The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 31, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    , i-sps cj.'TaT i-vj5viTiT rYj' WW ;t'wf(';iTV''fJi "'"tftv ,,rPT'''ariPv?v,'''wsfa
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The News of
WAN I I'D -A Rurtil Rhl, niliMIc iiiw iiii'ff no I. Iii
nf Jin. Willi mi lllmlum, IM Ihluliir llfo.
VANlTit) 1o fiit Uni hiIiiIti nt men. p
tilj to V. J. flncli. Church Fttrcl, I .it lie ti
dal c. .
Delaware nnd Hudson Enihond.
.tunc o, limi
Iriliu will lone Cirbowlalc at c It hlilloii n
Vnr sninlon niiil WIUi time mil, T.; , "0,
11)1, lti nl, II '.'l n m , 12il, 1 IN '-' '! ' '.
C()i, 7 01. 10 01, 10 SI I' in , ,,
miiuIji tiiltu l"ixc it tJO, II "I n '" , ' ,r
t 1(1, f JO, 8 iJi) p m.
lor Uliuix. Miiliwi. Molitii'H. llw'mi, Vx
l.llRl uul iiultiK ill , 7.00 n. in i ') P I"
('Nil i . .. , ,
I en lip loiloro. XXuxiiiiit, nml limn' it Up
1:1. II l i. in., ".51, i'1l 1 in
Mttnlii tiulii" Imp like I oilor,'. XXn.xiiiut
mil llnm m1 lie it (I i in , I ". I I"' P. "
ll.lllll till iV C lit lllll'MllIlll tiom WIII.M Him'
mill Kittiliut hi fillnxii (l ii. I- -7. 0. JO il
n til : U '7, 2 "i!. 1-'l. I 2s, (ION 7 01, 6 II, " il.
1 1 XT p Hi i 1 VI I in
Siiml tv tiiiltH tnrlii ut PIT n in 12 10, .. 1,
4 2, II 20, II 0 n III
Nimln truliH iiiiln it Ciilniiilitc Inn Ml c
ilui. XXuxiiiiit uml IIowmIiIi ul 12 1,, I Hi
mid 7.Vi i in
New Yoilc, Ontailo nnd Western. 17, VV
1 1 1 iii4 rni- (.'iilnnilili- ( H Niuiliti H 7 00 i
In , t0)li III
-mull) Il ilns rt 7 01 i in . Mil p in
Illln.H 1 ill (iillininlnln 101 tolhts until It
II to i in tin tin 1 ii jt ii 10 ii iii liiim
1 mln,' it II in j in xmk iln "ml o 1"' ' n
Nitiln linl.c u tin etlntis fit Nxx ii l '"'i'
lulu- titlxr fniii Miinlo'i it II 10 ii in e Id
Ji til Iioiii niit I mill, 4 ill p in -nml in
linn -"inili ii .il !i 10 .i in .ui'l "Ii P '"
In in I uln-fi .it i IH p in
Eiie Bnihotd.
Illll" .", liul
I I ill.- Inxc t It V -I illoii. I iiIioiuIiIp 'lull
dMl- Ill) U70IM III TlliltiiP III I "
1'inti It mil Mm mIi nt I ' I in . ilnlx d
icptliu -uml n). fiu Miiuliimliiii mil in 'H
n in ns f'l Vxx Xoil- it mil lull!" mil il
(i 10 p 111 lu - 1-qm ilUltll, llllMll? ItllUlllOU-
Mr mliii point
niihIix intns it ' 1 1 ii in f"i siin,tii Ilium,
xxitli xxi-t in nil met inn" mil "7 p in xxitu
mm ii'iimitlnh
It iin-, mini it i V I in nml I P '''
Sum! ix- a h 1 1 i in
Tlirn Tlicic was a Stoimy Time
When the Stieet Depaitment
Sougltt to Remove It Chief Mc
Andicw Intoi views and While Ho
Says a Tew Things to Coopei tTie
Fence Is Removed Stoiy of the
i:-Spetial Odkcr Ju-eph t'oopci. .m
Italian Ubidciit of sliect,
elthot Iii'imi lionilwin. ' hv Doliiwaio
ami IlucNon suieois oi N a -ttonK
litllei'i In the sa.liiK "I'oi-i-s on is
n ' ii t- jioli.t'j nC the law '
.lou leientlv pin cliauil Kind fiutn tlio
"Ucliivwue and Ilud-on lonijiain litlmi
tlio CMiuuiu itul Wt-lcin litiilKf on
llexipltiil -tioct and oictted tlieieott a
liiijulsuiiii li(i stoij le-ldemc B
lnoMiilli'lit Tupsil i nlKllt .loo anil t.o
e:al mIIIIiik ir'IkIiIjou i cited a tpti(t
i in losing the 1 1 out section oi his piop
i'it, takiitf; In tlio sttcol which lor
ihmiIn slMy eai- has lieon opined to
tlio liuulli 'lt KrBlni'er Kupp was
liotllk'd a clot (lav aftoi lionn of Coop
1'i't. doitiK' and sciiniiiK City Solioitoi
Stow ail'- opinion, in (onipanv with
bticot Coniniis-ioiit'i Klllon and h -fouo
oL men, wcnl to tlio Mono Cuop
ei was obstinate and tofu-od to allow
the -Hoot depai tnioni to ten down the
loiuo. The (ll otn,lnooi pioinpilv
-ont a mi onset- lor Chlet nl I'ollio
JliAndiou who liastonod oor aimed
with a wattaiu tor Coojiot - ane-t un
the cliujjp of loncins In tlio ptihlie
"Joe" o acd an hoioli lolo, lint tlio
ihict load tlio w.iunnt to lihn and
tNplulntd the -itnation. While the two
wote In ioiuois ttlon the Mi cot di
piiitiiient was in action. Tlio load v.ti
lo-njK nod, the fonio nosts and lulls
lu hit, (inlckly taken up and tin own
aside. Cooper wantid to know If tlio
( it wanted the le-t of his lot and his
him-e. Ilo then thtoiitcned to lnin'
Milt aKainst tlio lily loi tio-iia-x.
A Klanco at the lino- on tho di.tKiain
In thu pu-scbsion of Cniipci liow an
aiiHlu on the south end of the piopom,
lmt the line which ho claims was gi
oti In him b Uolawaio and llndhon
siuoots makes no allowance lot tho
niiKle, hut jsae a dlieit lino takiiif,
In iiioi n of tlio -ttoet with ooiy .ud
tlio tonic takis hi noiihwuid.
Thu mad which old lo-ldonts ,-av
has hem a public hlshwa hip ln
twooit illty and slt jnu.s was u
voiitly iutpiOMd hi tlio cltv lum of
lion and at jiiobont Is in osiullent 'on
lltlon. Thtto was Homis tumuli' at tho
tlino ot the stuet belnjf hnpiood as
d'lallid in tho Tiihuno. and at that
tlino C'ikijii i made a eoinpioinls.o with
tlio city ollleials t'ivhih- p.ut of his lot
mi tho t'onth side tor an otennlon al
lownl him on the nppot .side, lie
hcoiiipiI jiotfectly M.itlhllod and his hit-r-t
nimo lame as a stupilb( to the,
dty uutliiiilifoi, Tho toad Ik a diioct
olio lioin West Side hospital httoot
and weio It closed would ho lelt
l h i(.sldoiith in that iilnlt
The tncldonl cui'-od unlto a sth
hiiioiir M'iiRt Kd tcsldents, and theio
wan u lively tiuiu uiltseil by Cooper un
til Chief McAndiow (iimo on the set no
and had u hoait to hum I talk with tho
tot liter spielal polliemau
Colebiatlon Aiinnged by Patiiotic
Employes or Caibondale Metal
Woiklng Company.
