The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 06, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    7iSBKV-?7TWTrilB5f7lv ipS
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Hl l
iv th " '? wsj-r?' ""u 'flBv Tyy. p
Befoie Dr. W. Rowland Davies. the
"Olivet, Could Pi event the Acci
dent, the Child Was Under the
Hose's Feet Baking Powder
fnkiv Skips WJten Threatened
with Arrest Puneinl of Wlllinm
tHumphtcys Entoi tainments nnd
Socials Other Mattel a.
I'lltlll'lillf, Hi" l.-.VO.ll-olli diiiightu (if
Mnikctnian Colony, of Ntirth .Multi ave
nue, was- tun down by u home nn Jack
son sited, yt.s-lerdaj alteinoon, mill
tuisinllied n fiaotuied leg.
The hoiM mil being ill l'( n lp 111.
V. Rowland Da vies-, of South -Main a". e
nue, it nl the child l.m out onto the
xtioot luun the .sidewalk unit la Ironi
of th" Inn so. without nothing lit l iioi II.
Ah i-oon a- ihe doctor -:iw Hit- little
one ho pullt'd up hit luusc, but It. was
ioo lain, iiinl the ililltl till mull , the
hofu's foot, with tln abov result,
111. IJavles- pleklll tilt lltll" Olli' lit),
-plated hi'i in lil i'.iii luge mill "look In i
to hoi homi', whi'ii he ledm ed tin ti.u -im-e.
bandaged up tho wounds, unit
made her a roiniortnltli' u j x t-i 1 !.
Tilt m ddent nut ontli ! unavoidable.
The pionint .ullor ol Dr. Davit t and
111.-. H'lilu1 to ihf i hlld win- highly
rnmniendabli .
Another Patch Discoveied.
A .Miun;r iivm. lepio-i Ming lilin--ilr
:ih .in agent tor thr "Mini r'.s fiilon Tt a
iiinipiiny." has bom llim-llaiiiinlii:-- a
liunilii-i ol Pons, w ivi-s in Vt"--, Si 1 1111
ton II I ( l!ll, (It d VV.T pllt tn lllglll i -
uidav. wbpu ibiiati-iud with .mm'.
Ills i'aini- 1st to take oidcts lor to.i
and coftee. taoniNini; in liiinKh i-n-l.u
Kid tiaiiu-d pli uuos .i. :i pii-niluni.
When In- appeal s with the goods, lie
tiles to i))lin off baking powilri
o! tilt Ita and infloi'. .mil give .1 nun .i
1 helper plctuit' 1I1 in l -I111.M1 in tin
Two of his -villous iiilli.wid him to
TMaln avenue j. 1 Mr ul, iv ntttt noun, and
while 11 nip'-vpiiffi 1 was summoning a, the fakir in.ulo good hi !.
( tii'.
runeinl of William Humphieys.
Thr- 01 tin- lut,- William
llumpliifvs in 1 1111 oil .vvsici dav ,if lei -iir.nii
tt.mi tin- t.miilv ipshIi in ., I4't
l.ul.iM ito sheet, ,tnd was- largdy -it-
A Dally Reminder
Vol ull ret It -Ii it r" n-i-il m
Dufour's fa: It will rrlic-u t! it
Co:ili mil Colli 111 unc ntfclit.
Fine Perfumery,
Complexion Specialties
a nil
Toilet Requisites.
This New Department
At the Globe Warehouse, is uot as well kuowu as it
ought to be, wheu its merits are considered. It lacks
nothing to make it complete, and contains many good
features not to be found in any other similar depart
ment in town.
The Perfumery Stock
Embraces all the best, foreign and domestic extracts
from the most celebrated laboratories and there's many
an instance when quite a little money can be saved
from regular list prices.
The Best of Soaps
Are to be found in this department, and include Pears'
full line of scented and uuscented goods, Cuticura, But
ter Milk, Palm Oil, Glycerin, Oatmeal, Cold Cream,
Tar, Sulphur, Caslimen Bouquet, Shaving Soaps, Med
icated Soaps, etc. All at the lowest possible prices.
In Complexion Specialties
The market has been ransacked to secure the best only.
Among the' leaders are Meuuen's Talcum Powders,
Knglish Wood Powders, Violet Talcum Powders, Col
gate's Preparations, Antiseptic Tooth Powders, Royal
Tooth Powders, Eastman's tbnzoiu of Almonds (lotion)
etc., elc.
The Toilet Requisites
Includes everything iu the Brush, Comb and Manicure
line, for grown people aud childreu, Also sprays, puffs
and the hundred aud one other things which the
woman of fashion has declared to be essential to her
comfort, beauty and happiuess, and there is something
to be saved iu most every case by buying them here,
Favoti'Us with a Call
' If for no other purpose than to look our line over.
c fescSSSwSJSsiSSS;
Globe Warehouse
lended. Tho pei-vlces ivrto condudctl
bv ltov. Thomas- tie llruthy. D. U..
lutMor of the .Turkfon Sheet Haptll
eliurth. A muiii trite from the eliuieh
!lllp 111 till SCt'VlCPB.
Tlip pall hmtiTitt wcto Outgo v'ui
mnii, Ncnlnn, 1'runk llynon,
t.ow-ll l'tlcp. Mr. Kflitoll ntltl Atloll
VnuiiK. lnti'iinonl w-iih uiaTip In th"
Wi'chhnin Htiopt pt-niptpiy.
