The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 05, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of
THAtSKU Nfll.t:-MI Knimi K. Mvlarit. irwil
ip.ilo nut", 17 Spilim Mirrl, I iii'iiil to
tfccho ciiRiur-tn-iit. Nov l"l-ilioii H'
WAXTIIII-A rooiI Kith mlilillc into liiofrrieil. In
of Mr. William Hitmliiitii. Hi Dumlalt tltw.
Delnwnro nntl Hudson Rail.'onu.
.lime U, 1MI.
I'm Ins lll Iojic Calliomlalc at cil.v M.illm m
'"!'" Sriinluii unit WllkwH.irrp-ti.ii, T.fti. SM
'.nl, m.01, 11.111 n. Hi.! I'J.IH, hi!1. -'li "''
fi.iw. r.w. in oi, to.f.i i. in. , ...
hiini1.iv trains l-ive ill S.'ii, 11.-1 J. ' ! '-In,
I.trt, 6..W), WW i. HI. . ..
I'flr AllMtic. s.inilo-ii, ll.noii. V
KiirIdiiiI mlnlf, it'., 7.W a. in,; l,.w p. !"
tilally.) ,, , ,
l'ir l.ilie Loilutr, Vj limit, niiil Hoiio-iUIi".
I. .'.', li.o-i ii, in.: ::.i. i-.M p. m.
-'iiinl.iy Inlni lean' l.ili- l.od "
ml IIiiiiciI.iIp lit i.aiiu. in.: !."'. I.l'.!.1; '
Ti.iIih iiiihe ill CiiiImiihIiiI" from Wllltf-'lljur
ml in (rilln! Il.iii", S.:lT. W". U'.''l
J. in, l 12.37, K.oii. 'Lit. I.'.'. I'."', ".HI, fill, ' 'I.
1..17 p. m.i 1.3.1 ii. in.
Buiiil.iy trains nniii- at !."" ii m.; I'-M"
4.2., n.-n, II.MO 1 1. in. , , .
Nitiil.iJ ll.illi .irtlw l Unit, l.ui.o
Loilnic, W.i.itn.irt mill lluin'' .U 12 ! '"
unci 7,.m p. III.
New York, Ontario and Western.
So-ll. 37, I'lOl.
Tialm le.ive Cuboiulalc foi Sii.iiiluii .'I T.o1 j.
n. ; l.on ii. m.
Sninl.iv tin In.- nl 7. in) a. in.: O.'i'S p. in.
Trjltn Iran- Ciiliuiiil'l- loi polnls uoilli m
11.10 a. in. (In hinul.i- nt H.10 ' " l1""'4
Ji'-Oritf at 11.11) ii. i'i. "i" 'lJJ-' ""'I "J" '! '"
million M.iKc LouiiPilioiis for irvv "iotl, I m
"ill, rtt'. ,, ,.
I lulus nil lie fiom Si Milton nl 11.10 a. i".: ''"
p. in.: tioin iiolnts hoi lit. t.oo p. in. Siniil.iy.s
Horn SlIiiiiIi.ii at 0.10 j. in. ami "! !' '"
fiotn ('uilu'l.i nl rt.tltl p. 111.
Erie Hnllroml.
.tunc 21, 1!'0I.
Ti-ln- lrjio i-llv -t.ili.Mi, ('', il-ijly
rr.l Siiml.iy) nl 7.00 a, in. ami '.! P- m. nr
Piamit ami Nliinvtlij nl i.:B5 .i. m 1-;ll.v (""
.cptlnc Siim1.iv), for lllmtluintiiii. iiukint: "on
iiritloiis tni' ,s'(v Yi'il. ilt nii'l". "it" !lt
H.-10 p. in. for Mi'JpIi.iii:i.i. in.i'.iiri loimcctiom
lor rhliin poiiil'..
Sunday tialns at P.l'i n. in. fr Sii-qil-'Ii.iiitij.
itii wcwlcin roniiPi'llon-, ami 0.'!7 p. in.. Willi
Ti .ilns nnlve nt s.'.l a in and "' I"' !' w.
Rnml.iys nl S..: n. in.
In Discussing the Mntter, Common
Council Pitches into the City
Solicitor Members Displeased Be
cause He Was Not Present at Last
Night's Meeting Council Acts by
IReferiing to Judiciary Committee
for a Report at Next Meeting.
I'ommnn rounoll lust nlK"it look ;if
ioii on tin' injunction nj-ainsl tlio
!ltii!ii!- of tlio strt'nt llRhtint" contract,
liy lvfcnins: it tn the .iudlciitry anil
leslflntinn ooininlttoc. with instructions
to report at the noxt mcotlnf" which
will lie Tiloncl'iy ultrlil nuxt.
