-fur Cii'rVi- v " k'lj ' ""' T" . 1 -.-ST V -.'.', ,V'i ' fc?"..-, f.wr.' ?nan in niV" - -" apt f i. " "i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, KOV12MHEH 2, 1901'. 14 31 sn I 4. gxxxxxxxxxxx; rS THE MODEMS ItAnmTARB STOIW. of your homo can br rntscd to nny tlrgrcc you wish It if you hnvo n STEHHNC1 HEATER, iu it. Slr-tllngs mo bnsu bunting double linntois. full nickel trimmed, with n lnrge nmount of mtlinting; sur fncc; gicntest hostt sinnll fuel bills. l rr-j- o cm - r n - "t rm r . w 0 v r a 119 N. Washington Ave O XXXXXXXXXXXXM GJGE!OT22BfflRnni 1 H flothers You i-.in never enjoy i1rosinB vnui Unity until you see our '"lotliuiB-i'onifDit for tlio linljj. Your limn mul norvpi fovod do no iiliinuliiK until you viwlt our store and allow us to show you tliltCi now way of dreeing the Unity. Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruce t;reet. wmmmmmmBammmmmm NIGHT SCHOOL I.iclau.iiim nu-iii?M fillCKc Good light, flood Instmctlon. Pi lies rlKhl. Yours to Choose Gloss high, gloss medium 01 domestic, when pntionizlug. T ackawamimia iu "Tin:' Ik leiili 80S-310 Penn avenue. A. B. Wurman. t ; MONTHLY METEORLOGICAE SUMMARY. ' Hi hi, ! 1.1111011, I'.i : Monili, iiii.i'ni, luil T(inii'iaiuii'. 1 iiji- - I'n 1 iji- ,u hi J'.i c Mix. Min. MiMii. IiIi.mi hi ili 1 . 7! .VI 1." ,im ' ( Intuli - .. . .'' Is ',". ,U l Intuit i . .."s II 'il T ( kai I ... . "1". .:! 17 ."'I I' I Intuit ."' . . .."il .!"i II .nil I'. ( lnii.lv I in II I". llmul.v 7 iiii :n :, .mi 1 imr ! i.'i "ii ,'.- .rn p. i t m,! 1.7 in ,! .m ( lumh 10 70 l'i 1.11 .mi I. ( lumh II 7.". .11 ill .111 I It-11 1". 72 hi Mi ,'J ( lmi.lv : ! .. . .7J I." 1.1, .l'i ( (mull- It Vi .-1! .-in .'!, ( liuuh J. til li ,M .ill I'. ( liaulv H . ...k'i :;il ;.D m I Irir l; . ...."il II l .irj ( Intuit 1-1 ii :: r: .mi 1 1 .ti nt irj .:: .Vi .m 1 lowly "0 .",. ::.'i hi .mi i'Iim'i 'l :.i ii! .on ( leu 12 . . . (17 !" .il ' .im I'. ( lumh 7ii .is .17 .1111 I". 1 lumh ill ."' :i'i l'i .in ( lon.lv -''. ...W .'II IJ .no ( liar ' .ii'i ::n i .im 1 Ir.ii' '" . ...Ill ." .vi .im 1 I011.lv "s ..." II .M ml I1. I lumh "1 . ,7i IJ .'11 ."0 ( Kir il . . ill .17 .VI ii 1 I1.1t . I . 7J .Vi .Vi .im 1 liar Mi ii-' IJ M MM MM. j Mi. Mi ,itiii.i.il.riii' pristin . I".!5-, uliol pip 'ni', ..ii.u;, ililr, 'J'iIIi; IiiuiM pit Mu.r, J'Mi7, 1 ', - nl, ni'Mii ii'ini'i 1.11111.'. ,'.J iltiev-,; hi'li i, titiiiiiM.itiin . 7h ili,,t;iii, dili, J.Inl. liwui iiipi i.iiuii', :n 1)1 i:ii'r. iliU 'Jiiih; 'u.ilrt il.uh 1 11141' i'l luiiiti.iUii'', ,i"v ilcfriir-, il.iti. 'J-IhI; Ii.ii iiiv 1.111:1' nl niiinMliili', 1, il.lii-, line llllr, tut m 1 1 nipt i.it tii t l"i luuinli, ,''J ilfxuT-,; mvui t iiiiti.iliin lor HiK ni.'iiili lor two .trir, "i ''ii'in; put lilllit; ilillillou ot wllut, uilllivvi;t. t ni tint; tot il iiniviimut of wni'l. .", I V 1 1 1 1 i 1 ; IiMMIiiiiiii mIoiH.v nl iinl (in In- Liken 1 1 tint anv iv tiiliiuli' itionli, ilhi'itioti .nul tl.ite, I!.! litilin, li"iii (-."illiwi-t. in I'.HIi: ttit.il ui 1 1 1 1 1 -1 11.11, I II 111. In; 1111111I111 i.t tlits vtlth .ill hull in im hi "t en . iul.iii"ii, 7; .ii'i.i).'( iuiiiil.i- Itoll u till.