t- , pyQ;-:r; r;"-" 'pg!!? V'l' ,,,, . ,,.. rttfY J ti H 1 t a s$ 7 ir fi.t p ,11 i x. " THE SCRAJSTOJN TMlBUNE-SATrilDAY NOVEMBER 2, jnot. a 4 riiMliridl Dally. r,Tpt Fun.Uy. Iiy ThrTtlb. line I'ubll.hlnR Compilfiy,l Fitly IVnli Monlli. l.irV F litrltAhl, t'dltor. .- . ' . 0. V. tlV.tHKK.HUnllit's. Unget. i New 'oik Orftici ISO Xawaii SI. , S. H. Vltl'.l'.t.WI'. Sole Aftonl lot I'mr-lun ilwtllln. Kntettil t the Po.lolTlrr- t sraMoti, IM.. Secotul Cliu M4II Unltf.'- " ' When mnrr will permit, llie nilnm? U alwiy slil lo pt tut hott Ir-tlr-m Irom ll lilr-ml; "'' iK on turrrnl lopti . Imt in tide l Iliat ",' nui.f lii dlutu'il. for pnlilli illon. Ik II"' tlliri tritl tt I me : mil llii iiiiiiIIIImii pI'Mi-iIttil I". .""J cplmi'P U lint ill rrtiilrllmlliiiH -lull be nlijert in iilllorl.il reilliiti tim: n.r iiati: Knn .nvi:itiisisa. Thi fiitlrmliiir iJblr lniw Hie pilio per Imb (aili ln, tfliiti -pine lo be moil nlllilli i'tiu jetl li.m ..r Sl.tl.,.' n.i I'liH jisri.v. I e linn fioo Inrhn WM Indie innii .'(HVI Paper Iteitlliiir I'mltlon J1 ' ,271 W ."il ,S1 .2 .ID I?) t ivi i; ii .)'. tr.t is moo I'nr rntiU nf IliinV i.-uiliilliiin i.t intiiloletiee niiil Imlln iiiiilriliiillnii In tlie iialnie f ' iirflilm: I lie 'I'rllnine in il,M t i lian;i ut 5 i e lit! lln Iti-to. fur Cliin.'il iIciIMiii; fiitnl'lusl un npplll.tlliii, TWKLVK PAGES. RC'iiAN'To.V. NOVKMIIKP. MM. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. Supieme Ci.iiiI Wfl.llWI I'. fK'I'If.U. Tira.uiii-I HANK (I IHIIIili. County. Inibe-l W. ( Xltl'I.N'll'.IU Cimtiolli I II. A IOMA Cuiinii-I)ll I. I HOIl! I!l iiiiujnr (ll'llltdl. i: vn.M.SMIS". l.li'Llliui Nd a "Whin i be 11. lni.ii.iij went nut "( ier in mir l.ite It lelt In tin- Iteinibllc in nnt. I":- i.i of alinn.t iii,(iihmiiiii nl i!i lit. I in id bt. by wi-e .iilininl-li itlini miller II. pulilii jii nib'. U born .ilnio.t vntliflt pud We line Inneai-eil tile .lplli pil itinlis to Hie li.lllllinn " IhioIh lllllll we M.iml .it Hie lienl ol Hie iiiiiiiin .uli"! In Mlppmt nt licipillll .'.In. ill, .n I tul.-l lleiilbliill pillinniHliiilIiin tboie In-, been pibl oiib it'll fin p'Iiii illulill pmp i linn, linn J- ipiuniilril bv tbo D-inmiilii p.lll in lln il plirtil nt illlllll.v of lili-lllb We luie ilnlil-nl uiir Jff piopn ilion tn ili.iiiijbb .iinl eliein.i inn iii'lt t n( 10113 im'll u n mil.. I ! In. i-t I'm im l ile brtwioli llie 1 im lli miii,iiI- Ihev. intiln tiiim a well a. it... s uui nvn dm V.inHiiiiii) .if pi ople lire inillt-llliiiH. b(inel. h' ilinlini; .mil bappv. Xrt. Miiinuuiliil i wi an on iielv snle with prn-.pi iinn. biivines i iihiliiiniH. ttillt pi oi!e liappr, oinplnidl mil i mill nti-il nut witb fieri fluitue of biiiiiori ami (into full m i npinl, aiiil with Hie ptn-pil if the fiiluie bnhlemti anil Slowinj; nnne hop. fill III nbl lii.lmii ull nt i h-tiiutfnti ninl majilun mU up .i bi-l.nol i.iv of f.ll-e plolonse. hpuiiiv Jul Mi-inienl lor the pillpovi of unleliliU4 Hie p. nple mil lelll.' Iiu lot pnwer." I i.iiii the '. pulilii jii vj'e Tl it fm in. - . 'I'lio Pctiits.vliiiiil.i liiMiiiy, ttnilei Xr liiililli'.m iii.in.iyiemcnl, mhvim lost n ,-unny. Xn l)Htiiiii'iiit linn' ilt'iiv It. Fishy. IT IS XiiT i leu tn tile Mii-i.lKt nuiii liy I '.ii pi'iiti'l. iillu I- ,i I'optililli'.ui ninl thi ,iiinlnii'r- of ,i llt-piililli :ui nii't iidf tn t.iUt tllf ll. II lit .1 ll'lllllll',lll l.llllMlt l)l ! iniicli nl ,i iiuii-i,ii ti-.i n .IiiiIki" ns NpihuiiiIi wlio I - .i DHiiinciMt, nr lllti li rni'k, wlm v ,t I'Kililliliioiiixt .Mllii w mini. Hut, .ly.!