Heforc this n"tinn was tnkon a few
of the nu'inliors liltchod into City S
llcltor Stuart, scurinr lilin for what
they ileclarcl was 'a rovM'Sdl of him
self In this case, mil for nut bcinsr
present at the meetint- to advise thrin
as to how to propped to defend against
the Injunction.
The nieetins' win- a special session.
called for the purpose of disposing of
unfinished business so as to admit of
the holdiiif- of a joint session on Mon
day niprht at which bids for city adver
tising are to he considered.
There were only two matters to lie
acted on: The pas-sin1- on llnal read-in1-
of the ordinance for n sewer on
Xinth avenue, near Main street and
the Columbus hose company's aiiuisi
1 lull. When these were disposed of
Air. Xealon tools up the injunction pro-i-eedliiR.
.Mr. Xealon In eiiteriiif;- into the sub
ject snid:
It's my purpose to tiuiuliv what ac
tion council has taken or Intends to'c wlilt reference to defending the
injunction iiKalnst the light contract.
The city solicitor has said that If coun
cils have made a mistake in the way
that the contract was awarded, and
that it Is one to be easily remedied; but
If the city doesn't pay attention to this
matter the costs will he placed on the
citizens. Tlie councils don't know what
1j- rlKht or otherwise In n case of this
character, and 1 can't see why th"
city solicitor doesn't appear to answer
to this injunction. The matter has
been In select council for several weeks
and hothinj has been done about it.
Hut select council Is not the only body
that is duitiK; business for the people;
the common council has as much rlKht.
and It Is as much its duty, to take ac
tion as the select. It is the duty of the
city solicitor to be hero to instruct or
unliKhlen us oii what to do,"
Mr, .Veulon's references to the city
solicitor followed after Mr. Thompson
went to the former's olllce to locate
him and returned In say lie was not
Chairman Collins concurred in Mr,
Nealun'K Judgment that the matter
"should not be burled la one branch of
councils." All leulsliitlon was for both
.Mr. Masters Indicated a vengeful
spirit towards select council for the
dilatory tactics lie charged that body
adopted In dealing with measures that
came, front conlmon council.
"II seems to mo." he said with spirit,
"that select council ought to have lak.
en Homo action besldo merely referring
H to commit tee. AVo had had two
meetings i-liico and notning has been
done. They .surely havr imd ampin
time. It seems thai everything that
noes tioin common council Is shelved
and put out of sight by the members
ivcr there, They have, at this time,
four or ilvo ordinances slioived that
were sent from here, They should bo
brought to time If there's any way of
doing It."
chairman Collins There's no o,ues
tion but that the matter should be dls
jioseil, of one way or another. Conn,
ell syild mho somo action ami direct
lv, jMO,
.Mr. .NValon "Tlio dty solicitor gave
his opinion fooi'uru councils tint night
the resolution was passed thut It was
all right, lie certainly ought to know.
Now t It Is all right, as ho claimed,
why should it lie charged now an he
suggests In his opinion In .select coun
cil, if any man should know about
theso mutters, it Is the city solicitor:
the couiiclhnen aren't supposed to bo
It was suggested at tills point that
the communication of the mayor,
which was addressed to both branches
of councils, be referred to i-ouuulttee
for u report forthwith.
Ml", Masters, one. of the two members
of the Judiciary committee present,
declared he would prefer not to deal
with the matter tinto-s the city -otlel-lot'
bo present to answer certain tiiies
UoiiH for their enlightenment.
"lie should be hero," liiterjot ted
Chairman Collins.
When Air. l.ol'tus suggested Its refer
ence to committee lo meet In conjunc
tion with the city solicitor imd the
committee from select council, Chair
man Collins s.ild:
"We ought to take some action, cith
er to defend It or otherwise, If It Is
Illegal I cannot say that It Is the fault
of councils. We pay IoriiI counsel to
advise lis and Hint Is the only guide
wp have."
This stirred Mr. Xealon, who said
with noticeable limitless;
"Wo ought, lo have the city solicitor's
written opinion In these matters. In
all the repot is 1 see of councils In
other cities, the city solicitor always
expresses himself In writing; but here
the city solicitor gives his verbal
opinion In nearly every case. Wo were
noililed by lilni that It was all right,
the way wo acted, and why shouldn't
we go down unil lake some stand In
this proceeding. As I said before, It
Is the solicitor's duty lo be here and
enlighten us and lei us know what we
are lo do."
(Minimum Collins "it seems to me,
loo. thai he should be here t Inform
us where we are at."
Mi. Musters expressed the opinion
that If something was not done, the
suit would be lost by default.
The discussion ended by the mayor's
coininunlcullon being- referred to the
judiciary and legislative committee
with instructions lo meet with the
commit let- from select counil and to
present a report at Alondiiy. ( night's
Vole for .ludge Carpenter.
