The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 06, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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    ( .
ei eland 5
Insures the food against ;iluin, and
alum food is the greatest menace to
health of the present day.
Theie In No Prospect of Any Change
in the Clrculnr Prices Befoie Next
Spring Make-up of the D 1. &
W. Bonrrt for Today Lehighton to
Have n New Glnss. r.ictoiy Ex-
poits of Conl from Jnpnn Sending
Cnr Wheels to Ernnce Injunction
Agninst National Snlt Co.
Uoiiiunil fin Mini in tin- mNt i.'.
PM-eks will ilcpcnd fui'atly on the
weather, an this Is llif mmhoii w lieu n
old wnve brliiR'i out nit iniiiv of retail
Juiyeip. Then N now no iiroxpici of
.my chungi- in clruilitr ph'ch hefoi"
next pprinff. Itctull di'.tltis .il viitlous
points me l.ihlnjv llielr prh i'. one of
ihe cities henid from this wcoU being
noston. With n .suilden cold wi.v,
thero will doubtless bo olhci iid.iinii'
by rrlnileis.
Trade in the AWst and Not lliu i'i l
fnhly tictlvc Tin nioviiuont of ioal
wcstwaid, linwt'Wi, if nnsali-faitoiy.
ihniiRh Oitolwr Ikuii-s for this- mnu
inent aro llkclv lo s-liow hcmi- .siuptis
iiu? tolali. .At tin bead ol the lal.t s
i he Mtpplli-s in dorks lin-ici-i- lutl
lowlv and then: 1m rpni'v.pd mlk of
n shnitiigc when navigation c Ios( . tn
.leed, it Is H.Ud thai this winter , ill
.-re a Kt enter of hutd in the
XoithwPht than last winter. Tlmie it!
e Kood tnnnngn down iin lakes and
,ilth the lower lake oie pints eon
s'Mod, Killic essols ale retuinillf,-
niplv, not dolavitiR to load tu
nlo.iRO teriltoiv, ear upplv is ihe
'hid' suhlti't ot di-i usslon. All
ictllpts aie lishl and laltr teielpls are
onlv f.iirlv Rood. Tiaile :il th" lowei
lake potts and In Canadian teriitiny
ha been (Uite ,iOtie. Alouir the At
lantic seaboard milder v.e.ithei l,t u
hliitted retail demand, but it is seated
that a Midden tall for oal and a itit
tailmeut ot shipment fmm ibe mines
Mould sdiow but enough at liileuatei
for two or thiee il.ij . Vpiv littlp coal
i repoi ted polns into ioi.iri at the
meat yards in New aVrs-ev and at i'oi t
I calling'.
The demand for steam siKl. m miivc
and tor Hie soller. fieci -binning
Riadei it is oNrellcut. witlr .supplv none
too good. The hauler giailos aie in demand and Up .si.ppl Is ade
iiunte to loiisiimei .' nouK
Authi nrllc continue- to go Id Kmo
,'iean ports. The inoenieni is i liMI.
hie to the very low mean freights
now obtainable and docs not pies.tge
any peimaneut ineria!-e In cp.n i
biihiness. In all Kuiopeun rountni'H
anthiaeltc Ih im re of a luiuy limn on
.his Mde. and Ihe piesent iiiocmonl
is ot sliRtit MKnltiianie. We not" n
hlpmeiit of Il.suO Ions of KeaditiR an
tlnaclle from I'hlladelplila to France.
Pilcos for ftee-buininR -white ash
i oal t. o b. New Yoik li.nhor pints
aie: Ihokon. 4: crr, Jl.2; stove and
he.stnut. M."l'. IhiRineeiiiiR and Mln
iiijr Joutnnl.
D. 1., and W. Boaid foi Today.
"FollowiiiR is thf make-up of the Dela
ware. T.ucluwauu.i and Western bn.iul
for todaj :
'il .-, mm.mhki: .
ViM Oiw, l.i-t a )i iii I i.iu u i
In , O. hcime).
WI.DM.sliW, NOl.,ll i,, i:ai i .da iii . i . m ii iii, ii i ...
iii, M. Uin.'line.v; 10 i in . 11, 1!., n n i,
hi, C. V". Hint; J p in. i.'uim lliviiu , . p.
ni M .1 ITiiinUiu; t. p m , II Itilli-m
-inwintn, I'.le- C. a m . i i-., .1. IHnii. ,u.
.1. Ill, Mi-I, 1. I). Ijltimrr. Mi In IV nitt. i i
in, p-l, 'Iliomji-iu: pi ,i. in,, ui,t, ' n,ll; ii
P in., ii-l, I. CjiiIiv. s j, in, ,,(, (,1,U1
T p, hi, fiuin f iiii,'i, il, (iinlii T p in.. Hum
Niv ui., McMIUi.'l
I'li-liili -d j. in, n'nliui 7 ii in . I in
mil; S i. in, Uim-i i : ll.u ., m , fi,!.m;
" p. in. f. Mi Dmiiill; T n p in, Muipin,
" p. in , V, II. llntlioWiiii'n tu p, in , Limpin,, kiuiiitt- 7 J. ni. (iiltii; , i, 1 1 ,
snun; HI .1. in,, Niiiiiun; In , in , I , i'i,ir;
.Tip in, MiiiUiii, s ii (,, m i(niin
Willi I'lls Wnl-I ,i in,. I'. I'liiniimli. ". .i
in.. ". Millie; 7 .i i.i.. I I j. , Hamuli If ,,
un, o j, i mni iniiiiii; in i ru,, Il
tut: II ,i. in, Willi im ICnliv.
Il'iiiillian; .1 ii, m .1, Im lliMn.
I Itpilrnk; ,1 p. in , 'I Jlil 4it,
I' li tiliim; II p. in,. II lllshliu
" P
III., I'
iii . r.
This nnd That.
Tuo repiesPUtuUves of ihe Alll.s.
t'lialUKi'H oinp.iuy mv now In Ihnopo
inipci titiK' mathlnn shops in lhiRland,
J'li.nic and Oenniiny.
The Kl I'aso Foundiy and Mmhiiie
lonipany, of Kl l'aso, Te has beun
Ini'oi pointed with fiOi,nuo eapiiai m
londuet a, KouciMl foundiy and ui.i-
The .1. 0. Thill lompaii of IMill.i
Iclpbiti. is uliom to ship a number or
tar hpeln to the Ciemli Thmn-on-lioustun
lompau.v, for e m the i,j.
uis tiiiinwny.s,
Kuperlntcndent ot .Io1iir l'oiu Jli .