- tin. Thin". In- w.i-. tinmiii ;itiil wiuimlv. .iikI w.ik. foiniHilj :i li.iitniT nl" b'l.'il. A',i- it his m ill t Hint llili hi ink piillt'il mil mid tim- Iftt mi KM-iiii lor luililiim- ,i Ki'tii'i.il iiliii .iiy, thi'ii- Ik-Iiik: null- uiu i a inll(l,iii. tor o.ii'h ollid'.' Mfi.iti-,. IlitilKiiiK sliiml at a f.tlr iiSM'viiiH'iit. wlili'li Cii'iif liter w.ls wllliiiK to li.i.i, .mil liecuiM- HlK'h fni'k i. now tiyins to ili-iViit 'ain?n. lor, miit llie hi'iu li f tiiiiifil oi pv to till' Oeiiiix iiit. .mil iIihi Ii.im' iwo I'llllIIIKlll pll'.lf, jllllfH' to OUL' U.'Ollbli- cntt jinlsc? As to jinrtiii'i- I'lcit., illilu ih,. .,t,. .Tudse Cliinster li.ive :i liii p.u inci '.' Was it said of liliu tli.it In- would I), owned by that p.iitnei"' Didn't JiuIro Kelly liove a ltiw .u ttifi V II. is .my Republican ever IiimiIumI lilin by chuiH lns that Jlr. O'Hilcn o mil him ; ,,..u. ly every man th.it .in h.it on Hip Itoltawanna boncli one,, ii.ni a i,m liartner. That is no ulim-. And n very mean partner he would lie wlm wouldn't do -vvh.it he i mild to help the other member or the llitu lo n .udKe-lili if opportunity offored. Think of It, Hepubliiviiw You tm nsUed lo ilefoat Oipenler and ele t Newromb becatfe llltr-liioili H miij, liecHifse t'.itpeuter hud a pimjie.sslvi. I.t vv pattin-r, because Stiuie Mlmied ih. Upper bill, because H.ynett cjiuiut Ket pnllro luoleetlou front the buld ml v.incft oT the "nyinphs du piie." Diet ou ever he.ir of nioiu nbsttul reasons for tuinliiff the bench of this county out to Hie Ueiuoei.ils" .Make no mistake. The game Is ton fishy. On pouter will win. Jtut as Ite publii'nus keep .mur own record clean and vote the Mi,iKit ticket. Thai in the lio.-i aiiMwur tu Democratic ,im tuolei y. i i.. On thn i.mloeii question rsepeuil 51 lien hiis ("Chlbili'il pyjnnUini. of Hie uiinaiiit.il lather. MUfnformad. ANOTIUJIt tnuccitracy m t'nl oucl Holes' lelter op Hie Hitchcock atifh,iuent. Illus trative of the fnllaey ot lilrt pienilsi", la 1jjj Htatemeiit hi to tha nuuihei' of election 'booths owned by the county. He says that nTiordlujr to liilm iiutlou f i oiu the touiity cotu tiilssloneis the (otiitty owns more than tWD-tbhds- nf them. As a matter of fact tim t.ouiity owns Just :'il booths, as follows: i .(mini, I'li.t ninl, 'ibliil ibsiiiit, I .-i.iiiliin, lii.i mnl, I'illli ill.triit. rt jm muni, .Niiiinl il Jiil, 'lliinl illMrut. ijiV N union, s innii w.uU, I'illli illitilit, K ,en iiitnii, 'lliinl Mini, Set unit ilUriit, V. i .in 1 01,1, 1'ouiHi ward, rirt illtrln. ' s, uiniiiii, liinnli ii.inl, hi'ionil UiMilit, .; siMiilnii, r..iuili iMird, 'lliinl ilNliiil -:. i .i nt un, Ciiiilli ward, I'ihiiIIi iliolilit, S.1.111I1111, -Mb u ml, 'lliinl ill. hlit. SHlltllll, Nllllll H.llll, I'llut lliltrlll. Sininioii, Ninili w-jhl, Si'ion.l ili.tint, Siiiitoii, Ninili i jiil, 'lliinl ill.lrlrl. si union, Ti nlli ji.l, seionl illitilit, l.ltltl.ll, 'lilllpl'lltll Willi, 'lliinl ill. Iil t. Srgnton, I'lftieinli w.ml, I'ir.-i ilUnln, itinioii, -ilinlienlli wjnl, 1'ln.l ili.li!il. s't 11'nt.ni, N(triitiinlli w.inl, 'lliinl 1II.I1I1I. S1.111I011, Si'tiiiKriilli woil, 'lliinl ilUlilil, il,iuliii, l.ialiln nib wuiil J .kIjwjiiii.i luuiitliip. Siiiih ili.ui.i. I111L IWJIIIU InUII'lllp. I 1-1 .11. Hill. l. Kj M Jllll.l luWII.Illp. -'.eilllMJ.l iliiUKl, Ol.l I'iiisi, I'li.t ill. Int. ' ln.il 11'. I'in-I w.ml. I.ijl'ir, I'liiitli w ml, ' ThN leaves Hi illfltlils In which booths liuvc to be fcicuiiil fot lUlluuiy. itii')M)ef by rentitl or olber pt'lvatr nr tiitiRctitPiiti This Ibt li taltt'it rioni the teiords ninl tptillled Iiy W, tl, lliintels, chief rlptk, Tho coiititilspltmefs ale at 11 los to know wlieie CoIoiipI Holes spctllPil illffpteut Infill inatloll, It ! Pitlef lo say Hint pel sons own IliK tioltltifr plnies should be illspoo fesifil for half n day without compeii iiitlon than In hi-1 tlietn to neiiulesie III thai view. The saine l line if to watchers and teltitn JiiiIrpi. Now and then niPti ate round wlllltiir to volini leer their set vices, but the laborer Is Mm thy of