The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 05, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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K 1-
'f-N-V ,,
T"r - TIT" tn n. 1 4w& ' ...J (,2 urnr, p..
.'... "A" "' .V.J.J . ,!. V T,
' ".' ,a i i"".
fl ';
f .r
t .',.Hii '
ie? '
-11 IT?;,'!" y
t J3 jMa B .B
ah Excellent Combination.
Tho plonMint method and brncllcinl
ellccts of tho. well known remedy,
lYiioi' or Finn, iiintittfnclm-pil by tho
I'At.troimi.v Kin tiritui ,o., illtistralu
;lic vitluoof oljUilnhif,'-th(! liquid luxa
tlvo principles of plants known to bo
medicinally ln.vtitivu mid pre-hcnting
t Item in tho form most rcf resiling to the
nisio nnti accomtunu to mo h.VHlcin, II.
is the ono perfect btiTiiKtlu'nlnp laxa
tive, I'lniuihiiifr tlm s.vhlem ctTcctmiUy,
dispelling colds, lieadaelie.s mid fevers
ffcntly yet promptly and cmtbliri'rona
to ovcruoina habitual coiiHtipntiou per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectiontililu quality mid miIj
httmce, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without, weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In tho process of mnnufnctiirinpf Mrs
are used, as they aro plctiMint, to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualiticsof tlic
remedy aro obtained from henna uml
other aromatic plants, by n method
known to the CAi.iroKMA. l-'m Svitur
To. only. In order to pot its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, jdcabo
remember the full muncof tlto Company
printed on tho front of ovcry package.
Fcrsalobyull DrusRist';. I'rlcoDOc.perbottlo.
City Notes, j
MIXI'IM! TUN MllKVINC iwrinip of 1 do
ii.iiiiois mi im- I'l.-irn. Ml-lmi ,il 1,,- lulil .it
(In' lituiu' cm IIihiimiii iiiuiiir ilii- iiiciiiinj .u In
i, i loi ..
TUI.MII.III t I.NI I liV in II- Hi- 'Ihi'iHi
iih ( t'liim; i lull will Imlil il- n mil, ii
jifptniK llui unlink. 'Jln'u' will lip itnti iti.m
l'l lilt IlltlL'l 5.
M'l'IIV riMlV.M, cilulll . will lu
n ii' if the npiLi ilimu in tin-
I ill of 111." 0IIUJ W.illlth'.-, ( "In it t.lll .1..-OI l.llll.ll
:i 7.:;u o'clmk ionis,'lii.
W l.M'OIIMAI, liM i:. --, r.n.l.,1, .niii'.il,
ImiikIiN of I nliiinliii", will nin- 1 lie lli-i m .1
i" of iiifm n i.i I iIiihim mi 'lluiiMln nivlil. .a
lifir ilnli In'ii-c on mili ,i"lilni;t,iii .num.-,
w. (.'. t. v. Mi:i:ii.N(i.-iin' i.iiii.ii wmiiiiiN
liitim Tiiii'ici mu' iminii will unit ll.i, .if
Miniiii in liiioiiiM'j's lull jl :; oMm k. 'Ilir
pull fiom tlir" ujiiwntinu will ho u
M C l i: i"l I. ll.M.I.. - if.lmr.1 iiikhiIi
lien imUiiik- il-ilf tin' "limiiiiii- lliimlili, .in
i lull" ioiiiIiii Iril i MKci'-nil lull in Mii-i,
l. ill l.i-t inula was .itioi.ilul hi on 1M
. ciii.U'.
M.b l MI.I.IIM).-n .ill .l.i.i in.'itinu- i.t
In I'liri-tim ,iimI MiiM,.ii.ii,v Mli.niu' will b-.
1'iliv in tin- (,'o-iul 'I ilioriniU'. .Iilii'1-ini ,u.-lim-.
Iluniiioii'. .. icn- will Infill 'it in ... in,
'J aivl T.9J p. in.
Ml. I UNf! 'IOMI.IIT. - l'l,.' ( uiiuli, lli.nnii ,1
'wi(t) .iii'I n win in M.i''i?iiii' i lull will lun
its ifuiil.ii- liHdiiiK IviiIkIii. Aflir t lit" lilniry
(Miriv lln- irmi i m."i '.ill i ntnt.iiii tin mi
i ii'Ij with a iIjiko. Mun' i.y II hut.
MI'iniNU 01' r.l.ks 'Hi.',n l.Ur i,i
U," '..ill Iioll .1 MU III 0i,iM ,U lllCtl It'olll-,
rn I r.iuKliii an imc 1hi- iiuiiii;', win ii tl.c il'i
" ii nt'.'in-. v ill bo nii'Ui'il Lull iiii'inlu'r
I i the I'livili;;'' oi liriiiunin out nr two ni.r.'l-.
Ml I.I 1m: OP AI.IMM. -"I lion- will l.r ,i nip. I-
it. ,,f Hi.' .ilniiiiii ,,i tin' I'iiocmIIi lit l'iiiii-.l
mu .it Pi'. W111I.V Willi' 'lli.iivlii
I . ilucK. .Ml nliiiuiiii' .in- iiiiu.-tril i., In- 1,1, .
.1)1 llrirlj.-,;!!! nt .-I...H lllluil I ij.
M'KIM.I.Y MI.MOIMM.. lln- f.,l..wiiu-
1 .IiiiIiJ 1 to tlic MiKinli'i- Mfimniil mini ,m
ti i.I.ii : Williini l.iw, .Mr-. W. M. Law, 1I1.1111,
II Ijw, 1.iI.pI I.iw, Mirs.ul 1",. l.iw. Mi
1 ill .1. l.n, 3li, .Tcm 11. y,.iins, jul Ml.
in- Li'iinm. r.ii'Aii; 'ii!Nn:ii-.-i',.ini-L'.iv iipoi
..-l.iU' utniy iin,ils lln- silo .,1 .1 .l.tultli' li,w-
,loliii 1 otiuor Muni", ill,' .nunly . .iiniiK"iuiii'i
No lut on I.I11.I111 fttrc. t lo 1;. in;:.- A. snntli
nuHHPi' i,'i the
Ac-tun r.iilti'.ul.
