The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 01, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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W V r j .. ... jp V "
is -
West Scranton to Add to Its
Fine Edifices.
Intel os thig Exorcises on the Site of
the Proposed Embury Methodist
Episcopal Church nt South Mnln
Avenue and Bryn Mnwr Street.
They Weie in Charge of Hev. Aus
tin Griffin, D. D., the Presiding
Elder of the Wyoming DlBttlct.
Corner Stone Is the Same Thnt
iVas Laid Under the Hampton
Street Church Ten Years Ago Ar
ticles It Contained John Rogers
Charged with Embezzlement Oth
er West Side News,
The comer-Mono of tlir now Kinlntr.v
Metliodlst KplM-opal ehuroli, at thooor-
Ufr of South Main iiveinto aiul Uryn
.Itiwr street, was laid wllli apiiioprl-
ito iiorvicufl yoMonlay nftorniion In tin
ircfonre nf a lai'KO iminlior nf peeple.
The forvleiN were In i hari;o nf Iti-v.
MiMln (irlllln. D. I).. pri'Milliu,' elder
of (he Wyoming district.
A fler a liymn by the enasi'i-Hat'ini
tile cxel'clseK were liifinally 'nni'tU'il
with prayer liy Itev. S. 1'. .Miithcw!,
liuMor nf tlir Klml lt:iili ohuieh. Tills
n fnllmveri with the reading1 of the
cine hundred and tbli -.- 'nntl psalm
I'rf.ponslvely by I he ,i-"."iubIaKe and
Kcv. II. C. MeUeriaotl. p.mlnr of the
Simpoit .Melhudlst ehuri h.
The elmir then leiidt'icil an anthem and
the scripture le.--.Min Hum I Cor. ill: -L'.'.
w.ik lead by lb. .1. 1. I).
P.. of the W.l-hlillin Sti-t I'lf-li--terlan
Anetlier hyiiin u.i huik mul the ad
ilre.'! of the uer.i-lon wa-s then deliv
eicd by l!e. ('. Jl. (iilllii. U. U.. nl' the
Klin Park Jlhnlii-! i hutch.
Jle referred lo the mural Munition of
tile ehnreh of today and of Christ le-ing
the i hlef foundation stone upon wliii'h
Christianity H based. I li eoinplinient
ed the ooriKretMlion on the W'li'illnn
of such a delhrhtful location, and said
the election of such a handsome htillil
iti' as they eiocliiiK I" a .-Hfii
of the spiritual giowth of the times,
I Jr. rilllln's reinniks Here :ittintiely
listened to and wejo in tiaich with the
spirit of the occasion. After smother
anthem by the choir l!e. .lames l!(-n-uiUKor.
the liastor, evpl. lined the object
of the enrollment of names of person1'
who contributed one dollar or inoie
toward" the new church and when he
had finished leeching the contribution"
one Iiiindred and tiw-nij -live naiees
were placed on the list
The copper bo- uas then --..ileil nnd
placed in tin; corner stone, and the
A Daily Reminder
You will not lie disappointed in
llufoui's Tali it uill lolftwi lint
Cousli and Cold in one night.
Ladies' Waist Materials
Of Surpassing Beauty
And Rare Excellence...
Their variety is iufitiite and the care that has been ex
pended in reaching as close to perfection as can be ex
pected from human art and skill, shows a higher devel
opment of textile beauty than has ever before been
French Flannels Are
Prime Favorites This Season
For Ladies' Waists. The delicacy of their tints and
colorings, combined with their softness and evenness
of texture, render them peculiarly suitable for this pur
pose, and as the price is never exorbitant, while their
wearing qualities are matchless, it is not surprising
that they should be muck sought after. Persian
Stripes and Figures, Polka Dots, Plain Stripes,
rlixed Designs, Plain Colors, Etc., give a hiut at
the prevailing styles which arc now on display for
your approval.
Special Waist Cloths in Albatross,
Serges, Melrose, Granite, Flannel,
And other weaves also await your inspection in corded,
embroidered and other woven effects, also in stripes,
plain effects, iu every possible shading, and a few fancy
designs that are exclusively our own,
Prices 37lc and Up.
The Display Will Continue During This Week
riA. urui isi
uiuud wdrciiuube
''An'AV ,,5W m0Fi&0 c4
it i .tvMiy iir.ii it.
static placed In nosli.oii l)r lilllln
lead (he i. orner stone laying er lee and
formally laid it in the name of tlto
i hiirrh.
Prayer Wat- then ofi'eied by l!ee. I'.
J. Doty, of the (.Vilar Avenue .Metho
dist church, and the e.eiclsos weie
brought to a close with the singing- of
the doology by th eoiigiesatloii mid
I enodletlon by li'v. Ileimlnger, the
tor. The coiner stone N the .inie one laid
in the foundation of tin- ll.iniplou sheet
iliureh ten year-' ago and n- removed
fioiu hi former position to the new
hiirch site. It will be lopped oil" with
A 8;
. r wmto isiTii
A 111' I fe'JIK II va
ir--.-.- . . io --3-u- ni
another stone of smallef size. The ar
ticles taUt n out of the bos in the cur
lier stone of the old liureh Weie a
The dally papeis of Sirautun hearing
date of Aug. ti. isftl. The following
Seianton papeis were found: Scranton
I republican, Scranton Tilbune. Truth
and two papers not published now. The
IVople and the Siranloii Mail. The
Tribune wns tticn a four-noRO paper.