'4'ltif lot io of men employed about the
' now plant of tlio Catbondalu Metal
"Wen Mug (oinpany .no trains to mi n
lelehiatlon at tho founUiy on .Satur
day nftei iiooii which will noie to rp
cNpicsslon to their patilotlo upltlt.s and
at tho Mime time hu a soit of imimil
opfiilntj of tho new Industij which
pinntlses to loath fl lotwaul plaio in
tho indium iril aothltles of Wie (om.
Tlieio will be a llaf,- i.ilfliiK with Urn
spccch-maUhiff that j,oen with af.
falls, to ho lollowed h a .social time
dm Ins which c teat a will ho smoked
while tho Ktioals .sauntei thioiiKh tho
foitiidry on a tout of luKpeoiloti
The piliujpal In tho nltalr Is Chailcs
(liahani, foinmij oi Sitmiton, who
will he quite a fac tin In tho ludiistiy
when It becomes .letiw "You sec'
said 31r. (liahain In dlb-nnsiu),' the
plana of the daj with Tho Tilbuim man
Sestet day, " we all loso the old ilutf.
fiomchow, and wa thouaht It would
be the bcHt kind of a hPslunliiK to
chrlHten tho new pluie, as It weie, by
jalsintf Old Clloiy,"
IThe axeiclses will commence at .'
o'clock. Thine will ho In lot aihhcspq
by lion. S. 8. Jones and Hon. John P.
HevnolilH, oflh oi s of the i omp.llO . Tho
heatttlflll IIuk will then ho talscil nmld
the Inn talis of the iiMiombhiKe nnd the
tool lip; of I ho fottmln whistle which
wilt ho sounded for the Hist tlino on
tills occasion. .Mr tlialiatu will mice
thu .Slats anil Htilpes. The Hiik Is a
bcntitlful oinhlein and will ft out
n nielal )iolo, typical of the ludtiltv
over which the ntitlnual inlois will
wine. The polo was spec hilly made for
tho ptiipop, bv a I'liMmiff loiuotn,
after the Idea of .Mr. iltithani.
Tho day bollij; looked fm i aid to
with oiRor aullolp-ulon bv the roun
dly foioc, v ho hope to inalic It an Itn
pinlanl day In the liNtoij of tho now
lnilti."ti ,
Autumn Day Mai tinges Solemnized
Ycateiday In Beautiful Chinch of
St. Rose Caibondale Man Wedded
in Biooklyn. N. Y.
Ti o pielty autumn dm man lucres
woto oli'iiiiilid In tho boititlful
Chinch of rft. lioso M-stoid.n, whin the
1)( lanoy-l.avan nnd Sholln-l!annon
nujiilals took ill. ice.
The (list ecu uionv wii lu tin mot n
Imr at H o'elofk, JlKs .Ml-s Julia Ik
Inney. of WiiMiinil. and Thomas I,,i
rui, ot VandlitiK, pIIkIUmI their miws
in the pio-imc oi a kumI lutiltiiinlo of
adinliiiiK and ull-wishliK fiiond-.
The htldiil pat t iitiuo ii the ai-lc
ns Hie woddln innich fiom I.ohiiiRiiu
was londoied b.c .Mls Allic IlildRCtt.
Uuv. Walltr fiinman John il the couple
while tho -met iiulod ot Cowin's
"Itn-o Mttldcn" (.uno liulii tho oian.
.Ml-s .MniKitici Wooko, of llnwlix
was ljiidesmald, aid S.lcstir o .Villi,
of Toiest Cltv. was the lust man
Tho biide and her maid woie becoin
hiRl row nod. Tho bible was uihed in
peatl stay bto.tdiloth with oi nato tiitn
mltiKs of white .itin fhe wrno i hat
t lut t male bed tho sown, and rained
white lo-i-.
Ms; Woose'- row n was a lax elide i
foulaul, and ho had a (iainshotoujh
hat. Pink io-e-, tied with lihhon of
tho same -hide, xxoto (allied b hoi
When the piif Ii imur
the ohm ch Jli-s Hi idrrett tendeicd tho
Mondel ohn in u h
Thou wa- a leieinlon at the hnino
of the bulk'- n.nent-. Mi ai.d lip
Sjlxo-tot IJolaiiex, lu Wax malt, lol
lowed bv iliniui At I o i loi k .Mi. and
Jli. in lift on a ul) that will om
biace l-its in the in hu i Itlos of tho
oast. Thex xxlll io-lde on tlidi iitiuu
in Vandllns
Mi- I.ixan ha- n wide ilule of
f i lends to xxluitu In i xxomanl.x eiuall
ties luxe ende.ned hoi Mi. l.axan is
,i successful mi u bant oi Vanillins and
enjox s niuneious fi icmMiip-.
Shevlin-Bannon Wedding.
T-.iL oxenliiR at ' o clock in St l!o-e
t lim i li inclined the miiiiagc ol JIl-s
Anna Sluxlln, of Uundaff unci, and
.Tame- liaunon, al-o of tho Durdaft -i i
tlon. The i ounle xxeio tinltnl bx th" lti x .
rieoitro DKon and who atteiidoil bv
.Miss .Tennio Itogan and Joseph I, n
nadx .
Tho hi Ido x ou a puttv jjoxxu of mav
bioadiloth, tastelullx tiiinnud xxith
kixondir silk and apollipii I lei hat
liuitilud tho froxxn. and -hi i an led
while in-os. The maid xxoto a ( astm
shade, xilh applique it liuniilic,-, and
i ai I led pink iosi -
The loitpilon iu'lowid at the homo
ot tho Inlde's patents Tho louple xxlll
Iniinidlateb bosin hou-iktepliiK on
Duudaff stint Tin y ate xxill known
and )ii)-c-s in inx siiKPi, 1 1 lend-.
Wedded in Biooklyn.
