The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 30, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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After a Long nntl Trying Period in
Their Career, the Flock Rc-nssem-bled
Untlcr the Most Auspicious
Circumstances Three Funornls
Yesterday Recent Mine Accidents.
Corncr-Stono Laying Tomorrow.
Events of This Evening Other
Notes nnd Personals,
1-'nr the first llim In sewnil yen it,
tin.- members of tin- Klrst Pupllst
church held a lounion lust evening,
nnd U was a reunion In more ways
Hunt olio. It will be recalled tlint the
cniiKiTts'tllan Mas bereft of a homo
nearly three years uko, when lire con
sumed their edlllec on $crantnn slrecl,
iiinl from that time until now the lloek
was more or less scattered.
The congregation jirnjior held tin ir
Weekly and Sunday services In the
basement of the First "Welsh liaptlst
church, the .Sunday school met in the
Plymouth (toiiKivKittlonnl church, tin
Ladles' Aid society held occasional
nieotliiKS and suppers at tho homes of
different members, ami the young poo
jile's union met In lvorlto ball. Tills
sort of nrranirenicnl lias been curled
on ever since the lire.
With the opening; and dedication of
their handsome and substantial new
home on South Main avenue. Vast or
Mathews felt that the services of the
past week would not he complete with
out sonic sort of a leunlon and jollifi
cation meetiiiK', and with that idea in
view, ho called his flock together last
c veiling'. The meeting was entirely In
formal, no fixed programme1 being ar
ranged. Advantage was taken of the occa
sion to distribute (lie new bonds among
the members, which were so gener
ously subscribed for at the dedicatory
services. Old and young members alike
participated in 'the reunion, which was
cif a congratulatory nature, and all
felt well pleased with the outlook for
future success.
During the evening thu Ladies' Aid
society served cake and coffee- in their
well-appointed dining room, wbkhhas
been supplied with every necessary ar
ticle to meet the reouirements of the
growing demand along this line. They
bave several set of dishes, a complete
supply of table linen, an up-to-date
kitchen, with gas range.'., hot water1
A Daily Reminder
Ynn will not In" i1Isajpoinlcil in
Dtifoin'h 'far; it wilt iclicvo
Cough .mil Colli in one night.
Ladies' Waist Materials
Of Surpassing; Beauty
And Rare Excellence...
Their variety is iufinite and the care that has been ex
pended in reaching as clo3e to perfection as cau be ex
pected from human art and skill, shows a higher devel
opment of textile beauty than has ever before been
French Flannels Are
Prime Favorites This Season
For Ladies' Waists. The delicacy of their tints aud
colorings, combined with their softness aud evenness
of texture, render them peculiarly suitable for this pur
pose, and as the price is never exorbitant, while their
wearing qualities are matchless, it is not surprising
that they should be much sought after. Persian
Stripes and Figures, Polka Dots, Plain Stripes,
nixed Designs, Plain Colors, Etc., give a hint at
the prevailing styles which are now on display for
your approval.
Special Waist Cloths in Albatross,
Serges, Melrose, Granite, Flannel,
And other weaves also await your inspection iu corded,
qmbroidered and other woven effects, also in stripes,
plain effects, in every possible shading, aud a few fancy
designs that are exclusively our own,
Prices 37c and Up.
The .Display Will Continue During This Week
Globe Warehouse I
iii?:4&&&&&.ii&iil f RffiSfi -wis3yiywitf?S5 Zc
holler, and other cooking parapher
nulla. The church now ha a membership
of nearly three hundred, and with Its
Increased congregation, they tilled the
assembly room last evening and spent
several hours In discussing the now
building, the marvelous success at
tained In seetll lug pledges for the In
debtedness, and other matters of like
Importance to litem.
Ilev, Mathews, an excellent picture
of whom Is here piemen ted, was the re-
I1' MWIII.i.
clpient of the heartiest congratulations
from Ills members and workers.
Corner-Stone Laying.
All arrangements have' int-n com
pleted for tin1 corner-stone laying of
the new Knlbury Methodist Kplscopal
church tomorrownflernoon at - o'clock.
Thu services will be in charge of Uev.
Austin (irillln, IX tX, presiding elder
or the Wyoming district. The ollleial
programnie of the exercises, prepared
by the pastor, Uev. .lames llenninger,
is as follows:
Il.vimi Nn. Mi ( imnn's if ion
I'uijcr I.Vi. . I'.