The Anticipated Lively Meeting
Failed to Materialize Between
"Puffs," Directors Transact Busi
ness Moran's Bill Held Up Other
The school board meeting last night
was most baimonlous and not lively,
as was antic ip;. ted. Tin-members with
one exception, the secretary, who was
too busy, enjoyed good cigars until a
slight flare-up, near the end of the
meeting, over the bill of 1. t;. Aloran.
Air. Swlgert was chosen to preside,
President. JIiiEhes being absent. Air.
liallngher reported for the building
committee in relation to the notice Irom
the state Inspector to have lire-escapes
placed on all school buildings. The In
spector Is expected in a few days to ex
plain matters to the boaid.
Superintendent Chirr reported that he
was unable to llnd out the students
who had broken windows in the resi
dence of Fred Thompson. Air. Vnunnn
stated that he had si in a mini to put
the windows in. but they had been re
placed when the man arrived. Air, (lair
Informed the board that seven large
windows had been broken on last Hun
day night in Xo. S building, ami ho had
learned that a crowd from Simpson
was seen' In the vicinity and were
blamed for the mischief. The damage
amounted to S1.1.S7. The board decided
to have the mutter Investigated and
the offenders punished if their names
be learned.
The report of Superintendent iliirr
was read find placed mi file. He ip
porled total attendance durlntr the
mouth of L'.-H'; males, l.ilsr,; females,
l.o:i7, lJuplls perfect in attendance, 1,
Oi','!: pupils tardy, (ITS; pupils suspended.
2; visits by citizens, ;:o; visits by direc
tors. SI; visits of superlntendo-,'!, iL'ti;
truant pupils. T2.
A communication was r deed tiom
Principal Hryden npUli'i- for the privi
lege of the assembly room for lecture
by Or. II. j, Wlmlen for the benefit of
Athletic association. M'he lriiliest was
granted by the board.
Air. Switrert staled Unit lie hail re
ceived J10.2.".4.--'!i from the Mute appro
priation and $-'.."n(i from collcmr Watt
on IJiOl duplicate. Secretary U'erwin
explained to the board that a Alts,
(ioodwln had been to see him twice,
with respect to the stopping at the pay
car for school tax of moo. She showed
him a receipt from Collector cliff, of
AVayue county, for the same year. The
matter was referred to the board's at
torney. The following bills wire nail and
ordered paid: International Unfile com
pany, ?-0; Kvenlng header. J1U7: fiel
der & Alurphy. Sl-hfiil; u. Alexander,
?i:s.87: .1. I!, liilhool, $7S,7.": Carbor.dule
das company, $!.(; John Huoth. jss.ilfi;
Delaware and Hudson company, JUil.
.77: National Kxpress company, J;!, in,
P. fi. Aloran presented a bill for work
around the various schools for $C-ii.O",
from which was deducted ?7,iio re
ceived for stone taken from around one
of the buildings,
Air. A'annan said: "Air. Chairman,
as a member of the building committee
I cannot sign that bill, II Is too high,
anil 1 consider it mi outrage to irceive
such n large bill,"
Air. Ciitllnglier llluvul thut the bill lie
paid. It was not seconded, and Air.
Aloran ashed for the privilege of ad- '
dressing; the board, Air. Aloran stated
that the bill was Just In i-voyy particti
lar and that the men he had employed
under lilni were union men and were
paid union prices,
Air, Vnniian "I am not a kicker, but
I ay the work Is not then- for such an
amount. M'he bill Is exorbitant, In my
estimation, and I make a motion tint t
wo def. r action upon It until the board
has a chance to view the work."
M'he motion carried. M'he meeting t .-tx
Keep the bench Itepubllcan.
Two Children Succumb, Making the
Third Victim This Fall,
M'wo children succumbed yesterday to
the dreadful disease of diphtheria,
They are, i'dnu McMInn, daughter of
Mr. and Airs. Prank K. AlcMinn, of
llehnout slieet, and Kdgar," soij of .Mr.
and Mrs. AV. .1. Stephens, of :;is Lincoln
Th" fiuieials will mho place private
ly today.
M'lio death of these little ones nmlas
three victims to diphtheria tills" fall,
M'lir llrsl case was reported lust Mon
day. Vole Hie straight Hepublicmi ticket.
"Colltti'lng" His Friends
.1. II. Allondorph, of Syracuse, X. V.,
was In ihe city ycsieulny, Mr. Allcn-
dorph represents -l. W. Marvin A. Co.,
one of the numerous large collar ituiuu-
fiictui'i'i-s of Trnv. X. V . mihI iiim
of tho ".Meteor" and "Khctih" brands.
TIiIh is ills llrsl visit through hero In
several years, and ilttrln- the day ho
nitiilo tltno to renew old friendships.
Mr. Alletidorph Is one of those hustlers
whose reports always keeps lits em
ployers In good Intuitu,
Htund by- the party you itiny some day
want to stand by yott.
