"f.fvyt"' S.( (J J , '-" v '" $ 4f rS. M pvwPF -V x V f.l " 4 t f THE SCKAM'OJN TJIJLUUJNJ- WltiLMKHDAY, iN'OVEMJBEli 0, 1901V 5 - tvti K ii. . SETH LOW WINS BY TIDAL WAVE ItolH lll'lml Oil I'.Uf 1 1 materially fiom the ilmnes of piooul Iiik K'tiin. In llm vtii liuiM municipal epnteslK tepmleil from up I lie -onto tin iiinxi uiloi est liny t'lfot'oii. nuiKl wti ttiifjo of Albany, Ttov, linoliostor, Hyu "M"!' mill Itiiiinlo. 'I'll' eiu iii Albany wit entiled bv the liopublloltlis ov sViiitlur U.ivlil II. mil i.iKlupr mi u-tHo part In till- III III i-llllMIHO, Tlm elee- t Ion In Tun was ii lively mi" a iiiiiii h"i' ul' fin rat" I'm' lllnunl vol 1MB IipIiiu lintilt 1'ultod stlnles Souiilor .Murphy headed tin- ilKlit lor i In- i-uinlUliil" of tile ni'lllOl'I'lllH, Willie fill llli'l1 liilVf I'tlilf Ulni'k miinuned llio ciiiiipitlpn lnr Hie 'ii oiii os" I vt DimiiociiHIi' licpublleiin tl'liut. Haldol I.. Conway, lite i ittidl- lllll! fill IIIII.VOI, s'llppllltl-ll l. CV-lioV- "11101' IllncU. Was easily elm Inl. In iliitinki tlm I'liilio Itepulilluiu tlt. mill county tickets won- i-lii ii'il. l-:riiuw "' KmIkIiI, ill" nimIo I'oiiipliolli r. holm; boson lino or. 'Hit1 ii'miiH In l!o luHtir mis close, lull Mitltor Winner's Mends lltllll Ills oloi tiull ooi lln liepilbtii an miciltliif t. In S,miumi-( Mujoi Mi Inlii'. roi n number ul v-ais p.il III" Demoointlo minor ul the illy, was de Icit.'d by Ihr l!"pnli!li i n iiMiillin". The Latest Hetiiui!.. Now Yoik, N'ov. ii, - ii. in. -Willi tin t lection of Si'tli Low ns mayor. Cluii'li" '. Koines us pii"-lil"in ol tin1 tid.it (1 of iilili'iincii mill IMuniil M. ('.lout ii" uniptl oiler, the KiitnitlHt tilnnipli ill (.Sicnter Xi' Yoik uppiMi.'. nemly i oin- li'ti. Till' latest lottuns Imlli'.il" tlnit The fll-"lollstS l.l" eltetoil Clllltl'l, 'I'f-lilillt of th( liniiiti'Tll ol Miinhnl l.i i: Kwiiiistmni, prosldi til tif llio lioi .iiish ol I'.iiMikl.Mi, mill Cioinwell, pi ed it Ill Of till' llOlOUCll Ol Ull IllllOllll. 'I'll!' Hiioiiuli piesideuov in Hi" l!ioti ap pears to be in ilunlit, Wells. Fusion, nnd tl.ifh n, Hi.inoci.'it. 1 tol It (l.'iliuiiiii' tin1 oi 1e. The DeilKioi.ils lite leiliiin nf we lioriuiKll pre.ddcno.v, l',i-dd!. Ii"1iik . lei led In Queens. Then.' lesnlls, unless iiKulilieit liy llt. otlklul figures., will le the Kic.oiilsts uinplott' eontiol nf the tnin iniuhlii-i-iy of Hie elty us well .is ol lite vau nts hn.ii ils lonieiiifd n tin iippioiu iu "loii it ml illsirlliiitlon of rmlilk ftiinl.s Kor .iustlees of the Htipteine coin I, O'lhlen, Cieeulijuin, t'liiiltt' .mil il.ini Iniiil. the riislnnNt i unillilales, ftt'ie all electeil. ilefealiiit; Van Wyr k, D.i) tun ami lCno. O'Mrlon u.is nom Inati'il npnn both HeUets. Mayor Van 1')ik inn homily behlinl lii .i--o(i- ll"". Tit" clei Holt of .leliiine rusiliillUt, lorilistilit .ittotnev owr I'iikci. Heni tul.il. S ailmitliil by .'II p.n ties. Tlio tillk e ol wlieiill on the iininty II ket in Xew Yolk lOlinH Is -)j i lainieil b both p.ii'tiis, O.ikloy, Ueiii- iii.it, iiliiiiinK ahe.nl nf O'Tiiien. Tti--iollNt. It Hill) teimll" Hie otllei.il i iiltllt to (lei iile the lo.sult.s. ISetlllll- -O f.ll' lix Uieleil tldlll illf fi rent -i etlon.s ol Xew Yol "t.i li- Imli cate that the louir hon.-e of the Mate k mSl.ttuie ill In; eomiiie-ed ol js-fin-' bl.viiien moiiped as follows: liepuliii c.uis, M: Deinoeiiits, ir, rivotil-.ts, 21, lieneially spi aklnif In Cieatoi Now oik thu Kit-ioii'.ti weie Mtppoi ted by vlte ii'KUl.ir Ueoiililkau oisaiiiation. .Mi. t'lokci' n tiled at nikliiiylii. I)e- .'ole nolllfr to his apai liuents. he told 'nine ol' b.ls intimate li lends this i ,1111- aiKti was the last he would )n i"-otially kOtnliU't. President Congratulates Low. Washington, Xo. .".. I'tesidont 1!iio'"jM,lt was kept Intoiined o the 1 e 'lllt of tile election (lullllK tile (Wellllifj hile aboaid the train letuiniiiK to WushinBtiin anil later at the While House by the Associated I'ios bulle tins and by piivato dispatches, While invious tin- news fioin (ei. ipi.irtei Vis jjrt'.ttest Inteiost tenteted ul the n-siilt 111 Xew Ymk city and he ex plessed Kci n s;ltisf.letlon oel' (lie i'Im -tion of the Fusion ilekel tin ro. Hoon 1 fuel liachinn (he White llou-e he :ekf,iaphi.d Ids 1 uilKiatilluUulls to .MiDor-oleet Low and ltiT rlu 11 Ihe lection of Mr. Jeionie aiipe.lled to be lie) mill any nuestion he sent it iekm.nr 1 1 the new distliei attomev. It is istlnmtid tlnit lieiu.eii Iti.inio mil jil.tnm jicople wne iiiasid in lirunlway between Twciit) -.second iind Thlity-tourth slreu to w.iUh lor the n't III ns-. ViiordiiiK to the inilhr. and old lesldints of Hie 1 ily the 1 mud was b) I .if the mi'.ite.st that had eit on Kieu'iited to watih for lelitriis ol a local election, MR. MANLEY SENDS CONGRATULATIONS Gieeting of National Kepublicnn Chaiimnn to Mr. Low and Mr. Ctane. ft) CiiliiMn Win fit in lln v-..iin.l Pus. Aimustu, Jli'.', Xov. .'1. linn. ,1. 