- Illi'lltll L'I IVVO M'.ll-,, I.Sl illlllr-, tm it tli'lu icmv lii I'lii iilliilion tluiiiii; inoiili', Hi7 1111I11-; iiiiinl'ti nl 1I1, 11 iI.ivh, J: i,nth 1 louil) iliir, l; il'.U'Iv ih.v.-, 10. luii's nl 110-1-: l.iilit, not 111011I11I; hi' iv v, not miuilnl; kllliui;. In! iit.nloil; tin-111 11 1. Hlii' luiiiiiilit.v, 711 p.i tint , .ivi'i.ic il.iilv 1 lomlinrx., "1,11, . I'. II I I.ii!.p, l.ui.ll I '"lit t-l Dill. I.ll, EAST STROUDSBURG ALUMNI. Giaduates of Thnt Institution Foim an Association. A nuuili'-r of Hi" Ki'iidimU'ii of tin J-J.ifit Striiuili'liui'K rttuti' Normal hvlunil who 111 r- u'dldi'iilH nl' l..ii'liatvannn ounty mot jihivrdny In uotirl ronin No. 2 ot the court lnui!e and formed mi alumni uHMiclutloii. .Nn addres-s amis tli'lhci'i'd liy l'i of. CiturRi nihil'. I In- iirlliclp.il of thu fci'hool. Tito follnwliij; ullk'i'i'ti weio eli'ctcd. Trildi'iit, J.iiues ,1, Powell; H'cictury Minn Inez lilt'.xtdiu,'; triMKiuer, .Mih. t'luiii .nIvlMiry I'ouinilttee, .Mls Tel- 'hU r.lllllll, .Mlth .K'lllflUh, .MIks Aiiiiii iVttbbti. MIk.s .Iciiiile HatlenliurB and '. F IMaherty. 11 ,iM decided to liuld a Iiamjiiot at the .prniyn oil AVedliewdny evening of tlio next Uiieliuwiiuuii uiiiuiy ln"lltuio eel?, Mi 1 1 - Tree Rnihoatl or Bus Fnio to Schvicvoi's. Whlh; lliu Miihe c-rm t tnilt-. peiKuiis nrdurluer pliotuKi'iiplis nt Hclu lever'-, to 'he riniouiit uf M ur ovei, will he al oiwil fi.e inllio.id ur ius fare to and 'ruin their honiet, iuiIcms they live uioro than twenty miles tiuni Keran tuif, rabhionnblo Dreisois uilinhe Mahoii'H hoc,, S1110U0 the popular Punch JOt. 1 igar. 'Your Class Instruction l ulC --Uil ,1 ajUciis intmi tvlllll' lllf uli 1U4. lull! Iu. Ijtlicl." 1 1:0 Cl).SI, . nun Ii.ju hu, ( .13 (I...V .11.. oj 1 11, t 1 iljut tteik, iicro rvi-iy rii.i h .ti 1 .lie lg ull. J. Aided I'cnnuif. t1it, Dlrtctor. AN ORNAMENT TO SCR ANTON FINE HOME PROJECTED FOR FIRST NATIONAL. The Building Will Have n Frnme Wofk of Steel nntl Be Enclosed In Granite It Will Cost 9 100,000 nntl Be One of the Best Ariangcd unci Moat Modem Brink Buildings In the Country The Work of Con stiuctlon to Be Completed With in n Ycnr. Aecomp.iliyliiiT i? n cut of the pro po.Til in I'onip or the Kim Nallounl hunk told eelutlvly In Tliurfday's Trlluiuc. A will tip s-ceii by this per speetlve lew the liillldhiB W lo he an linportnin aililltiuti to Krrimton'M aiehl tectural allriietlveiie-'.". II Is to fiecupy all ol the illxliw lot on Mlllell lite ieeiit liullk lllllldlllK Mlilllls sefffllHfiB Jiu'w' uflf3'JBlK Hi!B0itHHiwKSm9n,4fSc'MH'(fi!illllllllllllllf PrSW'rs! JV?CSt I v ' 'T'--"' """"ivi""' ' ? BSISsHm NEW FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. at l.tukiiwanna niel Wyoiuhu; .ieiiui-. anil In height will lie :2 Mel at Hie l.iickawanna. avenue tronl. The hulldhiK will have ,1 fi .11110 wurk of ce and he enilo-fd hi Kranlte on luitli sides, front and Mar, with a sky llKlil. of ptlMiis that will loncenUate and then rlllfnsc throuRhoiil the inte 1 lor IIrIiI Milllcienl to make cvei nook and ciniiny as hiinlit as the day may he. The walii'-colliifv, stairways, h.ilns tiades and the like will he white 111111 hle, the f.;t ill wink uf hruiix.e. the wood work of white lnnhoKany and the iloor-llif,- of tiles. The vault will he 'islflsiO anil built of llnee-and-one-hair Inch miini?ane.'