Royal Society of'Gootl Fellows.
I'lic Wo si SumuIdii nx-ti'inhlv ol th"
itoval mv-IpIV of Hood IVIIowm will
hold a oi'lnl i'iliiii In Hod Mimi'm hull,
mrner of Main avi'inti' ami .latltoii
stri'i't, toinoitow ovi'iilnu'.
Addip-nx will im ilollvapil hy Hon.
V. Unit APKiir, vlM-pnMlih't- of thi
oi-doi". Altoinuy rionry A. I-'ullor. of
Wllkpt.liaiiv, a nii'iiihi't or tin- 10m
ntlltp.' on luwtj Dr. W. S. WcaM'f. of
l'ltlxton, Mupii'tiio moilloal oxaniliu'r of
tin- older, and other iiotiihli'i.
IhitLMtalniui'ut will bo fuinlHlii'd for
tin- lnltoti, and tt lunch and sinuliet
will h iliuliiK tin.' pwnliii:.
"Kaulia Komos."
'I'lto ilikoN for thlx tiitiitaliiitipnt
aio In tht- haiuH of tin' csi't-iitlvi' loni-inlttt-i'
of tin.- Sjinnltli War V. I oralis
lor illnti 11m t lot t mid ,i,tti.
Till" tho 111 it appeal ol the Spanlnh
Win Votoi . mt to tho public ThiMP It a
hlitli-toiiod and plabniati' i-iiloitaln-iiipiiI
in pii'p.uatloii w-liili will filvo
u lull and toninliti' intorpi elation of
' Km U', j Kninii'-." .
Electiic City Wheelmen.
A loRiilnr liioi lliiK of tlu dub ..t
In Id l.iM. pxcnlim, at whli h thou- wa"
n laij-M- aUolul.illn-. nioitlnn ii'tuint
won io-"hi'(l, a uniolU'i wat onlojtd
and .1 him h'Wim wnH.
I'm pai.itlont vvoio lii'KUti loi oponnif,
I'M- now bowline, alloy nnd romlm-tlni;
a lab when tho nllovs aro I'niuploti'd.
Enteitainment and Social.
Tho llajitl'tt VouiiK I'ooiilo's union ol
lh' oli-.t DaptNt 1 hureli hold an 011
li 1 1'lliuiKiit -ind mii ill in their lrw
a-"-pnibly 100111 last ovonln;;. A ltiKf
.niillcno" wa-- )iioint and onjoyod the
ini;jtatiini' .
Tile pat tielp-ints won-: Mis. IJ.ui
dolpli .loiitt. M1--S lioatiiio .lonpt, Miss
lit Ion Thoiii-is. ri'i-il Robinson. John
i:Mtis. Mist Aliio Williams, lto.
Wht'oli'i. Mist Ruth lloiWoo and Mls-
la ill It 1 M01 ii--.
St. Bienden's Social.
Tlic inmibi'is n( ,st. Mielidt'll's uuin
i II. Youiik Men's Institute, tondpioil
tiioh latlv lni'inlt a .-ocial In Meais'
hall last euiiiK'. whlib w at a sot ial tsp in oei )).u Hi tilai.
I'liwaids 01 mif luindtid ouplt's
"no in ,itt( ndaiu e, and a pto,-,rininnu-ol
tip-lndato daunt were onjo.M'd. The
in-municutal an oiiipaniniPUts wen
li.inlslnd bv Trot. I.00 fiof-sn. v ho
pla.rd i miinbt-r ol new and popttlai
: "loi tlntii.
Suipiise Paity.
Mi. and Mis. Dald IMwanh of .111
Thii leenlli Mtit'l, wire am n abb
sinpilsid on Monda r-enliiR, bv u
l.irm- niimbor of Ii leads. The tinit
vas tilcf-anilv sjeni in :,anict .-ind
swffyyCTrBTiTsffjByjti tn-jgftypffSSTLr
nlhcr tllvpitlont. Stusto was also a
rcnturci of thu PVenltiB. Mr. Thonmt
Allium remlrroil ft nulo pitlluwli
"l.nulsp," nut! "Tho Holy Olty" ami
"ihvlutl y Delyn" wric alio ipihIupi!
by Mr. Duvltl HIovpiih. MIh AVInlfipil
N.muo anil Jim. DtHltl IMwukIh nlwi
H.nit; coltif. Tin1 iRconipanlt.i whip
Mint Annlp T. lltimiilncyn ami Mr.
Ivor li ko. Itefioxluupiil'i wph' M'txctl
ut a icfiRoiiiihlf hour, when Hip kuphIH
ilopaiti'd lor their hiunon, all Imvlns
i'n.iyptl a ilollRhlful tlnip.
The MllntvluR wfif ini'ipult Mr.
iitul Mi.s. Davltl IMw-aiiN. Mr. and
Mr". D.nltl StfVi'iiM. Mr. tiinl Mm.
.lohn livant. .Mr. anil Mi-n. Tliotnaa
Mmilmtn, Mr. anil Mm. Waller lVp
per. Mr. IMiar. Mltoi Mnrprnrol 131
waiiN. .nnle I'tlof. WlnlfiPil Nnona.