Ii-. I iu. nr, l.n .unl
I l.l.l MOV HUl'ltNi 1IY '"IT.IIM, Willi: -nil
.t 111.I oiiiili'lo 1 In 1 1.111 union (nun .ill luvtJ
' tlic uiuiiti:' will In- ip.iil item 1 lie .it.11,1' el'
i' T.,u(uin thi.ilu, l.miL'lit. liming lu :,. Mini
i ,Io.-.p,Ii AitlimV .mil urulct mkiu",
".-t Ilii v," Ijv ,-uuil iliu.c wiii.
t 'io iii:ci:ii: ui.irnvs.- iiiii..i,h .,f
'In' clubs ii- ,iiiuih ii.ui. t the nil- lni- nuilo
iiiuiiKPIiii'iiU In K'li'Ui' iIilIiuii iiluiite tuiiluhl
.a the 1. lull lion-i.-i. .iiiiiii- iIiiim. .it wlui h 1,,.
linns will lie liiuifil .up thr .-ii.inl.iii III. j c In
I'nli, Lily lul ami (in-ill lll.lvc Win .'Inn ii,
rr,ssr.s oi'i:m:i), l'uf. .1. . siii.m- ,.,uini
Iih riuii'h rh-"is .M,"ti-nl,iy ill St. I.iiKpS Cnl-n
li.ill, nml liU iiivlliuiU ildlKliiul Hip Late i.i"
iiV"i-ut. Tin- jfli'iu it rntlicly iiiiiv.rMlli.nil,
Inn It I" tun. In. lul 111 iu h j 11 wny 1l1.1t
1 ho lex.011 oC an iiiiv' hiii'lli I? 'hnpli '.1 ih .
m:u)mi 1.1:1 ifiii:. 'iins iitfinoi n .it ii.
Inline of Jin. T. II. WjIMih will lip uhui iln
m'ioihI in iln mmio .,( Ull; l.i- Mi.
"-ikiii i:. l)liMniin, win. h.u ,i",piipil ho mu -'i
ilil.'U.-l lit In I' . lui' os ,0rlt ion .it ill-, moiin in
ihi.IpiiI li-ipt, 'Jlii' l,il nt tl U .itti'in.inii will
hiillil Willi ,1 iiMinie nt the 1,111- nt .1 I'oltnl'.lit
j-u, iv.i-i nnl In' ml hv all tin' Mil,.. 1 ih. 1 ,
' will li .li'iplv liiii'i'c.-lin,- ami ni-oin ii.,.
Sins!i' ll. Ki t-. 111.1v In- t.uiiri'il at t lie ilo r.
Sinohn tho I'ucono Be. ci:ar. '
4-f-ff -"f-f4-f4-f H-f "4-
Spring Biook Water, 1st Mtg.5a
Lacko. Valley Elec. tight, 1st
Mtg. Ds.
North Jersey and Poeono Moun
tain Ice Co., l&t Mtg. Os.
Standard Gas Co., 1st Mtg, Sb.
; lehlghtou Water Supply Co.,
- j a 1, uij. us,
r New Mexico Railway and Coal
X Co,, 1st Mtg', 5s.
t Detciijitlou and juice on appli-
f cation,
(,'i llioailwj, .N. V
ilUi''liiio. LJibomUle.
5 0 (.'viiiinviUK'Jllli IIMk, Si'unlon, I'j,
Miss Mnrgnict vhenr, it Scinnton
Young Woman, Mntlc Her Debut.
A fuslilotmlilo and a niUHk-lovliiB uil
dli'tii'o Kiithercd In HI. Luke's Purlhlt
IttuiHi' lust dIrIiI lo listen to one of
Moiiinloti's iiiopl I'ttltured vocalists,
.Mist .Muiffiirel Sliouf, Just I'cturni'd
fi oni it Ioiik I'ouiso oC study In Xev
York I'liy, ami to henr tho other ills
tliiRttlslii'd musicians who assisted hci
In th" rendition of one of the best roil"
ici't prom'amtiK's cer kIvoii In this
Xotuhle niiuiiiir the muslcliius m
assisted Miss Sin in- was l)v. Carl Dttllt,
tho ri'lelinited basso and vocal Instvui'
tnr, who has heon .llss Shear's preepp
tor for several years mid who holds
ItlKh hopes for his laleuted pupil.
'rile proKi'diiinic consisted of font ten
numbers, two of which were olos by
Miss Shear, who ulso kiuik a duet with
l)v. JJttnt and nsslsteiJ In the mleil
(Uartelle, which reliiluied two sek'u
tlnlis, MIsm Slum1 Is posS('s?eil of a soprano
voice of wide compass ami of especial
clearness: In the higher register. 'I'heie
Is a initlei'iiblo absenre hi her sIiikIiik
of wliat someone has so aptly teimed
"Iho ntrlilent iiiiallty." SIlss Slicar in
ests her sIiikIiik with tm uncotiveii
tloinl vivacity that adds ftreatly to her
success. This was especially notice
able In her llrst seleitlon, lleniberjj's
".N'.vmphs and Fauns'."
Dr. Dufft Is so well known In .Scran
ton that to praise Ills slnfdiifi; Is need
less. All who have heard his sonorous
and finely rounded voice and who have
been thrilled by the drainatlo intensity
of his sinning. I'ceoKlllise lilm as one of
llle llncst inalo singers hi this coun
Iry. Mis rendition of riounod's "She
-ilone CHarmelli My Sadness" was pro
foundly impressive, and he was heard
to equal advantage In two simple but
sweet ballads, "Molly's I lyes" and "My
Low, Nell,"
The other singers who assisted were
Mini', l.uhi I'orim and lMwaid StroiiK,
both of New Vol k, the former a con
tralto sinner with a full, rich voice,
and the latter a tenor, who was heard
to the best advantage la Clay's famil
ial'. 'I'll Sim; the Souk of Araby."
Kiikciic Ham, the well-known Utile
Miloiht of this city, who is i'pcnRiil''.cd
us a pcrfoinier of rare skill and re
iluement, rendered two solos on this too
seldom used instrument. The acconi"
p.inlsl was Miss Irene Kami.
Too, much cannot be said of Miss
It cue Kami's accompaniments to the
concert work. Her touch is wonderful
ly sympathetic and her work during
the t'VenhiH' was the source of much
admiring cotniiKiit from musical peo
ple present. She has so much ability
that l)i. Dufft has urjjed her to so to
Sow York in oneerl under his direc
tion. The slnm-rs were till entertained it
the Holland after the concert by !'. V.
Shear, father of Miss Shear.
Executive Board Formally Endorses
the Street Car Strike.
The tolloviinx resolutions wero
.'idopted at a meellnss of the executive
.oiumiltec of the Mine Workers of Uli
tricl X11. I. held yesterday:
Hlirii-.i. TIip fin!,ln.p of tin- suiiiaii "-tuct
H.iiln.i. inn 111 I,, in mi ..iiiki, i,,i lln-
I'l-t In.- Miik-, liniir,' tin. ul to tin-.
