The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 07, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    rnv wj y jMwf 4
V lli l.Jrf.JWfcJ'
Judge Carpenter's Defeat Attributed
to the United Mine Workers of
AmericaConcert to Be Held Next
Month New Organ Installed In
First Baptist Church Coming Eis
teddfods Funeral of a Child.
Events of This Evening Other
Matters of Interest.
The Hiii'iirlslug lniid.ldo hi Luoku
tvitnna county politic was llir- nll-tib-"orblnff
toplo throughout AVcst Scran
ton yesterduy, and the prevailing opin
ion was to the effect thul the United
Mine AVorhcr.H local were responsible
I'or Judge Carpenter's and the
liirie vote polled for Newcomb In the
Went Serantou wards.
The only local dlstilet. thnt In any
way approached lis not mill vote avus
the First ot' tlio Fourth ward, where
ull the Republican candidates received
larpe niii.jorilies. It Is umlurstood.
by those who nro on tin Inside, that
emphatic orders wete seal ((iu Clou
dily nlsht ainoiiK the mlnois' locals
to support Nu'Vuomb, and bow well
they obey can be seen by referotii'e. lo
the districts In which they reside
The delVat of Dr. Hubert Is at
tributed to hN own friends. He takes
bis defeat philosophically mid Is grate
ml to all who in any way assisted him
during I be enmpnlKli and election.
Xcweomb carried AVest Scrantop. by
over :;u0 votes, hiiiI ran ahead of Ids
ticket In several licpubllcan strong
holds. Colonel riitcbcock did not le
I'eive as Mruiitf support from AV'est
Sct-anton as be figured on, and the
rutting of Carpenter was done, in tbo
Intel est of New comb.
Tho number of T-told-you-sos were
out in force estonluy. and indulged In
triendly Murk at their downcast re
publican friends.
The regular parly workers accepted
the inevitable gracefully, however,
and attributed the throw-down to
several causes. There wore Tlitch
eock's candidacy, an off-year, the
Fusion sentiment, and apparent apa
thy towards the state leaders. They
hope I'or a reversal of tilings in the
iays lo come.
A Coming Concert.
A mm ic of six concerts will be given
in "West Serantou. North Hera nt on.
A Daily Reminder
You will not lie disappointed In
riiifciur'a 1.ii ; It nil! rcllmo that
Coj;b and ColJ in one night.
Fine Perfumery,
Complexion Specialties
Toilet Requisites.
This New Department
At the Globe Warehouse, is not as well known as it
ought to be, when its merits are considered. It lacks
nothing to make it complete, and contains many good
features not to be found in any other similar depart
ment in town.
The Perfumery Stock
Embraces all the best foreign and domestic extract's
from the most celebrated laboratories and there's many
an instance wheu quite a little money can be saved
from regular list prices.
The Best of Soaps
Are to be found in thi3 department, and iuclude Pears'
full line of scented and unsceuted goods, Cuticura, But
ter Milk, Palm Oil, Glyceriu, Oatmeal, Cold Cream,
Tar, Sulphur, Casliraeu Bouquet, Shaving Soaps, Med
icated Soaps, etc. All at the lowest possible prices.
In Complexion Specialties
The market has been ransacked to secure the best only.
Among the leaders are Mennen's Talcum Powders,
Kaglish Wood Powders, Violet Talcum Powders, Col
gate's Preparations, Antiseptic Tooth Powders, Royal
Tooth Powders, Eastman's Benzoin of Almonds (lotion)
etc., etc.
The Toilet Requisites
Includes everything in the Brush, Comb aud Manicure
line, for grown people and childreu, Also sprays, puffs
and the hundred aud one other things which the
woman of fashion has declared to be essential to her
comfort, beauty and happiness, aud there is something
to be saved in most every case by buying them here,
Favor Us with a Call
If for, no other purpose thau to look our line over.
Globe Wareboiise
Dunniore, Taylor, Tcckvllle and
Mooslc, by the Temperance Alliances,
Women's Christian Temperance so
cieties, Sons of Temperance societies
and Interested temperance workers
throughout the county, the proceeds of
which will be used for temperance lit
erature and other temperance work.
The participants will be: lle.v.
Thomas de Oruchy, D. D orator; Mrs.
Frank Urtuulagc, soprano; Miss Sarah
J. t'rlce, elocutionist; John T. AVut
Ulns, baritone; Wewellyn Jones, pian
ist. The programme arranged Is an
follows: S)lo (Selected) I'nifrwMr JiT.M
Silo .....John T. W.itklni
Silo Mt.. I!. Ililindaso
Poem, "flic Uiuiil.jrd's Wife"!
W'i siroii i:. rtito
(lllitsltated by MetcopthoiO
f-olo. "Ihe llolj City" JIi. K. tliund.ige
Jn I'rofcov -I. T. W.ifkfus
Tompctiu.ra Unlet tJiniiinil,
'llionut tie (iiu.hy, fi. l),
J. 'I lie ljp!il.
3. "llic Wife's sior,.
