The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 05, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    HHTTPcfe't.-jV'"!Tri Ww V ','i'7rSj jrS!jft""'Tti ?.t"" Tsrt''u'iWfVf
7v7TTwum7iTw7 Vw'' 't-f'it" ? -''ve ?&'? vers''', y"A pjsRansrr?MVF'MW5 kx '" " ,rv'jVf?-!T ".''-'' '''.yflCT ? 1 er'JT:,!''t' ' "e i t
Tire MODsnrr itAitDwAni BTOtti.
Has No Equal."
The only range in
the world that actually
does all that is claimed
for it.
Its public record
proves our claim.
Footc & Shear Co.
H9N. Washington Ave
Attractive novelties for
full, 1n tho new colors
ami cut?.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
GIO Spruco Siroet.
Ladawmina RuVincM College, (food light.
Good instiiKtlon. Pi Ices right.
Ik too dainty for ns to handle.
The costliest Uieo Is safe here
wlille belli;? cleaned, as if you
were pupcrlntciidhif? II yourself.
.308-310 renn avenue. A. B. Warman.
Ml. ,ltlqil NltlUT, of Itl.tllO, i UlP UUP-t of
xl.itlc.i on Xoitli .Ninth Miri-l.
Ji.inii'l Villi. uns of. limit i-tii-it, Ii.h tcturncd
juiiif tioin ;i iMt in C'li'i
Mi.-. Aniliiw II. Ilndmi", nf .''mill) M.1I11 avenue,
4 uitiuilly ill .if tic ( icpK. .Midi.
TI10111.14 llci.m, of ll.iinilnn Mirr-t. Ii.i returned
Vme from a lii to Clocl.ind, Oli'm.
.Inliii A. Poole, of AiililuUl. a -tmloiiL .it
Vol yct.iHii iiuivrislly, is lioiim lo Note.
Mis IIj-IIiit Cilioon, of I'liil.ideliOiii. i- Hi
;ur-t of her il-nighlcr, who iiMdu on llii.- tide.
Hon. T. .1puYimii KeynoMs of Sonili M.mi
senile, Ii.i- illumed homo lunn .1 Ims!ne- nip
V D.iiimIIu.
III. lil.iUidcp. of Xrwil Xcns. V.i., who h.n
Iictii the rti"t ol .". T. .Juno-, 01 Moiiioe avei.u",
loll for home jPcleul.iy.
Uuid M. .lones of Noilii Pihuoip .neiiue, h,n
returned home nolo .1 six week-.' i-it with
tnrmU (11 X. .
( iiiimii-luiier CpiipuI of Iimni;i.itioii 'I', v.
TViwikily ciine n;i tivm V.i-liini;tuii, ,e.-ieul.iy,
to ecii'l-e lii nslil of
In ii'ti.s Iiar liei 11 iued for the pomiiei
wrddiiisr of IMujuI Puller Nettli li.n, of tliU iii.,
flinl Mk .lo-ephiue Siwn, tl.iimhtei of Mr. .unl
Mi.-. I'lnlip Pi.'ink "ivm, or Ith.u.i, X. V. 'I'he
r lemony will lie iioifuiimil in the I'le.-hvlen.iu
.'liuiili, IM1.11. i, on Tni'-il.iy ninhl, .Vo. r.1.
rhiid National Bank Lends Money
at Tive Per Cent.
At a recent liicotinpr of the Hoard of.
Directors of the Third National Hani;
the following resolution was niuiui
niously aUopteil, to wit:
Tlesolved, That the cashier is liem
hy authorized to inaUo loans to all do
positoni of this bank at the rati' of ."
per cent, discount per annum.
The year endltifr November 1 has
Iipou the nio.-t prosperous year In the
history of the Institution.
The usual fenii-anntial dividend of
111 per cent, has been declared payable
November 15.
$2.".00U has been added to tilt: surplus.
making1 It now $."ii,nuii, ami owr
SS.000 has been clunked olf of its lmllil
lns account, lcavliii? the banhinu hiiiie.
RtandlnR on the books at a valuation
of SoO.OOO.
