lf) ttH-rit TV-f 5VTSt-, ""$( rtXFrtW rVt r ft Vi f -iTf V' " r ' K? r r'r "v,-"" -j; 4". ). rH s v-l . iM I '!' ",1T " -7 iTIP- ' fa'"' ( , t f M -v-p j -' " - - j - .i S 'I V-ii VVolW to, A ! j-'f , ' Vl . . - T ,,',, THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, xNOVEiUUEU 5, 1901V ff NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA AONTROSE Fp'clal to the Scianton Tribune. Moulin", Nov. I. lliury It. Iluit"rt iiml tf, neo lii j KoHti'i', or liimiklyn. X. V., wop. tlu mii'its of Mtnitioio li lends tin 'iituidri.v anil Sunday. Itnii. K It. True Is In N"v Vurl on a IiuhIiichh trlii. Mr. ntnl Mm. O, It. Uoul nnd Mr. mill Mr. (.'. ('. Knnll drove In Ldiiio.-dmro yoiterdiiy t-i vhlt Mih. Cook's par Tho A. t.iillnup i chIiIcikv on l.ukc nvpiiun Ims li'.'i'ii ,olil to Mr. Anthony, or AVIIkort-Hnirc, ulini! family Ims Kpent the MUinnicr licio for several ysrmi. MHhv- Molllc nnil Itelllr- llldtlk1 iiml Mi h. Dora K. J.ntliio'i Imvi' nntvcil homo fioin San Krnnultsro. ivliorp they wont to attend tho meat Kplseupiil roiivonlloii rreenlly hold In that city. Mrs. ,f. DeVV iSiiilkl and Mrs". Henry DoM'Itt Imw lllli week for Dover. Del., when- they exiu'et to spend thp u Inter. Mis. A M. ljiinilio and ohlldien are NNIlliiK li lends at Kington nnd t.il Kcrne. .Mrs. liilnln over rittndiiy of nt his home In Mrs. I'mndi SIoiip was tho suoE-t hoi son, Jinny .Stone, Mosliiinpon. Smith, of f.ostemhlip, foi metis' nf this plauo, Is vIsltliiR: leln tlves in tow n. ' Mis. Todd, thr innlhei of Mi". Wil liam M. Post, dloil at the lattei's irsl ilonec on J Huh .street, K.itmriiiy after noon, 'flic liinuiil will ho atti ndpd 1'iom tho house tomorrow aftpinoon. frank .1. Iliiuold h.is lelnrned fiom a tii to rfiisiinylianmi, liie.it Head ati (I KiiiRhamton. I'N'-i'oninissiunoi' II P. 1'iillev, of Jliookbn, mis a visitor In town today Itov. Father I'liMin. ot St. Potei's cathedi.il, Seianton, delivered a s-or-311011 heloie the S.liTed lleilit l.eilRllu of .St. Mniy's chinch in this iilaee on Friday evening. hi Ihi'ine heliiR 'The Mercy or I'hrlst." Father HuMin alo eelelji tiled m.i.is on Satin da v, "All Souls' D.i.i," and pieni'liod tlie .-oi inon. The irienl oi lit of the mmsoii, or one of them al least, will ho the ".Moid; Tilnl" to take place at the coin t liou'-e on Mond.iv cveniiiK' next for the ben efit of the Vlll.iffP Hall llnlld'iiK Fund. HOLLISTERVILLE. iual t- llr Si lanlnu Pnhiiiio. Ilolllsfl Villi-. Xoi. 1. Tlie l..ldl.s' Aid fun lety of the MethodNt episcopal chinch of Jl.iinllntoti nill'iiipcl heio, al tho homo ot Mr. and Mis. (ipoirp Fos senden, next Thiiirday for dinnei. A ecu dial imitation is cMended to all. The Ladles" Aid soclet.v of the IJap tlst iluucli will iniet at the losidenep ot Mr. and Mrs. .loj-eph Neville npt Fi iday afteinoon lor ten. All ate in vited. TIk sci ond i oil nl hoiioi in our school lh as follows. N.mc. Van ('aiiip, l"lhel Ulesockor. .Minnie Npe. .Vellic "Hrown. Mlldiod Klllott, Stella niov.-n, "Mildred Urown, Fiancos Olnistead. "Notllo Neville, Sterllnjr Cihson, Charles Fessendcn, Donald A'an (loidei. Hornet Fesnendon and Orvillc Nellle. Miss "May K. Cilovpr. loin lier. Oihindn Blown, ol Soranton, Is lslt lliK unioim lolatlvcs lieie. Mr. Tolley, ot Honesdale, Is the jnest ot Jlis. Lillian Hawk. Miss Helen P.enl.imin. of liiinmoic. is i)ohi enteitained al the liomt: ot Mi. nnd Mts. c. JX Jlitehell. .Miss clata HioKory, ot Si i. niton, is lled last Satuiilny at the home ol hei jiiother, Iis. J Ian let (lieury. M. J. Mid lull and wile of Si i. niton, spent last Sunday at tlieii hone In i p. SPRINGVILLE. Special to tic s r.mtuii I'ribun SprlliKVille, Nov. I H. V Williams ins pun liased an engine tor use in lnessiiiff hay and othei woik. l.! P StaiiK and Oi.iuhc Whltur.v went to lliipbottom with llitee teams one day I.im week and bioiiKht hoinu a den iek, holler and sonic other llv luios for iisy in theii iiu.uiv. A. C. Thomas lias lately had a well jmt down on his inemises lor lioiise use, W'ell-drillci Van AuUen ilolm; the vol k. A. O. IKnder.sliot find wile, A. L. Stevens, Mi, Anna C. Stexens and .Tciry Lyman and wlte aic visiting the Pan-Ameri an Tlu-y ale ppeeteil home. loda". . One of tho most enjoyable lleliekali socials of the t-eason was Kiven by Mi, and Mis S, o Culvu at llieir home on Jlallowe'in, About lit t y quests weie pieenl, and until imdnlKht Joy iciKUcd supreme, Hay Cuhei has actcittd a poslllon Ssr-T- Whesi von Do you Jinvc n feeling of uiulue fullness in the htoiiiucli, liclchingt,, or wmr or ,l)ittt?r rinugs? Theso arc hut a few nf 'the byniptotiis of the diseased .stomach. The worst tliinj,' which pan he done for the .stomach in such a can- is to take eouic tuhlet or powder which merely gives teuiiHir.uy relief tioni discomfort. The licit tliiutJ to do is to heijin the cure of the disease liv ht-KUiuiuK the use of Dr. Pierce's (Jolilen Medical Discovery. Jt cures diseases of tho stomach mill otlirr organs of digestion and nutrition. It makes the "weak" stomach strong, ami jnita the body in aVonditiou ol vigorous health. I i.i Iroulikil J loiifi time with iljuptiwli torpid liicr, ainlciiilliulimi " writes lri jiilii J. IH-.il, ol O-tv.ulU Iredell Co , N C ''Conlil m-arctly rit oris tliiiient .ill! until linr utUiks of pain rouulTiInu like iilli anil ullHtllut!. it wciin.il a HioiirIi 1 oiild not Hy In lute tu llr, K, V, 1'icri.r, Mdtlntr iiiyivinlillou ami in .i rtJik rck-eiicil u kind liltti of .uhlee, Irlllnif Hie to like Dr. I'icric'ii HoUlcn .Meillcal I)isui. eiy, I (iuk fmir lwtlles. and one ial of )r Wcree'h IvIUts, .iinl nmv 1 can eat .instiling I iiuut and It d.