'ettle, ot tho Aini'ili'.in l.oeouintlo
A'oik.s, haa tendued his leslKiintlnii, to
lake I'liert today, Ul" t-un'SMii has
joi ut been named.
Tin now Kteunvinnl;Iu,j plain whleh
p bchiB InBtnllod at the KoiIrh injiieij
xlll ho ready lor opciaiiou Mi a slant
Jnic. This plant will smily huU for
ho Dodge colllPiy, ihe Ibdh-vun w.ish
liy ami llelleMie oolllr i y. Tin plant
ilml l bolnir lustallfd .u tin llonip
.on will furnish steam lor thi llami
ion Cuiiilnental, Sloan, t.'cnunl. llMb
'.ni, it..) Arehhftld rolllerics;
i.uts ot WHcs.nirra, Su, niton
ni' Pilsi6u cnpllallsta rontenipkilo
Mi n" of a biff slabs plant ,il
I .Mi if. hi in. ,A' i uieetlutf of tltcns,
,7 : i i .114 i,dln Cor tho puivlmHiir; of
Un Km 1) ri.ii! near J.ehlshlon, with
in... ni thlii in tea. Upon this tho
.otksi !!, in med. AVoik will bu
hraun Uil.s i. I, and the plant when in
hill im aim; i,. di i will, t Is s-ald, oni
pl - "" 'mmN .itroudshutg Times,
luli, hi. i half of. tho piesent
ri ni 1 MD Ii " tons K,i coal weie shipped
'mm "MoJI, JitiMi.-df illicit 20'l.SSJ tons
.Miiu suit to ions Knngr; LMLWI to
8h.iiitj.mi; J17.C35 lo Hlnfrapoie; 10.',-
whoksomeness to the food.
iVi to Manila, ritmUoi.s for foiclirii
roIur nhlim look- '.'O'.'.'iH. and
lioits nnd IntnkerH for local punicis.
(U- t.''! ioiih. The Mltsuil lhtnn Kui
lia whipped 42H,l""i out of the total or
I.JHO.lf, tons. Iin ludlUR Til.:)')"! Ioiih to
KoiiR-lsoiiR, iJ,i" lo HIiiuikImIi nnd
4T.4".iJ In Sltiptapoie.
An Injutii'tlon aRnlusl the National
Sail iompan, the North Ainerhau
Tui!l eompaiiy. and Oaklelsh Thome
! sntiRht by William 8.. (Jeorse S..
Hubert S. and PuiiiiN T. JiiRniliam, to
pievent tiaiiHfenlnR the Xntloual
inuipauy'- iih!"(h to ihe luteiuatlonal
Suit lonipany. On the aiRiunuul, il
was ! tated thtiC ei tilliates ol indebt
edness of the National Salt .ompan.
wpip not paid In July last, or wlme.
and i ha I a piotlt of $7,ftOO,OO.l would be
lepiesenlcd by the interna llonul Salt
(ompanv.s sluek. The defendants ay
the cuuiplninl Is deleitive and diny
1 1 and. 'J be dot Hon on the Injinulhm
Is l ppprved.
They Will Seive Dining the Peiiocl
of Civil Cotut Which Begins
Monday. Novembei 11.
I'ollowiim an ili ti.ivtt-e Jin uis
Mho will -pivp at the thue weeks'
teim ol fominon pleas (ouit. to opi n
ne.t .MmidMN .
Monday. Nov. 11.
f I Hi n i UlrilPii, i riilnctor, -n nilcii.
I unk, III nil', luik Uipcr. uniliu
Uillinn Itiauii. tiirmiii. strjn
l. II (duns immi, stii,jf,rit
I i mni'. IS. Itiimn, I'lhiii i)Ivi'hiii,
Mitt lliimu. iii'IiIjii', "innion.
Ii.iiii-. V, IIi.joV", i imciitiT, nin ii,
I mm l onrjil. lultn -irnnloii.
Mm wj. Ri'til, -iriiitoo.
I I ink l iiiuii'i.l. mi, ln'ik krnvc. -'ijiih'ti
loiilili Duili, Urtiinii, Si i niton
lolm I it-niulh. kciiI. Srjntnn.
U (1 Dinmnck. niniiu'ii. -cnnldi.
n.tiii Pulh. i hik, - i niton
II l. Dninl-. lork, I ijbr
I. O lllvii. !nll, Mo-nw.
N M. K,nkr. iin (iiil, sinninn
l"liii P. I till, r, i li'il,, I Iniliiust,
Iftln I ii-niiinoiH, .ifonl, ScjiiiI ii.
Muluil I -in , In til, -.nil id. i
(.(Mice finNpi, inifliiiii-t. sijuii h.
I J. Ilitri-, Ilium, TijIci.
lolm IhriiJ. tuniMri, srrnitui
II. 1 llitll'IOfk, IJidll, SiiittO'l
. M. Itit'iimv. .iidit. I!
fitiiik . II. iloi,,r. 1jl,r.
Willi llll Ullulll", Ill)lPitni, I'KkMll-,
V W. !p , i Icrl . --a.iiiton.
K l .Ipnkiii", ininikn, lti inlnu
lolm .Iiiiiiwi, gent, Siianlon
In i iii .liTiiuuli, ilrl srrinlun
I 1' Ioiii.-. cent, so mi,-,,,
I i. ink tinlxilikir. sun m
lolm K iik. null hnid, srr,nitip.
I mist V. htiiTiik. i lu'irnuki'r, Hiinin nc,
.'i Iin I.irUm, nliitlnrihl. M u li-n
lelin I. iinlmlri, iniiiri. 1) Uvu (ill.
N. . UfiMi, uphol li'er. iiniPn.
1 vi i-. Mi nl, flori-t, s, i iiiioti.
H. C Mmitjii, nu'iiliim, ( itliijj;
lil.ltl .1 MniiMH. .(.lit. sr iiilm.
, V, " ., ' ' "V: ",n" ".' .
