The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 28, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of
fn Cnibondnle Propci, Ycsleulay
Wns Almout a Closed Sunday, but
In tho Outskiits the Speakeasies
Did a Tlulvlng Business News
papers and Dntgg Were the Only
Things Puichasoable, Except In n
Tew Places.
Ycsteulnv ni In tine lospetts lllcc
Uiltn lli'j J'Uiltiin Sabbath the echnol
i hlldt en lead of In their hlslmlo.
The Hay wan uppaientlv a cloned Hun
Hay. tilt' inot close d Sabbath In the
hlstoiy nf thi' town, not eNccptlng tho
du.vs nf n half centuiv ngo, when tlio
pi civ il,-. easy-going ltlt of the peoplo
ltilpd all things In u nielil and eoni
intiolal , Thi' bllti'hcr, the baker
and cainllc-vtlt-k maker of niul"iit
ibytne. and the elgni dealer, the clgai
otte man of moili'i it time" wcie nut of
business. The, weie given un infot cod
Iti -v of lost,, howevn, tin v
ucicn't the leist bit uppieclatlve of,
Judging fioin the i untitle' c iltlc.liii
whleli The Tilhune man heaid or any
other man could htai, when an opinion
was sought on the new oidei of things.
The aplnliiu In most cases was loith
lonilng without even a hint.
Hvoivbody had a test, luospectivc of
bow II wai applet l.ilid. The man bc
ond the t Isai taau In the drug Uoie
wasn't behind the insr. Ills chief oe
tupatlon was dealing out cough symp,
or wati'lilng the pahs-lug thiong and
listening evciy now and then to the
e'omphilnlng mm nun of the legulni
i tp-toinei, vho c i t lit r foignl to lav In a
sloek ot --mokeis on .Satiudit, night 01
bad iiioked himself out. The ptpsln
tiltti-tiiittl man, eiept In one 01 two
instaliies-, was nlvo out of 11 1ob, but
piospeotivo punha-ils weie In Ju-t 10
ititiih. The onlv who hid anv
thlng to do wns the new "-'land dealoi,
w ho dlspci'es of the .Sunday cuivolo
jinedlas that licpllici a "haul "ti.ip to
cniiy one home
It cannot be nld .ill of the
vaIiioii& weie closed .Ml of Hum weie
not closed so tightly that it would i
ciuiie a vcniili watinnt to gain admit
tance This vns also tniu of the un-Ikons-ed
plan's, which ilouilshed like n
plenlo lefieshment stand on a led-bot
Tom tb of Julv. Those who wanted
.iblc-bodlod lefiesliinents didn't 1011-
oi ii themsehes about the closed
s.ilooiiH In the pait oi town, but
went on a uoss-counli v ti.nnp to the
piibuib" viheio thev got all thev want
ed, and moie than was loi theh Rood
It was like living on Hasv stieet it
wat. what Chuck t'onnois would call
the 'giartet kind ot a guift," s.iuntci
intr to the "speakeasies," wheie ill Inks
with links unci kicks weie tai moie
uunicious than diinks of immlclpil
wiitei This inn be taken as n hint to
to the olllceis of the law who would
besih themsehes It tho would In Ins
ibotit a consistent and unlfoim ob-seivauce-
of the Sundav law, which
tlio aim at luipusvdng on the publle in
then cutlets to tease all trade 1 1 .1 flic on
Save foi this dlnogaid of the btw, a
fiiund in the unlicensed places, n j,w
saloons and one ninth stoic 01 so, the
01 del s ot the police wtie obeed and
the t-uinclav, with thtse tew exceptions
was what was hoped foi bv those who
inotestetl to the maoi as Unst the
open violation of the Sabbath
"The Ptincess of Patches" Tonight.
The 15on Ton Stock conipaa will
open ,1 -week's engagement at the
Hi mid tonight, when 'The Piiutess 01
Hutihes" will be piodueed .V halt
(Wen sp'i'lallv aitists will inteitiin
with some blight iiumbei'i between the
lit.. This lompany ilaed to big
houses at the Aeademy ol Mmlc in
Pi 1. niton week betme last. This will
be tho thiid annual islt of Mi. J.ev
luiiu", and lib Hun Ton btoek 10111
ptnv. 1,1st feason v hei cover this
1 oinpanv playul it w.ih piououiKCcl one
of the best lepeitoiie lompanles on
the itud. This, veur Mr. kojbuiiio Ins
gioatly stieugthoned bis conipinv.
Also the lepeitoiie of plnvs. They
will ocupy the boaulri nil of llik,
week at the Cimud opeia bouse
"I he Pilnccss of Pate lies" fiom the
pen of Maik IJ. bvv.iu. had a Ions,- 11m
in New Yoik, on its piesentatlon tlieie.
It will be put on with special sieneiv,
and splendid costunips Miss lauiiia
Hunting Is ."till with the conipinv
Dally matinees will he commenced
WASH D -A Ennil ,tli, uilil lie pre-fenm). In
rt Ml) Willljiu llliinlijin, !H) Dmiilat Mien
W.tMUl-Inn fiist rlit-ii piliitcrs Jt once. Ai
pi) to V. J. Cliuuh sheet, laibcn.
ii ale.
Delaware and Hudson Raihond.
June U, 1901.
Iiilm ttill lcae t aliomljli at c 1I3 slallon t
I ui cii 1.011 lllltl Wlllfa Hiiro fidci, 7 on t an
run, 10 01, It Jl .1 in i U II, Hi, ..-,( ',
& mi. 7Wi, JO ill, 10 at p 111 ' "uU
MiihIjj tiaui, lene at 58, 11 .'1 a in 1 1,1
Z In, ft id. ( 0(1 p, in ' ' lu'
Inr AUnnj, Mnlt-iJ Moiiticcl, Ilosr,i,t v.
liiKUnd 0lnl5, ill, 7(W a 1,1; U ,, f
lor I df l.o'Joic Wnunirt, ami HohcvI.i.
r J.', U Cr. a 111 j .Ml, i. I . p. 111 """c-'iale,
Mindaj tralin Icaw 1 iKo Indole, lu,.,,,,,
tnd lloucs.ljlts at V to. .1, in : I 11, t,r, 1. , ,"art
Trtins arrlie nt I'lilmnclilo from HIJKc.ii,. . ..
inr) fciiantnn a follow: 1) VI. , 7l j u '!? "
II 57 p. in.: 1 W 1 111. ' l"'1'
sinitUy triliii aiibc at 0J7 1 ni,: I'ln , .,
IS5, flil, II .ii P in, ' "'
hwntlaj trains anho at Cdibomlalt. fi0m 1 ,1 .