Aiinlo T. Utuiiplnt'y.i. MatKiotta
.loiioM. MarKati'l ami lllotlwon Sloven-,
ami Miwtm. t:aii .lone-t. Wllllani Da
vler. I vol Ti-loe, "William lMwardn.
.lohn Sti'VPiiH, Tlioiiiat J. IMwui'fli and
Tholiiai Wi-lt'V llvali". Thosu fioni
out-of-town weio: Mltp-4 Small
.101101. l.uoietlu .Ioiip. I.I.Ip Daw
son. .Maijtan't Klin,'. Jonnlo Daw-pon
and Hollo Onwpon. of .Moolo. nntl MIps
Kato I'ati.v, .Tolni la-wN ami Peter
1'aiiy, ol A oca.
Deaths and Funeials.
A ihlld named riynn, aged 1.! yearn,
died yexti'iday at the liome of her Pil
putt on Twpiitv-llfth itieel. The fun
ei ul will be toiiiluclpd toinoiiow. In-teiim-nt
will be iniule In III'.' C.illU'ilriil
Tho liotlv of the late Audio Timleiltn.
uho loimnllted sulfide on Suiulay, ai
inleiifd In the Callu'ilral lonieteiy ye
tetday afteiiioon. No 'ivli'ex wen
held over tho linialii". and but few at-U-lided
the funeral.
.1. K. lllltypll, a lesidellt ot Willis
villi', who was well-Unown in West
M"ianlon, died .es-terday niornluK at
lilh Inline, iillei- a mm Ion attai k of
iheuinittNin. The fuueul will occur on
li Id. iv at 11. "0 oMoek. and Intni incut
will be niailo 111 U'ashbmn .street eeni
eleiy The lotlpre- of which ilei'P.isrd
wa ii number will liilse rhaiRe of the
spi vices at the cemetery.
Tho ftineinl of the late Mm. Muiy
Maine will take place toinoiiow 11101 11
Int; Mom the house, i fuller ol AVcl
T. iclsti wanna tienne and Chestnut
tin eel. A ii'(iiieni mass will he Ming
at Si. I'alilik's Catholic chinch and
builil Mill b" made in tin- Cathedral
ci in"U'rj .
I'oieiii.ui John Uoffinan, of the
Hampton mines, is lonliiud to hi.
home In lllne-s.
Mr. and Mm-. Mam ice Miller have le
ttnmd home finm theli weddins' tiip,
anil aic piopaiiii to go houspUi eplus
on KolU .stHOt.
.laiin s, the loui-jcai -old fun of Mi.
and Mm. a. V. Itlttenhouse. of .107
Xoith Main avenue, his- wi Kt
fi.tcluu'il H'LPiitlv wlillo plftyliiK 111 the
"Hillj" Williams, the nilnsiul man.
wa initialed Into the Colonial dab last
Tin-'i and I.lttle (ileaneis nf
the Simpson TM. ( vhuuh will (ondiiet
a iiiiiiiuaKe pale on Xovonibei 1.1 and
II In Ihi- aiant slonioom at the loi
nti ot Xoith Main aenm and l.alay
ette stioct ,
Tiie siiiBii-, of the Stunner avenue
I'l-5-bvtPilan diuiill .lie idiejislnp:
tin oiaioiia, "Hetlilolieiii " which will
be pie-entiil duiliia; the holldav s.
Mm V. i: Daviis. nf South Hebeet 1
avenue, lias ntitined home liom t'itts.
bin k.
The foilball ftann- al Alhletic Paik
on Monday nftunonn between the
Alumni of Xo. It M'lioot and the TliKli
w hool siuh tiani. lesulteil in a vutoiy
for the alumni bv a scoie of 11-0.
Mr. and Mm. Da i.t A. MotKaa, of
rihuute avenue, ulebraied the tor
tlolh aniiivcm.itj ot thcii mailings at
Ihf It home laM Simdav. Uiirc niun
bui of 1 1 11 mis wctc pio-ent to ionp al
ula to lliem
l!i v. and rm II. c. MeDi-i iiiott, ot
the Shnjison M. I', iluncli, aic spend
ing a lew da.vs In New Vmk.
Tlic s,i-t. m ot Hethan or St. Davids
HpNcupal cliuifh will conduit a liitisl
ealv tomoiiovv evenins. tonimrnclns- at
,S o'i lock. A sllvei nfleiliiB will bo Lik
en at the dooi.
0 , 1
'III. luiicial of Aim. Tati nk ll.if,-
Ktity will In hild this tnoinhiff a l !
o'(li at Holy llosun cliuifh. wlieie
a hih of iLCjulfiu will bo ct ie
hiated, Inltinient will be made la the
H.vdc I'aik crnif-lciy.
Mis. Alex. I'.iydfli. of I thai a. X. Y.,
i' vls-iiiut: her niothiMi Mi.-. S. Dawes,
ot Thtoop stiiot.
.I0I111 Movei 1- on a huutlnt, nip In
the vicinity of SlioiKlsibiiic.
.Ml-"1 Alice Miller htii leluinid home,
ain.1 a vMi with her imientH at AVIm
111 em.
The Iiistallallou of the follow lm; new
Olllieih tor flic eilMllllK ear took place
In tin- Keystone- l.ileiaiy association'.-,
moms Monday oveulm;: I'li'sldent, .,
J. 'lenity; vke-pn siik'nt, T. . ttreely:
tltonlliiK S"i tet.u y. T. A. I'l.tik; tlnan-
ial "-eoietai-.v , I'. I''. Itean; ticasuiei,
.1. T. Mi Xiimnia: niatiaRcr, T. .1, Hvans.
