The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 04, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    n, a.'i'' ., .. , , . ..,, ... ,,jtM..etei.i . ?.. usii&.4,.v,,ifcUB!-i', ... jsvs...sliC.. - - t- y-'Tvt ,' ,w?wr oJvwsBSffawB
fv i ,
is. i
1'iiMMifil Hatty, t.xrrpl Eimlay. 1i TV Trlh.
bo I'ubllihlnjf Compati), at Klfl Cent n Montll.
itvv turn mid. r.iitor.
O. V. nVMtl.l'. Iluln m Manager.
New oik OlBce! 1J0 Naicsii Pt. ,
S S Vllltl t.VNt).
Bole Anent lor l'orctitn AiUctlUinsr.
t -tlie I'o'lnlTicp at "-craiiton, l'a , M
Second Class Mall Mittcr.
tt lien fpnrc villi permit. The Tribune I' Jla
Blad to rtlnl short lettois from Its lilnno H'
inc mi iiirrrtit topics, but lt rule 1 tint lline
mini lie algtirtl, tor ptibllcitlnn, I) Hip writer 1
real ninir; anil tlic roiitllllnn pfirilflil to ac
irptantc Ihit all contributions (.lull bo sulijecr;
to editorial lovlnlon
n-lll I I it. iiith iil ltitt1l l ICtVfl
III. I l,l 1 It 111. 1 UV fll.1 lillllllivi
Tho follow In? Intilf fhow, tho ir!re prr
fach lnorllon, pnc to lie ued within 0110 jrai'
n mi of
isl llnir 011
lem'llim MM Inihm
row "
li -i
. .. .. .. ..... . . ... . ' I......
1 ur rum 01 uninM, resolutions ni luuuoivhi"
ml fhullir mntrlhiitlotis In the nittiro of at
vertMni; lho Triliuno makes a chaiKC of 5 rents
a line
Nates for Clalfl"d Adicrtlilinj ftmil'hed on
SCUANTON, Nt)Vi:.MIIi:it I. l!l.
f-uprrmr Cnirl-UII 1.1 M I' I'0 1 I I'll.
TrcMiier-l It NK t! IIMHIIS
Juice-1, v. r Mii'i.Mi i:.
f ontiollei i;. v IOM-(cronu-Dlt.
bniwiiir-OI.OII(il i: SH.VI.N-OX.
I lrutloii Vo r)
" lien lie v went out of power In
in sMi It lelt In th- Iteimlilleui tntt.i a lei
.,i or almost -.10 M() fiiKi if i!i lit lnK ililit, I'V
wle ailinliiltiiitniii iimlei Hi pnliliejii ml . lm
lein i1tnnt rntireh pml We lino hkicjp1
tin tppn liitlons in the minutou I onle until
we linl nt the henl of the nieiliin sntei. In
ippoit of topulir eilinitUii I'mlir Uepublic n
a ImiiiMi mi n there u hern pml cuh Mir for pin pi, , in ml tluii wh jppioprUteil
the I) inwi ith pjitj In theil .-putter of i
MitiiM if uiiriilo We 1 .e Incirainl oui ap
I topruticin to tlnrll ihle mil eleeino'jiur In-ti
ttitioiii mi II we t in inilvi the hoi-I thul no 'ttte
lilween the two oei mi suipnrt thee irnlitu
t ions i will -n rlti s mil own On 7,0OO0H'l of
P ople in liiihi.liioiii, hone-t, I iu ilililuiR mil
1 appi itf Miiioimiliii a-, wt lie on even mle
with in p ion-. Iiimiu-. lonilltion'. with p op'o
lapp. finphwril mil i ntenteil mil with iir
Jnnie of Lmlncss nil tilde full v ouipi'il, an 1
with the pineppit of the Inline biU'hli nini: tihI
tiiwin nine hrpiful, the nil hl-tiiilc pnl of
li-tim tli n and ii"Eition sit-, up i h-l(ikll nv
if faUe prelcn-e, li'pmu.i mil fu-lmirlU for
the purpjse of inMoiilint, the people mil lepralr
lie 1ot power "l loin Hit Kip lhlk ill tato
oto lor TU( IjukK I- I Mit'J im
Ni'Utnuili. Uciiiililn .ins i in no
olijei t In imilvhu' tin i timnion
lipm li IXmuriutK
Hake No Mistake.
-W-lllKNDi of foloncl IllttlicoiU
1 .no ljti.istliiB that the hue
JL. I'flei tod .IttcV1' '" tiponiii h
ili' Thi'V tin? li'cknniiiK hu-t Cm iifiitt'i will tune
nioie pliu.ililv than Hitchcock has
utfs Jim tho'i lioasN ot thnsilt-ap-1'iilnt
il apo-iUts of lolfiini thllilt theh
ica! iiupn-t whk li is tho ol the
Itilitililiiau pal ij Jlltohcoilt ii onlN
ii ( iicniiislnni c He h.ippcncil in he .t
( iincnicnl weapon I'.nt il it iiati not
Icl'1 Jlitiluotk it w until line heen
some (iml else '1 he motive existed Ik -loie
lliti hi oi lc appealed mi the si cue.
