The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 06, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Kt'ff 'fifJvsf f"t''"J 's-tXp; vtfr "-"ioftr' jfcyvu"-
He Stents Gravestones, Clianges the
Lettering nnd Sells Them
Sreciil to Dip t-itaiilon Tribune.
ililllHtvuil, Out. 5. The still thiol hurt
niiiile IiIk iiiipeiiniiice In (Jri'iit llcml.
Some months iird h clink xvell'Rtootned
fttrntiRi.T entered tin- wicked 'lty nnil
it.'pic.senud lilnifi'll' us mi iinenl tor
ti little Kiniilte yurd. Hi' InloroHteit
hcvi'I-uI imi'tlos hi tdiilbstoiii'S. Mr. P.
iviibIi. ill" lied limit. JusL uIjhvp
Hrcut ticiid, iiiiicliiiMMl line, xvhleh was
duly delivered in1 set 11 1 as iitm-t-d.
Soine days uller M'vrrul stones xvero
uilsHlfiK from tin- llnslimnk eeivieteiy
nnil iifti'r dlllKi'iii si'invli It was latind
that tin- intent hint tiikfii tin' stones
from urnves nt llnslirook ami litul
iluiUKfil tin- lotteiini; unit polished the
Kiunlti' Mt It looki'd new' and palmed
tin- luinlixtoncs oil' on uiisiisiieotlim
M'tlllS. Jlt'tlee ol (hi- I'euce -V. K.
Qtmlle.x- Hsiud it wiiir.iitt for the ur
icsl of the .swindler who h siliipospil
to be In the vicinity of Nicholson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Murthn.
Trncyvillc, Ate Asphyxiated. i ti"' Sn.intwi T-iliimc
Honifriule, N'o. .".. YMeitln. alitnit
noon. Air. and Mis. .lanii'S Murthn and
son, (liurli.'s, who live the old slnss
factory at Ttueyxille, weto found in
their home iinenHM-hills, belli),' oveieimie
by coal irns. which t'eiiped from n
The son, lit'lnss a lolui.-t in, i li. irm
orcd ftom the elicits ul the i?n. hut
tlio father ami motlii r, helii:; uld and
fci hie. could not r ivc and both h:tv f
since died.
Fpdial In tin1 -er.intoii Tribune
Foiest City, Oct. ,'. "nick" (ir.i., the
harhei, I the owner of u hilly
that has hcen trained to draw .1 little
wagon. Evidently llkiinrd has not
yet thiiiotishly lnolce JiH Utile "horse''
10 harness. Yesterday tin- animal ran
11 way. ".spillinK" the two Gray chlldien
Into the KUtter, and 'IpbrIiij;" il iluxvii
-Main stieet at a -Ml'i trait.
Kusene K. Dentin).' has moved hi-,
family to hi-, newly aeittlied piuprty
"ii lltul.-un sticet.
I'ourt has handed down 11 dei Ision
1 xemptiiig- the Foiest t'lty pom dis
irlet from paying- taxis on then poor
farm In llenick township.
V mandolin and sultar chili has hcen
firmed and will receive instruction!
nun I'luf. A. !'. Thomas.
liven lor an "iff ye.u" till-, elec lion
n.s unusually unlet here.
I). I.). :. M. Aim-y. of X.-w Mlironl.
Xi.-ited Forest t'lty Indue. !'. and .V, .l .
1-.1 nicht.
.link .Vlex.iliilei . win.
if town tor the past lew
has lieell "lit
day-. Is again
at home.
Sheiiff Maxey was in town lod,i. tor
1 he luupose 01 votinsr.
.lohii McDonald, 'I'. W. I'uniiiiiKlLini
ind Daniel Melvln will sei ve as jur
ms lievt week
The llpworth l.iternry society xxn
entertained by Miss Myrtle .Martin last
t veiling.
The Ueptasiiphs' device team Iroiii
''.nbondale will on Ki iday nihi put
time laiiilidates Im Hie Kiiet C(j
Inline tliioiiKh their paces.
hi December ji; ,1 election
Mill be held Id ote nil tile pliipii-i-tlon
in bond tin- town iii vpi.rnRi up
the .in Hon of the hn111111.i1 building
Sfu.i' tu ti.r .-uanton inljuii"
Moiiesdide, Xov. . SulIU lent snow
ell III Uone.-dali ibis niornluj.' lo nicer
the Ground. It roon dNappi-iiieil. how
ever Wyin.111 Kinilde leti this morning for
New Yoi'k wi'll ii line ol sallliiles. the
lir.-t niitiiut tioin his Hi w cut jinss
HleLii-.iai-old Itu.Mlioml l.obb dlid
of rllphtheilii nt T o'clock T110.-1l.1j
inorniiis. at the home ol ids paieiit-J.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac l.ubb. on Thin!
stieet. The luueial sei vices (which
were pihntej wuc held at 1 p. m.
The Nlu.i Kepertoirc inmp.inj gine
an excellent eiiiertulnnicnt in .1 inn
houst Jlondav iMiiimr In the opeia
liulise, (111 Wednesday eveuhifi they
ine--eiit "The outlaw ot "fis." Tln-i'r
spei laities .tie tine. They will leniaiu
all the wtek, with tlninm of pro
stniiunie each eveiilnj,-.
'J'uesdiiy ininulnK. wlien the cmplojvx
01 I'cnwardiu's ste.ini ilomiufr mill mi
tend the mill, liny t'oimd John Velsh
lying at tin bottom of an elevator shatt
l'i a vi ij iiitnh wiecked eondltloii. A
bioken arm, luokeii libs, laeentted head
mid iitlur injiiilts, the lesull of a fall
from (In top Hour, lie had gained en
name io tin mill thioiigh a icar win
dow ai'd pi the darkness fell thioiigh
the opening, with the above result. He
Is III a irltlcil condition at his home,
near the mill, ills tanilly aie known
as Mnrj and .Joe 011 tlio streets, and
med substantial sympathy lu their af
llbllou. THOMPSON.
Sffcial to the .vianton Inbune.
Thompson. Nov. .'.. KIk-Uoii day III
Thompson Is one of the iptlotest days
of the jear generally, and today Is no
1 NCcplloli.
The Ke. J. .1. franc, of Fnloliilnle,
tis culling on filemln In tiiwn yester
day. Ite. W. 11. Kicuch'sMainlly has .
turned fioni u inonth's vinlt nt Keuku
.V, Y
Oiln .Maticsoii ol Ninth Jackson, is
a vclcoiiii! visitor In umny homesi in
town thh. week. Ills eondi
H011 Is not what It was when Ins was
With the I'ojn ii blue In the ftmtli.
Intnl. hut no Is Just us full of cheer up
Plot. Conipton is off duty today, be.
Iim lonilnul i his homo by a seveio
Mero liopeiul lejiorih conm toiuorii
luff Miss Flora Sanford, who Is with
her mother at Dalton, under the. iloo.
tor's care.
Hey. J. M. Concll, ol Jackson, who
wib lepoiicd Impioving, is not u well
' nt this writing, itev. ('. 11. Tower
reucheil for him Subbath ufternoon,
nnd gave the address ut the temper
ance meeting In Ulbson in the evening.
t'oiurade. A. I). Miller, who has been
with IiIm daughter, Mrs. F. 11. Ingntla.
for some time, under the doctor'H eaio,
Is not Imptovlng as the winter np-tironeties.
Sprctal to th .Icrtntan Ttlbun.
Unllstead. Nov. C. I'lmi !
Xandt Is visiting: icliitlves In
York state, his old home.
The new steamhoiit, launehetl early
In the sinitig, Is not to he taken apart
for the winter, but will bo docked In
front of the lesldenee of Dr. .Men III.
Saturday 11 fool bull sraliie will be
played here, between the strong High
School team, of llallslcad. ami Walter
Paeknid's Indians.
Itev. It. , Ives, of New Mllfoul, m-
Italu, lain, go awaj .
1'onie again another da. .
hit tie Johnny wants to play.