'.orloie. Ujjmart. iml Houc-dilo at 1 Vr 1 .M
mil 7,53 p. in. ' ""
New Yoik, Ontario and Western
hept. 1", J1, '
Tialns Ur CaiUonOale for Siranlvn at r 01 .
m i 00 p. 111 ' w J
SUII.1J1" mini ' '"' u in " '"I II in
l.l li.i.i P.i n ..ii ....... '
11 lit) a 111 On Sniulaj atom , , ,'1,
Itaslnc at Jl l' J ' wk tta u,j (l n "'"'
huiiU nutc loiuisctloiis Jo- Sci oli , '
nail, ile,
liatiu nihe fiom Sqanton at ki 4 ln b ,.
p. 111: from points 1111th, 100 i m v,,,,,i , 'J
fiom MiantQii jt 10 a, in ami 7 15 11 in , ;,..,
Ca.Jla at C(X, p. in. ' ' """
Eiio Haihond, '
June .'J, W).
'trains leao cllj nation, 1 .nlicmjjle, jj,;v
iccnt fcnnJa)) at 7.00 a. 111 m x. u , Ur
Biamit ami Mnorli; ut P..J 1, in, i(j, (t.
icptlus biinJi), foi lllnghamtoii. nukliu iwi.
nectionj foi .New cik ill ami lli'ialo, iml ut
e 10 p. 111. (01 bui'iuiluiiiu, iiukin.- n.ini(.ition
fcr ieitrn nolntj.
Sicndi) tralu at Pf5 a. in for luiqueliaciiia.
with wteru fvimeitioni, and S7 p in, with
Hint conneitloiv.
Trlns arrbe at S.03 4. m. ami 3 1) p. m
BunJitjs it SH a. u.
TiiPHdnv. Specialties will bo Intio
iltlced between aetf.
Ladles' tleltet and llfLeen cents will
soetiie the best scat In the house to
Lively Blnze Last Ntfjlit In the May
field Ynid.
Tlieie was quite a llvelv bhve last
nlKlit ln the MaMleld anl ol Hie on
tarln and Wesiuu lallioinl Hint tatiHetl
a gieat glaie anil Have iNe in the up
pieheiislon Unit a bit? Ihe was lu pi or
less, The bliii'i' was mused bv a luiinlnp;
lool tar that was et 111I10, It Is sup
posed, bv the stoe, uod to the
liii, beioiulilK 01 ei heated.
The cai and lis lontints weie de
sttojtd, the blae mil beliiR dlycoMiid
until It was beMinil touliol. 'I'he 1.11
stood In the louei end of Ihe janl,
awav ft 11111 othei piopeiti, ami tlieie
was no duiiRtr lo be leaitil I10111 tile
A Tew Amusing; Expeilence'j of
Maio, the Magician A Dnunniei
Thnt Wns Not so Speedy as He
Aftet the pel follll.u 1 e at Ihe (ii.iinl
on Mondnv nlKlit. Maio, the 111 iglc inn.
lutitliuied the tuhthful happenings oi
the eienlnsr 101 11 lew .11 iiualntaiic cs,
who happened in ihe bo olllte
Isaac SliiKei was loiiiitluir out the
poitioii ot ihe nlRlit's pi tic ceils thai
was ileotliucl foi .Mains wallet. Two
SJO bills cluiiK to each olhci and Mlldi
like stLKj nv mini. "i,tt uie do 1
little niiBlf, Ml. s,ni;,i " suRsistitl the
111 in of nij.steij, "and 111. i be it will
help inattei" SuIIIhk the aetlon to
the wind, he made a p is, antl bfioie
liN h.mtl chopped Hit bllN sop iialed.
"Now, llaio" s.iiii Mi f-lnsei, with
.1 mist hlcMius smut and a 1 wink,
'can't oil make a p is two omi
Mini ct pocket, mil in In t that
we'ie p thi ion' '
Slam blmstli, Kd ihf that the
silly piowiktd, iml bcKKed to be e
t usetl 11 he siKtiifh uitl polnttd to
his tuasitiei. Mis Main
That i.'inlnds me ol an 1 ei it are,"
1 anie 1 1 0111 Mam when the mil lb sut.
sided ami .Mis Maio hail deposited the
bunch ot bills In hei b.ifr
"it com etns a lountix -1 en Ki t jum '
he went on, "who neu siw 01 if itl of
a in 1Kb km. I stiutk tin town wllb ,1
wait ol a half bom on in hands, and
In stuiluK ilow n the onh stu 1 t of the
iIliiRe, 1 obsenod sum,. , Krs ;,, nu,
small wim'ow ol tin men hunts stoic
I saw an oppoitunitx to hae sonu tun,
01 to hae the Joke on me, and stejipins
into the stem, askctl I'mle lliiani to
sell ine .111 cgrT t villaining ihat It was
my custom to eat one, i.iu, eei
liiiniiiiiK Tie hesitate d, but m olfc 1
of ten ints binuKht hint ainunil and 1
v as soon e lacking the snl V Ii 1 1 we heie" 1 eclaliiKil, as I InoUe
tin efir anil su)piistcll pulled a f.'O
Rold piece out o. Hie olU
' filtat Scott" s,u,i 0111 111 t U as k
pulled the csgs clo-ei to I1I111
"'111 lutU hae anoihei ol ibov,. ,
tin luck,' s He! J
"'No, Mm don'l,' piotestcd tin t -f
ited clealei . 'Them's m irbs.uiiI ou
can't bu 10 mine, IicmiiI like a man
who was MiiiiK lo liae tei IIiIiik 01
''Well 1 iiuailti, lllt nuts, ouht
to bin one,' 1 bltl, whin In loiiiinucd
to shiKe hs head antl i-lmis of s.O
Bold pieces pts(,l heiein him As 1
anticipated, 1 1 ou'iln t induce Hie 1 11
tbuslistie meiiiianl to nait with his
CKKs s,, 1 ipiitkh stepped out ami
walked down the st1(.ot a lew pit.
Miiie klv letiacitl luv steps mil piss(t
the stoic lu time to s( , lim laeaU the
last ol the doeii es, lookinjr 101 $.'u
Bold pitces '
Tills Is the stem ol a diiuumei, who
w is slowei thin tlio slow ( ') people of
Jle was In a (',11 bund ile boltl es
teid.n, and olisenlmj the (1 1 IIIub at
balf-masi lu Me menial pail,, In said,
Willi a snpeiioi all .
"It's a w ondt 1 to me tint tilt i don't
hoist that lias to the top ol ihe pole.
The peilod of niniiiiiiip; oei .Mi ICiu
lc's dnttth is paired oor a wick .ibo.
tltiess they don't Know ii heie, et, eh"'
he chuckled as he 1 onti inplatetl how
slow the nathes licit uhoiits nm-t i)(.
Tlieie was some titttilUB when the
wp-e man finished, ten ii happened that
the laiiRb was on hlni.
"Yes," ii(i n c'aibond ill.ui, with a
bund Biln. "that will be all light,
llUhiiid I'dj knows his book all iIrIu.
That Ibis's nt halt-mast 101 a tiiand
At my man who tiled this week,"
The speed.. (,') (litiiiinii 1 bought the foi his sdow ( ') ft lends,
Big Demonstintion Expected in City
Toiuoirow The Day's Featuies.
