The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 28, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    r WNwrv
n kivjrai vi a r
Hi' - "T" STWTC
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' ' ,. wnr-t,f-, k
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The Only Way to Secure Salvation Is
by Piofcsslnp Christ Miss Elsie
Acker Entertains Little Folks.
Young Boy Mliising- from Home,
Boy Struck by the Cats Rally
Day Exercises Harvest Dinner
ami Social Notes About People
and Other Items of Interest.
l!ev. Spout-or i. Mli-lison, Hi' IMillu
(ti'lphlu, son (if A. . l)li'lH(in, hi' llu
illy, ooeuplod ili- inilpli of tin' Sum
ner Avenue I'lveliyleilun oliuroh lust
rvonliifj Hint iitvnehoil n eermoii harod
on passages touml In thi' fourth mill
lll'lli I'lniplfi'M of JoIim'h KpMlen. The-o
l'.-l'or to t 'lit 1st-- iii'lloii lit .liii-iib's well
nnil lln' pool ol IJ.'IIiomIii.
In thi'M' liiwtiini'y. Ilio iipmUcr s.uil,
('hrlM uoi formed inlnii'li'S Hint w'ie
umiiiiluf;. and usdied of ilio -1 1 1 ' ' il
llm pool, "Will lllou Id' made whole.'"
This I'onlil only Iiiim' ueeir.Ti-d when
tli" man pi oIVstiI Ills sin;', nnil so It im
loiluj, tlio uiilv way to s'i-uri' salva
tion Is liv piofoc-ttiK ,li'Sii; cin-Nl.
I'pIIkIoII lllli'S Pol l IllISlM of fl'i'i tl.llll
from p,iln, lioillly health nnil Mrennlh,
soul hliviiKtli nnil siil'cl.v. I'lnlsf-i
i oiiii-lu;r of iivn merely lllutiati"l liK
power lo illcu'iivi. (.pii'luinl power ninl
welfare. l'"or only ilio-e that mi- puio
in heart, their s-niil- will lnli"ill llio
klnmlmn of lio.l.
In tin xihniiuii which iiiiii"- in all
nii'ii. I'lirist malm- 111" lii.-l stop, ami
Hie ninny mlrueles . roi-or,lr-d In the
KIulo ill" merely illuMiittlun- .if Huds
power to t i'i, em.
Missing from Home.
AV. iller .Wituiiuti. iiKcil 17 yeai.-. li.i
lieeii ml.siiiiK fioni linnm, Wl .Vol Hi
t'-artiold nveiin . siin e laM Flid.i..
lllOllllllS. W hell he lei I. oMellsilily In
tnku up Ills iHinil work In K"ller .!
A'nii Uyk'-'s pl.iim iiieloiy. lie lia uoi
U'lurned home, nnil hl ioLiHm- me
in n i -1 1 nlaiined i inn ernlnx his wh"H
illiollls. When lie lei: hiime he uoie n nii."il
e.leell sllil. Om'oiiI Kiey Willi
a liUn 1; velvet , iillur. white mnl plnl;
-tripod s-liii I. v Mil hlat-K ninl whili
l'ow tie.
YoutiK X.uiinmi I- ,il out .", f,et, 7
Inehes in Ii-IkIiI. mnl v. -inli. lie
pounds, lie hi- ,i t'air i omploxion.
dark ejeh mnl m-rU In own h.iir An,
A Daily Reminder
You will not It fliippoln nl tn
llitom'f 'Ijr; it Mill n-li'ic that
Coii-'li .tiel I oM in one niyht.
Neckwear Means
Mor? fo Ladies of
Fashion This Year..
Than it ever meant befoic dining the life of the present gcnsia
tion. Just why would be hard to nnswei wilh any degree of cct
tninty, but we think Hint its intrinsic beauty and wealth of styles
suitable lor all occasions, and types of feminine loveliness has
much to do with it; toi it is a l.iU that no woman of taste need
adorn herself witli neckwear that is not becoming to lisr particu
lar style of beauty, as the designers have left no stone unturned
to adapt their excellent creations ty every tvpe ol womanhood.
But the greatest surprise to intelligent buyers, is that the
New Beauties in Neckwear
Cost so little money. We hear comments of this sort eveiv day,
and we are vain enoii"li (o think them well meiited.
Neckwear Prices Range from
$1 OH For Nlce 1 A flfl For Superb
I.UU styles to !IU.i;U creations.
Ruffs Take the Lead
(Jl course, for Dame Fashion has siid so. Hut theie arc Ruffs
and Ruffs., Ve"ve got the Miiart, swell kind, in
Liberty Satins, Crepe De Chene,
China Silks, Chiffon Taffetas,
And Some Choice Extreme Novelties
Not to be seen elsewhcie in Scrauton, Besides these, theie ate
Fur and Feather Creations
Shown on a larger scale than ever ami under more favorable con
ditions, in the Ladies' Outfitting Qii.irteis, at rear ol the Dress
Goods Store.
Ostrich Feather Boas, Fur Scarfs, with
Cluster of Tails, Long and Short Fox Boas
Muff and Scarf Sets to Natch, Etc,
f There's no eu.i to the assoitmeut and there's no equal in this
city tp the values we offer. Iljsides this, no oth?j film in town
J lias half the good styles to show you that we have,
Special Display of Neckwear
l-very day tins week. Inquirers are just as welcome as buyeis,
for they're sure to talk about what they see to their Iriemls.
Globe Warehouse II
Int'oi mnl Ion t'onrt'i'iiliiB hint will lie ru-fi-lvuil
by hln relatives.
A Juvenile Paity.