-e steel. The liulldiiifi- will he .'ibsolulely fhe-ptoof and the vault Inii'Kl.ti' pi oof heyoud all perailventure. In the rear of the basenieiit with en tr.iucis f 10111 Wyoiuliifr avenue, will he space for clerks, and just In trout ot It will he hook cne.s and lockers of steel and a secondary vault lor checks and like paper. .MAIN KNTltANl'i:. The main entrance on the ground Moor will open from Lackawanna ave nue with .1 spacious ornate Iohliy for tile public, separated ftom Hie banking room-- by a partition of white inaihle and ornamental Krill work of bionv.e. The vault will stand lo the right of the main baukiiiB' room, three feet from (lie dead wall, which extends along th- west hide. In the tear of the main 1 00m will be two apartments each 16x17, their lhiors raised thirty Inches above Hie main floor. The one to the left will open on the main room. This will he used by the president and cashier. The loom to the light will be reached from thb hitter loom and will he the direc tors meeting room. A niey.xanine Moor for the accommo dation of 1 Jerks will extend above the vault. Above this will lie n gallery, or to othtiwise describe It, second lloor with a loan and wide well hole for the adnil'-slou ol light to the giound lloor. Desks for ik-rksi will be plated In this gallriy. There will be two 100111s in the Ironl and two in the ie.ir of the second Hour for clet ks. One of the lear looms will be a dining loom and the other a lavatory. The st.iirwas will be al the lear of the main banking room. am, wniti: UO(D. In tin prospectus sent to the archi tects, the directors asked for a plain, simple but expiesslve design, with an abundance of light nud an attractive iiialn entrance, This they uie satisfied they have succeeded in getting. The nine architects whose plans were considered in the completion till did such very excellent work that the eight unsuccessful ones were each allowed XI nn, where Ii was iHlgiunlly intended 10 award prizes to only the best live of those rejected, Four urUiilerls, ft out Sci Hilton, four ftom New Yolk and one from Philadelphia entered the compe tition, The Phlladelphlan, Seymour U.ivls, 1 nine nearest to meeting the lileiih of the dliectors and his plans' were adopted, llo Is the same archi tect who won the (onipetltlon on the Young .Men's I'hiisiiun association building. Coursen's Print Butter qS points perfect. The finest Butter sold. Fancy fresh creamery, in five-pound boxes, fresh daily, Jfd Pe" pound Jersey Eggs, perfectly fresh. Asparagus, large cans to day, 25 cents, E. Q. Coursen The hUltdlliR Willi the vtillll or oilier fiirnlalihiB will rosl iu Hie iielKhhorliood of $100,000. It Ih lo ho irmly for occu pancy, Il n expected, within 11 cnr. The hank will move on ThnttkplvltiK day to leinporai-y titinlei In the le htlllt lllalr hlllldlllpr, M2 Lackiiwiillllti iiveiitie, and In Hie cotiiw of a month or -o, when the eontr.ieloi' Ii chtieiii the uiiil; of tenting down the old hillldlnt; will ! Iii'biiii, This hulhlliiir wild eeicteil In ISM by tlohii Koch for a hotel and lenliuiiant. The f'li ( Nntlointl hank hotmht It In iMill and iniived to II floni ilntrlerH It hntl been occupy Inu foi three or four months, r"M to the old Hunt & Con noil liiillillnr 011 upper Uiicktiwniiiin' n venue. (inm. of rnisr tii 1:1:1:. The Kirn' .Vallonnl I? one of the llt"t thiro kinks In Hi" I'nlteil Hluler In point ol wealth and has no superior In the matter uf stability. II Iiii-a deposllH or mine than $S,ftOU,000: a suiphls 01 S 1,1)111.1.