The tolloiln.r uoth e fiom a i'.iook
Ixu, X. Y., jiapot do-i illio-tin niai tiase
ot ol)Cit Diiuian .Mitchell, a loiincr
icsldont ot Caibondah , who has a host
of It lends hoie xx ho will unite hi xxoll
xxlshes loi the siooni and his bible
The ai tide toad-
X puli hum' umIIIii,' up cltiimliil le.t
i iIjk -d i iwiitiu I lit X II (in 1m, il
tlio ii-iilnui i I tin Ilui, i 1 1 1 tit-. Mi. ml
Ml- II I'.oi.l, No ,11 On itm -tin I, lit
mill iciini; putli. wile XII, i t(..ii Innu-tiii
llol-t iml lloliiit Pum in Mililioll, tonmili nf
( iiliniul lie, I'l , hut uuv i ii-ihm ii Ilium
hu 'fli hihh 1 1 me- ( i I null I until- m
ICM lulu inn il.iv-. in I ii- iiitmil loi 1 ii l irit
tri iiiiluijllii i, x h.i i- -till liiin,', iml who - t
iiiuuhii nt tin mil I mix n 1 iIii-.1iiik- .,( i
Xiuli otit i', wluli Mi. Mliilill In Ion j-, ti, om
ut tin mi .1 lil,lih l.-(iK.l -uiteh Iiilillh, lit
Niilhi i-uin I'd i.-jh.illli
Hu lillili, xilui I'M.' i nii if I'iiiiiI ib
.'put nxu while liluitj ulln mil ini'il i
I iri hi input ut liul iii-i- ii niun e i
In hu Ijlliu lh i I till Ill, Mi- XI i 1 1
lulio-, x h u in I in him -ill. ih sun in I
i nihil pink lu-.- Iin .mi in nil ntuulnl I a
hi- hiolhir XliMUihr Mltili'll, ul I ilhomlll.
Xiiioiii; tliu.-i piii.ia xmii Xli- AiiiIiim
Mitihill, MIm lhhti Mill In II, i til In i .mil m-im
ol tin kimiii. until I nhuiiiiih, Mi .mil Mi -.
(iiMiiifiu Hoist i iiiu-li il niiipa-ir if hi-
(il mil ihoul -isl.i utlui m-l- I In hi.u-i.
M t.-tifullx iliiiuiiiil xllh p'liuil pliul- .iml
hlllllJIlt .lllllllllll l( Hi . X 1 11.0 ln ul' tin
llltll II -sllll hi I llllllM' III -iliallllli' liilllitl,
X , ihiu' Mllli hihh' ,iluih1c uM 1 u i
riames Completely Destioy Homo ot
Nathan Davis at No. 4.
names hinuKht ill-atn last
1 iKhl to Nathan IIiixIh, a lesldent ot
No, I, b.x loxollns hi- houso whli It is
Imatcd in that t-ettlciurnt, i lo-e to the
home ol Ihmiueor .lames Daxk-
Tho llto was a t-oxeie loss to .Mr Da-
Is, as theio was no Insttiaiuc on
ellhei tho dwelling or the householii
Koods which woto lotiniiiud In the
llanio.s. Tho house, whlih wa.s built
about ilnee jiau. ago. t-oon attet Alt,
JJayls iimoxed to tlihs -iclloit fiom
near 'WIki,s-l!auo, lepusouicd tho
S-.txIllfti of .1 Hie time,
The oiIkui ot thu lit it is a mxstci,
art theio xx as no one at hoiilo at tho
time Am theio is no llto iiiotei tlott at
.'u. I, no miaii, h.ixo thu btnhet Inl
sadc, i mild be emplojiil to keep down
tho hi t.e Tho Humes had kuIikiI
Hitch lieadvxa.x w lion illscox t-iid that
men thlh loulilii means wit, m no
Th Hu on mud about u ,ji).
Biin ami Hoise Destioyed.
I jiii, lilui.ln. li. Jh. I'lliliL -i un,
loi itul iuii tl uwliil iiiiii, na ih ti ml
In ll'l nil lUlill.l i; i.r w ,, III i in
ilui hi ili llilio I lit hhi m .iippiil ti
I in hull -t Hint h i oh
Dr. Whaleu to Lecttuo.
I.Vi hi II i lull a ixiii iiiimr li- iU'
hr.iiril litiu, the Wit ji .1 Itutuui m tin
lil-'i II ii," b Kic llu lli kIudI ituliiit.
In the itMiubl.1 rgmii ut tin, luifjl ii,ui
luillilliitr in I'iIiIj; cxciiiic;, Nux b
Notice to Mitchell Men.
All moil, hi I of tbe M lti hi 11 II toe euinpjiix ,hn
Inliiul cuius Io li rii'X ii li) tlio ArlHin tdr
xxlll In: nt the (II) ulillon In lull iiiilfitm
at TU'i o'llotlv IliU rxcnlni;.
Bon Ton Compimyn ravoilte.
(Iiip4 Irjhttinc'i lion lull ''luck lotnpiny
li plutliiK ii Kli it f 11 01 It J ut thu tlialul tliM
wril, 'lim inmilril iiiutlrliios xxiru Iliniui -clj
ili iul .Xititilo, xxlmti tin' hlll xxiiu, 'Tim
I'rliuiM nl I'iIiIik" nml "ti tncrli in llclr
i"." 'I ho nmlliiiu' lot tiiitlit xH xery (to
lliiidnlh' uml lim niulnll.x prrpli' xhto ticitllly
rnririil. 'Hip hill lniljht xilll ho "IIiiijiIiij; tin'
Wlilil'ilml " lluf xilll In- ii initltiri' in ihuiI,
with thonitiic miiiihii of iiijm utile rpiililllii
To Piny in HoneBtlnle.
IImiii ,oliK luliul nl u I ill grhlltoit horoo,
rcpiiMiitliiK tlio Cuh uul.ih' IIIkIi fjIiooI, wilt
Jouitiri Io Ilonmlil on -iiiinln iml rmloixor
to pit lutu the he nil ut tin' Miplo Cin's mp
lo'flitullu' ilcxui tho tlHllmriiH ut fm I hull
Xi li ixc huitlul up out iiiliilihurV riilhiKilMii
on lie lnii hill illuuoiiil, nml iftir '-.Muni ly xxc
lull ml I i lie ii of tin ( r foil lull nplt ttlotu lu
Itiir ihiiil nml tmtitil 'Jhrro hu uln m h in
llxnltx tictxxcin tlio two iltle, mil tin' lo-tilt if
ll"t Slllllllll' piinc will ho i iltcil xxllh RlClt
ilitiirvit hi tlu .iiitiltl pirtMuiii of lioth iliic.
"M in isrr Mini," IMtifliil lint lie hu in ilruii
rrpoiMoi tin; ( urhoni'ili' tint xxlll ilod nit Io
the XX inn' roitnlx lion nil nurwluliuliu 'I'
hit M mr iniitiM xilll ntioinpiin llu trim,
( lili f Ituolpi Xitlmr Iliniui- it lining hl suhoi
dinilr- iini lliine olli ililli.
Mr. WinteiB to Lend.
C I) lutcn. of luiinn xlll he tlii li iilor
of Iho men's inrrtln; ut Ilui Hi inn PiptUt
(Iiiiiih tit v t -iimlii tiioiiiiiij ut 0 I"
Mi. XXIntrrt l hup of the Inilin hiiiiic nidi
of I ul. minim ioiiiiIx, Pell k ut tho hi ul of
thu will l.iiimn Hrni of I) XMutrr-i .V (o.
hut lhul tunc lu ilo 1 luce ninount nf iiIIkIoih
xxoll. lh' U the Mincilnldiilrnt of tlio I il-l
MithnlM Ipl-upil Nimlix -ihool In Iii- honn
ihiiiih, mil tho iiidliltiil of tho I ii kin mil i
( oiiiili Snnili -ilnil loulilill'li
llu nun of the Hi i ii ii iliiiuh will sr thu
m urn licnrliil, u.1 iu tliii-lnu IhkIuim nun i
inu-l t;oinil r'Hilliu
A New Position,
.loiph ximinmi, i will liionii jo,in' mm of
tlil-i till, Iih iiirplul tic n;i in i in tin- tirri
tun hi tin Mlintli ml I'm lti Iii irmpitn.
iml toil ii -I irti nut on tin ii I in hii now p)-f
1 toil Xli Muiniin H i mo I riitnpil-lns: xn in,'
lum iml ii- Ik hi- i xiuh lolon if filuuN In
lim ilelnih, xxill no il mlit in il o lOiitu it
li - mix initiiii Hi- liiinx filiml xxl-ti him tin-
lllllllCll UKU I
Home fiom Wedding; Tilp.
