fWvWlf!'Vf:"i(f ftff W frFqtTXT ' 3 fiymstf rf?rw5w " utrfiW i?" ' n'TWiVW-',J' "& ' a ti""A',jy" 'fifkix I "J THE SOR ANTON TRIBUNE- MUiSJUAl', OUTOliJUlt 28, IU1. in V NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CLOSING OF THE MUSICAL ALLIANCE Inbt Friday Night's Conceit Closed Ono o the Most Successful Sos Blons Held by the Association. New Ficsitlcnt Elected. rcchl lo tli BiTjnlon Tribune. Kiictiir.ilk, tut. if). Last Kiidny Wiik llio In-d liny uf tin- UicUiiwiiniui nml W'miiiiImk AIutiiI AIIIiiiii'o'm mI.s tceiitb .iinitiiil t't'htiiiii. Pi of. Ilovvni.in linn iiiniiii iloinniisdiutod to tlio pooplo of tills -v 1 1 1 1 1 i I s that bin nlilllty mi nil iiiHlriii'lnr iir c inulii ctor Is fur above llio iivci'.ikc, iinil Hit- clum ol one lilin iIhmI Milti-s tli M j.onr linn roeolvid nnteli bonellt under Ills ill Ml. 'rim ciniid onneort Vrldny iiIkIiI. Willi ii i-lnto llio s-ovhIoii, wiitf ono of the beat oor kIu'H tiy tlio Allliinoo, llio jiroKiiiinin" of uliU'h wiih imlillshoil in tli Im (uliniin'rililiiy. Jt uit Hilly un rli'il nut and u.ir listonod to by ono ot tlio l,n m'L nnilioiiios that ovor itsi (otiiblotl hi the JtellindlM olmri h nl tlilH pl.Ko. JHmi Hindi, of Nli'lioNon. wns lii'iinl with nun li iiloiiMiti in the ruin ''I I win U, lior oloai, svvuet volt u bolntr In. ml above tlio ontlro i-bomi. Sin lopoiidod lo s-ovoi.il oiiron1.-. 5IN- Hinv in.in, tlio :-1 1 1 1 lontiallo, iiKn tliil ttploniliil wink .iiul ciptiviilod thu lnrKo auillfiui' in lior Hint lonilillon. She nlwi lonponikrl to oiiiruis. Pi of. l'.ou iiiiiii. ni iihuhI. wiw tin? liiMiiiti' of tho ovotiiii;,'. in llio liistrnineiilnl wink. Tn bin orcan M.'ki'lliuis, he was lopi'.ilcdl.v PIlCUlOll. Tlio m.ilo iltai lotto, compo.-'od of Messrs. I kill, Hpom or. Claik anil Bblolds, that siiiK in Thiy'hil.iy niKlitY. ronooi l, won tlio pi lo of llo ilollats olf(T"il lv tlio AHIiineo. At tho oloe tlon nf hHki'In .Mr. I.loivellyit Shields of Nk'IiulMHi, mii cloi toil pieMdonl of the Alli.tnio. TUNKHANNOCK. Ppcilll In the -Vr.nton Tnb'tiie Tiiukli. unlock, Oil. "'!. Tho fuot lull K.mio pi.ioii on iho i.ik minimis on S.itnid.iv nitoi noon, between tin- Alont iosjo ,iml T111ir.l1.111nnc.li team--, losiiltod In a letoiy for l In Tunklmmioi'k toam, b. .1 si n ' of -'"' to r. .Mr. ami lis. William Khutor, of Dliiioi k. vveio inlliiifr on lilomK lion on Trlil. iv ami S.ilniday. Frank Aio. who i-s omplovod ill Xkh okiiii, -iM.nl Snnd.i with his family at thlt. pl.u o. A Ileal inr. via-, kail mi S.ituril.i be foio tho i oui t ill tlio inattor of tho peti tion lor Iho iippnlniiiKiit of .1 Hiiindlaii for Jh-. limy i'.ii mm. Tho pel i lion ,il IokmI Hint sdio w.is lipcnmlii!; loobli lillnilod ami iniMp.tblo of lii.'in.if.-liii' 01 taklliK 0.110 nf lior piopoity. Tho pui- tknior is ono nl her piONpc-cllie lioii.s, nml tlio pailiinl.ir ai.ts wiiioh aio 10- llcd upon is tliut she h.is latoly Klvon eitaill nnto.s to .1 ki.iiiiI.shii of hoi Lite ,-A'in.bnnd, anil .iImi -,it it-Hod a nun Ik.iko hold by lior nK.iin-t liK io.il oslnto, without ipieivlns nn 1 nU'Uloi.ition Much ovkloiuc was ofi'oioil on bulk 'ibo or. npii il tho w hole S.iiiuifl i;spnli,if h work's vis( in Xi .hunts l)i-iilci 1110 dtglit-i'Oolu'? .11 tlio I'an-Anioi ii an o lui.sltloii this wi ok. How nul HuiiKoiloid .1t.1l wit.' il lumed on Satiuihiy finin Tmw VoiU. Amltow P. llodfoid, 01 Siiiiintiin. was clolii;,- business lioio Iho List nl tlio wool;, lie nnw liaoIs on loot, Mmv his loi oinnliilo (Topsyj blow nji, Mr. riedfoid h.i.s i oiniiosod an odo on tho loss of lllh "lioiv stioil " Somm'.iI .oais 11K0 a uun4 man liy tho name of 1i.1t oy. IKiuj,- In Poikstou, W.lf. aioiiloiit.illy sm wlllo Kunulus-, by li. AVaKlloi. of WilKos-H.uiv, ,-.. UllillK' ill HlO lOss of ;i ,.;; Slllt l.s about to bo bioiu;hi in tl o matlor for dnimiKfs, on in count of , lloijcd hikII sreiiii; on tho jiaii of Dr. Wagiui. WIiVlWttS. On Patuiday. an oiitortainniPiit was held at tho wlund luuiho In W'hnuioiv, which was olaboiutely doooi.itod with e'i igt conn and other folluKo. A Cii.tml Aims- pust mot ihcio and many of iho nelKhbor.s. Tho -scholars nave loolia tlon.s nn. one lutein, bo (.jlad to lunr who had iiuylliliiK' patriotic iilinui tliem. Many t-pooclu.s worn kIvcii by the nioiiiboiK of tho pobt and by olhoim. Ono very wood 0110, by MIns Miuy Poyor, ontltlod, "You Put Xo Plowers on My Pupa's tsr.tve," was ory ol' feotlve. Aliothor, by Mlh.s I'm a Mud dock, was well hpoUon. Thoio won piosont many mrinhers fioni dliiViont jiosts- Moscow . Miiilisiunillo, llnllls. tiTvlllo, oli. Tho limny lmtiloik mhius woko up tlio lii.mil Aiiuy. THE STATE OF ANTHRACITE. Conl Tindc Moves in n Moderate Way nt Present. Hj llvlil-n. lio fmiii 'llio AiviiiJlnl l'ii Plilkidolplila. Oit. ;;. Tho Ueite. r. In 1th in.i I aitlclo toniouow, will a, : "Tho unthiai'lto loal tiado fsnee uloiiK In about tho unno channel, Tho ile um ml is food, but not oxci'sslve. Tlio prudent tuv oulerlus ioal and Whin? their bln.s, but llio nth out of iohi weather will, It Is, e.picteil, piodllu' n tuslt of 01 dei s that will tax llio lacll Itles for di'llvoii. cur t-hoj Iiibc u stikts tlio niiivoiui'iit and It Ih not ut nil luipiuvoil, the load.s uuhornilly (011)1)11111111)1? that their 1 iitilpiiioiU lis not equal In tlio tiullic dunamlb upon It, Tho trade Is piuctliully without nnv now toutiuo iinil llio nuilook tonlluups very I'liocnlul In all Inain-hoH. Tho out put of antluai'llii in tho iloso of tho iiP8i?nt month, It In ospeiti'd, will ex ceed I t,r.00,)0O tons, mi excess, ot oor C.000,000 tons uluiM' last em." PREACHER SHOOTS HIMSELF. The Rscent Deatlt of His Fiancee Had Dopiebsed HI111. H l.tt lufiiu iro fioni I lie Wuti.uiil 1'ic-i HIiinliiRhain, Ala. Oct. 27.