The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 29, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    s rYps& rsvf
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ftfvrsF v?pi tr
pt i ft?v5r j"w vj. J Wy .wiR"".
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TnMlnriM nW, r.tqit S.imHy. I.y Thr- Ttlji.
line I'uWIjhlns OotnpJny, al Fitly Cents Motil.i.
i.ivv s niniARn, fMitor.
O. r, n'.ni:i:, IIiisIiicts Manigpr.
Sole Acenl lot Foiclun AilmlWnp
t'nlercil at the IMMofflo t ScMiilnn, I1'..
SoconJ Clim Mull Miiller.
When finrc wllMirnnlt, The Trllmn , aw'0"'
ltl to rnlnt uliorl IcttrM from IU IrlrmU f".
inK on uirrrnt tnplt. Imt IN rulr l HiJ
mint, do jIriiwI. lor pnlillrnllnn. Iiy llif writer
rent Mine! unit llio cnmllllnii pr"r rilcnt In nc-
riiliiiwc li tli it nil loiilrltiutloiu shall lie subject
to pillinrlnl rellon.
Ilio (ollnnlnif tnlilc aliomi Hie frlrc r" Incli
mli Insirtloii, triaie to he mul witltln one jcav:
Hun ot Mtllinr nn t'lill
MSI'MV. Pptr IImiIIiih rq'lllon
I.mTiImii 500 Inrlieit .2.'" ".27.1" ."0
WV) inches 20 .!!! .21
11)00 " 1(1 ,17"i .l")
vcm ' .1,1', .17 .t"
two " ir, .tiis .11
I'oi ninli ot IliinU. resolutions ot ionilotcwi
ml nlmllir tntitrllintloni In the n.iluro of (!
vrrtMiig Tlio Tilbimc niakei a ilurge ot 3 cents
tt."tc for ClJFslfleil AtlmlUIni; furnished on
.SCHANTON. OCTOHKH 2(1, lf'01.
Ruprniip Cmirt WII.M.WI P. POTIOR.
Tiruvur-rUANK G. 1IA11RIS.
.tu.irc i. v.: cai:i'i:nti:i.
tVntlollci-K. A. JO.NKS.
loroner-UIJ. .T. .1. IlOllllHT.".
l.loctlon Nov. n.
"When the Iirinocrtir.v went out ot power in
cur fclate it left to the Henubllcm niily n l''if
iy of ntmo--t 410,(100,000 ot ilebt. Tills ilf-lit, by
wl-c atliiiinl.str.itlun untW llepiibllum mil1, hit
been aliiiot entirely piid. We lnciciii.fil
ihe appiopriatloni to the lonnnon uliooh until
c stand at the bead of the Amciiean states In
tuppuil of popular cdiiealion. Umlcr ltopubllran
dmlnlstralion tbcro lia? been paid cadi year tor
educational purpic more than wat apprupilated
by the Deinorraliu pally l.i their quarter of a
rentiuy of misrule. We Incieased our ap
proprlation? to chaiitablo mul ileciiioyiniy in'ti
tutlons until vc tan inihc the boa-it no stale
belecn the two oieam Riiipoit these institu
tions as well ai dorf our own. Our 7,00i),000 ot
people aie inilu-tiiom, honel, law-abidlni; and
happy. Vet, niiKnindoil as we are on every niilo
with properou"; l)iilnes ouditioiK. with people
happy, (inplojed and eonlenled. and tvllli eeiy
lclluc of bn-dnes? and trade fully occupied, and
with the pio-pect of the futuie brlgl Icnlnic and
Krowin? more hopeful, the old historic paity of
olistruclion and negation cct up a hierti-al ciy
f false pretense, lijpoeiisy and insincerity tor
the puipose of milc.idhis the people and iccalt.
Irg lost power," Fioin the lti'publiuu Sta'e
The lociil rnmiiaigii is ontiii-ly f-.itis-faotory
fiom a Jepubliciin ptamlpoint,
tlcFiiltc the nolso luaile by notup ol tln
organs of the opposition. 3ot ovory
advocate of honest Kovernment anil
jiarty lORiilarity ilo his duty aL the
polls ono woi'lt fiom today and tin
olertlon of thi" tntiin Ucpublieaii lioll
will lie as.-iued.
Tlie Republican Candidates.
NKXT 'H'KSDAY tilt- votoi of
I.aokawanna ooiinly will
pass upon Iho claim1- of Ihe
.n ituis candidates for olllce.
What will their verdict be? All of the
"Republican candidates In the utility
iie men who haw been tried and found
to measure- up to the re(iilieinents of
the oflii'os ila-y so acceptably till. It
would be a nil-taUe mil to (ouiiuue
them in service.
Judge raipouur diuiiiK the short
time he has been mi the bench hJS
won the confidence and good opinion
of everyone connected in any way with
the com tb of the county. Without dis
paragement to the able men who now
sit with hi in on the bench of till.-: coun
ty, or the distlnBulsheo run -who pro
ceded them. It tan be tiuthfully said
that T.aeUawanna lias never had In its
judiciary a man who was more truly
intended by nature for a judge than J.
"V. Carpenter. Calm, patient ami
learned, with a mind of gteat clearness
and fairness, he is the ideal of what a
man ought to be who Is called by his
fellow men to adjudicate for them lit
matters where their lives, llbeity and
luoperty are at issue.
Kdwatd A. Jones was assigned b.
Governor Stone to the diilieult tabic of
opening the oiilce of controller in this
county. It is an otlleo with many and
complex duties, even after a system
has been adopted, and it has been in
tmiooth working order for years. The
task, then, which confronts a man who
must crcutc the system, open the
books and establish the new relations
with all of the other county olllclals
can be Imagined. Mr, Jones is doing all
this in the most satisfactory manner
without the slightest filctlon or un
), lie ought in all Justice
,o bo continued In the. olllco for which
he has displayed such fitness. The of.
llco id' controller is one of the most Im
portant In the county. He is the audi
tor of all accounts; the watch-dog of
the treasury, as it were,
Cormier J. J. Huberts Is a skilled
physician and a man who, dining the
last, three years,. has familiarized hini
sclCjwith eveiy detail of the duties per
taining to his olllce. Xn stranger en
lerpjsr.tliu oiilce could hope to mi It as
s-iinjtautuilly as a man who has had
tliecxiieileuce of Coroner Huberts.
Tbo olllce of surveyor is one too often
overlooked because of Its supposed un
importance. tJeorgo H, Stevenson, Hip
present Incumbent, is a Cornell man
who has no supeilor as an engineer I"
thU'part of ihe state. His work for
thre years has demonstrated that
Lackawanna has a man li cannot af
ford to part with.
Judging from the llutieiiug in tho
Democratic, press, the labor vote must
be Sut gunning for Hannau Verkes.
John nitcliell Day.
INK WOJl K HUS will today I ., ,1m ,li.L.l ......I
X- -A. ersary of tho muling of
iho great coal stiiko by
linpvessivu exercises anil festivities in
honor of John .Mitchell, presldfiit of
tho UiiIUm SUipi Workers of Ainericii.
