The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 31, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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I vsri .
A Pnthotlc Scene wns Witnessed
Yesterdny Afternoon When Dr.
McLcllnn, Who Is Netirly Eighty
Yctus Old, Recited "Ctosslng; the
Bnr," nnd Almost Droits Down,
lectures by Miss Sutherland nnd
Dr. WUHb Weie Continued Dhec
tor's Association IItets Today.
If Uioir Is- any iUshi untied individ
ual within tin hiiiiudarlcM of r.ncl'u
"viiiinu foiinty ho hclU'itw that
louchri'M' Inmitulox ure of im iiini'llriil
use and that tin1 teiii'lims would ho
lintler oinployfil If thoy hIu.mmI at
si'liuul. ho in- -die slmulil ttilo trip
1o th" court hnii."o witiio du tills .wn.'U
nnd ol)sufvo for u little ulilb' the i-urn-r"M
lntt'i'et ulikdi piu li and ovry
olio of the n.".0 toaoli"!'-" piosont tnli.
In tho tulk-4 of tho li'i'tliri'is. nnd II In
or she (lor-su't I'onii' away i nnv iin I'd
Unit iiistlluto.4 mo of liiciilcillnlib
ticiif lit to these toaoliorc, then he or
-hr: Is pretty near past i"'deaiptloii.
Dr. MeLeod was tin- first speaker In
the morula; in ihe iiuilit totiri room.
Ills tople wns "The Imagination la
Uterntuio.'- and h- soahL to tdinu
how the aathoM and pods hai'
Idealized the iin'i piomiIi taets when
stimulated by a xtioiiK Imagination.
'IteadliiK lu Advaneed iliadi.-" was
next Hol;eii mi b Hi. "Willi'-, who Mild
thai the vi ry tiouhle with the
oiiilnnry tinirli"! 1"- thnl he or she urn
nol t"iioh ri'iuliliK pioperl.. liepauv of
nn iiialillity to propeilj ti. inbuilt the
moaning' of the v,.ntenee or nt tlele lo
the l-I.ihv. 'I'll-' 111 I mil 1 teailiel", wllo
hail been HsleiiliiK in two talks in
omt I ii, nn No. ". on ie:ulliiK and
iintuip tMnl, hy Miss Salherl.ind
and Dr. Willis. I eSpeellve . (lime Into
the inula eotirl loom at tie- onelmion
of Dr. Willis" t. ill:, to lMen to a lei -tare
(in Hi" "Applhnllon of Km in
Study to 1 In in and AnlniaN." hy
J'rof. Little, of '.diliiuttiii, I'. ".
i.i:"Tri!i-: ii,ht'STii.Ti:i.
The piofos-or's Willie was illus
ti.'ited with a ntuulier ol elever drnw
lims sketelied . ilh i bnlk. and proved
to he one of the most en.ioy.ihle (Val
ines of the Infinite. The :iilernoon'.
session o,i ihmI wiili nui-le. led
liy ft or. John T. Walhius. !). -Ale-"l.idlati
followe.l. with what ivsis pei
hapsi the llni-i of liN lectin os. ids
iopi( 1 Ins, "The Vocal Interpi ela
tion of I.iteratiue."
Tito lecture was devoted almost cn
tiiely lo " pica for more deep and
earnest i-uiu- on the part of l he teach
or w no desjt s lo teach children tho
lie.'iuues ol Mine of tlio wren I master
liieces of llteiatiire, in older that lie (t
s!ie may ahsorii some of the nuiMoi.s
feelins and cxpiess it in the olc
The (loelor pointed out li the
cadence of tlie oic" tlie entire mean
inn: of a poem can he cliausjcd.
"I have seen leaeheis monotonously
turuiUK a crank KrindiiiK out iiip
chanic'il arilliineiic, mei huuleiil kpos
jm pli'. mei lnniii al literatuie. and me
( hamcal every other study," said lie.
"and 1 have seen teachers tilled with
divine enthusiasm for their wml:.
t'hakiiiK up ami put tint,' life into the
iliy hones left hy the mechanical
teacher. Try to pat tills onthusi.isiii
into your w oi k : i ml ilon't 1ms nioeltunl-
al, l.eiiieiiiber that joiir illumination
and our liourl must lie touched liefoie
you can e.Npeft lo louih the inoial
iiatines of the Uiildicii uudei your
lie uracil the ncie.ssity of iisIhr the
lauKUiiKo of the emotions to convey
the true ineaniiiK of poetry, and re
lated an incident of a teacher whom
lie oine. heard lcadiiiK thai moot
sweully h 'dutiful of all Tennyson's
poems, "dousing the I5ar," lo her
i lass in ii uiouoiotiou, slufc-sonf;'.
ilieaiy wii. witii not one hit of reel
ing "the soundliiK ol hrass and ilie
clashing of cyinhalfi," he called It.