11. '.Mauley, chairman of the Uepiilillciii llUtluillil eecutiVi' (iiini)llttei', lotllKllt s"lll the tnllowlnn lue.s-aKe of i on- Kiiitiilatlou: ii,ii-i.i l , N,, , fiii, linn s, iii i,,m, sMV n Ihc cltii'in 01 Mdnp , i tlf .j. .rin. u., iiihI llm 11 nli I- mm imi nu ii .1. ,1 1, in ( loitciMn .1 li' 1 iln limiiipl' ni iiitiu, i .mil bin. iMtiiul) .1 11, M.ii,m, U.U, Mi., n 1, vmi, ll.n H1II11111 lluii.a Clinic, lulcon, )!.. VlClpl III) ln.iit) um;i mil limns ill. 1 .,in M'ihIhI llliniiili. isnii.i) .1 II, l.i,i, v. MAYOR-ELECT LOW PLEASED. Ho Appieclnteb Work ot His Tiiends and tlio Support of Newspnpeis. K I.v1uil' Wlio (idin lln Vk.iiitui pici New Yolk, Xo, fi. -St'lll ,o , at !i jVlook loniKht, said at his Inniic. wlu-ic IP Wits lec.'lvinK election lolllllis. "1 htipposc it s sau to assuiii' Hi t-i'hlllt of the elivtlon is now .issiilcil It iKms out what my frlruilr, imvo un Iclpatiid and I am Viy iiiurli matllled j tin H'i'iilt, This is a pkasani ,)m. inns' ot a km (I MniBKlf. 1 tippivohti,, i-itltllv tlio spluulld suppott Hie news, uperi lme alM.11 tills iiiovmiifnt, tlmiK I'll"' have been u spkudld anil liniiuiimi' facto: in biiiiKlin; ai,i ,,0 hlllt." .Mr, f,.w said thai tniuou.n, In i,,,i lis wile wcic ifoliu; to IJieai liau'lun. .111, .lits whuiv llm." would iciiiiilu for tint nmriliiik.' of lln week If nm for a loiiyoi lime. LIGHT VOTE IN IOWA, Albeit Cummins, Republican, Elect ed, Governor. II) l. lllilli lllli. flnlll Hi" vikuI'i1 'i ., U?j M0I111K Iowa. Xu. ;. Hi mi in, Iiu lonmiK in slowly lioiu the stut", 'nit su tar they luillialu tlml til" inn lorlty lor I'uiiimin.-. liepuUlkmi will nituu up to tin. former cMIiu.ih, Tliu ilL'kct s n lon' imi mid It v I II taki un. Ill rtftor niklnlRlit to coinplolu tlio eolDH, 'IV 11 pirclui'l show 11 qalil or In per critt. In tin.' iiiu.loilty for the Ueptibll imiI Hekid, bill 11 L'5 pel' I'i'lll. loss nf llic toltil vulu. If tills UVIMIlqC of tl)S I'Olililities III t lm li'timllllliv pli'i'llirts lb" lotnl tiln will full oil ittll) P'ti.'ioo. YORK STATE'S CITY ELECTION McOutie Llckrd in Syinctibc. S)iii(ii"e, X, V No . .lay It. U'llltc, l!ep, lol' llliljiil. defeills .hllllea . Alt ( lull e by Il'iiii DeniocintH Cany Utlcu. .N'ew Votl;, Xo. .1. lieptlhlltmi iiniy. ols IlilVe liei'll eleitiil lit tile 1 Itlps of Seltetiei I illy. llllliHiillltton mid tjiwejio. A I 'c inoi r.uli niu)or was electi'd in I lieu. Kurlte.stef Deniociatlc. Ho htLi. X. V. Xin. .";.- owIiik to 1 lose fote oil lllu)or, 11 unMslou o t tin lls noW shows Winner. Deiu., elpeled o 1 1 1,'odcnbeelx, l!'i,, liv !M nuijoilty. Albnnj' Is Hepublicati. lb.ui). ,V. Y.. Xo. e. Albany elrct- il lis eiillr' Ceptibllr'an elly Ilekel, liuludlliK tians for nuiyuf, by iiiajoi I lles laimltnj ft 0111 l.liiil to ,:,i0. CALIFORNIA. .yuu ritinlsio. Xov. S. In 1 oinpli U I etui ns from ii day's municipal election indicate t tin I Himcne 14. Sclunlt'. the I'lllof Jaibor iioiiilnee for inu)or. Is i'livl"il liv a pltiralit) ol at least .i.fmil. A. II. Wells. iu public an. is sei ottd In tile tare, and .1. 1 ', Toblp, Detiioir.Ul" Mii'llilnii. a juiiif lltliil. The boaid nf Sllpel vImii s Mill p.. I icinoei .illc. Tlio II iiiainiler of the ticket is divided Ik -twcti Hi" Ilcpttlilli'.'tis and the Dcino it.ils. Tin tolal vole cast w,i over ii'i.fiiiii, COLORADO. b. nei 1 'ill., Xov, i"i. Tin' da) pars ed without any ilisltn hiiiu c of a mm lotis natnie. The vole was llfjht. The polls i losi d at 7 o'clock and as no eoiintiim was' done before that time it will be late before the tesult s Uuovn. IOWA. !"' .Moines. loun, Xo ", 1'iity pi'iciiuts in Iowa gie I'liinuilns. Ke pulilliMti. 7,W: I'hllllps. ?,,(.;, n ,1(.t Iteptlblliiin fialli ol l.r.'ifi. Tf tills t;.,u is maintained the Itcpublii an pluiallly will be near lilii.iUM. Iteturtis show u lallliif; olf In tlio total vol" of about otie-ru'lh. KENTUCKY. I.OIUsV Hie. Ky., Xo. .".. 'I'he Com lot' .lout mil ilnlm5 tile Diinociats will h.ne liii'ieasprl inajoitlies in both Inuips of 111" lie.M enoiai asM'iiihly, which will pint a sneicssor to fnlicd Slates Son ulor I H lici". MASSACHUSETTS. P.osion. Xov. .".. It.-ttu ns lot nor 1 1 0111 :)d) i lues ,un tow 11s KV el out of ::-'. and i.V": out ot mi pieilucts in Huston. Kivo 1 Van-. Hepublicau. 111,-l!i-': ijuincy. Deinocrai, 71.7.).'. Should same t.itlu be maintained in leniainin listiiels. Crane's iilurality will be about Ci.inio less than last year. Do-ton. No. fi. 1 a. in. lletut n.s from iVi) eilv and town in Hie sal.., e icpt the town ot Dailinouth, slve ff.iur. Hip.. Um.'.iii): ijuincy, Deni.. 11.".. :i7n. Last e,tr the total otc 01' ili "late Dent., stale, -.ls; I'tntiii, Hep,. L'JS,n-; I'aitU', r:i).H7S. 'lane's phualliy in th,. ipptoxlniatlns Dartmouth, s 70,. MARYLAND. Haliiiiiiiic. Xo. 1;. t 1 oMoik ibis moiiiliia: Ii- tli.iti inn th,. uttuiis fioin the i it ,u,. in. cine liundttd Mitlms prtiiticls yVf Heirlns. Dem.. toe i omptiulli'f. Il.uyii. I'lati. Uep.. Il' -hi.. Tin fictile tiniii thev 1 ouiii) imno Miy slowly. MontHoiiiL'iy is piobablv Deiiioiialie, and It is claimed thai the Di'iuoi tal.s ha,v elpeteil their sCMtatot ml iiitiilklali in Allcrhaii) . Haltinnne. Xov. .". Siat ffiiiiB ictuins H0111 lilli. 