Ilxti ti I, l.iuilr inl Mi- (.noiiii. xxin xxcra
X'ulilril in Itiltiu ii. i nix jn Octuh.i, io
tm i c tl to tin- nil 1 1 i.iti tli ii xiu'.hn,. torn,
xo-tiniii llu. xxlll iiiiii- ill tho lolin oil
lion o on i-hlnl' u stKct
In a Dangeious Condition.
1 liulii is Dilimx, xxtio h xull Iioxxn in fir
luiulih, mil xxhi lu- hem ill of txphoul fntr
fot i utiph ot xxul-, il hi- h ,1110 in XX mud,
h xnx loxx, .iml tin plix-ionn- no iptilicu
-no of 111- IlLOXlIX
Politicians in Town.
Pi I I -ilti i, l)i nu et itii noinuiCL tor i i lu
ti l in in'', mill xi-ll to I Iii- i ilx xi-kn'ii
Ilo xx h iiioiupiiuiil hi Itul nt Mkiii-m ml
Ihoini- X il-h III pnlx loi-lcu I it
the II mi-hi lnnw
XX X (liimul- of lliiin'lnuilon, I- n th, inx
(luiln Mi In nn i, ol lloiK-ililo, xx i m tin
Cltl l-lllllll
(I - Itlu , nf -iiJiitin in nil 1 tup to
( ill mil ih xp-ioiilix
(.lh- I (Ink, n -ri intuii, it-'i-luul a the
imiii in iiou-i xo-(iril ix
I' I' I iix-ou, of the l'liiliililplut I line- xus
i xl-itn In I. nli mil lie xe-ti ntn
Mi mil Xi- 1-iiL IIiuiii- ot Wilki - limp,
xxni the am -f- 1 1 fiu ml- in thu eiix xi-tuilix
I I Itiukc iml ihuslitii, loitl-t, nf Jim.;
liniiluii, .no alo Kiii-1- it tie Iluiki u-i-ih
Xli- X tlh in XI ilmn oi iiihinl i- i m-t
it llu hi im i I Ml in I XI IP Ilui 1m , in
-mull XI nn -tiut
1 U ( ln.i, 1' X - nihn X- II llu.njii
h hu I (.illisl il '.illcl if
-i i iiilou xxin it i'ii linn un li ii-t xxi-tuilix
Mi, Duinlnlilc Mi Andicw. ol Axoi.t,
and Ml Annie Mi uiluxx, daus'litoi
ol Mi. and Mi- Thomas Mi Audi ex of
tin Ha-t Side, xxeie united in maiilago
xostudax- at til noon nt tlio Sailed
lle.iil ihunli bx lti x r.ithit Manle.x.
nf Duniuoie. 'Iho In lib- xxn- attended
bx Ml-s Ji,itln'i (Jannon. and Oxxou Mc
Andiixx, a binthii ot tho 1:100111, xa-Kinom-maii.
Aflet the (Oietnony tho
btldal pnlx- injnxid a i.uiiaKC dilxo
and lati r a locoplion xxa- hi Id at the
homo ol lllo bi ido'- puients. Tiej xxill
make theh homo tit Axoia.
lion. J. ". Catpcutoi and I'toli or
W. I. Hotii-, of Se i anion, woto in
toxxn la-1 oxonltiR. The uilf,o lias a
ho-t of ti lends luic and xxlll (jot a
laif-,0 xnto dim xxcek.
'llu Jilt oi Mits Cooking i luh will
hold a -nciiil .ses-ion thl- oxonltif,' at tho
home nt Mi-s Jis-lo W'lntoi-, of Main
The cniiilo.xt- ol the ihuo Ulllhlilo
Coal eoinpan.x'i- lollioiiis in olxod their
pay fin Iho Hi -t halt of Oclobit jlMci
day Mi- I. A. fiioeu, ot South Main
Mint, has been "d lou-l.x 111 the j).o-t
thu o da:-, tin i ateticd with an atlaik
ol pin iimoiiia.
W. C .Viohul'-oii, T. II. riawlonl,
ruuik lionn lilojit anil I'lank AVe It h
-pout Tui.-dio at hlikloih', 1111111111!,',
tiiul had a mu i os -till du.x's spoil.
lts William (Ilbb.- and diniulitoi,
Maii,uut. ol Wist Mil lh hi, mho Cai
boiidalt l-itoi- 'I ucmIiix
Silas- II llllls ha- jn. t otoi tid a lino
xxlic xxoxiu if in o tiiound .1 V. Hunt's
innpiilx on south .Main mioct.
Mi l'i tot Sti.o, Into iniiuufier of the
Nilt-nii .Munis mini ItiiiiM, was (iitot
talnoil lij ,i niimlnr ot Itlh it huds nt
Until xcix on TlltMlaV cxiulnj,', n
ikhiiiit iop.i-ii was Mixed by Mint
Most Collins and uncial houis ol i-o-dal
lnliliotn-( Clljo.xnl b the Km -IH
The iinmhiis ol tin St Aloji-lus s,o.
"The only perfect
baby food"
"fter mlliniipolntlre trial of nuirlj
ll iho xarliiua rnllml t,hy foml fur
luirljpj, ly oiiiiluit im Iforuilliii lir,
JlBiit'a I'liiiilihuliil Co uliiiuril Milk,
anil tluru r nn xionla in the IhirlUli
InULMiaku that mn vtpretn it prnlsci
tuitti iiiiuiiili 11 liKHtliu iifiimaAry tirop.
rt x In. li iliu ollur hiiAlleil hsliy
food Sl i,, nml lomMrr It the only
iierfrii lisly dm ton tlio mirkit Io ilijr
Hint xiillilimiiro a puny, flkkly Imliy to a
.., . . .. "Il I) h llu tin.
iiiuniioiuiini, ,-,, ,atiiv lrw.
P h os p hated
ynnrjmMiiitTiirinii inn nmniiwi
'1 111) I)1i(i-ii1iiiIl.- unit In iiimlini.
Jlllltln .lllllltl to 1)1. llllllllM t'Oll.
ill 1161 ll Xilll, niu un IllKlllirK UK
I he.) mo In, mill build Iliu
Inula, in i x c, iihkikn, tiotli unit
lioiiiB just in win at iliuc. I ho
mix purlut liifnnt inoil; ii milk
that l.iops six net xxlthout lio tlio
hottul iltij lu Minium. Wilt" lor
fri ii Imokli I on Inlunt tooUt.,
Scrantou, pa,
A Daily Nuisance.