A most pathetic stelie was witnessed
when the doclor lecited ilie poem him
self. Diet' throe M-iire eara and leu
have passed over his head, and as
lie said hiiuseir, "I feel the shadow
IcntHliciilu? and 1 .in therefoio feel
the into ini'iiuliitf of tills poem lie.
caiiso I, too, :diall soon he tiosslnv the
A lie 110111 on Willi tlie nut in and
told ol the Mail crrisns; ilie bar on Its
way to s(a in naei ' ihe Pilot face
to taee" his voice trejuhli-d and
broke. It Mas IiiiIcm rihahly alfeeiJuK
and It was small wonder thai leai.s
were slird lu uiiii.y purls of the looni.
yon should he liappj " said he in
cull' liislon, ' that lie.iv n lias nlven
till tills bIouoiis polli'l ol RlvhlK P.-
Crying for
me woon "
Han lii'i'oine a pio
verhial phtase to e
press the futility of
mere desire There
are a many pro.
pie who tliiii!; it s .is
useless to hope tor health as to ery for the
moon. They luie tried uutiv mediehu"
and many doclois, hut all in aiii,
A great ui.iay hopeless men and women
litive been cured hy the use of Dr. I'irtct's
Culilen Medical Dheoveiyj people with
ohstin.ite coubI'4. hlecdimj lilliK-, iliBlll
Mveats and other symptoms of disease
which if neglected or inisUillfiilly treated
find a fatal termination in consumption.
"(Jolilcu "Medical Discovery" has a won
derful healing power. It increases tie
nutrition of the body, and so gives Mrengtli
to throw olT disease, It cleanses tlie blood
fiom poisonous impurities and enriches it
with the red corpuscles of health. It is
not a stimulant, hut a strer.i;th ijiving inedi.
ciii". It contains no alcohol, neither opium,
cocaine, nor any other narcotic
Sometime the eitia profit paid hy
Inferior medicines tempts the dealer to
offer a substitute as "just as good " as " I)ii
covcty," If you are convinced that "Dis
covery "will cure you accept nothing else.
'I win hi poor health wlirn I commented
taking lir fierce' mrultlne," utiles Mr. Jilnifr
J.awlcr of Volga, Je(lerion Co,, linliauj "I
had stomach, kidney, liejrt, and hiug truuble.
Was ntit able to do any work. I had jetrc
cough and hemorrhage- of the lung, but ulter
using our medicine a while I commeuced to
ifaiu hi ttrciixlh and Heib, anrt itopped cough
ing ttglil aav Took oliout six bottles of the
1'ioldeii Medical Discovery' then, and lu.t
pring l lu.l i.unpe, and it Milled ou my huix.
le.ivlia; in uitli a beierc cough. 1 had the
dusioi ljn Ii' dliln l seem to helpmcauy; so
1 I'u.llllU'll Mlu'.ll llteo.
ieiue bd.ihi .md liok
three or loie bottles of
ihe ' Diteuci am' two
sials of Hi 1'iene i Pel
lets, ami Hut st nglil.
eneil me up I feel like
d different person t
gludh trcoinmt'inl
iieillcine to M tinier
vf, lur I know it lined
Die '
Di Pierce's 1'leas
ant Pellets cure cou
itipatiou hy cutiuK it
W o - h
prestlon to your enmllonut nature and
you should neglect no opportunity to
exorcise It that yotlr Inlltlelieo for good
tuny he Increased In yotif class. "
Ml si Mnrsnrpt Kwann, f Olyplinnt,
rendered a dclltrtitfut poprnitu solo he
fore tlie next speaker, Prof, t!, N. Da
vis, principal of the Dunniuro IIIbIi
school, was- Introduced. Ilia tuple was
"Nature Study," and he piovpd him
self to he remarkably well Informed
on the BtlbJeot,
He declared that the time Is not rar
distant when nattirp study will he one
of tlie pi'liielpal rttlwlleH III the public.
schools of this i:otiiitJ'.v, inking a nioio
Itnportant place than many or the
present common branches.