It Is expected thut tho niner8 through
out the uiitliraclto regions will turn out
In lurgo numbers to take part in tile
programme that will mako the day a
memorable cam In the history of min
ing In Northeastern Pennsylvania. jr.
Mitchell deserves thU honor, ror bU
ttcvotlon to the cuubu of the working-
At T
man lias never lieen rutcslloiicd. While
ho has In no Inntnnen, been unfrtlthfiil
Id tho Intercut of his rot lowers, Sir.
Mitchell lias ever ptlt.MUcd a conserva
tive policy, tempering nil detnnntls
with inoderntlon, anil hits struggled to
arrange difference1 between cintiloyer
and employe In an amicable way. Jy
his keen pense of fairness lie lias won
not only the confidence ot the work
man, but enjoys the respect and cHtoetn
of the operator as well. None will say
that the honors of today ale not well
VoIroiss, the. n.assln, dies lud'iy.
Those In charge of his execution have
displayed commendable taste In their
efforts to make I lie last liniments of
the wietch devoid of sensational reu
nites. Willi the knowledge Hint the
inundates or the law hav" been carried
out Interei-t In the unfortunate tool of
anarchy hotlld cease. Let Czolgos' be
lolgollen as soon us possible.
That Hitchcock Assessment.
THAT TIIUHK may be no
doubt as to the fairne-s and
justice In the treatment ac
corded Mr. Hitchcock, the
following data In I elation to his so
called "prohibitive assessment" Is sub
mitted. The expense for conducting luimary
elections, based on former actual ex
peiullttnes, Is as follows:
Senile of election oflWei III Ml dl-
tihU at ! per di-tilit M.II'Hin of I'li'itlou Inoth-i YiiW
Filiitltitf mul ilMillmllon f ballot,
lilauk. etc
Aiheillalui; i.NpeiiM'
Hall lent, for holdinp: inuwntlim
Kprncs ol leluiii juilu'C", .ntleiiillni;
New lullnt liov
V.M Hi)
iii) ml
l!il Oi)
!l 00
1,11 fill
1 1 hi III) epfii-e "-'.Vil CO
'I lie ciiioliiniitit f the fiMi'il olllie-. In be
filled i a; follow:
Indue (ten jearO
f'nntiolhr (lliiee , c.n )
Coioner (lliiei' je.uO ...
Sniicvur (three je.ii1.)
Aecoidlng to paity Miles the expense
for conducting primary election must
lie apportioned among the candidates
for the several offices In piopoition to
the emolument of each office.
Therefoie the distribution of the
total expense would be as follows:
For jwh-e, M prr ient. of 1.,..vii.ihi. i...,7i.I 5
Foi" cmtiollei, 2U per cent, ot 'J.'.ll.liu,
or .ll JO
I'oi loioner. 111 pi1 cent, nf '.',Vil.ii. ,.i '.,) 10
I'm -itie ii, ' pel , nt . of -.M'iI.ik), in "it -'
SVVil 00
iiu'ie being two candidates vegl
tered for the olllce of judge the actual
assessment lor each eandldiite for this
olllce would be ?iS().!i'.i. In order, how
ever to provide for probable and unfor
seen contingencies assessments ttie al
ways made to exceed actual appoitlon
meiil, with the undei standing that any
surplus shall be returned to the can
didates. It Is now a.i-ted that the l'.ulg.i
rians who kidnapped Miss Stone aie
Christians. If this be true the un
speakable Mohammedan icitalnly has
the laugh upon the missionaries.
It Is alleged that the population ol
gieatei- New York has (alien since the
last count. When election leluins be
gin In come 111. however, the delii ieney
will piobably be made up.
The announcement that a woman
claims to have cured a sick cat by the
faith-healing pioiess leads to a sus
picion that the ielirie was out In the
ninth stitfje of existent e.
The I'an-Atuericiin sincklioldeis will
lose about ?i,000,00n. inn the liulTalo
boarding-house box olliu leceipts have
been most gratifying.
It is feared that the I'aii-Aniei lean
r. suits will place lltilValo in the oii"-nlght-stand
show towns of the future.
Cieueial Duller probably icalixes that
a martyr stands next to a hero in the
eyes of Ids hysteiica! count) yinen.
The Union ticket as usual seems to
haic absorbed all of the lloatiug poli
ticians heieabouts and elsewheie.
It Is to lie K'gretted that the last
Wayne county "gusher" has not taxed
the rapacity of the tanks.
Jealous of Their Lingo.
Fiom the Filli-liiue; 'Inn-.
A New Yolk worn. in w,i .iiKilul mid linid
MMi'iii rniibli' tui lejehlui; the IhiulUli Lin
KiUKi in HiK.l.i, Aujhniij vho eei Mini;.
Kli'd with tin1 liihM.m liuii;iie would tliiiiK that
the le.uhei who piopiwil In iuliudutc llnslWi
di'Nenrd u lewanl, but lliivii i puullir.
A Good Precedent,
Fiom die llliijliililtou lleiidd,
Vu liicidiul ol I'leililuit I! en lt' .iim.iiul
clilt in New .i Iho uiii-t of laic ihK
weiK I i.i", been luoie whlelt iiuliiul tli.iu Ihe lie
libeiilu iili.iinloiniieiit at I ne Iiiki'Ij attunleil
Irivpliun in I he lie imbrirllj illiilux hall of
Ihe (iHili-li (iNlnin nf liniiMialilnx -' mx ub
unid on iiluilln mi .iilnln.
Has Troubles of His Own.
Fiom tlie Wilkes-Ham1 Ittcoul,
niue ol the Iteiiublliini neei iiei ,ne nil
lic(0m.irilj' neie on tsMilc li.i ii I'l.m,
'lhe hhoi'ld lil him .done limi lint It!-, own
paity ii i pti.ll.i t inv: him .ind .ateudluu: in hU
i l-e. At lao Mli the (.jiiiiii, iui lileut I- iIomiI,
lie Iui. bad tioubln i iuiiu;li
Undesirable l'ame,
I'lDlil the I'iiilulelphl.i lleinul.
Uillilil llulkl'n iliMiliwd liii mult1 him the
hem ol Ihe I.mhIh'i luiiiii- h.ilU. II a la in Ul.u
In be roil in .i linn llul ii piulubly ihu
lllllj Mil1, of a In i,i tint 111 l.
May Have Hegrets,
Flniil WjddiiKiiin stai. .
Il ii pnvillih1 in belliu Hat tin,iuJ PJutt
Miiniilimw iujhu i ,ci li.iiu ial,t(d tint Mi,
lliin-uclt be mull' lii"iniilt ill.
Practical Economy,
1'iKiii l'liiUiKI;iil,i 'Ilia,,.
Wl all h piople will uua be in, Mm; lu I loud)
lo iwjpe lunlaiiptiy b.i uuuiuinUiiv ' C'Jl
bllU. '
An Inconvenience,
Float Ihe 1'ilbLuui; Hi-uUli.
