtd the te.l ho will now have to ciiduiu will be all lbe seii'trr, llJs he Dididlty nt abilities imil nf 1 luiac'.i'r whleli will bear the chain that will thui be put 011 I1I111. 1. Im nuly n lliilidlslit or will Mcidy lllniiilti.it juii come liom hiii.' li he ioui)(i'iit lo till a liiycr pirt than in 4 lord political di.imi' Ihe teat will be applied to him ahaiph m ihe ofiiio o( dhttlct Jllnrncy uf the (mm!)- nf ,ow Vol!.. 'Ilirie. ho must t'Nhlhli abilities nt 11 .iy dlllcient uidcr finm tl.o-e v.ilili tapiiratcd tlio publii, liotli iolltK.il friends and political ci.e 11111"), lu lb" I1I0 c.iuva.i; and the (et will b loth hi. umral and lib, InlcllutiMl .-'un;in. if Im ttaiidt V, b the ktulf that oe4 lu tlio mi'.'u.' of a nun uf ical liiiioitaiu.e is in him, h jn eotitciiildJtiiil 01 hhii-elf duci lint (iUli.it 1 h! at tention fiom toe iu'tt',i.tt) of Jiisllfylin; at deed, the prriciit (npular mllniaic of him found hum Ids talk, W'illlai.l Tuu'L Jriume, nf New oik, may bctome 1 ilgure uf luge piupoitioii. in the calcuUlluiis of pnHliviaiM befoic Ids teiiu cl office is over, liut Hut will not happen iinlivs, disabling all eltorts U icuc as tucli .1 tbauchr, he rains a title to continued prominence by win ning it by icitoi. ot I1I1 con-pkuoiis doert. Something flboOf . MayoreIecf Low Mum: iit w i'ii ji'ita m,u, ai i saiiiei idr et (imminent rilucilm in tlio c't.v r,f w.iAbinninit, I'licn tin! niiotlo'a t ti,t (lmi.il UMitriMl w.ii under ill ni-Moii, n wratMii nun Midi "If t cilnmbl.i imhcidly cur uuaikriii In lf4 tnn (million ninl power, nnd 1I..1 ell.v nf New Vnik lw IM dils pride in that v Mlimlon liirul to in'iilneniinjU' ,uid piiicllctl npprcil.itlon, tlirie 1,1 ill be iu need of planning fnr .1 tmlloiiil m.lvtli.: il will be Ciiluinbli." Hut to lift IVdmnbl.i culleac to tbe plane of 0 (Hit! imlveially, tn iiilcl,.i nnd rnUiara Hi life, to in.il.i. that lite ill .ill eqtnl to Ila (ici.l;ll. tli, to iniil tin- iolle,'i' Midi ntoiij thli eui.'cr i'f RiiMt iM'fiilncn and irnowti, tliti weie a lil; ratlins for tlio rrii.e of I lie crv tilcbel ml inhiMiiiilic iiuilltlri, Appiatcd li'idneKi methods wrte ilemiiu'eil, TIiph chninr tilMIrM mini In! Iinltiil In fine lti.114 li iKcei wns tn einwu tli elloil: m liul iily (iiiirii.illuii ef cdiiritloa.il liccdi anil iiiiiur(t4 rninbliinl 1lll1 l.no Imiliv.. i nblllly, tlionslitfnl Fomldu.illnii of (lie lljlits nnd wi'lfnc uf otlioin, .1 lmna bold njion lbs rntifldtncr of bl iu-ik l.itn mil of lb cuniliiiinlty nt litffi', ncciiiali- nbicn.it Ion, ound jticlginctil, l.ut. lejiillj, sroed l.illli, p.itiptiro -the bet tjll.illlloi of lejdrreldp. - o--Miib rliiKiiLir tiiMiiinilly, .!! .biine II. Cm llebl, In I he rtcWmv nf llevlrws (lie uliulco fill lui Si lb Low. lie .u Juvt III jean of uge, ;n tbe Mry pi line of M life, Ho W.H KUdiMlot nt tbe lir.nl nf ,H clasi In lyTD. A llttto mole tlnn tin .D.ir liter Iih nblllty, b manlliiei. l.li absoluli' lnilciriidrnce, lil-i tion? cns of cblo ilntj ami bis fo.ill(-MH"l bnl n coinintnded liiin tn lit fellow cillnn in (lionl.lyn Hut bo ivai ihnn-11 mijor liinlcr lbe new ilniler of tli.il city. Ill-) udiiiinlMlillin!i toirttlluti'il 1111 rpoiti ill tbe bltniy nf 111t111l1ip.il giiiMiiiiient. .Men who walclied I11-1 career ma.t Uusrly during I two: fom Jiaii .iv the nunc tn (ii.iIm" .aid Ihe lea't In Id inn'. Adeii' iiitiii-m win laic and 1011-1 niSly diiieadnir; niprctl.itiim gicw Into warm .ip pioval. Win ti ln luiiiril aside limn tbl t.l!c HrooMin wh nnc of tbe lie-.1 emctlii'd rltle in (lie I'nb'H and euiy IliooLl.Miili; m (nmil of Low. 0 lie li'.'