The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 30, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    .,. .v, 4 '...",
' ' 1L A VI .
v 'r 'li.
'A ,
4 J,
' tnibtMM nallr, Tjrcpt Suniltr, tiy Tlie Tijb
Ine rublUhlntr Company, tl Fifty ConUi a Montli,
mvv p niniAnn, wiisr.
O. 1 nVMlI.F, fiiHtneM Hunger.
lcw York OITltcl 160 NJm St. ,., ,..
Sole Agent lor rorclgn AdtHlni
Intcreil at the Pn-tomcc nl -.cntiton, l' .
Second Tim Mill Miller.
Wlirn np-iip will permit. 'Die Tribune I, nlay
elail lo print uliotl liltem (rnm IK friend iejf
injf on uirrenl topic, lint II' rule l lint M-r
liml lie kSiicl. fur pulilif lllun. by I !' writer,
real names ntnl llio ioihIIUpm pri Client to e
leplanie I, Ibil nil contribution, shall ! nuj
to cclllorltl reiUion ,. -
mi: rtTt: rott Anvi.itTiiso
llie follonlns Hlile uliowi llie prlie per Inch
Mill Insertion, iuo to he mril ulllilti one rl
. un nf i,111f';,n' Piill
niPfiW. Piper lleidlns IM..Itlon
frrWtlnn COO Inehe ,21 .271 .'10
rno indies ?i) .2.! .21
Jnoo " in ,17" .11
row v,; ,i; ,W
rwn " , ,ic J ,w is
Tor ririli ot thinl, reioliillnn, of roniloleneu
mill nlmlhr loiilrilnilloiH In llie nnlnre of ml
rerlllnff "1 lie 'Iribiitte inaki, a tluriie ol 5 cent,
Iletp for Classified AilietlMntr furnMiul on
rci.anto.v, ot'Tom:it :io, urni
Supifine C'ouil MII.MVM I' POT I LB.
Ticasurn-Flt.SNK O HMllllS.
Jurlce-T. W. CMIPI.MCR.
Contioller K. A .lOM.4..
Coronrr-Dlt 1 I. IIOIU l!H
Buncjor-Gl OIHIi: 1. SH-MASsT
ilecllon No. C
"When the n(iiuierii.. went nut ut power In
rur Mite it lelt In the RniulilitJii nut i.lii?
ey of alma.t s.10,000 mio of dibt I hi, delit, t
i?c adinlnistntlun un ler llipulilliiu nib. In-1
rieen almost nilmly pud We Inn iime-ueil
he apprcpiiilloiii lo the common n liool, iimll
we slaiid lit the beul nf Hie iikiIi in sljte. In
nipport of nopulir tihuiliin I luhr llrpuliln in
mlinliiiHlrition theie In-, lien pjl I cull t ir (or
cillli llioiul pnipu-e limn. Hun i, ipiiopiiil'l
b the npiiioiulii pun j.i Iheir quiitrr of i
fcntuiv of ntisiuh. Wi 1i.e iiuieisid our ip
propijutioni to ihirltihle mil ileini" nirv liiiti
mtionn until we i in nuke llielioil tint no l lie
between the two oietn hiippiit'. iIhm iii'-litti
tiotn j will us iIih our own Our 7 mlil Oil) 'f
people jip jinlii-t l Loii-t, liiim,!, liw muling J'
hipp. ftlt Mtnnund'tl ii vi lie on cen hnle
Willi prilapilOUS ImvnKx-l dttllllllOIH will) piopt'
happ, rniploicd and umliuliil ami with eetv
aienue nf Ihihiii'v-, ami li nl fulH onupml. anl
villi tie prn.put of Hi" tiuiiii' luul limn; and
fclnwitiK lluile hupi fill. III. nl I lu-,lnlK' pnU nf
h-trii( t on mrl mjtiou ilt up i In-leui il uv
cf fiNe piecne, InpmtiM ind Iihiik eut tor
the puipOM' of mih ulinj; tin pcupli mil uiln
In? lot power "-1 10m tie it piiMiuu M Co
Don't wnsii our Mite- In- (,i--tinR it
for folonel T I. Jliti hi oi K". fie
Jiot be elei led mil he Knows It
Expense of Primary Elections.
NO ONi: .l.lU.llnleil am (li lilt
s le ol .iiKiinii nt i niploi-il
b IMItol I.Mielt ut til..
Tiniis ppei Is li 1 1 ii to be fall
in honest In the tuMlinent nf inn sub
ject Sweeplni; ,;euei .illlles ue Ills
ilmiio weapons Pol llistaiue lie
uoulil bis ii.uli'i s lit llee that nil
ilei ,i Itcjiiiblli .in atlnilnlstiatlou llie
fuuils of the st.ite .ue pliiied In the
nisei me banks nt t.txoml indi iiluals
When Ibe public is inloiined that one
nl tlu so i.noiul, and as he would
it. tluieliiK. il.uiffeious ImiiK-, is no
nthei than the IiIkIiU pi nspei mis mul
.-ounil Dime bank of whiih lie Is a tl I
livloi, he diojis the had bank busi
ness and is now triiiu to eilte his
leadei.s about the nss,.ssiniut le led
j'llor to the last llepubliian pi hum v
el i thin.