his bin- and has as uood a tlRhl lo expect pay n t'ololiel Tlok" hilt when he sells a Itejf of powder or when he ll-ed to "ell 11 cat -wheel, K(tlillly pitoiieotlH Is the lolonel'i In forinatton thai the election otllceis nt last year's ptltiinrles weie not paid. Till" Il vllltlully a cluil'Ke of einbe'.x.te menl iiKiilnst the couni.v 1 oininlllee. It lino mi hrc-di In liiltli. The tlollbte Willi tliee .Mliulclial lenvtlf vteiilleinen Is that Iheli Inten tions' in i' better than their iieiiualul nine wild actual londlllons, They ule Blvell to JlllliplllK at lotlclllslous. and to tlilnt;liiK that those who do not look at thltiM'' fioni their point of view aie tiec. -ni lly Inferlm. Tlttit I" mil a flame of mind which appeal" lo a coinopoll lan 1 omtnuiilty. 'I'he Si hle.i i ,ii, like all 011II11111.1 lilnl nt 1 unit, ulo furuNlies still I llnu In stance'" of sudden loss of melllor.i. Stand Up and Stand Together. Stl I'Alt AS dliclls-lon of men .'itld Issues Is emu el lied, tile iiimp.ilKii of I'.i'U is now ilr lll. illy closed. It h.is been a (Itllet caniiiss, with the usual ntl'-year realities. Noi'elty hu beep supplied In the .Municipal leniiiie's 11 1 letup! tn diess Colonel Hltclli oi'li III the j,'alli of a 11uut.1T. for Mew 1 iimb' benetll; but this has been unite than offset by llie unanimity anions liepnlillc.ius. l-'or a nuinbei- of .leais our p.ut.i h.l--, linl'iit litnately. been split asunder Into tac tions ami ili'lmi has li.nl to lie won olteu oier 01 kiiiiIkoiI opposition fioni within ii" well as ft mn without. This leal tllele Is no oiK.itil'i d opposition wlthlii the p.itlv lilies nud not mine lliiiii the usual ieisiiual ilh.iU'iM'tl.iii. The lliket is a .splendid one. thm ous;h lv lepiesi'iii.itlve of tile best ti'.nlll ions nl lite patt.i; tile 01 K.ini.al lull is elll I'leot and in supeiliu eoiiditlon: and theie eis no substantial leann why Tueiil.1,1 slmiild not ienlser a sweep ing liepublii an lictiiiy. This ean be leall.ed if the Hepuhll 1:111 irdeis 01 mn i oiinty 11 111 stand up on eleitioii day and stand oi;eiher. Why should tliev not.' If they lav (low 11 the 1 leiiioi i.its will win. If the Deiiiociats win thei will (orittol t tie innii house nud that means that net 111 Ihe.i will be in sliape to make a sti out; Unlit to elei-t :i hiiikiiiiuii a Km pi not . nietnbeis of t lie leg Ma title ami a ni.ijiii II v ol llie county 1 omiuissimi eis. If they win. they will not only li.ue two ot I he llllee 1 oiiimou pleas judges lor nine .leais hi spite of whatever may Intel letie, tints tuinliiK Into Deni ociaiic cliaunels- nil the poiiei till i.uliii cal lullueiices luseptirnlile tioni the jlUllii.ll nlliie. but they will he so ell couiased that Ueiuociat.s now luKe waim will next .1e.11 enter .u-liielv Into tile lislM lo tuilhei- ledine liepublii nil piesiiKC and eveij Itepublicau hulking lor rutin e advaiuenient ot Inteiested In llie tiiumph ol Ueptiidiean piiuci ple will be the losei. The Itepublican who lotes to put .JudKe l-Mw.inls In the minmiiy 011 the hem it. to lie is hands Willi two Demin tills, iiniiiiills ,iu in. I111.1 011 his party which launot after w.ud be undone. Kqually Indefensible mi patty Sioiiltil u l"teillbllcatl deset lion of any oilier ItepiihlUan candidate. .Mini) suimII atllllce.s have been em liloyeii In this campaign to ptovoke lleptibllcan dissension. The tipper bin, Kleltz, bad man Quay. tin eadbate chin Kes of I'.epubllcaii dishonesty, llili In 01 k'.s huilatloii of Injuied Intlo- (eiu'e and a score ol other petty tiicks have been woiked for all tliey weie worth and siiinellnie.s lor iniicli mote. But. alter nil. liepublii ans nie not fotffetrul of the l.ii'Ker Issues, Tliey he lleie In Iheir p.ut.i and want it to win. They peueive thai It cannot win In Important eais If pulled to