-il.iti'il lone and lniculy abuiit acieptiiiR tlio pruidcncy of Cnlninbln, Ho iiuile 1.11 (ireti'ii slons to IilIiis- an eilm.ilor in the lpilinlr.il or piol'c-'lon.d ."-enfc; the tal. wa 11 icicle one, the Iiinlcii3 moio iciy Rieal, lb" ncic-sary harrlflces wciu miii-it.1l. To fell the old bnlldingx ami site at a kodiI nice. tn pmch.m; aihniitjacnusly the I nn) foi another campii. to ilcteniilnu in nil it.i iktaiU the occupancy 01 (his new ground, to (dan liiiildiiiR-i and dilip (.ciHtiutllon thluiisb to a flnhli, tn transfer .ill dep.iiliucnts with no tcrioiu bie.il; in theli woih, to Mn.tcsfully tefund nil outstaiidlni; indi'litedne.", to punidij for l.ugcly imiei-cd ecndiliiie5, io exiand the entile nil' llinliun and to thoionjrhly oik.iiiI tbe entile ciluc.'itloiiil 111 11 inner,', tn accoiniilMi tbe affllli tion of tbu bilhriln iiiileprndoit colIeKC, and in ten jeais to lie able tn lene .ill this to ie.ioiubly complete that li- leadiiifr f-jili it of il all liny witbdi.iw ulihout a jolt or a jar being felt in any put of the midline anil uillt no npp.iient levelling of eitlur pomr or speed all thu is Miuly a iiotcuuithy aclili-wnicnt. II li. pinli.ibl.i, without a parallel hi the hh-Uuy of education it iiiititiillon.s 11 i .1 iny ,,,(c nilnilnKti.itor who cm m detiiuiiiiL' ami illicit tlio lel.itloiu mid ioil. nf uthois that hi own pl.uc ami aluc aie siaucly iceofiniid, and tint he tan letho with out euii-inj what Mall .tii'et would tall a c-lunip in tho local miikrt. It l1- fjr e.ifder and far moio lomiiinu tn hccuic a rt iut::tiuii for brilliancy by Keeping oue'.s sell ti-tentatlon5ly In fight, by in lillg Uiiiii t oii'-t.itit (iciMjual iuttiatire, but thii is nut cjigjuir.itlou. In Ibi-. ohcaily sie.it uiiheiily Mr. Low has proicil biui-elf an oigau icr. .111 admiui-ti.ttor, or lemaikably high and Ktioug character ami qu.ilhic-. 0 I'nr moie III. in twenty e.i Mr, Low h.n stood Mpini'ly and ir-Stcntly, and unielllslily Jiid teal le.--ly, tm' tbu thorny nf liiblm) (iiiuciples nnd nut iiatti-.m tnethoiU in luuuutpal nftaii1). lie hi be 1 11 it.-, nio'.L tniiMiicuous adiocate, he has been it nry ineainaliou, and for four jears hi' put all llii-, into piaetico ill a icnuiLlbly sue ce ful miiinii. It I-. M.utrly loo nnitli to assort lint tlu public afliiid of lliuoKlui Haougli bis maioialty liicjin" a tbnugh his pliiate bu-ines, tnid a i.u a poible Mere adtuiniAtcrcd upon picdrcly the fime li.i-i i and by lbe tame mtlbuda as would )liiect Ids conduct of pili.ite iitfair-i. lb' tried to mo iimncy fnr Hie people pieie)y as Ins would have Irleil tn inahi' money fur him self, lie mdoaioiid to nemo tho laiget pnj.-ilile letuins I10111 the le-nuices at hand, jn-t as he wmild bail' l.ibo.ed foi like icmiIis 101 a firm in ".ldth he wai a pirtntr. He regiided t c.es pibl by cltbeiw as a l, litiite Invcsliueut fnr a di'llnllc puipn-e, anel lie w.i a eagei to iodide upon this iiivc-tmciit .H tboiiuh it h.i'l been undo by nr foi a inipoiaiinu of which be w is a tluettor ur the HH-iiiint. He made cii..i.icter and ifft ) iency Hie Mile t"-t. lor appoiutuieiil tn public sen ice unit the soli n-.