TSp5w353P "$& ww r hi" ' t v, i rp THJ3 SCltANTON TUIBUNJfi-SATUItDAV. OCTOBER 2(3, IDOi. Pk k WViri' The News of Carboncfale JOHN M'COMB'S BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE To the Memoiy of Comrnde Dtuius C. Bonscoter Dell vet ed to the ComindcR nt Dfivlei' Post Head ciuniteis on Salem Avenue, Friday Afternoon, Pilot' to the rormntton of I lie runeml Tiocesslon. The follow lug encomium met with the tfcnrly ondoiscmoiit of thu ooinriides ,iul tile iiicniboiH of navies' post uiiiin inutisly voted to Incorporate It In thu lilimtL'x. ua their sentiments mol tic giuilly exiiie-ssed. "Coiiiuulcs. our mission this arter nuoii is of a tintPinul untitle, nmrlo liiipiisnlvc by the presence of death lit our association "1'itst Cominundot Dai lus C. Hon seotur, one nl our beloved metnbeis, Is soon to bo consigned to mother aith. For eight months he has mif feied. with u knowledge that there was mi hope tot him to Initio the disease which was sapping hltt vitality. Ho ban borne with Cluistiun leslgnntlon his fatal allllotlon. Calmly he haw wafted for his i please fiom pain. Now' he hi at lest, "W could not help him beai his bllldcii. although nur hoaits weie tour he (I hv his physical distress, nut . f yearned to attest our sympathy and nlh-vhitp bis inlbmlty. In his cne, medical hcience was defied, and human Intel vent Ion pi avert Impotent. "This Is tin- last opportunity that shall come to us to testify our icspoct for his poison. Though bo is Insensi ble to what is being done, we fuel that be mollis our waimest legmrt; mid we aio assembled this aftei noon for the cxpicss pm pose of giving tangible testimony of our icspe-ct foi him as an upiight man. an lionoiablo lllcn. an txcinpluiy piadltal Clnlstlaii, and a ojal comiade. "Wo admiied bis sloillug Individu ality; we ippeeted his htues, and we jheilsh his memoi.v. As our innks aic glowing tbinnei wo aic impiessid more vividly by the ties which bold vcteunis to lliiuly togcthei. AVe tliluK ol the las when our blood was nifcied to help cemont our gie.il union of statrs, mid how- the shai lug oE danger, depii Mtion and miseiy, developed mutual dependence and confidence in the men who fought for the peipetully of oui national government, and who gave biith to the liiand Auny of the lle public tiili t -11o oaih ago Those men ivlll peipotuato our noble oidei s-o long as our once mighty host of un--elflsh patiiots has any lepiosentntlves lelt wlio an able to think and act. "D. C. llenscotcr enlisted .Tan. 11, 1S6I, as a pilv.ito in romp my 1. of the -ice oiid leglmcnt, Pennsylvania heavy .ntillciy. JH.s ilNcbaige is dated Jan. 2:, ISbC. 1 II-. teim ol seivlec was two veaio and llfteen class. I.Ike thous .ncls of other oung men ol the sitlc-s lie rntcied the stivice ol bis couii tiv to pu foi m .inj duty assigned him. lie was not looking for an ca-.y bei th, nor was he pi oel. timing his piowes.s! ;ie took his il(u,o in the i.mlo. ami tbcie sh.uccl the tiials and the hai d slilps of bis comi.idcs-in-aims in camp, on the uiaiib, in the bivouac, and un der liu. lie aciillicd the di-i iplilie of n soldlei. and siiboi (limited his indiv idualltv to those- lomml'-sloned wllli .iutboiit to roniiiiciiiil. lie was ulth ful to the c.uiM', which lie t"pnii-i'd. lie was i ousideiate or his It How --ol-dieis. He was obedient to his ollli "if, and lcliable at all times. Ills (undue I was mciltoi lous and his mm Ice coin mondal'lc. "His irroid in Hit iTt.mil Aim. of the ltepuhlie is one of honoi. lie was mus ts red into Siigonnt ill! mi II. Davie-' post on Nov. a, lii' ' As a comiade, a chaplain, and ,ih c oniin.iudei, the same t haiae leiisllts' of Ills .utie .soldlei life weie conspli noil-, ilcnial, Ihought ful of the vv el fine of otbcis, c ousel m tlous in nlispiving the letter ami Hie spirit of his nhligation. he has lor olglilepu e.us miilnlaincd his ineinbet sblp and thu good will of his assoel ite.s wlio woie the blue when our Mau. flag needed men of i outage and demo tion to (Ulend It. "In eh 11 life can depaited comiade manifested the same tiaits of ehaiae ter which made him a good soldlei and an esteemed votcian. lit was u liable In the pet foi malice of his duty us he nuclei stood it. And ho had the Intelli gence to eompiehond the meaning of the woid in all of its applications to the aftalis of lilo. "As Vie pattlripated In tin closing seene of the last act ol Ids well-bal- THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE A SH 11 A Eoo.l Mil, iiiiil.llp iijo pre h mil in hi Mi,. Willi.im llinluiiii, w lii.inlill bine VA 1 1.1 1 -1 O fit Kt lljnn plIlllPIH It line, p. ply to V. J, lim.li, I hiiiili hlicet, CiiIjum dale. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delnwnje and Hudson Rniliond. .Iiiiio I, I'jOl, 'luins will lenif Ciilmnilulo ul city ttillon is (oil oh at fcr bcrualmi mil V Hko-, IJiuc orv 711,; ,, .. ooi, tuui, 1121 i. iii! i-n 111, '5i. iVy 6 cm. T oi. loot, io.li p iii ' '"" s.uiic1j trains U uc at I- 00, Ji .( p, , . i . C in, 5 50. S I") n. in ' ' ,u' Kir Alliinj. Mnti.'i, Muntldl, llistnn ,. 