Toinotiow will be John Mitchell l)a,
and all oci ihe antluailtc icbiou
tlieie will be maiilihiB hosts u houoi
of the inlneus' Intiepld leadn
Caibondalo hopes 10 hae 11 celebi i
tiou which will be llttliiB. 1'iepaia
tlons hno been lu pioBiet.s fop weeks
II ml the iiiiiiiiKeiiieiitH hac icailucl
the Btiifjo which Justiiies the belief
that Hit 10 will be a blK tie nioiistiatlon
The p.iimlo will lake plan. In Hid
inoinhiB, and In the iilleiuoou lime
will be a IiIk mass mectlm,, at whlih
aildiettseH will be delicied, It is e.
pec ted by National Keeetal,-Tie lib
til or AY, I! Wilson, of Indianapolis,
anil Dlhtiiit Viesldeiit 'lliouias NUli-
Tho piouiiiiiis ate hiku lor a bid
lelebiutlon, lor the olfoi 1 It will hnto
lu bilngiUB one ol llm tllhtihl 1 mi
ventlont. in e'nibondale. which would
tnniii 11 Riiud dial to the ili,
UiiMicccssful Contestants to Bo
Given Pietents by Cential Labor
At u inenln,; ul th' lab loiiimlttee
ot the Ccniial union, a mat
lliililuicius nelloii w is taken In belialt
nl the llllsun esstul 1 null slants lor the
ihiB and lliti tweiiO'llM' dollais In
Bold. The losoi.i weio bo eneiKoiic ami
aetho and Hull eilottH went mi help
lid, Hint ihe loniuilltitt lelt linpiei'tid
with the Idea that they .should not bo
imtowaidcd, anil at ,.i stiulas 'h meet
HB It wiib unanimously decided to
Bl: them 11 piesuit, 11
wiib hImi decided to bIc the unsui
le.sMtnl Bill In ihe doll tomcat a hand
some doll.
Iho iciniinlllee ulna wlntien to ex
piufs lU nppioclutlon ot tho effoils of
Mls Maine MuHWelli who piovldeel
Ruth cNt'ellciit music dtttlUR the iiIbiUh
of the fair.
Tin eo Cntbondrtlo Elevens Succumb
to Defeat Stoiles of the Contests
on Satuidny.
Caibondalo foot ball teams fined
badly on the Kildlion 011 .Satin dav.
The JIIbIi He'liciol nc-rub eleen was
deteated bv a train fioin Mavllold, by
a ioto of 10 to 0, Tho Kitinc waH
played at Aliuuul paik, and at Its elos-n
the St hnol of kawanna eleven, of
Kcianton, lined up iiBalnst the local
lllBh Hehool team and defeated them
by 11 scene of ft to u. Tho wuine was
.stinted nt mo. with the lsltlntr eltwen
ileleiitlliiB' the south froal and the t'at
bolidale club klc klnpf off. Mtliiln
kicked the ball ten mi du, Kennedy bc
Iiir down In bis tiacks. Sci anion lost
the ball on down 011 Mlfih Kchool H1I1-t-flc
111d Hue'. Caiboiidule inade
scneial shni t miliis on end plavs, and
while Itnvnni iiiis downed Willi the
ball a Seiantou man pointed It in iconic
n antl made a luiit i;aln. 'Ihe
UlBli Mhool clecn's captain kicked
utrnliiHt the decision, but the lelctec
wan lb in. Si 1 anion bucked the Hue
uliil succeeded lu muklliB a touch
clow 11, allci Hie minutes of play. A was missel bv O'tlaia. The ball
was conllnuallv punhtd tip ami
the Held dm inj, Ihe Hist half, the ball
belnB mostly in I'mbnuelale's teiiltory.
Until's punted conseloiab! ,
the punts behiB nil Ioiib ones. In the
lecolid hair. Xnllln kicked oil. the bill
KolliB out ol bounds. Nalllu kle keel ofC
iBaln, 11 Seianiiui man niakliiB n
sIIbIiI Rain bcioic behiR tnckled. Ihe
He 1. niton men im-bed the ball up the
Held to Caibondale 's ihe jind line,
mid theic tb- local eleven pluud
siiouB lo pi event anotbi'r seoic, and
succeeded. .Mini in pitntel to ccntci of
the Held and Seianton niade a Rood
Bain, lleloic tin call of time. O'H u.i
punted the ball, roIiir ocr the eion
bai, Spencei ceuilUB' the bull and 1 mi
nim, down 1I1 Held until tackled bv
Xleis When the phivcis ettlcatetl
tbum'ches fiom the mass, a Seianton
pln.wi siuuited that the kick should
count llc. as It was a place kick. The
lonialnelci of the ileteu then set up a
ill "di op kick" but the leleieo and
uinpiie tletleled Hint it was 1 punt and
no st 01 e
The Game at Athens.
'Ihe Indians plaed a lemaikabh
line Rami' at Athens, sc'oiIiib: one
touch-down ami f,oaI kick, to a seine
ofllilecnln tbeli opponents The In
dians letl heie Satiuday 11101 niiirf and
aimed home lei day altcinoon at "
o'i lot k 'Ihe- b nnc was stalled at .11.
T cntv minutes afte 1 the opeillliR
pli, Alt Denial 1. foi the Indians, se
cuicel the ball on a I mble iml 1.111
slt-lic aiels 1 01 a touch-down.
ilatlBins klek. d a ilillb ult coal
Alliens inade one touchdown, and .1
noul fiom Ihe Ii. Id scoiliiR ten points
In Hie stiond ball, Athens seemed
li. the seem .11 111. 1 nil ol the R.iuie
beiiiR n to i 'Ihe line-up lollov s
Athens Silent k, iciitei, C White,
lisbt bu ml. lioiiiman Dow 11s, Kit
Minid I5uih ilRhl tackle 1'ai ke, lelt
tai kle Moir.ui, llht cud, H White,
lelt 1 ml I'aiinll, 1 iwht half-back,
Dwin, lelt h ill-back O Dta (c ip
t Un), lull-back, isit, mucin, eiuaiui
b ie k
J ml I ins- fortius 1 cute 1 iloiinaii,
liBlit iiuaitl MiAmliow, left Riiaid,
I'llee and I Hansen, ilBht tacMc,
Mason lelt tackle, McDonald, unlit
end AULian letl end, Hansen, iilil
hill-link Hope lift hall-back llatl--;ln
lull-bail, Muipliv,
llef-'ln l!obin-.nn I'llipile All IN
Timekeepeis Dec ke t and Mellali
l.inesiuen llaii'i u and tliiei 'lime ol
Btiuie riltv miniiti
A tinnier Caibmiilalc ititlent who
has aihicied a Rieat mcastne of sui -if,
since IcuNhir; this eit. when .1
joutli, is II r: SpaiiReiibcipr. of liuf
l.tlci, who wa' a I-itor to thN ilt a
lew el i .10
Mi SpaiiBtnbe ir Is tic son ol Ihe
late (Uhei hp nu't lib. ir, ol ranaau,
I well known man lice tbnuts, who
p issetl awa about a lew weeks ,il,o
It Is nuiu uiis siuie he lelt ('aihoii
.1 lie. and bis lecoitl is one that
1111 1 Its tin highest puilse and Is a
pi olid Ii stliuonl il to the euciR" iml
ability and thin puipoue of Ml. !-pan-Binbeut
lie was not moie than an
I I nml bov win 11 he lled In t'lilian
dalc, a delheiy eltik leu .Meal De ilei
Hell. Mention ot thks will let all to Ihe
minds ol 111111101 mis icMdents the htist
Piir Miuth SpiiinfiibeiR, who ien In
sue ii a humble position showed that at
tention to his wink that minks the
one whose, pin pose it Is to ilse 10 an
elevatetU pluie Aflei le.nliiR Cai
bondalo, be woiktd Indus tilniwlv on
his fathers t.ii 111, -pending the nlRhts
In nt itilt ltirr the tlevatlon that wat.