What he has to - n about tint I
InlereMiiiK hi tlu etieine. The item
of 'I li'l leiitilied to i,iv elei tiiui olli
rts t1io eotidnit the pilmmles in the
1iil dlstliets of the count lie "Is
simplv an atlempt at IiIkIiw.iv i ob
betj." ' Xol a dollar of this s n lei?al
i liaise riR.iiiist a e indiil.ite." I'cthips
Udltor T.Mieit's poiienie as ,m etn
pliiM'i of labor has made Known to
him a wa by w lilt h men i an lie In
diji crt to la aside their own affuiis
and Kie attention to his without lom
pelisatloii. II so. tiul.v he s fnitunnte
The tacts ate these: The llepubliian
oteis of each cleulon dlstiht j-elei t
by li.illot thuo nu u whom lhe authoi-
led toionduil .t piimai v .'lei Hon The
inunt tnnitiiliiip cannot, if it would,
po into each illstilcl and selei t tluee
men who would be willing to do the
wnik without i onipensaiiou. 'I lie men
lei led by the oleis nmst be used and
II Is not leasonabh to epei t them to
lit aside their otdiuni oiiupallous
'ind peiloun this senile lor tlieli
nrlKhbos without lecoiupense The
Itepublliau paitv lias nlwa.s main-
tain, d Ihal the labour is woithy of
il- li ii o. That is a .11 ilhiiil piiuiiial
if lb publleanlsin and the pain Is mil
piepnuil In adopt IMItor l..Mielt'.s
hi mo nl usUhu, mm lo wmK tin
intiiiuir- '
, tine menibir of the luiiauie ituii-
.!illtei must atlilld the i ohm nt lull of
; hi ii'liiin JiiiIris, That will take the
VI" l pmt of a d,i If he Ihes in the
p, ilv and an entiie da If he Uses au
js'llslancc be.Miud the illy. Is ndltnr
' I.J nett Just In oalllui; the men
-obbei who bellee they ate entitled
o the expense they lm.ur In iiilnlnir
Milk lor i il.iN and hIiik their uir
'me to and fiom this tit' Xn tulr
) honest limns would ih cum of myk
tiK1 Miilt a i Illume.
Tlio openso ot elei lion boatds has
been kept down to the lowest hum
iiissilile us eseij ioiini i liahnuin lu
,.iiiH hud ilmiso of ptlmary elections
1 iliiio tlio C'tawloid county system was
idoptid cmi feelitiRly testify.
"( or elevtion booths Is entile
y," the sa;e of the
tendeilolti. "It Is not paid or Inlenileil
to bo paid. If miythlusr. It Is a coin
miller peitiuse." Will IMItor l.ynett
kindly she tlm eoimly
conimltteo his icielpt for onleiliiK a
, nun .s house mid betllns by the maehln
eiy neiebstity lor a, iitlniaiy eleitlon
wlllimit Khlnpr li I in pioper compensa
tion'.' The 'I'lllumo-can nhsuie him the
ominilten wjll appreciate It highly. As
fru matter of fact Mr. l.ynett Knows, and
'fiibody else knows that slneo the
oiinty hiia cl,ibllHheil juJiiumienf elee
tloi.1 bootli.s In only about ijue-lh'lnl of
' the dlblilcts nf thu i junta .s,ultubjp
lonlifs lliuct be" heeuint'lll the other
lihtiiilh and thifp iiiouiB nmst ncocs-1
, jilly bo Vald foi Tlml'a a plain I
bu.1iios, proposlllon not dllTluult to tin
ilcifliniul. Tin' only k'Ritlnitilc Itmii of cxpeiics
m'Liiulliifr to Hip Tltnci man, nip for
pi'lntliiR hiilltiti mill hlilnp n hall for
the i'oiiv pillion Por iti liitltisr tlio Iml
lots lie would ntlmv y,0. Just Innv lie
umiI.1 illf-lillnilo the biilluls to tlie le
iiiolri imit-, of the county ho timelines
to s'iy Poitiaps hi has a iclf-dlstrlb-utliitr
li.illot ho wants to tx)olt. Let
him not hi' mmlM t. Tint li out. Tim
county roniinltli'c will hall It with Joy.
'I'lio mnltm of aihertlsltiK Is cnilro
l. umjtU'il fiom the Tlini-s' i-xpense ui'
loilnt, althotiKli the mle.s provide
Hlieelllcally for cot lain mlveitlslnfr nt
I'pi'lnln tltni's, In i ci tain ways, that
the otPts may he lufomii'd of the time
for leglHlerlng and who the eamlldati's
ne after loglMtratlon Is eloseil.
We mention this mat tor of tuHcitls
liiff becatiHc It has been a tender point
between Kdltor l.ynelt and the Oemn
eratic ilty and cotinty i niinulttees lor
,ei,is. 'I'he bills lie has tinned In lor aiUel Using' hae stiiKeied
more than one elinliinan and made new
if-sessmeiilH on already in ei assessed
candid. lies u necessity, 'I'hu membeis
of the Demoi'i.illi! count.v committee
will be ilellghleil to leain fiom IMltor
I.Mielt that he has had n cIwiiikc of
hen I ami th.i s,i tin as lie l i ni'c. i n I
poll lb a I aiheitlslnir Is entitled by llpht
to a pi. ice on the flee list
The men who hae be n IIkIiIIiih:
some patt of peiy Itepublliau tlelu't
nominated In this city and cntiuU lot
,enis aie .it thull old gain" this e,ir.
'J'hey .lie the men who aie finnlshim?
the enemy with su li aiBUiueiits as
they ate iishif,'. Thev .ue not unmet -mis
mid they ate kiiIiib lo be mote
hour than met aflei ihm Tuesday.
The Era of Firetrnps.