-uianu nt conlluucil ten me. He cinieil numieip.il admmlli.t(iou tn Ihe blgl.e-t pnint ).f eiiuieiuy cur ii'-iehul in litis louutiy. And in all be uninfected tho eluiacte.--ii-liert which gaic him .-utcess ..t folumbli, and which mule liiui tnii-piciiiiis ill the cducationil WO' 111. lioiu in llioul.hu, Jjii. 1?, ISM. sun nt Ablel Abtinl l.nw, a liuttd lucichaut. In: ieieiii.il hli piliuaiy educitiuu nt the Ilrooklja Polytechnic liistltuti', ia.idit.ited from Columbia in lsTf). He tinned fiom the law .-ehool to enter Ids fathers tea impuiling Imu-e, hemming In t" a member of tbe lit 111. After r-ening his teini .11 mayur of liionkljn. In which be had been iho-cn in lt-t, ho was u-flectii In lss.;. He was iiuiuinited for major of ,iw VmW In liiT hi tbe CltlenV pnty, but u.i- lUfealed. A STATEMENT In Behalf of the William McKinley National Memorial Aicli Associa tion of Washington, D. C. l'ri'sldent MtKiuIt.t's Mcinoty l rti-In Ii.ol in the lit ait? nf hi? coiiiiti.Miiin. Hut their mii'viui ded atlcctlnu demuuls e .lUi.-.-iui: 111 a uuteuil mimoii.il, il itlon.it in thaiailu. In be 1T11I11I at the uitIoli.ll tapltil, the Mcue of his gieatcit libuli. mill .libicMimiits. The Wllll.uu Mc Kinky National Muninl.il Aich a-niutlnu I1.1, heen ill inrpnialiil miller Ihe law? nf the lll.tiltt of Cn IiililbU to iiiiet this tlcsiie by the euctinii nf .1 nation d inuniuri.il uiib in honor ot l'lriddi'iit )lc Kltilcy in tho city uf Wa-lilntmn, In n.itional hiiii1.ii' i-nli-i rlptluii. The t.tlltei.s jic: lleiuy It. I". JLufatlind. pics! ill l:L of the lla.ml ul I. oliinili-luui'l.s ut the ill? tibt 01 Culumbia, .U'?tikiii; Ljimii .1. l.'agi', k.'c litaiy of the Ui.i.niy nf the Lnllid Male-1, ticas. uieri Thouia? I", Wiil.h, of l'nlora)o, sjcictar.v j .National In: I'li.-lil.'im-: I hlel .llbllic Mi'U illo V. 1'iilKr. Adnifi.il ilior.;e Dewey, ticnei.il Xchon A, Jlllt"), t'aliliiui tilbbi.ns llfho(i lli'iuy C. I 'nt I or, lll.liuii lalw.int it. AndiewD, ltablii K. (,'. Illii-th, Pi. I'r.111 ns K. I'lail., i'icidinl uf the t'nlti'd Nil li Hi, uf 1 In i.l Ian Cudeitoi ; .Mi? Helm .Miller liuuld, Mif. 1 luilm , r.ilibank-, piel ilint.gciie.ial, lliugh.iis uf tho Auieilcim lleiulu tluili Mis. Plinebn A, He.n-t, of ( illlotnlli Walter S, 1.(11)111, iiesit'iit.gi'iiri.i,,h,ius ut the AnpiitJii lleiulmlnii; .I11I111 l.re Canull, (uuldi nt-gtucial, hulls ci tlio Ileioliitioiij i:il 'loiience, cniuiuat.dcr llithltl, hi nml iniv ul the Itcpublli ; '.lohii II, ttuidnu, Older nt the Lcjal Legion; .1. I'.dwln lliuw-ii, nation il luuuuimlir, t'nloti Vitciau Lo gioni lliilhit M. (,. piienlnrtb, eoiiim.ndvr-hi-thiol, fiilon Wiiuiii?' I mull ; 11. II. 1 aiuphcll, I'linuuunilei-in-thlc'f, .Niiis t( Vclerans nf iiicrltaj W. II. Ilubbell, cnimuanilci -liii blot, , ..nh War Vciciaui' .'i.sutiitluni Pii'.-ld.nt I, liut, ci IIji anl unhei.liyi Prcblcut IMIuu, ill I'lliiieion imlvi'ifll) i I'lishlcnl lliqitr, w the I'niuulty ot ( hli.i.u; I'H'-ldi'iit .loiiloii, of st.infuid 1111 1 t-rs-il; ; Ib-cliir roiidy, of ih I atbnlio I'nluisiiy of Aniciha. i:ctnlio I uiiimitiec( luiU'i L Hill, John .toy IMrbii, .I0I111 i. l'olei, XeUoti A. Miles, tltoigc Pewey, lliniy V. Ilo)nlon, 'llieodme W. n.ir-. Ileilali Wilkin?, W. h. llutiliiiK, -Mitchell Ihicnioilh, llr. William T. Ilairl., Ilcv. Dr. T. I)eii Talnuge, I hailc? U fib)er, !