plei e,s be lwe llines, .s well expect a Keui'tat lo illlllss his suldleis between battles in lo III Vol' stliiHKllllR and deseillou, I'olltlc.s, like w.it, lias to be can led 011 s.i.siemailcully and lite Itepubllcan who sla.is at home on eleitiou d.1,1 when lie feels la.v or Hills with the enemy mi'iy time .some tt 1 1 U Ihimt doesn't Ijo to .suit him Is as poor a clti.eu as Is the, boldlet who puis whim or pteju dice above obedleme and loyalty. Q.'h"ere in no bctiei w.i.i to Iumiic ihe Rltrcosa of Jtepubllcau pilmiples and policies of KtiVfi'iimeiii than 10 licit at the, polls those who ate uppostd to them Theie lt no better way to liistue Itepublicau vli'tur.i iiuiii to .niomplisii Uetnocratlo defeat, The uiiidldates on the Republican ticket thh mil me Rood, lute Itcpilbll ',111s and able rial OtMD BMl. la BTOTjr 1XZQV& '--"' le J 5LT25 iu 2w "u'a.t . and Muy- wuuil'.s who ate IryltiK to Hi k lliein, and In many respects the ate better. They .stand on the Itepublicau plalioiui, icpieseut Hepubllran ptlnclples, ate wot thy or public cuutldeneu and should tetelve the loyal support of evcr.i He publluin voter. That will ulcut 'them with iniipy oics to hi,u,., and kt, vie believe, they will rcI. The Now Yolk Jusllio who deslics lo leleahi .loluiii Most 01: the plea that the publication of the Incendiary uillcle lor which he hni lieptt FOtilpiit'ctl lo ptlsoti was .1 pineal Ism ami Unit plaitailsm Is not a filmltial nrrplliie, Is evlilotllly Mlf fi'ilmr finiu a mtilmly llial may be de llhed us "icchlilcnllsls." 'I'he elToits or Mr. I'owiletly tu lonltp ".liillel the lied." a noted lliinl 1 llll, Mho Is headed Mr this lotintry, nie tommeiulable. While It Is hntdl.i nee psniy lo illRtiir.i the unwiisheil ills tttibeis by nntl-unai'i hls focletles or IllcellliRi, It Is well that the pattol Wiiroii should be III ieildlues to take 111 all who show their heads on this side or the ocean. The fnet Hint Hdwlu .Mnikhiilii lias written a ThiiiikKhlm; poem lor one of llie tniiRiivtlnes may be 1111 Indication t tin t "The .Man with the Hoe" round the potato ctop nil I'IrIH this .leaf, not w ltli"tiiitilliiK itii'ient lepoils or short aye. .let nine, the Mew Yolk Itlsloti euilill ilate for illsttlct titlortiey, not content with ilRhtlm; T111111111111.1 ami Ihe inr porallotts, has uNn pit ked 11 iiiancl wllh Tom I'latt. .leimne Is evidently elect loiteet Itiff for 11 HeklllR'. 11. II. Uleli. of I !;j -t I In nipt on, I'onti,, has a pumpkin villi- I S7I feet Ioiir:. At lt has., the vine Is Hnee Im lies In diameter nud It hn" boine fot tv-ltuee pumpkins, We believe this rstnhlMitH a lecoid. lOspel liueiit with the seRlllelilal wile Rim at Salidv Honk deinollstiatc ((in clusively that that lnti tttuciil of de struction will lie mm It inoie errectlve in the liiituW oT the enemy. -- lietieiul liartoloiue .Mnii, the latest candidate for president ol Cuba, Is w Di lute to throw- himself Into Hie hands of fl lends leeiillled I'loin eveiy iollllial element of the Island. Thoe iii cli.URe nt the Swallow tilal ate displaying; oiiiiuendnble taste In j ifi iiliili'ir fintu biinlenlnK' the pies'! wile with etiais fioni "the loe-" So lotiR 11s the ftelRht car fa mine ev iss It will be Impossible foi the eroak eis tu niiike us believe that Hi utility has Rime to the iIors. The death lists lestiltiiiR fioni the l.oulsl'iuji 1,11 e war show, as Usual, that the blacks did all the dyltiR. TOLD BY THE STARS. Dally Hoioscope Drawn by Ajnccluts, Tlie Tiibttne Astrologer. Ivlliilobe 1 il . ,1 I HI. f,,l shiiIm .t. .'. fill. V lllllll lllllll oil tin-, ill! will IK, Hi r (bit II II toil it init'.'.in 1.1 bom b j 1 ifi w lieu rnlitii; oil the .-lit if 1 .11- Itiilllt III 11 - Milifiuc: lie !lllll.ll,.lh!o "t tl I K on ml- n ihil oiu fin ml-ol ), tnuulnu Ii m-e will -oi 11 1 ti oiiiiii r the mn il ible bail Neil lo l.eepai.' 