Tribune Man's Greenfield Friend and
Correspondent Does Some Cono3
pondlng. "Doric," tlurdlek, of (Ircenlleld, bat
ter known In prim ns Dorrauco lluck
ley Uurdeltp. brightened Tho Tribune
olllce yesterday with his sunshiny
snillo and whole-souled greeting.-
Dorrnnce left his weekly budget for
M'he M'rltiune, and, besides, he hud a
complaint to place on Hie. This Is
something unusual "Doric" having a
complaint; even a half a one. "Doric"
Is the most uncomplaining man In all
the world. Ho never complains; lie lets
you tlo the complaining after he gets
through with you, If you're able to; but
It's greenbacks to fried cakes that
you'll forget you ever had a complaint
or a kick coming,
Uut speaking about "Dorle's" com
plaint. Saturday he went to the Dun
dnl'f postolllcu to see his friends there.
Saturday mustn't luive been visiting
day, for they refused to allow Dor
rauco to visit. JIu didn't even stop in
t'ncle Sam's house of stamps and un
called for letters. Ho went In and
came out again right away just like
ii flying machine. Seemed us If they
wanted to lock up and go home. At
any rate they weren't a bit sociable,
anil to show how much his pride Is
hurl, ."Doric'' advises bis friends In his
weekly budget below to address all let
ters to Ii i in lo Carbondale, not Dun
duff. What Dorrance's budget cumulus
this week follows:
Carbondale, Nov. I, 110 1 .
Well, 1 i ame down today to send
nw.iy my voucher. Kotind Ihe ofllce
boy in. Ho was very smiling. Just
started for his dinner.
Aly eye glas.4 ttii.s tnturned. Noth
ing like a notice of you losses In The
Aly youngest daughter. Mabel's,
birthday occurred last Saturday. 1
wanted lo have a surprise parly, but
she got wind of It and went up to
DundalC Friday and stayed until Sat
urday. AVell. I celebrated her birthday
Mud of old-fashioned. AVeut up lo
Dundaff to look for her In the evening.
Aly friends up in Dundaff didn't neciu
very pleased to see me. Had ought to
have went in the morning. AVo u Id
have appeared belter and been more
welcome, that is, If I bad the price. I
think I will live through It ami I hope
they feel better. If any of my friends
hereafter wish to correspond with me,
let them address me. Curhonih'Ic,
I,.ickawnunn county. No more Dun
daff. Our teachers have leturned from the
institute at Scranlon. Report a pleas
ant ami profitable time.
Aly friend and comrade, (ieorge Wil
liams, is now talking with me. lie
tells me that his cat killed an old
mink, which is very surprising to me,
as a mink is of the same nature of ,i
ferret. However, l would not dare lo
dispute (ieorge.
Well, 1 went to church last evening.
Klder Lliidsoy gave us a fine, short ser
mon from the words. "Kxcopt ye abide
In the ship, ye cannot be saved."
Alusl go home now and help l.ew lin-
Ish digging potatoes. D. H. liurdotto.
Pull out the stay-at-homes.
Court Orders Constables to Enforce
the Law Today.
The probabilities are that today w'll
bi the dryest election day in the his
tory of the town, so far as the sale
.of lliiuor goes. It will he if the city
constables observe the instructions
which the court gave them yesterday
when they made their returns.
It was Judge Kd wards who charged
the constables, lie directed them to
notify all saloonkeepers that their
places must close today and remain
closed until after the voting Is over.
He told them thai they should urge
upon ihe lhtuor dealers the imperative
necessity of not only closing their
front doors, but shutting off all side
door tralllc as well. Judgp Kdwurds
further Impressed on the constables
their duty to be on the alert for viola
tions during today, and lo promptly
return them to court, if theie be any.
Acting on these Instructions, Ihe local
constables on their return to Carbon
dale yesterday afternoon passed
around the words of the court. All of
the saloonkeepers were notllled and It
Is expected that thoie will be a general
conipllunc" to Ihe strict orders of the
Vote for Stevenson for surveyor.
At tho Hotels.
Among ihe arrivals at the Hurilson
llnus-i yesterday were: F. A. Hlnter
melsler, John S. Xallln, l.eo Sjchliupff,
A, W. Fellows, Thomus ii. Walsh, S. .1.
Chapman, John J, Alnghran, Kdward
.1. AlcNnlly, Scranlon: James S. Ahlon,
Passaic, N. J.
Al the American House: Al, !,. Flue,
K, Al. Vertioj , of the Delaware and
Hudson olllee.-, Scraliton; (I, 11. New
ton, !'. C. Welling, Joseph Jerntyu,
Scranlon: I!, W. Strongman, It. C,
Altteller, lloucsdale.
Commissioner Powderly Here,
Hon, T, V, Powderly, commissioner
general of Immigration of the 1'nltcd
Slates, Is hi ihe city, tho guest of his
relatives hero. .Mr, Powdorly's mission
Is to cast his vote In today's election
In S'Tiintou. his residence, which he
has done unfailingly since hiking up
Hie duties of his olllce in AVashlnglon,
D. c.
Meetings of Tonight.