! I)iunl:ciiti"ii.
I ll.c l)' -lui.v.
.". An nvrtiltiif In ii s.iluiMi
a. Tlwu Ait tiis Mm.
7, l.otlj'ii Mcs-Jse.
Tin concert will be given In West
Scrnnlon on December .".
Handsome Pipe Organ.
The now and handsome pipe organ
for the Flist Uaptlst church has been
Installed In this commodious house of
worship, The organ, which Is finished
In the finest ituurtcrcd oak, to match
the woodwork, Is one of the llnest crea
tions of the organmaker's art, anil
conies up to the highest anticipations
of thu church and congregation.
The organ was built by the well
known firm of M. l Moellur & Co.. of
Hugerstown, Md., and is considered by
the huildeis to bo one of the best In
both one and frunllly that the firm
have ever turned out.
The organ complete cost -,0y0, and
will be paid for by the energetic mem
bers of the choir, under the able lead
ership of Mrs. it. (1. Bcddoo, the pop
ular chorister and organist. After be
ing installed Tiof. Haydn Kvans wns
Invited to tc.-st it and after a most
severe trial ptonounced it to be per
fection itself. .
Tile organ pipes are finished In the
prevailing color of the draperies of
the church and greatly add lo the
beautiful interior finish of the edifice.
Mrs. H. i"!. Heddoe, who is a skilled or
g.inlst, by exercising her art Is en
abled to bring forth the most exquis
ite music which more than delights
her interested listeners.
Coming' Eisteddfods.
A number of eisteddfods have been
arranged lor the coming winter In
differ' nt cities which will afford the
followers plenty of opportunity to in
dulge in their favorite pastimes of
writing englyns, poems, etc. The
tlrst one of note will be held at North
Serantou on Thanksgiving day.
Another one will be held at Alle
gheny, l'a.. on Christmas1 day, and an
other at Itacine. Wis., on .Tanuury 1,
K'nj. The annual riicn, N. Y.. eis
teddfod will be held on December HI
and January 1. Local eisteddfods will
he held at Dctlcvtte and Taylor during
the holidays.
Funeral of & Child.
Services over the remains ot Mary,
the llvc-ycur-old daughter ot Mr. and
Mm. Thomas W, llvans were held at
the house ou Stratford avenue yester
day afternoon. The officiating nlor
R.vmen were llcv. Hugh Davis, ot the
South Main avenue Welsh C. M.
Church: New George, of t'lttslou, Uev.
E. A. Iloyl, of the Plymouth Congre
gational church.
The flower-bearers were Myrtle lUir
don and Irene 1'arsons. The pull
bearors were Kdwiird Davis, Italnh
Collins, William James, and Christo
pher James. Interment, was made In
the Stratford cemetery.
Bike Fair in December.
At the regular meeting of the Klcc
trlo City Wheelmen, held on Tuesday
evening at the club house, the hoys
decided to hold their "Hike Fair" dur
ing the Urst week In December, when,
It Is exported, the proposed new
bowling allies will be ready for use.
The proceeds of tbo fair will be used
In paying for the bowling allies, and
also In reducing the banded Indebted
tics against the club home.
A special meeting of I he social com
mittee will be held this evening at
which the presence of every club mem
ber Is desired.
Events of This Evening.
West Side Assembly, Jtoynl Society
of Good Fellows, will hold a social ses
sion and smoker in lied Men's ball this
A special meeting or the l'lcclilo City
Wheelmen will be held at the club
house thin evening.
Musicalc at the St. David's Kplseo
pal church this evening under the aus
pices of tbo SisteiM of Botlmnv.
The llallroad Auxiliary of the Simp
son Methodist 'jpHeopul church will
meet at 7."0 o'clock this evening at the
home of Mrs. Charles Beers, on North
llebocc.i avenue.
The Misses Sander, of '.Mr, West F.lm
street, will hold a parlor entertainment
and social at their home this evening.
The. drawing for the benclit of .Tames
McOulnness will take, place this even
ing. A members' entertainment will bo
given this evening In Washington hall
after the regular business session of
camp K.n", I'. O. S. of A.
The Oxford Glee club will meel for
rehearsal this evening in Co-operative
Jb"; .nn.i Mison, of He-pcru. Olorxdo, i;
N-itln;; lin-, Hush Williams of 17'J I'ticc
JIi. !-c.nin;r, of Pike .tied, U rco;
cniiK linm .i prolrjcteil illnc.".
Mr. and Mi. lUitlry Prawn, of Xottli
I'.nl: numic, arc loth confined, to the liou:clv
ML'S Anna D.ii-, of I.jiidi.s sired, i-, .i irlim
of t.tplioid fccr, .md is quito ill at tier homo.