Jt was iIiikUiI .iRiiinst Itcptitilk tnlsni
il ailiKil it pait dm l tlnr.w. liack ol
tin whole Mnnliipal league movement
it was lho impelling ambition an. the
(ovtted Koal J-.'ol all in tin le.iKtie
liiovennnt m iv hive In on iun!clous of
it, but It was tin 1 1 .
Ami it was I." 'I in ilttlit n!
iltleiis to lonsplu im Uipuhlk m is well istablMicil 'l'ho-e who
want the liipnhlli in put., to be ile
li ited vho want tile eountv v
1" b" Uliuoi i.ili aie i xiiiisin a mn
stitiit'nnal tijitlnii w in u tin j iltlni mip
1 nt XivMonib dliiitlv oi 'o put w.iv
tiiw.inl hi . suppoi t bv ill positing a bal
lot loi llluluink Thoe who wish to
si i tin Ittpubllian putv ili;niit( d
n Htiiallv will inn look tor ndviie to
ii Ittpuliliian nev.snpei timeline we
wnst no lim, on them lint let no ite
1 utilii m vote lot llitihiock mlMinilei
-1 1 ti I til l.i t none vole lor lilm wno
vmjuIiI icRict Xewiombs ileitlon. Col-
nii I Ulti hiij k I, inlilj , ntltlid to
'Mt antl-llPiiiibliian vote Unit i an
il -it be landed otttilKht Tin the J)cmo
ciitii tii kit lie Is not i ntitle 1 io any
itei nbliian oio
Let tills bo umit! Muuil
lldwnid A. Jonon lins inade u llitt
late contiolloi. No mine populai oi
llkleitt oIIIlIiI Ins ever oroil the
"iiintv. Ho i'c-eies to be continued
in oillre and he will be.
Reinforcem&nts for Good Ronds.
A-W-Hi: INITIAL inn of Scum -I
lon'H new lj-fot ined Auto-
-L mobllo dull, held Satuiday
ovfi the only available con
tinuously jjockI load in t Ills Motion, tlie
i:iiitliiust boubv.iid, was not onl.v c i -lovable
as a p.utline, il wiih (iKiiill
(,tnl oi a new tone lot lilLiiua lm
ployciiK fit.
Tho mttonioblli s i i ju in Rfneial
U.-o, Up to tills tlttio It bus been malul.v
tlu toy ol the wfll-to-do, Hut nothlnsf
In the ttitute Ik iihhp unliable than
that vWthln it Mian time It will lie e.
t.iblir-htd as a i-tandnid vehicle, tis(d
ifl Iuiro numliei.s tor all put poses
wlieifvrr the (oudltlon ol tin publin
load.s will pei mil, Autoniolilllng with
ulno Is a lad, likely to o the way ol
the biiiHiiK tad. Hut in the evolution
nf liiiluatilul Klenoe, which is taklnsr
phifg ha l.tpldly these davs-, to tho
havile ut old-tiibhlonisl ways, It s in
e liable that vililitilui ttavel must
shai iu tho uiile(-t-al chungis, and the
experimental uutouioblles ot today, mh-tcss-iul
tliotiKli they m-oiii and aio,
takliu; Into aeionnt the t-hoit tlnie tlmt
h.m licdi Riven to tho Impiovomuit of
them, tue uu(iiehtlo!ialily muelv lho
foioiunuci.s ot Immeiistly Miipciior ami
( hcapei" nu'cliaiilt-nih, which vvoniaj ex
pect wltliln at most a woie of cats
The clint iu of pleatuio tinvel lies Iu
Kootl mads. AVlth few- exceptions our
loads aie poor. Thoitfoie the mlstdon
of the Automobile, club, ainonir otltoib,
l.s to vvoik for road Impiovemeut. It Is
an additional ally Iu the battle against
the lingular Inertia of Uioio whom Kood
i odds would beneiit most namely, the
(ivvneis of abutting- piopc-ity. And It lb
llkcljf tulieionie an Inllucntlul nlly, be-
tiui'p It l n pliemihicnoti of liiitnnii
llatllio t lit I tncll will in to Kirulir
IcttRttf lit the iiliit'tilt of pluiRine thnii
titpy will ko Imply fof liuslnes belie
Ilia, tjond loads it i a l)iilnet-, benrlll
but Hint Tint (ins not In en uulltlunt to
tiitl lliein Into lielutr. It tattes lho en-
llltlIUPII1 (if IOlt-l()V( is to wtilte up
lltu Indllfeipnl tiiNpn.viiH and apply tho
Initial pilot y iu'te"inv to pupil tltlf
Uulnjod lefoiin iiliine;.
Iu the tneantlttie, Dlnetoi Modto'c
piopiisltlon to nmuiiliiinbe a number or
the ptliiflpal unp.ived ettiets within
tho city Is iciehed with tut h mniilfcsl
fitvoi that we hope II inuv pievall.
li ill Ki unci's piopluev Is beliip; Ctil
lllhil. The IIiwlMi Iu South Allien air
ceitalnlv polliLra pi lie wlildi Is .ik-
KCllllL,' humttuit.v
Stand By Your Colors.