-T-The Ilev. Otto P. I.enk, ageil 25, iiu.loi" ol St. Jolm't. Oilman church, Cullman, Ala., ilk'il ycHtciiluy ut'teinoon Horn a bullet wound juht over Ills hcait, iulllilod by a pltdol In bib own hands. He Mint hlum-olf l.ibt uteht whllo lyiiiK on a lounge, u lhiglchnit's loututiKfin in Culluuui, mid there uie sonic who tray FldCF, and tlio 0 day. Mr. and Mi lo.no today lor Y01 k. Mr. ami Mi- It was mi niolil'jtit. Ills roiigiPKallon Is lai'ffo and was devoled to hlin. Two inontliH a no .MI.us Mlnnlo I la 1 1 11111;, ikiUKhler of lr. llnrtunK, n well known cltlKon, dlMl. Mr. Lenk was en fsr.ffed lo rier mid tho death mnv hlin (jtii'li Krlef that his heallli fulled. He wont to Pateivon, X. ,T,, whete his niotlior and brother live, to recuperate mid lftiiriii'il a few weeks ago. Hattir itay ulitht ho was lu Kood splilts mid played 1 hookers with friends. A llllto later ho left them and a pistol shot was heard, lie lived until yesterday aflcr 110011. theatricaTnews. ATTRACTIONS TODAY. Arl)i:IY.-.klc MUlellu Dinm itlc comiunv, Mulil. ,M'"U! HuMiln.11 llinlpriioii. Aftfiiiumi and nUil. "Tho Way of tlio World." 'Ilicio Ii hfirt nml ilriitiiiltc liilrro-t witlmiit sllnt nml iiiikIi rc.ilH Ijiilllant ill.iln'iiv 111 '"the W.iy of llio W01I1I," llio 11, v ply liv I'ljilc I'lkli, ttlilili m.m clii 11 .it Iho I..wmm Siliir 1I11 iflcuini 11 .mil 1 ictiliii- l.y MiNi I, Me llo Wolfn nii'l 11 (Oiiiini,( nt nnii'.iiil i'MtIIi'Ikc Tho jiloy hi rficiuil uilli Kir.it (iitlnil.i"'iii ,it Iiotli per fonii.inn". In lit flil Mi, 11 rl r. Ciniilni, 1 .loiiiilf tiinrioil ioiiil(, im .iiitoiiiylilliiiR in I en ti.il l'..ll Srw Vmk rll.i, rally onn Oi'lflicr lilninlli,- llipj am n ilciolrilly li.ipp.i rmiplc mill irgrrtlliiR Mic (.11 1 lint allci n'sht ji 111 nf tiunicil life thoy nic dill (lillilloi. I rojilrn. who 11 ioni,loi insr pun" Mrmusl into politic, dii.usc4 llio iMt.ilion with Ills iilfo, Mlullicr lie M tuiM'llisli rnunsli to silo up lih pip-nit mo-t vuKr-'-fiil law liiiinci and fuiiIup In-. IpNuic m,rl I1I4 I'itmiiiiI inlor P! t, an tiurlfi',)) ilpiotifii lo tlio (lean politics nf hit (nuiilij. ISotli rpibo that liolli imi-.t tuiko niiny (Piiois siirllno-i If lip accrpt? Hie immiiiilfo'i nf KOMin.ir ortupil liiin, Mi.. I iniilon t,limiint lnm alri'iiic imlllin lmo rol.licil lior .ilmoit ontiiily of lii-r liihlin.il'n (oinpini. lb r (inpb liouw liaio Ijpcii uwil with n omi.f 111111 niniPil Xcull, oppivcd polltuall v lo lior litisluii'l, wlm tnl pi Mrs. Croj don's nppn ac LnnulriUmcnt tli.il lm is K1III111,' tur dull ilni Willi lilm more FCiinu.ly tlnn Mip imai;iiip. NouII I.11 .1 wlfo i,l,o lnp lilm 111 spit,. ,, Ins 1 iioli'-s tipatincnl of Iki, Ami aKo iniobril 111 tlio stoiy aio .1 iliiuuril oouplp, ninicd I.aUo, who Imtli icuut Ihoir ilnori,'. Mr. I.il.p im done .1 Illllo llutliij; on her own luioiint. nii'J hir wniMly wisdom ti II- lid that Mi-, f in.nloii'4 itilinidit .imuMiiiont v 1 1 11 11ll will nor prop Po Iiatinhv, is hor fiioiid hrlioo. t llif did nf tlio lirst ,ul, (1011I111, still holliliiR .is to Hi itOMinoi-lilp, is hi'lprd to liis doil-ion In .1 luomuit.in llou.y of o ill nul .nrppts tlio mniilnilioii In .ur two i loir lii.r. Mi- l iokK.ii thuimli lilitlim .iL'.imst tho (ontinaul nlHuup of hir hii-hind, dtip lo hi- ctinpiijii i- loss lnmb iiuiiij; to lu i' .". in llio f.ift tint II if 1,il" .1 liny two nioiiilis old tn tc njiiKil jftd Im f.iihrr. ("imiliir politKal (iiiiiiii . lo.ti 1 a siiiulal (lo lot. it In- (lrctiont tint iullt h, tliitid sn I-i'ii-Ii iMtli Mi-. (1 inik 11 and is the falhir of lhp lin U iho sauip limp pijuilb fiI- jobti ul -landils .or nut, in .lKinisi iroidiii. an I while holh h'l-Iiinil .nul v ho di-tulu".' tin-," upoit-. lln'ii ,loni''-tu ti impilM i up., t imd linilb iluiiiu- 1 lull at Mi-, Lake's- in an lliird lnillds waiti a clliin. Mi-. (h.kIiii roilnpi lint Viiill is a cad who would 1 ou,pmntis lior If lie 1011I1I and doos liot uallp how dfOjdv she Iok-s lipf hii-liand, s. im i.s on him and lolN lilm ho" cunt. miililiK' cho ll'inl.i li.in. rill, stuiisf In lui won!-. In lo- ,il,,'i the polili. ll ( ii.dil .121111-1 Iki hii-liaml, and t i K 1 11 r :id'iiilaj,o ot an iippn'iimlli' uioimiil nilv uudoi. 1111111,1 ( iindou's 1 oiili.lt 1 .s n, n vl,, ,on ho 1- stmsiiliii ajciin-i all -uts ,,t su.ph n,u. f)1. diuisi iiKts, 'this stite of 1 1) 111 , iilnih, it,s in ail foiu with .1 slinii" noil" at Hi,' iliii-lrnin,' of tlio rioidin Inn,. Ciioddi i.'lu-.s 10 Mtv llio ihild to ho i'.iind afli - lilm. Mom. nliiilv 11.1od In th" . llou.y ln fnl- hi Neville and tho diink ho ins til,, it Up ,-t tfps in Ih. pio-i'i 0 if the liMiop ami the .e-oniVnl siip-i- I n.U tin' iliiltl will not he mined 1V11 linn; that it is u oil -in hit ni l,i- ul tho i-cis Iho iKaiin;; un of 1'ip -u-pi i tint hi- huKirtl old Mi- (lo.wlii. .iiul sj, h liuuilid to li'i Iiii-Ii.uiiI 011 ip lion uixhl. Jii-t is tho iicvs i- lueitu'lil to I1111 Hi it his (audi- doe for xoipiiim his htdi situos-tid .Mew Ho niiln lu .1 I do in Mi.- Cimilrii that Ills hd adiuiialih. slu u,1s n itin.itno il-i Ii and tie sun" all Ion unu-iid miilih unlit"! tin wi.ik of 1'iank Mills, .., ),li., Mi I Million Willi till" 11-iiie. Ilo lutl oppoiluiiUioi i.iloio f. 1 lii-.iiliriL'liiii h, ml - lull lie hiiiol put tin m a-ldo lino of Ih" inii ir-l :!,:." 