M.. In- ipi-iii nt I'lniiitiiiiiiu .ii;.;i.ii,iinii imin
tin- iifliii nf -.jul , nniiiny, tin- ioniiiny Ci
h t fmtli in tin- joint M.ilinipiii in ih., CVnt1.1I
l.,ln.r nniiiii nt --.-rinlon ., 11, 1 .1 .nintniiiip t the
11111.I0.1.1.J, limns nt i.iuoii, linn- .ui.J 111 iliinn
w.ii, infiinai-il upon lli.ii ilsht, .mil pinil..-,
ik h, 1 tuith m 1 joim .iigiunpiii inti-iul i'ltn
tho In .'inning ,f 1I1. i.-n-. H Inn- tin ,ij.-n cimnL
w.k not ,w it mulil In- tlu-y h.iw- laki-n 01 1.1,1 .mil 1,,11-tniiil it to ph-.,,,:
lliiiii"i-lws, and littirli ioUU- Up -pitit of lln-.iim-innm;
Uli.-ui,, li appi.ii. 1l1.1l tin. ..m-.j
f)f tliu .-ti it... (lln. ilKihivpp i,l two in'll-.lni-,
'nnl ii-tiiil t ixwv piool o- Lai".) w.1-, only
.mother aihlition in Iho ln.iny i.nw foi iln,.t-i-f.i.
lion .imoiiK tl.p 111. 11. It 111, ihp 'l,i,i Miiw
ili-.t liinlvi- iln- 1 iin.-l', lupij." .iml fi. w.i, ..
li.t lln lint iii.nlp ni.lipji..l,li- ami IntnUi.ilil,.
ll... inipo-itioii-, i.t M in.1,11 1-; .nnl
Mli.H-.i., 'Ih,- uniip.H.v ollniil, plp.i.inlli- in
lui 1110.I lln .oininiliiL' Mini linn ,11,0 hn "iln-v
mijiht in Will liilit. now- .1, lit.'i- on, a. m-ln,
liny 11111,1, ,111.1 mu- ih lu-.i mm win," 11 wnniil
-mu I., iniln.ili- tin- Huhi vi. i,t tlnli- (t!i
i"iiiuiii'. .-.Pi-kiiu. 'Hip . oinpm.i'. miilniti' ,,p.
.,..iii eitfiiiii'd Iih"! lii'ie w.i. nlino.t lo-lnii-il.nt
v il'i lln- .1, il.i'.itiuii 1,1 tin- 'liiulion null
pmv .11 I!. .ulu.u, tint tlu-y wonhl not inti-r
fill,, an aci.i-iin nt with mi'iin kiltor afler
tin' in v , war (tin- Mi.inlon i-onipmy nt wMiiin;
P. 01a tin., until tint inn.-. j:.n.' uiu-u
for ticnhl.-l, r.,.,111 tin; rimr,ai 11 wonhl mo
lhlt a .itl.lilpt j, hoili-' lo th'
mio,i Up nii-.llu.atiuii to winch tin -i- men K
liiu; .ml
UIhh 1., Tin iiilt-io.u ut all nuiiniil is
iil.-iitl.'.il (jiL-i nniiiii. ritiun for llii-li' lahoi anil
lair tlr. lliiu ul); th. ipluic, In il
It. -,,1m tl, 'Hut wo, tin- i.'pi nti.o lioinl ni
lli-niit .No. I, I niliil Mine W.ikt-ii. nt Ainill. 1,
in i-.iuii .i..-i'inhl, il, 1I0 hu,l,v pnhli. lr mpKiU
tin- iiiiiiih.i., it ihp Anialu miileil A,ni,itii,ii nt
"Hut i:.ilay Jl.'-i of .--iianton 111 II1.I1 Mniu1c
l.n hi-lli-i i. inlitiiii, 1,1 iiiiplioiruil, ami a.U
ntir 1111 lull, 1, 111 fiiiiial to iwi tin-in lhi-Ir
moral ami tni..iinil i-iippoit.
I'll.-!, hv iml lnlii.i; .11 lln sin. 1 ui, until
tin- t'.'.il.f I, .-i-ttlnl.
"i.', lo p.iMii.liin; all of tin Ii- anpiiint.
.11111', In al-o 11 11.1111 if., 111 ii,Itin' ,,n 111.- i.ih,
I'hlul, In Minimi; I li. 111 .-ih 1. Iinun aiil ,h
tin. 1 11. al,h.
Ilsuiuiw- lt.iiul, lli-liiil .No. 1,
I nit. i Mini- tt'.iki.-M ot Allien. 1,
Day Was Wnntlng in Any Impoit
ant Developments.
Nollium of lilipori.ime ii gleil out
b.v 'illii'i' t-lil.1 in Hit' street ear Mrll.e
I'Morday, and th only ineMent or nolo
on tin- ouiHldi- was an assault on a
T. lersliui'K- i ur last nlglu, which re
sulted in a liioloi-inau having his hand
i ut wlih a stone,
The llt-ei-ii IJiilne I'euplo's line, Mhleli
has been uiiilcrgolng iiipairs, Is lo hu
opened up loday, As u counter move,
the stilkers will start a bus line on ihl.t
loiii'j this iiioriiiiig.
Si. John's Tilal Absiliieiiie and lle
lievoleut Sm-iely, I'llle lli'iiok, will con
duct an entertiiluiueiit and sni-Ial at Us
hall, on I'.ipotise avenue. Tliursday,
Nov. V'.- T.ii'l. for Dp' lii'in-llt of Hin
hi I ll.oi ".
Railio.Ml or Bus
Sclii lever's.
Faie to
While iho stiike i iiiiliaiu s-, iioisoiis
oideiliig phulogt.iphs at Hchi lever's, to
iho amount of S'J or over, Mill bu ul
low .-il five or bus lure lo find
fiom theli homes unless they Jlvtl
luoie tli, ill livenly inllc-s fioin
The Tilluiui' ill guaraalei) in piint
voiir paper bonk iiuleker ih. in any uih
i'i pi luting house In the oily.
. - .- - - .
Do You Enjoy Fresh Eggs
For table'.' (io to Com sen's,
PMi;v. In siuntwii, Oil, ii. Hurt, tg Mr, anl
ill, lii-orju l hjh, U '.!!.
Recorder Council Attached His SIg
Jinturc to It Ycstciday. He Doubts
Its legality, but Believes That It
Is Best to Allow tho Couits to Pass
Upon It, tho Companies Having
Signified Their Intention of Con
testing the Legality of the Mens
in c .Solicitor's Opinion.
I he licence lax oidlnance, tiiMiu,- tho
Bi'osM lcceliilrf nf n the public .enlco
comimnloH In tlilrt city, Ih now a law.