IX iSI'lTI' (Jl' all the ilust-lhiowliiff
of tills (.imimlKII, Hie i flints of
Dcmocuits milt US-Muni Unno
iials to fuse and loufllsp (he
VotPis one lait 'tntiils out mi cliatlv
tlmt the wayfitiliiR mini HioukIi a tool,
need nut etr tin ir In.
That Ik the plotiiliil petMinntl of the
npptlbllcan thket It is u lUKcL ic
(liililliK no iipoluKlti. At Its hwail
stands ,lud,'e Caipilitd. Hie dioke of
the liar foi .IihIro AKhli.ild's s, at a
cloan, ( (oli"clentloiis Jinlsl,
ludlclal In tiiiipu, lioldlnc, evml t ho
m,iIps ol Jtiutlie, loinpas.sionstte and
mriiltlll but tiile to hi- dlllv totll
MlttntP to eveiv wind that blow -.
No Hopuhlkan nicil lipsltate a minute
to vote loi .ItulKP t'ai pent' i
Then thoio Is Iklwaid A .loot'
Malwiut. ioii'-i lintloit-, i flu bio and
.n ilKht foi wind. H.ivltif,' bv appoint
lutnt as kawaiin i's Hist (ontiollei,
lie lias oilubli-dii'd lii- lldilitv as a pub
lli otlli oi nod not a limn In the lountv
i an K.iiii'-av ills pcf-oiia! lmnoi o: ills
litlus o liiclve the siilti.ijfis ol Un
people No Iteptiblii ill lias auv uasoii to
withhold his vole Horn IM. Tones.
rot i oi oik. i O i Itobcits, a sin i (ss
tul and tiuiMtli plivsklin, and lor
i otttitv stiieoi, (ieoie 1' Stevenson,
competent, tiuslwoi thv and nblitriiiK
those men, too have pioved tin li
vmiiiIi In publk s.ivlie and i an be
suppoi ted liv l!"publli ans wltli a cle.n
LOIlsc.ll I1L0
Not a spot oi blemish is on anv one
of tin in. Thev aie lepn seutative Ite-intblican-,
as Kood as oui count ion
tains Tin v aie ileali-dil citiins, In
whose hands the Inttli'st- ol theil lel
low -i itieiis ale sale
Now wliv slioiild anv I tiinilitli.ui
vnnt to knile this ti( kel ' Tt is the
Kipuliliuin titket, the ticket of tho t Hint all tun liepiiblii ans want
to ste tiiitnipliaiit, the Hi kel of the
paitv tliat is assailed this V(.n b nun
who have ptisonal f,iiev antes Xi l
veai tluie will be anotbei battle. Ke
publkans will want to win it Will
it help lilt in to win tin ii to have the
btiich made UeinociatU now, to liavi a
l.emouat In the i ontiollei s olllie, to
havea Donioi iatk loroliu and i l)i m
on.itii suivevoi ' Look at the silu i
tion laiilv, von Itepublicans who pio
liss lovall In Kopubluaii pibuiplis
Ale von willlll to slKiiKtlieil the
eneiu tills vcai at oui own opi use
iiLt e.u and m the veais to come '
Tin situation i- iust line Itepilbll
cans alum, i m nail tlie I.tpuhltian
bannii In tin dust 'I he Deniouats
i innoi do it Then aie not cnoiuh of
them. II the p it tv li.iK is luwcitd In
sun. nd.'i I.eiiulillruii allies of Hie
(iiuiiv must pull II diiwu Do ou
want thul. KopiiblUans oi Iitln
wannii' Aie ou wlllni, to ,'ive the
v i( lm v to the toe '
II not -;cl in the polls toiuoiiow and
woik lll.e valiant soklien- loi voui
lintv, the Maud old paitv of Lincoln
and McKlnkv. Let lho Denim i, its
Unlit tilth own HkIhs, Stand bv vour
ooloi mul J oil will never HKiet it.
Vote loi Di. Hnbctts foi loionei, One
booU tc i in dc-ei ves another.
To the Hen Who Dared.
INCLl'DIXU passts, theie
1"!V,7I admls-slons to the aau
Aiucilcaii osposlllou, aliout half
wliai was i spti'tLd. The loss
sustained eci eds M.OUO not.. Not moio
than half a ol tlie l thtee
ft ')p t oiu omMohhIios mado a ptollt Tlio
lailieiads and liotds alone ikuicd
money In kno poi.oiwiKis liven
thev dlil Ions busln(s4 iiuin tlie.v had
The opposition was mi an bin ctiual
ami lamUcape lilumph but iu evoiy
other lisped it was a lailuie It did
little to pininute l'aii-Amoi itaulsni,
oltlu'r or lltlment oi ot loniiueup.
