The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 26, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    'v7-"m5",'v ''" " ' nm
(Concluded from Pnge 1.)
.ollnulnn tiioriiltie. I lillli IbiiiIIciI tint Imtli Hie
Trim imil Hip .MciiIiii.ic niuiiit ulmV " lino iitritnl In (In I'MixlM1 heal)
Mjlhir it win mi Klml Iiml Hit loon ttirr p
lumlcl, fltnl Hip ilniiurn li.iil rrtoiiminnlo'l tliot
tin Hut aeiuunt matins fipcMllorn Iip iippnilpil.
ttc-ro Arltnlr.l1 Slitij lirmiitlit 1 I iiiii.iMip up
to SMIitlian. Hi- Mill In Ihnl rniitmtlnii lit
Iiml Irirniilfil tlio nriVri nt Hip ilrpiriiiiinl ion
icrtilni t tic pininlilp prorncp of tin- iinl-li Hiel
t eimllii(ii ,11 timrr nt .1 iiCBotlnti linn ttntiili
Inr1. II nlilii"il llnl It Mniilil I i1.p mil. i
IHIp tinip to hi! Infix In mi rinl Vli Iip IP
Mini tint Hip pinpir tiillllnn iiiiiiidpiimp wmilil
fcave bi'pn In prm i til mp1.ihI. ln ml Hip hint
nt llai.m.i anil Key VV'tl(,
Up nrrlioil ttllli tit s,iisiliiiii (.If -ijiilliRu
.italtotit 7 o'dotk p. in., if 15 20. mill look lip lil
petition file or l mile- mA Mtemnul lie Jii'lil
the llppt In loiniithn ili mil tilalil. On Hip lint
nlelit Iip pnt Hip III ullli Iliilritetluln
In keep clnp Hflloli on llie liinntli nf Hip Intlinr.
that nlglil tip luil iiotlitil tin- Imul on Hie
oro. tnon ,i "IiIIiiI.pi," itiil Iip alio "'
M-nril .it Hut Mm" llirlil' nn .1 lmn plum.
Mlilcli Iip Ii.iiI -lute lirminp romltiinl wetr fmni
(hp Colon, It 111 tr III Hip liailini
SlgBbee Astonished.
Hip npt tl.iv lip iIim mi ml Hip pip-pnio nf that
SpanNIi r..rl iiml nfnllni of tin i iiein.i ' war
ir-Mcl", lirn Iip Ii.iiI Hum nlilnliiiil il refill ililf
proof of Hip tut 'tut Hip ulilsi vpnilinn w.ii
In Hipip, .mil loM (iptiln Mit-lirr of Hip fait,
llinl ntliipr ppn I .islmiMinmil tlmt mipIi vjs
Ipally Hip fm I. Il Win .it Hill period tip
(Hip srnl lift ilipilili In Hip ilcpiil
tnent, tihitifr nlsolM!r lnforni.ition nf Hip presence
in tup pu,iiititi. "mnpi' i.irnpii nut nnsicc
in Mnp m. itlioh-.
Aflpr tni itintr IIip fltel in Mntium Iip funneil
Hip Mocl.nili. in llip mil w n Iip lieliiietl mk it
email ." imilil ho ntill7Pil lor Miili ilnty.
TIip flilps note in milium lirniilsiile on tn Hip
rnlrmifp of Hip iMrlioi, mi Hint i simple turn of
the whorl would lirlns HiPin in lino if Hip Piifinj
apppareil. He i.illpil Hip captain of Hip uhlpi
Rlioanl anil cvpliiiietl hi iilc.i of Hip liloilcailp to
Hiptn iiml .iln lit- ci'iipinl plm of ntt-ict.. lll
plan ia In nil nt. Hip hpil nf tlip column llrt
ami coiiln-r iiml mppli, cult in tinii
Hie lilrkol lmit himp (o lip u-ul iw torppilo
hrntl ilost ifi.rr. TIip -ships wpip lo iii.iiiil.iin Menu
so as to lip inp.ihlp of turhe l.nnts. 'Hip flptt
atoanipil link 'mil forth lipfoip Hip pull nice of
the Inrlini. Vlomi CiMlo, Iip hflitwil, wis ,it
no limp morp thin file nnlp iiuij. lip JiiiIkcJ
that li.v tin1 ilittltiitlitti with whiili Iip inulil fpc
the Mirf. 'Itip liotlotiH nf all his Mtlpn wtip foul,
pcihaps n knot nt a knot anil a h ilf slowtr thin
tht hhoulil Imp him. 'Ihp iiitniiini ppliinpil
how Hip Hi pi ti iiiipiI link ami forlh nxing the
hotil heail tnmls at nicht tn ilrtciiuinc Hipir posi
tion, with the hoiN alim innlp. '.cv
lii'Klil. pvit'iit when riin squalU ntrniipil, ami
lhp wpip iiinll hnpf, Hip .'itliniral conlil hee
Hip pif-ktl Pitlipr with the tnkpil p.o or wltli
tnulit clas'.p. lip nepr tiiMiod in ullhont look
ing foi tin in. miii thirp a not i uit;1it when
Iip foulil not ihtiiiKnili Hip lanii .'mil Hip Mono.
In imuliiilini: tni iliwriphnn of the Moikailp
1 lie aihnii il .inl "Hut it wai miIHi ipiiI i sliown
In Hip fact Hilt illllltltf it. PitPIHf tin pp!
rnlereil oi pi iptil fioni Hip ii.irtioi "
Bombardment of the Colon.