A Simplo Komedy Which Will In
tel est Cntrurh anffercis.
In Ho miller stiiRus catiiuh Is mine
of it niiKintc Ihan it iiienaio to tho
gcnonil health, but cornier or lator, tho
disease c.t'iulR to tho lltunt, bionchlal
tubes and ucn to the xtom.uh and In-
Catanh Is osqcutlally n ellsoao of tho
nnuotiH mouibianc. tho local oinptoms
bolnr u piofitso tllscliaiKC ol mitious,
slojiiiat'o ol the nostills, lultatlou in
tin o it. iiittslinr coinjIiiniT, siieivins.
tmKjrltiR- and fieciuont ileal Iub ot thu
tin oat and head.
Tho usual ttititiiiont bx'
dottilies, Hitttlt-, kitlxes, otc , olton p-is
tenijioiuiy tellof, but anxlhlliff like a
(iliu onlv be oblulnid b it lliat
liinit xxlikh toniox'js tilt) eatauhal
taint fiom the blood and the (!ls;ip
lioaiatne of tho Inn fiom the
unit ous sittfitecb.
A now- totiiodx- which uicfls tho-o 10
iliiiteinoiiH and xxhleh to l.u has been
lilll.tlkiibly bttcecsstul In i'tiililf e.i
t.itth is Stuart's Ciitiiuh Tablets.
Those t ihlots nit upon tho blood and
nun ous tnemljianes only. Tho.x inn
baldly he c allnl t piciot pilont modl
e Ino as they sue composed ot .such ulu
nbli, leinodlos as H.iiiKulnnil.i, IlMlias
tin, luiubplol and simHm ekan-liiK
.'iiitisejitlcs xx hie It etiie by olIiiiimitliiK:
fiom tho blood and muiotis sntlaio-,
tho e ilniiha! pol-ou.
rftuatt's Catanh Tablets :uo laiRC,
jiloasant tastlni! loonsos tnken intoiu
till.x, allowing them lo dis-olxo slowlx
In tho month, in this xxav thov tench
tho, lauies and tho ontho ali
mont.iiy canal.
If ileshid, thox max al-o be dls-olxod
in water and u-ed as a douche, in ad
dition to tlio Intoi mil n-o, but It is not
at all noicss.iiy to use a douche, a foxx
of then t dis-olxed in tlio month ihtllj
xxlll be -liilii lent. llowoxci, xxhon
theio is mm li -toi)iago of the nose, a
douillc made tiom tho-e tablets will
She immediate loliof, but the lORiilat
dally tifcu intoi nallx of thc-e tablets
will emu tho whole lataiihal tioublo
xxlthout ios.oitin' lo tin lneonxi'iiienio
ol a douiho '
Ui. Uoment statis "that the internal
tiiatnniit loi latauh Is l.ipldly takiiiK
the pluie of the old plan of douiliinf,,
and lonil application and tuttbei -axs
that pinbablv the best and icitalnlx
the -ate-1 leinedy at ptosont ou the
m.ii ket is .Stuait's Catanh Tablet-, as
no sen el Is made ot theli lomposition
and nil the leallx' ellliiont lemedios lot
i.itaitli aie lontalmd in tills tablet"
I)t tijftrists -ell Stuart's Cutaiih Tab
lets at llttx- tents foi full Med paik
ah'os. Ask 'xoui ehiif,'t,lst and if he is
honest he will till ntl theio is no -afo,
mine imlalablc. mine ellliiont and con
xenleut icincdx on tin mat ket.
liolx- (onuui moiatod then annixoi-ai v
list oxonintr xxllh a -upjioi in Until
Axtix and a -oeiil in Ihlteipil-o hall
Tho aflali xxns a t-ic.u -line-- and wa
luiiiolv uttondtd.
Tho Mlti hell Uo-e iiimp.inx, nl Cai
bondale, xxill attend tho Ailo-dun tall
in n liodx tonight, anlxlnjr line mi the
7.11 Uolawaio and lltid-ou ti.ilu. To
niouoxx ixoninur Nnllouiil Oiganiot
Jamls Jtooxi- ol tile AmiilKamnted As--01
httloii ot Sticd It.nlxx.i Ihnplo.xe-.
will dclixit no addii-s in I he hall, and
loinouoxx x.HI be the -lint ai men's
I'lt'ston l!adt,oi, Haloid Uaxls ami
ItcKluald lIotiBliton attended tho teaih
ns' institute tit Si uiiitou l stoulin
Mi-. Il.ntlox Million hti- tisuln Mif
fiinl a lolap-o
t 1 o'i Imk x-t,culi S(, i',(.
luh'- (liuiih. Xnll m xiuiph.i iml X-i Mm
Xkllotitiill, of pioiinoio -tint, xxi io joinc I ill
lillliliu'. Ihc llllttlOllX xxi- p.ifoiiuul hi llix,
I' I. Mm plii X- tin hihlil putx piomilil lo
llo.iItu i ul, Xli l.iii xh(,intx plixul i xxul
din,- 111 lli !i tin li.ilo ixon i mii liiiutiiiui.'
ili of i i-t u i Intli tiiininul "lili loi. jul i
hlii, Xilxil hit -In xx.i .i tin lul hi Mi s
Xhn-u piiup-u. xx Im xx.i- r-ltni I nix .ittltul loliu
Xliuplii, i hiutlic nt llu ..iiiinii, xxi- In -t. IIIIII,
V imptioii xxi- hi hi it the hihh - houii 1 i-t
iiimiIii," X fiitiiptiioii4 xxul Iin. -uppir im
nrxul. liul tor mxciiI Iiout. llu t l .-1 i x i 1 1 1 - xini
en mnl
X nun X" llxnr, r-n of -iiiihii, xxill ih
Ilui i Iiiiiih in the Hill ill llipti-l ihur h
llii- Mining Ili- -ill jut xxill ho 'Iho Xliiul
il I'oiiiprii, ' xxlil li xxill ho illu.tiiliil xxllh
bti iioptiion xini-i, IliU ii tho Mioml of i
riii- of Inli m, tu li ixou in ihc tboxc
i linn i It xxlll h i tint tu In n 1 hu
Miii lnoii.1 hllL'thx uul X. llutlii XXillliiiu
Ii ix i li I in lici I ho in , Hid iilnlln," i frix ilns
It tl 0 1111 llli ill III (SpOslllotl
XIU-i X ili I lilixniN i xisilliicT 1011111(4 it
-n niton,
Ml.-. 1'itir IIuViU, xxho tu, lull xt-iunn- In r
on tin i, .liiim XI i hi-, of huh iu inn i Urcit,
i xi'lii.lji fi i In i limio In Mihiimi t It.