P.-alin l.l'J, ii'-puii-ivi'ly
IJi'V. II. C. Mi Dimmit, A. II.
Aiilliciii I lniir 1.1-xm, I I'nr. ill: ei:.
Itov. .1. I'. P. P.
linm No. SI! ... 1 "iinictr.i'i-jn
Aililie . I.'ri. r. M. tiiilin, II. P.
Aullii'ii 1 Inir
Janolhiii'iit nl .Vimr-' nl l'i isoii W'lni rimliiliMli'
line 1 it .Moll', to II" l'l.iiul in tin-
4.1 IH'V Molir.
1'i.iur I!i'. lie Hindi, II. II.
PoVilloaj C UMKI'I'KJI lull
liciinlli linn Uf. V.. A. lloj I
Recent Accidents.
Kdwnril Walsli, aged II years, sun of
.Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walsli, of 117
South Ninth street, was severely
burned at tile Mt. Pleasant mine on
Monday, by the explosion of a keg of
powder. He was engaged In opening
the keg, when a spark from his lamp
ignited the powder.
Fred Seblentz, of I'll Chestnut street,
bad his eye Injured recently, by a boy
thrusting a wire against the optic.
if- .-
A Potnntler whose lutino could nut he
learned was struck by it cur In the
Arehlmld mine on Monday, nntl his Jaw
wtiH fritctured, He wits titlten to the
Moses Taylor hospital.
Funerals Yesterday.
The funeral of the Into Mrs. Margaret
Cnwley tmcttrred yesterday tnornlug
from tho house, Rl.'l Itiillrouil uvenue.
A high nmsM or rciittleni wan sung nt
Holy t'mss church and the services
were In charge of Itev. 1 O'Ooti
unit. Inlerinenl was nutdc In the Cath
edral renietoiT. ,
Services over the remains of the late
Miss Klvltit Jenkins were conducted In
the Jnekson street Hantlst church
yesterday afternoon, nnd were ut
tended by many of deceased's West
Heranton friends. Interment was
ninde In the Washburn street ceme
tery. Tile funeral of the lute Irene Doltd
occurred at l!."H o'clock yesterday af
ternoon from the parental home, 1111
South Van Jlureii avenue. Mtirlal was
made In the Cathedral cemetery. The
imll-bearcrs and tlmver-bearers were
Jennie Hughes, l.oretta Hughes. Knto
Coleman. Laura Mullen, liclle (ribbons
and Mary tlleuson, Margaret Jordan
and Sadie Judge.
Events of This Evening.
The harvest dinner and social under
the auspices of llrauch H. C M. H. A.,
and Uraneb !iT, h. C. I!. A., will be held
In Menrs' ball this evening, commenc
ing at i! o'clock.
A Welsh tea will be served 111 the
First Welsh Itaptlht church this after
noon and evening by the Intermediate
grade of the First AVelsh linptlst
Voting People's union. A musical nnd
literary programme will be rendered.
Tile ItaptlM Voting People's union
will serve an oyster supper in the
Jackson street li.ipllst church this
The Sciiinton graduates of tbfi
Itloomshurg state normal school will
meet Prof. Walsh at the Jcrinyn be
tween N and S."0 o'clock this evening.
The ladles who attended the llrst
meeting or the new branch of the h. C.
15. A of liellevtle, arc reilletted to
meet in Holy Cros church at ,s o'clock
this evening.
Arthur Meredith, of Jackson street,
left yesterday morning for Stamford,
Conn., where he will make his home,
fie accompanied Thomas Uccse, who
formerly resided here.
A boy named Cassesse was arrested
last evening for disorderly conduct
around Xo. lfi school. He was locked
up In the station house, and at the
hearing was lined $-
The newly organized glee club of the
Klectrle City Wheelmen held their llrst
rehearsal last evening-, which was pro
ductive of good results.
Tho ladii-s of the Washburn Street
Presbyterian chinch will hold an all
day session tomorrow in the church.
Mrs. Albert Kvnns and children, of
Terwlnsvllle, Pa., are the guests of
-Mr. and -Mrs. David ICvans, of Lafay
ette street.
Miss Sarah T'eose. of South Lincoln
avenue, Is spending a few days at the
The fllraiivrs of the Simpson Metho
dist Kplscopal church held a business
meeting last evcnlnir in the church.