(Mamie O. Whetstone wns editor, nnd
14. i Kingsbury, business mtiniigcr.
The llrst column eonlnlus the speech
of tlir diiccn of Knglntul In rolntlnn to
ociite, of New Yotlt. tjr. .1. .M. Much
lev was editor then, as now; the
i Xoilhern Christian Advocate, .Syrnru-o.
I v V ili.-. Mnieorth Herald. .ItllV 2S.
special college edllloll. adv.slng young
men If poMlhle to attend college.
Confctetiep mlnttto'i or IS!H. .Mauley
S. Jlard. t). V.. was then presiding eld-
I er or the Wyoming district. The .Moth
I ndlst ehurchcfl In this city weie ina'uiied
. i the following paMms: Asbtiry.
liev. t!. A. Cure; First church. "W. II.
I i'letve; llnmplnn street. II. It. liotio.-
dbt. Park Place, .tohn i Joium; 1'rov
, Ifb'noo. M. n. Fuller: Klmpxon, I-. c.
Kloyil: South Peranum, ,1. W. Nlehol
i son. The present pastor, Itev. Hen-
ninger, aeeordlng lo the minute", was
then a local pioacher not yel having
grailnated fiom i-clnml. but supplylliK
the Harvey's hake charge. A Iculloi
published by the pastor of Ihe charge,
11. it. Henerllet. containing church
notes. Kpworth league topic card, a dis
cipline of the church, copper coins.
All of these and the following addi
tional papeis and articles were placed
In the stone.
Hcranton Tribune. Ser.tilton Itcpuhli
can. .the Tiuth, the Times. Christian
Advocate. Wllltps-H.irre Iteiord, direc
tory of the church, containing; nil t'"'
names of ollieers and nieniber, corner
stone laying coreinony, the honor mil,
i niitalniiisV all the mimes of persons
who 'ontrlhulod one dollar or mom.
The new ehtireh Is re-ii.uned from
the Hampton Street .Methodlil TIpK'o church and Is an lnipoilant I'm tor
In the religion life or the lower end
of We-t .Seianton. The pastor. Itev.
.l.-iuio flcniiliiK"!', wIiom- plctllie ilieie
printed, is one of the most popular and
eiu'ifjetie prcncliei.s in the Wyoniiius
coiilerenie and lias been veiy succe-s-l'ul
Mneo ho came, to Seianton.
"Wheelmeu's Country Dance.
The nieinlifis of ihe. Kleetlie City
Wheelmen held a country dance and
KtaK i-oclal at the club house l,i-i even
ing, vvhlih proved to be a corker for
fun. A la rue number of the buys
"made-up" as l'.uineis1 for the event,
and. headed by Fldler Whit beck, from
Awayb.i.k, did a siand march and old
las-hioned ountry dame in meat style.
Sonic of ihe rilcKills-es wore very clev
erly arranged, p.u tlciil.u ly worn
by Duncan Hall, I M ward Mor.-e, .dolph
Iti lining. Hairy Mci'i ackeu. i:d. Smith,
Andrew Sheiictt and otiitis.
The judges weie U. (iayUiitl Thomas
Charles K. I'ltt her and Moryan Tliom
a. After ninth dllllculty they award
ed the tll.-t piize--a. slas.sflll of cldei
lo "Kilmer" Smith. Tlieseiond piixe
a plul of peanuts was jiivon 1" "I'liele"
silierietl and tile cuiiMilatliiu pri.e w eiu
to V. Ilaydeii Kvmiis lor ihe worst
inaUe-np of the hunch. Honorable
mention was made of llarr.v Mci'iacK
en, who was ihe only "lady" pie.-ent.
The judges weie each as-'s-'et-sed tllll
teeii cents for ''the campaign fund,"
ami lifter the contest was nver an in proeininiiic of eveulK lollowed.
Andy Slicir.'ll k.ic mi imitation of a
man doiiiK a Highland I-"I!n, .losi.'s
and .Mii'raiken did a skirl dame, and
elKhl uii'lilberf- of the soilal lollimitlee
went ihriillKll an old-time'e dance.
This was tallowed by an npplc-eat-Il!f4
i ontest and the jserv illK of a lunch
by c.iiPior Koblnscai. The iiienu eon
iSited of peanuts and elder, sandwiches
nnd coffee, pickles and milk and other
mill combination-. The iniislc for the
occasion was furnished b Kldler Willi -beck,
who was seated on a ban el dur
ing Hie dances.
At tested for Embezzlement,
Joint lionets was coiiiiuitied to the
county Jail yosterdnj by Aldennan Ke
l ill default of SI, una h.iil on ehalRes
of einben.lenient and larceny by bailor.