Mlsx 1'lnle Aokcr relchi'itled iter
Iwi'lfth blrtliilny miiilversiiry lit tin1
homo of her mother. 42;! South Mali:
uvniuo. Siitlliday nflornoon. between
the hours of I ninl S. Hfr lltlli' frli'tnls
In the lltlinlior of tlilrty-oili', nssciil
bloil ihcri' mnl inii'tli'lpnted In mnl i'ii
Joyeil all Hie plensllies Itn Idelil to in -(itslons
or this kind, mnl tin' iniiuy
pretty itirtM thai .Mlsi Nlsle rccehed
attest to her opiilm liy IIIIIOIIK br-r
yoiin assnrlnti'S.
Pulnl. i cfi"sliineiit, iiiUes, null
anil k'e ileum was scrvld'' by Misses
Hi lull llnui'ii. Hmii Wllllmns. Mcl"ii
f'tlllette mnl lllllh Aeker, who also as
iilsted In th"ir vnrlftiis iiiiiiiseini'iits.
The liilliiWlllK llltli' ones Wi'te piesel'l:
liet'li'ilde ,Mooiv. Almy I'lvnns. Iluli
iinh Wllklns, lliuh I'lii'snii. Itiith Wll
llmns, lint I let Tlloiniis. Ailellff" Thin.
Inle I in vis, Mnrthri .Imites, .Marlon
Thill. .May UnvK .lemielte I'Vllows. III
li' Stl'llppler, .leillletle Sllllpplf'l,
IMilh SliltTer, .Mlldied Whltinmi. .Mnr
Ihii lIllKlies. I Vnll .lel'fre.v, linn lei
Aeker. .MiilBUU'l Aiker. Ilc.ill lee
WoimIIIiik, I.miudou l.tllK. I toy Wood
llut.. Itnlpli Wlilliumi, Murrn.v Ai U"i Hull.
Hoy Struck by Street Car.
Thomas, Hi" -l-.v ear-old son of Mr,
mnl Mi-. Thomas Flaherty, of West
!. u-l stiei I. v us run dow u by a stieel
ear on Sutuiiluy ul'lcinooii mid quite
SfVelely illjllled. The little ft How
pl.iylns with :t number of t onipmiioiis
near the liilei -eetion of Soiitli Main
iivi'iitii and Wist l.iM'ii-i fti'fct. when
ear N'o. I'.', in limine of two linpoited
men. e.inie aloiiK, mid belore ll emild
lie -topped. Ulloi'l.ed the ellilll lloW II.
Porluiiaii'ly. th" little fellow i nihil
away Irolii the inr, mid e-eupul with u
-eeie -eulp wound and bodily bniie.-
Hr. I',, li. lieililne and lr. W. Unwlitnil
D.ivl'S uei ailed mnl attended Hie
child. The ueeldelil i mien I much i -f
Rally Day Exeicises.
The Suuda echool of tin Slmp-ou
Metllndl-t 10pi.-i opal i linn li hehl It. illy
day I'Ni'ielees eeterda. llionilim, ill
ele.lil of tin- leKlllnr pHai-lilimr eervlie
and Sabb.itb ecliool exorcl-, . The main
auditorium was Illh U witli i.hllilreu .-ind
llu-h- paiei-.t.-. who thoioiiulil. I'lijo.utl
tile Si r ll l -.
The npeiiiiui iiuiiiIki- was a -nay b.
tin- eiliool. llh-h wne followed Willi
pru.ver by Siiiei Intendcut Umini' I..
I'ei k. Another mips? was Indulged iu.
ami the lespolle'iM' naillllK a- t'lolll
O.'ii. lv:l-ll. Master Aitluir H.-ik leii
di red a eolo, and Hie eehnid ioim d iu
the i hums. The piiinmy ilep.n tnieiit
aleo eany.
T.lie uillj d.i KiiciiiiK wa- kImmi b
a i-lae- ot si.ti en uill-. llli'lllilll'K Ml-ees
Kate U.ivi, Until Wllllnmv. Until Car
son. .Mi,i Sinltli. Ilm-iiet Tlnuuus.
Murjoiie rtt, Until i:iunt, Mm ion
Hull. Hleie Aiker. Je-.-b- l-'lorey. Flor
ence rinie.v. Mildred WilKli'.v. Adeline
Tluo. Until 1'ellowe. I'imi-I Mr.vant and
Pea 1 1 .left lies.
After miotln i souk by the school, the
pastor, Uev. Jl. ( '. McDei niott, delh-
ercil ii short noMre!M! lo the children, hi
which lit lilrtuicd to litem the life of
Christ ii ml how ho dlnl In sine Hit'
world, Tim exercises wor clord with
ti soittf y the pchoul, utitl bcimilli'llon
hy thi' tmstm.
Hnrvcst Dinner nnd Socinl.
llxtiMislve iiei.irittlolis nil ImlliK
ninth' lor tin1 halves! illuimr mnl soelnl
Which will he hold ill Mollis' hull next
Wcdiiceiliiy cM'tlltm ror the heimllt of
St. Tut i left's rnthollc eluirclt. The tiT
liilr will lie In elmrtsi' of lliiinch !iT. I..
('. 11. A., mid Itrnliell It. '. M. IS. A..
mid thin iiluim llisllles the success of
the uildcrtiililiiK.
The dinner will bo teady for rrivlto
III l! o'eloi k, mid W 111 ho eolltltltli d tllltll
II i. ill,, 111 order thai nil ticltet-holdiMM
nuiy be lirovlileil for. Tim menu will
intislit of nil the dollcneles of n koiiu
llie lim-vcst illitnt'i. Tin- iitlcllilmils
will be ii)iiroirliitel.v i-ostuined, iitid
revernl old-fiishlolicd dmiiis will bo
Hnllowe'en Night Events.