Latin Aiueilca uiiido man ptoinlscH of
Intei est and .sitppoit. Tow woio io.
ilc c mod. In point of olillitn, too, lho
leultrt woio dlhiippolntiut;. Little
was new was put on view. .Much shown
was shop'Wnin and ..(.cond-hauil, Hn
posltlous havo been too liettiiout nt
Into eai.s and In (onsoiiieiuo elilblt
lug InU'ii'slH have lost ('iitliiisliiaui and
become licifuuotoi,
Those who piomoted this enteipilse,
liowovoi, met It ,'eueinus pinl Their
tilin wan lotty mid timely their coin ago
was admliablo and thelt icveises and
(llsappolntiiU'iit mo sliueel deploiid
Tlii'j planned tnoadly ami well, J'ato
was .iKalnst tlicin None otild foi.soe
tho awful naned vvlikh, at tho vy
niomeut when ptihllo Intel est and 'a
thlisl.iuiu woio iio.u lut; the zenith.
spirad over botli tlie bladteit pall Iu
out lilsloi . 'file assassination ot lho
puHleicnt tuolc tlio heai t out of eveiy
body coiiLCiued iu tlio cntoimlse. It
was a blow ftoni whkli tecovery was
o hope that Iluffalo will oNpiu lento
ii leu
nu seilous sv'l-l'aek. it Is boumivto be
j4JKtUr4j4e)4el ), i cv?')'fe)4eJ(e:h(Ksli feiti LJ(pUll
n- I I I . . n . A u I, i. 4 H ! II A ii li ., V 1 '. '. I 1 n
ll.v I hi' IM'i'-mIciiI tl' I lie
The sciiMiii is nili wlion. ni'i'ordiii" to llu tiini"
IllllloWcd ClISlolll tlf OUI' M'())ltS tlie pi'csitltMit tip
pninK il dti.v its I lie spec. ill occiision foi- pi'iiKc iind
I lm nksi vi iijl; to Ctod.
This Tliiuil.siviito liiuls Hit people slill liowetl
Willi soi'iow for lho tlenlli of n fjji'csil iind ood presi
deul. We nioiii'ii Pi-csidenl AleKiiile.v beetuise we
so loved iind honored him; iind Hie iiiiiiinei' of his
denlh should iiw'iikeii in the hrciists of out' people :i
keen uii.sict.v loi' the couiiti'.N, iind ill tlie samp time
a resolute purpose not to he driven b, any ealuinity
from the path of strong, orderly, popular libort.v
which iis ii mition we have thus far safely trod.
Vel, iu spite of this jjivnt disaster il. is, never
theless, iriielhiit no people on earlh have such abun
dant cause for thnnkso'iviny sis we have. The past
year in particular lias been one of peace iind plenty.
We have prospered in lliins material and havo
been able Io work for our own uplillin; in lhins in
tellectual and spiritual. Let us remember tlmt, us
much lias been iven ii, much will be expected from
us; iind tlmt (rue homage comes from the heart its
well as Iroin (lie lips iind shows itself in deeds.
We can best prove our thankfulness Io (he Al
miiilily by I lie way in Avhich, on this earth iind ill
this lime, each of us does his duly to his fellow men.
Now, Iheielore, I. Theodore Roosevelt, piesident
ol the I'liiled SI sites, do hereby !esiuiiie as it day
of "eneral iliiiuksgivin, Thursday, the twenty
eighth day of this present November, and do recom
mend that throughout (he bind (he people cease trout
I lien wonted occupations and nt their several homes
and places o! woiship, reverently (hank the (Jiver of
All r.ood lor I he countless blessings of our national
In witness hereof I hsie heieunto e1 my ham!
ami ciiuM'd the seal of I he Cniletl Slides to be si I'
ll xed.
Done ill the city ol Washington, this set oud
ila of .November, iu the year of our Loid, one thou
sand nine hundred and one, and of the independence
til the I 'uiled Stsite.s the
(Signed) TiiEonom-: IJOOSIO vi:lt.
I.y l lie .President-.
-JOIIX IIAV. Secielsiiv ol Slate.
,v, .,,-( v( -j ,..rr .(
in time one of the pi oat cillc. of the
w oi Id l li list that its piogiess mav
not bo Intel luptod Some- day the
diiain of I'an-Ainciicanlsm will become
a leatitv Then I'.uffalos Lonti Iblltlon
to its cotisiiiniuallon, If now in shadow,
will lie outlined in histoiy as v Ivldlv
as tlie beaut I Mi I buildings of the now
ihseilod Itiiinbow Citv were iecclitl
outlined bv tlio inviitd glows ol elee-
ti It tj
Meanwhile let the eoentij's lanwell
to tsl be To the men who d.uod."
I 'i oiu some standpoints tlioy tailed;
hut evin iu tailuie thev ei mplifv
what is and best n the Amtii
i.nilsiii that is destined to dominate not
only tlie New Win Id but also the Old.
Tuikiv, tor tlu 111 sL time iu a (iiailei
ol a ciiuuiv, his bee n siiteifsfullj t o
fiuil bv a Kuiopiau powoi. 'I lie sul
I. in' n in piv a (Kbi to 3'iaiKP
wasiollowcd bv the liiobill.itloil ol the
JieiKli .Mcillttii.iiieau licet and that
lim at ol lone biotigla the Tuik to
time. Let us ho;ie tins niaiks the end
ol Ottoman in tnitraiiLc, iiupiidciiee and
iliiimii dead-bcatiMii.