I.ohcis wns aricstod on a warrant
l.isiied some time uko at the Instance ot
the l.aiidon Ink company, for whom
he winked, lie Is iharsed with falsi
lyliu; orders which he turned In and
obtainliiK eoinms.soiis under false pre
t'iises and fallliiK- lo account lor
moneys ailvauced to him.
A warrant which was Issued on .lune
L'ii against HoKers, at the insiaucn of
.lolin I1. .Mullady. of Carbondale, from
whom he obtained a horse ami IniKuy
order false pietepses, was nlso served
on him yeMoiday. lie was unable to
fUllllhh hall aud-eiit to Jail,
Events of This Evening'.
The West Side Driving club will hold
n. special lllCfllUK t Ills evelllllK lit '. C,
IJeckelnleU's elKitr stoic. Ninth .Main
avenue, All iiumbeis are icipusted to
be present.
Urand lioKeiit V. II. Diiickeniiillle'r.
nf Suiihury. will pay an olllelal visit
to Lackavvaiiiia council, ,, li:n, Moyal
Arcaiiimi, I his pvoiiIiik. Seveial lanra
deleK.ltlnils fioni other councils are e.
peeled u bo piencilt.
IMmi lli.nlli-j, ut I'llittuii. ojicnt ifaiioljy 1 1 11 lel jllj ItljIlH- ill lulMI
llatvjul l)ji,. li.,ol,Lopei j! the llilliMe
Hume, iin Will lol'i'iooii, uiie cl ilu' ui u let
auH, will in 'iivmi Let
Mih Wiu Vllb.iinf. of Siiitli vJjiii jirniio,
will jtlciij tho (.'uiiull'l'iincrton foot lull simc
Allow a crusli to run until It sct4 l"icnl llio
rmli ct iiKilicInc. 'llicv ullcn jy, "oti, it nil
ncai aMi)," but In ino-.t iaei It lll uu
tlicm away, Could ilicj bu Imlun'il tg tiy ili.j
macs-till nicdiiiue tailed Uciui'.h IUIjJIii, nlilcli
It viM uii a lKuithu ciurjulrc to iuic, 1 1 ioy
kciiIiI iiiininliatuly tc; Ilia excellent elicit utter
Ul.lii the flul ilo-r. l'ika .'."(.'. jiiJ vA.'. Trij
lire Inc. At all iliu;viu.
tt.iJiVi . ..l a I -.
S "" .wi2i&2fil. "
- -'"
t tllitrii V. Vii I riiiiorrovv, m Hie kupI of lirr
hrollirr, 1nl..r It. Wllll.iiin, .i tmlriit i rvnnoll.
lloRliinliiu ullli Mmiilly pvpiilnir, Vovrmlior II.
Ilie iluucldi nl Wnl s(r1nii ,,ur nuirnl ti
rl(ii llieir flolm i.tcli nliilit In llm wick, evrrpt
Sjtiinli), it il oMdil,. 'Ilil nilr will n-iiuln
In (nice until prll I nct. wliri i .uniiinl "r
the aocIi vvjlrr liiHincjii, i.iii ilmlnir will .iu.iIii
Ik Hi Vpciie.
The tiool wcip Mini wait iniirvuiiikiK .id
rv fiiinsr In uf tlip nii.iiliti nt liillnwp'm .
l.lirfp lilunlirr "I p.irtlc WPir In til, illl nf w'llili
WPrp .lllrli'lnl liy Viiiiiib ("'eplp In fiiiM'tli' tinlr
up. 'Ihe ,Miiiintici' p.itiulril up .iinl iImmii Main
lleiiilP. Iilimlnp; liriut, ilniue; i jhc iiillk .mil
nllirr print..
We upeii llili iiiiMiilnr i I'i'vv ti'ittnilil ef
1, ultra' llinl.m., I oil mul .Inliil, .niil MlniV
'nl. lriu .V. Il.ijtiu.
'Hip inrnilK1!. nl St. (pill.i' CltlmlU 'l"'ul
AlwtlliPiiip .mil ItriiPM Iml kp ipty, j'btul l..v
iiitnuilttPM fldlll St. Pu'll' I'lillll'i'l' em pi llllil
Pi.' lUilnlloli, 'iiliilllrtpil J lililinll mi Illl
ill' tuill l,i.t pvinltnt. It w.i In ilniue
i.f Mi. 1,1'lipr. V.p Him imii, NiUIp Mo
ViiIIIIp, M.uu'.iiPt U Mmui mul Nillle l.ttrilv.
Palier mak wn fmnliPi In the Mn nrtlienu.
Man Inge of Miss Mlnnio Klcea and
Joseph Blsbing, nt Home of the
Bride's Mother.
The tesldenee of Mrs. Kleep, on Oak
plreel, was the scene of a pretty wed
illuir on Wednesday evenlnp:. her young
est dailBhter, Minnie, and .lo-oph Uls
lilii";, potmlar yolliiK people. beliiK the
ooiitraelliiL- parlies. The homo was
elaborately decorated with palms and
cut (lowers, the tables wero tastefully
and abundantly piovided. and n hiro
company of quests en.loyi d the occa
sion. 1'iof. and Mi. Cousins added
Kieatly lo the enjoyment, of the evening
by choice musical i ontrlhutions.
