The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 08, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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" T- ' S-Kjff?i CiM-Tl '
SV vW ttfA'v W' T-
H ,
rfry xitT
Brilliant, Clean,
Easily Applied,
Gty Notes, j
rOltl xTLUV JII'I.IIM.. IVrcslits of the ill;
tire i.epicstpd Jo iiKct at their lull In l.ucrittcy
ballillna; thbpunlng .it T.n liaii.
-"ITCI.U, MI.I'IIM"! -Chile vo. ". I nlip3 ct
tlic f.retid Aim;' of the ltppublic, will hive a
H'celil inn tin? In Jlemoiial lull this afternoon
nt - o'clock.
( MIMVMi C UOIltj-. riirif will lie i iiheusal
of tin I Utile r Iioi ll ft tlic opclllie i iiniv il III
tin lull cf tin- mnig Women's Uinstlin Jf'ocu
tpn lonUlit .it 7 o'clock.
1 00T IS M T liUM'. Ihcrr will I)" n toot bill
..line at Athletic pill, tonic now nltpinnmi. be-(.-Inning
it .:.u ii'iluk, llillnuu ae uleiny
ami .-school ot tlio J.ichivvanui.
fos'jitu r i,iAi;ri:i. -riio rontmt foi the
piiulmi: 'f tin nitcrio" .mil itiuur i C t it lull,
vlikli was lucnll) ivvirclcel tn 1". .T. .Mnr- n,
wu.5 and figmd i-tcnh.
I ll!SI 1M t: lOMiilll. I he pulT ihn in,
diss will ijOlliIllct thcil fil -t ihlirc it C.ueltlsiy
hill tills cvpiiing. 'Ihe fiillovviua- tine Pliaigp o'
It: ".mi Ham-, Mj Xi-niiuti and Chulu llei"
HIS MOIlll.U 1)1 r s. ll. Twining, npli
chn, lccuud woul lit cumin; of the ilcitli of
Ms liKtlicr, at ltci home in I'liilailclplili, ;esn
rhv .tf tern nn Mt, Twining anil limll will
leave foi 1'hllaiklplil i this morning.
flUWM.NJJ I OB MO. -Hip chitting foi 's!0,
wlin li wis put up tor the benptlt of .limes, T,
Jlif.iiuii-, w.i, conducted list niirht In tli com
mittee in cliiigp. Ticket No. U7, lipid liv tlic
Ifrniv Giatton rluli, of pulsion, won the money.
I), I,. AMI W. VW I- lhc- cnilo; 3 of
'.lie collieries down tin allcv wire pud ;cstei
iln, ami the rinpln.c ct the l)i iinuml. Mm
illp, and '-toirs nnnc .i!l lie pud todn lo
iicrrnw Jli. will lie nude at ill the li.ilor,
IhIpiup, Kosei alley nml oit!i Scnnton col
Amounts Acknowledged for the
Memorial Fund.
Thr following- new lontiilnitiuiis to
the McKlnley memorial fund ate ac
knowledged: orman 1! MchoU.M O0Mi. 'Iilhc Ue'-ey
.Tgtin Tecney t (1) I) unci Mc li mo ...
Kenwood I'Hclici .. 1.00 Moiri V. Moras ..
Claude Tilchir . .. 1.00's It HuIiiiikoii ....
1 00
1 00
Mip. llentniisUartiy .2j
Mi-s Ldilli Uution 1 (JO
Mim Kitlnrinc Hur
lell 100
Ihom.H liottoii ..
Jeuj ISclks
Min Annie 0. Miot
ton lot
i -ash
.10 III in c (. Minuon .
.20, Donald .1. Miulttn
!.. Hernnn l)ce. 1 OOllUURlai (.. f-lic tton
Ihete Will Be a Big Attendance at
the Noidica Conceit.
Tin? sale of catb tor the Noidica
ouuceit continued to ho mn-.t si.itlfy
ing at Powell', Ohteida. In addition
to attiuil.inci tiom Liantou rind
hurroundlnp t-tilnttbs it f now coilain
Thfit laio delegations of music Itneis
will tunic tiom Wllkos-IJane, C.tibon
dale. 1'ittslon, JIaiich (.'hiitiK. lllng
Tiaiiiton. Jlonttost, TunUhannoul;,
Honchdalc, KoiC"st City, racial villo,
Nfcholsion and in tacx noaily cvciy
town and titv In thS section.
It looK.s at thougli tlic immense stat
ing capacity of this great armory might
tie taud by the visltois wlio aie nn
Jous, to avail themselves of the opiioi
tnnity ot hparing one of the world's
greatest vocalists..
Rev, James Hughes to
His Recollections.
KcW James Hughes is about to
publish in book foim the mote tnter
mstinK1 ot hib personal oxpoiieimcs and
recollections of South At ilea its derived
during a ten ycais' lcMdoncc in that
Thnro will be s-Ketchcs of fi-ill
TtlioilPs, Lotd Jlllner, and other men
prominent in the upbuilding of South
Aft lean alfahs and much Imoimutinn
of a readable i'haiacttr cuuceining
South Altican condition. Tim hook
will appear within a lew tccks and
promificss to be interesting.
Wanted Soft Coal Mineis
Tor W. Vu. Car faro $10 irotn Votts
ville; company inovea lamllles; no
strike; steady worH: good vages,,
Apply Clllford'.s Ktnployinent Agetuy,
US Mahuutoiiko St Potthille, l'a.