0111'- lilnpC! .It all tiling i Ibe .ibiliM 10 10t111.1l il- lov. 1'h.i innii 111111 I01111 koo.iI i.-iilnllons Hut ilo not .; into ellut until tnuioiiou. the iiioib-t iu,iiibi it on, 11 tin, I- .,ut oo too tblt II H li.llll fin til 111 III lo be 111- own pll 1,1 III. r.ii (.in oiiiu i.,i ipii-ti,.ii. iii it niti pii io the Wl-i-t 111 III Hull'- loom .a tin p.p im 111 mi wlm no ill lui liiiiil to ( limb. If ion iloiibl I In M14M o l pine mill II Hue ,.11 .1 ploll II liotl Prosperity Is Yet at The old Stand spuijl I'mie-punil. li(f- if lie 'I illume W 1-hina.lou, Vn 1. A Ml, UK IN iii.ii.uf l, tin. is .in- .wnlniili ii,l'e i. bu-i in iuji .,- i1(,j ,,,. j,, ,,",, Vt I, .1-1 till- I- J I, ,-,.,, ll.li- illl.i,.l floill an i iiinai it ion of Ihe fi.un. oi the iri i- in buieiu ol .tiiti-iii.. .i ,ii Ii .how t Ii it the told llllpolt. of 111 lllllll. lull I.' IIUIiiIjI, in n ,, niniith. iiiiliut. with -.' .i ml.i i. pkil, m,.(. i,.,. ' "' 1 dm III III Iliiise of the !..,,, -,..n. Hni; iiionlb- if I i.t leu. iltbi.ii.l, uiih.l, oi the lllip.ill.. .Hlllle I.l .illldi., .Ii.ni. Ihn ,,,i LU the pun. pn null of ipillltlll hill il, ilt.i.til. 'Ibi- ibirea-e in pini i- mi miou.,1! Ill II l.i it tint in lllllll ii.i. while Ihe H1.UI1. ot i.ilne -how a ihn, i.H in ih, niil(. months ot In, I ,. iiimpiliil with Ibo.e of IlliU, ihe l,'iue. ..I liiiiilll lor lln .,i, piiiiul hliim .in in. i, .I-,.. -11 I'm Iii.lo.ie. iuipini. of In, Hi lubber, wlen tne.iMlliHj l, mIii.. ,l,m, ,iht ,,, i , l"OI a. ii.iupiliii with I'iiki, while the ipllu- oi iniiuiini in eni -l.ou. hi tuilv'i-e ol mile tlllll .,iki,1iii poiuiil. a, ii,iuiieil Willi lb. -aue 'Hi. ot Pimi l'it- tin. I,.,, i uiimidi tin-lii,- llll pllti, i.lms in l line l .buhl lulll, li. ,, in the lllipnil. of pml ,,, n.minl.il Willi ll.l u ii, bill III ipillillll lli, l. . ,iu lllilii.ii ol ull'l -,imu,iHi i.,,ii,,. luipmi. ,,( ii.iuiii ii im,,) 1,1,,., 4 Inn a linn 1 niine 1 1. .in s,niii,iiiii In i.ilne i. iiimpiinl wilh Hum. i.r l'i, .ut the ,iuli,.i ninili a in iiuiii liiiie,-,. r.iklni; I In u i, n lulll of value uf iiupiiil. of law in.lmil- (or ll-e III lll.lllllllllllliuu, Ihe impnii. in Ihe nilili III nillll. ol Hill, I. lupoid with lln.' nf t'HN), iiiie: I'nr limi, sj .t lh i,ij , h p,,,!, -, ,,'i. ;j, while HI Hie !.., .Ill ul s,.i, uiliei .lne Ihe tiiiiini nf the iii, .ml, in ini ,ii,. .jj,-.',,'lj'i, .iitdli-l vIs,V-i,u.ii in s, pimibei, phhi, a i,n,i, ,i lliin.i.e. 'Ihn- foimnl in s, pin. In i, 1 ,ii, ,t ,,r no I. of I l,t lutiil hupoii., iv-,l. ,i p, ,,nt. of Hie told iiupiim in s.ii, n ,.,, pi, ll.i full. m in k -tilienia -li , Ihe ipiiniliioi of lln .ia..i il aitiili. luipoiliil into the I mini si.iin t.,r il-.- in in huh 1. 1 in Int. iliiiiu Hie lime III. tllll. lllllll,' S, j, ,., p.,,, JM j.,,,1 ,,..,,.. tin l.i Mlh li- Nun limiilli. (tullni; llupollill u se,t,.r I un l'il. I I'. lb- l'is.ll'i'J.ll l.ii'.V-'l.'HI ll.in.l., eh , f,et ITA. I'li.iiiKi ;:-.,. i, I,, ...I sulphur, iiinle, lb., ,, -Jitl.st i.'.ni 'w'ii7, 11.1;, i) llhl.. mnl .kin., Hi.. ,, .Mt.His.i-v. i j(i,;,'i ,1 s; le nl on, lb. ,,., lon.Tv-. iii K.',nj7,iis7 f uppei mi', lb. V,..'l'V:i,i I17,ls,llll) sil.ll, 1, III. He, i j, I'll,', in., lb. i4.i,iv j-. .en ;i77,7.u st 1'iit i.li, lli. Iiis.jin.si i Ul,s;i "0 I in, 1 1,1 loot, II. . ,,,,, S.'.l I.'.,",-, !,!,, i,ll,IH,l Wool, law, l, ,, ll.itriIM im.l.'T.'iU l.i.., lei r ,.,., "ii.ni.'.ftKi ,.,),s,,'i,ii,ii P,lwnoil., lb. , ll'i,tK),tiJI 7-,H,,'J'll 'I III hi Inn, i li., lb.. ., 11,117,117 .ii,,m.,'iiH I i.ppi t pit;., lb 'il.ll Vos. .iijii.UJI Iiuiii., Ih. i , ,'is,-.'77,.'is t 1'i.i.iis il.", luliii w, lln . ... I1.7HI .'s'l ii,mi,7''7 Iiuiii iiibl.ir, innii', lln, ,M,l'il,:,i7 ii,Pil,OIl Inioa, nuiii, lb , ;ir,-'V',.is'l ;.'i,un,77l Miluuain, fiet , '.'I.M.'