T Jri VnoiiAUUK that the,
ol the i ei cut dlsastioiis (lie in
I'lilkulelphia that lesuKed in de
stiiation of human life In u most
hhoikiiih wav will iiei'i lie known, ln-
estimation lll undoubtedly jnow that
the uppalllnif dls.istei wai the outi onie
of ci inilnnl laiclissnis which peiniit
led the stoi lug- of so Kline a IiiiIUIIiik
w Uli Inlliiimuabli mnteilnl that was a
onslant nien.u " lo the people wutkiiiK
in the phu e.
Whatewr mi be ilniionstiati'd bv
an iiutuliv into the affair, the l.u I that
a stiuitUli' so inetlei tn.illv inoteihd
that twenty lles .should liave bet n
sail lined In as main minutes does not
speak well tot the iKilam e of Vlula
tlt'lpliia olliilals in t liaise of the de
railments, ol public h.ifely. And this
teiiible dlsastei .should pioe a wain
Iiik thai will haw the elicit ol nlfoitl
Iuk1 liettei piotei lion in Inline toi
those who me obiter d to toll In t low ti
ed woikshiips seieial stoi ies above (he
Kiound. Theie aie loo in.inv l.ill
buildiuKs these dais ihal me not pio
ideil with iiopei means ol esiape in
iase ol p. inli. Manx thai bae been
t quipped with the so-i alh il "llie cs-
i i pes tan siaiuli he onsiiieieil sal",
''he It on laddei atlathed to an outside
window heie ami theie nfloitls mile
i haute loi the It thu ol panic who is
il tide to be simulated in an atttinpt to
le.ull tile pl.K e ot eg) ess H would
seem bet It r to iitilke at the loot of the
ell without ftulhei delay by the en
ai tinent ol laws that woultl piewnt
the eiei'lon ot tall bllililiUKs that .lie
not tuepiool The Philadelphia holu
i.HM emphasises the need of siuh le;
islation whith i an alone picxent the nienaic lo ottupants ol i.uc
lesslv toiistiniletl edlliies whiili aie
lllletl a Mil busy woikiilK people in al
most eei la lire t Ity In the lOUutt.
Home Missionary Work.
in this til
, than pas-si
CONVIINTIOX now in si, ion
It v dfseivps moi t
iiiir attention, Jt
lepiesents some of the best
thought of (he day jeiraiillnpf many
eliisr iiuehtioiis, and its'dellbei.tlions
me l.u lied on Willi deep l chylous
l.ilth mid convlition. Whether or not
we aie enthusiastic ovei foieiau mis
sions, and w bethel oi not we btiieve
that they me at iimiplisliiiiK all tlint
the should, we eeit.ilnl) tan liiiutr ut
aiguinentK to bear iiKalnst the aims of
home nilsstmmiy woik.
Moie mid mole .should it be evident
to the meat leliu'loiis bodits of our
land Hint the niiessitv lor tiutiilui;
11 tit t is knocking- at their dooih, and
that upon them ic.sts the usp0nsuil
Itv of the fiituie of the niillon If the
tin not ii'-e Enater power and mine
i onuiiehensive imams theie is a
glooiny outlook Koieign mission woilv
unites with home -wink at our eiy
gates. AVc taiinot ailoul lo .stand aloof
and await developments, The only
hope lor this cuuutiy s in Its Him n
llglous ialtli and lellglons stnuilaid,
Willi unlaith and aihelhm i nines an
aithy and its allelidaul biood ol evils,
.Ml honor to the jjood wonien who
ituii tly and gently aie tombing llie
aliens here mid time, tluough the
Homo Mlsslonuiy hotielle.s, ami tu-diayoiing-
to teaeli tin in livilialiou
mul, most ot all, the value ut lellgious
'I'he ji.issu of l'le.sldent MeKlnle
has paid tlio penalty ol the most col
ossal 1 1 line of tlie new Tenliuv -with
his lite . pllifull ptjor leluiii il was
lor that llie ho noble, mi puio mid so
beaitlllul. lint such as Jt was tlie
law demanded mid has taken It tioiu
the wietih who claimed It as ids own,
uutl clahntd also the light to cause
millions lo i disc him us few muitleiei.s
have ever been eetiulid ami to bilug
nunc sot iov to his native laud than
was ever its sad Into In the punt, It
seems a pity thai the assassin lould
not have been made lo lender such
atonement as would luivu designated
tlie leul liispli.itlon which led to the
deed, IIIh vvnilhless life Is no atone
ment To have given up miy of the
sect els wlili li i quid have ltd to some
dcliulte lesult In tiaillig the beginning
of the cilnie was tho only puipose
which he could seive on c.uth. If that
hope was denied to un cutaged mid
affected, nation, the sooner ho was io
moved the bf Iter.
Kvcty candidate on the Itepubllcan
ticket U woithy of tho emue&t sup
pint of eveiy line Itepublicmi.
Aiioidlug to Itcv. Isiael llliKs, the
St. l.ouls weather piophet, llie ical
stoini btaton will not open until the
last of November. About that time,
howoer, all believe.! h In tlio proBtioa
lliutloiip of Itcv. Mr. HIcltB mo ex
pected to see that the toul hlus mo
full and that winter Ihtnilels arc In
leadluess fot Instunl iibp.
The acllou of n lettntn "iilfion
Soinnton slieet Which fralblrs The
Tflhlllie's stilUe i epulis each tiny lor
lt evenlut; oillllon mul then ileicely
ciltlclses the "aino, leniluils olio bf the
stoiy of Hie mini w ho nillUed his neigh
bor tow mid then If h lied her hiinuse
file did not rIo ptue cieani only.
The tenor of icrtnln defeat has
seized the IJeiiituiatlo candidates and
Ihelr ft lends. .'or pi oof notice the
fielis'letl lies and hack action logic ot
the livening- Oiimirt.