(11111. and holds In boitils and other seeltlltles lieally $7,nnil.00. ll. stock Is not on the market, bill 11 lx safe to say fliOII a shine would lie a collservatKe es thnale or the llstlie at which It Is held. The olllcers of the bank- are- 1'iehl dent, ,liinn" A. Mnen; lie president, lieoi'Ke L. Dliksonj canhler, 1 suite Pot: illicitois. Ccoige I., Dicki-on. dcorge 15. Smith, . II. Stuns. V. - llnllstead, V. V. Siriinton. John ,Ji 1 inyn, T h Tonej and .1. A. Mnen. BIG DAY FOR THE FUND. Contributions to the McKinley Me morial Were Very Numerous. Names Added to Roll. Vi-ieiday was one of the biggest das for the .McKlnbw 111e111u1i.il since the fund was taited. The contribu tions acknowledged ate: . :. Wall m.ikm link . Mu.ili ID ' I IK) ..Ml .' .V) Vi .- .VI .10 W. II. Hi-pin .... 11. I ll.vlirr- .... I tank "M. Mo.vt-i Mis. I'. M. Moji-t Ali-s lihip Muvu 1. no w ilii.mi lit iu 1.11) . l -1 ur I.uti N. M. I'.nki' l.im II. II. 11.11 I. mi Mis. II. II. Il.ill .. IMjr.ir Mojpi Hxl . II. Ilosi'i 1". I. I'l.inkhii .... UMJI'ihllip Irak (liailts C. Kii'ik .. MX), Mis II. Ilnillir . . i: II. W. Si.jrio ... l.oill Mis M. . 'luiinuit I'. f. tri:.iii'I . . I.11O1T011.V Mjisutf.i .... i.iili'iili" ('. Miir.ir- K.l II, C Mi-s.nail .... It. (I MiciibfI .... Ilnstate llinm-i .... Ilniiii-i- Clnliluii . . Miss im .loiu-s . . .. I'llulllls il. lilt ill 1. 10 I.IK) 1 (KliWUli.lll II l.fsh l.iiO.Mi. ivi.iit r l.i)i. 1). M.lllOll -"i 1 i)i Mis r. II. (uniuii .10 I. (XV 1i.1t rlt .' I'ilgti.iM l.'io 1 IX)1!'.. 1 .' Itiikrr MM Mi-s .Lain Junes Tliuniis M. .loiir .I0I111 I, llililion Mis. . It. II ink . 1.0.1 I'. . 1.00 .1. . I.IM II. . 1.01 I. M. I'u'i .. .10 . Cut' L'I Minh . ... Ml ( I'K-llili'lLMil l.K) JI.nu i- A. It. llaitli 1.00 Ihnployes of Dickson colliery of Del aware arid Hudson company: W. ( Mclurmi-ll ..l.m),.)iliii J'.niill " S.llllliol Dlklr.v, ,. "Mrtig.tu MotgJii .. Waller Ninth . Will. ,1111 lliilimoiiil Willi im llelil .. Willi 1111 Hal.. 1 ... .1.11111 s I'.lttPlMUl .. X. W, 111 iij.iiiiin . .1.11111 .- Krniioily ... ,l.inu-s Mot 111 I .... .I.imrs Ilk lunoiul . .1 isnn MiPunnrll . .1 iroli nulew lie . IIjii rule .lolill II ill Willlim Hill .I.ilm biliml.i , . .. 'lloMV ll.lltsliolll . ,lllW,lll -lintlM .lost li OiKililioll . AlliL-it Cr.inr. ( li.olrs Wilitut .. .lolill K1.111-1 n-l.y . ( Ii nit's Kn.i'i ... "W iltn l'i lie ... lliisstli I tm 1 1.1 11 111 , ll.ii k ('o!i Jllilllli Mlll.l!. .. (u'oii.'i' llm Inn 111 . , Jl. HpIiiiiii .... I. oilj. lolni Colinui :-1 I.Otl Ottoii .loncs -!.'i l.ivil.liilm i"iv 21 .m Jlnliai-I .jr ... ""i I.IM) l'aiir-1 -nnoiiuli .. J' I 00 1'i.ink Dalisk 'J"i l.ml .Icliri S itiiliin itt .. -'1 1 Oi),IVtu llu-r n 'J'i l.0n.nilii--..- lluri 'J'. l.() lll-OI(!t" IVsl.ll Il I. mi .Irt-.-j.li (.Vbki 1.1 .VI (iiuui- l hlpilh .. .10 VI Amlii'tr I'litiliili .. .