' ' i
RnioUo the popular I'uuch 10c. clgnr.
f-f -ff-H-f-H-f -" tft4--H-4-
f Spring Biook Wiuer,lst
t Lacltn. Valley Elec. Light, 1st
p Mtg'. 5s.
North Jeisey and PoconoMoun-
tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg, 5s,
f Stantlaid Gas Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s,
Xehighton Vater Supply Co,,
f 1st Mtg. 5s.
New Mexico Railway and Coal
Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s,
Description and pi ice on appli.
1 lii )roadjy, y V, -f
4- NllUjll-irrc Carboiidjle. -f
4 i 5 6 Coimnciiiwejltli Uld;, Suantgu, l'a -.
-f "
9& i l jfj 'rr
I IL rm J at if
4i 4-fmm
Pleasant Affair Given by Knights
of Columbus,
The flint ot tt scries of Informal
diintcM to ho glon during Hip coining
upapon by the mc inborn of Kuranton
tottnelli Knights of Coltiinbif, way I'on
thtrtcd l.tsit night In the bralltlful ( tub
house on North Wnsdilngtot! tivontto.
I'lmntds of 100 lotiptei attended tnid
ti uiopI dcllghtrttt tlitii' a- enjoyed by
till. Tito IJitutr ou'liestiu furnished
the inttfllo for ihiiii'lng nml u dainty
luncheon was hptvciI between the hours
of 11 nml 12 o'clock by Hanley.
Those pteaetit from out of town were
an follow?. Sir. mid Airs, A, 11. Kin
i oil a. of Wuteiluwii, X. Y.! Mies Mnr
?ittet Wado, of .Jpssitp! Miss Keglnti
Lowell, ot l.aiH'aslpfi Miss Agues Mar
tin, Ml.s.s Anna Jordan, Miss Klb.abolh
Jot-dan. Miss Nellie Ityun and J. V. Jor
dan, of Olyplianl. Those piesent fiom
this city wciu as follows!
Dr. and Mrs. p. v.. Thompson, Mr.
and Mt.s. V. McCrea, Mr. and Mrs.
Jumps McICenna, Mr. tiud Mis. T. P.
O'drndy, Mr. and Mis. M. .7. Corey, Mr.
and Mrs. It. J. IJourke, Mr. and Mis. M.
F. Sando, Mi. and Mis. J, (i, Hayes,
Mr. and Mis. AV. 11. Iloelip, Mr. and
Mis. J. 11. Hogan, and Mr. and Mt.s.
Hush Gallagher.
J. It. Keller, J. II. Taggfrl. 1 TI.
Cottglilhi, U. M. O'llrlon, John II. Don
nelly. 15. H. Judge, tr, n. A. AVpbb.
Captain Thomas V. Muiphy, Dr. Don
nogan, P. F. l.ynott. Dr. .7. J. Sullivan,
T. F. Tlciney. T. K. Flnneity, P. T.
llollly, T. P. Duffy, P. F. Howley, W.
F. Shan, John J. O'lloyle. Ipo Ciossin,
Fiank Donnrlly, 7'. D. Nlland, It. D.
Jennings, K. .7. Horan, Pi of. F. S. Mc
Oulgan, Y. F. Clinic, A. I Golden, J.
h Hunan, F. J. MtCuwley, Hdwaid
Suitt, James Mahon, John 7". Allen, 1.
J. lllcluuds, P. II. Comic. P. 11. Kane,
John J. Conntrv, M. t'oikowkl, 1'tof.
C. J. Flood, M. J. Conery, P. II. Conei v,
X. V. 7 .emeu. P. A. Coleman, M. F.
Iliown, John liurkc, A. P. Hi own. Dr.
.7. J. Bio-run, Dr. J. .7. Hi cumin. J. F.
Gibbons. AV. P. Coughlln, Dt. W. M.
Rocdv, Dr. J. T. McGiath. James Bell,
AV. J. Fitgoiald. John Nallen, M. J.
Donalloe. T. P. T.nftus. I J. McAn
dtew.s, II. J. Inili, T. 1'. Duggan,
Tlioimis Btishnoll mid John Hoyle.
The Misses Kllen V. Donahue, Maiy
Joee, Maiy Fan oil, Katie Cunuing
liam. Lulu Nelson Tenn, Loietta Flynn,
Marv MiCrea, M. C. Duffy, Mabel
l.eonaiil. Lila O'Neill, Maine O'lloyle,
Maine Cunimings. Mary T. Maghian,
Alaiv O'Malley, Maine Nlland, Myrtle
.Stew ait, Anna Coibett, Helen Cot belt,
Anna May IJarrett, Maiy Honan, Maj'
Iloian, Kathryn Horan, Julia MeGui
Tan, Agatha Crane, Kate Mcllugh,
NoIII, Alice and Josephine Mahon,
Alalia and llolon HiLhaids, Maine
Coyne, S.iinh Motley, Hhdie Nallin,
Loretto. Jennings, Maiy McAmlreus,
Kittie Connolly, Mary "Welsh, Anna G.
l.awler, Kathryn Gallagher, Alice
O'Mullcv. Mniguict Gllnmilln, Gene
iee Burke. Helen J. Hurke, Maigaret
Uioivn, Sadie Ilarbtr, Loretta and Ger
tiudi: Cannon, Annie and Toies.i Gib
bons, Anna Jones, Anna Fleming. Anna
lltuke. Gertiude Kelly, K. A. Hannon,
Helen O'Malley, Lilian Donahue, Katie
Haggeity, Fiancis Mellen, Loietta Mul
heiin, Lucy Can oil and Mamie Coyle.