Ho favois the plan ol iMinililnliif? mi
t in r study with pyiikiloRy and fjeog
laphy and he pointed out n number or
ways lu which this mil he done. The
.Mltlily or the fuudn.ineiltill pllnelples
of neoltifty p.ui easily ho tatlirht in coli
neeilon with kpoktupIi.v. h" said, and
made of rich I Interest to tlie pupils.
The lust speaker of the afternoon
was Hr. Willis, whose lople on the
programme was "School Manage
ment." hut who really gave n lull; on
"The Ideal Teaclli r." The Ideal le.ich
pf, lie said, tiiut.r have "an open heait.
an open m in il and at least u. few ioii-
The leaclier lutisl aNo have a "sus
tiend"d .lildgineui." he said, and not
si in I it t already made up on educa
tional and other ipiesilons, lie or she
must be n leader lu thought and pub
lic s"iitlinent, he declined, and miisl
liae lii addition the lollowlng iittnll
lliatloiis. Hood peisonalily. well de
veloped neslhetli; nallli'e. thorough ne
iti,ilntaui e with social forms, knowl
edge i if proper iiiudui'l lu public idiiies
anil soiid lii'icdltii;.
PUAfTifJAi. rim. D .stidy.
The primary leadters lu com t room
No H listened lo an Interesting talk
on "I'racHeal Child Stnl " by Dr. Willis,
earlier In the afternoon. In which lie
explained his (henries legaiding the
Htlldy of the d velopuiPlit of a. ehlld's
mind. Dr. .Mcl.ellau I'olhmod wllh a.
technical tall, on "l-'Ir.M l.e.-sons In
P'ractlon-' "
The dliecloi-" associntloiis Mill inept
this niornlng and alteruooii in the Su
perior com t loom. Tlie piesiilcnt. If
('. Hoffman. Mill deliver an address In
the morniiig on "('ealrallKlng- Country
Si hools." and Dr John .1 Stewart, as
sistant state superintendent of public
instruction, will talk on "New School
Laws." In the urieriiooii ofllcpis will
Im- i'p( ted and lh illi'tilois will he
addressed 1 Dr. Willi'.
Mnke-Up of the D.. X. & W. Board.
Story That Hns Been Sent
Out from Hoboken.
J-'ollowIiin is the miike-up of ihe Dela
w.ire. Luckuwannn and U'efctern boiuil
for today:
wi:iiM.sii.v, in iom:ii rn.
Wild i'.iIn i:j-i .s j,. m, ,i. ,. IliiIi; Jl p.
iii . I' lUlkll.
liltsi.Y. .io"1ijiii:i: ::i.
Willi f ,iU i:ist I.m .i. in., 1". b. Il.ijrik. I
.i. in., u. IV, rii.-u"'i.ilil; .' i. in.. IV. .1. Mo-i-r,
HI .1. in., 1. V.i n Wimiiei: Jl n. in., II. Mali no;
:' p. in. II. Dnlirit.v; .". p. in., .1. II. M.'Kliis,
I'. I'. Mi-nils' irei: o p. in, I.. 1). I.altmi'r,
A I, II muni!!-, inn.
sinnnitN, Kit. u ,i. in, iMt, .1 i.tiiic:; .s
:i. in., il, MchnU; 'i ,i, m , ,h, Tliomponj
- 1 1. in.. c-i. il. f.itiiiinb : i. p. in, r.i-t. .1
tl.-iinii:. n; T i. in., hi. in j.miu.i, it. iul" ,
T p in. fiom N.ij-Aug, I. Me.MIMii; iS p in,
Wf-I, (iilldi'll,
I'iisJk rs (..i. m.t Mm Hoar; i,.l.".i m., S. I in
r.( 1 1 . s ii. in,, llou-cr; II. .Ml ,i. m.. Moi.iu;
f p. in. P. Mi Iluiiiirll; 7 p in, .Mntpli; Ii
p. in, M. II. Until, ilomi'H . 10 p. in.. J ipinc.
I'.iiip, r Kngiiu'- 7 .. 1:1 , (.itlni,; 7 .i m .
Sinuci ; PM. in.. Vninii.iii; P ,i. m , St'ioi, 7
p in, Uiiipio: p. in, iiitioM'in
Mild I .Hi W'isl -I ,i, m, .lYllili l!jlri; ;, i
111., II. IbiBdi'lly. 7 .'I. 111.. I". Wull; in .i i
T. rit7.itifik: II .i. in., 'I'. II. milium, I p.
in. Win. Klibe: l' p. in.. .1. W Uialduii ; I
p lit. A 1. Kcldnm, " p. in, P. ( .o ni.iiiii,
0 ji. in. I. Klrigsli.i; II p in., l. llamlolpli.