Find Johnny's father and mother.
copied the pulpit of the I'lesbyterian
ehuich Sunda.v night and pleached an
enjoj-ablf: sermon. Ite . 1.. W. Church
occupk-d the pulpit uf the New Mllfoid
Presbyterian church.
Fred W. Church, editor of the County
tlciald and a thoiinigh newspaper man.
is about to lelintjuish the management
ol the Herald to accept a position with
a l.nge daily in Johnstown. Pa. It K
not jvt aniiouncid who will succeed
Mr. Chut eh in the Herald.
The wedding is annonmed by Ah. and
.Mrs. Jacob Ihown. of line stieet. of
their niece, .Miss Helen King, to Mi.
William Schmidt. Il will be held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jaiob lirown
at l' o'clock, November 7. Mr. Schmidt
N the popular manager of the F. K
Sands & Co.'s drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. A. c. liliss are now 1 0111
foi tahly settled in their new home on
line stieet.
Albeit Mci.pod 11,1- injuied in the
Lackawanna yards licie by being hit
by No. !. one of the fast tialns. His
arm was inimed to some extent. Other
wise be escaped. U was a veiy rairow
1 scape fiom inslatil death.
Itevival meetings at the IJ.iplist
1 hill il aie si ill hi piogiess. A good
attendance eveij- night is the iccotd to
date. Theie have been several conver
sions. I!, F. Ilirnstein. of Fast Drang.. N.
J., was in town Satuiday, visiting
fi lends and tian.-actins business.
(ieoige Ward will this weed; icmove
his Iiiuisehold goods to Ituffalo. Since
lie has been Incited in that city he has
been doing cx'cellfiu work for the large
steel inmpnny for which he Is working.
The llnllhtead ilk mill Is tn be sold
by the shetllf 011 Saturday. November
Pi. at Montiose,
c.anell .. Uogait and John Jeiniyn,
of Scranton, were In town last week on
business connected with the water
Tin Indies' Missionary society of
the J.-'ingellffe church will meet tomor
low atternocjii at the home of Mis.
James I'.rown.
Itev. l. .). Kain, of rhllmlelph'a. has
bce.11 engaged to in each In the Metho
ulst Kplscopnl ehuich on Thu.rt.iluy
The Christian Mlssionaiy Alliance
will hold a tl.ij ol meetingH tomorrow
at the home of Miss Mary Hustle. Itev.
James l.elshman and Mr. Davis, of
Scranton, will conduct the meetings.
Ilvcrybody welcome. Meetings tit 10.3a,
"."(I end V."a o'clock,
1'alliiU Tigue, who went to Mercy
hospital 011 Monday, has suite red ilia
amputation of the left hand.
Ml-s Jean Ilavis, of Miners' Mills, Is
the e.iiesi of Miss Ferry, of South Main
Mrs, J.iiiiex Uennett. of IMalns, re
moved to this town on Tuesday, to
lake up her leslilenee with her sister,
Miss Jessie Alexander.
Mis. JaiueH Connolly, of South Main
stieet, Is lsltiug friends in New York
it j.
Joseph l.angshulc. left jesteiday to
accept a position at Jacksonville, Flu.
The choir of the Presbyterian church
are lehearsing a caututa for Christ
mas, entitled. ".Star of Light." TIioiuur
I Miry Is musical director.
NICHOLSON. ti. Ilir Hitontiin lillmnr.
Nicholson. Nov, .'. .1. II. Stephens, ot
Ituj'ul, is spending a few days with
friends iu town.
K. S, V. Hliies, of Hat foul, was a
caller lu town, Satuiday
Mr, nnd Mrs. II. D, Hell returned
homo Tuesday morning, alter a fuw
days' stay at their cottate at Fppur
.Simpson, Hie iui'ani son of Mr. and
Mrs. II, S, Stephens, ol Stale meet. Is
very ill with gastric I'uvcr,
Miss Nellie Mack Is vlslilin! her
filend, charlotte M. Wells, of .Mldille
lown, N. Y.
The Ketott in Kind.
IIiiiIjiiiIii I Ui 1 ii Ilii.u.ldS cuimti'iui.i e,
kiMiiii'd ami wjiiiil I'.v Hi p. y) puliitiil to IvuK
ul, until Im viinlil epn lil-, nuiutli unit ilium
IiOm vllliln rjulml .j- i ilu,li u ,K I o-
ipicucc. line ilj), nlun . iijiijiJ in i tull In
("till, lil .iiIh'imiv ul in- lui jclujlly nt
n la J l in Ul 1 .mm 1 JI die :mur OUtuili'l
fiiic It Mtiuk In the ipiub, Tlitn lltcwfter
nunc In if ply. "Vour llonoi," lie cilil, "In nil
my itirrr n 11 laivjir t lmi licn ili.ilt In
tHinoii.lllllcii tinr 1II1I I rcr bftore trcl i.illnl
ttpoti Id I'Xpliln tin1 rntit ot my plijlcll lnlfii
bine lint I will 1I0 nn nmv, WIipIi I .H a liov
--.ilnl m niiitlicr. Hod Mi' I101, mlil I ii n
pretty lm.v nlun .i lllllo lin.t, wlillo plijliw
irtniiiid .111 optii Hip nnil il.iy Willi llttti! Mn
lint liculimlnit In I01I1II1', flie Ml Into Hip mining
It 111104. I nnlii'il In Im li'nr, ptillfil lur wit
Mora lio vv.k nrlounly lent nnil tell lntu tin"
'llie hiji-clf. Wlirli I hoy limk tin' nut ol tin'
1, tnv tup .i ,14 lil.irU ii tlip nf lln1
Monniliti wlm li.i I'i't irfuiul tn tnv illlltfini
ninil." "t'rnli," In IMill,iilclilil.i llnltilln.
I'lulil die I'llf l'p.
"(lash, Mlr.iud.v, linow unconsiirned
them iieople up at th city ulr," ex
elnlmed t'.etiheit to his better halt' when
he got back on the t'aini after 11 day
sp 'ii; in Detroit.
"D'Joii kiiuow thing happen thou
that air real big an" they don't think
uothln' of It. Why. 1 was daown lo th'
tlver wiuire all the boats, wins an' T
seen the dlirndest thing n-coinln' up th'
stream. They wuz three of 'em tied
together an' I couldn't tell what they
wuc. to oiict. Hut blme by they got
closer and I seen thet it win: some
big boats tliat wins clean upside clown
an' their botlmps wuz a-stlekin" up In
stead of their light eniR I seeti 'em
lb st an' I knew they wanted help so I
yelled nut tn .1 pulir email there an' told
him about it, but bo said I wuz nutty
an' walked away, while all th' otlieis
araiutnd th' dock- wuz a-latigbln' at
"'Don't ye see them boats is upside
daoun,' I ax to 'em indignant-like.
'I'erhajis the.v is someone drowned on
'em. W'.v don't ye go over an' help
"Ilul they laughed all lb' more. Due
man he 1 ome tip to mo all perlite, an'
saj-.s to me, 'at they wiu only whale
backs, tint I knowijd he wuz a llnr
fer all IPs solemn-like face.
" 'Whalebaeks,' sez S, 'W'y ye can't
fool nl' Itetiben like thet. I knaow thet
they ain't no whales in th' Detroit riv
et.' "An" what d'joti think. Mlrandy?
Them diirned city tolkeses jest let
them iipside-dnaun boats 1 1 oat on up th'
lake, an' nobody did n thing for 'em.
Never seen sieh a unconsm lied lot o'
people hi my llle."