Illuminating Gas Was the Cause.
Jet Over the Chair in Which
He Sat Was Open.
c. m. Stanley, manager of the Globe
Book Supply company, with rooms ti, 7
and S in the Davidson building- ot ii.'O
ripiuee street, was louud at S o'clock
csterday morninir in an unconscious
condition, seated in a chair in his office,
with the loom lull ot ga1-. and he died
an hour later without iecoeiinr consciousness-.
A boy eiuploed in the office enteied
and found the man as stated nbotc. He
quickly notilled seveial pec-on- about
the buildin?, and Doctois Kearney,
Manky anil needy weie summoned, but
.Stanley was bejond medical aid, and
died fiom it haling the gas.
Cot oner linbeits was notified, and oi
deicd the body lemoMd to C'uaick's
tindt'i taking c-.tabllshment, wheie he
pi'iloiuicd an autopsy shot tly aftet
M.nds. The lesttlt s-howed that Stan
ley had been suffeiing fiom pleuilsy
and peuo.udjtl-, and had inhaled the
gas, whk h "w'Oiluccd his death. An
imiuesl was not diemcd ncces.,iry.
As soon as the dSeoveiv was made
woul was pent to Mis. Stanley, who
leslded with her husband and thiee
children at 247 Jefteison avenue, Sho
huiriedly went to the office, wheie sho
saw her husband breathe his la-t.
The gas jet was open, and the theoiy
suggested was that the- man had tn
teied the mom, clo-eil the doois and
tut tied on the gas without lishting it,
and soon sank- into unconsciousness
fiom tlie elteets ot the- ga.
Mis. Stanley su-.s thftc was aho.
liitcly m aife tor lur husband to
tike his own life, ills familv iela
tions ami business conroellons, sho
mid, weie ot the must coiiirenliil )m
tute, It was hl eii-toni to be an.iy fiom
home in I'omiKtlon with hi business
quite fruiueutly, and Mrs. Stanley said
he left home AVuln. t-dtiy ntteiroon, but
did not s(1y whin, xo Wlb KuHK) nm
shf awaited his letiiiu at night, but lie
lulled to cunc, and hi wheieubouts
wcii unknown to luu, until she was
summoned to his oUe j.studav inorn
InL'. It was hei opinion that Stanley bad
loiuiued lulf lo his oiiUe, nml being
tlnd, sat down to lest, and lell asleep,
leaving the gas lighted,
Stanley hnd long been a "inn h i timu
lung and hunt tumble, but lion. hh
allllell.m um oiniilainlngly. Those who
weio associated with ,m about the
hulldlng spoke ot him .is an indiisti.
ous, Lineiul and (iiuaelli busliichs
Stanley was Imi n Jit IMllladelphla
forty-llvi) i mi ago, and nine- to
Scianton seoial eais ago, Ho if,id
od lit this city up to ubout till on eats
ago, when ho moved with his family to
Moscow, retutnlnu to Sornutoit last
April, and since josliieii at tho uhotii
nuiiibei, i ot tier ot .lelieicoii avtiuto and
Linden stieel
llo Is htuvlvcd by his wii., tluco
ehlldien, uged i, ti and n yeais, urui
one slhUr, who usldes In Philadelphia,
The lattir was notiticd ot his death by
UIprmiiIi sotciduy. The tuucial nr
ranteincnts have not jit been made,
and will depend upon the oulwil of
deceased's sitter.
Raihond or Bus
Sclu level's.
Faie to
AVhllo the sttlko continue, persons
oideilng photogiaphb at ,Sclnicei's, to
the uiuouut of ?l or over, will be al
lowed ficn lalhoad or bus faro to and
fiom their homes -unless they lle
nioio than twenty miles fiom Scian
P. W. Gallagher Told ot Having
Given Money to Councllmen Who
in Tih'U Declaio Tliey Wever Re
ceived It Company Says it Gave
the Money to Two Cliurclies First
Repoit of the Grand Jury to the
Court Manlago Licenses Other
Couit Matters.
The cose of Kcogh ugainst thu Scian
ton mid Pittsloii Hallway company was
proceeded with yesterday before Piesl
dent Jtulga Kdwuids, despite the fact
that the court, on the previous day,
ptactlcally ruled that the plaintiff's
decimation did not assail the ordinance
which they arc proceeding against.
The plaintllfs were desirous of pio
I'oedlng, nnd the defense was not ob
jecting, so the taking of testimony was
allowed to continue.
The piluclpal witness of the day wan
P. "W. Gallagher, lonneily claim agent
lor the Scranton Hallwav company, and
now editor of the Fieo Picss, Ho was
called by the plaintiffs to prove their
contention that money was paid to se
em o the passage of the flist oidlnatice.
Gallagher told that he was despatched
by General Manager Slllimau to Old
Foige to sccuio it fianchlse and fur
nished with ?500 In cash lo woik the
oidliiinicc through councils. He gu
SJOO, ho said, to Thomas Mtinioo; $ir,0
to Thomas Stevens, and $ir0 to Fal
ikk Gallagher, thieo of the four cmin
i llmen who voted for the oullnancc,
Antonio Illancardl, the fotlith council
man to favor the oulinance, demanded
money, Mr. Gallagher said, and lie took
him to the company's olllce to hne
General Manager Silliinau deal with
him. The witness understood Blan
caidi got $2,1.