.liitlKe .1 AV, I'aipenler Is an Ideal
JiiiIkc 'I'he people of l.aokuwauna
will be unfulr lo theni-elves If they
do not lonlluue him In the position he
so woithlly tills
Tlte ftnntlc tfiottr of the Uemociaiic
ilewspnpeis to pioe that .flltlBC Veikes
is the filend of labor moues sus
picions ot the plesenre ot all Afllum
111 the Woodpile soinewlieie,
i lent t at .Miles can now spend ome
lime piep.uliif,- statistics to show In
what icspeit lie was witing- In his foi
mir pusltloti on tlie mm tanteen law.
Willi Don C.itliM, lienoial We.vlei
and mi uniuly populue In W, the
pimpeits befoie the bov klni; of Spain
aie not p.n tlcultiilv alhuliiK,
Model n colonial novels me as a nile
not as uootl as the old time ellow
toveied dime vailely and tiny .tie
much moie epiiis t..
ICelitllik.v can pfovide jtnli.s tll.ill
tletl to lonvitt Caleb Towels s0 Ions'
as the .ouiir- man imes lo apply loi
new tiials,
AVlifii jitlshi,; the dlsicnliall.itlon
ol the ainiv bin cans Miles
might hae hud "t mbilintil" beet on
his i n i nil.
Kliifr Solomon would piubahlv have
had dlfllitilty In gUInt: statM actoi.v
iiilliiKs It (ailed upon to puside at the
St lik-y Iiunili
It Is to be liupetl that theie will be
no applications tor 'new tilal' whin
the Stlilev iniplliv lias adjoui lied
In tin nia I let ol tlii latoiship rien, i,,i
Wevln admits that he is In the hands
ol his ii it mis
Statistics from
Btireati of Labor.
Iilili.i uf II,.- Iiil.unt.
li III i lU'l ill llllllll kn.uii in,.,,,.. il 1,
liiuiiir i Im. lint i Imi in ol Mil w i, e.i il,
bslittl K U i-liliu't, n, wh ii i, ip ,iu iu i.
until limn ill jiiiis hi iu, in,!
lit ilinj iiii il, in hi. ii nl ml ,,iii i
lintiil iiiiiilnioii ,f tl,, luluiiii.,' tliiimit, lioih
llllll Hill Wullll 11
llie In -1 lli. ih.ilnl fi it,,, purpose in. In
M i lm. ft- in im '. n i,i,i i, ,,f ,,
l-lllJllllllvlH of Un ut, puii-u.ns ol tint
n t pit m nl. tl,
' I he iliuiis of mi, li I, in, in ,, , (,, , f1(
i-oil, 'isitiiiitii mil pit Miit in in, mil npctts
In tin li'l-litilli on ,i liehiip tin n-t (hi if
M mil m i uli i, ii sin. in tl .1,1 ol- id iiini, in
ill ilipiitiiiuiis if I il, i In , i, rimiimmw ilili,
t-ptuillt in its nl iliuii- a, il Minim, in d, m
tbistiiil, in, tl, i In, iimiiil in, I sunt ,n lunji
linn ol Hi- lih nun- il .,-, mil lo (In p. i ii, i in .- (in tf lli. pm luc-iii In In t rv tf
till IIIIIIIIIOUWI iltl, '
Ihtit in- now in Un- roiinfti limit in, il,
illini -nut 1 n lo llnl in VI 1,-kI, u-ei( in si i
l'i iin-lt i, n i i.-l,. I sin,, n, i, Hue in s7
In tsTJ Him I, I Ilin, ui Mi iilm-iil", in
llllllllllil 1 hill III lill.l.c- "li, pioutlc lui l il,
liinilll Mint nf i it lull i.-i,n ,, ,L -ulijitt. nf
wish ami limn- if 1 ,1, ,i. n I iln iIIm.i.ii u
puliis lulwuii hi i j, ul i lint ,1 m (ho I mini
st in- "
N Ml 11,111 hill pi nl tho hiiu-i- mil t- -
hiinl in ( initlie in the (.nia, U tun
Ms-ion liillowiu. .nun milium- oi Mib-iniiK liill
wiic nllt ml, Imt n,i iiiul upon 1,, 1-70 i
lii-lituii if Mi-iilm 1 ti tint 1 11 -uliiiiiui 10
iiui'iii,t itKin,- foi Ih t-i ilill-liiiiuit of t Im
10111 (f hil Hill- win. nf.tntl it (ui m-
non, hill nul until lino '7, J-tl, v it 1 lull
pi -ul mil Miami Iv Hit" pu-!il(i,t 1 In-, 1,
piuiiiliil lint Mlu toiiiiiii lonei of )ili shill
uilliti Infoiiiiitloii upui Hie of ltl,ui,
IN nlnloii tu ( ipil il, llie h 1111 s of lilur .ml
tin t iiiuii,-' of billing' nun ml uoiiu 11, mil
till' un 1114 of pi(lllli,llln,- Hi. 11 lillttllil, tuul,
inli Ibi I111I .nul iii.'i 1 1 pio-ptutt "
fiu Hie huiuii of 1 1I1.11 liul Wen in el-l
eim tbit e join Jiul lini thnui Iht tluiidn uf
in well, Un kuhjhu t.t 1 tlior .in! nl (ointim
In (Il III 1 ill lUIIIJlf'tlt of 1 1I1.11, to I,,, in It ui ml.