I'-ln (I'lVniiill, I ill ji oi, siLiiilim,
Iljlll I'Mlsl, i lul , s l.nileil
I. I fiimlii)'. lilinioi. Sunn, I,
Mm 1 Uiilimlo, rlotlnii, Sriituiu
ii f It.illlsi a, finiii, sprin Hioi',:,
illiui It. I ir-fniil. jpint, srd, ,!,,
I' (I si,;,,,., mircliiiii, Sm ml. ii
I' I, niunni, Uillinn
I.Iiiipi sii.ii, si'riiitpinliiit, I) mm n,
I mil siliimpl', .iuit, ! iiiilui
i II '111 Mlip-. II, (Ink, S, r.lltlM.
1. M. Vuini, lnk, s, i.iiiii-in
limits Wi ncl, pi niilii'", sujti'iii.
Mi Ii-. Wnii, iiiiiui, s( luton
I. Will nc. firinei, Hi ntmi
llin.liiefi Willi,, ij;fiit. -irtuK rw
Innoi W.nui, lilmiii, - i niton
Monday, Nov. 18.
Ii-tpli iiili, inlntii. Dilliin
1". M. ilisioitli, Imlil, ci jiitf i,
( II. 'in luiiit, Inmei, Dilliiii.
I. II II. Ii'ni, ini,ln.'i i, s, ,,,
liilm .1. ILiHia. t.i nt, i iilmiiiljlr.
'1 I, lioliiil, iiiiiui, limnioi,
It I Ilium, niliili., Vrr bl.tlij.
-t. in Uliii, rnmii, tniliiliiii
V, II. ( liiii., (j.lilu, -iijiiIiui
li.lm . ( ulbii., l,ii iii.iii, I jiliu, (i.,
Mli linl ( iiliiiuii, lilinirr, siii'.fn,
IVln ( ii.,imt', (luk, ii
1 1 .nf. (mull, ii nl, s, lniiion.
I'. J I ol -in hi, tiiniiulmin -ii.inii ii,
J S, IKll,ll. IIIIIKI. Ililllon
liU lliipkln, Ijlhinr, vi n. Ii ii
I, n Dm kin, mm, i, si nil.iu
l!u,ci lain, un ii !i.tiii. sol mi ni
M W, i;jiw, iillu'ii, DniniiMp
I'li'st'll II, I lllkllll, ItllllllKI, lisll.i II.
I In. Ii I IVIii, fiiimi, i niii'ston.
II, W (.iilikiiilili, imirliiiii, irjnl ii,
Ml luil (IiimII, I, "Mjiii, (uiiBlnn, lis lll.ll. , l-lll, .Sl.lllllll
I'i tn lliiiiiin, pjlini, ( nlniiiili;,. ii,i,sliip
I. II llillluii,il, iJlltlCt.l-t. -Ullltll.
I.' 1 llolllsiii, iblii'i, su.nirun,
II II. lulu-, I mni i, s.,tptf i. oo...
Iniiii J, .1 mi -, mil'i li.l, (,
Wllliani K.'ili'er, i n liuililu, uiiili.u,
JhIiii kiinn, iiiiiui, L'liln nl ili
M P. 1 iil.ii!, miner, Mlnouki,
I'liil lllln, iiioiiMci, s int, n
limn MIIKi. ji,. liKjrinikii. - imiuiu
II II, Mlthuisoii, ioiiIi iitm, 1 11 hiii,,
lul.ti M.iuli, iiiiner, -ciintim,
Id nr Mniil., inmei, ( ijiiiunni,
Willljiii MiNi liuli'-. iiiiiui, ,iiiiiiiii.
I uni- ii Uaili , In im i, lltuilii,' lliui.l,,
J, (, Niiiilmp, unmr, lildili'ini,
s i Vvwuii, i.mir.1 in, smut,,.,
I', .1, Din r, ii mi ii tit, -irnii.'.i,
'111 mi II. liMt., imiioi, Siiiiiim,,
lulll Ilillllllllll, lllllliM, "lllpu,
I' It, -in in n, hiiufi, lluitn'i,
I, II -l lilf, 111 Ikl 111 III, sill',141,
S. II -lilills, dill , s(r, nl.1,1,
II, s Si,Wl tllllli'l, .Mil ill ,I..H), II,
II, l Mi 1 1 , i, mm ,i,,
I i ml, I lolot, iii.piit i, lllil.i'.
1 P Vail, i.ei.1. . itnt in,
V N. VIUIjiii-, i iiiliil'uiiii, Tnylur,
Hum Wllllnii. htnio.npiin, (Vrlwiul iK
s,iim Milium, tiiiierliiipiliiii, s.iaiilpii,
li'il U in, i,, i mi, i, llei.l'ii.
Hum Wlillji.i-, imifi, Oljpi m,
li.lni l W in, i lul, s.o,,vi
l.'Hiiil Millie, ikil,, Smiiliii
f. V l'ji, luibi'i-, .ii lil,
Monday, Nov. US,
f II ll'ik'Ui, mslmci, MolieM.
Jji.c llonner, mliur, OM rmi.r.
IVtliiu lllcwht. u nl. Siunl' n
MIilinl llruwn, iiilll-luinl, s, r.inliii,
I W, Ili'i'iMu, ilui,, jit.iiiIi.ii
Jiilm J. Iin fun, luicl, lliinujii'.
I .1 lltink, Ulioiu, klinlui-i
.Milliony look, Unk, .-.uutsu,
.lojfpli Care, clcil,, Scranlon.
,. W, Coonr, llciKyiiiuti. DjIijii.
I'. .1. lltinrwy, labour, Sirjiilon.
rianl llcl.ongc, ilcik, SujiiIoii it
Tlu'iius Uoujluii, Imtcl, siLfnim.
p. M. llan., pent, .N.itnn
Jjiiii I'jhi'i, miiliailbr. rJiil'm.
Tihlek rifiulnc lharr, Duiniwic.
.tjcflli IVrbor, (tint. Knnilctt,
Mlilmcl tlllii(tlifr, brakenun, tliinin. riw
Hllllim tlllioj, book'tcicper. Auliluttl.
r. .1, HIIIcfiMc, MiiHiiti .Tiinlpn.
Kiuik (Irtilv, tilHireii scrjnluii,
Dinlol ('(lilrn, Relit. Muioh'.
(Irorce W llr'tl'i'. intilncl-iiijlff, - I iitton.
ilolni s llniltt, lilnkMnltli. srim(nii,
1'. 1'. Ilowlry, iiluiiilicr, -crintnii,
M. I'. .Iii'lpr, niriilniil, IjiIhi
M. I, .luminal, lilicrci. !irjiitnn,
.M, Jonhti, ttiill-ii irul. Si.intoii,
Dm Kulltiuii, uriiti Jv.i iiilor.