I'niuiiu tn Hip Ii tonu ik.mkp nt Mix ,:. tl
mil il f liloi sinl:
"On tin' .:M, uliili' Hip iIiuiikImi mill Hip Mai
lileheail anil thpTt!" wimi in.iiuu. I li iii.fptKil
iii fin; tn the M iv,Hhur tu ainl ilpti'iniinptl Hial
I cnlllil ihwlnl, tin' roilifiiatinll liillllo of 111
fm ill it ion uiin h up Ii nl mi In, nit fmni the lixiliu
ulapliii ofllii. Mi liii'ni u now U tint tint
inlniiii ilii ii w.ii. inafioralp. I tlnnl, onp tcpoit
mi'iI lint Hip h.ittpiii wiip ohl mil anottipi tint
Kmpp win nioniiltil. i Iip kpikmI liilipf. hou-
pipi, is all ot tlip snuHiim plitis wire
xctf ht.mll In int. wo kntw n
(II 1 1 If il.nut IliPPllifl nl hiahei imnuiil .ulillnj
pIHipi on -lintp oi alio.ilil sliip, ami, fi c t iti-r thll
I might t, know Miniilhiiig ahoiii Hip foititua
tiniis wlm Ii ilifinildl lint plan1, I lUtPinnnul to
Ko in anil lake aih inl.up of whit I lnlippil to
tip tin lotii i i.inui nl inn uui ami ,liilop
fnlh wiut liin-p firft n-i - wiip mil naiii, nt ilii
if wi i, mill i;it a -hot into Hip t olun. tint ua
hlllU INpnMll s.illll ll It, 111 lill II
"I think wp wiip luim in a in-ition iitluH
fuin tn ll, mill- in tlio uiMwaul 'I In -Ii lining
in va- ai -lo - -piil I ti,in-ii in il mi 1 iir,
nam. .1 Z.mi'i i ml-, ami wun mi Innnl l In Mi i
ihn-ilt- Winn 1 liiiiiilnl on it wa- in ii it
(Inulil lioin. ainl i apt mi lliuin-oii -im..p-iii
that wi im-liii.iM until I ii'i Intk tin pnin: In
to iIimIip) Hii'-i Iniliin- I a intnl to Hial
Utfi Hip nn il wi win. to iii,it ti i -. ami -ti mini
in pii'lli nt ii In nl on llui.' wa? not linn ii op
liiiiliinili toi iiiih.uli in Mfk ion in liiiul a
t in a 1 1 unh lie trot Inlniiii Hip piulii tititf plitp, wa- a unilil to tin .ntlatup to Hip li it.
Nunc unslit hi- Iiiph linl upon the fnt tint wp
wpip in wlnlp iIuHip- I wonhl likp tn inwtp al
tPiition lo tin' tut tint lint was a mittir whuh
1 loutiollpil fiitiip): toi nn Miiuiion, anil it
was aliout Hip oni hinlahh' iIip-s tor tint it'
(iiin tlip iiiiiii- nt ,l)i' pti-n uiin .ifioni
pmipil linn win n hp wtnt nn ho ml tin Mav-iihu-fetls,
Hip ailmiral s-anl they were lai'iiliiiinN
Seal-, VilK ami (ipnrgp JJ. (iiiiluni, the -o-(
iatetl I'ris-, i'oiiP.-piiiiihnl, who, he siiil, linl in
hMiiI upon attonipiiiMiii; linn, nolwitht inilinir
hh protp-ti. On hoaril Hip aiitniril uiKatil m a
romcmatlon with Captain (now- ailiniial) lliKuiu
nn, "f whs not eiipil,' he went on, nor iipimhi-,
fot I nceil not nnilerl.ikin tho ipifiniul-inip
if I hail not iloirpil to fin so. I hail muhp nvml
lor tho?c f-lauiliucr on the turrets, thinking 'hiy
fre CNponinir tlipnv,clics tn il inner from nlmik,
Mtlt'li was nmipee-.saiy to them, though I w u
illlferrnlly ilrciinisl iiiipiI, fltnl I so espirvpil tn.i
nil, Ciininiiinilpr I'otla Is cntlleli in rtiur In
illnic I took inliiiuliiffp of imil. Tint t illit tint
ito o, fori wis nut lonuriipil nhoul Injuelf,"
"licill.lliir nf Hip law of T.fK") anl, the ait x t il tint t'o'iiin iiulcr I'olls hiil liluiM'lt li
pin tul mi lint i iiip ami that Iip Hilmlral
Sfhlej) linl not known f.n ppt.ll ilns llul Hie
i. nmp li nl Iippii ultiifil
"I lin iiinniiiil up Ihkiii Hi Inn." In wi'iil on,
"Hie -Iioip Inltpilps iirpoiiiti'il, some nf Itiem u
tuff miioI.pIpi's powilu I In m was ipillp a slip.mi
of pinpilllp. llnl I wis liiiplrssrit with Hip lile.l
Hill llui must hp from aims of II or s hull
t illlilp. Ill'1 'linl tn HI Hip Njpap.! hrtllpr.i csl
ilintly ri'irlieil Hip HppI Some went iinr our
ships ami imp wpiiI lipjonil anil oipf Hie VKpii,
whlrli was liilf i tnlte illstnnl.
' Ho ulnnslli of Ihp Inttfile hrfiiR pstalo
ll-hr.i, l wouhl hue hivn lllllltll.v olll to luip
rlkl.pil Hi tiilHplilps fiiithi'i to Dip fioni Hip-o
hnip Intlpilrs unil'r inj liislriitllons. If e l.ail
lot one or two of nut st or spien irvsrl., Hi,.
Inns wouhl Imp Iipi imi i er urpit fll1ili ml ii,p
.llnl II uilitht' Imilnl a I tail, with ill-i'limi-rpult.
1 thnuitlil II hi'tlpi polii.i tn ip Ihp
i-liipn for wider an, I Iipiiu iip. and uh-uUinl
ii nla iusHlifd that diiMon."
The Coaling Question.
II, ip i lip wiliipi-s iliruptly liirncil fmni the
liiimliJiihuf lit ot Hip Colon lo ,i ilii in-iou of the
ii 1 1 ilicr qiliMliin, , is I thll his lu-tiurtiolis
ii nl Iippii to i oil on pipri pu-sihlp in i ,1-iou. Up
Hun ipiolid rnul put in as Piiihuip a nuiuhpr of
ilispalilin. ul iriir Hi' In-Iiih lions of Hip ilppnt
nn ill on lint until i Up iililpd In tint ion
tm Hon tlip ipii'Ipt of a numlipr of ittspitphcs
lioin Hip il pailtii! til whiih 1ml, hp m!i1. lipen
Ini'iiL'lit hi Capl.ilu I ollou Up wa- -me Ihnl
Hip ili-patflui iii'ild not half heen tptplml hp.
foip Ma) :!t
U hi ii hi rpipixfd thosp lii-pati lu Hip idiiilral.
in iiisupi to iUP-Hotis In Mi Itiwipr, tp-tiftpd
tint Iip hid illcnpipd Hip '-piui-li licet. Hp had
al-n stiimountPil the ilillli ultips ahout toaiiut and
hid mi Inforinrd hp ilppirlinPut. In thai ton
iiipHoii In' went huk and nmatpd Hip iiifiilinl
of Hip i.iptuip h Hip M Paul of Hip Ileslorinpl,
Hip r.uRlkh inllii'i. houiid fot 'Mnthjni. I apt lin
l-iix-lipp hid ipported Hut tiu polltpr had Ik'pii
i.ipluiiil on Ali 'J(i oil santitRO. 'iii-hn 's li i
1 1' r niiutioiipil Hip I. hi tint Hip lliMoruiPl hid Pmlo Itini mid Cm, inn and tin' hp
hid spill Iipi In Kp.i Wist, ad, Inn:: "TIiiip i- ih
snliilili no luws of tin, '.iitii, flut hire."