The four accused councllmen look
the stand and swore positively they
never leeMved the money Gallagher
alleges he gave them, and Blancardi
lutthor denied that Mr. Sllllman gave
him money. He admitted that befoie
he became a councilman and befoie
the boiough was otganUed, he vvoiUed
"even weeks, at Mr. Gallagher's solici
tation, seeming the signatures of prop
eorty holdeis along the line of the pio
posed road, to a paper giving the com
pany the right of way, which pioceed
lng is necesary in townships. He re
ceived To for tills wotk. Alt the sig
natures could not be secuted and the
company waited until the municipality
became a borough, when it went Into
the council and seemed the light ot
way. Mr. Biaucaidi became one of the
si councilman and was one of the four
to vote lor the oidinance. He was
given ii pass, but later letumed it,
when Judge Gunster l tiled that it was
unpioper loi him to accept it.
The company contends that no money
was furnished Mr. Gallagher to use in
the council, and further that Mr. Gal
lagher did not give any money to coun
cllmen. The company agiced with the
citizens of Old Forge If the tran-chi'-e
was gi anted the company would
be willing to give the community $1,000
and that after discussing aiious
me ins of paying the bonus, so that it
would do the greatest good to the
greatest number, it was decided to
divide it between the two principal
chuiches. A check for $300 was sent
to one pastor, and a voucher was fur
nished Mr. Galalgher to secuie $TM in
cash and give it to the other pastor.
The $300 check, with the pastor's le
ccipt, will be oftoied in evidence. It is
dated Oct. 1", IsftH, the day after the
meeting at which the fianchlse was
gi anted.
On noss examination, Mr. Gallagher
was shown a copy of the Fiee l'ies
containing an artii le headed "The
Coutt IJii.s in the Sllllman Case," in
which Manager Sllllman is
loundly scored. He was asked if ho
wioto it. and admitted be did. The
paper was then olfeied in evidence, to
show that the witness was not kindly
disposed towaids Mr. Sillimnn.
The detenso in this case is ptactlcal
ly tlic same as will be ottered in the
bribery case against Gencial Manager
Oiphans' Couit Tetm.
The legular term of the oiplians'
coutt will begin net Monday morning.
Judge A. A. Vosbuig will sit as au
diting judge dining the flist week. He
has arranged the list of audits so that
each one will be heaul at a certain
time, thus avoiding unnccpssaiy waits
and delays upon the p.nt of panics
and altoinevs.
The second week of the ttim, begin
ning Monday, November IS, Is the
atgument week In the orphans' couit.
All exceptions Hied to repot ts made
by the auditing Judge, aie heaul dur
ing a subsequent aiguinent week, as
well as all mattets le.uly for aigu
ment, The thhd week and possibly
several tlajs more, will be devoted tu
the heating of tinllnished audits, and
such other hearings as may be ut is.sue.
Tho audit list is as lollows:
I - l.-tat" of Alldu'ft' I llidt.ilcl, ilepiecl,
MiiKi'ci l.anibkM, adiiiinsiulilv, .Mumliv,
..i, II, 160J, at 'J p in.
J -r-iaiu of JiriinUli I' IImii, cl. icjso.t;
II11J1 I'ull.m, iMditir, (cvceptioirO, .Mundav,
Nii, 11, 11)01, at 10 a, m.
.1. l.-tat: of t.irrtlt Van Ski e, ikciasedi
Wlllhm A. Aan Swl.h, iMculul, 'luisdai, .No,
13, limi, it 10 a. in.
I. I.aite of John J. Rnilvln, decp.isnli Pit.
itch Wil.'i, cvcculoi, 'Ji.i.Jij, Nov, 13, H'01, at
10 1, III,
5 l.,lali of Paul Ondiwkl,, deipiecd: Ccouc
I'lnkrpuvlcli, admlnaratoi, 'tncslji, o. 1',
Ifml, III ,1 p. 111.
0. IMato of 1 i.illv I, ahoic, docf.iul; Siurlii
M. Ki nneil , nunilrh. Ucduewli, o, U,
tfOI, at 1 p in.
7. ltito ol IK'iiJjinlii Knldht, ilicei-e.l, .1.
li. KiiIkIiIi cvKiilor. ', Nov, 1.', Kill, at
'-' p. M.
S.l,.tate of John M. (uhl, dctPjfilj KaiUr.
Ino P Hill, evecutrlv HhJih.Ji;, .Nov, J J, tool,
-I .. p, in.
P.- I'.tito of Aliud A lax'.tlind, ikiovtili 1'
V., 1 ickhaid, adniliiUtlJWr. Wcdnell., Nul,
II. l'Ml, at 2 f. in.
0ljte of .luuli l' llun defeased; lliiuj
i.)il,iut, h., pvetulor tiii,llons), 'llmiodaj,
m, II, J10J, nt 2 i in.
II. l,tatp ot David S. (oLl, iictcjc,(. An
(,'uta r. C.ilil), wlmhiUtratrlv, limrxlj), No,
II, U01, at lo a. in
U IMato of llainl.rliUe Wttilus,; P
1 Wlntcu, iilininlstiator, 'llmrsdJ, i, II,
liul, ut 10 a, in
U. YMitv cf hlUil'.th (. f.lllciple, ile-ecasi'li
llaukl huiirj, aduiluuUaiui, 1'iidji. .N..V,
IV)1, at 10 a. in.
ll.-IMjte cf Iti.lirt I, her, diccaiedi ( btr
lotte I co and Willi an S. Slinpvin, admlnUtra.
tori. 1 riday, Nov, 11, 10O, at 1ft a. in ,
H KUtP of UirUua Stetlci, deceased! lllln.
l-tli Mcttep Ciron, admlnUtraiilv, c t. t
Satiuday, .Nuv, III, 1101, at 10 a in.