-n't kntt me. I Imtf not been in td a d.iy elmc I touW onr ('olilen Meillcal J)icoerv,' and I liaenol Miirp felt .my svinp toiusof dlrne I h.ive not tiUen any incdlciuc In twel'c rionths," Pr. V'crcc's I'lcasant Pellets cure cou tlpatioii. Z wWmm. In Now Mllfotd mid will move thcio this wick. The pay Is $2 00 per ihu, mill or slilue, JJallowe'on hIkIH a dozen or more hoodlums Horn Mud Hollow came up heio for the nitipo of havlns what I hey call a lot of run. The fun con sisted of toarliiR- tip and dcstioyliiR prcipetty, and making iheniielvpH kcii crnlly ohnoxlous. They were notified to appear this liiornlujj or prosecutions would follow. As no sotl lenient haw been made prucpcilliiRS will pinbahly be boRim today. This name riiupt has been ilnlnR tin1 town for several ypars. and tho pooplp mo hound to put a stop to U. Pallller Culver hn In en cnttiiKod lately pullliiK a coat of Kiaplille on some of the ioofo in town and .sonic PICTURE The 111 st letter of tho live llnps ghes outside. Tills week ho goes oer to the JJ.uulst church in Auburn which he will lenaint. Stuart Itiley ha puichased a like little pony outfit for his little son Minot, which was seen on tlie street for the ill's l time on Sundav. J. . Thomas made a shipment of buckwheat (lour to Oklahoma tenl loiy Horn his mill u'centlv. 'Mhi Lolt went tlie Pan-Ainei ii an Fi Iday in companj with othci.s tioiu bete, and Is expected home today. Thoic is to be a suiptise Itebekah sen lal at the home of one of tlie uieni boi.s of the lodf;e on Fiidny i i-iiIiik Ill'M. MONESDALE. SiivmI t.i ti,. -tiantun Tnbiin- llonesdulc, Nov, t. Fipfl nnd James I'losslcy, of I'hicafjo, ai rived home Satuiday nlbl. They were summoned hy the continued set Ions nines ot their montli"r, Alt s. Thomas Ctos!ey. Thi' linulpwml iii tlie JJybci r. l Ivor is to bo put in better condition, with a plHate subset Iptlou, se tiled by Colo nel Coe Dm kind. Homer Cicene has leliuued lioui an extendi d slay at All.inlii City, ninth lienclitled In healih. The londition ot I.. 11. i 'allow ay, who siilfoied a paialytie stioke leiently, N KiowiiiK woise daily. Auditor (ieui'i.il 1'. H. llaidenbenjh, who is rtl'.ii ihairmau of the ounl omniltlee. is home lioui ITairNbuiK' to alteml elec tlou. Seventeen hates of the Wtij ne Coun ty SiuliiKs bank stotk woie sold al Iho i nun house on Satin da v. Tho lowest bid v as $;:.'-,; the highest ?:M, The par alin is lin). The Amity lull will hold a smokt r Tui'sd.i cveniiiK. Tlie election lctuins will be ieceled lu (lie iluli looms by special wiio. Meuiliels of tlie L i h.uurc tluli have invitations to enloy the smoker I'.unnell will furnish te fieshinonts. A deep intetest has been awakened by the special iucpUuks llial aie beluc held in the .Methodist ihunh. Ilov. li. A. Phue Is assisted by lvangelist .1. J5. I).tls-, who used as his theme on Sun day moinim,', "The New P.lith," whiih was presented In a ery lavorablo niauuei, (iiaco chin h was well tilled Sunda oveulim. The services woie if uiiubu.i1 lutei est tliiiiimhout. The oik.iii iopU.i1 hy Mis. Jesse Uolmosteh and vocal solo "With Venluie Clad." hy Mis. W. A. Wood, weie sweetly lendeied. Thoie was an excltiutj sienc on Fmnt street Satuiday uiotnlni;, A hoi so al tached to a maikct waKou came iitsh inir up the sll cot without a diler. When the niaddi ned steed irached the I'lU'm otllco. Ldllor Peiinlman, who happened to Uo on the sidewalk, tonk in the situation ami placed himself in front of Hie animal, lly his strong aim and placid i oiinteiiantc, Iho hotso was hioiiKhi under control without Injury lo editor or horse, H0PB0TT0M. Snfi.il to die Sirnnton Tilbwif Hophottom, Nov. ;!. .Mr. John Stiup. lei, his mother and sister Mui, all of Ulniock, vlulted Mr, and Mrs. U. "W, Strupler last week. Mis. Struplur and (lutiBliter lefi hen to visit Klmtra friends. .Mr. and Mis. M. McVlcar spent Thuisday in Seranton, Mr. nnd Mis. JCdwin .Men II. of Set un ion, aie sltlnir Mr. and Mis, Jumes Menil. Miss Alta Finn has hePii spendlnK a few days with Ualtoii fi lends, .Mis, (i. W. Simpler nttended the Nicholson ihuich fair held last week, The I'lilvertullHt church Is IipIhk Kieatly Impioved In appeauinco by a new (oat of palul. Thu ladles of the chinch will meet on Friday of this week at thu Imnio of Mrs. J'aul Honid'i lej. to complete auaiiKemenis for their sale and supper whloh Is in bo held November I." and 10. Ml. and Mis. ileoiKe A. T'ewkshury tune moved hero tram Nlclvolsou, and oiciipy Mrs), Amanda 1'ialt's house. Mis, Maltha Hull and .Mis. S. Kcllum, who hnvp heiin III for some time, mo both convalescliih" slowly, Mrs. (.', A, Stone has been apeudlUK n low wcks with her sou l-'ied, in New York, Mr. Chaili's Stanley, a painter, who ha ifcently located heip, was mauled HWV . 1 3 fek3 Uurlnpr tho past week, nnd has returned with his Iniilp. Mr, Ford, or OWcro, visited leeetitly nt Suxy Wlltnnrth's. Mis. .Maurice Tlngley was ninonc those who wltnosspil tho oliHliift days or the J'an-Amerlenn show Mr. A, S. Krott, or Montrnso, Mr. Kred Scott, and Misses Millie nnd Frances Hi own, or tinltun. visited at Mi. Almtiit Hiown'ft on Sunday, TUNKHANN0CK. Jpfrl.il lo tlie Scritilnn Trihunr. Tunkhannook, Nov, 1.