William 11. Duvies Women's liellef
Division No. L'l. A. O. H.
St. A'ineont do Paul,
l.uclmwiinua tiihe, Ited .Men,
Carbondalo conclave, Heptasophs,
Vote for Dr. Huberts for coroner.
Election Postpones Meeting,
The regular meeting of tho .Mitchell
lloso company of this evening has
been postponed until Friday ovoniug
on lie, iiunl of cleitlion.
Htm tho Mumps,
Ihil.i. the llitle daughter of Mr, and
Airs. K. J. Illy on .Summit avenue is
suffering from an attack of the iriiuups.
Broken Arc Lights.
The globe on tho urn light of the
coiner of Dumlal'i .street and I'eclt ut
eiiue which was btokcu last sprlui,
has not been replucil. Then Is another
Jlnkps nn Important Statement
of Interest to All Women.
" tlKAn Mns. I'iskiiam: Tho hon
est, intelligent physician Is nhove tho
sjchool.' Whatever la best In each
ease should bo used, no matter to what
school a phystelttu uolou-. J ns n
matter of consolencc, enn only pre-
H MMHBa7 B v
DR. WANATA, of Laming, Mloli.
scribe the best., and as I know and have
proven thatthoro Is nothing- In Materia
Medica which equals Ly (I III 13. Plnk
lin m's Vegetable Compound in
sevens caBes of female disorders, 1
unhesitatingly prescribe it, and ha-o
never yet been sorry. I know of notlt
luir batter for ovarian troubles and for
falling of the womb or ulcerations ; it
absolutely restores the affected parts
to their normal condition quicker and
better than anything else. T havo
known it to cure barrenness in wo
men, who to-day arc happy mothers of
children, nud while the medical pro
fession looks down upon ' patents,' I
have learned, instead, to Jook-up to
the healing potion, by whatever name
it be known. If my fellow physicians
dared tell the truth", hundreds of them
would voico my sentiments." Dr.
Wan ata, Lansing. Mich.
$6000 forfeit If odor- testimonial h not genuine.
The record of Lydia E. Pitikliuin'K
Vegetable Compound cannot be
equalled. Accept an substiiute.
Mrs. Plnkhnm advises nick wo
men free. Address Lynn, Mass
nt the corner of Scott street and AVnod
lawn avenue, which has been without
a globe for several weeks. Uoth lights
give a most unsatisfactory service,
casting shadows here and there Hint
make II dangerously confusing for
pedestrians. Iloth cases call for the
Immediate attention of the Kleetrie
Light company.
Vote early and work all day.
Carbondale Residents Learn with
Surprise of a Double Marriage of
Popular Young People.
AVIth considerable surprise, Curbon
dalluns learn of the elopmenl of two
well-known young couple of this city
to P.Inghiunton.
Till llrst couple to be married were
Maurice J. Klnnnery and Aliss Alary J.
Delnney. M'hey were wedded by Alder
man W. I-:. Dobbins during the latter
part of Oitober. on Wednesday last.
Alayor Jerome Dewitl. of the Parlor
city, united In marriage Joseph Mun
ition, of Pike street, to Aliss C.raco
Alituu, of Jerinyn. and formerly of this
oily. Iloth were students at (he Cen
tral school here. Air. Alatinlon being
captain of ihe representative foot ball
eleven of the school. Uoth are very
popular anil enjoy a wide legion of
friends, who wish litem prosperity in
their new life. The groom is a
brother of Select Coiipncllinau John K.
Mrinnion, of the Fourth ward.
Hush the returns in tonight.
Election Day at Postofllce.
I'ostolilce lobby open for general
business from 7 a. m. to 1" o'clock,
and from ::.!!! p. m, until ii.."i) p. m, for
lock box owners onlv.
There will be one general delivery of
mall and niie business delivery by
Xo money order or register business
done on this day.
.1. II. Thomas, Postmaster,
Will Administer Confirmation.
III. Kev, Bishop Hobiin. of Scruuton,
will administer the sacrament of con
llrinatlon In St. Hose church on Sun
day, Nov, IT. Tlie class of boys and
girls will number .'ion, the largest In ihe
annuls of the church. M'he Sunday pre
ceding. Nov, hi. th" children will re
ceive their llrst communion.
Hunting at Sturiucca.
A hunting puny composed of p. .
Coogun. Frank AValsh, John Klrkwood
and Ch.'iuticey Smith left this morning
for Sturrurca, they will spend
the day In seatch of game.
Cycle Club Will Receive Returns.
M'he Cycle club will receive election
returns at their rooms on Church
street this evening. Hefresluuenl-' will
he served. Club rooms open to niein.
hers onlj.
Accepted Position,
Itobi'i't Craig of liclmom street has
occupied ii position at the D, & II. lo
comotive repair shop.