I.lttle lions:, cariylua: elijiiint
(lowers, ushered In the bridal parl.v -MIfscs
Ida Ulshlnp: and Fi ankle Pot
ter. Oavld Wathins nnd 1 Mnn Klees,
and the bride and funmu. Tliey Kiollped
themselves before a larpe fern bank In
the pallor, where liev. (i. A. Cure pei
fornied the mariiasre ceremony.
The followiny; are the Kiiests: Hon.
and Mrs. A. A. Voslmrt;, Mr. and Mis.
Oswald Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
chappel, .Mr. and Mis. Crellau. Mr. and
Mrs. J. II. McCounell nnd olheis, lu
cliiillne; iminedlale lelalives. From out
of town: Mr. and .Mis. T. I. Howe, of
Lake Ariel: -Mrs. (leoitte l'isher and
There.-a and Crace Sltniuat. of Wa
marl: Mrs. T. 1!. C.lliett. of l.eilnedale:
.Mrs. T. J. lloae; and Hazel, of Throop;
Mis. T. .1. H.uls. of SheiMiHloah: Mr.
and Mis. l.ucleii Krwin, of Caibondale;
Miss t;mma Harbour, of l'lcetv llle; .Mr.
and Mrs. William Klees, Kdra and
.Tallies Klees, Mrs. .John Oittlll Miss
Lottie Wiuleis, Mrs. .lo-eph llohinson,
Mrs. Kllx.alieth Tlumias. MK-. lOllle Ual
Ilett. Coinelius liruiisklll. .lohu Miunitr,
Misses Itose tlutlier. Ida Jyler. Myitle
Price. Mr. and Mrs. A. ItWIiiiiK. Hariy,
Mabel Million and Dewey HMdns.
Mrs. .my 1'otter, lOthel Holnu-.
Tine Entertainment.
The toiiceit Riven in the Ninth Main
Avenue tabernacle last nlshl attiacted
a veiy larue audlfiice and was Kieatly
The artists were Mrs. '.. MmiiiiI:is
Miss Sarah K. Price. Piofes-or .loliu
T. W'.Uklus and 1'iofe-sor .Tones. The
Kiaphle pictures sluuvii by Itev. Tims.
Tie Crueby wete one of the I'eatuies of
the enteitaiiiineiit.
i!t .li.iijr ILiIIoupYii unv w i- Itplil let
niulit .11 ll.p ioiiiii nt Hie Yiniii!,' Weuipii'i i liris
linn iwh i.illi'ti. It u.i. in ih.iip nf VttsiJl,,
'1 In' MiM Itiilfi' lelliil.i w.l- ulle W'iiIiip.iI.ii,
iiwintr 1" ill" lni'il.liiK "l I'Jit ef IliP iiucIiiiit.i.
.Inlltl Vl.iullPU' "I I'.llkil -.lll'l'l. W.lstl1llk
In ilu- ilittu oji WpihiP'iliy li.v .i tiling p ol Ii ii luiiil Iip will lii-c I lie -mlit el Hip
Wp inrn thi- liKiinii: i iiim I'-niliiKiii ef
l.lllllk" IS lut.llls, Cu.iK .mil .IllklK, .111.1 VII"."'
IniK Jli'Jl- .: His. n.
Mi- (I. Vh.'i-. wlfp ..I Alilniii.iii Mm-. lu ip-
tllllifll IHiTll .1 M.-1I to fill Illl- in mfl.
.Me- llpiili I'.iiiiiiKtiin. of s,i.iinli.iiiiii, i
.-ii't.ilin .1 wt'rk mioii'Jr n ii mi- in tin- jtliif.
Tli. Ui'i ii llulv l.niiii.i. ivliiili 'n- iiim
l lli-i'il -111 P l.i-l ppliliS. Will Iip 11 niitml I ni ii
Orppii Tui'liiis S.,hj,. wpli .d! i ,i-h ..ipv
t. "it i'ii Uiihti Mnkfl. '
I'ltpl'lH", llllpll Itlliu" Vlokil
Vl.I'Mi i mul M . A. r. Iliili'.v. ef Niw V ii.
r.ti'pt, .up I'littiLiiiiiiu Vli-. hull' - mini iu.
C. V. lici", ot viol I . . V.
In-li ll-li. .ill kiii.1-. i : i . .-ii I.'i.l-'.' Vlokil "
'Hip I'lll'.wm i.iuin- nf liiluipi .iml riiipii.iiu.
TllOllt-t Will III -;l Ml 111 till' lllll(l li' ill'' flil'lll
HiiIup l'ii -In 'pi il'iinli: Nin. T. I'IkhiIiu" I'.
