pFtV-lf1' ' "'' f u . -.sty- .t s,ti. i t t, -. to, . r' TTTrT7T7r ts -. .jj" it Tl i 31 i...jv'nvj.krt::irfjts"iwi w,.u'.fl. .-. .i' ii-t,3. m.t ..,- """ -"- - ,-,--.- jjivi .-,., -,, -..-,-- - 'i- -v? 'i WUV"ffi!,!WIl4?5-rv?l- -s'lJi.JiS'W?,.,'1- ':mmW3lT'PiWm. Tf-''W7X'3w? P t - -v - - iW -j.r t,jtfi j "fc'Aiafl. a.-:... 4, --. v . ; . ..,- ---. -A -.,.,,.,.,... v" . fV-1fv. ' , m ' THE SCR ANTON TMBUNE-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEH , 1901V The News of THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE fit i,'''' .. TflAIXKI) MiHSK-MI I'tnini K. MvIj.-iI, Brnl lute Iiiiim. 47 rltit Mtirt, ll l'tcpllitl i write iiihiiRrinniK. New trli'plwm'. ll'J. WAN I III) A pond rIiI, tnlililli- iiw prcfcrrctl. he ot .'In. Wllllum llliiKlintii, no liiiiiiliff nUcct. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson Bnilroad. .lutii U, IWI I'imIh will leuve liitlioliilAle .il Lily l.itlul( ui fitlnii u i Pol Silinloti .ilnl Wlll.f'ltilir-nflii, 7.M, ii.oi, ii) m, n.'ii ii. in.; u.iii, 1.4s '.'."il, Mm, 7.(i, mm, i i i p. in. Kiitiilu mint Icito .it S.All, 11. 'Jl i, tit. - in, i. in, Sr w I IB, 5 ', ,) l. HI. I'm Allini)'. Sfii.ttopn Mimtldtl. l'i"lni. I.iirI.iihI iolnl, tic, 7,00 a. in ; I. :n I' lit. mill).' I'uf l.nlnic VhUiijiI. .iml Mo'ii -.1.1,-. 7 .'-, ll.i'V .i in.; ll .'il, !. 1 1 p. in. Nihil iv lrilii hut i- I..1K1 Ini'mi'. mnl 'i.Min. 111.; I. I'l, l.l'i l. I" llullii aniic ut I'.itbonil.ili In 111 Vill, It ui" mnl -c 1 intin ii Mlmc. it'll. S..I7. !'.wi. I" '" . hi., u "tr. 'j.iki, i.e.!, i .-. u.o, mi, i.iii, i'. ii, 1I.W p 111 ; l..J ii, in -multi 111I111 .in lir Jl ".!i .1 in 1 A !. Ii J'', II .0 p 111. - Iij liiiti uirlti' at Culi.'iiil.ili ImI.iIi'. i .it in 11 1 mnl lluncdili' .tl li.P', lii'ti. ).' 17,c I HI tl 7.0V p. 111. New York, Ontario and Western. -ipt 17. PHI. Trains lent 1'iilmiicl ilr Im -uiiituii it 7,ii .1 In ; I i.'i 11. 111 Sutulii lulus il 7.1m .1 111.: i.ii't P ui. Iriliu km (.iilinnilili' Pit piiititi iiiiill' ' ll.lii .1. 111 (hi -mule a( " I" ! i" h "ni limlic il ll.lo 11. 111, tin I, ittt- .mil HID ', '" Suwlits in 1I.0 1 i.iiin.ttK'ii'' fur ' V't'' I mti w ill, rlc. Tr.iln .mio liran ihiiIi.i ui II in 1 "I ! '' ' r. m ; tinni jmiiils imitli, 1 ml p. m- "iiiulm ft'.m Str.intrii .il '1. in .1. 11 ."i'l 7I p. in.! from i'hI.ihi nt a il p. in. Erie Railroad. lulu "I. PWI. Tlrfllis (III otltlim. I .lllmliililli. 'Ill" tfSCMil -iimiIi(1 it 7(K) .1 111 III' I I li 11 I". l"l liainll mil Murili; ill ) i! .1. in.. 'I'll l''v i-pllnit Suriiln), fm IIiiikIi iiuKm. 111 iKItip nm nrdlnni tin Nov iiil. ill iiml llnltilc. .mil "I II -Hi p 111. fm ni-.IkIiiiiiii. tiuiMtv 1 iimi'it inn Cm am Inn lullllt. Siiuln tr.iln- il " l .1 111. fm -ii-iiii I1111111. villi Jtuii Kiiiiiiiliun', .iml li.'7 p. 111. 'Uli hlllK lilllliri linll. "Ii.iIiin jiiim' il "."1! 1 iii mil "' 1 1 P i'l SlIllill.'H Jt '! .1 III. DULL ELECTION DAY. Ihe Quietest in Cmbondnlo in Over n Quatter of n Century. 'I'll- battle of li.illot.s in C.)i litiliii.ilt1 ju'Htorday Ihc mn'.t imlnU'iestinK in tills oily lor al least ;i iitmrH-i' uf .1 1 pniiiiy. Tin- (itc ovrceillnplv HkIiI .mil the Mint" iii.ilhy thai exlsicd durliiK tilt- i.mip'ilgii colitlniicil throiif'luiiu yc-htiiliiv. Then' wi-ii" niinicniiis cvi (k'necs of this, hut the must -tiikliiK was the abMjllLe ol uell a inKic lolteiei iilifinl a iiuinlirr ol" tho liooths tin Inii the ila. The ton had a hull(hi air rule 'Auultl he led to lieliee Unit elei lion l. Ji'von tlincus.sions. one wiuilil epett to heni unlng 1 nd 110 il U.tH hii Ii i'louuil In hotels and ntlior imblie nicotine; ila i's, weii' ahs-fllt. The older ol' JudKe KilH.ilils. ot the day beloie. a:aiii!5t the m'IIIiik ol lliliior. had .1 leinni kahle elfeet in till.-. 1 ity. All of Uie lentral iltv saloon-, at lea-si. weio Iom'iI tightly and did nliMjlutely 110 business, Xol een tile lliulldl. side-door was allowed to Mlide 10 mil llo tit admit the Kood etisto mci ot' (he dilli'ieiil pltues. It was Ii 11U a iiiiiel and 11 dry eleetioii day. The Mile in many of the dis-ttiii was the lightest e ei leioided, and i'en In the Maids wheie II was liea ii .st. it was way behind otliet le.irs. NEWS TOR FOOT BALLISTS. Something of Decided Iuteiest to Pigskin rollowcis. .M.m.iKil J ui Ilans-en, ol Hie Indiuli!-. K mil the only one who is disapiiointid lu'i ali-i- ol" (lie lalliui to aiianse a K.iinc with tile Silinol ol the l.acKawan li.i, tor his disappointment , sh.iri'il bv hundlC'ds of lovct.s ot' lontball snoit in I'atboiidale, w lui ale loal to the Indian and who believe they tivo with out a peer in this heetitm. To atone lor thi.s disappointim nt .Mr. Hansen has arranged 11 (wine with the all-Siraiiton eleven whhh will take plate In .Seianlon on Saturdny, .N'nuni hep it;. The Tntllntic are ti.iiniiiK and pi.ictii ins: lor Uiis mutest and nie lonlident nf making the Serantonhiiis leall'.e that there ale top-nntehri.H In looiball nuioiiR the lilnjeiH lioni the i'ioneei 1 'Ity. Ot KH'ater iuteiest fuin this i the niiniiuniemeiu thai the mlRlitv team fiom Wyonilnn semlnai.i will be linie 011 Tliankht-iviim day to battle with the ludlniif. The Indians will be leady tor the tray and Uie Iksi 1 011 tiht eer wltllfci-ed In c'ai lioiidale s nntiiipated. MORE CASES OF DIPHTHERIA. Two Rtpoitcd to the Boaid of Health Yesteulny. Two mine cases of dlplnlieiia wete Unpolled In the lioaul ol health yester ilnr. IJUh ale on (Vnii'li'iy lllet. Til ' nie lle.s.sle, ii. year-old daiiKhtt r ol .Mr, i.lid Air.s. Tiuninii I'tley, eiirner I'emi H'iy and flak htu-etM