TrT s '''J'' !S?As:'aiffi vW V,-' iV",.av,-P,W K fibiine. THf: ONI Y SCRANTON -4PRR KliCI-IVING TUt: COMPLUTE NEWS SIsKVICK OP THK ASSOCIATED PRESS, THI; GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES SORAKTON, I'A.. MmNHSI)AV 'M()KIX(J, NOVEMBER (I, .1i)0l. TEN PAGES rwo CENTS. fV i i vS-'vJNf'T Sfimttmt Wi2 l---$3$$$5$55$$$$$5$S5$$$:5$VyW5:S Synopsis of the Electiou Throughout the State Returns fiom the state .issuio the election of I'rank G. Hauls, Repub lican cnudlclate for stale treabUicr, mid Judge William Potter, Republi can, for Supreme court judge, over Ellslia A. Corny, jr., and Haimon Ycrkcs, of the Fusion ticket, by pltu nlUies cousideiably below those given Ticnpuror Bainett In 1800, The i eduction in the Republican ma jorities throughout the state Is un doubtedly due m pait to the light vote cast. Mr. Coiay lan ahead of his ticket in Luzcine, his native county, with an estimated pluiallty of 12,000, and also in Lackawanna, but does not seem to have made abtonlshing gains elscwheie. Sccietaiy Clements, of the Phila delphia Union paity. concedes the election of John Weavei, the Repub lican candidate for distilct attorney of Philadelphia. In spite of the ef foits ot the JDemociatic and inde pendent newspapeis against the Re publican candidate for Supiome couit judge, thcie was veiy little cutting ot Potter in Philadelphia, and he did not inn behind Hants 100 votes in any waid, while in sev eral wards his vote exceeds that of His colleagues. The Allegheny letums, which in clude Pittsbuig, indicate loyalty to the state government, and Secrctniy Hapes. the state fusion leadei. ad mits that the handsome lesults in Philadelphia and Allegheny have wiped out Tusiou gains in the in-teiioi. t Summary of the Voting in Lackawanna County. Complete returns from 134 of the 16 1 election districts of the county show the following vote was cast for candidates at yesterday's election : STATE TREASURER. Harris, R 7159 Coray, D 11100 Porter. P 144 Coray, U 96 Coray's plurality 4037 SUPREME COURT. Potter, R 7404 Yerkes, D 11308 rionderau, P 520 Yerkes, U 107 Yerkes' plurality t...s 401 1 JUDGE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Carpenter, R 7789 Newcomb, D 10464 Hitchcock, P. : 1801 Hitchcock, C. R 93 Newcomb's plurality 2675 COUNTY CONTROLLER. Jones, R 9221 Costello, D , 10051 Fielding, P 595 Costello's plurality .'.... 830 CORONER. Roberts, R 8017 Saltry, D 10295 Treverton, P 731 Saltry's plurality 2278 SURVEYOR. Stevenson, R 8246 rtitchell, D 9529 riitchell, P 396 Mitchell's plurality 1679 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. FOR AUIN5T No. 1 5132 218" No. 2 1823 183 No. 3 1747 165 Synopsis of the Election Throughout the County The fusion of the Democtats nntl insurgent Republicans wna success ful in this county yesterday. Coray and Ycikes, the fusion candidates for stato tieasurer and Supremo comt, lespectlvely, can led the coun ty by largo pluialities, and the local Democratic candidates for judge, conti oiler, coionor and surveyor weio elected. The proposed amend ments to the constitution received a heaity endoiscincnt heie. The vote throughout the county was very light and a caieful analysis of it will be of Inteiosr. Theie was the most suipiislng leveisnl of the vote cast lost year in many distiicts. Colonel Hitchcock's vote was some what laiger than the political lead eis of the Republican and Demo cinttc patties veie