Miss Martha Watklns, the school
teacher, who was run down by a horse
recently, is able to be around again.
F.van Joseph, of North ISromley ave
nue, who had his leg fractured by be
ing thrown from a horse on the Speed
way. Is able to be around again.
Miss Margaret firossman, of Lafay
ette street, Is spending u few days with
friends In Honesdale.
Mrs. Josie Knatiss, of Jackson slrcet,
Is recovering from an illness.
The Colonial club lield a regular
nieotlng last evening and elected a new
secretary for the club.
The St. Paul's Pioneer corps will re
sume their drills Thursday evening at
St. David's hall, and Incidentally dis
cuss the advisability of holding an en
campment next year.
Kev. John Hughes, of Liverpool,
Kngland, will preach in Welsh tumor
row evening at the Pellevue AVelsh
Calvinisllc Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, of
Wilkes-Pane, spent yesterday among
West Scranton friends.
Kvan House, of Newfoundland, Is
circulating among friends here.
John lleeiinn, of Stratford avenue, is
home from the Pan-Ainerlcan.
The Three Friends conducted a
dance in Meats' hall yesterday after
noon, and In the evening the U. and
L. dancing class held a social. Miss
lieardou furnished the music for both
Heese Powell, of North liiirlleld ave
nue, has returned home fioin Sterling,
N. J.
Dr. and Mrs, K. V. Harrison, of Main
avenue and Jackson street, have re
turned home from Shieltslilnny.
Misses Kiln, Walton. Addlo Dlatr and
Morgan Walton, of Philadelphia, are
visiting Mr. and Mrs, is, T. Stone, of
Archbald street.
.TAMMS CHOHF.UTV, formerly of
tills city, but now of Pittsburg, died
at the latter city Monday morning,
Tlie news of his sudden dentil reached
hero through u telegram sent to the
parents of the deceased, Ho is sur
vived by bis wife, mother and four
children, and the following brothers
ami' slsteis: Mrs. P. J, .Million, John,
Joseph, William of Casey itros., Mary,
Sara ami Nellie. The funeral will be
held from the homo of his parents on
Fourth htreet.
MPS. WILLIAM l!ODW. agul .".o
years, died at midnight last night at
her home, fca Stone avenue. She Is
survived by her husband and four
small children. The runeral announce
iiiiut will be made later.
The. funeral of Arthur, sou of .Mr.
(Hid Mrs. Thomas II. Jones, will take
place from the family residence, curlier
of Spring street and Kdim uvenue,
this afternoon at - o'clock. Services
will be conducted by Uev. Dr. II, S.
Jones, of the Welsh Congregational
church. Inlei iiienl will he made In tho
Washburn street cemetery,
The funeral of thu late .Mis. .1. K,
Sanders, will be bold tomorrow after
noon at o'clock from' the residence
of bis daughter, Mrs. -Morgan Welley.
of :': North Franklin street, Wilkes
1 1. trie.
Allow a cousli to uin until It !.'ot( beyond tli
rcali of iiivillchti'. Tlmv vltui t.iy, "Oh, It vvlll
ivtur jwuy," but in moat i'W It will wear
tlicin uu.i', CuiilJ the- lie iinluccil to try tlui
tum's-ful lucilkim' iiilk'il Kciup'd UjUjiii, which
U told on u punitive itu-uuiiUo tu iuic, ilivy
vwmlit iiimii'illalcly n'c tho viit'llcut elect utter
laMni," I lie lint loe. 1'rleu -Je. awl OOe. TiIjI
die lice. At all druisis.
Ceremony wns Performed by Rev.
Peter Christ In tho Pnvoclilnl Resi
dence nt St. Mrtry'B Church Prof.
Jacob Guth of Philadelphia Is Re
newing Acquaintances with Old
Friends In This City Largely At
tended Ball Conducted by St.
John's Society,
Two prominent and well known
young peopk. were joined for life yes
terday and were tendered the hearty
congratulation of numerous friends last
evening. TJie contracting parlies were
Misses Lulu lltigen, of Maple street,
a popular young lady, and Sergeant
Charles Siirandle, of Stone uvenue. n
member of Company C, Thirteenth reg
iment, N. tt. X'.