Mi'Ma leni ami Kttii rionnfr-IKiT, of South
H.Mle I'.irk .name, tclurned homo fiom a with tlioii ftthrr .it Kindlon.
Ucoibc Tr.tbi-r. or .Midcr avciwc, U tonalc(i'i
Jftcr .1 feverc illue.
Itubir .lohn .1. .T.iinCi. of ,ith Miin aon,ic,
i nuKiiiK a iminbei of iinpunimrnU m hLi ijte
of tniiinc".
J. t). Joins, of Suiniipr aer,ne, w.h nrnidod
h.v the KMi'lslor filre t lull on Tnevlij 01011111!;.
The l'ari- bm.ial cluh ill romluct their vrro.d'y in Jitnn' lull tomoirow cniui(;. and the
Colonial-, will niert in H jshlnsloii lull.
Mi's .Irannittp IMuKN, ot North Il.ide rJr
aniuo, i loni.ikipins utter a elirhi ll'lnec.
MUs Mary June?, of Bromley aicuu", is leco.ei.
ins from .111 lllnc.
John 1'hllMin, of Wn.1 Locu.t stirct, liu s"
cured .1 po-ition in ftcadinc.
lioheil Ileal er, of Vj.-hii.slon, id iMtlns at
the homo of Ida patent 011 .-outh Il.ulo l'aik
ai enue.
Uiron ll'lile. of Uoliin-on .sliecl, i sutloriMs
from an attach of toiuililU
1'red Mronj, of S.ulh Main .name, has re
turned home- fiom 1 tinea, X V.
Marshal Hatling-. ot (.lichiut street, las lccoi
eieil fiom his recent indisposition.
The I'nlon Clioril union held a well attended
rrhcaisal iu the X'its-t WeWi Conm-cgationil
uhunh last cieninfr, l:cn the trio was meruit
and runif cKeithcly.
.Toacpli 1. Lewis, of We.-t Iicuit btrect, re.
turned to WjalihiKton ve-teidiy, alter being here
tor a few Uajs to lole.
.nnouncrincnt has been nude of the ensjie-
nunt of William 1". Sturnm, of iSO Hampton
.stieet, and MK? Annie LaUtcr, of SOI ."nouHi Main
Mr--. II10111.U Kvans, ot Washburn ,-liect, is eon
lalfclnjj after a protracted illne..
Mrs. C'lw'dltU and son, C'lide, of toutli Hyde
Pari, aienue, liaic leturncd hotno from a visit
Willi friendi in nuffalo.
JtUi Anna 1'aii.-, of 23f Xoith (JuHold aienuf,
Is Miffciin: 110111 an attach of im.
Mis'! Maiy James, of Noitli llicmley aienue, la
tccoieiins licm tin att.n!; of tlw (piii'.-v.
Mivi Sophia b'amtiel, of Bar,!: ttioet, h lepotted
to he ill at her home.
Miner Aimslrons-,,of f.iniolii Ilcijlilx, i ecov
ciln? t:oni an Uliit-e.
Ij. 11, Decker, the .Tatk-oli 'tieet hither, U
HKi.iliup: .1 lew dJii liuntlns m (ha iklulfy of
Lake Aiiel.
Atthtif Kline, of Xuitli llvdc l'aik aienue, Is
the giieit of Iticiid-! in iMlton.
Mrt. Arthur l'nrcell, of South ll.ide r.nk ave
nue, i iMlins: fiEi-niI-s In Clorland, Ohio.
Ml--. Tihi-e, of fotith l.iiicnlii aieiiue. 1;
hptntlliij a !"." ilaj.-f wlili filrmls! in 'n- Yolk
Ml-s .viphie ,-aiiiii(.l, ot Dack kticct, is Kcoieiinj
fiom an IH::i-J.
lllmcr Atinillviit:, of Lltituln Ilcljliltr. i) out
of ioor osalii .met his tiiki'iss.
Mailer Willie Jones, of LandLs i-dccl, Is con
fined to his home, by illne-.
Mi. Thcims livans !.s ill at ln'r home 011 Waili.
Lmii nluel,
Mi-s Mallle, of Aichluld tliecl, has
moivicil fi-uin a teccn'. Hlno.,
MI-.-. Utile llrowiiin.-, of Slon 1 avuitie, Is able
to be .Hound iiKaln after 11 fhoit tllncs-,
Matlicw Kiniiia'ilillo, of Hampton hlicrt, luj
areiplcd a pitlllon with the IVophi's Coal com.