'Ihe ficihl iar ilnalu;e iiud lh ueil 1.11
tJioitjue uu the iueiitubU- liiuiiufikiHts of
(Comliiilcil from P.irc 1.1
lint repotled coiniiJJtloin Willi AiIiiiIi-jI (then a
ciplnlii) l!v,in.
"I did lute n cnmcr.mtloti wllh htm," repllail
Ailmll.ll Sehlet, "but I do hut remember whither
It Win on duly 4 or duly ,V I would .iy of
t'llptaln lliiili", M I h.ile Hid nf nil other', t
do not belleie tint he would wllllliilv inlliilc.
I think hl lerolleellon 1 nt Mult, lie did
a inuer.itlou with I.IC In lel.illnti tu kliuatliiR
the Iidw oif one of the torpedo lifMU mul the
stem nir nitnllirr and pultliur hN helm nl.itlioitil
mid IiiMiilt one vhlp nml then .ipurl mid taking
.mother. Mv leiolltetlou nan It piellinliiai
lly he ,.lld 'to ino! illd Jotl see "" Philip
turt tn run nwnvt' mid I Mid, '.Vn, he w.u
inMilKfli ' It l.ii the llinnklill make tun
tuiti mid I ni-ked him If he did not iee Ihe tactl1
ml lieeewllv for It."
Mr. II liner thru r.illul S'litej' nltcu
tluli In tlie tellmoiiV ol Aihnllill Tiijlm, who. a.1
cipkllii. coiiiinindeil the hitlleililp llidi.uu ilurllu;
the battle otf Snutlano, mul C.ilit.iill llawiou, who
connnaiiiliil the iiurluec on level, to the
elleit Unit the llionkljn, when (-he limit' the
loop, went soiithii.ini l mile oi n mile .lint ,1 hilt.
"I think liny me entliely mid absolutely mis
taken." .ild Ailnihal hrlilej..
"The llriiokljn," he (ontiliued, "did not pnii
In the noutliu.ini of Ihe line, e-ciept for Ihe ill.
t.tiui' lKilups of In i- t.ielicul dhnicter, wbhli
"iirelj' win not Kieiler limn lie1) j.ird. Fiom tltin- -.In1 uttered n ioiii-m1 paullel to the
', mul 1 do not think we weie inoie than
!.:iM to 'J.luo y.inN ill niij lime finm Ihe SpJIiUli
Hue. 1 i.,i eiuphitli'iilly that the llrookl.iu did
not tun south, and .my rt.ttement lo the ioiilr.iry
Ii n iiilntnkr."
iliuhiil Stliley, In reply to .1 queitlon ttoiil
Mr. li.rjuu. Mid that wlitu he flailed to the
we-lvwril finm santl.iBii he left thn ht, I'.inl at
the killer pkue. He then told of limv bin papert
weie boved up In Id" seerttaiv for triminlolon
to the ilepaitment iii Ihe it gnl itimn leiiillie.
Brooklyn's Effective Fire.
'Ihe .nliiilinl, by penoU-dim of tlie court, leirit
ed lo Mi iiiii.iIIm1 of Fiiilry, mul tpoke nf the
shot bnlet In the 1piui-,li Miudrnii. The llronk
liu. he te.itlllul, w n the mill nhlp eiujlu' llic
iuih cuii. A leionl of the hilt leeeinil by the
em in rhnwiil thai ::n pu tent, of them i .line
timii thoe miiH. 'I In' lliiiokljii retell id 30 of
tlie l-J eireitue shots from Ihe Spinluli Meet, or
about 70 pel rent.
With that -Lilian lil Si Idee toniliiiled
his illicit ti'-tltanal ami the judue iidioiate thin
In gau the tios-i..imiii.itinii. lie asked Ih-t
.ibniit the leu Willi the t omiu.itidor- at
llunplnii ltn.ids Inline Ihe 11 Iui; siUitlriu ailtil
to tin1 -01111111.1111. In leply tili.iiinl Sibley said
Hut t'.ipl.iiiiH llu:uiu-nii. .lewtll. s.iniN, CiioU
and M.nK weie pie-ent. He isplaliied that lliey
had dl-iiiul II ider of bitlli' in i.i-e the.
Spanish tlei t v. is nut, mil :tl-o the que-lion rf
the pi lie In low Mi the war heads ot tho mil
water torpuliie.s.
"V.n Iheie atij- t toll with the i.ip
l.iliisi" "Ves, on" Smtlaiiii, foi the piupo-e ot evpl.iin
ln the fuimitiou of the bloekatle and tlie method
nf nttail; in t ae we met the Spanl-h fleil."
"Will time .my pie-iiibed older of battle in
" did not con-lder it ncci"-.iry. We would
lltsht the chips hj .-ii'ii il."
"Wii- Iheie lime to pkue Ike onlei of Initio In
"Do not the ief,ul itmiis pie-nibe lint the older
of bittle shall be nihiud to wiitiirV
"I ilo not"
Could Not Remember Cubans.
'the judue adiocale then ipie-tioned tlie
on the iditility of Ihe Cnblli.i who hid iiiliuuicd
him at Hampton llo.ul-. Hut the pnitlou nl the
i-l.inil of full i wi-l t.f II in iui and t ieiifuediH
was will In hi by the --piui-h Milditis. lie leplied
tint he tniiltl nut Kim the n.lnu s, that they were
(iiliin? who hid loim1 to him to giic him .is
toiiiiiiindii tt the fijiiiir Mpiidiiiu that iiilntui.i
lion. He thin wa- ipit -tioned tln-ele .1?. to who
was pit-mt in the tabhi nl Ihe .Veir Voile at Kej
West whin he I. ill, id mei Hie lampiiiai willi Ad
mil il "-aiiiii-iHi. liliinial -t hle leplied Cap
tain ( haduitk li.ul lii'eii pie-int put id Ihe time.
"tt Inn wa- lint ."
'On II ly I.I."
"Did s.tinii-itii t.)nbit to jmi any ol
nil the iii-liuitinns he fmm the nnj tie
paumtnt i"
"No. He lonely rm of his tiinlideutial in
Mini (iniii li.nii the mi n t,n oi the nil."
Adiuiial sthley Mid he mul sanip-on
talked id in my thim;-. Il w.i- a lather hmtr t on
Imi .mil he iiiliiatid thai lie imild mil ue.ill
whetht'i t apl.iin Chadwlik wis pie-enr all the
'Mm iudje .idioialc tin li iivirled In ihe i one
lllllllii alii li f li.ill the M tlblfhead. mmcxed to
-shit tluniuh the I'n-Ie. while the tliin: -.ipnd-imi
was on its w,i In I n iiliiei;,!-,. 'I lie .idiiiuul
-ml that tin mi i-;e he leiiiletl wa- that theltl
was no new- nt Hie spaiit-h tleet. 'Ihe judue ad
me lie Iheii a-l.ed if the ailuiii il leuatdi'd us e-litditinii-
the iniiiui ..I the -ipnilinii finm ltj
Wi-l to ('it nliif'-ii-, In iew nf Ihe Hi-tun lion tu the hhiikade theie with a, little ileiiy
.1- pn--lbli'.
