HTJijsJTvlTv1 ' -, y ? - ,v ' farf -"v '' I, Hf i?4&r.r- 1 rHE SOKAiNTOiY TKIBUNE-TMUKSDAI', OCTOJJKlt 31', 1001.' 3 if An Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant method ntul licticllclal pJToi'ts of the wi-ll Imown iL'tucdy, Svnut' or Fino, inaiiufnutmcil by tho CAi.iroitNiA. l-'m Svnui' Co., lllttsti-ato tlictiiluaof ohtuininirtlic liquid ltixa tlvo prlnulpk's of plants known to bo medicinally laxative nnd pioscntintr (liL'in In tliu form inoit 1 of i csfiliitf to tho taste itnil ncoeptnblt to tin1 b.vfltuui. It is the otic perfect hticugthpiiln lnxa five, ulentisiti-r the system elTeeturilly, rilspcllhiir colds, headaches nnd fevorn gently yet piompUy and etinblititf one to overcome habitual eonhtipntionper jniiiicutly. Its perfect, fi-eedoni from every object wimble qusility nnd sub stance, nnd 1th actiniron the kidneys, liver and bowels, v Ithout weakening' oi' Irrltutliig: them, make il the ideul laxative. In tho process of uir.nufiiettirhitf tiga me used, as they uiu pleasant lo Mm tnste, buithome'diciiiaUpiulitiesof tlm remedy ato obtnlneil I'lotn henna nnd other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Cami-ohnia. Via Syhup Co. only. In older to (jet, its beneficial eiTeetsand to avoid imitations, ;leuse l emember the full nameof theCouipauy printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN ritANCIBCO, CAT.. T.onisviLLn, ky. r.w yokk. if. t. rorsalobyall DrtiKBists PrlcoMa. pcrbottlo. f City Notes. ) IHiNMIOS l!l( I IM.l) I In II mho fir tl.o riipiiijlc'- lmiw.l 111. jIIow in-f iliiiiiun jes Huh.- Mi- I l --imii-oii, --', llu A. it. (.Ills' 5. . ' I'Osll'i'M H I In in" imp mil. iimril it i lie ( illmlic HUtr.iK il viicul mil Niuiiim Mmi mi- i lull d l Umiulil '.ill It- 1 il i lune tt until in U luiidi nislit Ml, s-' nV. Ml -ml-.' Hi . in .. will In In In I mhj in -l lull's iluuli it . Tim mul in i. in. Ill Her- uu In' M lit im 1 1 in. liming iho di. ) II VMiiUMA lMir - Ml Mjiint: vmiiicii .i I IiimIiiI tn i II lllnui 'i u pirl.i il till iiiiiu W!lli II tlllllllll .1-MllltHIl tin- Miiuiia it h u'cluik, ii hi n Hi "ill liuJ H ti J I'll Mill II 10 ll A HI 1' I l. I I'm hull' M il-li iml luiiiKi. li.e li-l iulii. im -'ill a iliunkin nun wlui Irii. I lo i li in oil In" I .lllllO lllllll Oil Sjull, W l-llll -t.Ml .Iflllll Hi I-, I ikfii lo the ( c lit t o slin t -til tun ( USsI Mil I' 1MI III II -I m-lllil- W 1 I "If, nl till 'lllllll llil. I- lllllll 1 I 1 lu- Iml fuin iniuur-i lICIUIll 1' Jilltiu; fli'tll till' I'l'l II I llUl-l. Ill Ullllll II l- lllllUf, llll-llll iKlllHHlll Ml. ( 3l"'s lljlll l.llll "I- i-Hiul 1 1 tin. fill, nml l- pnuiiu' i mi liMllftll iiinu HIM I, . I l.s I I lllllll - Hie t -ml llun-ili inou'iu ii u uf tin rlirniH will nor In hcM mnulit kuiii.n riiiuii,, il T n'lloil. Mi-. IIimi ill mint tin-lulic- in tlif lull hi tin- AuiiiiJ W.iiiini'i lu i (Km i hi i itiim. mil ai tli'siniP In m tin t'ni lUniril 1I1 uiu il -0 ill tin -llilui if I il. I hinii", in tin (.iioi.i-c liiillilui". -iiril 11 or IKK Kill- I K1.V IN Jimii, 'p li ( H Iiin. I'rilcuilnip: In l i 11111111 il stuiltiil. li i 1 il.i n in sein il uf uiu plii'ii mis in -iilmc tin in lmiiil- nl iijii- H fun iiiiti" MiMi ue i lP-niIcO In lu lii'.li mill Mivini iiiipn i, lmt 1iMi jirove In In i mi ui'iiui ii tnli", is lilltl fmin 111)' -m il slmm oi Nii Aoi III. ,i-tlm rli-lrut mil fulfil lu u il .Hi tinilisl ill (In lutliir.l uiili- ,.f fiif In) In tin a ii il, li ii it iisil o-i i i- not In SUPT. CLARKE IN A WRECK. Was Slightly Iujuied in a Collision Near Summit, N. J. inei.ll SupoiinU'llilt ut T. i:. '1.1)10. nf tin- JJelaw.ue, I..iLl;.i.inn.i .mil "Wi'stem l.iilui.iil. .i siiyiuh lniurcil nml u llictuan li.ully hint nisii Sumniil, N. .T i-toul,iy. -Mi. Mm Ke .ik mi iin Inspection tiitir .iml Ills- juluite inr as Ih'Iiik' tli awn at rimkI i-ih ed tiiouml n (iue near .Milliimtou ult.'ii (lie iMi Klno inn into a fit'Iulu tialn s-t.iinliiis nit Un. Il two till itllutl the "I" llie ' .11 Hplittintr It in ball. The enuliie loin ami Inokon, but tin- oni;lnei.r unhainieil. MMn- llnin.iu miis lmt l In .UtinpiUR' linm the i limine. The Miiuily lmllt lulvalf e.u Mitleuil 1111 Itijlll, .Mi. I'l.tiKi? il-i'ii when the w. mi jug wlUs-ile niiimliil. iii.d wh. n the ni.tsli mill Midden stuiiji.iye i auie he thriiwn tu the llnoi. his niisfi Milk ing; a ehiiif as lie wait ilm, n. The ulli-iii- In the car had Ills i.iin )le but hud liiitttil ihoinsi'hi's tin- ,i MioiU ami Mi!iilned m injtit.. Sir. I'lmUe ilhl iml utitin buine. but iilltluilf i on 1" Jlubokti; to imupleto Ills Itis-iiecUun lour. Tlie ndlns i,. ieeil lietn .lie to the elfei t thai Hie iujuty ".is mi) sjiin .mil mih in im way iiuiiii.ii liut -Mt 'M.itlie. .