It l a'alii icpoited, this linio (icd
iblv. Hint Mini-lei Wu is to be mailed
to I'hlna and lie dcgt.ulid Knvy Iomu
a sliiniiu,r in.n U
Mi. ISi.v .m's blooded cow loiitlliucs to
attiail mine attention than the Ccjiii-
Tiled and tine appllis to ('ottnl Sui
ve.vor htev iii-ou. Ue-deel lilm,
I'ii in lb, OH hint (iudte
pi v. u u int to .i" tin llnnoci ilk pnh have
flit in ii u i I v nu the Kiiuiion ph ii liinih' If imt,
thin oli foi ( npiiilu
Mid ii hi in it ill Hi Woiltl -.
In P-ill, win ii tin .i.'liiilnii i,iln.i i.ihUii In
Iiiiiiiim iu. it it. pltih, lho iililuio nf tin
liid il ( ii.Iiii, i luiild lulu, lluil nu ciililu
i"il In li ni,lii- in I lie Nilheilin.l., Iiiiiio .a. il
tin' I uilnl siti, whldi weie pi.ilu. llitmiiji
llu IiiIiiiiImi In iiiillili'. Ilc. tlnie p i v is
Iniiiiulliiili ili.pitihul Hii-li w nliip., Joint J hv
niie nl (in il llril iln, to sjM,(, ,.., ,, wliito Hie
1 1 1 i iiit, mhI nil n it tin' liw of iijiioii. hnl in t ii
iinnniliiiil Mil, lining ilf.tio.iil lho town
l In mi powii iloin imli it o i Bum i f . ,'),
nm ii imli nitill, wlihh w i ilnldiil nnoiu th'
linn ;ioi llitniiil. in iiiul "Inn 'Hit t lliti'l
siin, Imwiin, miIi iiiiu ut I v liinlin' llnl the
.uliul (Vpinn. nii'l irliiniliil il.iiiiJi.ii on tluii
p.iit win nub Til.lh, imlDilidl llu puahluH
In nl u( ic.iMiif.-, il nun J.', ssl, to ictiirn
llo Mini of sTs-ilum to, tlo mini with in
lili'.l ul lim 1 line iiuii, .nil iinlul to -' I 1 7 -!
1 '
Iu S llullu ill llo Wullil'o Woil.
iinlill sjinpv,)! Ik l.;on linll) lulled out
Mdi nf the miiIii, whim mull int mil. linn .mil
tiuiU lilm Vim tho i impilsu In lulu ic
would Imli linn lii. imjii.t in ih pit of lho
piiildilit ml in (.in hlui lho piupri liw ml ol
liL -iiUi I lm piil.lli liii In, n .iiupilil
lll.l III ll.lrlllil ii illilndo li Hut all ill n nl
tlu plis uhli li w i, ia I lis .ih 1 1 Io U'l tho
iJllut tuws if the wu, iitu a iln Viuo it
hetuviii.' hi. plan, jud inoipiui nti In lho Hiinu.
.ml tho iieoiiii iiiiilitlmi 1 1 I'ri.lduit Mi Klnh.
mul the nn.v ill ii.iitni.iit lu lutii Hi did i a
ioiiipliGi. lutjln iwillfii polliU I nu li.ivo ion
liilmtcd l the l'Upituliuii of an .nt of inicl
inraltuile. No nun iui upiiainkil i hitter
tL it Vni'-iHjii illlui. llo Iu. lho .jlri
Hiss iuud(itj jiil BillpuU' most ilur iclcilitU
if Ire,, I'juuut jud ollul ntrit nidi
wlo lino In i no nun. foi tin lutlon, ami no 'luu
(null in hi', djll; jifu J tiKie una..j'ii.
In,- touiiuot.
I'liili'tl Sla(tt nf Aliici'lfil. .
Vpi v( .(..( .f vj- .( .( v( .(T.(
t -f
tn in Ho tlh .li nit llitoid
Will he ii jmlfci now lo vntiio if i point
nut h; the t'uMin i of the -l itn ol I'unisil.
inii Mini' ,i-miiiiiii' tin- riiimic- Ml.
( npinlii his piomii whit 'us fiienli live
ihiiuid In him ill il. ii?, Ihil ho hid the ii il
ltlis whiih .ii to mile mi i sunl juiisl Vnd
hi Iln piiueiplL tint oil s, ml( .miiii1 ho
In iii.i i il l loiiliiuiinii. it Is i nl. I lii in (I lim
11 In U ( upiulir tint ho .hoiilil ho ilutiil
iiovi luislij. ids nu nl suit, ionun' to tho
linih is Muh Hut Hiom. Mtli jr fu him i in lc
issini I tint iisis lnutht In fen li j ti i will he
iiiitulli loiisiilunl, iitniicis Mil le tun teoiis
h liiiliil, iii.l jiilsiiiuils will In liouisili i n
iliiiil II. ill tin c Ithiis I. Hlici'on
( npinlii bhouhl 1 1 1 1 (Iui jmlki.