Change of Residence.
M'he family of James l.yuady have
moved from Wyoming street to upper
Dundaff street.
Returned to Work.
Joseph Kllputrlck returned to work
yesterday after being Incapacitated by
a sore hand.
A Removal,
Mr. and Alvs. Duvld II. D.nls havo
removed their household goods from
llirkett street to Cemetery street,
Visitor from Nicholson,
Oscar Coin of Nicholson Is going to
spend ihe season here,
Vote fur Jones for controller.
Among th'. Carbondalii guests at
llonesdalf' Sunday were William Step
hens. K. 11. Ileeley. Fred Sltiman and
Llewellyn Woodley.
ilotelheeper .lames Staples, of W-'V-uiari,
wan ,i caller in town yesterday.
Aliss Alable .Shepherd, of Scianliiu,
Is tho guest of Jits. O. D. Shepherd In
the Anthracllo block.
Air. and Airs. It. J, Ifourke, of Scran
lon, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs.
J. A. Kelly on South Church street.
Stand by the party you may some day
want to stand by you.
The funcrni of the late John Clink
tool: place yesterday urtcrnoon and
was largely itltntiiled. MMie romultm
were taken to Sacred Heart church at
t! o'clock, where a brief service was
held by the pastor, Uuv. M. H. Lynolt.
Interment was afterwards made In the
Calvary cemetery at Atayileld. Tho
funeral was largely intended, among
tin.' eortegu being the Keg Kuutl, num
bering two bundled of tho dead man's
reltoW workmen, M'he pall bearers were
J. J, .Stanton, Kdward Uosser. William
Veule, William Newberry, Alexander
Ilrueu and Frank Uurns.
Mrs, AV. (.'. Nicholson and daughter,
Louise, of Alain street, spent Sunday
with Scruuton friends,
M'he Delaware and Hudson company
will pay nt their colliery here on
MMiursday afternoon.
llcv. David Spencer. D. l of llla'se
ly, spoke yesterday afternoon In the
Baptist church, to the members of tho
newly-organized brigade and many
older members or the church, on "Our
Hoys, or Lino of Advance fur I ho
Twentieth Century."
Domlnlo tlouadtuo, the Italian so
painfully Injured nl Kdgertoti Saturday
afternoon by a lull of rock, was ie
porlcd to be resting easily at the hos
pital yesteuhty and Is expected to re
cover. Air. and All". Hubert Kcclioy worn
Sci'iinton vlsltont yesterday.
M'he Ideal orchestra, of Ahiyllehl, will
rondiiet a social in Assembly hall on
til" 1,-th.
M'he Ladles' Aid of St. James Kplseo
p,il church will meet at the homo of
Airs. Louis I'lcar, on Bacon street, on
MMiursday afternoon.
Dr. I. S. (Jruves and Superintend"!!'.
(iebhariU were Scruuton isltors on
Saturday afternoon.
Attorney Frank Stocker, of Carbon
dal", was a caller here Inst evening.
Vote for Judge Carpenter.
("Mara, the little adopted daughter of
Mr. and Airs. Charles AVilllams. of
Seventh street, Iilakely, died yesterday
morning after a week's illness of diph
theria. M'hu funeral will be held this
afternoon and will bo private. Two
other children of the family are ill
with the same disease.
Coorg Benton, of Carbondale, was
a caller in town yesterday.
The Blakely social club held its first
meeting of this season at the residence
of Dr. F. L. A'an Sickle on Hull ave
nue last evening. MMie members were
pleasantly entertained at curds until
about midnight when a luncheon was
Several cases of diphtheria about
town are renorled
Airs. .1. Arlington Spencer and chil
dren, of Hlakely, left yesterday to
spend a few weeks with relatives at
Newark. N. J.
Airs. Sarah Thomas, of Susquehanna
street. Is ill with pneumonia.
Aliss Ksthor Harris, of Plttston, Is
the guest of Aliss Tilllo Davis, of
Mrs. John o'.Malley. of Duuniure
street, is visiting relatives at Wllkes-
Dairy K. Jones, a student at tlie uni
versity of Pennsylvania, 's home for a
few days.
W. It. Hughes, of Plttston, is Hie
guest of Mr. and Alls. C. O. Sutton.
Vole for Jones for controller.
Airs. Charles Morrow and child! en
went to Piitstou on Sunday to attend
the funeral of a cousin.
Bennett Hicks has returned, afler a
week's stay at Wilkes-Mane.
Hev. F. (ieud.ill is visiting at Dur.
ilufi. Miss Alice Hensley entertained u
large number of friends at her homo
on Josephine street. Alolt Haven, on
MMiursday evening. M'he evening- was
spent In playing games, singing, etc,
after which the guests werr servid
Willi refreshment.--. Afterwards they
went to the Alolt Haven hall and in
dulged In dancing,
M'he Aliases Alurial and Jennie Kvuns,
of Blakely, have returned, titter spend
ing the week with relative. at Clifford.