This and That.
Supeiltitendeu' Jtine, of the T..H ka
wanna railroad, yestenlav appointed (1.
11. Sprout as local watch inspector at
A niiiiih"!' of hunges in the loial
management of ihe Central of
New Jersey are runmied, hut thus far
thp local ofllcials hnvc not been noti
lled of them.
.' story Mas printed in a Dohoken
pap-r lecently to Ihe elfi-ot thai a
number of important chaiiKes ate con
templated In the lnuunRement of the
Lackawanna railroad. It ios to the ef
fect that tieucrnl Superintendent T,
;.. Clntke will remove his office to New
York and beeonie Kcneral manager of
the road: c. Jl, Kctehnm. of iroboken,
is to succeed "Mr. Clarke, and' Traiu
niaster Sickles is to succeed II r,
Ketchaiu. IL mms also announced that
I. II. Smith, superintendent of the
dittim,- mi' service, is to retire from
the company on Nov, 1. Another ru
mor has the removal of Siijioi Intondent
liiue to liuifalo. All of Mhleli is em
phailcalh denied li the oillelals In
(his elly. (leiieral Superintendent!
Clarke was out ol the illy yesterday
and could not he seen.
l'IU"n .Iomi simellc Duu.jtie cm, Mli'iiuion .in.) nielli.
sI'.MI, -I'iiiiiii.iii sops.) 1 1, m lluihxqiieni. f
leiii"i"i .mil iiIrIiI.
"Quo Vadis."
-I llllsl 111- MJIlRe'l Hue irnduii i,( "i;ilii V.lilis"
j poxiiii'il ,u tin l.jrcuni .m'-iiii1.i .ifieiiiemi
.nul Ij-' nlu'lii h. ii ;.'"' I ii'iupiii,i, .ill i,( He
iiiiinii.iiit ruin Ii'-iii:: In iirj i.ip.ilili' liimK
Ilie w.i pnvi'iili'il Hilh .1 we.dili n(
i I'lien' .iinl utlii'i" ini'Iilinn.iN ii"hm.ii,v t-J pi...
iIum- lie .-"per His- iii I in t--. iif t In- teem . 3
llllllllUllll ill. I W II l Sll'lll,l('li('s novtl
Burlesque tit the Star.
1 1
I l.n.imi I'liiupciii e 1 1 s 1 1 i , 1 1 Huil.s-
lii" i ( pen .i tin eilo. i ii.ii;iiiciii in tin' u
iin iiuilini' I l,n ..lleinouii. Snnal nf Hi, ,o
it!- 'i'ii nuniiil nli tl.U .ilii.ii 'Inn nc will
laiuwii l,, siiiiiittni iii.Ikihc., .nul no il.tnht ,
lie n iiicil lo On n iii.ih.v (in mil in this i.'ij
"An Egyptian Pilucess,"
i.i nli.t .it it i i.i.i.n In- ,lii.e s,mi,., lta
mill. iuiiiuny .u.mi tnl "I'luii 1'iun," .mil jt
V(ii!i,' liie bill v,,'t "An 1'iiMitijii I'llmav'
Two siinil Imnwt tt'liiioinl Ilie piolmlwu u'
i n.e pljjv s,v,.i i lever Ki'dljllic.i no Inll'i
ilu c.l Ijciwcii i lu- jilt anil iume ill fir mudi
I'utildit ii,e 'iiiiimii,i mil pLv "I Ik (!M(ii
cl" u I'ji1oiiiI.i nitliuli in.. i, jml Hie ailer
IW ii 4 lull ill lie "Hie siUj: lnn
Maude Adams,
li.tiu will umluiil'tedli be .i liue uml i.wl
UUltuiiiUiicd aml'imc al tint l.,iiiiiii in IViili.i
nUlit, . Iiun il.mile Ailmw ippejit lu tlie 'm
timeily by .1. . lljnie, juilmr .if "(lie Mttlo
Mlnl.tei'," einitliil "liJillly ulieil." Tlie d
wince talo of M'ali, wlikh opened ,ictenlj,v
nmrriiiifr li one of the I'ltietl (lie tliMler !i.n
cvor kroMii ami linlicatis the iiuutuil luii-ira
m-ntfcttcil in (Ills atlTadion. Tlie ixea-'.nii u
particularly iiuvplclou, for k!ie will be i-mi hi a
new character, which dan licrn pjonoumel a
mot illitiiiuuUlied HKCcn in the few eitln In
nMcli die ban apparel in the now play.