willing to con cede to him on Monday, but he was never seiiously in the lace for judge and the only effect of his candidacy was to defeat one of the best judges who has ever sat on the bench in .Lackawanna county. Edwaid A. Jones made the best mil of any of the Republican candi dates and succeeded in keeping the majoilty of P. W. Costollo. his Dem ocratic opponent, down to something less than five hunched. Dr. J. F. Saltry, who was defeated by Coioner J. J. Roberts thiee yeais ago, turned the tables on the latter and has a pluiallty of over two thousand. Geoige A. Stevenson went down in the geneial landslide. REPUBLICAN VICTORY IN THE STATE frank G. Harris Eleaed Treasurer and William Potter Supreme Court Judae. WEAVER CARRIES PHILADELPHIA Je Is Tnumphant Ovei Rotheimel, the Fusion Candidate Seciet-uy Clements, ot the Union Paity, Con cedes the Defeat of the State and County Fusioiusts Pluialities of tho Republican State Candidates Cousideiably Below Those of Bai nett Republic-ill Seduction Due to the Light Vote Cast Coiay and Yeikes Make Tew Gains Outside of Lueine and Lackawanna. f! ' iluiit Wire fium lie s uchtcd I'im I'hiladdpliln, Xuv. .'. I'ounn- fiom tV stmo Indbat tho election 01 J'l.mK !. Haul1-, ili'ijublic in, ioi -tato Ueas iitei, and Willi mi Putin Ucpuhllcm, 1 ji supreme com I pisHce b pluialiths roasU'iabli bduw the-i iil 1S99, -ulion i: t not t. liepublhan. had HO.'Ss pltu ,i ' I'lie leduetiun ut ilii- p'UTfilltv is duo In pin tn the light vote t,a-t, John Wu.nei. liipiililhau N p ub.ib 1 I'ocictl dbtiht atKniio In I'hilaod j.'ii.i oei Uoilieiniei i liisIon hut .'t Mi IniSlit letuiV an in fuun nub mv t the luitj-oue Hid .111 u m ate of 1 lit Hepubllc.iii pltii.ilii ? tuyietoie nut possible. t mliJnlahi I'Mncnu ol He '.'iilou pai'y .ouecdes the ddeal o' tic otatc tVket ot 'he ("uion ji.ut li' Phila Iclpli'a. Hi decline- to Im Ii 11 uii tin- thai 1I10 lotuiu . '1 i'lci". fin- not -iillUhni Tin 1 1- n an o-tiin iti l'lill.iili Ipiihi, Nun. ii -Ksiiinmus liom tin-- ,lll.n countl-ji 01 1I10 statu ,vHi 1 1.111U ll Haul- Itepnblli all, lor Hate ittabinoi mi .ipiiiiinui pluiallty 1' al.Olii Willi ini lJ roltet. Itopuh lot hJpluiii" (.unit Jildfei . II.M'T 1 I 11 alii . i,t I'llilaUfcllilii- UutlHUIllul. Hit l-'il-rtuii ...iiiiiuii. tui iliiitliil attol )if . Ullrlj n'fll 1j 4.MTS plUl.llitl. 11,11 1 lb' pUii.ilttj In thi- ity wins lll.'.iiil, and Puitoi'i. Vii 31 1.1. J JlHity ')ais- i'Uilun wax Uvi tod of common p as out 1 N. r llltinl'ie Ileal ly l.uOu otes din .ul ol llciny 'JtniO, ulfe .nfnlttt( on tlin tliKet. bull) iiiiMilut .ilib.ul hi t-i(uii-oii, neniDcint GOOD ORDER IN PHILADELPHIA. Nutueioiii Difeputes itt P0II3, Hut Ka Seiloun Rotr, 1'llil.l lwulll.l. Xl ' Nl'tWltllnUIll li.s; tlin luti'ii'-c in: i. si 'hi 0 otluiis tliiullrfli lilt the il'" Hi- loiulUCIil renciaiu" n mi u U 1 1 uuuim1. '''h u fi- li iweviji ni:ini'if'i, (ll-pulf'S j t j iIIipk Jil.t 'fe und it) n tiitmbei (if It . ttil i.i-i 'li illhiilltants- "in e ,!v -,v f tt hi liu ln?'id Inn pi ' . wlmi-. 'uuji in uiitd .1 lyivlui''. llotli Hie 'I'Kiiiai 3;cpilbl'.iiti! and t n rii-m ir - iimou tii'.'i otnr ullh MliolHiiP' 'liiPl an I iiinm t o 1 .il. is irirH,'jis i.n-jts I ii' 'll'ict I'ini-'lwla a.t tudlv for "I'llf i'i ' "f Hi' i'kiiIu'i la it, liu !'i neiiilv i.i 1 v uo thu utfiiid! ' riinTtiy bnlfd nut i.v 1 ii,t imI Uipiid-. 