Against the Current.
'Ihe ji' leplied thn he did, tiui-ini.' as he
wa- in -iiuulion ai:.tii-l .1 imieiit.
'Ihe ii'ilt-i- adioe.Ui1 ihu: n-kid about ihe t-pted
fmiii ( hailt'-tnii In Ki.i- Wt.-I, to sl.iiv. that tin;
-pti'd nnm Key W't-t .-niithuaid was not .-o -"leat.
lie .l-kid whj, at one -.Hue. the
.-i'.'iialli'il the l.i--iibu- Us lint if she touhl
in ike nn knot- n would be .Midli'ii nl. 'Iii" .nl
liiiial leplittl .ittir lluee t.ns tt was putty
dlifiiull In nil iu-i win a piiliuilii liad
been uiadi when Ihne wa- uulliin staitllui; In IK
"Vniir -peul ,i- two I mil.- li fiom Kiy Wi-l
to ( I'liiiue;"!)- thin tinni thiile-lou to Kej
"Appall nil' "
"lib, tit '.! p m . !.i -JI, .it iiiidtiig to the
te.r. diii.inu .-low to P. knot-."
"I think il wa- nil an omit ol a the .ibomt Ihe
Siiii-liioii "
"Why did you -top .it miilliii;lil, Mi 'il, liefoie
join auiial at l ieiifueRii-.'"
"We weie leu tu tnolii miles finin Hie hilahl
in Hit' land weie the mouth nl the Inilior nf C!cn-fueffo-
wa-, and we -tuppitl until iliiln.-hl. I did
licit tale In aime Iheie in the"
Adiuiial .-tide wan a-ked whj lie did not pel
snually coiiiiiiiinii.iti1 with Caplaiu MtCalki when
he nit't the .Maiblehead on the way ilowu. II"
'li piled tint he a tv the .iulliiiv milling ilowu
finm the Maibleliead lo tfiiiumiult ale with him.
it wa- t aplaln JMall.-T- duty if he pu i--ed
iinpniiani nnm in ti ion to inmiimnit.iti1 li.
"Was It the duty nf the i-eiilor uillier to tall
fur the npoit in the junior's duly to lolunteei
il ."
Duty of the Junior.
'Ihe luidor offiier iuiaiialil lolunleei- .-in h lu
Hid tapt.iin Phesler liifniiu ou llul t aptaiu
MiCull.i, who lauie aim ml the C in. t , had
litily bull at I leufue'-i- ill t I'liiiiitiuliaUnn Willi
the il'Mugi'iits?"
The wllnev' s.ild he hid no com el -at Inn with
Captain ( hi-ter about tho methods nt blm k.ttie.
The lonii'i-olioii ileilr lather with the lialuts and
Usiu't- vf the bloi.k.ide.
"Did jnu leaiu (inni Captain Chentrr or Ciptuiii
MiCnlhi that i-eui.ll i;iinbo.ils weie lepoited at
"I bend that ill Ktj Wi-l. II was Ihe Kcneial
lepmi Ihne." leplied the wllnii.
"Whit nlllelil inform it Ion and initiuttinn' did
jnu utt .it Key West tiom the loniiiiindu' in
"HI- nldeis, of loui-e, lo pionril .Hid Ihe (oie
leoillnii I hive iM.illt'tl with him,"
The witni raid he belieii-tl he imild loll wh)
Ihe ile'i.iiliuinl U-anl Us mdei n-giililitig Ihe
pinlii linn of j-hlp.- limn laud b.illi lit'.-, lie was
juiiu nllic when Caplaiu la mil objetlril. The
itiiiil tli i i. led lint tin did mil iKie lor that.
Mr. llimii llit n 1 1' nl two di.-pilihe- (iniii Ihe
ilipiiliiieiii, ililnl Wailiiuiilmi, Mav In, uvMidlm;
the iipnilid pii'M'iiii1 nf 1 1 ii- SpanUh lli'i'l iie.u
I'lU.iin.t. I apl.ilu l.eiulj .l-kid Hie wltue-s It
lie eas I. ilalli. if wllh llui-e iil-pilt'hes when he
hid hi-. niuieiMtiiiii Willi Adiuiial s.iiiip-ou.
"lihulial S,iuip-iii nu'ieli lueuiiuned lliein to
nit," wj.i tlie ujil. "I had not sicu tlieui,"
Navnl Regulations.
Captain l.i inly then tank up Ihe iUt.,lloa of
the Dalai let-illations He lead .1 iiiunber of
them, and lu t.uli i.i-u .lsknl the wllnt.-i il In1
hail ininpliiil with Hie leiuis of the paiaKiaph.
'Ihe lint he It. id litiulii'S the toiiiin Older ill
elilif, win li piepuiui; hi- fltet or nipi ulioii lo
Intel the i mine, lo neniiiiiiiliati1 to his sudor
illii.ili.s hi- ,1'inul iniltiH, in, trui tioiis, piiiate
slunali mid Mn-1 1 nther liifoiin Ulan .is will ru
ulile i ub, i-n in n- piiible, to liluli l-l ind hi,
dill u Inn lu in lit. u ni.d at all nihil' time-,
"I ililnl; I luiiii'llt'tl mil,," lepllid tho
n 1 1 ni .
"How, .il. d in l, nt luaimei ." n-ki'tl (aptaiu
"Ill- I, mint; KCinial nnlu- lm the n!i.'inl.itliu
of tlie Mpiidiou, thejr iiiiliuillnii- and Hull pit'
wli sluii.iN."
Tlie iiinI .iltklc u, nl wa in f.i)loM: "Hie
loium.iiidii lu lliiei .li.ill. a piiilili', l.i'inie uu
Ink' iiiIii anion, inllilaillni-.lli' in Hie jimlois ill
iniiiuuinl. his i lilt I ol iall and tho lapltlu- lil-s
sulci inilil'-. piivale nluiuli and nlher inloinu
linn tint will iiiiieilally ,mlil llifiii il tallul
Upml lo IVtlll-l1 inllllllllid.
" tl il I do no', iimiiitlie.1 tu l.ov i nnplii'd
Willi," dd the uillit .
(.ij'lalu I mile Hun lead aitule -il. wlii'h
pioinleii thai I lie iiimniiudir in ihhf -hail, if
jm-iible, In full' t'.iliiL- ii.ln at Hon, suppl euiy
tiptilil with .1 I'liu nf h.lllli',shi'V.i' tliiu . i
the pnJtliinii en It oil 1 1 1 nn UIO, lie .liked the
ailtuli il wl ether lie had (oiiipllcd Willi that,
"Vis," In.1 nld, "but I ilo not iliidendJinl that
plan i iu'ie.-.-.illly to be in wiitteu. I think that
Hut order is tiililfiently i.-tuud out whin a
coii'inauili I in tlikf ilultki to plate hU tiews
in the uithr of battle and inform cull whit hu
npn-eii tu dt'."