--Z. Wells Hoy iioIiIh. who Is stationed its paymaster In Iho Fulled Stales ynid nt Xoi-rolk, Vi Is ipihIIiik a row days with IiIk lainlly ul this plaic. Ml.n .invpphluo HoyiP. of Scraiilon. spent Sunday with her paionls, .Mi. nnd Mrs. Pali Iek Iloycc. on niu sticpt. Colin H. Ovorllold and IJennls Hurley, ol M.-shoppen, were iIoIiir business In town mi Monday. Mrs. (Scow Slilnner, who has been vlsltlmr her piirpnls at Frpclnnd, 1'n.. the pat week, t plumed home on Sat in da. Mrs Thouuiw, ol SpilnKvlllp, who has PUZZLE, you the name of a well-known Senator. been isitlnj; her daughter. Mrs. James Dctibler, on Srconri stioet, the past lliice week, i etui ned home on Mou J.i . I'niki the new si liodule on tlie Le high Valley railioad, whiih weal into elfeet mi Sunday, wo have two e.uly uioinliiR tiains, one trom tho east, ar ilviiiKr lieie at S.;iii: and one liom the west, at .5l. Train No. 1. in the altr uoon. ah'o stops at tlie small stations abo e Tunkhannock. .Miss Nina I'arnev and lilend. of Sciauton, visited tlie formeis' mini, Mis. Joseph Luce, over Sunday. Joseph J.ott and Ccoikc W. r.oldle inan, ol tlio pension depai linenl at Washington, I). c aie ben- to alteml I'leetlou. P.m. W. II. Menter, of lla'delon. is slopping with liieuds in town this weel;. Commissioners i Mei it Com K'- N. Uo.vle made a nip lo JennliiKsvllle on Mon day, lo supei intend the iuu inpr ot the polks at that plaie. Captain William (1. tliaham i etui ned on Monda.v fiom an extended visit with icl.it'ves in Sciauton. BRADFORD COUNTY. S fi ial Ui Hie S'ir.lliloli 'Inlijiir Tov.aiida Nov. I. The iKM atti.K tiiiu booked for Hale's opun house will be VoroI's nilntiels, will li will appear heio on November 1" with fifty of tlie best piofesslonaH on the toad. A new dally paper is being agitated at Athens to be published by Fditoi 1 Union of the ilnzetle. Tlie stiikeis at Hie Hei nh e hae just iPtplM'd a i heck lor SlOfid fiom the as sociation of mine woikers. The bniouiih schools of Alhoiis aic ilo.sed owlim lo the piovaleuce of dlph l lie i in Tho fiillrmlnK lonslltute the i oni iniitiu to ananse for tlie unvellin?: (PiPiuouk's of the new soldlois' and sallois' lnuiuiiupul at Towanda on Tues lay, November t.'ii: On dedication, C. 'I', J lull, of Athens; for jjumil aimy, .1. 'I Hosted, oi New Albany, .1, V. Huist, ol Camptown and 11. M, Tuton of P.entley Creek: eomiulsslonets, li. M. Spaldine, J. II. Muriay. J I). Klu noM seleeled by Inn gets of Towanda, William Maxwell, esq., AV. H. Sniltli, M, Shepherd: master of i eteinonlos. Colonel I'dwnid Ovei ton, esii,; to so licit funds, Yv II. Smith, M. Shepaid, J.imes Ho ant, J. A, AVel: on transpor tation. C. T, J lull, H. M. Spalilim,'. .1. II. Muira; on invitations, William Maxwell, esi J. "W. Uuist, .1. I"). Kin ney; on speakeis, C, T. Illtll, J, T. Hested, A. Keefp. The business men or Towanda have purfi cted an oisnnUatlon to benedt the wvltaio of Iho hiifrlness Inteiests and awake Interest towards soi tirhiir cer tain manufacturlnK enterprises, The following coustltuto the olllclal bo.ud. J'lPsIdoill, J:. H, JlcKee; vlee-picsl-ilents, N, X. Ilctts, J. K. Xcwell; lieas urer. .M. Jl. Spaldlns. secretnry, Ji, Holeomb; ex-ccutlio ponimlttee, C. li. Tiacy, M, M. SialdliiBr, M. II. Mclvco, J. W. Jllx, c. P. Welles, i:, F. Klscer, W, I'. Wilson, P. T. V.-un, K, I Smith Mr. anil Mis, .1. 11. Yeaijer and Mr. anil Mrs. F K, Qulnlau and family have sono to AVnynesvlIlP, X. C, to Kpcnd Iho winter. The icKlster and iccoider Kiauted a man lago license last week to a buy nineteen yeais of iiro nnd the kIiI fif teen yeais old, both hnvlus: their par imts' consent, While wnikmeu weie dlBKlllff for a sewer at Athens u faw days ano, thu ki aveh ot Unco Indians weie discov ered, Ineludlne oihor lelles. Fied Perkins, a cleik at Athens, has disappeaiPd with about $wo of his I'athi'r-ln-lnw's leeelpts and loaves a family behind, Thu liu.stee.s of thu Packer hospital at Sayro have, nuthoiisioil the ereciiou or n resldenco foi the supeilnteudeiil, Mis, J. W. 'laylonl has beep speud liiK the Hint oi'lho week with lelatUes In La HaynVlIU'. A tobacco waiehouse will be opened at Sayio by Isaac Mvr ft Co. of Xow Yo i V Mr. and Mis. ii. W. Caiman of Can Ion havo just celehiated their ilfty. Ilfih weddliig anniversary. "onil I'uiMeuact of Athens wan awarded a foutih pi Up, a tclenropu In a contest at the Paii-Aineilcan for BuessliiB the number of pickles that n ceitaln jar contained. THE MARKETS. Wnll Street Review. New York, Nov. I, SpceUlnlots weie disappointed of their hopes or it tlso In prlrp? Ir. today'M stock maikct, of which (hey rnneled that Urn active buy ItiK movement at the closing or Snt urila.v's market uftpp Iho nppenrnncn or an unsatlsraetory hunk slateniput was u pcrcusor. Hcpotts continued ic nsitnliifr today or the favorable proR rosB ot tlm ncROtln lions over the Xorlhorn l'acMe-Clrent Xorlliern mnt tei hut tlipiu Is loom for tho qitctlou how far tho forthcomlnff nuumtnee intnt or the tpstitt hns boon alroady ills counted. The licnpllt or such ti iIpvpI opnipnt ns icinnvltiK a threa toned cause of iluiniiKo to sopurlty values Is .self-pvldput, but the flmuit'lnl jiroject which these ueiTotlatloiw spek fu -til -just on n I prnmnent basis has lost I imi3lenl powir of appeal to the spec ula tlvis linnclnntloii. individual prlco niovciuunts In to dny's ninrkol don't call for special mention iNcept for thp liquidation ce dent In IVoplp's Otis nnd shnr;i ad "siicpm In the Buffalo, ltoehoter und I'ltlshuiff .stocks iimouutlnK lo fi'i points In the common and 7 points In the 'liofcrrod. The tnntkot closed dull and heavy hut at some recovery fiom the lowest, Fnlon Pacific teac'alnc a fraction ovei Salurday In the Until dealings, Total sales today, 111,100 5 hares. Haiti oad bonds were IriCBUlai. Total sales par alue, ?J.04S,(I00. I'nlloil Slates homl were all unelifit'r.od on the hibi call. 