'I li polls did not do-e until soxcii o'i Hid; and lotiirns (anie into atiuu' politiLal licadipi ntcis iv 'it". In tho ali-eni c of sullklcnl lis ui (- (hi- 1 iti (.lialinian 01 tho s(ipia panics 1 uiiiinuiil tn ilaini that thcli 'I indiilatxs Mould canv the tli, UNION PARTY DEFEATED. The Manageis Have Hopes for One Candidate Only. Philadelphia. .'o. '.At inidtuslit tin I 1I1111 paity nianaf,cis at -tati h(.id(Uiu I-is (oiirodod l lie dcfiai ot tin- I n'on pait state Ikltel and .1I-11 the dei'Ml ut the ionnt UlKpI, ilth tin hm option ot the candidate foi toin 111011 pkus coin t, Xo ."., one ut l liom. t! )Iriii. 0,i W. I- piohabh elulid. hcuetuiv .Mtitic-, uf the stati 1 um mlttie, s.iij tint the fusion landld itcs made lai,ii .ilns tlnoiiKhout the .state, lint tilt inajoiltlex In both Phil.i dilphla and .Mlefflienv (shkli t,ilto- In I'lltslmu) hae wiped mil the sains 1 lade tn the Intel lot. THE RESULT BY COUNTIES. Au Estimate of Pluialities Based Upon Latest State Returns. Hi I Mliidii Win 11. 111 I'm -.01 iHli.l I'm - Phihiik'lphla. Xu. PuIIum lug is a table ot estimated pluialities b liiuii lies lur -tale tieasiuei and jns-tkc ot ill" Supii me ( 0111 1. Ilnii dm 1'itiu Vtli- iil Hi'- . iii , , ,i) .MIllliM Il0l . . 11 (Hll XllllMllll. .. . 1 MR) . ,. ,(l lilllll .Mull . , (Hbl Kullulcl '1) , . -A) , llli I 'i"' .. . I 1,0 Wain . . . hii , , nil , ... llri If ul 1,(1(1.) . . 7111 ., , . Hurk-. 1 in) ., . 2 wo lindi ul , .. mi 1 lmUi 1 n ,. .mi ( mi. lull .(1) ., . jvi .. I llliull mi , , in) nun . .... I 11) .. 1 111 ( lu!i I I IM "il . . ' llll II . . . I .'"' , I.. Ill I II Hill I I . . . . TlH , , ,111) ( llllli II . II , , , in) I luilll il . . . . I "III . l,V,ll I I lll III . . . 'Jl 1,11 ( mill I'llu il 1 1 -hi , , ijiu l'llllllll .'.'?! , .. I III U'.'lin 111' ., , , 4,1iy , , j -mi tt 1 II ".,, U) I iii Jijo . n i ,, , I l.lLltl '11 ., , 'l li'ilI . W , . .Ki , ,, I I llll. llll . . ' I'll ., . Il I lll'l I ... I II . . llll iiuiii ,. . ,ii , . ;iu lllllllil iUll . , I.HUU . , Ijlall . bull 1 1 1. , ,. '."I'll , , ',"iii , , .1 llll-i,l . . "TH ., 7U . llllli II I ., "Ill , , .', I jil in nun , ,"ii , ,. ,'ini ,, 1 mutti 1 , ... r.", 11 . . 7, in ,, , I ilium I,""i , , I Kai . 1 1 1' limn ihi ., 11. 1 ,, I iiuli 'ij'i , , . 'iii In, itii' ,, , ... . , IV, i , , s.vm I llAIIIIII, l I'M ,, , 1,11110 iIm 111 , ,. , , ." m , . 'hi , ,, Mi in 1 . . ii . , I") , Mllllln IIM ., , Iihi , kniui ,, ..... !,.! . , t, no lkinll,uiiiii '(In , , 'J, 1 ri M H" "I . . . 1 ll'l , , 7i)ii Wiliuniilni .. I,ii , , ,.() Voiilmint'iil ml . ., , u . ,u) IV111 I) I 1'iiiiji), m 11 . , ..i.-.-t , :,i,!.'i , . , I'll." .. ., ill . , , Vn I'.itki I -1 Vi ,, , -' llll)l ill ,,'im ,. il ... , -111111M . , , , jiy ,. . , "in ,,.,,, -imci-ii , ., , l.niii , , 1, in.) s 1III1.111 , . ,, in) r)t ,, .A -utiimli.iii 1 ..,, bV .. ... 1 .. , ' I i '-, 1 . 1 Ttel ,, , , ihi , , I nun ''.) ., ... '"' . .. Wl. ui-j UJ11 ,,,, . 11 , . .tlillisli . . ... l.Vl'l 1 llm , , 4.iiiu,on . , i"m K.'t'w . uu , , UII , .' . Mclliliirij ,, . 'i)M ; ., I "ao , )lillllll, .... 1 . 