lieeesiai to his pin pose He became
ainoiiB other thlnys a clever peiini in,
whleli s-ened him well allci his riiicIu
atlon tioiii Ihe business 1 olleRe ut
I'lli.i. He showed a mniKed aptitude
for meicaulilc" weak, ami he icatlllv
lound Iimii with seveial of Hie It id
ln huHlnes, houses lu 1'tlca and
Suuuise with nhoni he In Id Inipoit
ant posllloiiH as uiumiRcr oi dlifeieut
t'lpaitineuts Dining a visit to the
Tl'oufand Islands he was lendeied ,1
0'llnn as chief cleik ol one of the
I idliiR hottb laiter he was uiiide
maiuiKer of one of the pilnclpul lms.
lelllts ot HIiiBll. Hilton. Ills success
theio aitiaited Hu attention of the
touipiiiy that owns Hotel I'oluuibjtu
at 'I'liou-autl Islands, I'aik and was
liihtiilltd as iiiiuiUMT. He so won the
lonlldeiue antl appiu laliou of his em
plojeis that lu v as made a member
ol the t tiiupauy, and has so iniitluued
to the piesent the duties, of mauiiRer
mill beiiiR cllsciaie,id b hlni D111
Iiib the winter niontlwi when the hotel
)h 1 lused he I- engUKid u liavclilii?
sib snian lor the Conunetclal (l com
pany, of Coluiiibiis, Ohio, with the
statu 01 New Yoilv and rennwvhaula
as his ten lino, His. leeoid with this
nmi)i my h u Hpleudlcl one ami no im
phoe coiiltl stand IiIbIici Hun ho dues
U'.-.Siliool Dliector W It. Miinn
whose letllenitllt liolli blHlliess wa3
lupoiletl in '1 In Tilhune iuetal weekn
a'u Is now ussoilultil with the .New
Yoik SuiBlml Appllaiue lompany,
with wliuui la boltls un ImTeutiint
position, ''
The maiimi lu wbuh Mi Moon be
eauiii a.sstu lati tl with the huitJial
coiupauy m.ikc.s him n alued iiuplovu
liont the veiy 1 tint. 'Hie moi l.s an
lutet PMIntr one. His daiiKhtei needed
a pill of ankle tiaitM 'Ihe icpiesen
talhc of the Mn glial iiiuipaii tool,
(he measiut mints . tho limb . 1
111 1 ded bi.ulns, HioubIi the oiib'r wat
not bImii hlni, Hi 1 e tin ned a lew
weeks, Intel, antl was amiutd to dis
cover that the child una wearliiR a
hiaco (IovIhoiI ami titled by the Ingen
ious Mr, Moon whoso skill as a matliln
1st served hlni mi -well, This led Hie
conipaiiy'H loptesentntlve to jump ut
the ('inclusion that Mr. Moon was too
valuable a limn to his einplnvers to be
out of their employ and lu a few davs
nloiiR eaino an IiivIHiir offer fioin the
Sursltnl eompaiiy whleli waa uecepled.
CoinmeiieliiR tinder these ihcuin
.stanees Air. Moon Is mile lo continue
to advance In favor nml a Hiieceisful
1 nicer Is piedlclcd by his IchIoii of
ftlends In Caibondale who applet late
his ability.
Excitement at Alumni Patk.
No cms wero run thiotiRh this rlty
.M'sierday, un eifectual blckade beiiiR
found at Maytlelcl, lu tho shape of coal
sheds, lalhoad lies, etc, At Alumni
pink switch, 011 sjntuiduy, a Iiiirc
holler, heated bv 11 the' lu It and
mound it, pioveel too lilttch for the
new nnd deputies cm a ear coiuIiht
1101 th. A clow el of over two hundred
lads weie mound the enr Joeilnt? the
new, ami one of the lads hulled a
Htone HuourIi the window of the cat,
the missile 11m lowly missing Snpeiln
tendcut Valleisou. One nf the depu
ties culled to the motoiuuin lo slop
the 1111, and, pulling it levolver fioin
his pookels, pointed It hi the dliectlon
of the ciowd mid dined them to lite
nny moie stones. The lads kept up un
Intcsanl citing, and the tin was
tm ned limit lo Ihe powei house.
Will Attend Tuneial.
The feudal Labor union of faibou
tlalc villi be lepiescntcd at the tuneial
ol the local labor leadci, Mai tin riih
ntv, which will lake plate In Seian
ton this 11101 nlng. Yestcidav was not
a leRUlai meeting dav of the union
but seveial of the lncnibeis took action
and named the following who will be
piesoutut the obsccliled: J. H. Walsh,
piesldcnt: Michael lion aid. .lohn 1
Hciines, CJeoige A. Spall, Daniel I.ot
tus, .lames Meh In.
Mi' Tiank folic h, of Second stieet,
was most pleasintly suipilscd Tildiv
evening, on hei Hilt tv-nlnth blilbda.v
Those piescnt wcie Mesdumes .Klines
Nicholson, si , ,1,11 ne- Nicholson, h ,
Nlcliol, Simmons, 'J'uikoi, ls,i ie Owens,
V f Wbetler, I'uekcv Claikson Av
civ, AVliltnoj. J'd Dawe. William
Dawe, Tliomas liiigiuau. He ill Jl.iJ
nnd, AVIIllam Ollvoi, AVilliam New
btnv, Stephen Moicome, Thomas
Piiee. John Pones, .Tames Thompson,
David Davis, and Messi r, Moieome,
Thomas Dane, and t'l mccs Ulivei
anil the Mls-o., Hone, Jones, Mi 11.11 d,
rend Ptiie, Hlla and Mab"l Dawe.
Holli botougiis weie the stems of
unusual cNcltemeut on Situidav when
the Tiattlnii company commenced to
mil thuii 1 nis em tune The sueet 1.11
lines in holli limouglis weie piled with
obsti notions and at Majllild in ftont
of the lot owned Iin A. .T tin tin. on
Main stieet, the lines -weie bloiked
A ninth bound t.11 was louid to .stop
in 01 del to e leai the When the
i.u slopped a committee w is sent to
the nmioi man and 1 undue toi who wete
Induced to e. se 1 1 the cai mil leave on
the uct Deluw.ue mil Hudson tiain
leu St inn ton Allei two bonis' bud
weak the was elciied and the
cai maimed bj compiuv olllcials
Mi and .Mis Hen l.ivnian, and son
llauv and dauglitti Hattle, attciulcil
the tuneial of Mis L.ijnin.1- lather,
.Vfi. Hiown ol Slaiiuce 1, on I"i icl.iv .