und liene, datiKh. ' f .Mr. and ."Mrc 1'atiieK Miitm.iu 01" Now iViut'tel v street. This makes lour nibes in' diphtheria III ('illlii)li(lnlu at the preheat time. The other hiilii'tvis 111c the .stepheiLs and Mi.Mlmi ihlldiuii, nlivad lopoiied Theie Is no iipmelu'n.siiu of these (nits. They nu- In widely separated pnrth ot the town ami thi'to Is 110II1I11K of the iharaeur ot art epldeiuli about lie 1 ascs. About .1 Cfubondrtlo Mnn. The Wllki'S-iiarie Heronl has the follow Ini; to Hay ubmn a well known Paibondalu muni "The lti'i'OKl Is pleased In leuiii UliU William ,M. hathiop, loiiuerly of the ('arlitindnlc l.eadur, but lately 011 the stall of tlif Willliiuisport (hit, hns in-. iiilied a half Interest u the ItuinihtU win, (lie Uvidlii-r paper of Watirbiuy, I'lnin. I'ndcr .Mi. I.aihiop's vlKllanl oM'i'slBht llm paper him already niadu marked ndvauees both In loutuiiis and makeup, and as h natuial result, la Ineieased iMtiomiKe. Mr. l.uthiop Is ft Journalist of whom the m'orenyluii may well be jnouil ami the Iteeonl eoiiBratulates both him and the iit ol Waterbuiy on ih,. new deal. No Deaths from Diphtheiia. A most rciriettablo en or was made In this departiiK'nt when (ho unnouiv 1 niflU was inutile of thu ileatli finni dlnhthprla nt two ehlldu'ii, IMt'iir Hyphens and Kdna .McMlint. Happily, the children are not dead, UkiiikIi their condition Is tciious. The infoHin'tlon tovviiiiK both 1'iipes i'iuiio hum Uie Carfeondale. nlllee of Uie hoard of health, mnl II was llllelldi'd thai they wete ciim'S that had hein lupoited to 1 tin 1 oiilie n nntlli: innit dlfeasei, not iih deaths, but tin re was a inlyaiipielu'iislon of tlii'fi hiets and the death nnnolllieeinenl lollowi'd iih Hie eiiiR'ltiMlon 1 1 0111 the faets as The Tilbune tciiresuiilntlve ttndi't stood 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 v A BIG ICE CONTRACT. Ice Drnlcr John Booth Closes Im nortnnt Deal with Lake Lottore Company. bit; lie (ontiait was i losed ibis Meek between the Lake l.iidoie lin piovi'inijiit (onipany alnl .lollli llonlh, the lie dealei ol this oily. The deal nixes lo Hie Lake hodoio 1 ompany the ilglti to supply .Mi. I loot h wllh all ol" the he that he will need lo piovlde fm Ills trade during- the summer months of ijkij,. mid lop (imc a lei 111 Uiereafler. 'I'he deal Is an Impoiltint one, liuis niui h a.s Mr. Mouth (imttols the bulk ol tiade In ibis city and' vicinity and wliii'i'M'P tuoxe he nilKht ntiike In this direction would nlleet the Kiealer p'HI ul the 1 Ity'n populnllon. The ounti.ul was not closed until he satWll"d I1I111 M'lf Unit whatever pi mini l lie would handle would he the purest thai In could iloiuie hcieaboiits. This, he was iiinxliKdl, was lo In; found la (he Lake hodoie coiniiali.x's he, w lib Ii Is harvested Hum the pi liiK-fcd laUis over the Aloo.sks This will be the 111. st time that this lie will be luoitht Into Cailioiidnlt' hi hiie iiuautitie-. II will supply nearly till ol the trade here, for, as mentioned beloie. .Mi. Hooth't. 11.1t1011.n4e Is the laiest in illi cit.. 'I'llele Is 11 nioxeinelll ill tnomess by xx lib h he holies to acipiiie posst( sioli of about hall' of the pntioiiam- dlstiibiiled between of the tow 11. the other h e m 11 INDUSTRIAE CABINETS. Seemed for Centinl School A Worthy Acquisition. Tile llli lllbeis of tl'e s, (t(i build liaxe pin eli, 'sed ui aid nii' III. il siudv labln.U lor iHe ol the iiiill Theic an' thue and thev 1 os M'i(l Tbe.x aie divided ii lluielasss - iniiieial, xi Ki'table and 'I'he (.ililuet siiciu" t'.'"' x at ions in li;. Inel foimi ot the ai lb lis Supei iuleiul eiit of Schools ('air is miic h in lavor ol Iheili. The.x ui1! at lli'st be lull I'duci d Iii all the branchi.s 1.1 the lliuh s( hool, but latel will only Iv iifcd for the bene, lit el I he low 1 1 wiadi-. 'I lie boau1 has no: as ji. autlmi iid llu te.uhiis to iist. them. Iml will piob ablx i'ii s, i.u a siioi t time. Coming Mauiage. Anuoiuu ( nu nl has been 111 id. ot lite lom'njf iiiaitiaLre ol Kiank KiantK to Miss Maiv Walsh on the "iiitli of this moiitlt Thi mairl.iKe w 111 on 111 In ihuuli in th" iiKnniim Willi Mi KranlK Is an iinplo.c ot tral Pennsylvania liiewing: St. Uose a 111 ss. the I'ell- i nmpanv anil one ol the best known xuuiik men in this cll.x. ills Iniili' to be lesides on I'ike sti,.,. ,,u,i s ,, talented .xoiiiih; lad.x Their wide h;;lon ot li lends In this illy Munil le.ol.x to eKlelld their b"st w lfp s The Date Will Be Tuesday. Nov. 12. To axoicl c onllii tini; with Uie I. m line ol Hex. r.uhi Daley in lln Kninbts ol Columbus 1 mils,, mi I'lid.ix ixhiiIiik. Xoxembei 15. the Atbhllc asscicinilciu ol the Ill-li seliocil has aiiancid with Di. Whi ilcn 10 alw ids b ( nu e on 'The Wit it mi Humor of the liMi ivoph" on Tuir.sday eviniiiK, Xuvembti 1J. All palions ot this leetuii' will pleasi note this ihaiiKe ol dale. Meetings of Tonight. 'aibdudale ludy:". Fi(e and Ainpud M.isups, I'athi 1 1 'aieu In .1 111 b, 1 'ath'illi KnlKhl.' ol Ann iii a I'liineer itu-tle. Xo. .'h"i. Kumhts o the My.sik Th. 1I11. rarbondale IoiIki , Knights ni 1'ytliias, Ladies' niiillai. , Kallioad I'UKiuui. (alt' 1 noun). At the Hotels. Auiniis the uuest- nt the IKnili-on nouse yostenlay xxeie.'ein Inist-ell Tie. i-t i'lj, .Mai tin 1 'aw Iii Id Hones, dalr-: .1. l'miuet 'iilllxuii, .lermyii; Willi. ill' (liuxey. New V01U clix, Al Uie vineiieaii wen. WiMiam I"il I'x. IMwald I'xai's ami M , lialrl. Si liiuton. Athletic Association's Benefit. The lecture In Mix. II J. W'halin, I'oi tile hellelll ol the Hinll School AUl Ictlc asMii'l'ition. will be held in Uie ,.s semblx looni on Xovtinber .', I'lie sub. leet Is 'Tin. Wit and lliuuoi ul the Irish Itnce." A short piinjiamiiu n ii'dllif; the leetuic has In 1 11 auaiiaul. Fiom the Quaker City to Vote. I'. 