The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 05, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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1 Wi W
n h-
v tf'
St j
Ho Hnil B"on or Unsound Mind foi
Some-Time nntl Wns a Rclip.tous
Fnnntic Veidlct o tho Coiontr's
Juiy In the CnBe Polltlcnl Otit-
f look Favoinblo for Republican
Cnmlidntcs All-Scinnton Tenni
Oignlzcd Notes and Pcisonnls.
Tlic IE main of tho mini who liuiiR
Jilin"-oli on Htiiiduy wci" Idi'titltle'd "
Uidtiy us thou of Audi i) Tnnlpika,
Mho fmtneilv to-lded In Wwiiuhit,'.
J'ilt I .- IdeiitlhViitloii wn ItlinMii'il by
Sli'W l'Nom iiiul John 'iilti'NMi
wlm woe iicquiiinmiii ert of ili' ilfinl
iiiim. Thry i.itun up lioin "VoiiiUik
ft lid lnmlo iiiiuniu'iuiuti with
Dhnloi Wjinbi to Intel' tin- l)oil In
tin- I'.ithedinl loini-liiy HiN iitteiiionii
They i onllitupd I hi- fcluslc it putt
in The Ti Ibiinc tn tho ilti'il Hut di
ii'MMil liul li rt Ills liniidliiB i)l.ii c In
Voinintr last T'lidin. mul Hint In- lnd
In ru u ioIIkIous l.iimtli' fm a Idiis;
time, .ind iii'(iit'Hllv hIiiiwmI .sIkih m
Infinity. H -mi4 ulm li.iitn.-il ft mil
t'lflii thut T.itjii'iKii Iiiul ijolii' lulu the
woods loi n mcl; at .1 tlnu and 1"
mnlncil Hide miKnouu In his IiIciuN.
As t.ii as (an bo iisoi il.iliu'd the
man nolilu'i ii'latKfs in I1I0111N
In V0111l11jr. and thai Utile was Know 11
of him. 'otmii'i' Itob'its imp nielli d
,1 iut v M'stPid.iv al toi noon, and ioli
dui toil nn uutopsv iinil Iiupiest In tlm
1 ,iH' lust i cuius. The onl e I'll in e' of the two Mm il)oe
iit'iiul 10 and tin- pattolimn who
till tho bin I v down. The mtoiwv 10
oii1m! the l.iot lb it the man M.11 un
dnubtidh lils.1110, and 1)1. I'.olioi ts st u
id thai lie pos- " the 'in. lib si ii'i,.
llUllUIll Of Illl pflsnn lie lias pi" foimoil
.111 autopsj nn silK 0 lie bii.uue 01 -01101.
The coionoi was asMul in iiuiIHiih;
the .uitopsj b li. CiuiRe I! Iti
110I1N. ind the follow imr uioi-s Wit
ness! il lilt 1 Mlllllll.ltlull Tliiiotliv
.loin s.Kiali Pi tots, .lubii .MiCollMiin,
In. HouinloN lieniKe Mi T.U111' Is and
A . It. IIii',lit- The (iiiiit n nilfntl
w i. .m lollow s-
"We llud tbul the -.nil 111iiu 'laiti'i
K.t (lime to bis ileilli on hiinilij, Xo.
: l'lol bj bis own hinds, ,uui Unit
atioidlm; In Hie uliluiii, bis il. itli
was 1I111 to sttaiiKiil nlon. ( iiu-i ( b
In" beniK Initio with a Jiili nl Mlspi ti
llers to the b mille nl a (oil i at un the
A Daily Reminder
You Mill not lie ill'ippoinli'i! 111
V ifonr's Cir. it will ulmc tint
Cuujli ml L0I1I iu 011c iilglit.
It Has Been Our Custom for Many Years
to Open the November Trade with a . . . .
There are several reasons for this practice, but. the
one which coucerus you most is the fact that the
Price Reductions Offered Are Substantial,
while the weaves and styles offered are the very best
the markets of the world afford. In fact, this sale is
neither more nor less than au annual opportunity to
save money and at the same time get the best there
is to be had.
Six Bargain Examples
Pine All Wool Black Cheviot, lull .14 inches wide and teg- .
ulaily sold for fifty cents the yard. The Sale Price 42C
48-Inch Ptue Wool Storm Seige, full weight and a really
good quality that will stand endless hard sei vice, worth 73c, now 5vC
Pure Wool Black French Whipcoid. 46 inches wide and .
exquisite finish, a splendid Sjc value. Foi this week only .... 69C
Heavy Pine Wool Cheviot, ovei a yard and a half and the
right weight for Ladies' Tailored Suits. A good $t.oo value lor 75C
56-inch Kersev Cheviot, heavy enough to be made up
without lining, in Separate Skirts or Tailored Suits, worth Ssc
Now 09C
Pure Wool Melrose Cloth, one of the most fashionable
weaves of the season, and a really wonderful value loi 75C
Many Other Bargains
Pebble Cheviots,
Clay Worsteds,
Chamois Skins,
Empress Cloths,
Westra Cords,
This Sale Continues for One Week
and Begins This Morning.