'i'W 111. . . . ' A I ,,'NJ Mi iiiv 7,i. i-;..i I' 1 1 -I Ul II II ACCIDENT TO THE WARREN The United States Transport Will Be Docked for Repairs at Naoasaki, Japan. CONGRESSMAN AND SENATORS DETAINED The Congiesblonal Paity Which Has Been Visiting1 the Philippines, Again Stalled They Will Probably Be Obliged to Remain in Japan toi Some Time. VICINITY RESULTS, Tim Estimated Pluialities in Neuihy Counties. lUiin if t t i-iiinutiil I'ua.i's 'l 1 ' I J "mi I'llui- N.Vli l,j ni'ii, 1'iiu iii! W li 11 in l!'p, HilM O'OJ'" 1 1 iiin ,1 1 Pit . tub; I'ho 1 an ih -iuil',)i'l'iii indiilut o Hid li.i'i no uUi,i-ltiOi I i it, (Uoiu.i '- (itiiid am uj'i) in i'if ' ' Dl lll-t0 llll flilll In' v.O(.Hll"J I'lf Manila. Xuv. .".The T'niUd Matt liuiiM'Ott Waiten, on account of an aiUdutt In the Inland mm, -will he docKed ni NagasaKI. .lap-in wheie the 1 nited Klabs ti mspoi t Sheildan is he Iiik 1 en. died. Tip' Unlit d Stutes liatispoil Wanen a 1 01 dins to .1 dispalch fioill Washing ton dated jostuday left .ik.i-.iKI. Suttdn.i loi San Pianels o Aith MS ,-i li mil limno men, TJ nasal ullkeis and ineu. lib p.isimls, J.! cabin pa en-Kei- and "S jnlsoiuis on boaid, The-p pas-ennii- ieti ti.insfeiied liom the l'nll d Stales ti.tnspou Shtildan whkh his bun ilelained at Xasasal.l sinfi r)(tuli(r b a Inoken tall lt.ilt. As the Slli'llililli bud nil 1)0.11 il the loii sii. ioiiai p.ntv m lilih bus liten s itiu 1I10 I'hlllppitie islands it is piob uble thai the seniUms and runmisq men iihii Ini 111 thu p.-iitv, emu 11 l.t'd 1111 build (lit Wat u 11 and ale theteiote oin e iiioi e detained in .Tapan. Tin- paity eunsM-i of Senatois i;a- 1011, ot liLuila and iJietildi, 01 .Ne-, und llppii'soiitutUo Meieof ol .N'ebr.isK.i, .Smith ot UII110K I Cut k-011 ol lV-as-, neaiinotul o Ml-sntul, Uil-ioll ot Now Voik, iialiie.s ul Ti'ii 11 .-ie, Uii en ot IViiiiijlv.iiil.i, and WeeKs ut Mil llls.lll. BIG DIAMOND STEAL. Ovei $20,000 Woith ot Jewels LUted at Cincinnati. 11 I v, In. ii.' Uiii 11 uiii Ihi I'svJaUil Pit.' I'llielnitiitl, O., Xo. ri, Till- itiutii Ins iKitiicen I and i o'rlod; ihe Ouiune .lewcliy uinipany's liow wlutloiv on ruin ill siiK-t was bioUtn b liuiKlai.s wlin sot tiwav Willi about SJ'i.nofl iioith of illaiumiUt). They Ielt a ti.iil ol ilia iiioiii1h 1 bar to Kouilli iiml liu ttui is, dtiiptiing tin in as ihey iau and show iiiB ilia illuitloii of their HIrIiI, I'm. lliei titan Pottv and Vine Unite himi liu tiaies ami thcie U no due lu Mb idintltj of tho luitgUiiH, Seviial stone- ,eie touisd by iueS"piKi'i' lms' ,nl thi'-'ilett'i tli'iw pitKcd up ten on the -lied, ,u onllnai.i 1 ohhlc ,x liutled iluiiUKh ilie -Utow iMnduw n a point ivlii'tv 11 n.-i. (oniiilnliiK sn,iiu,.Ui I Kio-'i ilnmuml v.ns liiciiidl on ,1 .shell i This ilmy u,.i) and hevii,il p'ndaui-' , bill tlli'll woiK iu- ev'idetiily douu In a I lllllli l.lil III, llil Mlluallle hlulli'S Mi'.P lult. , IP i) nin .. atiiitii . 11 si)s mat b , ,ih oil lie .'ili'i I bill ,Ktin" )iul)lll 11 lout the iiiiuli iiuiii n nittlit .i.udi. mini 'i tm I'haiulHi uf I'mninniK liiiil'lliu; pa-fced at ', 11, in .mil filled tu lilni ilnti ii until window ia iii uii-11. ilu "1111 Ki'di. piesldent of ill uiiiipany -,'i. , in,, (ml 1I10111 .'ii,iiiin , i, ,Kin't j:, t in. dliinniinli l.nd I h tin iliinl thin. t luiiflixt .I'lieii Them f n mi,i thliifc . 1 lm lilt Jovfdi,i 1.1 Jnn wliniuwi. Hail J "'inli'd tin ilhplnv in tile -ii a nielli I void I -et IniiKlui.i Itisiu um 1 . but thoic N no allowance for groods In show window-. The Liitlto ilndow (unt.iliuil about $110 000 w 01 til of stock. I was waimd asainst lobbeiv but felt secttie. 