The (itraoidluary uen which he wen hi
A Scranlon Citizen Tells You
What It Is.
It l. i.ot sare to ppeilineiit when
an.' thin;,' liiiportiipt Is at slake. The
siiicH way Is lo profit hy the experi
ence of friends ami neighbor.''. The
piihllu Hiiiieiueut of u Serniilon cllhten
Klven hen Is slllllelont ptoof to any
Mr. Albert lioskllly. or .'111 Norlh llv
ereli aveiitie, ityde Park, eiiKlueef at
the f'apoiisi- mines, says: "I had for
years a dull pain across my Inn It. .My
hack lei I huno anil rare so much that
when 1 benl li was all I could do lo
i 'al,'lit'n up at-aln. Whenever 1 took
cold It alleeled my line!,. ,t nKlit II
bothered on. n ltii.mI uiil, ubntt.
IwlliBes Mhleli kept me nivake for
hoiiis. I ol ten Hot up lu the rnornliifr
feelinv, tired ami devoid of nil eileiKy
iibil ainhltioil. Then was alo a kidney
'.cakiicSM M'hleli al limes was uuunylim
and painful. I had my atleullon ciilUd
lo I'o, ill's Kidney ('Ills tlmiimli our p:i
tiet.s iiom (line (o lime hy leudltiK the
d slilliony fiom people. I Welti iloivn to
...itthes llrotheih' drill,' store and Hot
.1 l'i. They me lu every
wey. I hale fell sllitlit touches of Up.
P'iIii j-lnie, Inn u lesorl hi Doan's Kid
ney l'llls neier failed In (piickly iclieve
For s.ile by all dealcis. I'riie, :.i)
lents. Ko.-u-.MIIIitirn Co., liuifalo, N.
V.. sole audits fi r Ihe I'nited States.
Iteiiiemliei' th- imiue, Doair.s, and
lake no sithstllule.
''Ill' I.Ut'e U'tiNts" hit il.iNmeil her in cvoiy
ihr.ili r pit r, lur Hi'- l.ite l.iiuut nf in i let
iicjliim l u.'in' fi In mhl, to i ii.iriiiiii .nnl mi
i.ipth.iliiu .1. i hi l.j'l.i lljhhi,.. 'Ihe piiotnt
euiiud,! 't tin. I nc-it ellmt fiom Ihe ili'inciiitheil
niilbor'. p mi. It N hi hit hippni (.n
t Jllk- With In" nlil'l ilfliivhttiil pl.iw.
''Toll Gate Inn."
"lull (tile Inn," the t'u! eoiued1 iluiiii,
TAo-Day Excursion
YOU CANNOT afford to miss this opportunity to visit Buffalo and the Pan-American
Exposition. The Four DoBIar Tickets are good going in the day coaches of any
Lackawanna train on October 30, and November 1 to return November 3.
Five-Day Excursion Tickets, sold at Six Dollars, are good going in the day coaches
of any Lackawanna train on October 29, and for return within five days, in
cluding day of sale.
Ten-Day Round Trip Excursion Tickets are on sale
good for return within ten days, including day of sale.
Bear in mind that all the above
all trains in both directions.
All Lackawanna trains land you at the foot of Main street Buffalo, Electric cars run
direct from the station to the Exposition grounds or hotels.
For further information, call on or teep ' : ic the local ticket agent at
Lackawanna avenue passenger station. Telephone, 265-3.
nhleli It lo f iireiilf(l ol Ihe t.i renm tlnnliT
Salunliy alleriieuii ami MrhlitR, .Snv, '.', It .ill
eMcrillliitly n'mng ploy, it l a
nnd l f.viiuldl dp one el Ihe iniU Inlfieliio;
eielil-t of Aliifrkan liMnre, miinelj. the llallle
nl llcimlualdii, nli'l jJ In he lilnlnrh illy rui
lett hi erry dolall, Per two te.inii now, this
ilimtnlnit pliy li.n bein whmlliit siieir's ullli the
better tla ol llieatfr-noor", nnd IU tdoiul
preMil.illoti In till elly l me In ir.ialan the
itilrrc't nl lotnl .innt-riiiriil lnm..