I l.irl, e miii-ii-I, .IiiUIIk'I f'l'lll Ni'W- Ol k lo In. In": N.n. It, Mi. Will.nil II II.ii,'., He. M eppi ilu lil"; N.n 'Jl. lli'i
I .1. I no In;;. "'Vi. iiilnl Mi" I'll.- in .1 llii'i n'
t aii.p: Ilu. 'i. to In .iimniiiu pil. (hii-i ti.U. i.
mi' iloll.e.
Wp ip.n llil- iMuimii;' n now ,1... ilnvii of
I. ...In-' It juI.iii", Cut- .nil .l.n kit-, .in. I .VI1--1-'
( ii.ii-. VIpii- 1. II ii 11
II piI puiiltu, liii'.ii ItnUi' Vlail.'i. "
il.ii-lu- .iml 1 1 uii-. i.ii.ii llliLe M.akii
Vli-- IIi'Ipii Inn-. li,: . hti ll.iil.i'il .1 1111111I1.1' of
liii ii.tnu tiiPiut- wall .1 u"i-i HM.iil.' p.uu ...
Inr I oiiio 011 sun-i'i .oiuiip l.i-t pvtiilt,' tli.
loWl'l'll IJIIlii" WPIP ll.lnl .llnl .I ill'lliSlllflllb
sopijI PiuiitiK p.'ii . TIip u'iU'-i- won : M ii j ii. I
Uo.,iliii!l. II.'Ipii Mil-'.. It. i.- Iliwlii, tli.itiiu
W'I-iii, .livii Wll'.ia. II.1.1I f'.lii'i. Miia'iit
,li tip'. Vuu i l iiiii'.ii, nut VIIpii,
l.l l.ill. I Vlu.'i, Wnli.ll l.ili',, I Ii.ii I. K Mr,
VV.iirni Vjii ISI,ii,..iii, -loiIm IIiiiIpv, iLiipiup
.lull -. -nit it I'nll i .on I M. Mi Willi nil-.
Aie'iii- I lu'u A "iiiIiiiiu'i I' i (.iliie. i.ip ii
llilup, 1
VI ll.'jtlliP Mp I. ef V.. Vml. Nile. t. ii.-
I.'il.iln. .1 ilu. ii..jiii fii. ml. .1 1 ,1 lldl.iw. pi.
paly la-t ii.tiin,': Oliw Pi In., .Ipii Mp...
iiiik.i. Ill mil.. tiiM, a, I'l.ii. 11, ,' vim l.i, l.ill'.in
I'li-ipi. '1,0111.1' ,V 1 111I11 11 .1, M mi!.' IIjm-, l.jiu.i
T.111I1.1I1I, ViijIp sIi.ii,i..i, Lielir o.-t, StBV.nt
Sl.Sl.'. Ilolili' Pun. Willi. .in I HI, Will, llllHllll
li.oi-, hniiii'tli lt.iiiw'i, II.ihjiiI IVitliPiiir,
lipoid!' I'll'lll., 11 1 1 VV.IIIIII.
t'lllll- .111.1 W"'iUl,l,,,' .11, ii pii.l'lll
(an. 1 Itiiljp M.nkit
TIip wiiIit u"tinl.i iin-itiil 1 li'ttu fimii
Willi. on It ittcr. ,1 In, mi 1 nvll-l,i.,wi -. ..n.i.ii
iai, Willi I. ut Ini-i'ia 1 munlifi of Hi.' Illiili
liThlh liviiiielil , I iiiiul s..iiio ,nni, .iml it i
tloiipil In llin I'liilippiiip l-l.iihl.. Vli. II an i' uii
fi.i nn 1 1 v tlii-t i,f i uinpjiu II, TI, in, mill
nuiinilil, ,,ii'l vlnn Hip w.ii ,.t n'lpil wlln spi'i
inll-lnl in tin' I'll.: IjiuIiip i'i. i.irp-, villi h ii''Iiiuii In' si rw. I In 11.1 Itn... p w 1
pililuitly j-iinutpi wllli iiiilllu.i liii, .mil .if
lil l.i'ini," IioIiip .1 li'W 111011II1.,, In iiill-iiil in tin)
ii'KHl.11' .one Ivi tliii'e ii-it. . Ilu li'ini 01 in
IMnii'iit will cspii c iip'.i ii.ii, nut Ml. Ilillu'
j.s lie 111.11 locale pi'iiii.iiniitl.i in VI, mil,
Vli opili ilu- ni.iinlli',; 11 iipiv ,l"Oilni.';il uf
l.liiiiV liiKl.ll-. I'o.iU ,.iul .In I i'i -, 1111, 1 VII iV
( Mp us A II u 0.
I'llt. 1I1P ji.inie w.ii ol Mr .iml Vi. 'i ',1
line, (oil .n tin.' l.i'tn" ot Ins i,,i,i,u, Ii.M
I'itl'liui .iviliup, iil.1ii,... .i:i. I il-l.illir. .1 (11
Inn nt lie ii;l,l .1011. IIip I'li'Uni' iu ii'ilint'il
In l. .1 .1. M 1V1.