Uecnrder V. ,, Conneli tdKned It yee
terday afternoon, after lmvltifr had It
In bin piisst-sHloii for nino day and
after carefully considering tho oblee
tloim raised against It by the olliclalit
and 1-gal representative! of (lie several
tnrpornllons affected.
When tho ordlnanco was first Intro
duced in common council, Cllv Solicitor
AVatson, In to an Imitilty, seat
a wrlllen uplnlon, to coiiiicIIh In which
ne f-aut unit tho city had full mm el
and authority to levy mien a license
tax as was provided hi the ordinance.
This opinion was attached to the or
dinance when H was received bv Re
corder Council, bill ho did not deem It t 11.
...... ....vim.! e.Miaustivo anil set vul a u-
incsl on lhc city solicitor for a s-econd
opinion. This ws prepared lust week
by Mr. 'Watson, and was subtuitled to
thr- recorder on Saturday. In IL .Mr.
AVnlsou declares unequivocally that
municipalities now have full power and
authority to levy a liceiix- tax for the
purpoc of raising revenue.
lb- is careful not lo commit himself
to a declaration that the ordlnante
Itself Is legal, lie says that "as to the
legality of the proposed levy X have r.o
doubt," but doesn't say whether the
ordinance malting "the propo-'ed lew"
Is legally framed. The full text of the
city solicitor's, second opinion is given
'I'o tlm Ilonuiahlp Millhmi f.. l'mill, 1!,-, .uler
"t the C'ily of, 11.
I'pir Mi: to 10111 iri-u.f for me
opinion i, in ih,. h.-ihii of oiilin mi,- tile of
the ..pint, ronniil, ., ,-,, p,i. ,iii,is f,. 1 1 -lny
nml lollniion 0 n lkpn.i' la-c in the illv
01 ".oi.mtmi, In, u.iiiol my .iltmf ion.
'Hip point rai.cil in lln- mil,i biilinit(r,l t.. in"
nin.tioiK Hip Ip-iI tiuht of II .- 1 Itv- oi Su.mloi.
to p,is. an oiihinmo ,n thL. tM umor
coii.lilu ition.
.1i11ip p. .s. lion ::, of ihp c, ii.fiinii,,!, f
rc1m.jh.111i 1 prowil,.. -j. ,,nU1. ( ,1V im.
por.ition, i,m (iiipoi.ifi iin,,lv Mull n,,t l,p
Mm. ml. ipil or Mi.pui.l.,1 t,v ,,.v (end,,, f, nl
punt to whiih the (tp lu l, IL jnitj." In
i.thir vol,., a, 1 iiii,ltr.t.iii,l tin'i .pi (ion, lie
fianipi., ot the iriftiliiili 11 ilp.iiul u,,it ii,,. 1, .
ls'-lt Iir.iil.l iniHisp npnn all ipoi.ili, piopi itV
I lull- in-i Mi in- ot the hnnhii (,t fi-1111,11,
lint 110 nniiiait i-oiihl In. m nl. or aiiaiu-nm nt
intfii.i into l,.v whii h the pnipo-p ot tin- n'ltinn
ot Hip lon-titiition 1 n,l In- i!r fi-at ii.
'Iho h-Ki.l.itnip i. tin- cnpifiin- power o toe
i-t-in-. It ha. th, tiuht fo .,x .,i ,.,, up,,
in Hi,- limit, of tin- Mile, nnli.s p,ni.,i fi ,m
l.iMtioii by lln- (on-liliiiion. '1'he jnrf-iln'tlon
Pi-t- tlllolisliaill tho Ullill- -tali. ,u tin
power lo..,iy Hie per (piitimi Hin -hall ,0 lpu,-,l
upon tin- ilullir nl i.ilnali.m of pioppitv. ami
thai power it ,an iIeleMt,. 1, n nnnniipil . r
poMtiim. 'I'I.p leKi,Ii(iin- ciii pip.-i-i-l,,. hi nit
the in.iinntiii or iiiiniminn .minimi ,.l 1 1 'wlii, li
liny l,e Ipiidl ainl whit pnipuly is miIijkI to
t.mtioii. 1 il.iio pioperly can lie renipt I10111
taxation l,i- piopd- lei-lalH,' inailimnt, ami
mile,-, il 1, to cm milt if ij li.,1,1,. i a, (.lun
of tho hiinlpii.
I can lin.l nollinm- in tin- rnii-liliilion lmlnil-ilm-'
th" Ii-KMitiiro 1.1 pa--, ait, .11 a-nnolv,
anthoiiim,. nniiiii ipahlip., to leiy (a: np.,11 iei
t.1111 ir.ipoiiiPi within iis limit-,
'ihiiefoip. it the hvi-lilnro In, jjiwn anllmiity
In l.-.y lav for nitiin pnrpo.-e miaiii
ii..piIi,-,, it i. uitliis witliin il loii.lilntional
ni.lit-, ami -nih t 1 -vc- un Im liwlnlly leii.,1
.mi lonuini tor tin- ret lorlli in tin;
'lln- ohje.t or (ho ruiutilntion ii lint to
l.Ki-l.itiio power, List to (online .mil ie.,tiun it.
Uillioiit lln- ioii,tiliiioiul liinltafion., tin- po,a'
of the lei-l.iini,- to tn.iki- l.iw, wonhl he .ih,oliite.
'Iheio U piohihli- no -tnli" wniili not lex.v
..tliu- ie, ti,e wlii.h in.- impo,, ,1 upon or per-ond inopeit.v. l.'mv hniilen whieli
Hie si.ite niipo-e, upon it (iii,.-, ,ih j m.
to .1 leu mir, nihil- for it-eli or for ,ine ( th. cotriiiiiiciits or for the Mippmt of
(.'' ln.-nhinei.v in .in;- of fho
ili, is Km'i-iI nml, r the powir uf t.ivifloi.
The ligi-l.itiir.- Ii.m the p,,w.i' to ier,niie .ml hm, tn p.iy .1 uil.dii ,nm .innnilh, n,.
"e-(il .nionlinif to the .iinonnt or i.ilnition of
tlnir ( -link, or cuni- other ',l.iul.
Thi, nio.le hi lin .nloptnl I.y (he M.itrs .is the
ino-L i-onifiiiint .mil (.ulLihle fi,r tuvilinii ot
emit ois.ini.itiotn.
I .! iml think their (.in he in.v ilnnl.t lint il.o
liKiIituie lie ii u.i-oii.ihlu fm or Iiien-o
fie (no m.itur ,y wlnt n.une it tnij- l,e . tilt tl i.
upon .ill piopeity, whdhir it he i'lulnnhnl in-
uiipoi.ite, .iml nut- ne ,,m. ie.i-on.ihli- Miiulml
lor tin- puipn! of .i-nil,iiiiiii,' tl,L. ;,i!,ie ,ut,
propel Ij.