"Do oii think, admiral, Hut uii un supidy
tveiy cuplalii Willi J plan of battle and do that
It an orjl tonfeuueer" asked Captain l.rmly.
'i do nut think that i jb-olutelj mci'tsaiy,"
teplleil the wltncsi. 'There nre lnl.nieei wheie
Inltlis hue been fought without liulnit
been iloue. Alii' plait ol battle Hint nilnht be
orlRlnileil Is nuldtel lu a ihniRe. t lute lieirr
kiiovin a buttle that win eier foimhl on the plan
origin illy clnvtn." .
"When, nt IMI j. In,, M.n- 20, Jnu sluldcd ft'-u ir n Mtunii lit Hie Itrookluus Imr. mid
ileaieil ftn iiillon, whit ouleis hail been lued
in loiiftmnlly with the pnuljloiu uf the leglike
"I should not think urn linluiilluns woultl be
neee'iry for n Heel ineillnjr ,1 ulinjli' le.-s"l, e
trpl lo suinh lut,"
Caplaiu l.rinly Couhl urn lell .ih'olulely there
H.I4 onlv .1 uliitflo esel, alllmuitli J on sltthted
but oner"
"As I wily, mu one mioke I awimetl, of couisc,
theie IWM but line letiel."
C.ipliiln l.cinl As ii miller of l.ut. was there
mole than one lessel?
"Hint! uiu twu U's-el, in w.ts dclelopcd
"Ollicm might hale been dcielopid In the ui',c
"If they bad I should pilled llirui. It
they been sepJiateil lliey woubl hue penult
teil thineelies lo be knot ke'd In piece."
Tlie Judjri' nillne.ile Ihrti aknl the witneKS
whether between the dales to wldili llio mill Ind
leslrlttetl the Imi he hid, .itcoiilliiK to
aitlcle 1171 ol Ihe it'iriihllniis, fnrtiMi'il eath cap
tilti wllh a plan nf bailie.
"Veili illy, jes."
"Hut not in urltliiBl" . , ,.
"t did not think the rri?ulitloii ieiUhed II."
"Did jnu t'oininunle.'ile In Jour raptalns jour
roiilldeiilhl liiitiuetlon fmni Adinlral Sampson
not to expose join ships to kind battel leu bi'loic
the ilestiuctluli nf Ihu spinlsh lleelt"
"I did not lirtiiuit! I leg mint them a coull
dcntlil." "In your npoit ou mv the Iowa milled off
Cli'iilui'iros -May ii,' -allhniiith she slatted day
later. Did she not incite only about Ino hours
nftcr the sn,tntlron"
"Although we did not o in timing the night
I rnnsldered that we .mttcil oil L'lenfuegtw .Mjj
"When did jou. fii-t see the cnliauie to thn
fnegoji!" "A little aflir tl.ij light, Mat' il."
'Ihe Judge ntliotale i.illtil the's allni
tlnii tu Mi statement lo He1 senate that while
on the luldize ol Ihe Iliookljn on the aftrinooii
of Jliy '.'1, being then about thlitf mlltii fiom
(iuifuegiis, he hcaid big gmiii Ihcd with the icgie
l.nlly of a s.ilute.
The uahl tint he lcniemlieied the inch
dent dMInilly. He ilht not know- the eatt ills
tance; he did not i nasal! the big.
"Dues not Hie log show tliat jou weie forty
tlie miles fiom the haiboi "
"I do not know."
Tho .iilinli.ll then pioeeeded to explain that the.
eoiiuuiinlealion sent In the senale was prepared
liuirledly and Ingely from lueuioiy In the eiosing
d.ijs of the mkiIoii, anil he nn hate made somo
blight mistake-.
Captain fa nil v nskett Ihe wllness In look nl the
signal book ol'the Itiooklin foi M.n- ii and tn
lead .1 slgnil width hid lu en mule .if !i.X a. in.
by Iho Toms to the Hagshlp. This he did, lead
ing as follows: "Ple.t-e tell me whit we a lo
ilo toil ly. 5. lt)-FIig-hlp to Texas When we get
elose to the port we will bloi katle it mul unite,
but will keep iindir wij iinilj- tor an.itliing."
In answer to a que-fion fiom f.ipi.ilu l.cmiy
legirdlng the onhus "( ship foi act Ion." Ad
miral Seldey tidained Huie was tt
lertaln iiinoiuit of piiapheiii.ill i nboaid the ships
to pieienl peisons falling oieiboanl or awnings
Mliiih hid to lie lenitued, and (hat was what he
li.ul in mind when he signillod to "cle.u ship for
Guns at Clenfuegos.
After the uee.-s the judge atliocite toiitinued
his iro -o.ituln illiin of Adiuiial Sildey. He
called the wllnts-.' ntlenlimi to the's
lug, l.'.'l). May :it, nicnt inning the hiPiiug of the
lepoits of two guns in the tllieatuiu ot Ciiufuego-.
"The log miiition- only two gun-," said the I he. ml mou."
The judge .nltoi-iti1 then uierted lo the tonli niders leieiietl finin Adiuiial '-iinpsnii and
cilled Ihe witne-s' attintlun to art It le ii',) ot Hie
itgulatioii.-, requiting the ttimtiiantlei of .1 -quad-ion
to loniiuuniialu hi- seuet in-liiu tioiis to Ihu
i.ipt.iilo under hiin.
"I legal did the in-lnictiuus .),"
-.till the adiuiial.
'Ihe wllne-s was III. -a t ln-ely iUc-tiniicd uboiil
the time of the ineipl nf the "Dear Sililej"
letter, whith the ileil.ned was leteiiid
.Ma -'J, .molding to his be-t let olleitioii
"Hut in jour letter to the -enate jnu -lid that
this litter lame to jou on ihe 2".nl and tonlu-ed
the Mlullioa."
That i- a latt "
"Hut it tune on lln1 -J.nd. did it mil."
11 s I staled beloie. I wtote the ininninni
ration to the -enale fiem liieiniii. The point
wa- at that time I lint not melied older
No. s."
'Ihe judge ,'idioiale Hen tailed Ihe attention
ot the witiie--, tn the slitnmul that whtu he
win- the signal- at Cienltiego- lie ditl not under--taiitl
Iliiin, and a-kid why he math1 the .-tale-mi
"Ilei.iuse Siiuh-oii li.ul staled lo me
iiiiiuilillull.v thai .n snon a- he got the situation
In tin nt baud he would adii-e uie."
"When dltl the low.i aline at CienfiiigosS"
a-kt d Captain J.einly.
"Ihe Iowa .iiiitetl til ( iinfnefios- on Ihe Jnd,
.-onie lime in the alliiiiimii, I ihiuk."