1'. ii'i'onnoi. a fm 111,. 1 Ciirhoiiitulo ho, now 111 the ('uaKel' ('lt,, was In I Ills elty .xistenlii.v, c c 1 elslliK his ilht lo vote He 11 maim d In the ill; nil hull), ami then ntuii'id lo his m w home. Attack of Illness. Albeit .1. t)pe, nb.lit clmk m ihe Mile I'll htlll bouse I'' lotllli:. il to his hullle, oil I Hi if. tt sii'u'i. by llhics... THE PASSINCr THRONG. .Ml.-s wen a fill' s' ul tin tent iy, Moclie of ,lin,xil, 11,111 l.-Oll llllllH' vi s- .Ml.-s b mile Manic, N'. V U the mi st of -. o Weti 1 ion 11, lelutlvi . In I'.ll- , ol WushillMi ll to Sciaiitoii 1 1st baiidale. .Miss I'lciiinr Mils, stieet, xviis a xiultur I'Vi'lllllB. Mlsd laui'i' Idsllop, o s-'ouili Main Ulii'l, Is t!ie vilest ol Seiaiilou liliuds. 1'Ytink Klip alt lik. ol Moclusti'i, X, V., Is spciidliitr a leu (hit's with Ids paii'iit, on Daile avenue. .Miss S trail (ii'iiond has iciuiind in liet home In Mils il; s, after a xxteks visit at WyoinliiK. Wllllani X 'tlou Is home iVoni ihn I'lilvtirlty of leinsl'iii'hi Aledhal college. He nunc to vole in yst'i day's election .Mis. M, Mellly fornieily of this ill), now icsldinu In I'hilaiU'liilila, made a business ulp in tliib di) ycsieiday, n tinning last night. John Marly icUnm-d last nielli lioni 1'lttKtou, vhcre he had bien spcndlni-sevi-ial ilnjs, OLYPHAIST Olypliaut voted yehleidiiy lo Ine.casu hep ilelii 3,000. fur sow v'UicSu pitrposcj. PECKVILLB. The follow Inp- ladles uie leiittesled tn meet at the Wltsiiti l'"lrc t'oiiipany'H looms, ThtiiMlny evenliiKt Nov. 7, I'.wl: Mi, 'I'anner, Atrn, .lolin Day, Xelllo tttanvllle, May I'm-llnh, laiclla K"ti nrdy, l-'imiin t'liriienler, Mrs. Kilvvuul Jeiinyn, tniliolln (hiic.einullpr, t'assle Wlllliinin, Kicda IIiIkks, liOlllse llell itrli'kM, Alice Swales, Alary 'I'rtniv unit ttesslc.i Thompsoii, Those tumble lo at tend will please notify .lesslo ltolTeek or, secretary. Don't IiiikcI the oyster supper at the Methodist I'plscopiil church, tu liu Klvon by U10 Tweiilleth t'entury socie ty tnnlfiht. riinii r,.;:t) to x p. in., after which a Hue ctitcrtaliinicnl xvlll be plveii, Only IS ccntM fop both. Mstelln, ni;ed I .veins, datiKhtri' of Mr. Thonuis Mdwaids, of the .Si-coud ward of Hlakely. dli'd Monday of diph theiia. Two other chlldiell ale ser iously III of the same disease. Messrs. I low aid Mrilllilime, Itobei t Moon mid 1'. I Meiijamln, who ounu fiom Dli'lilnsoii I.nw coIIckc to xote, 11 turned to Iheli studies yeslciday ul tiriioon, Alp. and Mis M. n. is-by. of riail.'s nicen, weie the (,'Ue.sts of Mr. and Mis. a. W. t'eniedisl Monday. The loiidllluii of TliomiiH Davis, ot the l'lde, who xxns liihltcd by a loro- inollve on Monday nnd Is now nt the Lai kawiinna hos-plial, was repot led yisli'iclav to he oscecdlllKly sol Ions. Mis. Milton HoiK'e.s and son, David, uie xlsltlnt,- her patents, Mr. mid Mis Dixld, of Mi 00k slicet. .Mi p. A. (', Heiidrk'ks and daughter, I'ma ol Academy street, linxe re tuno'd home after it week's visit with I'l lends In Piov Ideitce. Air. and .Mrs. Henry oberts, of South Main sltcl, (I'kbiated their llfteenlh vveildliiL' aiinlvi isnry at their home bete Monday ovenliif,. Air. and Mrs. Obols ate xvcll and favoiably knovx .1 and haxc n la rue chile of friends, many ol whom were piesent 011 this pleasant oieaslon to evtend to Hum I heir cmif'r.iliilii lions. Mev. rrancls (itiiditll. of the Alethodlst chinch, who olllelatcil at lluir innr-i'iiii-i'. was also piesent. The KUests iiiimlii'ied nit tut seventy-live people. The out-ol-town quests xveie- All. und AIis. Kilns lOdvvauls and daughter. Alildied, ol Forest city; Air. and Airs. AI D. Isby, Cl.n k's I'd'eon, Allss Helen Aten, ('bilk's Cieeii: Mr. and Mis. W. U. Case, Ah. Arthur Case, .Miss AI.ii lis Case. Air. .1. Alavwell Kendall nnd All. and Alls. J. I'. Hopewell, of fician 1 nr Di. and Alls. A. I". Clans. Oly pliunt; Alis Padie A. Shoemaker. Al lentown; Air. und Airs. C. V. Miller. TMclln. DtnliifT the exeiiiiif; the Voiinjr Alt'll'.s (!lec club, of the ilaptisl chill ill, soieiiiided All. and .Mis. oherls. and aflei a few oul-door selections weie Invited ill and assisted in the eveli lm;'s festivities. Altss Alaiy IVnte ( ost recited. 111 a plenslnpr nianner, "Alaiy I.u' and Willie day," and ".Tai k, Uie MvaiiKillst." nefieshmeiits xveie solved. Air. and Alls. Obei It. ei civ ed many useful present pi I tte to the occasion. appio- PRICEBURG. All's Josophiiie MaiiKiin spent .xisiei dax with Sirautun fi lends. .Tuliii lit x el-, of Cat I'ondale. wa- the Kiie-t 01 bis parents. All. and Alls. T. Mevels, ui Alain -lieel, on Stindax . Alls. John Madden, ol Throop, was llu must of fi lends in tow n on Alomlay. Allss Ilarilet Hea.iley. of IVekxIllc. was the mi i"H of friends In (own on Sunday. All S illle llevel" has n tinned homo aftt r two month-' visit xvitli li lends at Tieiitoii, X. .1. Air. and Alls William Pitlinievv, of Hit in MldKc. -pent Suuda.x atteinoon Willi All. and .Mis. William Weir. A itiiiillon wa- undeied Air nnd .Mi-, 'rbennas AV110I1 y al the home of the funnel's, paients, on Giant avenue. Hanus and music weio indul-red In until 11 late hour, when lelresliments weie -ei veil. Those present xveie: Air. and Alis. ("ins Schmidt. Mr. and Mis. .lames Oakex, Mr. and Alls. Isaac Dawe, Air. and All-. William Menlamln. Alis. GiealK, Alls, O.ike.x , Allss Matilda, Silnnldl Ale-si-. Will and Joseph (tieatlN. of Pi iicbuur. Air. and Alls. Jakes, Alls, W'oudiuif, Alisscs Chin lotto Jakes. IJx.le Join s, Ji mile Jake.