Tho haul; was oiKaulKed in Jlaivh,
IS7L', and in a piospoi-tus. Issued at
Mint time it was stated that the bank
as "projeeted in Um Interest of our
)uslness community," and In all iho
'ears of its history, that aim bus been
1 ell carried out, as Is evidenced not
only by Its liberality to Its customers
in Kood times but aho by the fact that
in times of strlnsency and panic. It
has always held itself In readiness to
bo of assistance to the business pub
lie, and now the now move Indicated
by its reduction in the rate of dis
count is taken because it desires Its
patrons to share more fully n Us
A slight lire occurred yesterday after
noon at L'.SO o'clock In tho kitchen of
the Grand Central hotel, on Lacka
wanna, avenue, but a still alarm
brought out the llremen, who succeeded
In estliiBiilshlns' the Humes before much
Simine? was done,
Tho hot uslies from the iiiv.bux n
the stove were t-plllcd on the iloor, ami
Ignited tho woodwork, biirnliiK thromjh
to the rafters, but the Haines were con
fined to a small area, and the ilainugo
multins was trlillnir.
Couvsen's Flint Butter
And Jersey Kss best. I'oiirsens
The Geysirs of Yellowstone Park
llli" lilt I1UU' Ip
111.11k.1ble tn, 11 ilut
a .Indent win) colli.':)
to the CO.SSl.ltVA.
Illin Willi lift
kiuml.'d.-p uf the
1juo. 4 1 1 lie end of
be lllt vejr fehoiihi
tlUllrpOM' to mid
mini all ke, Ma
jor and .Minor.
I. Alfreil I'riinlnf.
tun, Director.
aiil' 2:121
Daring; Thief Gets Awny with $2,
BOO Worth of Jewelry nntl 9140 In
Cash While the Family la nt Din
ner Climbed the Foreh to the
Second Floor, Londs Himself Down
with Valuables nml Gets Awny,
All Inside of Hnlf nn Hour Irj.
itotert Bulky Articles.
Sometime between 0 and Clio o'clock
last evening-, while the family of Iteese
G. Krooks were at dinner, a secnnil
slory thler enlcied their home, at Mul
berry ntreet and Qulncy avenue, and
made orf with M.r.oo worth of Jewelry
and $140 In cash, Ainoiip; the arllele's
taken were I he rollowliiR:
Sl'.llhlll.vt of dl.niloiid..'j;e i-irMi'iit tilooeli of p.Mil.
I'ln rt v.. ill ,i huge .iinrtl.j.l
Pill Mllh op.ll vt In pejiN.
Tvui gcnlliiiien'fi holil.llre ill.m
I..1i1'h ollt.llre illnmoril rim-.
.1111I ill.iiiioiiiR
id llll'-'S
Lady' iltijr, (villi a dunioml Kl in pe.nls'i line-, villi live, larRe ill.imotiils
Uiil.i'i iltip, Willi opil siirioiniddl l,y
Lady's iltiB, with rinculd Miilounilril 'iv ilia
1110111N. I.Jily'i pold w.itili, set with diamonds
l.udy's oiieiidiied Rold wntrh.
Lady's nold WMtidi chain, with (tii.h.i-e lldc.
Maiiliine fit of otlrrr, nt with .iinelhjls
Nmnlior of fiber toilet nml fancy nrthles
The theft WnH nno nf llio ninsit ilni'liu.
Imnsliinble. On the street corner at the
llrooks house is nn niv llRht. and In tho
rear of the lot occupied jointly by tho
houses of Mr. Ttrooks and his son-in-law,
Wlllnrd Matthews, Is (mother are.
llKltt, which has been maintained there
at private expense Mnco the Matthews
house was entered and ransacked dur
ing tho absence of Mr. und Mrs. Mat
thews In Mexico.
Tu those days when pedestrlanlsni Is
so popular, It. Is safe to say that, be
tween C and 7 o'clock in the evening-, a
thousand persons pass the Urooks resi
dence. The steps tit the front entrance
of the house are boarded up, because
of repairs to the porch that have been
Koliifr on for a week.