- 1 ' THE TIFTH ANNIVERSARY. Ladies' Auxlliaiy to Knights ot Mystic Chain Celebiate. Tlm tilth :inulvei.-.tij of the insin uation pi V.sther usiieuilil, No. P., Ladlesi' Auxlliaiy to tin KuIkIUs of 4 -f-f -f-f -f-f 4-f 4 4 44-f 444 BOND OFFERINGS. Spiing Biook Water.lst Mtg.Os Lackn. Valley Elec. Light, 1st Mtg Os. North Jersey and Pocono Moun tain Ice Co,, 1st Mtg. Ds. Stnndmd Gns Co., 1st Mtg. fis. LemgJiton water Supply Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s, New Mexico Railway and Coal Co,, 1st Mtg. fib. Desciiption and pi ice on appli cation, 4- U, Jliuaihw), ?. Y 4 -f W'ilUs llJIll'. CjibonJilc. -f 4- 4 St) loiiiiitouHJUli Hid.-, Scianlun, V. -f t444444 44444 4 H44 444444 tltc MMle Cliiiln, m (lltlnnly iole binted by the lupinhois hict night In l''lnle'.i linll with mi I'lilertiilniui'itt und eotlnl. I'pwiiids of ,100 peions Mete piesent illid enjoyed Hie lenlly ettrllenl pio Kiainnte tvlitcli hml been pi opined, TIiIm Inelllilod ici'ltittlnlis by Itntlle llnil, Uella Davis, Mlllun t.e tlnr, and I!o?u Hi'hleltb'i : a well leiulcied piano "olo by l.otilfii' Ian?, and 11 solo by .Mis. .Martin Hold, M'he proitruinme was eolieliuled Willi n elevellv eve rutcd e.ike walk by the llelnt. ehll til en, ftniir-hiK was nijoyi'il Inter In the iiljfht anil ilnlnty iefielinieuts wete Rfitpd, The roinmlltee hinliiK the riflnlf In ehitiKe eotnpilMil the lutlnu tnrr latlles Mrs. It. Kay, Slr. Sim tin Hold, Mm, Surah l.ont,-, Sli.. MrIp Wnideii, ,Mi, Wllxm, SIim. Small l,ynih, SIi". Kate Aiehei. .Mi. Un-ile Dliulni, Mt. Snmh Jloblnfiii, Mrs. fiilinn, slis. Ilmtiunii, Alls. SliAilhur .mil Miss .Siittat U. HIS EXPERIENCES WITH WILD ANIMALS Thonipsou-Seton Told of Them Last Evening in St. Luke's Paiili House. Ihneit Si Ioii-M'Iioiiiimiii- uf i.iihei MMliitilpson-Solotl as he must heienftet be Known, was in the Itv hiM nielli. Tho latltr nuine H bis by l.iw tei since the ilny liPlme yeMenlay. lot he has his palmnunle ihmiKivl b i .iue 'Jhonipmn Is so i oiiiiiiou that his leltiris fiot inlvcd Willi other Tlioinpnin letteis. to his minimi me To be mimm, Olle lievei, never thoilKllL nl llllll .is plain ThuiiipsMti. or lime w.t" ah'. .t,.s the "Seton," joti Know, nml, ill miv i.ite, the. i el-b'fili'il ii tit hoi has luteil his niinie, whaliii. It tn of ei it inlhlit be, ti ,i pi in- which must people would i.e k'iiiI In hn. Hull names ix ( up., Theio .lie -rune of n-i w bo w 111 .il(i9 uticpt .Mi. Thnnipun'", in i.tther Air. Selon's niilnul sloiles with juole'-ts. AVe ailtnbe his womleil'iil ilieUon, bis tMiiisii.. uoid pic im e unci bis mliae iiIiuis, SlipilucK-lIolincs-itKo UiiowledKe of wnoilloie, .mil we lot e bis ,obo and lihiuc.i nnd M.ik .iml Ilinsii. and the BLuIv Hotsp uiiil till the adniabli.' .nii I oik lie has ci.iteil, but we do bale with bitter h.itieil bis tlc.itli-bed -i eno. Thei" aie Utile ibildKn In (be wot Id wlin sob all nishl Iouk Iici.iup of tiirfs wofiil I. lie in the liorilble snare, ami who b.ive i,iiii'd Fine mid be Tils bei.'ittse poor I.iibo died. MMie author .ivs Ili.U llie llle nl .ill auhunls ha a U.u;le end. lint, then, ilc.iih is alw.ivs ,i ti.itiily. and om lies .ill nnd in that. Yr t we do not like li .itb-si flies in .ill out sti,i books Ah1. . ton would lie tin bust. Ii).'d wili er in .Vinnii'.i il hi would mil, please U.i c .i little to the un.iKin 1 1 ion .11 d not kill .ill 0111 animal people in the I s :u t. i 1 e.ill. w iillld. I.ISL liiKbt lie rf.ue ,tu lllllsli ati'd lei -tint in St l.uki's I'aii-h ball beluie a line ami ilisi 1 inun.itini, auduuie. 