The Indies ol' eU. (Voilln's Tnlill Ah
Mll'cnce and ItelicVolollt society, lis
sisted by the nietnlieis of St, l.'o's bat
talion, will hold a ribbon social at
Moms' hull next Thtir.-diiy evcii'iiitr.
A "intilitiy uncial" Will be- the pl'ii
iti.iiunie at the lllei trie t'liy Wheel
men's stn;,' next Tliiirsdny evonlUK,
when will b" awarded for I ho
most iinliiii inuli-ii, iiiilo I'titltii; con
tost mid oilier evellle.
Recent Mine Accidents.
Kim- .1. D.ivl-, :ai South Main iim
lllle. an enililo.i-e at the Hellevito col
liery, hud Ills loot ciiikIii In a
"stretcher," while ruunliiK u it i of
cms, and eevotely l.u ornled the inoin
bt r.
Iiiohltii Kllae, of South Uei-Ui-r'.i
com 1, a miner i midoyoil In the ItelK
Vlle, hlld llli face injured by a M.vlllH
pick recenll.
Coiiiad lionovan. of lnon stn-el,
had one i r 111.- IliiKcrs I'liuuhl and sev
er, d betWeetl IWUCillS 111 til'- licllovltu
Wnsihhurn Street Presby tci inns.
Al Hie eer lee'- yesterday, "talents"
Wei,. luriiKhed to all who wen- willing
in ui them lor tin- inrioe nf rais
ing e!inni;li nioliey to meet the addi
tional i-xpeiieee lor the year. It Is ile
ein d Unit each pereou ha Inn taken
one of the inlet. Is employ ll eo that
on or befciie 0"o. -' tliey inn H'tiirn
ii with an lucreaee of inn- dollar or
Our penpl- M-iy mill h h'ijii'1 the
i ("-lunation of .Miss l.ydla Sailer, who
ha been out Mipiaim e.lns;cr ror tin
I'i.t four yeai e. She lias seemed a
inn. ! leiiilineiative position al llm
KliNcopal i-liiin-li, Caiboudale.
TIuii-mI.i.v the ladles of tin- i liuivli
w III' hold an all-day session. Lunch
xv 111 be served lor llm small sum ot 1.",
i ellts each.
-Next Sabbath lb" monthly olfeiins
lor home niNeions will be icichcd at
the lillilc ei liool sieeeiull. The olelne
Ira i ontinuee l) iniiroVe and ably ae-t-i1-!
in ihe inu.-lc.
The JII-'M". Sandeis will me a luilid
inle at tluir bi'iue, on l-Ihn Mroel.
Tliiti-Mlu evening, No . T, for the
bi-m-llt of the eliiu-eli.
Til- ('111 I'psiloll em lu-ty will hold
an impel lain mootim; in tlieir room
tliK fonlliK -'I s o'eloek.
Events of This Evening.
The anniver.-ary LOininittec of l-Ntber
Aesembly. A. U. II. of M. I'., will meet
this eveniiiK at the home ot Ml. .Mc
Aithur, to i omplele m lauRCiiients l'or
thi.- lelebi.Hion to be held on October
::n at Kinley's hall.
The I.eek (lire and Social dub will
hold tlieir annual b.iiuiuet this even
ing hi Knock lOvnus' hotel on Jackson
A most unusual and InU'iostlne, en
tertaininenl will be lven by Hip voting
ladies i.f Trof. Itm ls' Him Park Sun
day ei hool class i,n Monday eeiiIiiK
III ilueiii'cy hall, li ha- lieeit riithtly
liaiued a "I'hmiloni social" and wan
the inic-l -uccc'Still eocial Klven by
the l.aiic.ietor V. .M. I'. A. two yeais
iiko. A spoeial invitation Is i-stc-ndod
to the vNltlntt tefielicis of the I'ounty
llietillllc to altenil. The proceeds ,m
lo ko tow, inl the talent t'liiul ol' llm
i lav.j. .n are Invited.
The fourteriiih minlM-r.-ary of I'.ald
liable tribe, Xo. PC. Improved order
o! Ceil Men, will be celebrated till
eVelllllK ill lied Men's hall with all eil
toi lainiuent nnd social eoxtdon.
Mm r.l'zahoth Itobert.-i. of Xorth
T:oiett avfliuc, enierlaiiicd tlie umui-b'-i.s
of the Voillis' LadloM' Auxiliary of
the Simpson Methodist Kplsiopnl
him h at her home on Suurday eC'ii-
'I'll" lutci mediate made or tlm Thvt
Welsh liaptl.-t Vouuj; Teople's Tulun
will condlioi a Wel-h tea at Hie i-luil'i h
mi Wednesday afiornoon.
W. W. Adair, .-ocretary of the T.all Yoiiiik Men's Cliiletlan Aseocla
tioii occupied tlie pulpit of the Hamp
ton etreit Methodli-t i:piecopal clllircll
last fVOIllMK.
St Hronden'.-. eiinntil minstrel tioupe
was reorKiniliioil yeeteidny with Tiof.
,1. T. Watklns as In-trui'tor. They
will nle a poi foi malice at n date to
be .innouiii od later.
The Kle'tlic I'liy Wlieelliiou (ilen
clllb Will lill-el toiuoriow eelllllK il
the club house, for relioiirsiil. All
nioinliers me leiiuosted to lie pieeon:.
I'V.iuk Itliseo, or Twoiuy-soumd
street, and .lames duly, ol .lacksoii
street, had Injuries dieeeed at Uin
Wosi Side hoephal early yesii'id.iy
Ml Nellie Cm run, or l.nfayctto
street, has rotiiriieil linuie from tlio
Tmi-Aincrlc-iti tind XhiKiira l''nlls,
.Mies Owen liiivl", of ciaiko llioi.',
spout Sunday with filoiute III Wllkoe
I la lie.