'tin; -null iIuirIiIh el .1 iuninii'iii 1p.1l i-iuIp
linn licie iii town 1- -iiciiiltii llie siinnnii .11
1 In- Wliltp siiihii Spilnn, iii iimniii. '-he i-jll-l
7 .M'll- nlil, .Ilul slie i in lln' iiio-l illllivs.
inj puioil ot intliiiK Im .-Pionil IP.tli. 'I lip
if 1 ent In ol one 01 liei npiit'i nont tpotli Ji.n
hft. .1 ii.ip in t tic mtilillo el hi't si ill t.' h lno.t
iiioililiiiii: lu hn l.iin lilllc .-elf. piiulmilj s.nv
l.i'i not Ions ,isi .it I In' -prinits ilrhiKlntc sl.i
.iltu bI.i ul M.ilii. I itn in llie il.iy -lie .i
tin 11' .ik.iIii, iluiiu lln' -.tine ililnu. A Ihiifl
llnip flip v..i- ili-ioiiiiil (lunkinc the MJI0I-,
.mil Hits lime somilioily .i-Util Iipi win! nn p.ntli
-!ip i.i iluiiKin; so iiiiiih toi. The 1 Mill -.luhol:
"II iloni m. 111 tn lln muili niioil," -he s.iiil
llxnnMil.itiir, ",iiul 1 iril.nn It's Inciii-e I inn't
I10I1I uiiiUL-li. I'm ti.iliu lo w Uci llie iout ot
mi li'ilh o Ihe.iil alow. U.i 'mi think liny
It ..ih llie ,11111 Utile i; who I ,ni. i. ,n,e
tlolll lid lll-t ill, .it scllOol PIUPI to ,!lowr hpl
nintliir Hip i.ill-tlipnu cilii-i- -lip hnl lipcn
"It's tt-tii iiilniir, in.iiiiiiu," i-In i.ii.1. ' llipy
mil il lu".ni.-i' 1011 il . it .ill witli jour
li-t-. -o." -W.islilnnliin l'.'.-t.
I'loln llle ( hic.iso CI, untitle
Il I- in ipioril Ilul Kik-cII sim. il.p W.ill
sliiTt 111 111. ilr. nun iiii'iiul .1 IiIkIi I'unipliinciil
imni on.- 01 his 1 itili' .-. .mi hi-ioiv iluc 1101
ntenl .1 lil.e iiiiluiui' in hl ton), l.iupi. It Ji
In Duclip lonnl, Npw N oil,, wIipip W, .l.iy
M.alin, ki'Iipi.iI iiiiii.ii;ii ol tin- Phil nil Iphii,
lledilitii;' .mil .Npw i.iilnii'l, rimp I'lnni
Mr. .M.alin w.ii 11 li'iv jp.ii- irh Mippiiiilpiii'i nt
of ,1! 1.1II111.11I ii. I)nkhi'- iininl.i owned
III' Ml. SlRI" .Hill llP I'l'li III-. PlIIlo,lPI In 1. mi.'
1 lre filiiiil-. line ili.v .l.i,i, J-. he iJi liinilll.nly
1.1II11I, won' h.Hnl'Onio ixw loii-U8 tint
nl ill. Sim-' .iltpnlioii. .W lln pic-iilcnl mil
Mipillnti'liiluit t.ilkpil ni.illel, Mi.
Kiiitli iniii-pil the l.ilnk on tin- mipei Intel ilcntS
km p,
"-.1.1, M.11II11, ' ill. s,iii, "ilui'n 1 ilnp
pipti' ut genii-, jcm'ie ol tlicii. 1M1.1t .lot u
pair of lieit-iw like Hut ciIV
About -Ji." salil Mi. Mutli'.
Mr. s.ine .IrIipiI ii'jjii tlnlli, .Hnl Im.ill.i ic
null, pil:
"Me, bill I I inlllil lllolil I p.ill like
1 11 niiilil 11 .win Mir wuikliu for ,1- i.'noil J
,1 111.H1 a. I ant."
1'ioin The nutlfs t'ompinloii.
-nme Alio I It.lli-. win. bail .m IHpil In lins
I mil ipiu IjI oiimmri in M.1I110, .mil, uikIiIiik
iii .l.i.v soil, ol pPiinlvinii Iloni ,1 iJtiuii- to
li.e whip i.utniP lain!, .Hnl I hell' laid out link.
'Ihn uiinri'.-. did PI1.'HH, hjiiiIjIIpiI liy I'm
rlijlii m l.dl. .itbliili' BiiN in H.11M iml, ariniil
Willi iioil'lmcflll ilnb-s cliiilliu 01 11 llie (U til,,
one day upoitttl in liU iii.i.-trr;
'fhi'in isiils In Hn' i.itinp w.ile ma nm!"
'Hit. Mime r nuiKlie'l hn ' "Ilium,"
tiiinu liU lilMiitiy an.iu'1, "llnip. I iliamnl
l-llllll III' WJ 001i;. I 'I'll to lip till' MIW MjllJ
the slll!" '
Got What He Needed Most,
lioMlllol llillll l foml el ,1 ino.l ,ol iii,
ilom pot wlllibulil one eii'ii ,f llie point 01 I, N
.n,'alnl lilinsiil. "-iiiiic ..ii'.H Jo." lie Mid Up
ntlii'i' iliy tn 11 Viw Veil, ii'pnrtu, "I was
iliilalp f"i lot .it olll' i', ami I ilhl M'lni em-i.i-lng
in a intuitu' town. 1)110 n llie 1110,1 in.
ftiieiillil Diinoo'.iU then niinoil a li.iibcr linp,
.ant I '..h U'ldi-ul lu MP lam. I 1 lit 11 fil Hip
i-hop, jiil wliili! tlte laiiiilit of the u:oi wa,
elulii',' nil I sinihh'tl liim ciicdilly. lint hi
miouii lold me ilia Im 'onlu nut mippuii me.
When I lift lie iluli I iiinailittl Hut if Im
lunlil nut M'le lui' me In hnl .it Icj.t linprotitl
my .if'i'cai jiu e.
" 'Urll. il .I'Hi'l liki l.i'.:'-Ii li .i Ilul. h'
I.YI'hl M '11i( Itrlvtcn IliiiRliirj." Afitiiimu
iiiul iili;hl.
At'API',M 01' MI?SI(-lliit,lp..uril mm. Aftriliiinii Jinl lilalil,
M'Mt-Wiilvm's OrlplittiN. Atlfinnoli ami nlahl.
"tost Rlvoi."
,lopih ViIIiiu'h New otU mipcp, "laot t(i
pi," Wilt l)rppiipil ul I he l.jtnini tlirulrr
firnliiR lipfoie ii I.irne iiiul fihly wpII plra.pil
(hhIIpiii p, TIip .inlliw Int lj IimI tbp il.ij ", iiii'loitr.iini," ,1 trnnliln illon of tumipwlut
ntlipMp rh.iinc IcrUtlci. ti i1jjk p.tlor,il Rpiipt.dly
uiltnll of tiolliliiR hflmt Iiim-iI Into Huh pent etiil
tdmo-l'liripi moip iiipjoiliiitnitlu Hun ,1 -now'
Mm 111 .iii.I j tlinin. Iloupipr, tlir iiicKmIi.ihi.i In
citlrtit In III" pl.ty l .1II1111K .Hnl piv .ittpptiilib',
tilllimiiili fiiilnpil 11)11111 In J fner.
I ho stiiiy. Hie -tour of wliltli N lllil In hull lli.l,
IpIN of it .loillii.-In.lll ll.llilfil Itnliiit IIIp.iIiih, who
lu toiitt.iPli',1 In bullil .111 aiiipiliit I mrr l,nt
ilirr, nnd 11 hi In 1 1 ,ii- tngiiifril f.illt in Imp witii
il mIiioiiip 1 muitl J glit iiimrtl Oai. A 1 loml nt
Mi'pliion nlnl ilniihl Irl5 upon Hip gill' ilp,l
jb.'. whit li j mini; lllt""Klii(f eniliitiikp'i lu illl pI.
.itnmii w'umtii iMtntil (ll.iil.ts MlilillPtnwn, who
h,ii fill.'il to win Hip Imp ol lllp.ii(r, I111111 Hip
liifti of Iipi Inilc iiion Mm ami In inrins of
ili'lpr ln.inliillntloii of Hip wuppil ptpiiilltr- ot
Hip 111r.1t fnll.1 .imeiil. In fn'ltlnc Itli-c Iiir h,i
hl.-i wppip,iil In Inti 01 lionlilc.