Tlie ceremony took place In the par
ochial residence of St. Mary's church
and was performed by Jlev. Peter
Christ, The bridesmaid, who wore a
neat tilting dress of blue broadcloth,
was Miss Kate Sparer, a life long
friend of the bride, while Jacob Spran
dle, of Uilnklteld, Mass., a brother of
the groom, acted' as best man. The
bride was charmingly attired In slate
colored silk, trimmed with lace and
presented a charming appearance.
The groom Is well known and high
ly esteemed on this side and Is a clerk
In the shoe store of Lewis and Hellly
cm Wyoming avenue. He served dur
ing the Spanish war at Jit. Gretna,
Camp Alger, Mlddletown, and In Camp
MeKcnjile, Georgia, being mustered out
as a. non-commissioned olllcer of Com
pany C, Thirteenth regiment, March
1. lSIKi.
A wedding dinner followed the ty
ing of the nuptial knot at the home of
tlie bride's parents, ,"30 Maple street,
and a drive around Lake Scranton
was afterwards enjoyed by the bridal
party. A reception was held last ev
ening at the bride's home when the
happy couple were tendered many use
ful presents by friends and relatives.
Prof. Guth. in the City.
Jacob Guth, professor of music, and
a former well known resident of this
part Of the city, now of Philadelphia,
Is visiting ills numerous friends In this
vicinity. Mr. Guth lived on this side
for many years prior to 1SDS and be
sides being the leader of Gutb's band
was a recognized authority in musical
When the Spanish American war
broke out in April, 1S0S, Mr. Guth was
taken with the war fever and al
though over the ago limit, was assigned
to active duty ns a musician. He was
chosen as chief musician of the Sec
ond North Carolina National Guard
regiment, with headiiuarters In .Ra
leigh, N. C. lie was almost a year In
the service, part of 'Which he spent at
Tampa. Tin; professor holds an hon
orable discharge from the X'nlted
States service which shows among
other things that he served the gov
ernment faithfully and well both as
soldier and musician.
Pnder certain conditions tlie genial
professor may again make his liomo
among us it ml if so he will be made
heartily welcome by Ills multitude of
friends. Pi of. Guth served In the
German army before coining to this
country aud Is among the few In Scran
ton who have the distinction of serv
ing' under two thins.
Well-Attended Ball.
St. John's ball, on Stone avenue, waa
crowded to the doors last evening,
when the fifth annual ball of Division
J., Ancient Order of Hibernians, was
held. The society's natal day, coin
ing us It did on Mitchell Day, drew
a larger attendance than usual, and a,
great many of yesterday's paraders
were present. First-class inusle was
furnished by cnslck's orchestra, and
the fun was kept up until long afl'T
Sacred Concert.
Following is the programnie of a
sacred concert, to be given in St. Jos
eph's ball, Mlnooku, Nov. ;i, by St.
Joseph's church choir: Piano solo,
selected, Prof. T. It. Davis; "Gloria,"
(Mozart), choir: solo, "Queen Delicta,"
Mrs. James Timlin; instrumental duet,
selected, Messrs. Ikl. -Murphy and
Thomas Qulnn; address; piano solo,
selected. Miss Laura Kgan; solo, "Ave
Kegina," Airs. McDonald; solo, "Thu
Palms," Mrs, It, J. Callery; solo, "Tho
Holy City," William Jones; "lioncdic
tus," (Mozart), choir; duet, "Hall,
Queen," Misses -Manic Fitz Henry and
Sara Kenny; To Douni, choir and au
dience. NUBS OF NEWS.
Tlie Scranton Athletic club will bold
an entertainment and ball at tliUr
Alder .street headiiiarterK next Mon
day evening,
The Star Social club's annual ball
takes place this evening at Atliletiu
hall. First-class arrangements have
been made, and nu enjoyable time is
Albert Loldllligllieyer, of Plttstou
avenue will be Joined In marriage to
a well-known and popular Wllkcs
IJarro lady today,
The wedding of Nlcbplas Jans-en
and Miss Lulu Hitgen takes place to
day. The Misses .Minnie ulid Goldie Cuinp
tun started for Huffulo and the Pull
American this morning.
An S-yeai-old child of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Under fell near the house, on
Iteech street, yesterday and fractured
two bones in thu right fore-arm. The
Injury was attended to by Dr. Gates.
All members of the Fourteen Friends
nr rciiuchted to be present this even
ing at thu reception In honor or Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew liest, lu lite lintel
licst parlors.
Patrick lankly, of cedar avenue,
who bus been spending a week's vaca
tion with ids luother, John J. Ituddy,
or lirooklyn, has arrived home.