'Ilio fullnuliifc iiiilaiiuiia are turnislifil The Trilmie tiv M. S. .Ionian Co., mollis TOS-TO) Mean biilliliiif, Vraiiton, I'j. Tflfphone .10005: Open. Illgle Low rioi' Inc. t Nt Inj. Aincilitn siirii .. ..Ilhli i, 1I7U US AHIilrun 7fai T'i' eh TT AUIil.un, l'i ri7 y; !W'i OO'i Ann) Copppr . . . !1 frt'i sfl SOU Am. Cai k l'ouinli .. . 2fiH aiii HiI'h 2iai llrcwk. Tracllmi . . l.J"n (.!' t,2H ltl' II lit. tc Ohio . . UKi8 ins HHii pit I he. k Olili IT 17 Ifi1 HI1! I lili. ,t lit. WiM . . iVH !iU 'J, 2,1,1 Cliii., Jlil. ,t st. pi, ,i,,,;., i;,)it if..ii; K,')i. (hit.. II. I. .1 P. . Ill IIP., ir.'i IIP.. Col. 1'ncl ln,i ill HI ill III Kile II. II II',, 4-' IP; 41U Kile II. II.. Pi . 7n''. 70'j 7n 7i)i r.oui. ,c ,ij mi K1P4 lni-'j mi Mini. KU'Mtiil . . .IJI Ul lili.1 1JI Mil. Ti.n.t 11,11 . . . IV, 1111, IIP, l.-.l'i Misin. l'.lrlln. .'Is' t'I's !I'U ll'1 Sorfnll: & Hi-t . . Wjs .v, Vli. -,i,i.. v. V., o. k v . . -',i .', -ip, ::i. . '. Ciiilnl .... IVi 1 Vi Vi 1ij Pcntii. it. it. . ir. ir,i ne", livi, lli-JillliS It . ... I P j ll IT, 4 1 1, ltnilniK It., l-l l'i. . 77', 77ia 77U 77'i Siiuihuii ii. ;!'; .::- :,: .v:, south l!.i., l'i. . . 'M.. s.iH ,sn y,:, siiiitlicin I'jiitii . . . I',',', Ml1.. .Vt1, Ml Ti'ini. Coal ,V linn . . Ul'.. i.l i') Hi' j Ton i 1'iiilic .... :.'i ,",'i .:' :.'i P. s. 1 iMthfi- . ir, l.' l- u I . s. ,st,,. ('0 . j .- J I . s, slf, I, l'i. . . '12', 'iji, "IU 'H"h Wi't.ui ("iilou ., . 'il"'i 'H' !H'i '1 l'i W ilii-li, l'i 7 ., ..7 .17 Seranton Boaid of Tinde Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. VI 0( K. lit.) 1 ldwiw.itiui Paiiv to., l'i Uti ounI sjvitis lljnk ,t. 'I111-1 1 11 . rii't I'll -l N'.itioml II ink (Caili(.n.ljli') SlillilUliI IllilllliK Co 'Mlllil .S.ltionil Il.ink Iil Dim,1 ll'tiOMl .Hid Ills, mint lUnl,.. J7' Pioiiuiii l.iht. II. A. I'. Co I li.sl .Yaloiul II ink l.'mi laika. '1111-1 sjio Prpoi-lL I','. . .. Til link Niiiwr o, l'i U'i ki-il Si 1 niton lion I'omi' A. Ml. Sciatiloii le IVoik, S11.111I011 S.mni; Il.ink Hri Tiailtis N.itioiut Ilmk 17", Sc Hilton Molt A N'ut Co ml l'lopii'- II ink 1 ", Now Miuo lly. i 1, in HuMis Sci.mion I'.ivinj.ci lijilw.n, lu-t MmtsJM. duo lli-fl II', 1Vuii s,.(t Ilailuiii , tii t, 11101I- K.ICC iluo l'Hs 115 l'ioie stmt ltnlH.i, Concijl inilK.i!;i', iluo 1HJ1 11", DukMin M iiml o inrii k Ic l.uki. 'lovwihi Si hool .", pel icnl, ... (.ill of -, i.mtoii SI. I ii 1 1 . (1 Jin tcnl SI.IIII011 I I. lill, II 0 (III CI Ml. . If', U) I'll Scinnton Wholesale Maiket. (. oiiu Uil lo II (.. D.ili-, -27 l..iik.iu.iiuu Vo ) III -l'i 1 IiiiIip, ilioiii' liiiili.u-, v IMH2.(,". Ilintti l'i iIi croainiij, ila'J.V ; iljlij, tich, I liifrt 1'nll iiimiii, 10'ialti.. l'S,B Veil 1 1, si.il,., 2!iJ,l. Mdliinii III .111 I'm lui'lifl, sj,;i) I. Hill I'l.i'-lVr Im-liil, SI, mil. 1;. 1 loin Hct jutcnt, 1101 l,nul, st.is lleni I'll Ini-licl, liioko injiiuw, $. 1' I'm iti IVr Inislnl, st..-,-, Union IVr lui-lu I, fl,(0, Philadelphia Ginin nnd Pioduce. l'lilliililplilJ, Niir. I - Win it I'iini, le. liiuli fi : ioiitl.nr uuiilo. Nm , TI'sdT'n. loin ,i . hishii; .No. ' iniNiil. Vol., bPiuui'iu lialK 'i;: lilslin; No ' "Iille liinil, 41'jar.i. I loin -LnihunKiil, llullii- rinii, ooil ildiuiiil; lam, i Hi'-nin i iimihi ii. .'.lo : ilo. in.iil,) luiins, -" l's Hun. uimil iIiiiijihI; IKih laMih, w'i ; ii,,. wi.tiiii, 2U,; do. MUitliwi'tiin, .'. ; i' -.jilt In i ti, u.'i. ( nd'-c -I'ndiiiisiil; N. . .nil i ii-mi', fnny 'null, W-'n : ilo il. i),,., I dr to iliiiln-, 'iililisi. lit l,ii' il rUi:.iM Hull, Inn ali'.ui.v. ( otton -I'nin, l in, IiUIhi; limb illiiiiv iipliinl-. ,i.ih, I'dlnn -Pull .nut Hoik: illv inline in lilnl', ",'.i.: luiiiun ilo. ilo, ri',1.: iijik, i",i , i ii , oi' i.im' ionihj inlil, lint 'itMili : fiml. fl'tilil'iji ; nlil loo' lit', 7.1, '.i.; ihl,I-iii'. li'iiin'.p.; iliuk, lm Hi ; ir.-i, 'Hid, ; Inik'i'j, Siliii, Pio.'Oil 4'oiilny -sc nil-, nioiltuti' iliinnnl; o., ilioiu', n'ii.; do, f.ni to sooil, stei, ; ol, liiit'loi', "i,. old i lm kill', in.iiliy, IUjI'.'i,; wO'Ioiii ilo,, HiIIK ; tinkiV', lio'l inn', IJi.i niiliini to i Ii- il. , 7 1 n k : tin, ., inilli, Jtc(clil rimii, o.niHt li.niol, nril '.MJ'i.HiV, )i,inuK in Mil.-: ulit'.il, 1 1 i, mil lpii-i.il-; ioiii, 4,ijoo: o.ii, imki. sliliiiiint'--Mii'.ii, inii.tHO lill'lii'l-l ioiii, .!,l0j (UN, r,,ii, New York Giniu and Produce Maiket i' oik, No, I, l'lom l'nin .mil a kIiu'i1 lilklni, wlnlii 'itali,hl, k,i :;iti !. n ; Minn. .it nits s.l,T,'iil.'i"i. hi'it -Ppot Hi in: .No. i inl, 7ie, 1, o. li. .itloil, anil ,Mii. I'liv.noi; no, 1 iioiilii'in piilnili, 7H'i. I. 11. li ..Hlo.it Option., win- 'tionK .iiol aoihe .ill il.i. 