'Ihe (41 li .in (.(fciil one mid IikIiiiIi" Vil
1I.1IU lb nih, Connelly Irmlliiir man llli ilorih
.lelTeiiii, .lull, l .irlnn, Nnl (!.)-.ilvln Jtnl im
nirioiis nlVr iImhuMc alirnilliiii f hluli i Hik.
'Ilifte are nU n t,t Ml., Hihli l. Illil
dl, win hai been plijllnf the lniillliu' fim.ile
file fur the pal Inn niMn; M.ilnii 1clliii,K
Mrll. .Itihii W. Itllilxll, I'lmllii ( .implii'll, I'lril
Hani.. ,1. 1'ilwln llnmii, hlne hvltnr, I IiiiIih
. 'lni, I bar!"t I', "millinoilli. t if Nc
Mile, llroice M.ilii'M, iinl othert.
Lnckawanna Enllrond Chenp Rates to
In addition to Kites alieady utithoi for leturn tlckeis lo Hiiffnlo ou
aecotiiit of the I'an-Ainei'lean ejpos
lloh, Ihe Lackawanna ratlioad Mill veil
coach tlckeis kooiI roIiik I'll
day. November I, leltiinliiR- Sunday
I'nllou liijf. al $t.(iil I'ot Ihe round trip
from Scranlon.
Smoke the popular Punch JOe. clRur.
Lehigh Valley "Railroad.
In l'tTect .tune 'J. PHI. lean Serantun:
I'nr I'hllailclplii.i iiml New Vml. iii II. .V II.
Ii. Jt., t CI") mid !'.i:s .1 in., I'li.l CIS 1.27
llllii It lllininml i;ili'tl, nml II. .10 p. lu. Sim
UaiA, I). ,1. II. It II.. 1 i". S'.'7 p. m.
I 'tir Mhitc II. nui, lla-l"luii nii'l prl'nipil
puliiN hi the mil icrIoim, 1.i II. ,! II I!. It.,
II j. 'J IS .mil I i! p in. I'ur I'tillt.llle, n.l.'i I
in.. '-Ms p. in
l'or llellilelieiii, rjtnn, !e.iillnt. IliiiPbiui;
nnd lulerini'iliUL tl.itln'it via ) - .
II II.. 0.45, 0..H a m.; LM, I.J7 (ItlKk llu
in ml flxprciOi 11.'1 I'. in Siinihyt, II. i. 11.
It II., !i.."S a. in. i l.J. ?.; p in.
I'm' Tiiuhliimioik, 'I'liw.imJj. Illmln. Itlnr.i,
Rdieia anil p'incipi! Iiileri.n-di ite kiiIIoim, 'u
I)., b. k W. It. I! , ,i m. jii.i :: in p, m.
I'm (!(ne.i, IIih lie(rr, Ituibiln, M.'iz.nn 1'all',
r'litcaso .mil all pmnls west, -. i i II. ,S: II, It. I!.,
7.1'. !!." a. in.. I '. :ti!.i (IJInl. t)i ami l'-
pien), 7.H. Hl.ll, II .to p. m. Suml.i., li. k ,
ii. it., u.rr.. s.27 p. m
1'iilluiJii pjilis mil elci fiin oi beliluli Ville.e
pallor t.nt n't all lialu l.etwein
ami New Yoik, 1'hil.iih'lphia, tlulnilij .tint Su
pension Uiiilije.
1,'OI.I.IX II, WU.lll II, Ceil, s,,,,)., .j, (Vrtijmi
slteet. New' 1 ink.
rinill.i:-' S. I.l'.l. lien. Pas. A;;t., M foillanil
ttreet. New Xihs,
A. V. OXi:IA.'lll.ll, Ph. !M. Aut , -until
llothli'heiii, I'a.
Pel Ibkf'tf. anil Piilltnau it-fi.itioiit appl lo
."O'l l.ncL.iuann.i .lU'ini", Sli.iiiIoii, Pi.