A lively baby ghi bus arrived at the
homo of Mr, ami .Mrs. John McNcahs,
on i'ittstou avenue.
Tlie South Side Indians challenge
any fool ball team In this vicinity for
a game of ball on the Mlnooku
grounds mxt Sunday,
The (it ecu ljlclgo Industiial school
will resume work on Saturday, No
vember '-'. at L'.tiO p. jn, In the Green
Kldgo Llbruty building. Teachers and
pupils are recjuetjlvcl to bo on time. Jn
connection with this work there will
be a cooking class and housekeeping
department, a new feature, Girls wish
ing to enter this cluss will niuko
prompt application on the above date.
Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Peck have Issued
An Excellent Restaurant
In the basement of this store is
!.t.iu-.t -1 ...J - .. &
II nil itljuillblll UI IIIIJ OlVlb a
serving lunches at a moderate cost,
know this fact, but this information
Extraordinary Sale of Books Today bik store
There have been previous occasions when this store has offered excellent Book Bargains, but never be
fore have we offered such all enormous variety of high grade literature at such little prices.
Visiting School Teachers and others who know the real value of good books will appreciate -. -
these unprecedented offerings. All the latest copyrights, handsomely bound in cloth. Price, copy p 1 . IU
Winona Series,
Sale Price, 12Jc a Copy
Printed on good paper, from clear
type, cloth binding, with artistic
stamping in gold.
Anderson's Fairy Tales.
Arnbinn Nights.
Autocrat at the Breakfast Table,
by Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Adam Bede Eliot.
Christmas Stories Dickens.
Monte Cristo Dumas.
Children of the Abbey Roche.
East Lynne Wood.
Frankenstein Mrs. Shelley.
Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Gold Elsie Marlett.
Jane Eyre Bronte.
John Halifax Muloek.
Kidnapped Stevenson.
Lights of Asia Arnold.
Last Days of Pompeii Lytton,
And many others.
Pens and Pencils.
We carry a complete line of Foun
tain Pens. Pencils, Tablets, Playing
Cards, Whist Boards, Score Cards,
School Bags and Stationery of the
highest qualities. That our prices
are the lowest you will agree iu say
ing after an investigation.
Sheet Music.
All the Popular Music of the
day, price a copy Dc.
Our Greatest
Webster's New iqoi Dictionary, bound in Tan Sheep, printed
tppe and superior paper, we offer at the ridiculously low ligure
Invitations to tlie marriage of their
clauRhter, Alice I.outee, anil Frank An
drew Kaiser, on Tuesday evening, No
vember 12. The ceremony will take
place at their home, 1721 -Mousey uve
nue. The funeral of Hiss Hlvlra K. Jen
kins tooic jilnte yesterday afternoon
from the homo of her sister. Jlrs. Paul
X.urllieli, corner of Madison avenue and
Delaware street. Services were held in
the Jackson Street Baptist church and
were conducted by tlie tuistor, Kev.
Thomas dc Gruchy. Interment was
made In AViishburn street cemetery.
In compliance ulth the request of
many of tho members of bis church
and consreKiition. Dr. I. J. Lansing,
pastor of. t lie i.rceu ISIclge Presby
terian church, lias permitted the ser
mon preached by him upon tho death
of President McKlnley, September 1-",
together with his address Kivcn at the
memorial services, September 1!), to he
printed In pamphlet, form, copies of
which may he obtained at tlie close of
niicl-week services this evening-. It is
an Interesting: fact Hint the memorial
sermon preached by Kev. AV. H. Wal
ler, then pastor of this church, upon
the death of President Oarfleld, Sep
tember 2,", 1SS1, was also printed, by
reciuest, In pamphlet form, and is
counted among- the valued possessions
of many of the older church members.
Kdward Fuller and dauKhter, Maud,
have returned from a trip to New
York state.
.Miss Until Jlruiuluso and brother,
lialpli, of Fleetville, are visiting' Green
Itidgi" friends.
Miss Mary cireely, of Kast Market
street, is at the Pan-American exposi
tion. t'harles K, ilouil, of Dickson avenue,
who was called to Orange, N. .1., last
week, by the death of his father, re
turned yesterday.