llnl no iloiihl tin lih u Is il lh nihil i i i II
ilitu iim-iiki t Ik. in cipnlb ihle mil tuisl
woith) I'lolnhh thij .in Wt hue nu il -mio
Io III to siniuh Hun ilu alii, in tho
h 1st l.n in in il, hit t.i inlci' llul ill (lino
in' iipnlli ihh, liiuu-l mil toininluil, is it
nui ln'ilii Io coiilinu' i tilnl nun tlnn ti t ut
in .1 nun win inn t It i .puil luii-nln ihh tiiuo
in fiiuil! iilm,- hiin-ill willi lho iiuliiu it if
Iui , Vnd li nit tin i inliiul p intipil of nut
siiiho iifiiui tho lonbi u mio of t i ipil l ol
Hi I il ' Hut .nintliu lioli li.ioii t u t up. ii.n .
i In li, li it this t fine i Hnl tho jueliiin. uht
to In inui. ul tie id i il lis in iluii- (ioiiuni
sti iu im miIi il thii Iu lho ippoininii , t if
IiiUi Ivlh, ininv Hi pul hi ms 'n Mi.
kilb hi nil Mippnl .Indjo kelh wis ip.
I ninti 1 In i Kipuhbe in toMliui, in i Hi puli
Ik. in u mil, mil wis tLilnl In llipilill in
loti- Vit In; is i II, in iu it lutio
( upiiitu wis ipolnliil tiiHiiuid i llipulb in
hi llu liouth, .mil is this in unli ii nmmillv
in tho Hi ,ul, lii in column It Is old; Mil to iv
pott i inijorltv npiLsi nt vtinii on tin lunch
Tho .iitiuni.s in ,rllli,nln- tin sninui fir
till jppoilltlllllll l Vll, ( ill , II, 1 1 llltLIIIul
this, inn Vli, Sum in ih hiumiu it Willi ill it
illidelil iiuliiu Vie lho (Hon Is lull), undo Io
disiupt Hi Id puldii in voti In t-hiiwd poll
Ills, ui tho liopi . if " 1 1 int. .llint'ii! Ilillin lit
in tho (.oud liv il nlii Mul nipllti.
.ip.-liip on tho 1 1 ill in ind tint I Wlni'uii
( llplllltl llllll In illelul Ju !o in VI liu-illl,
lit it hi duiit hi .i !lic mi. -illv.
I I out tin. Oliphmt llt-ioul
I..uuliln' miiiii tn nidi, id' il it I ilw mi ,
lonti 1 ',,ln,- to I, no i mid-, mi iniuiti nest
'I in -In foi thoiiliiii I r iitni v n.uiiolhi sllic
llklntr up lho dull, s if lho ul!!tn Ml lillii tin.
pioMii hlin.ih to io Ju-t tho nun lor tin pUo
UN laiownlro of lm iliKi i plni, ind liu-iu.-.s
niithoils Ins iiiihlul liim In i l-i It. iliitn.
ef hli 1 1 nl ind 1 I lit cut the I nut 11 1. 1 Hu
WOll. It lllllls iiioiu lluu Olllllllll ulilhit lu
(iilei upon tho illltlis ut ,i in nil III llnl nfll o
md litiihl up tho inaclilnir iiuimiii li pen nu
Hie wuih williiiiit mi JuilUn in iliihiu...
Vll Junta his IllDlllplMuil till- Oil In I i" .ul
lull ii inn ul tlu wholo loiiuli, sin , ijml dill
ih di .inn j liout MM i,nlih n fioni the vot ti
i luo no h ii foi Vi lout's' (.iiulldiie iu lho
iiitmti lpiiiilli lliioiuhotlt tin uppu I it1,
ill llllll i .illi, i will ho M'l t hit' von luis
iiul In i lu.i ui luui iniws "Id .loop. 1 1 i li
luld" lino in Oli id ml wo ii nu uili, i hlui us
a found wlui hn inui ilinitli tioui
tho l.lliK.i of lho tnllus nf this iouiuuuiil ill
i 11 lie il lm Hut ilolln jt tho old OI.pli.iu. No. 1
lii.ilu, ml hi was , nui, In nf lint ilillir Hun
lu ui ii llu iniiiiollirV iiimiiivihiii wh, n Ic
Iui llul it fiiuu liri.liui I mi .luu ho h ,'uu
III Will . Inn us a Iui, o Ins hull liiuwn .is I
f lien I 1 1 Hi libuiliu inui, .in, I In i I nnm il
Iv tho uiil'iluiu. nf Mich inui is loi in. hi
Viihhilii win n i his lilui us Hi! 1 1 In
lunlpiit of tli II i)in hi, I (ud uiiipiii. I In nil
lo. fs .lijiiiu (hell iitu in for lilm hi Hu pi ti
tun on. in Him i in whl, li llu u ulu I nl, nui in
tlo miIi.i , nlnl lul.iii lli.i vivo him niu.iut
llul .I'lll'.lhl .110 ll'llllllll. lvlUOir.ll 11, lrl -
u.ill.i th lit ti i , Imt it will -.uipii.o i Ju u plo
wlui ih lot liiiuw lu.w I,, I loin. Is H.iidul hy
tliuo Imt iiipniiilul willi hlii wlui tlu vol s
nu i.iulul It ii Mio lu Hi, Hit till h silt
Initio ilmo-l i iiimiiiiuiiiis lit, ill I' oh plu
lu Hit i' Hi. iipp i vilh v iloiio wt i lu W'
(ilnullul in tins it would I, llo
rliuioci 1 1 1 1 1 . . I,, l iniluu!. lu ti) lu i ui j i ltl
.1 lifin ui p pul ii with 'hi., lull is i . I d V hnci
i Jitiuii; Hie Hiinu , Jiul luliu iinpluiio iu his
I lom Hu Uljpluut Itciord.