1)1 It D IJIddlenian. ot Tuukbannoi k,
was the guest ot fue mis in town on
Thin sdav
The Ml-sc- 1 01a Davis and fmio
Miuiav lelt Situidav fen ihe 1'an
Aineiic in
Hi I. f MaulPV ol be 1 anion, spent
Sniiiulav with .leiinvn Ii lends
luile fatficniei v is a v isitoi in
town Vildav
Michael .Mcflnone bus 1 lituinid
liiuiii 1 1 0111 New A'oik iliv
Mis Hciinan Ktilei left lM the I'an
Anieilcan tsaluiilav evening
Mis .Julia llendilcks his leliuniil lo
llobiikeu, aim vI-HliiK Ii lend-, in
low n
Miv- MaiJe Swith sptnt visteitlav at
Sn .niton
Mis I 1 laik ol Tills la lwi
in,, 11 lends In town
Ml- Joseph Mellilt is Isltln
tilt lids 111 New Yin k
Ml- Itlibaiil Hvans his mined hei
house bold ell.ils 11 0111 Thinl sLu.t
lo one ol the Iluiiiphiev holis's 01
-et ontl bt'eet
The K01 1 v Horn Devntlou will be
bcoUli at the Sailed He lit thuicli u
elav Dllirgl-t W I. liiavcs of Tom til
stieel, who lias be p sfiinuslv 111 lor
some lime, K on the lend 10 iccoveiv.
This ct nlng will bo the 111 -t im Hie
Aiteslau Hose lonipanj'H fail.
A laio nuuib'i ol 0111 ot town Ihe
biddies will paillilpnte 111 the iniaele
r.iet both should una out and atiend
Hie la" .
Mi- Thomas M inn, 01 Wc-t May.
Held. Is .niousi) III .
'I'he .ll. Didei I'lllltd AlllclKUU Ale -ihanii.
will hold a smokei in lliclr
loonis in .ssiuil)v Hall. All nnnibeis
aie leiiuestecl to itteml,
Joseph Hi, i ol I'etkville. Is Nlllng
Mi, ami Mis, James Tin kci ol '1 hlni
stiet t
I' f. Miiilntv of Ul pliant .spent
t-atuula with n lends.
A ilanseious ekedh IIrIiI wile, the
piopeit ot the Ciescent Hleclile
I.Ubt lompany of Auhhuld, In
ot . S nines' di in, Moie on Main
slice t, liilUlles imnicdlatc ultelllluu be
fell), soiuo out 's iujuied and a suit
for daimiMS oci ii'.-
llivilatloiis have been It-Micd b Mr.
ami Mks. ii. J of Souih Main
sine' In Iho inaillai.e of theli onh
ilamhtei Miss Katheilne It. Ueen, to
Il belongs to health, for a
5aby, to cat and sleep, to laugh
md grow fat,
But fat comes; don't ak
, sciawny baby to laugh; why,
even hi.-. milo i.s pitiful! Fat
The way to be fat is the way
to be healthy. Scott' emul
sion of cod-liver oil.js the prop
cr food, if he needs il; but only
a little at first.
W c II stml uu j !i lie to It) 11 o 1 li'e
Sculi ,V. HOW St, o) I'uiUiicet, NewiviV
Mr. H. V. .Times of Cllffoid, Tlillisday
evening, Oct. .11.
DiugglHl AV. S. Uioes. W, S. lb evil,
CSeolge M. Heese mid Dr, Wlliteis, the
iitttei fiom Diliniioie, will depart to
day ror their annual Imntlng expedU
llnii III the stud of Maine.
Mr. Gcnuer .Moigaii, of fllffuid, a
Mitiug mail the neiihew of Mi and
Mi, (1. .T. Ueesc, of South Main street,
who ban been an Invalid for ihe nasi
two ycii'i the lentil of a stinlti In
lilting a coach and who Ik at piescnt
nuclei going special tieatiueut at (If
home 0" Ida uncle, Im gi cully Impiovel
1)1 Igl t p.'cspects cue entoi tabic 1 f n 11
complete tecoVery.
Mr. Oeotge l.oeklln has gone Into the
hiitche. 1 usincMS fui himself, having
lecenllv 1 utcliaced an luipic-t fiom
the lit ii oi' I! tliclnei and son
Dr. ltudd, of AVcst Seianlon. loniiu
lv ror a bilef pcilud of thin plans c t
nilited among fi lends ami a tpni:
tancu hru Thumdav.
D. It. Thompson has been clir,ai1eil at
palnlln,' and deeoiatlng at Snan ji
for the pint week.
Itov . ! I'aibei has hen luslalUd
iisshttinl to Station Agent AY. J.
in one of d 1 D A: II. Co,
Mitchell cloy will bo fittingly ob
seived heie toinonow. At 1 p. m. a
monsier parade will take place, lu
whli It all the local mint wuikns will
paillilpnte. The ritniun and l.n
glnccis' union, iJmbeis' union, f Inks'
union, flgainnkeis' union and Uveiv
ilien s union will aNo be lu line. The
laid 1 will be mounted 011 hoiseback.
In the evening 1111 culci I ilniueut will
bo held nl the opeia Iioukc, whleli will
be ot a high luuilml. Addi esses will
be delheied b flialiiiuiu T Hijes, J,
.1. Hint, Nullonal Vke-l'ie-'lilenl T J.
Lewis, nnd Haul I'ulaskl, ol Mt fai
inel. A dniue will be conducted in
Million's hill, following the cnleitaln
nient. Tom PaMie, a well-known 1 hat inter
about town, sustained a Hat tilled skull
bj tailing on Ihe Mdewalk on l.acka
viann.i stieet, Satuulav evening. He
was picked up hi an uncoii'-elmH c on
ditlon and lemoved to the council
looms, ami ijtii taken to the Lai k t
wnnna beepilil foi tieatnicut
'the i:eelsoi Hose eompaiiv, nt i
llleitlng held .veileicho, dctlded lo e on
line t a fall eluilnj, the bnllda.v. A 1 0111
niittcc wis appoiutiil lo anangc the
'Ihe h.nbeis ol town will 1)00 theli
shop toinonow, Mitchell tho
Tho lneiulxis ot the Huglnceis' and
Kin men s local aie ici'tie steel to meet
at the usual place toinonow at noon,
ten Hie p'upo-e ol taking put In the
pnade Winking ends, itlae hid to led
llbbon. must be woin All who fad lo
attend will be lined, unless, a lea-on-able
e e use is pheii loi being absent
James Hiwlei has. one to Allcghenv,
N. A', wheio be will cntci St Uona
ventme s college
'Ihe llapllst A'ouug Te ople s union nf
the Susipieb.inna .Stieet 11 iptHt iliuuli
will hold a simit soniec toinonow
eveninj, tt T JO o'clock Isaac OiHIllhs
will be the leadci. Tonic loi dl-nis-sioii,
'Tin Awakening ol J ipnn " All
an t cutliallv ln Hi d to alkiiil
"ll-s l.enn Ke ll Ins gone to HiooK
h 11 N A' wheic she will make Im
inline home.