Mis. John IteiK-hler, of Xoith Lin
coln uvouttc, s coiillni'd In her liiiine by
.Michael Doyle, who has lne.'ii nl
cinrlte Hi oe.' I'ecKvllle htoro for some
time, Is back to Hie Noitli .Main avc
Htm sioree iiKuln.
Mr, and Mm, David Shaw, of South
J'ilimuo uvt'iiim, euli'i tallied a Iiu-ko
cnli of their friends at their lioino
last Ki ldu ovoiilntr.
Dallhl. the .oilllK sou of .Ml. and
Mi. Jiihii Lynch, or court,
was loiuloiod a stuprlee parly leieut
l by ii munlK-r of lil.s iriemje.
i-'runl; Lewis, of iraiuruon strooi.
Ictl mi Siiiiirday for Columbus Ohio,
where 1m will Join u ennip.iny of Cut-
Allow a cougli to urn until It Si'U Loon J llm ul nmlliliiv. 'llivv ullcn ii, "Oli, It nll
rar aujy," tut hi mM aw it vli wear
llici.i avijy, t'culif'llH'y do imluuil lu'nv- tli4
nn-c4ful mcdiilnc lalkil Kcmp'd llabjin, Cviiicli
U old en a ioIlbc uujijiiIcc tu i-uic, It.i-y
kouIU imim-Jlalcly cc tlio cucltciit (lint alter
lakiu; tlio. Hut tlov. riiv '.'3c. ami UK; Tibl
kin IrK. At all Oru;'gii.
ROOBLEBEfilNSfi Tr,nQC T nn(ru ennQ
At the Same Point with Scran
ton People as Else
where, Tumble boyliiM wi the III si hack
nelio. 'Tli sot Ions- trouble loo kidney
NokIocI timim other p.ilus moie dua
fjcfous. I tltiary dlsordoiM quickly follow.
L'oan's Kidney - cure nil hlilin-y
And me endorsed by Scruulon cltl
nell". Sin. K. S. Jones, or Kiln Lafayette
street, enys: "Sllll'ucss of tile km es,
btoatlllR mound the anl.les, ptilll ucloes
the loins when stoopliiK-, III tint,' tiny
'.Illnn or when 1 excited myself, eloarly
pioved 1 hail kidney coinplalnl. Dean's
Kidney Tills weie bioimht to my ilolioe
Ihrotmli mi advei llsoiuent I suw iu mm
of cur papois and I procured n box
I rum Matthews llinOmi ' drill? stoic. I
lolliiwed up the lieiitmetit until J u-'d
several boxc. The lameness and the
iilontlu.", dlsappefiicil. I know- ofotlmis
In S(-..iuon who used Doali Kidney
1 111-, .mil iiblallied Brent leliof.
Tor sale by all dealers. Trice. .'.0
cents. Fosier-Mllbiirn Co., Itulfalo. N,
. sole mjeiits for the I'ldled Slales.
Uonieinhei- tlm mime, Doan's, mid
t.tki no ot'ier.
led States ('avail y for eerlie in tlm
.Mrs. Kied Davis, of Ninth Llm olil
uveniie, is vIslthiK friends in Thll,nll
lihia. David Dicky, of Soulli llm lb-Id uw
nim, is atteiiilliiM his lather Iu Susiin
liauiia county, who is seilou-dy ill.
MiH.s Myrtle Ualy.lmiH. of Nmili
Main avenue, eiiterlalnod a laie p.irt
of youim people .it her home recenily.
Miss Maud Jonee, ot Jackson slrci I,
i clrcllliillng ainoiiK Irleuds in Wllk--It.irie.
Mis. Tetcr lhowii. of L:i!'.'ette
street, h.i.s been called to Thnt nliuiet
by the set lulls illnoes of her mother.
William Schooner, ul Xoith Llmolu
avenue, is visit iu;; friends in StroiiiV
bm i?.
Mis-? (j race Itiie. nl' SchkiKer boule.
viiid, lias h turned lumie fiom a visit
with l oln lives al Mci'lllie. X. V.
.Mr. and .Mrs. Drnesi Xoithup and
Lhililteii. of Smith Main avenue, spent
Sunday at Olenburn.
David Sandeis, m' Xoilli liioiiili-y
avenue, has n-covered I'loui a weel's
Ulness. Conductor Martin Dcv.umy and son
JaiiKS, of I'llco stuei, ai,. at the lm
Amei lean.
Mr. and M -a. llaivey Smitli. i-r
Yankton. South Dakota, me isijt iti;;
at l lie lioine of Mr. and Mrs. S. ".
WriKloj. mi Soulli Main avenue.
Mis. M. I!. Carney has icluined to
her home ul Kinsetnn. after a brief
visit among fi lends on the West Side.
Mies (truce Van lloin, of Kingston,
callpil on friends here yeslcnliiy.
I'-rank Sln-dd has moved into his
handsome m i lioiin- on Xoi til .Main
Smpri&e Party in Honor of the
Sirthdny of Master Arthur Wil
son Foot Ball Game.
Salmda.v i-viiiliiH- a iiuniher of the
youim rriends of Muster Artlinr Wil
son, oldest eon of Mr. and Mis. W. J.
Wlleon. of llolllisler avenue, n-nileied
him a Mirprlsc- party, in honor of his
birthday, i James and amusements o
the usual order won- Indulged In. Ju.
oph Wt lib liandled lOdlson'e phono
graph, which leiulered a number of se
lections, lo Ihe delight of 111,- yniij4
people. Itefresliniellt.s were sered by
.Mis. Wllsnii, a.-sisli-A by .Mis. I.. II
John, Mrs. and .Mis. Webb,
Anion,; those present were: Mr. and
Mis. JoM-pli Webb, .Mr. mnl .Mrs. .1. I:.