-, Ada W.illur. Kloia .Mills. All. (li oikc Slniins, of Jiukron 'lt.x; .Mr. and .Mi.-. Hairy .laivls, AlissL.s s.ulle and I.l.zie Jaivls, ol Tin 0011; All. and Ali. Kiank Sihmldt, Alls- M.le Kllliitt. Ales.-rs. Ailhiir llnlib-, John Jarvis, AVilllnm Miiblnt-on. TAYLOR. Mlltle day eeitlson xvlll be ohseixcd al the 1 alviny Baptist chun h on Run duv exenlni;, Xov. 17. The fulloxxliiB piuKiainnie has been aiiunm'd for the ocia-lrui: Allthein, "SiiiK of the Kiiu;" hv 1 hoir and 1 onm elation; icspousive M ailing, Sabbath si hool: iciltatioii, ' Xanie .N'ot the Dead," I'thel Steele; piajer, by pastor, iccltatloii, t'lianla Kvaus, iccltatloii. Mlauehe Alaplesou; i.mgliiH. "Mooli of God My Might," 1 huh und 1 oiiKiegaUou, reiitalinu, "The HUldiii Wonl," Alyitlo Couuully; excitise, "The Pei'lai'dtluli of Great Alia," Mhoda Curtis, singing, choir i.iid 1 oiim'egiitlon; illation, "Met In 1 In Might," .Mm lam I hurls, iceltatlon, "The Mlesslng of Kong," Alaigniet Dax Is; singing, "Star of Hope," by 1 boh did 1 ougicgalloii; 1 dilution, ' Thai's Thee, Jim," Menjainlii Hauls, 1. citation, .Mm ilia Smith: singing, l 1 loh and 1 oiigiegaliou, iccltiiiloii "Hon M111I1 liwesl Tlioti," IMith Alai.-h' riiilalloii. 'How to Do It," Alabil Davis, anlheiii. ".Send Tin in ihe Mlble." b.x ihiilr and 1 oiigrcKailon; nddiei", "Tin Mlble Wink of the Aim I' ll an Mnpiist I'ubllciitlon Soclcly," b.v Uie paslol . cM'ielse, "The Chllrtien's i.iilis," lour li 1 1 1 gltls, leiltatloii, T.vdxll Jones olliii tur.x , singing, "Send "lit the Might," by ijiulr nnd longie- K.SY TO KIND W'liL'ii you find a meclinnc thai inaUeM your regular food last.' good, when you find a medicine thai strengthens a weal slomai. h then you know you're going to put some lle&h on, Scott'-t lCmulsion doe.s thing-. We recommend it whenever the system needs more He.h, If you are thin and able to eat begin regular do.ies. That'h your part. Scott's Kmulhiun will do tho Not llabby but solid Hush. XV.'II ltl! urn 1 I ulel.) ny.lf )uu I le bCUll IUWM, ); 1'iitl ulrtt-t, l Yuil. Ration! heiicdletlon, pastor. Today the annual session of the Yotin-r l'coplo'H llaptlHl unions of N'orlheiiHleiii Pennsylviinln will be held In Hit Atendc iStieut llnptlsl fhuii'li, Wllkes-Harie, from 2 to 7 p. m. tutclllKciii'o was received hero yes terilay from Wullsvllle, Susiiuelinnna county, announcing the death of John ittissell, an old le.sldcut of ttullovitn and well ktinvvn In this town. Dcrcnsed wits a member of Taylor lodge. X". KM, Independent Order of Odd Feltovxs. Tito Mineral will bo held fiom Ills late home on Pi May inornliif- mull xvlll ar il ve at the Washburn street cemetery at L' p, ,111, , where Interment will he made, l-'uiiernl Director J. I'J. l"UVls. or this town, lui.s ehaige of the futieinl. Miss Mizzle .Marsh was tendered a .surpilse pnrty at her home on Mtotrs nil eel on Monday evelllliR' by a nuin her of .voting friends. Games and oth er iinitispiiientH were Indulged In and H'froshliieiitH served. Those present weie: Allsses Delia Davis, 1'dltli I'ugli, .Margaret Davis, Aland Kvaus, Minma, Alnrgaiet, Mizzle anil I'dllh Mulsh. Xeiiln Mvans, i'dlth Williams, .Mamie and Kdlth Gillllihs, Jennie Dunstone, May llowclls. Kranccs Wlnteis, Step hen Mxnns. (icoige Davy, William Ott. Willlain 1'nvv ell, Daniel Mvatis and llli-ain I', The closing cuoll nnili It of the sea son will take place at Hotel O'Mrtcn 011 Saliuday, Xov, !l, win 11 -everal of our well known intuit men will par tlclpale. Hnndlcaii will coitunelirc at : v. 111. A. clam bake will follow. Air. and AIis Henry Mew Is of Wash ington, X. ,1 aie xlsltlng relatives In lo' u laylor lodge. Xo. nil. Knights of Py thias, will meet in legulnr session this evening. il Williams, ot New York, Is visiting h!s patents, Air. and Air-. AI. Al. Williams or Alain stieet. Air. and AIis. Jus.epli rietcher. of Wintoii, xlsiied the hitter's parents. AM. and Mi. Mlchard Wlnteis, of Hall mad slicet. leccntlv. Allnooka Ttlbe, Xo. 17. Impiox'il Older of Uijilinen, will meet 111 legular scs-lon Ill's I'venliut. Ali-ses Adeline I'vnus and Mlhcl Wil liams, of Old Foige visited U lends here on the Sabbat b OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. V 9 onif iviti 0 01 1 ne nout OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO For inoii' than a year past, the Jei inyn has had as one of its guests u quiet-looking, pleasant-faced, middle aged man, who seemed never to be in a hurry and 1 complete sti anger lo (.ne. To observe him casually, a.s he lolled about the corildors, one would put him down as a well-to-do business nam. possessed of a happy c.inabilitx of forgetting ill about hla desk xi linn he pulled down the lover. He made neiuialntnnies icadllv and was in tho fit) a very fexx months beloie he 1111m beied among his li lends 11 host ol' Scran 1 on's most lepiesent.itixo men. lie sought no taxoi's, 1 etrainod Mom disitissing his business affairs and seoinul lo make no clloit to impress aii.x one with an Idea that he was of any import mice. Yet all the time he was administering- the piellniinatles of one of the most gigantic outeiptlses tills legion has over known. The man is C. V. Mou'-Uiton, ndminlr tiativc head of the new Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Iluplil Transit company, and piesldent of the Tiansit Contiael company, the allied louiein In ehaige of all the constructive xvotk (ontiectcd with this immense railway piolec I. Air. Houghton was Intel ested In the si heme b.v its ineeptor, George A., of Philadelphia, and at tho 1 ('quest of Uie (Oiupaiiy, gave up all his vast business Intel ests in his home eit.x to I uiie chief Held marshal of the big undoi taking. How eltectixe was 'lis quiet but eiu'igetle work. The Tribune told in It.