'Iln', lnulli 1 .1-1.I ml unil ilo-ul nn-cllliil .11 ' ii'n . i."l hi bailie, I it, r on piii'inht 1 ; Minli 1 to.'i'it MII41,; Mn, 7i'ji,; Pn, 77'',e. I'oin siot In Hi: No. .', Ui',i, lU'utu, iiml i'"ili I. e. li. jllo..t. Oi'tiiill, moil' plioin; jml IiUIhi, iIukiI muni); .11 ''n ml .iili.inii'; Miv i lo'dl 11P41'.; Il" , ill. i)ii s,,t rum; No. I. iiiljjji'i.: N, .", l.'i.i No. '.' white, IPiJll'si.; No, .; ulille. Hi.; tiuik nilsril wc'ioiu, llalil.i.i ll.nk whili', 1 1.117c. Option- mm wild ihu t .1 lit 1 st f ) .it - .mil r.ililv .HI lie Mt. Ilulli'i 1 iim; ULiimri, jr.jjji.0 ; nitoi.i, IJi;jV.i ; .li.ie uiMincn, I7'...i.'l',.i.; Iinilallon ueiiuri;, 1P..1 15i ; t.ito iljlu, IIj.'Io. ("Iioi'o Onli'U fanij laiui (oloiiil. H..a'ie ; Uiity lime while, 'i1.. .i'J',1 ; tiucy nn.ill lolou'il, IOK.iIOV.S Limy rill ill while, lil'ic l'i,.'-riini; rt.ito Jml I'finil,, HjJIe, : ucatriu, niicaiillfil, I7iJ.'i j MC.-tllll, Idllllllll, iOJilu Chicago Qialn unci Produce Market. (hii.lo, .Not 1 -Bull adhil' in Iho tela plL julul lo .1 rtiouc uhle IUI- hilpcil all m,tliu lnij, llii'i'inbci pom ilO'imr "i.e. luglii'i; Dii wIipjI, 's.iRi, Jilwimiil, .itil Dip. niti, fOi. up. I'iiiIIiiii clo'il 1I11II, 7'.uJtiJ22!ji, ilrpn.rcil. O.1 -h ijMutJtloiis wcic m lolloun I lour sti.nl'! X". ' nlns li(Jt, n-.K,i,.' ; No. '.' irlhm lepi. JO'iJUiK,; ll. -' oain, Jtiji 'i'.ji'.l .Vi. 'J while, Hi'iall'li i N. ! ttlille, JOjib.; No. J ne, iW,: f J it m iliuhe inill In;, njalv.; ni(' piiil.. "I I. '"ul .i; Nril. iS..i"ii!MjO; rimii illi, '"7Wj71i'i; iln adlul rlicmlili'rr. 7W i"tTi l limit ili-ai lilf'. IOji 2'); whi'ki'y, jl.lii Chicngo Live Stock Maiket. Chli.iji, NiA I - Ciltle-lli'icllil, S,Ui), in 1 liiillnj,- ",i'f iktuii, 1 hull i', l inns; ulliuo, Hi lil.i ; itooil in piime ktieis S0.iii.M); pnoi 10 ini'illtini, sl.'.'ii.iiii slotlipi anil fuilu, tii I.Si, . tl.a'il.l!, Inlfriii. s.'j', .'.", j ,jn. nii, tr.'',jJ.'JJ; liulN, ir.'.'niil.'iU; i.ilw-i, Kii ii'.'.l; IVi, luiii, none luu, r 1 1 i Moifin rlifK, fi uji",.!. lli'lia-lli'ifipl" Ioi1j, Jl.liO'i; luiniium, s,r (M; lolt iwei, 1.0"', iUln.'. IiIkIioi; 1I0.-0 nouk: pioil in (IioIip licny, iv3.7"iij SO: rmish licin. .')Mj.'i73, lUhl, 3.ij'ifc"; talk or hIm, (.I ;i blurp -ItKiIpls, SJ.lKWi Hiom; in I0o, liluhci; IjiiiIij, liulle. Iilulin; jnoil tu Uiolic Millies. W.4l.ii; wcivtein theep, Jj'l.SJ: lutiir jmt, ii.OntJ.U'iJ wi'ntcin litnln, U w) Buffalo Live Stock Market. l'.it Pufljlo. Nov. I -CatlU'-snpplj .,!) jrt; THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Mere Then Four Unci .1 CnC ler Uecli Bxr Line. For Rent. roit IH'NT-lllKlil roomi. 7.1.1 .Tcfleraon ncniici ill trortern comenicnrej. ' For Sale. iivwa -x -w r i ! V'V'V -wv v Oil Sl.i: Chcipi lioic. "liiliiR wagon mill liaiiicto, nt Xo. 1S2 Cpi!.iv ufiutf. I'OII HAM: Two light rnrlnf w"" n'l """ Imnesa. thcin. I'tant. rear 118. I.mctna direct. For Sale or Rent. I'OII SM.i: Oil IIKNT Illl on Summit iifimc. tnullli. Xci. (lfl Conncll nullilliiR Real Estate. FOIt SU.II-One acre of land. lniirocil l(li nine loot.i liousf: plonty ami mlftr of fruit; rooiI location In IIIueo of I'lrcUlUi. Jim. Olhc I'Mi, ricctvlllc, l'a. Furnished Rooms. 1011 MINT VuinWifil mum on rilif slrrnl. lie- tnnii .li-llfr-oti iiml Mniuoc .ipimc. Ail itli's... K. It., Trilniiii' Oltl. o. ion Ill'M' rmnMicil fmnt loom "llli nil roll. cnlcna; Bciillcmnn onlj. 'MS Wjslilirjloii .iiciuie. TWO ItOOMS TO Itll.NT In pil'.itc, iiioiloui Iiou-i: in cciili.it illy. Ilo ml. if pri felted. Hefi'i- fner iNdiinieil. Aililre", llomt, 'Jillnmc Olfiu-. I'OII Illl.NT rmni-hcil fiont room, with lifit, liath and cai; near court hon-e; gentleman preferred. Addles." ltoom, Bot 299. 1011 IICNT Furnldied loom; heat and liith. C2S Linden sttcet. Boarders Wanted. WANTI'D-Tablo boarder. Washington axciiue. Ills. Tompkins, 631 Business Opportunity. Sl'OriC AND WIIi:.T TKAUl'.Ra without delay. Write for our 'pefial market Idler. Tree on apiiliuilioii s ji. Ililibaiil k Co., member X. V. r,iii-oll(l.lleil ami St oil; i:rluli;".', 44 ami 10 llroailwa', .N'tw Voik. IMiblNhul IHil. Lou; Dl-t.ime I'hone 2'sS ltrnad. Money to Loan. -iJO.OOO 10 LOAN I.owent rates; ttralttht or monll.ly payments. Stark : Co.,Tndere' bUs. ANY AMOUNT 01' MOXHY TO LOAN-Qulck, btiairll leans or Ouilulng and Loan. At from 4 to 6 pel cent. Call on N. V. Walker, Sll'll'i t'ornell uulldinjr. (low. Inil without (hciileil chinsf': tluo fpoit l i'fi, l.'nijii n(i; so ul lo ihiuii', i",.."ja"i.7.",; nil' lo lili'ililllll, ) ."H.i", J.',; liKimliil liht !nii ! ".ten-, f 1. Ill.i.t.S'i ; rlioup tit ln-ifci'-, 41.7."i i. 10: lljjlit to ooil, Sk'uHiO: fiir to sov.il, J. 7."..i I T.'i; i.imiin niul lomuioii, l.Ma'J.W; Inill-, fin -iippli- ami ilenimd; rvpuit, W.7,ul; rail .n.(. in il liiililii'i-, ITVn'.e'i: i,toiki'i4 .ind lud u, c.i''; fefiloi'. wlal: 'toikec, .'''.'J.".! ."w; lonuiion. sj Vli'j.lj; ,-loik lie if 1 1, J. .ii; Miil, i 0a,,,; gi,i n anil tl ulii", "i .Vi il",. Unit- iiiilj 1 M i.n: lower; h, iv., n, 0",; iiiKnl, jin,iii; pu-, ti.5,i ,.,;",; loughs s'i.Jo ,i"."fl: ntiic. iii.7"i; iTo'liu rlim Sh op fc-iii,l- !) i,ii.; luii'ii; ijiiili-. tops .I.Hiii oo; mil, o Kooil. .:.7oal 7.'i; laiiatli-, P-1 . V 1 i I . " ; chei'ii, tops inked, M.a'iil.Wt ciilH 10 SOOll. "il'SS'l! WOol VPthel' Hill .M'.llllllR', V) i,ii.i.I.7'i; fill .M-ailii'-ts. l.7.,il. East Libeity Cattle Maiket. I'.i'l I.iheili, n. I. t'ulle Slow ; ihone, "i.Tiii,; primp, "!" lu; koo., M.nfij'i "i. Hoc Mt-idv; prinii' li.nv, .lliliij.sn; lieny liirillum,. J-ijjl..lO. Intht iimlmiii', Vj.tj1 fii"; l.i, inil.ii', .j.70ri.'il; lifthl do, -.-.n)a', 7u; pi!:-. .::',j'i,n; ionli', flu.V); rkip-, l..Vl at W Mieep Sr.nl.v ; hc-l welhei, 3.1'3.2J; mill .ind lommmi, la'; .wuliim-, V-i:.7i. i.il i.i lie-, 'i...d.7.'