1 nitlJiiil vuiuU, etc., 7.1X1 ,i, I,,,. J;,, ' (lail.l ' ' For LjI.p lodoic ttijiinit, ami Uonckii,?. T SI, 11 Oj a. in . 11, d.ll D. in. """".iir-, humlay tninn iivrlvc jt 017 a. m : l" in , , 4 S. U ' ). 11 JO p. in. " lv J -. biuidJ tralm .irrlo at Ciiliamlila (mm i ,l Jioilori". W'ujuurt oml HoncsdalQ j't iit 'Vim and 7,01 p jn. '"'' 4,lu New York, Ontnito and Westoui, Sept, 17, Itfll Trains lcap CarbuiiJalc (ur hiiaiiloii at rm . m ; i'O p. in. w a. hcmcUy traliu at 7 00 a, in j no) p, , Vuln lcao PuIioihIjIo icr tiulnts noiii, , 11.110 a in On biuidaj at 'J.0 ., ,," '. " , ' Icjviiii; it II IV a Hi. week oiw ui ,0 '" ' Eillidjja make coiiiieUlon (u- . tm, ,.,,' wall, tic. " luin' Tralm ar?lo (ruin Vrmlon at II pi ,, , , . . P m; tiuin pninu noilli, Km , Sm!,.!.,' (com Mranton ot p in a in. mul 7 13 p m . ,.," vlMla it COU p, in ' ' ,,v"" Eilo Kalhottd. " " Jnne si, 1901 Trains leaie lt olatlon, (aitmitlilo, n.i.v (rxttpt ftuntlji) jt 7Wa. in an I 1 .1, p ,i ,01 Pran'lt aii'l Mrculi; at djj a. n , dailj (UN ceptlii; bnnda;), U-e lliii,luiuioii, nul ln )on. liettlotiT (or cw Yuik cltj ami lliin, 4n,j u. .10 p. in (or SuiiiJilianiM, inaklir, luiihttlout fcr wotirn po!iit. Sund4j traltw it t) 15 a in. ini sn,c uliinna, nltli watcrn i umic:t lorn, ami U ','" p. in. with tame connect Ioiji. Trains inlo at S VJ a. in mil 113 ,,. m Bund j; j at ii 0) a. 111. rihI lloiio'ihlc Jt 0 -to .i. in : I. in, j.ii p .' art 'lialiu inhu at Cirliondilp (mm inn.,..,,,. . ... . 1 .17 (lit .I'M I " 1112 a. . .' ltl.,0 11 57 ii. in.: 1 VI i. in. ' "' nnoed life It Is with areat .sallsiactlou that wu can claim nihility with one wlio has left Mich a fniBiant memory. 'As we assist In depositing the ie mains of our fellow soldier In the silent city of the dead wo feel that Ills splllt Is with the icclci'tned, mid that the hope of his devotional natuip has been tealb.od. And so we will leinu the deatl with the dead and consider nur f tittup as individuals, while we di aw consolation fiom the thoiitrht that wo have an boiioiablp locoul to point to, ".Not many eais hence and the last of the 'Old riitard' will liave been nitin tcied out of the sci vice heie below, mul called bv Hie Hupienie f otuinuiider to join the imtiiuipiable hosts abop. Loiik after our bones shall bine ciiinibled Into dust, and the mounds that imp now each ,ear decoiated by the en feebled r 01111 1 fides shall luncalllik to the level of the sun minding enith may (his Kicnt t'nlon tlouilsb. lamir after thu last suivhor of the (liaud Ai my of the Hepnblle shall bine been forgotten as a nian, will the nieinoiy of Ibo deeds poi foi tiled by the 'Hoys In lllue' be em bluzoned on the piiKes or htstoiy, and, so lonpr iik hlstoiy Is lead, and coitr iirc and deotloii to the cuuo of iIrIiI I" admiied, so lont; will he tlieilshetl the memoiy of tbo eteiaiis who foiiBht to suppics the Cheat Rebellion of lSiil " POOR BOARD MEETING. Contioller Wheeler of Auditing Com mittee Appeals Befoic Boaid. 1'iomptly at 7.J0 ln-t nlctht, the new meetbifi: hour ot the pool boaid, all the membeis woie In tbeb "v.l. one of the clt's paupcis, n chaise at the pool faun, appealed beloi the lio.ud to an swer ch.URes iiKiilnsi his ai lions on the tniin. He declined bis innoteme, and a committee of in estimation was appointed. Mi. Mi Cube, ol the r.iim committee, lenoited that K1.111U llol- lonbaek bad olfeied the boaid the sum of $100 for the tlnibei on the laim, and he to he allowed two ems to diau it awav in After a lenrrthv (li'-eusslon the boaid decided to liae a 1 (iiliinlttec view the tlmbci and upoit at the in t inectlntr Oltv Contioller J. T'. AVlueloi, a nicmbei' of the poor boaid aiidltltiK comniittce, ( aine bcloie the boaid and was bImii tile pililec,e of die llocn. He told the boaid tint be bad braid that the audllois ueio lo be "loaslcd" at the mcetltif,'. and In had 1 onie to de tend the committee. Ho slated tliat the .uidltois had beinin the audit on the 111 st Alondaj in Apill, but had not et llnislied. lie M.ue ,11 Ions leasons for the audtlois' l.iiluie' in not li,tiiii; (he '"tilt iead. and lietrm d the liidiilireinp of the boaid for a shoit time All. AlcC.ibe stated that the boaid had been bald up foi monev ol latt and would like to lu 0 the audit com pleted as soon ab possible Mi. Whcflii siid he would tiv and li.ie the audit uiniplettil in a uiuiith's time i: Tieasuur hj nc h has nol tin md inn moiipv wliu li was taken in li him dtn iiiK ids t e 1 id, .md was awaiting ilu (lnili ol the audit mi us to lnr nl(. bil.incc a'l 1 01.11 I .Mi. Win pin w.i, ol the opinion that the mom could Kifely be tlllliec: over al once, and If tbeie was am inistiiUe made. v In 11 the audit was llnislied it could uis b,. itc tilled All. Jviitb InlmiiHil the bond that be would t tit 11 the inoniv on ,u nine The boaid Iiv theii .11 lion last ulelit shown! an Iniitasu in tin ii icouoiiiv piaetiiis ,i uv, 1 iMi ,, j,,,,,, ,ltv lliiKKled in pi a niolion lo pa a himl man loi (lie whilei inonlbs at llu tmiu loi between t Ighl and lindollais v In n the same until. Ibtv lliouitht. could In lllltd foi 1 lull t