Despite the brightness of the sur
roundings, the stream of pedestrians,
the lights in the house, thelarsc house
hold, and the fact that no one now
enters the house nt the front, the thief
made his wav to the spenmi nnni nn tim
outside, by climbing to the top of the
porch, spent probably a quarter of an
hour ransacking- the sleeping- apart
ments, and got out again by the way
he came without attracliiiff attention.
The point selected for the ascent to
the second Iloor was in a recess formed
by the end of the porch and a projec
tion of the. house, with which the end
of the porch forms a rlRht angle. This
is at the southeast corner of the house.
It Is the only bit of the premises not
searched by the rays of one or the other
of tho arc lights.
How the top of tho porch was reached
Is not known. A Ions-, slender piece of
moulding-, picked up, supposedly, from
the porch where the repairs are proinsr
011, was found Iraniiifr iiRainst a bush
In the nook at which the ascent was
made. Tho belief is that this piece of
moulding was used to llt'r innmi ruei.n
on the lop or the porch a rope ladder, or
possibly a rope with a book attached.
The top of the porch being; Rained, a
window opeuliiR" on the hallway was
raised and access alven lo all the sec
ond story rooms.
Every room excepting; one was ran
sacked. This excepted room was the
one occupied by John H. llrooks. That
It was not entered Is explained either
by the feet thai the thief feared to
walk In it because of its being" directly
over the dining: room, or else because
he left R for the last and was friRhl
eued away befoie llnlshing" his work.
Tn this room are displayed several hun
dred dollar' worth of silver cups and
other trophies won by John li. llrooks
at Rolf mid other alhlelie contests. Not
all of them me bulky and the smallest
of them aie the most valuable. They
would undoubtedly have been seized
upon had they come within the arm's
reach of the thief.
-Most of the booty was secured from
the drawer of a small tabic standing- in
a corner of Mrs. Brooks' bed room. The
lliin. -soft-wood bottom of the drawer
was pried out and the contents, prob
ably, allowed to drop to Ihe Iloor. The
plush cases containing" the different ar
ticles of jewelry were left behind lifter
their contents had bnen exit-acted. Ou-
pin had become caught In the lining" of
the case and dolled ready extraction.
The thief could not wasle any time
on it, and accordingly contented him
self with Ihe diamond setting;, which
was released by prying away the
prongs holding: it in place.
The thief religiously eschewed every
thing; bulky. The manicure set found
on Mrs. ilrouks' dressing ease com
pilsed the lurg;cst articles he would
dgi' to carry. A mother-of-pearl
paper cutter, with a small silver orna
ment at the end of tho handle, was ly
ing" on an escritoire. Mr. Thler broke
oil" n ml pocketed the silver ornament,
and considerately left the useful and
iiicldoutnlly bulky portion of the arti
cle behind.
A giK'ri chamber, Mr. Urookt., room,
and 11 servant's room in the rear were
You can buy Chocolate
Creams at 160 per pouud,
Coursen1 s old- fashioued
Chocolate Creams, 20c per lb.
Faucy Mixed Chocolates, 30c
(equal to AUigretti). Chand
ler & Rudd Suushiue Kisses,
2nc per pouud. Salt Water
Taffy, 15c per pouud only
Tuesday, Weduesday aud
Thursday at these prices.
E. Q. Courser
nil rannacked, and every Pinntl nrtldft
of value lying- mi mantles, table?,
tlreRsliiR rnsert hi In blireiili drawers
were carried uway, Just what all Is
mlsslng-'i'otild not be told lasl iiIrIH.
The most concern vuh felt over the
loss of Mrs. Hrooks' Jewelry, Some of
the nrlleles, especially Hit; dlaiuoml
?ltldded wutcli, Which was 11 ntfl, wile
prized beyond any ordinary money
value, and their loss caused her much
regret. Only a short lime bel'ore roIhk
down to dinner she removed n diamond
rliiR she had been wearliiR nlid placed
It In the drawer Ihe ihlef wns then
wnllhiR lo empty.