-'1 ,'iil)iiifil .loni'-i ' 5 ,,ii) .lopjili uuu1iniiit .'Ji ..Vi l'i ink Dakisl;, ii.. . .'J'i ..'0 I'atiiik M.1II1 ,. . .". ..Vljl'tiu Antlioiiv .. , .""1 .VI (iioino Jli l.onulihii ,'J'i .VI lam mil I. III. Ii ., ..',11 .'.0 M.itlliivv I'allil-tli .'!' "0 I'atiitk Mm. in . .. -'' .Vl, llnw.ir.l W'tl li.inis . .!', .J'i Man .l.-kii - Jl .latni-s lilt ell . .. .'J'i .'J'i llioinas .MiiiLiiiuIi . .J'i .'J.'l -.1111111 1 Itlllsolll ... J'i ,'J'i .lolni -0II1111111 ... '.' .J'i .lolill Nt'slilll .. . .-!'. .-J'i I Iiji lii. -Inii-uii ,. .10 .'J.'i A1I.1111 1'iy lo 'JIiiiiiiu, N'l-slilll .. . 1-hiiployes ot Ser.inlon Coal eonipiuij ; .lolni II. Ilrv.l. 1. . ,-l.tKl' Until Walt . l.ool T. P Jlui.ni .. . . l.i'Oi KoIh It HiiiIiIkIi . I 11) 1'i.iiik II Wolii' ( lllhtilll Ill.V'k'll . .1. Ill.llUt 111 V' It 11 . Don. I.. Ilitilui . ruin is L. Motion. 1 IK) I. HI I 111 I in VI I. Oil I mi 1 "hi MDill. 11. I0I1II.011 , .lolni II l..uk .. .. MD'llovv.nil Wold .lolni I ..11 1, saiiipsun l.n.1,11. I.oni: . . (i. Wall- . , ..Vi, . II. Williams .Mi.. (,. . WatH .. .VIMii. 1 M Mm in It. i Walls .'( HUSBAND WAS CRUEL. Mis, Katheryn Beck Seeks n Divoice from Her Spouse. Min Kntheryn Ueek yesterday beR.in Iifocecdlngs tliiougli Attorney Krunk V.. IJoyle to fcccuto a divorce from AVII Ham Heck to whoui she was mnrrleri on rtiiptemher 7. JkS'.i, She says her luhbuiul was so eitiel and iiiado her lite so litiulensnino that she was conilielled to letup li i lit ,l.in tuny 15. l!lij, At Pierce's Market This Morning wo can offer you the best goods th.it tlio country iiroduces. Poultry, Fish, Oysteis, Clams, Fruit uf all kinds, freshest vegetables and the llnest lliu of luhle delicacies to be found In tlio city. neerfoot .Sausage and Alaplo Syrup always on hand fur cold nioin hlgs, V. II, Pierce. 110 Penn live, The Bonds, Are Approved. Tlio National Llfo and Trtnrt f'o.'s bonds uris appioved by county Ire.is 111 r. Talk with liitMliin. "l'hono him. Vrli(- him. Do ji now. " The Shoo That Fits 1-s tlio "Queen Quality," thai meiy body is iiLCklng, i'i a jialr at .Million's Shuc time, MS l.ucki;. uve, EIGHT MILES OFMACADAM DIRECTOR ROCHE PLANS A BIG IMPROVEMENT. Ditt Roadways Connecting Centinl City nntl Suburban Pavements, or Leading to the Main Atteries of Travel Up nntl Down the Vnlley nnd Over the Two Mountnins to Be Mncndnniized nt tlio General Ex pense of the City Thoi ou 5-hfn res Included in the Finn. In liH e.'tliuiite; tor Hie i.uiiiing enr, nilcclor uf Public World llm hi will make i"iUlsit!on for a. neiieral stii-et npprupilntlon of -$::ti.S.i:!. In addltlun to the itgular waul iiiiproprlutions, for Hie purpose of lairjinc out his loiig illerished Idea of jc riniiiieiilly improi Ing the main arteiles of lnuel between til"' piliiclpnl paved streets and (011 nei.tlng with lh" main toads up and down the viiIIpj, and itnos. the i-:,it and W'esl liiountaln-. Hy liupiotlng eight niiks uf stu-efs with iiiiicailam pae, lie llgurts 011 making; Il pus-dhle to icaeli any part uf the rltj liuiii any other pm-t or fiom Ihe outside, or to pass lluotigh II from east to wi-si. not th to south, or by any other coin: sc, without eiicuiiiiti'iiiig bad loadways or dllllctilt. grailfs. Tlii Ihorntighfares which he uiiilein plates impiuviiig thus ate as follows: Ml 1 1 I'ilMiin ati'iiiit-. 