.iol .l,.a,..il l.i .a' I. .I.i.io, ll. ,,,,,, r,.,,.",, "l,Uis,u7 sill,, nw, lln ii,',il,s.il .s,,l,lij Kiln I., loll., ,,., ll'.UTll IV.SIJ II - II, e tollimini.' t.lble kbovv. Ihe value i,l ihe pilnilpil uiiuip. ot iniuul, ,il,n i'l' ihiIiiIjI. im p.iilnl in Hie iiiiii niHiillis uf Pan) ami I'.kU; Villi In-. I ' X. lltll. (niton, I in, t 5,ie)J,'ll i .I.iITiI,'." ( hi nil. alv, ilum., in .:',l,',i,.,i7 ni.iiin.lj) J'lliei,. iiiimaiiiifKliiiKl, ., '.'I, 111, Sit III.'JVI.OO) 111,1, anil l,in U!',fi.-,1,b0i II.H.S.'JJI lii.lla rnbl.u .iinl guifa, pen la 'JI..11l,sU t!l,0J,J silk, uw 2i).ii,is,77J M,'ilt),s.-,1 T , ,. )S,'hl,S77 l!o7'),7iS Fulrei'il fur iklns ,,,,.,, O.lftl.sOil S,M.I,sji Wuoil, iiuiii imifailuitil, ,,. ll.7i,l)lt li,.1li,i.'i Wool, nw, l(,,r,ll,ir. f),Hll,1i.! Ifuiiijiiiifailiiriil lobjuu ,, 10,W,'J'JT I-', Im.s.'i TALKS BY THE PUBLISHER. Two Results of Newspaper Advertisinp-, DOH.H tiewspnper aiH'eltlsllii; iuyV The publisher, ery tuiiuiully sa.is, "Ves," the men hunts, inan.i nf llli'lll, are tPldei hied, but the sue cesslul men hail Is u UMct of Imirc illiatltltles ol' ltewspnper spnee. Tills, the uiidedded nhettlser savs, I- not nlisoltite ijioii'" Hint newspaper aihet tlsltiR' uns ivspunsilih fur the sttci es of Mich .in 11, .Many business men me unwilling In spend nioliev for inlXertMllK unless the I etlll lis entt h,. ( ounted -unless mhup miitel'lal eMdeitee ran be shown thai he lilts tccelveil soniethhiy: fill' III" iitotiey. Sin ti n man piefpts, m lieu he lias 1111 iimiomtcemetit which he wishes to make to (hi. public, lo unlet 11 clt clllai' printed, iiisilii). iin.iwhete t'l mil $111 In i'A) lot ."..nil m .0. The-e me ill due lime ilellVeieu to his plan' or hs. lit ss ninl the lutekitRes ill pi luted sheets show Hint he bus lecelied sometlllliR for his tnon'ej. He then uses hs own time, of Hun or his cletks, in 1I111W off a selected s( u mimes or lespouslble pel Mills I'loin the city illreitiii.i to w I10111 Hie iln tiluis ate lo lie sent. Mn elopes must then be nihil ess,.- a pleusliiR lask; wilte fi.tiun nntnes anil iiddieises nud JiidRe If it Is not. I'ne thousand om-ieltl stumps lllllsl be puichased. costluR ,",ii imne, uttd nfiet the clicllliiis hm,. been di'llveteil to the postoillce Hi,, men haul n-allfes that he has received tiipiiiiite letitin for Ills Slwl .1 111? has tn complislieil snmetlilui; out of Hie oidlnary. So lie lm. but he has not done neatly ns much as a newspaper sueh as The Tllblllle iloiseveiv 1l.11 . It pi lilts Ihe aniiomu emeiits of niei i liiinls mul ile llieis I hem Into the honii s of ii,,,im) peo ple eveiy 1 nliiR it iharRi's uotliliiR llll select illh' II INI of the best people III Stiantou and nm theiistet 11 iV1111s.il. l.'ilila, It ehaiRes iinlhlllK lor iiddiess. IliK em Mopes. It clmiRes milllliiR- for postiiRe: Il ehaiRes notlliiiR: I'm pi Ills' tlie antuiuiu eiuents in Hie hands of lle.uly eieti member ot the I, lllllll, wllete It will be lead lust ns cmefully as Hi,, best cliiitlar eicr pilnted, pio 1I1II11R the amiiium emeiit is of eiiual Impoi tittii e ami attractlM in ss. The niei chant does not icnlle all this because be does not i e all Ihe tons of papir Used, the Iimiy anil bustle ut hiindteds of ( lei ks .md i.inier hoys. He piofers, becillse lie ml) see the op el. 1 Hon. to li.l.l SdUil lo n. tell "1 IIUU people one time, iiithri than p.11 the s.une iiiuount ol iiiiiii. 