-.nmiel fiom pii., .loh'i H", l'ougj',s, C. Soniluiil Paiktr, and ll.i' picsbl'nt, fcetii'taiy ami uej.uun cn-o((co. I'le.ident Iliio-cvtlr fu aiccpteil lionouiy ineiu bci.tdp in the .isMiii4tli.il. It is ,io)Hi4c.l In plan lne niemoilal aitb uc fei.iblv at llin Wellington appio.u It In the .Meiun. 1I1I llihl'.e .llln? the Potoiu ic coiinrttlng W'a.h liiilon wli Aillngiou, wlilcb I'le.ldenl MeKluIe) cainistly ilenhcd and itcumi.icuilcd to iuir,'lcst ut "a iiinnuuienl tu uiiiiiaii patilotlsin," ( uiitiiluituu ti mo in, id will do nude member, nl the nullum JttKlnlry Mciuoilil Audi .i0ocla Hon. 'lbe ni'js'.uor, Hun. Lyman .J. lltgc, kecrc toiy if tbe hva.-iii.v ei 1I10. I'nllcil States, Wash ingtuu, II. C, will iccchc all rontilbutluiis and will torwaid ttitlluale? of lucmbci.hlp tn a. II lonttlbutuic. t ontrlbutlon? of innney may be baud))! la iotiiuttci, inouanein uf trlt'tjiaph, tt'lipboue and cpievs nfticcs. or dt'ioitei with l))nt? ut o'lier financial in?tiliitiou, and nens I'ipetit. They ore hereby authorised nnd lcqnel til to recjlie and tran.nilt wntrl but loin to th treiMimh The nuodatloii leailllv Inillci nnd toiiftdently cxpeoln the ro-npeMtlon of tlio jjovif I.6H nl ' fbilei mid icrilloiles the lnijon id ittlc, ii'iil ell (mbllc iifileMi,,, ( (iC ,,M D (i conn Iiy, 't the ihiucbei, rullcaei anil nhoob, nnd ef nil oiirniilred frxlelfei, nml icqueit'l tint thty will Inl.e liiiiiitdlati' ncllon In moniole lt.t !)') Jee by innKliiR- nnd Deeitilnu MiWcilpllom. Alt lOnilinmliJllotii rriept lemlttitKes chntdd In; ed i!res.cil 1.1 Tliomii, f. WaJsb a-clelnry, WuIiIub Ion, 0. i', lbe ai(l,il(on u PtlC .,npiitliv with tlio propoillloii tn rir,( a miigi.to menioilal tn tlio Uto iieIdrnt nt hl H,JU. n Cmton, Ohio. TURKEY AND FRANCE. IMItor of rbc Tilliiint. 'Ir-lhe ,nl sewl.m of the HrilMi rablnet wa .1 long one, raid It N teported that It wat ililcfly oeciipleil with a rorider.iilon of tho attitude of frame toward Tutl.ey. The situation in the l'i.int i iiniuellonably giaie. It Is wllliln ll.e bniinih of piotubllity, or, at Ica-t, wllliln tbe llndti of potilliillty, that the action of the I'irnili tleel In i-clrlng cuitom portJ In the i.c laid of Jlltjlcne nnd on the AjIi Minor se i lioard may leail to tompllcitlonii whltli maj, eienttially bring about 11 fuiopruii war, In any illdiiiiutii embioglio In which Turkey i Imohid It 11 11 platitude among fitropeau publloil to eirii.ire lti.it It any glto rle tn n general cote Il.1a1.lt 1011. fiiqiie'llonibh' the 111.1te1l.1l1 me theic for Mch a touihuilhiu, 'I lie pioeeedliig of fiance any be the Fp.uk which needed tn set the tn Ihe t tinier. Viewing Hie matter fiom the terhnlele uilci or preieelents of international liw, It U barley pos sible (hat fiance Is Justified in eelzing cutanis poiH to indemnify her subject? for nn alleged bleach of tontrael between them and the midline I'oite. Tint l a rubject, bowcier, whleli hal li.nillv any direct bearing upon the iue a It now standi. If the (accepts of lutein ttional law ate only to be Miictinncd whete a weak nation li at Ihe nieuy of .1 powetful adieiiary, wboie clnUter ilestciH aie roueealeil In demands which no loun try IU eipial would for a moment admit, it ii.u ri'luelnntly tn be conirdtd lint the nonns of ititriiiitliiii.il law, as tliey hao been iiTngnl7ed and ilevcloped, are .1-1 h)potilllcat In appllcitlon as the) aie specious In theoiy. 