1. in, ibis In llio pliv is Uh lake, is plj.Kil lo (Ilia llloitdsood, who Ins a tliiiui ot 111 itiuoi mil I.I.U" that do 1I01101I hri to tho .O'lllonio fi iii Iho tiioiiiout f-li" appiutd s. w 1, nwi tl, luhttnll tpiiilu. Ino niidit slU,hn, .i. Mi. t,il, 1 In. ii. laltlolll 1 nl of tho pl.u lit, -nit mil ii in lullu' -lick ;i li.l doi.ll-h wltlioiit ltoiiu; oil, ll.nri-ni lluutcr wi- li. lake and the otlioi' niomhois of the list who lit assistants 1,1 the piiin ip il.-, 'llio pi.uliai 1I1.11111 01 tho plav N tho itiuie n itul.ili i--i i 11I1 whlili oi.i iikiiiIioi in lli dllipilll IIIK-IIll III" llltl.Mli: It'll-. ',:(',! Wll'k liiliiitiiilcil will with Mi. I'lUh's iliiloji.o ami -im Hlini- Ih. 10 I- mi 1 Hue In Iho phi witiliti puiob lot itiaioaili 1 ,Wt 1 ami theio H not a -111' Hit 11 lioui hi.liiiil.u 1 1-11 1 thai hw Pi. 'i -11. until 01 "plain! up" iiiiuiiuidl to win llio plaudits of ll 0 iiKlIdiio. Mi. liuh f..iii.-ht l.y iiioaii" u lliis pin lo pit'-.il an opi-nilo in Iho llio- of liuiiilul- of iiim of Now oik's 1 i-hiiinilili' sit .mil lie Ii "i llio ail In nuke Ids ponplo appiai to tail. .11 tin i would in Iinil li"ili( s 11 111 tho diiwm PICTURE fill fum mii mill m ii m 1 ninaii nwi This flow II riiiiliUur Will clllSel ,1 bust of 11 well-Known mllei'i1 iiicsliluut. t 'ut nut tin puts and r.on If yuu (.111 pluio Hicin loeolhei. Solutions for Last Wook'a Fuzzlea; MvliJa. (Kl. -'I- 'll.f lolikdpri ii in Iront of llio pl's !(-, ami Ihc cloi; in luliuul b tho nuktle. 'lufiilii, Oil. .''.-'Ihe farmu'j head i be-lui-cii the in iu' IijihW. WdliuvlJ, Oct, U.--"Fol'iiii' liiodtl oiico t tviiy iiuii'd door." room, Tlioy nro not ulap ilmraclrm ai Un? atrmfft: pUjiTilglit linilomtiitnl'i llio lonn. M.iuiinny wlili the tilaiilgit, l.loi l lhp key linlo nt Iho lio.ilinont the pliy ioop1io inmi ll Do ntfc find hd tpldnl'ld (omiMii.1. A itiniiiliiK pla.i, iluiiiiliitil' pl.uoil ic.tillJ, 'llio ciiplloiM 111,1 Mf llio luclilot'it mi wlildi tho pliy li foimiloil 1 I1hi.1l, Iiul it ulu'j 11 lil'o Vl(v (if Miiicly nml all Hut, luit wlultlti' illlTrifiicc uf opinion rvisd n, to llio mlijocl ll lniil Im niUiinwIcdnpil tli.it the trpjllnont troni wrllrr ami nilon Is Inily mllMlc. 'llio llrnt ait l o,v ami talky nml rIio nn.ill piimiko uf n Mtlifiicluiy play,' 'Hip aiilo. nioldlo In wlildi tin Ciu'itetH Invo liorti ildltii? hi llio pnik lito il, il.mn, imd wli,. tli iklltoiir I iliiloaioiiui; tn tlnd sotni. ono who (.in moiul Iho break ttii rio.Klem nil in the milo, ainl li.v lliolr (oinpijnlloti (.pen up n,,, rmy t,f tho play. Ai tliry fit Hiiro Mi. bake, u liloiid nl lliolrj, Iiovm It.lo light with a ludly liioUn lilfep ami ptpscnlly on dadm Mr, Nuilllo In n latins ..iiloniolillo lu whkli he has tippn ipliuilni; (liroiiah tho paik. 'J ho oilier four act dip iKoil in developing tlio iucMriit that had their tichiR aioiind Hip hiokt-n unto in the pule, A tliP' (leiplop Hip VvImIoiii nf lli.it ilnw llrst act li dcuionilrated. "Quo Vadls." Tho man iiroiiiijnt of the l.jcpiuit haic ocureil I'lod ('. Whitney ami IMuIn Knoulr' eorirciuj inoiliKtluii of "Quo Viull," a dramallroil pochlly for llifm by itinltliiH M.hirp for Iwo pcrfonnaiice", nevt Wodne'tla altPinoon and ri oniric;. It I illiidiil Into fun nil, f.uh one poilia.ic.il with (he itrcat("t (iilc oi tn detail. 'Iho pliy opcni with Hip peililvli1 In Pi trotittis' liotio, wliero Vlnlciii tells of hi affcdlnn for I.vrIi, thru romo the Riouiid siirroumllim A11I11 Plan this' Ionic, with I.vrK ami lltllp Aulin nt pliy, Norn's k.ikIcii nml pilaio nt Home, on anil" rliamlirr in N'iro's homo, tho Interior of Iho Miitnrrlino pikon ami ,1 ln nf Iho riioii mail imiH ovotlookliig thn aiena whole I'lsits tfcii I.Kl.i from the v lid lmll. Soil ro on tale Momhy at f) 1. in A opoolal liirjjiln iliv inalliioo wilt ho clliti at 'J.n p. in. Prices', 21 nnd .'ill coins: 1 hlldii'ii lo an put of houe, lo ccnt. Hose Coghlan. riwc CoRldan, wllli lor cliaiitiini; now version nl (.li.ii lo- Iteado's love story, "IVr W'oflincton." will bo Iho not altiactlon at Iho l.u'rum Tiio-diy nleht net. Willi Mli Cojlikm's "I'oic Wnffinalmi" thl pulille loiu JRo undo pleasiuablo ac-tuiint.inio. Tho I'harailor (Its well with Mli CoKlilan' personillty and lior liuo.vant tpinpcMiiieiil. Tn IN llRhtor inootls il 1 iucsistihlo in il-i luor riuipnt. II is iiiiall.v I ouost and sincrrc and spnnlanciiii in h- levolalion nf the profonndor depths or Dilute slhrrd by the woaktiiss of 111- Host V.111P, blshtnos', cnji'ly. Roneio-liy, tho (uhrran-o of an abonndliic,' pli.l-iojl and 111tllt.1I vivacity are bfautifully sot fotth in it. and pip illy r.1 potently the mom of a btoal.lus beau and tho tad ci of .1 blighted lioit. Jessie Sawtelle Dramatic Company. Tlio I'lenton (!aotto f lis of tho .losslo .snitillc flramilic (onipini, whiih opotM .1 nook's on with " Coiinliy ( milt-hip." a live lit mill "llio .sawtelle Diamatn. loiupmi' cponed ill week's on.i;omonL at the upon hou-e li-t iurIiI with ' (oiiutiv Courl-lnp.' a llvi'-an mril dianii, whlili not out; .satistlod. but pica-oil its pilioiis, 'llio boii-o was riowiktl, ".Vlis 1 1lli.n1 M 10 I'rawfonl pli.vod (he pill bilhoito poitia.votl by .los-io Jsiwtollo. 'lie lnide Rood u-e of her nppmiimltios and did justice to the put uf 'I.uli lioiih.' "'I he 10-t of tho roiiipni, al-o now to Uih cil, I- atlfqiiite, .mil fiillv Mi'tiund the icpu latlnn of the (.oinpiny as ono of the bp-t populn piiiod oiirani'itio'H (I111I " 'tin- iKiiini; the oniiipini will I'lo-tiit l)i. 