It la doihlful It heis h jiiolhci loulili ml
nldc it Pliilidclphin jiiI .VIIikIhii.i, in which the
Cvionu lus ui haul a plate J in l.siLawjnnj.
Fashion's Smart"
est Ideas in
In biilnif vout silk" pi UlLoat me
ou toiupclful to ItidKo Its Wcui
ini? eiualllv, or would ou bo vvlsct
to 1 1 list to some one upon -wlicfe
opcilctico and t tliablllty oii know
ou can dopcutl.
We have Riven our ptisonal at
tention to the iic'lei lion of out silk
klits, 1)Iiik only those thai In
nut ItulKiiiont will Rlt! satisfacloiy
f-oivhe to Hie vvtaiot.
tltlf skills aif in ml is f I oui tlie lust
finality of PLAIN TAri'KTA and
or.Al'I SH.KS. They oomo iu lho
new shades of l!ioon, N.tvv, Old
Itoso, livendcr, Cadet and Itlnik.
rtlifS i.iiijo li oui
14.50 to $16.50
We would call spec ml .mention
to two niimben hi oui line of silk
.skills that aie ot unusual value:
$5,00 Taffeta Skirt
Made Honi good qualilv of Taffeta
Silk Willi aicoicloou pi iltcd snarl
uattd llounti , edged with naimw
silk ltilllc, tome lu nil the new
$5.50 Hemstitched Skirt
Made Horn line iittality Taffeta Silk,
with' henistitt bed llouuco iind two
silk itilllos, loniplcte lino ot colois.
bee htles disputed in oui window.
Lackawanna Ave
Always Dusy I
"It Is the Thine." !
jug Shoes
Toi Shop oi Mill.
$1.25 Qr
Grades, 7s3L
$1.50 and i f
$1.75 Grades, p!J
In all sles now (let them
now. Wo will not have llieni
j Lewis & Reilly
111 llu WloltllllK Vli
lho llipuhlliili l , mill li i. I initio ot Mil
i nlid MippiH (I inn lion si i I i in I nui
wmin iiiuuii 1 ii h I nui' il mdi f i i iim.i
in pillllh .is will .la, lift )i I I i i
1 1 In i. nu of lho Jcl.iuiwlod;,tl lc nli is in ihi'
liiulii il iiuii'sium if lho i mini im n, pin
I till not ui lho Wi.t s(, ,,, -ltllli: , ( i . i
llluu lllinloli' oi In. w iiiui'i fi k ml. In
llul ltS his Hill 11 hllllrlll J Willi 1 i,
Jlnl tho iltiio is I i ftiiiciuii in tin. t nit i
V llt n in, ,n mint to ..ul in, dun o,iliii
tin d inipliniiiit. I lho ilipiiio. is lu uk I li
Hi I dw nil I ii iui in
I' .lillUMiii I i,,l,l'i, In, .iiiiii.-i.i 1 1 1 1 ui i
ln Kivin .1 find of I; iOImi in in, Jul mil
I' il I iluii n i.v if lint n it nnm ii) in
ihli d lii in i.
He ultloal ih . nuiu i in do 1 mini i,ii -loloiul
1 lli J a m ii.. who liiiil- I i ii, ink
liuii-o lit Is T li.ils old, mil I i Ihiiu ti
,u .in n is li ui I nun n li pin i, it ii I i i
iiiuiaii. Ho il ml ullii'l ii. nth ii
I'lUiili uiiin, wuh which In ;'i, ij.1 ; u il
I lilile .
Winn Ili-hup ( C VI i jlu vllil Nui ll wi,l
till, ill lllil.1.11, niuilli tin -lllllllt.1
i illul fi i .-l i ill, mil tin bliliup Miipn-id
Hum willi ju .ituik ui liuim; 'V lu.u is a
lowinl," hu siM, ' nu) his nils rli jnlil I v Jllllll
ihlo In Ijw II n, ,i Uiiilil euiloiu, anil t-luml I
be iliull with Miiuli I niiKCiili liupu tin ma
ICIsllJ uiltholltlu villi plan: their tjuip of dU
jpi'iuwl on tills puctUc."
H f WI-JltilL! ,.Js
GunsterU Forsyth !
i u'27 Pen ii Avenue.
Mnim '-kIi mid diol", 1oio bout, olfi't Hint fmi nnil fii
nli io f ui mi ui t III hlhl oi lt wooil, mul lole AlfVZ"ni Y O
tun V Mn.lni. m. I. sQMVIVIi
for sale Bakery.