Uilllim Ki-Jtiify, tfliRriihor, l.tmlinrd.
Mui ljucr, cjiiIci. sufjntfvH,
l'. I'. biwtci, bulilifr, Wltitcn
JdIiii kill), mliur. Sfrinioti.
.'"Im kiiiiriii, rwimor, coi Intir it
liinr- A I liioi, iiinkci. SMiiton.
uliii l.ulxi.r, niioti litoi , sii,it,',n,
.lulili .1, lollii", iIiiukI-I, Niuni'in.
.loliti l.iwlii-s onidnriii Scrjiilnn.
Inimi Mi (iiiNorn, mllicr, Dlrliiii
llmin ii MfMullrn. IiliUmhuii, SiuiiIoii.
liroiiti M,nli, uelfilitiiJMi't, linloi.
('. , Mm k f ii mo", .lelliiwn.
I'.itciin' NojiI.. iimljblii, Mnli-ip
('. I'. (I'l ptiiiii, tcniL'tiiiliri', Jil ohihlf.
Ijiiipa O'Millij, hitliiiildi srr.iiituii.
Ilifnm I'.nton, liboui. Iltimi Hi'.
liTim I'lilllilii, inliiii, ri.liliilil,
I'ln.nil lliitcibk, mllip liirpiriiir, Mtii"ii
.loliti .1. ItnliitUon, miner, liliplntil.
full slidiim, iin,, i.i,it,Uin
.1 inn-H Mil'lil", iiiKiim'i. .Iiiiiimi.
I.Mtun M. snihli, liur.'v l.riiri, 'ii inimi.
Willi an simii,,, ciiK.i, -ittantei'i.
sloplnii 'lliitclur, ilUpilclioi. ipmiiIi il. J
Mnirl Wel-w. iniiilni.t. Di.l.'.ni.
. I", Ic'dnl'-i'i, fiiimi, Ititi-ini
l.niil iilllnn on, rlitl. s, , nilrn.
11 I lu-ivp Wile luiln 'Hie V4i,)iulnl 1
Pofla, r.HlBi-uln. Nov. .". I'nlted
Plates Consul Ceneial nlikinson, of
Conslantlnople. ipluiued lieu lioni
Hamakov today.
lie .mthinles Ihe si.iiemcnt ihni he
Is -.itlstied that both lli-s Klleu .l.
Stone and In'r eoinpanion. .Mailnnte
Tsllka aie alive and well Heal' (1.
Mr. Diuklnson's leiuiu is mil dtii" lo
any Intoiiuptlon in the exUiunj; of
eommuniealions with the biiK-.inds.
vhli h aie still Kohis on.
Tl has been asoertatmd that ihe
bind intended to kidnap Mr. House, a
inis-.ionai y at Halnnika, .il the s'line
time as Miss Stone, but tho desls'i".
l.ule I.
Two da' bi'loie AIls Slouo was ul)
dui'tcd. bil;j,inds Hied lle shots at a
sendai me near l!a,-los; tind the
authoi Hies, knowing theie wire
dits in (he neiishboihond, should
: implied in est int.
Captain James Pnikev Begins His
Presentation of Admiral
Schley's Defence.
Ill Im-ii-im' Will" tidiii 1 Ik- s-m i itnl I'ii-.
W.i'hlnfflon, 'ov. ."The time of the
S lihy eourl ol iiiriuhy was entirely
devoted today to heaihifr aivrument in
ilie (.is nt Admit al Schley. Mr. Ilnunn.
tlnMu'd Ills aiKtiment in behalf nt the
depnlmenl which had been begun cs
li'tdiiy and Captain .lames Parker bi
K.iii but did not conclude Ids pio-onta-l
inn of the use for Admiral Hehley.
Mr. lljunj today ronsldeieil the lotio-!?iadi-
movemunl. the boinbtidmenl of
the Colon and 'the ehaiRV- made against
Admiinl Sibley of dlsobedienec of ol
der. Captain I'ailterhad only leached
the loalins: question when the vourt
adjoin ned. Jlc defended the londuet
ol his elient at all staptes ol the rain
p.ilsn "n far as he went.
Il is i.Npeelcd that Captain I'aikei
will conclude his speei h tomouow
when Mr. ltJ,ncr will licglri.
Piesident Einncis, of Louisiana Pur
chase Exposition, Says It Will
Not Be Postponed.
Hi 1'Mli.jiw Win'runi Hie Avochtrii l'ii'.
St. l.ouls, Nov. 5. Adolphus Ihiselt,
ch. ih man of the I'oinmlttee on foieimi
jelatlons. of the I.ouislau.i I'uiiha.sp
npo-llion inmpaii, who has Just te
tiuned tiom a sl months' tmir of
i:uiopi in .in Intei view In the I'osl-ni.--p.ileh
said today that "Ii would be
Impossible to hold a kick world's lah
In St. l.ouls In Iftal." and that tin Hum.
"If Din f'Miosltlon Is to be on a ncIe
I ot international fjieatness the time fin
ii'Pieseutntlou ehould ho poriipuncd .u
leasi one year."
"1 am Hi mly eoin ineed," added Al .
liusch. "of the coru'clness (Jf my Judfr
ment. At the Hint oppoitunlty 1 shall this Hluteuidlt to the dlieetoirt ol
tip' exposition."
I'lesldeiit J. i:, Fiauil.s, of the
Louisiana I'liKliasn exposition, whim
hummed of Mp, husiIi'h statement,
said "Tho fair i annnl and will not
be pn.slponed,"
The Turkish Government Issues nil
Exequatur to Dr. Noiton.