'li TK an it lull's tiii.nti-lu-b iii'doih 1111 1, '''Iho Sliauijlu in " Bioadway Builesqueis. 'I'ho Ittoiduar lltulr-ip'oi-, an i?2ie2;itiou of vautloiilliaiis uho-f nit!" is ; minimum with hiiiio--, and i' ho-e "Ncollinio novii -u'lus lo j;tow lo. but on the nn.tiaii sicnis to inw boll, i npjioai at the Mil tin lid tlio 1'iisi time di of this link, and to thi-o who oujov biu-lo-tpit' ami vaiidovlllt', 1 ,-ii to Ibis ilualir ibiiinu: their oiuat uient will ho aiiiph itpaul. l'tnv if any truoliiic b u lo-rpio toiiipiiiii- hive on tlioii 10-td Mich l.icli (Tic.,1 p.'ifiuiuois' ti ini'--t a- do the l!ion!viy llurli sipnis. belli' ami Davis, in an iuiiiutable fiiuui l.ih.ini;' att .11. wilhout doubt Ih" lt'.iilti 111 tluii (kid of wmk. 'I hompsou and (liiiti. I.thiopiaii iiiu-ir il (omtdy otitttialnois; Lillian l.( Coiiki, Cautitiiio Pill- ieiiuo. a uiOht ihaiiuiiiR -iiicvii. iml ainoiu-t otllds nl (qilll UHlIt the Ktoit anil till-lt'lloiH "i-ka," who b hi- ilo. or 111 iirli ami llbi-i m mistllli-, puh - ainl bciiild'i- bis auiliouc. "llio ll-ll.ll -!( Of opolltl'ir bllhsillo 1" ills. pin-id villi and is lopliiel by ..hu nnv be loiiiitil a uiiitstitl fli-c pin. an lUianaitui in Ibis iliss nt niti't.iiuim 111, tint one whn' ki oi aiuplo scope lor wn ami hiinioi. ami i- a h.lur vihlilo to puiprili Intioduo" the l.jrl.le-i anil (,ilihit-i inii-lo so intliiiiitli t .iiiii-i lo.l 11I1 (Oblldl folk STAGE NOTES. "I, bin lli'ltlin," 1 iliaui itiitiiiu of buiu 11 11 111 lid's poplllll llt'll, will lu- pt,--dltld it the Sum tin 1 cr In i Vol l fntii-rht. 'llio rpiipi il opiiuoii i tint I!, II Nithoin lm Knicil 1 biilliant ii ii 111 "If I V.tio Kim," ml tin- bn ottico wa 001 sloi in tialllt-: tint Mr. v( anhi's phi is cm it llio Idj Ibinjs of tho 1lu1tti1.il soi-.in "If 1 Vn Knit," H tho liuesi nml nun phi -;- 11 111 Nov Voik lu mini a div Duo Uailithl at Un llijoit. Now ui, ecu tiimis to 1 iijuv tbe Kiuarkiblo piospniiv that I is loiiaiiltd Ids wmk simo tho .ipiuui',' 1. ,'-, lit of "Iho AiuttdiKOi " IIvpiv i, lioruiamo is pla.vid in ili (apadii of I Iip thoatoi, Min.i',,r sin'- mis tint Wailltlil 11 the 1110-t pit.fll iblc ,-t ir be his over liuokid IK'W OIU of I lie lll'glu VJI loll Ills bull put 11110 "I be Mos-nwoi llov " II is Imidiulil lo tin inumnii ilaii.e 111 the li-i .11 1, iml cnpl" 1101 null .liiu.s I'. PtiiKis anil llathd liooih as liuh' Models .mil 1I11K.I-. bill Inlus tho fi'iude 1 linliis on the H 11,0 in Krao'tti! auiiuitioii. It N now siul it IIiIi'k tin it.-r. Vow Votk, tint "llio MisMtisei ll"" will lad lone that llita toi until .if tr 1 Iho ixw ,n.u whii li mil moan ili.it Pliilol I l , .In 1 1 ill will have to pluo lilt Mock loiupni at aiioih.r hoii-o. PUZZLE. 'Htiiitjv, Oil. 1 -One -iihn I, in iho tire lo the rlijlit, one U .iboio the liiiutvi' Iliad, an i.llnr W bail, of the lac c Hie lisht, Iho nciktlc forms (lie fouilli and the k loniii the filth. r'lldj, Oil. 2;.--ltollvi skilu. Jiiuiplir,' u-pe. t-atuidi, Oct, Si!.- 'I ho, dI I' .Mil fotmi llio itUr, unci In-lit kldciia.it the gill' faiv fount a piollle of I he bo.i. SOUTH SCR ANTON STREET CAR EMPLOYES CONSID ERABLY ANNOYED. Repot t That ft Seiiotts Riot Vns iu Piogicss nt Bicck Street Cruised the Pattol Wngon to Bo Sent Thoie. Ptogiessive Euclno Pntty nt tho Home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas II. Spruks Willinm Mitchell Attested. 011 n Clinrge of Embezzlement. Teoplo koIiib1 lo chin oh yostcuhiy liioiiilne; woip Houicwhnt stnrtlod to srp the luiltol wtiKiin dush nloiitr (Vdur nnd I'lttstou nvenuen 11 1 11 futloiis lute, with lmlf a dozen nattolnipii nnd spocluls nbimrd. Spei'iihitlon will 1 Ifo ns lo whn I tho tioublo could bo and It wus Konor nlly Htiimlsed Hint tlio street cms hnd buinpod up nRuinst tlio usual Sumlny suns. Ho strong' was this pi ('sumption Hint more than ono rpRiilnr ohuicli at tendant stiiyod away from tho set vices tn satlify their ouiloslt. Ciowds could ho soon all nloiiK I'ltts tou avenue, nnd tlio letuin of punished cms with bnlteied Impoi'ts In charge of the pollco wns nwnlted, The p.itrol lctumed In about half an hour, and tlio curious wore disappointed, Tho whole nffalr, which had been telephoned to police headquarters as a serious tint on Uieok street, turned out to be a mho alarm. During the nftornoon some annoy ance was caused to tho s-lrcet car inoti nt the corner of Kim street and ritts ton avenue, wheio a conl chute was laid net oss the tracks by boys. Kvciy car that came along was stopped by the obstruction, and when the car men Kot off to lomovo It they were liber ally jecii'd and hooted. This form of umuscmenl was kept up for pernio time, when n. lnotorman and conductor moie cute than their fellows lemoved the obstruction Horn the lulls and, Instead of tin owing It In the road way, placed It In tho car and took It along, About this time Lieutenant Peter Zang came on the scene, and the mischief-makers depni ted. Much the same style of nuuo.ance was adopted on I31m stieet, between the bridge and "Washington avenue, only that a bariel filled with stones was used. The p.itiol wagon wns again summoned, but on the anlval of the pollie the dKtuibois had departed. A Pleasant Affnir. Mr. and Mrs. Thnmu's TI. SpiuU-', of S1J I'rospect avenue, ontertnined a number nf friends at .1 piogiessivo euclno patty on Satuiduy