'ii out of :UI election dlstilcls in lUltituiiii 1U1 show a iiimlu'ii di ina.se lu lln- oie ol lsuli and ludliates that tin t nioti. tli.ui t.fl pci cent, of the toil has bei 11 cist. 'I'lie Di nun i.us mi-, hoklini tlieir own and have ptobably at tied tin.- fltv by about ti.iuui uiajoiit). laid r letmns i how lare lle)iubli,an K.iins iu Ihe city, and it is now- ussoind thill the Itepublicins Inn,- t an ieil It by """'. Th'-y also .laiin all tlnee cKis'. l.ttlM- dlstilcls iu li.lltllllOH. NEBRASKA. 'iiimlia. .n. .".--Hepofis 1 1 inn the slate indlial- a Uepiibllcan niajoiliy on the stale ileki.i n fioin ::,iuin t'0 NEW JERSEY. Xiw.uiv, x. .1.. Xo, r.. .i LoniiiiL 10 ictuins up to l.'fn a. 111., lite lt"jtibi. dills (,11 1 lid this stale loda, PliX'tlnc .Muipliy yoveiitoi' i. at least "i.oao ovei Seynioiir fDinu. .MmplD's nuijoilty nut) ki seviial thousand lilt'iter. and Ills tiii uds ni,. iialmliiir f 10111 pi.iinii 10 l.!.:.0it. Tin Hi pnblluius 1 lei i sIioiik uiaioi-lti'.-s in both lions-is of ti. let'isiatun . Tile mcntesl suiptlse ul Hie day was 111 Wat I en uilllUy. wlllcll ileelid'a He. publiiai' to tin ii.-.-'i'tniii), MiuietiiliiK Willi It nei f im tuieil befoii. h)i Will piobablv "Im .Miilplit uvui to Utlii thousand. Xi'W.uk, X. ,l Xov , -f.sst iiiuntv has Komi 1 ui .Murphy, liepuljU, an. fo', KiiVi'iltof. by piobnhl) N.iiiii, The seat. U'l'liisr iciiiinn uimlnn iu simw ihat Mm pit', Is finipliiK alio.ui of tin -,.. pithlicui uo 01 tinoe .veil's nso, Xuwmk, X. .1., Xov, .".Tim e.ulv ie. turns icu'iud iiom an point., in' Hie Hate Imlli tiii thai .Miirph), IJopubll. inn, for sum "lii.i', has hern electeil ami that the fie. Hon N now- slmpb a mm. tor 01 iilurality. Tlio returns thus tar 1 1 eel veil llliliullo that .Murphy Will ll.lM' 11 laiKei plurality p )(l stall.' Hi. ill N'ooihces did Ihiie yen is ft(40, The IJeplilillciins ilalm I lie slum by lii.Oiin. Tlio ii'lnriis tluis fur Indleain lilt' elcillOII ill .MlllpIlN by ,,,ISI T.hiI 1 OHIO. I'uliuuhiis, i. Xov. ...-.Vitii tin . cepllop of Ibis 1 lltllll), wcic jhe iL-bltll lb IlllllhllU'd 10 li lllilli.f li.ijfiie .,d l"llboinr. 'h poiiiilailt), the licptibitoans llllM. intuit; e.lll.S ol. Un IL'l. III1S U- ieU.it Up to H..I11. at wlh holll the He. publicans daiiiiiil a luialt) in Ohio nun h 1,1 1 in 1 iImii t ,f, .ti h afo, v.ln-n Xitjh's puiiHlll) was W.11J.I. Tills, will niaki! tin.' 1 sUlmujo suu'ly liepublk'un In both bi'anvlip, fti'cltinmi, , Xov. 5.--i)iu' liui.dicd mill tlfty-iwo juoi'liii'lp out of 227 In t'liu'ltiiutll kIvi' Nusli (ttuli.t, 22,631'. KIU kotlini' (f)i'in,). L'OiOli". Tin ciillii' Itppubllain ticket Is "loci oil by ftom !!,uriu in o.dod iiiuiallty It Hie eottnty. tllt.Vfi (iiiloicil). Ileptlblleini I'llliilklulp for t opt I'scll In live, frets Hie "lllltllesl Vole. Si'iinloi roiuker I'lalins the u'.elw Hon of tlovi'i'iior Xiish by iio.tiyi) pitiful- Ily. Willi bolll llOIIHCs Of till' ll'RMutlll'l' -iifily lleptiblli'itn, llmnllion nullity In mill In be lli'pilblkiiii by mule Hum H'.iHKt. I'olltnibtis, U,..S'ov. i-Aflff II o'clock t'ltultnimi Pick Jemied 11 stulrinuiil Hittl the llepilbllcail plltrullly Wottlil be lill,- ooo. with 1111 In leased majority hi the IfifNIiiltii'i'. RHODE ISLAND. I'i'ovlil 'IHC I!. I.. Xo. .,- llhotil uny eoiicltishc' rottiitm from Hie cities anil (owns HiioukIi the siuio. U was ueiieially roniT'ileil. niter the close of Ihe polls at 7 o'clock, Hint tliiveriior ttfemirv ainl.Hie liepublk'un tuie ticket me I'k'Cteil by n pliuullt) of 11 holt L S.dOO. 'l'ltls is a loss ol .DiiMl fiotll last year. The vote polled tliioll',rli Hip .stud' wis llt-lit. VIRGINIA. lib liuioiid. V(t.. Xov. :..- Allbotiuh In lite election lodny the Peiitociuts polled only aliottt T."i per cent, of thi'if vote, the result sin pushed their litosl sun Kiilnc expeolalloits. The negroes tool, Utile liiterosl in the (.otilcsl, ami the Indliatloiis ate tlml Ihc Dpinociatlc nialotlty for the stole Ik ke( will be 111010 than j.i,ntiii. REPUBLICAN VICTORY INTHE STATE ( ulnlllili'll I I'lCl I t coinmon pleas judRc. Tlio Independent Hepublicans who .suppotted Corny also cut the riopubllcan county ticket which was made tu of (Jliuy nieii. Tito Democratic count) ticket Is elected by pluralities muring 1 1 out JSmi to IMlO. Wyoming. N'MUiiins county ostlm.iti'd ('may .'mi pluialit): Yorkes. ROD pluiallly; the county iu lMtrt ttavo P.arnott one plur ality. The ronstitutlontil aniPiidtnonts hae piobably cairiecl by .small majoi I tles. The Iteptiblicans have elepted O. S. Kinni'i' dlsttitt attorney but the tip hi on 1 aunty tieasuref Is very clo-c. Bradford. T.iadioiil iininty estimated I Ian is, l.fiWi plm.illtv: Potter. 700 plmality. The tomiiy in 1S!) save 252.'t for lt.it iietl. The ainendtueiu.s to tile consti tution have been 1 an led. Monroe. Mom ne eoitntv estimated l es Coiay and Veikes 1 .",00 plmalit. The same (ounty in IsiMi Kac fieasy I7s nlui.tlitv. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY LOYAL. Gives the Usual Republican Majox ities for State and Local Tickets. spend to th STiiiitflii "iiitmnr. Monti o-e, Pa., Xov. .".. .Sisiiiehaiin.t tenuity stands by her liepubllcau ti.uli tioii'. Iliurls, for slalc; ticasuier, has a nujoiity estimated at SOU; Potter, tor Supietne tout I . will 11111 about one hun ched behind Harris-, i.iuie, Republican, Is le-i'lerted district altoiney over Sav fotd by ,111 estimated malcnity of 1.i;o0. Judges Elected. U) l.t'lit'ii Wuc frotn lit-Asvuiilrd l'iri Pliiladelphi.i, Xov. r..Si.tPou of ihe sity-sevci' count leu In the state elect ed common pleas or 01 plums' couit judges today, in some counties the contest was spiiited. while in others tin ie (was no contest Whatever, both pai lies iimnlim the samp candidates. In Alk'Riii'iiy 1 ounty. .Marshall liiown, MUiutL UodRPis, .Samuel A. .Mel'lutK and John .M. Kennedy weie noiuliuiled liv the Itcpublii ans and endoised by Hie Deinoiiats and weie 1 onsciiut'iitly eleded tiliuost itilanlniously. J. W. Over. Hep. and Deni., was clecUd 01 ph.irs' iniiil JuiIkp. In Claiiou 1 ounty Hairy It. Wilson. Jtep,, defeated AVI1 li.'itu A. Hlndmau, Deni,, lor (omuion pkm .iudm. JiulRi' .lolin AV. Sinioit tnii, Ucp.. was ic-cloi tfd without op pesiliiin in Dauphin 1 ounty. as was nisi .Tudm' John It. UvinRstou, I!p., in tlif acljoiniiiK coil nl v of Jancasltr. ism uianipioti county le-cieueu .iiiilpe W. . Si hu.vloi, Dpiii. Republicnu Gains in Potter. I'lilkulelpliia, Xov. ."..Potter county estimated: llarils and Pott, r trio pluiallly a Kcpublk.'in aln ot ins. Xo canvass has been made oil the eoiistiin. lioiitil aiiiendmeiits. The P.ppublkan ' I'ounly ticket will jnobably be eli-i led I llioimh the lonlt'sl for shot iff and dis- I tnct altoiney Is close, A light vote was polled. nil; county estlmateil Kifcs tin. fusion ticket a maimlty ot S00. a ilectt'.'thL' of l"l;! eonip.upil -with Ptuisy's vote. The weather was ds. .irci'.ibli' and cold, bill the M-itlne, In the 1 omit V was hi'.lN.v, Sullivan. Sllllhan ( ounty, I'stluialnl i 'otay and Veikes, y,( plmality. 1 11 ismi the 1 ounty Rave Creasy i.-,( plurailiy. Wnyne. Wit)nc 1 ounty, estlinaii d -Coi.t) anil Yei'lifS', ::ijO plmalii). The (ouniv In IS'.i'i if.ivc ('leitsy :!d,s plurality. The i piilillians elrcted tlu- couuly treasurer by ."0 plur.illly. Pottev Runs Well iu Philadelphia. Phllatk Iphki, Nov, n,--TIipiv was 1 otu piil.lllvely littl" cttltlnt; of Poltpr p. litis (liv An i.samlniitlou 01 tlio u turns ti'om twonly wards sliowed ihat ho did not 11111 100 votes behind Hauls In auv one ward, and In several his uto cm I'odod that of his eolleamie on Die ticket. Total Vote in Philadelphia, Philadelphia,' Xov, ,"., Total vnii In I'hlkidi'lphia, fully. inn wards: Stale IfiMsurer I Inn s, I'l.'.ijOii; Coriiv, mo, 717. Allegheny Returns., It) lAilmnc Win' p.,111 ftc s..i.'Ial(il I'h'c PIllsbuiR, Nov. .'..-ItPlllius fiotu AN k'frlli'tiy ''ounty ill a coinliiK In wiy slowly. The volo was hoatliT 1I11111 In iliciU'il iliirlnw the day and may exipnl that of two c,ir,s aso. liepubllcau County (.'halt mini Ituboitsuu claims the illy b) ti.noo inajorjiy, and Allegheny couuiy by 1 "i,noi) nuijoilty. nepubllcau Gams iu Dauphin, ll.tril'diiic,-, Xov. 5. county riinlr. nitin cinileH Wvlif. iialins l.r.oo iiujoi lt. for Uniil. ami Potter In Dauphin cutinty. Mcifjie ictuins limn diy dls trlcts show .jllslit Tti'iiubllcan trains iiver 1 wo yenis nyo. BOXER LEADER IS HONORED Aultudr. of Gliiiia Is IndlGflted In tlic fli)i)olnt!iient ol Na Timtj. THE JAPANESE INFLUENCE Suppott of Na TithB' Conttlbutes Fut titer Evidence of the Policy of Japan in Regnul to Co-operation with China Proposed Piotent Against Mnnchui'inu Convention Dlsregntded. I.) I uluii' W ni' limn Hie Axiii(Uiil l'i,., J'ekln. Xov. r.. Xa Tunir. ti ioiinr fkiviT lender, has been appiilnteil lo tliu Chiiicst' foreign uitlte by an edict icoi'Ived loday. He recently iptuntfcl ftom .Japan, whole he went ns special onuy to npolOKlzo'atid express coiulo It'iH'iM tot' the murder of Sumtyumn Aklia. cli.incC'llof of tlio .Japanese lega tion at I'ekin. skoitly befote the L'k iilluns were heskBed. This appoint ment. Is consldeu'd a (est of the atti tude of the t 'hlno.su ministers towards the ii'stmaHoii of the l!oeis to im pel 'al fllMII. .lapauc'se Jniluctne stiiiporied 'Xa Tuiiff. 11 fact which lontiibutes fuitlier pvlik'iico of .lapan'M icccjit policy of co-operation with fhlna. Not loitff into Japan sounded the poweis rPKnrd I11K the inopriety of another protest against the MaiU'lnualn convention be tween Ktis-dn and China and -was dls .lppoliited by a lack or inteiesn. on the patt of tlic 'tilted States and (float Jiritalu. ROOSEVELT RETURNS TO WASHINGTON. The President's Trip from Oyster Bay Without Special Incident. Bv Kicliiibp W iir fiom 'n.o AsociUd Prfis. WuphliiEton. Nov. .". President ltoo.se velt tPtuined to AVahiiiKlon tonight at !i.:ii) o'clock f 1 inn Oyster Ray, where he last his vole. Mrs. I'.oosovelt, Seci c taiy C'ortclyou. 