Caplaiu bendy then slated that the low.i left
Kev We-I at 11 n'tlotk a. in. on M ly :in and
gained ill her tlip about tllillj-nne hom.- un the
-liudion. He a-kid ibe tvitt,esn how he .mount
nl tor thi-, paititttlarly lu clew of the fat t llut
th' low I hid onlei-, to -how htl-elf off 11 nana
tn loiite.
Pi fine vide r.mltl au-wcr thl- itie--tiuii
Mt. ll.i.iui-r n-kid C.iotain l.nnly wheie in
got hi- llguie- tor Hiiiti-uue limn-. A slim I di.t
iii ion Hull en-ued as to the lime nt the aiiiial
ot the Hung -iiuiihon nil ( ienfuegos anil 1 Kit li
sides iin.illi settled on fourteen hum-, iu-tead of
tlditi one,
Mr. I.i inly then lipealed hi- rjiii'slioii nil the
b.i-i- of touitetn hom.-.
"The onl u.isnii I i .in Kit''." -'hi the wilne ,
"i- lint she -tood dlieitle atin--. tinni Key We-t
In Mat. 111.1; .tl-u that in shme the i uncut tmulil
lint be a- stinn as it it wis oif shore. Then,
piobably she nny hue steametl out of the rurient
after -lie ot niouiiil."
Mr. liajner i dletl attention to the faet tint the
pinept iloi- not lalse any question limit ruing
Hie Hiiiiemiut-of the -quathon fiom lie We-I to
( 'it iifm gos, but ( aptinn l.enily mid Mi. llanin
lonm.iled that iiiiinrj- in tin- lint i- intludetl
in the pinept- lii-Hui linns to inte-tigale Ail
mil .i 1 Milcy's ronditit generill. In pie-inting
hi- obji'itimi Jli. ll.i ncr spoke of Hit' "thaiges
again-t Mile." lull laptaiu I.emly ie
plieil that thin' weio no "ih.nges."
'Ihe imirl letiird to lonshler Mr. ItojneCs sug-gf-Hon,
nml ttliiu lis lniiubiis hid ii'iuineil Ad
miral Dewey niiiiiiuiieeil Its deii-lon J follows:
"'Ihe mini is of opinion Hut thin qiie-liou is in
i ompliam e with its ilitl-ioit of this ntniidiig,
coming btlttteu the title- of the llllli of mid
the -t ol .lui.e. 'Ihe lourt is al-o nl opinion
Hut lids wltnu-s oi tuple- ,i dllluent position
fiom an: other on the stand, and he is In Iter
qtiilllied In gne lea-un- than .inv other witness.
If II I- line that then1 tt.l a delay In Hut Hip
fiom Krt Wist lo ( ientuegos the wltne-s now on
the I- liitltr qiialilied to gin1 le.i-on- tlitu
nny one el-e. '-o, Inlttlt, this i- a unewal of tho
deii-ioil 01 this luornil'g."
Concerning Delays. ,
Captain l.only thin began a line of iuquliy to
deU'lnp the tails loiKiinlng the alltged delatii
in loule lu ( iiniiiegii-, bigliiiilng tulli Ihe inter
tlew bitwecn Si Idee and Caplaiu Che.--tir,
of the Cini i. In uiineitiou with this
lm iilent Auiuir.l1 Silih'i' lepeatui that he hid de
t Until to lake the itininnali along lui ui-e be
did not leel tint he had llm light tu tike a ship
fmni ,i siutieii wbtic tho hid bun plai'td by the
initial. uhIit in iliiif,
"When did jou llit .liipiiie the belief Hut the
"piui-h tint .is al tnniuegos;" a-ked the jud&e
"' iiitstoii Is," Ihe wilne-s sihl in reply,
"ilillliult lo aii-wii, but I Ihink I bteiuie lea-mi-able
u'ltalii that the ihet wa- there after healing
the gun tiring nn the nlti nionii pietedinR my ai
riial mid alter leteiting the nntu bioiight b the
Adtila fmni Klitgsluii."
"Win theie nm Ihiug In ill'p.ilihes Xoj. , or 7
In Indliale that the f-p'iilaids weie at I leu-
"Ilieie W.I- lint."
"Why ilhl ton imt nuke an iffrnt to a-iftl.iln
whellur the Spmlsli licit tta'. Ill Cieiiluegtu.'
"I made a dUltut ciloit on Jliy 2.1 by allow
ing the AiIul i to go In."
"Vnii lrg.inl as the best cltort you lould
hate undo'
"I do, inasmuch .i lie wa to conic nut the day
fnl I owing."
The it linos was tin a qiii'sliounl .n to Ihe ni.
this lit1 I'telud by the limit. Ho I cini inhered
tll.pilih No. S ill-timtl.
"When .ton ittelud llul onhr why ilhl J'nu
not iniiiinl m SiutiuoV'
".Simply bu.iu-e the niiKr was condition d.
Whin 1 bieame i-tieil Hut the llul was not at
Clrnfucgos I w.ii oidiiul lo piureed to Saiillagu?"
The Letter to Sampson.
('apt lilt f.-iule called Adiuiial -ihlcj'rt alien
linn lo his (MdiVb Inter lo Vdmliil sanip-on,
tl.ili'.l oil I Uiiliieu'Os, May i-i. ami leading:
"sin In itply lo jour letter. N". b. I tmulil
elate Hut I am by no iiii.uis satisfied thai llni
Spanish sqii.idiiiii Is not In I icufuegni. The IjIkh
aiilnlllll of slllnl.e still In Hu1 llllbnr Willlkl iinll
rate the pie.inie ot .1 liuiilbi'l ol tis-ils, and
utliei muIi i In iiiii-ianm It would teem In be
1'iUilael imtilse in ib.i-i) up a probability ill
s.iiill.ign iipi'itt.l b.i oi llaiatu, ami, un
iluiilil, n.- a iu-i."
"Does thai loitlain all piii tva-iini fm not
proieuliu,' whin jou leiellul this l.nt ill-pauli
finin ihnli il S,iiiip.nn."
"Vih; 1 nut lino had othi'r roiions, but I tb
l.ut HO.V lll.tll tllllll."
"Did .ton sat .iiij Hung In nuanl to the AduU
ll'i Mt nt In Hut Mm- of May '-'.I.'"
"Xn. but I nut on nt tin.1 same time In tvhlili
I sneali of It."