Atlej tho (orpmotilis a smoker and n
tcitainiuent by seveial inenibim of the
aii&ini.iiiUui look iil.u e. The will not
hold tht'li wiekly social loiuoiiow-ov-eiilnf,',
011 actouni ot the deiks' ban
quet. .lames Keeniui, of Mm, sliiet. eni
jilnyed as n (h email at the l.c'golt'H
Cieek iiillleiy, met with a palnlul titel
di at Monday afternoon. AVhlle eiiKafied
hi lepalilnt,' the inarhlnniy his U-ft aim
was badly inshcil.
The Alpha, (inma foot ball team will
pla.v the lleiklmeis', of Ciieeu UIiIko, at
Siiiiileri-ou'it nail:. Prill iv ufternooii.
The follow limofllt op havp been eloit
eil III the.limlor I'adein or society ol the
ITov Idem e I'lcsbyti-rlan cIhu-lIi: T'lepl
dent, Flossie Alvord; vlce-tuefildent,
A snot Mat key; setrotary, Until Sadler;
tieusipi'i, Willie Hill. The iuijioj Intend,
cut ol Hie dt riai lint nt la Mm, Watson
Two lniKp foiiRii'Katloiis llHtened last
Sabh-illi to Insti active and caiclulb
inepmeil dl-euslons bv Ilov. Dr. lluild
In llu Piovlilence I'leshyleilan church.
The moinlnu; subjecl was "Tluco 1'iin
diniental I'ikIs." and In tho fvnnlue
tiie l in inn was, "Ont-'i- PI.uo lu Mle."
The Seianton "MrnV society ol the
Xoith I'lid will have lis November as
sembly on .Monday civpiiIhk uet, In thn
Ptovlilfnoe Piesbjleilan sot hil 100ms.
Tho lltenity and philanthropic (iiinmlt
tee have an unusually nm.ulivo jiro
Kiamme for the occasion, .ludtju A. A.
Yicbuis Is the picsldeut of tho aoviciy,
and tho mcmbcishlp Includes promi
nent men of vailmis walks in Hie ami
of the vailous chuichcb in tho Noitli
W011M Mf Rniiti'i Pjl.-Jin loi Hie Tin oat :i-l
J.urjrj. It W tuiln; moio CuJjrlu, (Ilj,
Astliuii, nroncliltlt, Cioii anJ jt Huoit ji d
I mis 'Iroubld, dun jiij utl.ei nicOUhic. The
(ircptlclor laj autloiucil siij Unujbt to fciiu
0 1 tJinplo Dottle Klfc lu inntliLi. on ut the
mill vt tliU iUJt iun.J. 1'iUc ?. 'ill JJ-
iTemy II, Litileck, for yearn resilient
of WO Sunset avenue, have mtiVetl to
Noithtnubei luiul, Pa.
Mr. Welti, foieman for the tlieeu
ttlilao Liiinber compauv, lum roiiteil
Mr., danicH 1'iancU' house on Moniov
avenito and exntct'-) tu occupy It In the
near iiituie.
Tho Jleihlmem of Utemi lllilue ami
the Atpha (lama foolhall team of
Xoith I'ml will pla.v at Samlerson's
park Kilduy ufternooii.
The ftincial of William HuHllim
will luku pluce from the home of Ills
ilailKhter, .Mm. (Jpoi'kp I. 1'ulle.v. "I
lieen UMrp street, this afternoon, in
leimetit al Tunkhiinnocl;.
Tiie funeral ot the Ial" IMsar D.
Harclay wilt take place fiom the honu'
of his fiither-ln-iuw. Adam Peitsii-.
coiner Mousey tivenuo and New Yotlt
Mil eel. thla ni'teiiuinn. at 2.' o'clock.
Itiloiiiioiit In Km oil Hill vemelery.
-Mm. H. P. Kllluin. of Pike county.
Is the RUest of her dniiKhlcr. Mr'. II.
C. ilipeit. of Delaware sticet.
The "Tow nrt" male inialette me
making prepaiallons to visit their for
mer pas-tor, Uev. C. X. Newell, who
now lives at Pnionilale. This dikiiuI
.allon Is maklm; inplil strides llinlei
the I'tflelunt leademhlii of ISIchaid Par
1 1 ey.
Colunibiis Conimariiler.v, Xo. iiii-i,
Knlshts of Malta, H i.iIIuk a new class
of novices to be Initiated In the near
futuie. This is the voutiRe-t 10m
mandeiy in the county and bids fair
to be tho banner oiB.iulzntlon of the
AY. II. Wliltiniiie has niovcil Into Mr.
Kocli'.s house on Capoiise avenue.
I'i lends having- nrticles to contilbute
to the llimmnsc sale to be condm ted
bv tJieen PJiIkc Haptlst hureh arc ie
iliicsted to send al tides to the pur-s-onas-e
or notify Mis. Atldvnian, of
l".!'i Monsey avenue, a- soon as pus.
ihle. Sale comment. t s on Saluiihi.v.
Nov. !'. tlnods lecelvetl all day Filtla
at .".JO SmiH'e sticet.