Mis. R. A. Williams, of Ko;;t!i Main avenue,
who lua been 111 for seieral urelM with tjphoid
fi-ur, l now able to he up and arotunl thn house,
MIm Kate Tauj' of Aoea, f-'arah and 1aeretU
Jcik.-'. cf Moo. le, have iihitnod homo f 10111 a lislt
with Wist reunion tili'iuli,
Jlu'trr Vdincr Locker, of Lincoln aieime, Is
fnijno lucf ll'oni the cfleU of a dellialn utiKhal
opeialioii, HNItl.r, Maigaiet, I. al.o lecoieilni
fieni in illue.-,
Cc'ihir avouut'. tiled yesterday morning
at o.oO o'clock, at'tei' n llnereilut? 111
nes!', ngeil i'J. Hlio 1h Kurvlvrd by Iter
hunlMiul and the following cililldntnt
Jolm, I'.tul, Jlnrsaret, itobi'ifit, Vied
cilel; and Chut let", and by Joint Scull,
n brnrlicr; airn. John Ktus, JIih. Mich
nl Klynn. Mis. John Hanlon, KlUn
liolh ami Marsaiet Scott, slater. 1'n
neral, Fildny afternoon at 0 o'clock.
CHARM'S Cir.Al'T, aged 2i yeais,
died yoHteiday at tbo Hillside Home,
The icnialns were talien to his late
home, Ui South Kllinoro avenue, from
which place the funeral will Uq pil
vately conducted,
Would Lie Kemp's lUUain fcr tle Throat and
Uinj. It 1j mrln; more Coviglu, CVld),
iilbma, UroiiCliItij, Croup and all Tlirvat ard
Ltinj Tioubltj, than an other medicine. Tim
(iropilclor l.n authorized any diu;sUt to giio
jcu a rVaniple Bottle I'rco to couilixe ;ou of the
trtrit of thl great remedy, 1'iice 2Jo. ani V).
Endorses Lydl , Finkham's
vegetable Compound After
Following Its Bccord For
"Dkxb Mrs. Pinkhxm: Health Is
the grefttent boon bestowed on human
Uy and therefore anything that can
restore lott health Is n blessing. I
consider Lyrliafi. Pinkhum's yeff
enable Compound as a blessing to
SUto and Nation. It ettrcs her moth
era and daughters and makes them
well and strong.
wKr Mix iB
Practicing Physician and Lecturer.
" I'or fifteen years I have noted the
effect of your Vegetable Compound in
curing special diseases of women.
"I know of nothing .superior for
ovarian trouble, barrenness, and it
has prevented hundreds of dangerous
operations where physicians claimed
it was. the only ehanee to get well.
TJluerntion and inflammation of the
womb has been cured in two or three
weeks through its use, and as T find it
purely an herbal rrrnedy, 1 unhesitat
ingly givo it my higltcst endorsement.
Fraternally yours, Dn. P. Viroo.i'a,
Lansing, Mieh.'' fBOOO forfeit If above tet.
tlmontal Is not gtnalne.
If you nre ill do not henitato to
Set a bottle of Lydla E. Plnk
am Vegetable Compound at
once, and -write to Mrs. Pink
ham at Iijnn, Mass. for special
advice; It 1b entirely free.
Mv. and Jlrp. J. W. I.eacli, of C'hin
clillla, had a narrow escape from ser
ious Injury, if not death, yesterday
mornlntr, a few minutes before 9
o'clock. "While going down Jlarkot
street htll, opposite the stution house,
the horse which they were driving, a.
1 -year-old colt, wns frightened by
some flying papers nnd started to rear
anil kick, and while so doing broke the
hold-back straps. The horse then
started clown the hill until ho reached
the Ontario and "Western bridge,
where the carriage uphut, throwing
Jlr. nnd Jlrs. Leach out. Mr. Leach
held onto the reins and managed to
bring the horse to a standstill, when
Nay Aug avenue was reached. The
carriage was a total wreck. Mrs.
Leach escaped without a scratch,
while Mr. Leach had his hip badly In
j ii red by being dragged along the
in, til.
The funeral of Ihe late Mrs. Patrick
Haggerly look place from the Holy
Tlosary church yesterday morning,
where a high mass of requiem was
celebrated by the Rev. Father Mc
Manus. Interment was made In the
Hyde Park Cathedral cemetery.
The North Scranlon Retail rietk's
Jnlacrnational Protective association.
Local, N'o. -140, will celebrate their ilrfct
anniversary at tho Auditorium this
evening by giving a banquet and
dance to their friends and employers.
La&t evening, Baptist Young Peo
ple's union of the Memorial Raptist
church, met for the first lime In the
lectuto room of the church. Plans
were laid for aggressive and special
work to be accomplished by the society
during the winter months. It wns a
reunion of the s-ociety and the lecture
room was crowded with enthusiastic
young people.
The pan tor. Rev. "W. V. Davies, and
tho board of deacons of the Memorial
Rapllst church are busy these days,
making arrangements for the dedica
tion of the new church next month.