'I Iip I.m ho! of ('mill Stri'l't J. I iio.h-l IpxuOjl
rlmiili 1, 1 1' now pap.un,' to np.n .1 wnolijlp
1 loili'.n'. iitinttuii', .-liM', ii.i.ihiju'. kiooi.v
Moit, in fj.t :i Diet l.ivi iiiiiniujp .ile ilipni
nn nt utoip. C'o.U tulliitoil; 1111 ml. l by tlmii
s.i I p jliuiil Via. pi. .,jjk out in. ilu l;,'i'
AiniMiic tlw many rlf'ia Jfljii- I" IJ j PjiI
I'lu'C. inii a 1, lulu! iv iinpri'P tnulriPil Vlr-i. I rpi!
'IIio,iij, .it lit r home on IH.11110111I jwiiuo. Uul
iuilj. A vory iil tlmp v.j 411111 by .ill,
(nllowc.l l,y jii tui'llriil mppiT llrr liuny pi'iM.'iiti.'il hir with pllii'i knlH'S -11. 1
foitt, ln'iry xjioom ami lupklm, tint vlu' mlslit
Ii jiiipIv ciii).lli,l 10 lalir to llifin !uul,l liny
romp .m.iln, Tlinp prppnt. wmo! Mr. ami Mri.
I,.vmui, Mi. smith, Mi, t T Miller. Mm.
Itliioni. Ml". P. TcrwIlllRfr, Mr-, T. TptwIIIUi'l,
Mi. I'. Piiliiinllpr. .h. A. .Ipiikltii. Mi. IIHpII,
Mr.. It. IIpiIpIIi .Mr.. .I, . prt,,.ir,l. Mi. Wll
llii'i Mr. II, llollv, Mm. I' W'rptin. Mi.
WIIII.1111 Mill. Mi'. Illin'i. Mi. Ullli.ini l.ii,
Mm. P. I'. Miller, Mi . VAilmin'i, nt lloiii"il.ipi
Mr. A llnMilm, Mi, nml Mrn. MjiiIipwii. Mi. I".
nn, in, i. viis'p-i (iintp 'iihiiiik. i.iiiii. i 'iiioiiii.,
Hum 1.1 iip Wirim, HIUi! Mipiiii, llpli.i ,leiit,ln,
A lliltiiivi'i'ii p.ill) Win linitcri'il Upiiibp KpI
bin. al 111.' I'oniP mi (limp vlippt, l,it iilislit.
IIip nenl KMnk liiulit illipr-lnii wile IiiIiiUpiI
In until .1 lite linur, wIipii iLilnty iiliujiinn'iiH
win1 Mrinl. Vt 1111 party hour tlie nniliy iipiI
IpIi for IliPlr Iioiiipi wllli liuny ,pp.iv.nit niol
In Until nf tin., riniliif.
'Il'p pnlire lo'iiinltlpp of mum III IipM .1 piipi
"mIoii nn V pilii"il 1 nlulil. wlipti rvliliiiie in
Hip i.i-ii of tli" Iwn ntipi'lri pnlliiniPii wti
he 11 '1. It l.i lil.pb 111 lion will not ho tiiKni
lint'l I lie 111 II tT l ii'frlii'il to Hip 1 mini II .it
ll npt ti' tiirrlltu on .Mumli nlidit.
'IIip tevlvil nipptlim nl Hip Mpllioilbt
pluinli .iiv IipIim well .ittrmliil .mil 11 ilpppiulitk"
liitpri"! l rvlilpiit. 'I lip. stunt uml intiii'.tii'i!
Mnnniii In' tlie p.iitnr hip lioius inmli enjoinl
nml iniiili P'nil N lipinu .iiioiupli-lipil. Vii pii
l.iiSPil elioir luinMiri ppirlil iiiikIp for tin1 nioi't-
lni'' . ,
Mn. I.ilw.iul VVnifi'l mi'I son, Vernor, or
llnwk utippl, .iip .it Itiilt.ilo.
p o,pii lliii mornlrjj 11 1 pw .H'Oitiipnt of
I.iillo.V nanloni, t.oiti f nl .l.ii'ki'lH, .mil VPtpV
(run A II men.
I'iiiI S111I1I1. .1 foiinpr ipiilpiil brie, vilio left
tor tl.e wi-t ivvpiuv'i'lulit ,vp.iw .iw, l iciipwlnc
:niiiiinl.ili(ps In town. Ml. 'niltli l now oiip of' moil upcp-ful f.iinii'i-.
Michaelian Bros.
Peisian and Turkish Carpets,
$98 to $500.
Wilton and Arlington Hugs,
At IS per cent, discount.
Chinn and Japanese Mattings,
13c the yard and up.
Oiiental Eugs mended and cleaned.
124 Washington Avenue.
Lyceum Theatre
M I!l.s l.p-i-1! ami M.H1U, 1.
A. .1 UI ll'V, Ilu. Maiugsf.
Friday Niglit, Nov. 1.
i luili" l'lolun in Pii'-uil-
Maude Adams
In a Cunii'ilv in lour Vu-, lliilill-il
la J. M P.iiiiP, Auilioi ot "Hip I.iiIIp vtiiii-ii'r."
'Hip blip-.up Im pn'ltj ilioiisln-,
IIpi -lioulilu- an- tin' JlJ.i,
Ilu -null'- .ill mrapl hip not.-,
'Hip pilll lll'l si-" Ion- w 1.1.
'Ill" lii.P. Il.ll lie IlIlP It .'IIP
lip' 1 11,1 ii',1 w.ilkluu: luiinil
'I i- -wpitli .-tupllliiir livi'inlir
In whiili my I.nh'- ifiminil.
I'IIII l mill' Iowpi limn, "J.ii; ni-i iwo
row- liiliohi'. -I.'iil; lulioni iiu'Ip, ."i ntn-i .ml
si on; g.illi'i.i. '."i .iml '.n ipnti- ell S.ll.' .a. II .1. in.
Mntinee and Night.
I ' inim. P. On, i. Ib-i -in
Toll Gate Inn
As Poatchie, the Half-Bied Indian
History of the Battle of Bennington.
Delightful Scenes in Ye Early Days.
Superb Company.
Piiii- Lii'iinnr.
to sum .Viiiii'
,iu.l .'.0 nut-, I hflili 'i, lo 1 1 uis. . 1,11 .-.l',! 'I h 1 il.l. .
Tuesday Evening, Nov. 5.
Hlectiou Night.
'Illl ,1. 1 i -II. II -- l.l llli II 'W n -IM,
.1 -pph Villim . I'.e..iul VI I.hIi.iiiii.
Pii -i nl.. I In I'.i il i.iliii.u u! .i ii.tiipiin ..( In
pi..p. I ill ml i.. mill ip i In i b.ii ,
ui'i 'Mil Ip nl "ol" ' ' "'-'
PIIII I ", Illl 1 si III
.M.P. (.'. III.IIIIIMilO.N', Mui.a-pr.
Eniepean Sensation Biulesqueis.
Next Molpln. Yilp-iliv. Uiiln, ij, "D, mill-"
I Vl.i im. -.
Academy of flusic
II lli:t, I cs.op. A .' but!, Manlier.
J3ssi) Sawle'h Dramatic Company
i. Ili -p. . uliii ii
Huntley-Harris Company
One Solid Week.
( . tlillll 111 11, VI 'Mil CUIIII,,, I
PIIII l. N i till . PI, .'I. ,n I'M-. In. III'., 10
jut! .'il i i..-. s ,t. , i, A4'. Iinlii ,.i 'i .i in
Mme. Lillian Nordica1
'I ,. VV..!.I". I. li il.-l I . i pi h.pi
Ml! ItllVI M sIViVlliS-, p n
In i iiniici (In i will) liii' linn ii'Pplli
I'liiii'i'it ill Tiii s 'iiuuiii s!j mi.hiiti.v
Otilli'sliM, Tli'inliii' lb mlH'i'tP'i , i 'uii
dtii ti" i't ''"
New Annary, Soraitoi, Pa,
Thuisilay Evening-, Nov. M, 1001.
Illr.un 'Pin - i'-w.T. S. , s . ,n,
ilj.l, No Ii'i, l"Ul, jl li .1 in
International Conespondencc Schools
o: a.'i.inlon, l'.i.
i li'.i i In li, , n ti ftippmt pliiUiil to n
to, ii.niiii 'iu loi iipp liolirolnp-, iiipiiiI.v ji
VPitU".), '.Iu' v.i ...In ..mi niori' J'ltKl. hi lldl. .
snips. Vililnw- i. pi, siuim,)!, p.i, (( jiitluii:
We Iijvv no lom.pilloii wllli .inv piilill-liliii,- hoibj. t' iiii-iiiipnli.iH linllitoid. Out a U (lie
llJCkl lllJIU ' "' '"' ' l' ..
"Lost River' !
Great Friday
Afternoon Sales
Snlc No. 1
Begins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
U ArwJ
nary circumstances for very much more, but today's price-list to s
sell them quickly and give you a most extraordinay bargain, n f
we offer them for each.
Green Olaze Jims, suitable
usually pay 10c for this kind;
Coffee Pots These nre giay enamel, tho sort that never rusts
and are easily kept sweet and clean. They aro four-quart "TiQ-,
size, legulnrly worth 50c; today each a s
Stove Pans These are enameled steel, extia strong and C-.
heavy, legular value is 50c each; todays' price UL
Bread Kaisers 10 and 14-quart size, made of enameled iEs
steel; would be excellent value at 80c each; today's price. . . Ut5C
Double Boasting Pans, large enough for the Thanks- "J j
givlng turkey; price, each, today 50t
Lnige Size Soup and Dinner Plates, legularly sold for A
8c each; be here today and buy them for, each T'C
Individual Butter Dishes These show slight signs of handling,
a nick here and theie. but still good for every day use; buy j-
them for dozen J
Gns Heater There hove sheet
use for heatine: thev are fitted
each, today
Sale No. '2
Begins Promptly at
3 O'clock.
bath robe, or children's coat or cap. They come in colors, blue,
pink navy, grey, lavender, cardinal, cream and white. No store
sells' them regularly for less than 35c a yard. Our price, a 'ftf'
yard, this hour dvJ
Sale of White Goods There is always a need for white goods;
its many uses makes it always popular. Any of today's bargain
price will make this lot sell quickly. India Linons, English Long
Cloth nnd plain Nainsooks, all extra fine quality and at a r
quarter to half under worth price, a ynrd 1 t
Men's Undeiwear Heie is. a most wonderful offering of well
made and seasonable underwear; the baigain represents more
than 120 dozen of velvet fleece-lined garments that were made to
sell at 50c each. All sizes in shiits nnd diawcrs are in the "2Qf.
offeiing. Piice a gaunent. this hour JW
Sale of Ladies Waists, on the second floor Many Indies will
be surprised this Friday to how cheap we can sell handsome
and well-made Waists. These are blue polka dot Flannelette, made
with full front nnd turn-down collar; nn excellent 75c waist A As,
in every respect; nil sizes; price, each T"T
Sale of Bed Spreads Nearly eveiy woman is a good judge of
Bed Spieads. She knows their real value as well as any merchant
can tell her. So we ask you to judge the we offer dare say you 11
can tell her. So we ask you to judge these wo offer dare say you'll
wmit nnv vou had better be on hand when the sale starts. They
tue 10
)-4 size, hemmed and laumleiecl. lcaciy tor use; price,
Sale No. :
llck'ins Pi' at
1 O'clock.
T.ndlps' Wnlkintr Skiits
fesl p team
good sklrtti sold for such n little price. They nie good quality Mel
ton and Hair Line Tweeds, made with deep flare flounce with ten
to twontv rows of stitchiiiff around bottom of skiit. Colors nie
blue. eiev. black nnd oxford.
value. On sale on second floor.
Kitchen Table The Furnituie Store on the thlul floor offers a
most excellent bnignin this Friday. The tables iu tho offeiing
have white wood tops, size 4s3x:30 inches, onk finished understock
with loe,s inserted with patent holt, nnd a drawei size d j- a
18x15 inches, A great baigain for the pilce P I 3T
Sale of Plctiufls, on the thiid tlooi Housekeepeis who nre put
ting theli homes in lendiuess for winter will find thlh nn excellent
oppoi Utility to lay in n supply of handsome pictutes for a little out
lay of money. They aie fac-Umlles of water color.v, u gieat va
riety of subjects to select fioiu; tho si;:it Is 16x80 inches; have neat
mnts and nre fianied with n 1 -',l lurh gilt fiame, with ffr
biass coinci pieces Clioofio txny for ,..., ..UVt
Stile of Dress TiininiingsiTlils uffeiiug in timely and bpeciaj,
The b.ugaln consists nf gold In. aid a, plain ond fancy otfects.
Gimps, Venice tnsei tings, Piiail TilnuiiJiigs and other stylish
kltidb. Regular lettiil juice is 1 i-! to 10c a ynul, Today rv
choose any i'oi . a yaid, ,.,,...,, , VC
Advertisers of Facts Only
Jonas Long's Sons
FRIDAY'S prrent Unrgnin GivinR
In the Basement sliowa the
power of this storo to sell
housekeeping needs for little prices
every item offered mcaiiK a consid
erable price-saving to the thrifty
housewife nnd the high standard of
tho irncids offered mokes, the occasion
of so much importance that hundreds
of people will be hero to sharo in the s
bargains. So mako It a point to be
here promptly when the sale begins 1
at 2 o'clock.
Household Brooms, made of good
quality corn and well sewed, j f
Price, each, this hour 1 "C J
Iron Frying Pans; a special lot
that would sell readily under ordi-
for many purposes. You
10c $
today buy them for. .
iron cylinder and top. made to
with fouv pas burners. Price
Sale of Dress GoodsThe new fine
things in dress goods ate here in al
most endless variety, but today's
bargains concerns a staple lot of
dress fabrics that are without doubt
the biggest offering of the season.
The offering comprises forty-five-inch
wide Black Henrietta Cash
meres; also some thirty-six. inches in
width; to these there is added a
specinl lot of Dress Plaids in dark
and medium colorings. At today's
sale price you buy them at nearly
half regular worth; price, a r
yard I V
Sale of Eiderdowns This will be
welcome news to those who contem
iilate makine: a dressing sacque, a
Sale of Blnukots Although the
days are pleasant, the nights are
chilly nnd cold and the need of a
Blanket is felt; xliese we offer today
are full 10-4 iiize, aie extra good
weight and come iu colois grey and
liulit lawn, witu inney uoriiein.
Regularly they sell for 80c.
Todays pi ice, a pair.
Ladles' Undeiweai This is an ex
cellent value. The garments are
made of good quality cotton nnd aie
ribbed style with good fleecing on
the inside. An excellent 25c gar
ment in every way. Fiiday at this
hour, one solid ease of these,
all size vests and Pants. y
Pi Ice, each 5IC
We have never before seen such
A. reuular 84.00 skirt
lUl.ltjaiyM.t' bg' .- -&- tM.-tA ..-t