-, at tide on the company's plnns and achievements, pi luted ivvo weeks ago. t'p to that time even his iulhnate peisoual li lends had no idea of Uie xastnes.s of the pi u if it he xvas dliectlng. They knew fium newspaper stuiits Unit the company was up to something, bill Air. Hough ton's demeanor nevei made, them any the wlsei as to Its Immensity. With all Ihe attention now dlicctcd low aids him. by leason of the publicity given Ills activities, lie Is slill Ihe unosten tatious, cas.x -going genial gciitleinun he always lias been. a w v One or the most modest men who 1.1s an oillce in ihe intiiih building and yet one of the city's most industrious and loiisclcutious ollliials is Ai thur 0. .Monies, who has been acting as plumb ing Inspector for the last year and a half. It has been the city's good for tune to have ilways had good capable men as plumbing Inspectors. Air. Monies' pieilei (vsoi , Al. F. O'Alnlley, was an able, pniiisitiMug olllcial and Air .Monies is denioiistiutlng nunc and iniii o every day of hhi woith and use fulness, He has both a Hu'Oletlial and a pi le thal knowledge of ihe plumbing trade, having graduated Mom a Xew I'ug laud teiliulial school mid having had prai Ileal e.Nperlellce 111 the business be loie Ills appointment by Fnimer Di li clor James Alolr. The buslnesh-lke milliner In whldi he has taken hold of the loiidiici of the I'Viiiiiiuaiious which pIlllllbelH 1111 It quit cd 'by tile sei uud class ill) laws to pass has been ex lieiuel.v 1 icdllable lie sci veil us pres ident of the boaid of i'MiiiiIiiitk and the plcparalloii of the questions and of the lot mtiliis lor llio pracihal tests was aliuosi filthily Ids xvoik. V 'I'he man who Miceeedb Iii doing some Illlllg lor hid 1'elluw 111,111 Is lightly ie gurded as a popular fellow, and that Is the position that Druggist John J. Davics now occupies among lltc diug men of West Hciantoii, In lominon with many (ithel diugglhls All, iJnvles was umxlnii'd that drug sloies ought o close al ID o'clock and he began 11 movement to hi lug about that deslieil end, Ho was so iiiKie-stuI thai beginning Willi Alomlay, Xov, 11, drug stoics xv 1 lose each ulglil at It) o'clock, esiepl Saturday night. Air, Davles Is olio of W'csi Suaulon's most popular citizens as xvcll as one of Us most successful business men. llo Is a leading spirit In all movements tot the hi'ttcimelll of iniiillUous In ihai pail of tho illy ami his mlvhe is al ways listened to with great nl lent ion. FOOT BALL. lit lAiluiiii Win hum 'llu. Wiultil 1'hi". I'llilJlltlpllil, V.. ). -I'lK' Plllllllt'lplllj pltHi'9 iilul I I'D I lull (It'll II, II.IIIJH ,i. ll till llli I (. liia' plaint, ikfijitil tin- Mitutiiti i.-lligo I'Jiiii luilj) i.t j noiu of il lu 1) ' VI I'ltlnlllll.' Ii)lllli.,lll, .J, llu. in. II. XI NlU Veil. I ellllllbM, 1); Hulgl'lHUl, 0. TOM HARRIS TURNS WHITE STRANGE CASE OF A FUGITIVE SLAVE AT SUSQUEHANNA. "Kaiesli" Teed Ii Moving Fifty Dollais Ohtnlned In n Yellow Dog Damage Suit Omar Olln's Stilt. Pnrngrnphic Pickups. Sperltl to the "Irranton Trlbtint SiiPfittehaiina, Xov. fi. Tom HiurU a former slave, who came to this town la the "ilnilerKioimd inllvvay" In iinte lielllitn daH, Is tinning white. When Iiairls Hist canie heie. over forty-one years ago, he was as black as "ihe aeo of Hpailes." to use a current c piesslon. Xow he s mote than tw ti tbit ds white. In the ilnys ol' the abolition agita tion pieeeding the outbreak of the civil win, the "illiilergiound lallway" peo ple had ninny stations lu Wayne county, Including one In Susquehanna, wheie itigHUo slaxes were 1 a red fur. In pscupiug 11 Din slavery In the south Hauls arrived heie on his way to Canada, and then- me people ullve now who 1 cine mix r xxell his appear ame at that liine Alter the close of the war llarils leturiicd fiom Canadn nnd settled In this country, where he has since lived, 10 thcie Is 110 chain c lor dotibl about his lmxlng been at one time n coal-black negio, Some yens ago white spots began lo appeal' on Hauls' skin. There weio permanent, mid each year biotight mote of them, until, by spt ending and nieiglng Into one another, these white spots haxc now toxerod piactlcally two-Uilids of the surface of his body, and he I- last becoming a white man, His hah, which was funnel Iy kinky. Is also becoming straight. .Medical iiiii ate unable to explain the phenom enon I'l (il-WI XMI .11. 1 -A XI IliKli mi tin hill-, llu. uii-i 1. .iiitmiiti, -it-, 1 1... 1 1 ilii.vr tils uiiiulti.iis ,i 1 )t It nf lie. whi. 1 1.. .1.1: Xii 111 tin1 iiIhIi! I lion his lcili'tlii; oUii In mix wind tint nii alio tin xmlii, 1 kiitli'i. XoX'ember Is n tittsil month for tur ke: A Pennsylvania (out I has decided that a woman l not iuilgo ol a jag. Vnil now a Hcauton xx 01111 11 has hanged hei-ell with a stocking. It Is not always that a woman's stocking is ol' a size that will .lustily Its us(. fin 11 hangman's iujjc. Shakespeare would never have asked "What's in an aim?" it he had been hit on Ihe head with a brick. (juoth the sweet singer ol fulou dale; "There Is nut way of knowing Just how man.v of us will gel to heaven." Fnless Ihe sweet singer ot the I'liion dale uplands lepcnts, they may go glimmering lo when nsbesios oxei coal.s aie the leal thing, and wheie tioe heat 1-, tarnished, in the mean while ll might he well tor the aruie-ald I'uloiid.ilite to quit writing vei-es and to commence leading the sulptuies. DF.ATH'S IJUIXGS The luueial ol FianU Smith took plate lioni Ihe losldei'io or his motlier, .Mis. M. F. Smith, on Gland fatrcct, this aUeiuoon, I'ex, M. IC. Hllev, pastor of the Presbyteiiau chuich, olllui.iting. lutciiuent was made in the Giand snoel ceme tei y. 