ilolliii.s As a lompio lilise thi di 1 bled 1,1 olfi 1 him 1 Itjlit dollais, ami ii h, 1, fiistd that, lo mui him nine V miiiibi 1 or bills um 01 diic'd paid, and llu boaid tin 11 ad join mil. To Tiny 111 Athens. Tin Indian loolball ilc-in. lit it 1 11 .sicin", have ibis ninimiiK at s o'llo.k 011 the I)i law .in and Hudson ti.iln im i-nantoii, while tiny wll take .1 ti.iln 011 the Dilavvaip, LiPkaw.iuna and Western foi Athens, l'a. Tin v ,ue billed to jil.tj Hie stiollR lootball leain ot 111.11 ill at ,i:.il this alttinoou. Tbo eleven will 1 111.1 In In Athens over nlKht, letuiniiii- to tills Ot on Sun day. Tile eleven has In en Kieatl stic iiKthi'iiPd tor this conte-sl. having seemed I'titp ot the Aiihbald team, .McDonald ot a Snanton clown and .1 pla.vei nanitil MlilmoU lioiu Duudall. Theii mas(ot, Oeiald Alell.ile, in a 10I or iinlfoim, will aiioiiipinij th,. U'.un and ,tlo 11 nuiiibei ol tailhfiil inotus. Hot Gamo Today. The High School loot bill ti am will have foi thili opponents. ihs uitti lloon the st,,m(. eleven 1 c pi cm IUIiik the School ot th,. haikitwnnnu, of Suanton. The local tlevcn has pi.u. llcul cllliccutl nil the past md; ami epccl to laud 11 v ic ten v ol ,, loiuroit able liiaiKln. Tills Is tin. Hist tlim llu two elevens ha V( cci nie t, mid a l,ue Me cioud will no doiilu boon liiunl to elieoiil.iKC the louil elc c 11. Sunday S('vlceH. hiiudav M'nlcps o the Aluboilist I'.plsiopal (hiiidi: Devotional Mivlce at urn: pi em him,' b Rev. in. WIImui at 11'dn; Siiinhi school in u in, Rp. Will 111 li.iKUP ill l..:0, eMlllKcIl.slle Mi Vice, coiicliictcd h Rev, l)r, Wilson, nt 7.IJ0 All stats lice, and ivci j liod) wid c 01110. Touioiiow will bo Rall.v dnv In the Sunday school. A spci'inl 11101,111111111,. bus bien piepaied, lull ispeiM'd with select lecliatlons and inusli. Rumor Untitle. A minor whs Klveu iieilciice In this city ycsteiday to tbo 1 tfec t that Jnu nilali Hulllvan, biiiuess of Al.illeld, was dead. Seveial iclativts of Mi, Sulli van fiom this city went to Alayileld and found the minor to be untitle, Tim genial "Jen" Is In tho best of health. All Men Invited. Thu 10 will bo a bpotlal ineetliiB tor men only In the McthodlM 1 hutch Sun day afteiiioou at J o'clock. The meed. Int? will be addicsscd b Rev Hi. AVII soii and pioiiiIm's to be 0111 01' mote than oidluaiy Inteiest. All men aic cendlall;- Invited 111 with AppeudipiUs. (Jaiileld 'Wllllaiin., o( the Amrilrnn hotel, 1 1, m with ,eii atiack ol app.'li da ills. The Illness canu siidtlfiil 011 him TIuiimUi.v. 4 A Lid's Nauuw Escape. Tin othei ivpiiii','11 bo who i't.'d -s oil IlOspllal liticcl. iitliinliiK ilnni the silk mill, iiawle.iiiidpr a 1 1 .1 in 01 '.at 1 hl.tiulliit,' at the old 1111I011 stiitioii, The ti llu btckccl up, but be had the piece- 'lie' of llllllil til tliiov. blllli-idl foi v f(l Ills ciIoh nttiacleit a yotiinr man who sltfiuilled Hip eiiRlneer anil had the tin hi stopped. Twenty cms passed over the spot wheie ho lav. If tho lo eoiiiotlve pa"ed over tho spot he would no doubt have bet 11 uiushcd to death. Up eocaped with 11 cut on the foio Itciitl, ANOTHERCLOSED SUNDAY Tomonow Will Sco Even a Stilctor Obsetvanco of tho Sabbath Than East Sunday Dings and News nnpois Only Can Be Bui chased. Tonioiunv will see even a mine Billet obseivatice of the Sabbath than was witnessed on Sunday last, when the lawn oi Sabbath oliservaiu p wpio liioio iIrUIIv enrolled than 011 any dn. ot lest In the hltoiy of the city. Last Sunday, I lie older for a closed .Sunday was not can led out In the Hti letest sense, one elfrar stoic re mahiicl open and did a tlulvliii,' busi ness and all thu iIiuk stoics disposed of as iiianv ciiraiH as there weie do inaiids for them. This older of things will bo ehuiiKed tomonow, and tbeie will not be a place In the city whole 11 mail can buy his Havana or his cheioot, unless that place disobeys the oideis ol the pollie ilepailment. Chief AlcAndtPW iiotlllcd, duilnp the wpek, all the di urkIsIs, iio new stands and tlcjar stoips not to dlwposp of cIkhis or clKiiiettes unless itiulcr tear ot ai test and pioscciitlon. The sale ol dlUfis mid cbcnilciils cannot he lu teifeiod with, but iIr.iis .tie not aiiionp tiio netessltlcs ol II lo, so be lieves the mind ol the law, the de cided opinions of sinokeis to the c ini tial y notvvlthstaudliiK'. Those, theie foie, who want tliph "smokes" on Sti 1 d.tv, had bettpi la in n .supply lonlfrht or hew them tiom tholr ii lends tomoi low, N'ewspnpcMs mo looked upon as .1 necessltv, at least the .sale of them won't lie distill bed. even thiitiKh It does ueem like iinuness,uy wink to Iiik home 11 bundled piikps, 111010 01 less, ol 'eilous and tllssci tatlons, the lal l st l.iK-tiine .selection and the pictuie albums ol "Happy HoolbT.in" and "loey Oi.indpa.' Tin- newstands, howovei can't sill i Ik.ii s 01 ilKaiettes, the Sumln.v iiu.vclopedias Is the limit. The new older ol alMii- has been disc tissod all week, and Hissed, also, ami Is lll.elj to lontiniie to be until the icsldinls be, om. aceuslomid lo the cli.int,'!', 01 until It Is modllled at least, as is beliiK picclicted ill ipiaiteis wlieip the 1 1- is ti spint of lesuiitment against what is uiKcd as belli;,- a too 1 ifjid thaw Iiik ot the lilies. DARIUS BENSC0TER TUNERAE. Laid at Rest in Maplewood Cemetei y with Soldieis' Honois 'I'lie fiinei.il ol the l.itp Dallas C. liMlMiitti took place jesleidaj altei 1101111 ttoni the lesidetue on Xotth Chun li sticet. 