The Creen Itidtfe Women's Clu-Ntiun
Teiiipeiaiit e union will meet this .11
tiinoon at Mrs. .lacksou's, irsiiu Mou
sey avenue, at :i o'i lock. The leimrt of
the state convention will be eonlinucd.
Miidlitt invitation is euended to all.
Sacngsiiuncle Completing Airange
ments for Tonight's Enteitain
ment Other Shoit Items.
A final ..-ton of the Srti'iiftii 1 nude
society's committee of anani nients
was held at thr li lieadouai tern lasl
oveiilnjT, and accoidius' to the repents
made, tonight's enteilainmeiit will be
a si and muslial and llnani Ial -iieros--.
Pl01esot Plant. I'eltlhof i's tannins
Midlets, fiom Itock Island, HI., will be
ihe atti.tctlon, anil as tliev come heie
wltli the hlghel testimonials tiom all
over the lounttv. Athletic hall should
be ciowded to the doom. At the con
clusion of the mulial ptogi amine. Pie
floor will be rleaiml foi dancing, for
.liich milr-lc- will be tuml-hcil by P10-fes-or
Joseph AVagner.
The committee of nnangenieiils an:
John Mais, Jacob Schtelbii. John
Schrotdel. Ma IjUtlwig. Louis HitiieU.
chaili-s Kia.vei, William Haumsai tnc-r.
rlwaid Klaus, John Kempter, Jacob
A Deserved Promotion.
Miss Lydla Sailer, one of the mosi
popular ioung ladles in this section
and a talented sinjjcr, has reaped u-(-ognition
and honors bv ic.i'on ol her
pl-asing iitifonality and splendid volte.
A few days ago Miss Sailer j- unti
tled thai her set vices were de-med by
'the (otigi citation of the Carboiidale
Tiinity Hpiscopal ditndl. and a ( na
il ad Jor .1 j ear. at vu llaltLi lag
ti" ms, was eiulosed. Mi-s Sailei stlgned
the- contract, and I.- b'ing vvaimlv con
giatulaled by lit r numtioiis 11 lends on
the spli ndld owning which Hie new
po-ltion oliei '.
Mis- Sailer has livid at lie Culai
avenue tor many yearn, and litis always
t.ikm a piomiiiriit pat t in tin- Hiikniy
Stuel Pii sliv trii.111 ihuteli chnii. Por
live yrais the .vouiig ladv has mih
Willi the AVashhui 11 Street Ptesbytei inn
1 lum h choir, .-ind has ninul many
honors elsewheu- a a musician.
Oil Stove Exploded.
The Mie (oliipailles o1 this ste weie
called 011 1 about 7 o'clock last evening
b.v an alitini of (lie liom P.o IS, uii-ul
by a slight bla.e tit 71.5 Ileech sued,
ihe lesli'eme of Mi. and Mm. Patiiik
Ponnelly. An oil sjov-e npjet 01 e.
plodid In one ot ihe bediooiiis and set
file to some biddlmr. The blaite was
scum extlnuulshf d by the 111 emeu, the
danuiKf-bdng small. Mis. Donnelly, In
her e-vi Ileimnt. huniied on a binning
m.lttiess to put out the llie, and a- n
consequence had her feet bullied lather
A llvd.v baby ghl has in lived al the
homo of Mi. and Mm. Hudeiibai h, on
Hlckoiv stioet,
The Volitif PoojiU's soi Id.v ol the
Hickory Street Pn-sbyu rlan 1I11111I1
nutts in monthly ses-ion lomoiiovv
The levlval seivlies at the- fJeuilaii
Methodist Hplseopal elunth, on J'ios
pect avenue, which 1 oninieacril Mon
day, to fonliiuie two weeks, me being
hugely attondul.
Mm. Allied Hallhoin and daughtor
left .vestenhiv lor Ttldimoud, A'iiglnla,
(o loin hn- hush ind. who has incepted
a diurdi call In that illy.
Fic.-h llsh, ojsieiv and clams dall.v at
Sunday's market. 013 Cedar avenue.
lilt. J. D, HAUClvAA'-Hailv Sunday
moinlng glim death dalmed auotlu r of
Its victims by inking away Dr. K. 1.
liai'clay. Dr. Halt lay had been a stu
dent at the llaltluiore ioIIcbh of Dental
Surgoiy for the past two ,vvar.s and
was In his senior year Dailng his
Junior jimi hu was iniuli .r pi evi
dent, which Is uiiHdoicil n mail; of
honor, ami shows w till what cstc-iin thn
young man was held -nMlc at lOllege,
Ho stood high In his tlasncs and was
one of the most populni iiiiai In thn
college, He wan well Itiiown thioush
out tills olty, Last summer ho td as
noslslnm to Dt. Tavior, wheie he ie
now nl his old .nituatiitances and athlcd
many othiis hy his umgenlal manner
ami Kind disposition. He c-anic to this
city last July, intt ailing to spend tt
short vacation with his t'athei -In-law,
Adam Peuser, of Oreon Hldge. wheie
his family had been since June. While
on tho c-ve of ictuinlng to Haltliuoie
he was strlekcn with t.vphold lovei
which later' on dev eloped to ijcllslr.