( .ipt.iln l.enily i.-ked a number of question ion
ciinlug Hu- two tli-pjlihes sent bv hiin lu Ad
miral Simp-mi frnni ( leaf m gns on May 21.
lie lepllid: "It it His dillluilt t remember
the ftait oiiUr of Ihe-e dhspitihrt or the motilM
whith gotiiur1 at the time." ;
The judge autocall) asked the witness d to
why he quenUoncd Hie iintllbllity of some n( the
repoiti i'iiiicciilue the loeatiou ot the spaulsli
fleet which tame from Sinipton. lie
rend Admiral S'thlej'ii ttiitrmriit rnjlngl "tti
ought to bn cupful how we letelie lull
frnni lliii-an.i. lie itnnleil lo know why the ml
Ininil was m uli.e nboiit Inking lulniiintloit fiom
II nan I win ii he tmulil reielle iiitoiin.i'l'ii
brought by the Ailul.i Itom Itlugslnii,
"Un iitimmt of the Implltd ilmilil ot the ton)'
in.ihdci III dilrt as. liottn by Ihe Iniuliige of Ids
"Voil s.ihl III your instter Unit .toil thought II
ttlsri' to li'lllllll nil' t Itulllt'gos I li.ill (tl tll.lte up
a iHtiliabllllv at stnllago "
"I Ihoiiglit, teij liilur.illy, Hull Hie riieniy
Would tinplity il lute itlnl lull mil false leports
Just us they did In tilting the i elided here
Hint the Cape Wide tleet had lelurniil to Splln."
"How loiuf did yo'l Intentl to remain til Cli.ii
fuegiisl" ".My Intention tins to rtmaln until tto got
something limit' di'lliilte,"
"Mow" did o,i tp'-et In gel more definite lie
"From Ihe Ailul.i wlien (.he rami' out."
"libit iitlitT steiu hail jou then in inlinl, tn
n.ieitnln the piecnee of the eneuiy's ship-."
"In the meantime MtCalki eame up. If he
not come and Ihe Adula not tome out I
should ptobablj hale mtt one of the smaller
te.ssels lo Ihe weslu.ird oil ntuiuill of the Mo
Call I tiiiinniaiiiluni."
"The IHeinoiaiiilnni hid .ill It ( tl on Ihe 'illd,
had it nuti"
"Had ion sent onl n hoiti"
"I had no!, hugely bseau-e of the surf, ttlilili
math' Il hc?aldoiis,"
All Guess Work.
In reply to questions f i out Captain l.i'inl. Ad1 S liley slid on May il he had gone In
near iliougli In the -hnrp at ( lenlltrgos tn see
things distantly on the sboie, bill wheth.r tins
illst.uiu' was J.ikhi oi J.iinfl foil be mull in I sat.
Whaliur tlguii' he had gluu wa. he raid,
guesi work.
"Was lh?re mil thing lo pietenl jnur going
nearer mIioic?"
"Nnlliliig etrept the Inn! was teiy low
and did not glte inueli looiu lo nianonetei."
llefeiilng to I.leulenaut Hood's muuoiuti hiin,
Adiiifi.ll -Sibley slid that for cue thing he wouhl
hate been glad to know Hut Santiago mul ( leie
fuegos tveio mlnetl. lln did not think I Irani had
hoarded the Adah ; at ant- late it he hail he
had not glteii blm (the iiilmhul) mie inniiiuiau
illiin on Ihal sublet t. The -.11,, that
when the Dtipout eo.iletl oft" Clenfuegos M.ij i.
there was a Iniig ami lolling ?e.i, and Hut while
It was smooth for lame ships. ,t lepnrted In the
lliooklii's log, it was lough for the mullet
Here Caplaiu I.1 inly, ailin Itfeirlng In the
Atlul.i imiiletit, tailed iitteutioii to the fitt tint
( apt a I n Cook, of the ItiooLliu, hid lu his 'esti
monv ti'feiretl to the Adtihi as a ".-uspi Ions
"Dltl jou." he a-ked, "legaid te-s"l as
"f don't know I did," was the re-pnli-e
"t had her eimiiietl to see tint there was noth
ing tiinliiih.uiil abo.iid bet."
"Ditl .ton leally belleie that il Cirteia was
in the luihor ho ivoull allow the Atluli to -ome
"t thought that would depend upon Ihe exer
tion that luitrht be put forth in her belnlf by the
cipliiin's touiiscl."
Ditl .ton offer to inniiuunlclte with insiirg'iits
on Jin itul or Miy 21th, litfore the nirital of
the Mirhletiead!"
"No; 1 suit the Maiblehead iulo Ihe harbor. 1
regaided that as (he best method of .liicilaluing
whither the tleet was Inside "
"Whin did the Maiblehead airlte'"
About S a. in., .May 21."
As to the Weather.
The judge atltoiale then a-ked a seiies nl question-
tu dnelop the slat" of Ihe we.ilhei Jl ij '-''.
Valium ofllieis te-tllicd tint theie was a
heat v Mtill on.
"When Captain MiC.tlla irate ou the infuinu
tlon willi legaid to the spani-h Heel not being
in ('ienfuegos did ton detcuuine. lo leato for
Santiago tint iliyl"
"1 think I did. That i- my impus-inn. 1 ie
meinber to hate suit ,i tll-p.iltlt in whith I -aid
that J might leate In the uminlug. 1 li.ul in
tiew- at that tune Ihe return of the Stoipion,
width I hid sent ei-l, letlii.g llul shu might
bring some nueto-aiy iufoiinalinn."
"Ileie 1- Jour li'llci of the Mitt- 21, ill tthieli
jou s.ij : 'I hate n-ceil tiiitd fiom lite itisui'
tints Hut the Siiani-h lleet i- not in thi'' noil.
As it i- not found practicable m the Tex-is
hue, I shill pioieed tiiinniiow lor Santiigo,
being end mi. i --ed bv the Te is shoit toal nipplj
.mil nm inability in in the open .-e.i " 'llul
i.i collect, is it not?"
"Ve-, 1 stiil llul."
In a ili.-intili jou suit Coiiiniotlnie llemej".
dated' 21, nu say: '1 slull mote e.istunril
tomoiiow, as iiiilitattil in a telegr.iui to Com
moduli1 Ituni-.t, lei the sitienii.f of Ihe
jou will know nij- whcieibout-i dining
"Thai'.- light. 1 leiollul that."
(losing II- Ic-tiiniini for the
iiat. so
Hie net
Pihln- slid he bail ai.lit nulctl ililln ull;.-
ualii'i. at Sinti.igo, and. wlille these .litlk ul It's
hid bteu ciicounltit'il, thev hiid also been ntci
iiiine. lie -aid he had tletai bed the laigle Ironi
the squadron bec.iu-e .she tta.- an impediment and
roultl lint lie tallied along. He .-lid llkewi-'
that he did lot Ihink it would be wie to li
the iten and the Mil mini finm Ibe diet
mule tn Santiago, lie nl-o defended his line of
fiirtuiliou ml the tiui-e finui (IttifuiRn- as tin
t.i-e-t pnibh1 one. Soldi1 s.ttil tint
he had a-ked to hate tolliei- seni lo (Iniiu
bet ut-e lie did not bclifte thev would bi
able to mil in the open -e.i. lie .-lid he had
netel ennluuplateil the taking of mole than one
te.-.-el .il a time finm the blm k hIihq- lint1
The coin I then .iiljniunod tin the thn.
I'ioiii I'llt-buig ( i'iiiiiii'iiial-C ittle.