'J'lie deceased was .1 inembci and past conim.iiider ot Wil liam If. U cv les' post, Ciiaiul Aimv of the Republic, anil lie was laid at lest with all the lumens ol it militaiv set -vln The allciidanie of fi ie nils was laii-, both .it the bouse and at tho Kiavi in Alaplewooil cemetei v. At tlie fiinei.il, lipslili. the inemlni.s of Davits' post ,as a clelciritlon lioiu the IocIkc ol Alasons, to whkh .Mi. Hem-eotcr belonijc el Tin 'talus wne ecilldtutcd at the bollsi- bv R,. A P. Chalice, p.istoi ot the Aldhodisi chuiili, ol which the deceisi'et was a di voted wolkei. olli-ei.itnir,- Rev. ('Italics Kee. p.istoi ol the riist I'te sb teiian iliunli asslsl nl ill the sci j, ,!. t I he riiavi the nllial ol the (ii.iud Aunv was iibs, 1 i,, Iljiuus vvcle s.illijr .it I he .senins Iiv Hip ciuaitellc. W. U Hv.iiis r fink. Will Cl.uk. I. J. l.ovilaiid 11111I11 Hie diieclion ot All. Rvans. 'I hr liMinisweic ".It'iis I'ilot Mi ' Ne.urr Alv l!od to Tine," ' Tin Cliiistiau - Cooil NiKht " The pillbiatel.. Wile Hlliol Ski eK T C Robinson 1 .VI Alcandei, I, D Woll, .faiob Hitel ami Alison U,ille 'lilt Mown beMieri. Alcb liiink, I.ouis I'oiti 1 ( li.tiun 1 v Hai Ie find I'lank Stl'plll'lls Tlios, Hum out nt luvvu who attcini 1 el ibe I1111e1.ll We ie- Alls. i R I'llllll liici. ot Tieveiloti. Mis W.iiicu Chap in .Hid sm,, T. ol RisliiiiK ClteK lai'Pine e oiilitv Riank lien-cotei. S. .1 Calk'ntler and sn r,a,,k, m ,u v Hit . .Mi. ami Alls. ,l. - t '.ilioiKlt t and daiiKhleis, Ruth and Rttu, ol l'illrbiii J W Keiinid and Ali,s .leuuie Ke initilv. of nlj pliant; JIis AI. L ( linpiiiiii and li. A. Wood, ol Slin inoklli, Alls. , i .1110ll and sops, .1. AI ami Ui. .Ml inn Austin, .Mis tlioiv Ui'ltiek ami Alias Rcjnaid, of "vVllki's-Ratie. St. Paiil't, Luthetan Chinch. Tweiitv-llisl Sunday altpr 'J'iinit. Annlveisaiv suiulay of Relinniatlon. Siibbalb 'iliool, ;i :,u 11, 111, sen v lees, la .0 .1. in Siibjnt ol the seiinon, (1) Misiix Chi sl, iho j load of tbo Chilli li"; ij 'The ciiuuh, tin- I'.od.v 01 iiuisf ; 110111 col., IMS All aio toidinlly wc leoine r RhliiKer, p.istoi, A Eoimer Cnibondalian. Thin wicks Wa.vne Coiinly llciabl (tint, ilns a halt-tone tut of Di A R. In U 11, 01 HoiieMlnlc, e nmlldatc on tho Otineiiialle mill Vnlon piilj tickets, lot 1 oioiie 1 ol Wit) ne i (iiini.v Hi. Ilij di 11 ha im mil lesldcnt ol 'ai liuiiclaie. and Is a btothcr oi 1'iot. Ili.vdcn, pilu- ! cip 11 01 nie caibnnclalp HIkIi suhool. The "T. N. G." Meet. Tin 'T N (1 ." Hi. neeiilly oiK.ili led sm ii't ol vouiiht ladles who pin posi lioldlliit WPi'klj llleetlllhs dllllllK the wlntpi' uiontlis or spwIiik and o- 68 99 a &m BREAKS UP TENACIOUS If your cold does not yield ptompt ly to tho use ot "77," alternate with a few doses of Specific No, "One." The effect will bo amazing, The use of Di, Humnhieys' Spe cifics lestoies tha numbed vltnls, stmts tho bluod tingling, telieves the congestion; nioiibcs the sluggish llvci, penults the system to cleanse ltolf, and "bicaks lip" tho Cold. i nil i)iia,-i ., ma, 01 null ,1 ,n ie ,n el in It II I'll bu I, In lilt t tl.t lliimi t v' um iui li Vl.iliciiic li Collin l III 111 411 I I Ini Ml - V v V.e a OLD9 elnl put poses, held an enjoyable and profitable inoetlniT at tho homo of Miss Ui n eei Rlshop, on South Alain stieet, on Thuisdny evenltur. Iteficshincntfl were spued, Tho next lueulliiK will bo on Thtiin day ovenliiBat the homo or Ml Manila Uloiinoii, In jjubI Side imilt, CARS RUNNING MORE REGULAR Road Rloclced by n Wagon Londed with Stone, in Mayfield. Htiect cats manned by lmpoited men vveio run throiiKh this city jestoulay with more iic(iiency than at any lime wince the .stilke was ileclated. In the foionnon tin cois run as far not th as Lincoln avenue and Immediately made a 1 etui 11 trip, m the afternoon two cms came tluuiiRh at !) o'clock. There vvcio no dlHoideis of any natuip. tn the : ct 111 ti ulp in tht. aitPimioii one tar 1 an over a toipedo which had been plated 011 the ulls on Alalu etiect be tween Sixth and Seventh avenues. The repent and the smoke dtpw a laipc ciowd to the t-cene but the car was not stopped. At tho lowci end of Alain tiect seveial jouiib men 1.111 out wav ing loi the tar to stop but the inoloi 1111111 did not heed and kept the cm ko IliK at full speed. At AlaMk'ld an oh .sliuctloii In the shape of a vvukoii loaded with Iiuro stones blocked the cats for a time. A team of hoies could not be mociliptl to haul the vvukoii off the ti neks and the news and deputies (00k olf their ( oats and pitched la. While they wete unload ing the stones fiom thu wagon u ciowd B.ithued ami made the air blue with epithets hui led at the V.poils and a te poit leaclipd ('aibondale that a lively Hot was In piosiess. The cats belncr 1 11 ti