Globe Warehouse I
1 I rt1 lAtldlttrO Irt llln Ttn1n t.l f 1 Itl rt fl 1
VlillV lUUlllll U 11IU JI,'IU L I1U1 Ml' 111"
or fioin tlio Kejsrr Vntloy binurh of
the Dchnvaie, I.nckawanmi nml Writ
cm nillro.ul. AVo further llud Hint
tho mid Audio Tiiglprku vn8 of tin
potind mind, and Itrcstpoiiflble lor his
Outlook for Success,
lmllcutloiii point t 11 honvy oto bo
Iiik Mst In Hip vm Ions AVct Souintoti
pitilnots todny, nnd JudKlim fiom Hip
KPUl'IDtl) PSpIPIHjllll 01 KPlltllUPtld till ot
the Ilppltlilk'.in ("iindldiilos will loeclvo
ik'sei veil xtippoi't.
.IikIbo r'ltipoiitoi" Is fnvoinbb loftiiid
nl bv the votoiK of 'i"t Ki'i.intoii, nntl
1)1. .1. .1. llobcitst ImM bcoli fthen sllt
iiuie of hi'iilty ellppolt, while .Tonos
and S1pvpiiiiii euti espiot 11 etiollB
vote, lutiii'ft In the enmpnlKii bus boon
"Hi ml up within the pnxt few diixx,
and the lottei of Hun. John T. Wlll
I111111, publlshod In this dopni tmi'iit m
teidii, wm t ikI with Inti'ii'ut.
It N to bo hoKil Hint nil the Itipllb
lldill Mitel -i will till 11 out todn nnd
onl tliell" billots tui" the "It. light l!o
pliblh nil IkUot.
All-Scinnton Team.
'I ho All-Si Million Hun- Hull toiini wa
niKiinii'il last eionhi'i foi the seiion
ot I 'io.'. nl n spoilul nut tin; bold In
Din il JIopMnx' Inibor shop, un Smith
.Mn hi iiioutU'. 'I hose pi (Weill wpio Unb
olt 1 'in sun, UcoiKO Sonl. Will Thomas,
CiiKono Tiopp. Hint Baldwin. Will (iiil
liiKliu. Will DIelil. I'tod llobln-on and
Siniutd rhlllps.
Olllior won tbo-iii as lulluws. JIhii
.11.11. AVI11 DlPlil. (.iptnlil. HllKeilf
Tiopp, "-ct'i etui . Saiiluid Phillips;
tio.'isui or, Will Thomas. Fifteen plav
tis will oonstltuto i lie loam, uhloh will
bo pit Kid lioiu Hie best iimaKtns In
the ill.
A si.,s(,ir.s s( iioi'nlo will bo .11 1. uiKPtf.
and a s0, ,il will be bold lot the pui-
pOSf Ot .lslm luiiilv to doll. i o-
ptl)S( s
Weekly School Deposits.
'I lit lulltiuini; ilr posits woie made at
(In Wosi Hide binU istcnlav 1 01 Hie
pupils r pnblli schools Nn. 11 nml y.
o i:-I).iiil Owens. k-.''. laii
beth Low Is 'in; Alice l'. ms, ,S,
llpitlu Kilh. I'll IMna Kaiis II,,
Nillle iN. M fathaiino Phil
lips, s.'l. Cilnu Lewis, li i:iii
Pi In JS, Sai ill Mi Dun ild !i N'el
11 Kell.. h) total. VI. 1.
X11 I) W Phillips 70 Ali-sMm-1
i, . .0. Mis. XliholW. ;l JI . Miss
1! iniisli, !m .Mis, 'I. Miss
Tlultoii n Miss : ms, r,. Mi's
Dls 1 II. Miss Killow, 1 17 Miss
l'luiti .. Mis- Muiphj. -,:, Mis
Pillioi "' SJ .Miss Pod.. ."7'i. Aliss "1 -'!. Mis- idi 1.-1, I111.1I,
Eiitcitnniment Tonight.
An 1 un 1 taiumoiu iiul mu i il will ho
;!ou this iMiilnir in the Assemblv
1011111 ol the I'list liijitlst (liitub un
(III tin nis)iiis of the I! V. P l" sii
(iot. Adml"-sion, ton 1 eats ho
(ii am and eaKo will bo 101 s de Toi
lowinf; is 1 he pi ori .11111111 isiiln, Mrs.
Itindolph .Ioiips. ii-( Il.itliin, Aliss lit 1.
tilic .Tones, s(,l(i. Alis licit 11 Thuinas.
sr lei I ion Ml. NiiK LooillN, solo Ml.
.lust os (iood in
Poplins, Prunelle Cloths,
Venetians, Princess Cloths,
Readonas, Shark Skins,
Zebelines, Corkscrews,
Henriettas, Crepe Cloth. Etc.
Cured of Piles,
Saved From Knife.
Jti.y. Anion Modioli, of Hnvnunnti,
On., Willi's: "Mixer nlltco tho Willi of
nix- ill st ilillil, hK xeais nRH, I luixo
MtiffoMMl ','ii'iitly fimn nll". t coitlil not
IiiIiih; liixioir. tn liwii thi' tliniiKlitrt of u
miiBluil npi'iatloti. rjt.unlil l'llo t'ui 0
ciitlii.'l.v 1 111 imI inc." Tor wilo liv nil
illltKKlHls. "l'll'-s, I'nllhi'M nml 1 '111 I'"
iiiullt'U iiw. 1'xi.iiiiIiI Diuir 'o., Miu
xhnll, -Mli'h.
.tnliii liviini; liiiinn duct, MNs Allro
AVIIlliims, .li. Vm), Wlirclui : iccltnllim,
Ml-s .loiii'i: dui't, Mis. it. Jones. Mlsi
Until llnldot'; icrllatlon, Miss iioa
li ko -Mollis,
Events of This Evening.