Mrs. ttrooks was Ihe last to tome
down to dinner. It was n row inlniiles
after i! o'clock when she left her room.
Iter son, John, had an early evening
cURilgeinent and left the table ill Ol
o'clock to dress, lie went up the rear
steps whistling. Nothing-'
attracted his attention, lie entered
his room and closed the door, and
while he was sllll eng-flKed tu dressing
the other members of the family ills
covered the I'Htisaiked rooms. It Is
believed the thief made off when he
heard John's whistling on the rear
The police were notllled and furnish
ed with a description of the stolen ar
ticles There Is no clue to the Identity
of the thief or thieves, except 11 very
meagre description of two siisplclotis-looklng-
men whom John Hrooks saw
stnndliiR at Ihe corner as he entered
the house, at fi o'clock, and who nt-tritck-d
his titlentlon by their slinking"
Vole for Judge Carpenter.
Election, officers and Republican
committeemen of the county are re
quested to telephone the result of
the count to The Tribune tonight ns
soon as it is completed. Old 'phone
number, 104-3; new 'phone, 1617.
Vote for Jones for controller.
Filed Yesterday by New Telephone
Combine in the Office of Recorder
of Deeds Bonn.
A $ti,outi.C('0 mortgage was llled yes
terday with Kecorder of Deeds Emil
llonn, by J. Marshall Wright, of Al
lcutown, representing- the Consolidated
Telephone Company of Pennsylvania.
It is given by this company to the
Equitable Trust company, of Philadel
phia, to protect tlie bonds Issued for
the purchase of the seven telephone
companies recently brought Into com
bination. These companies are the Lack.i
wtiniiii, of Scrim ton: People's, of
Wilkes-Harre: Anthracite, of Hanletoa:
Danielsville. of Daninlsvllle: Slate Hell,
o Slatlngton; Lehigh, of Allentown.
and the Interstate, or long distance
company, -which connects these various
new independent companies.
The mortgage must be recorded in
every county in which any of the com
bined companies operate.
The mortgage covers all the property
or all the companies. The bonds which
11 protects bear $:i,oon worth of revenue
Vote for Stevenson for surveyor.
Members of City Police Force Sub
scribe One Dollar Each.
The folio wing members of the po
lice force of the city 01" Scranton, Pa.,
herewith subscribe $l.0U each lo the
McKinley Memorial lund:
Superintendent Pi.inlc Itoldluir, jr.
Captain Thoin.w I,. William-,
City DelCLlin .011.1 I!. Dav.
serse.ints ltoliei t Peiler, (liaile ItidKt-njy,
l!ee.-e It. June., Huh, ml Pdwanls
l.ieiitonanls .laine-i I'etiiey, l'elei '.jng, Ama.i
Palmer, .loliu Davis.
I'aliohueii -f haile-i A. 1'eii.e. .lolui Malott, S.
P. SI0.1t, M. .1. W11W1. William ti.Lhoidie, Ceo.
W. .tones Adam I'anlle, (Tirl'ti'ii l'oe, .liii
P., Uiaile-. ('. eul-. .r.ime ll.ul, .1. I).
Thoiiia-, K. I'elers John M, (
Mail;er, Williiiu II. lliirl.e, William Matthew,
Tlioni.m II. Thomas .lanieH I!. Thorn is .loliu
Pilliy. Pinley Itn-s ji., WelN lloihrnoeiiy, Tlios
done.-, John Mellale, John Vi Mullen, Peter
gct'ly, 'I'lioiiut loiiiiei.v. 'thom.1 l.owiy, cli.nle.H
VTohher, jr., llany Pla., Pied Kaiius Thorna
Collins l.oiii- Ooeiliu, John .1. .lohlei, Thorn H
f'enuuell, l'atih-1: Ma, John Addiiuiu. linid
Parry, Thom.o Pol lei.
Free Round Trip Transportation from
All Points. "
Within twenty miles of Scranton. on
every photo order, of $.'! or more, placed
with Sehrlever, while the .street car
strike is on. No reason why you should
put off sitting for pictures. The
weather, Is line buses and steam roads
are running,
Vole the straight P.epubllcan ticket.