Alessrs. Hubert Atoon, Howard Hruud
age and Frank lienjamiu arc home
from their respective schools to vote.
B. 10. Stevens, of Cross Forks, is vis
iting his grandparents. Air. and Airs.
Allltou Taylor, of Alain street.
Aliss l-'ditii Arnold was presented
with a line piano, last week, by her
.Miss Floss!'.' Warlleld Is conllned to
her home with tousilltis.
.Mrs. AVIUiain Hook has returned fiom
vlslllug AVilkes-Uarre friends.
Air. and Airs. Daniel Dnriow and
daughter, of West Scruuton, v. ere call
ers In Peekvllle yesterday,
M'honius Davis, a hotelkeeper, resid
ing on the AVIIdeat turnpike, near
Sturges' shaft, In Arehbald borough,
m el with an unfortunate accident yes
terday afternoon, which may result In
his death. Air. Davis, In attempting to
mount one of the small locouti.tlves'of
thu Scranlon Con! company, plying be
tween Sturges' shaft and the Ontario
colliery, was in some uuucomintublp
manner thrown under the tender of the
engine. The physicians Iiiim- Jlttle
holies of his rei oory.
Vote for Dr. 1'oberis for cuioiier.
That th grand concert and lot draw
ing, to be liehl under the auspices of
tho Calvary Baptist church on Novem
ber I'.l, will be a success Is already pre
dicted. The congregation and their ef
llcleut pastor, Hcv, Dr. Harris, are
sparing no possible offoit to make this
alfair surpass all previous events con
ducted by the church.
M'ho following are tho article winners
of the bmiiii' held recently at the.
church of Immaculate Conception:
Picture of Blessed Vlri.'ln, .Miss Anna
Hums; green plush chair. Aliss Kthcl
Aliilherln: home-made quilt. Anthony
Lydou. of Taylor; huge parlor lamp,
Aliss Agms Fl!in, ()d Forgo; huge
picture, .mini weber: handsoiue band
made cushion, Airs. Allchuel (iullugher;
large picture and fancy rocker, Airs.
William Fox; Sacred J I tart statue,
lieorgc Timlin; Parlor lamp, John D.
Jones; pattern quilt and siiubtiisl, John
(llynr, Jr.; bundi-onie cushion. Mrs.
Alurplo ; handsome lump. Patrick Flan
ugun; large doll, Alar Law; pallor
lamp, F. Aloffati: sei of d It-lies. Airs,
Alullurln; beautiful given plush album,
Alary Ynuiujlilood; fituty quilt. Frank
Alums,!); boxes of cigars, lUchunl Cum
lulngs, Jr., and Frank Lally, all of Tay
lor: fancy pincushion, .Miss Kiln Dona
hue, of South Scruuton; Sacred Heart
statue, James Jennings, jr., South
Scruuton; parlor furultuie, F. tlormau,
M'he Taylor basket hull team will play
the Knickerbockers, of Scruuton, at
Meldrtim, Scoff & Co.
126 Wyoming Avenue.
Today we
bring you inter
esting informa
tion about Cor
sets. In this
day of physical
I one of vital importance to nature's fair
daughters. Proper breathing space, com
fort, ease, durability and an aid to erect
carriage all these are required of the
modern corset designer and no maker has
arrived at so happy a solution of the
problem as the manufacturer of the de
servedly popular C. B. Corset. It now
has a wearing acquaintance with num
berless up-to-date, appreciative wearers.
Straight Front
A durable, service
able and comfortable
corset for every day
wear, comes in
white, drab, pink
and blue, all sizes
and all prices from
$1.00 to $7.50.
All corsets fitted
(by experie n ced
saleswomen) while
you are waiting.
The Little
French Cut Gir
dle has been de
servedly popular
even in its its
infancy. There
is nothing in the
corset line that
so pleases the
growing girl and
matron alike.
Allows perfect
muscular free
d o m , deep
H breathing and
presents i
ideal waist
pea ranee.
I-or a Better
Idea See Our
Window Display.
U stylish, in w
itllU UILIU.
$1.00 to $5.00
a Pair
Fallon's rlnl.. Old Forge, on Thursday
A night school scs.-ion will be opened
on .Monday evening, November 11, in
the basement of the Church of Itu
luacul.ite Concept ion for the Catholic
young men and working boys of this
town, and will be carried on during the
winter months. John Lally, a popular
young man of this town, is to act us
instructor, lie has taken high honors
recently, passing a teacher's examin
ation under Prof. F. It. Coyne, princi
pal of Old Forge High school.
Vol.. for Sl'-veiison for surveyor.
Air. and Airs. AV. U. Perlgo and son,
Stanley, of Scranlon, vlsltfd friends
here on Sunday.