'IMie pletlltfs, t iken bv hlnisoli, siipetb M'he -nbl. 1 t mallei w,i- l,nnii of bis bonk, "Wllil Annuals I Known " Setou-Tliompsnii, in 'riinnipson-hi ton. Is himself pieltuf sipif He his d.iik, uuliliK hall, win 11 i.ilbei Inmt. and ilustoilim thliKlv about his well-shnpeil bead lli has jinriv mniilili d tiatines and 1 lieaw monst.u lie. IUs melliod of sp, ee) dianiatle and illteic s(inf. Nom r fei one uioiiii ut did he lose the attention ol bis audience, lie was in liodiicid bv Alajoi Kmm elt Wan n, who made .1 happy sprn h In lionm of the ilsiti,iish(fl spe.iKd. Tin lli-t -toiy illtisliati d was tno p.itlletli one ol jinoc Mnlli I'citliiill.lil, the Utile labliit who has bioiiijhl te.u to so many es i, inn- stiuf,f,Ie for llle and ber piteous 1 ml. "in tl . tie while Pie mid, wiak limbs i eai-ed to liloM', the t 111 t lin-e-lip of the Utile niothi 1 I'ottoninll wobbled no nioie, and the -oft lit own no- weie 1 Iosod in lU.ith." III.s luiH.iiInii of Hie to-hintnd's ' loiiKIK. ' was 1 .1plt.1l, ami the pii'iuies illustiatilii,' 'The KpiuiKllilil Pov" weie piihaps the 11111 t MilKlmlt beaiilllul nl tb'- s( on, s AlUOIl Hie mo-t illtl esim; di-ilip- liotis lM'lt was that of "The Keel Ki 11." whli li was ntamiilli f ntlv illu-tiat-eil in a 1a iln.ulnj: inoonllnlit t lew, and wbli li tlie spe.ilu 1 ilulateil lo be the ki latest ilver in the woilil. M'he 10 111. uistli sio, s of tin vuv.igeis vveie all ici.illt'il In Unit iovilv plitine. Alt Hi'lon K-Ue llllilill lolls ot (be nljrlll notes' ol wood lihcls. the "honk" ot wild, the , oilel ol tlie white 11, up. the lnoose-i.tll, the ktiwi-onio howl ol the j,li vnll, the -nt, wild et ol the owl, wIiosl 11, uiu. si.,,t ov 1 is a mis niiiiKi. M'bosi pople who do nut bIIii Una this aiilhor 1,111 ;;lve an enlei talnluK Inline i-liould luivi In en in tin palish house last nl'.'iit, .. TATHER O'MALLEY APPOINTED. Will Succeed Right Rev. Bishop Gm vey us Pnstcn of Plttston Chinch, is vital linpni limt appoli.tineiils (ie iiitule bv KlKht Ibv. Illt-hop llcib.ui jis. ti nl. i Ki . .1 I'. d'Sliill, , uf K Ins-ton. was llppollltnl to -lliiinl ItlKllt KfV.lllshoii (imviy a Jiaslot ol Si. John's ijmicll, IMtt-uui r.ithcr i Slalliy was hmu in jin 1 .1, 1 'Hinii .Mayo, lielund, on Jitun .'I, !.!.!. At the m,'e ol 17 In 1 mite lo Ameilia and cut' ml upon a fntti-.viar 1 otiis-e at the .li Hull I'nlKtie uf St, l'ian 1 I- Nnv lei, Niw Vmk, Thou he Willi to i:millel"hin;j, Sid. fin thiie Minb, nml Inter mil mleil the thenloai 1.1I und ihlio-ophluil i-unliuu.v at 1'hll ailelphla. In Ud'i he was cndninni to the bv Slo-I Kev, I', 1;, Wood i- was ii-MMnm at Si. Jaiu.i s 1 hut ill. Wet 1 IMillndi Iphhi, lor thi'ee e.ts, ,uu hhiio IIipii bus been Mil Uoneil at Alliens I law ley and KIukh toll lu llie otilet lueuUeitieel, He s ve Known lu IMU.-ton, llh-hnp lloban appoiuird ralher M'lioinahlliehoney, ol 1,'dU'ily, laucuip coiiuly, lo Si Alo,vlus ihuich, lu W Ilkes-Kuno, 1'aUii'i W'llll.iui ojiluia, of Ai'ililialel, w.lh appolulcil lo KeKeily to . sin ii'Pd Ii'iither HiehoiK'.v, A Mlii'Ph. nil 10 rutin 1 O'.MulU. Is il lo be ,ip. poiuted, Gieatly Reduced Exclusion Rates to Biiftalo, On (Amber II. IS. '! miel I'u tkkot n'cnto ot the l.acKaw.iuiia Kaili ikicI w'll sell Iwo.clay ninth e.iui.soii Uv-l:-us tn liull'alo hood ynlntr mi an;, ior ular tiiilii 'laK of n.tln nnd fur ie mm on an. ie,nlai' tialn llie follow -Ing du. MM10 loiiud tiip intn liom diiuiiioii 1111 in -f 1 vv, w 1111 11 1-. me mw- est taiet ever made to liulfalo. afford Ins n sp. -"Hil oppoituuliy to Mi tip I'aii-Amt'iK i:.posUon at a uoinlna cost. Tho popular Punch clfar Is still the leader of the 30c cigars. REPORT OP YEAR'S WORK MADE BY OFFICERS OF MISSION SOCIETY. Tlnee Veiy Interesting Sessions Held in tho Tlist Presbyterian Chinch. Money Received for Mission Woik Was $3,105.03 Mot a Than It Was Last Year Ptofltftble Address Do llvcied Last Night Luncheon Wns Seivcd to the Delegates Dele gates Who Reglstcietl Yesteiday. The iunt IntciCMtlmr mW-lonniy ineellill,' which has probabl.v ever hcii 'itld lu this city Is now In proi' H i al llie KlisL I'u'sbvtorliui ehuii II, It Is ot peculiar fiKlilli' anee to tills (mninunily lor the tople under iINpimMuii Is Uiu pioposcd luiiovatlott of Mliiliij up Uie wen It union? the lm elKii i-pealcliu? people. 