evening. It. J. Spruks won the gentleman's lirst prize; Jiolnnd Iiupliler, gentlom.iii's second pi Ize. and Mis. .T.icob Milller, lady's second piize. After the games the guests were entertained by Instru mental music, furnished by ridvv.ud Milller, and 1 collations by Mis lto ni.ilno Spiukfr. Tioiieshment's wcio served, after which the guests left lor ihoir homes, liming spent a eiy en joyable evening. Thn,e piosent weio: Mr. and Mi. .Taoiib Miller, Mr. and Mis. Olio Dnob lor, Mr. and Mis. William I'aitriilge. Mr. and Mis. II. J. Spiulis. Mr. and Mis. li. J- Mooie, Misos Hlsie nnd Dot. 1 Duobler, Maigueiito Millet, J!o muine, Hazel and Vem.i Spiuks, and Messi--. lol.ind Dneblof, IMiv.ad -Mil-loo, J0I111 llulioi, Willio and ('hallos SiiiuK-. Torgot to Squnie Accounts. William Mitolioll, jt diher who lias boon in the employ or Holuelher Mio--., lie ilcileis, till sutiniioi, H(it into ser ious uouble hnluid.'iy. Mill hell had been tiniler sip-pii ion for some tiino, and on Saturday one nf tlio lbm member aiiniup.iuleil hlin on Iho wagon tn .itiuii.l lo 1 iilo( linn-.. Holnio llio day had aouo far. Ml. Si'liiollir v.is salislu'd Hun lonsidettilile money was uutKcoiiuteil lor. and he Imd .1 vv. 111. int. sworn out tor Mill hell's dr iest on a (luugo of ombe.ixleinpiu. lie was nivon 11 lieailug boloio AI il'i mini Sloir and tho ev Idonoo pie solittd was so (iiucliisive that the nf fondlng ko man wa-. liold lor coin t In Iho sum ot $1.0110. In din.iult of lmll. ho was (Oinmitted lo the loimty j.tll. Funeral of Edward Knhler. Nunieious friends of Hio l.tto Hd w.uil Kahler tllioiigeil lo the liunlly lOldolKO, IP! Kim slieel, .vo.stoidtiy ,U ternoou to pay .1 lasi ti Unite to the memory of a wm thy liiilstlan citizen. The sorli es, which took place at the house, wcio (ondiiolod bv Uov. K. .1. Sclunldt, til, D., Vlllo spoUo ol Hio lite and 1 h.iiiii lei ol the ilop.irted. 'I'ho l'lllieial loitoge afloiiv.iiils proi ceded 10 tlio I'ltt'-iuu .ivi'iuio (.omotoi.v, w lieu' interuiout was uiiide. Then vveie many Moral tokens of soriuvv plaied tiiouud tho gi.ive, which wore borne theiv by Waller Mcfonnoll and Jacob Uoiii.uisor. The pall boarois vvoio chosen fioni uinuuK lllV-lnnw trlonds, as follows: Michael IConuody, .losoph Schulr, Hail'' Hook, H.illey Cooper, .Inliu tireiuor and Daniel Kullmaii, Funeral of a Child. i'ho ."- oar-old daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. .Mlchuol llorzog, whose death 00 ciiiioil Friday, as the lesult of a bad lull .sustained a week ago, was laid at lest iu St. Mary's fioriniiu I'atholli' leuieterv yesteiday aftoruoou. i'ho luueral took plain from the family residence. Ii:t Hlol.oiv utioot, whole seivkos weie 1 ondiiolod li;. Itov, IVler liiiist. Stars Special Session, livery nieniboi of the Star Hoi In 1 1 lub was piesont ul ycstoidny's uieei Ing, which was held lu Mim hall, ijj I'lttstou u venue, i'ho session was de voted to pei feeling arrangements lor their annual ball, which takes plain lu Alhletlo hull Wednesday evening, 'Jin reports of thn v.ulous committees, 1111 mimic, tickets, lotieshuienls, oti., weie most encouraging, This club Is seven yenrs old, and Jus inuicuieil steadily In populnilty until now its social events lire looked fnr wuiil to us ono of the season's events, i'ho coiiiinlileo of mraugeiuoiiis U as follows: Jacob Kaestuer. Kugeiio t'laus, liiailos Kntb, William Jtosur and i).lld l.owls. At the Y, W.C, A , Mis. 1,. M, fluti's uttendeil Hie Voiuig Woineu's 1'hiistluu association looms, 011 Codar .iveniio, nt a.ll yesteiday af ternoon and deliveicd a inost Interest ing and iiihtrui'llMs uddiess to a laige nudlonce. Mrs. Hates took tor her llieuui. "Convention Doings at Lancas ter," and Btivo u detailed and vivid story of the ptogiess during the past year of tlio Pennsylvania Young Wo men's Christian associations. Miss Stulilheber also nnirtn an inter esting nddiess, which was nttentlvely llstoiiid to by a veiy large audience. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Hour Lines, 3 Cent lor Cch Ettr Line. For Rent. foil nrxi'lllclit ronin, Tr..l .Icltcrwn nvfmie; 11 n-odern icnunicnio. i For Sale. Till: lll'.MMMMI hoii'i-lioltl nrnrNiil IhW VliitP noli .ivcimi- must lio mill Indij ll 11 piy .Mill In (ill nt iiticc Pi Ml' tlir-lll. I'Olt M.i:-V p.in of lint, In Iho loimll.Vi ivi'lglilnir illioul IIKK): Irfilt'lii ( . I'd, Siinl?. i.iii' ( mlih'ii 5t.il)li-(. MII"M:V IIMIKII.s fur mlo .il Hotel WiiKIt, null' r nf M'.idilnjloti .iirinic ninl I'lielp fclicnt. .11 si' .llllli:i) ullli :,-, lioui i,f lui.-. virlglit fi om 1,100 lo 1,100; Fi'iu.il i lo-M'li iintilii-il tr.mw, llni-o Hit couli tciiii. I'Jii bo -ccn at :tH lli.viiiotnl (ourl. p. M I'.iltli, KOH Htf.i: Two light tprlnit wagon anil om lutnefd, (heap, l'.vati, rctr l"2 I.uzcrna street. For Sale or Bent. 'kS-'Bw'ta'-VW-'V-siiAl, l'Olt SVI.I! (lit III'.M'HjII mi Suininit Jvniiic. miiIIIi, No. d:i Coimnll niillilltiir. Bcnl Estate. 