I I' I'n. u on Ml ji-tenli) lo p"iul a texv
xx, ol,. in I'uiliiklihh
Xli .iml Mn, I I niun M ti tit II ire -polling
tin woil, it Iho llutTilu ripo.llinii
xtn lum- niiuu, of mn irut, iilimlnl tho
lum I il if hi- Xn Ihoitiii lli"ilii, nt
Wlllii llnrr xritnil x
Iho Willi n i Ililli i Iub ul mi, limn, xull
Inn i- I i u (ipui l Is in tho lilt lllk l hic
Itivl it Hi 1 1 , Hi I li i ti it III) Ililli' ti. un II.
lu ili II xxlll In i h.uiilli ail lit .ill I llu loo Ik
Hill hilt u tin tupuloi ti im xxllh i
lull. ,1 kllppu ( L Jllllt Jmw lu l,min the in lit II
on, tixilx nun lu i, ih ti mi, tut iliuU pit iu in,
ili.t.mii, Jul x.iul, itlcKiipiij ulloxxnl
I Xliliiinl Xlor.Jtti, tho xxill loiuxxii
'iilu, li h n in,' a nn. rifclilciKu niili'l on
Siiiilu X iin ,:nii, xhlih, v, Inn lolupli lul, mil
1 1 iu onuiiiuit n thi lum i
I ii i n In i - ii mn hi loll, h sihoi.U mo ill
J'li i ilui0- tin t.ji'ius' jutimiii ji Siuiilon 'lib
xx. I
llu M ii.lit in I I ixx m ' VjiiIhIIIo coin
p.ini b in i x,ii in it ililn pufniiu.iiuc at
Xilnr' link on Tui'ji'jx niiilii?
I'n i " I loin,, Hu mil hiiuixn iiui-K-il m
n hub n un, i,ul n. j.liiilli jloi on iiiu-ii it
llu I'itutoii ii.lul Iful, pi ho In hi on l!i.iiil..-aix
In, 1. j
I. nil iu)i xul1 liuiiui Iii Xi-l s ijiiIuii tq
xx on th tluuiiii,, li huuiui tlixl- j ml
.M lull, foi -".i I a -i 1 1 1
M jiiI h.- M X Willi mi- uul faniili of
MjIii utd, jtiiiuloil iho fiiiicul if the IjHoi 4
IjioUui Mi I ilu, x.hiii. at UiDiJ. Jidljx
UU.'iim io l!n' 1ml,, ol Ihli tomi, fiom
Wj!iiiu.'t 11, S J , i.jj, nut hl Min.JIiin.x, I11 1
fjlliii fiom a lahluo ami xx 14 Injuiul. jn I ursH
I1I111 mi'l hi- 4on pinlol to (uiiio on ut oik p. Tlo
lujuitl xoiiiu' iiijii, inj l.uiN, xuj innlo)fil
hy the Diltxmic Iwikiuuu ami Wcslom umv
iuix' in n IkIiIki' luillikr.
MIm I'lliol O'lloio, nf M11I11 tlirrl, Im Urn
Hie aruct ol rctitliM in I mboiulilc for Iho put
hK. .1, 11. krrn, uf HitfTilo, N, V, U Milne
rclillXM In Inxxn
XlrJ I., tl '11 Mnrrli, ihuuhlir (Imr nml
oii I'ml, nf Dillon, -ire xblllnir nlitixn lien.
lr Mirllo '-illicit . of sirnnloii, l xMIIiir it
Itu liotni' nl Mr. uul Mr II w. -iilnrcixi-1, of
XI 1111 sin ol
lr l'i ink 1 ili ml I cnldliiliilutf lur flitir,
MIm ntii Xlnon
XIm Mint I. It In tli p. ul -ct.intiii, li xlnihiK
nt tho liomo of h r nn. Mi. nml Mi .'iinri
1111011011, on lxl7oi'a ttlilltlnn
Mli.1 Ixitlo (llllii.lirr, III- pliiiiM, of Molt
llnxiii, lm lion rnifiiitril hx lh1 rtehm llo.o
rouiiiii). of Irrnnn. xxho nrr miiiliirlliiK n fm
('. I. (iiiiiriiiiullir nml diiMtilpr. Ivtlirl, f)n nt
iiitulu xxllli Mi. (iuriiniillcr' sPItt, Mm nm
I In Xlcjri, of -rt intuii,
lliiininu -l jrn xxi , of M1I11 IhtI, Im io
liunril lionn, iflu pintltii; i foxx this illlt
-trillion filo ul-
XIoisik. S 1111 int All, ti. Cohort IIuiIiIkIi. It )
ltroo nml MmiU Unshoe tiluriiul lintuc Ik'
tiiitlit tiom Ion); I'otul, xi i Hi a hli; 1 1I1I1 of
Xlr, llilo lixlir xxcnl to Srintui lo (ou
"() in uli V I i-l r mlti,'
Oioro (tirk (ill il on Cuhoinlilo fililuN if
tcnlij .iftornoon
Miii. It i-toilo, Xilll) lllK hull Xh-llillg flit ml' 111
lliittalo, Iin rrlntncil, iconipinloil In lici i-litor,
Mn (tiou-'o ( I it
Xhilln ( unioili irimril filnuU it hi- 1 1 nie
lut -iluiilix" oiinlnc, to In ir hh miphiphom
llio 111-H xxoic Mi. itul Xln Ilirxn Mukii
nml f,on, Mi. nml Xfifi 1 INuorlli Muilo mil
ilitithlir 1 tf . Mr. .iml Mi Xhll J-fn- nn.I
Ii Hill 1 11 . Xluo, 1 mill iml ltirlul, loo iml
111 1 tin Pfox
XII-11 X'hli iiiil Xliinl IId.IiiIii ire on tho -hi:
Healing Befoie Judge Vosbuig-
Ycsteulay Vitnessco Who Weio
Thoio xxis a hentins liefoio .liulo A.
A. Vo-sbuiK in Oi phaus' colli t xi-tei-d.ix
iu the mattei of the iontest"d xxill
of Mis Maty Dnihoity, who died at
Caibondale 011 Oi tobot l'J laut, aoil
bl xoits At the time of hoi death
Mr. and Mis. John ltuinett xxeio Hx
UtK it hot ltouse Mis. JtuineU i- not
a lolatlxo, but had llxod with Mi.
Dodtotty oxer since she xxas a little
Kill Tin oe .iro -bo man led
.lohn Itiunett at d sbue then both hu
1) met and xxifc hnxe llxod at Mi-.
Docket l s.
Tin 00 (lax- follow inif the death of
Mis Docket tx, ,i xxill allowed to h.i', e
boon made bv hoi on Januaiv "! l&iu,
xxa1- admitted to jirobato It left all
ol hot citato lo Mis lluinotl. Tho
ostuto consists of a piopoity on Pike
-ttoet. Cat bond ilo. allied it : 1 r 00 .
$.'0(10 in Koxotnment bonds and $"'10 In
Mis MaiB.uet Hail of Pittston. and
Mis Mail 1 QuIrIox-. ol Wilkos-Uauo,
aie nieces of the deietfed and thev
sock to haxe the will set aside .UIpk
iltpr that it the time tho will xxas made
Mi- J)tickeit xxas not of -oimd mind
and xxas iutapablo ol intin m'ltm hi
afiaits Thex woie lepiesontid at the
hcailnpr .xo-teidax- bx Altoinoxs P A.