Giand Jmy Makes a Return.
The grand Juiy mado its Hist lepoit
yestetday. Twenty.fhe line lillla und
tweilly-ppvoti Iguoicd bills Weio ic
lurucd, lis follows!
lltt'i: Ml,!.
Alut mid llillet.lln Mho) Han id l,t.
msit, pin, .lolin biinlf.wyt riiomis V. I niiol.
pro.". Virlln Allciii Mary Allen, pror. Horn)
limine?! lllcliml ,loliiion, pro. .tolnmii Moll!
l'.miinlc lleintn, pro. Minon Ihimrlrk't
(k'ortic tlicchurii pro.. .Mirgairl ,lenl,liit ''.irili
JcnMii'. piov. Iliny Ullko, 1'eko l'edaelult anil
Harry llcil'mlln tlcorire Clieclim i, prOJ.
,illclou MKIiIif-M. J, Ciancc! C. Smith,
l.irccnv nml lleceUlng f. ,T Poller! 0. Smltli,
plf. Joint Wiirilj II, ,S. Wikcnun, pro!. Wit
llitil .MrlKmetlj (!eiicpu ,lickon, pro.
CliitlcJ Whitney, Wlllhm iltrcnl1e nml Ulb
llnm McUovcitt; M. Cilppcn,' jirw. Wlllllm
l'crn! tleoiKO W, Okcll, ro.
Kecplin? a Handy Home Miltlc Cmninlnsn
liul Howard llltes! Mlchnl Miron, pros. John
Smith iikI Annlo Pltclicock! J. V. llutler, pio.
I erjnry Urtlo Young, nllis I.lbblo Yonngn
Mlfharl Mm in, pioj.
Kinticrlciiici t Miry Jane Slnwi Artie Ihrlow,
pus. Cioryo I'. Kdderi .J. II. Illoniner, pms.
Attempt nt Sodomy Z. P. TraUsj Udnanl C,
Anderson, proJ.
Dischiislnpr Pireirnis llcnnU MfCooI.! Hllza
lielli llinett, prov. Johinn.1 Viol l ; I'jsqiulc
I), santo, pro.'.
.sclllnsf Mipior on Sunday Anlcnto Feircac,
Prank Willlaiiw, pio?,
Alton Miiwret Jenkins; Farth JetiUln, pro-c.j
county to piy costs.
s.ult and Uitter-Mlclnel Ihle; C.ithcrlne
McCittiii, jruv. ! county to pay eo-ls. Homer
Ilairct; Ullllam Unison, pros.; county to pay
co-tc, (two i iscs). John I'lans; )ild W. ltcfcc,
pus,; inunty lo pay coils. Chirks Gtbbs! Da
v irl W. ltcf'e, puis; counlv lo pav eostg. Mich.
ael Ilciiiilirin; Willi im Kellctt, pros.', eounty to
nv colc. Joseph Krlslenockj Apolonl?i Kils-lenncl-,
pros.: county lo piy cots. lafoahrth
I'lillllps; Siinuel Dein, pro-.; eounty to piy
costs, (two rai,c). t'ltrlelc Ituino; Mirtln
Dcinrlierti, pioi.; county to ply rcr-t'. Daild
Jenkins; Vatituet JenUliH, prov.; rountv Jo pay
cost Mlclnel Ilogan; Winnie lloan; county to
pm l0,tf.
l'nlicitig Almor KpiiuleMillio P. runimlngs
nil lloii.nd llile! Moran, pios ; county
lo piy cost i
Pujurj-LIiri IIolil: Miry TSaker, prov.;
proseculriv to piy costs (two cics1
Coinnion Sold (hia Iloliks; W. .T. Ui'.cr,
pu ; prosecutor lo piv io,ts. ( hn Ilollu;
Jine II u i dm. piov.t county to pay co-ts.
Ijiuim ( l.irv Ilubhs; .line llarron. piov ;
rotiiil) to pn- costs. .Mary Muri.iy; Donilnid:
Mistianiulii, pros; count; to piv costs. P. II,
Illi'i; W. M. Hind, pre; count; to piv cot".
John Mclntiic; Kiln ml Wiltei, pin. ; county to
piy cot'. Miiliacl 7,;ncli and Saiali I.jnch;
lhnnn Stune, pios : counti to piv cots.
Milicioi.s Mi-chief Dwiil W. Itece; .lolin P
Kmiih, pioi ; county to pn oo-ts. l)3ininkti
llistlnss; Jliry llui-?c?,k, i iov.; count; to pi;
Yesterday's Maniage Licenses.
In I. John. nil Dallon
etelle M Wi.slon lliou'.ljn
Cornelius Patrick Sciautim
Jtose Mii-ic b'crintan
losepli IIoIp.miis 1117 Niy Aus avenue
Amu t'on-cnit .'01 Court i-treet
'llieodoiu C.ilni uyl.l sculnion
I'ltniii Piiiniciite Spi.mlo-i
Uilhiin yiliinieinuu Arclibald
bene Lcscup Arclibald
.Tiscpli Wews Tin i op
Vlir; sipl,o loijp
lilu nil V. sirulilc ..410 south Wa-huiKlcm nvrnua
llosi Altuiau IlO houtli V;onnnK avcniii!