The 15. Y. V. t or the Flist M.ip-
llst tlHIHll XX 111 LDIldlli't nn OlltOltlllll-
nioiit and in tho usmmiiIiIv loom
of tliolr ncx cliiui'h this oxcnlnp A
nominal .ulmls-lon foe will bo iluiRi'il.
Tlu Dioioods 10 ho nppllcl upon tho
Meinlieis' o.lnI ol St. liioiulon'
onuiii'll. Young: .Men's J n-t Unto, at
Mt.ns' linll.
7n .1 stioot t.ii niK-np looontlv .1
hoik,. In loiih'iiig to Iiomau Klmp was
M) luijly I11I11111I that Hit- .uilinal li nl
to be shot
Villi' fm Juilf,!' u pontoi
A speclil nn. 'tint, ol ;m .MaiK's
l.iiiliiiiu i Inn ih iniiRii'Riitinn was
hold la-l oxoninir. al xxhlili busiuous
pfitainliitT to tho (hniili was iians
.11 11.1i.
'I'lif ill .i In-r loi tho lioiiPtlt nl .1 1 mi's
Jit liiiinnc-s will take. jiluo nuxt
A'ote loi Ioiils fm 1 oiitiullii
Tho Swoilisli Citions' club hcdii a
iiHLiiiif? in I'lonth Koot ball lat-t ii
n'liir dl- ii"".(.d tho pulltkiil siiu.itlou,
mil will tnlv an .utixo put In toilax's
1 loLtlou
Opualloiis who 10-uiiiPil .tl tin
Uoilc inlno1- xi-tiiilax altoi -ooial
wnl.s of idliiii'ss, , lnmiboi of i I'
ll liis lmxo h'on made about tin 10I
llu oo 1.11 in lioliuls loi 1 0101.11
'I he 1 idlos of the I. (.'. 1! 1' ul bt.
l'atiiiU''- paiisli will iiiiiiluit ihon
ninth .1111111 il apion and noiMIe .oi lal
in Moils' liall on 'llMiiki;ix!iiK' oxo
Ml-s Alii lit 1 Million, ot l'loavint
sueet, xvho was taken siiUiluib ill
at Hi Patikk's tlniuli on hnnday,
bill iieal l leioxoied li mil tin olfcois
ostuilax ami .is taken home tiom
tin hosnital
Vole loi Ktoxonsun im sinxoxoi
William C Join- of l.'"i Nmlli hiim
ipi fix i mn, is ikoximiht liom an at
tack i1 mn iniuiiiia
.Linn s liibliuiis, ol I'ltisliin, lias io
tutnid liniii'' fimn a xislt xxlth his
biotlur 1'iunk ol Xui Hi umnor axt
nue. .ss J, m Uiik. of Moosli, !. the
KUit ot Miss ,I(ssl Kollnxx ot I'host
nut stief t
Uwllxm Join s and l.unilx luxe le
tuined huiiie liom i isit in New
Yin k
.Stand b tin paitx xouinax milc ila)
xx ant to stund ii m
A now liullillnfT Is now In ininsi of
tin. lion nl the mi noi of Xoilh Main
.'iMlillo and 1. il.ixiltc sluct foi Jlai
kotioan Sax ille
Mi I. nihil Join and I unil haxo
inoxpil into one of Stephen fonts," new
liousfs un Ninth Main axenue
A s,m wns ifientlx- lioin tn Mi iinl
Mis llaiix lidwaids, of Xmtli Oai
lleld axenue.
lull iut l Ih siax-at-lionit s
Ml". Cnii tide llliiiklf.x Is ill at her
home on Ninth Main axoiuie
Mis- Ci Hindi' Daxls of Now Yoik,
is xlsitln,; In i .slslor. Mis j. c. Hei
bu t, ot Jacl -on -ti .( t.
D.mkl Thomasi. ot Noith llxdo I'aik
axoiiuo. Is spenilln; a ft-W Uas iu J'hil
ndolnlila. oto i.nlx-and wmk all da.x.
The toMilai inniitlilx inisslnnai v
pi.ixu nn tlm, xmis In. hi l.t i' . nliiff
at tin rhsi Wtlsh Itajiltst tliuiiil
i. It. lloiikins, i lie lnsim, was
in i liaiso.
The (iaina Nil suriij, ot tlic Wasli
liliili stiud 1'iesb.x ti ilan (huiill hold
a l.'uulai uititliiK last cxiiiiiiK
I )ax Id It, Daxls, ul Ninth llxdo I 'ink
nxiitue, has i. signed his position with
(!. 1'. ii.Miou tX. x'o., ami pun based a
limn and wanou, and will engiiM- iu
diax wmk loi hlinsili,
liiifli tin- it tuin.s in lonlKhr.
Tin xtsiij ol Si, PaxlilV liplscopal
i hill ill met Iu tho itetol.x last oxonlllR
nnd in t d iipoii ,s"t'ial iimiioi.s pti
i a I ji lii.i-r to Un ohiiuli
Mis, , i '. Tlim and son aio the
Aiusis of li lends iu liliulia, .V. V,
,li i Unx id lixaiis and Allrs llattlo
Itood, ol Sli'illiif,', aio vInltlllK llii'ii
biothti. Allied Iti'ul, of Jixaiis' imiit.
.Mr and .Mis i l KiiMjy, o Ninth
Miinncf uxtiiiii, luixo letuiuid Inline
limn Hutiiilo.
Voto tho siiaiKht Itopuhlliaii lliket.