Superiority Uncertainty
In Values" About Any
Election Day
R.E. Prendergast
207 Washington Aye
inirWc Also flnkc Bonks to
Let Us Estimate on Your New Set
They All Do.
Chairman H. L. Taylor, of the Re
publican County Committee, Snyn
the Republican County and State
Tickets Will Sweep the County.
Chnlvman Hobnn, of the Demo
cratic Committee, Is Also Confi
dent That the Candidates He Rep
resents Will Be Chosen Even
Hitchcock Srtys Victory.
The ticket lo vole today:
State Supreme Court William P.
State Trensurer Frank G, Harris.
Additional Law Judge J. W. Car
penter. County Controller E. A, Jones.
County Coroner Dr. J. J. Roberts.
County Surveyor George E. Stev
enson. "The Indications are that the entire
ltepubllcali ticket will get pluralities,
tomorrow, ranging from 1,'jnu to L'.'iOit."
said County Chairman II, L, Taylor
last evening. "T base that estimate,"
he continued, "on reports 1 have re
ceive.! from every district In the coun
ty. These reports were made in a
thorough and conservative manner and
1 believe they tiro correct. There Is no
disaffection anywhere throughout the
county, and the party Is united for the
success of the whole ticket. I am sat
isfied that we are nsured of a complete
victory here tomorrow."
AVIth reference lo the t'nlon parly
state candidates Mr. Taylor said they
will not poll n very large vote In this
county nnd that the Republican state
candidates will bo found to have as
large a vote as those on the county
Chairman 'I'. I'. Hobnn, of the Demo
cratic county committee, is confident
that the ticket of his party will be
"As reports come In, the conditions
nil over the county are. shown to be
very favorable for the success of the
whole Democratic, ticket. 1 believe our
ticket Is going to bo elected tomorrow
by pluralities ranging from two thous
and to thirty-five hundred. Mr. New
comb will lead our county ticket, but I
believe the Democratic, state candidates
will carry the county by five thousand.
"There is this year a largo Independ
ent Republican vote In Lackawanna
county, which will be cast for Corny
and Yerkes "
E. T!. Sturges, who is devoting much
energy to the cause of Colonel F. L.
Hitchcock, the Prohibition and Inde
pendent candidate for judge, in a pub
lic statement last night, expressed the
belief that the colonel will be elected.
Party workers on both the Republican
and Democratic side of the political
fence will not concede Hitchcock over
L',000 votes.
There was gicnl activity about the
heaihpiarters of both parlies yesterday.
Reports were coining in and messen
gers were being despatched here and
there to mend breaks in the party lines
where the opposition was doing effec
tive work. The work was kept up until
long after midnight and will be ic
newed today with dawn and kept up
without Intermission until the polls
close at 7 p. m.
The weather Indications for today aie
fair and cooler. Indications of ml a
yesterday caused annoyance and dread
to all the candidates. None of them
wauled to contemplate tho effect a wet
day and light vote would have on their
Tonight the Republican county com
mittee will receive returns at its quar
ters In the Ihirr building, and the Dem
ocratic county meeting- on the third
Iloor of the Economy building, on Wyo
ming avenue.
A'ote for Dr. Huberts fur coroner.
Will Not Allow Railway Company to
Make Changes at Present.
Employes of the Scranton Railway
company were yesterday stopped by
Director of Public AVorks Kochc- from
making certain changes tit the switches
at ihe corner of Madison avenue and
.Mulberry street, until such time as the
director carefully examines the plans
of the proposed change and ascertains
whether or not It will make trallle dan
gerous or block up the street too much.
The company proposes reopening the
switch miming fiom .Mulberry street
onto Madison avenue, south of the for
mer thoroughfare, thus allowing the
Petersburg cars to be brought Into the
central city down Madison avenue to
Spruce street.
There Is a Certain
where the people elect any national,
state or civic officers. We cannot
hazard a
Guess on the Result.
but can state, and positively, too,
Which would be elected the most
popular line of Blank Books in tho
world if thero were to be a vote
taken tomorrow.