tliioiiKh heie have not as et tempted .ui.v one to tide Pictuie of John Mitchell. In the whitlow of the clothing stoic or V. A. Duffy, on Not tit Alalu sticet. Is a splendid pout ait ot .lulin Mitchell, the leader of the autliiaolto Illinois. The plc'liue Is a ppu and Ink drawing fiom the clever pen of P. W. Costello, ol Scianton, candidate lor county 1011 11 oiler. Distinguished Ecrantonians Heie. .Indue .1 W. Caipentei. Hon John II. Fellows, John Cr. AlcAsklc and II. (I. AIoiK.in. of Scianton. weie icglsicictf at (lie Amciiian house- jisteid.iv. OBITUARY. blVi'HR MARY RARRARA. who in tin- vvoild was AIlss Ann Taiiell dauRh ter ot All. and Alls .lobu 11 Pan. Ml, ot nushoie, l,i . passed awav finite unexpectedly al St. Rose convent about 1'. ,:u o'clock je'steid.iy 11101 lllli. Slip liinl been a sulieiei Itoni pulinonaiv tioiilile loi two jcais, but (he attack which ended in Ik r death was hut m .1 lew das' duiatlon Sistc'i Raibaia cllteied Ihe novitiate al St. Rose 11 Apill, 1S0I. and made In 1 piofession ,,i ows In August, ivi; She was sIcHKmI as a musician and was .111 instiui toi in this depai tnient in the convents at IMinton. 1'iovi dpiicp ami Ol.v pliant Hei lire as .1 Kllgiusp wa.s ollt.vinp; ami estited a slioiiB inline im in tin- loinmunitv of slstet' She was bilnve'd bv hit pu pils, who will be Kiievcd to haul ot in 1 death. , The I1111e1.il will take nine at Si lio'i lonvrnt ( banc I on Alomlaj inclining ,11 '1 o'rlocK A solemn blub utiuleiii niasc will be cebbiatid and Intel input will 1ip made in the .Msteis' plot ill SI. Rose einii lei v THE NEWS IN BRIEr. Rev John White- will ictiiin lo Ueii Vei oil Slllldav pv cuing l.'ev. II. .1 Whalen, I) ji, will dc livii his lee tin c on 'Timpi 1.11K1 " In the li.ipti't chuii h, .Vpw Alilloid, on Ta-'sdav cveniiir' Alls Slephlll Ncllclll. ill I'ike stlecl, ha . t tai 1. e ove ie-d tll.it 1 he wa , able 10 be u'luovid lioiu HmeigoiK ) hos pll ii 'o In .' hoiiii iiant l'!.i,'litl. -bo has bun U Iiik on lln .Meiiliini, plane b.cs inoved his I .mill v lo ( aibondale, wln-ie- In is now 1 niplovi d limn sd.ilc Re i.dd Mis .1 .1 Rfdgiltith. of Sale 111 ave nue, has letuuncl limn .Middle ton n. X Y wll' If s-lle was called bv the v e-i st 1 1011s illness of hei- slsie , l-'iflli Win el CoiiimiMi C'oiineilnian W. 11 Alastci.i. fif Ccnielci.v stn-et, has lie en tiulfeuing .1 v ( I . s.'vctp alttlfk if lllue--. .lohu Uoithvvnk who has b, c-u in town im tjouii weeks oiguiilhig ami pel fciling a local camp ol the Wood men of the Woild, lias been li.tlistc lu-d to Ilniiisbtug, THE PASSING THRONG. lianas, of ripiantou was In the ill.v .vesli-ida Alt-.N, Dc'tihbooil, ol Si hi'llc-i lad.v N Y, is visiting lute', bis loiuii'i home. 11 auk V Clltleild spent Thill sclii) nlgllt vvllh H'lalives in Ninth Sci anion. t'hli't ot I'ollct John AU'Alidinw. ol OI pliant, visited in C.iilieiudale es. ti I tluA . Huts lliowii, ot the Hun ot .Mi. Mullen it Itinwn, w.is a visitor to Caibuml.ile 011 Thin. sclay iilghl Ms flam Noitou tPtillliPcl to her homo in Honcbdulc' este'tday, after it visit with AIlss l.Uta Sciury, Diiiiiont l.ov e, of Aloiitieal, Canada, a ippiesi'iitatlvo of the- International Couespuudeuco schools, Is at tho liar llsoit I101ISP, JEOWYN AND A1AYF1ELP, Stovo TC'llup w.is siitetve-d between two inliui ens while at v. 01k In tho Kesliuio (iillU-iy psteiday. His hips wcio so badly iujiirt-d that it was deem ed iietcsiiuy to send iilin to tin- 1'inci gciwy hospital at Cailiondalp Juhmtui I'tnnett. Ji , (icmgo Uktke, (itoigu IJi'liueit and Nicholas ileuuctt left lust iilghl lor thu I'.ill-Aliieileau p.Mioblllnii The opening of the Altaian Hoo cnmp.uiv's fab In A&semljly hall on .Monday pioml.s a to Ik- (il)itt nil event as l Is In Ik pi 1 ei, ded b) a .stieet pai ade In whitli at lea.st half a clo.cn com piuilts 110111 out of town is r-Npcitod to tuko pail. TI10 paiadi wbit-ii will p.ics tluougli the jiiinclpal sttceis ot oih boioiighs will stmt puiniptly tiom the Aitcslau host' looms nl .W o'clock Dnuclnti t 'ic li night will lie one ot the Di II. C Wheilei ami wife-, in com pany with sevc-ial muses limn Hi. AVhiele-i'., piiv.itc hospitui in Caibon diilf, weie visitoi.s in town Tuesday A lllllllbil Ol the pii ellhi.) wbd-lid ur diove fiinn C,u boiidalc lo tin Alaile cil.v, but all letuintil hniiui iij th : '' Ur la wine and Hudson tiain. Wa.v ne llldepeildenl. Tile- High HPhniil loot ball elevin will mul (In- J.ac kaw.iuiia loot bill 1,11111 fi "in Suanton at Alumni piuK loda.v. Tallowing is tin. Uuc-iip ot" the local elevi-ll' Celttei. Collllel ton, gimwK AleKe-nii.t and Ctillliin, tackles, Ra noi and (illiis; ends. Van Hcigm and Aim 1 In; halt b.u ks, .Nallln and Man 11I011. iiiiu tc-ibic U, Speiii cr, tull-biiili, .Mm. 111. tjmDIHMBl ummHSI H B I'rlcoSipnli, B Tl R NArtONAt, lllSCIJircOMPANV. If I pblt-l attiactlons dtulng the lair and AIlss Kate Kent don, the well-known Soi.mtoii pianist, has been engaged for the week. The I'ast Side Indians v 111 go to Uunmoip todav to play n ictuin foot ball gamp and tlip pl.iis tln-v de feated heie last S.ituidav. Panicle .Mulheilu and Willie Alukloon came batk fiom llu-lt Pan-Ann 1 ii an liip Inst night. Alls Al. P. AIcDeimott and two ( hil dlPll .110 visiting theii uiotliel Alls. Alinph.v, at .South Sernnton On account of the tciuheis' Institute the pupils ot the public schools will have a holldav the whole of uel w pp'c Piatlk Poi lies a wcll-klipw 11 vriuilf, man of Ma.vlleld. who bus been s0 1 luusly 111 loi 'evei.il davs, was la!