nit (f no (f the cnei il ihpirtiiirut In 10111
pliimi wllli tin- iiipn.t nii'uil wit pit-til -nil
,iipiouiI Iliiio 1 ', lsst, puiMiii,. tint ' I Ik to
Mull Ik It llie m il of KtiltliniKlit 1 tlipiltlneiit
of lihor, tho hi mill d. -Un iml ilntics of wlilili
lull In- lo iiipilii nml iliiTiw iniioiu tin p,oilf
of the l'lillitl s,j,t 11-ehil iiiliiiiiinloii on nili
j.tlt "oinuttttl with ltbti In tin iiut k tit 1 tl
mul 1 niiiiii Inn-lit' -ui-, of lint won), .111, 1 1
pitl lilt iipmi llie ul itiou lo t iplial, tlu I101114 of
I il 1, llie 1 iiiiliiut of IiIj,,iih' nun jnl Willi, 1,
.nul 1 In in, -in- 1 f pioinuiin II., 11 nultilil, hi
tl.l Inli Iln 111 il ml 11u1.1l jio-piiiit."
'Unit wi. llie tlfi niiiuiil t,f lihui ouinbtil
Willi 1 uuiiiil-tloiiu nl lihn with tlio mtijit
thiht ml -pitid neui- Ut I, ,i-o ' inilioi
iul tn piiliti-h 1 In iniiitlilt luilltllii, .is to ton
ihih 11 of hi, 1,1 In this mil ntlii f 1 tumult., .1,1,1
nth utl 1 1 l.u I- 1. Ill lj lit il, 1 in, i nf duo tu
the lllltli.l nf III,' 11,111111; "
'Iln lliiti-h I mull, IliUim. Sii-lullm, Stu
Ad nul, tw Sumi, Wilt..,, t. H .miiiii.ii of
I .nulla .nul 1 ' l llliif of Omul, 1 li.u, follow ,,1
the 1 wimple nf the I mini s ,( , st.tlillltiii
linn 1114 of I ilml (.tuisUm, 11.11 1II1 .1,1, iillii; the
Vlllrlkau 11I111
'I he Inluiniitiii'i tnlktlitl In Hip aluno w 1
jltiiml fmiii a tuiiiphlti tuilili-hiil 1,1 ( mull
II Wlii-hl, 11,, in 1 of hhn, f, 1 Hi, I'm
Suit in ill t M'ntllloii, I"1'!. Hiiie bit hull puh
ll-lit.l In aililitldi to I In- bullilliw -iiiiiluii 01
rU'lilttu Miliums it si Hi. Iks lejujl i.l In tin
Kitts Ihioii.h a itiiifl 111, 1I1 In our rnnjir-t
nun, Hon Willi mi 1 01111, II, ii full kit of th' c
U polls tint an in puui, 11, will is .ill tin
lupin, of tip biilltlliit, line In, 11 ,1 nt to the
I ailiomUle puhlk liln 01
In the 1,0! 11 turn nt Imilliu.' it llntl do 1 laizn
dint v,i4 tu ivlilhllion i,iiiii' tin niiniliii of
kltil.tia lioin l-ti to mm, totfi'thir witli tho
ntiiiihpr nt istahhtliiiu tug ami u,iplne.t nnoIiH,
tlm liM at wi,'es to the woil,lnlilt a ,11 well 11
but liul tlJiuiup lo the el ihliahintiits afTuteil
i tlio Phut wa ripie-i iiiul In luin aiiosi it
owl wlilili liumlipilt, Hi. ui imli nil, I linllmiu
wiy intituled In 1 ei p, 11 In ul 11 Inns, ho 1111111
bti ttiiibl onlv ,ii loxlniiulj ho mt il, poiisi
(innll.i th' fUiiiti no uiiui 111 loiiii I numbers
In the suiuul rqioit In uiiisifo-t ui lvi. evait
lik-uifi aie ijivtii ol even unit fiom Jjii. 1,
lvi7, tn June 'vl, si 'tho umnjite losi in
W3LI-J of t mill, i.u s ni Ibe Ihiiliiii jrus am! a
half was by t.tril.c ln.I S07 u"i7, iml by lookouts
$.!(,, 1, s.'i, 111,, ami to tiuploiei- in tin nauic peuoil,
tliileioil liv Not
Vrir, On
1S.-J, ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,
l(.ll .,
OiiMiilitlou, . Onltitil
1 10 '-'i'I
"pi "10
; ii 'in
Sin 5'
Jim "i
;m f . 1
'ail 41m
pm ! 0
Tl'l J"'
l,io 0OJ
nl 10
1 uipbep
I to mm
no un
1 ,11 (Mi)
r,"ti 'inn
! fl Ut
j I KM
(111 (1
in un
: 'nl (mo
l! Ill 0i 10
'.iti oiij
1 IMI00
.") (I.OOi)
Pllll .
fi'ir ,
ino .
. ...,., I,, ,,t
.... I, "IM
... I,'.1-')
" 'J.sOtl
'.im.,.,,,,,, 'J,5ih)
" V -'."ID
' -, nil ,
u .00
fi 'Oil ,
S, IKl
.'.. II, ton
1, III)
ivil ..