. Oil Market. Oil lili. .Ni. 1,-dcJil hll.nic. ifl -u; hi litii ill, mi bid Siipment-, 17i,i!; airi njo, t'',S'i. i:nn, "H.. IT I; iimmso, ".oil. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Hinder thU liradniK short Irllers of lutfri-rt will In; piihllrheu when aeeompanlt'd, for publiia tiru, by the writi'i'" lisiue. 'I lie Trihuni' does not wiiii. icponailillil for cplnloiii hele fi;ii,ted 1 Tor a Fiist Aid Society. 1'iiitni of Nrinton 'liibuin. Si: Kit.illy Riant Hie 'jucc ill .imu aliuble papi'i for a fev. lii'i'i In nil tnc atleiitioii of woikinaiiKii in Kiiin.il tu a liw v.lmli una into illul loda, ulitnii,' In aiitlii.li Ite liiini'. ami inioidimv tot Iho i no nml nllo'ition or nnilne iiijiiinl m .mil about llio mines u-. follovs; TUion . Ito a iriKtiil It rhull bo miliwlul fo opei.ife any Jiiilu.ii ilu limo rmplox liw tin iiiiii in' iiioio in thi i-t iti ol I'lUn-'lvaiiia iuilu miJ iiiiup i, puniiliil wilh a riiftlmii ijuintll.i ot Ilii'icd nr vllio nil, IijihIii.is (limn), rpllnti, wiioliu .i ml w.ilti.pioot lilinki'ti. i-ihl .ulichs .-hill bo rtoicd in A iiioiii eri'iti'd in i u,iienbiii phio in the mini, nlili It mom rhill not bo leu. linn i I'.-ht by iwel'p f. it, .ml Mtllliietilly fir iii'lird, llglitid, (li.ineil anil ciilil.Ui d, -o tl.it tliiii'iu uiedinl tiealmcut may bo iilieu iniii,d iiupltyi, m ia"j of cnii'iKi.ii. 'Ilio tiiiiiMilm,, rlnll be -nllUii'lil. to mioiiiU'Oililt' two ol mine poi'oii, in a iiilimus .tin) rittiupr poiuir. Villous two ami tlni'c leliic the dutips of initio touiiii'.i ami ,i'.,Utanls MTlion font ulaliii iho diilli' of mine iii-pci mi, .S'l'tloii 3. 'Jlie iiigltit nr Kfii'jl lu periorm the ilulii'S riiiutrcil to In- piiloimwl ,j any Mitloii nf till-, .ul hi (lie pnlio, tlieiiin i tijiinril lo i" inn in lluiii, oi the ilonllon ot ntiy of Die uiiiluiin liH Iheioof, nhall he iliemed a inUdi" lui'inoi', niul rlull, upon i cm ii Id ii tl.itiof in (lie unlit n ipilltn frYflon-i in Iho ujunt' whuo (In mi'ililiiiaiior u.i.- louililllted, Ihi piiiii-hiililo by :i line not iM.Ciiliiii ,""il oi Inipiiioiuuuil in Ilio lutiiil.i jiil loi a period not cmiuIIiij lUiiiniitlit, or Imlli, .ir the ili-iietion of tlm (oml. In qnollii; the ahoie liw I hopo to ii.,ii-o tho mill lu 1 1 1 1 mi Imu In do smiii lliiiik' to oirjiiIo a I ii.-l Aid si'ilelt fm ilio mine in whiih Ihoy voik, 'I line is ;,n.u need foi ,iuli an iui;.iiiiii. lion In and about eieiy mine, lallroid rlmp:,, luloilc' ami, in fill, cieiy luo wiieii'.i liiimtiir nl peoplo mi' emploKil, 'Iho iieullir, Mrfliilug nt lieipiuitly i iil'i'il b.i Ilio ltiiiiiauco of uii,kei 'idiom U m nniloubted a-, il is ileploralilo. II) imuli 11111111111.", or (eu Ih ni'.K' waul of tho rlKlltl,-l klllo'llilKt' ul ll'JW til rllppoit .in III Jul cJ limb, ,i 'Implo f i ii tint' ma) I"' uuilo lompiiiii'l, ir mn louiplu lied. 'Iho null ml of mii-lin;; bli'idliia' Horn an aiteiv l I'tilU' e.ir), let il,oua audi of lilt' lull' bull io,t, lie Ml' lifo blood itiblhi; away in Iho pUreme it Miiiimlns rpeiti. li'i, piinitli' liilplO'ii Ih'uiiHi none uiiioiik IIkiii bad lu in laujlit one of the Kilt ludlmenti, of in.-liiKtloii of a I'iixt ld liiil, ilu upplli.ittou o in i.teiiipoiiei touilii'iU'l, It ii i .llin.itul llul Iheie tnc linn' men Klllcil eui) iby In i lie iiiiiif, Jinl (or em) one killed file me In Jul oil, ro we can leailll) bio Iho ill.lt ncul foi tlm mm lo ouatii'u tlieiii.clioi In lendu aid to Hull Itijiiiid bii'lhien. In on boiougli no Iiim oiumUiil a I'ii.t ni f oi let,- inn 1 billur "uat good lm iC'iilled lioui it, a (ho iiijiiii'd pei.ou.i and phiiililmi aln ran 'ioo. (p (an be Mien: Tint by inedii il men m eiiim; cialui llous leitmes unl ii iliiiftliiK ihu lmnibi'M lu liaii'ljiii'j iiiillim; on riliiits, toppinK II"' Huiv of blood and Ihu hrl ami iiili',t iuj to pin tho iuiui'i) peiv.m on Ihe ktieuliei. An) h)iiim would, i mn eon, do tlil, lm whil a nnr.-r i, 10 a .hi. 'l l 'Oil .1 I'll. I id liii.li U lo an jujiiied pclriui; r.'ionil, by all in ori;.uii.'in' nul jIiuhI IiiK a I'll. I Aid la-i, U'iin- ioo'iii fm lluir u-o and by pallidal,!' ruppoil. A I'liil Aid man emieaiori lo stiuil nun fuiu iim riu of .illl-li pride whk ii iluiadi'iiiul Ihe iii"t and Ilio l.i'litu In Ilio paiable, ami jmliuo llul ,iiill ul btulh(il) kluiliiK, wlilili piempicd iho 1. nod Mmaill.m lo (.0 to Ilio wouiidid till i ki lu bind up hi.- wounds unl o take him In a pine of ralet). It would bo Inlioiu to ill tall all la.-i, j'lili .n luu in, jiul'liu;;, puinonlm;, IuhkIiu, ruurtioki-, Iroit bile, lie,, in v.lilih iinmedlatc ill-Maine IcmJcml by 'li$t A I J iiicn would be ami I114 proved In In: iiluible. Iliinj r iiiliui, I am liilciutiS mote c.peilaily in the lint Aid societies bciu; oiKii.iicd foi Hie mln-,, but I do bellcie null orlcties utijht to be in iei) fjctoiy and rilliojd rlup, ami I fuitlici. SITUATIONS WANTED l-RUG. Help WantedMale. a- . NI'I!I)A louptc ot Rood Rioiei) iloik who ileilie In diiuble Ihcli danei. Muni not bi afraid In uork. Aildrpn, "t.'lerk," Minnie Olllie, WA.NTI'.D In rnnijelli' jminir mm oxperliucnl Willi liomeii In lite lu Tdijlc (jti'n famll). U'nirin fair, fall or ,ii!du'i Dr. ,1. . Km-illn, llliuliiusl, l'a, WANTKIl-llv leaillna- I'ldlailelphia Imuse. fml clasi H.ilr.'iu in, tn sell unuial 11110 ot papir to Hie Iftall tnnii'. one win) ln nn m it iltitiiin c inclined; mut h.no lirl iitneim' ami I"' able to fuml'li bond. AddicM I'. O. Hun 'l1'0. IMiIl.i ilflpliU. WAXTi:iJ-llv ii boy 7fl loan of ai-e. a Miidclit of Hie Heiantoli llmllieil I'ollip'. fml' " Itifiit for Situnlij. Addre.li I". I'., la J" " soy avemie, i Ity, liniCKL Willi' WAXTI'.D-I'or fire biltk wpik. Communications and prnonal npplieaUoiu will lie lerelied at my office In lUiiiuik, N, II. .1. Biivman. Help Wanted Female. ANTnO-Coiupeleiil y for Reuri.il li iu. woik, Appl.i '.'