VlcMiidu sion!a Scranton
Iiordcli Koin'ppcki ber niton
(oint ;e-tcnliy gianted a ihiita to tho A. D.
A. 1'. M. Spincir Accidental lend.
In the ise of the Hunt & Connell compin;
uiiibt V. II O'llara, tho rulo to intcrpleid was
m-idc absolute
In the i-titej cf J. II Smith, lite of Scott,
lcltci-, of weio vcsteiday grinted
b; lfea:istcr Koch tu icholis Smith.
The use of Adelaido L. Kijs agiut the United
stites Casuiltv conipmv we-, jc'tciday traiia
fiind tu the l nltcd states cucuil court.
'I he ilainajce suit of Lrnost Jacob I erbcr by "uis
fithcr and nevt tiicnd, agilnst the Scranton Itail
way compim, waa jcstciday ordeiecl discontinued
b; the pliintitl's attc)rne, O'lliun & Martin
Ptilh Frank ;esteidav brought iliiorie pioeced
ings ignnjt hei alleaed cruel husliiud, II; m in
11. Pi ink. They who lied .u'. '.'7, 111)", anil
lnid tofcclhcr until Much, VM Attorney Mil
ium V. lle.Miolds, Ji., of Uirre, leprescnU
Mi- Punk.
Suit in ienkin v. is instituted in Piotliono
lirv fVipelindn cfllcc je-leidi; bv Attorney P.
I'. loughrin to iecuei loi II. C. l'cisc a lot el
ilottiin,.', lurs some jeneliy belonginj to
Ins wile, Ko-alie' K. l'eesi, lately ilecd-cd, rncl
wlili li no behl. it is alleged, ilkgill; by M ion
Kellci, oi 710 Adinis acnuc.
It Was Received with Gieat Favor
Wednesday Night.
The cniutainment held in the Col
unibus looms for the benefit of tho
new temple Wednesday night was the
event of the season. Lovers of all
that is best in good literattue and mu
sl had the oppoitunlty of heating the
oit.v's best talent. Too much cannot
be said In praise of the work done by
Miss C'oia Mouis Giiflln. She capti
vated her audience at the very start
and few theie weio who did not shed
teais a.s she tendeied in a most chaun
ing and pathetic manner Tennyson's
"Flict Qttatrel." The outburst of ap
jikuise thaj followed was most
M'telouslv acknowledged by a recital
of missel's "Clulstmas Night" In the
ijuuuet.s." Hen audience went with
her and lor tho tlmo were teally pai -ticlpants
in the quaint holiday festivi
ties of tho daiklcf. Hntliuslastu went
past all hounds at thu closo of her
lending f i oui "Michael Stiogolf, in
which Miss Gilllln Impel sonatcs no less
than eight chai actors. She icpcated
the last line, "For God, for biberia, My
Native Land." The young lady was
leealled ami presented with a largo
bouquet of chrysanthemums tied in
pink llbbon, Miss Gtlllin ineilts all the
pi also that can bo showered upon her
top she is wondei fully clever.
The llteuuy programme was Inter
spersed by vocal and Instiumental
nutubets by tho familiar artists, Miss
rrul.i Knhn, Rnlph Dwlglu AVIIllaius
and l'rui Wldm.tyer, Tho accom
p.tnimciits weio played by Mis, Anion
Goldsmith, Miss It cue Knhn and Mr.
Llewellyn Jones.
Real, Live and Novel.
That'n New Yoilc, up-to-dato and a
little be; ond. Uvery part of old Man
It u tan is liileiestlng; Hioailway and
lis hitnidiuiii can't bo beat, Tho liusllo
and which H lis chief chnraotoi
lstlc Is sitiiMur..
Now Yolk's silbutli.s ato sttpeib, uiul
to icach them olio must pass a, v.uluty
ol faselnating sights. Tho big Biook
lyu Utldgo Is a wonder, even to the
New Yoiker himself, and tho lllnatles,
nil gullet les and juikb are unequalled
ill their bcopei In tact Now Yoik is a
world In Itself, and If you take ad
vantage of the' New Jeisey Central's
low iate New Yoik exclusion on No
vmnher 11 you will never u'gret It.
Itato fiom Scianton is but $1 35 tor the
loinul tilp. Tickets good going on
almvo dato and good to ictiirn within
II vo days of date ol eiuisloii. "
The Tilbuno will guaiauleo lo pi hit
your paper book quicker lliuu any oth
er pt luting house in tho city.
m '
The popular Punch cigar la still tin
leader of the lQc clams.
City Solicitor Watson in an Opinion
SayB There Is Nothing in tho
Frouchlses Which Requites Com
pany to Run Cais at Regular In
tervalsSays Company Agiced to
Do Nothing and Is Satisfactorily
Keeping Its Agreement Purchase
of Plant Is Impt act cable.
Some weeks ago tho lallwuy com
mittee of the common council drew up
ccttaln questions beating upon tho
right of the city to compel the Scian
ton Hallway company to tun cais at
tegular Intervals und lo compel Its
employes to pass an examination to
discover their illness.