Air and Ali.s. S W. U-leWii-nn, or
Tunkhaiiiioik, ato Kiiosis of iilenils on
Noi th Sumiiii avoiiuo,
Mr and Alld. AValler If fobh and
Aliss AI.xi io la Kill, of KniixUux axo
iuie, me spindliiK a Iiw da.xh at lie
loivxllk Slluilau Imluo of Odd lMlows (on
toinplaio tlm iu tlim nt a iu x Imlldlusr
ns a jii'imaiit m homo,
William lwl, oi Alaska. Is xlhlilnK
Ills toiihlu, Hiesu Thoiuas, ot Jaokfron
Tliimias Williams, of Ninth llxdo
I'ailc ax'eiiiio, has gone to the old (-ouu-tiv
on a lalt.
Keep the bench Itepulillcaii ulil Jniiiltfoii, of Htroiidslniif
stntu noi null hehool, .s fpmidliiK u few
daxs at lilrt homo on Washburn t-lieet.
1'iaiilt Alagoxiiii, ot South Lincoln
axenue, had Ills hunds limned ulciiUx'
whllo doing s-omo pluinblng xxmk.
The loiualns of ('lenient, tho oiiitr
ton of All and Mis. Joseph Kellj. of
(.'hchliiut Hitit, xxiio liitetieil in tlm
(iithedial iPiui'teiy xcsteiday.
The Sistots of ik'thany ol rit Daxld's
cliini li will glxi' a nnibiialo in t,he .Sun-
Tlu. AIIhm.s SaiuUis xl!l glxe a pin
lot I'liteitiilumeiil and i-oiial al their
hon.o, fill Vet lilm s(md, Thin winy
evening. Noxeinbei 7, A Mixer orfeilng
will be taken ul tin.- dooi. lie tieaiii,
L'nko mul coffee on ante. Proceeds for
the Washburn .Street l'lccby tot Inn
t'liliti'li. llxciybody xxckoiue.
dny school looms Thiu.sdiiy nlRlit nl a
o'clock-. A sllvei orfcrliig IH o la)c
at the door.
Miss .May ranipbell of Oiant axo
line. Is conx'itk'ot'lng after a shoit Ill
lies. AiinuuiHcnipnl 1ms been made of the
inairliiRi of Miss li. li. Decker to U ''.
Al nihilist, on Octobei 2. Mlsrt Hcclitr
Is xxcll ami fuxoiiibly known on thlu
Thomns .1. Dnxles, of 70S Kouth Mn In
nxoiitio. Iihh ntiiioiinccd his ciititlldtiiy
for school conti oiler ot tin' riftecntli
Mis. Julia failw light, of Orinmii
town, IM., ti turned home yestculuy
fioin an oMended visit with Vr. and
.Mm. Klrttppler. Sho xmik iiitoinpaiiled
by Mlsslilsk Htlllpplei, xxho will spend
"exeinl xxeoks Iu Ueimanlown.
Election ofllcers nnd Hepubllcnn
committeemen of the county nrc re
quested to telephone the result of
tho count to The Tilbune tonight txs
soon ns it is completed. Old 'phone
number, 104-3; new 'phone, 1017.
Octobei letouls tho Imprest iittend
nnce that tho I'lox-ldento Yoiiiift Wom
en's ChiWtlun nssoelation hn excr
know n, the total being 1,0s.". Two
lutndied and olKhty-foui gli Is and
xoung ixomoii luivo attendid the social
gatheilngs and had their Uxes lnlt;lil
oiioit theiobx-. The .sowing school nn
Saturday afternoon now niinibcis lx-t.x-nne.
The secietniy shall bo pleased
to any good xxotk that Is being
done The ex oiling sowing class and
night school haxo begun In n pioni
islng manner and excellent teaiheis aio
faithfully peifoimlng thetr dutlis. Tho
Vespor .sei vices of Siindax' nftoinoon
.U" incioaIng In Intoiost and ntttnil
.inio. On nest Siind.iv AIis. 1, M.
Onus will addicss the meeting and
all loinmlttco xxoikeis nnd association
lnunbcis and all xxho ate inteiosted In
the oig.mbatlon nie utged to bo pie
cti t. The nssoclallon oicliostia H
gi owing and Impioxing ami is lallh-lullx-
piactlelng foi a i oncei I xxhldi Is
to bo glxen In inld-w Inter
Vote lor Judge Cm penter.
The legulai nioutlilx mlsslonai v i on
cei t was held lasl ex oiling at the 11 iptlst i Inn ih The pasloi,
Uev. W. R Daxls, Kax a xoix Intel -istlng
addiss on the pi ogress oi the
xx oik mining some ol the mount un
ti ibs of liui mail,
Vote loi Jonis loi (iintinlli I
Tho al.trm ol Ihe -(iiiiiilt'il t'om liot
xesteidax afternoon about .! o'i loi k
was In the home of William Ik hllug.
1127 Diamond axuiuo 'I lie Hie xas
fulfilled to a olothe's ilostt on the lust
llooi. The oilgin ol tin Hie is un
known as theli xmis no one at homo at
the tlim. The dam igo done xxlll
amount to about $jnn, fullx loxeied bv
Insin. moo.
Vole loi Di Itolx i Is loi loiomi
The Independent oicliostia held ilnlr
weeklv so(.i,ii in tin,, aiiditoilum last
oxf nlnir
The Noi ill Km stuis will pi ix tho
stiong Iotts Ille t. nn a game ol 1 is
Im'I bill .it the audiloiium this ixen
Ini' Vote fni btexeiison tin sinxix'oi.