11 Is entlnly a pew wotk as cotinocted with the vvoni ei.'s Iki.iicI, and Hit leslills ot lodnv's dei It i.'ititm s will be nw. tiled Willi lld Inteiesi, 'I'hp Mtibjcel eiitetcd maln l.tllv Into the pioe.eeillni,' of .v e-tet dnv, lie' In. l.ognit uiftlti,? the women to spend men e of tin Ir time and effoit on llie siHtlal 1W1I. M'heie aie tie irly one bundled ilele Kat's ptosent ami tho.v i.ompose 11 line looklnj, body of women, Muny me pet sotis of Infllietitl a position In thell own iltles ami are anions those most piomli'eul In tho t-l.ile In ihunb ami 1 I1.11 liable wotk. Alts. Kallei, the ptesident, is liaud"oniP find most cap able as ,1 piosldlnjj; otlleer She lesern bies Uie fair and stately wife of the Kilo I'lt-idi'iil JJ.iyes, s,ii(, j Uie widow of I'liailes I., li.iiley, who was tlie pto ptletor of a jjieal lion winks in bini?, and her iKutuhler is the wife of llobtil Speer, the wtll known uil-lou-ai v. Alls, s I', llaibi-on. of AUefehenv, is (he wife of n liilllll-nillliouiiliu maiiu l.ic liner, whose heal I is with hoi in hei wotk 101 missions, and who has .-pent vast sums in smli inteio'l-. SKi'ljr.TAKY'c! UIM'OK All-- J't.,nccs D.ver. of "i led tlie divolioiinl e;eiei-es v nmi nlim. Alts Di' lendetler te,,d the 1 oi if .spondlus .seetet. poll, whii It was chaimim?lv She tepoili'd money leeeived lows,: r. v in esle of .it , ' -ton, lil.1V lb le - le lloti. wii a- lul- Womcn'i -j n-tu, .t,7ll . i, . 1, 11 IIjihU ".Jl.lil Suiulii s, ,onl , 1,1-2,1- (luie'tiii 1 nilt 111 -utilus ;,173 -J I 1 "I'llmon- lloilil . 1VM In Til's wa- a ij.iin ol ,Ii,"iO! ovei la-t y ea 1 All's Sltlidiii k nail .Mis J X. Allien e's 1 'poi 1 ot .vouiifi ii opie s wnik. Alts. 1'. W. l.owij lead Uie lejinit of the siMii.iiy foi I'lee-ilineu. MMie sum ol J-ixnj was leooited as u.iin ovei last year. I'eim-vlvania leads the li-t of sv nodical -ni ieties in this woik Alls. I .liml v if ill the lepoit ol tlie Coiiiiu-(-eiil ruuil, winch was ampled. Kev. In. I.OK.tu then K.ive m Intel e-stins? ad-ilie-s 11 Km ding the woik .minus I01 elKii spciluii!? peopl", ol be Is supei Inli udi nl. Ho sa1( Hut tins woik had boon e.inieil on eiKht Uiiiini; the p.l-t yi..ii P7. 1 1 1 S' was lalsed 101 tills puipo-e. MMie total le nipls tor elubt yenis is Ml,7."i9.:it. Not one-tout lb of this amount has been Kallu led liom the lileinbu-hlp ol the pie-b. tet.v, but fioin bu-ine-s assoria tieins and iiatiiolie men In all p.uts uf the 1 omit! y. Jllfthteen dllleienr lan 4ii,iS0s an icpu scnlf-d In tlie pitblie schools, while ltlOO c hildi en have been piepiied b the comniittue to enlei the school-. M'wo chute lies have In en eieitcd and one was I111UL at a 10-t ot ,:ST1.S7. AP'i'iinxou.N' sj:ssiox. The afteiuoiin sf-sion iipninl with di votloual eMMii-es, loudtielid bv AII-s Stioim, of We-t I'ltt-luii. M'he annual meeting ot the Lackawanna l'te-bj-tfiv wa- the Hi. -l older ot hu-ine.-. Allss Slum., piesleled. Alls. A. 1! Hunt, inesb.v teilal tieasiim, the to tal e.i-h locrlpls- a- J,07 l.'jfl, value of Ikim's. $j,"ij.: (Js, an lueica-t ot $'.7i. Albs AllKIU-la llovi, ot KiliK-ton, s-euelmy of Fteeilinon baud-, n ported a ile r 1 1, isc of bomls. M'otal i.tsh, :ifiy; boM's, 5.,.70C1. MMie v tcp-pie.slili.iits' ifpotls Men heaid. Aln-. I'. 11. H100K-, ol W'llke. Kane, -rave leaums whv fche could not oife.inUe in -onie 01 the -mallei chinches, (if twenty-two ihunht.-, -i .lie Hot ot,?.iui.e'(l. Sll ( W. KlikpntlliK coil lil leptnt Htllt 1 lunge. AIl-.s t tiiilii? leiuiul lo the si holm -hips pi ineuioiy of Alt. Datllni? laKeit by Wilkes-Kane I'Mit 1 Inn oil. She tin 11 madi an aiipeal lor fonleiieis In this picsbjteiy. The follow In; pledges weie 1 oi toil : Monti n-o, Sib); fiitbouiliile SI"., .Motit-10-f, yr. Dunmoie, J1, Wilkes-Kane .MenioiKil, $.": Setauloil Seioml, $il, lloni-ilale, J.'O, ei.t I'JllMini, "ln, AVIIkis-nalie Kit st, i.d- Suimton JMl-t, v.'u, Ktovldenee, '. tolil, W, M'he siupius In 1 he iiilltln'fi'iit Hind K- to ko tn llie Imlusttlnl Si liuol fm Sic ,!cans and liullui f In Alhiiitieiciiie, Sin. 1'lPH-nu iiliilneil ihls wotk. The ,mti-peil,'jaiiiv aiiieiidinent was dlsi'ti-Mii ami It was a.-l(i il what tin 1 liui'i li Is dolus In the iii.uui The time of tho annual iiklIIii-? wii- i,u ti to continue In the fall The fptesUon as to piovldlni- b,i-li lumhcoii'! tit these ineelinus, tp, host wih nietely tiiiulf-hliiii the ten and iiiliep, was di cided In the alllliuallve. The lomuiltlee on plme icpoitcd M'ow .iriKi as hclciled lor the next mutual ineetlns tU-KH'IIKS 'll)Si:.V. ' The lionilllillllli? lOllllllltleO plesiuted the liillowlui? for eleillou a.s olllnis f the Lackawanna piesb.vleiy I'lesideut, Alb.s Altiy I), Stioim, ul W'tA IMttslon; poiiot-iiomtlnf; spi'ictiuy, Allss Slaty (i, Alittle.s; tnaMiici', Sits. A. K. Hunt Sermtnii; tlce-pie-'ldiiiit.s, AIi.s, (. W, Klikp.itilcK, Sciaiilou; Sli.s. I' l, lliooki. WlllvPt-lKuie,' MJsh K.uinli, Monlioi-e; Alls, fl. l, auylnnl, AVjalnsinj-j SllhS Antolntttp Kln-j, West Pitt-ton, 1 ci iiidlii)- (-eili'tm. Silts Jean liiuiah.iu, Klnuslom, 1011..S. poudlii'? scuntaiy; Alisi Ylislula Wi-IIh, V.v,ilUI(l,', YiillUi People's, Soi elj Oliilstlau MniUavoi, M'he topoit ul the lomiulttef wan mliipu'd. Alls.s Kmjr eluded ileleiiito lo the j-enoul n-nn bly lu New "foik ne,t Altt.v Alls-ri VliKlniit AVi'lli. of W.valti-ii it, lent t-plie to the jifiiinnon (-ts.