These questions weio submitted to
City Solicitor Watson and In a lengthy
opinion rresented to the committee
yesleid.ty ho answois them fully and
completely. Ho declines he can Und
nothing In the franchises of the com
pany which gives the city the light to
compel the running of ens at regular
Intervals, and says that In his belief
theic Is no express authority given the
city in any existing not to compel nio
tonncn and condtictois to pass an ex
amination, The city solicitor has a habit of say
ing things with a picturesque blunt
liess that is generally very humorous.
He sums up his answer to the Hist two
questions In the following language
referring to the agreements cnteicd
into by the company: "They (the com
pany) have agiced to do nothing. The
councils demanded nothing and so far
as I am able to observe the company
is keeping its agrement faithfully." A
special meeting of council was called
for last night to consider the opinion,
but no quorum was niescut.
Tho full text of tho opinion Is given
To the Cluitman and Ontkincti of the Itailnay
Committee of tho Common Council, City of
cci niton
Centlemcn: The follow !nD- outelions, submitted
to me for in; upli, line icielud m; ittcntion,
and I Iic to oflir tlic fullonntg opinion.
1 irsl U the Sinnton llillnn eompin; undei
.my pioiision of its clnrter or li mcla-os, cblkred
to inn ens rcpilirlv ne lis lines; 01, In o'hci
words, Imc council,, the pour to compel the run
ning of c irs at regular intervals'
VeMi'id If councils have tho po"vcr to nguliti
tho limning: of the cus at regular 'utcnaN, and
would pis.s legislation uq.ihing the situe, ind
hlould the Scianton Hnlvvay compan; fail to com
ply witli tho rcepurcnicnts of council', could llieii
trinehisc' bo annulled; or m what in inner could
thev be proceeded acriinst under the Ian?
'1 hird hit are the proper bteps to tike in or
der to coinplv with the icquiiements of the ic-o
lutlons oi the ei.iplojes b; the Scrinton Hallwjv
company, ichtino; to Hie puicliiio cf the sticet
ullni; s.Vstcm owned bv the Scranton Itailnay
company, and the opcrilion of the sime b; the
clt; ?
rourthCan council by ordinincc piovide fr
Hi" evinilnition of applicants for positions on the
electric cars and lit a -.tandird of cnMlillciticis
by which tho street railway company hlull bo
jjovemed in the emplovment of pci-ons engigcd
in the naming of cais?
The Sej-mion fljiiiv-jv company has -icquurd b;
purehise the property in the control of the entire
Mrcet c u eastern of the cit; oi Scranton, ind it la
lodav openled by said lailvia; cnmpinv iiiion ie
tiiu sheets of tho city. Tho btreets upon which
the tracks of said coinp-iny were laid were occu
pied by Ji.icUs of olhci companies prior to the is
suing of a charter to the Seranlon l'lilwav com
pany. These coinpuiiea obtuncd their chillers
ai d the pnvikge of ocupviit the streets at chiTer
cut limes, fioin IsGfi lo the time of tho tian-fer
to tho Scun'on Itnlniv compan;. At the time
of tho ti uisfcr to the Serintcn Railway compin;
all lights, chaitcif, fianchisCs and privileges
which the; had obtuncd were sold and trm-fdree
to the Scranton Ttuhviv compin;. s0 jt tin
time, propertv of the ditloent sticet rulnivs m
Scrinton his become vested in the Scrinton I'.iil
wa; compmy.
The chaite.-s grinted at ditlercnt times to sl.ccl
rail viy companies extend over a p'uod of ncul;
fortv jci..
The first ehaitci giving street i dlnJv com
piny authority Jo operite a roid within the tciri
toiy which is now tlo titv of scranton, was
Granted in It'i), known as 'The People's Street
ItiMmy Cumpmy of Iaucrnc rountv,"
This charter is a ;car or more older Jinn the
city -f serantun, ami the pone' grinted to the
corpoiation, as I understand it, aie Hill in foict.
Tic; hid the right, not only to cirrv pisensrr-.
but fiilRht, alon such routes and btueks .is the;
inlslit desire to use, and to In one oi nioio tri.'.s
and to equip the road in sucli .1 manner as might
bo thniiKlit by them ailvivible.
In l',i7 another street ruin iv rempiny was in
corpontcd, knovn as "7ne Scranton arid 1'iovi
deiio Passenger llillwaj." 7L charter requiicd
that before Using the streets the nllna.v company
sliouk! obtain consent from the borough councils
tn use Hie Bluets in tho diflcrcnt boroughs in
which they Intended to build their void. You
will rer ill that this chiitcr "5 also older thin the
city of Scranton. If they oMi'ucd consent from
the boroughs wo have no l.nonleelire e f it now.
Time, nt least, appears to be no reservation
which would prove c-t advantage lo us at this
In Miv, 1-15, these two tompinlcs merged, and
we find thai was the onlv street car Mstcni
which lho city hid nnlil "!sii. when a chaitor
wis granted to the Scranton s'uhurUin cevmpiny,
under the piousions of the Act of May CI, ls7S.
On the 21rd diy of Dicember, lf"0, a rlurtcr
wis granted tn the "Niy AuirCu-tMtovvn Itiltniy
t'oinpinv," under the miiic Act of assembl) : Vnd
on the ",lt day of Mi;, lsl"i, the Scrmton Sis
bm li in lUilnay cinnpaii; .mil the My ug f ros.
ton u liiilnav coiupiny nioiced ind opei itcd tlieli
road uiieler Hie prov Muni of tint azre-cment.
On the '.'Oth day of Mav, JfSO, the Sennjon Pis
tciiKcr Itailnay wan incorporated, under the Art
of the 11th of Mireh, 1"7P.