1 '). .,
l.0 111
!(ll,(4 ll
eir. I mploM
isM s ! Mm mm
1SS- llltlfKMIOll
I'I"' h,Vl (Kill
I'"' 7, vm miii
'" l7'j0iKm
l,M1 lltMVIU)
ss7 1 i.niKliiiii
1ss 1, vm.iino
l"s IU,,llil(MHI
lv"u U tkHUHIII
1"l , llMIIIMIIH
Is'C- IJ HHHikl
Til iiouoimu
3s'M Vi OHO iliiii
Is'll 1 tikiutiuii
1l,li)ll llllll
s'I7 1t(iiiin
Is'lt 10(llK)IKlll
1VI0 1 IIIXI (Mill
WH ... . 1 i (1IIIBI
1 n.s to
I UipllMlM
I 110 llllO
I (miitMii)
lll( III III
i lUOtKK)
1 ' J i,tmil
il 71i),WW
I. inn iwi)
.1 II in 111 u
,i on nun
i j .iidiii
i vwom
i (fl 11 (kl
I mi I10
7 .on iino
ml wm
As-l-llieo elicit III the hhu oiitiilillllons to
tho-e on Hiil.p InsUiil nf (intmj the is.l
nmi liu,l,ii,l In pull of (ho twiiilt ti im leioitl
( 1, I luti tilan those tit wlitip tin iiii'iunt
1 Mi 1 (led 1 million (1 ill in itnpt s0 .mil ".
Ill all the oilier ji 114 the isi-l mro 1 iiueil fioni
1 ipurli 1 to tluee iiintir mlllloii dollii-
ISs s,(00tKli)
lt7 ItiODOtitl
! 1,710 HO)
1-01 1,'1II,(HHI
1SH 7 (MI'K)
lstl-1 (IIOIHlO
l'KJi) . . 1 "(U.WO
111 lsvt, whin lass In w ie4 .uuouiitul lo s'-,
OuiiikiO, (he tui 1.1 I. ss lo etib Intlitltluil
wollhl he s-,) , (li, nui l,( is-i-tune f,i 11, il
woultl be ' (1 nt
Il it ei-llt Mill fmnt the foiioiluc fuuie
till slid, n ne not pidllt ihh to tlu uiilis in
tnlteil, but liui-r tiloti ilihtilliiit lottiit bii-i
111 -t ih tittup lis .iipiinit. fit 111 llie 111.K if in
illl-tu. 1'. W Jit.
I nl', 11 III , fltl 'J- I'tll
' Iln Wu,is of si,, 1 It,., mt, , I ut 14 V 1.
hi, illhll-luil lit It I luili) to, en', it the
listiiiLiioit of liitu tlu inti-t potiiful -t i
tut writlui ht tint tillul wilt 1
'Hut union, ,11- nl I pit in, ( ml iln ImiM, 'nr-
1111- -itllttlllt 111 III lll4t IllstOlhll imt 1 1,
Whpu 1 Wiiih Is nitiiif" II, is ili.iill.ii! 1
"1 It 11I1-.4 nul slvlltull m mull .mil n ,111 11 us
frit mi "
'I'iiiici I'm K," Im I, s,!),ut(,i ,( not
tl. lucli li iililulii, 1'n.i In iihli-li 10 ml
Nut I, tilt- Its 1 ul,- fiom iln null nu, 1,1 il,
tiling trill, W ho-i llil! mm 1- -ml 10 be Is
iiniiiii is hi r 1111110 W( 111 h t to lulriti 11 is
not it ill hi., ' V I ink of Iln un-, In I. m.;
IIIIkIi lit lilt -Olllhie nt 1 1 1 tit -4 if til llllll iml
ih iliiio wiih piopl'of 1 h ippu 1 -t 11 it 11 111 IC
Uur wh lit tti it 1-, mull I- 1,1,, 1 mi mi if
111 lUllllil Wllll-t' slltti - (if 1 l-l t( 11 lul II
I t niton Hit Ian 111 to liiiiiiiuii in ui 1111 t tl. ihl
Ui nui-" "ho-o In ol, ' - Iln u,ti-t inli 1,-1 11.,
Uli I III II).' ibto Uutl 1 nt 1 "10
ttiv -1 1 un ilile iilii'ln I- tlu lii.ui In
Viii-h( - f r Notdiibet, linuiii i I 1 nl Uill
Ti 1111 ' hi VIIpii siiii,,. tllllill 1- ill,i-ti iti I
Willi photi a-i.iphs nf thiiuitii mitii-i Mik 1111
pirlnil ml (ipullt it nl 1I1K is ' Om I liiniiu
liiilu-nt,' bt I' M liiihl 1 i iphu nu mil "f
tin Vim iu 111 f 111111 1 -u ul hi- mi. mlu iiitiipii,-
lll! S,, ,n ih, 1 mi, s ui,," lo t nl II
tit, nils of the helti't in-- nt Ink i-h 1 . i
till llllllllll Hill IljIKItl of 1 In 1 nlllllll 1111-tt'l-
It I- 1 -I t'l. I Ot fill 111 iloiii.uitto il 11
wi ithl -1 1 III llupOs-lbU toil it m I tu tun nis
1110-t ill tin aliili-t tilt 1, tin if unlit I,
'Miuii-i' ott ulitt" I tin- ( Vil 1111- iniiui-
lhi 11101 il of 1111111, II"- iini-i 11011 in 11 1 1 mil- of
(oiiuiiii-, mil i. til- iltiutnii tn tli 1 11 1 ihn
Vim uiaits Inii du In 1 11 ili-pu 1 tl in (lilt
llllllllP, hilt ll fcO 111 th pl-r two lltllili-
ll( lind- tlul liio-l of mil -1 It tn uli nit 11 tile
liinil iiiiiuinoii.t 011 si iiiki 1 ,ti ir or h -s
"I'llnu-tn, or lluw to knot Voiu I uttin In
tin II iml," I- the inh ot 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 . ,- v. oil.
up, 11 tlu f 1-1 initiii.' htmlt It Ti ml Jm Miuiiii,
Ihe will lu tin nti-l in I uliiii-t m I iij.i'iioi if
' llntv In Hi nl 1 ho 1 .ti 4 " lu tins lillh woil tin.