-ion by lur oilKlnnl liieihuiU 01 tilMiiK ti u. pott of the .voime; pmploV Willi. She jt a most cnei-ictle jomif; Kuly and .she t-linply Moichcd ilclluctient f-ci'iftiulcs and slm leally waked up the niidleme, Sho icported lioni elshtoen band?, SJi.'.oU; Junloi, $.M.l"j boxes S-M7.0I, She einphuilstil tho taklii)? up of the collection on the Sunday jucccdliii; M'liaukfglvlii)? for the home I10.111K Alts. hUiile llu(?hts lli iiikI.iki tan)? "Hi oak M'hoti the flieml of l.lfe." llev. VnelitV Lo.a, pastor nf the Ho hoinlnii L'lniieh, Tltlsburf?, made it niosl lututcstlitf? iiddicf--. Mi. 1juh Is n yotint? man whoso blithplaco was Item iniuilii, but who wii al the folleue of New Vol It. tiller belli"? KtadttutPil fioin a fiilli'KO lu llolipiula. Ho has iii in Anipilenn llilrle'eii yciiiH, havliig t 01110 to I'ltlfblllK one year iiro f i otn Ne braltn. He mi Id Hml within a ladltis of twenty-live miles whkh Iniliideii 1'lltnbtiiH, -0 per tent, of Uie fcuelill peilUllll? people tile Pi otf lnlllH. Ills luethciil 1 to have 11 ehtiieli which he calls by 110 deiionilniillontil nmnf, but which takes, Ifi nil -oels AlllS. l'll'.KSON'S ADIMHISS. Sli. l'len-on, of the Home llouiil of Ml-sloiw, New Ymk, made a btllllniit nildnss, lu w hlih tho niiilii thuiinht was lcKafilln-? the new woik to be taken up among tho foielim s-pettkliur people. .Mis Davis of Philadelphia, R.ive a lcpoil of the (lelpKtilp to 1I10 leiietal assembly. She Kpokc of the slnlenienl thai ninny nf the tencheia -sent out to Iho public tolionl-i lu Cuba and I'oilo lllco had roue for a pic tile Itt-itead ot iu.Klliul work. Alt. JJleffinlerfer lollowed with 11 lontlntialioii of llie re pnil. It contiiliicd muny luteresllti'? delalls lalutlni? lo Philadel phia. Kieiy one of the coutts of the e htin h weie on?miis-ed In Philadelphia, the piesbyteiy In 1 70fl. synod in 1717, fi'iieial nsspinblv In 17SS, most of the bo.ilils of the chill eh Weie oi?.uilyeil in tint clt, the loiumlltee on missions In isnj, nilsed to a boanl in 1MU, bo.ud ol eclitciitloti In JSIIi, foieiKti iuKsoiih in ISII7, inibllealloii In IS IS. Kev. Air Like pi'otiolinceil the bene die Unit mul the .s"slon ndjotltned. List eVellliiK's efsl()ll wa- nilldtU teil by Uev. Hi. .lames AlcLcml. pa-'lot of the 1'n. st Ptesbv'terlmi chinch. The choir sane, the openiiu? niithem. Dr. Alt fa nd made a Kiaeclul speech, Intio iltiLitif? Alis. PImisoii, of Xew Voik, the eiielarv or the Koatd of Allsilnns, AIi.s, Tun -on Is a Kidv of eseeptlon allv, .tttiaetlve pototinlily and Is an t tellcnt speakir. She said n pail: "Out wotk has been nil out for us b.v the Kenetiil as-'pinbly. Then Is no Mduntaiy woik about tint, but we have lo.vallv follnvvcd out the plans nude, lor us. We ate fadiij? tienien doiis pioblpnis Tin; lieulln nlsm of the Nntlli Amriiean Indians, the M'tltko nieilc.m Sim monism and now pel haps .iiiniPhlsm rue union'? Ilti-e iiiobknis, lot?tlhei with the .niacin onisni 01 (be southetn liiuunt.ilneei w ho livi back hi the loiiileonth tentuiy." Tin: rui:T:rMi:.N".s .sncirrv. Mi-. 1'. D. Palmer, of iMttsbuts, Uie nlltaclivo and biilllant semial .secte t.uv of the i'Meedim ti's soclelv of the Home Alls-Ion Koatd, followed -vv itli a line .ultliess, ,iis, Kaliupr Is In elo-e foiiih with all mission oiganiaUons of the iliimhes. She visits the schools and (ltui'hi's thioughmit the entile South, and has lust letuiiKil lioin niecliiii-s in Ohio, Tlllnms Allssnuti iml Nebiaska. Site is a ne itlicnt M'tisKeijee aid ilcclatts that llie woil ot tlie Pio-l) let an lio.iid dm s. mil stiff. 