Ilowolls. .Mis. L. II. John. .Mrs. Kvaus.
Mre. June, and Mis. J. (liillltli-i, ur
Ti-Iieltuis. Mls.-e.s (leiii'tidi- Janme,
Killth Janiis, Katie liarrett, llanu.ili
Jones, Smile and Ihiima Wood, Jessie
Welle. Jennie Webb, Vivian McOullndi.
.Icanetie liiinks. Sarah Culleii, .lonnle
Orifliths, Louise Jouos. MarKuiet Wil
Min; Mastcis Haydn Wesley mid llci
tor John. Simon ami Daniel Junes,
Willie mul (iooi'bo Kvuns. Miilhew and
.Michael S, oil, Thomas and David
Thomas, (ieorite Merrill, Joeeph Cul
leii. David Trice, Thomas mid John
Webb. John Joims, Jnhii H, Joins, Wil
lie Wilson, lleiinvorili Ilowolls, Kv.iu
Kv;iius, Joseph ebb.
.Master Wilson received durlun the
evonliiK several useful picsenis, amoiifi
them belli'; a handsome vvaiili fiom
his paieiiis.
Toot Ball Game,
The Alpha i buna foot ball team, the
lepieeonliitlvo team of this seclloll, de
feated the Hrceii Uldim Suns Kiiday
llt'leilioon, II to ll, In the presold f
s'-viral liiilidivd siieotalors. The i;,i,in
was oNi-IUni; Iroin the stint to the lin
Hh, and ntil.v by the liardest work did
the Alpha liiunas siu-cioil iu makiim
tlieir (till, li. downs.
I tile in iiiiii and Mnckcy made tlm
Killcli-dow lis. while Ciillell kicked the
Biials. TwInliiK' played u utile mime al
ipiiu ti-r-h.ick, I u in 1 1 ti)K the hall like a
piofessiolial, Tile lllle-up ol tile teams
was lis follow s;
Meli.i i. .in.. i. ui.
I.libteiu- Hula ml Mr V. lilt
.Neil-Hi iIkIU In Id-- Mini
lir.i h.iu.iii, i;ill,.-iic. .imlii uu ml killiy
liullil ii'iin-r Williiiiis
lliilli) M' muni IliUi'iili'iu u
I Jlll-I lift l.lll.ll' M-IVMl-
Vie.,!.' till lllil I lltlilv
I lllli-li lllil luit- I'lillll
lulliia lull luil lluiU-y
V.,i. 1,11 lull li.ili l II ski'
'IvMinn.- iuiIIi ili.nU r.'-v i
Told in n Few Lines,
MU- Muiihn W.ilu-is eiiieiiained a
few oi her irU-iuls ul her homo mi
ltoe- aveiuie Saliliil.iy evening, ilunios.
sIhkIiik ami ilaiielnv; weie liidulmd In
lo a iii.isimable huiir, when leliosh
ineiils weie nerved al lor which Urn
Kin-sis dopant d for thou- lioiues.
TliOoO pleeoilt woie: The Misses Auui
Thonidij, Mnc Davis and Martini Wat
ers, Mosms, tloorKO Mackoy. Itayiuond
AVesootl, John SlnuiiH, lleit Kvaus,
Wllllnm Kvuiiu. Terey Davis, Terry
Tltomus and John lllchards.
The Alpha liaiuu football team would
UUu lo iuraii5ti a (jume tih either
JllJJ.X V.& K WXX j
Strong Inducements for Your Trade
The offering today consists of Ladies' Coats, Capes and Suits. They rep
resent the products of the best makes of women's garments in this country and are
perfect in style, make, lit and finish. The prices quoted are extremely low when con
sidered in connection with such superb qualities.
ihe Lows! in Mosl ConplHlue M ol Ladles' Ready-mrjde Gonls
In Scranton Arc Here.
$19.50 for Ladies' Ail Wool Pebble Cheviot Suit
Woith $2?. oo. This elcgiuU m.m-tailorcit suit is miulc in handsome liton
style, tlie sUitt with deep llotincc and full Hare, satin b.inds adorn the jacket
nnd skirt lined tliioiiRhout with Kua.ntm'w' satins, altogether a beautiful
suit ami well worth ,$25.00. Price here $ ig.o.
$25.00 for Handsome Corduroy Suit, worth $35.00.
Comes in blacks, blues, browns ami t.ins, j.icket made blouse style, skirt
wilh graduation flounce and panel Hare, lining the best satin, a rich, ele
gant garment that cannot be equaled under $js anywhere else. Here $25.00
Fashionable Raglans.
$10.00 for Ladies' Stylish Raglans Yoke effect back and
front, loose box style, velvet collar and culT, sleeve piped with velvet, in
blue and gieys, At $12.98 Ladles' Handsome Raglans, with detachable
capes, yoke ellcct and half fitted back, all the new beauties of fashion.
$16.00 garment for $12.98.
7w.!i' .r. f l'.TO2P.?.Cf X ;C-,aj!tESi .
The largest and greatest Ladies' Garment Department in this section of the coun-
trr If nti u'ich tn nnt vmirsrlf nil dvlp rlllfl vifnu rl nv.ioTiifiriant rlicnl'tv rnmo liora
li J . U )Ul 'MO,, .vrv;U,M ... V.vU,,u . .w ., ,, ,L.9.,,v.b,.i I-I"UJ -"!- IIV.IV.,
fn$ &
l z
llli' lliu-li
1 lluill tl.llll
tln Kilip-
Ill tin- irfs'im nl' (ill'' nl' Hi"
csl iinwds tlint linn Kiitliui'i'il In tin
iiuilitoi linn in a lonir tliiti" in wllnvc-s
a sj.miii nf li.ickot li.ill, Uin Criii'Ui'r
Jai Ks Kiid.iy ulslit (li-riMteil tlio IIIkIi
Win Us ti'.iin Hi In 11. Ni'Vi Kriilii;.
fVi-nliiK tlio i'ificUorJ,u'l;s will pl.iy tlu
Smp-t'tn r tin- Siitilli Slili' nt tin- 1111
ililui linn.