'II11 r.l-l Moiinl.dil mill lu.in tin l.n,. u Wjonuin.' Ii.n k-, (o Kin 1 .(not, Itlvir to Slnlloiil, -lilloiil to Moivilt. Mno-11 10 tin- iitii. sllipt llli.lf. .I.Kk'oii sti.M to ,in ll.tirii an ii, i... ,in lliiivn. Iii'lvn'ii .l.n I... n ..n. I Wa-lilniiii; W isli l.iiin. I.'tt'irii 1 in tint .tit nul (.'1. ml; 1,1 mi. Iiiltvnli W i-liloilli .iinl .laiksoi,, -mil ,li ' v. 11, fmni 1, lanl to tin- Xt'tttoii ttiitipiki-. Ni.illi Al 1I11 aifiiiii- I10111 tin- nul of ilia lh.lr I'jik iiatp al do- Ml, I'loa-na iivnir 1 1 lii'xit.iiin nl llir 1'ii.vnli'iii .' pivo at Hull's "ii'ol. TlitM'tliiie .Ili-tL t loin Not Hi il.itn ..rlitu- 10 Pit' Pi l.ivtiii, , 1 11. k.ivv.itin 1 iiml Wf.stt'in tuiiks. I illmtl liirl .t T.i 1 I'lOMilimc lo.il llom IV-ini ivitain to lliiir- lu.iil, Cipoli.-an inn' nolo A-li shre 10 (, it-ui llidp .it'ti, mil -11 tl i- 11 a. 1 1, iif Iu totnt (iiiui Ultimo ti pi. Tlie e-.ihii.ite may Iu- materially re duced by the paving; of Cm lion street and ProWdi'ine mail, for which all ex " epl il l"W prupetly hiildeis havi; .-lsii"d. .Mr. Itui Ik will vlgoi ou-l. urge this linpioveineni and holies to succeed in convincing the eoimelN of its wisdom. INSPECTION OF G. A. R. POSTS. Dates That Have Been Fixed for the Different Organizations. The following "hues have been selei t ed for the Inspection of the Mnious po-ts uf the Ciiand Army of the Repub lic In this; part of Hie s-tate: Pt'i 1, I.it 111 1 n tm IJ. -. (Iiiilm pusi, ri i.'i, -1 Linton. . U -'"till-, i-i.niinaiiili-i ; ( b irlps -iivilain. in-pn ttii. o. -J7 -irjc.nit . II. Divi- po.. u s,, t .nil nul lie. .lolm 111 I 0111I1. loniinanilpi'. W. s louts liirpcrtoi. .o i- ( liiplain 1. Il Mtait pusi, Nu. I, Mo-tnv.. II I'. W.iiiIpII, luininiiiiltr. I' Dp 1-lfPV. illsliitlot. .Not. I'l l.ii-iilin 111 .1. ii -terms po-t, No u, IViktilli', .le ii- -nitl, fonmi inili-r, ',. W I'paitt', in.pf-i iu. Nov, -Jl -uaiinl Ccoiup I VI I post, 'o. ",117, W.nril.v. It. II. IIuI'.'.Hp. loiiiininiln i:. W. IV nip, lii.pfrlor. r,v. .:-( 'uluiii 1 W. . Moiilos po'l, 'n ,l'i. -tianlon, II. o. Ili.v.mt, iniinnanilti . 1'ictl 1 !i'sipn, iti.ppi tin Nov. 'I W. W. Walir. po.-l. u 411, Oltpkant, William Bin ki, 10'niii.inilii; I'.. W. 1'i.iru-, in t.poi lor Dpi. :i-.l.inits M. Ihoip .o.. No VCi. lhvp,v, .1 mips p. Ilolcalp, 1 ..nun, in. L'i : i.'ialuiii Walt.., neppi tm. Nut. 1 ( .iplain .lamps II. im post, Vo. UK, Iloiipsilali-, 1 1. -iiiv Wilson, , .. nun in. In , Mini Pub, in.-pft 101. Nov. '. -J p. in. -I.iPiitPii nit (iroiftp V. -tni.ilp. po-t, in. :: to, laiitiiiinl., Willi im .lolnison, min lnanilpi : Ah in Diil.t. nispcilor Not. JJ Caplain W. (i. Mnutp po.t, 'o. i;i, ll.nnlintoii, .luliii lllai k, loniniaiiili'i , I., r lloi Itfi'. in'pcclor. Not. '-( aplaln flcniKP llmnpoit p. si. N 1. f.ll, ciatid, .lamoH A. Ik. j;. ill, tonmiatuli 1 : I (', Jloitipp, Ju-pet lor. Nov. iiO-r'nili's P. Wall? po-l. No. -',-i, N.tv (oiinillaml. I liatlfs IIpIiii. i 0111:11 inil.-t . 