The Alpha Oaina foot ball team will
play the Herkimers, of Green Ridge,
at Sanderson park, tomorrow after
noon at LV.J0 o'clock. Those two teams
met before this season and it tesulted
In a victory for the Alpha Gamas, by
the score of 11 to 0, and as that was
their ilrsl game of the season they
epect to run up a much larger score
The Voting American Stais defeated
the young North ibid Stars In a well
pluycd game of basket ball Monday
night by a core of Hi to S In favor of
the Young American Stars.
Kastern Slur eutnmaudery, No, L'JI,
Knights of Malta, will mcot In tegu
lar cestuii on Saturday evening.
Make-up of the D., L. & W. Board
for Todny Order Issued to
Lncknwnnna Trainmen.
Fulluwlisf; Is tlio umIio-iiji ot" 1I10 Dclti
waro, l.ineku wanna ami Western board
for toilt'y:
vi;rM:iuv, .o i:miii:ii
Wild tats, IJi-t- S i, ni H'. A. Ilailliulvimw;
11 . m,, f. W, Dunn.
Wild (at, Katt ISO a. m .1. W. I)iiil.ltiii
4 a, m.. Ii. T. .Sljploii ,, a, in., .1, A, llil.n: 10
ii. lil T, UalletlJ 11 .1. in. I'. I.. ltoRi'lii! 2 .
ri .1. II. J!jIi', O. V, I Itsirralil'd iich-; 3 p,
in., W, J, Mewlir; 0 p. m., V. Walljcc
Suiiiuill.', i:tc u i, in , c.i-t. .1, Ilei.tilsnti; S
ii. ni uoit. I;. D. l.attinici, NkhuU' can-; :i ,i,
in., wr,t, '; PJ a. in., wcl, V, Wall;
P, in., cast, .1. I'jv. iKvr: S p. in., wrt, (iuldou;
7 p. in , Hem Ci)uxa, ii, (,'lnlc.v; 7 p. iu from
$jy Ant;, MoAIIWci.
1'iul.cia-G a. in.. 7 . in.. . I'in
tint) J 8 a, in,, Hotter; ll.t-U a. in., Morau;
ii p. u.. 1'. MtDounelli 7.S0 p. m., Murphy;
fi i. m., U", II. fijilbuloincw; PI p. in,, Lainpliii;,
VasseiiKCt liKriiie.-" n. in., II. Col.u 7 a. in.,
Klieti 10 a, ni .Vauiiiaui 10 a, iu 1', I., c'eeui ;
li. t P. in,, .-it in torn; S.M'i p, in., .Mi(!utui.
M'lld t'il, We-.t- J, in., M. f'.inni'dyi .'. ,
in., 1'. O.ivnruiurli; 7 a. m., ;. Itiiolr-yi 10 a,
in., 1", Vi-e, liandolph'ii iicn; II a, in., .lohn
lial.'agan; 1 p, in., 11. llJKKUty; 2 p. in., Wllllmii
Kltb.v; il p. in., T. HoudUaii; I p. in., John lia.,
tu-; A p. in,, T. t'ltrpattlcl.-; (J p. ni T. JKC'ji.
thy; 11 (, in., A. K. KetchJiu.
Older to Tialnmeu.
Tlio following: oider to t,acUa wanna
trulinnen has been l.ssued by Stiperlii
Undent Rlne:
"Kmploye.i In train .service who have
not taken a scholarship Jn the. Intet
national Corichnondonoo School and
who hayo failed to attend lectures In
the InMrurtlon car, will Und It Bicutly
to tholr advantage to attend sueh leu
t u res duriiiff the hhoit tlnio which the
Instruction car will remain on this di
vision. Otherwise, thny may And
themselves iinablo to pass the cnuih
Inatlonti rectulied by tin' new rules, ef
fective IHcember I, 1901."
Returned. Tuesday Night from a Six
MontltB' Tour of Europe Concert
Given by tho Rock Island Yotllers
Under the Auspices of the Scran
ton Saengerrunde Mothers' Meet
ing: Today at the Kindergarten In
the Y. W. C. A. Rooms Other
Notes of Interest.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Hprtike, who
nro well known tu this vicinity, ar
rived home from Germany yesterday,
where they made a. most enjoyable sis
months' tour of till the Important Lu
ropean countries,
Mr. ami Mrs. Spittles snlled u week
ago Inst Saturday on the Red Star
lint steamship Southwurk, and nt rived
In New York at 7 o'clock p. in. Tuesday.
As staled above, they reached Scran
ton yesterday, and at once proceeded
to their homo on Linden street, at the
corner of Webster avenue, which had
been put in readiness for their home
coming. A supper, attended only by
members of the faintly, was served at
S o'clock, when the travelers were giv
en ii cordial welcome home by Mrs.
Spiuks' father, Michael Miller, of Ce
dar avenue, 'and several relatives.
During their travels, Mr. and Mrs.