I low put, Hot. lo mollis nt .1 IhtlHine.' iltle on
.1 f.i-l horM', iHiinl.t ikinutT'i Iroiii fninl. ttinli
mil 1 tui, -.ikiinl in ..i hnr. for llles.lni; tin'
liiinli! Willi whkli In piy l,W woikniPii, antl tlii'te
I .,1 IniiliiH llipir ilis'ill-lii lion, rrnin lieiipploith
IHcmIhk: .iit.I (I1.1 lipln In lite nlioie Hull ll.niulr
iiiul with Hip illvnipiy Out It Hit tliliulitpr
of Hip 111,111 ii'-oi inltil with lllp-lns: in Hip Imlbb
lint of Hip .npipiliitt llie pl.i. le.ulei .1 !nin toll'
L 1 II- t01l.
I ml (iilmo'p in. nl' .1 litniNomp nlnl iii.inly
Itobert llli-diiir. Mlf K.IKI1 I'.i-o-Ptt im Dm
1 li.illniliR- In Hip i'vIipiiip. slip K not onli .1
1 IfU'i iirllp-i, bill dj piillj ii" well, 'flip
1 tinipil.i ipitnrp of Hip play, in thp li.inil-! of
ll.nrv Mt II. if HibMpr .mil AurIp V nllurr. w.h
iiimtpi-i anil yniiipw'hut 1I11II. I.liribptli WomlMin
.i (ilailj.-i Mlilillrloii w.i- Inlitr-liii'.' in a ib.
airipi'iiblp lole.
Dllllllt,' till, lif'll' ilium e Im lelmii-i tun' Ipul
fitnn llie pImbi
'Ronnoke" Last Night.
M lln' i.iilcliu ! Mn.ii: la-t niRlit thp limn-ley-.t.u
U-i.ii .oiiipiia pn-,i'tilpil "tto.inokp," .1 lap
nil loineill' ilt.lllla of CIPit IiiIpip-1 Iloni l.cfriti
llllllf to flltl.
It w.i- inp-piilttl 11 ,111 i' ipliolinll.v tlpiti
lit lintel In Ike . onipjiiy l.t-l iiIrIiI. In llie ,
Ipilloon "'the Win hi." .1 -l .nt ibatna tui- np
'Plilt.l. "'Brixton Burglary."
Thp p. rllt'iti 01 i-ntiipili.iii-i, wlii h
inrlnile. no tp-. tluii llirte lp)iitim.iti' -lair., tit, I
whiib will pu'Miil "Tiip ttrixton IIihrI.iii" nl
Hip l.:ipnm liipatti Ibi-. tttcinoon anil nipht, U
lo lip kt pt intai I liv t!.iii.npr sl.iiiipi for (hp lie
1 11. il pioilnition or a new iinue,ii.
It i- alipmlt aiiiioiiiniil Ihtt thp ni'l I'
will hp "III the Jllli." whiill Mlllipilul "llil!
liliMnll llniul.Hi" .11 Hip -lllliil tbe.llpl. Lull
iltiii, aflpi .IniiliiMtiin; its piotl"i'i'x.-,.ii'- inn of
o.i "l in in 1 utile iilnlit- t Hi, l.i. ,11111
thi- .Hit nioeii .Hnl . 11 .liiivr.
Beitha Gnlland.
'Hi I ,i'f-t l.oipi-" .1- .1 li,,k w.i- ipry
KPticulli .mil mi" 1I1.1I Jljiniu lluwli'lt'n
rlol.l ll.i-, lit ell liuillltiPi 101 Hip slant' It will
niittuiibtpillj jiioie ).-, rnttit.iitiitij; .1-1 the non I.
Tb" pl.o, was olii;ill illv mail. i,e Mi I lu
Iti.iM"., in riiiilaml, ami iuii-isin ol ten tab
pan W lieu lianifl t'lulimiii -, inietl the
Aiiipihati liuht- lor bi-i.twp-l -lap. li--i lli.rlh.i
(.illintl. h" lonlriiliil with thp wpII known
Anipiitan I'ltiiifflil, . II. I..uia-lti, lu rp
nn.HiRp lli-s t.'iaits ipi-ioii. 'Hi,- Alt. I.iiita-t
lot ha- tlonp th ttli -u 1- to mil.i foin -. pi.e- ami
till' His, lol' il w.t-t to Mill that the tell l.lbll'.llIX
wonlil lip ip.tlll 1 iill.llftlt til IPll ait-. On Hip
fpuuti Iifbt of ll.e pl.e at Hip bit .-11.11 thpitie,
N"iw Vtiil., t'lcii in -lti' of 1 111-, lomhiiNilinn tlio
iliy was .shown to he 1 little loo loup;. simp
Ihpii it lias lieen hoi tcntit, ipilain mnipcp-t ir,
-hup- plimirritfil aiul thiiptoip i? iciy miicli
Mi tialhinl, win tieiitil .1 -plewliil iniic.--ion
.h I-otill, thp ",p-v Kill in "thp l'oti-L
boipt-i," coiiip- lo tin- I.jipiun iip1 Tliiir-ili.t
pii'iiiniv, -iipi"rlnl by Hie nlginil Xpw- Voile
t 1-1. The -alp ut Mat.- will bpuin 'Jne-ih.1.
Miss Kidder as "Molly Pitcher."
Viiuciou- iniiniui'H .iheail.e mail,' .11 tltp I o
ottite ot Hip I.jipi'Ui irniic itis that out of the
ltitip-l iiiul mo-t f 1-hicualib iitiillinrps of Hip
-e.i-011 will sipti Kiitliiin liiililfi In hpl new
plaj, "Moll I'itilur." Ipittiip ct
Ihe play J- .niMlistle ippip-inlillon of th,
h, iltle of Miiiinioiilb, win le (leiipial Cpoikp
W.ibinKoii pti-oiully toiiiiliiiiPiilp.l Molly tor
her bpinii cninliu t ami mail,' Iipi a rpi;p.iut with
half jiiy foi life, 'lln' pliv ii .il-i to
nboiiml in liuuitnoa- -Ituiilou.- um! in aflortl
Mi-.-. Knlilpi- a splfiiiliil opiiortimily for lln- .lis
plt.l of lirr t ilt'iit- a- a lompiliemn' wbuli .bo
bliowcil o wtil in "Mi.ljnip Sin- (Ipiip."
The Novdica Conceit.
TIip I'Upis of niu-io 111 lln- .11., win. .110
Vti.i nunii'ioii-, hup -huwii Hip sic.iip-1 inti'p-l
in Hip .iiiuonni pnipiit of tin t ominc ot tlte woiltl
t.iiiuil Mine. I.illl.111 Nnnlica. .mil a- Hip iIiiip
the Kicut eipnt apiio.nhp (up pnlliii-l.i in in-itPiip-t.
No siirli punt ha- prr tin.-nl ,-u inn li
laMirahle iiiimiiPlil. ami to atltl lo I lie impoil.
amp of Hip occasion N .Hiiioumul tin' flit that
suanton I- honored l: thi- Rieal artist 111 the
opportunity to lir in Ittr flt-,1 ponipri aner
Iipi ipIiiiii Iioiii .ilunail. A IpIIpi fioni Im 111 in
.11:11 ipci iieil bi Hip iii.inatiniit jiMri.
il.'iy -ai :
"M.irl.uio. V01, Iii 1 is lift-,' 111 s.inrili lii-attti anil
lookiUK iouiiRi'1 ami li milsoiu, r than in e.i l.-t.
MIC H HI IlllllP-lPil 111 HIT 101 Illiniums tpiKPll
torn, whiib oppii- in jour tity on Hip lllb. "tin
has aiilhoriril mo to My to juu that nlit' will
-1,.. ,lw. l'l-nV tin. 110 HelpLltoii from l.uliencilii
... ...- ........ ....
with our uiilipsba .KP(.nip..niiiipiit Willi pleisuie.