I'olltiial hailei-hip in- tn u sought in Peun-
sjlt.iiil.i tin lut jcais p.-t bt' :i doen oi mole
aitite pnlitii i.ia., anil m their -eteial ellorls to
attain thi- cotetetl plize thet hate apptaittl at
illueitut tunes mi neailj- ctciy side of erne
tiue-tion tlul has been before the piople in tiiat
time. The- hate lu lb- main been eoii-lslent in
one thing only, n tlesiie lo "-nix-h" the regulip
ly oigameil pirly ttilli tthlih they itiighl lute
been at the time .tilled by mine, .iohti W. mi
ni iher his been llepuldleaii in name all bis lile,
but he In L' in hi- uu-uli again-t the pill im
mediately atier the lii-t flection of the linituttd
MtKiiiliy in nn iniriiiew Hut calleil In qms
tinii tho soundiiess ol Republican piluu'plt- and
glooiull- pieditti'd (he tiesciut lion of Ihe liu-i-
1 e-s inttit-ts oi the toiiiitl. In answtr to that
intriiliiv I'lesldenl Jltltinler nude .t ihnaitrr
Utiially lm naii' nply, when bo tlttl.iied ill a
.spcioh at the Pliilitlolplil.t bouise n few ill
tiilir its publication "A ptlrlol nukes ,i bet
ter iill.en than a pessiiui-i." Mr. Waniiniku
his beiii hi molt eter since. Colonel JliCbire,
.lutlge f.'oidon. Itobeit i.'. l'.illi-on mul lliulolpli
lllaukniliuig air .tl-,i kuie.tu to ban1 fought on
dltliient sides ol lie I lly nery puldii- quest lull.
These men aie a-sot-iattil now In -tn cllort lo
oieitlnow the Ittiuiblitan put'.
It is an iutiliMlug Mihji'it, this slnli of lli5
pdsonucl of the fusion iinjumi at. Ihptiblli.iu,
wlttiM- uu ami it'.- .no long inniigli to leith b.iek
less than a iWou jeaii will liml fond for Hllei
Hon, but litlh; I'litoui.iguui ill to follow the
leiih'ishlp of llu-e people who aie now dulir
ing so uhtiiicutly Hut they .lie .-.fnioii pine re
fill nieis.
t'.ittli! knee-deep in the sulgcs:
Iteipu- tthUpiiing low his plulgi-j
llln-hlitg maiili'ii kteplug tits! ,
'Neath .1 sky ul .ian'tlii-1 ;
Wheat in tas-els liatiging low,
AfliTlitith, .imi .ilteiglow!
Thoughts fluui solitude a.i spiinguig
Mteelir lui than ant1 singing:
flcr iumuiei'o Iiud sobir
Wonili glow bum ll in MU' (Klouii1
l.imllr.l lime uf all Ihe t.n,
(inldell Iluiilil sllllllllil'K lien '
- I..I Tulli lie II iniiu k, lu llniiie M,l.iiIic
Capital tViUII.OOll. Sm pi ,h SiVJODI)
United States Depositary.
Special attention giveuto
ixus accoun'TH, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Connlu, President.
I Iknrv BbiilN, Jr., Vjce Pres.
Wm. II, 1-iiOK, Cashier. I j
Always ousy
Mt Is the Thing."
Men's work
ing Shoes, for
shop or mill, for
this week, $1.25
grades, 95c;
$100 and $1.75
grades, $r,a;.
sizes now;
get them now.
Lewis & Reilly
1 1 4-1 16 Wyoming Ave. S
Selcttrd ttilli as lo join u.i-o
and 111 cV. Our
Sloth- i ert'itioii.illy Rontl i,u.ill(y for the iihe.
M11.1II sunn lall. Ini; nml hate niiuli lii until
umoiii.'sL our seamualile ofltrlni;'.
412 Spruce Street.
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Sterling Silverware
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereati & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
)! It... I ....
Guano Atlantic Hotel and anncx
Virginia ,te ami Ilcicli. AtlJiiliti I'ny, X. J.
fciUll qm; u.'.Q I'l'JUlllul luoliu iiistiltt?, diiKla
anil ttith lutli; liol ami tolil efj-ttatcr bathi
in hotel anil annct, l.uiJliun n'lo. t antl trntul,
ttltliln few auU of Ihu t-titl 1'iir. Ortlictrn,
0 Hi is srlng ulci, $1J to !;!" Iiy tttck,
.'.C.O up to ill Litis tn fnnllltij, C'ujiIicj
mat all trultu. Wtito for honklt't
iiiAituust i:. com:.
We I Live Just Opened
14 -fr s
Needless to say it's the very best possible for the
money, or it wouldn't be here.
Pots, Pans, Kettles, Coal Hods,
Spiders, Griddles, Etc, In fact,
all of the many Kitchen Utensils
made in this ware, See window
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue,
For Men,
and Children.
Now Is tho tlinc to -'littngc to lioav
lor tiiulurwertf. You waul tlio liost
value It Ih poMslblu to obtain. Our line.'
11 ru iii'kiiowlfilireit leaclois of. tlepcnil
tiblo tinilinuvcai1, from the llncst tnntlo
RnrmuiitH tu as low prices as gootl n
llublu nmkcM wm be nolit for. Alt that
Is licflt aniT newest, arc found bore In
uhlto autl natiifiil wool.
to nil.
t'OMUINATlON SLHTts, for men,
women untl children lu the "StuttBar
tei" anil other poimlar imikos: natural
and white, In different weights.
HUN'S NATtMlAU extra lte.'ivy
welslit fleoee lined Hhlrts anil Draw
ers; exceptional value for fifty cents.
Our special price, lllc.
and Drawer.". 47".
T,ii! and $1.00.
lined and silk trimmed, In white only;
tin extra b.irff.iln vtillie. rSpeelal pi ice,
.IIJIJSKY rilI3HI0D VKSTS. In wlilto
only, fine sofL lleece lined, silk eroehet
edKe, with silk ribbon trhiuntnir. Spe
clnl iirici1. ."lOc.
AVOOr. and white tit 7."e and $1.00; me
dium and heavy weight.
in silk and wool, iill-wnnl, silk and cot
ton and wool and cotton, In natural
and white, In all sizes and weights.
Fril'M'Jt'K JMXl'D, sizes 4 to 81. Spe
cial price. '2m'. Jlltse.s' Jersey Rlbhctl
AVsts and Pants, lleece lined. Silk rib
bon trimmed. Special price, -."c. Spe
cial prices on odd sizes and broken lots
Lackawanna Ave
Good Furniture is the
only kind you can af
ford to buy. It is al
ways the cheapest in
the end.
This big store of ours
is full of GOOD FUR
NITURE nt prices,
which, considering- qual
ity of stock, nio as low
as consistent.
We have an unusual-,
ly large lino of odd
pieces of unique and
haudsoniedesign. Many
of these odd pieces aie
exclusive with this es
tablishment. Hill & Connell
121 N. Washington Ave.
n r
Done quickly and reasonably
at Tho Tribune office.
Our New Fall Stock of