Miss i:ilabeth Williams i Williams
stuot, has lounnid home fi mn n.
week's xislt xxiih hu biolhui, lidlis
Willlmiis. ot New Yoik iltx.
Vole tlio stinlglit Itepublkaii tiill
AIi Daxid nil Hex. of Oak Mud,
Is xlsltlng lokitixes in Kingston.
Keep the bom h Jlepublli an
Or 1 P Stanton Is in New Yoik i ax
on a business ti In
Stand by the paitx ou ni.ij sour d,i
want to stand lix juu
Ceoige Al Alullex and It li Ciillln
linxe i etui ned fioin a tuinssiul limit
Inr tiip
Pull out the stav-at-honits
Aliss Aland Aloision, ot llnlfoiil,
conn. Is xibiling At'ss l.lle Williams
ol Ax'illluin stioi t
Vote eailx and wmk all d ix
A meeting oi the Noi Hi Mi.uiion
I'lohibltlon Alllnmo will bo Ik Id
ThuiMlnv ex tiling, Nox. 7, In the him
d i sehool loom of the Christian
iliuifh. full attend. inco is dislieil.
All ptisons xxho had Hike Is to s, n ,no
askid to attend this muting
Hindi Ihe lotuins in tonight.
Sl.ind hx the paitx, .xou max .some
(I ix want II to bv xou
Alls Joseph Ci.uidell, of Atlantic
Cit.x, spout Sunday with All. and Alis
Clunks Ci.uidell, nt Aloiisex axuiuo
AIi, .Tames u AHIu. ol IJilawau
slieot, Is cnli i mining hoi si-.,.i AINs
Young, of Wllllainspoit
Vote tor Judgt Cm pouter
The AVom.iu's Home and I'tiuifii
Alis.Iouaiy t-oik l, of ihe Aslmty Aloth
odlst 1'pktopal iluii ih will nn el at Hie
homo ol Alls. A, C. Hunt, Alonspx nxo
nii", Tlmisilnv attt'inoon al .! o'tloi k.
Vole lor .Toms im oouttollei
Ooolge Slowthoi ol Ihe t'nlted Stales
lixpie.-'s cnini ui.x, s Imap u italul toi
woik ht'iauso ol u hpialuod wilst,
Vote for Stexeiison for sme-oi
lix. uigf list Hi. J. H. liui-lgu. who is
c iiinlui tliih a mi Its ol iinetlug.s In tin
Asbinv Alithodlst nplsiopal thin ih, is
tho guest ol J S. Alllkl, ol IVnu ae
llllo. dm III!,' hlb stav heio
Vote the .stialgllt neiaiblicaii tliket.
Yohioiilay wan tho nnulwit-aix ol Pr,
W. (T. Slinps-on's lililhdio, .(I'd nt tin
I lost, ol lite ihlllill sei vices hist oxon-
lnir tin niombcis oi hi, iliuuh nml
i olgio(,,itlon 1,'atlleitil at the paii-ou-uk"
to olft r tholi (ouu'iatulatloiis to
their (Mhioi, and Iu Hit uiiiico ol tho
oxeuliig pios-cnloii him xxlth u muse of
lllolle, Pi. Slllipf-oll, though taken
toinpjotelx by sui pi ke. i'NPK-miI his
applet latloii of thlb oxpithslon ot tin Ir
aliutiou tor him In xvoids of Inailftlt
tluinl.s, nnd all pit sun hit uion thin
eXOI uttllilK'il io theli pli-loi.
Keep the bom li Hopubllian
Mi. and Aliis Unity Hull, mux of
r.i.lL.jM. l'll Vlflt.d lilllllfH lHMllllltlU
, wmi run tt,t, ,i.''Mt, "-. .....
' ..I It.!,. .lnr.. ..... . Icltlltl- III tlm llllllll-,
VI IMP 1 l,i f'i ,ts- ..-'i.inr. ... " i"-
ol Mi. Hull's pan-nth, Mi. and Mis, s,
l. Hull, ot Saiideison axuiuo
l'llll OUl ilia stllX-.U-llOIIKJs
AIis. James Fi.iiulh has uiilod lie i
homo on Alnusc nxiniio and t spects
to k'uxo Thuifc-dax of thli' xxeek for
Klnghloii, wlieif hoi Mill, Hail, ini
nicily xxlth the Peluxxnio, Liiok'uxxaiina
and AVestun toinpain, lias an opted a
position xxlth the Hlaiithaid coal torn
liau. Stand b. thop.ut jouinax some day
want Io stand by .xou.
Wcul I use lump's lUltJni foi 'lie Tlanat nil
luig. It H tuiliii; moie tnii,-lif, lull),
Aillnu, Hi one hi lis, tioip nut M Tliruat ainl
I lint; JruuUif, tluii an otlici iiiiilkiiii. 'Hi
pupiicH-r ui aullioilcti uiiy diujsUt la iiif
ton u Sjinplc Hot tic I'rcv to iomluio .ton ot llio
muit jI tills ,-u'al iiuicil;, t'lliu -'. nnl '
It Wns Held nt the Qunitets of tho
Club, on Aider Sheet Meeting of
the Willlnm Council Hose Com
pnny Miss Mniy Westpfnhl Ten
deied n Suipilso Tnity by Her
riiends South Sido Bowling Club
Hnd a Soclnl Time Lnst Night.
Other Notes.