Sjiruks visited Paris, London, Rerlln.
Switzerland, and also spent somo time
at the famous Springs ,of Aaclmn,
where Mr. Spruks derived much bene
fit from tho mineral waters. They nlso
visited Lauzenhuusen, near Sohren,
which Is the birthplace of Mrs. Spruks'
father. Through all their wanderings
they never forgot the folks In Serantou,
who wore in receipt of letters and pos
tal cards by every mall. Although
they took great pleasure In the sum
mer's trip, yet both the travelers stated
last evening that they were glad to bo
home again.
A Pleasurable Affair.
Lovers or music were treated to a
genuine nnd pleasant surprise last
evening at Athletic hall, which was
crowded to the doors to hear the fam
ous Rock Island Yodlers, who were
present under the auspices of the
Scran ton Saengerrunde. The curtain
went up promptly at S..10 o'clock, and
showed tho Yodlers fantastically at
tired in the costume of the Ravarlan
High Alps.
They opened the concert with a
sweet rendition of "My Tyrol." Then
followed a march, "O Switzerland,"
and a medley in Kngllsh entitled "Hur
rah for the Flag." Then a carol typi
cal or the Alps in Switzerland was
given in u manner that called forth a
storm or applause. Thu yodling was
excellent In every respect, and the
Saengerrunde society Is to be congratu
lated In securing stieh a drawing en id
for their llrst coneert of the season.
Tho lloor of the hull wns urrungetl
alter the manner of it (Jciman beer
garden, with tables tunning lengthwise
towards the stage, nnd ulert waitirs
attended to the wants of guests during
the uincert. The lloor was cleared at
the conclusion of the concert for danc
ing, which was kept up until early this
morning. The Yodlers will appear this
evening at tiie Klks cafe on Franklin
. mothers' tncctitijr will Ikj hold this attcrnoon
at the KimlrrgJitcti in the Voting Women's Uirli
t i.i 11 .usotiatiuii ii.uim on f.'H.u- ju'nti", uml all
mothers .lie coidijlly imiteii to attend.
Tho uiual miil-utok trrtkv? M.ri held ljt
evrninrr In the Hickory hlroct Herman Piiwhv.
terian lunch. A jotmi,- people's mcetlns will be
held in tl.o llii.-, funmsr.
('owner JlnbciU lctol the remiin-i of John
I'loclich, who va, iiut.mtlv killed on 'luedjy .it
tllf. Wlllll AtrfT imil j 11. ......n.! ... :....".. -...
.-.... ,.. , ....-, ,, 1VWV! .11, lll.JIJ' .!.
iiwii!i; , as, nw oeitli was due to an unauM
able accident, according to tho testimonj. 'Ihe
icniain.s were later taken tr. 7-Ju street, troin
where the funcial will take place tomorrow after
noon. A tO'.lal v ill be held on Nov. II hy the St.
Alnltu focicty til Pharmacy hall, on Pittstou
auuur. The society will meet this cu-nine to
perfect arransementf.
The Oriental foot ball (cam will celebrate nltli
a (.ocial and dance not Monday.
Ceneial (iiant commandery, Knight if Main,
will meet in losttlar session tomorrow night at
Hai Iiuju'.s hill.
-Mr. and Jin, Albeit ncidlinjmi'.vei- lavo re
lumed Hum their lion?) moon and wire nuprincd
lv a puty of tricing at their ic,ideiiLC. 71 1 I'ltU
ton jm'mio, h,t night, itifmhnicnWuciA ct!ed
and a J.dly time was hid until iniilnlgtit.
On next Tuesday evening:, Nov, 1:',
at St. Murk's parish house, an enter
tainment will be si ven by the yotui
folkri of the eliuivh. under tlir illrer
tion of Jumes MeKune. The coucluil
liifi liunibei' Mill bf it latiKli.iblo ianv.
entitled. "Happy JIoIllKan."
OrxunUers aic at work In town,
limklti!; plans for the openhijr of n
camp of tins .Modem AVoodinon of
Ameilca. Already the have securotl
u formidable lltu of iibiuch and pros
pects arc IirlKlit for the establishment,
of another Ihrhiiu? fraternal insur
ant e hocloty In town.
Owliur to tlio Illness of llcv, "W. 1.
nilibiins, who Is slightly Indlsiio.sed, the
prayer luectlux at tho I'resbyterlan
churcli was led by Itov. Harry Xyu
hist night.
I.lverynmn A, P. MeUonoiiKli yesti'i'
day purchased ills new horses for
wotl; on his iiulel; pervleo bus linos,
and now hopes to give even moie
rapid schedule than before,
Tho women of tho "W. a. T, f, will
meol at Ihe home uf Mrs, V. 1', Atch
woitlt on Tuesday afternoon at :s
o'cloclc. Subject, "A Mother's Meet
ing." All ineiuber.s uio reunesled to be
"Word has been lecelvcd from the
party, of which Dr. Wliuois Is one,
that they have been hiiccessful In
diopplug ono largo bucl,-, and ioport
game thick and prospects bright.