The Green Illdge Woman's 'hristlau
Temperance union will meet this after
noon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs,
AV. Ueynolds, 22fi New York street,
Mrs, !:, J, Campbell will have charge
of the uieetiiig, Mrs. Campbell has just
returned from the state convention at
Newcastle, Pa., where she was a dele
gate from Green Kldge. An lutcrej-:-Ing
meeting Is promised. A full at
tendance Is desired. All are welcome.
Stars Defeated the Wilkcs-Barrc
Team by Score of 24 to 2 in tho
I u the prescnet) of tho largest crowd
that ever attended a game of basket
ball In this city, thu Wllkes-ltarro
team nan last night defeated in tlrj
Auditorium by Hie North lhid Slai.i
by u score of 21 to 2,
The features of ilio ganio were thij
basket tin owing of .Skiff and Tlgue,
lor tho Stars, .Sl.ll'f throwing llvo bas
kets and Tlguo seven, Jones, of tho
Wllkes-liarro te.iui tluew I wo bas
kets on fouls, The Hue-up follows:
M.IK. ttllkls.lljlH'.
J. .MU'lti.i.i'j l.'ii fnviil... Vun Vjlkui.i.iig
Hill liisla U iu.iuI Iumi4
TiC Hi' rilitlT II.IM
IMiit Ili ',:u.ud iiiin, t 'nilli
P. JIi t'lil.le'.v il;,'lii umul Haas
William Llttlejohn Honored,
Mrs. Kllv.ubotli Watklns gave a par
ly hi honor ui' William l.ltllcjohn. at
her homo on Parker street Monday
evening. Mr. Utllejohu Is a sergeam
at Fort Fuhuu Allen, Vermont, aud
left yesterday morning, after an ex
tended furlough, Itefreslmients weio
berveil aud an enjoyable evening was
spent by all present.
Those present were; Mr. and Mrsy
John Mct'iillnugh, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
vin llockenberry, Mr. and, Mrs. J, 11.
a large and comfortable Restaurant, fitted especially for the purpose of
t.iL --ll-A.--l ..... 1 .. . . - u.ii ...!. tilt. tt IJllHllrtllfl rlT HahhL alu. Jit
i Itllfl MIIU V.UMHUI IULI iv,juuiimt imvvt
but excellent and pure iu every particular,
is given for the benelit of the visiting teach
Popular Copyright Books.
Sale Price 50c a Copy.
Handsomely bound in cloth, each with a distinctive cover design
Tom Grogan, by F.
Caleb West, Master
F. Honkinson Smith.
Driver, by
The Choir Invisible, by James
Lane Allen.
The Sorrows of Satan, by Mario
Barabbas Marie Corelli.
The Prisoner of Zenda, by An
thony Hope.
In connection with tho De Wll
loughby Claim, by Frances Hodgson
The Pride of Jennico, by Egorton
The Adventures of Sherlock
Holmes, by A. Cc-niiu. Doyle.
The New Alpine Series,
Printed from clear type on good
cloth, with hand-burnished gilt top.
Child's History of England, by
Character, by Smiles.
Education, by Herbert Spencer.
Ivnnboo, by Scott.
Longfellow's Poems.
Vanity Fail', Thackeray.
Whittier's Poems
And niniiv others not told of here.
We take subscriptions for all
Offer Yet
Academy of flusic
M. Ri:iS, I.cmcc. A. .1. huffy, Manssor.
Week of October 28.
li.iily iimtinrc'i leiiniicnciii? 'J'ucsil.iy.
Jessu Sawtelh Dramatic Company
I'u-piilins ti cull ( I.ini ii'iicilniif. wllli a cli.inso
of pieKMIUIIIP .11 CM(ll lii'ltnltllllli'i'
.Mimil.iy night tlie Ihi-.iit iliain.i,
Willi spc'i S'i'iieiy.
.1 Illti M'i;t l.I.TII .".
IViiili.'- I' I'lii'i-, Tin, Tut. 'I hiiiy.
I'liiei UK, '-Hi., 'll. M.llilllT-, J"l', "IK..
Mine, Lillian iNordica
'Ilio Weilil'n l,in.ili'-l I urn I'll Sinai"!-.
Ill connection with the fourteenth
concert of The Scranton Symphony
Orchestra, Theodore Uemberger, Con
ductor, at the
New Armory, Scra.ilon, Pa.
Thursday Evening', Nov. 14, 1901,
lli.iui.ini tiiicns lit Powell'.-, Millie siuio 'Hun-;-il.iy,
Xu Till, I'JOI, nt U 11. in.