Th. n fine, if the Jej-M ,line lis the li.hl, we l.elnii- to l,e true, to h-i.e .m, mllut
.1 l.i f upon innpeit). it-it, iKisoni or hiimiI,
ulii'lliu- it he in.llvi.liul or (oiioi,tle, Hkj
tin- intlil In iloliKJIo pow.i- lo inj inniiiii
p.d inrptiiilloii or ilivi,lnn within it- teiuioij.
'lln- h'ui-litine of l'tini,h.ini.i, no iK,n!,i,'l,T-.
lioinl they hid thl-s powtr when hy Anlile in,
Willoii :l, of the ad of M it. li 7, 3'h'h, ,i,,, . of u.ipoi.ile pnwti-, hv )u fointli, ,,iihiut,
whlrli I, .is follouj-: "IjM-ry r Itv nf the Mn,n.
ill-, i-liill line power, for kimuI ii'veinie pur-
po-i-, to ie j- iiini (olletl a Ihi-n.-e tuv, to l,u
fl-'il I.y iililliiinie, upon sticer i.illv,iy-, hnlc
ilihii.--, .iiicticnccr-i nml all nml cuiy '(.upij.
Hon, toinpjny, or iliililnlu ll, dolus hiniiie,- li,
il.l (ity, p.ij.ihle niimiilb, ,iu, (,, lejdiliii,
Hi,- utile. (ion of lln- .inie,"
It I- inj opinion tint the Icxl-hlim- when . n
llifliiln;r .1 iiiiiiileli.illty to Ky a lieen-i. t , ,,
lov the piiipov fif i-.ii,lii; rru-iiiie, ailnl wiilini
II, (on,lluiliiii.d liidiU, Wiilh) It U inn- Hut
Hie louri- of l'iiiii"Iinnl.i Imvp in some in--unu.,
ilehleil Hut ;i llien-i! 1 1 ioiiM only
he If U'1 upon coipoule oi other piopeity within
.1 iiinililiillty In tl.p c!int snlllihiil money
ioiiM he to pay for the polUe piuin linn,
whhli tliu iiinnl(p,ilty wjn honnil lo (,-e to
I he pioperh- upon whlth nM Ihcn-e lav w.i, les
ml, Iml I h.o.i f.illul ti ilml lufoie the a.t
ot Mnih 7, V")l, (inl(il aliovo, any pn.i.-i' t,e
fc.itnl li.- il.o IpkI.IUiiic to a inmiliipillly lo
leiy a lI'.-iiM- t.i for the piirpo"" of i.iUin;;
leii-iin.'. It Minn lo mo ileir ll.i- , ji,.
Iiltue ihil t!i tj ,uht Im 1.mIii,
.mil Hill the l.n lullKtnl ,y it.ii.eii of Mi m
tlmuM pj.,;, mil) the iiiiiiijl Ininl of ihc inimiil'.
'I lie .intliuiiliii imt (lily In 1'iiinylv.iiil.i, Lnt a lar'o nunilnr ut the s,t.ite, hue
iliunliil tint Hkii ti-c c-r leu inuM l,e lei,
iiioii ll.i piopony i,r (i,iHirutloiu, ruth ,L, ule
Kfipli, tiKphoin', kiuit (..iv miniume,, twine
polii .mil y,m, loinpjiiii.i iWn! the htrriU f
(I.,) (.ittoj, Iniik-liH ji, pcimn, ekpu.,in- er
offiili,!,- lor Kile their unoik upnii ilici-u, jml
Hid, It lci-iiuhle, tlltl itvt o'luiil fjii,t iho
ioii-tilnllon;il pru i, Inn,.
hi th" no cf the t ilj uf Allnilowii . Hio
Ui-olllll I nioll Tilt-KUpIl ('.,, lib p.,, St. 1 1, ,fc
wJs licM, a In- oi one ilolhir p r
Jiminii on uih polo iu, icatoiuUe. .mil ioiiM Im
toilet t.'.l.
'Il.e T.l-ur.ipli Co. e. lhc ihy of Ilii-Union-,
iiioilri In M M-iiLml Ml, twu UuII.ij,
per pole vui ilerUicl to ho ipjo'iuIiIi.
lVilup? 1 (oulil ille nun us Hut li.on liehl
Hut a liiriiv) (tt- nr la- cuulil ho li-ileit npju
pioput. fciiili J, nit, pipes, poli-i. w,c,, ami
nthil- ileilic ii."l lor uiiyln;; inlo optr.lllui
tic piupoui'-, for nlikli the lOipoutioti jj oi.
'flu- aullioiitiii leg.l ui HH fiiitUcr, at.,1 u8
U'oi.llnucil in 1ji .-.)
Boon i
for y
Dr. llmiJ's Condensed Milk con
tnltiN plioaphntcn of llmo uml Muln,
for tenth 11 ml hones; hypuplun
plintcsof potiishiin,fiirtiervcaiinU
brain i liypoplionpliltcj of ninncn.
nose, to onrleli tho litood Inorenso
Iho ip.1 corpuscles. 'J'hcso food
cloiaents ntcessiiry to Imlltlliig a
porfcet body nro blended Mltli the
pure, rich uitlU used In
Just n they exist In wheat, nnd
liuo Hie Hiiine flavor llu-v glvo
wheal. They iiuiko Iho tnlllt very
rli'h, but more niilii I utile tlimi
"froah" milk. It never trclHsoiir.
Election officers and Republican
committeemen of the county nre re
quested to telephone the result of
the count to The Tribune tonight as
soon as it is completed. Old 'phone
number. 101-3; new 'phone, 1017.
Resolutions Adopted at a, Meeting
Held East Night.