1 in iinnpaiison with the woik ol that leal man, liiinlci M Wa-liiii!?toit. All- Palmci spoke oL Tiddle uulvei sllv, Siotia, Inule-ide. Ihnineid insti lue and the noble woik lh-y aie doin;?. MM11 le .tie nine million of coloied ikojiIp. Not halt ot this population i- under the i.nm, liltliK ,mm uplifting llllliieillO ol iliurih and si lioni. As a nation we ate faclim main hupoi Hint piobUms but mil one that Is of srteater iruiioit atn 0 than the m-ealled negio. It is (IceliiPil that oue-thiid of these peojile have 111 uie jibe neuncnal pie2ic-s since? the f inane Iii.ition, iindet the Iiiilutnips ol 1 lunch and sebonl, but nboul one lllitel ai" w heie (lnaurliiatioii Jotttld I hem, and the- olhei - have -ttadlly de li noialcd. i.t'Ni'iir.u.v M"iivj:i). A beautiful lumheon was -otved by the I'u st 1 lunch kiltie- to delegates anil tlieir ltinil-. It wa-eieedini?ly elab 01. lie and wast iiunb appieclalecl. M'ho-e in lIi.iiko weie: Alts, jf. r. i.og.iu, AIis II. A. Ktinpp, .Mis .1. W. Kowler, Alts c. s. We ton, Alt-. N. A. lliilb.nt, Arts Dew lit, Alt-. II. Al. Hannah, Alts H. li. Wate, All-. I, ,1. AVIlllams AIis H. K. .Iiiiniu, AIip. ('. 1, J-'nv, Alt-, AV. (i. l-'ulion, Alls. Haiiv All ICeitIe, Alts K, .1, Heimell. Alts. 11. 1. Watson, -Mis T. Al. Spciuti, Alts, p. s. flodtiey, Alts. Ite.'d Kill lis, Mi j. K, ,1. AlBlthews, Alls. Atthiir Ililtheoek, Alt-. S. roote, All-. Alt Aim tile, Alis-es Aiihb.ild, Tc.i 1011, AInlthew-, Doei.-am, Hand, lifii ncll, Sic Lend, JT1111I, Hale, Hannah, Kin 11-, Vlckcty. M'he nillnwiii! adilitloiinl dilij-ate-ieslseieil jesiertlaj : Ml- I U. Mihilvn. I'lu-l,ui- Ml A hull l 1. Vllllil.ii",, Pltl-lnii;, Mis t I111I11. Mi, I istm MI-m ( I ill- i Min.i, P. IN III, Ml- II1I11 it . WII-011, I'liilul-I,liu. ' Mi-, ( Ii uli l ei, ( iilii.iiilili-. Ml- II I . II iiiiiuuiiil, l)l nut Mm s 1,. fit, Iri, luitli Mi ,v.. Mi- V, I IIiIiIj, Wi,t I'iti-tiui, Vh. I. W. lieu, Wi-l Pill-liu Ml;-, II II, I' ll-lii J Mi- I! 1 limine.. IMt-i.m , Ml- h I I IK ', s 3lli 11 ' M ii-- lllilillll lllll.ilnl, iCllu-lulfc " Mi- 1 t.'.lirlii t ii-, iilim-1,,1. J Ml Viisu-U llent, lln'luii Mi- VH111I -until, Miu.l m li-, , s 'i I11-111, N lull. ,iI,k, Ml. N M Mill-, Willis Mini. Ml-. . M Will-. Willi- II.111 . Mr., p. II, ltui.,1-, Wilkis II 111.., Mi- Mi llnml,., Millu- Ihru, .Mi- II V Pill, Whin Ml- Vim 1 Itli lulil-. I-I1I1 Mm W II. Pi 1111111. W ilia- in,. Mi- I' II In 1. Will..'-Uiu.' Mb. I'i 111 i- V, l.i'i, Ciiniuliui, Mi-i II. li. -luiili'-. Illiiimiiliiii, III- II st luli.,,11, PiiiiI.Iiihi', Ml -. I. I'. I il-i, .- Ulllnn Mo, ,iiiit c, ihiiu, Me-iin ipui Mi., lulu --'ill. Allesliuiv. Mm 11 i Mlllu, Vllilim. ' Mis, I I lliisill, Iwiu -1,1111,11, Mm William IMilf, lluiilliii,iliin Mi-, H, I ridlllJII, UuiltllKilull, Mm, I' II llil-,!;-, (' Vhs - p, linn, W1.-1 I'liutou, Mib. . I Mni,". Wl ritbluii. MIm M.i II slioiu', Wcl I'llt-loii, ii.. 1:. r. piifuuiiiki, i.iii Ml-. II. II. I'i 11 Mill, .-ci mi on Mi- Inlin. I.111 Mil allium, ( luinliir-l ill.'. Jlis Mil' V Ki', " IJUli 11. Mi-. I ill ml lulu, M.'llli'iuiuii, I'i, Vi- Win II I iiHieuti, -i 1.1111 in, Mm I. I'. Mcll at, -uanioii. AllSSIONAUV AlHI'I'lNi! .NOTHS. Aiiuui'? the Inieu-tinf? vlsltoiH lu Hip city nto Slli-s Alowry ami Slss sh.iipe, nf naiilsbiiii:, who an mie.sls uf .Mis, T K. Tiao at Itliluuond lllll All.s. DlOfellili'lli'l, 01 Kile, (he nil. le-pomim1? Who-e inpoils made stub u nivoiable linpies-slou ,vcs. leiilav, Is the (tut si 01 .Mis-. I! ,1. Slat, thiws Slis I'luules I. Kullcy. the picHdonl, Its cute t tallied III the liuliie of .IiiiI-jp Hand, wheio l other dc It nates uie to plim-.tntly loialed. AH-, A. Al. nether and Sits .lamps Auhlmlil havo been icc-HIiii- con-jnit-illations for the manner lu which they have airanged for lhe enterlalnment of lfliln-? Iadlfs. About clshty delegates uie pies-ent. Alls. IMwaul Hun, of I'm liondale, with her pielty elaiiKhlei, Allss s.uali, Is. nttenilluK the tnuvenllon. THE ANNUAL ROLL CALL MEMBERS OE PENN AVENUE CHURCH FRATERNIZE. Over Four Hundted Gatheiod in the Lower Temple of the Chinch Last Night nnd Exchanged Gieettngs, Thoughtful Little Set man on "Faith"' Dellveied by the Pastor, Rev. Dr. Robeit F. Y. Pleice. Over $1000 of a $1500 Deficit was Fledged nt the Meeting. The aliiilliil toll mil ot the Penii ave nue H.iptlsl thltrch was conducted last lilt-Ill In ihu lovwn ("tuple of the t lunch when two hums mid a half wete .spent by upwaids of IU0 of tin nii'inbcis of the ioiicu'b.iHoii lu com umiilou one with miotliei'. The insioiii of cillln-i the lull, whkh has pii'V.illeil lu lhe pnsi, was ills penned with lnl iiIkIiI on aicolliil of the lPiiRlh of time which It reqtllips and the membeis of the LUilRip-iutloii