11 I'ulmne Wiie fiomTif um Ulfil I'Tt's
Washington. Nov. o, -The stale de-
pni'iiiii'ii; lias been Infoinicil by tho
ligation m ('oiistiii.tinuple thai ihe
TuiUlih C.OM riimenl has Issued an
eeiuntor lo l)i. Thomas lloibeit Noi
lou, I'nlted Minion eonsul al ll.u put,
Tuilte, who was appointed to that
post in June, Iflim. Dr. .'oi ton hap
bien wlthoul tin nuthoiiiy oi the
jnito to pel I'm in hH fitiU'tlnns art I'nl
t"d .'Stales consul al lliupul lor noiuly
n .von ! and a half, l low over, thiotirfii
tljo eiu'lgfttli' I'ltoiti ol 111'. I.loyd Oils
inui, lonut'ily fulled Suit i" ihaivtu
d'altalies al Constniitliiuple, h has
been illboliuiKinK luloimall foe some
nioiitlit pant his i'iin'iil:ii' nnuiioiiH in
lieu ul llm I'm mill lontoimiro of his
Turkey objecled to ihe csiiibllslunont
ol un Ameiitaii ioi)siilate al llariml
on tliu grnuuil Hiui llieio wan no com
ineicc ul that phue, but when a short
timo ago. Turkey pennltled tho HiilUli
v.omiiiiih nt to o.stabllsh u al
lliupul the 1'nlteil Slntis tcuewed Us
i hoi Is looking to n j-liuilai pilxllCn"
Motoimnn Has Heait Tiouble.
Di l.ilniic Win, ttcm I Im nvHukil I'rcji
II nibbni). Ni, .'i, I. l.cor.u .Nuni, ,i tnuii
mm in ike Mull-lulu luitlun (viiipmi lliu',
uni "nil mill lu'iii iIIac Ju liuli 'Ui'lo ill.
sCl'I il li;. i sh p '.wil, In (l,. .Jli, .ii'l illul I'ii
Iwuri 4itu i .nl.
Admiral Gallidrd's Squadron Has
Seized the Island ot
Have Lost All Peisonnl Chnincter
nnd Aie Now Those of Nation on
NntionA Summary of the. Prin
cipal Points nt Issue Other Poits
Will Be Seised.
11 Iaii.i!i Wire fi am 1li Iwn ed 1'ir...
I'm Is, Nov. ii.-TIti' I'-ieneh sciindron,
under Admiinl Callhird, whlili was
rut lo runke n deinonstiation In Turk
ish wa(ni-, has sel'ed the thiee piln
elpal polls or the Island of Mytilene, in
tile tlteelan nit hipel igo. Sunt of the
.-.1'ls.iin eame in a teleiiiitn fiom Ad
miinl Calllaul.
Mylilene Is mi island near Ihe nasi,
ol Asia Minor belonglns lo Turkej.
When the MedltteiisUieaii siiitadtou
w.Tt divided and pnit sent lo Tutkish
wilier?. It was announeed that Myti
lene would be the Hi st point toucheu
.U and Sm.Miia. Jaffa and other im
portant poits will. In till piobabllity.
be seized later unless s.illi'ji tlou was
given. The pilnelnal towns of the
Island nif Castu, (up Mytilenel and
Aicoidiim to a s 'iiii-olilclul state
ment issued todiiv, Fiame's demnnds
on Tin key h.iu lost nil pvirounl ihai
nitci' and aie now those of nation on
nation. The st.ilemonl declaies that
In France's demands on the I'm u the
claims ot .M. j, 'I'ublni and Loiando
and the Quus company niu lousidei
ed liquidated by the i'tirle'ri agreement
to the Fiench conditions. Thou now
lemnlns thiee piimlpal points al Issue.
These are:
Fh.-U -Thai the leligious piotectoi
ate of France In the Client be ie
spei ted.
Second 'That the I'oit" assuics -lie
lioo woiklngot Fionch sLhools.
Thhd A respect tor the Fietuh
medical lncult.v at Kojieiith and that
the Poite cease intei kiing with tho
license? of riemh piaetltionets m
I'aii", No. ."I. Tiie tollowliirT is i lie
dispatch tecelved. fiom Admiial Call
laid: "Mllylene, No. .",, 11,10 a. m. i
mnied iilson miicd at Mitylene."
Tho cllspatrh does not iiiPiitlou an
incident atlendmg the lauding, but II
seems lerlain that the Fiench i nm
mander c.iuied out hi.s tnstrui tioiu
which weie lo occupy tin to potts ot
the island and to seize the i ustotns.
One i miser and thiee lorpi do intih
eis 'Tot separated fiom the siuadiou
on at count of the speed of the lattet.
The dispatch boat Mouette, width had
joined the siuadron, was sent to meet
them nil to aicompeny them to Mlt-
Fathers Piusuit from California to
St. Joseph Is Unsuccessful
11 IImIii-iio lie fiom llio siuciitrilI'n--
St. Joseph. Mich,, Nov. :.. AtUr a
lace actciss ihe counliy in put suit ni
an eloping couple. Homy Johnson, ol
Oakland, C.U.. an oiange planter, ai
livcd beie todiiN. lie is In seiieh of
his dnugliter, Clara Belle Johnson, a
belle of Oakland, who lett her home
seveial days ago In company with
Wnlter A. Sampson, 'with the aowed
intention of being man led bore The
man luge was civ obleetlonabh to
Johnson on acnunt of tho tact that
the prospective bridegroom was pom.
The couple weie timed by the fathei
to Denvei and them e to Chlcnjio. At
the latter plate they took a Michigan
Ccntial iialn. The t.ilhu was only a
tew houis belilucl. He leaelicd bete at
:! c'i lock this moinlng- and wont to the
home of County Cloik nuicli, wheie
he deiuilndi'd admlttanee, .Mr, Chm eh
dtcs.sed and wont to the louit house
with Johnson, Tne man Inge teeoi ds
weie .seannod, but the two names
siiutfht weie nol fiiund. The eouplo
had nol in 1 1 ved In the i It v.
The tullii'i' is watching oiy luiln
for the Plopeis. It Is tliought that they
wuil to Kalamaioo and will mine hoie
Nchinbka Victim In on the Way to
Chicago for Tieatment.
Il,i I .iluiii Wilt fiom I lie ",'Mi'Utnl r'ifsi,
Oiiinhu, Nov. 3. A jiol hull teiiloi,
which has lu-en tin ni.iHcot ot Kuni's. Ii.iti'inlty in Pt'ims-j
vwut mml loiluy and hit Jlr.s. (icoiKi
11, l.nlic, wifo of n well known woHti'in
Jurist. The Injiiii'd woman nturted thl.s
.ittet noon roi cnicmfo tu iiikIoi'ko
Tin li'iili'i had been hlitm on tin
nose tivu weeks nKo, hut no Impoi mine
wn.s tiit.ichi'd tu tho Inclilont iV'ii when
the iIor liCHan to not HtianBcl. It was
mippnitd tu In .sufiniiui; fiom imoil
moulfi, and Mi.'-. i.uKo was i.iriur, fm
It tnilii;,' w huii It i-i'lzid her hand In its
When tin animal nuk utiiukcd with
a spmm nnd died tin, family hciaino
alaiiucil and i ailed in a vnioiliiuimu,
who nild the dnj, Inui died fiom hyd.o.