1'iivale Sen entry I.oeb and Dr. P. .M. lpy weie with the piesidpitt. On at rival here the piesi dent led plic- way with Ah. loosexelt to Hip cairlasps in wnltinR-, and Hie patty weie d liven directly to the white house. The piesiik.nt's tiip fioin Xew York to VasJiiiiKton was without special in cident. At Philadelplila and asrain al 'LSaltl nioii. Hie piesldcnt was handed bul letins ot the election by the lepiesen tntlM) ol' the Associated Press-. The news iiom Xew Ymk was especially KratlfyliiK to him, ami he s0 expressed himself in 1 espouse io :t icijnest for a .statement on Hie subject. STATUS OP HAWAIIAN COURTS. United States Couit of Appeals Has Higher Jurisdiction. B.i Lulu-iip Wnc roiu 'Hit Asioiiat'il Pits-,. San I'Yaneisco. Xm. ."..The I'niled States Clu'int Couit of Appeals has sustained tile deciee In lavor ol llbd kints in the fulled Histiict couit ol Hawaii in Hie case of J. S. Low anil John Pilti vs. The Wilder s Sd .'unship company and the steamship Claudlne. 'I'he suit was brought to lecover dani iircs fin- loss 01 tmjjo .,,i pei.son.U be lonsiiicts causul by a 1 olllslon between Ihe Claudlne and tile bniketitim- Will iam Cai-ou, whcioin flit- c.nson was sunk. The appellant!. (Oittelldid that the ciicuit Couit of Appeals iu'id no .imis ilktloii. but that point was di cidul ,id- CISl 1), THIRTY HURT IN COLLISION. Peculiar Accident in Indiana Due to Train Separating-. II) INiltidu Witt fiiiiii'riu vo.iatriI F'um Hedtoid, Jinl., Xov. .'..A rallio.nl wieck oi cm 1. 'delist itiRht on the .Mun 011 tinik al the passenRer station in tills elly. Thirty persons weitj In jun d. A 1 oiuhiitalion pussi'iiR-er anil .done ti.iiu, iiiuillim lielween Uedfoul mid the Peiiy Mriithi'w.s & Tiuskirk Stone Co.'s iiiaii-les broke n two at the iiiti'uei.tlou of the .Motion and Soiillii'tn Indiana loads, c oiniim lo-R-'tker a lew minutes later with a clash, In ihc two p.issotiRer i.itj, were lno (iiaii,nien and otlliets of ihe 1 oin paii). (11 this niuulier thirty wen? blliisid and lujiiicd, but none will die. SHE HAD NO DOCTOR. A Chiistian Scientist Explies After Seven Weeks' Illness. Ill r,M.luIM Wl tinni I lit' o ittf.l 'ii,. Altooua, Pa No. .'., Mis. jhn Ucn iiiaii. a t'liiNtlitu Si'lenlist, niifd no yi aiv, died yesteiday ot t) plioltl level. She ivas not intended by a physician dm liit: her seven weeks' Illness, stead fastly lefitsltiR medknl aid. Coroner .Micaitnt-y hold an ImpuM, and Ihe Jur. blamed hei death on her piclllltir ii'IIrIouh belief. And Yoik Is Demociatic. Hi I v lu-hi Hup fiimi 'Hip l.ui.ui(il I'ic,, Ymk, P.i,. Xov. .-., At this lioiu ii (urns are so ineaeio that an estlniaie Is dltlkiilt lo make, Tlio Denioi ratio 1 ounty ticket Is no duiibt elected liv l.r.oo in ',000 plurality, cuttlm? nlfeds Hie hiiiin ticket coiiskleiabiy, hm 0 what extent cannot yet be told. Ryan Claims Stevenson's Election. Philadelphia, Xo, r,, Thomas ,1. Hyin u DeiiiiK i.ilii' leader, estimates thai U'.Oi'O vuinx weie ias for Hie lejillur D"inociuli" Ikket hi Philadel phia aiiuliist ;.s,ooo tor liryan In 1900. He claims that JuiIro .Stevenson (Ocm.), uindldrito for 1 onmiou pleas jiidi,.! ot Philadelphia, leiehed ubotit TS.O'iii ole s. itlul Is silt uly fleeted. .Stevenson Is aim 011 the Public Oplii. Ion pony tki.ei, iiIoiik: wltli tlio kual Iteimblkati caiidlilntps. Coiay Claims Pike. i'hlhuiclphlii, Nov. 3. T'lko iiniuu I'slliiiatedCoiay, 1'iisloii, &yo piuml. v: VcrhCH. Fus'ciii, 323 plurality. The .vlme county iu IS:u j,'nve cieasy, Hem . for slate lieasuti'i, a pluriillty of WJ. DELSARTE DELUSIONS. C I (Oll.fll, 111 I'll UllllSO lfilAlilll Mill, M 1SS XOIt.MA ATKINSON .stood fill lief fi lends lis the HvltlK eniliodliuclll of Hie Ilieontct abk' fiirt that wonieti and .scl ent e vii mint In! associated In rtny the way without si'i'lutls ili'trlinent lu former If not to the In tier. TIcTe lllid not been u nk't'l' 01 mole popllllll Kh'I In Ibr set Hum Noima 1111III this lil-U ullile:, when sip. had I'lttlrely withdrawn lioiu sodal Riiyelies ami (U voted lli'ts.'lf to Hip stllilv of (Iriini atle nit. Alwa.'.s a pi'iimliiclit llmiie In pllvale tlienlilciilH. she had al last comet ted her family lo the idea of more tu'i'lotis Mink in that dlieclkui. Hut iiIiih! for the peaoi of mind of all coiicertiedl She cnluioil 11 school where Helsitltc was Hi,' ptiMlillliK deity. "Hel siulc Intel pietiil Mili'iiiini'.tll.v" was t tn t anuoiiiicuiiiciit on Hie eatuluuue. ntul poor Not ma was at once Initiated Into its luystetliw p. the Inlliilte mid Imine til.tt" dismay of fumll). friends and ii'lnllves. Delsmto, flic nniiouiiceil to all these Individuals, sepuialely anil lolkcllvely, had bv vhttie of years of patient and Imleiii Usable reseaich been Pliubled to reud Ihe expression of all liunittn emotions peifectl). lie hud de duced a system of clas-lllcallon of llio passions of niiinklnd which was the "open spsnnip" to the lliulerslatiillriR of hiinianlty that Is. for all the Initiat ed. One of Hip latter Not ma speedily became, and forthwith bet-an to an alyze the feelliiR-s ot her fileriils in a way Ihat sent tetror 10 the hearts of tliu aforesaid Individuals, and In Hip end proved a boomet.uiR whleh threat end to utterly desttoy Hip fair projec tor lift self. She befrnn by annouiu'liiR- to the as. scinbled fnmllv at dinner one eveniiiR that a