'I'he luueial ol' he late Saiiuul Coiik lln, an iiet-il and le-pecled iltlzen of the Oakland side, who died on .Monday morning, will take place on Wuliit--day. Tile luneial o'" the ia'e Mis. Maiy Mi own, one ut the tiiouiei lesldcnis ui this tun 11, took tilit'e this afternoon Hum the lesli'eiiie ot 11 son. llt'lbert Miown, on West Alain slice!, Hi v. Stephen Jay otllciatlng.a.ssisted by Mev. I. Al. Shknn in and Mev. ". I. Milov. Inti'iineiit wa- made In thcGiand stnet ceim tei 1 . 'I'he luneial of Helen, tin little duugh- tt 1 ot All. and .Mrs. Knaiip, of the Oakland, took place It mil the house this attei noon, Mev. C. ('. Alnekey olln i atlng. lutenneiii was made in AliKune ( einctei , . "KAMMSH" Ti:i:iJ AIOVIXC. i'x 1 us Tied, w llo, eais ago. a lcsldtut of this xlcinlty, louiidei of the Kaieshan s-nt, who styles hhnselt the "Kan shau .Messiah," has leltuned to Chicago I10111 Florida, lie has a i uln'iy hi both places Cyiu- Is a bialny lelluxv, and the way In which he succeeds in gatlieilng in the shekels of bis follow -11- is something; xx underfill, PAKAGHAPHFD PK'K-l'PS A South Gibson fanutr, xx bose jelluvx dog was killed by a llelghboi, has ( h tallied $'i) damages In a Susqin haiuia justice's court. Yellow dogs mine high this yen uninr F Olln, a Jackson laimei, has hi ought suit against the township 01 Gib-on, claiming; f l.l.oon damages lor llljlllles allegtd to have In Oil sustained h) bienkhlr- tliloiuh a (k'l'eclixo btldge A SiiMiuehaiiu.i man has been held to hall hi .'iid. on a ehaige nt an at tempted iiimlutil a.-sault upou a ten yen -old 1. Mile Hose (Oiupiiliy, IJ11, will hold Us annual hall ill Hogau opeia hoil-e 011 Thaiik.-glx utg ee, November 7 D01 ,111's Susqiiihaiiii.t oichestl.l will U11 ulsli music top tio incision FMOTSAAI AXD JMTSA.M The Miu.sliville Maptisl chin 1 1 ieicut(d lice fiom debt. A Gieat Mend mail iciciiily .'based seventeen eats. And he was pur i mil 111 the sausage business, As tiiikeys inn siane this )car, H will be loiinil ncie-sary to stmt out carl) 011 Thanksgiving exe and icacii high -Whliue). Silpcrlllteiliieul of Mails irrlval und departure of s, has uiitlorguin? cuushle viiim v J HI. ,1 11,1 Jl 111. l III, p III p III" . 1 .ji ' iii 7 .'.(i" 1.111 s.iki . I I ..ill '.'...II 7. tu 'i.mii s..ii II. hi I I'l 7...H, 7.IKI s.ui II in. I ..a . ('.ill 11 im ' I. Ml ,V ,(f lu.Hi ll.ini I ... t ."..II ii ui ll.iiil . . . .' .M' 1 11 lii.ikt 0..M1 11.171 . . , l.:u .1..11 .',.n 11 .to I .ill III mi! II in . . . . I. uli ."ni 1, 'in' .. .. .1 ....' i.Ki! ,t..ji' 1... .11 I.OIlil) '.' the 1 tahh a in 1 im inn 1 INI ) 111 7 ill 7 HI1 71m 7.IHH 7iki 7i 'l HI 7111 ;,in 7 mil 7im' 7111 7.IM 7.10) 7 Hi 711) ill) 7.mi 7,111 11. in' 7.111 7.UI lll.llll 7.0)' 11 m Hie 11 lot c rahh ll V . p. in IIICII'.." H11 , I11.111 . lu w . lu.ui ll,IXI ,. i,ll,ll.U-l ... 1 .ill 1 III . ..1 SKI II. Ill . . II HO. ..'.. II ID .... s.r) ii.iii .. S.HI ll.lll.... s.oi .. .... Mil ll.lll',., S III ll.lll'. . XIII II.U',... 1 '..ji1 1 I.. 'i'l I .Jl I" Ml i..;ii t.'ii 1000 1 i..i 1 ."I . .... 'I I. ..'1; loll I In in' I.:.ft. 7.:'ii ll ml 1. (ll! 7.MI to ID i.-iii 1 ;.o r,.:m I i..mi' -..hi 11.00 1 in ml : l.Mi, 11.: 0 .i'),, MO'.. I i..jn'innv Mil II III. tl.'ll 11 III,. in 111 , lam,. I., II .'(.ill', I.HI ,-,.(ii i..:ji I a Mil mil 1'iui ,M I :jj t M' 7.0H .ID ID 11 11,,, 11 mil A MISTAKE IN COUSINS. II I, ( lotillliil, In I'hli inn Itrtiiiil'llculil. When the III si organization of coun ties was alteinptcil In the Xortlivvest a gieat deal of ttoilb'le was pieelpl luteil between llval land nnupiiules as to tho location of Hit1 eotinly Heat". Much company deshed a county seat on Its ptiitlctilar tract of hunt, hut as there were not counties enough to go around UiW was Impossible. Fights und feuds followed and the liveliest promote! s of these w ire the pioneer edltois. In one of the counties that may appiopilulely he called Oaytise Ih" Ihial location of the county seat xvas on Sand Cieek, In the cast end of Ihe (omit), ami well leniovcil fiom two oilier illumining settlements lu the county known as Plalnvlll and Ninth Star. The county seat was called Sandberg. with that line love foi ugly titles mauirest tu the Amciliiiu mind when tunning a town, ilxer or moun tain peak. Ill e it'll settlement thei was an cdllci- llosi r al Plnlusv llle Ilurrl"iin .t Ninth Star and Smith at Saudhcig. Tin- ai'tet. is sjuii as his commiuiilv had capiuied the intuit) suit, ni.ii'llcili'i, h's Joy In a soil's 01' lurid edltoi lals ei owing over ills ilvals and denouncing their opposition to .Siiudbeig as villainous, 'I'he light, ill papei. was a glo loin one. P giew- -o xxaim that no man ! fiom Plalnvl1! ( 1 XrMh Star daiel to visit Sandbeig. and when the one school teacher ol Ihe latter town chanced to enler Plalnvllle he was Immediately s dzed by the Intiiihiled Inhabitants., dcpilved of Ills hoi so mid clothes, ami coli.,ielIe.' to walk lolly miles of rh li pialrle laud, naked, lu 01 del In reach home. Sandbeig .swole deep vengeanc", but was content for a long time lo (on line its notions to threats, which the people ot the other towns laughed at. Interested obseiveis of the light, al