Aged Man Expizeb Suddenly While
Attending' Muss,
lun oil, IM., Nov, .") -Whllo Km i llmt
nt his- iluvotlons, diulnr, o.uly jiuiss, ui
(lie Saiud limn t'litholln uliuuli, thl
1110111111-,', John t'llifonl, used H yi-nri.,
was Milikon W1(, lumt dh-enfit. aud
died Imfciin tho woiHhlpperh In uclsh-hoilntj-
pews could leach III, hide.
Hi"., rathi'i Jf3.ilaui!i had Kiircoly
tfiic'hed llm middle uf hN niin-.s whn
thn old ninn Middcnly tlucw up hs
hinds and saUK to llm lluoi diMd.
Woman Buins Heiself to Uncon
bcioubuess in a Bath Tub.
Il I Mlnsiic Win. (ioiii llir WmliWil I'lhi
-h. I'aul, .Minn. Xo. ."i. Mis V.
lain Mayer today piled newspapc'is
Into the bath tub nl her home, satur
utt'd them wltli Iteioscnc nnd Ilghtod
thetii. Thou, bending over the binning
papers, she toninliu-d In that poslllon
until the entile upper portion of hei
body was binned In n hotrlble niaiuier.
She was louud lying on the Hour un
rouscloiis, nnd was taken to the- CU-,
Hospital. wlu-ie she. it-gained ooiifcIoiih
nrss nnd said she tiled to kill heisc-lf
beeauc- "he was n bin don to her tutiil
ly. This Is her second ntlenipt at sul
ildo wllhln throe days. JI Is believed
sin- cannot, locnior.
Ktvnl rocket Boats Speeding: for
Cape de Vcide Islands.
lb I clndtr Wlci linm'llii' vhim tlr-1 I'lf".
I'toVldi-llOO, I!, 1 Nov. i" A ii'UU
tnlle ocean race was started this after
noon fiom I'lovldenie in ihe Cape l)c
Vol do Islands between the sellnoiinei
rnlqiic, fm-ineilv a (ir.ind Hanks llsh
etnian. nnd the brlgaiitine 1 A. Small.
I).ich i an led Uihty-iUv passmgeis and
n cargo of geiii'ial ineu-linudlso.
Until are last snlli-i", .-11111! belong to
llval Jiaeket lines. Consldeiable i ush
has been wagon d on the lesiill.
Next Chilstlan Endeavor Convention
nt Plttsbuig.
11 I.rliir Win-from 1 hi .W.i i ilnl I'ii-j
Ilultlsbuig, Nov ...-l.t. Oi. W. N.
Yate.s, ()r J'hll.ide'lplil.i, was ideeled
piesldelll of the I'cnus, K.iui.i Cluistian
Kndeavor union losucieed Uev. .M.iilou
.1. Kline, of I'altlmoii-. immeil ot
Hiiiiisbuig. lesigned, at a mtetlng to
day in this city of State Cluistian Ihi
ile.uor I'seeu'he oonunllteo.
II wasdeildid to hold the ne- state
lonventloii at Pittsburg durinc iho
month of Julv, lfinj.
fmmm mm
Schedule in Effect June 2, 1901.
Trains leave Scinnton:
6.45 a. ni., week days., thiough ves
tibule tiain from Wilke-3-Baiie.
Pullman, buffet pnilot car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; ntops nt pimcipnl in
teimediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunhmy, Hnirisburfj,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsbuig and the
0.38 a. in., week days, for Sunbury,
Hnirisburg, Philadelphia, lialti
moie, Washington and Pittsbuig
and the West.
2.18 p. in., week days. (Sundays,
1.08 p. in.;), for Sunbury, Hni-lisburg-.
Philadelphia. Balti
moie. Washington and Pitts
burg and tho West.
3.33 p. m.. weak days, thiough ves
tibule tin in fiom Wilkes-Bane.
rullraan buffet pallor cnr and
coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsville. Stops nt piincipal in
termediate stations.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazletonf
Sunbury, Haiiisbmg, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
.1 II 111 lUHNsfiV, f:iii Msr.
J. II. UOOI), tlni IM- Ast
Delnwaie, Lackawanna and Western.
In kfTcil Nm. ... I'nii,
1 .in li im- sirmiiiii ci Sim iiiJ. i in
. li, 1.(1". T.10 .lllrt IOH'i .1. Ill IJ Ii, .1.111, .' J!
. ni I'm i lint, mil l'liiliilcIplili-7 fl,
in (i'i j, in , mil 1- l"i .mil '11 p. in. In. 'lull
liamn - l i. HI i ni I'n lln'lilo I.I"). v J' .mil
'Mm j. in,; l.i". I. VI mil II ,i p in. 1 oi bmi;
liimlon .mil i si iilnn, M M j, in mil 1 In
p. in. I oi O-wmn. simisi- .iii.l ttli.i- ,i mni
i JJ .i. in , I "i p. in. Ou'icii. -iniii-i' mil
t'lit.i ti im .it i J' i. in ilub. ivupt,
I'oi Mniilion' '.i W i in.: 1. 10 .mil il "i't in.
Nicliolsim jiii.iiiiiini'jtiiiii I im mil li !" p in
lllnont'.lntrf; DiiUioti I m Nnillnnnl'i il nut, il
d !". nnl lOO'i i in ; I "ii unl I. Id p in. I'oi
I'li.iiuiiili. it i. ni.: im nnl 'ion p m
snnilii li.iin- IVr iil.. :i I", i, 0".
mil lon'i.i, in : ! I". '! " p in. I'm Hull ih)-1 li
nnl nii ,i. in : 1 "'"-. 'i "io iml II.-" p in lor
llinji union nnl .o i Hums- in o i ni.
Illoniiisliiiii; lliii-iuii-l.cuc Mioiimi, iin"i ,i,
in. .mil (I ID p m.
New Jeisey Centinl.