The entcitiilnineiil nnd ball glxen bv
the piogicslve Seiaiiton Athloth tluli
tit their h"adiniaiteis on Alder stuot,
last night, pioxed it big smcess mid ie
llef led gieat ucdlt on the ability unit
thelcss work of the committee xxho had
ilruge of iiuantroiiionts.
Tho entcrtalnmeut.whleli opened with
n selection by 1'iofossnr Johnson, xxus
good In txeiv lespett and delighted the
lingo audience which tilled tin spacious
hall In oxeiy nook mid coiner.
A volo, "When She Wns Sweet SK
tion," wis loiidcicd b Jaincs Nmlon
In it pleasing nianiier, while the bin k
and xxlng danelng of tho Angel Hioth
eis xx as glxen a lieai ty encore Special
mention Is also due to the .lunger
Ataenntii hoi, who lendeitd some of
their litest songs In splendid xohe,
xxhlle the Oi pilous final totte, (.(insisting
of Chmles Hughatisei, James Noi ton,
llemv Lewcit and Albeit Smith, weio
xoiy mm h In oxldetiee.
"A Night In u Stiango Hotel," glxen
bv the number", xxas a side-splitting
f.u co. A daneo follow td and xxas kept
up until the eaily moinlug bonis. The
folloxx lug woie Iu elruge: Adolph Hain
nieii. Clinlos Plcslng, Pied NeuK Cus
Hamni, Vldor Noth, William llii'sser,
Albut Heekei.
Caul of Thnnks.
1 lioidix dosiie, thiotigli the tin ilium
of the Stianlon '1'ilbuue, lo thank mv
ninneious li lends and nolghbois xxho
assisted, b theli -iniithv and In
other piaothal waxs, to lesson the s().
iox Hi it has tome upon lnjsdL and
i liildi on.
T xxish esp.'clally to thank tlio Hex.
Willi im A. Noidt loi hlsxxoidsof sjiii
ttual (oniloit and tonsolation. and al"o
to thank the glxvis of tokens, tlio
pall-biai pis and lloxxf l-bcuus and all
olheis xxho lent tlirh aid dining the
Illness and after the dt it li ot my lie
loxod wile. William I'.oilo.
Meeting of Fiiemcn.
Tho Willi un Connell Hose Conip my
nssoii ition met In legulai mouthlx hi--urn
list night, the meeting being held
at the Fit onion' Killer association
looms, on Spimc stioet
Miuh business (,i Impoitanio n.i
lians.uted and tin il I tpoi ts xxeie nude
bv tin i uii slim lomniittce, xx hose
statenittit showed the last cmiiisIoii to
be a tlnaneial sueeoss. Two nnnibeis
xxue adiuitteit to tho nssoi iatiou, and
a spoil s0( nl s(,n loihixxed Ihe
A Pleasant Suipuse
Mi's Almx Wffctpuhl. a xxill known
and pnpiilat xoung ladx-, w is leiukitd
a suipilse paitj a tew nights ago bx
i niei ix gathoiing ot llle long fi lends,
the afl ill taking plm e at Aliss AVest
pfihl's home rtl ! Willow stteot.
Tho pally consisted ot about txxou-t.x-llx.'
couples xxho alter a -Inn t 10
leptlon. sit down to .1 well scixed sup
pei (James of xaiious kinds and (lain -ing
helped to lass the luppx boms
until midnight xxliui the nietixni ik
eis dlspeisul well pk.tsui with the
cxenlug s ( njoxment.
A " time xxas spent bx the
hoiilli hide Howlliu, dub at tilth
nuaileis on 1'Iltston axtiiue last night,
xx hen nulx' txeiv niuiibi i xxas pies
( nt Atiu a shoit business ineotlm:
skits wuo chosen and st(.la amos
xxue closilx lontosted. Hi In shmuits
xxtie boixod between the gums
The moiiihlx niotheis' lmctiiir,'- xxlll
Im held on Thiitsdaj afternoon at .1
o'doik nt tile klndeig.ii ten looms on
Ciil.ii axenue
Alidxxtek siixius will be held at the
lllikoiv stiett (lei man Piesbx toiian
t liuiih al 7. in p in. tomoiiotx exon
ln Cuiut't LoiUo, No -Vii, Knights of
Hxthias, will iintt In i.gul.n session
at Hiu (man's hall this ox mint,.
A meet III, ol llle Young l'oopli's -n-iluj
xx ill bo held in the 1'icshx teiian
ihiiieh on Ilkkoiy siuet 'Ihuisilay
i enlng.
'Ihe lillleial of J'hlllp Itiiilu. xxhiih
to ik pkue jesleid.iv liom tin paion
lul it-slduiee on Cbeiix .stioet, Wis
xuy hugely alte'iiikd A high mass or
loiiieni 'xxas lelebiated at St. John's
t Inn i h and inieiiiiout xxis made Iu tho
b'.ithedinl euiiolux.
lileitlou leiuins should bo s, nt in as
utllj as posslliU lo Ihe Tllblllio ollli e
Call up liil7 in w 'phone, in li'li old
1'atioluie'i Ml OS. Ill ami Kohilid, the
two polln olliieis who haxo boui un
del siibpenslon lor Ihe last ton da.x i
on ihaiges oi iutoskatloii iiud unbe
coming (oudtiil, xxeie last nlghi h in
stated on mil piy by tin boioiigh ioiiu-
II, The pollio toililllltleo, one ol Hu
immbeis of which is a biother of l'a
I milium Hiogan, ie)oite'd that It had
InxestlmUid the thaigis mid had lotiiul
Hum not siibuautluled.