.M Siiilli Miln aienue. ill). WAV1i:i) Woman to do jiiieial liou-ewoik. Appl) 20", Sililli Hide Pari, aienue. 1'irrV OPCKATOIIs WAMI.II-Seaili woik Kiinanleed. . IC Iteik k Sou. -lift t iiuou f.iftuid', ,;i:i Ail mil airiuii'. I'll TV OPI'.IIAIOIIs WWII II 'teadi woik Kiiatanteid. W. K lleik .V nui, .'.l'i ilann aienue, WAXTI'Il -flhl ini senile si early, pintllalili' cm plo.imenl b ralllnit al 'JU Mean llulldnis:. WANTI'M-nirl for geneial tioii'iwoik. ut Dilloo. Addre.s II. 'I , tare Tribune. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Diiifjr Stoies Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT .sfllt I.l. mi'iii Miill'i'ii.v lied and llih'lei airiuii'. (ft .-TA I'lfllKb, i",-,u Ailaini aifiiuo. West Side (d.Ollfli: W. .II'.NKIN.-., 101 south Main aunue. South Scianton nitll) L. 'lKItl'I'l', 7J'i Oil ii in line. North Scianton liUO. W. llWIS lonior Nulh Miin aiemi" unl Maiket rlieet. Green Ridge nwiLi; p. .idni, r, ))'. kvn Hierue. 1. .1. JOI1.NS, fijn l.iceu ltulsi tlell I'. LOIIi;XZ. i iinev Uii'liiiistmi aie mn' unl lJIon htieei. Petersburg 1. II. KM'PI'U . Iul7 liurj; aifiiue. Sunniore .i r:. iioni. .v ov. Wanted. 01 Nl, .11 wiuts tn boanl with piliati fun il.i: iiindeiati' lati.-; initial ill). Aii'wei t, II, ', i.iio ol Tiilmni', WAMKI1 l'mni'lied loom, lemiall) Imjlei), mot'eiu and tu pihati' fiiiiih. !, 'lillnun' Oftlce, city. AN rill)-Cood 'iiond hand (inline, will piy ij-h. Addle-- Link Ilo l"i), Sd niton, Pa. Agents Wanted. KM'III.I.IK! MIA' lo mII lei nnd ionic to ton siiinii-. Libel il loiiunls'ion- Ailihi-", "I'll ri5)," P. . Ilov .TH. ity. Rooms and Board. 1011 lil'AT luuc linn) louin, with bond, .if the r.imot llou-i', Hid linden .sticl, fm man and ulfo ol iwo '.eulleuifii; al-o tjbh' lM.11,1. A laiiiii: i liovr uoom, wub bmui. at .ji Adiui' iicniie. sull.ib'o foi lu .loiin,; nun. llOOMi '10 HUM', wilh bo.ud. Sol Mulbiny btllll. Lost. LOsI'-IjiIii, sold will li. siiinl.iv en nma. II" waul it lotiinied to lluid .1 lli.iu-, II.iIIi'i'm .skill-, Pun tdi mo ripiiie. Est lay. I'Sfll Y I'iiiiio ml" Hi1 iiiiln-uii' uf tue j-uti-Miihu, .if fileiibmii, aboul M '.', a two .nil eld lloNtiln li'itii Omiei ieiin-H'il in iduitil), pi) iliitRio unl liitii' iwa Imlli v LliKllloll. Miscellaneous. JjADIIIV MI.MIA'IS rli:i:Ui:i): all ,i'.'! j, ic laiv; 'pi'tiili't's tan1, Vidhil lloiii", 7.7 Ma'liinxlon M lluflalo, N. Y LEGAL. I'ltAM'l.i II. 1AY VS. NNii: l In ih.' l.umt uf Common I'lcai of l.aik'iwauni louui). No ISO, Mlirb Tciin, 1'ul. Tu Aimii Hi), lle-pondi id . 'Ihe riibpoiui and iho alla Mibporua in iho Jboui (iitiilnl iaii'o limn,' lieeii leliuued noil ft Inunliis mi lie lea-oil (Inl )nii loiild uol lm found In the -.ill ifiuiiy, j nn .no l:iu In unlit., il In b1 ai.d aiipeii al tin1 net leiiii oi ilio lomt nf i ommoii I'h'i, nl raid loiuili, lo bo held ill llic illy nt Mum Ion on Ho lllli dil of NoM'uibii, I'.il, to ui.wi'i tin lilnlluit'o iiimpliiiit lu .'aid i i-i. I lllltl.lls' Mil Mil, S.iitl. U'llllll.N MAIt'll.N, loini)fi mi Libellim lll'.sslli It'oWi; ' .IllllN . IIDWK lu Hie (niul of t.Viulii'.'ii Pleas of I aik iMamia l o'ln t) No. .177, Mji Ti'ini, lli'H. ''In dnliii , lliiwi', lli-piiiidi'itl' 'Iho .ubpoei,! mid Iho aliai .-ul;.'i na lu Iho ahuM1 uultled i.iu-o liji'iiiK lueu ritiiiuiil nun e-i Imcntui, lur tho 11.1'ou that ,inl (oiild not be lounil lu Iho -aid loiml), ion ai" luichv nil Iiml to lm and app m ul tho ni'.t tuiu ol lln I ouit nf t oiiniiou Pilau In be held lu Iho ill) ol s, lautun, on 1 1 ,, lllli da) of Voioinhei, Jill, tn auswei the I'hel jjiit'n mil. plaint In Iho '.lid i.ue, imill.LH II, S'llMII', S,,i. O'llllllA' ."- MAltll.N, Mtouie), fm Llljilliid SEALED PROPOSALS. ill') IIP MIIWI'OV, Ilip.iitiiiuit nt Pulilu s.jlel)-S'.ilid piopO'.'iU iilll .i mn mil ai Ihe oltlii' of lln illy lunula In luo ilhuloi nf thin dtpaitiiiiiu, a ii'iinik p, in, Muliili), Nov, In u'l, for ii'pililiu; ilu uli m Kian'on t'dlb.lljii ciimilnri. aiconliiiK' In plmi and rpul lloitlnn lUipJliil bi Mr P. M, llu-an, In be .eon al iho nim o m Ihe llipuitmi'iit ol I'ubll. sJtltv Ul bld-i .-lull hu tiled Willi the illy irimoll i ("Mailml PlopOMi"), ,11 lill ill. i In I'.i I in Hill Uol liti'f Hun Jii u'i loik a. in, )oiiK, Nov. h, lnl, '1 ho rum if llf dnlllts f.'MHIl ill la-li oi I'litlli'd ili.'d; I, In bo imlo'i'd wilh eaih bid, wlilili rum .bull be mifilldl in tin nn in i'.i'l- of lelii-al m unUilmi on too put uf the bllldl'l In I'hom .In inlili.ut I. ,J ,n ,, l unite in nli.nl witliiti I, n dais aim ilu aw.lidim; ot Ilu .line 'Iho ill ii'HIH's iho H'jtit lu ii'ii, i ii, ,i a'! bid I'. I )MIIIsi:it, IlllCllnl' lb'.lllllieiil 01 Pllllll, Ml'l'll. S-iiauioil, Pa , Vol I, I'ldl. iiioin thlul. ein.i polnrmau iniUit lu hi ibl In lender i'li-l id. IIU ilutloj ol ni'icxll. btliU him lu lonuil with uuij.'i even klml uf llfil .iiildenl. I du lnceill) hopo Ihu aboil laiv wilt be ttilttly inloiitil, m J lulln,, Ji j, a Mii fm tlm bctleiiuenl oi liw inlncii. 