Tlio prnsiainiiip tonipii'ie win no h'iii ,1011 011
'Iln11nl.1i' .mil Is ipipiilnir Iipi most taipful ion-nil.
pration. as Iht Iii-i ai'iiparai.ip allei Iipi- ipIiiiii
Iioiii Iipi uatiie Iiiul bas spec inl iutpit.t lo Iipi."
The S-i union si mplion 011 lnti.,, umb 1 1I11 1:1 -Hon
ot TIicoiIoip Ht'iiibPiiiPi-, tompilsiui; il,v.
ft, ..I, , ..- 1, ,11 iimhIm flu,, .e, tlntis .mil .'.'III
fiiiiii-i' all by Hfir Imp pla.lltea. Ilit'i.itbiutt
pos-ililp i- In Ins ''"lie lu make the aiouslln of
tlio new uiluory a nlletl 1- po-i.iiup. lln ne.v
snilUililiK lioinl ilii:,-liulbl Aliihttit l 1'. Ih'lilell,
nl., ..imlitlni. It, 11 lie. I III II. ,' 111 ..w Villi;.
will bp nni-linl aiul lu plan' foi this kipi! pli'lit,
'I lip 1ll.iKi.11n for ulwiibpis opUH ul PohpII'i,
ntii-li Morp inn nitnunia tn iopioii..
'Ibo iliaiacm for Hip Nrmlitn toincii will opi'ii
tills monilliK ol I'nMi'll'-. siib-,tibii- tin! pi-lion-
an- ipiUPti'i to mi ui( Ibell
Imies li oiip o tin limn musician., lie lui
bein either in 01 IpiiIiiio; 1 utaili all hi
lite. Win 11 be wa 11 Inl in laiilmil be 11..11I
tn lollow the s-'oi Ki'i'U-ly uuiloiinril 1 ivaliy biml
l.uuwii us tl 1 M.ijejti'- I'tr-i I. up II11111K.
Whin (liluiorp bioimbt him In Aiutrii.t, linns
Iiiul fame .iliiii.n), Ipji w.i. Utile known line.
Iii.IiIp of two jiMr liv wa- Lii.nvu .is (bp mo-t
miil.ioiit tiuuibmiist u Hip i-e p ilulhil
Willi lilt llolllbuli" llie fmiil itbils of Hip
(oinclisi., ami tan-oil wouili'i ami .utuuisliiiu nl ,
Up r.iip to IiIf. tioinhone plliits that it was pot
b)ippi Hip iiisliiiuunt io..-p etl, mill tlio n(i.
lit ss uf his plJ.llllf W.I- wuiiiltiful. No 111,111
ever iliallnl linn, uu his 1 hoi, 11 iiotiiuni nl,
I11111M lui uppllotl till, iieatlte tlpliiinliiilloii
pi tits ham), Willi tie 11-ult Hut be has ,1 it
maikablp oifjulitli'ii. hi fit I, l.p but ii-lippi
in 1111 tntiul.e new iu III luml 11111.I1. Willi
lline.s U I toipi uf six KIJiiil npp.l a1iiiu, he
iIiiOIiik Ml. I'l.ilnpi lloilcn, Mjr. iliip ,I,
In it i, 4lu'. IMKJiiki y.i'ini, ami hinnniii Vlv'lc
'I'lu ic U ,1 liv. 1 luiiipt'liiiiin oin on ju.l
i.nn I'm the imbU tu pii'-inl "In thp I'.iluv 01
lb.' Kins." ull.'i' Mi" VloU Alliii pin. ii .1.I1I1.
In'Xl .hint' tn t..k.! Up "tiip btllllll I lit "
tlm met thai ihl, phi, ''In .he
I'.lllip ill the KIliR," Iij piouii nil) a 111 .1111'
Inula l.i 1 iiiul ailp-Hi hHud- wa r.nj
Ilul. II.111," Ml Ulen propo.ts t,. mile no
iNitptioii ami In tlil. to li-i oiIrImiI liitinn.'ii
tu piiMiit ,1 new tliaiiu pu'ij aiiuittl i-painii.
Wbilbii' l.liblpi tc (.0., Mii AUpii' ituiufirir,
will lcie Hie ilijiiU er put nut (lip iti.11111
llipm-sillis. ha-, not In tn ilulilttl. .lone Mllljril
will ihoitly jiipji n "In Hip I'.iIju. the
blue." in .omloii. MKs AlU-uS kikipss iu t li
Hilllliuly U'lii.illtk I ie aim i obi -pain 1 114
fern iiioiiiii'iii.
Tin- ilmnulli .1.) bum,' vb'inil a , (,.
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Hour Lines, 3 Cent lor tincli Uxtr Lint.
For Bent.
roil Itl'.M'-r.lvlit toomi, 55-t .IrOctson Jvcnu)
II modern ronvtnlrnrM. I
For Sale.
AI)MS WI'.Sli: III)!'"!:. Ilia luiRiiiu: un
ox ci 111 per rent HI""' w- '' ILaktll, Pibf
llt'MXIls PlttlPIIIMV. liooil, Pi He
xptnittil. V, T, ll.til.ptt. Prlie bulbiliiK.
I Oil ,s,K -t'llpap: liooe, pthm wacnii ami
lialiipf, nt N... Ivjil t 'pilar .ttiiiii".
I'Olt Stt.i: Tim lldlit dprliiB wiiroik ami onie
lutned. cheap. Kvjnt, tear 1131 biuerna
Renl Estnte.
-s,ii,hi lit Ve Ihup lol, Willi inn tlonlib' I ,'!
Hupp uiimilts tioin 1 um 1 lmiip. ltpnts oipr
111 pi'l- 1 fill. Si' W. 'I', lliil.pii. 1'iiie li'llliklie.
I'Olt HAI.i: Hup iicip nf bilul. Impimtil wllli
tiliip.rooin boihp; ).l'uty uml x.nicti ot hull;
Kootl loiiilluii In xllljiu ol I'leelxlllc. Ml". Ollxe
I'l'b. I'loptvlllp, Pa.
Wanted For Kent.
UAVlii) I'limiMiiil liiuiM' In Miiill Minlli. iliy
or llttPii Itlilup. Wtlip-.., Iijtis Mo.iik liullil
in?. Furnished Booms.
I'Olt HUNT rinni-iiiil mum on Pino -lit'il. bp
Iwppii .liflciMiu ami Mentop jxpii'ip-. Ad-
It c j--. K, II , Tiihmip Ofllu'.
I'Oll HUNT I 'uiiilsheil front 100m, with beat,
tilth anil gat; near (unit tiou-c; gentleman
prclcirrtl. Ailtlie3 llooiit, Ilox wn.
I'Oll nilXT I'uinislieil loumj heat ami bitli.
i I.inilen street.
Booms nnd Bonitl.
a bAiiiii: ruo.N'i' tioim. win, i.ii,i. .,, ,'t
Vilauis ateniip. NiIIhIiIp lor two louns men.
KOU.M-. TO ItU.M'. with hoanl. mm Mulbcirv
Boavdeis Wanted.
WANTUD-TaMe boiiders. Wis. Tompklm, Ml
Washington txenue.
Business Opportunity.
"bill"! llt'VS n l,ii-ilies.s psi ilili-htil tllllletli n.ii.
ami li.'tliif; bier moiipi. vpp W. T Ibukeit,
I'lltp luilblins.
K10PK AND I1I:a'I"'KAI)M!-! wiiinml tleljy.
Wtile lor our .sprt-ial lri.nlcel lellei. Pipe 011
appliinlion. ,s. J. rilbbaiil A 1.0.. iiiembei- N
. Comolltlatptl (Hnl Stoik lAiiiauip.. 41 ,tn,l 4i.
Uio.ttlw.1. New- Yolk. IMablishcd 1-UI. l.ou
Di.-t.ime PJinup ium
Houoy to Loan.
liUO.uW TO I.OAN-Lowet rates; ktiaicbt or
monthly psjiuents. Ktark & CcTiailcis' bldi.
straijl t lea nil 01 lliiilciing ami I.njn. At
Irnm 4 to 6 per cent, Call on X. V. Widkcr,
Sli-313 CVnnell tuilMtn.