Mrs. James AVIlsou and several
chlldt en, who left hero about a year
ago for JJrltlsh Columbia, wlti'io Air,
AVIlsou bad been for some tlino pie.
vlous, aie In town, wlioro they will
spend .-iome lime,
A. J. Widper Is sei'Iously 111 at his
home, stilferlng from an attack of
I', 1). Mauley has leluriied from a
hhorl stay villi lialllmoto friends.
The No. ou Alumni beat Lackawanna
second team by bcore of 11 to U. Me
Askle of the tlrst teuin played) a itnr
game for LacKavannu, Reynolds,
Slattery and Houek made large gains
for the Alumni.
Tho West .Side Athletic club hits tie
ccptnl the challenge of the Park Hill
Stars, and will play them any date
after Nov. 10, for any siini from J25 to
J100. AirauBcmeut!) can be made
New goods arriving daily. You will
find our prices interestingly low. Buy
them while they are new.
Toilet 5ets.
Handsomely decorated, con
sitting of scroll edge basin, a
large ewer, one mouth ewer,
covered chamber, brush, vase,
one mug and covered soap dish.
Complete Set $4.25 ,
Toilet Sets in white, trimmed
with heavy gold striped, con
sisting of one basin, large ewer,
one mouth ewer, covered cham
ber, brush, vase, mug, covered
soap dish.
Complete Set
Pillow sham holders, good value
Shell table tumblers, very
prettily engraved, good ,
value at 10c; this week.. OC
Cast iron tea kettles, heavy
nickel plated, 3 sizes, at
$1.69, $1.89 and $1.98
Special Sale of Black Goods This Week.
A Few Numbers from the Many.
Heavy all wool black cheviot
serge, full 44 inches wide, regu
larly sold at 50c a yard.
For this week OV C
56 inch all wool black pebble cheviots; the most desirable
fabrics for this season's wear; regular price $1.25. 0rk
For this week OVC
Jonas Long's Sons
Advertisers of Facts Only.
Manufacturers or
485 to 455
XT. Ninth Street,
Telephons Call, 2333.
Saturday evening at I.ynott's barber
shop. AI. AlcIIugh, captain,
Tho Alumni of Xo, lti school ehal
lenges the Alumni of No. 11 school for
a fool ball same on th'- AVcst i'.irk
grounds next Satin day morning. Kd.
Saul, captain. The players arc: Nealls.
O'Malley. Ace. White. Uittenhouse,
flnrrcl. K. Met 'aim, K. McC.iun, Saul,
llowloy and Harding. Tho ch.illuiigi
has been accepted by No, 11 .
Then- was an InureMIng: game of
football yesterday between the All Star
team of the hill and Hie j-i-cond team of
Lackawanna, thu tormer winning by u
score of It to ti. M'eAsklo of LaclfH
wauna kicked the ball off and 1'edrlek
got It nnd advanced with It about tun
yards befoie helns downed. They lined
iii) n few times and lost the ball on
downs which Lackawanna , took ad
vantage of by steadily gaining through
the center and ends until the ball rested
lililml id., hill renin's iruul. AVillliinis
then kicked the goal, making the scorn
ti-o in tavor ot iacKiiwanna, iiuis end
ing the first half. Tho second half
.started nf by Hlattcry kicking to Alex
ander who, by fumbling" tho ball and
getting stinted when the opponents
were ui him found hliu with tlio ball
very near their own goal. MeAskto
made a short gikln and then the ball
was lost tliiough a fumble and then
trouble began. The ball w,fi given to
Slattery who, with the force of tho
whole team behind him, pushed him
ovur tho Hue for their Urst touchdown,
lie then kk.ketl the goal himself. Score,
tt.ti MoAskle kicked thu ball off and
It was picked up by Horton who ran
with II for twenty yaids and then after
ipilck playing advanced It again until
It was over the line, Slalwry falllmi In
the try lor a goal, Score, ll-H,
Jlnse Ball hi Fiance,
Nuv Hut luso lull lia-i been oifi.,a.
ly In Cialirr c may ppeU that mkIi mitnl J
tho fjllowlng will mail; cuiy mine;
The Umpire I a,v e mau U outo-nt-out! S-w
do mj oni.erttjn.'
AlphoniO Sjio, oii ate no ilionl lcm-.ii !
llcmi Pai-r-dmi me, but jut aie uf e taniilte!
'lln L'niplrc -Accept se Jioui-r-aiu-e of my
mot i-r-Cfpeciful consldei-r-i ration, licntlmidi,
bill jou ar-i-i a pill' of ci i-laty irionkij!