0 There l no pity or )inp.il1ir fnr Tuike). uliat eier the iiiisfoituue, tntn wlilc.li she in.iv fall. Hut beneath all the eniotlnn.il op(irobrliuil that is be.ipeii upon Turkey and her gnieinment, tbeie liei the (ict tb.it neither (treat lSiltaln, f.'ei liiiny, Aintiia, Italy nor the Halkan prulnrc can peimit or affoid to penult franco or ttuvia to ctu-li tlie Tm Ic and absorb or dhide bN pa frlmnuy. It li all iery well to peak of driving the Tuilt out of 1'urope bag and baggage, but where to? Or what form of goiernment Is to be set up In his place when bo is gone? Ihigland'a interest In Tut key liai practically dwindled to maintaining Ihe Castein Jtedltcrran "an open. Teirllorhlly bhc haa little or no in ternet In Tuikey. leaiiug Kg)pt. for the moment, out of the cuetiou, beiond that of trade, and nf that she command! piobably eighty per cent. Xnt 40 German), fti'iimny ilesires to staml well with fiance, but she will not puicbaso her good will at the downfall of Tin key. If franco, a It is alleged, is 111 god 011 by Hussi.i to bring Tin key i her knees on u tmmpciy matter of a nill nf indemnification to a fain of cploilcis of tho wbaifage of the fto-phoni-), theie Is nothing 111010 ccilaiii linn that ficimiin' will tuck up Tutkey with her tleet, if she cm do nothing more, which ii all that (iennany lcqulios in an encounter with ltiK-ii ami fiance combined. That ii lbe situation, franco has ailed with her Usual impetuosity. She probably fteds' that the staml which (lie I'nitcd States tool; in pci ontploiily driniiiding an iiiibmnity for the Imin im.' of tin" propci ty of the American mission In Asia Minor justifies her picsont course. Hut our action afforded her no piceedent at all. We had no iilleiinr object In our demands, i:ery ih.in cellety in Huiupe knew il. Xo such t'oiillilem e is id.ueil in the frcucli dcsisiis upon Tuikiy, nor will they permit her tn pinccr.d tn the e.tr"iiiily of touching .1 hair nf Abdul 1 1. mm!'.- sieieil be ml. P. M. rii'cei. SciMiilon, Xui. T. r Always Busy I4- If Ua Thinm " Men's Working Shoes For Shop or Mill. FOR THIS WEEK: $1.25 QCr Grades, 7D, $1.50 and M C $1.75 Grades, 4I-Z3 In all sizes now. Get them now. We will not have them Ion;.. Lewis & Reilly lit 11)3 Wyoming Ae. Clothing for Boys Sturth Suits and Overcoats for J Soy.-, uf all age's the kind that wear, the kind that mother likes. Men's Hats Derby and J'edoras from the 1 ea ding manufacturers. A good hat for RJ. Electric Seal Jackets Our easy pa.nieut plan gives, every woman an .opportunity to secure a beautifulelec tric seal jack et. The prices are low and qualiu ex cellent. Fine Furs We are sell ing more lurs by far than ever before Scarfs, Col larettes, and Muffs. Conic and see them iiffiirwf! FINLEY S Fashion's Smart est Ideas in Silk Skirts In buying your Milk petticoat arc ynu competent to judge its wear ing quality, or would you bo wiser to trust to pome one upon whose experience nnd reliability you know you can depend. We have given our personal at tention to the selection of our sllic skirts, buying only tho-uo that in our