1 In The Tribune wlieie he can leach lii.r.iiil innple every moinlne; for two months 01 mote, with a (Illl'eletit ntmnum einelil eveiy ilav ir he w Ishps. "liesults. joll ,,1,-. t is all itiliei-tsin'-r, wliethtr b.i (in III. 11 nt new spa pei. H olir amiounci metit n.nlies the llRhl 1 lass ol people, ii'sults iite dependent on what is aiinoutued and how it Is .innouuced. Eesult No. 1. As a lesiilt ot advei ifshiR in Tin Means Smart Clothes Many of the best dressers have become acquaint ed with it during the past two seasons, and the fact thut we please these particular dressers only goes to prove our assertion that the "Atterbury System" is a little ahead of the custom tailors' system. The most fashionable cloth productions have been secured this season, and with the assistance of the cutter and tailor, mixed with considerable brains, we now point to the "Atterbury System" of clothes making as Wmm Tjtejg ft Samter Brothers, Tllbmie line cne of ctiitclit llltetesl lllitv be cited. The fool,. ,;. fuller Co., of Hn WnstnK,m nventie. cmnliicted a cookhiR school at their store tetpiitlv at which Miss dully M. CoIIIiik ulil'v pteslded. The onl.v new spaper In whlcii aliuiilllli eiuents of lite sclloul Weie made was The Tilbitue. Altogether III I y-two Inches of space wim uspd, rosiliii? Mil I'r.ivlslon hud been made fur Itm people, but on the openlnfr dav It was fotind necessary to add svt-v adilltloual seats, tin, ,,w, (ll,,n nlll'v weie obliged to stnml. The lessons cuutluued fiom ,hi to da.i. the pioRfaiiune IicIiir printed each mmiiiiiR- lu ihe dlsphty advei tsnK col minis of Tin. Tribune, and the luteresl and alien, lam ,. continued tiuibaipd. Do the people tend the display mlver-II-Iiir.' liesults would Indicate lhat they do. Eesult No. ii. To llliisliule what Is Iiuiii,. h, happen lo 11111 mutt who ppislsleutly follows mil u policy or newspaper inlveitMiiK, the follow Iiir letter will answer eierv pill pose. This wits handed to Tile Tilb une b.v a Sciaiiloti man who evlilciiilv liclleies that the iIcwiUiik of otie-hal'r a man's ptnllts 1,1 advei Using brings lestilts is- there a iiieichant lu Kciati liiu thai would not 1 sk Insanity lo (liiplhale Mr. Ayei's silccessv Itead: I In ai-inln of Hi I ( Vei ol Lowell, i.t foul. 1 timlile w.niiln to 1.I1. 1 ilei.. Hue wh 1 111111 miikhI in lln niiuiif 11 line nf j pill, not lilli inn.' 111111I, finui ,1 huuibeil otliei pill, wlildi 11111 be obi.ilmil ,it .un iliuj .pjn, l, ,1M ,,,, mini 1 mill. In- mule up hi. niliul lli.il lie vvi.ulil iibilll-e. lint III the pu Mime slilenf llie onhiiin ileiloi, but lu 1 eoiiipnli, u.ne 1 ul of li.it b.i wlib Ii he wiuilil ii ul, eu li p ,-.. il,. pu, illil ol pill- lie .Imeil wilh ll. ,,. 1 f ileioiluu hilt of bin plollls (lib mii o .nhei Iimiu 'I hi li.ult IllUlil li.i'e In 1 n t.il.-. ill He 111 1 111, oil il. .1 mono; .11 i.ipbll, 1 hit be ill. I not Know wlul to ilo with 11, Whin In bill inll.il li.j.Mi. 1 s, iHi.mii,. mi in.i , ,, ,1,,, ,, 1,, I'll I Mime otitbt oi In. mii ImK.i.in piuiiN, In- mil,, I umu w.i.i iili.l. r Ihe ib.oibhu ,,,, of In. .i-l In, -mi--, , ml be w i- i-oniuiitloil lo .111 1.1 lion Im tlie liisiue How ii.ili tbi. 1 il null uuuhl bile bull .mitril. If I . hnl slink to the I oti-i i jtlve iiulboil. ut man of out 1111 oh int., .in.i leti lliinl mini ,i.luili-hu In 1, .,;!. t line bin ipuitb pi--imj tliioub l.iplviuptii ti.ei , lu-lenl of In au louhil ihiwii with la- iinniiiuli ,1 million- It 1. .1 ilmi ioih eprinneui fot n 111111 wlm ilni. not wait to bit ouie inli to nt-iii'i-i: 01, if he ulvdtl-iw it ill, be lnu-r ul uili-r iiiiUin.'li mil .it .,,il- iiilnv. il-. b r in. 1 .1 ..111 -1i..ii),I crow mil of ill pioiiiiilion In his lupinine tit-, .mil he -hmihl timl bliu-ilf leu ih mil mill wi illb Vibeiii-aiK 10111I111I11I 011 the piituiple- 1,1 it... ollll,' bilf Ihe pnillN ol 1 till-in, -- In it i. we II pill, l illliueloll. 