1 had a night watchman and thcie ale biO small cleulilc lights be 'ilde the three bltr .11 1 llRhts in liont 01 inj slon . The linhls burn all night and weie burning when they lobbety uccuircd. ' ROBBERS ROUNDED UP. Gang of Eouv Confidence Men Cap tured at New Orleans. Ui I iluiu' Win fromlhe MKitiJ Pre"'. Xew Oilcans, l.a , Xov. fi It now tin lib out thai the Rung of foui alknred confldonce men .11 tested lieic on l''ti dav. iindfl' the leadtrshlii o the no tot ions "Kid" WII1011, Is no olhei than the long hunted lobbets who spcuied a lai ge amount of money liom the Uteal Xoillicin expie-s ttaln at Wagnei .sta tion sunie lime ago. A PinKci ton man i ho ha1 lifcn woikliu, uii the i.i'i', Intended to ( ait-e tlli'll tor Hie lubbtiy had the nut been '111 testi d on the dintse ot buiiLoing stiangiis Captain Coopet, oil lutoi illation leieiMd, made nit alll tluill diaiRiiiK the men with the tt.iln inblieiv. The men aiiested aie "Kid" Wilson. C'h.nks llolnus, Flank Smiley and 'William McKeai 11011. A GHASTLY FIND IN A FLOUR BARREL Mysteiious Muidei Possibly Inspiied by the Mafia of Chicago. Ill I m Iu-Im Wirt fiom Tin Woiliinl 1'u-i. Chh.if,u Xo". il A ui5 sic lions nim dci, jiossiblv insiiiied bv thu .Matin, 1 011ft tinted the polk e tudav tlnouKli Ilie dif(oei ol a nuin't. budv 1 iii-lii (I into a Horn band, whkh was lotind In Iowa stieei, one block wc-t ol Western avenue, by labuilug men goltu. In woik, The Ik ,1(1 ot the toi p-e was all but sfpie( Jioni the tnink Whieli bote uiiiiks, oildentlv done by till iiM. The head ul the batiel was (oveied with ottf e sud.s w hldl, when 10111, (llr-elo-ed the budv ol .1 man, an Italian. The dilel' dew to the ideiuil ul Ihe 111111 (lei cd man wan ,111 emolope liiiuid In ltN jioikel. On the liadi ot II w.ih wiltten the uiklies-; ot Saliatote and J.ulM XloKto, -l.'Oij Cknl; stieol. The ini'iiibeis ul thlrt Hun, banUti.i', imiii iinalile to Identltv the bod, and siu, gested thai It tnlislil be that of An tonio Mulpali, or IJvi'i more, Iowa. 'I'llls lettil' I oil nil nil tile null deled man was wiilu'ii in Italian, iluttd Aiur. , arid was scut fiotn Pi lulu, Italy, by llnee whu-i iiiinn h who .sIkihiI, Thu place wlieio (lie Imuil was luitiid Ih it uaiilo und Isolated. His leot weie bound lu n Ktniny suit and liom iippcuiiimcs the man bud been dead mi'Vi ml hum 1. The banliiiiK lit 111 ad 111, nun spuud 1 iii'ii tor Italian lininlKiiinls. They said ti paity of twentv -eight lliillous 1 nine to CliiiiiKo lust night liont (Viituil Iowa iiml wont lo 11 fellow (oiinti 111, in's i-iilooit lu clink sttei'l, wlieio tliit.i enogtd lu ililiikiim. Tho thi ol v Is tl;ut tin old giiidgo was ic lieweil and Hint .Miipiill whs ldlkd in a Malln tiiaiiiiei. Tin) deud man was) powcrfull) built and It must in.i liiken sn men to in en nine him, Vi'.iin uso tlio body ol Aiimilii ulsen, a doinestk, w.ih tuiiiid bulled in a limp ul' miiihii nil the Ninif giouini. Tlii iii.vhui.i 01 lu'i inilHlei bus miir li'iti s-olvd. NEW STRIKE IN KLONDIKE. Coiigloiueiatc. Cieek Claims Rose iiom 9100 to 85,000 in a Tew Days. VaiiiotlVil, Xo, r,."-.eWis of 11 iiiiw Klondike ritiikii wu PtoiiflH heie by I ho Amur . The new ll'id l.s on Cuii Kloiiieiati' I'lu'li, a .libiitiny of .Moli lalia Cmk. The lukes o 1 lalnis lu-e limn IUti u fiOy) In a t'uw i1nji Tlii) l)lill' 11 ul a lough tlli (Oiiilni; -.until und bud s i,il nanow i.