1 Alpliunc--01i, Old jcu ln.if tu, my po,j
Ilenii Alphouv, iny brcMiIu, lie ha iiisolled
you !
'lie tiiipiie- Oh, ao md th on r bcii.h .ml
let ze aiuc pi Minted.
Alphviue -oil ill l.eai fi-riom niv:!
Iknil Von Mill hear li-i-i'om ml
llif rinplrc- IVilalnl.i, taif, I will jeeie jiui
f ili.fiiiloii wlicncvcr yuii mocJi. Oulj yon mint
put tet oil for a lust lice u.eki -l luj 5 nun)
Here's opportunity for buying
good big values in Galvanized
Water buckets come in three
sizes and priced at 18c, 21c and
Galvanized chamber pails,
priced at 39c
Galvanized coal hods, priced
at 35c, 39c and 48c
Galvanized coal bods with
hoods, priced at 39c, 45c and
Galvanized wash tubs, come
in four sizes, priced at 35S 65c,
75c and 85c.
at 50c, this weeK
Hand or table lamp, complete
with crimp top chimney
and burner, lor 2A)C
Large size fancy dec-
orated cuspidors.' lUC
Imperial breads box 39c
54 inch pure wool cheviot,
sponged and shrunk, suitable for
tailor made suits; regular
price 89c yd. This week OyC
Lyceum Theatre
M. ltLlS, Lessee and -Minisrr.
A. J. UUt'FV, Uiis. JUnagsr.
Thursday Night, Nov. 7.
Daniel rrolimaa l'rcsenla
Bertha Galland,
In a b'umptuoiis I'rodiielinn o the Jiclo
i'Miiiitic Kuiinnce,
Forest Lovers
nirct frrm the t.jieinn Tlifaler, ew cn'r.
Price.-. 25 crim to Tl.jO. Seat.-, on t-alo Tur.
djy at 1' a. in.
Academy of flusic
M. ItLIS, Lessee. A. J. Dutij. Maujycr.
flonday, November 4.
- - T - "- ----- w
In n Itepeitoiie of lTp-to-Hato PIj?. Open
in? slllt a Big bi'cniu 1'ioductluii o
An Innocent Sinner
i-nm VAuni.vir.t.n ait
Cai'lotid ot Dpcriat .-.eiicry.
Pricr HI. !'H and S ii'liti-.
.Malinee, 10 and CO cnl-. .
AM'. O. HiniUINCnO.S-, Manager.
'llitn-iliy, l'tiday and Jtunlai,
Xu, Till, sili and I'lli.
The Rb lleiiity Show.
Mme. Lillian Nordica
Tlie World's Greatet fuiiu-rt Finurf.
:ut, iiomavm: mmmons, i-imut
In i onin'ctlou with tho tourtcci i'i
concert of Tlio Serantou Syntplti'iy
Orulp.'Hlrii. Theodore HcmbcrKer, t niw
dut lor, tit the
New Armory, Scra.ito.i, Pa,
Thursday Evening1, Nov. 14, 1001.! opens at Powell's ln,ic moip "Ihuri
day. .Nov. 7tb, lrOI, at t) a, in,
Every Woman
is tuiertilvil ami should Vnow
illlUIll (HO vunicii(
MARVEL Whirling Spray
HOHOltl tiiirrmiit irt-"
esi.iiosi i.onvrmfus
II tirintr ibiibii,
Aib joitraruftM fufU.
Ii hfjiii4 suiyply d.e
itU.i'l, hut nii.l tnmi I't.f P
luilUlM I, yiitt ff Jt
li.lll.iilU'Uliiniiiillrriilniu- U ,ff
ii'H.H.rni,ilN Mtlli,il.l tyf ?f
ItMem K1, Timei lids , Sew YlU. l -
IjS Prof,G.F.THEEl,5278fohrl3
tA Jr I'lirticajfrnk ( i lo IU4i)itiiM.lM I
i TjXi "'' ' iBiwiiiiriium (eiiiiij, it vvvi
4wSUH lirltorrlt &. t'lrttlurtt toruUtoi, ln4?lp
Itt4lT5reiWoOriiit.Sfir9rltvrii IftllmviUUt Ifcykl
IS)Instnr) Birdltl u4 lrtlllIfrU'l, Mrnlloi iprri
' '' - -- t t -4
i'rifie thul .f i jiiu oit ZJt all in tnu
ulni up djy jii" JiU'n. i ii J't'HL'li 'lj
buHZ, )IH'3I IIU,
'lltoy utl liW i,'lia.i';.uiUK ntxl Alnlionu'l
flcurl l oadi oilur on the cluck ii twy 'I
o tho loiKli, 'Ihe i;uiio linn pioicei'J.
laii.l I'lilu Dcil'i
.'V iffli ? MIA
V- TST-v rt.1-?
ll'aietited.l f "2)
s-Yrf7tv-'Bh m - - - -