case- of ouIiiiki'ous trencheij had come to her notice that day anil MiiuctlihiK oiirIu tn be done Immediate ly to pieveiil the terrible consequences which must inevitably inlhnv. While l.iklliiR- in the tiolley car tliat afteiniion she ut opposite two men cnRiiRed In earnest conversation. The younger of me two seemed to be liyliiR- In dissuade thr- elder fioin some inteudeil net a novo the elaiiff of the ear hell and the riimbtim,' of wasons on the stone pavement, frasmenlK or the talk were occasionally wafted to her. She eauRht such phrases as "consequences." "fam ily and ft lends," "future life," etc., and noticed the Intense expiesslon of both men. rinaily the elder seemed to yield, and with 11 sudden emphatic ges tuineald: "Yes, I will. You mav de pend upon me." "That man will be trav his nipnds as surp as Fate,'' said Xoima. solemnly. "Why?" a.-ked bis In other Tom. "Heeause his thumb was drawn tow aid hU lingers instead of be ing abducted irom them," replied his sistpf. Tom ininipdlately wpiu off into 10,11s .Hid howls of indi lninrhi,,,. ,,r1 ,, was w Ith Mime ditllpulty that .Miss Nor ma made herself heaid when she de ckirpd: "Never mind, Tom; t shall ..... J.... mum- nine n 11011 you least want me to." "Hctter tiy 1 lairvoyaiu p and spiilt ualisni fli st." advised the skeptic. If answer lo which observation he leeched no reply, for Xorma, had Im mediately launched into a discussion ot the newest spilng modes with het Jiioiner, who nail attended "openings" that da v. seveial As time went on N01111.1 iuined hei investigations to m.iteilal lipaiei- at hand, and discovered Mich unexpected depths of hypocrisy and deceit in het dealest ii lends that the world tlue.it ened to heroine dust and ashes under her feel. Htklget, the tamily cool; of many ju.ii,' t-tiimltjia. thai-alened to lo.ne because Noi 111.1 found her one pvenlng telling her beads beftne Ihe little image of Hie Virgin Uai. win, head upturned and eyes loweied, and told her she need ncwei hone sneh piayets would do lnr any good, s.iy ine them with her mind fixed 011 her spiing bonnet or womleiing whetlier Pat. the policeman cm the beat, or Teienee. the 111.11 ket boy, would call on her that evening. "Slime, an' it's ht. N-0,ini h(.,seU. t.'llln' me the bllssed inIUiei',1 nr H' hear me; her as oi never give a iros.s woid to at all, at all whin she used to 1 onie iKitheiln' ainund the Kitchen and stalin' me cooIHps an' cakes .is inst rw Ol loukl bake 'em," walled midget. Jlrs. Alkliu-oii's lemonstranci's will her daughter only diew foith this u maik uttered with ilimness and decis ion: " 'K)e depiussed and tinned fiom object indicates exaltation of seir in mystic uttentioi- to .subject or Idea.' Hridget .should know that such hn,,e- tl-y is ck ally lead by Intelligent peo ple. It was lor her tiltiinaie good that I spoke." Young Jimmy, the 10-year-old scion 01 tliu lanilly, did his best to make life iniserabk lor her bv bin sting unceie moniously into the pailor on most In oppoitune occasions and iisklua "sis ter" to "yelocule Miniuihhr," uiitii one day ".slstei" dlsioveied him to the us si nihled lanilly. Jim had, oven al that tender age, developed pugilistic Incli nations of siieli an older that a I unite in col' as champion nf tin ilng seemed Inevitable unless his cneisli's weie speedily tinned Iu some other dilu tion. Jim siood boioie Hie family 101111 fll one day au used of having beep piluclpal lu a dlsgiaeetul "mup" with two stteet urchins. He sUvuiioiisly de nied the chatge and all was going well when Xoima reiuaiked: "I inn Jim on iho stieet today 1 omlng homo from school," "Well." icplltd that individual, "1 wau't doln' iiothlu", war I.1" ".Volhlu" but gloat over yotn vii tnr,." "I win n't," ''Vnii wei"," "How do you know .' ' "Well, to begin with, .t .mi. shuukieis weie lalsed and Mmr nostrils dilati d. both Indicating excitement and pns ,don; your IiiiuiIk weio illnrhed, show- lug snuggle: your head was thrown fniwaid lu ftRKichslon; ymtf ovebjows weie 1. Used over tlio blow and de pressed 110.11' tile nose. Indicating fury; and you weio stalking along like 'a eoimueror of all I no Philippines," The Object of this minute di..itit.ii) slowly than oil Ills i spressinii fiom s. oinfitl ludliicti'iice to woiulir ami aiiiii-.iiiiKiil, and dually was tmUued to Imioiiiiiilous tear., as ho felt his strong, hold sllpplUK Iiom him After this I'XpcrloiKo Jim Joined the ranks of Htldscl and Hie oihuis, who had un coiiM loiisly ni.itlp iheiiiselves limriX's oil the nllnr ol si litii e and wm ved hi d.iltv letu of the Innwcliulii s, ,u.h. lighl of investigation. Nni ma ileu'i icO inioxpui lull i-nxj ami J'.iliiiiiy in Iht Ijodiiiu friend ami aavt lnr liiotlu-r Tuiii nn uimniiiroruhli! Hiiiii'tfi' nf it u liutir by imlilli'ly an. ncmiuliiii tlm object uf iii iat,ht koi-fft liit'uttiatlon I'ooi' .N'oi'tnu lie-Kim to ilottlH hctlmr Hit- joyn uf .-iiipftiur Itnowlcilso .iiul Itn-lKlit iiiiiiu cuiii)c'ii .s'atnl tin tins .sciiiuw u: illsc-ovi'ilnjc tlm jici'iaclllloPH of IIiumi ili'.in'st io ln.1'. wlmu tlm I'llnux I'linin oik nftei iiuiiii, as telic wis iwUUIiiR- lioino fiom tlm matinee fii'i'cniily lintiiiy In tlio iios.