Buffalo and
Delawaio, Lackawftnim nnd Western,
111 llrtcrt Ami. 11, l!nl,
Tiulti Iran Strintim for New otk- l I 10,
B.HO, ft "il, 7.M .Hid tlim ,1. in.', IS, IV. ,vo
.. tM ami s.i.i) p. in, lor New- .i,tk ami
Philadelphia 7.,,U .nnl 100. . in., nml U) Allil
X.Ai P. in. I'nr Toltjlillilii Al Mil i, in, por
IliifTalii 1.1". 'v.-! ami ''.mi a, in i I,:w, ,'',, v.nj
ami 11. "i p. in l'or ItltiKlinintnn ami , Mi
lion.'- W.'Si il tn. and Ian p. iii. per Dwei;o,
SJI.UIM" nml t ilia in ami it'jj j. m t t.:a
ami :i.SJ p. in. (bwt'Kii. S.u.niit,. ami 'ti,.i
Itnlti at li.t!'-' ii m. uaily, cKpt r
Munli.we 'J.W n. lu i oml 7.0.', p. in, xicu
open .Kioimmjil.iltiiii I. en niiil 11.1,1 p in
Itlm iielmrir lIUhni l'or Nnilhumhcilniiil, ,u
i;. I, nii.l loo" a. in. i I, im ami 0,10 p m. 't,r
I'l.Mii'inlli, at s,u a. in ; .1.,',', nml ii.ui p. m.
suiiil.o 'I lulu--I'm' .New Vnik, I in, .1 im, ,,,,",
ami H'.ti1 ii in I .!."0, .I.l'i nml .".mi p in. pnr
MulT.ili) I. l.i in ul H."J .i. tn.s I .:u, ,i ,v., 7.H1
uiul ll-l'i p. in, Pur lllush.imloti .mil ,iy ,..,.
llon- 1UI uiul Ul.'.'ii a. lu, llloi'iieliuii; illUtlon
Iicaie Soiaiilon, 10.1)1 ,i m. ami 0. lu p m,
Dclawnie and Hudson.
In I'fteU .lime U. I1MI
'lialm for t'ailiomlili lean .-i I'.iiilnu .il (I "n,, !."i. I'l-H J. in i I-'.'"'. I -"'. '.'.II. ;i l
r.''i, U.-J5, 7.17. y.lj, II. "il p. l.i i l.pi .i. iii.
1'or Jll'l l.ll.e Linlnre, II '.V, 10.1 1. 1,
iii i 'J. II and ftsf I', in-
l'or Mllkesdlure -il 11, 7.1', S II, !l is, pi p.
m.: i-Mii, l'J". s!.is .:.!, i.'.t, cm, r.t,
111.11, ll."ll l. Ill-
I'nr I.. V. It. II. I'ultiU-cri, U.tH ii. in.. ,j,s
I i!7 ami M. '0 I1 I".
Put- pcniMp.iui i II. It. PoInli-0. 1", p.': '.)t
s.::.t ami t a p in.
I'nr Mbuiy ami all points iioilh-i7 0 I. m
an I . ,VJ p. in.
Por ( .iiliomlah' . W, It....! j. in j 'j , a.j'
ft....! .tut Vi.'a p. in.
l'or WIII.Kll.ure- 0...S a. in j p.'.tw, I,. is, j.j
0..2 .nnl SI' I. m.
I'ur allium .nul poiiit noith-.'l.'i p tit.
l'lir lloiietildc .nnl Lake l.oilote -..Vi, il ,
. In. and .1 ft p. lu.
New York, Ontailo and Western.
lu iflci t 'iiusil.iv. -"ipi. 17. imu.
NOItlll Itill NP.
I.iaw brave
Si latilmi. C
. in.:.!) j. in. 11. 10 it. ti
( jflii.l t.
N.i. I .
o. 7 .
I no p.
. tl.llip in. n. .'
SOI III not Ml. '
( .idu-i
i.eate .
(a,hi,m!.,i,. s,:,v,;:,;,
..(ilia. m. - , , '
1.1") p. in. -Me-
-NOIiril IIOL'.NII. ' '
l.i'ioe ,.
e.iop. in. mi-'." :
.... 'J.l.'i p. in
I. cue
s.:,na in
'I rani.
.No. '.i
lu,,.,.. ,-l'..l l.l. - ... ' '"
sOI'111 HOIiNIt. '
l.'MU' 1.1'IU' !
f'ildn"ll. I'.lllinl.ilile sUJlin
o. C 7.(1(1 n iii, 7 ma, ,
n. in I :0 p.m. fi.(Ki p in iir, p. m
Tialtit .Nu.t 1 mi wi'h 'ki.1". .nul on siiu,lai
make mini Hue iuiihc t in:t in. NV , , ,v.,
Midilli'l'i'Mi, Waltmi, -Noiwi h, Oni'olj, O.irn
.mil all poiuls witt
l'or further infiitinatinii. i otusiill liiki-t attend
.1. (. l)ri!S(i. O. P. , N.w- otk.
J 11. Vi:i.sI, l. P. A. sc, ant iii, p.i.