'I'lii- Ninth Hud Sim. wll il:iv llio 1 1' li.i-kil lull ii'iiin, ch.iiu-
liilll Ol' I.IIZI'I 111' I llllllt.V. .it 1 1 if mi
ditnrilllll. 'I'lH' .iiliiiii-s-lon Mr tlio
K.IIIH' Will III' tUl'llly-liVO I'i'lllM. mi
ai I'liitnt ul" tin' Iiumc osiion-i' In Iiiiii
llli- WllUif-llui 1 1' ti'itin li,'io
.Mi.-h Hinlly ' v. .t- pli'iu-tintly
Plirpi if-i'il lit lior I1111110 1111 I'lilnniii
.stici'i Widin Ml.iy i'VoiiIiib" liy fi li'"'
ol' lii-i" ninny 1'ik'iii!-. iliinii".- nnd olh
i'i' p.iri. .iniiivt'iiit'iils wi'i'i' iniliilKi'd In
in 11 mmmiimIiIii liiiitt' u-lion H'lu'.-h-
1 11, nl MTi' Si'lVi'll. 'I'lllJ-l1 pliSl'Ilt
ut'ii-: .MIa"-ps Alaryaii't ltii liard.t.
It.nli.ii'l (IWi'Iih. .Mai'Kilii't T.eui.i. .Mln
11I" 'I'liinna'-'. .M.iry ltli'li,inlw. I'.lnilvv In
'l'lioiiins ami I'm, 1 .Inliii: .Mimji. rii,is.
Alvnid. Thniiiiii lili'ili-v. Fr.inl; .Iiiiio-.
I'Mw.'inl T;i lltn.'t 11. ('limit's iiinr ami
David X.iinincrniali.
Miss l.ol.i SliiTiiiiiii
ri'v nl' lU'i- 1'rli'iiiN ,11
iuti'i t.'iiin il :i
her InHiU' mi
I Mvv.uil-. ul'
Kuriliiianil si 1 1 Frlda.
.Mr. ,n I .Mi.-'. Nil. if
Wnnvn .sin i'l. ail1 at tli
1 ,111.
Pr. null, 1 and mih, Km nli.iin, ul"
Ninth .Main .it'iiiii liti ii'lin m-il
Hum a l-lt In tlio I'.in-AniiM-li'an cx
pnliii'ii ninl .ViaK.ira Falls'.
Tin' l.adie' Aid Miololy ul' tin- I'li'i---b.
It rlun I'liui-i'li liold nil lio i'H'.iiii mi
I' In tlio I'liiui'li iiai'lui'M Fi Itl.iy i-vr
.Mr.-. IMvmh'iI MorK-ni. ' t'liiuiidali'.
i l-itlilK .Mi's. S. .1. llHi'im nl' .Noi-tll
Main avuiii'.
A must 111111.-.1111I and IiiIoivsiIhk t i -tiTiaiiinii'iu
will In- KiNfii liy tlio .Miiiiu;
ladli'i- 01' I'i'ol'. Iliii'U'.s Klin I'ai'lv S1111
dny mIhiI mi .Monday i'VimiIiik,
in (Ini'i ni-i' hall, ll has lioon iIkIiiI.n
nanii'il a "I'li.iiitoni Soilnl," nnd vmui
lllli lllll.Sl Mi'l!'!-l'lll VOIIIIK .Mi'll !
I'lui-ilaii iiKsn. latluii mii inl kIvi'D In
l..iin':ihti'r, I'.i.. imi wi'i'Ui. iiko, A
Hpoclal invltatlnii Is oxti'iidod lo tin-
V Hit 11114 ti'illlliilH III' till' rilllllty I IIH 1 1 -
ttlli' lo atli'lld. Tin pini'i'ili k Hi
aid tin l. lloin I'lind nl' tin' clai,-, All
uio Invlti'il,
iKIllllK 'idlliil'-ll, Iio SMlrt ni I'i'.-toil
Satin ilny niKlu hy Spvolal nilUtf I lulu
I'nr hiiiliiiK a .-iiiiio thii'U a uimiuw in
Mlllr'i'.-, Iiult'l. v,i.- lliii'd S., and Uin mt
ol' tli- uliiiluw in pulii'o I'liiirt yonifi-
day 11111111I11K.
.Ml', and .Ml'.-. Sum Its liavo ii'liuuud
fruin Un-lr wmlilliiK tour ami will iv-i-liio
on Wiiynn HM'iiiif.
Not Connecteil with It.
IMih.r ,,i 'Hi, TiiIiiui -
Sir: Will ou Kindly kIu inn t,i.un
III your Miliinhl.' papor In I'mitniillrl .1
Mllltl'llll'IU Vlli-ll ll,IH IjiH'll Hll!'ill!
Ill'O.lilrtlnl lllln IKllotll lllir. t liy, Willi
ivli-ii'iii 0 lii 11 ii'iiiai'l; ,-upptii'i'il In
lut 1 u lioon Hindi' hy 1110 iniii'i'i'iilii ilpi
Mlh.-U'lptlnii d.'iiii', lli'hl in .S'iiiHi
Siiiuiion Viliii'.-iay I'M'iiluij.
1 was ill no I'.iiiiuoi' 1 uiiiii-i-ti il Willi
lliu il, iiiii. uoi' niil I fvt-r ui.iltp any ut
ilio U'limi U cuppnsfii in haw iiuuniu
I'd I'unii mi'. 'I'll' I'liiiiiiiiiifu In 1 imi'iL'o
nl' tlio niiulr v. ill Miip-li Inr tlio him iu-
iii-.v nl my Piati'iii'Mit.