Di and Ml- I K M.mpbv ol Dun
nioii, weie tin guests ol Ml- lohn
Ke 1 ,111-011 eil l.ukawanna -tieet, vt--teul
Mi and Mi- Albeit Ma-em ol ,In
nivn, s.nt eslcidav with iclativcs in
tow 11
Audi 1 w Knl ten, of c'ai boudale, was a
vNitoi at ibis jil 11 e vtsteulav.
l.nge jil itc glass w billow in the
olllte of Ihe Oh pliant Ice eompauv w is
lnokeu s!,ltUi,ia night bv some evil-cli-iioscd
peison. who tlnew 1 lne,e
1 obblestoiie tlnougli it. Man if,ci Ilana
lii'a has offend a lewaul loi ihe ap
piehenslou ol the otfeudei
An attempt w is made latt Situidav
llisllt lo binliil-e Hie clothing stoic
ot A Se hull, on 1. ickawani'a meet
Duiln Hie nUhi All Sihull.. wa.
a. ikeneil bv 1 noise, hi the soh and
most lo dim Kigali, but bcloie he hid
time to tleseeuil tin stabs the woald
be bui!,lais had taken llic,ht An 1 11
ti.inie was eiieelecl bv ialln a w lu
ll nvv 111 till II II Ol lilt frtOll
'Ihe Knee Ubiaiv ass-ot latlon will
opni up tluli iiicnii ibis cv tiling, altt 1
Icing 1 'o-t d tm Hu snmiiii 1 mouths
At the se- Ion a 1 lass hi ph; -leal t ul
11110 will in in panied bv the oung
women 01 this town I'li-liltnt W
Owens iuvltts all vouug people to at
tend and bn ome iiiemlnis ot Hie as o
tlitlon Met tin', w III iiiinmciue at 1 .,0
o'i lot k.
The following ineiubeis of the A'ouug
Men's fhiihtian ass.,ot billon have been
elected dele-, nos 110111 lln as-oil.ttlnn
lo attend the dl-tikl louvtlitlou to lie
held In I'lu.uou on Noveuibn .'2 Hia
Towell, John A. linvil, AYIIIIniu Itcvan
David T. Itecsc, Wllliaui 1'hllllp- and
Abi 1111 f olllagwood.
The Anluaille f.l c club held an ou-thii-lisHi
lelitin.-al vesieuli.v altei
110011 on 'The I'llsilms' 1 hoi it-, the
competitive pleee to be 1 emitted at the
1'iov Ideate I'lstuldtod on ThaiiksMMiig
da.v .
The' tollow lug olllc ois weie 1 In ted at
a leient inectlug ol tin Ann 1 lean
l'l otestinil as-oclaliou W'oiihv 111 ts
tei, .sauniel f. Kvuus woitbv deput,v
master, David llecsc, tntti tm elgh
teen month, D iv Id D Oilllltlii,, They
will be Installed b UlstiUt Deputy
Hi and Mastn Thomas Ii. Jones ami
Mali at Hull lit v t it'Milur niiulln op
Nov enihei ,s
'I'he hoiouth -ihiiul will be clo-cil,
owln-, to tc,u licit.' Iiitltuiu belli-, laid
in .seianton.
11. J. Dank Is H hlowlv 1 ei o cilng
tioni Ills 1,1 llt InJiu v.
Tho Indies' Aid soclot 01 tin W'tldi
Tluptki iliuuli will itiudiict a social
this eveiiiiirt In the e lunch e-tij. fake,
saiidwklieh and miiie villi be mmmcI
'Ihe Delawaie, kawanna aid
W'e.-tein loinpanv paid the cuiin(" ut
thi'll collleiJes lien. 011 Satlllda.v,
The Tayloi basket ball team defeated
the Twiiitleih iViiuiM team, ol Stiiuli
(Siiuiiton, 011 Kildas cviiiluj', at
leij's hall, by u moid nl t to .',
'Ihe Welch finiriliVUIulllll 1 llln 1 1
couc'ief.ailon iiuiductid .1 lUllbhttul
soi lu I lu the iluti ill ba-uiitiu 011 hat.
tliclav eveuliiis 1
Alluoiika ti lln No .'17. imp. ond m,
del of Itnl Mm. Il in In-clviil to nt
tend dlvlti woi!ili at Hu Mftluidlht
Hplrnipal cbiuih last Suudin motp.
Im,. wlnn the pu'iini, lie . flint, 111 II
lit 111. will pit.uli to tlicui a bpnul
.-eiiuon Tin imniben of Un Inline will
iiuet at theli hall at 'i n ,, m umi
inaiih in the iliuuli in a boil,
'Ihe lollov. lug loot ball uuiteilal hat,
hiell KCllllblttl til Hliolt loi piaitku
thlh eionlng .1. K.vaii.-i 'i. 01 1111, JI,
OlMiii, A. M1us.l1, 1. Jtadai. Y Tubbs,
A, Itlddet, H. Olleke. M. Hi.ll.v. f.
Ilauininlitl M. Da, D. Davis, d. How-ilk-,
It. Winteibiui), IS Joiilin, .1. 11,
Hauls, it, hiaulou.
All slngeis, aie liivlnd to Join the
Webb Haptlit 1 Inn ill iholi, Tut Mia
LnaieMe I
camp i-ir iniani l eancas vadu
1 f - Willi'"' " t-w.. ,... . -
mimimmjmxummuMamLJuxjm, 11 4
Occupies an Imperishable Position
NO. 23 S. EiRhth St.,
Scranton Branch Otllce, Nos.
eveniiiK' ul 7 ',0 otlotk shnip, to ie
hnuse loi the nuitutii "I'lljllis, the
Kiiiiuei' D.iiujlitei," vihlib will be
piodund In Ihe near luluie. l'lol. J.
Il Watklii", dim ten.
Agi ut 'N . II. IVti'Mon tailed on
ll kntli In Wllkis-Hane iceenllv.
Ml and Alts. J. I, NelKci, ot KitlM
tou, weie quests oi ielativtl on liiove
stieet veste ida .
Mim. It. W. Itee'e and daiiKhtei, Mi.
K. M. O'lloio. ipeiit the S.ibbitb with
lelatlves lu f.iibonilale.
Mi si. i Alfitd iml J WaNh, csi . of
f llnton. h!o, un eullliip on fnutiaetoi
V M Miilbeiln. ol Main stieet.