1011 SM.I' One ncio nf I iml, linpioirrl viith lilliC'inoi'i lioiisc; iilnil.v .mil inlili ol fruit; COdd Inr.illon In vllljgo of lirctvlllc. Ml Olive I'isli. lic-clillle. Pa. Furuishod Eoom3. Poll ni'N r Fiirnislieil fiont loom, with lioat, bath anil cus; noar court house; gentleman preferred. Adclicii It6om, Uov 200. I'OIl IIKNT KumMicd room; heat and bath. 023 Linden ettcct. Booms nnd Board. A I.VIMii: KHONT IIOOM, iillli bond, nt '.it Ail mis avenue. Suitable lot- iwo j onus men. ItnOMS '10 ni;yr, with UojuI. WI Mulberry ctrcet Strayed. I'S I It v.M.1) Kiom my pu'iiil., n inl cilf with lour Ik-11 mi its nod. ltivv.inl for iiiloinu Hon tint -vv ill li id to ulureabuuts of t lie- tin, m. Antouil,, .lininu, Pi. Ppeilully rood music was fin nWhod by n (ii.iitelte ot the nieinbei . NUBS OF NEWS. Motoimnu Ititter, vvlio was nnosted by Constable AVoelkeis on Fiidav for usIur vile lunmiairo on Codar nvenue, paid a lino of j and costs at a lieai ins:, bold befoie Aldornian Lentos, on Sat ui day. George JIlil!, of filJ I'lttstou avenue, Is laid up with an iujuiod let;. The wound is an old one, which never was Hilly healed and causes him much worry and inconvenience. Aliw. "William Koni.icber and daugh ter Freda, and Jlr. and Mi., Henry HookelUanip lotnrned .esleul,iy liom a visit to the TViu-Amci loan. A loKtil.ir jse.sslnu nf the South Side Howling club will take place tonight. An intoie.stins: Kimie will bo played and lolie'shnionl's will lollovv. The funei.il ol James Caidon, who was eleotiocutod at the Cliff stieet loioiiiiitlve vvoiks last iiini'M.jy nislit, will take pl.u o this nun uiny lioin Hie homo of Ills lu ollir, Jlloh.iol C,u'd-n, ol .".17 Ilk kory s-liool. THE MARKETS. SATUBDAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS 'lint fttlltiw in qtiotjtiinis art1 fuinlslu'tl Ihe lnliiiiie In VI. s .IoiiIjh A i u., ruoiiis 7u." Ti)6 .Muie 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 i l ( , -irintnii, P.i. 'lrli'iliiuip .loOte: i 'pin I licit- inn ("lis- inc. i "i '"t. inc. Viiiiti. in --iu ii .. Il''" 11'' II'i'h Ill's Villus i, 7s ;sit ;7Ta 7,i4 Milii-uti, Pi ' i 'h,i4 n.i.. iVi'ji itiil. (nppii -. .ssi si,it v,-.il in I ,ii .V I'ltiitnlii .. . -j',1, j.'j u,'i .".'4 lll.ti.k. Tl.lltllitl Ill" 1,1 LIP. (fl! II ill. .V. Oh! UV int. lllMj JOtI (Ins , OliI .-jii Vk I".', irH I hio. ,V Ct. W(t. . . IV j 'J-.i 'J-r iV nil... Mil . -i. P I'.'i'.. i;i. lin, nn I lib.. II I. .V. P 11 1'j li Ili HPi ( ul. Pud .'. Iiuti . . '". ".'.'1 si". 'i". i in- ii it 't; iii ti ti i.j Kilo ii. i; pi i.'i1 t.'i's i.'i'i n7s i oui-. t-s n.i -I loi'rt mi's lui't mi u in. i.icv iml un ipi'i iiu'i ipi'i Vlil I'l.litlnn . , , .llli't 1'ilt1! IAIj Jill ii-,n. p.iiiiii '!".. " pv r: Nnilnlli .1. Wist i. ,-,,,, .-,i, Vlij N. . '). .V. W V, i :i:s illi , . (llltlll I "in 1.".n4 Un 18 iviini it ii it; n?i; iiit"'4 H71 ItciililU l!i ' J'l. 4i1s I'l, III idiiu', 1-1 Pi .... 7.4 77-N 77i4 77'3 Noutlii-in u, ;ij"'4 .'4 ,i Smth. III.. Pi s, i, ,7-s, j,7i, ,7ij NOIllllllll I'.lt !tl( ."'I"s HI', ,',!"', ,l I. 111. Iml .(. lum . ,., i.0 u), i,ilt. t,i:; Tovis I'jiiil :ts :ot, jst,, ;;'i 1 N, f.l'jtlll' u i 'I j i IJ 1. N, M,.t (, ... ij , Ui. ,.ih 4,- Seranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100. MOCK Hi, I. v.u.i l.jtl.ju.n.ii i ll liiy lu, Pr n) , , (ouini S4ins,-s Mm, ,V 'lnis' In , ,"wi I'il.-l .N.tlloiill Hull, (( .uli'iiitl ili'l '-, st.iinUiil llillliiv I it, . . , .... ;o Ihild Njllniul DjiiI. . , s,i Dinii ll-pislt .mil Dl.diiuii 1,'anl.., 7", It i, in, nit IJIil. , .V. p. Co (,; I'ilft .N illoual HjiiI. i.'im ,,, l.iiKa. 'Pi iit njIp I i.-p -it ( u ivi ,,, (lui, A Miiiki (o. Pi '", Mi.nilnii bun Kdiic A ill. It, jim -iui.ioii Vvli- Wiul.s jij Vl.llltOII Sulns-s lljlilt (4.1 1 ... '1'i.nliii.' .itlonil lljiik 171 S Niiuti tlolt A Nut Co nil Pinpli'V ll.iul, ,i", .n Mcmio llj .V. 1 i',i 7-, II0MI-. Nunum IMssiueci' ll.iiln.iv, Hid MjiUjsi'. ln' in'.! in P(I1i''n Nttcii t 1 1 1 v .iv, in. I iiitni- irue. due Pis II," l'iuiii''s Nuit llilliv.n, 1,'i'iiciil lilills;iui', due Pr.'l ... , 111 Hit I. -mi M iiiilf.l(illllli-I o. jim l,.ukj 'Inumlilp iliun ." per nii. ,,, PI" I iti of Niutiliiii M. Imp. ll per (dil pi.' S-tijiili-ii 'tuition U li-i i cm . .. Ml Sctnnton Whplesale Mntket, (( niii'Ueil li.v II, (i. Kile, 'J7 l.ukanjiuu ie.) lit .in Per lublii'l, dinii i' iiiiiiuvr, n! uli.'.u',. Iliillei- I'lC.li in.tiiici.v, -.'Ut.', ; djliv, Iii.Ii, J.'i. t liec-e 1'iiil iirjin, lO'.-illf. I sj Ni'jtby Mali-, 'Jl.i.'.'n. Mi'iliuui llfjis--Pii biislul, .' "ji Cm ll Pi'js Pa budit'l, Nl.itui.fi lioui -llo.t pjti-nl, liur luiicl, itl i'i IU iiis -pi-i bilul, ilitiltt- iiuutiii, , 10, rotulniN I'u biislul, irl.Ti. llmcnis -Poi Undid, sl.W Philndelphia Cattle Mntket, Pltiludt Ipliu, O.l 'J7 Itcwipti lui llio vu-eU t'uillc, .".itsii bi'ip, et.niJi lum, 1. 1 b". ( illlt'-M.ukcl mild dull, nili it not luiMiulb lIlUIIUc'il. lAHJ fill. .Illll slllt 111' d(s.ili. (4ltc i. iu i- .nul uuliti-il, (I'd iioiibl lulin," fiiuui; lulu.-,. Hon. Isn.l.MlUlT; iliolic, ilui.;; litluil, N". iUJ,,i'i lllllllllUI, S,t7i(; LOIOIUii'l tl.Vl.il ,".; flutki-ls Jiul tudi'ls, $,i.7.iul.'."i, Mui'i uud liuilis-l'iliis (.'iiKUlli will nu;ii. tlllKlli IllllkOI 'I 1 1 I'll' liVd9ll(l(('lli 1 01)1111011 (iiul uidliMij "it'll. v i not imiulii'd uui-i. hhoip, lMI.1, .I'sU .aJl i 1 1" III', uullil.t K"ihI, IU ,i',ic I iiitiiiiuii, ,i'.jii3i' : 1 Hutu, ,l!sJ Jvii. Ilorfi uiilli4 luoic libi-ruli prices vl lo"cr Ki.iili't. a. frludc ojsiir; bijt wcati'in, i'j'JUi., olbfr kiiuli, fc?ij'k. I'.it (nus-Moikrjtf ilciu iml, at -aJUci thin tOHS I'lui'lV.! Vl'Ul l dlC3. t'Uttl.O.t cvtli choltf, 7jc,; coiiiiiicii, .lljiJi', ; milt h iuv of tin' (liuUnt kliub, linn ut ')U.ui; ioiiiiiqii lo lulr, dull, ut t-UivO; droml .tcei, Ti'ic. J SITUATIONS WANTED PREE. Help Wanted Mole. MA Villi) tlv Ir.iillnj l'lilludclplil i Imiifp, Rm ilmi il(iujti, to ncll Kuicr.d lliio of puprr tu tin tit. ill Initio, oii iiim In iin iiiiiiiltitnti(n puliiit'tl: uiiot Imic lirst ii-fitcuio mid lu' utile lo fmiiluli liond. .iiln- P. i), llos )n, Phi.i. drlplil.i, (OI.I.KlTUlt foi tlio hist.illnif-nt liiidniM' must bo t rii ll- lc-ttip"i He .mil luid workers Mlury pil. I nml lioml n-iiiltnl l'o-iltlvrlv Mite inn', rurlcii(" 11111 In iilinui iiiiplnicil. Ilo! U. Tiiliimr. (ifllcc. W'ANTi:ill.'