Slitiin-i In Nett Vml. foot of 1 .licny slid,
,", n,, and soulli 1 ill
Miiiituri ri uw tm nt ti'ineinl loOit I ')
IuIih li.iM' h rmlmi fm Ni'rt ml ,,.i nl,,
I'll ibi III, I'liil nil lplil.i. I'.i-lon, II, lliMinn, .
lilitinsn, Mnnli lmtil. -ml Hiille linen, ul s.j-,
.1 m.. cNprif-i, 1.10; 0 .prv, I li p ni. - ,,
ili-, 2 I'i p. in
fill I'ittstOll Jll'l Will s lljll, - ,", ,,; (J,)
ami I On p in- siiniU's, j ", . ii,
IV r Hilllni"ro .n 'I W-i-liliigiun jm prlrn
SmiiIi ami Wil li ll'llililum. Z .i in, t.10
ami l.W p. in. .' li p m
Kvr lona: lliamli, Osi.m '!iom, ih , Jt ,5,-,
a, 111. nml 1.10 P. 111
1'ir lti'iilnuc, LiliJiiui iml Haul mni: iii .
Iciilowii, (-."iJ a nl I. in p 1,1, s,,,,,),
L',1 1 p. 111.
I'm PolUitlle, c -,-, 1 n , 1 10 t m.
I'oi Jluiiiililn I'uli, s.."ij a. 111, IP ,nn I ul
p 111.
IlirOll!,!! IHKs'ls HI 111 111 I HI, 1 illlll JH,
wc.-l at luHiai rites .it tin itiiiuii,
(', M, ni'ltl". (tin. I'jv let
. WI NIZ. .Ill, llm ,,,,)
Delnwaie nnd Hudson.
Ill I'ffllt .llil'l' II. ',
'Iuim im t'.iil'iiinlili' li lie s,,ji,(i,, ,(
MM, ".li, in IJ .1. in: I'm) I 21, .'N
5 i'i, (Uj. 1. ". 11 -" I' la 1 1.I1 .1 in.
I'm lloiii'uilili' .iml I.1K1 l.nliiii', n .11, pi 1 1,
ni : -' II iml I-' P- I".
for Wllkii Hiui'- I- IV ' l'". s II, ii..s, m n
.1 111., IJ'D. l.-V "li "''. 1.-7,, r l.
in -ll, II. -') P ' , ,
lul h. V. II. II. l'.illiH- I-, f..V a. in.; .!,
I.j; ami 1 1., a 1'. !" ,
I'or I'tMil ml' 'I It I')liit'iU.I,i, .-, s
,l'i mni I'-'i p ii; ,,
I'u Mlun .mil ill pmiiH iimrli-ii jii 1 I,,
an I '' p in
si-N'llU Til. INS.
lul I'ailicmlal s.u'). II,"-! J lll!, .',, :i'
S jj ai il 10 "i." P. m,
I'm lll.i.. II 1111 l'.W 11 111 j l.'.u., l.-,, ,-.,,
1.,,' .1 1 i'i s 4' p. in
T.i Alliaii anil pi.lnl. i.mtli -...'i!p 111
t'nr jlfiin .dill u ml l.ukc Lulu'c -.j', 11, .1)
1, 111, ami .1 1- p. in.
New Yoik, Ontailo and Westetn.
in tiici 'ini'ii'i. - pi ir. rin
Nlllllll IIUl Nil
I sain li.iu i
.No. I
Nl. T
st i mlun, ( nin
i ivi
I ip in
' '-Pip in.
in.'ii.i. i'l. II nin, in, p in. . I nlmiiti
Mll'ill Mil Nil
l.i'aio I jaw i.
t ail n l jiliuiul,. .,,,,,
". " in. 7 i'i ,
J I'M' I" I"" P in ii,., ,
MNDS ON.I. Nlllllll IKU-NIi ' '
laan I.i no .... .
Ni'. ii
No. j
s.i niton i liliinihi' , :,i",
. s. l a. in u.lp in mi,'
, ; i Jii.sii.ij,'., 7 ,;,,
-01 III IIOI'M) ' "'
I c n ii I.;, i, Anlio
I iJnli. lailiiimlali' - i.ii ti i
7iUa. in 7 in,, ...
I. .Op ... I'Ulp,,, ,, ,,,,'
1 III ll . IUA4. Jill II .in s.i.l..
No, ii
I'ruii.i N
miko 1H4 n lino uimcillu i io. Nm , 'V'
.ill lillii"" n "inui, iiii. i, uni',. i),w .
ami ill i.'iliiti. ir'
IVl lur'liil InfoiiiMlii li.
.1 C NI)i:isnN. I,
I. I WI I -II. T I' ...
II ll.llll II 1,1-1 J.oilti
I' . N.'l .oils
s untuii, I'a
EHe R'llho.-ul, Wyoming DtviBion.
lulu loi Vn, iul. ami iiituinrilui. iiuiui
li-au' sciintiin i) foloi ; 'il j, in ; j.ji p. i.i
AiivaN- I'i.'l a in lioni llonc.Uli, llawlf'
ml Inui in illi'i iiointc' .) p. in fiom New
Vuls an I jnli iiiuiIIjU pjlnti No isiimlji tnilii.
BrilliantiClean, Easily Applied.Absolutery Odorless.
Broadway, 5th Avanus and 27th Sine!, NEW YORK.
Mmwmnwmmm mmmm o
issscSLrj -2$K3&
In the center of the shopping: district.
fhe Onlv Hotel In Muniia.fim Fronting on Ifroiidwiiy and Firth Atc.
S Muilorn 1 ml ( lis lintel. CunipU'tp In ill it" iiioliilnniilr. I'nin-liiiif atnl dccomtioi
filthily new tliioiialiout. uoiniiiiuliilloni for oliO i,ui'ils, JV nullc-i nltli Uitlii. Hot nJ colt
alci anil tclrpln no in urn t'tfin iniciccllc.
Occupies an Imperisshablc Position in the BUSINESS WORLD.
NO. S3 3. Eip-hth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Scranlon Branch. Office, Nos. 1 and 3, Arcade Building.
By n lctont net of the Ic-ghla-tuie.
ficc tuition is now gi anted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to nil thos-e lUPpmhiB to tench.
This f-chool maintains couibC3
of ituil for licit, lor those
piep.uln? for college, and for
those studying inuIc.