Inlill I. Slaiiloii, ,M. 1 1.
Mim. ,M. I!. WnlUT. nl' Attaint, mo.
mii- Is lsiiliiK irli'iiils in 1 it 1 1 on.
.Mi. mul .Mit-. J. Suydor ami r-uii, ul'
Kan Mni'lioi h(nHi, ate lioino iroiu ,1
Hip lo llm I'.lil-Anii'iK-an tposlloii.
Tlio t' ot' .Mrs. .laiiii'S J, Cl'ii
Kan, of VM1 S.iiulci.-un nu-uni-. will
laUe iiliK-u Uils uiurnlui; at 'J o'iIikIv.
An Elegant Stock of Fashionable Furs
- Two Specimen Values We Quote. $2.98 for Electric
Seal Scarf Worth $6.00, made with imitation marten
i.iils and good length.
$5.00 for Genuine Hartin Scarf Worth
7 so, extia line and long. 0 handsome tails, a great
value at $;.oo.
$0.00 for $7.50 Capes Made of elegant
plush, trimmed with jet and braid well lined and interlined
$10.00 for $12.50 Canes Genuine Salts
y. iKV l''llsn Cape, trimmed
y sweep.
UimIi1oiii Iiiiii 111.1-t will he s.inii; at
SI. I'.i 11IS 1 '.ithulli' i Inn ill.
.Mr.--. . K. Ni( nl, ol' WilKi'.-llnrii',
r-pt-iil rialimlay witli hor p.iivnts, Mr.
and Mis'. .1. W. Howell, of (Iiemi UltlK"
.Mli.s i:iii,i i:. .leiiKlns dii'd S.uui
ilny al llu lioine ol' lier s-itsler. Mrs.
Tan I W. Xiirllieli. em uer ul' MiuIImiii
avenue and IXlnwnfe Stieel.
A speeial ineotllit; of ihe (lieeii Itide
Wlioelinon will lie held Tuesday even
inn, del. 'i, ill tile elllli lloll-e. W.Ml
lillllH: iixelitle, al S o'elueU. l'or the pur
pose ul' i-uii-lderiiiH: pioposed nlliellil
lucnis lo ihe liy-laws, us follows: I
I'lovldliiK l'or n-iiistalenii nt ol' niein-oei-.
L' - Kxloinlliifr pi'ilod of ilelin-iiielu-y
l'or payuienl ol' dues lo I'mu
inonlhs. .! TroviililiK l'or spoeial
uu'eiui!,'s lor i-oii.-ideratiiiii uf inemhor
sliip aiiplicaliiin-. I Sn Ikiiu: mil Hie
1 lausi' H'(iiliiiiK ollleeis and eandl
ilnli's In:- ulliee 1. 1 i.i. due.- inoiithl.v ill
ailMiin e.
Al tlie Metlinili-r li tn li nUlit
tie' pa-tur. Ite. f'liailes II. Xowlns.
hi'Kitli a .-ei ios of CMiiiiji-llslie servlei'.
thal will lie iiiiulueled eoiy iiIkIu. i-n-i-ept
Satiiiday, iliirliif! the hiiiiIuk
mouth. The lui'tfe erllllie was llllod 1,1.-1
nlKlit to listen lo the eloiiuent and
l'ervld w 01 ds ol' the pii.-lur. lie look
hi", li t l'i 11111 ,lni;,ih, tv:::. "Yet Imty
day and Nlnevi li sliall ho ilo-,troyeil." llllisle was lelliloied li.V the eli
liil'Keil 1 lliilr, wllli-ll Will lie one ol" Ihe
i'ea lines ol' I lie im-t't 1IK.
.Mis, linynl Tal't ami Miss Kiuiiai
Siithi'ilaml ale the kiiosi,- ol I'lli-mls Iu
l!ionkln, .V. V.
Tlie nlllelal luiaiil 01' the Mi-ihuili.-l
Kplt-iopal eliliiili will ini'i'l IoiiIkIii.
(in post Suiulay evening Ke, W. !'.
lilhliolis, ol' llli- I'losh.Mi I iall elilll'h.
will pro. uli ihe Hi-st of a .-! Ios ol' siv
so.i limits on "lleaeu, mid How m
lioiuli It." XeNi Sunday's -ulcit will
ho, "Where Ir. Heaven'.'"
Ji li'er.-oii Yost, of Sliouaniliiali. Is in,'
KUi'Sl of Ills lilolller, (l.-ear Yo-t, ol'
HlaKely tftei.
l.ittels I'elll.illlillK lliii'lalllli d dllliliK
Ilio pel luil lulling (1,-ioln-i M. Toipons
inllliiK for these loiieis will please say
advei-llseil: I-'. I,, lieiinclt, yul .Madisoii
auntie; N, e )i-u leiuix, Krl
I1.111, I), iM'ler, l.anli slii-ei; ,1, I-'.
Flitulug. K. A. lieiuw, '.'10 1 'hen y
Stlei't: ('.lllle Holies, I'. W. Coiil.s.
Juliii Melsievii. ii. I'. .MmiuKlian. In.'
Aiithun.v slrni. Mury Nt-alun, 11 ai- liliil
WiishliiKlon aiinii-: (Ji-i ti-iido Noaluii.
I'.ll Mill sll'eel. Ilos.-U' Sinilll. lU'i". Clooll
lildKe Slliet: I'nlly Sli-lli, 'llo .Mecea.
Alitoulo l.alll F. IT:'H .Moulin' iiwniio.
Tile IoIIowIhk cut pi he- al II. II.