Ill (aiirs nui l (,iist nf nit Until' nlo ton dODI irtr ar
nouns mul itiiihiim.' i.on in tiuciiiu uoihi.s fliu oriruue or,
t l.ll'l'l I) mul HlltiOMI.l) nl
M. T. KELLER Sticct" ta
I nektiMiltii l utluRC Winks.
CONTRACTOR. BUILDER .. , ,,,.. ., . ,,.. ..,
nooMsacoAL exchange:. Vt m,ko 'P"11" flne br'1
SCRANTON. PA. Onion tor Saliili, OjitctJ, Croquettes, etc.,
mmmmm "" "" promptly fllktl.
J. B. WOOLSEY & CO A full no 0, Ut Cn)m ,nd tM
Dealers In I.leclrlo Wirliifj tntl Hiturei
PLATE GLASS AND LUMBER Ucitrto llelt atul Telephone Work.
rear 511 Lackiuanua nirliilo. imnulii tnrrr ot ANDTlLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
Wire Sirccns of ill t-lmli. full) prepireil (of Makers ot PaiIor Diliti, clr. M. II Dele,
lho prltiR Maron. We malic alt kludii ot porch Clii crat Sales ArmiI, Olflcc SJ9 Washington i
recn. do Woikn at Nay Aug, Ti) , 1! i. W. V. 11 It
(.enernr tV)nU.f.o"rf tanlr""! In KlNQSBURY & SCRANTON,
Ilulldlns st,0, cementing of cell in i spc- Manufttturcrs' Antf
tlaltj. rclephone an-.' MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES.
OflUo. !1 Wiuhlncton avenue Diitrhl Accnta for
" ' ' .. ,j0,n liorhliiiK's Son i Co 'a W'iro Ttope anl
SECURITY BUILOINQ rf SAVINGS UNION I Wire Culta I'crcha and Hulibcr Mfg
Homo oltlic, M3E0O Meir llulldlris, IramafM i "' tleltlnc, l'ai lilnif, Hoso and Mcchanleal
ccneral LiiildmR ami loan bii-lneM thioiilioiit Huhhcr (iootb hnowllon I'acklnR. Carter's
tho Male of I'cnmvli mil Oil Clollilnr; ltoom J10 Paull Bids.
15 lJrci'iiilK'i' Kt c cxnci'l In lie ill our
1U' (of.
Tlio t'liilrc Imiltliiiii nml rtiruislihis will be
new from lop In bottom.
Tlio slock will also bo now.
Wo piopose (o .soil :i li lioiiii.Ii nl ;i sacri
lire ooi-y tlolhuV worth of slock in our pres
ent sioio.
This nioniin.n wo open our doors upon a
This moans that the piosoul jiriocs on Car
pots Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Uugs,
Laoo Ciirtains, Tortiors, Furniliiro Coverings,
WjiII l'apois, and, in fact, oor,vtliiiig in stock
will bo cut
This will bo a
wishinu io secure
day gil'K
Williams & McAnulty,
126 Wyoming Avenue.
"Mission" ruinituia
was ao named because it
is copied ftom turnituie
dlscoveieel iu the mills
of t!ie Mission Houses
of Old Mexico It Is
unci well woilli con-
ElcleimB if yo iua
ubout to buy tiiinituie.
It is tiutslied In Aut
wtitii, A.ustJnu ami
Weatlteted Oak. Cnll
and nee it.
Hill & Connell
ui N, Washington Ave.
Allis-Chalmers Co
fouecesbois to Jlacliltio Kindness ot
Did, boa Jltuiufactuilns Co, Huatiton
and WIIKcs-Haue. l'u.
Btntloiituy KiiRincs, Uollcts, Mining
Mutliinciy, rumps.
golden opportunity for those
an, of tlioM' articles for holi
Capital 5200,000. Suiplus S525.000
United States Depositary.
Special attention givento
ings accoi'NTS, whether larg
or small.
Open Saturday evening,
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Cowi i l, President.
IIiMiv Bi lis, Jr., Vice 'res.
Wm. II. Puck, Cashier
Ccncul AQent lor the Wyomlrg Dutritt Ut
Dupont's Powder
MI11I113, nia.llns, Sporlin;, f-inol rles ail') thi
Itcpsnno Clunuul Ccinuu'i
Safet Plso, Cjih ami rnlmlrn Itcom 4)1 Ion.
ncll llullilln.' .bcruitcn
TII0: tOItl)
.I0I1S II Mini C 0N
llVcs IKrn
Grand atlantio Hotel cvo Anne
MrglnU Aie. anU HiJch, Atlantic Cit, N. J
bixth jcir, wt) liuutitul loouu cn.uitc'. uiniili
a nil willi I jlh, hot and colli a ivjtcr batlu
in hotel ami annex location tiled ami central
nitlilii fevv lardj ot the bteol 1'icr Orchestra.
Ofnra ipccul tprlns ratia, MS to $15 by wcl
tJ.50 ui l Ua) bpcilil rates Io families. Coach 1
meet all trains. 1 i 1 0 tor booklet
ciiAiti.ta t core
yt & ri SvA Z,.,a0t4.?
fc? nt VtJVfc'tf.. .
j-j.i r.lin r ai&sSa-.
il -.Afrf,.jm.