judgment will give satisfactory j-ervico to the wearer. Our skirts arc made from the best quality of PLAIN TAFFETA and OLAC1 SILKS. Tliey come in tho now shades of Green, Navy, Old Hose, Lavender, Cadet and Ulauk, Prices rnnsc from $4.50 to $16.50 We would call special attention to two numbers in our lino of silk skirts that are of unusual value: $5,00 Taffeta Skirt yia.Hu from good quality of Taffeta Silk with accordeon plaited grad uated llounce. edged with narrow silk ruffle; come in all the now colors. .50 Hemstitched Skirt Made from line quality Taffeta Silk, with hemstitched flounce and two silk rullles: complete line of colors. See styles displayed In our window. 510512 Lackawanna Ave A Second-Class . City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. 'Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. AJNTICCITY JiOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel nd Annex Virginia Ate. and Beach, Atlantic City, N. J. Sixth )ear; 3,'iQ beautiful 1001119 cnsulte, bincrte and with hath; hot and cold sea-water baths in hotel and uiincc. Location select and cential, within few jarda of tho Steel Pier. Orchetu. Oftcra i-pecial spring laics, $12 to $15 by week; iZ.SO up by day. Special ratci to (amilk'i. Coachei meet ill trains. Wilte (or booklet. CIIARLKS V. COPn. HHsHIIHH9isHHsHsHHHHQsHsHEJsuBBsHIHslBB HVHQHiHEHHIIlH9sil9HHHHyiHHHKflBiHHES We Are Leaders 28 Stores in 28 Cities. Never doubt it for a moiimeiu because there i.Mi't a ves tige of a reason why u shouldn't be. Our j early volume of business i many, many times larger than that of any other Credit Clothing Concern in America- probably in the world. Tvent -eight stores, and every one a leader in its ciiy. We are leadens in price, quality, style and liberality. You'll never hear aiivoiie sav different. Tailor-made Suits, Skirts and Waists Come ami sec the cleverly man-tailored Suits we are sell ing at prices ranging from Sl() to $-"'. We can suit the inoat particular woman. Our showing of Skirts, Silk, Satin ami l-'lannel Waists can not be e.Ncelled in any storeand prices are low and our terms the most liberal, Shoes for Hen and Women. Pas a 307 Lackawanna Ave. Second Floor. Open lr.venings, SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY OHARAOTER PROVIPrl.Y AND SATISFACTORILY. BUILDING CONTRACTOR. fUt'ttii tush nnd dtitmi, time fronl, olflcti anil Mote fin Hi tm c, in I1.1t ti or mft Wood, and Job bing. ,'Kil X. V.ishn. me. b. SOMMAIt. FOf? SALE tltnnll'.S and rr.ONS of all !lnd-! abo lloiiM't nml liullilliig Lots at bargain.. HOltsllS CLIPPLll unit (lltOO-MLII nl M. T. KELLER Lackawauiu Cirrlago Wutks. EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR. BUILDER WOOAf ZC COAL CXOHANGC, SCHANTON. PA. J. B. VOOLSEY eg CO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealers tn Plate Glass and lumber OP ALU KINDS. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear SU Lackawanna aienue, manufacturer of Wire Screens o( all kindi; fully picparcd for the spring ecaton. c make all ktndj ot porch screens, etc. PETER STIPP. flcr.eral Contractor, Uullder and Dealer in Building Mono. Cementing ol ccllara a apo ilalty. Telephone 'J502. Office, S'J7 Washington avenue. SEOURITY BUILOINO A SAVINGS UNION Home office, 203-C09 Mcara Iluildlng, transacts general building and loan business tluoughout the ctatc of Pciuifjlvanla. Creating a Sensation This is what we are doing with our Furs, Jackets, Suits and Skirts. If you want fiuality, style and low price, trade with BRESCHEL, The Furrier, 124 Wyoming Avenue. Furs repaired and remodel ed now at reduced cost. HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Wyoming District for Dupont's Powder Mining, Blastinir, Sporting, SmoKcIcn and the. Itepauno Cbeinical C'onipanj'n HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Tuse, Cj(h nnd nxploders-. Kcotu 401 Con ucll HuilUln-; .Sciaatcn. ACiLNtlLS. TI10S, POnil l'ittton JOHN B. sJIUII fc SOX ..I'll mouth V. L". MULLIGAN .Wilkcs-B.irre DR. BARRETT, Dentist, 125 W'ioniins Aienue, Over (ilobe Warehouse. TEETH jAiiactcu ;jc C'll.iniil Mr J-ialcd TJc Crowned, (,'obl $ lip l.'rumicd, poitclalu up lliiilce, noil; S't up Filled with golil 7jo nn rillcil v.itb i)llfr ,VK Villeil with Bold Alloy ...T5u l-ull h'ci of Teeth y, up i:auilnatloii nml c-iluiaips fite. 1 1 lour teeili ale deem- inc. if V.11, nii-il :m altltirt.il set. .f 1.111 vi.. fcomc tielb uplaccd ulllinut a (ilate, if jou nli jour v.oilt 'lone p.iiiih?ly ami well by icdbiblt' graduates ot lonir fitili"icu at lliu eiy b-a-t co.t cuilsiMiht with tcuil, tilli-t .nil lat Dout.il Woih. call mi inc. li cm ill Hanleys Bakery. AP.O SPRUCE ST, SucccMor to HUNTINGTON Wo 'mala treclalty ot fine bread altitTj. Orders (or Salads, Oystcu, Ciofiuctlfj, etc., promptly filled. A full line ot Lee Cicam and Ices. IV. A. HARVEY. Llccltle. Wiring and fixtures. riectrlo Bell and Telephone Work. 309 Commonwealth building) THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK andTile Manufacturing Company Makers ol Paring tJilck, etc. M. It. Dale, Uei'cral Sales Agent, Olflce S20 Washington ave. Works at Nay Aug, Ta., K. & W. V. a 11. Kingsbury & Scranton, Manufacturers' Afccnti MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. District Agents for John A. Itocblliig's Sons Co.'s Wire Hops and electrical W'he. Uulta I'ercha and Itubbcr Mfg. Co.'s belting, Packing, lloso and Mechanical Itubber U001K Kndwllon Packing. Carter's Oil Clothlrg. ltoom 310 fault fildg. HnMMMHMMHBIMHH THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1872, - Depositary of the United States. Capital, $200,000 Surplus,$550,000 Special attention given to all ac counts whether large or small. Win. Connell. Henvy Belin, jr., President. Vice-President. William H. Peck, Cashier. Directors. William Connell, J. Benj. Dimmick, Thos. H. Watkins. James Archbald. Henry Belin, jr. Luther Keller. Geo. H. Catlin. Jns. L. Connell. The discount rate to depositors is five per cent, per annum. Open Saturday evenings, 8 to 9 o'clock. Three per cent, paid on in terest deposits. Interest compounded Jan. 1 and July 1. Gunster .(Forsyth I .2i renn Avenue. j CO Trimmed Millinery Clever and dainty hats from the New York and Paris Models, at low prices ami on easy terms. Jackets Long-, short, medium, all the good kinds in popular colors anil stylish ef fects. 1 .iltle weekly payments, Suits and Overcoats Warm shlish Overcoats in all popular ma terials, huge variety, to Si'... tractive terns in Sti.."iO At- pat- Men's Suits, in Chev iots, Worsteds', Cassimeres ami Serges, $i.rU to S'll, eas p.tmenK If J Will Ml' vsffl