On Hip SKt Hip .nliniral leeoiipd, Iip thoiuht,
hy i pieis tuir rum Port ntnnio, Hip ilNpiltli
from duilral 'unp-on datnl alar Ml, ioiiki.iIu
litiuf him tin tho fli-ioieiy of tlip ipinisli licit.
In reply to iiie-lions hv his toun-pl iliuiiiil
SiIi1p explained tint C'app tin wn- an t xpoptl
pi ii p. Kfi mills tioiii Smtiaiiu. and lip did not
res; ml it is an ii.ulahlp plate for lo.diuir. some
of tho -unlit i ships iiulit hup Iippii spnt thpie,
hut with a Mpiailiou sutli ns he li id, pr.utiiall)
of the sump i7P a- Hip pini-h llppt, Iip 1ml iipui
(on-itiprpil Hip iiupstitui of nfpiiitiu; Hip -litps.
Up ipumhit it as of pump iiiipoilnuip Hut the
fleet Iip Upt toKi'tlui.
His nltintioii was iliiwn to l.iputpniut Hiihti's
letinionj, likemui; Hip njtitli of Cnlia wpilhei
In Hut of Drj1 where the sliip- had
iriiled. Tin nthniral slid Hilt tlip two placid
wprc not lompirilile. 'Hie ta In Hie koutli of
Cuht was ppo-pd for hundipils of miles Illy
Tnrtutras was Minimiuhd hj it'efs in which a set
fouhl imil.i intti. Trimi iufoiuiatioii he I"
ipimiI from Captain Cotton, ho lirlifuil Hie im
pieKsiou was foiuutl on him Hut onli miiiII ship
rould lip toalid nl Moip (. itholm or Hoiinms
ilnuui'l. Up had not gonp into foreign walers
foi iiial hieau-e he wanted to aioid iiili'iiutional
toniplitatioii-, and pspuialh wanted lo moid tl"
thaifrp nf taking adi tntagp of wpjki'r lutions
likp Hi.ili and otlipis
Why Folger's Idea Was Rejected.
giin lpiiing Hip question of tho Maj leion
ii ii-a nu e, tin witnps- iplaid Hip piitu ulaii- of
tin' .iiilial nf Hip iw Oilenis on Mai ''", Willi
( aplaiu I'oli'i in tiiiiuuiml, ami inuio.xinij: the
lollin Meillug ( aptain I'olgpi hid in
Mitittions to -ink tin utlliir m thp tntinne ol
Xmli.igo hiilmi. Hip dpi tils of uhiili ppifoiin.
am ,' wiip tn lip htl lllm'lx lo Xilmiial s, hltVs
ih-i ii lion
"I did mil, ' In -.i nt. 'umlei-i imi thai tho po,
sitrp ua to In up, pi i pt in us- wp
should h" Liimtnllid lo .lliimtou tin' pull, in
Wlltlll IIPUI tlllt IMltlilUll W 1- III lip ItsollPll
to " Up tin li plot tilled In tit l ill in- i olixt isition
xxith t .iptaiu rolgt'i. toiKiininu: wliul, apluui
I'lilgil al-o li'-tilltd as a wltlu-s foi tin tltpia
lm lit . Wlnlp -.ili-ln il that laiuiiti 1 olgpi iiad
uoi nn nil lu do .mi iniu-liip to 1 1 1 in, tl
toll llnl tin' ciptiiu hid fiilul lo i;iii all ih,.
ihtalls ol Hip emit i-itiou.
"Ilo tlid nit uant to t pl ilu lo tin- umiii,"
siitl tin wilni , I whit tin iiiiiitisiiinu
li id lift u, foi I li id itiuiiiinnuf tin t in id n toim
of liloikldo mil hid itlxoialld tin' tolltl wlmli
1 hid p-t ilili-htil is lipin lump luohih' ami molt
fitilp foi a -mill lint, -nt 1 1 as ouis w i-, in ta-e
nfattiik In Ihi'iupuix ami mini' ta-ili luiulpu.
litul .mil h milled uudi i -mini, 'I Im i.iplaiii
spoki of lillislllL' ihp to kup III llo-t'l, wimp,
upon Hip nil lipt ilai Iip muiiiIImI ih.H Hip
tutliii would Iiip on u- al Hut i iiiup Wi linl
not t h iiuul inn position." n liltj alsn look nui-ion In sppik nf
Hip m-trurtioiis to him tn PMiuiiu fti.iutaniiuo
a- a inalinir Imsp. Tn do wa-, lip said, not
priitip.ilih, is at lt.i-t l.imt) uiiiiiip- wouhl luxe
In en mi ess n tn guild llnl point, and I lie)
muld not hi sjuitil,
"It wi hid gout' thtip wp should Imp iuiilitl
altail.," ho slid. "Hut was niuong thp unlit is
I hid to consider."
Samson's Arrival.
Vdiunal Shlex Ills n took up in his let nil the
aiilxal ct Ailmiral Snuinoii, lAintuiituler In chief
nf the North Atlantic aqiindron, In Fpraklng of
(hat ami the thump In cotninand whlth It lit1
inllrd lie xctilllrcd on giotuul whlih CapUln
l.enily tonslilcreil aa Hfinienhit qtifsllnnilili1. 'I lid
wlltiMS Midi
"On .lime I Ailmiral ."niupsoii arilieil Up
lirotifthl with hint Hip .New Yntk, the llipgtm and
Ihp .Matfloutr, mid dlpamed ilnwn In the west
ward u Ulllo Inside ol Hie line nt liloikaile, lie
found tis at that limp making II ip turn and I went
on hoard. He was iry iniillal, ui) gliid In 'ic
liw, and I I'Nphliied In him Hip tlttiitlon and
the tail ot Ilu riumnalsiiiiup Up jPfineil 10 he
Mi) lo Imd out thp klliialioti Hipip, and I
pointed out lo lihn the Colon Ijliiif in the in
Irnntc." t'lptlln l.einl) It the t unit please, we ale Bit
ting lie.ioml Ihp mini's coiisltm linn nl Hip mnpe
of Hip pIPiept.