iiithoi hi- li 1 111II1 il w!ut his t'w i.t- Inn ion
-ul. ml 1 lomtilit liul -111I111 in 1 mil mi I li 11
111 ihi 4 il lonipt! IkiisIu Id tin tiio-l lin-kill il
notn.0 His t-luil- mil 1111.14 of 1 lie luiiil it
will .it 1h( (plin Unit noli., in Will 'it 1 t
mil (in In 1 i-ilt mult isiiioil It 'I"- Minimi, it
tmliii lit InlillUuiCt 1 iiiippul In tun ol Mil
mil- list hoi.1,4, tlu nu Hi 111 palmist nut' in 1
hhotl tune b t nnu pinlli itnt m Ihe mioikp, mil
.iiiiiiii huotthiue if liiiinui (luiiiiei llut will
in I tub be .1 miuilo 1 1 mm-, nu nl, bin wi'l
ofttn In ol n it t duo in 1 bii-iiiist w n t-i nil.
II11 M11II111, piibb-iiii, VHiiilown, l'a
l'i 1 out Interetti I hi ih" tb 1 1 i 111 nr mul
1, i,lunr- 1 1 spnkii ili-in will Iiiul in Iln Sou in
Im lt-li( of the N'ttt iliOtt,lt iiiii;iiii, M1111I
1 tuiipis-ium ciiniir 1 nu -1 luminous 011 line nf
tin Hlli'ilt lit lill'lolU Hit ss 1,1 Ut ttliiitilu
iiiul moid i-pttt, mul IN tllius iml t. "in 1111, s
ih-iii.-nl ui'Ltitlt in l'i I M I'uhlis,
V M.lliiil-uii II IliitiU nul Willinl I Hull
iKiiiiiiil liuKit 0 flbo 111 t tin nt In tun if
the Hnlil "1 ntlii scion" Ot Ml- I'ip'i, Iht-L 11
tubs in both tun 1; aim Inn 11-llua: In"
Mihuit if tlio (mull, pum poituit llits nth
14 Hun t- Wo d who loiitulniKs the tp.uln..' 11
tiilt, "ie 'Hun fit lt Ilml lllun- of 1 1 ul li '
It 14 1 -dmlillt pioliu ib 11, wulltii iu this 1.
Iiioiis ttllhoi't b(st stile, llnl Is fnllowiil In I
nui-lite luu,i lphlo xhiltli ol Ml Wool 110111
the (in of l.illtiu I'llliiison Hun ait tw t
evti lli nt 1 01 nit 111 Hi- I 111, (ullniiril ht tin
it tubulin,,- iiitt ilnii 111 of Mnti llie Ma-'n I in,"
I-tin II 1 llU'iltM s litiiniuiu tiiiuli luit Hi
leiilliiir 1J 1 (i II" I' It Muni will b 11
'III, I'liilu-iplit if 1lp1 'im in ' b llioini
W Jin -mi iiioiiipam 1 with 1 11 unit tin I
fl pith ot il ttttiir 1 ' nul' .a in -'""Is
si a t r li, VH ' I'ul I -buy ' iiupim
1 ifili in inn. tv i' i-" )
Always Busy i
'It Is the Thins." g
Toi Shop 01 Mill,
$1.25 QEjr
Grades, J
$1.50 and f 1
$1,75 Grades, pl.Z,J
In nil MCH uoi Oct them
now AVo Mill not tin iu
Lewis : ReilJy g
111 lid Wnilllll. tf.
I'"l. I..,..,, i,,....!,
1s''-'... .i..i... ,,,,,,,
Hit. ,,,
Working Shoes
For Men,
and Children.
Now Is the lliiit to i'Ihuik'1 to heav
ier1 tinilvi weal. Von want the best
value It Is possible to obtain Out Hues
me iicknowlcdKed leailcis of depend
able uiiderweai, fiom llie lluest made
Kilt incuts to 11s low pikes as (jowl le
llablc makes tan be sold for All Unit
is best ami newest me lotind heie In
white mid wool,
to nil.
t'OMHI.VATIO.V SIMT.S, lot men,
women anil clilldien In the "
let" ami other popiilm makes: ntttuial
and white, in dlflticnt woIbIus.
MIJN'S XATUKAl, eti.i he.iw
vtf'lKht fleue llut (I Slilils and Di.ivv
cis, evieptional value loi fitly icnls.
Otu spet pi lie. I !c.
iii:avy ji:i:si:v iiiiihkd .Shins
and Diatveis, I7e. valim:.s m .vie,
Toe and !l 00
l.AUlKS' i:XTI!A 111: VY llecie
llueil mid silk tilnmuil ju white onlv:
an etia bii.iln value Speilnl inlie,
.ii:i:i:v itu:m:n vksts. in white
onlv, line son lleue lined, sill; itoehet
(dfte. with s tihhoti tiinmiliiK. Spt
ilal pi Ice. ,'iOt
AVOOI, and white at 7"n and $100, me
dium and he iv vvcIkIH
i.mi'okti:d s if-s rxDi:uvi:.i:.
in silk mul wool, all-wool, silk and 10I
ton and wool and (Olton In
and white, in tl! sIls and weights
' iiov.s,' i:xtu. v.u.i'1, (im:v
ii.i;i;i-i: s0s ji to ;:i spe
( ial pine J"u Jlisses .JetsL.v lllbbed
Vists and Pants, fleet e lined Silk 1 ih
bun ti humid spedal ii It e. j'i s,,.
flal pi 11 is on odd .sizes and bioken lots
Lackawanna Ave
"Mission"' Fuinituie
was so named because it
is copied fiom fumituie
discoveied in tho niins
of the Mission Houses
of Old Mexico. It is
and well woith cou
bldeiing if you .110
nbout to buy tiunltute.