(cn to Ihe Caibiindale hosjiltal vtMleidiy lor tipatmeut. Cuds aie mil .iiinoiiiii nig the loiuhig maul.igp of lMwIn Hicks and Aliss Rll.i I'llPiul. A spprlal niteting of 1 lie St Alovsltii soc iet is to bo held toluol low even ing to 1 iimpli Ie the .11 1 ingemi-nts 1.11 tin 'i anniiil baiiiiu-l vvhiib lakisplaee lll'M w 1 1 k .lohu cilbbs f West Alav lb-Id, wa" a S 1 anion isitoi on 'I liuisdav . OLYPHANT A nipinoiliil hPivice In lneinoiv of ihe late- Pie-idem: A illi nn AlcKlnlev will be conducted Iiv tin menibe-is or Hie I.ai k ivvamii lodge. Knights ol I'vlhias 111 the P.l.iki lv Ript'st 1 inn ih, lonioi 10W evening Rev 1J. Ispuice 1 , Cicoic,, Hague and James lley will ililivti ail diis'is. Wlll'am T. Hv.ins will -lug an . allium whiih he- couiposi'd himsoli. Tlieio will also bt 1 kellons In a i boh aiionipanisd Lij llu-Ul. pliant oKh 't a 'I'he soi vie es will begin at 7 i.ij of lock. All .ne eoidlallv im itcd Hp'.scop.il s-oivkes will Ik In Id in Hdw.nds hall touioiiciw attiiiioon at i .iJ o'clock Rev. P. J, ll.tughliiii ol Uiiniuoie, will have chaige Rrv. R II l.tvvl", or Ulchville, X. V , will 1 oml int the si t c 1 , in the Coiigti -g itioiuil 1 liuic h lomcniou morning nn! cviniui;. Ale Ciant Smith ot Ie. 1 in v 11 i- tin gut st ol Alls A D Haines In Ml ike lv Cauls ,uc out .iniiouni nig the in ti llage of AIlss Katie II Kits,., ,, I'oiK vllle lo Dtvitl T .iiiiie i, of ('intend 10 tike pi it t ur M '1 Inn -d.i.v evening .,( the Inkle's lionn In PciKville- .Miss lift's' was fonniil.v assistuut in iln poMolllte.it Ibis place .111(1 Itsuleel help loi .1 uiiinbe ! ol v e.11 s The Kcpubliian (lull ol the P.iitth waul a a their lasi niertiug rmolli-tl folliticii m vv inembii. llnis 111 iKiug a total inemlie'ishlp ot llfty-totii 'I his cog ini.atioii Is ihe id longest ever foi iik ii lit tls.it Repiiblii in sti(iii,bulil Allll.ini Mosley is piesldeiit and John R.ildeison seiiitaiv MI--S Almy Pergiison, Jlaiiict Unban and Piank Peigiison attended a sot ktl at Pittston In-U I'venlng. Hdltoi and Alls j w. Kumptly .Mi ami Alls. J W. Kiiiiicdv si and Msh .hiinle Kemietly attended the iiineial oi the late II 11 Ills C. Reus oler at Cai bouUiilc i'Sli'ida The einplovcs tif tin- Deliwaie ami lluilson (ollliiks at t his. phn e- wne paid t .stei ilit . A good S'e el aileliellie g.icted the Hioigla Alllistic-ls nt the tjpiin lioiue lint evening The pei tm main e will ho lepcaled tonight ELMHtmST Ml.s-i HpIcii Williams spent Thm-shiy night at Si'iaiiion All. Pn.se b and laiuily havi taken po-Msslim 01 theii new hninu Iipip The liiiillsl iliunli Is being ushlug- led attei Whkh it Will be lepapeied and piluli-tl Inside, All. Piideilck smith, nl Wavcilj, Kansas, Is visiting at tin lionn- ol Mi. W 11. Iklvuiicls. .Mis. Uvion Muikliightiui i-utPii.iliud hei Sunday si hool class and elas.-. No. 1 at her home lust 1 veiling Music, ice -Itatlniis and ganiis foinuil tin oviii lug's 1 iiteitiiiiimcnl. RetieshincliH vveio solved and all st emccl lo thoi oughly cnjo ilictnselv'es. Tim Undies' Aid t-oilctv ol the Pics-byte-ilaii 1 Inn di sci veil 1111 ostcr sup per at tho 1 hui cli on Thuisdny evening. Fancy .11 Holes and home made loufio tlouoiy weie als-o for s.iIp. Alls. J. J. Rankin ic cuttlliicd to lie t homo by Illness, Dr, Kuedler attontls hei, Alls. J, 11. Wllto. has been speiuling 1110 Jiabl weuu 111111 iie-i BiaiL-i, .1111 vl. R, Clay. Sthool yloted ,veiieida for ono v.oslv as tlio tefichcis will atteiul tint county liistltiitii at Scianton uet week, Alt. lljioii Hyans and chlldie-u lstecl at the home of his pair nth, .Mr. and Mis, Daniel lAaus, ovei Sunday. PMCEBURG. l'llcubutg I'llniltlvp Altithodlst 1 hui 1M1 PiuuhlUK nnniung and tve-niug by thepislor lb v W Iklitlet Aloinlug sol Vim at lUuO Subje-it. ' til nvv III In Ulvlim Thing-- ' Rv enliig s. ivbr al 7 o'elo k- Subjtit Tin Vole 1 01 1, oil" Sunday school .11 .' p 111. All aie we .oiiiP Tbeie will be a sn al eet.!ou 01 the local union No '.'), P It. A S. P. at thell looms In O'.Mallo s hall, Noitli Scl.lllloii, on Oclolici .'