.0 mtpcnlir it ituod vvjcc. lo Imll'l ii lirirc birnldr ut 1'nlli.villc, I'u. Applv lu II. A. Woftill, I'llKhlld'u Imd I. Wel "lili-. N-i.ni-ton, r II, 11. KhiKlr.vl !'olt- llle, I'u. W'ANTIMl-lli' n hoi III vnir of nui'. u utmlMit nt llio !i.r.intoii lliiinr I olb'uc cinpluv lin-til for NUtiuli. Aililrr- I' I' , IH! Mem-n-.v avrmii, illy, iininKI.AVr.IIS WASn:i)l'or fire brUk vimk. ('otninuiilcitloii .mil poMolial nppllcnlloiw iv'lll bo received at my offltc in Hancock, N. . II. J. Piiwman. Help Wanted Femnlo. W AM 111) W'mtld like lo get .i wood liouvlucper lo no lulu llio cmmli.i ; Kond location. Ad-ilii'-i, K, II. T , Minnie iilllu, WATi:i)-(IIil foi Rrneril lio l-oivmU. H0.I luikson (,t(rt, ( it. W'.WTFD- l.lil cm vciiio leuilv. ptotitablc em plojincul by inlllns: ut "it J Mom lluililm;. WAMTn A (ill) for Rrnernl lioiinonuik. Apply al 101 South Main nicmtc; mint lonie roc onituondi'd. W'ANTilO-Olil for rpiwi.iI bou'-evvork ot Pulton. Addles 11. T rare Tribune BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing' Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City Al.nililT SCIH lIX. toi tier Miillieiry street .itul Wcbsler uirnitp, l.tSl'AV Iillili., 00 Ad.mii uv.enue. West Side iii.oiirii: w. .h:ki.nn, mi iM,utii i,un annul1, South Scrnnton lllKl) I TI'.IIPPI. 7i' Ccdut avi'tiue. Noith Scrnnton (110. W. I) WIS lorncr Xoith Msin uuiuie .mil .Muil.it slur:. Green Ridge (.lIAlli.KS P. .iONi:--, IV,7 DkUnoii Mieniif. P. .1. .I01I.NS, f'Ju Cieeu liidue -licet. V I.OIIKNX, Loinoi Wu-blimlou ave nue and .Mil imi street. Peteisburg W. II KNTPliX, 1017 Iimhi; un nue. Dunmoio ,i. c iiom: a 5U'. Wanted. WAMIII) -rinnisli(il loniii, leutiulli- I.h at oil. niiiilcin and in pii.ati- fiiuili. K, '1 ultimo 01 lice, ill. WAN I i;u l.fi.nl s.'imal li mil fiiiiiice. villi pit, la-h. Aililirss l.ni k llo 1 il, n, union, p., WA.STI'.l) veii .mil tfanis in imuili.i, in it. an, I tl llll, ! (K 10 fl.'il) pt'l ll.li; lili'li. l."n pet dav; dcai liond, stcadj noil. Atltlii.-s bo A, lllblllli' olfiir. Boarders Wanted. VANTi:n TuUo bender. Washington Avenue. lira. Toinpliini, S31 Business Oppoitunity. hlO( K AM) Mlll'.W TlIVDI'ltN itliout delu.. Wtite fin nut prn il uutl.it Iclti'i I'Kt' mi ajin nl lull. s l llililiiul A Co, iininbei . Coioolldited nu-l Mink llvihaiit;,'. 'I ami Hi llituilual, Vv iiri.. l'slublisliiil l-UI. l.oni 1)1 tame I'lioi c "JsS Proud, Money to Loan. f.UV,'fW ,1 (.U.S..-..Ut..., I..13, l,t..n. I'I monthly pajniriiti. Stark A' Co ,'1'iaders' bldir. A.S'V AMOUNT Of MOSRV TO 1.0 W-Qukk, ttruil I leans 01 llililiimt,' and Loan. At from 1 to G pel cent. Call on N V. Walker, S I-JIj Connel! bulldlns. 1S ,n .j, .r,i rtkV rn,.-f ..A. cnl.l.. Lost. t--SVS.S SS.'S.-S.SS.'X'SB'SVSv-VS.SySSrfSyXSVSS.S S. S. S.-S. s I.On'P- Latins' jjttlil vvudli. WuPlum iiinu iiirnt. No IVi7l'"il, viilh I11il1.1l "M. I ." Hi'vvuril tm 11 lot Ktiuii lo Vluy luievvu, llivei otroot, OI.ipll.llll, I'u Miscellaneous. . W SSS y X X. I. Mill V UI.MI.YlN 'llll'UI.H; nil cis,; pi. 1.11 l ; sp,i ullst'a (,11c. VI11I11 it lluuif, 77. Wj.l1l1u11.11 hi . ISutUln, . , LEGAL. DVMIlb VI, IIJI-llV, oVMiitcu 01 Mill. nl P.11I,. (I, (li'iiM.dl, uii't 'lluoiliiiL' I.. Willie and Kvonll Wairi'ii. es.'tiiliiti. m II, II ilnii.ip, do ira-otl, vs. fliii-lin Walilcr-, I.IUuI.pIIi WjI.Uh III, WIHiiui lai, lininu Walibi-, .Vliun'i' U.iti bis, Auuust W.iIiI.'Ii.. .li,, Kitjiill.in ad lilt-in ul Mil, nli' Walilus, .1 mill, , 1 ; Dunlin U.iIiI.m-, Ii,, ant) Williiuv I. I'. Uililiis. lu tlio '.mil tf iiiiiiiiiuii I'll' is uf I, n I.ju.iiiiii itiiimy, Nu 117. Nipiiinbii li-iiii, pill. In tin- I). li iiilaiiti Vlinio Siiuid: Von ,110 liiiliv iioilll'il iliu an .i.i.ii uf (jxtiiiiui l..is bit 11 liiiniubt aiiu.i lull lj tlio plilulllts almio uiuii-d Im u lui ul jioiiiiiI .tu Uiil In tlio IIdiiiuuIi ut Diiutii no, I a, kail nun iniiiili, I'linisvlvunii, bmih luls inllillii nil vim 17) .Hid Wif lit I") in tii.iiu 1 1 bint I, iiiiiiilifi i'lkli! in) and slliuiii'l upt'ii uu'i lallnl and liaiiiul .lixiip uviniii', upon the plot ut t.ji'1 l.iiipcllv Kiiuvvii u Un' ullniiiiriit ol llio tdiuvvooil l.illil, In ul'l Ilo iiuifli ol 1i in 111.11 .. Inli'iiilO'l lo In" dlllV IcRlstt'lI'll Ulld KtOldfll; kjl.l lots ll.'ill 111I1 1 110 liiudii'd .not siM.ru net 1 lit t feti Vlitlc lll'Ull .llrMip UM'lllll'. till' '-III' viidtb HI till! itai, .nul !') I, mull "il .1 ml tiuulflhr iJ''n li.i In iliplln i'i iljbt ui pus.sin.ioii and into in ililih .ml plaiiitltl. si) In iu ll 111, uud nut In raid ilileiiil.iul. i uud Ibul 011 tin uitllui da) ul OiKbei, I I'D I, ibo 1 "in I "' coiiuitOii plcai uf ln kiujlilil i.iuiil.v kiuuli'd 1 lido upon von in appiui uiul plud lo .i I'I aitnm. iwiiili sjnl I ill.' i iiliuuibli in kiid 1 tin t on Ibo uieiili tiiiul .i v of lliii'iubi'i. IH'I. ut n o'doik .1 in , l,ii in. llieiil.no liilibv iiullluil Pi .ippiar and pli.uj in vJi'l Hilton 011 01 beft'lt m!i dun, oil 1 r uoo liiiluiucut lo ililuulL will b 111I111.I ,i;.niisl iiiii. iu iiutildaiiic viltb llio sl.lluli's (Ot Mt 1 nuiK'tsc uud" uud luuildal 1 ' WII.I.VIIII, W I1IIIN .v KNM'P. Mioini.to fur I'ljinlills. WE OPPBR TO YIHLD ABOUT S't'o $ 1 ,000,000 BUTTE ELECTRICjEPOWER COMPANY of Butte, Mont. (IlilUe I llio bicni'sl i'()iH'r iiiinlneiiiB illy In llio vrni'M), 5o First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds llriiiitiiiiiutliin SI, 000, iii.ittiiinir I to ill) .vein's. Amply inoviiHU nr by ucrvo and sltikin-u; Hind. .Nut cmutntrt) tlnvo und tluco iiiiiiitoi. t lines iiitoiost iIiiiikoh Wrlio lor it'iioit of Mr. Siiiuin.'l liwnll, I'lvsidcnt nl tlio fblingo IMlsou Co., mid ipCl'lUI eils.lll.ll. RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO., I NASSAU ST., DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Morel lui I'aur Lines. 