It would be the 16 ok. to the lb.,
06 in, to tho yard, 25 sheets (100
pages, to the quire line known every,
where by the name of
Blank Books..
People everywhere recognize the
superiority of honest men for politi
cal omces anil luonesi goons tor mist
ness offices,
Books about 800 nuinbeis.
Order ant! (hmrantee Them.
You Will Come Back Again
11 nlso proposes connecting the Mul
berry street track with the Madison
avenue track on the northerly fide of
Ihe former thoroughfare by n loop run
ning. In ii iiortlieiistei'ly direction from
the westerly side of Minllsoii avenue,
thus nllowlng the Laurel 11111 ami
Drinker ears to be seiil up Mulberry
Mrcet and thence out .Miidlenn ttveiiup
nnd up to Dutunoro.
'Ihe Miilllulilfi fool hall learn nouhl likn lj
tin Ileum- -uiy leot IjiII Irani In Ihe (iniiiliy Hie
ili'i' lift tminiih on Tumi'I tnmmk Mtl al
l-'laherl.v' luther liop, cower I'll tl nit menu'
and Chun tiet.
Mr, Sturges to the Voters.
While I am not n candidate for olllce nt this election, I cannot
help but feel tho most Intense Interest therein. All that we have con
tended for, In our bitter contest for better conditions, and that we can
hope to accomplish In the future, hang largely upon this election. This Is
my only excuse for forcing myself Into a publicity which 1 greatly dislike.
Hut believing this to be a. most critical time for our County, i willingly
throw whatever Influence. 1 may hnve, largo or small, Into the scale for
Colonel V. I Hitchcock's candidacy. No man can Justly accuse mo of any
ambition except to make our homes cleaner, better, and safer. 1 have
never held, or asked, any public office except my present one. That Is an
Important, but to me a troublesome one, and can only be useful whew the
people are behind us In our efforts. 1 have personally spent thousands of
dollars, and months of time, that can have no possible return except In
rescued young men nnd women: In hell-holes closed, In laws observed, nnd
in the approval of my own conscience. For this I claim no praise. The
hardest part of the work has been done by others. Hut 1 do claim your
help in this great opportunity that cannot soon come again.
You have noticed how much time and space has b'on given by the
parly organs to abusing Colonel Hltchroek and the Municipal League, as
compared with that devoted to destroying the opposing regular nominees.
And whv? Ilecause the success of League principles and alms means
death to machine politics.
They charge us with trying to destroy the Republican parly. This Is
false. AVo nre trying to secure the enforcing of the laws, and would re
joice. In the help, or still better. In the leadership, of that great party.
Hut In our work we soon found that machine methods had much to do
with the sod condition of public affairs. A'otcrs were bought and sold' like
sheep; the "barrel of money" necessary to carry an election (under their
methods), became a hogshead: the lowest saloons and vile resorts wore
used as spider webs to calch voters. The ballots of conscientious citi
zens, rich or poor, ceased to count except as ratifying the, selection of the
bosses, and worst of all, crime was not repressed but often encouraged, if
It would pay tribute to party.
Even today several of the worst bribe-takers' this community ever
knew are holding public office by grace of the machine. Representing
both parties, they nre there because of their supposed control of votes.
At. least one of these is even now earning his job by vigorous work
for the- party to which he does isot belong.
Other guilty ones have been given positions with ill-born or conscience
less corporation?, to keep them quiet.
"Why don't you convict them'."' cries the organ. "The League has
never convicted anybody."
Yes it has. Over a hundred convictions have made this' community
vastly better, for the time, at least. It has only "seven absolute roll
ures" on its score, two or them fairly chargeable to .Tudge Carpenter.
Hut bribery Ih the most difficult crime In the list to bring before an
average jury. As a rule, the only parties having knowledge are equally
guilty; nnd when, lo this fact is added the influence of political manipu
lator? on either side, the effort becomes almost hopeless.