Mix K.itli. line Xeian. ol Main,
st let t, bis 1 1 tin in tl home fioin a tin oc
inonlhs visit with hei dauslilei. Mlb, Watkius, ,!t, l'a.
sung or ynroyo
UK. u is named Kettluu, md ik,ht
lv, loi 'he w is iueeu ovei iluee
kingdoms be.uit.v. lu.iini and
weilth ' 0111c 11 less 1 iv 01 id bv
na till e -the honest, ones s.ilcl
that It w is loo bid ol hei lo add the'k of ben uit lo the lustie ol nil
bMU'v. Indent tbiv acldeil env louslv,
she bid no need of tillier, i oltl Kle
tei s nicuiiv would siitllt e to Insuu that
hi- onlv d.un,liti'i snoulil 1101 lutk suit
01 K.llt I'.ehl.i 'ive little thoiubt to hei
tuple kliiKdout and nniletl t okllv and
liidilU'ieutb upon all 1 las'cs of hei
subjects H tint ot tin 111 alteinpletl to
senile .111 undue shuo 01 lie 1 alteiitlcm
she dipped the ..cuss ol his picMiinp
tion piomptlv anil eftedivelv She
liked to eehan;e hei ciovmi now and
then loi Ie- poinpous he.ule.u ev en
the tap and bt IN, an 01 dim, to some
ol In 1 latin is Sliest- vvlioui she 10
niveil flippant!:' and nioikhuilv . Mill
wltn Hen vou Weiplni," eaine he il
wi.vs lound Im cpieunlv blow, like
that ol some lolls mountain, env eloped
In .1 like k stoi m-i Iotic' 1)11 his de
li u till 0 this Have plaee to a 1 01 tint t
of Moodlinil bio, stuns, ami a eastade
ot ovom 111, title delighted hei dolliiR
falbei And when -die Mil In the twi
llmit K.ilnrf at the joitiait ot bet de
eeaed inotlin, tl t aniint; of a heavenly
and p'iliii also ol an i.iiiblv pua
dke, hei beatltltiil head -eenic ti invet
. d with an auuolc lie wa-. a tiea
luif of consiaiitlv vaiMinr mood and
In 1 stniiitii cliine'i weie as deliirbttul
11-, tin v weie stiipildnc AVelpillf,"
alone stiinid piool analnt Hie ehaini
ol hei lulliiitt v.ulel. Hut. on the
othei hand as 1 plillusnplici uud an
eiiemv of nil pelti nient lie nevn pei
mltltd hiinsell lo hi union d bv auv
thiiif; He had 1 wa ot ill mksliiK all
hum in iovs md ,01101, t, with the 1011
limpiiioui ejacu'allon ' Uali' lu a
liuiidieil veil - ' And tlnn he would
e li lie his Im ah wiih
us if lo blow auav lln
.1 iiiighty pun,
inoldeiIn' dust
ol tentuiles
To avoid hpitijT annovnl bv anv one
lie made a point of aunovimr tveiv
bodv and niaile hlniselt leaied a1- well
11 ilMiknl III, snie mils who sciouil
liinti, 1I1 1 lv itl Mom bis iNUlislve a ul
li, wllb 11 tout h ol added vtunni.
He was 1 ii lj and alone in th win Id and
he live I in 1 bU hou-i awav tioni
Ihe bustle ol the eltv with u letluue
ol sciv ants of whom t-'knr obnlle'iiie.
wis eNaeled. Hut I lie I v itiaiieli, in
naitibllltv ot ktepin'-, them and the
losultlmv dlstiiibaneo ol domtstk" oidei.
'In addition to the mils nice ot bu-iness
caii.s, otten md lv luleilnnl with this
Idvlllt e-.leuee Dme, Instead ot blow -Inp,
hH tioubl J awav villi his 1 iislo
m.nv , imat k Welplnw took down a
volume ol .VI l-theaud lead
lu 110 vu dots a miotl wilt sinnoth
the path ot a i,ieat mm lutti 1 than
bj snvillh at unit' ah lile leelpkllL of
popular iv 01 and ns a vktliu to
be abu-etl and beaten 111 Hie luteust
of his Hood liuino., Ssiiiiielliuc s the
woman inlM a i.tium; Impuls,. to such
hi ll- itl like, it tin 1.1. ill W s,ilh
I uou'ih to 1 .n t lu"
W. Iplui, laid down the book, wnit
sliaklit to Kb Mi 1 111. 1 at-Ked foi
iSei'lmV ll. lid Tlmii'.,h no Iiuuer
uiini; In whs 1 i h mil to iMPlltut
I'.imil.v, and 1'kMer bii sb tllilv .11
ttiited touuid him, halt tluumih ad
1.1I1 it Ion, half ihiotiKh mil. Kkstei
could not UllilPlililllcl wlij Ktslim,
When be hull the pinpenilliui betmu
hei', iitlkd lo Muiio hi. ui mlniiiUi ami
detllnnl Iho piollend lioncii. Her
l.lllli'i watc iNt'd bill, ullei tlinr Hint
nhe wu'i a luntUio ot suipiihi, f,ave
her a peilod lot eon ddeiailon, bopm
that ,sti wiuiUI Mil pi I-o blin b eon
sellllll. Dili I'VLIllllh. 11 liw il.ijs lit
ei, she htole hi Upon lllm us fnftly as u
l.iooubeaiu and ..aid
Hum papa-' iiud paused. Klntet
looketl 1111 'J lu it' un a sh idow on
lu 1 biow and ihe iihih ot Im' llpi
md 1 links, who luu jop-. I It r tilth
ei' u mull led what pew Bin ju lie was
tomlit'-j "fk'HV pupu," Hin Nild nt it.
II Iuii hlkllce, "uhat do oil ihluk of
in. KuwUi .'"
I HunS thai Im Urn I'Vidkut phi -
bliblU. iSlllli 11. Itlxl IIUe.'. I ilil v
pnuiLmuIld 11 ' In hlni, Alu .mil III.
lb ill ' Hu iU v. h Ille lo n'llalllt
him' '
"t have luluulteU Illlll, a" 1 now 1
eollie 10 1 unilli jniu-nu, to lo
bit', 1(111 'lln III' tn illlll at) hi win
Till), was Ui kuiUbii (Siupike that
IttKlna had wv len bet latliei. Ik
bioke tun uir,'lll.
'.siu .vou him itiiaiiHed H all helium
.vou1 1 1 limn foi iiuibiiiti! Thl joiiuir
maa "
11i11in, .us, hut ahead, nkibialed,
and mi Kootl, noble, ihatltalilt and ho
saved iim life uud ami I klv s hint o
ileal b'"
"Hut iui an- to many AVelplus:, 1
have pionil'iil him jum ImiuJ.iiul I am
nut In the habii or bM.iklni; my iuiuI "
1 I'lomkctl! Vou have pumilt-ed ,' '
IlfxfetfilS-iiS !H.i-'-'s.-vjrl,
...,.,, -n-A , , BETTE
euMusu utc v uuu cn t ci i
- - . ,- --- j --.
Unquestionable Superior Merit
Annipilly adds thousands of names to
the long list of Smith Premier users,
icprcscntinR every line of trade nnd
every profession
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
1 nnd a, Arcade- Building.