At a lai'selv attendeil mectliifr of the
Keystone colored lieptihllean club, held
last nK-ht, speeches weie made hy
President C'ampbtll irtiKbts. .1. U. Jtell.
i"!eorj:e Jlrown, H. A. Patterson and
othrr--, and the following le.-olutlons
were ndtuited:
Uh, ii-.i-, V kooiIU innnliir ot the moinhen of
Hie Kt.-ctniie ilnli in in uieipt of
eileulll hltei, Ii ,in Imtli I'lhv.ii.l II. still scu-i
nml the MimMpil I.c ikiic tonihiiij,' the t.imlt y of Colnutl I'. 1,. Ilikhu-ili ,h iiiMitlonil
lav jii'Ui , ami ainoiii,' other things we llml Hie
f illowin-,-: " j;. I!. Stilly,.-, it-Kiid-i Ins
(li-ition of jury iniiimiionn a, .in ilev.ition of
the jiny li,,"; " Colonil llllthiock i-i
niiileil lo ,i,-i,t in (hi, iiiiiiiihiii1jI.1i. vorlj for
hi. Toil w.ii itionl i, o,, linim; l.i-in twin-
woimihil '; "tint the Coloni'l i, jioor .mil nhl
p,,iity i ilue lo his unit ho .-eniu-i,
lenil.uil in In lull' oi Hil, iniiiitiuinty": "tint
the of I in- lohmel funii oliii," for loin,'
Ills duly I.y llt-i oi.ld- Moir, em beciu-c Molr
wl-hul il, lint .it (he iinnu itne eomniinil of
He hiliu- powii,"; "ihu 'iueliiis iiipii' i'i
il.llnl. two .M'.ns ,ij,'n, Su.ililnli is the lotttne-t
town in the I nihil si.iU,"; "while it was tine
Hun il i- not now-, tli( unlit of whkli is iluo
lo t olonel llltchioik ,-inil a I, w mini-, at nu
little i.,-t ni'l inioiMinii n.c lo Hiein,ile,."
And lln ill, "the rolonel', pointy wis ,i lur
to hi, p.i.niKtit of on.- thi,n, dollns lor tlic
piuiliK,- of inniiiin; lor (lie jnilje-liip."
"'I'heiifoie hi, noinin.itioii hy 'lh" 'i:ieiis'
Itefoini .Mmeniinl' .i, not only im ut.ihle Iml
nipli.ilii.illy licie-ny '.i- j iidii.ilion lov his fiom oflin-'"; thei. foie, he it
lte-ohtil, 'lint the ke-toiii Ki nnhlir.tti dub
li.-i.lji el(Uil, lo i;. II. sluices its conuutiili-tion.-
for hi, elt.tion a, jin.v i oiiiiuiioneij
lor tin- toiii.ideoii- mill he ui.itle m I lie mil Ihe pi nu .iii--:- llieuhv tli-tam ins -ill "f
Ins iotnpiti,,i.s; .in, I, We tlml tint Ihe jieal hone of ton
lention was one ciisiuilly In loliuini: to I'. ,1.
( hinon,, ..v sift fiom Pi'iMiikr Moii; ilm
l.eoiilir took the hone tioin lr. I'leinou- .mil it lo the tlippir colon. I. v.ho-e i-ejlnu-ne-,
w.i, not (fiml In the uliuUm; tlieiefoie, l.'t-
oiilrr Molr it.iM' it to Mr. Wnrin-i r. I'm- thl
.iil oi il.-iniiin ll-e Loltiii'-I in hi, lump, the
.Muniiipil l.i .mile ami othns, nei i sloppeil until
(,'oiinor stone ieuiot. Mr, .Moil.
-N'.m, lioweiii', il Iran-piles that aflir the le
i.nler w i- Killnl for ii l.lilns the colonil ot
hi, lione, rome other mi-It n n, ' higher pow -r
is lo hi line, anil in H'liie way oi other .1.
Win. Unu I'.iipindr nnd 1.. ('. .N, weoiiili btrii'k
lllllv PittiiM'ii "hn.iu,i Ihey Iium- not In i u
piml-heil for doini; tlnir ilulj.
We nie uiiiii'i.iinl In In Lew tint lln- Jiny
ho-c was t.iiulnl lo fiaml uml, r Ihe rn.-iim- of
Hull. 1!. Alihlilhl. Me i.innot nilnlhe tn
the us. (.(inn tint . r. In v the l)v innir.ilie or lit'
lillhliiall Ji ilty i- lioiii.noiiilnil with ili-holicty.
We cnimit iiiiloire am- liioMiueut whiiii ill
Kiiiidlly Mtks in a iii,aio Hie Uepuhlli.iu puty
in thi- pill ol tin- pie-nit nntiiry, I ohnul
I In, In in k's eiieliihiiy i, inn, Iml for In linen
lull-mil pi ici- upon the si. ri ill's eiettlen
pun l.llll.lllou, .lllil jtlillXili'.'. Ill-Ill tin- atl.HivS lu III,.'
.iu"iln-l .lull,.'!- I .apt nln'.i inline. In umii,
in ono ci ioi!i'- iliilu-', too, Mill ih,
. lo-e tin- p.ut's t.uiiliiliii- li
lu he the.ulijt't HM' point ; Hurt foie, he il
l!e,oluil', 'lint ilm K.'i.,tone ll(iiihlii,ut duh
i a pait of tliu p.uly; .ilnuitl the
i)iuliii in ship, .uiJ. Is uiinilliiiK tn inil-ii any
I Holts lo li.ue tin- i-liiji fnv iJiiilmu- proiul.-es
of a lust nl l.ohl .-ihl to In- He.l to ono end nf
lln lain Urn.
Hesoluil, 'tint we line In-itllly emiirj-e Hie
Id tnl-ii; will ii our centrum
nipi,,i, ami tiu-t whtn leform' i-omo Ihey iiuut
iluomili the p.ili Hull', . . in il we a lime Init
io Iiuil Hip way.
Ui'i-olwil, 'Ihu a mi-cuhhil ii-foouer tool, (ho
hl.i nl I'uMiIpiiI Mi'Klnley at Itufl.ih. limine
Sepleinlier of this eai, .iml for fe.n .mother nuy
lil.e the life of the lteimhllt.nn In HiU eoiuily
Iniumiow', nu pioposp t In a, possible by inn
nio tn pteuiit il, um (in nine.
llenril) ('iniplnll lliishe-, jur-tilent ; I.rwn
I). Mutton, tiuit.iiv.
Yule for Dr. Huberts for toioiier.
D. Ij., nml W. Board for Today.
FullowIiiK Is tliti malio-up of tho Dela
ware. I.tu'liinwinmi and WMrni bounl
for today;
JiiAHW, M)M.lin:i: 4.
M.l.l ( ill l..i-t- Ji in,, ,r. A lln-li, n
in , r,
'in.smv, mii.iiii:i! -,.
ii,i t4is i.i'.u ,i, in. w. ,i, M.,u t
,i. in, r. 1.. lio.'ii-; "i .i i.i, ,). ll, Mu-ui,
(I. . 1 lll-l l.llll'l. lltWI III ,1. HI., l, .lj0L-J
ll.i. in., I'. .in IVminci: i i,, in., . loluit;
.' i. in,, Willi mi (lilliMiii l ' I', Mui-fiV uiivj
u 1 1, in,. M. It. .Mil.ine.
hin, nun., i:te.--U .i, in., ea.l, .1. IIcihiIkjii; S
,i. in, ui,l, l I), lltliliKT, SKI.oU' ueu; II ;i.
in , '1 ln.mi ,-iJii ; 11 :i in., Win. hnliv: il
i. in , i. -I. J. l'iiilm1 t 1 1. iii , wi.-i, liulih-iij
7 p. m lu in ( .ijuiri, JI. liniM; J i,. in., itoi.i
iv n-j. Mi MlKlei.