Speiuoi'.- meal uiuKi-i: Itnuml stenK.
inc.: sliluln .-link. " for -"!.. polk
chops, ; for l'.'h-: Ik- i limili, lS've.
Pit pound. "
Mi:.-'. MAItUAKHT i'.UVI,HV illi'il
on S.Uilliluv nlKlll nt tin' I'nmllJ lloniP.
,'lia liiillload iiwniio. iiiii'il 'I, Ji'iirn. Slio
Is. MllAheil hy llllee i llllill'ell, ,M,ll'.
Ciiiei. Juliii and W IHI mi. .iml liy oip
hiollur. .Inliii liiowii. ul' t'ntU l.iilii',
I'iilntmi. Tlm inn' ml will he held in
liiuriuw inoinliu nt " ii'ilmU I'rotli
Holy i 'iocs iliuivlt wilh iiui-iinoiu In
Uiu r.illiedriil i-ini'li'i-y.
,HlSi;i'll IIAr.MKISTHI!. who had
Im-li u iihlelll of Siiiilltuu lor the
pa-t forty jwii'ii, illi'l ,-tnldt-nly es,
li-lday ul the lioine of 111.-, ihilllili'i',
Hi il. W. Si'liauiv. of Ituilii-ifmil. N.
,1., wliiuii lie li.ul mine to vlrli only .1
IV w dnjh uso. The dci'i'ii.-oiI wan ap
paiulltly III pel'lVi-t llo.iltll when lie
left this oily mid hi.- death oanie us
u hfvt-i i tliocK to Ills family. .Mr.
HiiiinielhUH' was 77 yeais old, lmvliib'
. -A jff$'
with real hemper satin lining full
Lyceum Theatre
M. ni:iS, I.c-si'c ami Maiuut 1 .
A. J. ItlJl l''V, r,u JUmjiT.
Tuesday Night, Oct. 29.
Tlie I niuiiMit Cniiuili. niif.
Rose Coghlan
-llll In I Mi'll ln!lli.lliv ,,f i;ki. 111 .1 -up th
ll"illll II..II ,, Ii, I- IIVII CI-I,lll lit
I lillli ' Ki-.kJi '-, 111) IU1IU (null ilv,
"Peg Woffington"
"t1 tiv ..ii ?.ili nurti.i it in
Wednesday Matinee and
Special Bargain Day Matinee,
I' Wlni ii , .mil l.ilnin Kc'ivvlo ' iIhsiiix'
Ni w ,.il Pi, uin, inn Mii (.inr lii-lls-
i"i - ml Ilia In inn,
"-Mttl liv M. I i- in in Ui.un.iti.i'il lir
N.Ullilills tillli;i
Mini' M i-if Iiiiii ii 'pi . U .fnli.ui I.'K.im1.
I'm - t wmii!: 'i icim t) !.' tniiMo:
' ihl . 1 1 ul. ( Inl'lmi i' in p r nf ( m
In nv . I" i -in u- tt vtt MvMnI,i .i' ' i m
Academy of ritisic
M lil'IS, l.i-h'i'. A .1 Piilli Mau.iur
Week of October 28.
I i.l iii.ti if s mn ti n - I ii -iL
Jassh Sawiel Dramatic Company
l(ii -i i a 1inl tli i.pciir.i ,. a tiniv
wt Mt.i iiiiiin ' ' nl " nmiti iik i
Itjii 1 1 ir. -'I'l ii . ihi tii In- i ilt mi
W nli -n , -, mi i v
, llli. -I'M IM'III -p,.,i!,
, '.,,Mlii I'll"-, liii, Twiiijv iiy,
pii,,. in , H ,n, 1,l i . ii -. Ini , -n-v
Ai.r. ti. iii.iiitiN'cros, JiJiuccr
Mlliv.. Ill-ll. MI WCIIM.iHW,
llli ', ".I. .111.
Mi ui,. MkIi, I" iml Wi'ilni -,'l.n
"Tlio Broadway Burlesquors."
I M1I,I IV , I III IV Jl l
I.l Itul'l -1 -TIHN '
ho n limn in Wiuie, nh ,.( u
b.'l. lie was i liipluved foi a IIIIII,-li'-r
ot yeai.- ai the l.,i K.iwauiui
,-hui. Inn of l.ii" ,-.u.- li.ii- lu-oii Hi Ins
n i-elnd life. I- mii moil h tin)
folliWIIIH 111 III I til ,lo-Ji'.l Wlllla'ii,
,Ml. ItioiK. .Mi.-i. Iloury SprilK .Mr"
I'.-Iei- Han. Aim, i and Minnie of ilpx
olt.v. mid ,Ml.". ,1. W Hi li.i in v. of
HllllH il'oid, ,N il. Tin- leiiiain- m I
ho IiiiiiikIiI in lids , :i fur iui.-i in -pt
Tli- llilii'i'.il ul' tlio Kill I. i .Mmiilj
will I'o la-Id il the family n-.-idi me,
;'l l.iti-ltawiiuu.i aenuf, al . o'i In It
tills ulti I'liooil. lulol iiiolll al l'mit
Til" fllllei'ill of ill'' Kile MIm' HlVpa
.ll'llUlllS Will luUf pliiie toiuoriow nf
lei iiooii al J. .',ii o'i'liii K finm the iom
iloiue of dei easeil's liiother, I'.iul Ztii
llluh. loriR-r of Uol.iware ni-t-ot .mil
MiidU-ou aM'iuio, liitonnoiu will no
nmilv In the Wiit-lililii'ii (r'tropi eeiiie.
The nun nil of Ml-. Jainefc Cioyan
lnl;o place tills luuiniiin l'i mii tlio fam
ily ivt-lik'Uve in (J l ceil Itlilae.