-mii- I I out nolug 1 mi down by litlKig-. ,','HB In tin i"id ii'l' of thu hiri In ut ililcs uf tie .xe.ii at okgwas. U'nici iioin I.Min i.uitil iliml'd the'lowir ntlpt t till JLiiiMl SETH LOW WINS BY TIDAL WAVE Fusion Gandidate Sweeps Greater New York bu Nearlu 40,000 Pluralitu. JEROME ALSO ELECTED Richaid Cioker Accepts the Inevit able Oincefully, Says Occasional Defeat Is Good for the Vanquished -and Wishes Low a Successful Ad ministiation Day Passed Quietly, with Few Ariests. Ill I uluine Mm fiom Ilu l-iiiulril l'ies Xew Yolk, Xov. ."1 .Seth Low, former pi evident ol Culttnibin univeis-ilv and liiui leuis ago the Cltiens' Pnlon can did tte for the tlrst ina.sor ot rjreatd' Xeu Yoilc, was elootcrti todav the -pp. oinl in.noi ol Uteatei Xew Yotk bv .1 pliunlliy l-ingliiR ntiywheie liom ',0 -000 to 10,000, dctoatliig Hdwln -M. Sliep .u d, ol Utoukl.Mi, the Ilemoiiatk nom inee. The campaign was an ecitlng one and the ote, tlioimh somewhat les than in the pi evidential election a eai ngii, was the ingest evu jiolled in a niunldpcil eontesi in this Liutntij. In addition tu I In canvt tor ninjmi public' Intel eht lurgi l cenloted in the uuniln.itluii bv the Fustonlsts 01 Wil Ihitu Tiaieis .letoine for (llstiid nt totnc. and .Maor rtobrtt A. Vim V.di bv the Demoiiats lor the Jtiitke of the .-tipii'ino couit who weie voted tor unlv in the leu lloi.v (ontalned in Xew Yoilv nullity. P.etiuns it'iclved up lo Ibis willing Indicate that Jet ome has been clotted by n louiinil uble pluialliv and that M.imii Van W.t.dt hud hi I'll ilet'eiiled, Ih" l.itp'i luuuiiift behind his ilcUct tiotn Ti.onO tu LU.OOO. ' Iletutiis nlsu liidkati Ihe conipldi; tililliiph of the ilte.'itor Xew York Piihlun tiiket. Chin !( Vlnet'tit Ponies, tho iionilnoe of the "Itivens' I'nloii and the Hi publicans lor ptevtdeut. of the boaid o aldeimeii deteitlug lieutge M. Vim Hoi'iPli, Ihe Penioc t.itli noin inoe. i:, M, t'li out, tin tin pa-t font yi'iu.s IJeinoi ni tin ptediknt of the boioiiRlt nC Uiookl,n, now tile PilHlonlst uoilllliee tor eotnptiollet. has ili-n ilnlctteU V. V, l.ndd. ,h.,, Kuttiiiis tiuiu the kiciil, l)oiuiu,li ami iout)t tldtets aie incoiriplcte. Com plete it tin ns lepdviid tuilil Stateti Jd aiiil, howmer, .show thut C'oiiHiesstiian Xldiolns Mullcr lun been deti'itted lit Ills eanviih tor piesldrtit of the borough uf lllohinutid b, (li'oigc Ol mini oil. Pit l.niUI In Ilie Inn nllL'li of Oueent.' I lie deitlon ot Joseph, ' an pii-Ident of the lioiotigh over lloui Doht, Itepnblli an and Kobcit I! Law-' leiicp, Cltl.i'iih I'nluii. In coniedod. In th(i boioiigh ot liiooklvil, M.iiihuttiip and the Ikon's, 'ddlllonnl and pus-lh lotiiuih will be iiiiilid to ilu tniniliic the kmiIIk for lioioiigh pi 'il ileilt Hid other local ollliet'. FIGHTING THE BATTLE. Sceneh and Incidents of the Sttut'gle in New- Yoik, Xi ft VolU, Nill -A in 1 -e. al iu'iM ol tho hott-si (.iiuiulfjii tliihttin, o'.m wiiny-td Iii thin dis o,i ,1 mun i( ipul eld lion iliu iki when tin billots iiii cast pa-sod with iinuiiiiti 1 uiilel conddeiiiii, Ihe high fnilug will '1 had piLVloti-lv In on I'Milblied Tlieie Wt.ui .1 lew llghtu ul the pulls amoiii,' indl vldtial.' but umii 01 a em loin iiutuii and out of I liu -ions ul (ineds made -null mu-ii ul ihcfo wetu tin di.HKe of a ti chilli il ( tin 1, 11 In but lew nil--olitlii wue hi'lil l,t Hid ni i(.'Hi:,U( 'I he rfii'.U tt'utiite of tin "oll'.if, ,. tilt e,ill. iitulng uf lallun. Tills up, pllul tu Hie bluwiijluiie ai wdl " ii the teninitiit lion 10 distill (ti. The via 11 a dil:;lli uiiii up in ii u. m , bin .it tui 1I1 111 hum tin it n not jiinj; tu Keep pen the nio-l fastidious oci Itoni the poll". Seth Low. Fusion ( an dlilate foi minor. 