Aliss liussle Sclilnmierllug. of Thorn
liurst. Is visiting her sister tit the
Hiickingliaui home for a few days.
Prof, and Airs. ):, it, lingers and
Aliss Schimmerllng attended the county
Institute ui Scranlon hist week'.
Aliss FiiHt and Aliss Lucy Fuller
have goii" to Scruuton lo spend the
wlnlvr. II. Stlllwell and family will
oicupy their house during their ab
sence. John J!, Lee and family, who have
been summering ui Klmwood Hull,
have returned to their home at Paler
son, X. J.
.Mr. nud Airs, c. II, Whitney are n
juicing over Hie arrival of a little
daughter In their home.
Airs. Harry Huberts, of IVekvllh'.
spent Sunday at the home of her
mother. .Mrs. Charles Curtis.
Airs. A. II. Williams, who bus ben
visiting lib uds in this vicinity for tho
past six weeks, lelt lor tier liotue ai
Ashland, Neb., .u MMiursday last.
Air. and Airs. Ii. M'uylor, of Luanda,
arc visiting at the home of their
daughter, Airs. F. A. Page.
Airs. W. K. Sqlllers, of Brooke, V.i.,
has been visiting at the home'of Airs.
II. W. Davis.
Alius Bessie Buckingham spent
Thursday night with Aliss luiv. Bles
sing at Si ronton, and attended the con
i.rt at tho illtsli Sclioul auditorium.
Dr. .1. W. Knedler, S. ii, Kiel and J,
W, Williams represented our school
board at th" directors' meeting at the
county Institute last Thursday.
Stand by th? party uu may .-onu day
waiu to siaiid bv you,
Airs. Henry .1. While and soil. Stan
ley, who have been keeping tho toll
gate In this place, halo moved to
Seraiiton. Charles Capwell, of F.ic
toryvllle, Is now inciipjlng the pos.
.Mr. and Airs. FrauU Colvln attended
the .losing dus of Hie Puu-Auiorlciu.
Air. and Airs. W. A. Dean visited Dr.
Van Slikle and mother, of olyplmiu,
on Sundu.v.
Air. and Airs, Orln Hliiiiucr. of UUm
hainton. N. V were the guests of Air.
and Airs. Ir.i Kresga Sunday.
'i'h.. Miniiutl roll call of the inemliM-
ship of ihe Baptist church will be held
hi the iliiucii on iriuay aitcruooii no.i
at -'."' o'clock. All the members of tho
i lunch are requested lo respond lo
their named either personally or by
ffiffl V
VV-hC''. I
ueveiopmenuur .w
women. the cor-jg
set question is MU
We have a
special line of
these dainty Silk
Corsets in white
only, low bust,
straignt front,
heavily boned
an altogether
high grade cor
set that cannot
fail to give satis
faction. Specially
adapted to form
reducing and
molding t h e
feminine figure
to pleasing sym
metry. $12.00
a Pair
This is what avc are doinj
with our
Furs, Jackets,
Suits and Skirts.
If you want quality, style and
low price, trade with
The Furrier,
124 Wyoming Avenue.
Furs repaired aud remodel
ed now at reduced cost.
letter. From ." to 7 o'clock a social will
be h-ld In tho church and supper will
be served to the members of the
cliurdi in the evening, at ".SO o'eloih,
Hev. A, 11, Smith, of Seraiiton, will
Kx -Sheriff liuudolph Crlppen Is itut
III at his home.
William A'ou Storch, who bus been
building a number of stations on
brunch lines of the Delaware, Luek.i
woutiu and Western railroad In New
Yoik state, bus completed his work
Pull out the stu) -ill-homes.
M'heio uic now being built at Hm
dale llftewi raihoiid tracks, which will
be, when complete!, over one mile long.
M'hey n rv building tin elevated bridge.
ralso, which will bfi three-quarters of u
mllo long, where the yard for i.irs will
be located. M'lio bridge will cross the
turnpike leading to Holllstervlll"
Airs. Saiuantha Barclay Is vUltlig
hur sister, In Providence,
M'he Temperance society Is piogtess.
Lit? slowly ai Whinners.
nun yea.
Joseph Curtis, a wvlMoiowi. and
highly esteemed resident of this place,
died at his home, on church street. Sat
urday morning, M'he deceased is sur
vived by a wife anil live children, thno
daughters and two sons. M'he funetal
was held tit the house at :'.:;n lAloil;
jostcrday uficrnuoii.
sircci, lomiiriotv morn
A requiem high mass
Ul I..I..,'.- ..It, ,,...!,
.,,, ,i,,,i, f- i, ,,,,,,, in the 'Cf'nton Itibia:-.
Plttston. Nov. I. -Tho funeral oi All"
liortcnsc M'oiihill will take place from
the family residence, on North Main
street, toiiiuriow morning ut 0 o'clock-.
A requiem high mass will be suns it-t
& 4