O'Hoxlo, 01 Pitt-ton, and .1 P Miuiihv
of this i lix-. Attotnox .lames . I O'Xoill
of Caibondale oil toi the xxlll
Among the xxitne os osaiulitiil les
teulav xxoto Jit- i:,ul nnd Mi-. Quis
le., and tile folloxxins: luuii Caibon
dale Mi- Cannon, Mis Biidet
Mm 1 In Michael fonuni, Abiabun
l.lowell.xn, Mi- Sainh l''inuli,an,
Thomas SanKi and Mb had PluniKaii.
Annthet hc.11 lim will bo hold net
riection Officeis Appointed.
Com t M'-teidaj apiiointed the feil
I ) iu,; oliitlun oil 1 1 1-
Arthciv fault 11, mlnoiit.x ii-jntit
nt the rilth dl-tilet ol Pit-t wild,
f-il.uH ill
Mlihaol M( Don lid lltiUc .lames
Mciia, m.ijoi,t 111-p cten, (lio.tto ltob-iii-iin,
mlnoiltx in-!ie( tot ol th c'11 t
ei-ttlit ot the Seiond waul ot Uii'i-
I in'o.
Alfied litilhths, jiiilm' ot 1 In lion fm
th. Second xxaul ot .loimxn
Jo-eph .1. Johlot, liiilo nt ok tiou
ot lllo See olid illsliht ot the I Ilex 1 nth
xx aid, Sctnnton
Thomas (liiflitlis, iitiln'e ot oIoliIou
of the Thinl dlstih t ot tho Twentieth
waul Sit.inlon.
It. W. T.ixloi, liiinoi Itx- lu-,pp( ten of
the Second xxaul nl Mlakolx boiniii,h
William Wit lb, iurtso ot olecliiui uf
I'll -t dl-liiit ol the IJkxeiith w.nd of
bet anion
Wntl In .lones, iii-pnlot ol the Mi -ond
I'istliet ol the Tlllld wind ot C tl -hondalc.
Ycsteulny's Mnuiage LieenGO"?.
.lo-i pli XX iti-hln -ujuttn
.Xutiio II klits , -irjitin
II ix il 'I lone- ( llll. .11)
Ixllli- II It ti 1 Pill Xlllo
1 1 llll, I'llll'll I- . . -1 1 11 till
I ih I 1-111 1 Ii .-1 1 niu n
I ml I oxiii -n inn 11
M III -I llllHtl - 1 Mlti 11
Xli .ipplh llloll fi 1 1 ill 1 1 1 1 ft 1 tin 1 il. 111 I
fun I ol Mu 1 0 nun- .it I) nun 11 1.1- llh 1
xi-tuilix hi M tm 111 1 I 1 ml, I lli.ih I
H m v catn? souP or ysters W H
H Gh P is furnished by fl H B
iy hold onl tu lu-ersenl I'ucUugen. Price, Scents. 9fl
muVrt II cm to Hie illlilc of Imoilixrittuti t'le
l'.ililck IViHiitiin, .lohn tllllonl, nihil Mou
nd And IhoniiK lli'uio.
Toiirt jcetiulii tmili' nn onkr tuiiodiiK Ihc
polllli; pHtc nf (ho I I rut xiatil ut till til
from Jllli Wii he nxrmip to VII 1 7 011 tlio fini"
llu xxlll of Muj inline, lllo nf I iiknxx nun
Inxxmlllp, Xlilt lllllllllll ll In (.1 nil It 0 .M-lllihll
nml kill r-li-l inicnt 111 urnulol In tulli (Itlitt i
I111U0 tilxxutiU .xi-lrtilix utililiil 11 piillniiu
nix Itiluni lh i ir.-lr lining IIiumII I hi fiom ion
llllitltitf tlio lil'llr-s rf llu I'llfietlou M t III
fintill Inx; iiniiinx, Iho .ipplli im luliu .ut!iitiK
N Mini, n pillmi 11 pioviilul In Minim-)
llilph li kin X In irliiu 011 tho itih tu tliu i
ulil-o xxhx III Injliliilinli iu uM lint In' li ulo
pit in im lit xxlll lio hrhl in Vix I
Il'iulcr tliU hcio!ln' phort Idlon of tnlcrmt
xxlll he pnlilljlii'il xxlieti iiconipinldl, for pulilkJ,
lion, h Iho xxrltrr'n nunc Tlio rrlhutiO (loci not
(Mime rcponilhilili fir opinions licro etpitinil J
About tho School Desk Conttnct.
IMII01 nf tho Irll uno.
clr llollrxln? lint tlino 1110 ulixiin Ixxo sulrs
In 11 utorx, I xxoitlil tint j oil puhlbli tlio en
olo'oil lottu, rii'tnlii if Iho contract tor tiltool
I roiilriul liul $t rod a'lutilil littir lrn nxnl
to Iho tivpinn of -iiantnn, itul nlm liul xxuni
toxpuriH of our ell v Mil on fuinlMiliiK', II" x
ihoul I ho Kiion tho ircfiun o oler 011UI1I0 jur
tin It i!om not (.rim In tlio xxrltor tint tlirtc
Is mix filrnn In kIxiiii; iniilncts intflilo of our
ox'ti ellx xxh n llnic lit nniplo (ninpotlllnii at
I101110. llio Inllilln,,- cuniiilttio nf tlio hoanl nf
rontiol no tlo tm n tint flinulil ho lielil no
ooiinlihk I ir pallia riirh 1 lilifli piloo fir ih-l.i
xxlu 11 1110 Juit n (.nod cnulil Inxo been jmr-ilii-nl
foi rri 1 run or tio-k le -.
Iho He-I- olloiul Ix Suiilmi liipd mil I'nr
nlttito ronipinx i in uniliituicil In tho ohli -I
(O'iociii in the 'iliool fill ul 1 11 1 1- liudni", tin
llinox' s,nl liiiiiiiure oiiiiiiix, of (.1 mil
ItiphP, Xllih 1 urx )nit of tlio iloil,, illlur
xxuni oi Iron, li mnli In theh oxxu (iiloi,
n 11 1 It 41111 inliroil fir liflnn xi in 'Ihox luxe,
it nl I tlnie-, lipt fioc finni all tiuxN nml 1 mi-liltulioii-
of nil Kind, liul it the fniiuith 11 0.'
tho li-t 'iu-1, lliex xiro tho onlx linn of nix
ulro Hut Irpt flee of inx ont.uu'h incut. Tiul eon
t'uiio to ti 111-11 1 Dili lui-inm thu null Pirn
liod "i.'riiln Hut m, tlio rvl-tinco of the old
I nitiil -tilii -ihool riimitiirc tnnk thoj xioro
tho onli Urui Hut tho xxtio (oiiliiunlli fii.hl
itu, mil x lir 11 llnx finni 1 thov xxiie not i.u
ro-fill In llu-, tl "x itt(inilnl to htix tliciu out.