1 I lloitipp, neprtttir. LITTLE CHILD BURNED. Four Year Old Harriet Itterley Bad ly Injured, lliirilel Itleily. the 1-year-old daugh ter of William lili'iiy, of Spring stieet. was badly burned early yesterday after noon, while playing .'11 oiind a lire In the back j aid of her home. The ihild's screams hi might Us mother 1 1 mil her household duties Into the yaid. The child was wiiihlnx on the giound, Its clothe blading llcuely The mother caught the Utile glil in her arms and wrapped her dies-,-, aiouud It, smothering the flames. The little gnl was taken to tin- Lackawanna hospital, wiieie she was said to be iu a danger ous londltlon last night, though testing quietly. TWO MORE RECRUITS. They Have Been Swotn in nt the Recruiting- Station. liiiflness wns fair at the loiul 111.11 Ine reuniting' station, lill Wyontluu ave nue, during Hip Wtek. Two jniing men wete enlisted by .Major (i. Harnett ye.-. let-Jay and seal to l.eagur Island Navy iird. Pa. when- ihey will be tattt'ht murine' duties. Tiny nu- ileoige Jite yee, Sibley, Pa . and i'asiei I--. Uogers, .Mill City, P.i .Major Harm It says the uung men now enlisting will lmo lliu ilini'LCn to Turkish Rugs nnd Oriental Goods I import my Rugs direct from Turkey and our Oriental Goods from Turkey and Japan, thereby saviug you the middle mau's profut, W. D. Mirphige 1 iS Washington Ave, soe ninny pal Is of the worldi as some new shlpi 1110 jmlng Into commission and will lake long cruises In foreign waters, Thorn will aho he good chalices for pioniolloil for bright .voting men deviling lo lend a military tire, who are clllsciis of Pulled Stales and live feet four Inches In helcbt. able to rend, write, etc. FEAST OF ALL SAINTS. Spccinl Services In the Roman Cath olic and Episcopal Chinches. Th'e llouuin Catholic nnd KpWcopal chllrchei yesterday celohi-aled one of the lulucipnl feasts in the ehiliili cnl endar. All Salnis Hu.. In the liomali Catholic eliliri It II in a holy day of obligation, eveiy one of that faith being requited to iiitcud tuitss. l-'or the itfcoinmoiliitloii of work lug people early innspes weie cele. hi 11 tod In all Hip churches. In St. Pelet's cttthedral llteie weie masses ai . (i. 7 and s o'clock, thu lust being a solemn high mass, celebtated by lte. Knt her O'llyrne with Ho. l-'ather (iiilllu as deacon and J lev. Kutlier Mi J.atlghlln as sith-deiicon. Today, whli It Is All Souls Day, will he celebrated with masses at ti. 7 and s o'clock. At St. Luke's church yesteiday theie weic special services at 7 and 111 a. in., with a (elobriitlon of ihe llolv Km liar Nl at both services. Talk with Christian. Do It now. V The Prendergast Store yf TWINING N 131 Penn J I Waterman's Ideal Foiiofain Pen Creating a Sensation This is what we are doing with our Furs, Jackets, Suits and Skirts. If you want quality, style and low price, trade with BRESCHEL, The Furrier, 124 Wyoming Avenue, Furs repaired aud remodel ed now at reduced cost. HENRY BELIN, JR., Ccnenl Agent for the V)omlr.c Dittrict (at Duponfs Powder Mining, niajtlne, Sporllnp, Fmokflf-ai n the ltqiauno Chemical Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety I'u-.c, ''"rJ '""l r.irlod"11- Hcom 101 (.on , t'anj n"l r.irlodcrn. He ucll llulldin; ,bv.-taiitcn. AGI'.NCU: TII0?. 