- scioii of u now Illliot lut t ntul with nj A Carpet Sale Extraordinary. A strung ailjciitive, but a ttille weak to describe this sale. An immense new season's stock of lloor covering almost due to at rive .nut large as is the capacity of our carpet de partment a lack of space for its leception. That is the condi tion confronting us, for which there is but one alternative. Place prices on the goods that will quickly reniovo the over stock, regardless of values, and charge the loss to advertising. There aic no better mediums of publicity than pleased cus lomeis. I'nderstind the c.upet bargains offered aio not odds and ends, but full assortments of patterns, quality and coloring, in Wilton Velvets, Axminster, Moquet, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels and Ingrains. If possible bring room measurements with you. We will not attempt descriptions, in conveying to you price re ductions. These figures talk : Per Yuril $1,40 Grades of Body Brussels, . $1.15 1,35 Grades of Axminsters, . , . 1.10 1.25 Grades of Velvets 1.05 119 Grades of Best Tapestry, ... .89 100 Grades of Tapestry, ... .79 ,90 Grades of Ingrala and Tapestry, . .69 .89 Grades of Ingrain and Tapestry, . .59 .70 Grades of Ingrain and Tapestry, . .49 ,60 Grades of Ingrain, . .45 ,60 Grades of Ingrain, 39 ,30 Grades of Ingrain, ... .23 To properly distribute these great buying chances and prevent dealers from replenishing their stocks at our expense, each purchaser will be limited to an amount of carpet sufficient to cover a fair-sized room Credit You ? Certainly I fcONOJtt 221-aaa-a25-237 bnncli of di-llilous Parmn iolet, (lie s;itl of .lolin itiudfin, lu-r tlfinrc, pinned on her coat. SndilPiily hlu'ianie to an nlnujil tiP In the- salln'ilng dusU hlu- could just illsferii tliioupli the ImiB. Iw liln'ai'.v windows or tln Wcftllnslioiisi.' liona- llio outline uf h familiar foim, Jolin tJur don. slic know, often cnlled tlicie tor bl and iSoorjji- WcHllnshntiio eic eolIeRi cluiiTis and still continued tlieir Inti macy. I' was not the fuel of Ills lieinff llieic. bill Ids iililiude that ioued lier Mispie'ons. it was study his fluuip, tml wliy -is ho hittlnj; theie leaning on his olliov, , his hand on h's eiu elc and his head huiL towaid another Hk ure on tlm oilier side of the stale ilie. 'I'll. it Hi.-it!on ol lh head, she had learned only that day. meant iilToetiiin, the hand on the eheelc mid the elbow both ludioute.il llio same. Suiely (lecit'Ke WVstiiiRlioiisp eould have elle lted im .such demonstration ol toelitisr, and the only eonelu-ion was that V.Wv. abeth Diou, a beaiititul KoutiiLlcy iciusin then Isliin tlic house, was the happy IioIiik1. Had not John himself i niilwi'tl that he had known her in tile day befoto he met Norma'.' Xntli ins lemalnoil but. lo coiitiont him with 1i!m tieiiebeiy Hint ovenlni; wlun ho came in oali mid to otter him the innofs, villi h weie plnlulv iucouiosf. a lilo. It Was- a il illscnli-oliilc Inn lU'M'i tliel.'.ss dolt rniiued little llRiite that hIowIv (Iom'c tided llm liroad stiilicas-o .-onio In tin ,i tor in loHputiso to Hi Idget'.s aniumiieeineut that ".Mis-ther litiidon Is vnltin' for yo." This is-pie.-.iini was .somotliitis" new on hei pietty fa io. and HNduel, nutlciiiK. df tided thai "the ould lil.s.ulct mini" was in the bottom of it nnd juenaicd to maNc a low lineHtlii.'itlons herself In llio IniciPhl of n'li'in i' and incidentally ill iiulositj. As llio iesi of the tam ily had wile out for the tnenliiK. -sho stiilloued lietsoll at a i onvriiieni Key hole and ciiofiilly iiotcil I'vny detail of ihe so im that Icilloweil. .foil ti l.oidoil jumped up to Kleet Ills llnnieo us s-lic entoied, bill hei oxpies-s-lon Mopperl liim beloio he hail nil vnnied liultway auost. the lonin, "Ml. Unidoil," she bt'Kllii. "I thalil. lion von Unit I have been allowed in put flic my stndle.s in human expression us far us i have." "Sllllio," ejaoiilal.d liriifftti, i,to voii; "ll'-i 1'ial same u.'iylliur." ..s for John c.oidoii, put hnimr hail l ill" lllftvlillf -PllKliteniueiil with whleh the Il'lidi maid had ben fa vol ed, ho i ould only R.tsp. "Wliy, Nniiiiii, what do jou mean ' What lut. Iiuiipenr-d'.'" "I nietiii. Jit. iionlon." (outhiupi' Noima, ' lliai, InniiiK had lim advaul- nso ot two moiithv i-tuny of iho won derltil f-i'U'lli e of Pelsarte. I was able to loud the estbo inciiiiliip, of jiiur atii- liiile as .Mill snl in Hie Wniiiiiilioti?o Ilbi'.iO wlun ( ii.tcHi'd tills atteiiuion," ".My attltuile: Tills 111(0111(1011' Wost IiiKliotpri' libraiy!" n.claincd John. "SHuii: now. aln'l thai re pity lief vspylti' "li tlm pool .oiius inuii, nil un In Ituow list )llto that!" voiiimeiilod llildtot ti-oni her vaulimo yiniitid, I will say no luoio about It," de clined Naiiu.i. 'Yon Know Willi wlioiu jou weio talUliiK ,it th.u hour and place .imi what you wno sajnn. 1 do not can to Unow, Yiiiir attitude 'evenlul neiytliliiB' io uif" Tlio ynuiif, man iictAiiiim smiir. what by this tlniu. ".oiiu.i, ho t.yr sible," lie .said at last, "ft Is iiot'ihi) custom nowndajs to loniieinu n man iiuhciinl. 