! Then- Will be vocal and liisjliuiut ntal music, dinning and speaking, after vvhlcf letieslinients will be solved In the looms. TAYLOR. Vlio Pi he l.ibi.n nssocialon wilt opt 11 Hi- looms in the libi.ii ball, Mon day evening when a class in phslcal iiiltiiie will be oig.mlcd bv the oung women ot our limn All ladle-- and gtnlleimii me coiilhillv Invited. W. R. Out US. Picsjdent The AMlioiIlst i:isi(ip,il chui eh con gicg.itinn will conduit a tonic 11 In the chilli b audtliu iiim, Novembci 1-'. The wa'u wiM be till lied olf loliioi -low, Sund.iv. Ot tribe 1 -7, lor lepalc. Tin Spiing Hi 00k Water Supplj 10111 panv. "" Miss Al.uthii Reed, of West Pnlon siupl, was agicc.ibl.v suipiised on Ae(liipsdn pv cling bj a huge umubcu ol Iipi ti lends, (iames ami olhei divoi slons wcic ludulgtil in, .1II11 which ic lie shine nts weie scied. Those present we 10 AIlsscs Anna .tad Je-niiie Jones, R.K hcl U.tvis, Icssje .mil 1 1 111,1 C.ud v.ell, Aln.v Walsh, Snail Ali)ses, Rloil w ill Reese, l.tttli Jones, iAAo AVill 1 mis, 1 iimii iii Sehllds, Rmma Riigct, Kite and 'ini Sult.ei. Jiie .Moon, AlaigiiPl S-Ioiip, Alailhn Rcid, and Alasius (ieisiion .Mollis, Samuel Hiil tllhs, Illlbieii Cinlvvcll, Olson ili-ndPi-sliol, 'J liomiis 'J'hoin is, SaliilK 1 AVill I mis, Kied and Ileniv Si hultliips, How .11 d Nvbail, Daniel Lewis, Ralph Alillci. (ieoigp Jones, ndw.iid Altioie, Slaillev- 'lublis, John Reign, Stephen Rt'Miokls, Thomas Hauls ami Mat tun II' mill' hoi. e'alv.nv Maplist tliuich Siivlccs to monow at !. in a. 111 ami ti p 111 Sib b ith s( Jiuoi nt 0 , ), 1,. te . Hi , 11,11 -lis win officiate Ml aie web tune Pleaching at tin; Alttliuilk-l Hpisto pal 1 hui ill tomoiiow will be held at the Usu il bonis. Re i. ( Union Ji. Ilein.v villi otlliialeal both oiilns Siibhntli si hoed al " la p 111 , npwoilh league at fi ,0 p 111 All .lie Lulled to the set v 11 cs . 11. Pete 1 son, agent at the Deia waie and Hudson station, sustained a piiiilul inluiv, while iitinning fiom his wink 011 'J'tiebdav evening Ta.v loi lodge. No t.t.s. Iiidi pendent ii dt 1 ol odd Fellows-, will unit tills I c nint,. flic in vv inane 01 Rieli.ud Williams, 1 01 in 1 ot Id:',, ,in,i Judith Alain sliieis js in, ul 1 olimli'ted The June 1.1I ol the inlalH 1 llild ol Ml and Alls iii,im vniiiews, ot tiiovc slid I, tOIlk pi III M'Stl-ld IV llfll 1 1101111. Hiulal was 111 n'e 111 the l-'oitht Home II nn te 1 v The Calv.ns lliplist ehlllcil eolKClt to b. lield on Tinsdii) ev cuing, No Vimb 1 J" piomiscs to be one of Ihe most dellghllul mats given lieu Jor Mime time Tb ke is, .' 1 1 c nts Alcssis William (iiiilllhs-. Joseph cm 1 and (leoigt Aluish will inmost with Rdv aid Sweit. William Ret ti and lleuiv Powell iii a plsvini match, at J.'villv inn K. tod.i.v Tickets- an- si lllnj, lapiillv f,ir the eoiictil ol lln Aiulilttlti (Ike- club, (o be lit. It I on Nove iiibt 1 "7. Miss Alaiv lavh. ot Oiein Ridge, visited iilativcs bin- oil Thuisdav. .Misses Jennie Kcilll and Jessie c'lalk. 01 Avoe.i, visited AIlss Hinina Slahle-j, ol High slli'e t, e"te iditv. The liull.ilo Sonil luh will 1 oniluct ihcii ii'nilai vueklv social In Wibei's link this 1 vc iitiig MOSCOW. Ails (leoige (illkiid and sou N'ciden, of Houldshoio, v InIIoiI lileinls in town Tliiii.sdav .Mis. Pelton spent Thin. selay lu .' t lalitoll. Ml. and Mis .lohu AIe.ndiew ale 01 -clipping theii tieivlv fiiiiilslKd lioiiio In the Weed hou.-e .Ml. and AlK-t li.iiic lihscikci visited lelatlvis hi lilnghiiiniou this week John Noack ami l.inilly have move-d lu 11 I,. lialgeV hoiisp on ,M iln stu-ei. Mis. Al. W. Vaughn has letuined home tlliin Nc-Wi.istle wile-IP slip ut le ndeil the statt W C. T. P ((inven tion Hai iv Ri hit-man has niovnl hlh lain lly to siioiidsbuig .Mi.s llini-k Wilms ami daughter spout Pilda.v Willi In r .sister, Alls. Hoi aic Joiio- Alis. .lohu simp.-oii. 01 Tmiiei.-vlllc, is moving in town All's Alolliti 1,'schleiniii s visiting 1 1 lends iii .Stinudsbiitg, IIONESDALE. Spechl 10 tlie Siunton Tilkunc Iloucmnle, ou. L'l.Tho thkktn siiii-pel- in tliu Pic-sli.vteliuu chapel Inst oviiiini,- was viell ;iatloiiUed. Tim ladles will ualUc a net piollt of at uast s;.r.. Rev. J, R, Davis, the evangelist, will assist Rev. li. A. Plate hi t'Mili lU-et-ings, toiiiiueiiilui; 011 Sunday. li toii lintip iluilng ne,t week, In iho Ilones-d.ili- Meiludlst rhiiiih. Aleotliitj.s lu tho nlicinooii md evvnllig. on .Monday 1 veiling iui, Railow & WIIon's Allnsiiilb will tpiclvp a injal Well OHIO lit the llllllOMlllIu opc'lfl llOIISP, With a Urst.i kiss nii-liestia, supeib singing ami now joker., ihey will dilvo atiav dull (tin- and ii.ovtike luaity laiiL'hU 1 Tin- Ciiibontlale High s-liool loot bail n.llll wilt kick niMlllH the- Hones. ue tram S.umdav. Novi uili-'i 'J On Ktl cLi.v evening, Noveinbii 1, Un- llnne-t--, dak tPiim will givi a muiTii in "tlie" .Musical lllstoi: itjoiiis 'I lie Hist nn 1 ting of tin Musical His tun dub wilt be held III tlie tow 11 hall, Tiipsihij t-VPiilug, Diiohct .'9, under the Icadeii-blp or Alias Edith Toiry. Sttb-jci-t, "Ali-ndel'sohn." Chailes Kleler, the pter.111 drajm.iu, ot Scianton. was calling on llonesdalo fil' nds on Thin sda. All. and Alis. Ileuty 7, Russell uip at tilt-- Piin-Amt'ileaii. They will also sp"inl some lime at Cleveland, Dettolt and lioinellsvllle. I'. H illi'-. Hum 111 on locomotive No. ,!.'