On Oclobei iti ho was taken to the pil
vnte sanltailum ut Miss CnmiiiliiR.-.
iv he in he undeivveiu nu opeiatlon by
Pis. lluiris, Stemicr and llc-i llugliof
011 Satuiday rnoniliig. hut owing to his
weak condition ho was unable 10 sur
vive tlu shook and died at 5 o'ehu'k
Sumlny morning. He Is Hiirvlvod hy a
wile and two elilltlien. ltu also leaves
to niourii'hlM los.s a motlipr. Mm. A
ami one In other, 1. .1, Hutelny or Hal
tlmore. The tmioial will he held 011
Wednesday iifieiimon m ' tiom the
home of his rather-ln-taw.
It. 1'. PliniHCK, 11 well known
lesldent iliitl huteher or Clink's Sum
lull, died on Monday 11101 nlnif or ty
phoid pneumonia, alter a week's Mi
nes. He leaves a wife, live daURhtuirt
anil I In eo sons. Slant service will he
held at the house at ,s o'clock on
'I'httisilay inoinlim. The remains will
then be taken to Nicholson, wheie
sprvlcis will bo held and Intel muni
will be made.
P. W. llobdny returned yesteidav
ti out a live davs' hunt In Pike count;..
He In ought line. 1c as a lesnll ol Ids eT
foils one buck and one doe and sev en
let n pheasants. The huge buck Is now
011 exhibition at J. W. Hobdus's, on
lirook stieet.
The Ladles' Aid society of Ihe Pus
b.v tei Inn ehuieh will nn et on Thumila
al'li'inoon at o'clock wllh Mm. Dl. U.
.1. Chambeilaln. of Hlakelv street.
Mm, A. II, Pliuh of eh. uy "treet Is
seriously sick.
Ml. and Mm- William Con ell hale
11 tinned ftoni a stnv with Voik state
H lend-.
Ileniy Hiiiiiniiiii. 01 Coining, X. V..
Is visiting his r.-iinllv hue.
.Mm. H.wh J. Mamh. of lllnkdy
shed. Is vlsltlnir Im- on, AVIIIIain JI.
Maish, ol Hast tlt.inge. X. ,1.
P. D, Miinliv Is spending some time
at Haltliuoie.
Mm. lloval T.ifl 1 etui nod yesteulay
fiom n two w eiks' .Jtaj lu New Yin k
Mr--. H. M. Spent ei li fl today tor a
stay ol seviia! davs at Xi w Haven.
ISoin. to Mr. and Mm. J. C. Me.Mll
llau. of rilth stieet, a -oil.
l'lfin tlic l."nl 111 I'vcniiu Ncit"
THIHti: IS or theie n--il tu In- In
a sijiiulid little stitct in the
nelahboihooil 01 the HiitHh
Museum an citing lioti"e whusi
pilnelpil ti commendation In the
e.vps ot Its pat! oils was a tin ee-i mime
dinner lor twelve cents-.
It boasted n "llr.-L-t lass loom." uuil
tills was inteiestlng 011 act mint ol the
people to be .-cell In It.
On a ceitain Januai.v uioiniut,. hovv
evtr. tht loom contained but two eu--toincm,
Thev-weie a gitl and a jotini;
111.111 sti.ini m to eatli othet. Holh
oide-i oil and ate their dinners fuitlvely,
ami both seemed to be nsh.imed ot be
ing thine.
"Will .ott be ofi ended if I sptak to
; on" 1 fainy we aic in the same pio
fe'sioii .'" 1
"In the Mine boat at any late" she
said with 11 little liieful laugh. "What
make- 3.011 think so'."'
"Von look musical. Aien't oii'."
"J sing," she said. "And .v 111V
"I Imagine I 1 ompose."
"Have .vou done jmj good.'" iniiulied
tiie girl, after a slight pause
' Xol it. I only hope! Have jou an
f ngagement anyvv here!'.'"
"Not now. 1 am tivina lor 0111 ."
"It's an, uphill lire'" observed the
rimnq man with a slnh.
"Hateful!" agiced the gill, and then
wiifj silence again.
When they had paid their twelve
cents they left, but stood at the dooi
She held out In 1- hand to him and
w Isliid him
liood-bve." lepllici he, 'oh. one mo
ment! AVill .vou tell mi- oui nana.'.'"
"Alma Hrettan. And oum'."'
"Mine i Tlieo Par "
'-.n good toiiuin el'.'"
"Xo. I'luniNes imly pioml-i' and
they nn an -e little!" she leplicd dls
eoiisolatel. They had nu l at dinii"i- again: the
now met tln-re dail. It had lieconi
llivli habit the uistom of the-e uvo
-wall. In jnofL lonal Hoadon and each
lininil delight iu the other's company.
"I have btought ,ou baik rlu s( ore
ol 'Ki.ini.ese 1,'" she said. "1 tlilnk 1
almost know it b.v lie.ut."
"Vou like if."
"It is u'tilly a mastei jilei e!"
"And ct no iiiamiger will look at It,"
he said bilteil.v.
"Watt! He patient!"
"1 am won) out wltii walrlim. Hah!
talk of yum sell. Xo 1 ham e of an 1 11
gagrmem still, .vou sa ""
The ue-et alh'i unoil -h,. did not Sci
him at the fating house, and .-he ivoti
deied wh. It was heeau,-e he was 111,
When hi- iccoveied mid was able to
leave Hie house, a pale and pitiable ob
Jei t. with his white face and hollow
cheek-, llie llmt thillK he did was to
wind hl.i way to llie shabby table
d'hote, arid now It was his nun to won
del, tor hi- icllow -lloheiiilaii wat, not
And wlimr slob Into spiliiK ami
spilng into .siuiiimr, but still lie did not
ste her. and at last lie glew to lt.l!i;o
that ihcy would not meet again.