T.lttlejohn, Mr. and Mrs. "William
Pettigrew, Messrs John "Watklns, Wil
liam Jlowells, John Kvnns, David
Alexander, David Kln.Ie, Arthur
lirlght, John Con-, Hubert Llttlejohn,
Charles Lewis, John Davis, John .Mor
gans, Kdwin Kvnus, John Boston,
Walter McCiillotigh, Gartleld Jones,
John Harrison, Misses Ida Parry,
.Mary Stevenson, Margaret Stuvensou,
Margaret Oliver, Nellie Davis, Maine
Wattiniore, Susan "Watllmoro, Porlliu
Cox, Kate Cox, Maine Hodgson, Kll
Hodgson, Margaret Pride, Charlotti
Jones. KlUabotli Jones, Sarah Parry,
.Mabel Moore, Jennie Pcniuau. of Oly
pliant, and llattle Layman, of .lennyn.
Tomorrow Night's Conceit,
lie-low will be found the programme
fur the grand concert to bo given at
the North Main avenue tabernacle to
morrow evening. The eonunlttcu Is
making arrangements I'm' one nf the
largest nudleiiies ever found Inside of
tho tabernacle. Tlie programme fol
lows: 1'l.uio viU ,ii,fi..ur ,iim
Alio leliu T. W.iil.1'1,
"ulu Mit. i:. Hrumi tt,'i"
I'ocin, "Ilio IliitnK.iiil'u Will',"
Miw Sil.ili I!. I'lin by Mvuiiitliiiii.l
!, "Tlie Duly III)" Mi, J.', lliilinlib'0
Silu Pitfli'xni" J. T. U'.illiiiu
'1 1 1 1 1 ii i .i iil i- r.iiii'ilaiiiiiMil,
' Hi) lliiuli), V, 1.
I. -'lllO Il4llill, y--'llll Will'.! Still.". II-
lliiinlieiiiii'M. I -'flu' I, -inj.
An liii'liiiis ill ii Mluon. Ii I'li'iH Ait l'i0 ,,Jn.
7 l.ull)' Moviia".
A regular meeting of tho Notfn
Scranton U epublhan club will im
held this evening in Alderman MyeiV
olllco at S o'clock. All lt.ojmhlle.uiH
aril earnestly rciUested to be jueseut.
as somo very iniportant matters will
be brought up nt thin meeting.
Miss Kllz.ihetlt Cuthliertson. ilaur,h
ler of Mr. ami .Mrs. John I'ulhlieiti
sou. of Vein Stoivh avenue. )ns Joined
In nuirrlage m Isaac .Mills, of North
Alain avenue, Monday afternoon b
Itov. Joseph Lees, at Pllllllllve Alelho
dist church, Hiibt Markei strcel. Thu
bride wsih iittended by .Miss Alice Pai
leii, of Olyplutni. and the groom b
Thoiuus Davis. A reccjition was Vield
at tho home iJ' tho bride's, parents,
after the niarrlago ceremony. Mr,
and Mrs. Mills left on the midnight
riuiiuivun ui rcuiu uucauy
crs to our city this week
The Sowers, by H. S. Morriman.
An Enemy to tho King, by Rob
ert Neilson Stopheus.
Tho Market Place (Illustrated), by
Harold Frederick.
Soldier Stories (111.), by Rudyard
Agatha Webb, by Anna Kathprlne
The Leavenworth Case, by Anna
Katheriue Green.
A Dash for a Throne (Illustrated),
A. W. Marchmont.
Tho Gadfly, by E. L. Voynich.
St. Ives, by Rob't Louis Stevenson.
Sentimental Tommy,by J.M.Barrie.
A War-Time Wooing, by Capt.
Chas. King.
Sale Price 21c a Copy.
paper and bound in ribbed silk
Adam Bede Eliot.
Bacon's Essays, by Bacon.
Daid Copperfield, by Dickons,
Drummond's Addresses.
Holy War, by John Bunyon.
Mlddlemarch, by Eliot.
Scottish Chiefs, by Porter.