(;, De-law 111 e and lludton, was si'vcic lv bmncd on Tliuisday b an explosion of eo.il gas in the liuiiace. while ho wus engaged about bis duties. Air. and Alls. John H. Itie-hniond have ictuiiird fiom their simimet untitle in New II iiupsblie. Alts. Ttlilimond hii'i nol lieovpied 11 0111 hei seiious Illness, but is stilt under tho cnie of a phjsl clau. Oates aic being placed at the Ueli wnie and Hudson etosslng. In the icti tif tlie Duilanil Thompson shoe factoiy, TH0MPS0N Spn nl lo tlie scnntim Inbuilt'. Thompson, Oct. 2o. C. L. Cl.uk, of Oih 11 Oiove, is electing a laige bain on his faun, .1 mile past of town. Slipbcn Jenkins is quite sick at hll home mi Allik stieet. Tlie "Women's Chiistl.ip. Tcinpeiaiica union will hold thell monthly meetins ne.t Sibb.ith evenirs: in tho Baptisl 1 lunch. Aliss (ii.ur 1; Tower, of West Leno;;, will be .1 student in the 'lbompoa school tor the lpm.iindcr of the temii having hei home at Rest Cotldgc. eileu Ciosicr is visitiuc telalives al l'oit Jei vis. The Alisses Nellie and Alabel BIox I1.1111, I .1111. 1 Sumner and Arnud T.ilN man and .Messrs,. Mason, Hany and Rlliotl niiixlir.m letuined fiom n ilsii;, lo the Pan-Amciicaii and Klugara Palls yesteiclay moining. The Rev. AV. 11. Findi, of the Baptist, 1 hui eh, and Rive 1 j man Augustus Bttiim left nn lln- iilglit lino last night for ;u view of the wondeis at Buffalo. Tin- Alisses Nellie and AInbel Blox. Ii 1111, who have spent a lew weeks with theii p.uents, All. and Alis. Hit Blo. li 1111, villi i. Unit lo their weak U tiaiactl muses, in Jeisey City, toinoi low Alls j, w. l!i owning, of Pei.uilon, It visiting lu 1 jmi Pills-, Alt. and Alis. A A" (!alc, loi a ft w tlais. Alis 11 I, Sampson, after a visit Willi lid sister, Alls. Rtlwatd Uaipcr, left this punning toi her boiut at Centie Village, N. Y. Rolivci Riowu, .111 aged man, oi Stan ue en died tbeie, and his fuuetal was held toda. Rev. Richaid Hioili'-. who died, hi Scianton jestciday, was tho pastor of Ihe Alethodist Kpiscopnl chuich heie ir ls7ii-so-sl, and Ids inemoiy is pteelous Riv.P I! Tow pi wns at West Reno'C the Hist ot the week, and in Cat bun dak .ve.iteulav. Rev. A D. David, alter spending Hui wick with 1 datives at Dalton and Mlakely letitiucil last evening, Aliss t'01.1 I.aiiiau, who was in at tendance at tin teacheis' Institute at AlrinliriM', was called home jcsteidny on aeeouut of the death of bet giantl tathei, All. Hi own, at Slat nice a. Tim other teat lit 1. 1 will be homo this even iiib. A huge cle legation Rom litis put ot tin- eouiitv have cujojed the Instil tut". chailes Jones s mining fiom Ihr Sailloid (Iwplllug to the Cliaudlci boust ileal the tic poi STAGE NOTES. Mil KIlH III lll,t 1' (lllllillj I0IIIJI villi (lie l.'ei.iis liotliti- luiillniio the-ir n-cai. ilin-lilliir uiiii, I test Mniidit rifiifii, t'te-i nit up 1 i.m iiiiiii' miiiii it tho Vloniiiulv tlioucr 111 llioukhit Iioiiiii,!i, Vllr'i 1 work, .it AiuiiU, ,S. .1 . an I 11 ilic II nl-111 (per.i lioti-c, eew orl, Ilns ewiiiiiii will IiilIii 1 feiu cci' 11111 it Im llnlbs sm,- iiirmr ,, it i ton, e pining n. do, Null 111I11 1 II liit, Viitiiis tt Hit's In. brio .1 I iirf i" il.iled Willi I lie- lull nl liii r.iljnli niijeii 11 IjiisI ' Hut liilllkiin .no j (nnlllir n 1 i 1 llllte .lie -. IlilfellllllllU :i- Hire m. U( 1 1 be timet e Iik ilrJiuillii-il version nl fiictlic't stun In 1 li'Ht t lino lswii vtuiilstm lilnixlf nill ,iiH 11 lit 111 liu um iirtiiJuttinii ot "Faiul " Miri Mjiuielinj do nl hei ciiKJgr-iuriit in "I ml n Vine illtli" 11 Iho I 0l0nl.1l ItuMtd in II l.t Hi, sllull, Ihe 1 Lit it int Sno it ine lourlii-- tliiout.li New Vncliiul, elie will t lltilTalo, wlioir iln nuile her elchtit .is .1 slit lite cw-on, Nov 1 111I11 1 'JI 1 1 oui I'itnliiirc;, ulifW hc upells .Noteliiliel -'1 lor (lie vcrel., nho il liue'enl eliicctl.i vit, ieir.rilni; Suit 1 .ike e nv lie 1 1 nil 01 Jll Andrew Mul, in "I'utii Vloiu" has i red 1 I 1 at tin- Vjliut iutt ihntcr in I'liilicklpulj, icl.ire he will uniilii till S itiinl t , NoMiulti ', He- will lnlii .1 iiltiin ciijRiiiicnt in New Vale Iij umiiiIici J. 111. Iiiipemnitioii of Ihe ll i-.lt poet l liUlilv tf liiiiiiinliii .nut Iii. wrari. In llni lilt llielillll. tll.lt III. nmllltlou lo lueelllel I e.iiie) J,i!iii llifiii'.ili.iiu it wilt founded tn trlMlo lliillU llllllil hill Hot Ill-CII (lllllttel to liim i I tho pilMUt ll.lJl Pjllkl I'lollllllll Will il(;elil Ills ictat 1 5lu, lliillit lijlluid, 11 tho lie. 1111 tin r kllult! Ill "Iho I'.llot lllUIl." ' 'llJlle.l'.'J 1 ef Iho 1101 ej ot Hi 11 lump. iUn I ilia 1 1 f n -vv nsiklnsr Im ih-i iinnml tour mnkr M. I r. I111131 4 luilll.'illKllt Jinl collies lien- ll'liusl iluit '"11 tlio Iv ciim ihe.ilii, New utl, irn- lic Jiid hei- iimiui.i uti tint il 1 nut tide mii " mi liilUn-l i. t iijtnii nt HiN 1 hi. I. -l IllVir," luwlll Allhllt'" l'-"le Jl It '1 tlrauia, n -jiil i.i l- luo ti'l ii'j ' '- j e 1 r In, ui tun 1 1 l,i- "li. still VI nil' ml '111 n li uu ' u pi,....M lulu h Ininioi nitl iiiiio lira ilu- ,1111111 uu. in 1 hi it . lit' 'u"'i r it ipl.ull ill 'lift llllil" 1- I VI il 1.11- fi '1 III ,i 1 imiil. r .nun iih t 1 m '11 1 md ill1111 .ill m iii'i'l "I"'! lil. t Irs I , n 'iho I4I111 hi, rfiin il tillliicitli "ip-lT'l ii", 1 In II III pislllill l si tb linn in I'll-'l 1 K, hs nplilliil luiui (all, liilple'-., lo hl site Vl v I wu. 1 tliuieinl lv 1 liiilkl from tlie rcnlv r -t iho ilml. little liriolno 'I. it Tltirr" will lo 1111 Jt II" I vtiinii flu it',