I'lhliii ij ii. in., Wiilmr; 7 .1. in., S. l'ln.
iiuiij S ii, in., Ilnn-eij ll to j, in.,;
il p. in.. 1". MiDniuii'll; 7.1'u p. m,, niiil,,
1) p. in., V. II. Ilmliuloincn; 10 p. in., ..niiplnr-,
I'jvx'lisir i;nliie. 7 a, in., (inlne)j ; j, m ,
Shu'i-u in J. in., Njiinmi; lO.i, hi., p. :, j-iioi;
u. I'i p. in., Nmtoii; s.t(i p. in,, Mciioum.
Willi t jl.s Win- I a. in,. 1'. t j,e. Iljiulolpli'ii
cim; ." j. ii., -lolin (ijluinii; ., n, m n,
lliK'-'.ili I T .1. in., I'. Wall; 111 j. ui., T.
Iloiiilkan; ll a. in.. II. t John Hixlc-i'
tie; S p. in., T. ritpitilik; I p. in,, T.
Mil'aillo; 5 p. in., A. II. KeUluin; 0 p. jn
II. Ili.biii.-; II p. in,, .M. Caimoily.
Vole fr Stcvi'iisoii for surveyor.
n ntul you won't need lee to keep it.
Ilooldct 011 infant food free.
M 4 Scranton, Pa. I
Tho Backus Team Won Tlnco
Straight Games from the Ellts and
Had 35 Pins to Sparc West End
Wheelmen Defeated tho Scranton
Bicyclo Club Team nt Wllkes
Bnrre, While the Black Diamonds
Wrested Victory from tho Green
Ridge Wheelmen.
The Xoi'then stern Veiinsylvanla
Howling leitKtleV (--canon of lUOl-fll! was
opened hint night with thro inateh
KUiticM, two played In this elty and one
In Wlllcos-lJarru.
Tho Itackus team defeated the Kilts'
team on the UaehitH alloy; the West
Knd Wheelmen, of WllkcH-llnrro, de
feated tho Scriuiton Uleyele eluh'H team
on the Wilkes-Ham- ullcyo, nnd the
Black Dlainondw, the aeeonil team of
lhc Hcranton Bicycle club, wrested vic
tory from the Green RIiIko Whoflmcu's
team on the Bicycle club alleys.
The most erushhiK defeat of the threo
was lhat administered by tho Backus
team to the Elks, Tho Backus howlers
rolled a splendidly steady riuiic and
won all three games played, IiiivIiik -wO
more pins to their credit than their
opponents. The Backus captain, Hop
kins, had IiIkIi averaj?o for the night.
isr. l-n. which was higher than that
made by any other player on any of
the s-lx teams. The Backus-Klks score
was as follows:
iiACKt-i Ti:.wr. m -,i mi ti
.Mei-ler lii ivi l-J .',n;
r.iiui'iiiioit 171 i;i L-n,', r, is
IVikhaiii l::7 'jon l.'H ml
Hopkins 177 ry 1-7 .ViB
20 s7.l MiJ ?:"
Total s.
(l-(hwii,lt It'll 11-! U.l IIS
loin's i::". un i pi ui
lllihl III! ITU I-I on.;
Uluhinl Ill 111 IVI lis
W.ihlmv IT, 111 It'i, nu
The Mlaelc Diamond won two out ot
Hit- three s.imes rolled with the Green
IIUIro AVhechiU'ii. Foley, oC the HlacU
Diamonds, hud ldsh average, ITt IS.
The Fcoie:
l'i...r if, 117 112 171
llraii'i- lin W le '"'"l
II...UW IH! 'U l'l i'i)
I'oley -.IS) 1J I1-'-' Oil
(.01111111 Ill l'i II- iJl
7nl 7'M SIJ 'JJ'.'J
fa:r.i.y imik.i:.
Tajloi- llrt ln l'il ."'1
S-.iimns IVI U III 4JI
Jlnoif- lit Its TV.: 4j
JI.i-.oii H'-. l,:i. I.'o I'jS
Weiihel LIS li! He- 4-,u
.;j -J2t,o
Down in Wilkes-Harris the Dleyolc
club team lost the llrst Kaine to the
West Knd "Wheelmen nnd then won the
second. The lust nmo was nip and
tuck hut t'orser and-Wardell fell down
nnd tho Wilkes-IJnrre team won out.
Warden had IiIkIi average, 1118 1-3. The
S( ISVMO.N lIKM.i: tl.L'll.
Mllilitll l.'i HI 117 II)
Jlooie 1.1 1 I.V I7n ItiT
I'or-ir fil l! Hi "'':,
llonr IIH I",.' lot C!)
jiilelt IV Hi) l.M I'll)
ont -'.ij 7.,u jj:o
wk-t i:m).
Total '.
lime Ii'.l In! l.Vi 1.0
Vo-t i.v; i.-(7 io- nu
Dm- 11,7 I in J IJ 117
H'kciii'I I'." I-"-- I""- h'"
Cieiu IS7 HiO 1" -I''!
7't 71 7"i. L'i'll
First Entertainment of High School
Course a Success.
The IliRlt school ooui-m-. of cntor
talninoitt.s oneni'd nti.-plLloii.sly last
night In tho IIIkIi f-chotil iiiulltorliini,
tho I'litnrlaliKU'h ht'hif7 tliu l'nrl; sisters,
meat ftiVoiites huro and Jllss Kdlth
Xiii'ton ot' this city.
On Miss Norton's last vi.-it horo It
som.-d Impo&blblo that an ImprovunuMit
L'luild hu .siiBKCStod In lu-r woil;, hut
that ?hc Is surely rising beyond what
she has ever done Is uninliitnkable. It
Hlits Is not already the host Interpreter
ol' i hlld naturo on the -inorican ly
eoiim stiiKu the day Is nut far distant
when she will occupy that place and
at an aw when most young- women
are hut bcgiunliiK .'t t'iiroer. She has
many advantages iu her favor, llrst
of all youth, talfiit nnd then a dainty
liivellue.-s of personality and that
swL'etne.-s of ti'inneranionl anil Ki'iitle-nei-F
of spirit whleh ro far to make ono
beloved and whleh exert a psychologi
cal Inllucnee even over ti throng;
l.nst iiIkIu t-ho ifttvii s-ouui of her
most t'liaraeteristle selections. They
are always fresh and unhackncyeil, hut
yol thoy seem to lit her type of im
personation. The Hoelety sketch,
".Mrs. I.oftor'H Hide," ojiened her pro
Ki'.uniue uf tliu uveiiitif,'. Hhu reached
tliu IioIkIh f hur art In the scenu from
"III the r.ilaeo of tho KIiik." where
Polores dolled 1'hlllp. lu this (Irani
atlo eliapter, she dlsplayea un niiox
lioclod jiower.