It will pit" to wnl for pirlinib-s.
ho school oflcra suih buucriur iJ
ijiitts at tuili luw latca, Aildicaj
J. P. Welsh, A. H., Ph.D.,Pfin.
For Timcim, nickwaul anil Piat Mule Chil
dren, l'li.islial Ti dnliii;, ll Ti.iiiiin, .rtie.
illation, Music. lli.u.niK, KiniioigaiU-n. Open
car uiuunU. Clnnlar.
5. A. Doolittle,
S3 fanicw .cnu-, ninRlumton, X. V,
Wissahickon Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa!
A bonding ficliool for bovi in the elciatul
anel 1 cantlfiil open cmuitrs north ot I'lilln
ilelplnn, 30 minutes Irom Ilroiil St htilioa
I'or catalogue niltliess
T 1. roiter, I'rcslilcii' Timer II Laivall, rcx
It, J. 1'o.tcr. hUnlc V. Alien,
Vice I'lCiUcnt. Scsreliiy.
(.' Agent for tho .Vjoiiilr; District dr
Dupont's Powder
Jllnln;, niajlln;, 'iiuidiu. Kinol elen anj ll.o
Ilcpiuiii Lticmlcal Compiii'
talil I'u-r, Cap? nml rploi!n Ituom 101 I'on
sell llullJIii; .Si'tiitcii.
t.l Nl II j
TIIils old) ., , ,' !,(., on
.IOIIN II SMI I II .- s)N ., PUnionili
Lehigh Valley Hniliond,
In I ill it limn ?, l'"i,
I'l ill:, I' s ,ini,ji
I'm 1'ln .nl Iplili jihI : ul i d II .. II
It II , i) i ". .unl ii. I- a in ii .I ' l, I ,'T
(lliu In on. ..,.) l'ipu-11 mni II i'l p in si,,,
J-, II .1 II It t I ,.s, -J, i. III.
I'or Wlilt. Il.nui, llanluoli ami ui, ipi
dil in llio i u I nv'"i-. in I' " II li 11,
il I'i, J I- .iml I :i p. in. I '"i I'silt.lilU' '. I, i
in.. ' li p. in,
I'm ll.llil. hi l. I' i-lou. I!, uliii... Iliiiishiua;
Bill piliilpal ll Ullllllllalv Miliums m.i l II.
II. It . I- 1 1, 'I. I. 1 1 i -' I-. I '7 (II. I I Ilia
in ml l'pis"). 11 '0 P- i tMllilajJ, D V,
11 , H Is a. in : I J-. ".' '' in.
1'ir lu.kli nun i In lowai.Ji, I I'n t.i Itujca,
fiiiina ami irimlpnl Intel luUliiti ri uluii. i
I).. 1 1. s. W. II. li , .i" a- "' aim i vi p in
I'oi C'iiiuj. Ilwlii'lii. Ilutlilu. Nl itni lull
I iua.-.i mil all point- nu. Jia I) ., II t ( , I
T K II M a. in . I -!". " lilt K l.uiiiiiinl I
piii.ii, ih, mil. II ''I' ' iuinlav. .v. '
I! It, II j - ' I' !' ,
I'iiIIiijii pnloi ami .1. pn. ii I li.l, jl,j
puloi i.ns in all 'lain luiw 1 1, Will ,,i,
jn Noil iiil-. I'liil I'll Ip'iiJ. Hull il. nut (.,,
pili.lo'i lil'la
IIDIIIN II Wll III I! I .li -,,, , , ,,3 ,,
slllCl, M" I '"
(ll.llll- - I I'l". i.ui i, ,i ..,1,1,1ml
tli'it, Nl Wills
, NilNI MM liril, ll . I'i,, ,i , sumh
llill.l. lu'in I'a
I'm l Id,. U ml Piillliiiii io i nations ,iii. to
.".nil linkiuaim Ji'iiui', - I il I I'j.
l-Rt''..IUfi I Ulll n I VI M I ' I If U ll J A -il 1 'dCBJUtv,
iJV&Lbl.vVttti&&'.JJLi f
Unquestionable Superior Merit
.Annually adds thousands of names to
the long list of Smith Premier users, t
representing every line of trade and ,
every profession
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
L ills SK
Uanufacturera or
405 to 465
N. Ninth Street,
Telcphono Call, 2333.
liooms 1 and 2, Com'lth Bl'd'g
nining and Blasting
Mad at, Mootlo and Kuili Jalt Worki.
Sleotrlo Uattsrlea. Kloocrlo i;xplotirs
iplodliu lilail, safely trust a Ji
Reiauns Gharnica! Co.'s
ill life N more nflen tine toexliaiisled
nere fonetliiii In luLof npiiil,
MroiiB ncrwi nre llio npllal that
helps men coll. UitioikII Ions.
Wln-ii propli' lose tlulr tapltnl they
settoiiork totei;)") It.
Whin wo loss our nen-f forec ie
ounlit to -ock n of settiui; it
bid. 1' is ,i way, certain anil
feed Hie nen-e. luaUlur; them fiteiily
nml blro.if;, lb steel,
Wo ilu Hot belli'ic lliey rill fall lo
cine Ncnmn l)i l.illt vniiil plijiic .lit.
li iiihliunjilnl'.Mliy eiigri-eiirefiniil
onr mi)U"y ,( sh. Ihims ,o not uue
) on. ,
51 1 p-r bov; II bute-i slfxi nulled
Miiiuly htiltil upon leithu f iiin-r I
llslll. trrc iUli, . pj , MiniiiM.1
Co, I'leirhiiil, ( ililn, I
Kor 6alo . John II, I'lulpJ, I'lnrnuiht, erac
n)diiiiij avium iiiiJ i-pruic street.
ti no ii: in i: .nir,
I hllaJfljliU. la Hul ( ernuo Ntljlit ln
itutrira' ufiult ! iwrt aU.ibi inl fhtt
l'iM't I irvuM-w 4tiuiM I Wfl 1 uUun. Nvr'l
M(bllit,lyl Mubvttl urlrvrrlf A MrlrHjrf si)t
lutlloio: . luJrMloiiuitl K StjruhV tln.iBi.f
klriflu r in run 4 4 tv I't )'. 3tl jrtn rrllrt Q Mr4f
T tii.k nt I j I a .. t-U nm lul.rinii. Ikaiiil f.ii- lnu.L IiTphI k'. - I
Iff tvjyi
Ip Ivc tltr) uirtjIfdlA rlrfrlrt fiautl-v V rut lot) IkUpijitr