1 Mil 1 in, eel II piei ipil 1 e 1 fiilllllie 1111011 the lilvilti-11 -,i .liiMnib (till tlie lllllll e- llie I WMI llili lie will lint know 'lllll to ,1 , with lu. 1110111M Ibe muliiluiliieiii- pteH- 1111.. Inukriiptii. iii.iiImii.i I "..Ian ling .11 i.uii. I fm Hie whiliwillul to no 1 1 1 Hole He p. 1111 an nth iliiun! to Hit un 11 who .uli rli.e. Ihiie invtr im- 111 l.iitope 01 iiirii.i 1 uioil iilniti'ii who ilul not .in iimiil ile .1 iii'lt rin tlllit lit lllii-e who 'li-ue In iiir mil nil ,1- in il In the 1 His of wi.lllli I ike w HtMiti: This Label ASK FOR THIS LABEL a standard that has only been attained by our persistent energy. Samples are displayed on models in our two large show windows. That Delsart It's receiving ment among the swell dressers. Many who have bought this novelty take a delight in bringing their friends here just to convince them that our system is more convenient than the custom tailors. We get the same result in fitting you, without that unnecessary "try on" and basting. See the models shown in our windows. Complete Outfitters. 1 Always busy It Is the Thing." Men's Working Shoes Tor Shop or Mill. FOK THIS WEEK: $1.25 QCf Grades, 7 J $1.50 and fr-i )C $1.75 Grades, plJ In nil sien now. (let them now. We will not have them long. Lewis & Reilly III III) W.Miinitu vo .j A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Cut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc, Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereati & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Allis-Chalmers Co Successois to Machine Husinesa of Dickson Jlanufacturlng Co., Scrauton and Wllkes-Barte, Pa. Stationary nnglnes, Bullers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotcu vd annex Virginia Ave. an, lieicli, Atljntic fit . N. I. Entli iar, .I'.u Pi-aiillfut iuoiih u,-iiile, single and with l.jth, hoi ami lolil cj 'water b.itln in hotel mitt annex. I.oialion soldi ami ccntr.il, williin lew ui(l of die btcol Pier Oahctia. Olliri fpeclal fipnns ratoa, li to ftj Iiy week; J.OO up Ijj il.ii fcpniil rates to fimtllus. Coaihej meet nil Imlln. W'riti for booklet. ciiaiii.i's i:. con: i Ro considerable com FINLEY'S Fashion's Smart est Ideas in . Silk Skirts In bti.iliiK oui' silk petticoat nri yml iimipcletil to .Inline its wear Inn iitulll,v, nr would you be wiser lo ttu.st to some one upon vvliuyi expei Iciiee and i ('liability you know .ion can depend. We bine kIicii our personal nt tcutlou lo the selection of our st skirts, biti In;? only those that Ira ' mn Judgment will give .sntl.sfiu'tor .sen lee lo lite W'eater. Our skins ale made from the bes (llialllv o IM.AIN TAFFHTA unit OI'At'l SILKS. The.i come In tbr new .shades ,i (iieen, N.iv. Old! Hose, l.avcndei. Cadet and lllack. Pi lees lanae f i mil S4.50 to $16.50 AVe would i all special altenlioit to two nuiubeis in our line of sill .sliltts that me of unusual value: $5,00 Taffeta Skirt Made limn Rood quality of Tflffcti Silk with acioidcon plaited grad uated llouncc, edged with narrow sill; l utile; come In all the new i (dots. $5.50 Hemstitched Skirt .Mode hum line quality Taffeta .Silk, with hemstitched flounce, and twij silk i utiles; complete line of colore. See styles displayed In our window, 510-512 Lackawanna Ave THIRD NATIONAL BANK OP SCRANTOIV. Capital $200,001). Surplus $525,OOI United States Depositary. Special attention giveuto r.usixKSS, pkrso.val and s.vv i.v..s accounts, whether large or small, Open Saturday evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. Wm. Con'm i i, I're.siilent. 1 1 1 m it Hi i.iv, Jr., Vice Pres. 'i. II. I'UK, Casliiei rra F?l f-j.- 'tp tm fi'- V ,' aiM 1','I.lllhll ' c'-w' 3V B'l B-nvvl II I IIP. - . ' : . i"j Ul tW7? iVlsh. e- H ..' iv u-;. nr 'ztpj m ts-ici I il mil, .nf a tu .ur iur j ml ni'fiU, Our RAUL. U NDERWEAR Pioik , eiicpl .nuiii cooil (iulliy tir tlio prl'i sin ill suiiii tt.lv in.- .,il liive muih itrtrft Jiiiiuint out B,'4.lul,le ulli lints .j 12 Spruce Street GO I GunsteriiForsyth S .'527 rcim Avenue. 1 uhiMja0 I X i V. i A A,