In the llrst case brought against a Scranton Councilman (a test case,
that cost a week's time, and thousands of dollars of private money to
try), the defence that was chiefly relied on to meet a fully proven case,
was the sworn certillcates of unblemished character, from office-holders
iif lir.fl, .inll I !,;. I ,,,.(llc
A'ou must gel rid of present methods and bosses, before you cm ef
fectually and Dually reach the existing conditions and corruption. A'et,
notwithstanding all these dlffiiultics, the "boodle" business litis been prac
tically suspended for the past IS mouths. But everybody knows that if the
League should go out of existence for a year, this community would be
Just as "wide open" and lawless as ever, no matter which party was in
power. Are you going to vole to bring ibis about, by the election of either
or the old parly candidates'.'
Let me say iiImi to those who are inclined to vote for Newconib, wllb
the idea that ballots for Hitchcock an- ihroun away. Don't do It. A'ole
as your conscience tells you, and remember that every man that wants to
break the law. destroy our Sundays: run a gambling hell, brothel, or den,
of any kind, lo catch your young men: every bondler or briber, every
dishonest official, every man who buys or sells a vole, in short, every man
that lives on public pollution or private rottenness, will cast his ballot
for one or the other of the regular candidates. Do you want what they
The Pennsylvania machine must go. It Is loaded down with such a
burden of Iniquity thai the people of the slate, this year and next, will
sweep its creators out or existent e, root and branch. And the men who
will do this will be truest and most loyal Republicans. They are not
lighting the "grand old parly." but the set of political tricksters and
public debauchee who have seized upon and throttled its very life. Rid
of these pirates, the party will come forth to new life anil power, grander
and more userul than ever.
Hut while this great work is being done all over the Slate, see lo It
that Lackawanna County Is t;oi lft behind perhaps ihe only one in the
procession, remaining uncleansed and foul.
1 am "orry for Mr. Carpenter, anil should be still inoie so had he
risen above his creators Hut he could not. The machine a-llows no Inde
pendence: permits no unnecessary Injury to be done lo vice and corrup
tion, provided they will contribute lo Its success. With the present pub
lic feeling against machine methods he would not. have been in the race,
even if Mr. Hitchcock had not run. Notwithstanding the fact that the
all-powerful managers have secured orders to the foremen of many of th
large corporations to support him. I3ut don't let us leave the work half
done, by putting the Democratic managers on the throne. AA'e should soon
have to do the job over again. There will be af much, or nearly as much,
of the power that makes for vice behind the Democratic: as behind tho
Republican vote, this time, and Mr. Newcomb vannot stem the tide, no
matter what his record or intentions The stream cannot ilse above tho
A'eats ago. New York needed a .ludge, Noah D.ivls, to dethrone tho
Tweed gang, and Is now about to exalt a Judge, Jerome, for like fear-
lessness. Lackawanna County needs and with your help, is sure to get
a Judge Hitchcock.
I don't want to recall the as-s-'eismeut Incident. Hut regret bitterly the
fact that so excellent a system as the Crawford County (the first that had
given the people a chance), should be so construed. What an awful thing,
if true, tluit cllly.ens are not willing to give a few hours of their time for
public service, without pay. Hut look at the results. Mr. Hitchcock did
not raise the money; was refus-ed the chance to ask the people to nomi
nate htm: now goes directly to them, and thereby has become the butt
of till the abttbe, defamation and ridicule that can be poured upon this old
soldier, splendid citizen and faithful League Attorney. None of these
charges, however baseless can he di'lVnd hlnn-ell' against except at adver
tising rates. In the- case of the licpubllcau organs, even thei-o Items have
often been put into corners, and other nut of tho way places for fear the
voters would see them, Is this Justice',' ia tills what the voters of Lack
awnnna County are ready to approve'.' No, I am sure H Is not. Then
show It, no matter what parly you belong- to, by voting for the man who
was turned out o" olllce because he enforced the law,
To mislead Ihe people, these organs of both parties arc belittling the
Colonel's vote. "Ho may gel -',"00 votes," etc., etc. If there arc not inure
than- L',000 men In Lackawanna County who. at this critical time, will
"come up to the help of tho Lord against the mighty." then Is our con
dition Indeed pitiable. There will Im ten times as much public benefit to
be gained by eleutlpg V, L. Hitchcock tomorrow as was possible from my
election. Will you nol give him tho t-amu vote','
I may be utterly foolish, but 1 have so much ciiiilldence in the Justice
of our cause, and In the moial sentiment of our people when aroused,
that I believe Colonel Hitchcock will be triumphantly elected tomoirow,
If the votes are honestly couuttd, We shall tiy lo see that that Is done,
and, as a, part of tint effort, I hereby agree, personally, to pay $::m,0O
for the conviction of any election officer or other person, who shall, in
any way. alter or fnlslfj the i duuis fiom any election dlsstrlit.