01st his ballot at 7 " a. in., ndw.ud Jl, Slippatd, Demo ci.ille candidate, al 11.2,". Kichatd C.oIcli and bin two sons weie Xos. 1, 2 and "? at tlieli polling place a minute alter li a. 111.; Senator ("haunt ey M. Depew diopped his ballot into the box at 0 4"i n. 111. and -Major Van W'jik waited until :: p. m. The piactltal use of a utlng madilni was dernonstiatetl in the Jlghteenth distilet.iit Biooklyn and the tcsult was known at .1 02 In the afternoon, I in me diately alter the polls weie clo-ed. Xo difliiultv was expet lenced In lecotdtng the ote and in many listutiec men cast their otes in less, than three see oniln. An incident which atti acted nt tcntlon In Xew Yoik city was the itJ tusal of the election Judges In one dl--tiict lo allow one volet lo rast his bal lot because he had made a bet ol a bo-wot uii tlie icsiilt or the election. Receiving- the Returns. Ttldi.iul Cioker leeched the leltuns In what is known as the pi hale loom of Tuiiitmnv hall. The lender was sui iiiundcd bj a uowd of men long piom Inent in the oigantatioii, among tbtm .lohn P. c.uioll, deputy leadei ; .Majoi Van W.idc. Coiporatlon Counsel Whalen, and city Chambeilaiii T. c. T. Ciitne. Jii. (Yoke 1 eat at the pre-s table und listened with his iitstoin aiy lack of esinessed emotion as die bulletins weie lead From the Ik si they weie unfaiotable and the uowd ot leaders henid the flgutes called otc' without oomnient. Mi. Cioker fiom time lo time di 1 eded thai ( onipai isous be timde with ilif .ote last yen 1, He declined to inakt' uny statement, howeiei. until T.'.O, when lie said he thought the Democrats had elected their (.indkkilcs in the uiiiiitv ticket. This tic Net in dudes Ihe boioiigli ptesldencv ut Sluii 1 1 Hull will) gieat pationage ttudei Ihe loused i hurtei and the liupoi unit ut lb( of distik I attotnev lor w lib li .Ins til r William Tiavcis .leiome. th Pusiunl-t nominee, made a iiuiaii: i.tiiipiigii against Ileiu.t W. l'u:,i l'eiiiociict. I At lo o'i lot I, Kkhaid CruUei, .main I onimentiiii', .111 .Ml. Mupaid'.. ikteai, said lie 1 on hi not nsolhc 11 lu , one issue. "'Ihe people wanted .1. chani." -aid he. 'and ihe oiguulatlon bows tu tie will ot the people Tuniiniiiiy Hull has bet 11 in power t'ot piaitically seienieeu ye.ii.s and It any one pinly Heie lo 1, miiilii lu iiiiitiol foi too long II pei iod, ihe tendency would be tow. ml 11 peipeiuation 01 powtr until (he ic sitll would ipsfiuble a tnoiiuK bv. T'.nn iiumy has ulwtns piullted by deiial, uiiii I hope will tin mi this time." .Ml. Cioker said that all dissatisfied peisnus ll.ul Mitt it acalllst the Mt-lllu-iinlie nominee and thut hud (onlllb tiled much to the tesillt. As tu bis own plans lur tho Iniiuediait' t'liiiiie, h hud uiithlim to sn, lie said. Iinwewi. Hint .Mr. Low would have the snort wl-hes 01 tip I i in mi au.i In 111-ailnilni-tirnloii, Election Incident'!. Clowd- sllih as iii r s-eell mi the iilglll ot iJiesIdciillal dt'i lions tiililght Mil iiiiiiidcd the bulltiiln ho.itik- of tin tiewspapoi oilli is, lkiaiisu ul tin t.n ger uf iiiclduiits iP.-ultlng 11 run the sub way fsc.iiatinus iiem the cit li il suine jUiJ polld'iuon wet i' oil baud, ini don was toiuicil, n lilt It ptadltul -hut off Pa: llm. fiom tho head Heekliii:i street U Hie blldse entlii' uiiii Hie slieots leading Iutu Pa lit I .11 Hill point weie 1 hired. The i- ems weie slopped ut 1 Vnti r sii. Oin man. bdieinl to be u, j, .Mull.' . nf 1 llfloi1, X. .'