Ailmiral Dewe) i I iiiulpintmul, he Is turning
tin1 lomnntiil oxer It) Hit1 tninntilulei In rhlit I
want In Ik ii that T would like In Inar that pari.
( oiitluuing, Adiulinl Mlilt'.i' Midi "I ti .1 in 1 1 I
him a iiuuiImi of illspalelipif, pvpltiiipil In hlui
Hip (.Itlllllotl mid told him Hip foi til of lilniklile
Hint I hud inalntalned, and I hrnd no wind nf
ninplalnt lioin lilin. In fail, lu xliw nf Hip
tptpgiam of loiiitilutillon, I Mippositl mliuall.v
ppr,x thing was upprox id, dniltal Jtnipnn's ip
IiiIIoiih mid iiiIiip wpip ilwaxs inldhl I nexer
liiil mix illuVicnip txllli him."
Atlmlnl l)cex Noll haic luttifd Hie lotumiiul
our. Vim go on,
"I turned the lolumtiid oxer to Xdniiril Hamp
soti and niv nitiilrnn wis not htokpn up luilll
tin isllt or Villi of .lune. I was Mill In com'
iii mil of the H,i litis Mpiatlton and lonipo'ed tin
It'll halt nf the hint kaillnc line at Mintlago. 01
ioiiisp. I luc no iiltlilsm to nili'i; niprel.x a
plain, strniuhl tory to tell of Ainl ll opprallotiit
wpip up In Hut time."
When Hie coutt lesumed Us session at - o'eloik
Captain Lend) lead i wrlllin itinipnt pxplilu
linf ili-eiepiiif ies lu sonic ol the dl-pittlies rp
(pupil In li) Atltuiril Sthlex in his morning ten.
I ilium) . 'I lin ilispitilies irfpriid lo loallng llul
In one i'ac Hip ii iiiip "I!oii,iIp" was usptl, when
It appeatul the linn.' "(Iii.iulan nun" shouhl luxe
hull glxtli. I apt nn r.eud) nl-n speured Ihp ion
cciil of Hip 'ouit fo- in ailjiiuiuineiit for lodi)
until Moiidix. nxoldiug a "sitiiida) ne-iou 'Hip
ailuilial, at Hip ii.pie-l of Mi. lta.iner, staled Ins
oliM nation of siispitlou- i in uuistniKcs on lind
ami In Hie Inihor al nili.igo on the exiiilug of
lull '.'. Up nid tint Ihp outl.xing Spanish land
foit es xxpre al Hi it tinip liping pipspd into tho
tltx- liy Hip AuiPiinn and iu-uigeut foue-. mil lip
had uollped that s(xeial of (heir hloekliou-i s
Inn up. 1 tint exeiiin. lip hid. at Hip Mine Hiiip,
ohspixid smokp eoining from oxpi sop.ipi iiill,
ami lip thought Hip piipiiix was ptppaiing for a
soi I in. Of this ilrriuuslniiip Iip hid notiheil d
luiial ciiup-on. antl Iip Ihouglil tlip hid
atleil upon Hip hnlitp. as .p hlot killing 1iup was
m.ixpil in rio-tr lint niglit. f pvpliiupil xxlu
all th.1 pngiue- of Hip hut not Iippii
inuplptl up. sixmg this xxas largplx hpt insp of ihr
ititiu-p litat mid il-o tint (apt ilu ( onk linl not
eou-iih rod If tiPtp ail lo do -o
Story of the Battle.
diunal Nhlpx (leu liegm Ins de-tription of
the Inlilp of .lull 'I. Up - till Hip iliy liroke flir,
witli a pleisant laml luiie
"flpr 1 hid eilen mi- hrf ikli-t." Hip admiiil
toulitiupil, "1 i.iiuc up to ee whit tould lie oh--iixpil
wilh gla--i- Wr wpip liing at that time
uis-ilih Ihne inilis. m i little mei, from the
land, anil 1 lenieiuhei I wonileied whx the pneiny
piiinittul ns In icii'iiti -n ilo-t wiiliout fi'ing
it us, t a ijiiiiIpi to u nVlotk, an onlpilx re
ported to me Hut a signil Iiml heen mule In the
llig-hip lo ilisipguil her moxi inputs ami tint she
had guip i istxxaitl. 1 did not, of rour-p, know
wherp slip hid gonp." Op-tiiliing Hip toining
out of Ihp Imhor of the Sipru-h llul, thp wifui'S
-aitl: "I was sitting on tin1 tlptk whpu 1 Iieud
a tali from tlip foiward hridgp lo till Ihp poinnio.
doip thll Hip llppt is toining out. Thai was some
fiuif afti'i Hie nii'ii hid Iippii pilled to quirtd-,
ili. mt O.Ti o'floik The ship was liing. it that
tinip. with lier lipid in Innmil Hip l mil In Hip
diipttion of ralimts, a 111 Ilo roip to Ihp wpsl
xx nil, and oup of Ihp marking points we u-etl
in luaiiitainiug mil position. I looked nier Hie
siailiontl side ind s.ixx Hie tnenir foming out of
tin ptilianip of Hip Imhor. T looked eastxx ird to
see tlip orilei of Hip ships, f saw tlip Ti'Xts ap
li.iiently a point .,i morp ahaft the stirhouil
lip.iin. TIip Tpms .ippp.ued to tne to lip heitling
on some one of ttip eislprly poursp. To Hip lift
of hti wis Hip Iowa. 'Ihp Indiana xxas to Hip
la-lward of Hut po-ltion, and Hip OIoikp-Ipi
ixuig in lindt'i the 1 tint. TIip Vpw Voik was out
of tlislinip with gl i es. I looked foi Iipi, in or
dpi to ilt'teiinliip what in) position lu Hie anion
wis to lip Of ioiuso, if thp Vpxv Voik 1ml not
littu out of ilistau.p I xxoiihl not line glxeu oi
in ui,1 ,i -mini. 1 ha) in the uitnntiuif, gone fot
wan! on a lit 1 1 plitfoim Hial I had linl ion
stiuili'il nioiiml tin1 hitllf towpr, as niv pa-ition
in tin tight T hid onli htpii tin it1 a uiomiul oi
two when ( ipt lin Cook ioinetl me. lu Ihp
in, intiuip. Mi. Ilntlg-oii, who xxas on Hip upptr
liiidgt. sing out sonifthliu tn the t iptaiu aliout
lipiug fottiiutfil up and all ipad). Up, at the
-inn i hup. -ml to tne: rnuiinnilorp. Uipx- aie
un, i ghi at ii-' 'Well,' I siid, 'go tight fn
tin ui.' imi IIip liilm wa- put aport. Thp ship
wa- I. mid .ilu id lu-1, il piilup- hiif -pud I
d..n'l ipiollitt tint -In look Iipi wa) xnv
Muukli mil I -nd In (Viol. lloi-t the siginl,
i lo-p in lo at tioti
"llitu followed tho signil Mo-p up' ami the
lliooklin, a- will a- Hip nlhir shiis, ilurgftl in
fm tin1 i nil. ui. o. .molding lo Hip oiigiiul phn.
Wi all moitil illipt Hx fm Hie head of Hie column,
Hip liit.l in lllg In .1111 -I and kloik tin 111 lo pipfis
as thex faiup mi
The Ships Close In.
"Wi loiilinupil on inn ioiiisp foi li-ti ol ixifixe
iiiiniilts," hp saitl, "ind I saw all Hip ships of
inn IIppi tin. mi,- In. Oiip Ihoii-intl xauls is Hie
limn of PlTpitixf toipulo i.iugp nml as wp wiip
appliiiiliing ahnul tint ill-lliiuc I inelltloupd
suiiiflliliig of tliu suit lo Captuiii look, at Hie
sum' tinii- sixmg In linn: Mlutli will ilppcnd up
on Ilii-.-lui loiln,1 Cook leplietl that wp would
koiiii lip wlthm llip i to-s tup of Hip -.hips 1 mw
l.iputi'iunt "unpson's Hist shut and thin I sixv the
Hi -st xc.-.-t'l in Hip --paui-h lino tike a lank shtcr
tn Hip wp-tw.inl, Ip.niug Hip Vi-iaxt inuilng
stialght on. llieii tho lattei also tuintil tn the
westward. Il was noxx' apparent that the oiiglnil
plan of Hip had failed ami tin; weie
Shoe Leathers
We don't want to criticize your
knowledge. But the chances are
you're not acquainted with the
different methods of tanning
leather. It's an important item
in shoe making and in shoe sell
ing. There are shoes that show
in their last shapes the very latest style. That's about
all they do show; no attention has been paid to the
leathers and vital parts. We have studied this problem
long before we opened this Shoe Department, and we
are so confident of our leather qualities that 'our name
and guarantee appears on every shoe.
Visit the New Department.
Samter Brothers,
Complete Outfitters.
now entering upon the rinnd plnsp, ami tint
their nriv disposition would lontrol Ihelr nilic
ipient ionise, Caplalu Cook gaie the order to
poll Ilu- I elm. It he luil mil done o I nhnulil
Ii1M' In n niliiulp Hid I Mint lu him! 'Is ,umr
In Im npoll?' and lie ttplletli 'It Is npott nr Intel
nport,' I llillik (he littler."
Coming to the Hun nf the Itiookl'ii,
Sililiy, spinklng alcldlly and ilearly mid ntier
hesltatllitf for it Mold, raid Hilt he hut In Mr
em n Mdp linn mole Meailll). "Tim turn," he
. liil. "was ali-oliili'ly lontltiuuus, there was In)
casing ul tin' helm, and I unci snv Hie stir
liolld side ot Hip Tcms, I mil sine we Win lint
niMiiP llnl vpsspI than l.tK) )nd Wc xxcrp I")
distant Hint I npxir hid nn1 tlmnglil of dinger
In loniieilloii Willi the"
lie Mid the tlo-esl lange glxui was l,1i) )artls,
"Wc Mile to ilo-e," he went nn, "lliat I re
liiiinhei I ratltil ec nun oil Hie piiilali dhlpt
iiinnlng IkImppii theli -upri -trnt tun1! I toiihl exin
sec Hip iliillsht hptween then leg",
"llurliia Hip Hull l.iiuli unit Cotuniiiulcr Hodg
son, iiry innpirl), tnade Hip oh'piiatlon lint We
ahoilhl 'look nut for Hip Tpxa,' hut thprp was
tiexi r all) folloipiy Intween its nepr nn) folio
qui nf ntiy rhiratter IipIwppii llmlgson ami Inv
pIIi llisl, lieeati1!1 he was ton gontl un nfflier to
line so traiisgrpsspd, and, sieond, liuausc If he
hut tuidtrtakm lo do t-ct I rhouhl luxe repri
nuiiiltil him. That Imldetit Is Ihlloti; it ncxer
in ui ml."
A Baptism of Fire.
Al lids point Hip admit il nid tin1 leading one
nf Hip ships wis on Hu. Ilrtioklxn's slur
ho ml how1 and that not mill all of the itit'iux'a
ships, bill Hip furls as well, wric III lug ipputnl
ly at Hip llronklxti. "That Tnninent and tor Hie
iipM fltteen tnltiutes were thp tntl furious ol
Hie eomhil," lie ilil, nnd he lold how jets of
Willi r wpte .seen on all hands imi how ip.ifpning
i was Hip nolp of thp guns. "I In1 loir of tin!
piojprlllps, he '.ihl, "mis mli as pin only he
lis nit ourp, and. onpp, tin mxpr In1 fot
gnl I en. All foul of Hip "muiiI-Ii vpiIs wtu
llring on Hip lliookliu, and nonp of Hip siililh
lessils at that time .show e I Any injiui. Tin n the
thought paPil through nn- inliid Hilt tliev
tniglit get 3ii.iv and I fparcd wc should haxi
most of Hie fighl. as I hid not tliou'ht up to lint
linn1 Hut Hip hittleships wouhl he efliellxe !n a
cIitp. I Mill to Cook tint wp would "stnx- Willi
this iipn."
Tplllng of the inining up of Hip Oregon dining
tin' t hasp, dtniril Stlitpy saitl lip Ind npxer In
foip ipilipd tint sutli rapid lite was pnssihlp as
was imilltd ttoni thp Orpgon mil llrooklxn.
Until Innl.pil lu him. In- slid, likp shifts nt
ft nut1
Minn Hip M.itia 'Ipip-i winl a-hoip Hip ail slid he hid in-liiiUcil Captiin Cook to
tioiifx the tiieu In low, in I In keep Hit in in
fornifd of tin- piogre-s of pxints,
"'Hip) ean't see what t- lieing iIoiip," Iip s.iiil
tn Cook, "ind Ilu1)1 w ml to know "
Hip captain hid flu led (hit mjumlioii ind I lie
nn siges wiip ipttlxptl Willi flitpis ft cm helnw
llupilliing Hip 1-Iioip of Hip '-pinish
siups ui suu P--IOU. Iip Mid hp knew the following
Aiupiipin sipi would like i.irp nf Hum and pm
tpt t llip pmhrtls igitnst thp in-urgpnts ami Hie
flip on thpir own sli'ps. s tilt hitllp profpulul
at tin- limp tin umiiiiil -lid lie was xen an
ious ihoul f lu- r lime, as hp did not w mt the
Teres) nnd Ihp i-eaxa to gel he.xond ringe.
"I fciip.l Hip -hips wiip tr lining- and a-kpt!
I'.llis, who wis m rv ppeil with the stulmielpr,
mil In1 replied, ifpi i ii-p of Hie instiumpiil, llul
tip Huiuglit wp wit,1 holding niu nwu 1 tlioiuht
dillt until il Hip thin "
Tribute to Ellis.
l iii- pouil, I lie latum il piitl hi- tiiliuli to
I'.lli-, who, ho siul, in Ihp mianinuut pel fot in
ante ot hi- dill), I ul nl In- life Ui- ,oitp
liiwiiu! a- In spol,,, ainllx of (he shmking tight
whi'li tin -liloi wis ilppipililptl In i shi II wnuh
-p Hit ml Ids In im and hlootl upon Ihp iIpiI
"s.mip nt it it iihnl hip." hp -lid Up -an Mm
t f tl I lit ttf illit x mil Hip doctor pit k Hie hnlx
up nutl i .nil it tn Hie side as if to Hiiuw it oxei
tiouil il,. i ill,., out in Hum mil m ). , ,,, (hit
out wlio Imi filltii si '.'ill. mill ilp-imd n hetlir
luiiiil. ( oiilmuing Hip -Ion of thp tight proppi,
Hip nliniral ili si i ilim how Hip it,na linl IuiiipiI
tow ml Hip just Infoic . xxcnl a-hoip.
s -ho turned, in ili-tinitlx sm Up1 iilut nf i
sliot which inlpiptl In i how, wlipipupnu -hp
whcflcd hifk antl heailul tor Hip shoip, s she
did mi, lip -m hd i.i,u fun, and ail In i lug
shell, imi -hp li-lul -u fn oxrr tint he thought
slip niuht (inn Ititilp
"I signallul Hip Texas to look mil fm lm, l,ut
itu'lud no aii-wu," Ndinual -tihliy le-tiflptl.
"Hip l'eas was inn f.u huk, piolnldx. I rp
nuikpil al Hip lime, 'It ,1ops nol mallei Philip
is tin ns sensilde. lit n. nl- no instructions,1 "
ptaking tin n of the iflpit nl thp 1pinish (lie
on Hip llinoklin. In -aid it was n lipny Hill all
the liuging of t lit P.mokliu Ind heen ml: nen
tin -pit d i oiu- hid In t n shot awax, one of them
in. nli stiiklug him i- he on Hip liiulgp.
fm the Vi-taja limlid tlown hu inlois, the
thi-e of Hip t tdon ttutimiitl Mu i dged in slioip
ami appi irpd to hp following 1 lie tontoiii' of llip
toi-l Up thought she wis hiking fop u soft
il if o to go a-hoie, luil -he kt pt on. -.lie wis
tin li mil ol i iiim' ami lu I. .hi (onk to haxe tiip
nun i nine up nnl s,pi a hiiiilh of aii- and some
tiling to eil Up Iuiii-i Ii winl into thp forming
town mil -ani. mil it, tho.p In low through the
luhe Hut all -hip- , u nt mu had gout ashore
ami that lie would ilcptud upon thuu In gpt 'ntr
Thtip was iiiuili ) ul I it fori nuioiiL Hu nun, lip
slid, lull Hie Itit.oklxn's innt Ion m until slow tud
lie il), and Hie admiial s,i, he diicUul Cipliin
Cook (o nuke an Aimiuatinn Tlie tcsiill was
Ilu disioMMx- lint 1 w tier light toiupiiltnnit was
full. It wis M fu,r llinught tint then1 Ind h.,n
an Injniv lo ll.c ship hcinw Hip w'llei line, ftei
Unit, howpxei. Hit1 speed of Hip niouklin in
uiistii "-hi. wi- Itpi foi Tmipiino
Pnitii, on Hip lliiotx that Hip (Vilmi, to gp away,
would hue In piss Hi il point lie oidetPd plii
annuunltion lumiht up for u-r whpn they time
to close ipiaiter-. 'I lie Colon w i- Rr'adiiilly
oxtilnuled l tnl he .Iguiiled the Ongou to liy
one of hi r l.l-iiicli gnus He -ii.1 he hid siij!-po-ttl.
until Cipliln It stifled, (In, ,he ni.
ilu luil In ell infixed 'Hie Olignu, he -liil, wis
il ft Hie heaiti of 'he lliookliu, woiUing up a lit.
He oua-lonill) tluring the thi.e, hut hp tlid not
Ihink the two hulls win1 fixe hundred .nrils ipirt
at un thuf.
Surrender of the Colon.
M l.'.."i) both tlip Oiefcuu and Hip lliookliu
opined, Hip fonnir with hu thirtiui inili, ind
tin1 littu wilh lit r eight-iuili gum 'Hip -lull
from ot e of this tlutteen-intli gnus l,p ill-tiiiitly
aw fall he)0tul the Colon, and also imp of tlip
eight-hull guns. Suddenly the Colon Untied her
niie In shine, Hied a gun tn leewanl, ami hauled
down her Hag,
The atlniinil saitl he at umc Icn illnI Hut the
entiny had suinndered, He miiiUoiiul the fnt
then tint there was dilllculty in getlinc a boat
out to boanl Ilu Colon. "We (.teamed Into i
position, I should say, ot a thousand, 1
remember distinctly Captain Cook asking me if
he should (low up. I saitl: '.Vo, pontine in,'
"At Hip timt the Colon hulled down her flag
I think iIip was aliout four mile- fiom us. c
were running Hun in the iKlKhhotlioiul of fiflecn
knot. I ihink it was about l.!10 p, in. When
the miii ih'i otiuried I looked for the other
es, iiti Hei-t, I i4 w three efsels astern.
1 uu.hl in Hie iiij.Ii) of two. I muld only pee
Ihp smoke of tlin third one. When C.ipttln Conk
.Uriul for Ihe Colon after the huiremler he said
to me: 'Commodore, what are the lerins of Mir
rentier i' 1 taiil lu him: 'IJiieonditioutl.
are matters Hie commander In ihlef mint nr
rjnge.' Ahout 2110 o'clock- Iho Nnv York tainc
up. I nude eignah to her When (.he came up
I nude tho clcnat to her that it was n glorious
day for our country, M boom at iolhlo I went
on hoard to pay my re.pecls tn tho cointuitidcr
In thief, I related substantially what luil oc
cur led. Nhihi talking wilh the, ofllcer-, of Iho
Vexv Voik the. ilnnliln ol tho fcliip camo up to
tne and tlili 'Cnmiuoiloie, )nur work I. not
oxer )ct, The Ilesoluto las Jn.t artixed and re
ports .1 HpanUli bttllesliip on tho unit ami tl.o
admiial wants to fee jmi' I (uuiul Caplalu
laike with the u)innnniler in thief, I iiutle
tome bUgclloii In Iho iidiuliil nhnut hoisting
the flag on the Colon and said In him Hut I wai
prrpatetl il hu had pot tome up to haio tint a
fnne t,( lllly or tlly men en hoanl to uko n
Besslon and aohl an) tiling like 'mnnkexlng of
"When ha mentioned lo tne In take the Hiegon
and go In tho ri-twatil to (met HiU ship nunt
say I Ml some little delight, liec..uo I Ihoughl
Ihit allir the admirable work of tho h.pudiou on
that day and the part the Oregon and the I i rook.
)ti had in It that there wai not un) thing that
carrlul tho Spanish coloia that wo t-houhl haxe
hesiUteil to meet,"
Tho w lines., then told of slailine; lor the t..ip
posctl Span 11 1 kliip, having; made tlgnal to Hit!
Otegon tn follnxv tin. flag, lie told ol mcelii'g
Hie Vixen mil bcliig infoiiued that the
ihip wan tho IVIjjo. Tliu wilnibs tiieu deotribed
tho oxeihauliiisT of the itrangir, width proved In
be ait American merthaut e.s.el, TTicaihnlial then
told of tho return of Iho licet and taking position
before Santiago.
Alter Admiral .Sibley had iinnploted iiU .licount
ol tho battle ol July U he wa lutetrojalcil b)
Mr. Itjjncr with a xlcw to luinging out mote
clearly le.tliuony from the admiral in regaid lu
4 deputed polnta In Ihe coutioxcuy. Anions other
illsptitri nl this ehararler tniicernliig whlih he
was iupstlomd wric lliop iplitltur In Ids inimr
sat Ion Willi Meiitriitiiit Hood, and I apliilu Mt"
Calla'K lesllmtiu) til Hie t ffpi t Unit Iip (Mft'alli)
hid breli Ihe ntlglntlur of Ihp teiuilk lint Ilu IP
was glmy ptinugli lit Hip htlllc lor all. iihntril
Sfhley MM that lie tnmlileiril enllnr llile Hu1
anltior of Hip lat denltnieiiti nnd that he did linl
riinunher llip toiipratlou iipnitnl In MiuIpiiiiiI
t .1.10 p, nt. (he court ndluuined tiiilll Momlix',
Vilinlral Hi hie), Mini hid Iippii on Ihp 'land
mo-! of the tin, tompliliicd of au Inltillou in
Ids lhroit and tin! iiillouihuiptit aunrdlug was
Regnrtlln"; Saiupson Summons.
.Iut bpforp the mljimtnitipiil. .bulge dini lie
I.rmli aildrpsspil Hip court ns lollows:
"lltffio the toitrt adjoutin, I would like lo il:
cnuusit n ipieillon, He aiiiiomnnl polilltli llnl
he ilpsiipil a mnnuons ksiietl for uiti
Kim. I hive tlntrd, Ironi Hiiie In I Imp, Hial I' up
would glxp me tintlti when he waitlnl Hip ail -ummoiinl, I would mmmon hlui, 1 luxe
not ipppIxp any notice, anil I dnu'l wnnl In
Ipiixp Hip rpponl In lltl happ, atnl I would like
tn kmw what his wishes are lu Hip miller."
Mr. II it in r My wMips nrp Hut II jmi cm
Kiiiiunim him, niiiimon him As I miilpislatid it, "ainpsou Is not In a rendition to be
nuiiiniiineil. Up Is not well enough lo cninp Into
point. I am perfpcth willing tn luxe him licit',
ami I, of ioiiisp, don't t for a uinuunl mi.
thing I alil 11 Hip tinip Hip call was inadp. Tor
court wilt teiollpil Hip u-p nf Ihp words, '( leu.
fupgops' ami hiIIieo.' The wnnl used In that
illspilpli was "uiilligo ' l Ihp limp Afliulial
plilpy fpnt Hie dlspilth Into Hie mix ilppirtiiipnl
Hiprc wis In (be mragriph 'tills pxitlnitly iiieins
Clcnfiifgops, l. , ' I look il for gianlpil lliat
this, of f mil s.-. wmilil Iip nilmlllid. Hipip wis
nidi1 tine per-on In thp woibl who muld ixplnn
Hint, llul Hut was -.impsnn Ml- lp.uucil
lunllipr dpi linitl tn nlmll it. I do not think 'nm
Hip ipipsllon Is as sulcus as I did at lliat time.
Vim, I and imi belli know Hut sduilril Muip
sou Is not In rniililinu tn be t illul into tmirl.
I tin not winl In tip iut in Hip poslllon nl insist.
In; upnii Hip citllng of -.'impsnn Into i
lonlinitisx' win ip Ids pips, mi1 Is not neipssuy
nml when hp Is in no louditlnii whnlpxer to be
tuought Into ponrl. ixpu if his prp-pupp wis m
t ps-1 1 1
Minr MpKIiiIi) hid Ju-I Iippii ilpfealed for
tougipss, ami Mnjor IViriP tnel hint at the coun
ter ot a flowiidnwii cigar stoic. Mi, MeKinley
wis iletitliilly downcast oxer his defeat, and did
not toiuctl thp fid Up appioitliptl Mijur
I'pinp and siid: "Miim. u,u hixp titpu most
foilituiilf mil I most uufoitunatp."
'Hie St. I.ouisan lookul at Hit1 Inline pipsuleiit
in,Uiringli, -i n I Mr. Mi Ix'tnlex fonllniied: "r.
)ou sec, whin the xx li was oici. instcul of 1 ik
ing up a piofcssinn, as xou line done, I look
Hip plungp intn poittlis. and xou pan sec wheip
I am now lfter lux, with little pio-ipit
btfoip nip Yon toek Hip sensible rouise In go
ing nut to s, funis mil licsmning Hie pi Mice
of liw Vim line pnispcipil, ami well, )nu
knoxv how it is with im "
Mijor I'p.irip's ipplx was pi., pin In "Nexpr
mind, Vltjor, Jn-1 t.ikp motlipi- good si irl, mil
tin )eiis fioni iif xou won't rlnngp pints
xxith me if I ollii ou a bonus. Ils iu xfni."
It was aliout this stnip pi nod tint an iuriiKnt
hippentil which Congit -m in .lop Cannon dp
lights to It'll, 'Hip two nipl il a Chicign hnlel,
both lining been dpfeiled fm ip-plpdinn. IIipx
wpip sinrounded bx a dntu or mmc fripuds, who
wi ip touuni-pntlng tlipiu on tlirir Mi.
MfKiiile.x was smiling blindli ami a-siiiing Ids
fiiuuis tint pxpiithiug xxtuibl t ouip out all ligiit,
and Iip ixas nnl in thp lci-1 dishcailput d. One
bx niu- llieir (lieu, is lefl thciu, until Hip tun
wpip sitting side bx side in thp roiiidm (an.
noil was the hisf tn speak.
"Hill0" Willi i using niflpflion.
"Winl is it, .Ihp:1' rpspniiilcil the fuluu pipsi
lout "Vow Hnl wp ate al, tie, there is no Use lung
lo tath nihil. 1 mi ill tul up ahnul tin defeat.
Ilnxi aboul )oitf"
"Me Inn." s,l Mi Mt Kinlty. i, Tunis
The Modesty of Childhood.
Little Philip wauipil tu go xisitlug Ihp i.llni
In. lb longiil to in to s, p Vlaip, x1 hu Iixps
lip nix two blocks aix.i) Vftpi a good dpi of
tpisitig his niotlipi siid he might go.
"Vnil nm I sla.x lo liiiuli?" Hie box a-kul.
"V'ou nn; if Maie's luothei a.-K- jtut to,"
was Hie nplx. "If she ilne-n't hp ship to tonit
hf.nip befoic noon."
Philip lP.Khctl Vliie's hnu-e a feix minutes
litei and gillnped up on the pouh wlieie tin
little gill's inothiT was sitting
"Mis Paiki'r." he Mid, Inlf mil ot bipiih,
"I'xt1 toine lo pi i) xxith .Vltip all tlax, ami my
inothri fajs I must not st ii' hue tn lunch un
less joii i-lc ine to, but I ain't bungi.x ,xct." -Uo-lon
Requires Treatment Which Acts in Harmony With
tho Fomalo System.
Letter from Mrs. Wright, President of Brooklyn,
N.Y., Round Table, Proves this Claim.
A proat many womon Hiiftcr vvllhu form of imllge-iUon nr tlysnupsla wliloh
does not tvetn to yield to ordinary liii'dlcal treatment. While tin H.vinptDttii
RPom to he .similar to those of ordlnnry indigestion, yet 11 ic inrdleines miivots
ally jirescrlht'd do not scorn to restore the jmlicut'R nnrmnl contlltioii.
Mrs. Plnkliiltil elalmR that there Is a hind of dyspepsia Hint In cruised hy
de.ran(reiuciit of the female organism, nutl whieh while it causes dlhtnrbnnees
similar to ordinary Indigestion cunuot ho relieved wltliont a medicine which
not only acts as a fitomach tunic, hut hnu peculiar ntero-tonic clTeots ns
well In other wordu, a derangement of tho female organs amy have Mich n
disturbing effect vipou a woman's whole syhtem as to cause serious hidlffcs
ttoii and dyspepsia, and It cannot be relieved without, curing the origlua
cause of tho trouble, which scemB to find Itx source iu tliu pelvic organs.
As proof of this theory we hep to call attention to the letter fiom Mr
Wright, of Brooklyn, N. Y., herewith published :
. .,,:,'Hi ur-S'ir'wl n,' ' .' 'II
v,l W- i-
"DnAn Mil1. Pinkiiam : - For two yours I suffered move or less with
dyspep-sin which so doeuoraled my entire .system that I was unfit, to
properly attend to my daily duties. I felt weak and nervous and noth
ing L ate tasted good and felt like a stone in my htomaeh. I tried sev
eral dyspepsia euros, but nothing seemed to help mo permanently. I
decided to give Lydia E. Plnktiaufs Yegetuhlo Compound a trial, and
was happily surprised to tind that it aeted like u fine tonie,and in a few
days I began to enjoy and properlv digest my food. My recovery was
rapid, and in ftvo weeks I was a different woman. Seven bottles com
pletely cured me, and a dozen or more of my triends have tihcd it since.''
Mns. Maoon: Wright, 1 ti Van Voorhis .St., Brooklyn, !N. Y.
How a Serious Tumor Case Was Cured.
" DBAn Mrs. Pinkham : Some time ago 1 wrote you that my regular
physician had made an examination and told me I was afflicted with a tumor
in ray womb. I had backache, headache, bearing down pains and very pro
fuse menstruation. My limbs would acho &o I could not sleep and I was very
weak and nervous. T was bloated from my head to mv feet. After receiving
your letter I took Lydia E. I'inkhum's "Vegetable Compound and
Blood Purifier, and followed all the rest of your advice as uear as 1 could,
and tho tumor was expelled in pieces, and 1 regained my natural size. I con
tinued taking your Vegetable Compound for a while longer and felt like a
new woman. 1 cannot thank you enough for your kind advice and what your
medicine did for me. It certainly saved mv life." Jilts. Pkiuxv S. Wilms,
Ver.shire, Vt. (March 11. 1901.)
It, would scera by tlicscstatcincntK that women would save time
nnd much sickness if they would write to Mrs. Piukliaii) for ad
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See the
" Delsarte "
It's something the custom tail
or can't show you! He might be
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