On the 81th diy of October. Is'i.', tho Villey
Passenger Hallwav rompanv was. incorporated mi.
de,' the Act of May llth, ls.i.
On the -Jstli dav rf Iinuai;, Ifcoj, the crantrn
and farlomlilo Ti.iellon company was Incorpor
ated, nnde.' tho Act ot the 2"nd day of Match,
On the 30th diy of Jul;, ISO.', the Suanton and
Plltston 'liactlon companv was ineonoraled, nn
ekr the Act of Mirch '33nd, !Ss7,
On lho Wli day ot Jul;, ISOI, the I.nkivvanin
V illey 'liietkn companv iui incorporated, un Icr
Hi" ct oi Vlirch 23nd, !'".
On the 27th elay n March, luTS, the Scranton
and Ahlngton S-trcet lliihv iv company w is Incur
pouted, uriilcr the vt of lllli day cf May, lis!),
All ot tlicso rallniv ee.mpanle iiientloncd, md
sevcial othcr Incorporated tinder diirircnl Aets of
i-embli, vvil'i tcimlnl In l.unrit- count;, vuc,
by divets arnc nicuu, Icncd for Ihe iui,uo of
npei itlou, to the Wunton Traction company,
which was liicoiporatcd cu the J3nd ila of,
lt7, vvldeli was i motor or power company, fi r
opnaiiig uciijei ulU.ay by cable1, decirlc-il
end other inejn", which fild Act v.a approved
cm the 'J.'nd day of Mauli, t7.
'Ibii power Cumpmy ronilnued to operate llo
railiotds built under authority of tne iliftircnt
eharteis urtd all ci tie .ibovo-iuined chartcia be
came tin- i-iopcuj" by iiieiKir ol tho People's
street Itailnay company of I iictne count, nnd
wlili li tcmpariv, b; ilociec of tne unlit of ron moii
plus of laektvvaiina county had its name iliiiiernl
iiom "Hie People' Mjiet Itailnay lompan; of
kuwino teiiinif" to tl.o "--iranton lUilujy Coin,
'I be thaiteis of these ditfiim coiiipjnin mike
un provisions in terms a., to the m ivenui.t of ears
lite regulation of tin- iuo intent of the cais upon
their 1raek was kit entirely ti the roiiipaulu
ihuitschi. In laet, I nn tlnd but one agicement
win re anv of ihe uilnay i.nnpaiiks agreed to um
cars over their tucks at regular intervals. In
tlo ankles of agieinifiit belnem tho I'ooplc'i
roi llniisl on l'Ji,e S J
Heietofoic wo lmvo thought It a little early to talk lamps, but
this year is an exception.
friends about the lines of MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES OF
NEW LAMPS, that wo lmvo been selling FOR LESS than you
can buy LAST YEAR'S STOCKS from other dealers.
Some of tho colors; RICH RED, TURQUOIS. YELLOW.
A11 with Royal Center Diaft Burneis ....... .S4.QO
NOT LESS THAN 100 STYLES fiom which to make your se
lection. - ' LAMP HEADQUARTERS, v '
Geo. V. Millar &
Sep anion Bedding Go.,
Lackawanna and Adams Aves. Both 'Phones
Established 1866.
Seal Skin Conls
$150, $17'?,
$200, 225,
Persian Lamb Coats
$70, $100.
$125, $150.
Furs of
All Kinds
Furs repaired.
Raw furs bought
New Building, 324
Established 1866.
"( v
4- frlTffV'JUilnrnl,
I Scranton Garp3t& Furniture Go, w
4.tVl.---t--sS -- .-.-
We will
ing at our former loca
tion, 129 Wyoming Avenue, about December ist, and
have determined to close out at once prior to removal
of our present stock, To do this we have decided to
throughout our entile stock, livery article in our store
has been purchased for this seasons's
trade and this offering of
will appear to prudent buyers who know the leputation
of the store and the high class of merchandise offered.
We can and will save you money if you but take ad
vantage of this great sale.
Williams & McAnnlty,
Temporary Store,
upholstery 1 12. WYOMING AVENUE. rjjljir
Co. WlflttS
Just Because
You aro not going to
wear them for a few
months, don't crush
your dainty summer
hats and gowns into
upaco altogether too
small for them. Lot
us make you a box
couch, with separata
compartments for
hats, waists and
skirts prettily lined
and covered an ad
dition to any room.
Prices from $7 up
hi. 0. CRANE
A new invoice of very
clever SU1T3 just re
ceived. Also some very fine
Walking Skirts
For cloth and style thej
are perfect, ranging in
price from
$7.50 to $16
Lackawanna Ave
Take Elevator.
T ti--ft-ttt-t-MKM--f-t-r,i
Something Sweet
in Furniture
describes our Furniture cvictly. It's Sua
enough to riptivilp ths ti!cs oi Hie- tlir
rt and be 111 kicpng with Hie turiound
11 gs in the moat aitiitieally anang.d of
Cur Ehgant Parlor Piscss 3
in ill the eorrict ele-ifens and tlvies as
lite as twelve o'clock at night, will make "
Miur home look is bright as a Mav norn- 2
lug and aa inviting as a gaidcn of loses. T
Pleasant and eheeruil apaitments coil no 4
iiioie than biiicn looms in Hie castle of -
uplines. "J
.-s -"?--. t T .-.- s.Ts t
occupy our
new build
.lie .,