6 Cent for Bach liilr Line. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. llDWMlll crhl'AUI.DIM!, ill 'lltADCIIS 11ASK lliillillng', Architects, i.inwiti) 11. jtwiu, Aiiciiiii:ur, cosNixti llulblinir, riii:i)i:iii( k i TimTa "Tiitii." 11 ,mu l.imo l.xiluiiiio lll.lj,',, un WadiliiKtun vc Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. I. II MIDI VI, UKJ tOXMIM. lll'IMtlVl. Dentists. int. c. 1: i:ii.i:Mii;iKii:it, palm hi ii.pino, IspriKO slieel, ."iiuntoli. int. o. u. i.aii.u 11, iu wwimimi M'Kxtn:. Xawyeis. lilANK I.. IIOVI.P. AnouMivTivbAW. ilootn u. (, in and IS llinr llulldinc;. '' '' 'Hi i v, si r , i ovnioNWi.Ai.TifmdTu" D. II. lIDPl.OIJI.i:, U'lOltMlV-MUNsTKIiil llntdl on led il,ile eniril.i. Jleui lluildin, cmnrr WhsIiIiiIuii uirnue anil r-pruce stieet wii.i.aiii). w Mtitr.v .t h-pp. a i-Tonxni and (omiiclloi. nt Inv. Itcpublieiti llulldlnj, WUllillRl0ll ,'iiciiiu. .ii.nni p j- .iKssi'p, vnoiisns ami rous- ullois .itdan L'oinnionvienllli llulldintr, Itoom li. '-'0 and Ul. JilWAIII) W. Til Willi, A'lTOUM.V. noi'ioi, nth flow, vim iiutidiiik-. IIOOM. I.. . WAIili:.. Al lOIIMlV-Al'-iVW, POAKI) of '1'i.ldc lliilldinir, .Vinntou, Pa. I'A'I IP.IPnOV fc WII.COV. TRAtllin'S NATIOXAb Han': llulldlncr c. iovii:n, ,j. kpppiii.ican nun. iii.no. a w iiiiiniioi.r, oi'rici: jiovnn '10 o. 211 W'.iomlui; uirniii-. Physicians and Smgeons. 1)1!. W. II. Al.l.l'V uiettue 11 .Nouru WAuivnox im. s. w. rvioi:i:i'v, ornci: jr.-) w-.su. inulini .lutiiic. llcudi'iiic. 1113 Mulberrj. ( limine 1listj.1i, lungs, betrl, kidnevn and Kinlto utiiiury ui sarin .1 upeiiajti. Hour, l to I p. in. Hotels nnd Restaurants. 1 111: 1 i.k ( m'i:, 12". M i'7 ritvNKi.ix avi:- 11110. liule icjsonulilc P. Zll'lil l'.rt. Proprietor. .-( ItWrOV UOI'M', M'.Vli D, t. k W. PAS. henoi depot, loudiuud on llio lluropein pltn. VI(10Il KOCIf, Proprietor. Scavenger. a. b iiitirm! 1 1, i:nn pitivY VAiiih ani! .ess puuls; 11 jt jiinr; null mipioved pumps lised. . II. Unci,'", pruprutor. I.euie onlri 1IIJ .oilh Mini .iveniio. nr Kuke'. dniR -.line, (.or iki daiiis ami Miilbeiiy. llotli lilephone. Seeds. (i it. ( i.miki: j, it). ni:i.dnvii;x and LRs. . 1111K11, -.lino ill W.isiit'3tnn uienue; ereiii lioiis(., i'r,u .Nuiih M 1111 .ui nue; .store tele-pliu-ic, 7.,. Wiie Scieens. .lOsl.PIl KI 1.1 II. I., IlllVIt .rill l.CK. AVK., ,--i i.intou. Pu., 111 .tiitLic linei ut Wuc Screens. Miscellaneous. 1)111 -nUMMMJ l'Olt I IIII.OUIA" TO ORDi'R; .il.i. luiliis uuist. 1 aui-c Mioeiuukd, l Ail mis .iiituii'. ill-liMUil'.i: llltOs , PltlM'l.IlN' LI'l',li:S, KN iclupcs, pjptr bis, luiiu'. W alehouse, 1 ,'l Wj-liiiii:tou .ivenne, ti'i niton, Pu, 1111: mi.ki: liAiuii: 111:1 oi: can nr. ii.m In nci niton .11. tlio nciis stand of Ki'i-nim llio , tOU piuio and .i! f.inilt-ir. l. Norton, 'Mi I ail. im.iiiiu uvi'iuie; I. S. llluter, 211 t-initt 1 stupt. Situations Wanted. n I 'llo WANII'.D Piotestunt Inly, ."1 joii ut uiii-, isln ,1 Niiuitiuti ad (bildren'H nurse, or to wail 011 invalid lull, or huue li'ipiui; for nldiiivir wllli small fuiuil.v ; lias hail ivpi'lietui-; wood ieicii'nc-(s. Addtt-ss, i:. 11, 'lulnum Dtlico. W WlCP-P.isllIitn .1 i-hlppine; dirk, or stock in in, Iml iliieo je.iiN cvpi riiiuv; (an loniti p ici uiii led. .diln , H. (.'.. cue of bcran- ion 'J 1 Ilium. n'II V'llOV W.WICII lly u i-oIokiI man M (Ottk iu .1 bull I. i un) kind of moiis iu pilule linillv; iiliieiiio if n-tUiied. Addrc iuJ Hoi l.uik manna .niiiuf. W Wirn-Po-llliin In iliullinic luoin; luip hid ospilini't'. Addica 11. H. 1... 4'j -tilinn 11 vein 0 c-t 1 1 VI1DV WWII'H-'lo .o out by llie diy ishim- ,11 cli'unuis. Call or addre.s Mis. M. ll., 1-11 ' I'dJr au-niif. n'1 I V'l'lOV W VMIil Jn bun ln-r, all amum! mail niIiIii-, llulilier, '.Ml i aikuiiuniu nieuti... .nII VIloV W'VN'llil lly .1 roli'itd nun a nV'sj in j hoi. I in lnuriliiij li'iioe, Addrr., Coo, 'I III 1.11 .! ot lb f V AM I I PusllKU i- assistant boukkeeper nt ullu i' j.-islatit, l..i u idiulilti iouuk nul. Addi.-N., .1. P. I. ion- l'l. W Ml.ll-P"siliuu lu an ai. luirelN or dNtisbt- in ill's t'llkf b JU iiKliistiloui temperaci in mu nun. n VTIIIV W Wllil- IIiIrIiI inli'lliitnit yours mail, -', disliis a poIilciij tell ,vi-JI' offlii tp-iiiiiii' JUil l,iiottlnli ut buokkeepluir. "I'll. Hi; in." 'Iilbuue iitilto. W VVliil Widoiv with llnee ihlldrcii to support, lltsllH MUlk b.v Urn ll.IV, M-llllC, nutlilni;, fjin.,1 li.iunn; 01 liuuso ileaiilus, Jli. W,, fill l.ii'Jiin atliet WAM'I. II ro-llion b.i cxiieiiiincd ld.r, ,li;iii'i'. upber ami lj mild, ubn lit'lo un bot-Vi; I p.t iiluei-io, A'I'li'N-, "mhi," 1 an- ol Hun, Ion 'li ibiiuf. FINANCIAL. Diract New York Wire Stocks and Bonds All orders executed un tvehange. Qulc und nhiolutelv reliable ssrvlcc. Iclcpnom Connections, Old, 6o;-.i; New, 3i). IRWIN THURMAN & CO., 7j 73'j Council llulldinc;, tcrutitou, IU NBW YORK, mJ j