1 4
li wa an I'atut r moiiilng seven
r tirs iiiim', at -la- cum.' on of oiu .f
the meai lallway stailons Into tiio
oii'Oi' if Paih. Hud and navel
stained. The compaiiv with whli h she had
1 et u touilng the Pu'iidi piovlnies had
disbanded, and she had m lived iu thu
iiipltal. pooi and fib mile---', lu soauli
ol a new engagement.
She enteied an unpieieiitloiis icnuu
uirit dose b.v, and, while her punning
imnl was In .111; piepaied, auiusid hm
Kll bv glancing .u a newspaper.
"M, 'Jluo. Kiiir!" The uanu leaped
out 01 lire page and sttuck her i.ves,
Then Kan lu Pails la pilnl! Another
moment showed her that "1'raiitthca."
a new opera b.v an unknown 1 oniiosi)i-,
w-as to be produced as a venture thiie
nlghtti heme.
I I in' capital wa.-i runsideiahly under
J"i. She would go to him and beg of
him. loi the old tlnu-'s sake, th" favor
ol a small pal 1.
Sin swallow id hoi meal In 101 min
ims and Hindi In-r wu iweitedly to
the stage door
"M. Thru Kail." the dooi keeper III
I'nriniil bet. "was lodging lu tho Hun
Tltaidict." 1
III a f ' w seeouds a c.ib lainkil at hd'
the dooi.
"M, rail'! is ho In'." she e
cltcdly. He- was smoking In an aim thalr b.v
the window and sprang up with an
c-m laiiiailou of unwi nicirt.
Vou" Is It iiossllile'.' Oil, how glad
I am'"
"Till nn- all"' sin itlul. when sin
had iNplalued liei cuand. "Tell mo
:p Vou aic a 1I1I1 man?"
"(Ill, 110. no a el.v Pool one! I
liadi and Willi -mig-lait I've Hid
chime of fame nt last, The work U
Jonas Long's Sons
Just Plain Words
And Facts Like This.
From Our Cloak Department
Ladies Black am! Blue Kersey Jackets with yoke front and )
and bjck lias i 1-2 inch strap seam down back and a -.-. )
front, velvet collars, (iood values
Ladies' Castor, Blue and Black Washington Mills Ketsey Jack
et, all silk lined. Defect littintr and tiimmeJ with rows of self-
.stiching large pearl buttons, velvet
is made to 1 etail at $10.00. Price
Ladies' 30-inch Salts Plush Cape, edge with black
thibet fur, mercerized satin lined regular value, $6.)0.
Ladies' jjo-inch curly imitation Persian Lamb Cape, meicet- (
ized lined and edged with thibet fur. Good value at nrk
$0o0. Price PD.UU J
Ladies' Raglans 54 to to ;o inches long, made of Oxford mel
ton and black Kersev "cloth with yoke Iront and back
and double breasted. A gatment well woith fci2.-o. & t rf
Price $1U.UU
Ladies' plush Jacket with mutiia beaver collat and edged with
same bell sleeves, satin lined thioughout a vciv rich j . .
and handsome garment well worth $20.00. Piice. pl5.UU
Ladies' black silk separate dress skins tucked all over and
has a deep llounce, with full Hare, regular value t n
$12.50. Price 41U.UU
Jonas Long's Sons
Advertisers of Facts Only.
neing put cm as a '.top-gap. so to -pi ak,
bin If J -ucoeeel " He taught hi
Inealh. If It .sliuif'ded he was
' niad-'t"
Time th w and while thi.v dis
cussing the possibilities ot his mur
ing lu 1 a small pai t al o late a date,
the door was opened violent! v and a
stout gentleman bmst in upon them
Willi .1 pei-pinng fate
Tato paled at Hit sishl. la-tiiu-tivd.v
he ku-w tin- niaiiigei- had
biougii' bail new-.
"Your iu lint donn.' lias the tnllin n. i
That is all,"
I'ho voiing man stood niollonh'
At a blow his v.oild had n ashed in
mills about him. The next Instant
Alma spnki :
"Will ou 11 list I'lallee-ia's' music
ro me?"
Ilolh aien .-latWd a- if they had
lieua shot Then wllh hope, ill" maiia
gci in I'S-posiulatlon.
"v'onV" echoed the Kuril. "Who ai.
ou'.'" "1 am noboil.v," -he abU almlv 'but
If .vou me willing I 111 IV be sum' one
el. '
"Hut -but aic you nuul .' Vou maid
not stud.v tlic semu bv Thuirtda.v
The lamlliar music war l.vlng on a
chali. She saw il, snitclud at It and
tin ust il into Theo's hand.
"Play the aieonipaulineiit to the 'In
vocation,'" s-he said, "I'm going 10
slug It,"
She b"niin MUldly Sli n-alinl as
the (li-i barn b-tt In r Ill's that she
was singing tor the crown of her am
bition, mole than all she knew that she
was singing to'" the salvation of tin
man File loved. 1 1 knew It. too, as
their eyis met.
The inaiuiKeiV evebiows li I It il. and
hl html rdmoU a llitb' as li tinned
the p.ifc.e.