I'jlttlit Hill ol tin. lien "-tals' wlllill welp this
ph I mm hut iu Hip i 1 ii 1 1 ..thu, Hip two
Mliiib luxe mot with whit wouhl .iiiiA'.ii n
be pt'iutiuini ami -uhst until -iittis-p-. up Xilit
lii.K' 1 1nns,, in, who N stjiilm. in "-wpet
I loin," ami -. Milk. Kent. win. is '.m -, nl 111 -"I'hp
('nwbo.i nnil Hip bail." Mis 'Ibuirt m has
in-t lompblitl Iipi Io"p of Iho .-outh with lli
int," lolors, .ipppiiiui; nt tu point lo laine
ami iloliithfpil .nnlit'uce-. M. lv. fit is now- 111
the lioitb'iesl. wIipip ho has w,,n a unai ami
ili'-pixpil si'i.pis, bikp Miss Ihiu-tou bis hii-i-lies-
ban; Ikpii xity lau,-p.
IfowMiil Ooulii is now luiuiim iu Hn pw
oi, bii'iiirp tlit .li r sii"it, "Itiolliu OiiniH,"
unilpi tbp tlirpilion ol M. . Ullkin-nu.
'iliotlipi- unit pi v" is 1 lie woil. of I.e.. Tii'im. 1
eaptaiu iu the l.ui;l-b atmi. anil 1 1 1- luml H
t.hoi.11 111 lln1 innoctne-s of mnlniiu, touiianpul
anil mililaiy ob-i ivaiicp xxhltli is so wopinUy
bukinir in Hip kip.ii maioiPx ol plu ol 'hi
ihir.idi'i. M 111 151 r 'ilkiu-oii bis nmiouiiiieil
Mr, (iuubt wllli an pull"iii 10111)11111. Mr.
(loubl will ai)ip.ii iu l lil (In pioliahli, iliniliu'
Hip 1'iPspiit -ea n.
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
LaiLaWMiini Diiiy to.. Pi. . . .
t'ounl S'lxinys It ink K Tin-t ( o .
I'll st National Rank (t'arbomlilp) .
Mamlaiil DiillliiL,' t'o
'I bin! National Hank
lliiup Depo-il anil Di-toiint llauk..
Him. pirn l.iciht. 11. A P. -'i
Tina II ink
Imka. Tni-l f-'afp Dpposii Co
f'lnk 4- Siioxpi Co, Pi lion I't'litp ,V Mik. Co. . ,
Naantou :.1p Wink
Mrjnton hiiiiiRK Punk
i'tailers' Hank
feciuntcn Holt : Nut Co
People's Hank
New Melin 11 i (', Ct
I Jim
I. "1 1
1 .'.
Mianloii Pa-.-, iikpi' llallwai.
tn -1
5loitCJ?e, 1I110 lfl-.'il
I'l0ip's Mitel Hallway, Ibsi inutl-
giKP. due PUS
PloplfV MlPft Ilullway. lieiii'lal
linnlKJiie, ,,. IfiJI
Ilii t.son Mainilui'tuiliii; I 1
I.aiki, ToMli-hlp Hi liool ,' per tent,
fit of Scr.llilon M, Imp. '. pei
Niantou Ti.p lion U pn irut
Scranton Wholesnle Market.
U'ouii It'll by II. I.'. Hlle, 'J7 l.iiekawamii
A.ip. J
lipaiisrei misiiPl, ttioiip nutiow, ,-j.n.
lltillpi -I'ip.Ii iip.iuti'i, lila'J'J,
t'brp-p I'ull uiMin, lu',;.illi.
I'ltii NValli -blip, Wa'Ale.
Metliiiui llpau. I'm liu-lui, fl.'iO
liippu I't.ti I'll bu.-liel, l,
I'loui Ile.t patpnt, pu b.intl, ?l Ifi
IIpjiib I'ri builitl. tnoiip nun on. 1 1 10.
Potatoet Per luislul, l.fli
Uninm-IVi IiUI,pI, l,l
Chlcnfjo Grain and Produce Mnrket.
I hiiao, Nux. ,"..- Ibllll-li foieiuu luws ol many
soiU tmlai lexltpil Iho wheal nil afiti .1 hllnu.i'
01 M'liial uinnlln., .iinl avi nt Iipi 1,1 1111
inarktts. PeiPliibei vlipit ila-eil l.i iH IiIkIipi ,
llpctmtiPl lorn, :,i. up ami Dpi 111, her oats, ijt.
.nil am ,il. Piuii'iiiii. ilo-pil 'PliiCif. In UI... .
up. ( .i-li tiuolalioiis ipie as loiluws:
.No. 'J led 10111, "Ji7.l'.'i.i No. ! kiiii. uAu ,
Nn. ihitt, :n't..ei.i No 'i while, li..ilp)i.:
Nu. .1 xxliltr, luliall1.'.!.. Nn. ! iip, .Viijalii.,
tail' In 1 liuli e liulllP' baili, oliW.; No, 1 li
riPil, Ilii; No. I .SnilbtipslPin, 1, IS; plluip
tlmutli) "'.il. S-VTlUVHlj 1111-s.s polk. ''.lil;
laiil, s.5is."i;ijj final lib., fT..-ni7.m: diy ill
til liniilir, HvlJ'SIM ebon liwr iblen, fi.)
.S.'JO; wlibkt', l.;'.il.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
I lifiMipi, Nux. !.- Cattle -'l.'Jil.i i iPnipU,
7.oil; Kootl In pilule (ll'ilr, iiumiiial, V..U..NI; pioi,
YtLoTi kliiil.Pl- iinl Iti'tleii,, !J.i,i.V, iuw, .i.1a
I uii bt'iltrs, -t5i1.:!i; phiih'I., -I.-JIj .n,; hulls,
if.' It. .'ill; (.tin. Man.Wl; 'IVJs ylipm, i)alt wp.
UU eliri., T-ll'iJ'.. Ilmrs-lltii'ipls I01l.1v, Ml.t.ll;
(iiiiioiiow, Js.iHI; pii owi, o,1ti. Uu um,
Itiixi-r; mlsul ami liiitilui, i.iiMii.ujti;; avd tn
(bolio hpax.1, i.-.j'.-ifS; lutiuli hpai, ."i.;
liulil, .V'.i.i.' bulk nf nalif, 1,u)iJ.7.), Mitip
ItKi'lpU, ls,rtl; .ocil .Iioukii; euiiiuioii tlm;
Iambi., liooil, nliouupi;, shut 1 nowl lo
lliolii' xxiiliPHs W.5WI.23 xiii.ii Mnpi. t-UJ.Pi;
l.Jlile lamb., H-J.-ina'i.lo; wivtejll limln, &U(.iiU.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
:j( lttlft.lli). Xnx. '. CatllP-'Jo Uli, mi ahi
llow jnil sliviOy ui .lesU'itlax'i irnn. Hog, ;' .
can on isili', aitiip; luaiy,.,.tiii..01i pint, J.
J3.1U: iourIi, UUi'HM; iUijs, SI 1 1.75. Mu-ip
aiul l.dinbj in iuix on 4li'i linii .11 cmnii4'4
pi It t .
Help Wanted Male.
"l'i;il-V liiiuilp of Riinil Ktoit'l llelk' who
ilt'die In tlouitlii llit'h s,ilille, Mti.l not be
'(Mill (11 wmk, 1I1I1 "fluk." I'ltbuitp Ollltp
.STi:il- it iiipiupHp .ii.'imi intti expMleniPil
Willi lioisps Iii llle III lilO'liltiii'!. tamlli.
Mugis fill, (all nr aililr Pi. . V. Kimllir,
Kliiiluititt, I'J.
VAvri:i- iix iPitiiiiR Phii.uipip'iij imii". ""l
ibiin M.ib'maii, tu .spII giiipul llin) nf pjpn
In Ibe iPtsll Htiitp. mm who li.i .in iiiiii.iiiitJiiie
pii'fenpili iniist h.tip lust rtfeipmi' mul '"' 'v,'"'
lo lioinl. tlilip. P. 0. Itox """ I lll,u'
tt.Wl'li) -lb .1 Imi III nt .iup. nlmliiil
or Hip s'uiilittui llusliips. I'rtlliBP. t'lUp oy
hi. nl fur ssjtuiiljj. Xil,ltf 1" I'., bill Mule
." axeiiup, tit.