10RI) Pit.iton JOHN" P. hMlTII ' SON ,., I'ljmouih IV, U. 1IULL1CIAN ..WllSjCJUitrj THROOP'S NEW SCHOOL. Borough Is to Have Another Build ing Worth 87,000. Prelliiilniiry lo the Issuing of 7.i)i)tl worth of bonds for the erection or a new school building. Ihe olllceis nr the school district or Throop ycterday tiled with Clerk of Ihe Courts Dunleli a stnteiui'iil or Ihe district's Indebted uess. 'I'he lesoillies ate $J,riSi,7:i. Two per 1 out. of the assessed valuation Is 'fS, 7l'S.ri. The proposed bond lsue will iheiefoie he $t.nifi.:';i. within ihe limit. Tonight. 7i palls ladles' $.'.110 times for t 2.1 nt .Million's Shoe stoic, ,1JS I.tuka ave Open Into In ihe evening. smii. Union Suits Aie Hip niol tuiiif.iil.il.il ginnc'iils a nun 1.111 wp.11 IIipv Hi jint pulittlv, tin not hltdi tip m wtitiklp, niiil Hie lien ol all s i hoy nut mi in up linn a two pipip Mill $2.00 a (.iilni'iil at CONRAD'S "A Gentlemen's Furnisher" 305 Lackawanna Avenue. , inr?urri t r?-zrl?" 1 ..-. . HL- JAtW :C -- iiiryreTtnicBjMiJ w Haasr-Ei A Train with Two Engines is sure to "get there." Sometimes you see a train with an engine before and an engine behind, to enable it to make good time. So it is with Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen selling. We are pulling the people to our store with our adver tising, larger and better this year than ever before, for tlie reason that the people know we advertise only facts. We are also pushing the goods as actively as ever and to greater advantage, because our assortment and stock is the largest in the city. Waterman Pen Sales, August, September and October, They are the only Fountain Pens made with a world wide reputation for excellence and complete satisfaction to the user. We sell them without prues and solely on merit. The intrinsic values of a two dollar and a half gold piece and a Waterman Pen are specifically the same. Cheapness without worth is high priced. We guarantee everyone. R. E. Prendergast, Scranton's Agency for ! Oils, Paints jiaion?y un & wanuianunne company, 141-149 Meridian Street. TELEPHONE 26-2. Do You Want a Perfect Pencil Sharpener? THIS IS IT. It is Guaranteed in every detail and is riuch Cheaper than ever before Gome in and examine tlie llartfoit Typewriter which we are selling for $6ii,oo with a whole year's guuirantee. Reynolds Bros. General Stationers and bngravers, Scranton, Pa, The largest line ot Office Supplies in Northeastern Pennsylvania. 4-44i4 Handkerchiefs I Two Hundred (200) Dozen Unlnundcred, broldered nnd Pure Linen hand ' em- hem-stitched J Handkerchlefk Made especially for us, will be sold this week nt the astonishingly low pi Ice of 15 cents each 2 for 0 cents or SI. 50 per dozen. Ench Handkerchief benrs tlio Crniner-Wells Co. stamp a positive guninntce of superior excellence. Bargain seekers take notice, this is your op portunity, nnd the result of our slnewd ensh buying. Cramer-Wells Co., 1, -jo Wyoming Ave. 'Phone 353-3, i-lH' Ladies' Tailoring Jackets, 1'tons, knglans and New market Dress walking and rainy day Skirts. Our prices aib reason able, f luaiantecd to give satisfac tion. Goods furnished. ! King Miller, Merchant Tailor, I 432 Spruce Street. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS K.uiTsSiaJifJJr 6mmmJ 102 207 Washington Avenue. and Varnish You Can Buy a Machine of This Description for $1.25, Including a Box of 300 Staples " M . 1 "' - t-'i.tW -, -. - V -