"Por him I love I'm him whom I
adoie!" U-v voice ro-e, flooding the
loom, and when it died with the lad
I'liuid the minaj,er caught her b.v both
".Maileuiilidle," he ald giav Iv I
lull have llie honor to submit a om
trail to ou ihb- uternooii. Vour
lrientl should be- giati-ful lo you"
Hut Thin said nothing, only hN
late spoke and II wis eliani'iil
Hveij body knows what liappt lied
When the i in tain tell on tin- last act ot
"Fl.inci -ca" the aildlenci lose ro theli
tut and eall.-d for the I'liniposn wllh
dieii.s that i.iug through the home
He Hlood bowing amid the deatenlllg
pliiinllts, wailing tor tlu'rlii'ne to sub
Hide. Hut thai was not to hi vii. Tho
pi inn donna must be iecalld, and
'I'll hi led In r mi onto mom and ilu-v
stood theio toRfthei, Ink I'm Is
,i icaiiud llsilf hoars" .
Ho uil iihU tin -mui I, It Is a ivid
dlnij pauv at a gay PaiWun hotel,
The inliiigiooai lists 10 retuiii thanks
and ."ays i l an aiuiropilato ihlng
thai hlsVif' and he should biealtlast
lu a icstauiani today bie.iuse 'It wan
lu a en lain ustamant l ' .-even
cuiK ago " " uul iiiiliu so
a testauraiu, peihaps," etc
,ml the lulde laughs nieiill.v, while
tliu pfop),' wnndeir vvlr.v,
Admit nl Evans Was Aptly Named.
I) . 1 lel.ull. I.JM III I'l'J II' It III II Wllllilll
IIjMi.i II luti. .mi'ilinl M- iintaijiin if
'li.lilliur Iteli" lit lit himi- jillnil nin- hi lie.
nivt. niul el'1 i vvliu tt.i I i nit l a lie
iijhill. nhin l.v.iu. Ik.jiiu j cutlil, ull- i hi.
,oi iI lu In vj. ciiii.liuiil, iilile .1 Vu
oik llui'.- i iiulliiil'ii. Mkhi: in In'iI Jiitl l-v
tin ie vj 4 .jlnoikiU'. I "nuul Itnliil D. la
,iii., ttliw I'iialmullj V't iluinV I.hij dull' llil
for $6.50. Price. . pOUU
collar. This jacket Q (
j)05U tt
Lyceum Theatre
31, ltLls", Leee in I MiniEti
A. J JiUII i, Ili M..inrif.
Alatinee and Night
in) Ni.- ,i, s hi I Hi. id , 1 mnli i
llll u-lll-. Illl.llil sqlllle II II I Nl 'Villi:.
JI.i il I s, ii ,t, i i mult su, ,,S(
Brixton Burglary.
4.1. .1 ( i-l, II. Ml-.1 h U f 1 I IJf.I Mt.
I'll. - .i " 7 M 'Hi uhI -l !, f r,
ui M huh t ' ii mil "-.
i ts uti Nlt till il tt 't i ))),
Thursday Night, Nov. 7.
Jll K I I KM III III i'll-M-ltl-j j
Bertha Galland,
lu j siimpin,,,, I'i, i, lui lion nf ilu VI u.
pi en a Kvln in ' ,
Forest Lovers
IHlll f I til llll IVUMIll llllli'l Nl Nil
I'lllf '"l tills tu -1 Jl s, lt i, (i i,-.
llll II I ' III
Academy of nusic
M 111 IS, I.o.'sCe'. A I. butt),
IWil WI I ls i tiVIVil Nl INii
Tlonday, November 4.
KuntSey-Harris If
III i Kiji l I I l -lJ I'l . t'l'ell
i . win III- -mm I'niiliit i I'll '
An Innocent Sinner
i nu. v vi nun 1 1 vi is t
V I il I ml "I siui 1 1 t ml
I'll.. H '11 'litl ill i . Ill .
viiiiiiii. In im! ') ma.
All CI, N-, Vljnjirer
I l.i ii li ..ten ns i 1 li mi i,i .1) ht
Mme. Lillian Nordica
I1 Hi fUl' t,i. jl. i ii .i s ,
VIII llltVN sVIDNs ' i
la lonilei lio'i whli III" lourtt eljlll
l Olll e I Ot 'I'll" Ml.llltoll s!elnphtUl
Ouhestia. Tli"oilon llniib'igti i'ou
ilueloi, al lb'1
New Armory, Scra.ilon, Pa,
Xhmsdny Evening. Nov. M, 1001.
Ill ,0 III ' lull I l'i Vi ' Vn,i S ...
tljt, Nm ill t"tll, tt It u 111
Il IpJU lltll. Hill I l ! i Will I Hill s . in h, II II
1 1 -In 1" im nu i I nl ii In ' J 11' l i ' '-H ,'
ll 11 til ill 1 1. I . ii illjlulli Ji iliibli il I Ul '
in. lli Ii " s.i iiii miii'i' i ml.t .t'ltea I
licnln. lie iijiui i U I' ki.nw. Hu nti'ai in
ttjii j'illul In linn .ibe lltiilliii uitiiil. nt t
lum .l.lmlul mi lli J I lie '.ul llie Imkl. v
nli Lu tint' i n ni'.i'l.