Nov. I, lliOl. HOWARD II. STl'RCHS.
: oils. Paints
X Malony Oil & Manufacturing Company,
J 141-149 Meridian Street.
Do Not Walk. Schrlevcr Pays Rnll
road or Bus Fare.
Hvcn If you live as far awny as Car
brmdalo, Seliilever will allow yoit
round trip ralltoad fare on mi order for
photographs, lint I. amounts to j.i or
nlore while- the street car strike foil.
Unites ArllUi! photos nntl free fare
praulleally brings lite Until Medal
Studio to your door.
Pull mil the slny-iil-homos
The popular Punch cigar Is still the
leader of the 10c cigars.
Smoke the new Klcon 5c. cigar.
and varnish
: Handkerchiefs t
' Two Hundred
: (200) Dozen
hand em
bioldcted nnd
hem-stitched v
Pure Linen
I Handkerchiefs
Made especially for us,
will be sold thlu week nt tho
astonishingly low price of
10 contB each 2 for 2D cents
or $1,00 per dozen. Each
Handkerchief bears the
Cramer-Wells Co, stamp a
positive guarantee of superior
excellence. Bargain seekers
take notice, this is your op
portunity, and the icsult of
our shrewd cash buying.
J Cramer-Wells Co., J
130 Wyoming Ave.
'Phone 303-3.
S?2?S For
j Boys
All wool sweaters, in plain col
ors or stripes. All sizes. A guar
anteed garment for
w W
Higher grades if you wish them.
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher"
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Ete.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereali & Connell.
132 Wyoming Avenue.
6'-ImciI widi pare a In jour rnir.n
and lira';, um-
Steel; U cxu!itu.ii.illy sued ipuMy for (ho prior,
Small sunn talk In .m, ,.n iiimli strcnotf
amongst our scisonalilc idloriugv.
.i2 Sprue Street.
Begin Christmas
Purchases Now
Follow out this suggestion and
you will ultimately thnnk us
for the idea.
There are moie real advan
tages to this plan, than the
virtue of complete assortments.
Selections made now will be
stored free of charge, aubject
to your order, with tho privi
lege of paying- for them in
small installments.
Kesult, December 25; an ele
gant useful gift, you might
otherwise have felt unable to
buy fully paid for.
Take, for instance, this hand
some I UlllllilUII'llI U'lulv 1 .!.! Jld Ho.t -."I
fit-1 I iM In'', iiijili, vldtli, ;.il im-lich.
I.jii;i Iii.uL tJ-vi nidi tuiii' jdjihuldo
thcln.N .mil gl,iK. 1lij.11. lup i.uiiil in
I'iiif .aid it wiili ia'i i.,il l-'icmli I'l'to),
I'lllO lllllllil.
ijiuiir-iid (IjU Iliup l.i-.if WrliiiiK Desk
I I im ! ll ll.V 'll II" lll' Kti. In
ti'iiui jiltiil wihi 7 ium'Dii lii-ile., 1 Ifijct
ih lu.-i-; ilnur iUlioi,iifl urn'il, us h
ll. .i, I..WI ,lll IOi, Willlll is Ml Willi
llll I'll'.' .Ii.i'id Miner. "u) I bra
t'liiiiiiiu .ind tm U. Mi MiipjrulU'llt I
.ilui' .0
rav-to:; ..-,
7 50perJ