. whlli ivutthiii'. ike litlllelilli lliMl till' )tiUt Xt tiling build Ipg, wtu io-tl(il oft' Hu t'ldewiilk Iii 'In 11 it, tnllliie mi tin Mum i. , '. wy, fiat I ued his fltull lb rtinl - 1 1 illltl. Tin lailltfiiiis nummi ilu, Mi loi' -i i, 'toil was Hit sl'-llal lu'.' ,1 sell' ul liupu.iiiptii tiluiiiiilnil piuuiltt. niuuiid the dltiiPl, In w libit Hic wniut, mini with Hn dialing Hu hun war. as usual, v -! i nilieh In nldeiii t Up the State. lit lltll t- !,llVlll 11111)1 ihl Mil lulls .1 tloti- 01 t i ViiiK -tail slmv frit Hi itiii.tibl c.u.i will ictjln ni bill" UllUbP i' H.lll' leglsl ante, tin 'imiMi ot liiuulilkiiii und DviuouiiHo H'tiitbiiu ot Hi' tihSeiubU um dllfi'tllig COUNTY GOES DEMOCRATIC flu Extremem Light Vote Was Gas; Yesterday In Lackawanna Gountu. PLURALITIES ARE LARGE Returns fiom One Hundied and Thiity-four of the One Hundred and Sixty-one Distiicts of tho County Show That the Fusion Can dates for Stato Offices Havo Canied the County by About Four Thousand, the Democratic County Candidates by Pluralities Ranging: fiom Two Thousand to Five Hun died The Vote for Hitchcock. 4d)U'tmi'j ' i' ,' At midnight the tulluw lug statements w tie giieii out b (he iespectie eon ity ch iii men: Republican Chnhnian Taylor. '"Il looks as l XewiOlllb Is dotted bv a lnajoiilv inngiiiR fiiiui LOO to l,im 'Ihe lute on lontiollci and siuie.ioi i-clu-e. It will t.ikt the lumpkt" ieiuin to ilttldi (he wlnneis, s.iitiv is piuli alilv 1 In lid. Ifitdlcod.'s loti will l) abniit Iliinl, Ci),i ,ilil ,,1111 tin nun i" bv at least .1 . otiple nr Ihuu-anil t.uli. 'It w.t- one ul tliti-i- lind-lide- that 1 nun dine 111 about ev( r decade m tbi -t He. IJelb'i Hun in (he state, and llildicoik's lalidld.u.i, louplad will the fad Hi it II w.i .111 utf jeai, liijiiin us -evenh. on aecount ot the delln -lions we lit it mil able in get nut thf ule, ' Demociatie Chaiimau Hobnu. ".t luldiiigln. ri'ttuns tioiu oiei . dlslild- ludli ue t liu f. Mi. Xewennil will be dedtd lit abiitit .1 Dim pliiial, unit a piobable niiljoilly, Th" Hll, li nn I, tote will lie found to be about 1 - :ui). ' l)r -ulti.i s Mile will Ui. iiiiiii 111 Mi. .VeiMonib's, and piobibly ened It. The iest or t(. ticket will I te lle it tin IH1I111I. "3li. Ciistillii dioppttl behind lu se dlslihts Up Hu c alley, but this was not iniepe(teil, Notw ilhstnndini; Hie utiustial stiengtli ul his oppuupiit, I mil lonlldetlt he has beui eleilril bj a hiiiidsonie pluiallty. not less than 50' Din' htato Hi Kel Inn canied tltq I unity ovi 1 ,3(ni with foi ay leaii uig VeiKe-. 'uur ifiiidldaies ami the lunimittie mull weie ulilked in luulelld tigalnst vei.i ,ulvei-e iiiiidlHuiis, but bv their fit I tilt ill. ( Ili'l utle und peibistetit wotk it 1 id with Hie nssl-iunce of .in d.n, II lllll IK I II I' IV I YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I . .1 I J I.' ' 1 N ttllllll I, Hall) I I ll(ln l Kin) ritilie ,,.,,,,.,'.- il,u I l.lMlt tlllipil llllli ,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,, SI lllJlO IMiilte lluiiil.liit, v ' 111 1 1 .,i......,.,,,.,r r uiii ' 1 !'' ..,.., 5S per tent, I'i. i 1 1 1 imi, Jl houi eniliil o p. ni , tute. WEATHER FORECAST .-t-i- Watllill.lull, .0. fi. I'OICI Itt fjf I 1.1. -f. 4 1111 I'Hii ,lijini; Klin WiMiiu.lii , 11. f 111 itnu; iiuillinly Mind, 'l limnilai , uu. . i, I k
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