DR. BARRETT, Dentist,
1 o Wjoinlns Avenue, Ocri dlokt Waichsuie,
1 trunil
It mil
V llfll
c mi, 20I I ....
c i.nviuil, pourliin
. 'Jrt
. We
. 7uc
s.1 up
IlliilRl' ilk
Illi. I Willi mill Tm. 1111
I lllr.l wllh Mlirr Vir.
1 illnl Willi go,) AH01 . TV'
1 nil Sri of trclli s-, ,,p
I MIIIIIMlioll mil i-tinmtu
firr If emir Irrlh up ,lcrir -
luff. If oil need mi ullhthl sot, if ,iou itIi
iscmio Iretli i.pliciil eilllmiil n pliilc if joii "li-li
join Weill, 'lone pjinlifh mil wi-ll liy irllihtn
srniliiiltH of Iouk evpcilemc ll 111 vuj Hi!
ml 1 ciiulstriil with geioil, Milist intial llcntlt
Wml,. nil 011 me.
she oNelalmcd He nodded and vaitec1
miNlouilv fo hen iieNt vvonk. Hut 1111
wold eaine liom hei twllchlti,? lips,
onlv a louir diawn slim, as she ilowlv
Ittt the loom J It tei in of Riaee. .11
it happened, cvphed on Ibo dav befori
hei bit Hid iv, in honoi of which annl
teisaiy tlieie was a little festival, 111
On the eve ot bn blithdav hhe sfc
up until midnight, leadlm? books of
Alilcan Have! and when she went lo
her loom her faee wore a smile whle'i
seaieely seemed Itibtlflctl by H13 eii
euinstaneei AmoiiK' liei nuineiotn
blithdav gifts weie seveial fioin
irlenels nl her father, whleli had be"ii
seleetod -with a view to pleasing hl-aj
latliei than hei Thev weie "oV))ea
of ait." lematk.tblv chifiy for ocldltjr,
pli.iv tRfint oinamentatlein and eosTl
llness Welpins s Kitt was in better taste..
H was onlv a boimuet of flower'. A5
be di csr tiled it antl oflcied lii nm
gialulations his eve loll upon a strant?j
lookin.T obit it
' How- neliniinhle"' he eNilaimecK
"ll.ij f ask what It is."'
" wall cabinet "
"I sitould now 1 hive Riieed It. T
took it foi a model of Absalom s tomb,
ne .11 Jems ileni. And this pietme.'"
'What a iU.?tiou' ft is my por
tiail "
' r thought it was the tiagk mus-es
It i niaKiiltleent' The Niolet hair W
paitloul.ub cftective. The lips, J sup
pose, would not look so Kieenish if tho
llt'sh wcie not ot th it lieh oianss hue.
The eves"
"Heir von AWlplus', T think that, .11
an HiiKlismmaii sus, noii aie 'IntoNi
e ited with the eNttbeiauee of jour own
1 veibosltv ' "
' Xcit at nil 1 am cairn, unpieju
clletd, and eiuile baimless. Hoe how
pl.uiillv tlioiiKli with some dillkull, -1
i cfetlpher ihe nisei iplion on th it
blue- plush poittolio. 'Foi est "Wlils
peis," a lantasy loi piano, dedieatetl
to Ti.uilein negllia Kiesler.' Deseiip
tlve music, f suppose t heaid a piece
of that uoit Hie other day. 1 eoulil
not ciulle maki up my mind whetliet
it was eleseiiptive ot a leline seien.
ade or an attack of ague. Afteiwaui
I leai ned thai it was entitled 'An Au
tumn Suns-el.' '
itilna's lips em veil and stiflened.
1 ke a bent bow, and uisehaiKed lliiu
"Hen von AXtlplncr. the things that
vou Micei at weie given me bj goo'l
tilend', and no latliti aelmiies them
nv mile h You me elclibeiatelv "
He eut hei spe h h shoit with 111
bal Itual siw -like ,estiuo and said
' Ki ay, do not eNtlto outsell'. Hahl
in a bundled veais "
Hut she letu-ed to be supiucsned. ,shn
10-e and lae'd hlni like- an lnliiilated
time -. ami p.mieel upon him a voile, ot
vu.uh. .sale asm ami 1 idleule .stith a-5
lie biid ntvei heaid liefm e. And ill
wasii t so ninth what she said as the
wav she 'aid it. fh'' Hinted, heieamed,
pestle ulafd. Hei olieeks weie si allot,
In 1 ties blaed with augei. Hei df.
1 bled pin tu It did not look half as much
like Hie tia'Ii muse as .die did. W'clp
iu w.n o pi win lined, stunned by the
1 inpHtm When he taiue to his s,eusoi
lie lound himself alone.
Ho piniuptly made his tmitpo, tliank
leg heaven that his eves had been
ope mil III time to the tine eliaiaetei of
thi, lumiiiu wiltanu. He vuoto to Kles.
in, dnliiiliig the honor of rugiua'a
hand and oNplalulug that ho was 11
and was f,olu' to a wmltailtim, Tho
bankei did not I1.1111 Iho tuio .state of
aitalis until Hi. Ik't'dci ami his luhle
u tinned ti mil tin Ii wedding Jnuinv.
Then KeMlna lin' hei 111 ins auumd bli
neik and sub!
'I'.ua, I ban a ninfis ion lo niakc.
1-how .shall I 1-ii.v it.' Well, I disgust
ed lieu vou "vVelplns dellbeiutclv Hid
ou elil' him nl I, ady Uakei, the wife
of tin' celebi 11 led All lean PNploicf,' She
wa.s a tieiinan, .vou know, bom In Hud
apesi, Miii biaveel huiiKii, thlist, levee
and )iill Id be with her husband on
bis tiavels The most 11 Ideal nionnut
wa.s whm an Aiikau chief, K.uniaei,
llm Kins, ot Knjoio, beiaiue mmIiiuII
by her bcaut.v and liislntetl Hint hei
husband should sell her lo llilil. Hakoi,
pm pie with in,e, was on the point of
I, making the kins, down ami in dpi
tailns a eiuasiiioplie, when III.-, vv 1 1
unlieel httweeii lln two mt 11 and
m it allied, yelled, howled all Aiahk de
111111 latlun in Hu un out hei black ad
mit 1 until slio talil.v put him 10 IHhi
lie hasieiuil to make th iiik.uiteilnui
to bis gods im his ikllveianii. tioni tliii
clutthts of Hin liiautilul white tun '
".sjo ou pla.vul l.itlj IMkel !
Idhlu.i notklut and 'linked the old
llian'h u Ii -ek.
"Vou aie ,1 iiiuiun of suipike Jnt
like loin inothei." Maid IVksiei, glaut
lug up al lib, ilueaael wilt's poiluiii.
And now go to .v mi hllsbainl and
make hlni at, h.ipp. an she lu.uie me" -'I'lau&laleil
liom the ileiiiiau of Ivail
lhdm, Hdlei im iho New York Com
meitial Advei tlsci.