HlllrtibAVKP.S WTIIO-I'i.r file l loW worU.
Coinmuiiiiatloiis ami pri-onal applli'Mlom
will bp iprelxeil at my oflltc lu llanioek. . .
II. J. Itiis'innn,
Help Wanted Female.
V, Mi:il 1 Hiiipplun took .iinl laumllt.K, IVili
.It nu-oti axptiu'.
W WIIJIl tliiaioi, ami IpaineiK on lailips' ran.
lln imili inpir. Steul null Jtnl 1.'-t piln'
iu town. Imppiid I'li'li'liieai, Co., linn biilbliuc,
U .WTIlll- Woiuaii to iln lniii"WOik.
Appll 'Jin hoiilli II.xiIp Pari; jvpiihp
lili'X. OPI'.IMIOIt'i W'XMi:il --ti'iulx xxoilv
Utiariitilml , ;. Ilpck ,1, uii. :: Silaitu
an mi.'.
W I PU (iiil 1 an miuiip Mpatl. tuolitiblp .'in
plo.iminl In talllui; til Hi Melts llullibu'-
WAXNIII-fliil for Rrneial liouwxxeiV. nl Dalton.
AiIiIipm II T., pup Tilliune.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Beceived nt Any of the Following-
Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
U.HbltT hC 111 I.I., coiner Mulberry
"ireet ami W'ebsier hxqiiiip.
lil b'I'.W l'llilbl.. P'.U Adinn aienti'.
West Side
OCOrtfii: W. JPSKIN.-, lui .mth Main
South Scranton
litKD I.. 'IbltPPi:, 'J'. IV. ir aienup.
North Scranton
lil'O. W. DAM-, ..nnil Nuttli Xliui
aienue anil Xl.nkii .-ut'Pt,
Green Bidge
l II.MIbb- P. .IliM.--. r,"i7 liicks.ui
aiPtiut .
I .1. JOHNS I'.ii (.tu 11 HiiIkp -tteel.
I I.OHI.NZ. iiuiipr la-lillialoii aie
line iinl M 11 hat .ilifcl.
W. II. KNr.liT.b. I'HT lix irs ii-uiii.'
.1 1: UUNI -ON.
-tlMi: UM: UIIH IKi.NI-.Y Ii. l-int-l a lil-l ill-,
ljoiiilinjr hou-p lol .1 rapablo anil pipi Ipiii eil
pait.i willing to ptx a t;onil nut -1 p i'. 'I'. I'liie buihlimi.
Mil Nii MAN wants li ho ml i-itu pmaip i.iui
il . luoili't tip 1. lie.: iiu'ial till Vu-wi'i
X, It, C, I HP ot Tlllilllli'
U'ANTI'.P-ruiiu-lipil 100111. .euualli loenml,
uioiliin mil in luiiate i.tuiili. f, 'liitiuui.
iilllip. ity.
W ANTbD- (tooil .spLiinil liatnl Ininicp, will pay
cii-li. Vltlicss boil. Il.i I ill. -iitulon. Pa.
Agents Wftnted.
I:M:I!,I'.IIi Mi: to 0 Ita ami mtlce 10 am--mini-,
l.ibeial 1 iiiuniis-ioti-. itihi.s-, 'llle
ciK," P. 0. Ho -wi. city.
Ml-!' In Nellli I ml, .1 11 ll oi.l.'i' I luili'i
p!pi-p tpluit to It li. Ilniiy. i,i. Ih'.iton
Est ray.
b'-THX Came inln II'.' lllilostilp ot tin' .ul.
sttilni. at (lifiiluuu, about Oct. 'J. 1 Iwo
,xt'.u obi llnl-liiii b.'lfii', O.xnir ipijiiesipil lo
iilentiti', pi cli.irRis ami lake aw.11, Aiiittiw
I.MHKS' AlbMK.NT.s I:i:A'II:D: all tan.s; iti
111.1; .-)ipi iali-t's paip. Home, 777
Washinifton s,, H11II11I0, N. Y
NOTK'i: IS lli:ili:ilY UIVllN that an apiilltation
will bo' lu Hip soxiiiioi- of Hip stili' nl
I'Piius.ilxaiili. 011 I'li'Lii, tlio Iwptili iiinlb ikii of
Nuipiubei, l'.ni. at ID n'lknk a. lu,, li M. I!,
Mail,hol.f. s b. Maikhottsp. , I . Piei, N. D.
I'lu ami 'llii'in.i.- I'.ilniei uuil. 1 .111 Hit ot
lil ol Ibe foininonwpallli ot t'enn-i lv.llll 1, piitllutl
"An asl to piuiiilp 101 Hip imoiporation ami
leciikill'iii nf nil. 1111 1 in inn't." approxptl tin:
IxxiiiI.x-iiIiiIIi or pill, l74, .mil Hip Kinti'linii'iits
llipttlo, 1'r 1 the ilul lu ol an lull inleil iiioia
t ton In bp i.tlleil "t'lio Pii'l buillhpl lonil.ltll"'
Hip let ami nblni xxlipiiuf is Hit mtnulai'
I m wiu i't all Mini. 01 lumber ami Hip fjIp of Ibe
i-jii'p, ami im tbp.p iiiii.-ps tu blip, pos-p-s ami
minx nil Hie riulits, luiieliu 11ml piniliKi'i of tl-o
siitl an ol a-'i'inlili in. I its siippli iiiPiil-t.
.11 I'. -ANDll. poliuii.i
I. H' Hi' MHXNI'llN, l)ii.iltllieul ot P11I1I11
-afel S'llotl .ropo..ils will bp oppuril .11
Hip i.lliii. ol tlio iiil ii'iiiiilei li Hid .llniioi u
llil. ilrpiilniiul, at I n'i lot k p. in., Momlj,
Sin. Is. mtil. to.' ii'iiiiilii' Die 1 iu ot -. lantoii
uaibii;.' 111111.1l.11x. at.oiiliiiiv to ilius ami peu )
In. illuli-. )hpmii.i in Ml. r. ,M i.asau, tu of pi'ii
at thp otlnf ot Ilii' Dilitltllleul ol Pllblh Mli'l.l.
XII bhls ..kill bo llleil willi ihi til itiiliolbi
fXliiknI'j, at hi- oillip Hi ll.p til
Hull mt Ian (ball in n'lloil. a. nt . Momln.
Nnx. is li 'Ibo .-um 01 Hit ilulliu
in 1 ash 01 t.iltlitil iln 1 1, is lo bo piitlo.iu well
1.11I1 bill, wliltli .um 'li.ill bp fnilPiltil ti Hip 1 il
11 1.1-p ot 1ei1is.1l 01 1 titls-ioii on th" put of
Hip I1I1I1I11 lu i' bom Ike lontini 1. anai.le.l i
(M'tiilp wilhlii tin iln- JI 1 r Hip
.ni.ntlitiK of Hip t.nn .
'I Iip .in ie-piii Hi niili I" unit iii 01 all
i,i,).. r. 1. woini.-i:u,
II1111I01 Ihpiiiliiiilt ol 1'iihlh -ik 11, Pi., Not. I pm.
$430,000 ?
Of IJutU,
ilt'i - lln ai'-Ji o nppei
596 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold. Bonds-
Dtiiuiiiuaiioii ?I,M, liialm lis I '" .11 i'al Viupi pi.enli.i 101 n le-clip ami
liililni( luml. Net ijiiiIhs Hiiip ami titit'i' iiiiiii'i inln muu-i .liatt.-
VVutc lol Ispoil ut Mi Samuel In. nil. I'le.'lili'lil of lln ( '"i.J." la)l-"H ( , mil .m .,1
" s-
3 Insertions 25 Gents
More Thn Four Lines.' ft Cent lor Gneli Ett Line.