Schedule In Effect June 2, 1001.
Trains leave Scran. tons
0.45 a. m,t week days, through ves
llhulo train from Wllkea-Bavre.
"Tullman buffet parlor car and
conches to Philadelphia, via
"Pottsvllle; stops at pilnclnal In
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Harrlsbtug,
"Philadelphia, Bnltlmoie, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and the
0.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Hnrriobiug, Philadelphia, Baltl
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. in., week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.;), for Sunbury, Hav
llsburg. Philadelphia. Balti
more, Washington and Pitts
burg and the West.
13.3a p. m., week days, thiough ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle. Stops at piinclpul In
termediate stations.
1.27 p. in., week days, for Hnzleton,
Sunbury, Harriaburg, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
.1. It III II IIINMIV. (im Mkv.
.1 is. WOOIl. Crn Pm. kI
New Jersey Central.
Slulkiit In New Voll.-l'oot ol l.ihulv iel,
X. It., uii'l Aiiilh I'cii.i.
iMiiiiiiirr ArrJiiyeiiient I oi tec led li. o . ,-,, pm
'll.llt.t l"tle (.l.llil(ill fT New li.tK, NeH.i'l;,
i:bz.ilieth. IMiil.iilclplii.i. 1. i-l on. II. tlilcl.iin, A
l.nlnwii, M.imli Chunk .mil While Hutu, at Ml
a in.; expn-f. 1.1U. ept"s', I Oil p. m. ,,
ttitt, H.ll p. m.
I'nr I'ltt'tmi ami Wilk"i Itairi. .'.. il a m. , pi
ami 1. 00 p. in. iiii'l.i).'.'.IS,i. in.
l'or lliltlnioie a ml UjMiiiigiini ami pr,in
South nml Wist '( IMIiIiIkiii, .11 a. m , ( pj
ami '.tn p. m. -muli.t. 'J.I p. 111
l'-.r I.CI.K llmiieh. Oteiu l.'iuie, ite , at s.,n
3. in. j Ml I. U P. I"-
Per Itcu'luuJ. l.ehanon and llanl.-i, 11. i., i.
lentovvii, S .Vi a. I". .Hid l.lo p. 111. Miii'laja,
".l.! p. 111.
l'or I'.itlMille, (.'l .1. in., 1.10 p. in.
l'or .Mountain Park, i.o'j a. m.. l.pi .ml 1.011
p 111.
'Ihiorali thkelt tn .ill point cut, (.ouih jml
ic.-l at lowest rales .it the fUlion
(', M. 11111 r. den. I'j, pt.
W. W. WIIMZ. .Ill , Cm. Mipt
Erie "Railroad, Wyoming- Division.
'I niiii for New iotk ami iuleiim'dlale points
loaw Si.tntoii a, folloAt. 7.JH .1 111.; L'.l p. tn,
Anvalt to.Hl a. it, Inmi lloin'-ilalf. Il.mlc.e
ami iiiternieilUtp point: n.-D p. 111 fiom New
l,ork and iiitetnieibab' pomt. N'o Sunday train'.
every day at Bight
tickets are good on
By a teconl-art of the lefilsla- ,
ture, free tuition Is now granted
at (lie
Literary Institute
State Normal School '
Bloomsburg, Pit, '
to all thoo piepnilng lo tench,
This school iniilnttiluH coitiflca
of study for tending, for those
liieputliiR for collose, and for '
those btiiiUInu niuslc.
II ulll piy lo wrlle for partlrularJ.
No other school offus nmerlor aj. ,
a11Ugit al fJi.ll low lalen. Addltsl
J. P. Welsh, A. M, Ph. D.,Prin,
Tor Keieoii'. niuk'iviid and Dial Mute Chil
dren. Phi'dral Ti.ilulii!;. M1n11.1l TuhmIor', Artie
nlallon. Mii'ie. Diatvln;, Kindeigartcii. Open
3 car aroim,. Litittlar.
S. A. Doo little,
hi Pari tew Avenue, ninghamton, f. Y.
Wissahickon Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa!
A boardliiK school for boys in the elevated
and lwaiitiful open country notlli of I'ltlla
delphift. 10 minute Crom nroid St. Slntion.
Por eatnloRiies nitdiesn
JAMES L. PATTERSON, tlead-Maiter.
T .1 Foiler, President, l'.lmer II, I.awjll, Ireiv,
It. J. Po'ler.
Stanley 1.
Vice "President.