Tales of Two Cities, by Dickens.
from new plates, good
of p I ,Ou
Lyceum Theatre
M. J5Uli, Leasee anil MaiMgrr.
A. J. ntil'l'V, nu:. Managsr.
Wednesday Matinee and
Special Bargain Say Matinee,
P. (' Whitney's aiul lMwiti Kiiowlc' OiiKinI
.New Viiil; I'riiiliii'linii. The ltolig-
iuii.i anil llhtiitUiil Pi. mil,
hl.igcd liy .Max 1'iri'iii.iii. Di.mi.itiiCil by
Stimi-il.iiii Slunw,
Mi.ri" Miiiie 'Mian .111 0cr.illy IMwariN.
I'riirri- Kveiiinir. -"1 nuts In 'jl.W. Maliiire:
ii -mil Wl tuitn. C'liililri'ii Id any p.nt of Hip
I111119", J.l cent?. fiMts on ivilo Jlonil.iy .it fi.i. 111.
Friday Night, Nov. 1.
Cliaili'i l'lOliniJii I'lci-dils
Maude Adams
In a t'limcily in t'oiii- Ail., Kulilleil
llv.l. M.-ll.ui ip. Author of "Tho Utile MinUlcr "
Tl.c lllliw an' hor putty tlnniiiliU,
Her hliuiilili'i-, ale tlio Jl.iy,
Hit- siiiili'-, .in- all fiutrct-nifiiotK.
The paths hi'i' pai ioiw v.i).
'I In- Hi-is tint ilo line it ale
Her l.niiii'il walking nuiuil.
'I I-. .-.Hri'tly Miicllini;'iulcr
III uliiili my luily's uuwnril,
I'ltIC lis Cntiie lowrr llnor, $2.1X1: tili-t tw
inns lulieiiy, ;l.M; li.ilcoiiy i iiclv, '10 cents aitf
SI. 10; t'.illi'iy, 21 ninl SO ci'iitn.
S.Mts on WViliio-il.iy at !i . in.
Matinee and Night.
C'li-iriiunir, Ptliioiie, lli.tnrr
Toll Gate Inn
As Poatchie, tho Half-Bred Indian
Histoiy of the Battle of Bennington.
Delightful Scenes in Ye Early Days.
Superb Company.
l'liii'S -j:ciiliii;, "."if. In 'l-llii. .U-lfuc-, '.
ainl .Vj cents, I liililici. hi mils,
scats en calo 'J'li.l. J.i.i.
AM'. (I. llKnill.NCTO.V, MaiMBor.
jinsiiAV, 'rt'i:ii.v. a vii wr.nsi.siAV,
Oil. '.'s, S". ::.
M.iiiiiir-. .MoiiiKi)' ninl Wi'iIiicmIj)
'Tho Broadway Burlesquers,"
TIiiiimIh, I'l'liti) iilul S.iiiiiI.i.v,
r,i iuiitan m:nsatihn."
International Correspondent Schools,
nf Su.ititiili, ..
S.i Iti'uil) h.n tin ii the -itiiiiit ploiUril ' !!
In- . 1 1 1 ' I i . i 1 1 nr fi,.p siinjilii., iiirtnl) .i.l
miiI..i'i, Hi ii ui" nIliT .Vl iiun'i. null. M 1101 l
SIIII'N Xililu'i--. li"J Hi, s i.iiiIoii, I'.i (l .union
He hue nn mimi'iUiHi with liny piiblislilni; Iiuiisl
llm.iie of lin-i niiuloii, liniljIniB, Ouu - tin
elili'sl i li.uli'lid rchuol ot ili n.iliiL.i
train for New York, lluft'iilo and
Toronto, nnd will bo at home on Von
Hlorcli jivenuo after Nn, i.
Tin- funeral of Arthur, th 7-year-old
son of Air. and Mrs. Thomas I',
Tones, of Kdna uvenue, III bo held
tomorrow afiernoou at 2 o'clock. ln
terini'iil will be made In the AViish
burn street cemetery.
The Wrunton Hluli .School leant tie
feated ilio Alpha llama foot ball team
yesterday afternmii nl Athletic park
in a hard-l'oUBlit ,'.11110 of twenty aud
UU'nty-llvo minute halves, roseeUe.
ly, by the score of ." to 0. Jlldenour
made the touchdown and Sparrow
Irled for tho goal hut inibtcd,
I'linii' llv'iii) el II111.-S in liiii'un,!, junkiiu
all tin- lioya ami ulrls imnlui'il of any wron?
lining in liU null ilomliiti'iii iiovldi'd the jurcnU
lloj; thi'iu In Mi iircxiii'v.