I : ' ;
Certified Public Accountant.
1:1m Ann 11. n.vvis .viirimiXT, t owkm)
Hit llillli".
liti'.Di'.iticK' '"nlitiWN. " ivnciTTX, ""itTTvil
' -IL" ,AlllJ'l! nuiij.. I-'H VVmliliiRlon no.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
II. b IIVHDIMI, Mill CONNilbb lltllbDINil.
nit. c 1:. i:ibi:Niii:iitii;n, p.ui.i itrn.uiMi.
"I'MICP stlPlt, Sll.llllou, '
Dlb Lf, U. bVHIIACII, 11,-, WV (TiirNU TvYINHIk
''INK I.' HiniJ:'. A'rToilMlV.AT.bMV.
Jtooins IJ. II. HI .tin IS lluir Uiilltliiifr.
1'. b, 'IIIACV. ATI-Y. t-IIMMONVV'lTviTll'ui.mJ
l. II. ltbPbOHbi;, AITOIt'lTYJToANS NK
tl.ttptl on ipjI pt,ip i-ppuiit.x. Mpuri, Ilitlliilnit,
luiner Wtisliinulun iinnup antt Spnue. l1ect
.intl 1 law. HpptiblliMti lluiltlinii,
wj-biiigitui aveniip.
JI.-M.'P Ic .IbsSbp, .VIIMUMIYS AND COUN Couiiiinniipiilllt lliilliliuir. Itoom-I
IU, 'Jtl mirt 'JI.
i:divih v. tiiayhh, vrroitNKv. jioo.mJ
Ifll-'ioi, ntli floor, Jleai.s binlillup.
of Tiailp Hiilblinn, Spranlim, Pa.
Haul.- lliitlillnir
'. lOMbdYS. !MJ llbPIJIlI.lOANr BUtf.DlXO.
il XV.iomlnir axpiiuc.
Physiclnns and Surgeons.
Ult. W. I:. Al.bbN. 51 i .N'OttTlt VYAblllNGTO.'i
1)1!. S XV. l.'.VMOItKAII.V, OFl'ICE 3J0 WASH.
iiiKloii iixemie. Hi'altlpiiti', 1.118 Mulbctiy.
( Inniiie tiiseajf, lttui;t, bpuil, kiilnet .in.)
itpiilto-uiiiiiiy iintmiK J. nipclalfy, lloura, ?
tu 4 p. ut.
Hotels and Bestaurants.
-uu: i:i,ix .vn:, 1 and ij7 phanklin avi
hup. Jlatps lea.ouablp.
P. '.tnOLKR. Proprietor.
t It V.NTOV H0l.SK, M:aR )., b. k VV. PAS
M'Ugpr tlejiot. Comlut ted on the Kuropeati
pi 111. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietoi.
A. It. 11111(1(1-1 ( MIAN" 1'UIVY VAULTS AMI
ipss puol-: no jilot; only impioxptl pump u'pil
A. II. Ililgi!-, propi ietnr. beaxp oiden 1100
Noith Main aieiiiip. or bid.e'it tlrtie stoip, oi
ner Vilants iiml Mulbpiry. " Until trlepboiie'.
' Seeds.
c. ii. tb.xiiKi: .v- to. si:i:dsmi:v v-n ncip-
ir.imtu, s,,rp ill W.ishliitoti iienue; gteeo
Iii.u-p-'. Ti',0 Noith Main iixiiiup; Hoip ip1.
plioiip. 7-2.
Wire Screens.
Jll-l. I'll lit I.TTbl., IIHAIl Oil I..VCKV. VVIk,
Slt.iuIi.ii. Pa.. 111 luufitpttupi' ol Win' SttrPiis
DHLis-MAKIM; I'Olt (.llll.DHbN TO OHDi'.U
al-o bub"- W'.na.-. boui-p Mioitnakei, J
Ailaius axeiiup.
.mi:iaik;i:i: mios.. phinihhv s.iippmi:s, i.n-
xrlopps, papei btc-, twine. Waiciiui.iP, l..o
Washington aienui, Sriaulon, Pa.
Till: UbKbvHAlllti: IHXOHD (AN III! HAD
iu til niton at llie l.pwn hl.inil- of llpisnun
llios., Idii .SUtico ami .'u3 biinlpn: M. Nuitou.
:;ll backiwaiini axtuue; . S Nhuln'f, ill
Kpincp turpi,
Situations Wanted.
.sill VI'lON .Ti:D-To en out. by the 1I.1V
w.ishimr ur 1 1. .mini;. Call or ulilics-i, ill-.
Hn ell. 171') pilar aumip.
bNhi'hitlbM'bD THAVKI.l.NO SAbbSM VN" waul-
picittoit with t-'ooil 1 pliable lioti--, on Hip 1011I
in lot. il. lb -I lob 1 met iriven, VV. VV U'lilmnH
WOMAN wants plate .i roulc in hoanliiiir
liott-p or -null IiuIpI, xvha'p flip .'an li.
In 1 box lu tin ihoip.s uml 5:0 to mIiooI. Atldi.-K
.M. XI.; Tiibune of lice.
A VOUN'I! I.ADV. capJblc of t-ommiinliinr -i
tine ti.ulp, iIpmips a liositiun In etotp, 11
tliapeiv nnil fbaile ilppJiliiitnl. Atlilrpsi I), fc. A.,
'liibinip oftUp.
VXANTKD 111- 1 gi'iit Intuit, -work tu rir pveniusH
Iioiii 7 Iii IJ. AiIJip-'. O. .M., Tritium- Olflfe
VVANTHD V position as lioii'Pkpeppr nr pj.sli.e
eil., op u lake i.tio of imaliPl.-hT nilddlr'
.UiPil Call 01 adtltpss, "Capablp," ,W
N11I1I1 stieet. Dinimoip. P.i.
tslTI'ATION VVASrilH- To yi out by Hie iliv
washins-. iionlri: 0, ikanins. .Vtis. bi-e, tin iouiI.
sjlll ATIO.N VV'VN'li:n-Hv .1 yoiinu Kill 10 yeail
olil as must' cilil: atldirss till 'llii'iiilotp mhVi,
AN lAI'l'.HIb.NCbD Kill woultl likp Itnition in
prn lie iJiullt. lifiifst and ipll.ihlp; waitps ",
Ail.lipss liitlip. irilituip offlep.
A VV'OVI VN wants work. l Ibo day. Call J
I'm i-l com I.
ll'ATI0N X VNTliO 10 tlo xva.shliis.inil iiotuiu
at lioiiii. call 01 nilihrss M, I,., Tiibttup,
hlTCVIION- WAYIbD-ll.i a wonnn In -0 r..e
bx (la l washlm,, lluiiluc ami i.ieiuliij, l,'k'.ij
call or inMrpss 111. Ilbwcll. Ul1) t.'pdar nxriiu,
p'oiiili hill.', ilix.
SI I CATION' VVVM'i:il-V tub,
pats ol aqp. xvI-Iips 11 hiiiiatlmi ,i ihilile'ii -mii',
or to wail uu Imallil lull, 01 hou,.
keipiu!,' lur wiiloiiii .ixlib iu.iU KimlJ ; b.n h.
(xpeillliie: Bin il H'tl'IPllU'., Alldress. I. X ,
'lliblllli. OlllCl". , , .
vvvvir.Ii-sl'ifiUim .is cliippiim eli'jk or .ink
nun, llJ'l lime JPHH 1 xpultil't ; ran mm
wpll ii'kiIiiiiiiiiiIp'I, Vihbt'-, II. I , ijip ul '
Ion Tiihinip
"lli VIION VV VM'CII H; a iiilotril mm ai
took iu a liolit. in any klml ti whik fu'i
piix.lli Itiully) uluciii'j. II 'ttjiiuiiptl, iVdihesx
(1O1I VV". t I.axkawamia iixpiiup.
-". v--. v-wl'V,
. .
I'lnjitul s '.) Hi
. ' p
,v ,f
3..S -V -;Pir
, ..