a- they cainc In diopp-'il a mid In 11 basltet contnlnlnn Ids or bet name. Haili was pieselitnl with a cud ion talnini? ;i nmsl peitiuent iUPtliiii pi llil' d in rhyme, ie.illiiK as follows. ' WI11I I'lnl ul 1 1I11111I1 W o'll 1 tint. 1 Kin 1 li In , K 1111 iliun li ti iiul'i 1 Won ju-t lli.c 1111 " M'he p.Htot, llev. Ir. Kobeit V. V. Pletie, wtlcoiued the nieiuh"is ot the (OiiKieKiitlon and tiu ached 1111 elo(iieut little MMmoti on "Talth," 11 scut nl a M.i-tiiH'iil ot 11 ill-ionise, but lull of o.'ii?liul mul helptul thoui-bt. Ho look up the live letteis roiinliiR the word "l.iitli" and showed that idch was Uie ltilllal leltii of an ele ment ol liillh, MMrsp lhe elenients ate as tollows: rollowlni? Cod, in ceptinf? (iod, InvlthiK l!od, liusiiiDi fleul ami honuihi)? Hud. MlVr INVITH (IOD. We must not only follow tlml and accept Uliii but we must invite I1I111 into out be.tits, into our bonies and Into all the avenues of life. Il" we have a ptopcr faith in Clod we will invite Ilim to go alnin? with us in evei.v thins we do. We will Invite Him Into our home anil ask his ble-slii? on them "I'Viitli Is tiiistlnn. 1-n't uustlns In tlod soukjUiIu sli oni?er and deepi llun bavin-? f.illh in Hod. Kailb is the active .if.ent of a I'hilsttan llle. l'allh iindet I. iKes task-, beat- buiden- and conquei s, but 1-u't a tiu-t in tbul sonielhiiii? deopPi. In times of tumble and -It lie i-n'L it -tloilous to be abl" lo lav our bead oil God's bosom and siv Willi lesiKiiatlon that we ti list in III111 "Then iif?.iln we tiiilst honor tlod. We must honor Illm by standing alone foi His mull, il ncic--.u. We must hon or Him bv inn f-lft-. bv our -civ he in Ills cause, by our heat t's I). -t lov. and b.v 0111 lip-" rollowlni? Di Piene's addie-s ilio-e picacut Joincil lime times In MlnKlu-? the old h.vnm, "Kaith is tho Vic tin y" Then JJt I'h lie luvlled the ineuibpis of the cotiKieijation lo talk about the inline of till.' Tenu avenue chunlt, about its finances or about any either sublet t connected with the wotK id the I lunch. Seveial le-pomli'd, ttotablj K S. Williains, who took up Iho iiiestion of llnani e and epte--ed .1 wish lint the fM.'iOO delicit lor this je.u mli,hl be lalsed AKOCT srik-CKlPTHiXS. He nudo (iiitc .1 witlv addicss beat im? on the lalsjiif; ol tiimls tor chinch wotk in and told a stoiv about 0110 chuii h memhc'i- who said in imotli ct : "How do .von v mil chuii b ituul-, by voluiinuv subset iptlons ot n-.-ess-nietits.' ".Veilhi'i- wav," said lhe othei, 'we iai-e it by mvoliint.tiy Mib-i ilption." "That's U10 polni." said All. W illlams. "Tl'eie is too y -ub-si rlblit-? of nionev foi i bin eh woik and not i-uui(?h of real, -,'enulne j;l ini? 110111 lite In ni t." Str. AVillianis thought il would be .1 wise IbiUK to i.ilbe llie $l."ifti) iif?lu on tlie spot and Dr. 1'loiee a-ji.-til with I1I111, lemindiiiK lhe uii-mbcis pie sent of the notable ocm-lnn on which ?S0nO was t.iiscii in a lew niinulis In the chin ih. W'llll.iin Alci'lave dodaied it was a "dowiiilfiht shame" for any f hill ill to hive a debt ami pledf-ed 1 00. Seionil iitlui nieiiibet.s thoimht it lu iielvls.tble to ltii-e lhe nionev al that time and 11 10111111011(1-1" was flnnllv ef lei ted by aKieiinK in senile piellniln aiy j-ubsi ilpilous and l.ilse the bal .1111 1 net Siindnv moiuliif- Dver $10(10 was pleduod din in,; the net half linm. UTIIKK ADDKi:SSi:S. lit I f addies-cs weie also mail, b Hi. I.. Al. Hales anil lailhei lvellet. Th" l.ittor de Kued Unit what the I'enn avenue 1 Inn ill needed mosi of all was an old-tashloui d of icll-,-loiis .-eiitlnieiit Unit would till eeiy jiew on Sunday and make lite pi ijr'i incellims ot sph ituul etljo.v iik nt 111 all who allet ded, IlPRliiuhiK 'it I" o'i lock an liniii was spent lu Inletcoitii-e between (h members pnsent. Old ii midship weie iPiiewed and pew 0111 h lotmed and a most dellijiiliil time speni. i; fie-liiumls wei'o also s-etved bv it lont inltlee of ladies. WAR ON BRASS THIEVES. Lackawanna Company Begins Vigoi- ous Ciusade Boy Detectives Aie Engaged, M'he ii Knwauiiii Kullioail loiupan.v ,vc-teiday In -i.i 11 a Isioiotis w.u aKiilnst petty luas thlnies, HaW ot thn 1 ounil house, In the nillioads yniil-, Is nibblsli heap, whem the pans ol ilk mauUi'd loioniothi'.s me tiuowu. and II pioves a stiopt, lempt.itlou lo sbal lor Hid Ikijh Ihln-, lu m.ii mlKlihoi hnoil, Vi'Mtuiiln.v vv.uilinls weie Issued b. dliteicnt aldcinien In'. Uie ainsl of a btiiK ill llloio in ho.vs. iU1( t,M) ,l be seiveil lis iillikl' as possible. -i alto tho llileillloit uf (he iiiiup.uiy lo pi ii to iho JllliK dnileif, who bu.v th" bias-, and wananlh lot iheiu will be issued upon lhe miesl of the jotlth. fu Uilevcs, Dill two mie.