The versutlllly of the lurk slsli-is
Is too familiar and too popular to necil
description. They cim play anythlUK
on cailh lhat in of a musical character
li'oui a 111110 su.iru driiiu to a silver
horn with curly cues. They can do
stunts with musical classes, manipul
ate a ".itiit-r, a iiiaiiuoiiu or a piano
(-tiuiilly well tut ono or all,
Thoy urn
very nitiwilvi' youiiK hulks nml iliulr
wink was tiiipiiii'l.tii'il Inut nlalit ll' ono
Ih in JiiilKn hy ihu unthu-jlustm with
which It wan rot-olvcil,
Tliolr l'amllliir ifiidoi'liiK uf "Aunlrt
T.iuii'lii" with tho ijuurtotto oi' i-nnunn
w.m tin.' nioM lili'uslnir liiimlior llmt
they u'avo nu this oi'i.ihlou,
Ktiinil hy th..' party ymi ui.iy
iwiut to fciaml hv you.
Minn duy
They Held a Meeting- in Pemi Ave
miQ Chuich.
The Sciiinton llaptitt .Mlnls,u-ilul i-ou-fot'i'iiii.'
nivt us umuiI ycbtcrilay inuru
luir lu the Pt'iui iivonuo vhuri'li. Thv
following wciv In iitteuiluiifo: llevs.
ThoniiiK lu Oruoliy, I). D (1, ll, Sinllli,
11. 1'. Kast, il. 11. Hull Is, I'h.D,, J. T.
With Jack Frost stealing nioiind nt night, the plants nre no
loiiRer safe out-doors.
You will need some pretty JARDINIERES., such ns you will
sec licio, to nitlstlcnlly display them Inside.
WEDQEWOOD SHAPE, whito with embossed gold work fori
,'iij hull IMI
Vj huh I'm
;i huh 1'uL
Geo. V. Millar &
c - - -
You May Spend Your Nights
In the Maine Woods
By sleeping on a pillow made of balsam fir. These pillows
arc recommended as a cure for catarrhal troubles and for sleep
lessness. Their odor is delightful. Our supply is limited, but
while they last we will sell them for 50 cents. One for 40 cents
if bought with a Cushion Top, of which we have the finest in
Tapestry and Silk at Low Prices.
Scranton Bedding Co.,
Lackawanna and Adains Aves.
Established 1866.
Seal Skin Coats
$1.10, $17.1,
$200, S225,
Pfi'slan Lamb Coals
$70, $100.
S'25, $150.
Furs of
All Kinds
Furs repaired.
Raw furs bought
New Bui!ding, 324
Established 1866.
r ii iw'
I jv,. . IV I
M i
jf I
We Have Just Opened Our New Fall Stock of
Needless to say it's the very best possible for the
money, or it wouldn't be here.
Pots, Pans, Kettles, Coal Hods,
Spiders, Griddles, Etc. In fact,
all of the many Kitchen Utensils
made in this ware. See window
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue,
Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD.
NO. 23 S.,Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Scranton Branch Ofllce, Nob. 1 and 3, Arcade Building.
Ladies' Tailoring
Jackets, htoiis, Raglans and New
market Dress walking and rainy
day Skirts. Our prices are reason
able. Guaranteed to giyc satisfac
tion. Goods furnished.
King Miller, Merchant Tailor, .
432 Spruce Street.
lirlllltliK, n. p., n. .1. "Wllllan.F, A', I-',
f'huis. il. J- V. J'li'ici-, U. D il, ll.
t'oli-, S. V, .Miiilmws, V. .1, Ford, I'li.D.,
ixiiii sp.'tu'Li', n. p., ,. ii. fmiiii, ,i
II. Umlillo.
lip. IIiiitIs inv.-oiiti'il fi .ii.'P on "Tin'
New ToEtninmit, I.uw ot iJlvnroi.'." li
w.ts nu nhh papt'r uiul uwaUoui'il i,
I'tunetU illHctisplon upuu tht entlr sun.
joct of illvoi'cc w. F. L'lurk, who h.-
iK'i-oine iiautor .il "Wmeiiy, win eh.i.
to nu'inhi-nhli, '
Tho .Mt-tlioillst Mlnlrileiiul tuiso. Iiillun
of Kci'iinloii niut In Klin I'ni'k churih
yucsteulay iiionilns' ut Tho fol
lowlfiB' ollU'i'i.s wi'i'o I'U'i'U'il: Ui'v. It.
.M. lMucop, pri't-lilenl; lliv. .1, X, il.iiky,
ift pi'i'i'lilviUi Ui'v. i-;, it. sineiT, wt'iv-
tUI'.V .UHl llOllMlll'll',
Ki.'V. A. Jl. ConKiT piosi'titi'il u papvr
on "Tliu lli-otliciiiuod of St. I'aul,"
which whs followed hy u iIIscuhhIoii of
Ihe lMpor uml subject, suyopal tool;
In-li Pol ,
Ci Inch I'ot ...
Co. ! W)" .A!?
- - traiK 14 ajj uodk nroano i.
Both 'Phones
A new invoice of
clever SUITS just
Also some very fiua
Walking Skirts
For cloth and style tliey
are perfect, ranging in
price from
$7.50 to $16
Lackawanna Ave
Take Elevator.
Unquestionable Superior Merit
Annually adds thousands ol' names to
the long list of Smith Premier users,
representing every line of trade and
every profession M
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
Michaelian Bros.
& Co.
Pei'sinu and Tuikish Carpets,
$98 to $000,
Wilton and Ai'lltiBton Rii-j's,
At IS per cent, discount,
China and Japanese Mattings,
13c tiic yard and up.
Oriental Rugs mended ond cleaned.
124 Washington Avenue.
pui t. liova. ('onm-i', Henry, llulky, tjlf
lln, lluiiuini'up, .Mailkoii, t'liiv, Hlniiii'oii,
llcnlley, l.ov, I'uhi'oo. Uoty, Howell,
lliihlllu, lliiiuton, I'lvnthc, Hlnijor, Aus
tiu mid Kvuuh'i'llsl .1. I). KusIku ni
Smoko tho popular Punch 10c, cigar,
- " . I fi-
f . , f- tl"
' 4. !-
" '