Vole lor Judge I'.U'pi'Utel
'I ho boioiigh aitoinev was Instiueiul
lo take IcgH nelloii, It legal m t Inn Is
possible, to sumo it li'dlli Hon III tho
i ost ot I mulshing water lor hotougli
lnuposes, The Suautoii (las ami
Watt r i iimp my lalsed Hie pi he liom
V to S.'u per h.xdiani some timn ahu.
Vole loi Joins for eontiollei.
Tho boioiigh eloik xxas iustiiutid lo
initio tin Si i union Has and Water
iuinpan to piopcil.x upali Wobsii r
axi'iiin, xxhtoli ihuioitgliiuu was u
eolith toil) up,
Vote tor Hi, Rrihutt, toi ioioin'1
'llio oidliiuiito pioxldliiiv tot tho u
miiulng of tho stieels ot tho buloUhh
w ah passedoii Hi. si ami set mid i tailing.
Vote loi' Stoxomoii for Mini j m.
Tho stiett loiumisioneiV pay toll,
nmouiitlng tu $js.' ;, tho Mono u usher
pay loll, amounting to $111,1.'): tho po
lite pay toll, amounting to .f,j;i ;, and
mlhitdlaiiious bills iimoiiuting to $1,
If 'i !', xx u a p.ii-soii.
Vol' the siialht Itenublkaii thket
.MIH-.MAltV .MOOltll.iii iin'e.l iMiiiian
H'hlillllK lit Hit' uillie'l' ul Wi'dl l.aeKu
willlil .ui'lllld .mil l'lle"-tnut moot, tiled
last I'M nlni.'. 'riit luiKliil will lit) all
ium need latei, '
Jonas Long's Sons
A careful perusal of the fojlowing items
will benefit you wonderfully if you take
advantage of the low prices offered today
Assortment of
Sideboards, Dining Room
Tables and Chairs
Will Give You Choice Selections.
Solid Oak Sideboards Re
cent designs, lined compart
ments, Hinging in price from the
plain designs to the elab
orate colonial patterns.
$10.59 to POi
Ladies' Fine Black Mercer
ized Skirts Corded
ruffle with knife pleat-
ing, at 98C
Solid Oak Extension
Built with the latest
easy running -ji-$3-75
to flp50
Dining Chairs "Solid Oak,"
cane or leather seats. A I.tigc
variety to choose from. FJor
set of six chairs at $6.00 .
to $45
Tallies Corsets A number
we would ask your attention to
's a fine Coutell Corset, in colots
pink and blue, or drab
style, stt .tight front, at -
each 5UC
u Take Your Dinner in Our
dooas Long's Sorjs
Advertisers of Facts Only.
Academy of flusic
M. ItLIS, Lc-eo. , - J U"3. ilanago-.
M) l Ik, (t)MMI NUM.
Honday, November 4.
Huntley-Harris T
111 I ltllltulll 'I I)t0-l)lt I'll" HHll-
III,- llli I Hi, Vtllie I'lOlIllellull ol
An Innocent Sinner
I UK, U III Mill N 1- t
I 11 1 ill nl Ti ill t 'iui..
I'm . In '11 ind li mill
XI ll lilt 1 - HI mil -'I t "t
jl I' (! IIFKIIIMJ10N. Manancr.
-l'KIM MVIIM I' telllW.
II, ill 11 1 nun nil firm iliA IjiiuI t.
Concspondence Schools Employes to
Hrtvc Dauquet Tonight.
1'IW.I1UM of lllllff. -(llllllt)l ClllltH-
tois liv llle' Inte'i national
Ciiilf"-l(ilHlt im heliniiK atf In tlio ell,
li.niiif, wiiu .1 till' id il'" ln'iiu' "I""'
nml 11 It'U tlui Miuiilnii hy iiiplii'ii
t'tiii to lilt II woiK.
Tin in. iiuit,t int'itt nl Hit' heliiiuH In -Kin
lat ,t'ii Hi" pliui "I "Hi 1 hit? '
ti lp tu HiW dt nml 11 lianiiiet to tin
IU Idnie'ii wlm" Un 'lft-t iti onl
wllliln .1 kIm'H pmliiil "I tlnu". Tin'
piitv nf nu'ii In ihf' liv nt 1'ic-t'iit
nn' tlic latest to ulu till'- lnlc
Tluv wt'io ill hk-Ihii nil iln Ji'-tfi"-das-
In iliiein 1 ,v lull IntlulKinir In a
Kt m ml Intt'i 1 1iiuj, ul" ien-. mid mu
Hfstlons itviiKlliih llu'Ir wiiiU ami 1K
ttllilll,' to ii(lilli"-ts In l'n'flili'tit l'os
lei mul muni of Hu' ntlii'i ullliii"' of
tint si liouN. Tlicy will nu'i't iikiiIu to
iln.v nml will In tt'iuUi'Hl a liaiujin t at
lllf .lellll.MI iiinlulii.
Last nltslit tlic hltiiM wi'te toiitltit'l
a iteiiptiiill III tliit'iiist'V hall li.s tin
intinbii.s of tlio I. ' S" 1' lioiii'MiU'iu
A Inle't iiililli-s of wi Inline' wah limit"
li lii'iditli'i' Coniiill, vim pil'l a liluli
iilliulo tu thf until Inn elicit ainl ".il
or Mini" ot III" lli'liltiii'ii lm hail nut In
Mil Ions patu ot tlif (oiintn ami wlm
suid tlnu Miiaulon iliuuld li" luoud m'
Hit) Iimiimlloiial iMiu-pDiidi'iHii
,-( luii)l.