-ls wile inudc .vcmci d,i. Lain in the at lei noon, lieoitso (MulsKo mul .Mile lUcit'l-u, I'ollsh bo.vs HvliiK on Soiilh ANiishiuslou avenue, wcio I ukeii beioie Aldeiinau Allllir. Mvvo boy detectives, employed by the company, appeared a-;iilnst iheni,".loliu (Mulbt, of -111 Kallioad avenue, and ficoijjii Smith, of 119 (Jiecu place, are tlioli nunies. Doth ai o under 11 .veals ot atse. 'i'hey tcsiiilul lliat they saw the two pilsoneis yesu-nluy inuKo away with thlileen poiimls ol btass ft 0111 tht? heap. wyuwwyiMvwwuMMWwywvwvMvwwMuvWci Dinner Sets We have said much about ll.tviland's Ware because it merits it. Hut do not think our stock is limited to that. Our line of Sets, ranging from $8.00 to $15.00, in Atneii and Hnglish Porcelain, is exccedinRly large, embrac ing all tlie most popular designs. Quality consideredto buy elsewhere means money out of pocket. Geo. V. Miliar & :mmmfmmmffmmmmmwfffml You May Spend Your Nights In the Maine Woods By sleeping on a pillow made of balsam fir. These pillowi arc lecommrtnled as a cure for catarrhal troubles and for sleep lessness. Their odnr is delighllul. Our supply is limited, but while they last we will sell them for 50 cents. One lor 40 cents if bought with .1 Cushion fop, of which we have the. finest in Tapestry and Silk at Low Prices. Scranton Bedding Com, F. A. KAISER, MANAGER. Lackawanna and Adams Aves. Both 'Phone!) tiAMMJMltiMMM Crane's Offer This Week Special 5 Custom and Tailor-Made Gowns A showing of Advance Styles for Traveling, Calling and Evening Wear All the Most Desirable Materials and Effects, Exclusive in Idea, Natty in Appearance.. 9 Crane's 324 Lackawanna Avenue 3 New m m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position 111 llie BUSINESS WORLD. NO. 3 S. Eighth St Seitoitou Branch Otllce, Nos, The.. ' ln'-ll liiMKul' (lilillliil ttl ii'llli-, Jlllllllll. hll'ii lul li.iiiiii-il" Ih in I' Stoln- Iioiim', 1 11 I'll 'l -in 1 1 Sliln- ii- 11 i"iillt-i, Tin H-, Hun Uiu In ii"-. Wii ilcioii-il ul" I'm III .it llll . ill' III" 7 M'lllS 11 A hi unit .i1 .iiiiinllnnh ih- I'. Miiil't'toi wliu nIII )' I b.'fiiir Aiirnuiii Mill, 11 lo- aimlHii' llil.v. ' lujsK,, (iml iliiln Hinii Vi VILEH UEEB OF ASSIGNMENT, riniiuc-iul Tioubles of Inijieiinl Stain, Pnint kiuI Tiller Company. Tlie limit 1 Ul Huilu, I'.unl .mil Fllli'i j ionii.iiiv nf Ml lilmlrii i-titil tliuitl , lirfiuu " ii'iloiU !itniil.i altiiliooii Illul 11 ilicil ol us-.-Ii-iiiiii'iu lili llie- f' 1 HUM' ul Ui'iel!-. .Mliillli'J i 11. r.ui. itllKi 1 Ullllll' ,lblKlll,l. Vffti-Kl i" alKinouu .111 I'M'i'llUoil I'm $!ni.01 mis Im-UuI iiltullitl llu'in .iml tht' was, iliiHel li-- tlit .shi'lltl' Tliu compau,' was oicanUi-il In 1VJ. Olllu's weie oppni'il at 1.119 Diikton Hvcniu ami a Incliii was -.tubllt-liel Co. ""'J"1." "" f 9r. S3 'r. e ;jr. Building ttr. Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names to tliu long list of Smith Premier users, represenlini every line of trade and e-cry profession IllVSlKMtll (AlAUHWt: I KFP. f The Smith Premier Typewriter Co,, , Pluluileljihitt, Pa. 1 ftuel ii, ArcAile Buililiug-. nt AVvmiiliiK Thl f.Kloiy wns iIImoii tiuuoil tvvii jeuih .inn auel tin ulllr wi'i-e ininnul in nil l.luili'ii htiiLt Tlu uiliifi'. nf lln 1 utnji.iiij ,uv til ill Hi l'e.l HiltiT, p0iieilt; it'll! ge I), lliiiw-n, i.hii-.ii, and !', II, I'plnii,!'. Tin llalttlltUx .ni" ihH,Uiowii, Inn iho win not csieril Jio.non, ;iuil the lll-M W III In Millli U ll.ll (ri. Coinell-PiiiKeton Foot Ball Gainu. (in , mount of ilii aliuf, tin- w. ihiiu . will well s-puial im iu , ..Inn tliKi'ts lu 1 .t . ,, v, at ,,, . w.iy l.ue rn llu J uu ml Ulp. , Tie Koih will ho s-ulil -.onil jiolnj,- uu any tialn Nuvt'liilie-i ". icliiiiiliiB up to anil In. ihiellnj; NiiVfinbci 1, lu uiilti' In an iiuiiiiiitliitt' tlioH' wlin lli-llf III U'lllll (111. II .1 O.ll-lj In J,,;, i s-puilal tialn will lo.iv uwiko lor umnei'ilut; wlih LacKawunna tinln No. IS. IimnIhb i-ei.inion al C ;'.' a. in Nm enibe.T 2. KnioKc the new Klouu 5e, cl-rar, t di? t i4 ? Mi l 1