1 want .von to toll mo oxait ly what you saw 1110 doliif,' In llio Yesi-InKlitiui-o llbtaty this afternoon," I'totty Noiinit hold her head hieliei. "I do not mre to hear you explain," aid sho. "You Imvo lieaid 1110. Mcl eiico I Until always. This is the end." "Ooch. howly .Moses! r.isleii to thai, will yo-s!" oxilalnieil Ilildset. "Then you kiu1 me mva 1IK this, TflE: WYOMING AVENUE. Xoinin. entiioly In the dark as to tha i ause of our inlsnndcrstundiiiB'.'" "MisundeistandliiB! inthp durk! Your own couselento must have enllshtcned jou Ioiir fie this. iTood evenlnc: nnd ood-b.e." As she tinned to leave the loom Hrld set, who had been .standiiiR tlrst on onu fool and thou on Hie other in her in citement ami lolling: her apron into a little wad in her hand, came tiishiiiK into the loom, hair flying and ejes wide oneii, "Oeli, JMisS Xorma, Misthor John. Hhuro its all the fault of that, blaisted IJIIsaite man. Bad scian to Mm wid his ould ideos, spilin" the most, blKssed lamblv in the woild! SIhiih any yo won't belave 'Im at all at all. .Miss Xoimii, will jpV Ol wasn't tliltiK in' of in new bonnet or of Pat or Tlm al all whin ye oatialu ine sayln my piayeis. It was.lusl lookln' at my ould nis'iiy 1 was, an' thinKiii' as how llm bli-sed .Mai'd ought to haP a bcl thor one an that. An' Aliss Noimii. Mislher John's alie an' han'sonie, Goit sate e (dioppiiiK him a curtsy), an a heap better than that old dead Dii saite man. ft'. liliu ,e'd better be bav in' ui'ni tliinkln', and lavln' Hie deai' to iesi paieabl in their Rraves. Jl ther John'll toll ve bo was thlukin' of ye all the time tlielo iu that library this attornoon and sajln' hou- jmrty e'd look tills aveiiln' wid the rose lu your hair. Shine an' it's the truth he'll bo lellin' Mid ills own lips betther than the Khost of thai st leiioo man iNlm comes liothoriii' daivnt licople out of! their wits." And ItildS't dlseieollj niiiile her p.nIiJ just as tlio monienl al lived when "two"- ioinpan, llnee'.s none." What's in n Name? -iu iT.ji .ii tin' iri.iinlj it .in olit icttnm iiutoi Jl lluillimli it, I., ami luol.ii x i? I jiI.i llinii. phlii lu He In Ailiiimii ul:.., I In-v iii'ie talking lie nlliii' iln, the twn '.miimiii .mil lie Iwo m 11 ili.i, nli thcli liu.i, iMiniiii'oil i iliiriuin I i.ii-ii luiu. el i oiiic iil'ln o- in I l.rii mimI ltu. Hue nl' til.' iiirn, .1 en.iil .iulin Nt iv Villi, III 111 ll I nt -.0111 tOll.C ,ll"M nf JO .lliil flll .if lIK'llllr., in lint inillillfil r..tt uliili' ill- i i.ni;inilniK iii nun ilfNilcil Oils oi Hut IiMlhMtiil li ipiM liim., Im.illv .41111 1. ,nM: "1 line 1 n iir-n. ul the 111,1.1 1 uriuiis iiiiikI. il.'inn tli.' UI .ll.n' li'iiulii.liti, 1 .n idklm lli.il ilw.a-i b.'.ilitllnl . 11 11 hint tilp fiuni I'oiK lo hit l.il.i's ni Ivllliini'i, slMf ,0,i,,, ,u, ,, I In' lni i,' .lit' 11 nil .i 1 t.lii" louMtii; IjilUti liun 1,1 limia llm ,11.11. m ,ijr. I.tinilns Hut I wn Jii liinruju. In' In 1 line iun.li Intripstisl .tml .Ntul in untiii in iiituu. ,i to mn Iiuiiii, -, .,uii.il lili, cu., .ill uiii.t lnlollli,iiit .lll.l wlun liliu. luiil in .iii-wim, sinUtnii n llcul iiiiiiiitk' limit; il.t rn.iJ tin- iiit'tii".t 11I.I tiiitit'i m.ifi Imiuniitilc, lln ariliiiuttil linthi'-. Tint M'lli Ullll' ll.il ll'1'V. ft 0111 HM' IIIHOIllloilll" llio l'NiUpi,n: 'llitu'rt .111 old "up'' solni; In town, 1 Miimo.t', In No), V01K llio liiuirn t'PH Is uniM mi)i VI liulil ul liliu,' 'Mv coiiiiuntoii loolvotl jl lim mi (iiiinii.H nitl ktitl; 'I ln'ic Mini (.ml, 'li, Inn ulin ili.l tni 1 ill 1 1. 1 1- old clup ' " 'I mill In1 w 1. a "jup." ' I npliril. " 'Will Aim Idinll) I I'll mi' wli.it ,1011 inr.o' li, .1 uil' M iro iii'lvlilim. "'till, ii'k 1111 111nl1011 i'iif.li.ii,' I luillv-il, 'li iiiciiH tin hmoifiu i oiiiitiyiiuii- i-i-i inrnj- i ml 1 i).' I lie I.Mk'li-.; ni in lookul Itirtll; ,11 me .1 iiiiinirni, put il luin in hU pncKiM, hi1m nut u unl i,ih, .iit.l, eimly ixiihi I11K III coil, IiiimIiU it tn int.. 1 m 1 in- ;n foil. inn! 'II"' t ml "' ni.ultiid 'til. Iliiluiil V,i, ' i) VcA llm.-. tin' ii.iv ami Nti dull tl.o mln'i' eimluj 1 i.Mi 01 oilnir. wen- ill.ciiN.liij lln ii'iriit ilif. l.iiillli'. nf i,scnilu!- (liniUlii with iio,n r. mint -.iij,. tin nl (hi- oill' oi., ii(m it-tlii'il, iitliilonnl iiicliliiitilb- tho Tut ilut Mi. l luii.J Im. up.111 UUIiw up im- lui.i iori(ollii, was no' .'. uiniliir Midi ii 1111 1. j I 111.it t is. ,1. niiijlii in 1I1. Imi. njoii jiiu' Uklii, hoi. I .. hi, ditntjl ihitn tut' .(vii-l.ni luU i.iuitm in tln wliil v.. ii tin tun1 me 1.1 ihc luisrof otl of Iho iuj I 'poll lln' lumping lullowliift hi. ,iuvj die lOiii iiuiuliiiir eillcd, jinn a liiiof cncIuiho i.i ci'-t. in).... iM. "Jlr. s.iuijiv Hunhl jj. 1 kJt0 (,, coo (),,. mt tine iiiiiUin on the ipuni'i Juki" "ll'lii." it lili. l tlm lio.ul ( iln'lj.'iijiliiioiir, .j Iho ..tin bo, 'it woiu. t( mt- llut foi dw (.cikIji.v of tlm 11.0 jt Ic4t t lull J ilijr ili-i-l llmuM l einii'lul " H. it "A'jt th .-.. f.-t .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers