l!ffH5?T5y-??ilISrff? PF" v IS ttniffi !''" m - ' -$-. -if -i - ; t jt ., y "1UI V 'J.- T 4nj ' "v '"?'? 7f T- -'-,'' " ' Tf" - - t - -.- o -. - -r-". - 51 tf - t I ".- ' - i.ki Twt5'-i - Vj i ( vt-n . -j -. - -,,-,.. rsv i T If V t THE SCUANTON TRIBUNE-HUD AY, NQVKMBETt T, 190t. PuMlsttrrl Dl1y, ErMpt Sun.lay. tiy Tlis.TiJ!" Mo Publishing Company! l Fifty Cents a Month. mvy s. ntnttArtn, luitor. O. V. nVXtllX, ttmlnrM Mnnnjcf. New Vorls Offlcot 1W Njsu St. . Bole .Bfnt for Koroltfn AdvcrtMiiff. -nttred it tlio rotofTlcc ill SrMiitun, V., in Second Cl.m Mall M.itler. Wih jparn will pprmlt. Hie Trlliune l alwayi dad to print uliort Idlers from II Irlcmli w Ink on riirrpnl topics, Imt II lulu U, tint flice mint ho nlnrml. for iniblli'.itlon, by the writer 1 real names nnd tbc condition preinlent to itc; eeptnnrc U tli.it all contributions shall be suujeit to editorial revision. mi: vt,r lt.vri: koii adviihtisino. Tlio foll'm-lnir table shows tlic pi Ice per lnh rli Inseitlon, upaco tu bo mod wllliln one year: Hint of Sldlht I'ull Position " ;.to" .21 .Id .1H1 .IS DISPtiAV. PpierJ ItcadliijjJ I.m"(Ii uTtoO'lni h'cs iiii 'v' 1T5 .17 mio inche 1000 " JlflOO " f.000 " , .20 .in .155 .1.1 For card of thmilin. resolution of rondolencn nnd elinllir conlrlbutlont In the nature of ad Urtltlng The Trllnmo mal.es a charge of 5 cents a line. n.tc for Classified Advertising fiirnUhcd on upplli allon. .SCUANTON. NOVJUMMKn 1, 1!0I. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. Sttttc. Pupicme C'otiit -Ull.UAM P. POTlCIt TltaMmr-t'ltANK (I. HARRIS. County. Jii'lse-J. V. C'Uil'LNTI.IU Controller):. A. JON'Kri. Coroner PH. I. .1. 110RC1IT9. Smvryor-flKORGI". l:. STHVENftO Election Nov, 5. "Mien tlic lVinotrjcy went out of power in Mir flate it lell lo the Itrmibliciii nitty a 'cl ary of almo.H $111,1100,(100 of debt. This debt, by wise adnilnislialion under Republican nile. ha-) been ,tlni"it entiicly pjid. Wc bac iiieiiMed tlu apprcpriallout tu the common sdiools until, wc Btand ut the head nf the Ameilcin i.t.ilei in nippcrl of tinpnlar education. Vndcr Itcpubllcan administration there li.u been p.iid each ear for (diicitlcral pnipoes inoie than ns nppropriiled by tin! li.-moir.itie aity in their iyimtcr of a iiitiiry of inUrule. M'o han increased our ap. rropii.itioiK lo eharllablc and eleetnn'.vnary imti tutlnna until wo can make the Iw.i-t that no Male between the two oceans Mippoits' tliee institu tions as cell an does our own. Our 7,000,000 of people nic iri'hhtiloiii. lionet, law-abldins; and happy. Vet, Miriomided a. wo ale on i:ery hide l(li pronprtnit'. bit'ltie.w I'niidltiont. with people happy, rmplnied and contented, and with every menue of business anil traile fully occupied, and with the prnipcit o tlie future briKhtenins and towin;; mote hopeful, the obi historic party of fb.t ruction and ncR.ition fets up .1 hysterical eiy of f.il.-c prctcn.-e. lijpocrUy and Insincerity for the puipose of mlMeaillns tlie people and resairc it'S lot power." From the llepubllcjr: State I'latfoim. Tho nmlr ticket organ lias rovived tin- U?fUf-l;allfjt cry. that hnil not boon KHiiiclcfl in a rjuai'ter of a. conUiry. 'iif niopub.'u'l: poiitcniporai-y is fast RrttiiiK roarly for noxt "SVerlnessday'fi crop of cx-plaiiatloiis-. Worthy of Rebuke. AMONG IlerniblieaiiB the arRti incut that Newcoinli sliouhl bo olocted because he Is a Demociat or that votes thoulil be east for Hitchcock because in this cunipuiKn ho has chosen to bo a Prohibitionist would hardly go far: yet they would be as little entitled to Itepubllcan consideration as is the at tempt of Newconib's friends to excite Jealousy anions nepublicans of .IiuIro Carpenter's former law partner, Mr. Fleits. Vleltz doesn't need any excuses, apol ogies or other form of defense. He is abolindnntly able to tithe care of him self and is doins: it all tlie time. The blows aimed at f'arpentor but landlne; tin him do him no harm and we have been unable to discover that they have harmed I'arpentor. It certainly was no crime on Carpenter's part to choose an energetic. youitK law partner, one cap able of pushing his way up from the ranks by brain anil merit. Nor was it n crime for Kleitz. anions others, to recognize in Carpenter Rood material for the bench and to work both for his appointment and his election. The fact that u majority of the bar of the coun ty, iiieludiiiK Mr. Neweomb, indorsed Carpenter for tlie appointment, shows that Flullis was not alone in his opin ion of Carpenter's merit, and Carpen ter's conduct, since he went on the bench, lias satisfied every observing sltlzcn that ho is the man for the place. But just think how tmall this attack on Klelta Is. He is a young- man. Ho begun poor. Ho has risen without pull or aid. Ho has worked his way up, step by step, through use of opportuni ties o'tually open to all; and simply because he has made more rapid pro-sxes-s and won a higher place than or dinary he is made the target of envy and attack; and over his head blows iru aimed at Judge Carpenter, than whom there has not been a cleaner or oetter Judicial candidate In the history of Lackawanna politics. Though wo believe these tactics are utterly futile as concerns their power to defeat the present excellent nepubllcan ticket, and have every assurance of the elec tion of that ticket Tuesday by hand some majorities for every man on It, Vet the contemptible character of these tactics, the low estimate which they Placo upon the fairness and upon the ""ntelllgeiicu of our people, tnakost It 'lcetssary that a stinging rebuke .should oo administered to their sponsors. Neweomb permits thuso attacks, If .ie. does not Inspliu them, Let him, ihereforo. fCOi the weight of the pub lie's disapproval of tlieiu, The best way to clear the way for lonest rpfouu In politics Is to snow inder (he faUnrs who tims(ucrndo n lie ixfoim garb, Colonel Boles' Letter. w B GIVE SPACE elsewhoro to a letter from Colonel Jlulrs objecting to The Tribune's explanation ot ;he recent pilninry assessment, The letter Is Interesting principally for Its imhor'ti unfamlllarlty with political Conditions. This Is Illustrated whero no asks: . "How could Chairman D.ivls ssess persons before It was determined Who weru registered as candidates? A lozcii might register at the last mo lienl." Now if the colonel was morn ;onthmously active In the detail work f party politics ho would Know that he Itepubllcan party rules In this coun y fix a day bayond which candidates nay not register and assessments are latcrmincd after the rCL'lstrutton Is coiuhlelo. This Is nlily n sintill point, to bo stlre, but In overlooking It Col onel Holes hIiowh how inofctmlmml re formers often Irln mill fall, The colonel's labored ttltnl)t to lirove the UlieoiiHtlttitloniillly of the Crawfortl eottnt.v primary yteni, whl'Mi ninny of tlie nentlcineii now jib-Rot-luted with him In Colonel Illlch foelc'a slump movement once co devout l.v praised as einbodylnc; the essence ut nollllcul reform, is really ludicrous In view of tlio fact that the courts have held tluii direct pi'liuark") arc "con ventions" wlliilii tlio ineanlnsr ut' the art of IfiT'l; and, therefore, tlic iiccos Kiiry expenses of tlio?e prliiuirles are "expressly ulithorlzed by lnu." thus coming within tlio constitutional oath. Krom his arBUinenln on this grave con stitutional Issue It Is evident that Col onel Holes has taken his taw from Ncwooinb and the Times. Colonel Hitchcock, who was willing lo pay n small assessment, but not his share of tile costs, knows better. Mr. Ktuigcs, a member of the bar, paid his shore of a similar assessment last year and hud no scruple In subsequently taking- the constitutional oath. Ah to whether, if tlie most rigorous economy had been employed, Hie esti mate of expenses upon which the pri mary .ifsessinents were apportioned could have been cut down n few pen nies here and and u few pennies there, at tlie expense of tlio party workers who are expected to keep the party machinery going when Colonel Holes, Colonel Hitchcock, .Mr. St urges and aristocratic gentlemen of their kind en joy elegant leisure or more congenial pursuits, thai, like most of the profes sional refoi tiling proposed in tills world, Is based principally on conjecture, U Colonel Hitchcock had paid up. like, a man, and I here had been an unexpend ed balance, lie would have got back his proportion of It. Vet it was equally his privilege to withdraw, as he did, and enter Into the third parly or stump movement which aims at tlie election ot Mr. Neweomb. Only, having- exer cised this option. It ill becomes him to play an unfounded sympathy game. Human nature is so contrived Hint good men continually gu wrong. It is sad to sec the gentlemen of the Muni cipal league working unconsciously tu elect the Democratic ticket: but for tunately our reports convince us that tln-y will not succeed. Why should Lackawanna county voters be asked to elect two Demo cratic judges in one year'.' The State Treasury. TWENTY years ago the state of Pennsylvania owed, in round numbers, $-'1, 500,000. Today she owes only a trifle over SjOO.OOO, against which is an un expended balance of nearly $,".,000,000. Few states in the Union can show cither a corresponding reduction in funded indebtedness or a similar fidel ity In tlie handling' of its finances, t'uder Republican management ot tlie state treasury, in spite of the fuss and buncombe of those wishing- to put tlio Republican parly out of power in this great Republican common wealth, not a dollar has ever boen lost, misplaced or stolen. State Treasurer Harnett thus effectually disposes of the false pre tences of the Corny movement: "I am tlie sole custodian of the funds lu the treasury, and when my term of olllco ends, my successor will lind every penny of the slate funds, expended or unexpended, properly accounted for. No Individual, corporation, bank or poli tician can name any pers-on or per sons other than myself who control the stale funds. There aie no robbers in the state treasury. These allegations are the deliberate falsehoods of those who are attempting to deceive the pub lic, "If the citizens of the commonwealth will come to tlie treasury they will Ilml that all tlio motils, drawbridges and battlements, which unscrupulous dema gogues have- told tiicni will bar their way, are nowhere, to be found. They will see employes of the state faithfully working to honestly serve the stale to the best of their ability. They will lind themselves welcomed and not regarded with either suspicion or fear. "A favorite cry of tlie opposition is 'favored banks.' During- the last two months I have drawn out of the banks seven and one-half millions of dollars to pay the appropriation for tlie com mon and orphans' schools, asylums, charitable and other institutions, and to the honor and credit of the banks, it must be said that they, without excep tion, responded promptly and cheerfully to all demands made upon them. "It has been stated by ex-Governor I'uttisoti that certain members of the legislature were favored by advanced payments on their salaries. For his in formation I will state that .Messrs. Creasy and Corny were among those so favored by advances, Mr, Creasy re ceiving Ills tlrst advance of $:.00 on .January 17, null, and Mr, Corny receiving- his tlrst advance of ?r00 on January l.'i, liifil, The legislature adjourned June l!7, 1901. "In connection with the general ques tion it may bo pertinent to quote from Hie report of the prcs-out stuto treas urer to the but legislature: 'When my successor appears;, eitliei by election or my death, live minutes will sullke to put him in charge of the entire business of the olllco, The department and Its affairs are at all times open to the in spection of the members of the legis lature and by the citizens of the cum moivwealth.' "I huve no recollection that Mr. Corny or Mr. Creasy ever suggested that the legislature, the authorized agent of tlie people, should cither In spect or investigate the slate treasury, or that either entered Its doors except for the purpose of drawing their sal aries. "The eltl.ens of the commonwealth, without vegan! to party, tiudo or pio fesslon, nre Invited to como to the state treasury anil Inspect the workings of the s.xalcm under which the moneys of the state are received und disbursed. They will get accurate Information in stead of t-econd-hund luls-stateuients of prejudiced politicians." Now this Is a fair, ftank and busl-ness-llko Invitation; and the fact that it was virtually uuidu u year uso, and Is not a mere campaign device, gives It a pood claim upon the conildeiu:e of the people. Mr. Coruy, who for a number of years has been very free wllh his re flections ti)oii the inoinls or men riolu whoso political views he differed, never look tin' double either to go In person lo the slate treasury or to send ah agent for the purpose- of Investigating Us condition or Us books: he evidently lirefeired loiiwnlt the t Imt or Ills noilll iiiillou for a slate olllee nnd to utilize the freedom of Unit relationship for the launching of aspersions Unit he I'liutiot Justify mid of accusations which he cannot prove. It Is no more than fair that the up valley district should be lepreteiited lu tlio court house and Jones, for con troller, Is the num. Krom now on the promoters of the l'.iu-Aiiierlcaii will be Interested In the condition of the cash letflstor only. A good, clean, capable judge Is Judge Curpeiilir. lie deserves to be nnd he will be elected. THAT ASSESSMENT. IMIior of 'I ho Tribune Mr: Will joii idudl.v pfiinll n brnf lepl.v to the article ctitltliil "That llltiheuili Acs liicnt," In ,i incut li-iie ol Tlie TiiIjiim? In the llift plie c, tlie Mini ot .a,.!U, kIiiii hi the total eej-l ol the liepiibllc.iii pilniailcs la in telcit in,' ti.,idlliK, when eeiiiip.iteil Willi tlic total eo-l ol hnh'iiis.' I be ileiiinir.iliu prim-trie' thlt fall, lucludlni; the e'i"c-s ol the coiiM nltuli -Indeed, .ill the money tlio nxiimllloe li.itl me for ,t Mini a Hlilc h'M than if.MK. liul I beg tu slate lh.it your liine. ill,' li.coueet. 'Jlii' iiiiiounl as-iK-eel ,'ik,iIii..L Ihc c.iii.lidalcsi, .is stated to Coluiiil llllcbeoi k, win W,-H, iinli'.id of ,2,.vi. II w,n made up as follow-, in M.itctl by I'll lilln.lli Il.ivM $! pay tot- I'lrclli'ii nfllueiK lor e.u It election eli-liiil, H7 ili-tiit'M sl,,,u llspcii.-i's e, irt inn judges ioo rod ut piiiitnie U", llMllbiilion of li.illi.t-, If. Ileiil.il of election' boiitlH (t Aihcili-lns and cntliiKcnL (wpciuca ivi Teiliil f.'i,Wi It w.i", of coiiim', staled (lnl any nun not Used wi'Uld be ri'lurneil to caudidlloH (.') llo.v loulil haliuiau l).ih a.eH prisons before it w.ii ilclcnuiiieil who wele n gi-ilcr.'ii as c.iiidiil.ele"!? A ihv.i'ii tiiichl icgi-trr .it the bet iiiuiiient. Suppose we look .it those ikm-. 'i.ikc tlie two first, pay of edoi'lion ofliecm nnd e.leu,ce of letuiii jiid-, , .s, ').!. Thh Is both without preecilctit .mil without w.ni.uit of law. When eiiel it lai irir pir iliiin p.iy for hoblliiir tlie primaty election.-. llino hours, !" In tlie evening thin tor holding the kciii r.tl clcctlon-i tiotu h .t. :n, tn 7 p. in., become the rule of the paity? Moit of hoso who li.iw, weoked in tlie rank, in prl-marie.-, nnd in convent ions lor tlie last thirty jtMi-i and mole, luio dm it ilir.tmc'1 of pay. They woikcd when tiie eoniity nnd cily wcie lmpelf'sly Dcmoii.ilici peiforiniil -..oik tint made snb-e'epiciit Itepuidii'.in iclorics po-.ibl.', anil elid il e.u Hie ln-i.-i tli.it enciy title man u-oik-, li., for tlie pi op iR.it ion and sttcce-s of hi, prlitic.il ptiue iplc--. This is true Amciiciii patriotism, tine p.nty woik, upon tlio purity of tiic sjiitit of which our institutions depend. The pay of these oftleers i.nuioL be ju-.lilic(l any mole- tli.in the pay of other party woihers. All aie iiipit'.bi'i-.s of the parly, eluiiur its work tor the partys iiood. Wliy sliuiild p.nty w-orl:cr.s inside the beiotli be iuid .mil tho-e oute-ide not paid'.' l'ut ii.-idc fi om tiiK the law c.pic?-.ly forbids it. The Aet of April JS isri, Sec. 1. is as follows: ".No poison who shall hereafter be a rjndiilato for the nomination or for election to the senate or liuii-e if repre i-cntati-.es or tu any ofik-o eif the judiiiarj, or to ,nty state, municipal or louuly ofiico in thin coinnioiiwe'.-tllh sjiail pay eir contiiliulc, either diieclly or indinitly, eny nu'iiiw- or eitlur .iln.ilile tliin-r. or kiifiwinuly allow it to be eh lie by otheis for him, cither lor tlio nomination, election or appointment, c.cept ncces-aiy cpe-ti-es, m lollow?, to wil: 1. l-'or priiitiiur ami trnvclini; cpenes. 'J. 1'or di-eniinatioti of information to the public. ::. l'ot- political nieolmc.--, demon-lrations and comciitions." And before one can take ofiiee, he must take the following oath picu rlbril by the toiintlttt tlon: "I do .solemnly .-wear that I lime not paiel or cuiiliibutt-il it iuoiiii-ed lo iia.e or eoiiiiiliule, eitlur diii'itly or indin'clly, , nv money or other aluable thins, to prot-nte iny iionilti.itic.it or ilc'Ltlun (or .ippciintiuentj ee-ept for nete-.-..uy and proper c.Npcnses ovpics'sly an tlioiized by law." Now- look at the o'.lier i i cms ot the epen-es iis-e. id loi: l'linllns and disliibiilim.- ballots S.I'K) 'Jhe Trih'ine's e-titnile is :'fll Tliete .no, sa, o,nuO llcpitbbiiiiij in the i-otiul.-.. Ninnlier of ballol- reiiiiied, say, ID.OCM. A ccilain Hi 3 it in tin- city piinled '-(i,()ik) such ballots le.nlv lor a leceiit spiiii'r dec lion for iIS. 'Jhe number ot names mi th.it biliot wa-i iloiilde Ih. il vliiilt votilil bae been on tlie coiinfj piliu.ii ballot tin-, tail. Another tcliablo All day Friday we expect to be the busiest store in Scranton because we have slaughtered prices. re will be glad to see you. You will be glad you came. MAINFLQOH 'Kerchiefs We have on sale Ihe finest selec tion we have ever offered and ev ery one is sold at a reduced price. 4c, 10c, 14c nnd 24c Hardware In this department we arc going to give you a rare treat. Choice Set, cake tinner, large spoon, large fork, set 1 UC Hall Bearing l:gg Beater 10c Mincing Knives, two or 4 four blades 1 UC Crepe Paper See Our Window We have thousands ol rolls and scores of patterns, per roll IOC Gilt Band b'gg Cups, always sold for Sc dozen. Fri- t day, half dozen 1 xC A mammoth purchase of Tooth- picus enables us to oiler e,x- , ceptional value, 2400 for,.,, ZC No. 41 Lead Pencil with eraser, was 4c, Friday, each lc The New 4 Cent Store 310 Lackawanna Avenue, pilnler told the wrller that be would print nil tin- biillolc iiredtil for Jl prr iliousaml, Siy rt,() b.lllot.1 ,...,,..,...$ mm '.'ll rl eleiliott hl.ml. SIH Tola! i-ot f hallolM l-'lll lllstllbiillnn. Hj .'ill ill Tnl.ll tml nt hillolc nnd illsltlliiillon.... US U'l Add to this 'I'l,,. 'l-rlbni, ,.'-. ItetiH of ml eillsltitf nml hall letil .'H And jou Liu. a total 1? ID Dllfeiciie.o between ieesnluelic anil inlll.ll expen.e on thl.c hem ej tl The Hi m for election b.-olh, .M, will bear .1 like pailiiit, The county owns mole lli.ni twn thlids of tin; Iionllic, iii'ionllng to Inloiiiiillon bom I lie eotiuly romuiMonrrj- nnd in In tbe.e th'-li' In lin eXpeiiH' lor Ihe Use of flu-Ill f"r pilm.iilM by either (i.tity. Tor Ihe oth"r tliitd.say nil, n leiitnl of suy sft-J null would tour nil out lay. or f12ti. Mr the booths, llliroirnio, $.1-0. It Ic dlflletilL In .,', where a tittil Ititcctit tAprino it! . tl , or olie-fre.iilli of Unit iimounl, lollhl b" legit liiMtcly inej. The Trlliune fi ?H l enoiiub. Dlllelenco U fXM. t-o th.it 'S1' .ill the Inotiey tliat could be u-ed for rieiie nit Ihorlcil by law, mid thl.1 sum coticspotiil.1 very ticaily with the .irdt.it c.peno of the liemoor.it le I'l lin.iriea nml toineutioii held this full, thill deiiiotitr,illnir lis (ippuwlniittc coticitiieM. Wln'ie does the f.'.wu csirss n-?e'ine nt rjo lo? Wlnl l.s the lieciwaiy liifeienci' lioni all lhlV Hither flint nn ultetn'il win made lo eel thin money for im nipt houillu tecs', or lh.it it was re elellber.tlely planm-il (ice.e-out on the pint of the id.ile liiatiipul iloiy. Hither limn of llie ell lenunii is miple.iMiil nnd mihindotne. It should bo said in iiK.inl to the amount .isesscd for pay ol piliuary election otlhri-, r... $l,s', tli.il il scoie or inoie of Ihese "llloeis who srncd l.tt jear. h.ne been rniiu,i'"il Willi nnd not one h.n been found who h.u ever lecilred x penny for Mult renlie, li Ihe money on de posit u .1 1 1 1 1 1 tT for the hi? The pioper lit publican purpnse ot'the noniina tloti of citnilldali'S in the pritnarle-. U In "eoiiie nn ab-olnlely (tee nnd uutl.llunicled e.Siu.'.-slon of tlice wl.-he.s if Ihe m.ilorlly of the p.nty. The political "inaehlne," on I lie eeoiliaiy, whi-li ninlliliiliM its poHir nnd eoiiliol by the I'Vplull.l 1lcii ut Ihe pulitiu .iwi'l-, by the absorption .nnd ilisliiliullon of the spoil of Ihc public, cude.nois In iipimil nn-ellMi p.itilotlslit even nt the pil 311.1 1 polls by In. tailing Its hiielinss ln llie lii'inlpiilatlou anil mari.mrmeiit of tliem. Thin the pi nil ed irain I. made llie finid.oiieiitiil inollic of nil political workers nnd the iced of pnltl...il corruption. Ofllus ale -ounht feir pilvalc protll and nut Ihe public si'od. It Is lime to eill it lull lo this kind of paity management, which is not lle'iinblitau. II i1 time for tlie itivil ina.'s nf lume-t, lutitollu be lieveis in Relf-Kuieriimi'lit to tlnow off the t.ir,inh'.il joke of the mailiine bosse, nnd show t'hcinielu-.s" worlhv beiis of the Independence and liberties wlih-li they h.iio inheriteil. Tlic only way to do this Is In elete.it the inaihiiio at the polls, lours I inly, Oct. .".I, ltiOl. IL. Ih Hole. '1 Always Busy i "It Is the Thing." S Men's Working Shoes For Shop ov Mill. FOR THIS WEEK: $1.25 QEjp Grades, 7JC $1.50 and 1 'JC $1.75 Grades, pl3 In all sizes now. Get tbcm lion-. Wc will not lmve them long. Lewis & Reilly llt-lli; Wjnmlns Ae. H ATLANTIC CrrYHOT ELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel and Annex Virginia Aie. and Deacli, Atlantic City, N', J. Sixth jear; .':,",U beautiful loonii clisiilte, cinrjle and with bath; hot and cold sea-w.itcr baths in hotel and annex, I.oiatiou select und cenlial, within few jaids of tlio Steel Pier. Orchestra. Offers special sprins latcs, $12 to .flS by week; f-J.OT up by day. Special rales to families. Coaches liitet all traiiu. Write for booklet. CHARLES IJ. COPE. MAIN FLOOR Collar Button Sets, 4 in set, . worth loc. Friday, the set. 4-C Machine Thread, 200 yards. Friday, 3 spools OC Kid Curlers, were 5c bunch. Friday, bunch '....-.... 2,C Needle Point Pins, 'paper, t Friday 1 5c Ribbon 5c Special Sale of Fancy Ribbon, all colors, Vn inches wide, rn day, yard 5c 4c 0c Double Bar Kangaroo Cas tile Soap, was 8c, Friday Wallace Brothers Tea Spoons, Friday, y dozen New Fancy h'arthenwure Cuspi dor, decorated in gold and -. colors, Friday 1 UC 8-inch Glass Berry Dish, sold for 14c, Friday DC With every $3. purchase or series of purchases, we give you a crayon picture FREF, of any photograph you bring us. Ask for tickets and checks when you purchase, goods, flWLIil u Winter Dnderiear l For Men, Women and Children. Now Is the time lo iliutiRO to henv Icr underwear. You want Ih'- bent value It lis tioHsllili- lo obtain. Our llnea n ro ncktiowlcilKCtl leadern ot deiiend uble underwear, 1'roiu the lliiest. made Kiirmenlii to iin low nrleesi asj fjood re llablo niokest can be suild for. All lh.it in licet and newest tire found here lu white und niitllt'iil wool. THE "STUTTGARTER" NORMAL SANITARY UNDERWEAR, superior to nil. "WRIGHT'' HEALTH UNDER WEAR. NORFOLK AND NEW BRUNS WICK UNDERWEAR. FARLEY & RUTTRUM'S FINE ENGLISH UNDERWEAR. AMERICAN HOSIERY COM PANY'S LIGHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY WEIGHT UNDERWEAR, IN NATURAL WOOL AND WHITE. CO.MHlNATinx KITl'S. for men, women and children In tlie ".Stuttirar ter" and other popular makes: natural and white, in different. wi'lKbtst. .MHN'.S NAT-ntAti extra heavy uelKltL fleeee lined Shlrtst nnd llraw ers; cxei'iitional value for llfty cents. Uur Kpeelal priec. -li'.e. IIKAVY .IbJItSKY HIHHKD Shirts and Hrinvers. 17c. KXTHAOUUIXAUY VALUES at 50e, Till! nnd SI. 00. r.ADIKS' KXTHA lilCAVY lleeeo llneel and slllc trimmed, in wltllo only: an extra bargain value. Speelal price, L'5e. .fKKSHY JtlHHKD VIOrt'l'M, lu white only, lino s-oft lleece lined, silk crochet eilfic, with silk ribbon trimming. Spe cial price. ,"0e. GHKAT VAT.Ui: IN NAT I THAU "WOOL and white tit Too and $1.00; me dium and heavy weight. mi'OHTED SWISS UXDKUWKAU, In silk and wool, all-wool, silk and f:ot ton and wool and rotton, in natural and white, in all sizes and weights. HOYS' EXTRA VAIA'K tlHKY FI.KHf'E LINED, sizes l to 111. Spe oial price, L'.'e. Silases' Jersey Ribbed Vests and Hauls, tleeco lined. Silk rib bon trimmed. Spoelal price, 2r,c. Spe cial prices on odd sizes and broken lots. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave HENRY BEL1N, JR., Ceneral Agent (or the Wyoming District tor Dupont's Powder Mining, nia'tln?, Sporllntr, Fmolclei and ths Itepauno Clicmical Company'a HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Capi and Hxploders. Room 101 Con ncll Uuilding .Sciantcn. acii;xcii:s. Ttios. i-'onii .toii.v n. smith & sox W. E. MULLIGAN" I'ilt.ton ....Plymouth .Wiikcs-llatM Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wilkes-Rarre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. basement Scales with scoop, to weigh 24 lbs. by ounces, worth 0 $1.50; Friday 9oC Willow Clothes Baskets, strong ly made, worth 59c cents; Friday 29C Clothes Bars, worth 75c, . Friday 49C Tin Oil cans, 1 gallon fl size; Friday 1 5C Decorated Bureau Sets, trimmed in gold, woith ?i.?o, Friday 9oC loor Oilcloth, 40c qua 29c ity. Friday yard . Large assort ment vase and banquet lamps, U8c up Maud Lamp, with burner and globe, complete, woith 10c, Fri day, l()c w Biackrt Lamps to hang up, large burner and globe worth 40c, Fri day, 25c XQftv.fnfZJ New Open Stock in Dinnerware. 1 12-piece Dinner Sets, ,3-color dec orations, worth $12. -h D Friday Jj)9. 9o V nsmmt, Sii..SHvr-iiw . xj SCRANION'S BUSINESS HOUSES. j THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OFEV-HY CHARAOTER PROMPTLY AN D SATISFACTORILY. irwfWF'TiWiPtwiMiwilailiiiMin",".m.arw) UUILUINQ CONTRACTOR. M'iriil .th uliil iImiii' fliu" trntiU, ofllie ntnl tr rm in. . in iuid ni 'ii wiinl, nml ili' Iliiin i.'n N Wn.lili, nr l Ml'IMMI. FOi? SALE III i.l.lfH iiml I.(IS i,r 'ill Mini.. U lloit.iv iiikI llnililliiL- 1,'iIh ill luitr.iim. UOIi.MlS t'l.ll'l'l.ll .mil ulltlliMlJI) ut M. T. KELLER l,.ii'K.iw nun t Jill lite Wi'rl.i. EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM 2B COIL EXCHANQE, SCRANTON. PA. J. B. Wgolsey & Co CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber OF ALL KINOS. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. j rear Sit l,.iil:iintn .in'inti itinimfactiirrr it Wire Srrrcni of all Mtitli; tiilly lrpp ucil for tlio ..pilni; n.i.-un. u liul.c all Klml.i ut puicli irii'itw. eli. PETER STIPP. Ornrr.il ('imlr.ii.tor. lliiililcr atul Dealer, in Duil'liiiFT Mono, (.'imcming ot i.cll.113 n rpo daily. Telci'liutic WJ-.'. Oflke, W7 Va.itilnuton avenue. SECURITY BUILOINO A SAVINGS UNION lloino ofrii'p, H0-:00 Mc.irs llultilliii?, ttatisiclH .1 ceneral Inillilli.s,- nml loan buslnerxi tluoucliout tin. hlato of IVnnsylv.itil.i. vJi'I.'.I",K4',M i T W 1M w In announcing the opening of our new stock, we call special attention to the fact that our Entire Line has been made to our special order, thus giving us an Exclusive Line of designs and colorings from the world's leading mills. Never before have we been en abled to offer a stock so complete at such tempting prices. A superb stock of all the leading fabrics. Velvet Tapestry I hi Early Inspection Is Advised I - 1 ! J la . T7 BT3SB f T3IT3r i 'X I IllilittlJJo H Ifluliilulljj I 126 Washington Avenue. I Carpets Wall fl THOU NATIONAL BANK inster.Forcytl :J'27 Iiiisi A veu lie. SnmBflTSRffiSSSfBTBJ TUB IMS!. POWBEB 0, liooius I and,, Com'llb WVil EOHAKTOW, PJU nininjj and Blasting Ui'de -t Mooilo na lima lals Vor.i. LAFUN RAND POWI1BR CO.'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Elfctrlo Ilitttsrle, ICtoctrlo i;iplodr. xplodluj bluUi, aafsty Kuitnal 1 Resauno Chemical Co.'s cxSVca Hanlevs Bakery. 420 SPRUCE ST, Successor to HUNTINGTON Wc make a specially ol fluo brcarl ntuffi. Older lor SalaiH Ojeters. Cioqucltea, etc, promptly Oiled. A full line of Lcc Cream and Ices. W. A. HARVEY, K.lcctrlc Wltliiff ami fi.xtutei. i;ieclrlo Hell ami Telephone Work. 309COMMO WE TH BUILOINa The scranton Vitrified Brick AND TILE MANUFAOTURINa COMPANY', Mal.ns ct I'ailnff nilik. rlr. M. II. D.ile, (liferjl hales Agent, Ollko SiO Wjflilnirloii avi Worl.s at Nay Auk, l'n., II. & W. V. It. It. Kingsbury & Scranton, Manufacturers' Afjents MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. Distrii-t Aftnts for .tolm A. I!orliliti;'s h'onH Co.'a Wlro ttopc and lllccttlral Wire, lititla l'crelia iiikI Rubber Mfg. Co.'a Helling, I'arKiiiff, lloso ami Mccliiniual ltublior CuoiU. Knowlton I'-icliliig. Carter's Oil Clollitnif. lloom S10 Patill Bids. Carpets Axoiinster Brussels Ingrain .A Paper Draperies ! OF SCRANTON. Capital ,$200,000. Surplus $525,00? United States Depositary. Special attention giveato JlUSINIiSS, i'i-:u,S0NAr and SAV INGS accounts, whether large or small, Open Saturday evening from S to 9 o'clock. V.i, Conni 1 1 , President. IliiNUV Bum, Jr., Vice pros. Wm. II, Pick, Cashier. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of ftllt filflQl uui yuiuwi iferiing Silverware Jocks, Etc, Suitable for WeddmgJSifts. Mercepeaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue, tf.s'f-- X i-p?.4'4S.tS.wA4.-MvS5f6M4A . fest-.. t .. -. J.v .--. .;v..