Sunt tlio loinutiiii 01 tho .Xiuticiu - nml
ruiniliro lotnpinx, 1 st ililli' liu-t, thex nno
tlll lontlnuoil this piliu of Hjhtins them in
exu! teuton llicx orul1, hut -till tin u cioxxlli
lul hull ontiiitul, tiuI oxiix loir (hot luxo hi-llll-lll
Ihi'i output oici jiiixkih "naoiH 'JI111
Imtii-o hi- int loon etuieil h ooi-io nl
xoiti-iut: or hx luixitu up 10I100I honil, hut Io
fuiin-liiii,.' n tollihlo chl of furnituio nt 1 inoil
cl.tto pilio lio Ilinix fmltlr-- lutoiniti' h
oto of tlio finest tinl-hnl nml best lon-tiuoleil
Pehnol -11U ui iiiuf iiluuil in tlio I nitcil states
II11 ti-lln?- no the hoixii-t 11-til in TUX Fhiub
In? niliool int 111- xxoodixoil,, In lusr of elo.
oil M'tlilc m unpl . x iini-heil iml lunslicil .14
fine h nn 11 Iho null it. or n tho Mil cf
Sirinlu ( 1 1 1 f iml I ill nitiil " (otupinx -p'u-llul
ho .'nil li xxonll hi n nlo Jn.t 1- tlio hoinl
fpi tii'ul
tho ..In rt ff 1 int. n Cirpet anil
inipmx xxi-ti fuini-li i flr-t 1I1-- ili- 111 neri
piitiuilir, nml th x fdtil ronlx iml xxilbn? lo
pixo thur hoi il of l nriiiloe (011 tin iled. xxlurtt
tlux piopo-eil to fiiiui-h) foi hfti rn xiaif xxh ill
xxouhl Inxi hem ituplo piotiellott foi mix cue
tint xx -lie I (n -"0 fill eoinpetitlon
.loliu (. Oxxeiw
uaiiIoii. l'i 0 t "0 I'iOI
Sprciil (0 the 'erinton l.lhime
Hopbottom, Oct ,t) Ml-s Coin Mol
lis tit Kiln, tho jiopulai oloiullonKt, of
Mi. niton, xxlll fjixe an intoi talnment In
the I'liixoi-ali-t (hiiich Tuo-dax txrn
iilR, Xo" ,ri Tho pie-s ha- six on Mi-(
1 1 1 (Tin (lomicnl niai-i loi -01110 time
and -ho xxill no doubt atl'oul tho-o xxho
he.n hoi a 1 tie tioat.
Mi and Jin Jlettis, Ml- Ida Tif
lnnx' and on aid Mi- V. 'M. J.oomls
all -tieiil l.i-l xxoilc iu Mi. niton
Mi. .uul Mi- A It lit. int will loaxe
town on Thin sdax. rdIiic, to Canada
to xl-lt fi lend-, alto xx lib h thex- will
leliiin lo U u foul. Mi. Ch.nnbii lain,
xxho I- to lake jir, Uiant'- j)l ice nt iho
inameix, Is llteadx assisting
Mis- Mm Ion Titu- tiient Sum! t xxith
hoi tnotliif and -i-lot- at Xh hol-on.
Higinnlnf Stindax. Xnx. '! -01 x lie
will bo held at the Cuixe 1 -uli-t dun ill
at 11 a 111, xxith h -1 hnol tol
low Int,
'llio rnlxei-ill-t I.icll. s Aid Miiktx
xxlll moot leu woik Cildax ox oiling xxith
Mt- cii.ulo- Milcklainl.
Mi- Thoion .smith, xx hu ha- bun
isliin,j Ml-s Prunella Tewk-buix loi
some time, icluins 10 hot homo in Wut
ct loxx 11, X. Y, nl tt 1 spemllui; a frw
dux- with 1 1 lends iu Binhitmtnu and
I'ainted I'o-t.
Fricdal to tie Suanton liibme
1'iII-Imi, (lit .o-Xiin,-,r Nnltli. rf tli IV a.
I ll lllljMOlli lllll!l'i, Ills JlNt llllllplltlll
iniiiidtiiu tl" DiIixxiii mil Itii'Noti iixiipiiij h
lulllini', xxitli tin I'm -iin riliint, nml I 11
i Mn it un n mux u u hk -tun, in,' xxnri to
tlir 111 11 ill ud nut liiitiiiiii lutil, Anil I'urL
llltiiiliiiil X n mil il it I'." I I. iiUitli plius
llll ,l II lllll lUIIIIILUll ullli tin 1 1 lit. x i.Iilu
tin pl.t xxul, iml n u i tl i It ii in of Xitiixillo
luxe ul oil tint tlin Ililis III IMHIllllI to lilt
XlituCTi 1 i ink lli-xxill, of the N irlli liul
t il 11 iilu IS ill lim, nt I'nixiili nci , xx ii ui
tin ellx xi-luili) illiiii'Hin i.liiii,ui..- lir i
(.tine lul un tin k( ih uml ii I'lttMin It i it,
tu li' )'l ixu it 1'inxlili nn tit'Xt IiiimIix ixiniti.
Hi Nil Hi Mi i, nl I nir xi n- il ujilii in X
iiiil Mis I In in i- U il-h, nf N nth XI nn -nui,
liul til -I ilui. liifilix tin nun,' iltn in ill
111-.', I f llOII
I II lliiller iin) iniilli if xilll Murl, xxill
liiiiiillil nuke Hull Iiuiiii .it I iki Xilil
llXXW Until U-, nt I III. r'll. Illliixnl ! I
luikiiiiiii in "Hull 1 onii'il i" it tli lti mi
lillllll, I III III-, till lllll llllll lltU'lll III
Iiuiiii n- 'IiiliIi; i"l bulb -iH "I
The Pure Tea
Is as important to
household economy as
pure government is ta
the body politic. Ceylon
and India Tea is pure
and economical and de
serves your support.
Ceylon Tea
Sold only la I.nnd FackeU.
50c, 60c. nnd 70c. Per LI).
Manufacturers or
48B to 455
N. Ninth Streot,
Telephone Call, 2333.
Done quickly nnd reasonably
at The Tribune office.
E'erw Woman
...i,..l"l 1 nt....l1 lAW
,s,r jfi
lt UtlUUDllU JUl'l dii'miim n iin it
about the wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spra
llipneu ait.iialSjrtnpf. V;;jc.
tiou ttn t nimiiit. i.esi ti
si liojir rnmoireni,
ii.itiitti.ii i
lUiraoMt lo.isi ii)
liL ai ii r JriiiFilkl fi r ll
If li-i iiuiut fiu ply Hie
nl i r. hut. k ml stumper it
liMf iUmUhm k rnlfrt It HUP"
It niilii ill iruiii I iliu i lli im III
It iiiiii in nn nil 'ii ii"ip
' n Hli l,l O.,
Ileum iVO, Times HiU , Nexx cik.
Prof.G.F.T!IEEL,527 Aafifl
rfmAt piik iripnii, ra. iiii i j i friii n opirini inf
i ii, i t. .. .. . -' . '.TTT rT-i
IM'f .IPI'.MB lrV I rillll-VIVWIPT Wll TV !!--
I.rtiiH.,Trt-lt rNt4(o 10 i)Att)Eirrst,Ahutri i
111.,,. I I, ...h. Il.t.llllv full H..I.A . I '
iiiuii i i uiiini iri imi i'timiiiji i'ithm'"'.
trlrorrle A. Mrl tun ino r ilttntr . tiiilftlon
irnU.Miruntmi Drain SfHtdfopS'nraTrllmonlat& Mnuhi
In I oklnatirrt rnJIrat tntl clrtrlflfru I. Vrntlon piprri"
;b -t(