though, woman-like, legaidlng It as most foolish, wen two young women, one the school mistress of Plalnvllle and one the school mistress ol' Xoilh Stai. .Miss Wll-on of the foinier town a cousin or Mdltor liokei. and Allss Mogcis, of North Star, a cousin ol' Kdl tiir Han Noil Alls- Wilson lcgaidod the muss as pin tleulai I) iiiirorluiiiile, because shot tly alter her aiiival on the ttontler, and betorc Ihe i ounty scat light, she had mcl 1'ditor Smith and (uncoiled a more than passing i 'gun! lor Iii 111. Smith himself had been much taken with her beamy and intelligence mid but for his loyalty to his lommiili it) would never liaxe gone into a Ugh' xxhleh sepaiated lit 111 1 10111 th' woman 1 he loved, but hud not told -o. Allss lingers was not as .voung a Alls.s Wilson 1101 so attiactlve lu fact, she had passed lid, was soup ol temper, and niueh disliked by her pupils, mosi .of whom dieaied her shin p tongue as much a.s the) did the whip sh used on exeiy piox ocatiou. Aliss liogeis dis liked Kill tor Smith, envied Allss Wilson, hated the Mouth r and longer lor a man with inclinations. Kill 101 Dukil. of Plalnvllle thought il his duty in the county seat light to ci'ltoiiallv castigate Hill tor Smith, of Sandbeig, with ever) Issue. He did not suspect his cousin's affections for his ouom) . and it he had he would have at thai lime sent her out of the 101111- ir). On her pait -he did not (laic to pleid with him to loigiv- and foiget. e .nith Iml not yet spoken tu her, and while s-1'c l'e It tint ho would. II given opportunity, she leallzed thai a long in iilijiigaiiuii ol' tile 1v.11 incline, a llli ihci scpi'i.iilou of llicin and put haps n poiiuancnt end ot the sentiments that once had llnuii-died so well. So matters stood until one spilng du). In a paiih ulnily violent lit ol tempei, Allss Mom'is whipped one ol her box pupils until the lad loll faint ing at hoi feel. The nws spread but slowly lieiailse lalitor llanlsou did not nolle il in lus own paper; Kdllor Moker Ihouirht it was none of bis Iro'ibl". ami the public in gonoial heaidj ol' It only long after ils oci uiience Hut xvhon I'dilor Sinith leaiiied or it he penned tin ,-ea lilug lines in hi- edi torial colli), l.s "W have 110 1 uiislu and vie cannot ll-jht ii wt'imin. ii"t ir we had a cross i yed f-i'i ile i oii-in and she did all that we haxc leaid of som 'body else's coii-iii di, lug that suniebudy else being a meisl), piratical etlltur ol' this enmity I we would either move her to a Hot tentot si itleiueiil or .-end her hac k easl .V wind to ihe wise hi siitlh ie-ul." The Sandbeig paper dlllv "leached Plalnvllle and Mdltor Moker casual!) glaiucd 11 iiv ei until In- tame to lie quoted paiagiaph. Whatever made him llilnk It releried in his own cousin 110 oi" knows to Mi... da). I. ut when he hid ical lie i...iagiaph in ques tion he 1 11 i'tv I'ti ust the pap. r into 1111 inliei pack.' and then sol.'S'uuv matched aioiiud ihe town until he had, eolle oted the twelve ulhcr cuplcs Willi li I he knew canie lu Plalnvlll . Then he ' leiuined lo Ills ofllce and sent for his iiinsi intimate ti lend the cashier of the one private bank. To hllll he said: ".SlPilh has gone Ids lull length, lln has giussly Insulted my luiinln 111 his paper. II' Is so hard up he must at tack a woman. She hasn't seun the pi per and never shall if 1 1.111 help It, hut I'm going tu Smiiilit'ig In lln morning mid eltliei Smith or I will be dead b.v night If I lull, old man, itiake any cXphlli illoli, but spare the gill, and give hep all I leave " Then the hands ol ihe two 11 lends met, ami iheli i.vcs said 1 I1.1t Smith must ilie. The n i iiiornlng 1, Mile fast 1 hough, and at ! o'clock Mokoi. heivll) armed as men weie In those dax'.s and localities, and astihle his taxoiiti! ,x el low Jnin-c, mile away limn his tilth e with lilt- eihlilei. They said to lie en 1 lulls thai they wen going mil tu liink nvei some laud. They took tin Mail which would lead tllelll bv the Utile led school house where Allss Wilson had aheuilv galli ot 'd her llm k and lOiiimeiii-cil the dally Changes in the Mail Schedule. Sella lllz. at the it quest ill llle Tillilllli - 011111 of lllll" irtaiii malls, which, mi .h islou . Nut Vuil,. s . ... ...II11.11I.I111. s. . , .PliiluMpliii. I', II I ,., .,. I'lllilllu, l'.i , .. ... II III ll 'III!.'. I'J .. . . IM. ... . .Willi'. Hun-, l'.i ...I'ill.ttiii, l'.i. .. . . .I'.nli 'Ii.IjIc. p.. .. . , ...IIiuii'mIiIo, I'j . .llhl'.-li.iuili.H, N. . ... . ..I tit .i. N .. . . IJiilllJ, N. V. . . . I. HUM'. V V . . . ...IIihIh.Iu, N . .. Iltillil'i. S . . . ..Nl-ll I.IIL'I iml -I lll . Sillltlillll SIJll'-i ... .Wi-iiin (tl lil.(') ..II, I., - W.. S..1II1 . ..II., I., -x W , SKittli . ..II.. I. -V w . Illwiii . .I.thljl. V ill.y, Nnili. .It'lJ.'li VjIIi.i. smth.. ...I). . II., Si. ill . . II . II , S.111I I.ilt ,X Wteiiiiui: V.illi'i I JIUll.l 1 .... . .-it . ...... STOMACHS THAT WON'T WORK That Retnln tho Food nnd Refuse to Digest It, Make, the Head Heavy and the Nerves Wenk, Need Stuart's Dypcpslrt Tablets. Tlieie Is 11 cttie for dyspepsia, Suf. Tei cis who liavci tiled iiuxlmts nosttttiiiH will probably bo skeptical, but Fkcpllc Ism vnnl'ihes when Stuait's Dyspepsia. Tablets 01 e tried. Whether the tioiihli .. Is dyspepsia of long siiindlng, or mere ly a simple, case of Indlgo-llon, lellef Is piompt and pronounced. The liss tho Moilble the fewer tablets need be- (alien. Heaviness after eating, sour s ttiiiincli. as Indicated b) belching, fatigue with slight exeitlon or with no oxci tloli at all, disturbed sleep, nei voltncss, con stlpn.llon, ih pi'esslon, "blues," these things can coinmoiil.x bo set down as symptoms of dyspepsia. And d)spepsla Is nieiely Indigestion In 1111 aggravated foi in. My pi omitting perfect digestion, Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablet pioduces stion? nerves, 1 est fill, lofie'shlng sleet), punt blood and good sound healthy llesh. They make tho skin clear, .the eyes bright, the mind cheerful. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nie a, tin dlcliu am! 11101 e than. a. medicine They digest the food and make it easy nf assimilation, and they iclleve tho lu llamed, diseased condition of the mem braneous linings- mid the glands of the stoiunoh and bowels. They help tho digestive oigiins over the hard plate, and put them Into a healthy, active condition. Thev effect a quick and pti nianent cute. You don't have to con tinue .taking them forever, t'tlll It Is well to have a box handy and take one at the first icturii of the double. Peifcctly we'll people aie- made f-lck b) eJtliig too- much, or tiuxx holesonio lood, but not if they take a tablet after eating. Tieatment with Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets does not. necessitate dieting or any change of habits. They dlgent the pioper food and aet upon the oilier kind in sin h a xxay as to make ll pass off quickly and harmlessly. You may eat and drink what you like, when you like, and as much as you like it j 011 take a. tabid afterwards. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aie sold by all druggists at ."0 cents for lull slzo package Send to F. A. Slum I Co., Alaithall, Mich., lor little book on stomach dis eases, mailed tiee. lessons. Their hoises swung off xxltli easy lope, hut elmo to a dead halt: when up on the trail toxwnd them lode Smith, the man they wanted. Ho xvas astiidea bay 111.11 0. toam and dllsl eoveied. and h lalsed a hand in frlend Ix -aluto, although the gesture was otherwise taken by the txxo men in Mont of them. Moker was out with ill- gun and . Iieiiieiidoiis oath and had opened Hu lun Inn 1 y. The cashier swung to 011,1 side and clear of innge. Hmllh shout ed at Moker, but getting only a shot in ieply whipped out his own gun anil le-plled. The shots came fast and Uni ons, the two lioisemen dashed into eaeli oilier. Moker went down and Smith too, and they ilenehed on the- piahie sod and beat each other In the erforl tu kill. Attei a tunc llieio was .silence and llm cashier lode up lo llnd Hoker uncon scious, Smith on top of him and bleed ing badly. Fiom the school house thei 1 came running the teacher, and she f I! upon both men and sobbed and moaned and made the cashier think she gone made. Fhst she would kiss Sinith and thou she would kiss Holier, and then soli as If her heail would hieak. The cashier began to think that mhuo ihlng had gone xv 10111? for sine. At hoi' bidding he uide into the town for help, and aftei awhile Hoker mnl Smith win lu bod and ihelr wounds dressed. Smith shot tliiough the hip anil leit mm and beat about the head: linker was wounded thieo times, hud Ids 1 10111 teeth knocked out and hi li It ltg' Inokeii. Moth men xveie placed 111 the sum loom hi separate beds, hut th.) .'iiuM mil see eaeh other, even though forbiiPJ"!. to talk. The local doitor said they would certainly iocov er. Allss AYIIsou hoveled over each. licit! deigning to police the wild glare in hoi eiiislti's t)i;s nor the deep hew lid otmi'iit In Smith's. She knew' souit -body had hlmaleicd, but fi-dl she could ahold lo waii. As tm Plalnxlllo, it only rcgieited at: that nioiuoiii thai Hoker had not killed S1111U1. It true to its editorial hem Mate that night Alls.s Wilson, slttlu-: with the Injured men, hoatil Killlm Ho ker hoii.-ely say to '.alitor Smith: "What did you attack my miisln foi V" "I didn't." ' You did, .xiiii lying -" It look all tho gill's Hticngth to fill" Hoker down Into hlfi bid Then Intelli gence came to I'dilor Smith. 11 1 gi limed, hull, as he was. "I gave Haillson's loilsln a cut," lui said, "fm beating that child, but not )uili uni-ln. I lodciill last night to get heie this iniiiuhig to ask yoiu loiistn tu be my wile. She'd incepted up about: live initial's lieioiit I met you. When .von saw mo I wan coining into town to make poaio -villi mi t'll the nut, x ml light. I bar lo sh ml X'j.t ti ,-i( a iliaiiio to explain. Shai;i'V" "Oh," Mild linker, and his bandage hand ciussod tn Smith's, and Aliss Wil son laid hel own 011 top of both , iniiiplled tho lolluvvlllg seheilule of the fall changes in lime- l' villi ill" p 11 1 I. Ill .1. Ill I I IH, ...Ml I 1.011 .'ii.ii; .! "nil 7...H 11 p in I I'l II. Jl I -'.Hi ,H" II. HI .11 I'd 1I.KI Mini . I.' Hi' . I'J II I I. Ml I.. 'II l.'D 'II t.,11 I l.'."l, .1 .'III 'HI 'I. '..Ml I-' .11' 1,1 "I' 1 ! .till 'lui 11 HI II l ft.i.11 II..JH .) iiii 11 :.u .i.'j) ti.iiii ', .'i.itu' p in1 .".Ml H...II llli ll.lii : n't III' , lU .im 5.:.u, III! Ill) I '.'II I 'II I. '.II l.-'H I 'II II in 1. ID U.W ',:' II I'l HO mi , V.'iil ..l'i 1. '..') IJ.'1'I 'i..'iii . (. IV i..r. '.HI I.. 1. 1 7.JH .')..lii . I.'..", lJ..'tu' 1 .:'. .111 . ""I I. . II. l.'.JI 1.-1" . II 01 II Ml rn.1).. . l.uOl ..: i,:n ",..(i Via (i.:-n . 1,111 ").UI l."il U.l.i JI.I.Mll -ll"! 7.'.'n ll.lll .Villi 1 1. (II II III .ill 'l It..'-') 1 III ,1111 lien l.'U .llli ..J) ll.lll. J III! ,1111 ,,. ,rli..lll .i.-H .'. .(') . I.S'l .' r.-'ti I. HI ll.lll .,:.ii' .'.11 , ')..! 7..1H .1 ..() ..(i,ll..(n. . HI II..1H .'..Mi 11.: n 'i hi 11. .'.11 . ii ;j) . ."iiii r,..ii .' ui! .V.iki .', :ui ln.uil l.ll ' U in v.iii urn A" . - -M.