It is finished in Ant
weip, Austiian and
Wentheied Oak. Call
mid see it.
Hill & Coimell
!2i N. W.ishiiigton Ave.
let in! v . It nu h 10 ,i im.i-o
.ml mtiV On
btoil. Is ('Ltiiiiiiilv goml ipnl t fJr ti pnil
Mil ill nuns tiM. In.- anil i, ), ,u ,,(1,
UlllUHl,at (Jill U Ollill'i' ullt.1 n,.
1 12 Spruce Street.
Allis-Clialmers Co
Suceci'iois to Maulifno liusluiwa nf
Pkhbou M.-iuur.Kluilut; Co., ei.i.iuton
anil WllUi'a-U.iiip, l.
Stulitmuiy Kugincs, Duilcia, Milling
Macbluuiy I'umps.
Jf.lt8? Ham.i WS ?! U
'W 'T&Y -Gjj j
TTwL. iff
" - ...-..-. .-. li -i 11 ii-iii I ii... . , fc
these enterprising deaier3 can supply your needs
of every ci i araoter promptly and satisfactorily.
b'uilIjinq'oontractor. . . "'
Miuni tub mul tliots clue finnlji. nlllee mill l.i nf yinff r
Inre liiinltiiti- in luii! or Ml wood, mul Jile I I V LmCZ, Y V3
.'.'il Hmliti ue I, stiMMAll, '
for salb Bakery.
lit null J iml vtaivs f oi Mm: 1I.0 jtin ooor-c cr
lloti.rt iml lliilhlliu In- 11 bnmiln lit)li-l.s 4sJ rrrttfc StT,
( l.ll'l'l I) mul tdliuiMI 11 11
M. T. KELLER Succc"or
I 1 lUiiuitil ( tril 11." nik . ,.-.. .. .
SCRANTON. PA. Orders for BtUdj, Owlets, Croqticllcf, ute,
I '"" liromptlj niled.
U. E3. VVOOLSEY ( QO A full lino ot Lee Cic.m -nul Ices
Dealers In l Icittlo Wlrlns anil Mttuiei
PLATE GLASS AND LUMBER llettrle Hell ami Itlcpliout! Work.
rear Bit I aikaiinnui -neniie. nuiiulicluier of ANOTlLE MANUFACTURING) COMPANY
Wire S-utcnt of all Uintb: full) pictured for Makers ot Patliu; Piltk, etc. M It Dile, '.
tlio sprint; season. Wo nuke all Minis ot poult ch-nrul stirs Acnt, (HIUo ,".'J Wiihlnatvii i.e
xniiH. fti. Works at Jsu) Aus, l'a . I.. K W. 11 1!
Oeneril Conr.ftlrf "'r",nT,d Deabr In KINGSBURY A SCRANTON.
lliillrfliiK stone. (.(iiieiiliiiJ! of lellus 1 fpo Manulailurcn Atenla
lialt). rdephone !Srz. MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES.
Office, ra7 oiiln?lon aicnue. Ditttkt Aenla for
" 1 ' ' .lobti , Tiotblliu's Kins (.'11 '11 Wire Hop anl I
SCOURITY BUILDINQ d. SAVINGS UNION leclrltal Wire. (Iitttt I'mlii and Ituhber Mlu
Home offltc, 20S 201 Mean niillfllncr, transjcta n Co ' Ileltins, I'liklmr, Hose, anil Mcihankal
(rcneral building ami loin builnc-a tliioui.hoii' "uhber Coods. knotvltoii I'icklns. Cattir'j
llio i-titc of I'liinstlt mil Oil Clolhins llooni JIO I'atill Tilds.
-M''l 'H"Ji.Jll'
In. announcinc tlie opening of our new stock, we
call special attention to the fact that our Entire Line t
I has been made to our special order, thus giving us an i
I Exclusive Line of designs and colorings from the j(
woild's leading mills. Never before have we been en-
abled to offei a stock so complete at such tempting :
A supeib stock of all
pi ices.
iiton Axmmster Brussels
Velvet Tapestry
An Early Inspection Is Advised
! Williams
126 Washington Avenue.
Carpets Wall
'Ml Ponn Avciuu1.
Done qiilcMy nd icasouahly
at l lie Tribune office.
llllll'. l Au- uutl Hiuili. Allmlie I il) .S I
t-i -1 1. itar, jVj I. annul kwiiu iii.uiu-,
Jl.d Mllll lilli Iwt J'l'l Kllll' M!l vwlir lulln
iu hatil mid aiuu-, lul lllun itlttt and lUiltjl,
uillitn il" )Jnl il lliu !Mul I'lu Iln Ik' li J
llilil J tpciul y'lin. U, li lu i l.i icl,
J i W Uh lo ila; siititl riin lu ItiniV Luut.lit
imct U ttaliu. Willi, lur liuoMct
1.11. Mil. I 3 U. (.01 1;.
the leading fabrics.
Paper Draperies
Capital 200,001). Surplus $523,009
United States Depositary.
Special attention givetito
nr.sixi'.hH, I'KRHoxai. and SAV
1M.S ACCOL'.NTrf, whether largo
or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wu. Conm 1 1 . President
Hinki Hi, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. II. Puk. Cashier.
A Secoud-Class
.City with a
First-Class Stock of
nt Siass,
terling Silverware
ME, tlC,
Suitable tor
Wedding- Gifts.
MercereaU & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Iclniilty, j
w i ' i
t s