'Hunk. In? i,u kindly ror Eiautim; me rpaie. I icinilii, Vuun liiilj, W. ,J, Tiiio.iii, A Mcnibii vi r'litt Aid SJiiily. Ihiiiiii, .Vol I, pvil, DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Thin Pour Miles, 6 Cent for Uch Ultra Line, PROFESSIONAL. Cortlllcd Public Accotiutant. i;iiwvn'ii i. .spri.i)i.v(i, 'ji tiVaiiiius'iianr iiiiildiiisr, Architects, mm iii ii iiwii, AiitiTi:iji, tov.viiM, llilllillll;'. rni'iii'McK i mtowv. Mini, n, m:.t Jtulu Lirliuidc ItMc, lid Waihlnaton nve. Civil and Mining Engineers. M. L.IIAIII)INII, iM lOVMlM, UUILI'INO, Deutlsti. l'i". c i:. i:ii.r,NiiLii(ii'ii, PAfbiiiijit,iixa, fpnico rlieel, cunlin nit. c. i,Lnit ii, H5 wvo(7"avi:ni7i1! Lawyers. I'tVMi I.. lliiM.i:. VITOIINLY.AT.LAW. ...'"'"' l2' " l't and If. Itiur HulldliiR. i'. k. tii cv, ati"y, ( tniiio"swi:i;rit"nLi)a " ,'' HKPLlHILi:, A'nOHNIlY-I.OANS .VI.CO li.ilcd on ic.ll fslile n'imlfy. Mears HuIIiIIhk, miner MahliiRlon nimv mil ".puiee slirct WILL.Mtll, TyaIHII'V fc KN MM'. A'ITOiTmT, .mil oiiimllois.it Iju. Itepublieni Huldlnc, ".idilnlon .nt mn'. Ji:sspp ,, .ji:.s p, .uioi:vi;s .wpTiiuji- ulloih.il.liw. Conimoiinealtli lliilldiilR, llooim J', -M nul '.I. J'liw.Min . -in wi:it. vrroiiNK). iioon 'HMtll, !ilh llooi, Mem lmihllns. L. A. WATIICs. .WMIltM'Y-AT-LSW, I10M1I) of liadc HulMiiijr, Nranton, Pa. PA'I rCIISOV k "MLC-OV. 1 HAnniPrT XA'UOVAri Hank l)uililiii? c (mifiOYs, an liijpciii.icw- nimiiiNfi. a w iiciiiiioi.p, ori'icr. movpi) 'n no. II W.iouiini; aieuiii'. Physicians and Surgeons. Hit. M. L. M.l.l.V NOlllll isinv;iof aienue. int. y. w. r.'wioitKM'v, orrrt-i: :i;i wmi" iin-toii auntie. Ileiideiiii', 1,118 Mulheiri l hiouii1 ui-o.i.i-i, liuv, hearl, kidtteyn and .cnltO'iiuuji' oisriii? i -peihll). Ilouis I lo 1 p. in. Hotels and Restaurants. lllli I I.K CM L", I.1', Wll li.' 1 ItAMiLIN r. line. It lie ic i-ouablo P ZII'OLI.lt, Pioprielor. SlItAMOV llOl'si:, Nl'Ut , L, i W. PAS. i.iiij?ei depot. ( ondiif led on the l'uiopciu plan. YIL10II KOl'II, Propuctoi. Scavenger. A. II IIKIUI.s l I, llVNs PKIVV VMLIl AND if'. pooN: li. doi ; null jiupiuiiil pump, u-ed. A. II. Illlpi;-, propiiilnr. Lone orilcu 1I0Q Noilh Mull .neniio, ti I'icke'.s ditlir hton, un til I AdaiiH .ind Mulhcri). Ilotli ttkphotii'. Seeds. . i;. i.miki. k i o . sii:nsii:v vi .vi (. i i.iiiii ii, stoic '01 A ithitijt'iii aienue; gicni liou-i", Pi'iO .Ninth M.iin amine; nloie tele Itlinuo, 7si. Wire Screens. .lUsl.PH KI I.l IT.L, III: Ml 111 l,l!v. YI' sii.inloii, Pi, in imilai.tuii I nl Wfio .suein- Miscellaueous. l)l!lssiiM(; on ( mi, DID. V TO OIIOI.R; al'ii lulii iiaisl-, lii.iii.i Miuimakei, JI J Adams airline Ml CAIIl.Ki: IIIUK. PIIIMTHV Si PPLIIIS. l.V. iidnin'i, pipit biR', I nine. M are'iioii'o, l.H Wa-iiliiKlon aunue, .siiaulon. Pi. nn: n,w:h iiutin: isi:c omn n in: had In Siiauion ai Hie news stands of llei'imot Ilu.,-, lilt, fimice .mil W.t Linden: M. "sorton. ,'lii I ail. uuum iieniu; I. S. .-ihulei, 211 .spiiuo fillet Situations Wanted. A illN" W.111U plan1 .H rook In boJidliu; hou-o r Miiall Imtel, wheii1 she tan Inn! lei bni tn do dime-, and o to 'iliool, "Addic-i M. -M . lriljlino nftl'i' V lOlN'l! f.MD, iMpahli1 if itMiii landliiR i tliiu Hade, ile-iio, a po'lllon in rlnn, in dripiiv aiul rbiili l piitininl. Addie I). , 'liibiuu' oniie. U.WII'll-lli a ki ul luu in. woik tu doimiiUR liom 7 lo li. lildii", l.', M Inbiino llffien ANIi:U pa-ltioii .,s hoii-ikfipu oi jii-liv look, in tn tike i no nf liiulhl, hr mlddlr. iigid wnni.iu I ill nl ,ulilir, 'Capahle," SW suiilli miii'I, lliiuiiiri.1. Pa, Hit IIIDN WWIi;il-T'u in our b, tie dv uarliiiw. iionll'if i.ile.uiliu. Mi. l'e, 4IS II ill-.li-.nl limit. MII'VIION M WILD Hi .i )ui.liir Jlil la .lean old I. iim-o Hill, addii-' ini 'lliendoie stieet, ill). AS" rl'i:itli:.N( LD sill would llko nitiutlon in piliato fiiuili. Imuo't and it'll iblo; n i;c Sli, Addie-s ll Hie, Tiibuni1 oflu e. .V UOMW wauls noil, b) ihe diy, I', II .', i 1'ulirl mm I sill VltllN WILD In ilu wa-hlii and lioiiIn ai h.nnc all m tuldii", M, I.., 'Iilhtine, WWII 11-llv iiuiliiS man allciiillnir .iliool, 4 lilji.i tn nil', nr bo.nil altei tiliool hour.. i. Hum., Ill l'i itiltliu ait mn'. sil'l IIOV W VN'ir.ll -II) i wijiniii to g.i oiC In du iwliiiu. imiuiiR and ili.inlni,'. Pleise i .ill oi addic'-i Mi- Itn-.ell, Iilll Culai aicmic, nulli aide, tiiy .-111 VI ION WWIID--V PioiC'laut lad), r, .leiis nt ai,e ill-lies a situatloti a, i hidden nui'i1, oi lo wall on inialid Nil), or bono Let pin-; fm nhkmci wild 'Hull fainlli; liai liil ispeilenti t Ruod leli iiiici-i. Addio-i, ; , 'Irlliuiu Oltlii. W WI'IID Pi.illon a, i-hlpplns olnk oi vtoi,k. in in ; did tin 1 1' )i.'l' I'Si'iili'iuo; o in touis Will iimiiiiIIik nihil. Addieu, II, I., i.iic nf iiin. full 'lilbuue MU'UIOV WW'li;il-li n toloied in in n tool, in a hotel, or an) kind of won, lu I pinaio laiull); nffieiic. Il leiuilreil, Addie-s i .mi Wet I atkawumii auiiue W SN'iril -Po-itloii In diallliii' innin; lino had eipi'iiniie. Addii', II li L, 12,'j Vdaim aunue. JMMCAl Spencer Trask & Co., BANKERS 2X & 29 Pine St., New York Yiajisact a genial bank ing business; act as ris ual Aleuts for coiuoin tions, and negotiate se em ity issue!) of lailroads and other companieo. Ex ecute commlsalou otdets nnd deal in INVESTMENT SHCURITIHS. il iiihti. N-n iil bloilt Liidanje. Branch OlVice 05 Slate .St. Albany De&ciiptlve list of investment sccmitics mnilcd upon leqviojt. r iy , ,4..