Otlitl lllllliliilf, nil III' lilii.'iaiuliit
won' a MJpiano .solo li Ml .1 nl
K.iilirin.iu a (tiiuiulto nln li Mlsw
Kl-lt I'tiwtll, a t. mn mill l Tom Ulp
ptl .nut a iiill.illtin ! MI- . Kills
1 'all Hun Tlif Inilei iiiatl" U"'m '-
(lollH lilt ll Kt It I 111, til ll Old I.IMIllt",
How Sah.uui Won.
His Bid for the PniutinB of City
Hull Was tho Lowest.
Hid, luf Hie' puliillns and iltiiiiuiiiih'
of ilii Muulilpal liiillilltm wci'o opuii'd
t-i-t('idii al lei noon liv Ituuidif foli
lioll mid JJItnHoi ol l'ul'lli WuiUh
Itiidic, 'J lu J Wtlei lib InlliiW.s
.loliii Mi'lloil, M.l')'i. AU'Siindti
Nim.1. ild". lfoin A. Hiit'Kil. $1
,ii,s: Jl'oiiH Diioiatlui, ioiupuli 51 IT.'.
.1 Juliumii $.' I'i'i. t'li.uli'h Wimiici,
j.Tli'i Tin aiiiiiiuit nl the apiiopiln
Hon was $,0V.'. P. .1 .lolpimn, iie'lnt,"
Hi" lowest lildde'i and Hie only oiiu
whtMt' bid tauiu within the.' uppiopil.i-
Our House Furnishing Goods
Store (in E5ascment) offers many
Spice Cabinets With 8 com
partments, nicely lettered and
finished. Special for
each 75C
Rolling Pins Polished Q
and well made oC
Towel Rollers Oak,
large sue. Price, each. I UC
Kitchen Teaspoons
Set of six, for oC
Kitchen Tablespoons - ,
set of siv, for IOC
Pastry Boards 13c
Bread or Cake Boards .
Fine ones, for lUC
Hanging Salt Boxes.
Spec1.1l, each 15C
Galvanized Ash Cans Hold
as much as a barrel. 4 r
Price $1.05
Hall Bushel Size Ash A
Cans foi 45C
Parlor Brooms each .
39c and 5UC
Restaurant in the Basement.'G&
Lyceum Theatre
II. ItLIS Lcji" ami Mamsri.
A. J. lUll'V, Hui. Jtanagcs
Tuesday Evening, Nov, 5.
Election Night.
Hie ,'n I Iu' Sikh-, of tlii nn (Piilurj,
,1 -i pli .Mtluii'f Pastoral .Mi lo li iiiu,
"Lost River"
I'lf. nliil l.t 1" ml ,. 'Iiiiiu mil a irmrim uf I
Ji I I'll lull (111 Mlllpl It .llllllll H-
tin ii- will 1" if nl fioin lliu stll.
I'ltll ( ' Kilts to ! IH)
fllatinee and Night
nil ulit , u nut HuiUi, loiitliin.
ion "Nmliis llii.ill B ii no 'JI .aier, Nch ork,
lie l.d I s(jt uc t In Iter (.ullKib sia c.j
Brixton Burglary.
( ,il f ,,f, II nl 1 lv W. I. II lif.l -UN.
I'm i . . . ii , T'i , 4I t" ii . si ii) i IV
in. Mjiiiih . ri. mil i "- .
-i il-. i ii s I. M mil it 'i ii
Thursday Night, Nov. 7.
Diiiii I I'lului ill t'l -in
Bertha Galland,
In i - iti,) Im i I' i iliuilnii (f ii Mi !)
Pi mi itie limn im ,
Forest Lovers
ii I, i t, m i h ii Hi n i n 'i oik
pi, , ', ii i -I i -i a i" - lc ) ile-
ll.ll llll 'i
Mme. Lillian Nordica
J! . Will. I,ti jli.f I jII i s I-t ,
Mil IIHMWM. -IMMUS", I'uin
I if loniu i tlo'i with Hu' loiutii'iitl.
iimi. H ol Tin .u union SMiiphoiO
nn Iu sua, TliiMiioii lit inln iri i , I'oit.
dm tin al Hu'
Nov' Armory, Scra.ilo.i, Pa,
Thmsilny Evening, Nov. 1 1 1001.
Ill ID HU I I 'II I 1' .11 - M - Hi
(In, Nov Till, 1 Ul, ' ' i in
Hon, was iittuiiled tin iiiiitun t A hid
was tlli d iu tho Kiiiliullei h ollleei ut
- V) d'lloilv liv i" A. Itoluii,. hut as tlm
iltlVCItlhtlllllll llll 1" o'lllllU llh lliu
HUH' Ilillil till lilt lie'i'lpl lit hill It IU1
not opoiu'd.
'Hi" walls and tflliuj, or m oMUo
ami (oiiltloi Iu tho lunlilpil liiilld
Ilii,. Iniliitlli lliu iiiuiii H ilianilioisi,
me tu Im paililid. as well ah all tho
wiiodwitiK and It tin wmK, hnili iiimiIij
iimt iiiilHldt' Hi" liullillii
lilt till .llltlfel I' llpt'lltll
Vuti the Minlp'hl ItepuliiU' ill ticket.
lUibli thv ivtnnie In tonight,
3 - y
t -